entamesubs · 9 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!! Episode 90 Sub Release
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There are translation notes below, so spoilers ahead.
ドッチ・ジャーニー・ショウ! Which Way the Book Turns!
This is a pun-laden name from Dudi again. It can be romanized literally as "Which Journey Shall/Shows!", but it is also a play on 書 (sho), which can sometimes be used to refer to a book - like the one Dudi is reading in the card art.
I just tried my best here; I'm sure there's a punnier name that makes me go "oh my god why didn't I think of that" once YGOrg puts their article out.
お前の中でこれがしの自我を保つのは難しそうだ "Your body is unable to sustain my ego."
Clarifying here that Kuaidul means this in the sense that if he merges with Yuudias, something disastrous will occur... to Yuudias. He is willingly undoing the fusion, or reversing it, so that it doesn't harm him.
He is "letting go" of Yuudias of his own volition.
種の寿命が尽きようとしている "Our species is approaching the limit of our lifespans."
More accurately, Kuaidul is trying to say "our species is going to exhaust our lifespan", as in "use up" or "run out", but I couldn't think of a way to word this that had the same finality as limit.
It is very much with a finality that Kuaidul says this. Interpret as you wish.
Some other easter eggs
In order for Shewbahha's card to activate, Yuudias had to send Leviaknight (Phaser's card) to the grave - kinda like giving Shewbahha something to eat!
Nyandestar's Cat Claw Girl is the last obstacle that everyone must overcome, which is fitting considering she was the first ever card created by Kuaidul
Similarly, the last people to give Yuudias the ATK boost he needs are some of the first people he ever met upon arriving on Earth... Yuamu and Yuuhi!
Dudi Nishaw, though he's part of the Dudi Ducasse, is in fact a Velgearian... due to how he's supposed to be one of the three "factions" fighting in the Velgear Star Cluster. You can sort of think of the term "Velgearian" as both a species identifier and a nationality. Dudi is a "Velgearian" species-wise, but he is Dudi Ducasse in terms of nationality. Hope that makes sense!
The "Andromeda-Milky Way collision" is a real thing that is projected to happen... in the next 4.5 billion years. According to Wikipedia, it's actually not going to cause much damage to either galaxy or the stars within it at all, due to how far apart each individual star is. In fact, by the time this happens, all life on Earth would've been wiped out about 3 billion years ago anyway due to the Sun's growing instability
In Mahayana Buddhism, which Japanese Buddhism is derived from, a "bodhisattva" is someone with "a spontaneous wish and compassionate mind to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all" - does it sound familiar? It's Yuudias offering his body to Kuaidul even despite all of the wrongs he has committed.
I guess we now know why the ED is titled "Song of Departure"
Go Rush will be taking a break on New Years weekend and will not air an episode then! The next episode will be on January 7th.
As well, the entameSubs team will be on vacation for the next two weeks. I will be in Japan! That means episode 91 will be massively delayed until I get back.
There will be a dedicated announcement post of the vacation in a day or two, just so people are aware.
And that's a wrap!
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for Go Rush season 3, now that we know that's a thing that's happening! It has always been something I wanted because I adore this show to bits... but I was so convinced we would be moving onto the next series already.
But here we are! The voice actor of Yuudias, Arthur, said that this third year was only possible "with [the fan's] support" - so it's wonderful and heartwarming to know Go Rush is very well received.
Merry Christmas, if you celebrate! Happy Holidays otherwise!
This is one of my favorite episodes of all of Yu-Gi-Oh! as a whole. I have not cried at a finale or even any episode like this since ZEXAL aired Nasch vs Yuuma ten years ago.
I leave you with a quote from one of my favorite games that applies word-for-word to this episode. Just replace "Ardbert" with "Yuudias".
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Yuudias chose love, and Kuaidul was undone.
Happy New Year.
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mitiyou · 4 years
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Where in Fiction Would You Spend Christmas?
It’s been a staying-in kind of year. That New Year’s Resolution you made to travel more? It’s gained 20 pounds, started cutting its own hair and is now in a jigsaw club with your neighbour Ken. The only marathon you’ve completed in 2020 is a Battlestar Galactica rewatch. The only mountain you’ve climbed is the metaphorical one it takes to shower daily. That beach trip you’d planned? It went okay actually. You made some bells by selling coconuts to Nook’s Cranny and dug up a bunch of Manila Clams with a flimsy shovel.
For obvious reasons, escape is on our minds this year more than most. So we started thinking, if you had your wishing socks on, where in the collected imaginations of everyone who’s ever dreamt up a film, TV show, game or book, would you spend the holidays? On the holodeck of the Starship Enterprise or roasting on an open fire with The Simpsons, exchanging gifts with Ewoks or witnessing Scrooge McDuck’s transformation from miser to philanthropist first hand?  
To get things started, here’s what our writers picked…
Alec Bojalad would spend Christmas … reveling with the Sterling Cooper staff on Mad Men
If I’m to indulge this hypothetical in which I’m torn away from one reality and thrust into another, one thing is very clear: I will have to be extremely intoxicated to avoid my heart exploding from the stressful terror of it all. Thankfully, I know exactly where in pop culture to go to get absolutely blitzed: Mad Men. In terms of sheer debauchery, a Sterling Cooper Christmas party probably falls somewhere between a Bacchanalian orgy and Valhalla itself. As Don, Roger, Bert, Peggy, and company gather together to celebrate another successful year schmoozing clients and sexually harassing one another, I will don my finest 1960s attire and infiltrate the festive event. 
As Don Draper wonders who this soft-bodied weirdo in an ill-fitting suit is, I’ll catch up with Harry Crane about television. Then I’ll ask to see Bert Cooper’s weird tentacle porn painting. Sometime around my 9th J&B Whisky on the rocks I’ll visit the secretarial pool and beg them to demand better treatment because “you’ree ssssooo strong and eleganttt. Don’t listen to thessseee men. They’re Mad Men.” Hopefully I’ll be taken away to an old-timey hospital at that point, given electroshock treatment, and return back to my own continuity.  
Ryan Britt would spend Christmas… at Deanna and Will’s cabin from Star Trek: Picard
When Jean-Luc Picard uses the spatial projector to zap himself and Soji across the galaxy to the planet Nepethene, the result is a cozy pizza dinner with Will Riker, Deanna Troi and their daughter Kestra. For those who had been pining for more ‘90s nostalgia in this Trek series, the episode ‘Nepthene’ delivered, but with a strong shot of realism. Although Picard was written and created before the Covid-19 pandemic, the idea that Riker and Troi would leave the busy and crowded life of Starfleet, and retire in a remote cabin to protect their family is a choice many have actually faced in 2020. As people around the world have fled pandemic epicenters and tried to put shields around their own families, the peaceful and remote home of the Riker-Trois represents the optimistic ideal of Star Trek with a quiet, and very close-to-home twist. 
Spending time with the Riker-Troi family would mean great conversation, great music (oh the jazz!) and, above all, great food. I would happily put my own family in their ‘pod’ if only so Kestra could teach my three-year-old daughter the best way to construct a bow and arrow, and of course, how to learn that secret language of butterflies. 
Then, after the kids were in bed, having a glass of wine or some Romulan whiskey with Will out on the porch sounds pretty damn perfect. 2020 has been tough. A bear hug from Riker seems like the perfect Christmas gift of all. 
Caroline Preece would spend Christmas… at The Muppet Christmas Carol’s Penguin Skating Party
Ever since young-me set eyes on the ultra-festive world of The Muppet Christmas Carol I’ve wanted to visit. I can’t imagine a better way to spend Christmas Eve than in the cuddly version of Dickens’ cautionary tale, helping Kermit and his co-workers tidy up Scrooge’s office for the holidays, dancing down the snowy London streets and attending the Penguins’ annual Christmas skating party as the ultimate topper to a perfect evening. 
As well as being super-merry and joyous (‘tis the season), judging by Kermit’s performance on the ice, they let anyone take part.
It could just be the general lack of socialising and festive frivolity in 2020, but Bob Cratchit’s hopeful walk home from the office (remember the office?!?) on the night before Christmas has always epitomised the idea that the anticipation of Christmas Day is the best part. Add to that a trip to the market to pick up some singing vegetables, or the cosy Cratchit dinner with Miss Piggy and their gaggle of pig and frog offspring, and it’s a version of old-timey festive cheer that will always hold a place in my heart.
Louisa Mellor would spend Christmas… with the strippers in Hustlers
This choice won’t reflect well on me. It’s neither edifying nor improving and has a core of savage capitalist consumerism, which is probably what makes it so Christmassy. Midway through Lorraine Scafaria’s Hustlers – a film about a group of strippers who right the wrongs of the 2008 financial crisis by drugging Wall Street guys to run up their company credit cards – there’s a scene that’d make anyone’s heart grow three sizes. 
A dozen lap dancers gather for Christmas in a high-end apartment, their daughters and a grandmother in tow. Dressed in luxe loungewear and chunky gold, their skin glowing like a sucked butterscotch, they swap gifts, smile and sing and dance and thank the lord for their sisters. Expensive elegance is everywhere. Someone gets a fur coat, somebody else a pair of animal-print Louboutins. The woman who dips the dancers’ tits in bowls of ice before they go on stage is given an iPhone 4. Mostly though, they give each other affirmation. Without a natural hair colour, nude fingernail or a man in sight, it’s a dream family Christmas. Picture a Norman Rockwell painting with Jennifer Lopez in gold lamé, a cashmere Santa hat and a balcony bra. Feel-good festive perfection. 
