#MTF Lambda-12
dzthenerd490 · 2 months
Addendum X-7 Part 7
The four of them got off of the cable car, none of them saw anything of interest except Rebecca who went to collect more of the green herbs. Paris and New York progressed first by walking up the stairs to a door. Paris tried but the door was locked he then punched it leaving a large dent, he grunted and raised his fist to try again. 
Rebecca: Paris!
Paris and New York looked back to Rebecca who was now behind them.
Rebecca: Maybe we should try the easy way instead.
Rebecca pointed to another set of stairs leading to a much higher level, she then walked up them, and Billy smirked while going up with her. Paris sighed and followed them while New York grunted in annoyance. Up the stairs the four of them found another door and walked in finding a very old part of the station that seemed to be mostly unused for storage having lots of barrels and tanks. Since there was nothing of value here, they just moved on into the other room. Thankfully in this room they found all sorts of ammo, especially a map of the area which Paris quickly took a picture of with his Foundation Computer Screen Pad.
Paris: Alright! Now it looks like we're in a place called the Factory and... Oh, I got another message from the Red Queen. Looks like there's something she wants us to find.
New York: You're sure it's a good idea to be taking orders from this Red Bitch? For all we know it's a Neo Sarkite Trick. 
Billy: As painful as it is to agree with New York I think he's right, Paris.
Paris: It's either that or keep running around blindly. 
Rebecca: I agree, besides, I think we're more than prepared to-
Paris and New York: DON'T!
Rebecca was taken aback by the sudden shouting but did as they both demanded and shut her mouth quickly.
Paris: ... Sorry, it's just that saying crap like that tends to be a jinx that actually causes bad shit to happen. 
Billy: Yeah, I think New York can attest to that.
New York: Suck a dick jarhead.
Paris: Both of you shut up! Now let's move. 
The group walked back to the previous area and Paris pointed out a little platform that acted as a single person elevator. One by one they all rode it down and walked alongside the skywalk. It led them all too. New York looked down and nearly threw up as a result but managed to keep it down, though Billy chuckled at him for this. They made it to a door which, inside, led to some kind of engine room. They walked inside following Paris who was following the directions given to him by the Red Queen. They eventually made it to what looked to be the control area of this engine room. There didn't seem to be anything until Paris looked down and found the factory key. Just then he got new instructions from the Red Queen.
Paris: Alright looks like this is what we needed, let's get out of-
Rebecca: Wait, wait, what the hell is that?
Rebecca pointed to the only monitor that was working and on it was a black and white display of some kind of humanoid monster. 
Billy: What the hell is that?
Paris: Kinda looks like a homunculus. 
Rebecca: What's a homunculus?
Paris: Something alchemists have been trying to create for years, basically an artificial human.
Billy: Like Frankenstein?
Paris: No, Frankenstein are created from already dead bodies, a homunculus is created through natural elements infused together to create the closest to a natural body science, alchemy, or even thaumaturgy can get you. 
Billy and Rebecca were both looking at Pairs with a mixture of fear and confusion.
Paris: Yeah, the anomalous world is a lot bigger than you think, it's also unfortunately everywhere so all you need is to know where to look. But that's enough of me rambling, the point is that even if it is a homunculus then we have nothing to worry about because not even the Sarkites can create a perfect homunculus.
Rebecca: How can you be sure?
Paris: The same way no one has ever successfully created a working Frankenstein, to do so, you need to make not just the body but the soul. Without a soul it won't work, so a that homunculus is just a husk, nothing more. Now let's get out of here. 
Rebecca: Hm, roger.
The four of them were about to walk out but as they passed an engine looking device a Hunter showed up and attacked Paris. Thankfully as it lunged on him, he proved to be stronger and threw it over the side and into the seemingly bottomless pit below. unfortunately, another one came soon after, so Paris grabbed out his SMGs and started shooting its stomach until it died. 
Rebecca: Woah! You okay Par- 
Unfortunately, the fight wasn't over as the first Hunter showed itself again having clung to the railings and climbed back up. it roared at them ready to attack but Billy shot it with the Magnum and to everyone's shock the bullet was so powerful it blew up the Hunter's head making it's lifeless body fall back into the pit. 
Billy: Woah... I'm definitely keeping this. 
New York: Lucky asshole.
Paris: Alright that's enough gawking, let's get out of here before more of those freaks show up.
The four of them left the room and went out to the skywalk towards the elevator back up and went to the original control room. Paris then went to a computer and followed the Red Queen's instructions on what to do. After inserting the key and pressing some buttons, everyone heard a loud noise. It sounded like someone large rising up like a massive elevator. 
Paris: I like the sound of that, it means progression.
Billy: Or we're getting deeper into some nasty shit.
New York: In this line of work, that unfortunately means the same thing.
The four of them left the room and found a large elevator for what looked to be large equipment and even a cart to transport said equipment with cart rails and everything. Paris then pressed the buttons of the controls and after the sirens of the elevator sounded they started descending downward. They found only one way forward which was a short hall leading to a longer hall to the left, a metal door to the right, and two large metal doors in the middle. 
New York: ... Alright, what does the Red Bitch say now?
Paris: She's not sending any more messages, I guess we're on our own now.
Billy: Great. I really hope I was wrong about us being in deep shit.
The four of them walked forward to the two large metal doors first but as they did Paris head footsteps. He quickly signaled to everyone to stay quiet and stick to the sides. Paris and Rebecca got to the left side while Billy and New York went to the right. Suddenly the doors opened and out came Enrico of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team. However, Paris, New York, and Billy didn't know this and quickly surrounded him with their guns up. 
Paris: Put your hands up!
New York: Do it motherfucker!
Billy: We don't want to hurt you, but we will if we have too. 
Rebecca: Wait! Guys stop! That's Enrico! 
The three of them looked at Rebecca in shock then to Enrico and quickly lowered their weapons. Enrico was silent in shock but was clearly about to talk so Paris quickly processed his name into the recording.
Enrico: ... I... Wha... Rebecca?! Wha- What?! What one earth is going one here who are these men and... who is this?
Enrico then pointed to Billy who was now looking around in panic.
Enrico: Don't tell me, are you-?
Rebecca: No Enrico! He's not Billy Coen, I uh... I think Billy Coen is dead.
Enrico: ... How can, you be sure? Ah, wait just let me... Huh? Damn it, I lost my file and picture on Billy Coen. 
Paris quickly grabbed Billy's dog tags while Enrico was checking his pockets. He then quietly handed them to Rebecca who quickly held them out.
Rebecca: Be- Because this is all I found of him...
Enrico looked at the dog tags and sighed in relief.
Enrico: ... What a relief just makes things easier for us, that bastards deserve to rot after what he did.
Billy clenched his fists in frustration, but Paris placed a hand on his shoulder to help comfort him a little. 
Enrico: especially after all the nightmares I've seen tonight. I assume you've encountered them too. 
Rebecca: Yeah, I was worried you weren't alive. 
Enrico: I though the same about you and the others, speaking of which where are they and who are these men.
Paris: CDC Lambda-12 special forces for anomalous pathogens spread through aggressive vermin. We were told leeches spreading a deadly pathogen were on the train we found Rebecca on earlier but uh... we ended up finding more than we bargained for, I already lost two men and we have to work with this civilian and Rebecca in order to survive. We were very lucky to have them both by our side, otherwise we might not have made it this far. 
Enrico: Damn, I'm sorry for your loss.
Paris: And we're sorry for yours.
Enrico looked at Paris confused then to Rebecca who looked at him with sadness.
Rebecca: ... Edward is dead, and I haven't had contact with the others so I think they might be dead too.
Enrico: ... Then we have no choice but to regroup with Alpha team, I got a message from Albert Wesker, Alpha Team is going to rendezvous with us at a mansion not far from here. We should expect them tomorrow so if we can make it tonight, we can rest there while we wait for them come on. 
Rebecca: Uh, actually I'm going to continue working with the CDC.
Enrico: What?!
Paris: Rebecca, you don't need to.
Rebecca: But I have too, whoever is responsible for all of this is still on the loose we have to catch them now.
Enrico: Rebecca that's suicide. If someone really did create all of these monsters, then we're clearly unmatched. Just let the CDC handle this... actually no, you guys should come with us, if we all go to the mansion you can radio for backup and then come back here with stronger numbers. 
Paris: We can't, we have to deal with this now, whoever is behind this probably knows we're here and is trying to kill us so they can escape. Besides we have some valuable information, but we still need more to confirm some things about who is behind this.
Enrico: ... I see, but still Rebecca, I insist you come with me, you know this is too much for you. You're just a rookie after all.
New York and Billy both shuttered when they heard Enrico say that and looked to Rebecca who seemed greatly annoyed. However, she quickly inhaled and exhaled allowing her to calm down.
Rebecca: Thank you for worrying Enrico but I'll be fine, I will catch up with you but for now I can't leave things like this. If I can, I have to find out what's going on here and stop it. 
Enrico: ... sigh alright fine but be careful! If you run into too much trouble just wait for me and the Alpha Team okay! We'll be here by tomorrow! As for you CDC Soldiers you better watch over Rebecca or else I'll sue the CDC! You get me!
Paris: You have nothing to worry about.
Enrico nodded and ran off to head to the mansion.
New York: ... If he was actually worried about Rebecca, wouldn't he have stayed or something?
Paris: No point in worrying about him anymore anyways. If he's survived this long on his own, heading to that mansion would be fine.
