#Mace Exporters
whitecreekvalley-if · 10 months
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[ Demo TBA ] • Character descriptions • Pinterest •
Genres: Slice of life, drama, mystery, romance
WCV is rated 18+ for explicit language, violence, alcohol and drug use, and explicit sexual content.
Life's taken a nosedive—no apartment, no job, no friends. Desperation pushes you to cling to a chance from a kindly stranger offering a ticket to a town hidden beyond mountains and plains, a place people don't seek but always seem to need.
Welcome to Whitecreek Valley, where the Brass Pine Ranch needs your unique skills to mend a crumbling homestead, and a crumbling family. As you tackle the decay of the ranch and the town alongside the rancher's son, deeper troubles emerge—livestock falling ill sparks fears of a town on the brink of extinction. Can you navigate this community, help them rejuvenate, or will it become another link in the list of ghost towns of America's Wikipedia page?
Customization: Appearance, personality, gender & sexuality, what job they had before, their hobbies, etc. Choose how they feel about being a farmhand, how they're adjusting to the rural life, and - with your choices - how the town as a whole sees them. Are they part of the community or an perpetual outsider?
Skills: Depending on your previous job, you'll have a unique set of skills to help the community. Choose to learn new skills, like woodworking, bronc riding, or sheep shearing, to mention a few.
Animal husbandry: The distances around Whitecreek Valley are hefty, so it's necessary to have at least a horse to get around. Choose your favorite out of a cast of individual equines, each with their own personalities. Also, help a calf into this world and realize how fun it is to raise a baby cow! As long as you're in good standing with the rest of the herd, of course.
Rebuilding: Try your best to rebuild the Brass Pine ranch, and the town adjacent. The better job you manage, the more opportunities (and challenges) come your way.
Community outreach: A dying town is still home, and there are stories to be heard, problems to solve. Lend a helping hand to your new community and see how one kindness can pay itself back.
Romance: Not everyone in town is adverse to strangers, and if your heart yearns romance, there is a chance for a spark along the way. Just be careful as to who you're trying to woo in front of whom. Small town gossips, we've all seen it.
Mystery: There's something hanging over the valley, like a rot in the air. Why are people moving out? Why are exports not moving out? And who's behind the animals getting sick? Don you detective hat and lend a hand to the entire four local police officers working the bizarre case.
Mason "Mace" Gannon - 27 - he/him
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He used to be so much fun. I miss hanging out with him, out by the bonfires. He'd always make everyone feel so included and happy, and oh, that homemade cider he'd bring? Warmed us up on those chilly late fall nights, when we had nothing else to do. Did I tell you about the time he got us all to go skinny dipping? He was such a charmer, I wonder --
Imagine Mace as your human golden retriever – the guy who's a blast to be around, a bit mischievous, and the first to rush to your aid whenever you need it. After being gone for five years to live his rodeo dreams, he's back, now the sole caretaker of the family ranch in his hometown. He goes to great lengths to keep his personal issues personal, and it's the butt of many jokes how he's always there to help others but has the worst time asking for help himself.
He's you boss, and probably one of the best you'll ever get. Just don't pay mind to the spats between him and his dad.
Alice Marks - 25 - she/her
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Alice, she's a feisty one! Like her poppa, rest his soul. How I love the drinks she comes up with at the bar, and that horse of hers! She could go into rodeo, but I don't think after what happened with her pa... Oh, but she's a wonder! Always there with a quip, how they drive her suitors mad. Good thing she stopped with the talk about moving away, the town would be so dull without her!
Alice is the town's most known inhabitant, running the show from the only bar in town, which she just happens to own. Her mind is like a machine for fun, and she's the brain behind all the pop-up events and happenings around town. Sure, she can be a bit like a hurricane of enthusiasm, but hey, that's Alice for you. If the town had a social heartbeat, it'd be Alice – the vibrant, smartass soul making everyday life feel like a blessing.
Word of the wise: Never challenge Alice to a drinking game. You will lose, spectacularly, and it'll all be on film.
Judge Gannon - 34 - he/him
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Judge is a bit strange, don't you think? He just vanished as soon as he turned eighteen and popped back out of nowhere! That must've been, let's see... Five years ago? He doesn't spend much time with us commoners though, but I think I've seen him at the bar once or twice. I don't actually think he knows how to make nice with people, he always has that glower on. Gets it from his dad, let me tell you --
Bold and straight to the point, Judge isn't out here trying to be intimidating – it just kinda happens. If his brother is a golden retriever, he's definitely the doberman of the family. He's got this brash, no-nonsense vibe that some folks mistake for arrogance, especially when they try laying on the charm and he's not having it. He steers clear of small talk unless it involves his job, and when duty calls, he's more than ready to throw down to protect his town and county.
There's this local urban legend that he cracked a smile once, but it's like spotting a unicorn – not everyone's buying it.
Mercedes "Sadie" Diáz - 32 - she/her
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The new girl, yes! Oh, a beauty! And so curious. I do love sitting down with her though, oh the stories she brings from the big city, so intriguing! I hear she finds our town intriguing too, the mayor once - don't tell anyone I told you this - the mayor once said he caught her breaking into the city hall archives! I know, scandalous, but good on her, maybe now someone will argue that my neighbors fence post --
Sadie, the big-shot lawyer from the city, doing her solo act in town. When she's not in court, folks are lining up just to get a piece of the urban tales she's got. A trailblazer and truth-seeker, she's got this knack for poking her nose where it probably shouldn't be, and surprise, she knows more local secrets than the town gossip. Sure, she's all passionate and calculated, a bit out of sync with the town's warmth, but hey, that logical mind of hers might just shake things up and get the town back on track.
It's a well known fact that she could get access to places with the right documents, but she herself has said it's more fun to pick locks. Go figure.