Michael Ahr would spend Christmas… secluded in Hogwarts
Some may have found Harry Potter’s winter holidays without his friends rather lonely, but I can think of nothing more magical than having the vast empty halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry all to myself. Why let the staff have the warm, dry, magical snow that fell annually in the Great Hall all to themselves? Not being of school age myself anymore, I might choose to share a butterbeer (or perhaps a hot buttered rum) with Dumbledore and Hagrid by a roaring fire.
I might even be tempted to make the trip to Hogsmeade to see all the shops decked out with lights and blanketed in snow. I’d still be able to enjoy the comparative solitude without all the kids running around, but I’m almost certain there would be a group of carolers wandering about the square, never mind the singing enchanted suits of armor back at the school. And of course, if I could pick a particular present, I’d choose to receive the same amazing gift Harry received that first Christmas from Dumbledore: his father’s Invisibility Cloak. I’d likewise pass it along as a family heirloom to my own children on some Christmas morning to come.
Jamie Andrew would spend Christmas… in a Deep Space Nine Holosuite
At first, I entertained the idea of spending Christmas in Baltimore with the denizens of The Wire, mainly because I liked the idea of children running up and down the streets hollering, ‘Omar’s coming!’ moments before the shotgun-wielding Robin Hood of the Hood came swaggering down the street wearing a big red coat and a white beard, tossing out bank notes and whistling ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’. Then I realised that the chances of me ending up a corpse inside a boarded-up derelict building before the turkey was even cooked were surprisingly high, so I thought I’d try Christmas with Frasier Crane and family instead. Unfortunately, my foreknowledge of Martin’s and Eddie’s deaths would cloud the occasion, and I’d probably spend all night slumped crying in Martin’s recliner, unable to tell anyone why I was so upset without violating the temporal time directive. 
Best, then, to spend Yule time on Deep Space Nine. Christianity and its associated festive traditions don’t appear to exist in the 24th Century, so after saying hello to Sisko and co., and maybe playing a bit of Dabo at Quark’s, I’d probably spend the rest of my time in a faithful Holosuite reproduction of a 1990s Irish bar on New Year’s Eve getting absolutely wasted with fellow Celt Chief O’Brien. Now THAT’S what I call Christmas. 
Juliette Harrisson would spend Christmas… in Narnia
Not, of course, the White Witch’s eternal winter, when it’s always winter but never Christmas, but a regular Christmas in Narnia. It would, of course, be a white Christmas because otherwise, how would Father Christmas come and deliver presents to everyone? So I could spend the season in a snowy woodland surrounded by magical creatures, and be in with a chance of a really good present. Or possibly a sewing machine.
Read more
Why Chronicles of Narnia’s Santa Claus Celebrates Christmas with Weapons of War
By Juliette Harrisson
The Rod Serling Christmas Movie You Never Saw
By Chris Farnell
On the first moonlit night when there’s snow on the ground, Narnian fauns, dryads, and dwarfs perform the Great Snow Dance, with the fauns and dryads dancing around while the dwarfs throw snowballs that don’t hit them (an often forgotten detail from the book version of The Silver Chair!). I would join in, although possibly not throw any snowballs as my aim isn’t that good. Then I’d go back to Mr Tumnus’s for sardines and cake on Christmas Eve and talk to him about his somewhat dubious taste in books (just what is Nymphs And Their Ways about, eh Tumnus?). I’d spend Christmas Day up at the castle of Cair Paravel, eating and drinking like a Queen, and then I’d go visit Mr and Mrs Beaver on Boxing Day for a feast of leftovers and maybe a little light ice fishing.
John Saavedra would spend Christmas…celebrating Life Day with Star Wars’ Poe Dameron 
No one has ever cared so much about Life Day, the Star Wars galaxy’s own version of Christmas, as much as ace pilot Poe Dameron does in the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special. From decorating the Millennium Falcon and choosing the right Life Day sweater to roasting the traditional tip-yip (also known as Endorian chicken), Poe shows there’s something much stronger than the Force in the Star Wars universe: holiday spirit. Who knew the Resistance hero best known for his knack at blowing stuff up had such a soft spot? 
Hanging with Poe on Life Day would mean chestnuts roasting on an open exhaust engine, drinking whatever passes for cocoa in the Star Wars galaxy, hanging out with Wookiees on their homeworld of Kashyyyk, singing festive carols in Huttese, and finding just the right Life Day tree for the Falcon. It’d also mean dancing to the hip tunes of Max Rebo’s drum (the rest of his band is unfortunately no longer with us) and partying with Lando Calrissian, Finn, Rose, Rey, Jannah, Mon Calamari, Jawas, Rodians, Ewoks, and maybe even Chewie’s son Lumpy. If you’re not sold by now, your taste in holiday parties might be bantha poodoo. 
Elizabeth Donoghue would spend Christmas…. at The Office’s Classy Christmas
Dunder Mifflin has many memorable Christmas parties, but Steve Carell’s final festive special includes some of my favourite things about The Office; weird Gabe, Michael’s enduring hatred of Toby, and Michael and Holly’s adorable relationship.
After Toby announces he is taking a leave of absence for jury duty (‘Thank you, Scranton Strangler. I love you. You just took one more person’s breath away’) Michael learns that Holly will be returning to Scranton and demands that Pam’s regular Christmas party must get classy. What makes a Christmas classy? A backwards Kangol-esque Santa hat, a red velvet smoking jacket and a quarter of a jazz quartet of course.
I would actively enjoy watching Dwight take down Jim in their snowball fight (total bully, needs to be taken down a peg or two), get drunk with Kelly and Meredith, dance with Phyllis and Erin and learn more about the enigma that is Creed. And although it is slightly more subdued than their Benihana and Moroccan Christmas parties, I’m sure we could keep the party going at a Poor Richard’s after-party.
Kayti Burt would spend Christmas … on Themyscira
The Amazons’ decision to opt out of the “Patriarch’s World” has always been a relatable one, but never so much as in The Year 2020. Historically, I’m not really a beach person, but Themyscira, aka Paradise Island, has a lot going for it: warm weather, a supportive community, and live sporting events where you don’t have to worry about some drunken dudebro spilling cheap beer on your toga. 
As far as I can tell from the Wonder Woman movies, no one (besides Young Diana, who’s usually working through some stuff) ever seems to be having a bad time on Themyscira. And why would you? The pre-Crisis comics incarnation of the island (which I am going to choose to accept as my holiday canon) includes indigeneous kangaroo-like creatures called Kangas that the Amazons ride like horses. Diana’s is called Jumpa; mine will be called Jimmy Hoppa, and we will explore the island’s cascading waterfalls and cliffside terraces together. In the evenings, I will attend performances at the Themysciran amphitheater with my new Amazonian friends or, if I’m feeling introverted, catch up on my book reading and crossword puzzles.
Listen, I wouldn’t want to spend forever on Themyscira—I’d miss my friends, family, and TV shows (Themyscira doesn’t seem to get a good wireless signal)—but a few weeks (or months, especially as I will be quarantining for my first two weeks) for Christmas 2020? Bring me to the enchanted feminist utopia.
Alana Joli Abbott would spend Yule… at the coven house from the Nightcraft Quartet
Witchkind, as presented in Shannon Page’s Nightcraft Quartet, don’t celebrate Christmas, but they do love a good Yuletide celebration. Page’s witches and warlocks are separate from humans, long lived, and magical. Young witches train in the magical arts at a coven house, living there like a dorm; the adult women of the coven (always numbering thirteen) may be involved in scientific research (like protagonist Callie), medicine and healing, or reading Tarot, and they teach their specialties to the young witches. The coven house is a central place where women gather to live, to practice magic together, to celebrate, and to honor traditional rituals. While Callie’s coven in San Francisco has their problems, the community there is caring and genuine, full of both youthful energy and centuries of experienced witchery. 
One of the perks of editing this series is that I get sneak peeks into parts of the story readers haven’t seen yet—including Yule decorations. Rather than cutting down dead trees, witches coax living fir boughs to weave along the walls and mantles, accented with red ribbon and gold—coins, beads, chains. I can imagine the cozy San Francisco coven house filled with witches all rushing to perform their tasks to make the perfect celebration, some of them convincing the fir boughs to expand in just the right ways while others brew hot chocolate or prepare the feast. I picture them eating in the large hall, voices lifted in joyful chatter, and then making their way out to the grounds beyond the house to celebrate beneath the stars, singing midwinter songs and looking forward to the next year. After months of 2020 with smaller communities and less human contact, being surrounded by such a vibrant, magical group of women sounds like just the right way to end my year.
Rosie Fletcher would spend Christmas… with the Roy family from Succession
Go hard or go home, they say, so since I can’t go home this year, I’m going round the Roys. That is, of course, the family at the centre of Succession, a show peopled by the very wealthiest and utterly worst. Festivities would be held at the home of patriarch Logan Roy. His children and their partners would be obliged to attend. Logan would hire a chef to cook, waiting staff to serve, some of whom he would abuse. I would give them sympathetic “I’m sorry” looks but do nothing, secretly thankful Logan’s ire wasn’t focused on me. 
In all likelihood I would be a figure like Greg (the egg), or Tom Wambsgans – mostly tolerated, vaguely despised and very much the second class citizens of the Roy clan, skulking on the periphery as Kendall, Roman and Shiv compete for Logan’s love and oldest son Connor comes up will another entirely ridiculous life plan – I dunno, maybe this year he’s decided that his next career move is to become Santa Claus. 
The food would be extraordinary. The booze the very finest – how long before, like Greg, I would be claiming the bottle of vintage rose champagne I had just motored through was ‘not my favourite’? And the dinner table conversation would be electric. Electric like an electric shock – sharp, painful, disorientating, unexpected. 