Billy: Paris, I know it's a bad time to say this, but shouldn't we go with him, I don't think he's wrong about finding a place to rest and call for backup. 
Paris: Backup was supposed to be here an hour ago actually, I don't know why it's not, but I have a feeling of what happened, and I really don't like it. Though I wasn't lying before... Billy, Rebecca, if you both don't want to stay here, you're under no obligation too, you can still catch up with Enrico and take a chance on the mansion. 
Rebecca and Billy looked at each other in shock while New York looked at Paris in shock.
New York: What the hell boss?! Protocol "Join or Die" states that any government body weather police or politician has to obey the Foundation once they are exposed to the Anomalous World.
Paris: I'm not concerned with Protocol right now New York I'm concerned with survival. Rebecca and Billy's life matter even if they are not with the Foundation, I'm not some Foundationist bastard who abuses Foundation power. Are you?
New York grunted and looked down in shame. Paris huffed and looked to Billy and Rebecca again who both smiled at him with their answer. 
Billy: Sorry Paris but you're not getting rid of me that easily.
Rebecca: I'm not leaving either; I owe it to London and Hong Kong to get the bastard behind this. 
Paris: ...When this is over, I'd like to offer you both positions within the Foundation, though I wouldn't be surprised if you'd both want to say no. I'm just saying the Foundation needs more strong and brave people like you two.
Billy and Rebecca looked at one another and smiled again, though this time they just remained silent.
Paris: Ahem, alright I think that's enough. Let's get this done tonight. 
Suddenly Paris received another notification form his Foundation Screen Pad. As he read he walked over to the corner and picked up a key.
Paris: She says there's an elevator over there it will lead us to where we want to go.
New York: sigh I hate to admit it, but the Red Queen is actually kinda usefull.
Billy: Let's hope it stays that way.
The four of them travel to the other side of the large elevator platform and go to the doors of another elevator right next to a collapsed tunnel. Paris activates the elevator and presses the correct button. However, Rebecca notices the rubble moving and sees on top a large humanoid monster walking forward into view. 
Rebecca: Uh guys? What's that?!
New York: Huh? HOLY SHIT!
They all backed away as the monster jumped down from the rubble towards them Rebecca was on its right, so it quickly swung its blade infested hand at her. She dodged and rolled forward in time but still the resulting damage showed she would have died painfully otherwise. 
Paris: Hostility is confrimed! Engage!
Rebecca got up quickly and started firing with her assault rifle while Paris shot at the Tyrant with his dual SMGs. New York quickly fired with his Shotgun expecting it to make quick work of the Tyrant. However, even as large patches of its skin were getting eaten by the necrosis venom these patches quickly dried up and fell off and were replaced with regenerated flesh super-fast. 
New York: What the fuck is this thing?!
Paris then unloaded both magazines in his SMGs into the Tyrants head hoping the overwhelming damage would kill it. However instead all the damage quickly healed, and it just glared at Paris in anger. It then charged at him with great speed and raised its blade arm to strike him down. Paris only barely caught the blade in time, but the Tyrant still had great strength and forced him down hard. Paris's feet dug into the metal below bending it badly and clearly showing the inhuman among of strength the Tyrant was forcing on him. 
Thankfully just in time Billy shot it in the back with the magnum making the Tyrant cry out in inhuman pain. New York then loaded his Foundation spray gun with the flame canister and started blasting the Tyrants back while Billy kept shooting. Paris then grabbed one of his SMGs and started shooting at the legs of the Tyrant further weaking it. Rebecca aimed for the other completely throwing it off balance. Billy then finished it off by shooting it one last time in the head making it explode. However, it quickly regenerated for a moment making it seems like the battle was still going, only for all the pieces to fall apart and fall to the ground dead.
Billy: Ha... Okay I think it's actually dead this time...
Paris: We all good? Ugh... No one is dead?
New York: Not so far, thank God.
Rebecca: Paris! Your hurt!
Rebecca ran over to Paris and quickly opened up the Foundation Medical Case she was given thankfully the visor Paris gave her started working and showing her what medicine to use and in what dosage. She quickly filled up an injection tool and placed it onto Paris's shoulder to inject it. Paris grunted but then popped his shoulders as he seemed to quickly start recovering his strength.
Paris: Thank you, Rebecca. 
Rebecca: I see you weren't lying when you said you wouldn't have gotten this far without me.
New York: Hmph, beginner's luck.
Billy: Hey! I think the elevator has finally come.
Paris: Would have been nice if it came sooner. Well, it's here now but before we leave, New York you got any more Necrosis Venom Gernades?
New York: Just one boss, but uh, you sure we won't need it? Could be more leech men where we're going. 
Paris: I'd rather make sure this thing, whatever the fuck it is, doesn't get back up again. 
Rebecca: Isn't this the homunculus? I thought you said bringing them to life was supposed to be impossible.
Paris: Yeah, it's supposed to be, whatever this virus is, it sure is full of surprises. All the more reason to find the bastard and kill him before he decides to do some real damage.
The four of them then got onto the elevator and as the doors closed New York pulled the pin and threw the grenade at the Tyrant.
New York: Wake up from that you fuck. 
Once the doors were closed the sound of the grenade going off and the necrosis venom gas disintegrating the Tyrant could be heard. 
Rebecca: which floor.
Paris: Fourth Floor definently.
New York: Did the Red Queen tell you that?
Paris: ... Her last message was her just laughing over and over. Then she said that even if the Tyrant didn't kill us then Doctor Marcis will. 
Billy: So, he is still alive, and probably behind all of this.
New York: God damn it I knew the Red Bitch couldn't be trusted.
Paris: Doesn't matter anymore, it's her own fault for leading us down here, now we can get Marcus and end this damn nightmare for good. 
Once they made it to the 4th Level, they found themselves on a metal bridge over water, they simply just walked over it and through the doors leading to another bridge. This one had a large control station office and a small elevator near it on the other end. without being ordered the four of them went to the office first and quickly found some ammo but not much else. They were about to leave before New York noticed a control pannel for the power routing of the dam.
New York: Oh, hey check this out... huh... this right here... then there... then... Aha! That should do it!
Suddenly the entire underground area lit up showing a large workplace factory like area. 
Paris: Woah, otherwise, we would have been walking in the dark, nice one New York.
New York: You got it boss. 
New York was clearly happy though he turned to Billy and Rebecca who were staring at him in confusion.
New York: What?
Rebecca: ... it's just... weird to see you being useful.
New York: Oh, fuck off, both of you. 
Billy: Ah, there's the New York we know. 
New York grunted in annoyance as they all left the control office and went to the elevator taking it to the lower floor. There they were on another walkway but this time there were zombies down there waiting for them. 
New York: Oh, thank God!
Rebecca: Can't believe we actually reached a point where I miss dealing with zombies. 
Billy: Guess that's part of the fun, now time to earn some points. 
Paris: You're all getting way too into this... but I guess I am too. 
Paris walked out first and started shooting zombies down with his dual SMG's. Rebecca and Billy decided to go back to their pistols as they shot them down, headshot after headshot. Everyone expected Billy to shoot well but Rebecca wasn't expecting herself to be so good at aiming. Rebecca smiled at how much she improved in just a single night, she only wishes everyone in S.T.A.R.S. could see her now. New York on the other hand was just hanging in the back, using his assault rifle to shoot down the zombies the others missed. Once they made it around to the other side, they found a metal green door, and on the other side led to another walkway. However, this time upon entering a Leech Mimic slipped in from the other end of the walkway and started walking irregularly towards them. 
New York: Stand back I got this! 
Everyone back away for New York who stepped forward with his Foundation spray gun loaded with the flamer fuel canister. He quickly scorched the Leech Mimic but as it was flailing around in pain, he quickly switched out the canister for the sterilizing chemical canister. He sprayed the Leech Mimic with that and not only did the leeches start burning more but they were quickly drying up too. What was left of the Leech Mimic started falling apart and quickly fell over the railings into the unseeable ground. 
Billy: Holy shit, you're on a roll New York. 
New York: about time you noticed.
Paris: keep it up while we move along.
The four of them moved down the walkway, then around the corner where they saw two doors one that was closest was a large metal rusty door and the other was a clean metal office door. Everyone then looked to Paris which left him in confused.
Paris: ... What?
Rebecca: Oh, come on, we all know you're going to do it.
Billy: There's no point in playing dumb Paris.
New York: It obviously needs a wheel or something to unlock the door, and I bet you it's on the other side of that door, right behind a bunch of other doors. AND I also bet it's the ONLY valuable thing in all the rooms beyond that door. Sooo...
Paris: Alright! alright, stand back all of you. 
Prais raised his fists and started punching the door, he looked at his hands in shock after the first four punches as the door was sturdier than he thought. But after relaxing a little was back to punching and soon the door finally came down. Unfortunately, as it did come down, on the other side was a whole lot of zombies. However these ones were different, they were clearly the result of experiments with all the stitching and clear surgical cuts on their bodies. 
The four of them were clearly disgusted but knew better than to stand around, so they all started shooting. It didn't take long for the zombies to all die but the disgust lingered in all their minds for a moment. However suddenly another zombie dropped in from the ladder in the corner of the room, but Paris quickly killed it by stomping on his head. Though when he looked up the ladder, he saw more zombies up there slowly inching towards them.
Paris: Move now!