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everything in this that I explain is very simplified because cultural context would be a nightmare to explain but :3 you gave me DAI TSS AU infodumping permission. Time to regret it.
when you open Dragon Age: Inquisition to play, you’re given a character creation menu. Your gender, race (DnD inspired so species TECHNICALLY) and your weapon class. I wanted to follow this formula for the AU but alas I am not going to because it gives me much more creative freedom to actually make it up
Also if anyone knows this game and I got something wrong, I'm already sorry LMAO I'm not great at remembering details correctly
Roman and Remus are human nobles from Antiva. Their family owns a winery and contributes to the massive export in the international trading. They use a sword+shield and a mace+shield respectively, often training together. They were brought up to carry on delegating the trade for their family business but not everything goes exactly as their parents planned — both kids are gay. No big deal, right? I’m not too sure on Antivan’s views of gay people so I don’t have much of a say. But I do know that — if they were in the AU the same time the DA:I game occurs — they’d leave their family in order to go be a part of the Inquisition. Roman is the favorite child because Remus is a bit of a pariah (we love him tho) and that has caused only minor bad blood between the two. I think that Remus and Roman would get along surprisingly well during this time, to be honest. I also think, if they were to travel and be a part of the game’s story, they’d be incredible allies to have. Of course, Roman is a bit picky about certain things (he’s a noble boy, idk what else to say) and Remus definitely has a fascination with magic and necromancy but. oh well. Roman is fond of the smart elvhen scholar and Remus has a big ol crush on V.
Virgil would be a Dalish elf (nomad elf, an elf that tries to preserve old culture and tradition, doesn’t live in cities, trades, has a clan) and I think he’d be a mage. I don’t think he’d have a particularly strong role in his clan (not like the Keeper (the leader) or their First (second in command)) but maybe he’d learn some healing magic alongside whatever comes to him naturally. I think he’d find Storm magic particularly appealing (I’m not kidding it’s called storm magic he could strike people with lighting it’s badass). I think he’d have vallaslin (facial tattoos dedicated to any elvhen god — later revealed to have a different meaning than what he’d believe but he doesn’t know that) of the god Falon’Din (god of the dead + those who guide others to the afterlife). I think he’d handle the pain of the tattoos well and be quite proud of himself when it’s done. If he were to travel and be a part of the game’s story, I think he’d be a good man to have on your side, as he’s always thinking of things to do and how to protect yourself.
Or he’s a spirit. There’s a character in game named Cole; he’s a spirit of Compassion. Who’s to say Virgil couldn’t be the same? He was once a human (or elf, either work, the main two I see fitting him mainly) and he passed away; a spirit found him and took his form. Became him, in a way. Became Virgil and stayed the spirit. Virgil but he’s a spirit now. There are types of spirits in the game but none that directly fit him — sooooooooo I’ll be lazy and not give him a type :3 he’d be a rogue instead of a mage this time, with daggers that he uses to pop up, fight, and then disappear with. Not everyone in the Inquisition would trust him but Virgil would be very shifty in defense of himself so he wouldn’t mind. Remus and Logan would be fascinated by him though.
I’m so unsure on Patton. I want to make him a qunari (tall, grey-toned skin, follows a strict religious code unless a deserter, then just operates on one’s own as basically a fugitive) but I also want to make him a dwarf. problem with this is I know very little on either culture in game and am not very good at putting it all together through the various wikis I have read. Just know that either he’s very tall or very short and he uses a sword because it’s very convenient and he usually doesn’t like to fight. I can see him trying to be diplomatic and it not working. We love him though. This is literally the one I can’t decide; I gotta make a character for each race and play through to figure it out then decide.
Human Janus who is from Orlais (fancy rich people with their noses so high in the air they can’t see where they’re walking) and is an expert at figuring people out. He’s always drawn attention because he has a massive burn mark over the side of his face that makes people give him weird looks — it was from a childhood accident that healers couldn’t totally fix. He’s in a very rich and noble scholarly family. Yes, he’s met the twins. Lets say he bonded with one and not the other (Remus and Roman). He’s essentially a spymaster for his own family. He runs the diplomatic relations and the family endeavors and if anyone tries to come across his family lineage (trust me, there are some, his family isn’t the most well liked and Orlais is all about screwing others over). He’d join the Inquisition in the main storyline and claim that he “needed a challenge” but it was definitely for a change of scenery. He’d work with the Inquisition’s spymaster and maybe help his own family out from afar. (weirdly fond of the puffball... Patton—)
Then finally Logan. I view Logan as a Dalish elf who was taken from his clan as soon as he showed signs of magic. it wasn’t by his choice. He was sent to a magic school (called a Circle) where he had templars (cops) breathing down his neck to approve what he was studying. He hated it. That’s an understatement. When the mage rebellion happened and mages wanted their freedom to study what they want, Logan joined. He became an apostate and, while unable to return to his clan because of the distance, joined the Inquisition. He was always very good at all sorts of magic and stories and mythos so he was considered a scholar despite his background. I don’t think he’d have vallaslin — too young for it when he was taken. But I think he’d be like this other character Solas (Solas when I catch you Solas you fucking egg /neg /lh) except… better. He’d be considered a city elf by then but he never forgot his family. Just made a new one. I think he and elvhen Virgil would bond over their backgrounds and mutual understanding of one another and that would be the blossom of their friendship. I think he would be intrigued absolutely FASCINATED by spirit Virgil and how it all works and I think he’d be sympathetic and defend the fact he’s a spirit and not a demon. But ngl he wants to kiss the wine guy.
it is one in the am and i’m very sleepy and I’m going to send this now. You can tell I don't know much about qunari or dwarves and I need to play as them in more runs of the game. I’m so sorry it’s so long. I didn’t even talk about the relationship dynamics in depth or the appearances I have in mind or anything. its so long sorry. :3 teehee
— 👑
Bold of you to assume that I (A man who's an absolute S L U T for RPGs) would regret wanting to hear something as cool as fuck as this!!! /light hearted /positive The roles and lore sound S O fucking badass and it really matches each of them perfectly!!! (Vee would absolutely use Storm Magic let the Emo strike bitches with lightning also Jan having a burn mark on his face gives me Zuko vibes and I L O V E it)
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publicopinionrp · 2 years
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Some of my favorite citzens of Tinred, my current fort.
