scringee · 2 years
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starlightazriel · 2 months
bee 5
desc: modern azriel AU bestfriends>lovers (fem reader)
warnings: smut with eris oops, alcohol/drug addiction/abuse (pills, cocaine), angst, vomiting, bit of adolescent fluff, (im literally so tired I prolly forgot warnings)
other parts can be found on my azriel masterlist
wc: 5.1k
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I groaned loudly as I rolled over in bed, my eyes feeling near crusted shut. My head pounded from the previous nights activities and there was a knot of dread forming in my stomach thinking about what had happened with Azriel lastnight. Kat had been so wrong, it was a fucking disaster.
"I'm coming!" I call out, the knock at the door had woken me. What time even was it? I opened my mouth in surprise when I was greeted by a delivery man, he was holding a massive bouquet of red and white roses wrapped in paper. "Um, I think you have the wrong spot..." I trailed off, awkwardly scratching my arm as I looked blankly at the flowers.
"No," he double checked the address just in case. "Nope, this is the address... There's no name.. But it's definitely this address," he extends the bouquet out, waiting for me to take the flowers.
"Um, thanks," I said quietly, my eyebrows drawing slightly together as I hesitantly took the bouquet. He only nods and turns back around down the hall, I closed the front door and shook my head, padding back into the kitchen. I stuck my nose into the flowers inhaling the sweet scent deeply, my phone chimed on the counter and I set the flowers down, picking it up, I squinted at the unknown number on the screen.
i figured flowers for your name sweetheart?
who is this?
incredibly charming red head from the club last night, best dressed, devilishly handsome... ring any bells?
how the hell did you get my phone number and my address?
i have my ways
you're not making me feel any better
i'm a powerful man princess, i take it the flowers weren't enough for your name?
I shook my head in disbelief staring down at my phone, who did this man think he was anyway? I bit my lip, retrieving a vase from the cabinet and putting the flowers in some water, I left the wrapping on the counter and padded over to Azriels door. I knocked twice, no answer. I looked down and checked my phone again to check his location and my gut wrenched at the address, his little round picture sitting there on the map of an address I knew well from having to retrieve him at odd hours of the night many times. Cecilles house?
Cecille was forty something, married, looked like a retired model... And had been the bane of my existence for eight months when her and Azriel were fucking last year. Azriel had eventually got bored with her, had talked a ton of shit about her after the fact. He had said that she was psycho, her husband was psycho, he had said that she was obsessed with him after the first time they fucked, and now there he was. Back at her house. And he had spent the night? That's what kissing me had done to him? Sent him back there, I groaned in frustration, my cheeks hot with anger and embarrassment. I felt so dumb for actually believing I would ever have a chance with him. I should have never kissed him.
I chewed on the inside of my lip, my finger hovering over the other conversation. Who gives a fuck what Az thinks anyway? He doesn't want me, clearly doesn't want me if hes with her after we kissed. After he fucking got me off in the back alleyway of Galaxy fucking night club. I made myself a nice coffee while I tried to think of something witty to say, he was so damn smooth and way fucking out of my league. I felt like an idiot.
its y/n. and if youre expecting me to send you flowers in exchange for your name now its not happening.
I smirked to myself as I sent the message I would play his little game with him. Why not? What did I have to lose? My feelings were obviously out in the open now, Azriel should know how I felt about him, I mean I had kissed him. Only a moment later he read it and began typing. I knew his name, Azriel had told me angrily last night that it was Eris, his cocaine dealer. It explained the fancy clothes and all of the jewelry, I thought he must be pretty high up though, with the way he presented himself. He looked like a damn king pin. Probably dangerous, but I didnt care. Not now.
i don't need flowers y/n, how about a date tonight instead? picture it. just you, me, and my massive cock floating on my yacht, dancing under the stars in the harbor.
I almost spit out my coffee at that one, my heart started pounding in my chest at the image that flashed in my mind of him fucking me on a yacht.
you have a yacht? and i can't haha i have work. plus i don't even know you, ill end up on the bottom of the ocean.
never that, but you might feel like it when im done with you. and i sure do princess, ill pay you double of whatever youd make tonight if you call out and come with me.
Again, who the fuck did this guy think he was? Pay me to go on a date with him?! How was I even supposed to respond to that.
im not a sugar baby
i didnt say you were.
you implied it.
i didnt, where do you work sweetie?
maybe you should find out the same way you got my phone number and my address. surprised you didnt know my name too.
i knew your name, i wanted to make you tell me. so what do you say, call out of work for me?
Arrogant insufferable sexy bastard.
sorry, you and your cock will have to duet under the stars tonight.
Azriel was currently nodding off in Cecilles apartment feeling like he had hit complete rock bottom. It didnt matter how numb his mind was, didnt matter how high he was, how fucked up he was, he knew this wasnt right.
She was dancing, still in the same silk robe she had worn yesterday, a martini in her hand. "Dance with me Azzy," she twirls, looking down at him, he just shook his head, trying to remember how to form words. So fucked up.
"Im good," he stood up, somehow making his way to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him. He nearly fell onto the counter but he caught himself and hunched over, pressing his forehead to the cool marble of the counter. He wished Bee was there, he needed the comfort of her taking care of him like she had done so many times over the years when he pushed his body too far. He felt bile rise to his throat and he soon emptied the contents of his stomach into her pristine sink, he groaned at the sight, feeling like he'd throw up again at the smell alone.
Azriel stumbled back, his head spinning and he gripped the counter, his vision fuzzy. He was panicking a little bit, sweating, his heart pounding. His eyes focused in and out as he tried to look at himself in the mirror, pale, sweaty, cold, hot, everything at the same time. He splashed cold water on his face and rinsed his mouth under the faucet. Cecille had been feeding him Xanax since he had got there and mixed with coke and a 3 day drinking bender... Mixed with her fucking vibe and her house with pictures of her ugly ass husband plastered everywhere and her annoying fucking Chihuahua barking every five minutes.... He had to get the fuck out of here. He pulled out his phone, the screen nearly doubling in his hand.
Cassian, he would call Cass. Rhys wouldn't approve of his state right now, he might even pull him off the event which was only days away now. The three of them had been friends since their adolescent years, Rhys had naturally always been the leader, considering he came from money. Rhys was nineteen when he bought the shop and opened it. He was obviously the boss, a natural leader, Cass the loud, hilarious, boisterous one who was their piercer and certified gym bro, and Az, himself, the quiet, mysterious, artistic one with enough trauma for all three of them, and the shops star artist.
He pressed his phone to the side of his face, the ringing echoed in his head before Cassian answered. "Az, what? Im kinda busy over here," he asked, and by his tone, Azriel could tell he was with a woman.
"I need you to come get me at Cecilles," is all that Azriel managed to get out.
"What? Now? Are you good? You don't sound-"
"Now Cass."
"Alright, hang tight," was the only thing Cass said before the phone went silent again and Azriel shoved it in his pocket before he stumbled out the door. He needed food, and a shower, he smelled like death. He heard Cecille ask where he was going but he ignored her and left her in her house, knowing that she wouldn't follow him out when she was practically naked. He walked the best that he could, but he was visibly fucked up and ended up on a bench near the end of her street. He thought a zyn or a cigarette would help him but he didnt have either, he knew Cass at least would have weed.
Cassians SUV finally bellowed down the street, coming to a screeching halt when he stopped in front of Azriel. "You look like a homeless crack head Az, what the fuck," Cass rolled his window down to say, Azriel grimaced, making his way into the passenger seat of Cassians truck. He knew he looked bad, and he knew Cass said it from a place of love, but it didnt mean that it didnt sting a little.
They drove toward the diner for long silent minutes, Cass had insisted the first thing he needed to do was eat before anything else. He wanted to see Bee though, he had to apologize for the way he treated her. For putting his hands on her.
"I think Im at rock bottom Cass," Azriel muttered when Cassian finally pulled into a parking spot. Cass turned, raising his eyebrows inquisitively. "I fucking choked out Bee last night for talking to my coke dealer in the club, Its 4pm and Im still drunk, and Ive been drunk three, maybe four days straight, just did coke out of a 45 year old woman's asshole and then threw up her sink, and to top all that off she's been feeding me xans since I got there last night," when he heard it all out loud, Azriel had to admit it sounded horrible.
"Damn Az," it wasnt often that Cassian was lost for words, but he didnt know what to say, that or he was afraid to say it.
"I know," he responds, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I gotta eat I need to sober up, I need to apologize," he didnt say to who, but he knew Cass would know who he was talking about.
"You gotta cut back, slowly. I can't have you turning into a shut in again and getting all paranoid and shit and its starting to look like its heading in that direction," Cass was rambling now, Azriels head was spinning as he tried to grasp each word, he pressed his palms into his eyes. "I know- I know you don't like... Facilities... But maybe you need to try outpatient, Az this shits starting to get concerning and I can't watch this shit anymore bro its like.. Bees been in love with you for years right there watching you fuck off and the second you realize you love her back it's like your world is crumbling Az youre fucking spiraling man Im worried, I don't want you to fucking kill yourself fucking around with all this shit. You're stronger than this, fuck just tell her how you feel, stop fucking around and just be better Az, I know you, I know this isn't you," Cass wasnt holding back anymore, Azriel had lifted his head, staring near blankly at him. "Don't look at me like that, I pay attention, doesn't take an idiot to see what's going on, plus Kats big ass mouth helped put the pieces together."
"I could be the best version of myself and I still wouldn't deserve her," he said, and he knew to Cassian that it would sound like an excuse, but it was the only thing that made sense to say.
"Not true Azriel, just do better," he knew for Cassian, it probably was just that simple. "You got a lot positive going for you. Stop letting all this bs drag you down. Cut back Az, seriously. You need to pull your head out of your ass and get your shit together for this event coming up. It's a big deal for the shop and if Rhys saw you like this he'd pull you off of it completely and probably give it to Riley because hes the only one who's remotely close to as good as you." Cass paused for a minute, sighing softly because he knew how much that probably hurt Azriel, but he too knew it was true, nothing about the way he had been behaving was okay. The hole he was digging himself into. And though Rhys dabbled from time to time in their heavier partying years, he never approved of the extent of Azriels habit of coping with substances. "We're gonna go in here, eat, and then I'll take you home to shower."
"Thanks Cass." Azriel said as he tried to swallow down the bile that was rising in his throat. Cutting back was easier said than done.
Rock, fucking, bottom.
It had only been a few hours into my shift when Eris strode in, my eyes narrowed, my mouth popping open slightly in surprise. Though, I shouldn't have been surprised, he had figured out my address after all, and my phone number. His eyes were fixed on me, and he was smiling, heading straight for the bar.
"Hello beautiful," he flashes me an almost too white grin as he takes a seat on one of the barstools.
"This is starting to get creepy," I raised an eyebrow trying to keep my tone even, I didnt exactly want him to know his very presence sent my stomach flipping. I slid some menus, our eyes locking, he only chuckled quietly, placing his hand on the menus to stop them from sliding off of the bar.
"You should be flattered, I don't go to all this trouble normally, you're special though. I can tell," his lips twitched and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. I was almost sure he had used this line many times.
"Yeah yeah, are you going to order something?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. He was gorgeous... Too arrogant, too rich, out of my league completely. I wouldn't know the first thing to do with a man like this.
"Just an old fashioned with the most expensive bourbon you have," he flashed his smile again, I wanted to roll my eyes but I was almost stunned by my attraction to him.
"No food?" I ask, but I realize by the expression that flashes across his face that it was a stupid question. Of course he wouldn't eat somewhere like Murphys. He probably dined at Michelin star restaurants, we barely had three stars on google.
"I like to dine in... Different types of places, this is a bit... Casual for me," he struggled for the right words, probably trying not to offend me. Little did he know I couldn't care less, I knew it wasnt exactly the nicest place it was a dingy bar overrun with college students and old people. He looked straight out of a Tom Ford ad, of course he wouldn't eat here.
"Im sure," I said and went to grab the step stool so I could reach the top shelf. I made his drink and tried my best not to shake, I could feel his eyes burning into me. "That must be nice," I added an orange twist to finish the drink.
"I suppose a drink will suffice for my name, if its good, and you're off to a good start with just the twist, I can't stand cherries," he added the last part on as an after thought and took a sip, I waited expectantly. "I see they have you back there for a reason," he smirked, I only snorted, giving in to the desire to roll my eyes. "Eris," he finally tells me his name, even though I already knew, I smiled triumphantly.