The four of them quickly went to the other side of the room where they found a green door. On the other side of the door were two hunters ready to pounce on them. Though Paris, Rebeeca, Billy, and New York looked at them unimpressed and started shooting until the mutants died. Though as they walked by Rebecca spat on one in disgust.
Rebecca: That was for Hong Kong you freaks.
New York chuckled, as he walked down the hall toward the next room where they seemed to have found themselves in a living quarter. They found a few corpses but thanks to the visors Rebecca, New York, and Paris had they knew there was no virus in them and therefore no risk. 
However, Billy didn’t know this and shot the corpses in the head which spooked the other three. They all quickly glared at him in disappointment.
Billy: … What? Better to be safe than sorry.
New York: Fuck sake! At least warn us! We could have told you the corpses weren’t infected.
Billy: Oh… sorry.
Paris: Ugh, let’s just get the hell out of here. 
The four of them moved out of the room and into the next area which as just a hall with a set of stairs. Though as they walked by they noticed some leeches, a few of which they accidentally stepped on.
New York: Augh! Fucking gross! 
Paris: Shit! Try avoiding stepping on them as much as possible, for all we know doing so releases a pheromone that will draw in more zombies and monsters.
The Four of them moved out of the area and entered another area with a walkway, this time they were able to go through without conflict or leaches. However after passing through they found another longer and more zigzagged walkway, filled with zombies. They shot them all down with ease and made their way to the other end where they found a lift that led to the lower floor. At first this area seemed clear as they were passing one of the walkways around the water level, the same giant humanoid monster form before only now it darkened skin that was hardened yet slippery. 
New York: What the fuck?! 
Rebecca: H- How?! I thought that Necrosis Venom was supposed to burn through anything!
Paris: Worry about that later! Take this fucker out!
The four of them started shooting at the Tyrant, it was clearly doing damage, but the Tyrant didn’t seem to notice as it charged at them. When it slashed down its claw, Paris pushed Rebecca and Billy away but used the momentum to push himself out of the way as well. Thankfully this resulted in them all dodging, and with the Tyrant hunched down New York shot its head with his shotgun blowing it apart and hitting it with necrosis venom. However, he didn’t stop as he actually used what was left of the necrosis shells to shoot the Tyrant’s chest full of holes in hopes of killing it completely this time.
It however, started swinging it’s claws around blindly, despite not having a head it kept moving and nearly killed all of them had they not stayed low. Though as it kept swinging it started getting farther from them alluding the four to raise their guns again and start shooting, aiming for its legs to destroy its balance. Once this was achieved its right leg fell apart and the whole body fell back into the water line. Billy, Rebecca, and New York looked into the water wondering if it was dead, though Paris pulled out the grenade launcher and shot a grenade into the water. The resulting explosion made a splash, but it was unsure if it actually hurt the Tyrant. 
Paris: It better be fucking dead this time. Come on, let's move.
Though Paris said that they ended up quickly reaching a dead end, or at least that would be the case if Billy hadn’t found a button on the wall and pressed it. Suddenly a ladder started unfolding itself and extended down to allow them all to climb up.
New York: … If we go up this ladder doesn’t that mean, we’ll have gone around in a circle?
Paris: I don’t want to hear it New York, we’re all frustrated by the way.
Billy: Yeah it’s just you that complains all the time.
New York: … fine whatever.
One by one they all walked up the ladder, and they were back on the upper floor, however this area wasn’t the same at all. Furthermore, Rebecca noticed a chip falling out of a fuse box and walked over to pick it up.
Rebecca: Well, look at that, I saw a fuse box form before that needed this, guess it was worth coming this way after all.
New York: whatever…
Paris: Let’s just get back quickly so our big and ugly friend doesn’t get the chance to follow us. 
Thankfully on the way back there were no enemies to encounter but also nothing worth recording. New York took the chip from Rebecca and placed it correctly into the new fuse box and suddenly the gondola powered up. The gondola started moving across the factory area and towards where they were.
New York: What the hell are we supposed to do with that thing?
Rebecca walked up to the gondola box and opened it, to show that it was hollow and large enough for two small people to fit in.
New York: … No, no fucking way! Absolutely not!
Rebecca: Come on New York, don’t you want to leave this place? 
New York: Ugh, this is such bullshit!
Paris: Sorry New York, no other way to progress at this point.
New York and Rebecca got into the gondola and Paris went over to turn it on. Once they made it to the other side they both stepped out and surveyed the area. 
Paris: Paris to New York, can you guys hear me?
New York: We hear you boss, it seems to be all clear here, we’re progressing now. Over.
Paris: Good, if anything goes wrong head back to that Gondola as fast as you can because there’s no way we can fit in there to come after you guys. Over.
New York: Well maybe Billy if you force him inside. Over.
Paris: Not happening, now see what you can find and report back once you're ready to return to us, Paris out.
Rebecca: Hey New York, give me a hand here!
New York looked to Rebecca who was trying to turn a lever, he quickly ran over to help and the two of them managed to turn it. Once it was complete, the water levels to certain areas started lowering, allowing access to new areas. 
New York: Cool… so can we go back now?
Rebecca: Hey what about that metal door back there.
New York: Oh come on!
Rebecca: You come on! What if there’s something important back there?
New York grunted and followed Rebecca to the back door, where they found a lab-like area with lots of giant camel crickets. New York quickly loaded the flamer fuel canister into his spray gun and started flaying the crickets. Rebecca shot down the ones that refused to die so easily, with their team up the crickets died quite quickly. 
New York: Oh gross, were they breeding the bugs here?!
Paris: Honestly not the weirdest nor the most messed up thing they’ve done. 
Rebecca and New York raised their guns at the stairs only to see Paris and Billy there.
Billy: Woah hey! Take it easy, it's just us.
New York: What? How did you get here?
Paris: Thanks to you guys actually, after you lowered the water we found a bridge to cross, though uh, as we crossed it there was a giant frog that tried to stop us.
Billy: Paris punched it to death.
Rebecca: Not surprising. 
Paris: Alright I get it! Let’s move on now. That door should lead out of here and where we need to go.
End of Part 7
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eparchclass · 10 months
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Lambda4taskic | Birdwatchtaskic [left] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Lambda-4, aka Bird Watchers
Lambda5taskic | Whirabbitaskic [right] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Lambda-5, aka White Rabbits
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Lambda12taskic | Pestcontaskic [left] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Lambda-12, aka Pest Control
Lambda14taskic | Onestartaskic [right] // Gender influenced by, best described by, oa otherwise connected to MTF Lambda-14, aka One Star Reviewers
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smoothcperator · 7 months
✦ 𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑘 001. 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐫 — [𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅] 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚞𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 [𝟸/𝟸𝟺/𝟸𝟺]
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Gael Esai Tiul-Xol
none yet unless we count OS calling him 'Commander' a nickname 👀
Oscar Isaac
Salt and pepper hair | 2 moles next to his left eye that line up horizontally along with 1 above his left eyebrow and 1 on his left cheekbone that create a rough diamond shape | various scars all across his body but the most noticeable is a groove near the center of his left cheek from a bullet grazing his face | likes to cover up, always in long sleeves, hoodies, jackets, or trench coats
𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁.:
44 | 02/02/1979 (GROUNDHOG DAY)
Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Rising
Huehuetenango, Guatemala / Phoenix, Arizona
father, mother, oldest brother, oldest sister, older brother, younger sister (names tbd), he has not had any contact with them since joining the Foundation.
Cis man, He/Him
Demisexual, masc leaning
Single, never married
Proactive, Adaptable, Efficient, Disciplined, Observant, Independent, Diplomatic, Persuasive, Empathetic, Curious
Restless, Sensitive, Cynical, Stubborn, Idealistic, Cautious, Judgemental, Mischievous, Deflective, Pushy, Impulsive
gives nicknames, carries an A5 journal on him at all times, putting a hand to his chin when he's deep in thought, scratching his cheeks lightly when he's embarrassed, pinching the bridge of his nose when he's feeling annoyed or overwhelmed, he cannot stand silence so he will hum, sing, talk to himself/narrate what he is doing if there's no one around to talk to/if no one is willing to engage in conversation with him
he is constantly picking up and dropping new hobbies, but the the ones that stuck were: journaling, photography, and reading; most recent was learning the acoustic guitar
Gomita “Gummy/Gumdrop”, tabby cat
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MTF Commander, Chi-00 "The Broken Scales of Themis"
MTF Operative, Delta-4 “Minutemen,” Lambda-12 “Pest Control,” and Xi-13 “Sequere Nos”, Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand"
MTF OMEGA-1 ; Located and terminated Director ████████ ██████, Head Researcher ████ █████, and General █████ ██████ after a data breach on █ / █ / █ was traced back to them. [𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅] was also able to confirm a connection between this breach and Group of Interest, Anderson Robotics.
