uraharashouten · 7 months
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"If you're feeling lonely, just remember you're always close to a spider."
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midnightactual · 2 years
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@uraharashouten asked:
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"I was thinking... if I'm going to be commuting from your complex to the Shōten most days, it seems faster to take the tunnel. Can I get a Hall Pass? Security badge? Whatever you're calling it..."
“No.” The answer was immediate, flat, and final. A beat passed before Yoruichi finally glanced up from the tablet she’d be been scrutinizing.
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“I could give you a speech about how getting out and seeing the world and the people in it—even if it’s just the same streets and same people every day—is far more important than saving a few minutes on what’s already a very fast commute, but you’re not a kid anymore, so I’ll spare you.” Even if she went on and on about it, it probably wouldn’t mean much anyway.
Her eyes returned to whatever it was she was doing on the device. “It’s for cargo transfer only, and you certainly can’t get coffee or croissants down there.”
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houseshihouin · 2 years
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@uraharashouten asked for Sealed With A Lead Kiss:
❛  how  many  tiny  pillows  does  one  girl  need ?  ❜  --Ururu to Yukari
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“Ehhh,” Yukari hummed, “What kind of question is that~? Well, as many as a bed can reasonably fit, of course!” Whatever that meant anyway, because she didn’t explain what constituted ‘reasonable’. “They have a lot more practical uses than one might think.”
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hirak0s · 8 months
"I heard a rumor that you're pregnant," Ururu deadpans.
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That's not entirely true. She's just really, really observant. She doesn't live at the Shōten anymore, or she'd probably have noticed sooner.
send a rumour about my muse and they will both react and respond to the rumours' validity.
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Had word spread? She hadn't even told anyone about this yet... "M-might be. The word's might be right now." Though all signs were pointing to yes. "Gonna wait til I see Isane 'fore lettin' others know an' all."
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crashingheavens · 2 years
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@uraharashouten​ said:
if you receive this, you make somebody happy! go on and send this to ten of your followers who makes you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. if you get one back, even better!
Digi, I'm using this meme as an excuse to let you know that you make me happy with your chill vibe and good humor, and Kisuke's happy to have a friend in Kuukaku. (And maybe Soi Fon too, but we won't press her on that, eh? xD )  Anyway, you make the Bleach RPC a better place by just being in it.
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This was a far cry from anything I had expected to find when I checked Kukaku's inbox but! I am still happy to see it, and, on that, I have to say that I always appreciate seeing you and your merry band of muses on the dash! It's just a joy to see how you bring not just Kisuke but Tessai, Ururu, and Jinta to the board and how you've developed them!
P.S We both know Soifon appreciates Kisuke's company, even if she'd never admit it.
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@snugglytooth​ asked:
"Kisuke, what if ya went back 'ta bein' captain of the 12th? Mayuri'd be happy 'ta work under ya, y'know. He'll grumble about his superiority, but I know he'll be thrilled yer back. Even the other. The captains I mean. And the Gotei. Ya can take Ururu and Jinta back. I know they aren't really the ones that hold ya back." She's swinging her legs on the counter top now. Frowning. "What's really holdin' ya back?"
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Immediately, he’s opened his mouth in protest, but he pauses, lips parted, as he hears her out. It’s the bit about Mayuri that’s done it. While laughable on its face that the present captain would welcome a demotion to serving beneath the former... but there’s a certain nostalgia for the Twelfth that’s never really left him, has it? Perhaps he made a clean break from the Second, but that was different. He’d never actually been reassigned...  But as she continues, the sentiment passes, and the romance wears a bit thin.
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“I think you, of all people, ought to know the answer to that,” he rejoins when she’s finished. “What’s holding you back, Hiyori-san?” He gives her a long, significant look, and he’s certain what’s unsaid in that exchange is well understood. “Still...” he muses, at length breaking the silence.  A poignant, lopsided smile grows on his jaw. “When you ask a question like that, I can’t help but wonder if you, too, miss our old division..."
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obsidiennes · 3 years
@uraharashouten asked:
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"Lisa-san? How do you plan to celebrate your birthday?
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“Readin’ mostly. Might order somethin’ real indulgent ta eat. Maybe she’d do something if the others descended upon her office and forced her to...