So Christmas has become too commercialised? Fine, fuck it. I’ll take the eye-wateringly expensive gift that’s grudgingly bestowed on me, I will gorge on the finest cheeses known to man and coat my tongue with port made from molten rubies, knowing I am on my way to moral bankruptcy and doing it anyway. Go hard or go home…
Kirsten Howard would spend Christmas… singing along in the closing moments of Scrooged 
You’d be hard-pressed to find a Christmas movie that feels as genuinely uplifting during its climax as 1988’s Scrooged. Bill Murray’s arrogant TV boss Frank Cross, having been visited by the Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present and Future, disrupts a live broadcast of A Christmas Carol to rant openly and honestly at the cast and crew (and eventually you) as he makes a passionate case for a life less invested in exploitation and capitalism, and eventually kicks off a collective singalong of Annie Lennox and Al Green’s version of ‘Put a Little Love in Your Heart’.
That’s where I’d like to be this Christmas. Not just to sing along with Bill, but to be around people immediately swept along by the much-less-explored altruistic route of ‘no fucks given’. 
Also hanging out with Bill Murray, though, of course.
So much of the last few years has been a public race to the bottom of Nothing Matters Mountain, but even if it hadn’t all been so demoralising and forced so many of us to reevaluate our priorities, Frank’s message of redemption in love and living as well as we can, while shrugging off our own heavy expectations of success, still feels really special. 
This Christmas, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We may not be able to grab the nearest stranger and sing “put a little love in your heart!” at them right now, but we CAN carry that feeling with us into 2021. As Frank says: “There are people who are having trouble making their miracle happen”. We can always try and find time to stop focusing on our own for a while and to help them.
David Crow would spend Christmas… chilling with Harold and Kumar
Not many people are aware of this, but A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas is the best Harold and Kumar. It may not have the pop culture cache of their medicinal-fueled quest for mini-cheeseburgers, but it does have something very special, indeed: Wafflebot. If you’ve had the misfortune of living your life oblivious to Wafflebot’s existence, allow me to introduce you to a greater world of wonder and magic.
Wafflebot is the best Christmas present to ever come out of Santa’s Workshop. Displaying an eerily sophisticated artificial intelligence for a toy meant only to cook delicious breakfasts, Wafflebot can make you waffles any time by just popping the top and letting that batter drop. But he can also do so much more! Vaguely aware of the concept of friendship, this brunching Frankenstein can learn how to love and appreciate his owners… and defend them from any threat with scalding hot projectile syrup!
With the ability to serve breakfast, save your life, be manipulated into dangerous attack mode, and learn how to see the real you, all while playing a mean drum solo, Wafflebot would make any Christmas a sweetly warm experience. And then Harold and Kumar, and I could also steal a Christmas tree from NPH or something.
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The post Where in Fiction Would You Spend Christmas? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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luckycloud808 · 4 years
weird asks that say a lot from @julietgiulia​
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Coffee mugs
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Chocolate 
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Neither
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? Shy, conscientious, perfectionist
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Glasses
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? All contributors
7. earbuds or headphones? Earbuddies :)
8. movies or tv shows? Movies
9. favourite smell in the summer? Hot soil, flowering plants, fruit and needle trees, post rain, towel after ocean swim, wind through car window driving through forest(ed highway)
10. game you were best at in p.e.? Hockey, soccer, california kickball, high jump and arm hang? 
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Usually oatmeal or millet with omegas, fruit and oat milk or avocado bagel with black pepper and nutritional yeast
12. name of your favourite playlist? A nice mix for ness
13. lanyard or key ring? Key ring
14. favourite non-chocolate candy? Licorice, candied fennel or anise seeds
15. favourite book you read as a school assignment? Les miserables, The thief lord, The cellist of Sarajevo - off the top
16. most comfortable position to sit in? Slumpy posture, one leg over or under the other, knee tuck or apple sauce
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? Hiking boots or black sambas
18. ideal weather? Sunny after rain a little windy
19. sleeping position? No pillow usually on my left or on my back or front with one leg bent 
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Notebook or notes app
21. obsession from childhood? Fairies and making homes
22. role model? Opa
23. strange habits? Not sure what qualifies as strange
24. favourite crystal? Not really into them but maybe jade or quartz 
25. first song you remember hearing? I turned out a punk or something by Joe Strummer
26. favourite activity to do in warm weather? Backpacking
27. favourite activity to do in cold weather? Cuddling, snowy adventuring, dancing
28. five songs to describe you? Hazel (bob dylan), Planted a thought (arthur russell), Junie (solange), Corridor of dreams (the cleaners from venus), Even cowgirls get the blues (emmylou harris)
29. best way to bond with you? Quality time, presence, care, spontaneity / silly curiousity
30. places that you find sacred? Oma and Opa’s yard and greenhouse, forest, Veluwe, ocean
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Floral dress, nice earrings with sambas and sweatshirt or hiking boots, wool socks and over shirt, with shorts and tank top
32. top five favourite vines? Fresh avocado is the only one that comes to mind
33. most used phrase in your phone? Yay sweet and or That’s funny
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? Can’t think of any
35. average time you fall asleep? 2am
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? Probably one of those justgirlythings ones here or Fb I have no idea
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Suitcase
38. lemonade or tea? Tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Lemon tart
40. weirdest thing to ever happen to you at your school? High school - Maybe bear spray yoe evac? authority figure telling me what I was wearing was inappropriate? psych teacher crying in class? Post sec - Tiktok famous boy makes a tiktok of me knitting in psych class? boy crushing steals my textbook just to get me to go to his car so he can return it to me? 
41. last person you texted? Daisy 🌼
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? BOTH
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Hoodie
44. favourite scent for soap? Rose, patchouli, rosemary, lavendar, mint, etc.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Naked 
47. favourite type of cheese? Cashew cheese or if I could brie
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? White nectarine but there are so many to try!
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “She walked with her entire body as if to gain momentum for an event in which her entire body would participate.” - Anaïs Nin (A spy in the house of love)
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? Probably my kid best friend
51. current stresses? Health issues, unstable income
52. favorite font? Freight rn
53. what is the current state of your hands? Coffee shakes
54. what did you learn from your first job? Hundreds of PLU’s, how to pack groceries, how messy and wasteful people are, that everyone should have to do a customer service job in their lifetime, how really great and awful people are, that I shouldn’t let other people’s stresses make me feel like I should be stressed, that quitting is good sometimes
55. favourite fairy tale? The six swans, Vasalisa the wise, Baba yaga, Bluebeard, Rumpelstiltskin, The red shoes, The velvet ribbon, Goldilocks and the three bears, and many many more
56. favourite tradition? Writing letters and cards, dressing up for halloween, celebrating birthdays
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Eating disorder, depression and heartbreak (although these are things I still need to keep being overcome)
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Writing, taking notes, learning about my body, feeling for what resonates
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Heyo, how bout that!
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Nausicaä of the valley of the wind (hayao miyazaki)
61. favourite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Recently found on my Tumblr feed from a book waiting on my shelf: “I want to believe, walking those aimless nights, that I was praying. For what I’m still not sure. But I always felt it was just ahead of me. That if I walked far enough, long enough, I would find it–perhaps even hold it up, like a tongue at the end of its word.” - Ocean Vuong (On earth we’re briefly gorgeous)
62. seven characters you relate to? In no particular order, not long thought out: 1) Sabina (A spy in the house of love), 2) Elio (Call me by your name), 3) Patti (Just kids), 4) Sally (The ruby in the smoke), 5) Camille (Un amour de jeunesse), 6) Dani (Midsommar), 7) Orla (Derry Girls)
63. five songs that would play in your club? I follow rivers - the magician remix (lykke li), JA! (bizzey), Gasolina (daddy yankee), Nice for what (drake), This must be the place - naive melody (talking heads) / love my way (psychedelic furs)
64. favourite website from your childhood? Myscene, Club penguin - those free gaming websites 
65. any permanent scars? A few on my face from tables and my dog, one on my knee from flip flops on a boat launch, a few burns here and there that probably aren’t permanent
66. favourite flower(s)? Always changing, echinacea and yellow roses rn
67. good luck charms? Change on the ground, nice earrings, well worn shoes, spotting flowers or animals
68. worst flavour of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? Cream of mushroom
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? Popped in my head, maybe not the most fun - the flower bud in the centres of apple tree fruiting spurs make the king fruit (the biggest and best apple from each spur) and if you pick the king blossom then all the surrounding blossoms will be bigger and better 
70. left or right handed? Right
71. least favourite pattern? Galaxy?