hand-to-hand combat, firearms, guerrilla warfare, bomb making and disarming, infiltration, wiretapping, reconnaissance, counterintelligence, assassinations, rhetoric, persuasion, dialectic, acoustic guitar
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𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘: C/P from sample app for now (threat)
Rescued in 2000 by  MTF Xi-5, “Newton's Bullies,” during the preliminary exploration into SCP-35320’s domain, anomalous location SCP 35320-1, 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅’s introduction to the Foundation was nothing short of a miracle. Missing person reports from the time revealed that 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 had been reported as MIA after he disappeared during a training exercise in the Tucson Mountains by Unit 162 WG of the Arizona Air National Guard on November 17, 1998. It’s in the popular belief that 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 was selected at random by SCP-35320 due to his age or simply because the opportunity presented itself as no one else in his unit was captured by 35320 for its ‘game.’ [See Mission File #871-341-X for more information. Must be Clearance Level 5 or higher to access the file.] Once Xi-5 breached the boundary of anomalous location SCP 35320-1, the parameters to SCP-35320’s ‘game’ were met, and it began to systematically hunt down members of Xi-5, leading to multiple casualties. X-9, Op. Zuri Williams, and X-4, Op. Thomas Smith (KIA) made initial contact with 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 after they became separated from the rest of the unit. The Foundation promptly took him into custody for debriefing once Xi-5 exited SCP-35320’s domain. However, due to the Foundation’s limited research on SCP-35320, it soon became apparent that the likelihood of Xi-5 escaping was incredibly low as SCP-35320 dispatched more unit members. In an act of desperation, MTFC Ingrid Olsen made the call that 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 would be of better use as a soldier under Olsen’s command rather than a prisoner. This decision was what ultimately allowed for the neutralization of SCP-35320 as 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅’s knowledge of the terrain and SCP-35320’s ‘rules’ were immeasurably valuable for the success of the mission. Because of his usefulness during the mission, the question of what to do with 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 after debriefing led to both Head Researcher, Dr. Diego Ochoa, and the MTF Xi-5 Commander contacting separate Ethics Committee liaisons due to the uniqueness of this case. To avoid potentially losing a valuable asset to the Foundation, the Ethics Committee decreed to spare 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅, offering the man options of receiving Class B amnestics and returning to his family, or joining the Foundation. It is unclear why 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 made the choice he did, but the Foundation gained an invaluable asset that day. In his 24 years of service with the Foundation since this incident,  𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 has come to sport an impressive career in various MTFs, such as  Delta-4 “Minutemen,” Lambda-12 “Pest Control,” and Xi-13 “Sequere Nos” before finally landing in Omega-1 “Law's Left Hand” after being hand selected by the Ethics Committee for his part in in the Xerox Revision. While he is one of the most reliable mainstays in Omega-1, it is unclear how much longer the Ethics Committee is willing to risk 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 in the field.
It Began with a twist of Fate, Conditioned to Accept Horror, Trauma Conga Line, Jade-Colored Glasses, One-Man Army, Despair Event Horizon, Identity Breakdown, The McCoy, To be Lawful or Good, Beware the Honest Ones, Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism, Sliding Scale of Free WIll vs. Fate,
R.J. MacReady (The Thing 1982), Glenn Rhee (The Walking Dead), Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron (Star Wars), Aragorn (The Lord of the Rings), Nina Fortner (Naoki Urasawa's Monster), Wolfgang Grimmer (Naoki Urasawa's Monster), Dean Winchester (Supernatural), Sam Winchester (Supernatural), Simba (The Lion King)
𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒: *tw: blood mention
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foundationhq · 8 months
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𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 Seth Hiroshi Masters 𝐀𝐠𝐞 38 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 cis man, he/him  𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 Will Sharpe     𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 retired
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Unassuming and reserved, [𝐶𝑂𝑊𝐵𝑂𝑌 𝐺𝑅𝐸𝐸𝑇𝐼𝑁𝐺]’s record of service can, at best, be described as consistent. However, the origins of this operative’s connection to the Foundation are strikingly non-standard. As a child they survived not only direct exposure to an apocalyptic Apollyon-Class SCP that manifested at their hometown [DATA EXPUNGED], but also the contingency plan enacted to avoid a K-Class Scenario. Despite administration of Class B Amnestics to target [𝐶𝑂𝑊𝐵𝑂𝑌 𝐺𝑅𝐸𝐸𝑇𝐼𝑁𝐺]’s memories regarding the real reason that half the population of [DATA EXPUNGED] disappeared overnight, medical reports indicate the operative has persistent dreams involving the incident. So it was quite serendipitous that [𝐶𝑂𝑊𝐵𝑂𝑌 𝐺𝑅𝐸𝐸𝑇𝐼𝑁𝐺] ended up working for the Foundation in adulthood. Whether this result can be chalked up to coincidence or this operative’s connection to researcher [𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐸 𝐻𝑈𝐺𝐺𝐸𝑅] is yet to be seen. In any case, the Ethics Committee is certain that their participation in MTF Chi-00 will lead to a future breakthrough on synthetic amnestics, and will be supervising their growth within the team. — Internal Memo from the Ethics Committee.
JR.  RESEARCHER;  Site-169, Anomalous  Entity  Engagement  Division,  studying  behavioral  interventions  in  improving  anomaly  cooperation.  Former  site  evaluator,  worked  with  Rho-7,  Nu-3,  Delta-4,  and  Lambda-12. 
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𝑂𝐿𝐷 𝑆𝑃𝑂𝑅𝑇. In contrast to you, they seem able to remain calm under any sort of pressure. It’s admirable and comforting. But only kind of, because it’s hard not to compare yourself to them. Insecurities about whether or not you should be here are starting to spill over and taint the work you’re doing. Thankfully, it seems that 𝑂𝐿𝐷 𝑆𝑃𝑂𝑅𝑇 has noticed and has decided to watch over you. Or are they merely just watching?
𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐸 𝐻𝑈𝐺𝐺𝐸𝑅. You’d follow them to hell and back, but… you’re starting to think this latest venture might have been a mistake — for both of you. You’re hoping you’re wrong and it’s just stress over the new position. Plus, you can tell how excited 𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐸 𝐻𝑈𝐺𝐺𝐸𝑅 is by all this. But like with everything else, doubts have started to creep in and you’ve have always wondered if they really understand what the purpose of the Foundation is. Still, you’d never leave their side if you have any say about it.
𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶. You find yourself in their office on the regular lately. You’re not even sure why, half the time; maybe you just need somebody to talk to. Somebody who doesn’t know you like the back of their hand…. Y’know, maybe it’s time that you moved out of your comfort zone and made new friends. 𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶 seems like a good choice in that regard.
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Planned Coins
Alt Coining - [1] [2]
Gendersafe | Safe
Gendereuclid | Euclid
Genderketer | Keter
Genderthaumiel | Thaumiel
Genderneutralized | Neutralized
Genderapollyon | Apollyon
Genderembla | Embla
Genderunnecessary | Unnecessary
Genderarchon | Archon
Genderuncontained | Uncontained
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Containment Classes
Flor Galana
Disruption Classes
Risk Classes
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Amnestics (General)
Class A | General Retrograde
Class B | Regressive Retrograde
Class C | Targeted Retrograde
Class D | Progressive Retrograde
Class E | Ennui
Class F | Fugue
Class G | Gaslighting
Class H | Anterograde
Class I | Transient
Mnestics (General)
Class W | Reliable
Class X | Restorative
Class Y | Drill
Class Z | Lifetime
Gnostics (General)
Agnostics (General)
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K-Class Scenarios
AK-Class "Madness" Scenario
CK-Class "Restructuring" Scenario / RK
EK-Class "End of Human Consciousness" Scenario / MK
GH-Class "Dead Greenhouse" Scenario
HK-Class "Deific Subjugation" Scenario
IK-Class "End of Global Civilization" Scenario
LK-Class "Species Transmutation" Scenario
NK-Class "Grey Goo" Scenario
SK-Class "Dominance Shift" Scenario
XK-Class "End of the World" Scenario
XK-Δ-Class "Solar Singularity" Scenario
ZK-Class "Reality Failure" Scenario"
"Broken Masquerade" Scenario
ΩK-Class "End of Death" Scenario
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MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" | Overseer Council
MTF Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" | O5, Internal Security
MTF Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand" | Ethics Comittee
MTF Rēsh-1 "Seat of Consciousness" | The Administrator
MTF Omega-7 "Pandora's Box" (Disbanded)
MTF Alpha-9 "Last Hope"
MTF Omega-12 "Achilles' Heels"
MTF Epsilon-6 "Village Idiots" | Rural, Suburban
MTF Tau-51 "Urban Brawl" | Urban
MTF Pi-1 "City Slickers" | Dense Urban
MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" | Underground
MTF Theta-90 "Angle Grinders" | Unstable Geometry
MTF Lambda-5 "White Rabbits" | Unstable Reality
MTF Alpha-4 "Pony Express"
MTF Iota-10 "Damn Feds"
MTF Psi-7 "Home Improvement"
MTF Eta-10 "See No Evil"
MTF Eta-11 "Savage Beasts"
MTF Upsilon-4 "Sugar Pill"
Anomaly Specialists
MTF Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" | Bio/Chem/Radio Hazards
MTF Gamma-6 "Deep Feeders" | Oceanic
MTF Eta-5 "Jäeger Bombers" | Gigantic
MTF Theta-4 "Gardeners" | Flora
MTF Kappa-10 "Skynet" | Cyberspace
MTF Lamba-4 "Birdwatchers" | Airborne, Avian
MTF Lambda-12 "Pest Control" | Vermin
MTF Mu-4 "Debuggers" | Electronics
MTF Mu-13 "Ghostbusters" | Intangible
MTF Rho-9 "Technical Support" | Cybersecurity
MTF Phi-2 "Clever Girls" | Prehistoric
MTF Psi-8 "The Silencers" | Reanimated
MTF Chi-9 "Page Turners" | Literature
MTF Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" | Information Control
MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" | Emergency Battalion
MTF Omega-0 "Ará Orún" | Noöspheric Constructs
MTF Epsilon-7 "Forget Me Nots" | Mnestics
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[ACS Guide] - [Esoteric Classes List] - [Amnestics Guide] - [K-Class Scenarios] - [Task Forces List]
Send a request if something you're looking to see isn't here, not everything under each category is included.