Baron Bembul is not the Baron of Tinred. When I was at 20 dwarves, I suddenly got the notification that he had inherited the barony of a completely different place and suddenly I had to give him noble accomodations. Son of a bitch is absolutely nuts about figurines. Figurines are normally my favorite trade chaff because I like to check them for interesting historical figures and events, but now they're basically never legal to export and when they are I worry about trading them because he might change his mind. Every time he mandates the production of figures I make them of bad things happening to him, just out of spite. When I went to check his description he really was just carrying two in each hand.
Erush is one of my initial 7 and is my broker, which she probably hates because she dislikes commerce. She is absolutely disgusted by merrymakers and finds artwork boring, so she's probably not a fan of the giant engraved tavern either. When an ettin showed up while she was at the depot, she ignored the burrow activation to go and fight it and managed to hold her own just fine until the militia came and dismantled it. She is the height of fashion wearing a dress, a toga, and a skirt all at once.
Sigun is another of the initial 7 and is notable for having the rare dream of ruling the world. I fucked up by not making her the baroness when we got elevated. She loves power over others and wants a world that operates in complete harmony without strife or disorder. Her good quality is that seeing one of the fort members die gave her a respect for sacrifice. She is also wearing 7 earrings,
Lefty is one of the fort's humans, an old treasure hunter who loves peace. No idea how she lost that arm, it's on my notepad as something to check in legends once the fort wraps up. She's a legendary butcher and member of the fort's farmers guild and has hung around the tavern enough to flawlessly perform one of my civ's poems, an ode to alcoholic beverages that's an extremely long series of quintains. Each line of the quintain is only two syllables long, so making something that fits that form and is actually about something is pretty impressive.
Asmel was the only member of the militia to suffer an injury when a cyclops showed up. It punched her in the head and exploded her cheek, leaving her with a massive scar. Currently infected but she's incredibly tough so I have faith she'll pull through. She also works as a scribe, and has a weird pre-Tinred history of being a bookkeeper for and then a prisoner in another fort (going to go out on a limb and guess she was an embezzler), then joined a performance troupe before settling down and then immigrating to Tinred where she gets to beat things with a mace. She's not the only criminal in the mace squad, the leader handed an artifact over to a necromancer but he took his beating and I forgave him because he's incredibly skilled with a mace. He can earn the respect back by continuing to risk his life in defense of the fort.
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eljeebee · 1 year
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That evening, Jason was off to work as an Executive Chef, and the boys and Sophia was left to their own devices. They played Don't Wake The Llama.
When Mason was able to pull a log from the tower, he looked at his mother, who was trying to focus on thinking on what to pull.
"Mama, are vampires real?" Mason asked.
"Mace, I don't think that's true," Louie said, leaning forward, hands on the table. "Maybe the animals just got sick?"
Sophia pulled out her "log", smiling that the tower didn't fall. She turned her attention to her youngest. "Mace, I don't think vampires are real. You've watched the news earlier, no?"
Mason nodded.
"See? The Mayor announced that those animals that got "attacked" contracted sickness," Sophia explained.
Louie pulled his log. Mason frowned, "But what about their blood? It was gone!"
"Darling," Sophia reached out, tucking a curl behind his ear. "It's not real. Those are just rumors to scare people. This is why we don't believe everything we see in the internet."
Louie turned his attention to them, "What about the sickness, Mama? I heard from our science teacher it could be dangerous because that's where we get our meat from!"
"They said they're going to stop exporting meat from Henford until everything's okay," Sophia said. She pats Mason. "Your turn now."
Mason sighed. He tried to focus on their game, but with this rumor on his head, he couldn't. The tower fell, the Llama wakes!
"Ugh!!!" Mason groaned.
Louie reached, patting Mason's hand on the table. "There, there. You'll get it next time. Let's play again?"
Mason shook his head.
"How about this?" Sophia gathered the boys beside her. With each arm around their shoulders, she said, "Let's go to the theatre?"
Mason perked up. "Please!"
"Mama, let's go now!" Louie cheered.
"Alright, let's get ready!"
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As Sophia was gathering her things and keys, and Louie tying his boots, Mason peeked behind the glass window of their door. Since it was night, it was pretty dark, but not dark enough to see a figure, who rummaged through their trash!
Mason quickly dashed back to his mother, "Mama! Someone's outside! Someone's outside!"
Sophia dropped her keys, marched to the door, a hand out to tell her sons to stay back. Louie held Mason's hand as they stood still. Sophia abruptly open the door, and saw the figure kicking their trash bin!
"Hey! Get off my porch!!" Sophia yelled, using her angry mom voice. The figure, who had just finished throwing his temper, paused, caught in the act.
He said, "Oh god, sorry, sorry sorry! I-I was just—"
"I said! Get off my house! Stop messing with our trash! Leave! Now!" Sophia was now standing on her porch, she was pointing, gesturing to leave.
The man whimpered, hands raised. He quickly ran away, heading for the subway.
Louie and Mason peeked behind the open door, they saw their mother pushing back up the trash bin. Trash littered on the ground.
"It's safe now boys," she said, hand on her hip, scanning the ground. "This is a mess."
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"Do you think it's a vampire?" Mason asked as they start to help their mother clean up. He frowned, clearly upset.
"Mace, he's not," Louie said, patting his back. "If it was a vampire, he would've turn into a bat!"
"Listen to your brother, Mace," Sophia said, throwing a bag of trash back to the bin. "And they're not real. Come on, sweetheart, let's finish cleaning up. We won't catch the movie!"
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The trio purchased tickets, choosing to watch something adventurous!
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The smell of popcorn in the air soothed Mason's nerves. With buckets of popcorn each, they enjoyed watching the movie!
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Outside, Mason hugged his mother. "Thanks Mama, I feel better now."
Sophia chuckled, embracing him tightly. "I'm glad to know."
"Let's go home?"
"Race you back!!!" Mason quickly dashed.
"Mason!" Sophia groaned, following suit, Louie on her tail, giggling.