"Eris," I repeated and I noticed a fire light in his eyes at the sound of his name leaving my lips. "That's cute," I added and it was his turn to snort.
"Cute?" He asked, blinking at me a few times and I just smirked back at him. "I assure you princess, I'm far from cute," his voice dropped just the slightest, making my stomach churn deliciously. "Not too busy. Are you sure you don't want to come out for a late night boat ride with me?"
I bit my lip, considering, could it hurt anything? A relaxing night on the water, handsome sexy man, maybe I'd even get laid.
"I'll see what I can do," I finally decided, and his eyes lit up, looking over me hungrily, I blushed underneath his intense gaze.
"You won't regret it, beautiful," he licked his lip, slowly dragging his finger around the top of his glass, my stomach flipped, my cheeks turning bright red.
"Yeah, we'll see about that."
"Who are the flowers from?" Cassian had been dying to ask the question ever since they had arrived at Azriels apartment. He had noticed Azriels reaction when he first saw them and Cass' response was to remove the vase from sight all together and put them away in Bees room before Azriel sent the vase smashing to the wall. Since then, Azriel had showered and calmed down and they were watching Dude, Where's my Car? and were about 4 spliffs deep, Cass' question left him tense all over again.
"How the fuck am I supposed to know who they are from? Do I look like I receive flowers?" Azriel snapped, his tone biting as he turned to glare at Cassian.
"Hey man, Im sorry. I was just curious," Cass threw his hands up in defense, his eyes drifting back to the tv screen. Az shouldn't have been angry at him for asking, but his phone was only burning more of a hole in his pocket now, he had been desperately fighting the urge to check Bees location when he got home and saw the flowers on the counter. He had also desperately fought the urge to inspect them to try and figure out who they were from, though the expensive looking extra bouquet made him wonder if she had given Eris her number in the bar. He cursed himself for not interrupting them sooner.
"It's cool, just on edge," Azriel responded after a long few moments of silence. Bee was at work, she was definitely at work so it couldnt hurt just to check. He slid his phone from his pocket tapping on her name and then more and then... His gut wrenched, his grip on his phone tightening as he stared. Not at work, in the fucking harbor? "She's fucking Eris," Az growled, the words had just slipped out of Azriels mouth, he couldn't help himself. He had met Eris there for fucking blow so many times, fucking entertained his tool ass while he showed off his fucking big ass boat, Azriel had stepped foot on that boat. And now Bee was on that boat probably fucking him.
"Like Irish mob boss looking coke dealer Eris?" Cass' head snapped toward him, his nose crinkling slightly. "That doesn't really seem like Bees' type."
"Do you know any other Eris, you idiot?" Azriel was on his feet now, pacing, trying to come up with any sort of plan in his head that could remedy the absolute disaster that was currently happening. "I have to fucking go over there Cass- I could fucking kill that motherfucker. What is she thinking?" he was rambling, still pacing back and forth across the living room.
"Calm down Az," Cass started, sitting up a little straighter. "You can't go there. She's grown Azriel, she can make her own decisions. You really fucked up this time. You need to take this as a sign to get your head out of your fucking ass and maybe tell her how you feel instead of trying to dull it out with drugs." Cassians tone had had gotten sharper, his eyes narrowed as he looked at his friend. "I think you should get some sleep," he knew his friend needed it, and he did too. "I'll stay on the couch tonight, make sure you don't do anything stupid."
Azriel was seething, but after a long moment of consideration and his body screaming at him for sleep after not having any real rest in days, his shoulders slumped in defeat and he retreated to his room.
"So please tell me what the deal is with you and why youre wasting your time with a man like Azriel, you deserve the world on a string, and he can't even get clean for you?" Eris had been dancing around the subject of whether or not I was single all night, I knew he was only wondering about the way that Azriel had dragged me out of Galaxy.
We had in fact danced under the moonlight. I had to admit, his boat was pretty special. I was sipping on a glass of champagne that was from a bottle I had never seen before, and probably cost more than all of my bills for the month put together. Eris had put me in some fancy dress as soon as we arrived, which he assured me belonged only to him and that it was mine now if I wanted to keep it. I had just tried to ignore the fact that he probably kept a whole closet of these things for nights just like this one.
"Hes not my boyfriend," I said, feeling tense now, I had been enjoying the rest of our evening so much until he had to bring Azriel into it. Eris was standing on the deck, his shirt open, pale abdominal muscles gleaming in the moon light, his hair ruffled with the sea breeze and he tipped his head back to sip his champagne his eyes landing back on me. I squirmed underneath his gaze, swallowing the lump in my throat.
"Oh?" he quirked an eyebrow up, taking a few more steps toward me and he leaned on the railing. He looked like he was straight out of a steamy romance movie, I contemplated my choices and wondered who the hell I thought I was coming out here.
"Hes been my best friend since I was nine years old," I explained, rubbing my thumb against the champagne flute, my cheeks reddening under Eris' intense curious gaze.
"Oh," he repeated, but this time less inquisitive and more understanding, maybe even disappointed. "I see," he says carefully and takes a few more steps before he joins me, taking a seat so close that his cologne filled my nostrils, tickling my nose and making me shiver slightly. He smirked, sliding his arm around the back of the couch, my heart pounded in my chest. "Ive heard that one before," he says, almost his tone almost sounding bored. "Obviously in love, both too cowardly to take the leap, left with absolutely nothing. Tragic," He leaned back a bit, I could feel the heat of his arm on the back of the sofa, my blood heated, my mouth popping open in surprise.
"It's not even like that you don't-" I don't even get to finish before he was cutting me off again, I had noticed he liked to do that a lot. His presence commanded attention.
"I can show you, princess," he leaned closer, his nose almost touching mine, my breath caught, my mouth going dry. "That there is other things, much more exciting things," his eyes were dark, swimming with lust as he stared into mine. "Would you like that?" he asked, his voice sounding gravelly and he tilted my chin up, our eyes boring into each others. Is he seducing me?
"I-" I started but he shook his head, pressing his thumb on my lips to stop me from speaking. Is it working? My throbbing pussy said yes. And Az... Doesn't want me. Him going back to Cecille after knowing how I feel about him... It said enough.
"Im not afraid to say what I want," Eris' eyes drifted down for a brief second before landing back on mine, despite the chill in the night air being on the ocean, my entire body felt like it was on fire. "And I want to fuck you under the stars right here, right now, like you deserve," he licked his lips, drawing his head back again to get a good look at me.
"Okay," I croaked out, almost pathetically, he chuckled, grinning triumphantly before he crashed his lips to mine. I gasped softly at the feeling, but wasted no time kissing him back, he was hungry, needy in a way different than Azriel. There was no spark, no soul crushing connection like my kiss with Azriel... But it was fucking hot. Eris was fucking hot, and I needed him to fuck me.
"That's it," he whispers against my now open mouth before he slid his tongue past my lips. He pulled up the silky fabric of the short dress and yanked me on top of him so that I was straddling his lap, his fingers dug into my thighs. I moaned softly at the feeling of his hard cock between us, feeling absolutely desperate for him. My fingers slid over his stomach, feeling the taut muscles and I undid his expensive looking belt, and freed him from his pants, gasping as his hard pink cock slapped his stomach. I watched him roll a condom onto himself with wide eyes, my mouth watering at the sight.
Eris slammed our lips together again, and lifted my hips up his fingers digging into my skin, I knew it would leave bruises. He growled at me to put it in, which I hastily obliged moving my panties to the side for him and guiding his cock to my slick opening.
I cried out when he pulled me back down, sinking deliciously onto his cock. I tossed my head back as he fucked up into me, his fingers still squeezing my hips to guide me to bounce up and down on his cock. "That's it princess," he grunted, his cock slamming into me deeply with each bounce. In a second he had flipped me over to hang over the edge of the couch, cursing under his breath at the sight of my ass bared to him. He was slamming into me again within seconds, his thrusts becoming more sloppy as he got closer and closer. I whimpered, arching my back for him, gripping onto the side of the couch desperately as he fucked me. I moaned softly, my pussy throbbing with each delicious thrust. I huffed softly when he finished, collapsing next to me on the couch after he pulled me up. I couldn't help but be a little disappointed when he was done.
"Thanks for tonight," I finally breathed after a long few moments of silence, playing with the hem of my dress I lifted my eyes to look at him.
"Anytime, truly princess," he smirked before discarding the condom. I had half expected a man of his caliber to notice that I didnt cum. They never did. I sighed softly, ruffling my fingers through my hair.
"I really should be getting home, I have exams to study for in the morning," I swallowed, checking the time on my phone, my face paled as I noticed four new messages from Azriel.
what the fuck are you doing bee?
i told you to stay away from him
so youre just gonna ignore me?
just come home bro
I swallowed the lump in my throat, suddenly feeling guilty I locked my phone. "Now, I have to go now please," I managed and Eris' face twisted in confusion and annoyance, but he didnt protest.
"Come on then."
"Bee get up, we're going," Azriel insisted, a look of determination on his face.
"Az no, it's going to be embarrassing," she whispered, her eyes welling up with tears again, "and I already ruined my makeup," she smoothed out her prom dress, staring ahead of her, silent tears running down her cheeks. Azriel winced, he hated when she cried.
"Come on, it can't be that embarrassing to go with me," he smirked, taking a seat next to her on her front step. It was his senior prom, and he had very much been looking forward to fucking his date, Viola, captain of the cheerleading team, at the end of the night.
All of that had changed when he had left his house to pick her up and saw Bee, crying across the street on her front steps. He had warned her about Jax, he had told her it was a bad idea to go to prom with him. She had just wanted to go so bad, and he cursed himself now for letting his dick get in the way and not just asking her if she wanted to go with him as soon as he found out Jax had asked her. Apparently, he had decided last minute that he didnt want to go with Bee, which meant she couldn't go at all because she wasnt a senior.
"You know that's not what I meant," she gave him a dirty look but cracked the tiniest smile at the sight of his. He grinned lazily, glad she wasnt crying anymore and he poked her side.
"Az," she giggled softly, squirming away from him, her eyes met his finally, a big smile spreading across her face.
"There we go," he chuckled softly. "That's my Bee."
a/n: just a little bump in the road tehe, sorry about the wait my loves im truly a busy ass person tysm for all the support. comment if you'd like to be added to the tag list. also proof read this so fast cus im so sleepy tell me if you see mistakes.
@smalljasper289 @cynthiesjmxazrielslover @scorpioriesling @userxs-blog @lilah-asteria @jaketlover @judeduartewannbe [last 2 tags aren't tagging im sowwy]
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xixovart · 1 month
my rrverse headcanons that i will save in my drafts until it explodes
possible tw for mentions of weaponry and violence!! (bullet point no.5)
nico with heterochromia?? im?
a LOT of aphrodite kids are pansexual. somethinf about love knowing no bounds or restrictions to gender because love is a connection to the soul or whatever
actually on that idea a lot of aphrodite kids are under the non binary umbrella :)
spreading the deaf will solace agenda
annabeth goes to a shooting range to relieve stress
she got that from thalia
i just need you to picture how unbelievably destroyed thalia must’ve been when they told her about luke.
alex fierro really likes cupcakes. but he’s like. ashamed of it?? for some reason
one time magnus walked in on her while she was eating some red velvet? hilarious interaction.
“magnus it’s not what ir looks like i swear.”