72. worst subject? Economics
73. favourite weird flavour combo? Miso and apple, blueberries and coconut curry, orange juice and beer (I don't know if its really possible to find a “weird” combo maybe it’s more like “not found in my culture”)
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 5 if 0 is no pain (I don't think I’ve been above 8.5)
75. when did you lose your first tooth? No idea
76. what’s your favourite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? Gnocchi or boerenkool
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? Flowering plants
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Station coffee
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? School id
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Earth
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? I don't think I have much experience with either
82. pc or console? I cannot either way
83. writing or drawing? This is my kryptonite question
84. podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts if I had to choose
84. barbie or polly pocket? Polly pocket
85. fairy tales or mythology? Mythology (stories are linked more)
86. cookies or cupcakes? Cookies
87. your greatest fear? My health issues keep accumulating and getting worse forever
88. your greatest wish? My health issues resolve
89. who would you put before everyone else? Myself, Suzmom or Marleymoon
90. luckiest mistake? Choosing mini school, don't regret it but maybe not the best decision
91. boxes or bags? Bags
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Sunlight and rocksalt lamps
93. nicknames? Ness, nessie, nessa, bean, bear, benjamin, kindje, sweet pea
94. favourite season? Late spring or late summer
95. favourite app on your phone? Flo, Spotify, Google maps, notes, weather, find my
96. desktop background? Santa Catalina Island off the coast of Southern California
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? 7+
98. favourite historical era? I love revolutions and renaissances but all of em have hard times and good times
4 notes · View notes
turnipsummer14-blog · 6 years
Christmas gift guide: what you can order just FOUR days before December 25th
Still have presents to buy? The best Christmas gifts for last-minute shoppers that will arrive in time for December 25th - and they cost as little as £10
Vouchers are the way to go if you're sweating slightly about presents arriving in time for the big day
Online retailers are still offering presents with a guarantee of arriving at your door by the 24th December
Our picks include a day out at The Bear Grylls Adventure in Birmingham to hand-made chocolate truffles
Cost-conscious gifts include engraved perfume from £35 a bottle...and beer in the post for £29.90
By Jo Tweedy For Mailonline
Published: 07:50 GMT, 21 December 2018 | Updated: 15:21 GMT, 21 December 2018
The man in red is already packing up his sleigh...but what if, with just four days until the big December 25th, your present bag is still dismally bare?
Fear not, for online shopping truly offers last-minute Larrys a life-line, for there's a whole raft of internet purchases that can be made on December 21st...and still find their way to your loved one well in time for Christmas Day. Zero to hero in the click of a mouse!
Here, Femail rounds up the best last-gasp purchases you can still make... 
Nuxe Christmas cracker featuring four mini products £10.00
Ideal for travellers looking for some soothing treats in a smaller size, this Nuxe gift-set includes mini versions of luxurious products including a hand and nail cream, a honey face cream and a dry oil splash.  
Order by 4pm on the 23rd (£4.95 charge) for next-day delivery 
Hand-made truffles including a Brussels sprout flavour  £10.00
The sophisticated alternative to a selection box? Hand-made chocolate truffles with a Christmas theme include Raspberry Champagne, Prosecco, Milk Champagne and, wait for it, Brussel Sprouts! The box is geometric-trendy too.   
Order by By 3pm on the 21st for tracked next day delivery 
Tickets to see the Nutcracker live at London's Albert Hall   From £35.00
Forget Hollywood's version, the Nutcracker will play out to awe-struck crowds from the 28th to the 31st December at the Royal Albert Hall in London. The best news? You can pick tickets up straight from the box office... perfect for johnny come-latelys.
Order online and receive by post or direct at the box office 
Commemorative First World War cut-glass Tommy figure  £29.99
Made by veterans, all profits from this commemorative WW1 Tommy figure go to charities across the military and mental health sector. This 10"/25cm high Perspex Tommy figure is delivered in beautiful packaging. This would be a lovely gift for many, especially to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War this year. 
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas
Tile Pro device to stop you losing keys and phones  £30
This handy device is ideal for keeping track of items that easily get lost including house keys and luggage. The tile uses Bluetooth to make a loud sound that identifies the location of a lost item as well as shows positioning on a map. 
Braun Series 3 ProSkin 3080s electronic shaver £49.99
Perfect for the man on the go, the Braun Series 3 ProSkin 3080s has advanced MircoComb technology that reduces shaving time by guiding hair into the cutting element, while the two SensoFoils adapt to every contour to offer extreme shaving comfort and precision. Order with standard delivery by December 21, or next day delivery on December 23. 
Faux fur cushions  £12.99
These luxury faux fur cushions are the ideal home accessory fur modern living spaces. Their plush exterior is a comfort to feel and their attractive look will compliment your room with a stylish edge.
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas.
Showtime Alphabet Collection Cushions  £31.99
Featuring all 26 letters of the alphabet and numbers 1-9, the playful, vintage font is reminiscent of traditional circus typography combined with a modern day palette.
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas. 
The Glenrothes Single Malt Scotch Whisky  £40.95
A Glenrothes 12 Year Old in classic style: fruity and sweet. Aged solely in sherry-seasoned casks, this Speyside whisky has notes of vanilla, melon, banana and cinnamon.
Order by 7pm on December 21 with express delivery for Christmas Eve delivery. 
Gintuition Set £27
Created for all gin fans, this selection of 3 great gin glasses helps you to discover and enjoy the best tasting gin experience. A classic highball and on-trend copa stem are complimented by the stylish martini cocktail. 
Order by 11.30am on December 21 for Christmas Eve delivery. 
Birchbox gift subscription  £30 every 3 months
Treat someone to 3, 6 or 12 months of beauty discoveries and they'll receive a monthly delivery of 5 luxe beauty treats straight to their door. 
It really is the gift that keep on giving - and the instantly printable certificate means it is great for last minute presents, all the way up to December 24th! 
Bruno Paillard Brut Premiere Cuvee NV Champagne  £33.95
Brut Premiére Cuvée NV is Bruno Paillard’s flagship Champagne. This lively non-vintage is made exclusively from the first pressing of the grapes (the purest juice) and is a blend of wine from thirty-two villages, all vinified separately. 
Delivery time in London is two hours, and one day delivery is available throughout the rest of the country. 
Mamont Vodka available to order until December 23rd £31.99
Presented in an ornate Mammoth tusk bottle, reminiscent of its Siberian roots, Mamont is the perfect gift or party pleaser this winter. Produced in limited small batches, Mamont Vodka is an ultra-premium, crystal clear spirit. Next day delivery is available so order by December 23.
Jameson Caskmates Stout Edition  £20
Jameson whiskey finished in craft stout-seasoned barrels from a local brewery, the stout-cask finish accentuates Jameson’s trademark smoothness with additional rich flavours of chocolate, coffee and butterscotch. 
Order by December 21 for Christmas delivery.
Birchbox Man Travel Bag  £27
The perfect gift for the man in your life, you'll find everything he needs for on-the-go grooming inside this limited edition bag. From a cleanse-and-moisturise to a cosy pair of socks, we've got his impromptu getaways taken care of. 
Order by 11.59pm on December 21 for delivery before Christmas. 
WD 2 TB My Passport Portable Hard Drive  £84.99
The My Passport portable drive is trusted to store the massive amounts of photos, videos and music you love; available in an array of vibrant, fun colors, the sleek style fits comfortably in the palm of your hand, so you can easily take your treasured content everywhere you go. 
Order by December 21 for delivery by Christmas Eve.
Bear Grylls Adventure NEC  £80
Inspired by the adventurer's real-life expeditions, the Bear Grylls Adventure at Birmingham's NEC opened in September. This particular package offers a 90-minute indoor skydiving experience, an hour on the High Ropes, a go on the free fall tunnel and a zip-lining experience. Other experience packages are available. 
 Learn to make bread From £75
Bread Angels specialise in making a whole variety of bread sold in the local community. 
Expert teachers also offer four-hour courses across the UK, with gift vouchers for classes starting from £75, with everything from basic breads to sourdough and grissini on the menu. 
Private dance lessons £54 an hour
Know a Strictly fan who would appreciate a chance to dance? Treat them to a private lesson, learning choreography to their favourite song, with a professional teacher.  Vouchers are for two people and available across the UK. 
Dry pouch  £65
Newly launched, Red Original’s ‘Dry Pouch’ has been designed to keep wallets, phones and keys completely protected (throw it against a wall and all will remain safe and sound inside) and waterproof (plus it floats) with a YKK zip which will never rust, corrode or let water in. It can be attached through a belt or onto a board, boat, bike etc. Ideal for boating, swimming, skiing. This is a bum bag that a man would actually wear! 
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas. 
KODAK Mini Shot Instant Camera  £84.99
Experience super high quality image processing and super-fast printing with the NEW Mini Shot Instant Camera from KODAK. Featuring powerful patented 4Pass Printing Technology, this 10-megapixel wonder enables you to aim, snap and print gorgeous credit-card-sized photos from the palm of your hand. 
Order by end of play December 21 for delivery before Christmas. 
Milano Velvet Armchair in teal  £89.99
The ICON® Milano Armchair offers a rich depth of colour and texture that give this soft seat its soulful personality. Its elegantly supportive form and clean lines are waiting to envelope you in its shimmering velvet fabric. Lift and move this lightweight lovely wherever you wish using its matching velvet handle and its resilient fabric base to rest on. 
Order on December 21 for delivery before Christmas. 
House of Marley No Bounds Bluetooth Speaker  £59.99
The No Bounds is our most rugged outdoor bluetooth speaker, crafted with sustainable cork to be as natural as its intended environment. The 4-colour speaker series is water and dust-proof, and each No Bounds boasts a 10-hour battery life which can be charged from flat in just 2 hours.  
Over £100 
Dyson Supersonic™ Hair Dryer  £299.99
The Dyson Supersonic is engineered for balance, with a motor that sits in the handle, for a new kind of drying experience. A glass bead thermistor measures the air temperature 20 times per second, guarding against extreme heat damage to protect natural shine. It’s acoustically tuned for conversation. The powerful motor is tuned to produce one inaudible frequency.  
Samsung Galaxy Watch  £279
Always stay connected with the Samsung Galaxy watch. You can receive notifications and calls right on your wrist so you'll always know when your loved ones are trying to reach you. Ideal if you're prone to leaving your phone on silent or not it's not always in pocket.
Dartington Crystal – Ships Decanter  £115
This classic decanter is a stylish way to keep and present your spirits. The handmade stopper of this crystal decanter creates an airtight seal for your drink. 
Order by 11.30am on December 21 for Christmas Eve delivery
Kobo Forma  £239.99
With no advertising and no interruptions, the Kobo Forma has been created to provide a great, relaxing reading experience. The device has handy page turn buttons, is bath friendly and has been created with ComfortLight PRO, which provides adjustable brightness and colour temperature to help reduce strain on your eyes.  
