hannibalspubes · 7 months
“Hannibal is the best queer baited media”
“Hannigram on my list of favorite non canon gays”
… did … did you guys watch the show?
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cloudyvulpine · 6 months
listening to music when you have ocs is fun because you're sitting there like "awww they'd have a mental breakdown listening to this <3"
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ireallydohateyou2 · 2 months
the idea of what exes might still own of mine kindaa terrifies me,... but in, like, a v conflicting wayy.... bc manyy of them had stolen art pieces/ (multipleee) fulll (& I do meann that)) notebooks of my writing,.. as well as articles of clothing....
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worksby-d · 1 year
When John legend won people’s sexiest man alive, Chrissy Teigen (his wife) just tweeted “the sexiest man alive just made me a ham sandwich” lmao. I can SOOOO see everyone thinks it reader doing smth like that when Chris won. Randomly tweeting a picture of him doing something mundane like unclogging a toilet with the caption “people’s sexiest man alive everyone😌” or tweeting “the sexiest man alive just changed his fifth diaper of the day so I didn’t have to” lol
AHHHH yes she would have been so unserious 😭 in the most endearing way. under People's announcement tweet she replied, "this guy?" with multipleee candids of him looking disheveled
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alixlives · 1 year
for the tkl ask game, what about 🍌🍐&🍓?
🍌Favorite tease?
ooh. ive got multipleee:’)
“im gonna get you~”
anything related to the tk monster
“tickletickletickle~!” / “Aaaa tickletickletickle!”
🍐Are you squirmy?
🍓How easily do you blush?
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It’s June once again, it is the time of year , where we annually do Pride Month!! ^^ :’) <3
Due to BULLSHIT AMERICA’S Bills & shits,
I just felt like adding these things. Here .
To all of my Queer assed siblings, specifically those of us lot who are living with the nightmare that is POCD—
Im SO sorry that we alllll have to face everyday violences against us lot with being called “groomers”.
Why not addressing the others?!
BECAUSE: WE are the ones who have the OCD subtype that makes US freak out & have multipleee episodes where we think we will do nasty assed things to children.
We have thoughts that are so bloody intrusive & harmful sometimes due to possibly hurting ourselves out of panic. Amongst other things, but I don’t know wtf else ppl do—
Cuz I’ve ONLY ever wanted to jump out of my windows, or harm myself to stop these crazy thoughts that got me SOO scared to the DEATH!! >:’) 🖕🏼🖕🏼
POCD is real, and whenever I’ve been NOW reading things and/or seeing things I panic & my brain starts to give me pushes of thoughts, and so like.. I try to shove them aside & .. idk? Honestly? 🥲😭 sit down & try to ride it out! 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s not “FUN” at all. :’))
It’s triggering to be called things, and worst of all: when you are Queer & the world as it is RIGHTT NOWW, calling you what you are most definitely NOT! is so fraustratings as HELL!! 🤬🖕🏼🔪🔪
NONE of these bastards even fucking REALISING, that they 10/10 are MOST likely siding with some abusive motherfucking ASSHOLE, who’re real pedophiles . 🙄🫠
BUT NO!! ^^ 🤪🖕🏼 It has to be US lot who’re evil, demonic , ungodly & NOT these bitches who disgusting try to get you to “ask forgiveness” or what has haves yous, from their “God”.
I hope to hell & everything else that is the Cosmos & Existence itself! will drag you down to hell! >:\ And if you DONT believe in any Gods, I hope you along with them have forever nightmares . Heck! Even Night Terrors . Because I am “evil” & of the Devil Spirit… 🙄🫠🔪🖕🏼🖕🏼
— Lena E.O Reaper ; LEO REAPER.
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hood-ex · 4 years
#can you.....#can you write??#bc i would pay good money for this fic#i will sacrifice a couple virgins for this fic#I NEED THIS FIC - @river-bottom-nightmare
👀Which one? Jason going to Pre-Crisis universe or Pre-Crisis Jason coming to the current timeline? 
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p0pst4rr · 2 years
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I start school again next month and I already have my it girl/baddest bitch version of me planned.
So I have two subliminal playlists that are school and glow up related, listened to both of them MULTIPLEEE times. Because my school has a uniform, I’m getting necklaces, rings, and a wristband to make it work. I’m also gonna wear black leg warmers with these really cute pair of loafers:
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It’s definitely been a while since I’ve been in a real classroom so I have had a lot of time to learn and grow from the person I used to be while also just becoming cooler. I have trouble with socializing but because of the subliminals I’m listening too I know I’m gonna be doing great this year. I’m excited to be back but then again I’m not, like it’s still school and I’ll have to do school stuff but I know the general experience is going to be enjoyable. I’ve been going to the same school but ever since quarantine started I’ve been doing everything virtually so I’m happy that I’ll get to see my friends irl again.