”what? you use someone’s blood to make those?”
rip bianca di angelo you would’ve loved ratatouille. i don’t know.
kayla really likes mac n cheese. i really don’t know.
chris wnd beckendorf have an unmatched ‘our gfs are best friends but ngl we’re kinda gay for each other’ bromance
percy is REAAALLLYYY good at makeup
thalia is surprisingly good at volleyball?
frank once accidentally knocked down an entire grocery store isle… somehow.
hazel really likes ladybugs
“long day?” “tell me about it. keep em coming.” except it’s kayla pouring will grape soda into a wine glass when they were 12 after a day in the infirmary
unpopular opinion: will relentlessly finds loopholes for rules (and sometimes blatantly breaks them) while nico hates rule-breaking. one was raised in rich 1940s europe and the other is texan. guess who.
annabeth and will bonded over their shared love of true crime podcasts
hazel gossips like a hairstylist
“don’t look at me like that, you’re not my real dad 😒” -11 year old annabeth to chiron after the ares cabin caught fire “unexpectedly. somehow. for no reason.”
percy used to swims in fountains and steals people’s coins
piper blasts chappell roan at unhealthy volumes. so does will. they bond over that
zoë nightshade was in the theater abe lincoln was killed in. don’t know where this came from.
piper and leo were the most chaotic duo that wilderness school ever bore witness to. there were several science room “accidents.” and the food in the kitchens went missing every week “unexpectedly”
magnus hearth and blitz used to sit on rooftops and throw water balloons at tourists. fathers-son bonding i lobe them
frank likes tarzan and kung fu panda an unhealthy amount (he was a horrible influence on hazel)
hazel once made random hand signals at a boy who was bothering her told him she cursed him
bianca was surprisingly good at sports?
thalia had to put saran wrap on every outlet in the house for two months when jason was a year old because he would NOT stop sticking his fingers in them
reyna cannot cook. she only knows how to make a surprisingly good lemonade. it’s insane.
hedge, on the other hand, is a freaking chef. he’s like the love child of a really smart goat and gordon ramsay
annabeth and thalia are both master pickpockets because of their time on the road
luke had a soft spot for gummy bears
silena was very calm and collected but the SECOND this girl stepped FOOT in a rage room she lost her SHIR
mallory hates math. like actually loathes math.
magnus is math smart and mallory is english smart
(book 1) halfborn and magnus are the prank lords of floor 19
alex joined them the second he showed up (he destroyed half the hotel withing his first 24 minutes there? duh?)
cecil hates twizzlers
lou ellen cecil and will are VERY competitive go kart-ers
rachel and hazel are artist buddies and go on drawing dates
chiron gets father’s day presents
someone proposed the idea of achilles and patroclus training nico post-ttc and pre-botl???? stop right now im losing my mind i love this
spreading the multilingual nico agenda
mr. d gave will his tattoo
grover and percy unironically watch rom coms every saturday while eating vegan candy and cry for the characters
grover and rachel’s friendship is INCREDIBLY??? underrated
i think we forget that grover bianca and nico went to school together and bianca and grover were friends. imagine the chaos.
lester and kayla had regular arm wrestling matches (kayla always won btw)
whenever austin’s mad at his cabinmates he wakes them up at the asscrack of drawn by playing we are the champions on his flute.
idk why but malcolm seems very gumball coded.
“wait, where are you going?” “to the brony convention in lietchenstein. where do you think im going????” -canon conversation between malcolm and annabeth
wasian grace siblings wasian grace siblings wasian grace siblings.
ethan is a really bad liar in non-greek related matters
will’s love language is that he points at literally the two most random things and says “us” to nico
“nico look it’s us!! :D” “solace those are two dead leaves on the floor” “yeah but they’re next to each other :)”
sally knows taekwondo. no one knows when or how she learned, she just does and it’s terrifying
alabaster is a plant mom
dakota seems like the type of kid to slump so deep in a chair that he ends up falling off. and then he just like. lays there.
castor and pollux have a concerning attraction to fire
travis stoll likes strawberries :)
connor stoll chunks strawberries at travis from half a km away and calls is “aiming practice”
katie has the temper of a chihuahua
(post-tlo) percy and clarisse pretend to hate each other but they’re actually friends who fight like siblings and it’s surprisingly endearing?
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aashiyancha · 11 months
1 year ago I made my first silly lil rf5 doodle comic post. Can you believe it's already been a year? (What am I doing with my life lol)
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To celebrate year 1 of my silly skit's life, I felt like doing a redraw of a doodle from my first post. The characters changed quite a bit since my initial plans for them!
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Some changes include:
-Alice is significantly younger and smaller than Ares (originally I had planned for her to be 23 while Ares was 25 but I bumped her down to 19)
-More exaggerated personalities (Alice bubbly and overconfident Ares tired and punkish)
- One gun is good enough (I got so tired of drawing 2 lol)
- Ares went from being primarily a broadsword user to a guy who uses his broadsword like a staff 80% of the time
-Ngl very similar energy to Martin and Cecil but with the town favoring Alice over Ares rather than the other way around for this pair.
* Edit : I had to remove the uncanny valley from Alice's eyes so I redrew her pose
-I also moved the gun from her left hand to right hand to make it more obvs that she's right handed and Ares is left handed
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rynekins · 9 months
Welcome, friends, to the Sideshow Bob Awards! Recently I did a few polls about certain elements of Sideshow Bob episodes, and now I shall give some commentary over the results!
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Why did I do this? Eh, funsies, but I’ll always look for an excuse to ramble about Sideshow Bob.
First up is the Award for Humor. Which Sideshow Bob episode is the funniest? Black Widower makes Honorable Mention. While an important episode with a lot of notable moments, I might not personally rank it amongst the funniest. Though Bob’s dry wit (as always) wins me over, and Bart explaining Bob’s plan to Homer, worthy of a chuckle.
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This overall ranking, out of all of the polls, I agree with the most. Sideshow Bob’s Last Gleaming has some stellar Bob moments: Bob on helium, mimicking the Colonel, his pathetic attempt to kill Krusty, and who could possibly forget the Air Show Rant.
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“Air Show? Buzzzzzz-cut Alabamians spewing colored smoke from their whiz jets to the strains of Rock You Like a Hurricane? What kind of country-fried rube’s still impressed by that?!” As for the Air Show Rant, I am also giving it the Award for Best Quote. Unfortunately, this poll did not have much engagement. I expected people to be shy, and I suppose I should have made it a normal poll for people to vote on instead of asking for more direct input, but there are simply too many good Bob quotes to narrow it down! How could I possibly? I had not the strength. His exasperation with his peers, mocking elitist tone, the venom, the sass, the hip swaying and crossing of his feet, going wall eyed and throwing his arms out cuz he always gotta be extra, if there is a perfect Sideshow Bob quote that exemplifies his character it would be this one.
Aside from that, mocking the military and garbage television, this episode offers a ton of laughs, worthy of at least Third place.
Brother From Another Series takes Second, and has a different brand of humor, but the kind that always gets me. It’s supposedly written like an episode of Frasier, which means the script is chock full of one liners from two guys too smart for their own good, constantly trying to one-up eachother. You wonder how both Bob and Cecil could ever end up in Springfield, an environment of pure dumbassery, and it clearly has had an effect on them (they must have drunk the water). Personal favorite moments are the boys with the slack-jawed locals, “especially Lisa, but ESPECIALLY Bart”, and “utterly hopeless”.
To no one’s surprise Cape Feare takes the crown. It often makes top 10 lists for its humor alone, and with good reason. This episode is packed with jokes, funny drawings, and goofiness, with running gags so memorable and powerful that they would get callbacks even 30 years later. The idiocy is at an all time high, both with Homer and Bob, which frankly is necessary to balance out the more sinister and rather tense scenes. Homer scaring Bart, the rakes, the drive through the cactus patch, The Rakes, “Hello Mr Thompson”, THE RAKES. This episode is iconic, and I completely understand why.
Next up we have the Award for Animation. For our Honorable Mention, we have Bob’s official debut, Krusty Gets Busted. I’m glad to see some love for season 1, when everything was experimental especially with the animation. The linework, expressions, poses, models, colors, everything seems off by today’s standards, but you can see the effort and love put into it. There’s something beautiful about how rough it looks because you know what a struggle it was to make it work. And it does work. But I’m biased toward things that are hand drawn.
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In Third for this category, the award goes to Gone Boy, the complete opposite of Krusty Gets Busted. We have the modern era, the clean colors, the characters staying on model, a lot of the stiffness that a lot of people don’t care for. However, there are moments that feel like a return to form in this episode. My eyes lit up when I saw Bob’s face as he encountered Milhouse. Then the dance he does as he sings is song-o. The wintery environment, a few ambitious angles, some great character acting. It’s proof that newer episodes have their beauty too. I only wish that the hallucination sequences went harder. Imagine, if you will, they suddenly went Courage the Cowardly Dog mode on you and changed mediums, turned into something more experimental and maybe truly nightmarish. This episode was great, but it could have been legendary. I am grateful for the feast we got. In Second, Black Widower returns, which dare I say has been robbed. Yes, I think it should have been First. This episode is gorgeous, but as I have established, I liked the earlier, rougher animation.
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Every single frame of Bob’s rant on MacGyver is absolutely wild, as is the skipping through the flowers. The colors in the night scenes. The glow from the explosion. There’s so much character here, so many expressions and extra motions with hands in scenes, even when no one is talking. The weight in Bob’s hair when he throws back his head for a maniacal laugh. What this episode’s got is flair. Once again, Cape Feare takes First. I can see why, because it is a very good looking episode. One of the best. Oh, how I wish the show still looked like this (the latest Treehouse Ei8ht made me crave what we have lost). But I must wonder if it might be taking the number one spot because of how memorable it is with other factors. No doubt it’s funny, with a lot of well done and imaginative scenes. Bob’s lil dance during his work out comes out of nowhere and is hysterical. You think for a minute that the episode is going to cheat you when the elephants are trampling him off-screen then it pans down to show you the exact moment one steps on and off his skull. The increasingly elaborate set and costume designs for Bob’s theatrical performance. There is a lot of artistry to appreciate here. It’s cinematic even. Then again, a lot of the cinematic moments can be attributed to its source material: the 1991 movie Cape Fear, some moments directly inspired. Not to say that all of the work was done for them, certainly not. They put their own spin on things.
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Perhaps the placement is deserved. The shot that goes from Bart’s window, flying over all of Springfield, to Bob’s prison is particularly impressive. There’s a lot of juicy saturation and shifts in color reminiscent of shots from Krusty Gets Busted and Black Widower. It’s safe to assume that I’m drawn more towards character details, and little things like all the lower angles we get from Bob work well in conveying menace, as if we, the audience, are in danger
This concludes Part One of the Sideshow Bob Awards, In Part Two I will cover Best Song and Best Mystery. As for intermission, picture THE RAKES!!!
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curseofdelos · 5 months
So thinking about Will the morning of the battle of Camp Half-Blood and thinking he's going to die.
It's not just that he's part of the stealth mission to sabotage the Romans. It's that he's part of the stealth mission to sabotage the Romans AND he's head counselor of Apollo.
Two years earlier head counselor Lee died in the Battle of the Labyrinth.
One year after that head counselor Michael dies in the Battle of Manhattan.
Will is the third head counselor in three years, and he can't shake the feeling that maybe the Apollo cabin is cursed. War comes straight to Camp Half-Blood - first time since the Labyrinth, to the borders that were supposed to be impregnable - and he thinks he's definitely going to die.
He volunteers for the mission not just because he needs some fresh air after helping Mellie deliver Chuck, but because he figures if he's going to die anyway, he might as well face it head-on, get it over with quickly instead of spending the whole day in an agony of suspense.
So he goes along with Cecil and Lou Ellen, unsure if he's actually drawing strength from the bright sunshine or just thinking he is, breathing deeply, trying to remember every step, every movement, listening to his own heart beat, glad that at least he was able to see little Chuck into the world, new life before his own death, and if the way things are going are anything like the battle in Manhattan last year was quite a few other deaths as well. He turns back and stares at camp so long that Cecil has to remind him to hurry up. He wishes he'd left a message for Austin and Kayla, and hopes whichever one of them is the next head counselor has an easier adjustment than he did and has better luck than him.
And then the next morning finds him, to his own surprise, alive and well. Exhausted, run ragged from tending to the injured all day and night, maybe injured - but alive.
He's survived the battle. He's now been head counselor for longer than Michael was. If the Apollo cabin was cursed it's been broken. He almost feels like he's had a new lease on life.
Anyway. This was my random idea bouncing around in my head. (feel free to use it for whatever you want if you so desire)
Oh, and then a year later in tower of nero he starts thinking the same thing -
God, when I was writing that cabin 7 fic, I didn't think about the fact that Will would be worried about his death beyond the battle of Manhattan (which is maybe silly of me considering the entire back half of that fic is about Will surviving when Lee and Michael didn't) but you are SO right. The possibility that he would follow in their footsteps and die young too would loom over him until he ages out of camp. Every big battle that happens, the question must be on his mind. Is this the one that takes me?
I don't know that Will would necessarily be convinced he was definitely going to die, but the thought that it could happen must have crossed his mind. Michael died a year after Lee, and the Battle of Gaia happened a year after that. The pattern paints an ugly picture, and it certainly doesn't bode well for him. Dead man walking.
(Also the idea he brought a life into the world the same night he thought he might die.............. I love a circle of life and death theme, it's gotta be said.)