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thedarkheretic156 · 2 years
++++++Random bleach Drabble 2+++++++
I just wanna write about how they would kiss you welp
Day 2 - Kisuke Urahara
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"How does that taste?"
Kisuke made a face, "sweet,." he said, "but also weirdly gamy urgh-" He very unattractively spit out another piece of colorful candy. The store was surprisingly empty today afternoon, You and Kisuke had decided to try out the new candy flavors from soul society. With the children and Yoruichi out, it was rare for you to have the place to yourself.
"That tasted so disgusting I need to cleanse my palette." he mewled . You coyly held up a strawberry mochi, but he just clicked his tongue. He crawled forward and placed a chaste kiss on your lips. "That's better."
"Wait that's it?" You complained. Kisuke smiled, "Want more sweetheart?" he teased, but complied just as quickly.
His palm cupped your face. His hand was so big, your face could just fit inside his palm perfectly. He kissed you again, deeply this time. You slipped out a moan as he glided his tongue along your lower lip. The bolt of want shot through your body. So warm.
You felt his breath hitch as you drove forward, trying to make it deeper. But he pulled you away by your shoulders. Eyes glazed under his cap. "Easy now love." He said.
He held up another bright blue piece, "We still have this last one to test." He pressed the candy to your lips. It didn't taste all that bad, sweet and a little sour, but it painted your lips and tongue a bright blue. You gave him a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth, leaving behind an inky blue smudge. Kisuke traced it with his thumb and licked it off. "Not bad, but I do like you better."
You laughed and leaned in, kissing the tip of his nose, before settling on his lips. He let out a triumphant sigh against your mouth, fingers finding your lower back. Your forehead pushed against his cap, causing it to slide up. You could feel the warmth of his blush against your face, the tuffs of his blond hair brushing up against your cheek.
He murmured against you mouth, pulling away. You whined a bit, "Kisuke~"
"That needy?" he mused, "People would think I keep you touch starved for days." He picked you up by your waist, moving himself in a more comfortable position against the wall. He moved you so that you were practically in his lap.
His back against the wall, legs spread out far too invitingly. He pulled his stripped hat off, sliding an arm around your waist so you could be pulled into his chest.
“Now~” he sang, “Kiss me properly.”
You grinned, “Who am I to deny you that?” He always kissed you with a hint of a smile pulling the corners of his mouth.
“I TOLD YOU SO!” the door slammed open and you practically threw urahara across the room in an attempt to get away.
Ururu and Jinta raced in, arguing. Yoruichi, clearly bored trailed behind them. Her feline eyes spotted you two and she read the room easily.
Yoruichi’s eyes narrowed, “Did we interrupt something?” She said casually, unable to keep the smile off her face.
“Absolutely nothing.” Kisuke said through noticeably swollen lips. "we were just trying out the new flavors."
"Your lips are blue!" Jinta pointed out, "And they look puffy, maybe they didn't suite you."
"Happens when you get too greedy~" Kisuke said grinning.
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deivorous · 2 years
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@soulxfragments submitted: 🍒  + @uraharashouten
🍒 Positivity Meme 🍒
Oh gosh, I could genuinely write a dissertation on how much I adore Silk.
Silk is one of the most kind, most welcoming, most genuinely engaged people I’ve ever had the privilege to write with. She brings such an intense thoughtfulness to every interaction, and considers every little detail about the muses of her partners. She’s so willing to try out any pathway offered to her, to  and honestly its an amazing skill and positive force on the rpc. It’s a talent that I wish I - and everyone else - could learn to emulate even a little bit.
I’m trying to think back now, and I honestly can’t recall if we started to write with Grimmjow or Tomoe, but either way, Silk immediately made me feel welcome - and returning to Indie now and seeing all the threads Silk is writing, I can tell that she’s continued her habit of greeting new rpers with open arms and an open mind. I would not be where I am today with any of my muses without her, and I’m really grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to write with her for such a long time now (nearly my entire rp career!) and grow my muses alongside hers.
Kisuke is always a character that I’ve been very fond of. For those of you who don’t know me well, I started in the bleach fandom as an SI-OC and GrimmIchi fic writer, and Kisuke has always been a character that’s featured heavily in my writing. I’ll tell you, he is so hard for me to write. He’s complicated and contradictory. And Silk seems to write him with such unerring accuracy, she just embodies him so well and has a deep understanding of his thoughts and motives. I know she works so hard to engage with him and it really shows.