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sanerontheinside · 2 years
Affectionately known as the Nirvana in Fire au after an amazing Chinese drama:
Obi-Wan dies on Naboo, takes the blow meant for his Master. His body is lost to the melting pit, and there isn’t even a pyre to mourn over. Heartbroken, Qui-Gon returns to Coruscant and goes into a relative seclusion, which few are permitted to disturb (among them only Anakin, Mace, and Yoda).
This seclusion does not last long. Qui-Gon re-emerges a different man, distant and reserved. This is not the way he was after Xan’s loss, at least; he still can be warm, and those who have known him can see through all the shields and self-imposed boundaries.
Perhaps a decade after Naboo, though, things are beginning to change at a rapid pace. Daily, it seems, the political current of the Republic seem to convulse into a new shape. Slowly, Mandalore becomes a new, heavyweight player on the scene, seemingly moving away from the Kryze Duchy’s long-held philosophy of pacifism and moving back to its warrior roots.
The Chancellor grows uncomfortable with Mandalore’s expanding influence, particularly when Mandalore starts to tighten control over its crop and beskar exports. The Jedi are asked to intervene and negotiate with the Mandalorian government. Mace asks Qui-Gon to take the mission, well-aware that Qui-Gon is largely sympathetic to Mandalore’s motives (if also a touch concerned about Mandalore’s potential ambition for conquest). Reluctantly, Qui-Gon agrees to take the assignment.
On Mandalore he meets a man: an advisor to the Duchess, yet not a politician. A strategist, a counselor. A shadowy sort of figure, chronically ill and ailing—yet with a sharp mind, and though heavily shielded almost certainly a bright light in the Force…
Qui-Gon is caught between suspicions of the very worst kind—that this man is influencing the Duchess, that he is the shadowy figure running Mandalore’s government—and yet, Qui-Gon finds that he trusts him despite these concerns. And there is something terribly familiar about him, though Qui-Gon truly cannot put his finger on what it is.
And he watches as this brilliant mind locked in a broken body, held together by pure willpower and seemingly racing the clock to complete his task while still living—this mind takes apart Chancellor Palpatine’s machinations, destroys his corrupt corporate allies, and finally takes down the man himself.
And only then, at the very end, do the man’s walls come down enough for Qui-Gon to recognise his lost, beloved Padawan (when Qui-Gon has fallen in love all over again, like he thought he never would after Obi-Wan’s death).
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kazsartcorner · 2 years
The ABM-04E Cudgel
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The Cudgel is an export model of the ABM-04 Mace, designed to be cheaper and easier to produce and pilot, completely inferior to the mace in every other way, this one is equipped with a .50 BMG cannon and a hydraulic claw/grinder blade.
The Cudgel due to it's simplicity lacks many standard features of the mace however it's simplicity does mean it can often be piloted remotely or even autonomously.
The claw is delicate enough to reload the main cannon while strong enough to crush steel girders, with a diamond edged ceramic alloy saw for cutting through barricades and blockages.
Capable of outmanuvering a tank and with firepower capable of decimating troop formations, monkey model or no, the ABM-04E is nothing to scoff at.
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adityarana1687-blog · 2 months
Essential Oils Market Size To Reach $40.12 Billion By 2030
The global essential oils market size is expected to reach USD 40.12 billion by 2030, and expanding at a CAGR of 7.9% from 2024 to 2030, as per the new report by Grand View Research, Inc Key factor contributing to the demand for essential oil is that aromatherapy is rapidly gaining momentum as a convenient method of healing lifestyle diseases. The sales volume of essential oils is rising on the account of the rising consumer awareness related to the wide utilization of the product across various applications.
They are primarily made of terpenes and their oxygenated derivatives which usually include monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, etc. They are present in specialized cells/glands in various plants and the position of these glands varies depending on the morphology, and physiology of the plant. During the manufacturing process, these glands are ruptured by pressing or by application of heat, which emanates aroma.
The product is widely used for enhancement of air freshness at home with the help of aroma diffusers and addition of essential oils in aroma pots. It is added to the water or baths in order to relax muscles and improve the aroma of place. Young women use these products for making homemade cosmetics due to their natural content and medicinal benefits.
Increasing demand for organic products is influencing consumer trends across the globe. Further implementation of regulations favoring the use of environmentally friendly ingredients in cosmetics, and food & beverage industry. The increased the consumer’s interest for products produced from natural ingredients. A majority of the global population are shifting their preference to organic products which in turn is increasing the demand for plant based products, leading to a significant drop in the demand for synthetic fragrances.
Owing to the outbreak of coronavirus around the world, many countries experienced lockdown situations. This had led to major raw material shortages, disruption in the supply chain, and increased prices for highly demanded products for two to three quarters in 2020. Moreover, the restrictions on imports & exports of goods by any means from most of the South East Asian countries further worsened the situation. However, the temporary closure or slowing down of manufacturing plants of synthetic flavors & fragrances in China led to a rise in opportunity for essential oil distillers, as the manufacturers turned to smaller vendors to fulfill their raw material requirements.