Characters ageing past their dead siblings is something I think about a lot too. Nico is canonically older than Bianca was when she died. Will's been a counsellor longer than Michael, and depending on your headcanon for Lee, maybe him too. They're getting to live the life their siblings never got because they died so young, and that must be a tough thing to deal with. Survivor's guilt is a bitch 😔
Anyway love this anon thank you for this <3
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eclipse-song · 2 years
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year coming to the end and I’m entering my own PERSONAL 10 years of listening to Welcome to Night Vale. Here are some Cecils I drew over the years (including my first ever Cecil from 2013 lol). I used to draw him with different hair colours every time but then I settled on green in 2016. 2017 and 2019 I didn’t do any Cecils because of other hyperfixations but I’ve been slowly getting back on the bandwagon
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Psssssst the into the mirror episode of WTNV sure would make a great paraody of TMA riiiiiiiight? /nf
Ok ok you've twisted my arm :) also remember I'm still not even on episode 30 of TMA so can only write in very early TMA style, it's not that I don't want to listen it's just execuative dysfunction kicking my ass about it for some stupid reason.
Anyway, here you go!
Statement of Cecil Gershwin Palmer, regarding an alleged supernatural experience with a mirror. Original statement given August 1st 2020. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
Statement begins.
'I grew up in a lovely little desert town called Night Vale. As you can no doubt tell by my accent when I spoke to you it is far away from here in the good ol' USA. I can't really remember how I got here from there.
No matter. I want to tell you a story - a story about a mirror. I guess it's a story about me really but it involves a mirror.
When I was a child my mother told me that she was an oracle and that I should study a book she had so that I may one day understand the messages inside. There was a table with chipped corners and a mismatched wood stain on the tiny drawer at it's center. The drawer had a tarnished yet ornate brass knob. The book was inside of that drawer and I never opened it after she put it there.
The book frightened me. I'm not sure why. Maybe it was the handwriting that matched no known language. Or was it the drawings of serpents with human faces but innumerable teeth? It gave me a feeling of disorientation - seeing these faces contorted into a scream yet their eyes expressing nothing. Maybe it was the inscrutability which scared me.
I promise that all of this is connected though even I'm not sure how. My mother said a lot of things to me which didn't make much sense. I remember once that she asked me why I was crying when I wasn't real. I don't think my mother was very well.
By far the most frequent warning she would give me was about mirrors. She warned me that one day I would die and it would involve a mirror. This statement was made all the more confusing given the large ornate mirror in the downstairs hall which faced that table. If they were so dangerous - why did we own any? I always ran past that mirror to get out.
My mother died years ago. A few months ago my sister and I finally got around to sorting through all of her old belongings instead of leaving them to rot in a storage facility.
I did not get the table, but I did get the mirror. I felt that perhaps it was time to get over my fear of mirrors. So I looked into it.
It was just a mirror of course and at first there was nothing unusual about it - nothing more than one expects when looking into a mirror. A reflection of the self staring back. No more frightening than your own interpretation of the gradual changes of your own body only observable through that reflected world.
I hung it up in much the same place as it had stood in my childhood home. Every so often I would glance at myself to check that I looked presentable before heading out for the day. What else is a mirror for? I'd had a lifelong fear of mirrors due to my mothers frequent insistence that they were dangerous. It felt good to finally get over that fear and with a mirror that I had specifically feared as a child.
There was nothing wrong with the mirror. Nothing unusual. Never had been. There was no strange noise coming from it at night, no portal to the 3rd dimension, nothing.
Until yesterday...yesterday I saw something in that mirror. Something that shouldn't have been. I was getting ready to leave the house when I looked into the mirror as I had been doing - it was becoming something of a habit in fact - when I was compelled to stop and continue staring into the mirror.
I don't know why but I couldn't draw myself away from it. I looked at myself so long that I lost my ability to understand what I looked like. I want you to understand that when I said I couldn't move away I meant it. Nothing was physically stopping me and yet there I was, frozen in front of the mirror.
Perhaps it was psychosomatic. Perhaps I was a slave to my own mind. My thoughts raced, circling around themselves like snakes, confused and sometimes unrelated to my sudden paralysis.
I started to wonder whether I was looking at myself at all or perhaps it was someone else. How many hairs did I have? How many did I have yesterday? Are they the same colour, the same length? Are they the same hairs I had as a child? Thoughts like that.
I thought - should I be high if I’m going to ask myself these questions? Can you get high by behaving high? Are you a good person because you do good things? Does a qualitative assessment mandate empirical evidence to support its truth? If I point at something and declare it good, will I be crossexamined? And if so, am I to be held in contempt for refusing to answer?
I have no idea how long I was standing there thinking like that.
Then I saw something truly frightening. First it was just a pair of eyes and the curve of a head - human shaped but about a third of the size. I stared into those tiny eyes and watched as it reached it's long spindly fingers up to touch my shoulders and I understood that whatever it was - it was climbing on my back.
I screamed and looked away from the mirror, still rooted to the spot but able to look away at least. I wanted to touch my shoulder to see whether those fingers were really there. I couldn't feel them but maybe they were there all the same but I couldn't bring myself to check. It was like when you're at an ATM and it asks you if you want to check your balance before you withdraw money. You don't want to look because you don't want to know how little is actually in there, despite the fact that not looking won't change reality.
I stood there and thought about those long fingers, that small head, that little face with it's inexpressive eyes and flat lipless mouth...it felt familiar. Was it something from childhood? Or maybe it was from a dream I had?
I was starting to forget what it had looked like exactly so forced myself to look again. It was still there. I couldn't tell if it was friend or foe. There was a flickering behind the figure. I couldn't tell if it was sunlight oscillating behind moving clouds or if the figure itself was causing the effect.
The creature was climbing up my back. It had talons and wore black rings. It had a mouth full of too many teeth and a long tongue. A cry was leaking out of it's mouth, a horrible high-pitched mewling like it was imitating a child crying. What unholy monster cries like a child?
I managed to look beyond the creature and there I saw the table. Just as it had been in my childhood. I remembered every detail perfectly and I also remembered that I did not have the table in my house. Whose house was this mirror reflecting? Who and where and when?
I looked behind me and the mirror was not in my house. It was only in the mirror, holding it's dreadful secret within that drawer.
I returned my gaze to my own reflection. It had changed. It was me, but it was not me now. It was myself as I had been many years younger. It's movements did not match my own. The creature...the creature was sinking it's teeth into the neck of my younger self. Rivulets of blood ran down my neck and shoulder.
I remember willing myself to break the mirror. To break it into many pieces. I wanted to move but I couldn't. Yet...I heard the sound of glass shattering. I closed my eyes just for a moment and when I opened them there were glass shards all over the floor. Large shards that could only have come from a mirror. Yet...the mirror. The mirror was completely intact.
Inside the mirror I could still see my younger self, now curled upon the floor, mouth agape in horror and eyes glassy. I could move again and I'm almost ashamed to say that all I could think to do was to put the entire experience behind me. I got a blanket and put it over the mirror and then I swept the shards of mirror away.
And there by the door was the small antique table with the chipped corners and the small drawer. I had not taken it home. I was sure of that. But there it was. If I'm honest - I was afraid to touch it. I'm afraid of the table and the mirror even now.
I asked my sister, Abby, about the table. She confirmed that she thought the table was still in storage and agreed to take it off my hands, as well as the mirror. When she asked me about the blanket covering it I asked if there had ever been an incident when I was young - one involving a mirror. She said that she had come downstairs once to find me passed out and cold on the ground with a wound in my neck possibly from all the broken glass around. Broken glass she'd thought was from the mirror at first except the mirror was completely fine. I'd been fine too, after a trip to the hospital - she said and asked me why I wanted to know. I didn't have a good answer and hurried her away with the dreadful mirror and table.
She hasn't reported anything unusual about the mirror and says the drawer is firmly shut - possibly even fake.
I have a small hand mirror I use. I went upstairs after she left and used it to check my neck. There upon it was a ring of scars that had not been there the week before - I swear on this. In fact, I can prove it with this picture of me on vacation with my husband, Carlos. My neck is clearly visible up close and yet there is no scar. Now the scar is here, as you have seen and is visible in the second photo. A small ring, exactly like a bite mark.'
Statement ends.
By far the most interesting factor of Mr Palmer's statement is his claim to be from the town of Night Vale, located somewhere in the USA. This town has been mentioned in a not insignificant number of other statements given by residents from there despite how far from us it is. The second most interesting fact is the book which matches a volume by Jurgen Leitner that the Institute has not yet been able to get ahold of. Unfortunately, since we are unable to locate Night Vale there is no chance of locating the book even if we could afford a trip to the States.
As for the statement itself...it sounds to me like a man who has had a significant traumatic event at some point in his life and a memory or half a memory relating to this event was triggered possibly during an episode of psychosis. Even he admitted that his mother had mental health issues and it's possible that Mr Palmer also did.
It has proven absolutely impossible to track down Mr Palmer despite the relative recentness of his statement and it's possible that he has returned as he stated to his home town which nobody seems able to locate on any map. The pictures that were previously attached are nowhere to be found. Nonetheless, an eye shall be kept on this account and all those which mention Night Vale. Archiving them together might provide us greater insight into the believability of any statements coming from residents of the town, as well as into the town itself
Recording ends.
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fluctuating-fanby · 1 year
Reaction: WTNV 234 (The Boy)
This ep drove me insane okay
No Kevin yet, it looks like, but I continue to be delusional and wonder if The Boy is Donovan somehow
And it looks like this'll be a Carlos-heavy episode anyway!!!! So I am still hyped!!!!!
.....Cecil wdym "START to go grey", literally one of the first things we knew abt Carlos was the touch of grey at his temples???
"He was bright eyed with tousled hair and a high-spirited voice. He ran to and fro, the boy, through the park, pretending to be an airplane, and then a motorboat, and then a hawk chasing a mouse."
Me, on the brink of insanity: There's no proof that that's NOT Donovan yet!!! This is how the DB stans can still win!!!!
I'm probably so so wrong but can you IMAGINE if it was though hfjsskal
*weeping* He doesn't have a name OR memories, please just put me out of my misery already instead of making me hope
I just realized The Mudstone Abyss was FIVE YEARS AGO, Donny would be 10 by now
Idk if it's new but I'm really digging the bg music! (and still wishing I didn't forget my earbuds at home and do not have to awkwardly put my ear up to my phone speaker)
The ad for spoons was perfect haha
"Be a shame if anything happened to it." HFJDSKSK
Me, still delusional: Haha is it just me or do the boy's speech patterns kinda remind you of Kevin's? Asking for a friend 👉 👈
"born into the sunlight" DOES THAT MEAN ANYTHING
Sidenote my Night Vale geography is rusty, is Grove Park anywhere near either the Dog Park or The House That Doesn't Exist????
He's well cared for, must have had a guardian.........they're really drawing my hopes out huh???
"imagine, saying words into a mic that aren't true!" Very meta! But I also find this funny consiering Cecil has already lied on the radio more times than I can count (Ep 71 comes to mind right now)
Also Cecil Palmer is now canonically a terrible voice actor hfjsks
I can't stop laughing, the trees thing is the "peanut butter is a type of rock" debacle all over again
.......okay, "to do harm" has me stumped
Re: the Boy's monologue: okay, lots to unpack here!
Half of what he says is incredibly vague, the other half is just plain confusing
The mother thing kinda makes Donovan much less plausible, but it's possible he had a mother in his life before Charles met Kevin????
I can't really think of any connections to other plot points in this world? The Dark Planet Lit by No Sun maybe? "True name of God" makes me think The Obelisk and Susan Willman? Or is The Boy just a completely new thing they're introducing out of nowhere??? I am so lost
Either way I'm still clinging desperately to the Donovan theory!!! Anyways great ep even though (because??) it drove me insane
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lloydasspound · 1 year
No I'm back bcuz I'm so bored rn can I just start lloyd dumping in my corner but without months and months of context. Ermm. TOP 3 LLOYD FACTSal!!!!!
