omg-snakes · 7 months
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I think it's safe to say this kid got the Red Factor.
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verstappieatheart · 2 years
🎄 Day 23 🎄
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Golden hour x Max
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afterhoursxp · 6 months
Brewhol Coffee Shop
MV23+X8Q, San Jose St, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
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bamboomusiclist · 1 year
4/18 おはようございます。Ray Parker Jr / The Other Woman al9590  等更新しました。
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hotcockalorum · 2 years
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lliblo · 3 years
MV23 Do You Like Snakes?
After the Battle of New York and Loki escaped with the tesseract the god of mischief decided hiding in plain sight was the best course of action as he debated about what to do next. Now that he was snapped out of Thano’s manipulation caused by the mind stone he started to feel remorse for his deeds. He never wanted thing to go this far, never wanted to attack Midgard, he only wanted to show his father he was just as worthy as Thor, though considering his actions maybe everyone was right to think he was never fit for the throne. 
Loki found himself in a tiny pet shop in the back end of Queens. It was owned by an old man who he didn’t bother to learn the names of and didn’t even seem to notice the addition of a black snake to his collection of reptiles. Loki has some reservations about how effective this hiding place was, seeing as it was a pet store after all, but after two years of disgusted looks and general uninterest from the patrons, Loki settled into his self exile sure that no one would ever purchase a snake like himself. 
Or so he thought. 
One day a boy walks in with his aunt. He seems down. Loki can almost see the gray cloud following the boy around. 
“I know you’ve always wanted a dog but our apartment won’t let us have anything outside a tank, but there are all sorts of other animals? What do you think of a hamsters?”
The boy just shrugged. Loki suspected it was the lack of a canine that brought the boy’s mood down, but he couldn’t find the will to care. Being a reptile he was a slave to some of the desires, one being curled up on his rock enjoying the heat lamp. 
The boy wanders around the shop and eventually find himself in front of the green eyed serpent. The aunt suggested a turtle or a frog seeming to have the same distaste for snakes as the rest of humanity. 
Loki scoffed at the notion that he was only worth $50 of the mortal money, still the boy walked out with Loki, god of mischief and being responsible for so many deaths, in a 12’ by 8’ cardboard pet carrier that was a little too small for him to be comfortable.  
Luckily the ride wasn’t too bumpy, the boy seemed to be taking general care not to cause to much movement to the box in transit. And after laying curled up for nearly an hour as another box was opened and something was assembled. He was gently poured out of the pet carrier and into a comfortable sized tank that was bigger than the one he had at the pet shop. Decorated with a fake stick with leaves that was designed to climb and a large comfortable looking heating rock (technically not safe for snakes but whateves) all layered with wood shavings to hide under as well as many other places of his choosing. 
The boy just watched him. The air of sadness still surrounded him but he did smile at Loki occasionally as he watched the god explore his new confinements. 
Loki found himself curling up on the rock and facing the boy as he looking him over. 
“Hello,” the boy greeted, he gave a small smile at the snake and Loki, “my name is Peter, and this is my room,” Peter motioned to the small room behind him, it was big enough for a bed, desk, and a dresser with a comfortable walking space but that was about it. “I hope you like it here, sorry if you liked the pet shop better, but I promise to take good care of you!” The boy brightened up slightly, “you didn’t have a name at the shop so it’s probably good to give you one now, what do you say?”
Loki froze after the boy spoke, he wasn’t aware that snakes had the ability to communicate on Midgard, maybe that’s why people disliked them so much? Too human speech but to different in body. In all honesty it made sense to Loki, so he spoke. 
“I’m pretty sure the old fool at the pet shop wasn’t sure I was there, so he never bothered with a name. I wouldn’t mind a new one,” his mouth didn’t move and a snake didn’t have the proper vocals for words so he used a bit of magic to project his voice to Peter. He assumed the other snakes had this ability, not an uncommon one in the universe…
So his mistake was understandable. 
“Y-... did you just talk?” Peters she’s we’re wide now, his face nearly pressed against the glass. 
Loki mentally cursed himself for being so foolish, but as the god of mischief he was good with rolling with things. “I’m a special breed.” He provided lamely. 
A story in which Peter accidentally adopted Loki as his pet snake. 
Takes place before he become Spider-Man and because the avengers messed with time, Peter’s parents were never killed when he was young, instead they died later in life a few years after the battle at New York. Moving in with his aunt and uncle they try to cheer him up by getting him a pet for his first birthday after his parent’s death. 