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Essential Oils Market Report Highlights
Cleaning & home witnessed the fastest growth rate of 7.7%, due to the presence of antifungal and antibacterial properties of essential oils
Black pepper witnessed one of the fastest growth rate of 8% on the account of its wide use in food & beverage, spa & relaxation, and medical sectors
Direct selling channel witnessed the fastest growth rate of 8.4%, as consumers have the need to smell and feel the oils in person
Europe witnessed the fastest growth rate of 8% as compared to other regions, due to strong presence of food & beverage industry in the region, coupled with high disposable income and high standards of living
The global product market is highly competitive on the account of the presence of multiple manufacturing companies operating in the market
Essential Oils Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global essential oils market report on the basis of product, application, sales channel, source, method of extraction, and region
Essential Oils Product Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2030)
Acorus Calamus
Black pepper
Carrot Seed
Ciz-3 Hexanol
Cumin Seed
Curry Leaf
Dill Seed
De-Mentholised Peppermint
Holy Basil
Juniper Berry
Pepper Mint
Tea Tree
Ylang Ylang
Essential Oils Application Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2030)
Food & Beverages
RTE Meals
Meat, Poultry & Seafood
Snacks & Nutritional Bars
Spa & Relaxation
Massage Oil
Personal Care
Hair Care
Skin Care
Sun Care
Makeup And Color Cosmetics
Men's Grooming
Oral Care
Baby Care
Body Sprays
Air Fresheners
Cleaning & Home
Kitchen Cleaners
Floor Cleaners
Bathroom Cleaner
Fabric Care
Method of Extraction Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2030)
Cold Press Extraction
Carbon Dioxide Extraction
Source Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2030)
Fruits & Vegetables
Herbs & Spices
Essential Oils Sales Channel Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2028)
Direct Selling
Essential Oils Regional Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2030)
North America 
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Middle East & Africa
Central America
South America
List of Key Players of Essential Oils Market
Sydney Essential Oil Co. (SEOC)
Biolandes SAS
India Essential Oils
H. Reynaud & Fils (HRF)
Young Living Essential Oils
Essential Oils of New Zealand
Farotti S. R. L.
Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH
Ungerer Limited 
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ainews · 3 months
In the 1370s, there was a growing demand for airfields in Papua, a region located in the Eastern part of current day Indonesia. For centuries, Papuans had been living in remote villages and had little contact with the outside world. However, as trade and travel between nations increased, the need for proper infrastructure, such as airfields, became apparent.
One of the main reasons for the demand for airfields in Papua was the growing interest in the spice trade. Papua was located in the heart of the Spice Islands, which were renowned for their valuable spices such as cloves, nutmeg, and mace. As European nations like Portugal, Spain, and Holland started exploring the world in search of these precious spices, they needed a way to transport them back to their home countries efficiently. Airfields offered a quick and convenient way to transport these goods, making them an essential infrastructure for trade.
Additionally, the arrival of Christian missionaries in the region also played a role in the need for airfields. The missionaries were eager to spread their religion and establish churches in the remote villages of Papua. Airfields provided a way for them to reach these villages quickly and easily, allowing them to spread their message more efficiently.
The rich natural resources of Papua, such as timber and gold, also contributed to the demand for airfields. These resources were in high demand by foreign powers, and having proper transportation infrastructure was crucial for their extraction and export. With airfields, these resources could be transported to other parts of the world, bringing economic benefits to the region.
Moreover, the strategic location of Papua made it a key area for military purposes. As countries started to establish colonies in the region, they needed access to airfields for defense and surveillance. Having control over airfields in Papua provided a significant advantage in any potential military conflicts, making them a valuable asset for different nations.
Additionally, the advancements in technology during this time also played a role in the need for airfields. The rise of aviation and the development of airplanes made it possible to travel longer distances in a shorter amount of time. Airfields were needed to provide a safe and suitable environment for these new modes of transportation.
In conclusion, the demand for airfields in Papua in the 1370s was driven by various factors such as the need for trade and transportation, the arrival of missionaries, the rich natural resources, the strategic location, and advancements in technology. These factors highlight the importance of airfields, not just for Papua but also for the economic and cultural exchanges between different nations during this period.
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gladiusgame · 5 months
Scrum Week 9 – 25/03        
This week, our artist got to work designing more weapons for the game, bringing the spear and the mace to life. Using Maya, they put together the models with different shapes, resizing them to resemble the sketches and ideas we had for them. They textured them in Adobe Substance Painter and exported them into FBX files, which could be imported straight into the game. With more models completed, it helped us understand how they’d look in the setting and was rewarding to see the work coming together.
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milletonagro · 7 months
Leading Mace powder Suppliers & Exporters.|Milleton agro
At Milleton agro, we source high quality whole mace powder in bulk and almost any quantity requirements as required by our customers. We Mileton agro are the leading red chilli powder exporters.The fact that we deliver red chili powder to any place in the world within the timeframes we promise sets us aside as the primary supplier of the spice.
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scarletunit6 · 8 months
Yes, we do have a wide and varied cuisine in Britain today, no more do we suffer under the image of grey boiled meat! After years of disparagement by various countries (especially the French) Britain now has an enviable culinary reputation. In fact some of the great chefs now come from Britain, I kid you not!
However Britain's culinary expertise is not new! In the past British cooking was amongst the best in the world. Mrs Beeton is still one of the renowned writers of cookery books, her creations have now gained international popularity, years after her death.
Traditional British cuisine is substantial, yet simple and wholesome. We have long believed in four meals a day. Our fare has been influenced by the traditions and tastes from different parts of the British empire: teas from Ceylon and chutney, kedgeree, and mulligatawny soup from India.
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British cuisine has always been multicultural, a pot pourri of eclectic styles. In ancient times influenced by the Romans and in medieval times the French. When the Frankish Normans invaded, they brought with them the spices of the east: cinnamon, saffron, mace, nutmeg, pepper, ginger. Sugar came to England at that time, and was considered a spice -- rare and expensive. Before the arrival of cane sugars, honey and fruit juices were the only sweeteners. The few Medieval cookery books that remain record dishes that use every spice in the larder, and chefs across Europe saw their task to be the almost alchemical transformation of raw ingredients into something entirely new (for centuries the English aristocracy ate French food) which they felt distinguished them from the peasants.
During Victorian times good old British stodge mixed with exotic spices from all over the Empire. And today despite being part of Europe we've kept up our links with the countries of the former British Empire, now united under the Commonwealth.
One of the benefits of having an empire is that we did learn quite a bit from the colonies. From East Asia (China) we adopted tea (and exported the habit to India), and from India we adopted curry-style spicing, we even developed a line of spicy sauces including ketchup, mint sauce, Worcestershire sauce and deviled sauce to indulge these tastes. Today it would be fair to say that curry has become a national dish.
Among English cakes and pastries, many are tied to the various religious holidays of the year. Hot Cross Buns are eaten on Good Friday, Simnel Cake is for Mothering Sunday, Plum Pudding for Christmas, and Twelfth Night Cake for Epiphany.