3. There r TWO scenes in the whole show where lloyds ankles r visible. In the first scene he is wearing NO SOCKS and in the second he is wearing BLACK SOCKS. Also related he has very inconsistent undershirt sleeve length. In the SINGLE official art we have of him coatless they are 3/4 SLEEVES but a lot of fancier illusts will have them peeking out the edge of his lab coat so very long. I personally like to draw them so long they go slightly over his palms (I am an official lloyd source) so all this together means lloyd actually definitely just has a whole closet of tight ass teal turtlenecks with different sleeve lengths (Autism)
2. In the movie timeline lloyd goes HOMELESS AND LOSES HIS JOB AND NO ONE WANTS TO HIRE HIM after the events of the show. I cannot emphasize enough what happens is like they feel bad for him and make a new position JUST FOR HIM and he STILL gets rejected somehow??? (For poor communication iirc) (very fair sorry lloyd) and he slowly gets demoted over and over until he is like. A clerk by the time the movie starts. This is never mentioned in resurrection or in like. Any relevant media it is literally JUST in a jp guidebook
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churchofthpl · 7 months
an elaboration of sorts
(this one doesn't rhyme;
most of them don't, but
the one before the last one did
and that's the one that this one
is a sort of extension of)
i see them in everything,
and i could talk about it for hours.
my list of examples is endless.
some of them have cool stories;
some of them don't, but
they still have a place of utmost importance
in my heart.
here are ten of them.
one; she is that feeling i got when i listened to the safety dance by men without hats for the first time. i was twelve years old. i'd been a fan of the ramones for a while, i was getting into other bands in their scene, i knew punk rock, i knew what it was like to be heard by music. the safety dance was different; it was like my future self was being heard. a future self in which i was happier and i had more freedom than i did aged twelve and i felt free to love and be loved back.
two; he is the mural of a swan on the side of my dream college. when i went for an initial visit - the same visit that caused me to apply before even leaving the building - i arrived twenty minutes early to my show-around, so i was stood outside. in front of the main entrance is a huge painting of a swan. i remember sitting on one of the benches opposite it and just looking over every detail and admiring the effort that went into it. i am working my ass off to get my grades up so i can go to that college.
three; they are the first pair of earrings i ever got. i got my earlobes pierced at claire's when i was six years old. they were tiny studs with aqua-coloured gems on them. they lasted a little over a year before seven-year-old cecile took them out. they were really pretty. i still have them somewhere.
four; she is the rocky horror picture show poster on my wall. it's "camp", thank you very much, though my cat seems to be afraid of it.
five; he is the folder of drawings i did as a child. the last time i saw my dad, i was twelve years old, and the last gift he ever gave me was a folder of every piece of art i did as a child that he kept. my best friend at the time joked that i should burn them. i thought about it, very briefly - i kept them. i kept them until i moved out of the apartment. they got lost in the moving, as did a lot of things, because my apartment was cleared out entirely only a couple of weeks after my mom's passing, so there were a lot of things i wasn't in the headspace to remember to take. i never got around looked through the folder.
six; they are the storm that england got a couple of weeks ago. there were tornado warnings in towns only a couple of cities over from me, and though i didn't say anything because it felt silly, i was terrified. the winds were so loud i could hardly hear myself breathe, and the rain was flooding my garden. i stood in my porch and recorded it, deciding that joking about it would calm my nerves a little. (they were there when i sent these recordings to a group chat.)
seven; she is the pair of scissors that were used when i got my first masculine haircut. i was at a point where i didn't know if i was a transgender boy or a butch. it's funny to look back on, because between then and now, i have gone through 'phases' and experiments with my gender and presentation, i have identified as multiple things, and i am back here, now, yet again not sure if i am ftm or a butch.
eight; he is the first muji pen i ever bought. it was a lifechanger. i need to go out and buy some more soon - i wonder if ryman is open on a sunday? they're my favourite brand of pen to use. almost all of my poems that are in notebooks have been in muji pens. all of my handwritten essays have been in muji pens that had the labels ripped off by the invigilators (you know, just in case i printed the answers in japanese onto a pen label and stuck it on the pen).
nine; they are the copy of gloom that i stole from my old group counsellor's office back when i first got transferred to my current school. i only did it because i thought the box looked cool and i was a bit of a kleptomaniac. he never asked for it back. since then, i've taught myself to play, and gloom is my favourite card game of all time.
ten; she is - above all else, i suppose - the first thing i smile about every morning. no, seriously. that's not even me being sappy. i check my phone first thing every morning, and she's always the first notification i read.
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vesselsart · 9 months
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Since it's the new year, I figured that it should be artist introduction time! The attached images are a quick fire get to know me, but more information is in the body of this post, and questions are always welcomed so long as they are respectful :)
I've been drawing seriously since I was 16! I was primarily a traditional artist, and pointillism was my start point, but my style has changed a lot over time! My favourite thing to draw traditionally is cartography! I am always open for commissions and absolutely love map commissions!
My first ever cosplay was Cecil Palmer when I was about 15, for a 'dress as your hero' day at school! It was a closet cosplay, of course! The first cosplay I ever made was Mollymauk - I'm nothing if not overly ambitious! Fun fact: I hand sew all of my cosplays! My favourite cosplays to wear are Taako and Dabi! Taako is so fun, and Dabi makes me feel so hot, although it sucks to peel off all the latex.
I only started tabling at conventions at the end of 2023, but it's always been my dream, and I'm hoping to keep it going into the future :) My 2024 art goals are: Table at more conventions; Do more commissions; (Maybe) invest in stickers and charms; Sell more of my traditional art. My 2024 cosplay goals are: Re-style my wigs (again); Do another professional photoshoot; Fix up Dabi's coat; Make a giant hat for Taako; Make a new cosplay (maybe Undertaker (Black Butler) or Adam (SK8)).
Outside of art and cosplay, I also do creative writing. I write poetry and prose, and write for The Gay Saint magazine. Links to all of my writing can be found in my bio :) Outside of work, I do a joint honours in Art History and Classical Studies at the University of St. Andrews. I graduate this year, which I'm looking forward to!
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asm5129 · 2 years
Flash thoughts episode 9x02
Let’s get the headline out of the way—I freaking love Khione. She’s great. She’s interesting, she’s intriguing, and she’s performed really well by the ever exceptional Danielle Panabaker.
Her sincerity and joy is such an interesting contrast to the rest of the team this season—especially Barry, Iris, and Joe who are all dealing with 9 years of superhero life baggage and trauma. She’s also got really interesting and deep insights into people, almost piercing ones. Plus there’s her connection to nature she speaks of. I wonder if that’s some kind of power, or simply a result of her sincerity and fresh eyes on the world, uncolored by a long history of bias and regrets and the like.
It was off-putting to hear Barry and the other heroes talk so casually about sacrificing Khione’s life to bring back Caitlin and/Frost, barely thinking of her as anything more than a reason Caitlin isn’t there anymore, but I think it works within the context of how grief affects us. Even heroes struggle to think of every life as having equal value, because they have personal relationships too, and these heroes just had more investment in Caitlin and Frost—it’s just someone you just met is not going to mean the same thing as someone you’ve known and thought of as family for years. Obviously I’m glad Barry realized he was treating her so awfully.
I definitely miss Caitlin and Frost, but I agree with the team—Caitlin made her choice. For that matter, so did Frost. Both knew the risks of their choices. Khione is the result. And neither Caitlin nor Frost would want Khione to give up her life for them when it’s only just started.
I also think it’s really interesting that what she said to Hartley actually applies to Mark in a really deep way. Mark never really committed to becoming a better man, he just worked to be a better person to make Frost happy. Like Khione said—doing it for someone else isn’t real change. With Frost gone he’s lost the foundation for those changes, hence him “going rogue”, as Barry phrased it. Speaking of—
The new rogue is another strong one. A new version of The Fiddler, and while I liked what we saw of the new Captain Boomerang we got a lot more of Fiddler and I am very pleased with her. I think it’s a fun performance, a cool power set, and a solid presence. She also sold the fear in the scene with Red Death really, really well. Regardless of why these Rogues decided to ally with Red Death at first, it’s clear they’re in over their heads.
It was fun to have Hartley back, and I’m very happy they didn’t pull a bury your gays with his boyfriend but instead did this really neat thing of him and the others being trapped in a vibrational frequency out of sync with reality. It allows them to be saved through Barry’s ability to vibrate at a frequency that can see them, without undermining Fiddler’s claim about it being “a fate worse than death”—for being frozen just out of sync with life forever, I think that’s an apt description, and that doesn’t get undermined just because they could be saved imo. Anyway it’s just a really neat thing to do with sound powers.
Joe meanwhile is in a rough spot as Cecile gets closer and closer to being capable of field work, cuz he’s been dealing with the harsh reality of field work longer than anyone—both as a cop and as the patriarch of the Flash family since the very start. I think with all that experience with violence and pain it makes a lot of sense that he feels like he has to draw the line somewhere, and this feels to him like where it has to be drawn. I’m intrigued to see where this goes.
It’s cool to see WestAllen making sure to keep themselves provided with joy during these difficult times as well—we could all learn from that honestly.
And finally, I think Red Death framing her plan as “serving justice” rather than “getting revenge” is really interesting, especially knowing this is a version of Batwoman. We’ll probably find out soon if my theory is right about this being the Ryan Wilder from the Armageddon future. If it is, from her perspective Barry is the reverse-flash, and he did to The Flash exactly what Thawne actually did in the beginning of season 8. Would be a really interesting way to play with that warped future Thawne created, keeping him as part of the last season while Barry faces consequences for rewriting a timeline in which Ryan was happy, and was even literally about to adopt a child with Sophie. She would have lost not just that but all her other friendships and connections too. In this timeline for instance, Ryan and Iris aren’t friends, they don’t even know each other. All the years of friendship? Gone. Anyways we’ll see.
Overall another really solid episode for the final season.
On that note, it seems like the Arrowverse guest stars will be more of a chance to say goodbye this season rather than wrapping up any of their stories, which makes sense. Better to keep it focused, but I’m glad we will still have a chance to say goodbye.
I’m sad we won’t get to see Eric Wallace’s grand plan he talked about recently come to fruition. Season 10 sounds like it would’ve been amazing, maybe even a proper Justice League story, but instead the planned 200th episode is now the series finale. I have to believe that if the star wars prequels can find themselves real fans, and there can be a desire for The Amazing Spider-Man 3 with Andrew Garfield, the Arrowverse will find its way to the sun again as well.
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xxms-guidancexx · 7 months
Welcome To My Cardboard Box
◉_◉ THIS BLOG IS 18+, so minors and ageless blogs, DNI◉_◉
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I hope you are strapped in for the journey that is this blog. I haven't really kept with social media for over a year now, so let's.... just see how this goes (>人^)
ABOUT ME: You can call me Cecil (I'm working on a drawn about me but until then!!),
I'm 23, I am super neurodivergent and mentally ill, I'm in a long-term relationship, I love music, music performance, & its related topics (i.e dance and musical theater. God; I LOVE musical theater). I also was an art student and therefore love creating art and exploring artistic practices, I'm SUPER into anime; current obsession is MHA.
Other anime fandoms I like: JJK, Fire Force, Soul Eater, KnY (Demon Slayer)
I'll put Musical Theater fandoms if anyone cares
Twt Acc: @xXMsFortunateXx (In the nicest way: Fuck Calling It "X")
ABOUT THE BLOG: This will be self-indulgent and explorative. I wanted to start writing MHA content, but I haven't written anything resembling fanfiction since about 2013 or 2014. I also want to physically house some of my OC Ideas/ brain vomit/creative work somewhere. I tend to explore ideas and concepts through application, so I would like to either start a comic and/or start writing snippets of some of my OCs' interactions.
I would LOVE to interact with people on these topics and fandoms as I spend an absorbent amount of time thinking/interacting with them.
ABOUT MY CREATIVE WORK: There will be both SFW and NSFW content on this blog.
As far as writing, I don't really currently have a writing practice, so I don't know what kind of writing I will post, but I will most likely start with headcanons and lil drabbles.
As far as drawing/visual art, you'll just get to see the art I do, I guess? This aspect mostly is informed by my OCs musical theater. I might draw snippets of fanfics that really just *mwahh chef's kiss*
I will post all NSFW art on My Twitter Page
In general, I am kink-friendly and intend to engage with dark and explicit content on this page. I will try to establish a tagging system so they can filtered out for your convenience. I'll probably only be writing x f!readers for a little while. I will want to branch out, but I want to become more comfortable writing something first and since I'm AFAB, it's pretty easy to not think about. I will definitely be in-between adhering as closely to the canon as I can & disregarding it for indulgence sake.
With that being said, I am not personally trying to RP with anyone, I'm trying to set these characters up in situations (realistic or otherwise). I have this online persona and then I have OCs. You can sexualize my OCs and I'm pretty okay with that I mean shit I do it, but I'm not okay with personally being sexualized by anyone that I don't know in this space.
