#and thank firefly for launching herself into my askbox so friggin fast
deivorous · 2 years
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@soulxfragments submitted: 🍒  + @uraharashouten
🍒 Positivity Meme 🍒
Oh gosh, I could genuinely write a dissertation on how much I adore Silk.
Silk is one of the most kind, most welcoming, most genuinely engaged people I’ve ever had the privilege to write with. She brings such an intense thoughtfulness to every interaction, and considers every little detail about the muses of her partners. She’s so willing to try out any pathway offered to her, to  and honestly its an amazing skill and positive force on the rpc. It’s a talent that I wish I - and everyone else - could learn to emulate even a little bit.
I’m trying to think back now, and I honestly can’t recall if we started to write with Grimmjow or Tomoe, but either way, Silk immediately made me feel welcome - and returning to Indie now and seeing all the threads Silk is writing, I can tell that she’s continued her habit of greeting new rpers with open arms and an open mind. I would not be where I am today with any of my muses without her, and I’m really grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to write with her for such a long time now (nearly my entire rp career!) and grow my muses alongside hers.
Kisuke is always a character that I’ve been very fond of. For those of you who don’t know me well, I started in the bleach fandom as an SI-OC and GrimmIchi fic writer, and Kisuke has always been a character that’s featured heavily in my writing. I’ll tell you, he is so hard for me to write. He’s complicated and contradictory. And Silk seems to write him with such unerring accuracy, she just embodies him so well and has a deep understanding of his thoughts and motives. I know she works so hard to engage with him and it really shows.
I also have to just take a moment and recognize the fact that she’s picked up writing Tessai, Ururu, and Jinta and I am inordinately fond of the family she’s constructed at Urahara shoten. These are four vastly different muses, and every single one of them feels so alive to me. (Grimm and I are particularly fond of Ururu, even tho he still, just a little bit, wants to kill her.)
Everyone in the RPC is so lucky to be on tumblr at the same time as you are and I am even luckier to call you my friend.
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