FLIR ONE Pro  £440
The FLIR ONE Pro helps you find invisible problems faster than ever with thermal imagining, whether you're inspecting electrical panels, troubleshooting mechanical systems, looking for HVAC problems, or finding water damage.  
Sipsmith annual gin subscription  £180
A bi-monthly subscription sends exclusive and delicious flavours of Sipsmith gin every other month. Each box contains 2x 20cl bottles and include flavours such as Black Maple Gin, Pomegranate Gin Liqueur and Bonfire Gin...
Order online before 24th Dec to guarantee January deliveries 
Go Pro Hero 7 £179.99
Say hello to the Go Pro Hero 7, the perfect partner on any adventure. It’s tough, tiny and totally waterproof so it can go wherever you do. An intuitive touch screen makes it simple to get great shots. Just swipe and tap. Use the photo timer to grab a sweet selfie. You can even shoot vertically then add your photos and videos right to your Instagram Story. 
Dell G3 17  £849
17" gaming laptop engineered with NVIDIA GeForce discrete graphics, 8th Gen Intel processors and thin design for the ultimate immersive gaming experience. 
Oculus Go £199
Easily enter virtual reality with no PC or wires attached. Oculus Go is a standalone VR headset made to fit you. Designed with breathable fabrics, adjustable straps and our best lenses yet.  
Bose SoundSport Free  £179.95
Get clear, powerful sound from our first truly wireless in-ear headphones. They're engineered to stay in place and stay comfortable. We've packed them full of technologies so you can push your workout to the next level. 
ASUS ZenBook Pro UX580  £1,899.99
The stylish and powerful ASUS ZenBook Pro UX580 has been designed with a 15.6” Ultra HD display, an 8th generation Intel Core i7 processor and 16GB RAM. It will boot up Windows 10 in no time and enable you to fly through any work projects, while the GeForce GTX 1050 graphics card provides gaming options during down time.  
Blow up paddle board  £1,299
This is a revolutionary new SUP which is a full sized board yet, when deflated, is half the size of all other inflatable paddle boards on the market. The ‘Compact’ board is a real game changer in the SUP market, as it fits down into a backpack so can be transported anywhere and everywhere with complete ease. 
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas 
KODAK Photo Printer Dock  £189.99
This 2-in-1 printer doubles up as a cradle that also charges your mobile device. Simply plug in your Android phone via the 5-pin dock, or hook up your iOS device with the lightning charger and let the easy printing technology turn your pictures into high-quality prints in minutes. 
Order by end of play December 21 for delivery before Christmas. 
Xbox One X 1TB Console – Gold Rush Special Edition Battlefield™ V Bundle  £449.99
Enter mankind’s greatest conflict with Battlefield™ V as the series returns to its roots in a never-before-seen portrayal of World War 2. Take on physical, all-out multiplayer with your squad in experiences such as the vast Grand Operations and the cooperative Combined Arms, or witness human drama set against global combat in the single player War Stories. As you fight in epic, unexpected locations across the globe, enjoy the richest and most immersive yet. 
Luxury dog mattress  £115
For the pet lover in your life. The Casper bed combines pressure-relieving memory foam and durable support foam to create a decent night's snoozing for Fido...the medium size sleeps dogs weighing up to 27kg
Delivered within 48 hours of ordering until 22nd December 
Filoment hoody for women  £145
Filoment is designed to keep you warm and snug. An active cut, with longer back and articulated arms, makes it ideal for active use. We make our down jackets to last with Nikwax Hydrophobic down. Filoment’s durable polyester outer is DWR coated, helping to shed moisture.
Order by December 21 for delivery before Christmas 
  Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-6414931/Christmas-gift-guide-order-just-FOUR-days-December-25th.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490
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film-clown · 4 years
Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker
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So this is about... 3 months late? I usually post reviews a couple weeks following the film’s release, but the last few months have been nothing short of awful. Maybe this quarantine has a good side - I can finally finish writing this! As I write this at the end of March 2020, I have literally 90% of this review finished. I don’t know what held me back.
But here we go. My thoughts, discussions, and a generally unbiased review of Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker. Major spoilers ahead, obviously.
Many people continue to emphasise the fact that the Star Wars films that have been released under Disney are all horrible. Although I do agree to an extent, The Last Jedi did end up being one of my favourite Star Wars films, and the trilogy wasn’t all that bad. But, Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker surpassed my predictions in so many ways. It was hilarious, emotional, shocking, disappointing, and aggravating to the point where everything left me crying anyway. So what am I gonna do to cope? Write about it.
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Straight off the bat, the most important point I will continue to emphasise for all my time - Finnpoe should’ve been canon. I will ALWAYS stand by this statement and there were numerous scenes that prove my point. They have such an incredibly tight bond and it continued to grow tighter throughout this film. Always having each other’s back no matter what, with such a deep-rooted connection. I wish they had kissed after the hug in the reunion at the end - it was perfect. I would also like to send out a special thank you to Mr. Oscar Isaac for genuinely speaking out about the injustice done towards finnpoe and overall LGBTQ+ representation. He was so incredibly vocal about how scared Disney is to have this happen, and how amazing and impactful it would have been if they were canon. John Boyega said a lot about finnpoe too during press, which made me incredibly happy to see such support from the actors. Not a lot of actors speak out against poor decisions made in their movies, which is why there’s almost no change for the good.
On the topic of ships that were done injustice, let’s talk about Reylo, shall we?
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The topic of Rey and Ben as a couple is extremely controversial. Another reason it took a while for me to finish this review is because I’ve done a LOT of research for evidence from both sides of the argument. Due to the incest factor, I’ve looked into if Palpatine is 100% Anakin’s father, but everything I’ve found has been contradicted with another point, or just speculation. But it’s a very important topic, so I’m going to discuss it in a non-biased manner, and as if the incest of it all has not been confirmed or denied. Please do feel free to send over any sources, I’m always open to look at it and discuss! Because whether or not their bond is considered romantic, it’s intimate and has a deep meaning to it.
Okay, that being said: they deserved better. Ben did not deserve to die the moment he finally felt loved and finally made a decision that was his own. All his life he’s been nothing but tormented by Palpatine, been told what to do and always had such awful inner conflict. Rey saw that conflict, she chose to try her best to help through everything. You cannot excuse the fact that what Ben has done in his life has been awful, but what we can do is understand that the voice that’s been telling him to do all this hasn’t been himself. He took control, he fought (WITH A BLUE LIGHTSABER, HOLY SH*T) side by side with Rey. The moment they finally got to hold each other out of war, he smiled for the first time; and then he died. The whole point of this was to see him redeem himself, and although he did, death should not always equal redemption! His story was supposed to be different, he was supposed to live. They were supposed to have a happy ending. And after reading several conspiracies, I’m fully convinced that he was supposed to live. Ben Solo DESERVED to live and it is beyond me that they chose to end one of, if not the most important film saga in cinematic history by letting him die in the hands of his LITERAL soulmate. It’s painful, and traumatising for people to watch.
Not only was his death painful, it just didn’t make any sense! The whole point of this trilogy was that Rey and Ben were a dyad in the force, and it was shown through certain scenes from The Last Jedi, and verbally mentioned by both Ben and Palpatine.
“A dyad in the force. A power like life itself.” (Palpatine)
“We’re a dyad in the force; two that are one.” (Kylo Ren)
So why the hell did Ben die? They built up this bond and portrayed it for 3 fucking movies just to have Rey defeat Palpatine herself? This bond was supposed to bring balance to the force. Rey and Ben are literally two force-sensitive beings, who share the power of one, which is BY FAR the most complex and influential relationship between 2 individuals that could possibly exist in the galaxy and you’re telling me that they touched on this topic for 5 minutes at the end of the entire trilogy and then threw it all away by killing off Ben? Seriously?
They had the capability to defeat Palpatine TOGETHER, and that would have been one of the most acclaimed scenes in Star Wars history. The symbolism of a Jedi and the Supreme Leader of the First Order fighting side-by-side would’ve been the most ideal representation of balance in the force.
I’ve also heard several contradictions towards Reylo and how it’s an abusive pairing? As an abuse victim, I believe that these two were at war as the Resistance and the First Order. Did you expect them to hold hands in TFA and TLJ? Hopefully not. All the hurtful things they did were just out of spite towards each other, if anything. And I think this is where I’ll go on and disagree with the Reylo kiss. It just didn’t make sense! There was tension throughout the film and just because he became Ben Solo again, they’re suddenly in love? I don’t know, if they wanted the kiss to make sense, Kylo Ren should have become Ben Solo in TLJ, so TROS could have worked on their positive relationship. The kiss was purely fan service, and it clearly did not please people anyway.
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Moving on, the idea of Palpatine returning is absolutely beyond me. What was the point of the celebration at the end of Return of the Jedi? What was the point of the entire last two trilogies if they were just going to bring him back for shock effect? What I can say though is that the shock effect did work, and that the climax of the film was BRILLIANT. I’m sorry, but the scene where his force lightning makes contact with all the resistance ships, the scene when Rey fights his lightning with two lightsabers (Ben should’ve been there, but anyway...), it was visually stunning and deserves only a bit of praise.
But Rey being a Palpatine is the most RIDICULOUS plot twist in Star Wars history. Not only was it a terrible attempt at shocking the crowd in a “No [Luke], I am your father” way, the whole point of Rey’s arc was that she is from nowhere. SHE IS SUPPOSED TO BE REY FROM NOWHERE. And now she’s Rey Palpatine. Force powers don’t have to be hereditary. Like she did the same mind-controlling thing that Obi-Wan did at one point so why couldn’t she have been a Kenobi? They showed her letting out force lightening so they could justify her bloodline, and I think this is one of the most severe flaws of the film.