Loki unintentionally helps Peter through his grief and even his struggles with becoming Spider-Man (Kinda intentional)
They become secret bff’s. Peter doesn’t tell anyone about his talking snake but he does have a habit of taking him to all sorts of places. Gets in trouble with sneaking him into school. 
Names him Skywalker, (or Anakin?) but uses Sky for short. It’s not until Peter almost gets himself killed that Loki reveals himself out of necessity.
When Stark shows up Loki distrust him and says that the man is only using Peter to fight a battle he has no right being in. 
Peter doesn’t listen so Loki sneaks his ways into Peter’s luggage and has to reveal his presence to the Avengers during civil war after Peter is almost killed by the fight. Thing end differently then they would have in real civil war. Steve and Buck get away, but the rest are stunned and left to think they just killed a child in their battle, only to have Loki use his magic to protect the kid until Peter can be dug out. 
Thor is called and Peter fights for Loki to be released trying to help him not be sent to prison.
I mean this one basicly spells out the plot so not so much of a prompt but still. Fun idea! Also it goes to note this was created before the Loki series sooo yeah. Loki is a snake and its a classic found family.
My Fic
Link: AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/27988506/chapters/68553960
Time travel is a fickle thing. The Avengers accidently let Loki escape in one of the timelines though they leave that for the native Avengers to deal with. With the tesseract in hand, Loki makes and impulse request and finds himself in front of a Pet Shop. Having no where else to go, he hides among the Midgardian creatures. He never expected this path to end with him learning what he had been missing about the word 'Family.'
Peter Parker was allowed to pick one animal to take home as a new friend. Out of all the animals, it was the pitch black, green eyed snake that caught his eye. Imagine his amazement when he got home to find out it could talk.
Rules for Use:
Feel free to expand or alter if this inspires you!
Repost a link to your fic on this post (I wanna read it!!)
Give proper credit and link this post in the fic itself (Pretty please?)
Return To: LlibLo’s Fan Fiction Prompt Index
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to-dare-is-to-do · 4 years
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petrosolgas · 2 years
MODEC entrega um dos maiores e mais modernos FPSO’s do mundo que entrará em operação no Brasil
O FPSO Almirante Barroso MV32, um dos maiores projetos de FPSO do mundo, foi concluído e entregue em Dalian, província de Liaoning, nordeste da China. A embarcação foi o 11.º projeto FPSO adaptado pela COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry (Dalian)  para a empresa japonesa MODEC Inc, fornecedora e operadora global de plataformas flutuantes offshore.
Novo navio FPSO da MODEC aumenta competitividade entre as grandes petroleiras
A China COSCO Shipping Corp é uma das maiores empresas de transporte de contêineres do mundo. A entrega aumentou ainda mais a competitividade central dos equipamentos de engenharia naval de ponta da China.
A embarcação foi modificada a partir de um transportador de petróleo muito grande (VLCC) de 332 metros de comprimento, 58 metros de largura e 31 metros de profundidade.
Capacidade de produção do novo FPSO da MODEC
É também um dos maiores projetos de FPSO do mundo a ser colocado em operação, com profundidade de 1.900 metros, capacidade de armazenamento de 1,4 milhão de barris e capacidade de processamento de 150.000 barris de petróleo bruto e 212 milhões de metros cúbicos de gás natural por dia.
Também pode produzir 240 mil barris de injeção de água por dia e, eventualmente, operará no campo de petróleo do pré-sal de Búzios, no Brasil.
O projeto FPSO integrou várias funções, incluindo processamento de produção, armazenamento e descarga, alojamento de pessoal e comando de produção. Ele pode operar continuamente no campo de petróleo offshore por 28 anos sem ancoragem e manutenção, e é conhecido como “uma planta gigante de processamento de petróleo offshore”, destaca o especialista da MODEC.
Tecnologia de última geração
A sala de controle foi projetada e construída de acordo com os mais altos padrões técnicos do Brasil, e pode acomodar 160 pessoas por vez com um padrão de vida próximo a um hotel cinco estrelas.
Nos primeiros cinco meses de 2022, a China importou um total de 217 milhões de toneladas de petróleo bruto, uma queda de 1,7% em relação ao mesmo período de 2021, enquanto o preço por tonelada superou 4.463 yuans, ou um aumento de 55,6%, segundo dados da alfândega chinesa.