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hydralisk98 · 1 year
Codices of Panay
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Turing-complete manifestation CLADOgrams (using VeneraFS, a rich media Parade+ZealOS DolDoc direct transparent filesystem & fileserver) to divide information into concise tiny affirmations like a tree, a deque or a cell grid. Mostly aimed for autistic individuals & machine androids, for self-reflection, for affirming + manifesting goals into suggested truths and ofc for communication.
May use few verbs (~48-60 opcodes) & a less limited selection of subjects (agreeing with my constructed language grammar mostly), to leave space for additional "Lambda" arguments / parameters beyond the first 12-bit block.
[games / toys ruleset like Neville Goddard’s, H.G. Wells’ Little Wars, Panini’s Grammars and Alonzo Church’s Lambda Calculus aimed for life-long learning / self-improvement and manifestation purposes],
Rogue Servitor Autonomous Service Grids [federated but not centralized],
Verb Agent Lambda is my toon comic strips form of the 'Neue Geo-Syndicalism' thesis about this language + manifestation paradigm.
So... yeah I am breaking apart within and collapsing as I am sick too rn. Mostly because I feel like a failure again for not reaching strong MTF results this week... Help me...
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Item Number: SCP-2446-M1
Object Class: Keter (Euclid reclassification pending)
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2446-M1 is currently being held in a padded heavy containment resembling MTF style barrack accommodations. They are to be treated for brain damage under the supervision of site medical personnel.
M1 has a deep understanding of Foundation protocols and inner workings. She has used this knowledge to breach containment on multiple occasions. If she is lucid enough to speak, she is lucid enough to breach containment
Description: SCP-2446-M1, or M1 for short, is the latest SCP-2446-1 instance to appear within a 12 km area San Jose, CA. By some miracle alive, but in critical condition. A single gunshot wound to the head. She was quickly rushed to the nearest Foundation site for immediate medical intervention saving her life.
M1 has been identified as a near physical and genetic match to Senior Agent Jin Okamoto, the current leader of Mobile Task Force Lambda-5. The only difference so far being her bright green eyes. Possibly younger than her alt.
M1 is a non anomalous human in terms of abilities, don't try to kill/mortally wound her.
Muse uses she/her pronounce.
No NSFW. Suggestive asks are fine but you might lose a hand.
No godmodding. M1 is my character and I want to keep it that way.
Please don't touch M1 inappropriately (e.g groping her). Unless we have a ship with her, in which case keep it PG-13.
Currently in a relationship with @mtfjohnscp
Feel free to engage in RP! mun is literate.
If you have an extreme typing quirk, either provide translation or do not interact. I have poor reading comprehension as is.
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geckoodles · 5 years
Item #: SCP-721-A
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-721-A is to be kept within a sealed, ten (10) meter by ten (10) meter containment cell at all times. No unauthorized personnel are permitted to enter the containment cell unless specifically instructed by a Security Clearance Level 4 (or higher) site supervisor. The interior of the cell is to be kept under constant remote surveillance through the designated wall-mounted security camera.
Subject is to have it's hands bound at all times. Bindings are to be made from layered metals including lead, copper, brass and steel. SCP-721-A is to be exposed to artificial sunlight at all times except during feeding and testing. Subject is to be fed once every 13 days, consisting of one (1) D-Class Personnel scheduled to be terminated.
SCP-721-B is to be stored inside of a locked container made up of layered steel and lead. Experiments involving the use of 721-B must be approved by personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher.
SCP-721-A is a humanoid entity approximately 3 meters in height, which bares the appearance similar to that of a gargoyle, with a wingspan of roughly 5.4 meters. The wing membranes appear to be made of a thick, shadowy mist that the entity can control at will. By this method SCP-721-A has been observed to sweep outwards with it's wings, prey passing through the membrane effortlessly before being pulled towards it as though the membrane was solid. It has glowing golden eyes and prominent incisors and tusks. The entity's skin is made of an unknown stone-like material; samples removed from the body rapidly calcify before testing can be done. Areas of exposed crystal are visible across sections of it's body and appear to be luminescent labradorite, but as with skin samples these calcify when removed from the entity.
SCP-721-A is known to be capable of speaking Bulgarian and rough english, though it generally refuses to speak to personnel. Subject is generally aggressive and periodically demands the return of SCP-721-B. (See interview 721.01) SCP-721-B is a ring made of an unknown stone similar to that of SCP-721-A's skin, and bears golden markings which produce a faint glow. The entity becomes increasingly agitated when the ring is worn by another humanoid, and seems to be able to sense where the ring is outside of containment. Any subject wearing the ring cannot be physically harmed by 721-A while aware of it's presence, though 721-A will attempt to kill the subject after the ring is removed.
SCP-721-A feeds by draining the blood of it's prey, and prefers humans to anything else. The entity's preferred method of hunting appears to be stalking and, when close enough, breaking the neck of prey before feeding. After prey has been drained the entity appears to push the remains into the membrane of it's wing, whereupon it vanishes. Tracking devices placed on prey before feeding have failed to provide any information on where these remains are sent. Testing with body mounted cameras is currently awaiting approval. When threatened the entity shows a number of anomalous abilities. It's claws will begin to glow green when fighting, and even the smallest cut from them in this state will turn victims to stone; there is currently no known way to prevent this or stop it's effects. SCP-721-A has been seen to create portals appearing to be composed of shadows, mainly as a method of transportation. The entity also seems to have some control over shadows; an area of roughly 3.7 meters around it is always darker than the surrounding area, and in low light conditions proves to be an effective way of disorienting prey. This effect is not present while SCP-721-A is in direct sunlight.
SCP-721-A was discovered in 2011 in ██████, Bulgaria following a Foundation operatives investigation into several disappearances reported in the area. Agents reported finding SCP-721-A draining the blood of a young male before disappearing through a portal. MTF Lambda-12 ("Pest Control") was assigned to locate and capture the entity. SCP-721-A was found near █████, Bulgaria and attacked agents, killing one and injuring three more before weapons fire deterred it. Entity was pursued to a clearing in the area at dawn; once exposed to sunlight it became immobile, it's body hardening and turning to stone. Capture was concluded with no further issues and brought to Site-██. SCP-721-B was found while bringing in SCP-721-A.
Interview 721.01
Interviewed: SCP-721-A
Interviewer: Dr. Romaine
Notes: Interview was conducted three days after SCP-721-A was placed in containment. D-07389 was equipped with standard audio recording equipment and sent in with Dr. Romaine. Prior to the interview the subject attempted to breach containment, but was immobilized by the UV lights in the containment unit. Subject was warned against attempting another breach. 
D-07389 enters the containment unit, equipped with standard recording device. Dr. Romaine follows and remains near the entrance to the unit. The primary containment lights are shut off and the overhead lights come on.
D-07389 is instructed to move closer to SCP-721-A with the microphone. Subject complies.
Dr. Romaine: Greetings SCP-721-A.
721-A focuses on Dr. Romaine, growling.
721-A: I will kill you all-
Dr. Romaine: I see. My name is Dr. Susan Romaine, and I have a few questions to ask you.
721-A leans forward, using it's wings as supports.
Dr. Romaine: Can you tell me what you are?
721-A: Нещо много по-старо от теб
Dr. Romaine: Pardon?
Dr. Romaine: (into provided communication device) What language is that? Can we get a translator in here?
Dr. Romaine is informed that it can't be identified yet.
Dr. Romaine: Damn, alright. 721-A, where did you come from?
721-A growls, taking a step closer to D-07389.
721-A: You know
D-07389 backs away, visibly intimidated. Subject is ordered to remain where they are.
Dr. Romaine: No, we don't. If we knew, I wouldn't be asking.
721-A: Bulgaria.
721-A takes another step towards D-07389. Subject is ordered not to move away.
Dr. Romaine: Bulgaria. Is that where you originated from?
721-A growls again.
Dr. Romaine: (producing a picture of SCP-721-B) Can you tell me about this?
721-A is observed to become agitated upon seeing the image, flaring wings and growling more deeply.
Dr. Romaine: Can you tell me about this object? It was recovered when you were brought in.
721-A: това е мое и го искам обратно
Dr. Romaine: I do not speak Bulgarian, 721-A.
721-A suddenly lunges forward, grabbing D-07389 with it's wing claws and pulling them towards it. The D-Class's screams are silenced abruptly with a loud cracking noise. Dr. Romaine hastily exits the unit.
SCP- 721-A was immobilized and another D-Class sent in to retrieve the recording device from D-07389's remains. All that remained of D-07389 was left forearm, torn at the elbow, and the recording device.
Continuation of [x].
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SCP Foundation art, a logo design of MTF Lambda-12 - "Pest Control" I made for ARD.
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gearholder · 7 years
Which of the SCPs is the best one to stick my dick in?
Nine-hundred Ninety N--DON’T DO THAT!! Ò AÓ
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dzthenerd490 · 5 months
Addendum X-7 Part 6
Rebecca looked around and out of sheer luck she noticed something on top of one of the pillars. 
Rebecca: Paris! I see something up there!