The sidelining of Rose was so disappointing to me. Not only of Rose, Finn too. JJ Abrams literally confirmed that we were going to get Finn’s backstory and we never ended up getting it. All we got was him yelling Rey’s name another 40 times. And, the one person’s story which we got, aka Poe, turned out to be a drug dealer. They made a Hispanic man a drug dealer. I will never, ever forgive them for doing all of this.
Another problem was of how rushed this entire film was. An incredible amount of information to put in a 2 and 1/2 hour film, and it wasn’t done all that well. Just when the audience had genuinely believed that Chewie had died, we see that he’s alive. If you’re gonna do a death-scare, make it believable? 3PO getting his memory wiped but then getting it back from R2 was rushed as well; what was the point of the whole emotional “Taking one last look sir, at my friends” if he was just going to get his memory back anyway? Overdramatic AND unnecessary. Once again circling back to Reylo; they started off the film indicating no signs of romantic tensions but they ended up kissing at the end? You could pull the enemies-to-lovers card on this, which would make sense to an extent but also could not justify how rushed their romance was. I wouldn’t say that such twists in the film weren’t interesting, but if they carried out the concept to a point where it made sense, it would have been better. This was just unnecessary and ruined the film even more.
Back to Finnpoe once again; the idea that they were each given a heterosexual partner in this film AFTER all the hype and the shipping was done, is queerbaiting at its finest. Maybe that’s not the right word, but it’s something shitty. Jannah and Zorii had a lot of potential as their individual characters but were reduced to love interests because Disney is homophobic and it really, really is disgusting to me.
Since when does the Force do all these things. Resurrecting people? Being dead and still being able to force lift things? Not to say that such powers couldn’t have been discovered by each individual, but to have brought them into the film as a plot device rather than a power each respective character has developed during their arc, is once again, unnecessary.
After the release, the fans got all but concept art and excerpts of the film, and what COULD have been. Explanations of what was trying to be conveyed in the film. If you are forced to explain the film you have just released through interviews, it sucked. There’s a saying that as a filmmaker, you must “trust your audience”. Abrams trusted his audience, and all we could see were the flaws and missing details.
Generally, several flaws of this film spawned out of the petty film-feud between JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson. What Johnson tried to do in The Last Jedi was outstanding, and was a very unique concept compared to other Star Wars films. Sure, it had flaws, but a Star Wars film is not a Star Wars film without plot-holes and shitshows. But what Abrams attempted in The Rise Of Skywalker was to contradict almost everything in the previous film. The Force Awakens was outstanding, don’t get me wrong, so I couldn’t really say that Abrams isn’t good for Star Wars. But the two directors’ creative differences should NOT have gotten in the way of telling a good story. This trilogy had potential, and this film was beyond important for millions of fans of all ages.
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Adam Driver’s performance was brilliant. It’s upsetting that he didn’t even get much to say in the 3rd act other than “Ow” but he managed to do so well even without dialogue. He didn’t even have to speak to show the true transition between Kylo Ren and Ben Solo, you could see it through the tenderness of the emotions portrayed by Driver overtime.
It’s upsetting that Domhnall Gleeson didn’t get half as much screentime as he did in The Last Jedi, and the way they finished General Hux’s character arc was honestly pathetic. For a character with such antagonism to be reduced to a plot device that dies like THAT? Regardless, still an amazing performance by Gleeson as per usual.
John Boyega and Oscar Isaac continue to be my favourite people ever. Their characters deserve so much better and I am GLAD that John is speaking his mind on social media, regardless of the... aftermath of it.
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If I talk about the way that Han and Leia deserved better, I will not stop talking. Just know that is a point I want to get across. And, Rest in Peace Carrie Fisher. We love and miss you tremendously and it hurts me to know that had you been around, you would not have let this film be so awful.
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To conclude this extremely lengthy and overdramatic review of Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker, I would like to push aside the numerous flaws of this film and try my best to look at the bright side of the disaster. The rainbow after the storm. Whatever.
I believe that this film was really good if you disconnect it from the rest of the franchise. For round 3 of this film in theatres, I went with a friend who had only seen The Force Awakens and about half of The Last Jedi; and she loved it. It’s definitely not a clear judgement, but I tried to look at her perspective and I got it. Disconnect the story, the expectations, and the background of each character which inevitably leads to expectations of the end of their character arc. It’s difficult, and honestly stupid to look at it like this, but as someone who just wants to smile during a film; I think there’s no fun in hate. Most of the effects in this film were gorgeous (let’s forget force ghost Luke). Take that, the larger-than-life scale of events, the emotions, the impeccable score, I believe it to be nothing short of a cinematic masterpiece. I’ll take the tomatoes you throw at me because I have to admit, watching this film in theatre was an experience I’d love to have again. I cheered my ass off when Ben pulled out the blue lightsaber in the climax.
I don’t think I could ever be a real film critic solely because I will always find some way to enjoy the film no matter how awful it is.
As usual, honorary mention to the phenomenal score that is present in every Star Wars films. Hats off to John Williams, thank you for making the audience cry for 40+ years. We love you!
It’s 5:45am as I’m finishing this off and as a side note, since I’m overly-emotional, I’d like to say something. The hatred and conflict created by The Rise Of Skywalker has blinded us of our true love for what Star Wars once was. Star Wars is a film saga about hope, love, faith, and the way (almost) every film has managed to convey it, always brings tears to my eyes. It upsets me to see it, and I hope that everyone slowly grasps back onto their once-love for Star Wars.
May the force be with you.
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keimanzero · 7 years
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Greetings fellow Toonami anime fans! I am now keeping those of ya who cannot get CN's Adult Swim Toonami on TV informed and up to date on Toonami's eppys each week. From now on, I am going to be posting updates weekly (Usually on Sundays) here at FB and Twitter as well as at Gaia's Chatterbox.
First off here's the new ASToonami schedule (All times Eastern):
10:30 PM: Dragon Ball Super
11:00 PM: Dragon Ball Z Kai
11:30 PM: Black Clover (NEW)(8 eps)
12:00 M: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
12:30 AM: Gundam:Iron-Blooded Orphans)(NEW)(Season 2)
1:00 AM: Hunter x Hunter
1:30 AM: Lupin III Part IV
2:00 AM: Naruto Shippuden
2:30 AM: Outlaw Star
3:00 AM: Cowboy Bebop
3:30 AM: Ghost/Shell:2nd Gig
Samurai Jack has been terminated but this coming 28-29 October Hall-o-we'en weekend, Toonami is airing a marathon of the final season of this long anime series.
Updates for 2-3 Dec 2017:
DBSuper:  Universe 6 is finally defeated by U 7 when Beerus's 'secret weapon' team member (The lil pink shrimpy guy Monaka) somehow 'defeats' Hit.  Begrudgingly, Bulma gave Whis and Beerus the incantation to summon Super Shenron which must be given in the 'Divine Language' unknown to any but gods and angels. Summoned, the dragon swallowed everyone! However, Whis told them this was the only way to 'see' the dragon who was the size of a few galaxies! Beerus told Bulma he wished for a decent bed but secretly he wished for his brother's U 6 Earth to be made habitable again and repeopled. Back on Earth and preparing for the next tournament of Universes, the gang celebrates while Goku challenges the no powers at all Monaka to a fight. Instead, Bulma has Pwar transformed into Beerus so Beerus can disguise himself as Monaka. Beerus easily defeats Goku and all is well? What's next? Find out soon!
DBZ Kai:  Trunks and Goten finally master fusion and become GoTenks while Buu continues his rampages across the Earth. When Goku and Gohan somehow break the Z Sword, the Supreme Kai from 15 generations ago is released who promises to imbue Gohan with the power to defeat Buu. Gotenks is unable to even put a dent in Buu and he returns to the Lookout. This enrages Piccolo because Goku gave up his full time on Earth to teach his son and Vegeta's son fusion to defeat the monster. Meanwhile, Mr Satan tries to placate Buu w/ poisoned chocolates, exploding video games and finally, becomes Buu's servant. Some hero huh? Buu's 'servant' finally shows Buu he must not destroy and kill and it works fine until a vicious hunter kills Buu's new pet puppy dog. Meanwhile, back to training for the impetuous GoTenks who arrives at Buu's place just in time for Fusion to wear off. Back to the Lookout where Trunks is bandaged by Mama Bulma while poor GoTen gets a bare bottom spanking from Mama ChiChi. On Kai World, Gohan's training continues- all he needs to do is sit still- for another 20 hours! The Supreme Kai from 15 generations back keeps falling asleep while transferring power to Gohan via mind send which is similar to Trek's 'mind meld' technique. The Kai World continues to prepare while Buu has been cowed by Satan w/ a puppy. However, the bad guys come back and one kills Satan who is revived (Buu cannot restore life) by Buu. However, this causes a split between innocent good Buu and a his alter ego, a thinner and deadlier evil Buu. The latter blasts the hunter dead with a ray of red energy (Kryptonite maybe?) and now it's a whole new ballgame with two opposing Majin Buus. Stay tuned!