The playlists are also going to be positively affecting my social life because golly I need it bro. So new friends and maybe partners are in the near future 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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skulduggery pleasant is just soooo tragic and like i have spoken about this before in depth. continuously! over and over! but its like mould in the corner of my Mind. 
skulduggery and valkyries relationship is unhealthy and this is apparent from the moment they meet. there is no other way to frame their friendship. valkyrie is 12 years old and skulduggery is a 400 year old skeleton who doesn’t take on the role of father, or mentor or anything that could make their relationship acceptable BECAUSE he takes on the role of friend. specifically BEST FRIEND.
and like. this is it. because like auwhahgaugh the author sucks and blah blah blah i cant really get into the ummmm morality of this situation because 
a) there’s a certain amount of like UHHH who cares because it’s a childrens novel and this is not at all uncommon in childrens novel about adventure and like it’s just a cool concept like woah! best friends with a 400 year old skeleton! and this would not be an issue if it were not for point b which is
b) that the author wants the story to be regarded as more adult-like than originally intended which leads to the downfall which is that
c) we must then as the reader regard skulduggery and valkyries relationship from the pov of an Adult with the Morals And Fully Grown Brain of an Adult 
which screws the entire thing because the entire time you’re reading it you are then going. well what is this 400 year old grown man doing with a 12 year old girl. 
which then gets further into the deeper parts of their relationship. because despite all of this, there is so much charm, and love and friendship to be found between them, and even if it wasn’t a grown man taking a child on very, very dangerous, life threatening adventures there’d still be some element of unhealthiness to it all because they are above all else co-dependent and this really starts in book 4 when valkyrie spends like what ? 8 months doing everything she can, everything within her power to get skulduggery back ALIVE from the faceless ones dimension. 
and like unfortunately i enjoy the unhealthy co-dependency of two horrible people, because yeah they’re both pretty bad.  
i think really there is quite a bit of focus on valkyries interpretation of their relationship because she is the main character and we see everything through her eyes, so there’s not much of a lean into skulduggerys pov on it but even then i would say he is the more co-dependent on the two for the amount that he is just fucking crazy about saving valkyrie at every chance he can get and i think a lot of this is motivated by the fact that she is the only person alive and very very likely the only person who will ever exist to fully understand the monstrosities he has committed and the weight of the identity he took on, (darquesse and lord vile) and there is far too much comfort and home for him to be found in their mutual suffering for him to ever be willing to let go of her. now to say this is his only motivator in keeping her alive would be WRONG of course theres years worth of friendship there but the thing that deepened their relationship...was the darquesse and lord vile stuff.
and this is the tragedy in their relationship, because skulduggery, in some way, played a part in darquesse becoming who she was. at least in my interpretation of it! because no he didn’t sit around going omg become darquesse! but he was a violent, angry man and the book made this apparent to us MULTIPLEEE times that he was dangerous, that she should not be around him. again he did not directly say become darquesse! but he did lead her into that life, he did not force her to leave. he has not once, ever, ever taken accountability, responsibility, etc. for the influence he’s had over her her entire life and he never will. 
in fact a lot of the tragedy lies in his INACTION. skulduggerys INABILITY to be the ADULT. which i don’t necessarily dislike because again i enjoy that they’re fucked up best friends? but i’m talking about tragedy here sooo. it’s just like. it’s very! it’s very...skulduggery unintentionally turned her into the very thing he turned himself into, and because of this, they cannot escape each other. 
like there’s very little they could do to escape the metaphorical chokehold they have on one another. though it was and wasn’t skulduggerys fault, for dragging her into that lifestyle and for letting her stay (”because shes her own person! im her partner not her mentor/father!” well shes 15 u idiot) there’s nobody either of them can blame. they can only recognise the darkest parts of themselves in eachother. in order for skulduggery to live with the monster inside of him, he had to make a monster in someone else. a monster that could love him, and be his best friend. 
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narrie · 2 years
My sister was mad I didn’t side with her and crusty face. Everyone is so fucking brainwashed.
i had MULTIPLEEE conversations about it with my sister bc she kept bringing it up to me and every time i’d say it’s all so fucking stupid and the media attention is perverted, he’s still an abuser even if she did xyz yada yada yada and at the end of it she’d still say “ugh i just hate her now and feel so bad for him” 🧍🏽‍♀️ anyway.
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redding-faith · 7 years
today consisted of getting drunk off happy hour margaritas with my babe then to his house where we had dumb lit sex, multipleee timesss, oh how I love my life right now
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