Paris: Hm... Oh! It's another tablet! Think you can get it Rebecca?
Rebecca smirked as she took a few steps back form the pillar she then ran forward and jumped up to run up along the pillar. She only barely made it to the top and unfortunately couldn't even reach the tablet. She would have fallen on her back hard had Paris not ran up to her and placed his hands under her feet to keep her up. 
Paris: Okay, NOW do you think you can get it?
Rebecca huffed as she rolled her eyes, but she was able to grab the tablet with ease, so she did and jumped off of Paris's hands and effortlessly landed on the ground. 
Rebecca: Huh... it says Discipline. I wonder what that's for. 
Paris: Really, perfect, that should hopefully be the final piece of-
Suddenly a beeping sound could be heard from Paris's Computer Screen Pad. He pulls it out and seems shocked by what is on the screen.
Rebecca: What's wrong Paris?
Paris: It's a message. Come to this room, place the three tablets, defeat the intruder, be released. Sent by the Red Queen.
Billy: The red queen? Who the hell is that?
New York: Wait more importantly, that's Foundation tech! How the hell could someone hack it to get a message in?
Paris: Hmph, well right now the big question is whether or not we should listen to the message. My head is telling me no, but my gut is telling me it's worth a try. But the main problem is that we'll have to go back into the mansion. 
New York: Oh, come on! For fucks sake, we're already outside! Why don't we just leave and radio for back up.
Rebecca: You do remember there are zombie dogs in the woods, right? 
New York: Oh, come on! How many could there possibly be. 
Suddenly, hundreds of howls could be heard in forest making the four of them turn to the woods. Suddenly hundreds of luminated eyes could be seen staring at them.
Paris: Get back into the mansion, now!
The four of them ran back in with Paris last who slammed the doors shut behind them. 
Paris: Ugh... We have no choice now. follow me.
New York: Damn it...
After 30 minutes they made it to their destination, the observatory of the facility. There they found a slots to place the three tablets. Paris grabbed them from his pack and placed them in.
Paris: Okay hopefully I put them in the correct order.
Billy: ... Uh, is something supposed to happen?
Suddenly it actually the entire observatory started moving and lowering down what seem to be a single level. 
Paris: Well, I guess there's only one way to go now? 
Billy: Man, really hope we didn't just make a bad turn.
Rebecca: I'll take any progress at this point. Let's just get out of here. 
Paris went for the door leading to the new pathway, however upon opening it he was ambushed by an Eliminator. However, he just crushed its neck with ease while New York shot the other one with his shotgun. 
Rebecca: Hey Paris, I've been meaning to ask, how is it that you're so strong?
Billy: Is it some kind of steroid or something? 
Paris: No, more like vitamin that makes my muscles stronger without having to grown bigger. 
Billy: ... Seriously? Maybe its not a good idea to rely on those, I've heard of soldiers and marines that took experimental drugs form the government and it always went to shit when they got back home. Suicide, insanity, rage, all the nasty stuff. 
Paris: Don't worry, the Foundation is reckless sometimes but never THAT reckless. 
The ground walked down the new path that seemed to be outside the facility near a swamp or something similar. There were bats in the air that were flying dangerously close, so Paris shot them all with his dual SMGs. He only had to waist a single bullet for each one. 
Rebecca: ... Isn't it a little unfair?
Paris: What is?
Rebecca: I mean, you guys have cloaking suits, advanced medicine that can repair bone damage, highly skilled training that surpasses even military... I just... why do you keep it all to yourself? Don't you think the world could benefit greatly form this? 
Paris: ... Yeah, probably but more often than not people end up weaponizing the tools given to them rather than using it to save lives. Even when the original purpose was to do just that. 
Billy: Yeah, like I said the military tried out lots of drugs to make soldiers stronger though it just made them insane. 
Rebecca: But still, if the world had access to-
Paris: Rebecca, the only way for the world to have access to the Foundation's property is for the world to be exposed to the anomalous world. You are a member of an elite police force and Billy here is ex-military. You guys can handle having to deal with zombies, mutants, and giant bugs but what do you think about all the civilians of the world. Can you imagine if everyone in the world knew that there were monsters wandering every shadow in the world? And I mean they are ALL over the world and in every corner too. 
Rebecca: I... there... there are things like this happening all over the world? 
New York: And worst things too, stuff that are literally born form nightmares. We're just MTF Lambda-12. We only deal with anomalous bugs and vermin. There's an MTF for almost every monster and nightmare in existence. Which is funny to say considering most of the sick fucks aren't supposed to exist. 
Rebecca paused for a moment, she and Billy then looked at one another, they were barely handling what was happening around them right now and Paris was right it was because they were both trained that they could handle it so well. If there really were worst things out there then it would be an absolute nightmare to encounter them, then there were also the civilians of the world. If they really knew of the anomalous nightmares, they chaos would be unleashed everywhere. Rebecca didn't have a good argument against it and neither did Billy, they didn't agree but they couldn't deny it was for the best the public didn't know of such horrors.
New York: Oh god damn it! More religious bullshit?! 
The four of them stopped to see themselves right in front of what appeared to be a church. Rebecca went to the door and tried to open it but it was locked shut. She then smirked and turned around.
Rebecca: Well, now this is the part where I say we need a key but then-
Pairs walked up to the door while Rebecca was talking and kicked it down exactly when she cut off her own sentence. 
Rebecca: Thank you, Paris.
Paris: It's just better to kick them down than to waste time.
Billy: But sir, what about the whole, "there could be hidden dangers on the other side" talk from before.
Paris: Yeah, I know, and I really shouldn't jinx it but I'm pretty sure we've already seen the worst of it all. 
New York, Rebecca, and Billy looked at one another and they felt they really couldn't argue so they just nodded. The four of them then walked into the church and despite the debris and destruction here and there it was actually quite beautiful. There was even a portrait in the front that showed the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus. 
Paris: Alright, everyone scout the area and once you've confirmed its clear go ahead and relax. I'll go and check that room over there. 
Everyone did as Paris said and looked around to ensure there weren't any hidden threats or pieces to another confusing puzzle. Paris went to a little room on the right side but came back only a minute or two later.
Paris: Okay I got some more ammo but besides that there wasn't really anything to- FUCK! Contact! 
Everyone looked up as they heard a large screeching coming from the ceiling. It was a giant mutant bat that few in through the hole in the ceiling and was screeching at them in anger.  
New York: Paris! For fucks sake, use the Grenade Launcher!
Paris: Shut up and shoot the monster New York!
Rebecca, Billy, and New York got out their assault rifles and started shooting at the Giant Bat. 
Billy: Aim for its wings! That will hinder its ability to fly!
Billy tried to fire first but suddenly a swarm of smaller bats started flying into the church and swarming the Giant Bat. This forced the three of them to start shooting at them as they were acting as shields for the Giant Bat. Worst off some of them were flying off to attack them directly and the Giant Bat was still flying around. 
Paris: Alright everyone get back! 
Paris aimed his grenade launcher now armed with incendiary grenades and shot them at the bats quickly killing off the swarm. Paris fired one last shot at the Giant Bat setting it on fire as a result, he wasn't done as he got out his sniper rifle and shot cleanly through the head. The Giant Bat fell to the ground as it was dead, and its body was burning.
Paris: Well, that's the end of that. Let's get the hell out of this church. 
Paris just walked off while New York, Rebecca, and Billy remained silent. 
New York: Well, if there's anything to love about the Foundation, it always has the right people who can get shit done.
New York then followed Paris first then Billy and Rebecca quickly followed him. The four of them were now outside with Paris trying to think of where to go.
Paris: Hm... hey! There something around the corner over here. 
Paris went to the left of the church and saw a pathway leading to more area. The other three followed with Rebecca being the last, however as she got close to the gates around them a Cerberus ran up to the gate and started barking at her scaring her and the others.
Paris: Gah! Damn dogs! 
Billy: Those aren't really dogs anymore.
Paris: Doesn't matter, don't waste your ammo, just let the freaks bark. 
The four of them walked as the Cerberus continued to bark at them while they walked by. Paris then noticed a door that wasn't locked by let to an elevator that needed power. He continued forward knowing they would find a breaker somewhere and even kicked open a locked gate to progress. Sure, enough on the back of the church was a switch and once he pulled it down the power came back to the elevator. 
Paris: Alright, looks like its going to lead to lower floors but... Do we really want to go lower?
New York: No fuck that! Let's just radio the back up and tell them where we are.
Paris: They won't be able to see anything in the rain, even if they could how are you planning on getting past the dogs. 
New York: Uh... we could just wait till morning.
Rebecca: No way! Look I know this is going to sound reckless, but we should hunt down that Opera Sarkite ourselves. 
Billy: Rebecca are you insane?
Rebecca: No, I just... Paris, back on the train you said as a police officer I was under Foundation Jurisdiction to follow you right?
Paris: Well yeah, Protocol "Join or Die" any law enforcer or government body who encounters the anomalous world is to be temporarily recruited by the Foundation and assist in any possible tasks or threats.
Rebecca: So that means until you say otherwise, I'm basically a member of the Foundation, right? 
Paris: If you want to see it that way, you're not really wrong to do so. 
Rebecca: What is the Foundation's motto.
Paris: We got hundreds, but our main one is Secure the future, Contain all threats, and Protect humanity. 