I also have to just take a moment and recognize the fact that she’s picked up writing Tessai, Ururu, and Jinta and I am inordinately fond of the family she’s constructed at Urahara shoten. These are four vastly different muses, and every single one of them feels so alive to me. (Grimm and I are particularly fond of Ururu, even tho he still, just a little bit, wants to kill her.)
Everyone in the RPC is so lucky to be on tumblr at the same time as you are and I am even luckier to call you my friend.
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maddmuses · 3 years
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A sigh wafted from Shoyo’s nostrils as the girl twisted at petals of a flower she’d picked from a garden nearby earlier in the day. The summer’s heat beat down from the sky, so Shoyo’s clothing were lighter than the shihakusho she usually wore, even when around the shop, being a t-shirt and skirt. Way more breathable than the black raiment typical of a shinigami.
Continuing to fuss with the flower, Shoyo huffed. She didn’t totally understand why her tall mom insisted on these visits to Karakura, though she really enjoyed visiting uncle Kisuke’s shop, the subject always seemed to put her short mom on edge.
When she was younger she liked these visits, especially when she could convince Jinta and Ururu to play with her, but those sorts of things weren’t so interesting to the soul anymore. And as she continued to fiddle with the flower, to the point that it was nearly mangled, Shoyo couldn’t help but worry about her raccoons back in the seireitei. They could certainly handle themselves, but still, she worried that her babies would go without their favorite foods if she didn’t make the effort to bring them around.
“Maybe I can go home a week early...” The shinigami mused in a quiet voice, barely louder than a whisper.
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uraharashouten · 5 months
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I knew that was canon.
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midnightactual · 2 years
Picrew Your Muse
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Tagged by: @waspandr Tagging: @crashingheavens, @ice-cold-shihoin,@uraharashouten (Ururu), @rukia-kuchiki-divided, @catnippp, @strcngered (Yūshirō), @thorneprincess, @compassionatekiller, @solforger, @hideyou
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keikakudori · 3 years
👫 idr if i sent u this or not lu but i gotta cover my bases u know // shikzue
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship | NOT ACCEPTING
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1. aizen and kisuke are absolutely a pair of men who are polite to each other's faces but if you read between the lines, it's very clear that aizen dislikes kisuke immensely. this has been a proponent of their relationship from the first time that aizen laid eyes on him and from the night that he heard shinji giving him advice of a kind that was meant for both of them in a fashion. however, aizen did not take the lesson the way shinji likely meant for it to. it was, after all, a lesson not tailored for him -- yet he heard it all the same. does he want to choke the man out for some things? oh yes.
2. truthfully, at his core, aizen despises kisuke in any canon-compliant verse with a passion bordering on a hatred so pure it's holy. why would he hate him so much -- ? because kisuke stood back and watched aizen burning until he showed himself there before the other shinigami. now, aizen doesn't tend to care what people think of him, but his loathing of kisuke is cemented in the fact that he knows kisuke was there, watching. he knows that kisuke maintained that distant study of what was ensuing. it means that urahara kisuke was there and did not lift a single hand in order to provide aid and assistance towards gin. kisuke allowed gin to die and aizen will never forgive him for that. he will never forgive him for standing back and being passive and allowing gin to die. why should his gin have perished when hiyori, who was bisected, LIVED? because of this, aizen will not hesitate to try and rip kisuke apart in any way that he can accomplish.
3. though aizen hates kisuke with all of his soul, there is an ability to choke down his anger and work with him on things if it is required of him. he knows full and well how dangerous kisuke is; he confirmed it for himself on the night he broke the soul of not just his own captain but others who were swept up into collateral damage. what happened that night was aimed entirely at shinji and everyone else just got swept up in it. yet aizen has seen first hand how intelligent kisuke is ( it's rather galling in a sense. ) and knows what he's done. aizen found kisuke's research in the archives, after all, and got inspired into pursuing it. but if push comes to shove and the situation calls for it, there is little doubt that they can work well together. kisuke will never be able to read aizen the way gin can, but he and aizen are both intelligent enough that any scenario that means they must join forces will likely wind up with them winning that situation.