Unfortunately a great deal of damage was done to British cuisine during the two world wars. Britain is an island and supplies of many goods became short. The war effort used up goods and services and so less were left over for private people to consume. Ships importing food stuffs had to travel in convoys and so they could make fewer journeys. During the second world war food rationing began in January 1940 and was lifted only gradually after the war.
The British tradition of stews, pies and breads, according to the taste buds of the rest of the world, went into terminal decline. What was best in England was only that which showed the influence of France, and so English food let itself become a gastronomic joke and the French art of Nouvell Cuisine was adopted.
Hand, L.R. (2019). British Food - British culture, customs and traditions. [online] Learnenglish.de. Available at: https://www.learnenglish.de/culture/foodculture.html. ‌
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exotikalhub · 11 months
Spices and herbs
Star anise is the seed pod from the fruit of the Illicium verum The star anise pod, which is shaped like a star (hence its name), has an average of eight points, each containing a single pea-sized seed. Star anise is used in culinary applications for its distinct flavor but is also employed for its medicinal benefits. It is also used to make tea. Black pepper is mostly used as a dry spice. Due to its black color and spicy taste is given the name of black pepper. It is small and round in appearance.it has thick stripes over it. Just like chili it is also used to make the recipe spicier. It is also kept along on the table with salt in restaurants and hotels. It is one of the most exported spice of India. Cardamom has a great importance among indian spices. Due to its special flavor and aroma it is also known as the queen of spices. Cardamom are mainly of 2 types- Black Cardamom & Green Cardamom. Black cardamom is big in appearance. Its kin is hard, and tastes sour. Black cardamom is mostly used in veggies to enhance flavor. It is specially used in garam masala. Sonth, chole, rajma ,pulao are incomplete without it. Garam Masala is thequintessential everyday Indian spice mix. Garam Masala is a traditional aromatic spice blend used in Indian cooking. Garam Masalas (spice mixes) offer a gorgeous array of flavors and fragrances to your meals. Made with a mix of whole spices that are fragrant, pungent, sweet, hot and smoky – all the integral flavors of Indian cuisine! Whole garam masala also known as Sabut garam masala in Hindi, consists of the same spices that are used in making the garam masala powder but these are used without grinding. Whole garam masala is made up ofcinnamon sticks, brown cardamom, peppercorns, mace, bay leaf, cloves, cumin seeds and star anise. The whole spices are added in the beginning in hot oil. Consistency in quality across the year.
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vanaromaproduct · 1 year
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Mace Oil (NM-003) Van Aroma
Van Aroma is one of the leading producers of Mace Oil. Van Aroma is one of the biggest exporters in Indonesia. We produce and export Mace Oil from sustainable, and fully traceable sources.
Myristica Fragrans (Nutmeg) Mace Oil / 梅斯油 / メース オイル / Huile essentielle de macis / Aceite de maza / Minyak Fuli Pala
CAS No: 8007-12-3 ; 84082-68-8
Olfactive Profile: Sweet, fresh, spicy, warm
EC No: 282-013-3
FEMA No: 2653
Product Synonyms: minyak phuli pala, macis oil, mace indonesia oil fg 5, minyak bunga pala
Certification: Kosher, Halal, FSSC 22000
Indonesia is currently the largest producer of Nutmeg Oil in the world, providing 75% to 80% of the global supply. It is also one of the top three largest producers of Mace Oil.
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zooterchet · 1 year
Chet Steals From DC Comics (Candy from Maggie Simpson)
Roots of Viper-2 SIS (From Trooper-3 Charlie)
"Bane": 2018, freed from Texas psychiatric ward, to Dublin orphan export, female's orphan ward. Placed with gamers, "losers", in Russian federalist terms; Scarecrow modifier, with Mace Marine family, "Aishans", "black Irish".
"Man-Bat": 1939, deaf O'Neill; dodged Poraujmos, by faking Gypsy, went to Auschwitz instead of Buchenwald. Dr. Josef Mengele, never recovered; odd whistle developed, while in surgeries.
"Mad Monk": 1213, Estonian witch hunts. Cardinal, captured nine live boys, all on Cardinal's Orange, haze of Ash Wednesday orphans, to become gendarmes (military cops, equivalent to INTERPOL, Vidocqs). Alleged plague, revealed to be pregnancies, upon coroners examination; a "badfish", they called the revered children, "Institutionalists", in prisons. Future Catholics, Secret Order of Viscardi.
"Scarecrow": 1597, Sister Superior of Orthodoxies, deployed with "Apostles" team, from Connaught dominatrix guilds for spies, to Germany. Reformation, the slave labor of farmers for street walkers, sabotaged by guerilla warfare, "The Bloody Maries". Martin Luther, now has a speech impediment, his mother had a right to work; she spied for the other side. The son, a perfect tax collector insurance broker, a "mr. peanut".
"Mad Hatter": 801, the Bog Hen Wars. The Jews, Jewry, or German-Jews, Juden; based on the moral of the story, choosing to pay employees, if in fraud, instead of choosing to cheat employees, if in taxes collected. The master of modern games, sports, and golf; a consummate liar, the father of every chattel war known to exist since. Played perfect gin rummy, with a barch finger; specialist at the hook, as a weapon. Modified, for Luger.
"Hugo Strange": 2004, Murder Falls. Semenally stolen from the nephew of Richard Milhouse Nixon, father tortured and castrated in a Pepsi factory. Contacted by operators chasing a White's Bet between Marvel NYPD and DC Comics IDF, for the sale of the loser, to Disney, out of FBI hands. Two characters were sketched, Harry Osborn, Sam Raimi, and Heath Ledger, Christopher Nolan, with the bet blown, by mobsters from Soviet intelligence, attempting to overthrow Putin, the Federalist, for "Pussy Riot", a castration band; "black sugar", the Koran, a Harem of black children, for elderly women and gay men. Two contacts lost, one, fatality, the other, a dead cop.