Rebecca: Well, if we don't stop that Opera Sarkite guy or whatever and destroy Dr. James Marcus's research then how are we upholding the protection of humanity? Sure, this place and the train were the only places attacked but still, who's to stop them from attacking nearby places or even Raccoon City! 
New York and Billy looked at one another while Paris thought about it. 
New York: Ugh, god damn it I already know boss is going to agree. 
Paris: Rebecca... you can be frustratingly reckless a lot of the time... but your right. We don't have the luxury to call it quits right now, we need to find that Sarkite and Doctor James Markis. I don't know if they are working together but it can't be a coincidence that the Opera freak controls the leaches and James Markis not only created them, but they take his appearance sometimes. Right now, calling in reinforcements is futile or will take too long so it's simply not an option right now. So, let's go ahead and take the elevator and I don't want to hear any more complaining, got it New York? 
Everyone looked at New York, he groaned in response but nodded to show he understood. 
Paris: Good, let's move then. 
The four of them rode the elevator down, taking them an unknown number of levels. Once the doors opened, they all raised their weapons only to find themselves in a small hallway. There was nothing there but a staircase that seemed to be caved in by debris and a door at the other end of the hallway. Rebecca looked at Paris and he nodded, she smiled and walked forward first and toward the door. She only checked if it was locked which it wasn't. Once Paris caught up he cloaked and entered after Rebecca opened the door for him.
Paris: ... It's clear.
Everyone then followed him inside. 
New York: What the hell? How many books do these guys need?
Billy: Looks like it's a more personal library. 
Paris: We don't have the luxury to look through them all, just grab what looks important and move. 
New York: Uh, Paris? Move to where? There's nowhere left to go. 
Rebecca: Actually, that's not true. 
The three of them turned to Rebecca as she pointed up to a hole in the ceiling. 
Rebecca: I still got the harpoon gun, if we boost each other up we can make it then whoever is last will just use the harpoon to pull themselves up. 
Paris: Just let me go last then. If any of you were to boost me up I would crush you like a watermelon. 
New York grimaced and nodded while Rebecca and Billy looked at one another in confusion. 
Billy: Don't you mean like a grape?
Paris: I know what I said, now shut up and start climbing. 
New York chuckled and volunteered to go first, Billy gave him a boost and he got onto the next floor rather easily. Rebecca knew it was a bad idea to give Billy a boost, so she just climbed on his shoulders and grabbed onto New Yorks hand to help her onto the floor. Billy was about to ask Paris for a boost, but Paris just grabbed him and held onto him while he jumped up onto the next floor. Paris then let go of Billy and walked forward.
Billy: ... I still haven't made up my mind but I gotta say. Joining the Foundation? Sounding pretty good right now. 
New York: Heh, yeah this jobs a fucking nightmare, but no other work will make you feel more alive. 
Paris: Let's move, shall we?! 
The four of them now appeared to be in a sort of science office with lots of files but also lots of jars. Paris was the first to go around the corner to see the rest of the room only to be ambushed by a tentacle. Thankfully it missed him but when it retracted it, he saw it to be another humanoid leech swarm. He quickly threw his Necrosis Venom coated dagger at it and got out the grenade launcher while it screeched in pain. However, before he could load it New York showed up with his Foundation spray gun and blasted the leech swarm with the sterilizing chemical quickly killing the leaches instantly.
Paris: ... thank you, New York. 
New York: No problem boss, like you said we've practically faced the worst. These guys are chums to us now.
Paris: Even if that's true don't get cocky. Now, what the heck is this thing? 
Paris turned around to see a testing station filled with tubes. After pressing a button, the machine turned on and gave him a single tube. He looked at it and inside appeared to be a crystalized leech. 
New York: Ew! What the fuck would we need that thing for?
Paris: I don't know, though if I had to guess this leech is patient zero. Probably a good thing to hold onto it for now, if it's useless we can just throw it away later.
Rebecca: It's not going to come back to life, right? 
Paris: Not really sure so I guess it's best to keep it in the canister for now. Rebecca put this in the medical case with the other samples.
Rebecca: Oh right!
As Rebecca did so, the four of them left the room for the only other exit. 
Rebecca: Wait hold up! I found another map.
Paris: Really? Great let me scan it. 
Paris got out his Foundation Computer Screen pad and scanned the map though after he did, he sighed in disappointment. 
Paris: Shit looks like we missed some rooms back in the lower floor. We'll need to split up again to cover our lost ground. 
Rebecca: I can go with you Paris.
Billy: Maybe I should go with Paris.
New York: No fuck that, I'm not getting paired with either of you idiots, I'm going with Paris! 
Paris: None of you are going with me! sigh I'll be going alone. You three will pair up with each other and search for everything that can be useful. Rely on one another properly and get it done, got it?
New York: Ah... ugh fuck, yes boss.
Rebecca: Of course, Paris.
Billy: Yeah, we got it. 
Paris: ... I'm serious, none of you die, okay? 
Rebecca, New York, and Billy looked at Paris in shock then at each other. They all nodded in unison while smiling at Paris.
Paris: Thank you, watch each other's backs, okay?
The three of them then walked back to the room to go back to the lower floor and start searching for useful stuff. Paris then went to first door down the hall, unfortunately he was immediately ambushed by more hunters. He quickly shot the first one down, but the second one got the drop on him. Thankfully he was able to punch its lower jaw stunning it for a moment then kicked its face. As it fell to the ground in pain, he shot its stomach killing it completely. 
Paris: Shit, really glad the others weren't with me. 
Paris looked around the room though he didn't find much except some files about the Hunters. He scanned it with his Computer Screen Pad but didn't find much else except for a useless looking dial. He took it anyways as he knew better than to underestimate the craziness of this place. He quickly left the room and went down the corner of the hall. He was about to take the first door to his right but ultimately decided to go down the door at the very end of the hallway. 
Inside Paris was expecting to find a bunch of monsters and useful items but he just found more zombies and files. He barely noticed the zombies, since he didn't want to waste ammo, he just punched them easily ripping their heads off and damaging their brains as a result. He went through the three rooms and found nothing so he just left feeling disappointed. 
He finally went to the Machine room, but he heard footsteps on the lower floor, he snuck to the edge of the railing but sighed in relief when he saw it was New York, Rebecca, and Billy. 
Paris: Hey! You kids doing okay?!
New York: What the- Oh shit! What's up boss! 
Rebecca: Paris! Check it out! It's a cable car! 
Paris: Yeah, it should finally lead us to where those Sarkite bastards are but uh, if it's a cable car its going to need a power source.
Billy: Don't worry got both covered! Here!
Billy then threw both the Input and Output Regulator Coils and Paris caught both with ease. Though he was a little annoyed Billy would so recklessly throw them like that he was glad things were finally going so smoothly for them all. He turned around to see the main operator room, once inside where ethe coils went were easy to find so he put them in and after Rebecca flipped the switch on the first floor the whole thing powered up. Paris then jumped down, now the four of them were united again. 
Paris: Alright, hopefully this is the last trip we have to take, so let's get the hell out of- Shit! Contact! 
Paris got out his SMG's and shot at an Eliminator that tried to attack Billy. Suddenly a Leech Mimic formed behind Rebecca and whipped her in the stomach making her fly towards New York and ram him into the cable car knocking them both out. 
Paris: Rebecca! New York! God damn it! 
Paris got out a UV heat flash grenade but before he could arm it the Leech Mimic slapped it out of his hand and away from Paris. Paris grunted as he just shot with his SMGs to keep the Leech Mimic back, but it was still advancing. Thankfully Billy started shooting at the Leech Mimic forcing it back. Paris used the opportunity to grab the grenade, pulled the pin, and threw it at the Leech Mimic finally killing it. 
Paris: Ugh fucking Christ. 
Billy: Shit are they okay?!
Billy and Paris ran over to New York and Rebecca and helped them up thankfully they didn't suffer any major injuries, so they were overall okay. 
Paris: As aggravating as it is to say, this is a sign we're on the right track. Someone definingly doesn't want us taking this cable car. 
New York: I know your all going to get mad at me for saying this, but this shit better be fucking worth it. 
Rebecca: Kinda too late to say that now New York.
New York grunted but he just went over to the cable car and opened the doors. Afterwards everyone followed in and Paris pressed the button to get the cable car rolling. New York noticed a corpse and poked it, sure enough it was dead though his attention was taken by what the corps was holding.
New York: H- Ho- Holy shit! 
New York forced the gun out of the corpses hand and showed the others that it was a Magnum gun.
New York: It's a fucking Magnum! This is the gun that ammo was for! These kinds of guns pack a punch! I guarantee you just one shot, JUST ONE SHOT, and any of these freaks will go down easily. 
Paris: ... Billy, you take the Magnum.
Billy: What?
New York: WHAT?! 
Paris: I don't trust Billy on a lot of things, but as a sharpshooter. Can't really find anyone else more trustworthy. Sorry Rebecca.
Rebecca: Actually, I agree. Most of the time I manage to hit was because I have a shotgun. Billy on the other hand was able to even shoot tiny little leeches. 
Paris: Hm, then its decided. New York, I don't want to hear you bitching anymore. Give Billy the gun.
New York grunted and just shoved the gun to Billy as the cable car moved, he went to look out the window. 
Billy: Uh, you sure you made the right choice. I mean, aren't you a better shot than me.
Paris: Well duh, but I can't be expected to be the sole top shot here. Everyone has got to pull their weight if they are to be an effective team. 
Rebecca: R- Roger that. 