4. if, for any reason, kisuke decides to free aizen from his confines in muken after the blood war and smuggle him back to the world of the living? he's going to find himself dealing with a broken man. muken has done aizen no favors and kisuke will be forced to look into the face of the man he's bound day in and day out. muken has left aizen broken in many ways but perhaps kisuke might be the one person who aizen would make great pains to hide the fact that he is haunted from as well. aizen does not mind being stationed at the shop overly much, because ururu and jinta are there and aizen does not mind ururu's nearness. she's quiet and doesn't pester him. but he does make a point of keeping his distance from people as much as possible but with enough time and effort, it might be possible for kisuke to get aizen to stir from his apathy and begin speaking again. that's one of the few scenarios in which aizen might find any tolerance for kisuke within himself.
/ @shikzue
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neverxalone · 4 years
//rock band!AU where Nozomi is in an indie band together with Kon, Ururu, Jinta and Karin B))
Send me an AU idea you have for my muse and I’ll give you my headcanons and/or thoughts about it
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((Alrighty! Nozomi having a musical path in life was something that crossed my mind every now and then, but I never thought of her being in a full-fledged band! Now that you mentioned it, I cannot help but think what kind of style her band would play. 
Let’s have a rundown on the musical background of each member first:
Nozomi has a sentimental and emotional music taste. She digs stuff with lots of 808s and expressive vocals. Stuff like Linkin Park, Smrtdeath, and Lil Lotus. Karin was the one who got her into emo trap when she showed her Hideyoshi’s Kudaranai.
Karin is more into straightforward trap/hip hop like KOHH and Jin Dogg 
Ururu is the one we could say has a true knack for indie and alternative artists, being into artists like Daoko and Frederic, to name a few.
I see Jinta and Kon having a rowdier preference-- say, stuff like Crossfaith,  Paledusk, and Crystal Lake when it comes to Jinta and more party-oriented stuff like P.O.D and Limp Bizkit when it comes to Kon! 
Their lineup would be as follows:  Jinta- drums  Kon- bass (he’ll be going wild with noodling the basslines) Ururu- guitars Karin- keyboards/samples/programming Nozomi- vocals 
So you might be wondering, how do these people with their totally different music tastes come together to create a band? What kind of genre would they play? 
The band would be called BLURRING FROM REALITY. Given that they’re all into electronic and hiphop-influenced artists in one form or another, the style they would play would be something close to electronic rock akin to Linkin Park, particularly on their Hybrid Theory up to Living Things albums, Acme, and zeroHz. There would be heavy usage of synth lines backed by driving chords, syncopation, and octave leads. 
Surprisingly, Nozomi has a rather formidable stage persona contrary to her typically apprehensive self. It helped with the gathering of more listeners when the people who knew her from her Instagram and other SNS checked the band out.
Nozomi utilizes a rather raw and melancholic vocal style influenced by Juno from Blind Owl , but she cannot create screams as effectively as her, nor does she really want to. (Nozomi isn’t as keen on harsh vocals as Jinta is) 
There are also instances where they do emo-style ballads and electronic/trap songs (in which Karin takes care of creating the beat and rapping, and Nozomi sings)
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask C, L and P for the fanfic asks?
Sure!  I’ve already answered L in far too much detail here, but as for the other two:
C. Who is your favourite character to write?
I have many, mainly because I have written for many different fandoms and I usually settle with a favourite for each of them., so have a list of my usual suspects:
Bleach: Yylfordt Granz.  Starting it off with my disposition occasionally for minor characters, those of you who know Bleach might vaguely recall that one blond arrancar right at the start of the arc that curb-stomped Renji right up until Ururu got involved and then the limits got released and yeah.  That guy.  Got all of maybe an episode and a half at most, with one tiny mention again later with Szayelaporro revealing he was his brother and a Grimmjow flashback.  Super minor, but I love him and I love writing him.  This actually stems from a long-term RP session where I ended up controlling him and he quickly became one of my absolute favourites.  Ulquiorra is also fun (I like arrancar, okay).
Naruto: Itachi Uchiha and Suigetsu Hozuki.  I love writing most of the Uchiha, to be honest, including Itachi’s mother, Mikoto, and Shisui, but it’s just so easy to poke at Itachi and find cracks to play with.  So, so, easy.  Suigetsu is a good, breath of fresh air after all that Uchiha angst - instead we have a water boy who’s been imprisoned and experimented on loads who just loves to wind up other people (especially Karin and I admit I am a SuiKa shipper through and through).