Este é o 15º FPSO/FSO que a MODEC fornecerá no Brasil, bem como o 8º FPSO da MODEC no “pré-sal” seguindo o FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis MV22, o FPSO Cidade de Sâo Paulo MV23, o FPSO Cidade de Mangaratiba MV24, FPSO Cidade de Itaguaí MV26, FPSO Cidade de Caraguatatuba MV27, bem como nossas duas últimas unidades, FPSO Carioca MV30 e FPSO Guanabara MV31, atualmente em construção.
FPSO Almirante Barroso MV32
Este será o 5.º FPSO implantado no campo de Búzios, porém é a primeira unidade de produção afretada para a região. Búzios é um dos campos offshore de petróleo e gás no Brasil que faz parte do contrato de Cessão de Direitos assinado em 2010. O campo de Búzios é 100% operado pela Petrobras e está situado a 180 km da costa do Rio de Janeiro, na gigante região do “pré-sal” da Bacia de Santos, Brasil, em lâmina d’água de aproximadamente 1.900 m.
A MODEC é responsável pela engenharia, aquisição, construção, afretamento de mobilização e operações do FPSO, incluindo equipamentos de processamento de topsides, bem como sistemas de casco e marítimos. A SOFEC, Inc., uma empresa do grupo MODEC, projetará e fornecerá o sistema de ancoragem espalhada para a unidade flutuante.
O post MODEC entrega um dos maiores e mais modernos FPSO’s do mundo que entrará em operação no Brasil apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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shoemengi · 4 years
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^!@@* Nike Air Jordan MV23 Mens Sz 9 White Black Varsity Red Sample Shoes 313688-161 https://ift.tt/2Yez3i1
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iphone7papers · 7 years
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Get Wallpaper: http://iphone7papers.com/mv23-cloud-earth-nature-skyview-high-dark/ - Wallpapers for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus via http://iPhone7papers.com
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iphone6papers · 7 years
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Get Wallpaper: http://iphone6papers.com/mv23-cloud-earth-nature-skyview-high-dark/ - Wallpapers for iPhone 6 & Plus via http://iPhone6papers.com
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omg-snakes · 8 months
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pedroooliveira · 4 years
Grande empresa do setor offshore divulga vaga para homem de serviço de convés
Boas oportunidades estão surgindo através da japonesa MODEC. Recentemente ela divulgou em seu perfil oficial de vagas, uma vaga para homem de serviço de convés, para atuar em oportunidade Offshore no MV23. Confira abaixo os requisitos exigidos pela empresa e saiba como se candidatar.
Homem de Serviço de Convés
O profissional irá desempenhar as seguintes funções:
Preparar a carga para elevação, utilizando lingas adequadas através de grilhões e outros dispositivos de fixação. 
Montar e desmontar andaimes quando solicitado em condições de segurança, limpeza e manutenção.
Dar ou transmitir sinais de mão e / ou sinais de rádio para o operador de guindaste para controlar o levantamento e o movimento da carga.
Confira também:
Multinacional do segmento offshore divulga novas vagas para o Rio de Janeiro.
Requisitos para o cargo:
Experiência como Montador de Andaime
Experiência offshore
Ensino Médio completo
Sobre a MODEC
Fazer parte da Modec é ser PROTAGONISTA de uma carreira repleta de DESAFIOS e estar em contato com os mais modernos sistemas de produção em águas profundas, sabendo que sua carreira começa no BRASIL mas seu talento pode te levar para o MUNDO. – Se você quer estar entre os melhores do mercado, esta é sua oportunidade!! – Como uma empresa MULTICULTURAL e que respeita a DIVERSIDADE, encorajamos a candidatura de PCD´s em nossos processos.
Se você preenche os requisitos necessários exigidos pela empresa, cadastre o seu currículo  clicando aqui
O post Grande empresa do setor offshore divulga vaga para homem de serviço de convés apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
Grande empresa do setor offshore divulga vaga para homem de serviço de convés publicado primeiro em https://petrosolgas.com.br
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papersco · 7 years
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Wallpaper: http://papers.co/mv23-cloud-earth-nature-skyview-high-dark/ - All phones and desktop wallpapers via http://Papers.co
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llsheldon · 7 years
mv23-cloud-earth-nature-skyview-high-dark via FREEIOS7.com...
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lotrfan8811 · 7 years
mv23-cloud-earth-nature-skyview-high-dark via FREEIOS7.com...
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