"The Joker": 1200 BC, Babylon. The invention of the hat, "Mister Tilson", Judaism. A "B" shape, from forward to back, enabled any type of fictitious model to be used, regardless of copyright or claim or patent. Any crime imaginable, except for removing the hat. Immune to incestual herpes, except for a cat, hence witchcraft codes. Manager of false intelligence inserts, through "Yidditz", games of interpretation per series. Hence, the series, imprints the game in a "live wire", a "steal"; a "big fat dick", the spy robbed.
"Two-Face": 1923, Russia. Rise to the top of Russian politics, as a Thracian Gypsy Scythic, through foes and friends, inside a clandestine Russian Orthodox unit to replace the Okrahna and Czar, out of Gori, a demi-bureau to Tbilisi, the prime seminary. The order, "The Belmonts", is a betting order, intended to be rigged, for shell companies; corporate fronts, to relieve poor, of worker's wages, instead salary for inclusion.
"Mister Freeze": 1933, China. The student of the father of Chinese nationalism, as a Moslem, a special class of Mormon specializing in suicide from salmon fish; tradition started out of Seattle. Trained as a prison warden, he clandestinely worked with his infantry commander, to deport Chinese loyalists, to North Korea, and foes, to Taiwan, to work as a conning station, to Australian MI-6, out of Rangoon. Died in his prison, full of Cantonese, all trained as MI-6 accountants and converted to Judaism, posing as Catholic or Presbyterian.
"Clayface": 33 AD, Judea Province. Spaniard Prince, elected as interpreter for Jews, to Roman Legion; arbitrages, institutes, sports, prizes, and elections, developed based on wine sales. Traded places with Christ, picking a gay Jew, that didn't know a religious title, was death. Betrayed all of Rome, on an intentionally missed Hideous Sam shot, letting Christ do his work; before betraying him, with the adopted son of the Pilate, kissing him, therefore outed as a pedophile, for fraud; claiming Clayface's ability, as a Manouche.
"Simon Hurt": 2003 AD, Boston. Ku Klux Klan, by family; high IQ, through comics Maccabees, from a premature age. Deliberately forged his parents letter to MI-6 Surrey, with his writing on the back, poor, demanding a lawsuit, for being bitten into "Darth Vader", by a Scarecrow. The day of company channel, to London, over the bite, to the crutches man, the letter was being read. Both operatives, judged genius IQ, saved. Specialist in asylum housing, of Scythics and Lowlander Prussians.
"Kite Man": 1981, Los Angeles. An SDI computer tech was caught on his computer breaking bandwiths, to construct an ABM in space, to shoot down nukes. Accused of pederasty per patent, for breaking rules, he descended into the homeless population, after the snitch was killed as a Russian spy, through an ATM jam, of Kite Man's card, on cop review of labor housing; vacant, suspected killed. After playing the hedge market, for weeks, he turned himself into the NSA, in Washington DC, on an airplane stolen form the Bulgers Presidential staff, found lorrey bombed by "Whitey", falsely (actually a cake, with teargas inside). A Jew, or at least, half of One.
"Penguin": 2000 BC, Han Empire. A recruit of Dong Zhuo, a police merchant, Penguin went from town to town, killing cops, as "military officers", forming the army, out of police code, and his blood, as Chinese police; not soldiers, the homeless. Replaced Sanskrit, with Mandarin, his daughter's language, when writing the first diary; "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Odd gene, where "gay", the consequence of "child molester", is flipped, as for also anyone trained, a "cadavar"; counter-intelligence, "The Mob"; his term, only. Hates flightless birds, except for his family.
"Riddler": 1850s, London. The manipulations of Margerat of Anjou, wearing thin on his family's foes, oolong extract, is his immunity, outing him as a traitor in league with France. His house leveled low, from the call of "no faire", by Lancaster, no carnival, after decades of war, he accepts the oath, enraged, plotting his revenge. In America, as a legend. He knows, comic books are Islam; stolen art, from dead spies. You can never remove the sigil, America; of the Cobra.
"Professor Pyg": 2010, Netherlands. A pair of twins, schooled by a Scarecrow, a Two-Face, and a Riddler, with a Sass (Dominos, bounty hunters, the Mob game), go to Amsterdam, for a textiles trade, for odorless uniforms for inmates. The same as cleaning ladies, in toxin baths, after respiration and ECT after a heroin overdose, to cover a gang rape, by athletes, with busted out headlights; George Washington's son himself, the "sheocks", a tradition for those women besting a Washington, George only, in battle. The multi-trillion dollar hedges and breaks and busts, and all the fabric, is sold as bedding, through TJX, Professor Pyg's training day as muppet pedophile.
"Batman": 850 AD, Azerbaijin. The merger of the line of Muhammad and Aisha, with a semenal theft out of a Chinese-Japanese Chosonkaijin, the Prophet Ali invents police paperwork; the form, the stamp, and the office of origin. Now, any job is a cop, unless homeless. Penalty for killing Batman is swift, a Villain is woken up, from a Sleeper, a high potency line. Protect Mother, Love Father. Never stop running. Section Chief by status of line, free goods given through agents to recruit assaassins; Dominos enforce assassins, poor kids if they think they are, willing to bust heads for a Snake, a Moon Child.
"Ra's al-Ghul": 850 AD, Azerbaijin. Batman's Father or Mother. When he or she dies, Batman lands in Riyadh, and converts to Angelic Islam, to visit the Black Building in Mecca, for a ceremonial weapon, such as the new Koran Province weapon; The Hayabusa. Enjoy the trick to Africa, lover. Sorry about our moms fighting. Sucks to be a latchkey.