Jojo's BA: The latest Stand is a witch! Polnreff is almost killed by Centrefold's Mama's 'Justice' Stand which can reanimate the dead! This is in revenge because Polnareff killed her son- Centrefold. Jotaro to the rescue! When Mama nicks JoJo, he uses his Hamon powers to easily defeat her. Next stop- Egypt and DIO! The gang takes Mama along for questioning. Arrived at karachi, Pakistan, Dan of Steel, DIO's newest killer, reveals his Stand to be a Kenpachi Zasaraki (Bleach's #11 Cpt) power where he plants his Stand inside a hapless enemy's brain so that whatever pain is inclicted on Dan, his enemy feels it and his enemy is Joseph. Dan kills Eyama the old lady before she can reveal DIO's ultimate Stand's power to the gang. This is a two parter of The Lovers. Jotaro is tortured mercilessly by Dan while the other 2 Stand users retreat w/ Joseph to pull off a Fantastic Voyage operation inside poor Joseph's brain!
Gundam:Iron-Blooded Orphans: Orca now leads Tekkaman's kids as advisors to the now allies Gallahorn but all is not so peaceful.  After defeating the Dawn Horizon pirates, Orca and Miyazuki confront the leader of the Liberatis group (Allendium) who sent the DH pirates against Tekkadan and Gjallahorn. Miyazuki kills Allendium. Meanwhile, theprincess discusses the future with her friend on Earth. Tekkadan defends the new Arbrau Defense Force and Mars's princess returns with them to Mars. A war of attrition betwixt Arbrau/Tekkadan/Gjallahirn vs the Imperial Armies but beware! Does Tekkadan have a traitour in their midst? With the loss of Astin and other Tekkadan kids, the war finally comes to an end. For how long though?
Hunter x Hunter:  Despite losing a hand and sustaining varying injuroes, Gon finally defeats Genthru the Bomber Hunter. Using Angel's Breath cards, Bisky, Killua and Gon heal their enemy team trio and Gon. However, Killua opts to let nature and time heal his own injured hands. The game of Greed Island is now over for Gon/Killua/Bisky so it's party time! What now eh?
Lupin III: Lupin and Fujiko hatch a plan to swipe an Alfa Romeo car from a seller (To drive the price up) which Lupin does steal w/ 'Pops' right on his tail. Only Lupin's not controlling the car. Who is? The mind of the car's owner, a dying lady singer. Oh yes and Zenigata and the cops are forbidden to interdere and arrest Lupin.
Naruto S:  More reminiscing from Naruto while they rebuild the Leaf Village. Naruto recalls his group's (Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke) first mission with Gaara and his Sand Village team.
Outlaw Star:  Hard to say, but I think Jimbo and Gene are at loggerheads about work. I missed most of Naruto S and all of OS, CN and GS this weekend.
Cowboy Bebop:  Jett unwittingly plays odds and evens with dice w/ Faye Valentine and literally loses his shirt and pants! While exploring an old fridge in the Bebop's hold, he contracts a serious illness which he shares with the others. Can Spike figure it out in time and save the crew?
Ghost/Shell: 2nd Gig: A reluctant Section Nine team helps out when the PM changes the rules on refugees yet again.
At long last! A new Gundam game- Gundam Versus w/ 90 different mobile suits, a slower pace and more baddies. PS4. Tom and Sarah give this one a 7.5 outta ten. I'd give it an 8 myself.
See ya next time, gang. Tell your friends about my updates.- The Keiman.
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Wwe 2k17 Vapor Essential Rucis License
It's that time again where supporters are right now patiently waiting for the brand-new WWE 2K17 roster reveal. The phrase "Paul Heyman guy", which was 1st coined in WWE sectors by CM Punk during his tube bomb interview leading into Cash in the Loan company 2011, has used on a full existence of its very own in WWE 2K17 PC Download the five years since that memorable moment. While http://gamerzcorner.top/wwe-2k17-pc-download-full-game/ , commentary, and feminine wrestler treatment could make use of even more fine-tuning, the rest of the game will a wonderful job of providing an experience that's just a little even more impressive than last year's access. - The latest WWE 2K17 commercial that aired during last night's Battle of Champions PPV is normally getting rave reviews. 2K't new DLC offering provides over 50 fresh goes that can become wwe 2K17 pc download added to your preferred Superstar's arsenal. That last addition provides created celebrities a bit even more personality, and the options for your video are quite substantial for a initial supplying. The following level leaps are most evident in MyTeam, a deep and diverse video game mode that offers you the opportunity to build your very very own NBA wish team, full a variety of mini-games and issues, and take on the computer or players wwe 2K17 pc download in competitive matchmaking online. The fresh 2K Tonight can be an on the web tournament mode of kinds in which the player advances unlocks a series of five match types by defeating the previous matches. As with most sport franchises, the biggest hurdle that encounters WWE 2K17 can be what it can do to warrant another annual buy. This contains a quantity of wrestlers, but the well-known Showcase setting also, that enables you to re-live popular moments WWE 2K17 PC Download of WWE history, the feuds between superstars, and the famous eras of the display. WWE 2K17 offers a roster of more than 130 wrestlers that feature current male and feminine talent as well as well-known wrestlers from the oughts, 90s, 80s and just before. The rest of these wrestlers have been a stable presence in latest WWE video video games. Considerably as games and music I have not performed my ps3 in over a year I simply use it for netflix and wwe network so I did not remember all the designs WWE 2K17 PC I have preserved on it lol. 2K Sports say that's because its omission let them focus on improving the Career setting, but if that's accurate, after that I shiver to think just how bad the career mode was just before. Playing as the Undertaker is normally a accurate tradition to the business, and with all the precision place into his model, it'll once again become insanely hearty to perform as him. Het nieuwste deel in para WWE 2K-serie can WWE 2K17 PC be wederom een leuke worstelgame geworden, ook al is niet alles goed uitgewerkt. WWE 2K17'ersus fresh features don't all succeed on first try, however in many areas it delivers method beyond anticipations. I had been playing as Sami Zayn in the game's MyUniverse setting, and experienced finally reached a shot at the WWE title at Wrestlemania after winning the Royal Rumble. In conditions of match types to choose, I experience like there are less of them this season, but that could be an illusion brought on by the extremely basic menu system. Meanwhile WWE 2K17 PC Download, these ladder fits possess been extremely popular with the community and led to tremendous creativity from the players who constructed points with the ladders, doing all types of crazy stuff and causing general turmoil (look it up on YouTube). There's a great deal for experienced players to appreciate, but newer players shall have got a hard period acquiring everything in. Each copy will come with the Goldberg Pack, while the deluxe model comes with: Season wwe 2K17 pc download Pass, MyPlayer Kickstart, Accelerator, NXT Improvement Pack, Legends Pack, New Moves Pack, Potential Celebrities Pack, and Hall of Popularity Showcase (Available post-launch). A little over a decade later I've seen a little and the production can be perhaps the best it's been in a lengthy time. World generates match cards for TV and PPV shows randomly, simply because WWE 2K17 PC well as initiating rivalries when it sees match. But the big lookers right here are Nikki and Brie Bella...they appear place on absolutely. Brock is also a massive improvement...as he was one of the odd searching ones in 2K16. Things obtain worse when you understand there will be a Display Mode later on on as a DLC pack. Nevertheless uncovered in mind that they've currently announced some names such as Sasha Banks, Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, etc. WWE video games consist of a ‘galaxy' setting which reflects WWE 2K17 PC Download the current condition of WWE televised storylines, and 2K18's i9000 is definitely looking to develop with the current state of WWE affairs, arriving out with a more organic and interesting story for the series.
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hotseller-blog · 7 years
FRIEQ Universal Waterproof Cell Phone Carrying Cases For Apple iPhone 6 5s 5 Galaxy S5 S4 S3 HTC One Galaxy Note 3 MP3 Player
Update June 10th: Well, it’s still working. I took it with me to Soak City at Knotts Berry Theme Park and carted my phone, ID, passes and money around in for about 5 hours. From water slides, submersion and impact in the wave pool, hanging over the side of the inner tube on the lazy river, the playground that sprays water all the time, I hung it around my neck, let it float in the water, peered at it and checked on it twice. Dry as a bone, no condensation this time. Admittedly, I also had my phone turned off and not running music so there was no battery inside to heat things up. I also kept getting stopped by people to ask if it worked and where to get it. So I’ve directed them here. I’d still give it a 4.5, just for the build up of condensation on the inside if I’m actually actively using my phone. But it still does the job, and without needing to fork out a lot of money.
I felt more than a little smug taking pictures through my phone at the wave pool and sending texts and watching other people tucking their phones into the chest of their bathing suits and screeching when their kids got them wet and frantically checking to see if their phone was still okay. Ten bought me piece of mind and a chance to focus on keeping track of my son in a sea of kids instead of splitting my focus. Allowed me to have fun. I’m going to buy a few and if someone asks when I’m there again, passing one to them and saving them some pain and anguish if their phones get wet. It was also a little easier to open this time, but still sealed up real good.
Original review:
Would rather give this a 4.5 than a straight up four. I bought this (No one supplied me with it or the like) and I saw someone who had wished that there was a review that wasn’t a sponsored one. Well, here you go.
I was doing a 5k Mudrun. I wanted to keep my HTC One V with me, potentially take pictures, and be able to text my husband when I’d be close to the finish line. I didn’t want to spend 50 bucks on something that I may or may not use once. This fit the bill. The deduction of the one star, is in the con’s section and that was just because given enough time, enough condensation could have caused troubles.
* Simple, straight forward, nothing fancy. * Comes with a lanyard that can unclip from the case to make it easier to open. * Takes pictures through the plastic pretty well, provided that you don’t have drops of water clinging to the outside. * I heard the music pretty good through the case, though there is some dampening. * Nice and roomy, can accommodate nearly any phone, even with a protective case. * Had no issue manipulating the screen at all. I was surprised by this. It was a little harder to text through the plastic, but not too much. Just required a little more attention.