RULES: be 18+, be courteous and respectful, ALWAYS feel free to chat with me (I love talking sometimes)
requests: CLOSED
commission: OPEN
0 notes
lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
A Pirate's Life for Me
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Cover Art Done By: @fridaydev-draws and @friday-dsv (Dreamsmp x reader) Pirate Au! Love Interests: C!Wilbur, C!Techno, C!Dream, C!Sapnap, C!Quackity, and C!Schlatt
Salt burned your lungs as you tossed open your window with a loud bang, the seagulls perching on your flower boxes screeched in protest and flew from your window. “Fucking sky rats get the fuck out of here you heathens!” You snarled out the window shaking your fist at the bothersome birds, the sounds of the ocean crashing on the shore filled your ears as well as the chatter of the dock workers. You let the breeze blow back your hair and you heard someone calling your name from down below.
“Good morning (Y/n)!” You glanced below you and grinned,
“Morning Eret!” They waved back enthusiastically their dress spilling around their ankles, a basket of fruit was balanced on his hip. “Opening early today? I'm sure your patrons would be happy to start their drunken stupor early,” She held a hand to his mouth snickering and you shot them a look.
“If that gets more money in my pocket then so be it, I won't complain too much.” You shrugged, “Will I still see you later tonight?”
“Always do dove, how can I resist a drink from my favorite bartender.”
“You can’t it’s my charm.”
“Will the both of you shut the fuck up!” Another man’s voice growled from another open window, “It’s too early for your bullshit.” You saw Eret click his tongue but smiled up at you despite the man's protests,
“I’m heading to the market anyway. These fruits won’t sell themselves, I'll see you later.”
“See you soon!” You closed your windows once more, but not before urging your daisies to grow one last time. You tossed open the curtains allowing light to spill into your cozy home, a small carpet was in the middle of your room. It was a deep red and the pattern was made of gold yarn, aside from that everything in your residency was made of dark wood. Your shelves were littered with books and empty cups, and your old worn journal sat open on your desk. It was filled with childhood memories and you continued to write in it to this day, it was easier then, things were simple and everything was innocent and new to you. Now your days were filled with sea fairing idiots who liked to drink themselves stupid, but you could handle yourself, you always kept your father's dagger on your thigh at all times. Those who were frequent customers knew not to mess with you and those who were new learned their lesson within the first ten minutes of meeting you. You inherited the bar from your father, a kindhearted man who died a few years before today, leaving you with the bar and the dagger you had on your hip. You fished through your closet pulling out your clothes for the day, your dress was a gorgeous light coffee color and came down to your ankles. The bottom was flared and had dark brown panels on the sides, it faded inward to a light green then back to the coffee color. The corset around your waist was a dark brown with light green trim, you tied it tight with a small huff making sure your waist was sinched perfectly. The sleeves came down to your elbows allowing you to move your arms freely while making drinks. The top of the dress ended just below your collarbone, you strapped your dagger to your thigh before lacing up your knee-high black boots.
You thought back to your tavern downstairs, you were fortunate enough that you weren’t running this entire operation yourself. You ended up hiring help and they were like family and you knew they saw you as such as well. Most of the girls didn’t have a family of their own so you gave them room and board, also money, of course, you weren’t a terrible boss! You opened the door to your room, you watched Cecil, the tavern’s mascot trot out of Juniper’s room. The border collie liked to switch up which rooms he stayed in protecting every one of your girls when you couldn’t be there for them.
The first of your girls was Adelaide or Addie, she was one of the first to fall under your care. She was around your age, a motherly type, sheep hybrid, who cared for the girls, and always gave the drunk patrons with mommy issues a shoulder to cry on. Her long brown hair always hung down her back, she typically worked tables, served food and drinks, and always got a generous tip from patrons.
The next girl was Judas, a squid-enderman hybrid who was taller than you could ever wish to be, although intimidating you couldn’t meet a kinder woman. A jack of all trades the woman helped out wherever she could, black-ish purple hair curled around her shoulders and some people came specifically to hear her sing. Her voice was like rich velvet and lured men and women in like a siren.
Juniper was after Judas, a demon hybrid who was naive but you’d be a fool to underestimate her. She worked beside you at the bar, she can make some mean fruity drinks, Eret always preferred her drinks over yours. Freckles adorned her face and shoulders, her light brown hair curled down to her middle back, purple horns sprouted from the top of her head. You wanted to adorn it with gold jewelry and you were saving up to gift some to her.
Yeti was a human woman like yourself, she didn’t bother with those who were rude or obnoxious. She kept to herself only really talking when she was spoken to or when there was an opportunity to crack a rare joke. She typically stayed on the sidelines, out of the scenes and Yeti liked to help Judas decorate her sets.
Zig was a kind young adult, they got along with everyone who came inside the tavern. Soft emerald eyes drew people in, and they tried to make sure tensions within the bar didn’t rise and start a fight. There would always be one or two that’s just natural, but one look at Zig and his magic words and they seemed to disperse, not wanting to hurt the kid’s feelings.
Vendetta was the tallest member of the group you had taken in, she was stunningly beautiful and didn't take shit from anybody. She was a guard dog if you will, making sure no one fucked with any of the girls in your tavern. While Zig did their best to keep people under control sometimes they couldn’t win. That’s when Ven would step in and ‘kindly’ escort them off the premises with or without force.
The youngest member here was Luvena. She was a moo-bloom hybrid with soft brown hair that sprouted flowers, her cow ears would twitch when she was excited and followed Addie around like she was her daughter. Addie took her under her wing and was training her to be a perfect little waitress, absolutely warming customers’ hearts. Luvena also loved to give out flowers, she was a fan favorite bringing new life into the tavern.
Cecil barked seeing his mama and scampered over to you, you poured food into his bowl as Juniper wandered into the hallway. Her head rested on the doorframe as she gave you a tried wave, “Morning (Y/n).”
“Morning Juni, We’re opening a little early today. Take your time I’m not expecting a big rush of bar patrons this early.” You assured her and she gave a sleepy nod,
“I’ll be down as soon as Ven’s out of the shower.” She yawned, “This beauty doesn’t come naturally.”
“Hardly darling you’re gorgeous just the way you are.” You reassured with a wink, Juniper flushed a little, happily laughing beside you.
“Just go wake the others will you, you flirt!”
Tossing your head back you gave a happy laugh heading down the hallway to make sure everyone was awake and ready to go for later. Addie and Luvena shared a room so she was in charge of waking up the youngest member of the tavern. Judas was already awake making breakfast for everyone when you headed downstairs, Zig was sitting on the counter beside her, they were the designated taste tester.
“Good morning Miss (Y/n)!” Zig chirped, the young adult hummed fondly, “Sleep okay?”
“Absolutely. What about you both? Thank you for making breakfast Judas.” You hummed fondly and Judas had a shy smile on her face.
“I slept well thank you.” Judas hummed softly, “Also it’s my pleasure. Want to make sure everyone’s healthy and alright.” She let out a little squeak as you wrapped your arms around her body, you barely came up to her chest,
“Judas please marry me,” You complained, “Your breakfast is always heavenly and you care for everyone. Please be my wife.”
“(Y/n)! Please.” She sputtered face turning a dark purple, Zig made a noise of protest and held his hand in the air.
“If she won’t marry you I will!”
“Zig! I’d be honored!”
Their entire face lit up with excitement and they hopped off the table to hug you tightly, you hugged them back and pressed a fond kiss to the top of their head. “I got to open up the tavern, you mind setting the table for me Zig?”
“Sure Miss!”
You sent Judas a kiss in the air which her face burned at, quickly going back to her cooking. You smiled eagerly and unlocked the door to the tavern, you shoved a bucket in front of the door to keep it open. The salty ocean air wafted through your nostrils and your eyes sparkled wondrously.
Today is going to be a good day.
Almost immediately a particular bastard caught your eye,
“You’re here early.” You mused raising an eyebrow,
“Heard you were opening early today sweetcheeks,” His voice was a low baritone, rough from years of smoking and drinking. Horns curled around his fluffy ears that stood out against his gruff exterior, he was a ram hybrid at its finest. “Figured I’d take the opportunity to get a special drink from my special girl,” He mused looking you up and down drinking in your figure. You scoffed at the retired man, he dressed like he was cosplaying captain jack sparrow, the gun’s in his belt just added to his costume and so did his large ruffled shirt, he was never one to forget his gold jewelry.
“Where’s Quackity?” You ignored him sitting him at his usual table, he frowned but you knew he was taking it as an opportunity to stare at your ass. He slid into the stool and put his feet up on the table, his boots were muddy but you could only control him so much. He was too much of a regular to get scared off by your threats and scolding.
“He’ll be in at his normal time. He’s not much of a day drinker, although can’t say I’m complaining. Having all your attention on me and all, considering I’m the only one in here. That being said, I’ll have my usual sweetcheeks.”
“Stop calling me that,” You scolded with a certain fondness that was reserved for the man. “You’re lucky you’re my favorite regular Schlatt,” you gave his ears a fond pinch and he bleated. He sent you a scalding look as you walked away, although the look soon fell as he got a good look at your ass once again.
“I’m your only regular sugar tits!”
“Schlatt feet off the table.” Addie criticized whacking his boots with a rolled-up menu, he rolled his eyes but dropped his feet to the floor. “You should know this by now, we go through this every day.”
“Yeah, yeah little lamb I’m on it. Judas here?”
“She’s always here,” She huffed spreading the menu down on the table. “Do you want your usual or something different? Should I get Quackity’s drink ready too?”
“Nah just stick with mine, for now, tell Judas I’d like to see her.”
Addie clicked her tongue and placed her hand on her hip, “fine. But if you’re just going to grossly flirt with her as you do with (y/n), then keep it to yourself.”
“You’re not the boss of me. Just because you look like an old hag-” The way she glared at him sent a chill down his spine, “shit babe take a joke will you.”
Eventually, people began to file into the tavern, as the morning faded into the afternoon and then into the evening. The tavern was bustling with life, Judas’s elegant voice traveled through the crowds and her voices seemed to float above the voices. Quackity joined Schlatt by his side seemingly irritated by a conversation they were having, Schlatt was about five drinks in at this point, which was much less than his usual, and Quackity on his second.
“What are they talking about?” Luvena asked swinging her legs as she sat on the bar beside you. Her moobloom ears twitching every so often as she tried to eavesdrop on their conversation,
“Vena it’s impolite to eavesdrop.” You scolded bopping her on the head lightly, she whined and rubbed the top of her head.
“I wasn’t!” She argued as you rolled your eyes, you looked over at the two men to find Quackity looking over at you. His hand was raised in the air, one finger was up summoning you to get him another drink.
“I’ll be back, why don’t you talk to Ven while I’m gone. She’ll keep an eye on you.”
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
“Good thing she doesn’t want to babysit your ass either, now shoo.” You motioned her to hop off the bar and she did so with a long, dramatic sigh. You looked over at Ven who gave you a silent nod, letting you know she’d watch out for the youngest member of your band of misfits. Meanwhile, you grabbed Quackity another drink and walked over to the two men at the table, “Someone order a drink?”
“Aye! Mamacita! Fancy seeing you here.” Quackity purred a bright smile spreading across his face seeing that you were the one to deliver his drink,
“Hey Big Q,” You greeted placing the drink in front of him, “You doing okay?”
“Better now that an angel walked into my sight,” He flirted and you rolled your eyes. “What? It’s true! You always brighten my day you know? Ow!” Schlatt hit his ex-first mate over the head,
“Take a breath lover boy. Thanks for the drink sugar tits.”
“You’re welcome, what were the both of you talking about if I may ask.” You hummed grabbing some of Schlatt’s empty glasses, an uncharacteristic frown came over both their faces. “Oh? Touchy subject?”
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. Just dishing out some old problems, most of which are better left unsaid.” He aimed that statement at Quackity, his jaw seemed clenched and Quackity’s brow furrowed in annoyance.
“Well I just want to remind the both of you,” You passed the tray of empty glasses over to Addie as she walked by, she took them swiftly. You grabbed the side of both their heads and pressed them against your chest, not that you knew but both men’s flushed to the tips of their ears. “No physical fights are allowed in this tavern. If one starts I won’t hesitate to kick your fucking asses. Got it?” They looked over your chest and locked eyes with one another, after years on the sea they could read one another’s facial expressions rather easily and at that moment they shared the same thought,
‘They should fight more often.’
“I said, got it?”
