blackhornedarts · 2 days
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Wukong from Black Myth fighting Kang Jin Loong, a work in progress 2.
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this-vs-that · 3 days
This question was sent to our inbox. If you’d like for us to post a This or That poll for you, send the 2 things you want to see against each other to our inbox and we’ll let the people decide which one they prefer. Everything will be anonymous.
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faithschaffer · 9 months
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I've had this sitting around as a sketch for awhile, finally had time to finish it! Hoping to do more mythology illustration this year.
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vetyr · 4 months
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I Will Be Sure When I No Longer Remember Myself
Personal piece <3
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bebs-art-gallery · 1 month
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Purgatory Canto 12, The Soul of Arachne (1867)
— by Gustave Doré
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Vlaho Bukovac (Croatian, 1855-1922) Andromeda, n.d. National Gallery of Slovenia
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theequinoxkid333 · 3 months
Saw someone making a joke about how Odysseus confronting the suitors happens when he’s naked and no hate for the joke I get that a lot of people think public nudity is funny but like… that part of the story is really important to me.
This is a man that has been on a journey and fucked over and changed and played with by fate for years to the point where he is almost forced to strip his identity and rebuild it for survival. When he returns to his Home Land yes he is wearing a disguise but he was also the one raining king of Ithaca. No one recognized his face, his voice, the only one to truly recognize him was his neglected and dying dog. When he reveals his true self he literally has to strip himself bare before any one realizes.
The idea of the thing that kept you alive and kept you fighting being the same thing that makes it easier to strip your core beliefs and personality bare and rebuild yourself into something not even you can recognize in the end is really impactful for me.
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thereinart · 1 year
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The obsession for Epic continues with Odysseus and Athena
Their relationship is... Complex
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sennamaticart · 2 years
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Running Running Running
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rookdaw · 1 month
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Love and War
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kelogsloops · 1 year
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The final piece from my recent show, ‘In Harmony.’ The Eastern Phoenix is often associated with harmony and new beginnings. In trying to portray those associations, the body is decorated with floral motifs; little sprouts blooming from its back, and tail feathers resembling a blossoming flower #brbchasingdreams
prints | tutorials
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fallbabylon · 4 months
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Devils and the Mouth of Hell details from South Leigh doom painting 15th C- South Leigh, UK
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666candies · 2 months
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Portal of Perception, oil on canvas.
— Freydoon Rassouli (Iranian, b.1943)
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faithschaffer · 2 months
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Andromeda, out on the rocks
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vetyr · 1 year
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Re-opening commissions!
If you'd like to make a request, inquire about pricing, etc., reach out at [email protected].
Above illustration is for Follow Me Down, a Greek mythology-themed TTRPG :)
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strangeoctober · 7 months
I find it interesting that people talk and write about fairies these days like they're these horrible, Machiavellian monsters that you mustn't ever risk dealing with. Even saying your name near them will forever put you in their thrall, forever! (Or something to that effect) But when you dig into the folklore, you find countless stories of fairies just getting dunked on in just the daftest ways.
I've been reading "The Lore of Scotland", by Jennifer Westwood and Sophia Kingshill, and when I noticed this trend, I started taking count of who wins in fairies vs. human confrontations. I'm only about a fifth through, and while it's not clear cut, the humans are winning by three points!
By way of example, let me tell you one of my favourite stories so far. Once upon a time, a young woman was abducted by the fay and carried away to a fairie mound. There, she was placed in the arms of the great fay giantess who ruled those halls. "I've got you now!" said the giantess, "I'm going to hold you as tight and as close as vine on tree, forever more!" Certainly in a pickle, the young woman considered her dire situation and simply replied, "I wish it was shit you were holding." The fay giantess was so completely appalled and disgusted by the coarse manner of the young woman that she let her go immediately and had her taken back to her home.
Not only do I find this really funny, I enjoy the fact that even centuries ago, the forthright manner and direct problem solving of Scottish women was well established.
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