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tilkutgaya · 1 year
Spices and herbs
Star anise is the seed pod from the fruit of the Illicium verum The star anise pod, which is shaped like a star (hence its name), has an average of eight points, each containing a single pea-sized seed. Star anise is used in culinary applications for its distinct flavor but is also employed for its medicinal benefits. It is also used to make tea. Black pepper is mostly used as a dry spice. Due to its black color and spicy taste is given the name of black pepper. It is small and round in appearance.it has thick stripes over it. Just like chili it is also used to make the recipe spicier. It is also kept along on the table with salt in restaurants and hotels. It is one of the most exported spice of India. Cardamom has a great importance among indian spices. Due to its special flavor and aroma it is also known as the queen of spices. Cardamom are mainly of 2 types- Black Cardamom & Green Cardamom. Black cardamom is big in appearance. Its kin is hard, and tastes sour. Black cardamom is mostly used in veggies to enhance flavor. It is specially used in garam masala. Sonth, chole, rajma ,pulao are incomplete without it. Garam Masala is thequintessential everyday Indian spice mix. Garam Masala is a traditional aromatic spice blend used in Indian cooking. Garam Masalas (spice mixes) offer a gorgeous array of flavors and fragrances to your meals. Made with a mix of whole spices that are fragrant, pungent, sweet, hot and smoky – all the integral flavors of Indian cuisine! Whole garam masala also known as Sabut garam masala in Hindi, consists of the same spices that are used in making the garam masala powder but these are used without grinding. Whole garam masala is made up ofcinnamon sticks, brown cardamom, peppercorns, mace, bay leaf, cloves, cumin seeds and star anise. The whole spices are added in the beginning in hot oil. Consistency in quality across the year.
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rohit23ak · 2 years
Indulge in the Deliciousness of Indian Spices
 Indian cuisine is renowned for its diverse taste, and vibrant flavors. Since ancient times, flavors have played a crucial role in Indian cuisine. Flavors have been used to elevate the quality of the meal from the opulent royal kitchens to the modest homes of the common person. India is quite possibly one of the biggest manufacturers and exporters of spices on the planet. Indian spices come in a variety of flavors and aromas, from traditional spices to modern spice blends, which can tantalize the taste buds of any cuisine enthusiast. The use of flavors substantially increases how distinctive Indian food is. The cooking is so well-known all over the world because it is bursting with vibrant flavors. We'll look at some of the traditional flavors and their significance in relation to Indian cooking in this blog. The blog will also examine how flavor usage has changed as the years have gone by.
Whole Spices
Whole Spices are the customary type of Indian flavors that have been utilized in Indian cooking for quite a long time. The most well-known kinds of Whole Spices in India are cumin, coriander, cardamom, cloves, dark pepper, cinnamon, mace, nutmeg, cove leaves, mustard seeds, fennel seeds, aniseeds and ginger. These spices are generally dry-broiled or seared in oil prior to being added to the dish. Dry-cooking assists with improving the flavors and make them more sweet-smelling. Entire flavors are additionally used to make zest mixes, for example, garam masala, samhbar powder, rasam powder, goda masala and panchphoron. Whole Spices, or Spices as they are normally known, assume a significant part in Indian cooking. They are essential to Indian cuisine and used in almost all of its dishes. After use, all flavors should be kept in hermetically sealed containers to prevent exposure to light and air. While some tastes are used completely, some require grinding before use. While cloves and cardamom are frequently used in their entirety, whole tastes with extremely hard shells, like nutmeg and cinnamon, are typically used in powdered form.
Ground Spices
The most sophisticated form of Indian flavours are ground spices. These spices are frequently pre-ground and easily found while looking. Turmeric, cumin, coriander, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, stew powder, and garam masala are the most well-known types of Ground Spices in India. Many different foods, including curries, rice dishes, breads, sweets, chutneys, and pickles, include ground flavours. They are also used to create flavour mixtures like panchphoron, goda masala, sambar powder, rasam powder, and garam masala.
Be Indian, Purchase Indian
The Indian government created the trademark "Be Indian, Purchase Indian" to encourage the purchase of goods made in India. This endeavor has been very successful in encouraging people to buy Indian goods, including tastes. The campaign has emphasised the value of buying privately produced tastes because it helps to support local ranches and moreover helps to maintain the traditional methods for zest generation.
Purchase Indian Spices Online
 The way we hunt for tastes has changed as a result of the internet. Today, you may order Indian tastes from the comfort of your home online. There are several online retailers that provide Indian tastes at exorbitant prices. These shops typically stock a large selection of brand-new, premium flavors. The online shop also provides numerous assortments of whole and ground spices, tastes that are packaged in attractive packs. It is also possible to buy flavors in bulk at discounted pricing. Buying Spices online in India has grown more recognised lately. Many online retailers sell a wide variety of Indian cuisines at exorbitant prices. These shops often stock a wide selection of outstanding whole and ground spices that are arranged in visually pleasing sections. The online retailers also provide a variety of restrictions and promotions on the purchase of tastes. In the unlikely event that you're looking to buy spices online in India, you've come to the right place. Indian online retailer 365 SPICERY provides customers with a wide selection of Indian flavours. We have a great many Indian flavors, for example, garam masala flavors, entire flavors, prepared to-cook indian flavors, biryani masala, indian masalas, red stew powder, indian pickles, bundled flavors, zest powders, indian masala powder and much more.
 Top 10 Masala Brands
The masala market has significantly expanded over the past few years, and there are now numerous firms that devote a lot of effort to the creation of masalas. The main 10 masala organizations on the planet are India-based organizations that have left an imprint in the worldwide market. These organizations include 365 SPICERY, MDH, Everest, Catch, Shan, Badshah, Pushp, Suhana, Aachi, Swad and Eastern. These organizations offer a wide variety of masalas that are of good quality and easily accessible.
Since ancient times, Indian cookery has included an essential component of Indian spices. There are numerous smells and aromas that may be found in Indian spices, ranging from the traditional spices to tge modern seasonings. Indian flavors are currently accessible in different structures, for example, whole spices, ground spices and seasoning mixes. The 'Be Indian, Purchase Indian' crusade has been exceptionally fruitful in empowering individuals to purchase Indian-made items, including flavors. Today, you may order Indian tastes from the comfort of your home online. The top 10 masala organizations on the planet are all situated in India, and there are more organizations that are working on masala development.
Visit here :- galouti kebab masala | dagadful masala
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