“Yes ma’am,” The repeated simultaneously as you pulled away,
“That’s what I like to hear-”
“(Y/n)!” Vendetta’s velvety voice called out from behind you, you turned and saw a group of newcomers file into your bar. Your body tensed momentarily,
Schlatt turned his head to follow your gaze and he tensed from behind you, “fuck me.” He growled and Quackity raised an eyebrow at his captain, he turned to look over his shoulder and his face lit up.
The pirate who had a white bandana tied around his forehead glanced over at him and a smile lit up across his features. “Quackity? Is that you?”
“My man!” He stood up from his chair heading over to wrap the man in a hug, “I haven’t seen you in years, man.” You zoned out of their conversation eyes locking with a few of the other pirates who walked into the tavern. Vendetta and Addie both greeted them, but everyone who was under your care knew to keep their guard up around pirates. From what you could gather there seemed to be two crews, a crew of what only seemed to be two, Sapnap was included. The fire demon was still talking with Quackity, while the other man took in the view of the tavern, he had shaggy blonde hair, and had a few scars across his face. A porcelain mask sat on top of his head, a forest green cloak was around his shoulders, his hood was lowered around his neck. A sword was strapped tight against his hip and there was another dagger that seemed to be tucked against his side. His eyes gazed towards you and he winked teasingly with a coy smile, you scoffed looking over at Addie.
“Seat those two gentlemen yeah? Be careful, I’ll tell Ven and Yeti to keep an eye.” Addie looked at you, concern written on her soft features but she nodded. While Addie departed, you noticed Ven talking with the other group. Luvena was hiding behind Vendetta’s long legs, although a tall blonde boy seemed very keen on talking to her. You smoothed out your dress and moved towards the group of three, you eyed them up casually. The blonde looked to be around Luvena’s age, he had a shit-eating grin on his face and his uniform matched that of the second tallest in the group. The second tallest was clad in a light blue jacket with large golden buttons on the red collar. He had a cream-frilled shirt underneath and a black belt holding up his brown slacks, those were tucked into black boots. On his back seemed to be a guitar and was the only one of them not holding a weapon, but you knew better than to assume with pirates. His curly brown hair seemed to bounce every time he talked, he seemed to be the ringleader but there was no doubt that the real ringleader was the hybrid standing beside him. He was taller, on par with Vendetta in height, he had long pink hair that was tied in a ponytail on top of his head. A few pieces framed his face elegantly, there was no doubt he was the captain of the little crew that was in your tavern. He had a white shirt on with a deep low cut ‘V’ it showed off a good portion of his scared chest, around his shoulders sat a deep red jacket but his arms were outside of it and crossed over his chest. He seemed content on letting his second in command do all the talking, his red eyes were the only ones to meet yours. His head tilted upwards and before Vendetta could stop him he walked over towards you,
“You own the tavern?” His voice was a low monotone and it sent an array of pleasant chills up your spine.
“I do,” You raised an eyebrow crossing your arms over your chest, “Names (Y/n). You are?”
“Captain Technoblade of the ship Odyssey, I was hoping you had a few rooms and a table available. My brothers and I are pretty exhausted, we’ve been sailing all night.”
Brothers, they certainly didn’t all look alike, but then again you certainly had a mix of girls in your care. Your tongue swiped against the top row of your teeth, “Why don’t you and your brothers take a seat at the bar for now. Juniper will be happy to serve you, I’ll see if we have some free rooms available.”
“Thank you, once you return I’ll introduce them to you if you’d like,” Technoblade bowed his head before turning back to get his brother’s attention.
“I’d like that thank you.” You gave a nod motioning for Vendetta to follow you as you slid behind the bar with Juniper, Judas had also taken a spot sitting on the bar. You figured you’d let her know as well, considering she was another adult figure in the group. You knew either Juniper or Judas would fill in Addie considering the three were close. “Ven, can they be trusted?”
“Not too sure about the masked man, the one Quackity seems to be familiar with seems decent enough. He’s a fire demon though, could smell him from miles away, we all just need to be cautious.”
“Agreed,” Juniper added tapping her finger on her chin. “We should just try to curb all fighting if at all possible, what did the captain of the other group ask you?”
“They want a room, I’m about to check to see if we have availability. Thoughts on that?”
Judas let out a low hum her eyes followed both sets of pirate groups around the tavern, “I say if we have availability let them stay. They seem harmless so long as we don’t mess with them, which we’d never do.”
“Plus I can always stay awake to keep an eye on them.” Vendetta tapped her nails against the table,
“You sure.”
“As if I’d let anything happen to any of you, you’re my family.”
You all smiled softly, and you noticed Judas’s eyes widen, “Zig! Get that out of your mouth this instant!” She shot up from her spot and over to the person in question. The three of you laughed fondly at the nonsense, meanwhile, Juniper saw the three brothers sit at her bar. She moved away from you to greet them, you immediately could tell she was taken with the second eldest brother.
He seemed to be an absolute lady killer.
Vendetta ruffled your hair before going back to stand at her place by the door to keep the peace. You headed up the stairs to the rafters to check on the extra rooms you had, “Excuse me?” You tensed visibly turning around to face the man in all green. His eyes were mesmerizing, a fierce jade green to contrast his cloak, “Do you happen to have two rooms available?” The man held up two fingers to clarify his request,
“Do you usually start introductions with a blatant request like that?”
He chuckled a smile spreading across his lips, “I’m Dream and you gorgeous?”
“(Y/n), it’s your lucky day I’m about to check and see if any are available. My tavern is a hot commodity tonight.”
“Well, I can see why,” he spoke and you raised an eyebrow and tilted your head to the side.
“It has the hottest owner around. Word spreads fast.”
You couldn’t believe this man was making your cheeks burn, he chuckled softly taking a step towards your figure. “Oh really, word spreads that fast on the open sea, Captian?” It was his turn to turn light pink, but he covered it up quickly with a chuckle.
“I’ll get on that room for you and your friend. Take a seat, for now, this part is for guests and staff only you know?”
“So I have you all to myself?” He cheekily mused, he stepped towards you and before you knew it you were pinned against a wall. His hand suddenly brushed against your cheek, it was cold in comparison to your warm cheek. You felt Dream’s thumb brush against your cheek slowly, “You know...being on the open sea alone does something to a person.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” You mused pushing your forehead back against Dream’s, “All alone with only your crew with you.” Taking his other hand within your own you slid it up to your hip, you saw his entire face turn red as he stared down at your chest. “You’re probably missing a little love in your life, aren’t you Dreamy?” He nodded dumbly, his eyes still not leaving your chest,
Perfect. You weren’t going to let some pirate boy get the better of you.
He let out a grunt of pain as you spun him around and pressed his head into the wall with your elbow, your other hand has his pinned behind his back. “This hallway is for staff and guests only,” You purred in his ear before letting him go and swinging your hips before heading up the stairs fully. From behind you, Dream’s face was a deep, dark red and he had to clear his throat. Dream wasn’t going to let you go after that, I mean look at you, tough and able to hold your own, it awakened something inside him.
After checking up on the rooms you headed back down into the main hall, three-room keys in your hand. Glancing over at the scene in front of you, you saw Juniper dancing in the middle of the tavern the flirtatious brother at her side. Judas was sitting beside Schatt and Quackity at the bar, Addie was tending to Technoblade and the blonde at their little table. Dream and Sapnap were whispering to one another in the corner but still seemed to be enjoying the show. Vendetta was smiling softly by the door, beside her were Luvena and Zig both playing various instruments. You noticed Eret was also amongst the crowd, she had a brilliant grin on his face, it was flushed pink with alcohol and you smiled to yourself.
It was peaceful, and for a moment you forget half the patrons were scoundrels or pirates.
That was until the man dancing with Juniper locked eyes with you, his eyes lit up and he spun Juniper off into Addie’s arms. She giggled snuggling into the mother sheep’s arms, you heard a distressed “Juni! I’m holding glasses!” Before your vision was overtaken by the handsome flirt.
“Hello love,” He hummed, “May I offer you a dance?”
You were about to refuse but you saw Yeti, who finally made her appearance as it was getting closer to Judas’s set, giving you a big thumbs up “I’d be honored.” You responded taking his hand within your own, he pulled you out onto the dance floor and you felt his other hand politely hover on the small of your back. He allowed you to lean into his touch as he began to elegantly spin you around the dance floor, you were almost embarrassed to say felt like a princess. “Maybe I could get your name?” You asked above the music, “Since it seems you’re my dance partner this evening?”
“Wilbur Soot my love.” He hummed proudly, “The first mate of the ship Odysseus at your service. Plus I play music on the side.”
“Well now you need to play for us,” Wilbur twirled you around in a circle,
“Maybe one day. If you give me your name?”
“(Y/n) (L/n).”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”
“I was right.” You commented biting the bottom of your lip trying not to smile,
“About what?”
“Ah? Already talking about me I see? Is my manliness and gentlemanly qualities that renowned?”
“Not exactly.” He picked you up slightly and pulled you into a low dip, “I was right in thinking you a nothing but a flirty playboy.” Wilbur almost dropped you, you squawked grabbing onto his neck. He began to laugh as you clung to his chest,
“Alright love. You caught me red-handed.”
Wilbur set you on your feet hands on your lower back, you were pulled close to his chest. “Can I buy you a drink?”
“I get them for free hon. I own the place.”
“Oh...oh.” He paled a little, “I didn’t fuck up our chances of getting a room did I?”
“Nah lucky for you and your brothers, I have you covered, same with your buddies over there.” You motioned to Dream and Quackity’s friend, Wilbur’s face paled as he felt the chilled room key get placed in his palm. “What’s your little brother’s name?”
“Tell them both we serve breakfast free from 7 am to 10 am.” He nodded as you walked past, Wilbur meanwhile turned to look at Technoblade. It seemed he had his red eyes on the couple the entire time they were dancing. He held up a room key, it was labeled 205; Technoblade nodded his head before leaning back and talking to Addie once more. “Dream!” You called throwing a hand up into the air, instead of Dream, Sapnap looked up he nudged Dream with his elbow. The man was now wearing his mask, but at least you could tell he was looking at you,
“Well hello, darlin’ you must be (Y/n). Name's Sapnap. Dream told me about you, so you have good news for us I hope?”
“Pleasure, I'm sure he told you all about me,” He nodded, his eyes taking in your body especially your ass. “Got you both a room key, your neighbors. Across from the other crew of pirates. Just don’t fight and we won’t have any problems.”
“You mean those jackasses are staying?” Sapnap complained loudly, looking over your shoulder at the other crew members.
“You both didn’t think you were the only patrons, did you? This is a business after all.” You, tossed the keys their way, Dream caught it with ease and Sapnap fumbled it only a little bit. After they were in their hands, you waved them off with a flutter of your palm you turned around to go speak with Judas about her set but before you could take a step you saw Schlatt stumbling up from his seat. “Ah shit,” You knew what was about to happen, you weren’t paying attention to the ram hybrid so who knew how many drinks in he was. You felt responsible, for a while you and Judas had been trying to help Schlatt with his addiction. You couldn’t help but wonder what exactly set him off for him to get this drunk, Quackity caught him in his arms with a grumble. The man was a drunken mess, and as you approached you could hear his slurred speech and could practically smell the alcohol on his breath. “Schlatt,” You spoke carefully and as soon as you got close Schlatt detached himself from Quackity and lunged at you. His head was buried in his chest, he almost purred like he was very happy to be there, you rolled your eyes and ran your fingers through his hair. You were mindful of his horns but he seemed pretty eager for you to touch them,
“(Y/n).” He whined although it was muffled against your ample chest, “Why do pirates have to fuck everything up?”
“What are you on about Schlatt? No one likes pirates.”
“They’re gonna take you away from me, sugar. You’re my safe space, this tavern is my safe space.” You sighed listening to his drunken ramblings, you grabbed his horns and pulled him away from your chest.
“This is my life Schlatt, I’m not going anywhere trust me. Plus my family is here, they need me. So try not to worry okay?” You slicked back the hair on his forehead before planting a fond kiss there, everyone in the tavern narrowed their eyes at the scene. Even your girls were green with envy, at the sight of their lovely boss kissing someone who wasn’t them. He leaned against your lips eyes fluttering closed,
“Well, well, well if it isn’t Captian Schlatt? Or ex-captain if I remember correctly.”
You turned your head and felt Schlatt’s arms wrap around your waist and held you close to his chest. The touch was protective and you felt your heart skip a beat, why was he protecting you, and why did you actually feel protected?
“Has the drinking finally caught up to you? Or was it the fact that you lost your so-”
Was that Dream's voice?