One Piece: Shachi.  And we stick with the minor characters.  Shachi finally got named in the manga in the Wano Arc, but his first appearance was the Sabaody Archipelago, some many, many chapters before, and we only knew his name because Oda said so in an interview once.  So Shachi is a bit of a cheat because I have written so much for him based on the very limited canon that we have that I’ve basically developed him as a character myself.  We don’t actually know for sure that he’s anything like the character I write in my series Tales From The Heart but I like him, and a lot of people have told me they like him, so he’s staying like this in my fics.  I do also love writing Law, though (Heart Pirates best crew).
Thunderbirds: Scott Tracy.  What’s this?  A not-minor character?  One of the main cast?  Scott’s unusual in that he’s actually a major character - a main character, in fact - that I default to.  I usually stick with minor characters because they give me more wriggle room to play with, but Scott’s been an absolute favourite of mine since I first saw the original Thunderbirds back as a kid, to the point that those infant school playtimes were spent with myself and two friends (both boys, both older than me) running around pretending we were the Tracys and I was always Scott (M was Virgil and W was Alan; John and Gordon got left out, sorry boys!).  He’s rash, impulsive, and the best big brother in the world.  And TAG gives me even more excuses to break him to pieces :D
P. What are your favourite tropes to write?
Favourite tropes, hmm... this sort of question is stupidly difficult for me because my brain doesn’t often work in ‘tropes’.  More genres, if anything.  Hurt/Comfort (physical or emotional), Angst, Whump, Fluff, Family, Friendship.  Those sorts of things, mainly.  Hiding an injury/illness is one I like to play around with a lot.  Don’t think I’ve actually written much kidnapping but my muse likes to toss those ideas around at me a lot.  Same with things like Identity Reveal, I guess.  Found family/Friends as family is satisfying, especially when I’m in a fluffy mood.  ‘What if x character didn’t actually die’ is another one I toy with but don’t think I’ve actually finished or posted many.
But yeah, I don’t really think in ‘tropes’, so if there’s any prevailing tropes anyone’s noticed in my stuff, I’d be interested to hear what they are :D
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Rules: Don’t reblog, repost.
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Tagging: @candice-thunderkitty , @thepower , @regalramtrecera , @equiltario (Meninas), @strcngered (Yushiro), @zombiequincy , @senboago (Candice), @mysteriousshopkeeper , and anybody who wants to do this. Disregard it if you already did this. 🤷‍♂️
tagged by: @waspandr @nightbeat-cat
( reply as muse talking )
► NAME ➭  Kouta Marafuji
► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭  Next!
► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭   Sometimes.
► ARE YOU ANGRY?  ➭    Sometimes.
► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭  I don't even remember if I have parents. Next!
► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭ I dunno. The Rukongai slums, I guess.
► HAIR COLOR ➭    Brown
► EYE COLOR ➭   Brown
► BIRTHDAY ➭   February 22
► MOOD ➭    What do you think?
► GENDER ➭    Male
► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭  Winter. At least if it's cold you can bundle up and try to warm up.
► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭ Morning. Gives me time to enjoy some peace and quiet before noon.
► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭  The only thing I'm afraid of is a pissed off Miss Yoruichi or Candice on a complete and total tear ass!
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭  How the fuck does that even happen?
► LOVE OR LUST ➭    Love
► CATS OR DOGS ➭  Dogs, strangely...
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭ Plenty of times.
► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭ It happens to the best of us.
► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR ➭  Oh, quite often.
► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭  The fuck kind of question is that?
► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭    Relationship. Never did the whole hook-up thing.
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭    We haven't killed each other yet, have we?
► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭  Messed up is an understatement.
► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭  No. Where would I go?
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭ I really don't hate anyone even if they get on my nerves.
► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭   Kisuke and Miss Yoruichi.
► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭  I dunno. Probably Kisuke, Miss Yoruichi, Tessai, Jinta, Ururu, I guess you can throw Soifon into that bunch too. Oh, Miss Yoruichi's little brother Yushiro is actually a really good kid, and the Quincy girl Candice is actually interesting to be around with.
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