* It may be waterproof but I had condensation going on the inside, and eventually over the hour that I was tromping through obstacle courses, having water hosed on me, wading through mud and otherwise putting it to a good old fashioned test, it gathered enough condensation inside to be a few drops at the bottom when I opened it up at the end of the run. Mind you, this is during a hot day in Southern California spring and humidity is high. There was no water at the seal, so this was clearly the condensation. * The clasps (for lack of a better word) that keep it closed and waterproof, were at times, a pain in the butt to open. Took a little leverage but it would in the end.
For the 10 bucks or so that it costs, it was exactly what I needed and did precisely what it said. Without it, I would have been unable to let my family know when to be at the finish line to cheer me on. Coated in mud, dredged through pools of scummy water, bombarded by a fire hose a few times, it passed the real life test and not just the kitchen sink test as others have shown. I’ll be trying it on a color run next, to see how it stands up to colored cornstarch.
PS: before you do anything – please, make sure that you have connected monitor with provided DVI cable! (or HDMI cable, not provided) Just do not use VGA cable… ever … again. With VGA cable you will see ~30% less than this monitor can do. Your graphics card is VGA only? Time to get new one, with DVI/HDMI out.
Settings on Monitor itself: - Go to Menu and set Brightness to ~90 – if you like it brighter – go for 100! - Contrast ~90 - Image Control / Sharpness – set to 1 (or 2 max!) I left everything else at default, for now.
Settings in Windows 7. - Go to Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsPerformance Information and Tools and go to ADJUST VISUAL EFFECTS link. Then on popup “Visual Effects” make sure that option “Smooth edges of screen fonts” is checked. Personally, I have all options checked, except of option “Show translucent selection rectangle” – don’t like it! And I have unchecked all 3 options to “Animate” things too. - Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsDisplay – – you can play with option “Calibrate color”. - Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsDisplay – – you can fine tune fonts using “Adjust Clear Type text” (make sure that if you running this feature, “Turn on Clear Type” check box is checked !!! – it improves fonts a lot)
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mimiceon · 7 years
answer all of them
When I said I would block you,,,, There’s a lot more than one way to get blocked. Anyway, I’m putting this under a read more bc I hate you and it’s long. If you want to know more about me than strictly necessary then click read more, rip in pieces to those on mobile.
Also: I W I N
200: My crush’s name is:No one,,, or is it (lol it’s no one)199: I was born in: Ireland, 1998198: I am really: Annoying, probably197: My cellphone company is: 3 mobile196: My eye color is: Blue195: My shoe size is: 5194: My ring size is: IDK?? I have my Cladddagh ring but I don’t remember193: My height is: 5′‘2192: I am allergic to: nothing191: My 1st car was: I can’t drive190: My 1st job was: babysitter189: Last book you read: Foster (it’s shit)188: My bed is: A double bed?? really comfy?? I have no parameters here187: My pet: I don’t have one186: My best friend: Emma, a certified Dork185: My favorite shampoo is: Elvive, it has glitter184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox183: Piggy banks are: Cool??182: In my pockets: I’m in pajamas181: On my calendar: nothing all week save Graduation on Thursday180: Marriage is: Coolio 179: Spongebob can: be happy, levae him be178: My mom: is coolio177: The last three songs I bought were? Decpacito, Issues, and Horns176: Last YouTube video watched: Vine compilations, sue me175: How many cousins do you have? Too Many, family reunions are wild174: Do you have any siblings? 4 bothers and one sister173: Are your parents divorced? Yes172: Are you taller than your mom? Yes171: Do you play an instrument? *Flashbacks to recorder practice* It’s required in Ireland so yeah170: What did you do yesterday? Went shopping and bought my graduation outfit[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: yes (I’m a mushy person don’t drag me)168: Luck: yes, Luck of The Irish, I’ve never had it, but it’s there167: Fate: Yes, it’s fate I’m gonna kick ur ass166: Yourself: N O165: Aliens: yes, I wanna fuck superman, I have to believe164: Heaven: ??163: Hell:???162: God:?????161: Horoscopes: yeah I’m a Leo (August 19th, mark your calender)160: Soul mates: Yes 159: Ghosts: Fuck yeah, my firends house is haunted158: Gay Marriage: I’m a bisexual,,,, so Y E S157: War: No (?)156: Orbs: *flashbacks to fanfics* … don’t…155: Magic: Y E S[ This or That ]  (I’m bisexual,,,,, why u asking me to choose) 154: Hugs or Kisses: Kisses!153: Drunk or High: Drunk152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Black hair 150: Blondes or Brunettes: blondes149: Hot or cold: Cold148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate145: Night or Day: Night144: Oranges or Apples: Apples143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight142: McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald’s141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heels: High Heels138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and poor137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Burried or cremated: Buried, I’m taking part in the skeleton war134: Singing or Dancing: Singing133: Coach or Chanel: Coach132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Who (???)131: Small town or Big city: big city130: Wal-Mart or Target: I’m Irish129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure127: East Coast or West Coast:I’m Irish126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: Cocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney (tf is six flags??)123: Yankees or Red Sox: I’m Irish[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: My brothers are all in the army, this is v Yikes121: George Bush: Did 9/11120: Gay Marriage: Let us marry!!119: The presidential election: Stupid118: Abortion: Let them have it, it’s not my decision117: MySpace: Oldie but goodie116: Reality TV: Stupid, but entertaining115: Parents: Love my step dad, I’m a daddy’s girl lmao114: Back stabbers: [eye emojis]113: Ebay: Don’t use it much112: Facebook: Good, I guess111: Work: I’m a lazy binch110: My Neighbors: Nosy!! They look in our windows when we’re out109: Gas Prices: I don’t drive108: Designer Clothes: Look fancy107: College: I plan on going to one106: Sports: Quidditch I love, not so sure on everything else105: My family: OK, a little nasty sometimes, v petty, esp my brothers104: The future: The what???[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Like this morning?102: Last time you ate: I’m eating an apple rn101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Last week I saw my aunt100: Cried in front of someone: Last Thursday 99: Went to a movie theater: Lke a week ago98: Took a vacation: way too long ago97: Swam in a pool: Years96: Changed a diaper: Not long enough ago95: Got my nails done: Ages ago94: Went to a wedding: Last year93: Broke a bone: 5 years ago (my school shaded me, another story for another time)92: Got a peircing: 3 years ago91: Broke the law: I downloaded music illegally yesterday90: Texted: yesterday[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: My friend Molly88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My Coffee machine87: The last movie I saw: Gaurdians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 (I was forced)86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: The end of my exams85: The thing im not looking forward to: My exams84: People call me: Abbey, Abbs, Dabbey Hufflepuff (100% real)83: The most difficult thing to do is: Study82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: I don’t drive81: My zodiac sign is: Leo80: The first person i talked to today was: My mum79: First time you had a crush: I was like 8, he was my brothers best friend, he gave me a valentines card and I told him to go away bc I couldn’t handle it78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: My mum77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Idk??76: Right now I am talking to: The GC75: What are you going to do when you grow up: something stupid, probably74: I have/will get a job: IDK??73: Tomorrow: School72: Today: Study71: Next Summer: Exams, then England for a while70: Next Weekend: Dying slowly, from a hangover69: I have these pets: None68: The worst sound in the world: ‘moist’67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Myself binch66: People that make you happy:my mutuals (yes even u you shitstain)65: Last time I cried: last Thursday64: My friends are: a little mean, v condescending63: My computer is: HP62: My School: Is becoming a gaelscoil and I can’t deal lmao61: My Car: I don’t have one60: I lose all respect for people who: Shout at me/fake ask ppl out59: The movie I cried at was: Lion King, Marley and Me58: Your hair color is: Brown with some blonde57: TV shows you watch: Shadowhunters, Avatar, Legend of Korra + many more56: Favorite web site: This blue hell, or youtube55: Your dream vacation: America54: The worst pain I was ever in was: When I broke my arm, that shit hurt53: How do you like your steak cooked: Well Done52: My room is: Messy, kind of51: My favorite celebrity is: I can’t choose don’t do me dirt like this50: Where would you like to be: America!49: Do you want children: IDK48: Ever been in love: Hah nooooo47: Who’s your best friend: Emma46: More guy friends or girl friends: Girl friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Sleeping44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My niece, Ella43: Do you have a 5 year plan: No, I don’t even know what I’m doing in 5 mins42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: No41: Have you pre-named your children: No40: Last person I got mad at: Myself, my friend Mia 39: I would like to move to: America38: I wish I was a professional: Sleeper[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Chocolate36: Vehicle: IDK35: President: Mary, she was good34: State visited: i’M iRISH33: Cellphone provider: 332: Athlete: N O31: Actor: NO30: Actress:also no29: Singer: again no28: Band: I HAVE NO TALENTS OKAY27: Clothing store: Penneys26: Grocery store: Tesco25: TV show: Shadowhunters24: Movie: I don’t have a fave, don’t do me dirt23: Website: This blue hell, or youtube22: Animal: A Sugar Glider21: Theme park: ???20: Holiday: I’d like to go to America19: Sport to watch: Quidditch18: Sport to play: none lol17: Magazine: none16: Book: Harry Potter15: Day of the week: Saturday14: Beach: Loch Luch13: Concert attended: none12: Thing to cook: Pasta Bake11: Food: Curry10: Restaurant: Blue Ocean9: Radio station: Today FM8: Yankee candle scent: Lavender7: Perfume: Princess- Vera Wang6: Flower: Violet5: Color: Purple4: Talk show host:Ryan Tubridy3: Comedian: Darragh O’Brien2: Dog breed: A Newfie!! We used to breed Newfoundlands!!1: Did you answer all these truthfully?  Yes (kind of)
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