“Shut the fuck up.” He snarled and you were shoved behind him into Quackity’s arms, you felt less protected. “I’m not that person anymore and you fucking know that,” Vendetta came to stand beside the both of you a hand was placed on your shoulder protectively. You knew she was desperately wanted to step in and you held up a hand to stop her.
“This isn’t good…” Quackity murmured, “They’re going to fight. Schlatt’s going to get himself fucking killed.”
“Calm yourself. We won’t let it get that far.” Ven grumbled eyeing you waiting for your signal. But you were lost in the conversation or argument, the two were having, you couldn’t believe Schlatt was a pirate. He was so...he just didn’t...he was a drunk okay? That didn’t exactly shout feared pirate to you!
“Oh, are you sure? I remember that look, that’s the look you’d get before you stomped someone’s lights out. No wonder your son disappeared under mysterious circumstances-” Dream was shoved against one of the poles holding up the building. He grunted and Schlatt’s arm was pulled back ready to punch, but his arm was stopped by smaller hands,
“Pardon me Mr. Schlatt but you know how we feel about fighting in our tavern.” Addie bubbled, she had a smile on her face but it wasn’t kind, it was full of warning.
“Get the fuck off me, sheepie. This doesn’t fucking concern you.” Schlatt shoved her away and as soon as his skin made contact with her body he made a sound of distress.
“(Y/n)...” Addie murmured quietly, your father’s dagger was embedded in Schlatt’s arm,
“Fucking hell you bitch!” He snarled baring his teeth, you glared at him twisting the dagger he yelled in agony.
“Touch one of my girls again and next time this dagger is going right into your back.” You ripped the dagger out, splattering the floor with blood. He grabbed his arm tightly and looked at you with slight betrayal in his yellow eyes. “I mean it Schlatt, Quackity take him home.” The man nodded looking at you longingly, he muttered a quiet ‘Sorry’ before escorting him out of your tavern. “You,” You glared harshly over at Dream, “Go to your room.”
“You’re not my mother.”
“Then find another play to stay.” You spat, he turned away and you looked over at Addie, “Are you alright?” Your voice turned tender as you cupped her cheeks. She nuzzled against your palms and nodded her head,
“I’m fine. You didn’t need to-”
“Yes, I did. No one messes with you. With any of you on my watch.”
The sheep hybrid made a little sound as her bottom lip trembled, she wrapped you in a tight hug which you accepted without hesitance. Judas walked over next and wrapped you both in her arms, pretty soon you were surrounded by your girls and Zig.
All of them had the same mindset: comforting both you and Addie.
It was good to be loved.
Wilbur watched the scene curiously and glanced over at Technoblade who stood up from his chair.
“I think that’s our cue to leave for the night.” He looked over at his first mate, Wilbur nodded in agreement grabbing his guitar from the chair beside Technoblade.
“They...Techno were they talking about Tubbo.” Tommy whispered to his brother, his brow furrowing in concern as they all climbed the steps up to their room, “You don’t think-”
“It just might be Tommy.” Technoblade tilted his head to the side, “Guess that’ll be something we ask him when we get back to the ship tomorrow.”
“Well, this trip is going to be way more fun than I thought.” Wilbur snickered lighting a cigarette, taking a long drag, before letting the smoke curl out of his mouth and up into the rafters. ~~~
Tag List: @v01dw4lk3rz, @jam-bombs, @abovenyx, @glitterydigitalart, @phoenixaesthetic19, @luluwinchester, @boiled-onionrings, @pastelmoonwitche, @roxy3457, @alovestruck-fool, @victory-is-here, @mack4676, @fiorenc, @theoneandonlyyeti, @bloodrose0723, @sandyy-woo,
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of-comfort-and-love · 2 years
A Gift From The Ocean
It feels good to be writing again~ Especially for MerMay- the last time I wrote for Mermay was back in like what, a year ago? And that was back when I had my multifandom OC. I don't use her anymore though...
This is based on the "Unlimited Glory" photoshoot from Shining Live. Comments/Reblogs are always welcome!
EDIT 06/01: As of now, I'm aware that May has passed. But, that's not gonna stop me from finishing this!!! >:)
Word Count: 1,662
CW: Injury mention, mild violence mention
Tag List: @topstarodeo @rose-wine-selfships @syos-princess @ofieugogyshz @bard-and-the-barbarian @bipocselfship-archive @vaporvvave (If you want your name added/removed, then please let me know.)
Quartermaster Tomochika couldn't enjoy her breakfast over the loud commotion going on the deck. She could hardly taste the blend of cinnamon and sugar in her porridge without the sounds of "Ooohs!", "Aaaahs!", and "Whooass!" blaring in her ear.
Sighing in annoyance, she swallowed the remainder of her breakfast and climbed upstairs. Cecil, the head chef, couldn't help but follow after her, also wondering what all of the fuss was about.
"Hehe, I wonder what's the commotions about this time.", he nervously chuckled, trying to avoid the stern aura blazing in the redhead's eyes.
"Honestly, the Crystal Dawn mates need to stop getting so excited over such trivial nonsense.", Tomochika scoffed, tucking her luscious ruby locks behind her ear.
Her heeled boots clicked loudly against the hardwood floor as she reached the deck. The sound of her footsteps was somehow able to quiet down the crowded of excited mates; the group nervously turned around to face the strict quartermaster.
"Q-Quartermaster, come take a look at what the fishermen caught in the net. It's incredible…", the kind-hearted doctor Natsuki gazed at the woman with a misty, almost dream-like gleam in his eyes.
Tomochika made her way through the crowd to investigate the situation with a sigh.
"Natsuki," she sighed, "this better be important, or the captain will be upset that you all are…"
Tomochika quickly froze in place, staring in awe at the surprise found in the fishermen's net.
Thought of something only from books and urban legends, the Crystal Dawn crew were left dazzled at the sight of a real mermaid right before their eyes.
She was of a dark complexion, small shells and beads woven into her dark brown braids. The noticeable fins on the side of her head matched the ones adorned on her sparkling amethyst-colored tail. It shone many brilliant colors as she laid down on the deck, soaking in the morning sun's rays.
The mermaid usually would've enjoyed a relaxing sunbathing. However, being in this new environment made her feel uneasy, and she wished for nothing to be back home.
"Do you know much money would we get off of her? Let's head for shore and then put 'er up for auction!", a rigger shouted, money signs practically bursting out of his eyes.
"Now why would you do that to such a lovely maiden such as her?", the suave gunner Ren commented, delicately grabbing onto the mermaid's hand through the net before raising it to his lips.
She quickly recoiled it away and hissed at the redhead before he had a chance to kiss it.
"Pfft, don't ya idiots know that mermaids are a bad omen? All the legends say they'll curse everyone on board if you hoist one up out of the ocean. One quick stab in the brain should do away with her before things get out of control.", the silver-haired first mate Ranmaru scoffed before drawing his sword from his scabbard.
"Yeah, and then Cecil 'ere can prepare our dinner!", another mate cheered gleefully, making Ranmaru grunt in disgust.
"Non, non, non! That's horrible!", Cecil replied, "I would never do such a thing to an innocent creature. Besides, mermaids are poisonous and I don't like fish anyway!"
Tomochika held her head in disgust as the crew argued about their latest discovery. She opened her mouth to holler at them before a delicate hand rested on her shoulder.
It was none other than the shy yet gentle musician Haruka, her dearest friend. If there was anyone that could put a smile back on the quartermaster's face, it was her.
Timidly tucking a strand of coral hair behind her ear, Haruka whispered, "Tomo-chan, I think it would be best if we let her go. She's scared and I don't think the Captain would be pleased about having a mermaid on board. Especially if they really are cursed."
Before Tomochika could share her input, a wave of intensity and fear suddenly fell over the crew.
"What is going on here?!", a new voice hollered, the ship immediately going silent.
The crew quickly parted in two, all eyes darting at the terrifying man approaching them. Dressed in a flowing coat and a dark hat, Captain Tokiya knew how to make an entrance.
"Captain," Tomochika bravely stepped forward, trying her best not to cower under the eerie man's cold stare. "I'm afraid we have an…uninvited guest onboard. For our safety, I think it would be best if we set her free, don't you agree?"
As the quartermaster quickly moved out of his way, Tokiya was able to get a clearer view of the "uninvited guest". The mermaid felt a lump in her throat as he stepped closer, drawing his sword in the process.
The crew gasped, unaware of the Captain's true intentions. They felt relief as they soon realized that he was going to free from her makeshift prison.
"You've done well, crew. Never in my days did I expect you to get your hand on one of them.", Tokiya finally spoke, putting his weapon away and folding his arms over his chest, surprisingly impressed with this new finding.
"I-I don't understand, Captain.", Tomochika stammered, not entirely understanding what he meant.
Tokiya pulled a rolled-up paper out of his pocket before kneeling down to properly face the mermaid. She anxiously tried to avoid his gaze, but his handsome features made it impossible.
"Now, my dear. What do you know about the treasure of Muse's Island?", he quietly whispered, the mention of the location's name making her slightly gasp. The Captain then unrolled the tainted paper, revealing it to be half of an old map.
The mermaid refused to respond, timidly playing with her fingers while questions formed consciously.
"Don't you play dumb with me. I know all about your kind; you can communicate with humans. You will answer my question, or I'll have to show you what happens when one disobeys the Captain.", Tokiya snarled, forcing the mermaid to make eye contact with him.
Why does he want the treasure? What does he plan to do with it? Does he know about our connection to it? Of course, he would- that's why he's asking me about it. But, I can't trust these no good people. I need to get out of here before-
An unexpected hand grazing her chin dragged her out of her train of thought.
Disgusted with the man's assertiveness, the mermaid struck him with her sharp claws, scratches dashed across his face.
Hollers and swears erupted amongst the crew at what she had done to their beloved yet feared Captain.
"How dare you strike at him?!", Tomochika spat, her complexion matching her fiery hair.
"I'll be damn sure to make you pay for that." Ranmaru coldly stared down at the panting mermaid, forcibly gripping his sword's handle.
"Captain, let me tend to your wounds. Oh dear, looks like some deep ones; I'll have to stop the bleeding before it gets infected.", Natsuki raced over to Tokiya, quickly getting his equipment out from his kit.
But before he could apply pressure to the injuries, Natsuki stopped himself at the sudden chuckling slipping from the Captain's lips.
He slowly rose up and continued his odd barrage of laughter before finally calming down.
"C-Captain, what's gotten into you?", Natsuki asked cautiously, growing even more concerned for his boss.
Tokiya cleared his throat before he proudly addressed his crew.
"Ears open, Crystal Dawn. Our "guest" shall remain here until further notice from this moment forward. So, there will be no eating, overthrowing, auctioning, or whatever nonsense you have dancing in your little heads. If anyone of you even dares lay a finger on her, you'll answer to me and my blade. Is that clear?!"
The members didn't dare to retaliate; they quickly agreed with the Captain's statement before giving commands.
Tokiya first demanded that the builders build a water tank and place it in the brig. That would be the mermaid's place of confinement for now. Later, he informed the cartographer to create a rough draft until he got further information about Muse's Island.
After giving out orders, everyone onboard went about their days. The Captain turned his attention towards the mermaid, her attention shifting between his hard stare and the still bloody marks on his face.
"Now, you listen to me", his hot breath suddenly over her nose. "Consider yourself grateful that I didn't kill you in front of my mates for attacking me. You are a vital piece to this puzzle I'm trying to solve, and I won't let anyone stop me from getting what I need."
The mermaid scoffed, rolling her eyes in annoyance only to cower like a nervous puppy when he inched his face closer to hers.
"I have ways of making you talk, so you'll do as you're told like a good girl, or you'll be hearing from me. Trust that you wouldn't like to see what happens when you make the Captain of the Crystal Dawn angry. I expect that you'll be on your best behavior for me. hmm?"
Tokiya backed away at the meek voice that sounded from the mermaid, visibly flustered. He wasn't expecting her to respond, but he quickly laughed it off.
"Excellent, that's what I like to hear. It pleases me when people do what they're told. Perhaps you'll be of good use to us once our mission is over. I'm looking forward to spending more time with you, my dear."
The mermaid suddenly gasped as the Captain hoisted her up in his strong arms. No matter how much she protested, he refused to let her go.
"Now how about you & I discuss the details in my office? Can't have any prying eyes or ears get involved in our conversation.", Tokiya seductively whispered in her ear.
Who knows what could be expected from the crew of the Crystal Dawn? Looks like the newest member will have to brace for the worst for this new adventure upon the sea.
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