Rebecca then went over to one of the windows, Billy and Paris looked at one another but Billy raised his hand to Paris to show he was going to talk to Rebecca alone. He then walked to the view beside her so the could talk.
Billy: ... I'm guessing your still worried about your team. 
Rebecca: Well, I know Enrico is fine but... I don't know how to tell him that Edward and possibly the others are dead.
Billy: Hm... Yeah, coming back after the mission is over is never the easy part, right? But it is always worth it.
Rebecca: How so? It wasn't worth it for you. Those bastards threw you under the bus for a crime you didn't commit. 
Billy: Yeah, that's an example of desperation and stupidity. But on a normal mission it's always a win even if only one soldier gets back home. 
Rebecca: How? Everyone else is dead?
Billy: Because so long as at least one soldier is alive, EVERYONE is remembered. 
Rebecca looked at Billy shocked but then started laughing which confused Billy.
Rebecca: Of course, I did say earlier I wanted to know Hong Kong and London's real name so that I could mourn for them properly. I basically already knew that and yet here I am still moping around. 
Billy: Heh, It's not like you're not aloud too. We've all been through hell tonight. 
Rebecca: Oh, your right about that, but still moping around without coming up with a solution is no different to whining. I refuse to be useless when I could be helping people. 
Billy: I see... hey Rebecca.
Rebecca: Hm?
Billy raised his fist and held it to Rebecca.
Billy: Let's make this nightmare end.
Rebecca looked at Billy confused for a moment but then smiled and bumped her fist with his.
Rebecca: We'll make the nightmare end. 
Rebecca and Billy smiled at one another, all the while Paris and New York were watching them.
New York: So what do you think boss? The Foundation struck gold? 
Paris: I have a feeling Billy is going to say no in the end quite a shame really. Rebecca on the other hand, she's good at forming bonds, very charismatic. She's not the best shot or the most skilled but she's determined to get a mission done no matter what. I'm sure she'll be willing to say yes to Protocol "Sole Survivor". 
New York: Hmph, she could definitely use more training first. 
Paris: Probably, have faith in her New York. 
New York: I tell ya boss, I honestly don't know how people in our line of work can still have hope. 
Paris: Hah, maybe you can ask my husband after we leave this hell hole. 
Just then the cable car made it to the destination and stopped.
Paris: Alright cut the chatter! We're here let's get this done as fast as possible. The bastards responsible for this are going to pay by tonight. 
End of Part 6
Continue to Part 7
Go back to Part 5
Go back to File: Resident Evil - T Virus
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depressedpuppet · 7 years
Im sending in MTF Squad lambda 12 "kinkshamers"
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foundationhq · 7 months
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𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐞 35+ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 gregarious, energetic, devious. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 open
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An inspiration to us all, [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] has never turned back in fear of the unknown. A mainstay in the frontlines since the start of their career in MTF [REDACTED], they have braved SCP after SCP and have always managed to return alive, cheery and vivacious. Though they’ve been given internal awards and numerous commendations for their bravery, [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] has refused to rest on their laurels, preferring to carry on serving as a first-responder. Their reason is a testament to their virtue, as they say they solemnly feel for their lost brethren and will not leave the frontlines in honor of them. However, there are colleagues who have responded to the accolades [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] has proudly added to their portfolio with surprise and dismay, insisting that this operative should not have survived, as no one is “that lucky.” Accusations flew of unfair allocation of resources, convenient relocations, and unusual adjustments to their duties. Detractors claimed these undocumented perks served to insulate [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] from under-performance, mishaps, and the same hazards their fellows faced. However, to the Foundation’s understanding and thorough internal review, anyone who has been on the field with [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] claims they have seen the team’s hero fighting with them, side-by-side. To our knowledge, [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] has responded to these allegations with grace and kindness, insisting that these comments stem from misplaced hurt and grief for the fallen. A close confidante and fan of [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅], who wishes to be anonymous, has stated the popular operative is merely resourceful, a talented networker, and a devoted employee, therefore an easy target for jealousy. With this recommendation, the Committee is certain that their service with the Broken Scales of Themis will provide a staging ground for [𝐼𝑉𝑂𝑅𝑌 𝑇𝑂𝑊𝐸𝑅] to demonstrate their true worth, once and for all. — Internal Memo from the Ethics Committee.
UTP;  recommendations  include  a  frontline  Tactical  Response  Officer  or  Containment  Specialist  from  MTF  Xi-5  “Newton's  Bullies”,  Beta-7  “Maz  Hatters”,  Lambda-5  “White  Rabbits”,  Lambda-12  “Pest  Control”,  Mu-13  “Ghostbusters”,  and  Phi-2  “Clever  Girls”.
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𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅. Your new Commander has quite the impressive CV so you expected someone distinguished but, in person, you find yourself a little… underwhelmed. A leader should be someone who can galvanize the masses and motivates their comrades to push forward, no matter what — and unfortunately, you can’t say 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 is an inspirational figure. Perhaps their long tenure as the Committee’s favorite has blunted their edge and therefore, that of the Broken Scales — an edge you could hone. It’s not that you’re angling to undermine them, no, you’ve never been interested in a leadership position — but if the other members of MTF Chi-00 feel like they have to turn to you for guidance, who are you to turn them away?
𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶. You’re sure to keep yourself in tip-top form and acing every medical exam; your body is a temple! However, the team medic seems to be peering at your files a little closer than most. Which SCP was it, again, that gave you that rather debonair scar? Well, as a fellow high achiever — please, you can practically see the Ivies growing off of them — they should understand that, sometimes, it’s hard to keep track of your many glowing achievements.
𝑈𝑅𝐵𝐴𝑁 𝑀𝑌𝑇𝐻. So wide-eyed! So dazzled! By you, clearly, how sweet. You’re glad to answer all their questions, even the ones they haven’t thought to ask yet. Why mine the old, outdated guard for insight — you’re here now, and you’ll set them straight. Just wait for 𝑈𝑅𝐵𝐴𝑁 𝑀𝑌𝑇𝐻 and their fellow newbies to see you in action in the field. While there’s no danger of any of them outshining you, it’ll be amusing finding out what they’re made of. Some of them might even be useful.
𝐶𝑂𝑁𝑁𝐸𝐶𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 𝑈𝑇𝑃. — Propose a connection between your character and any of our taken or open skeletons!
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
Addendum X-8 Part 1
After the incident with the anomalous leeches on the train as well as the disaster at the mansion, both of which were related to Group of Interest: The Umbrella Corporation, the Foundation decided to take action. First it was time to take down their main company within Raccoon City. To ensure maximum success since the last two mission nearly ended in failure given the number of casualties, multiple MTFs were deployed. A massive Joint Task Force was created it was called JTF Apollo-6 "Acid Rain" and was comprised of MTF Beta-7, MTF Gamma-5, MTF Delta-45, MTF Zeta-9, MTF Iota-10, MTF Lambda-12, MTF Pi-1, MTF Chi-7, MTF Apollo-4, and MTF Dyonsysus-1. 
This operation was massive, but it had to be as Umbrella was a large corporation and had lots of mysterious and dangerous power within. Better to put all cards on the table and stop the threat that is Umbrella before it becomes an unkillable tyrant later like so many Groups of Interest. 
Four cars and a Foundation escort truck were driving into the city each one besides the truck, were filled with MTF units. The car in back was the only one that had MTF units with their armor on as the others had MTF Pi-7 and were dressed the same as police officers of Raccoon City to help stabilize the situation. This car had a single Beta-7, Zeta-9, Lambda-12, and Chi-7 unit within the car. Due to the unpredictable nature that has been reported form the experiments of Umbrella Corporation by previous encounters, it was decided they would be needed as well. There was no doubt that Umbrella knew they were coming to Racoon City and were planning to escape by any means necessary.
"I wouldn't put it past those fuckers to unleash SCP-AAY onto the people to cover their asses."
"That would be stupid, the stuff is so infectious it can counter even Foundation medicine. Honestly gives me the creeps."
"Well not all medicine, apparently Brooklyn found that those weird plants can counter the virus."
"Oh yeah, her names Rebecca, right? Can't believe she found that out by superstition alone."
"I think you mean the Bloody Rabbit, everyone thought she was a pushover but after recruitment she proved to be a badass in her own right."
"Alright enough chit-chat, we're coming up on a gas station, the boss wants us to stop there while we radio the evocation team in the city. Apparently, there's some heavy interference and he wants to clear the signal and get confirmation on the status of the city before we proceed." The cars and truck start driving to the gas station though as they saw several police cars parked there as well. 
"What the hell? Did we walk into a crime scene?"
"The world's ending but no one knows, can't blame em for still having to deal with the bullshit of everyday life. Let's just do our best to stay out of it." Just then, Leon showed up and was heading towards the entrance of the gas station. By doing so he stumbled across Claire and shot the zombie behind her. 
"Woah what the hell?!"
"Who's firing?! Put your weapons down!"
"Argh!" All MTF units then turned to see one of them dragged over their car and now getting eaten by a horde of zombies. All MTF units quickly started firing on the zombies while Leon and Claire joined them to help.
"What the hell is going on?!"
"God damn it! This shouldn't be happening!"
"All units get to your cars and into the city! We have to go there now!" All MTF units did as ordered, though one of the MTF units noticed Claire and Leon quickly getting overwhelmed by zombies. He shot a few of them to clear a way and then waved to get their attention.
"Come on! Hurry!" He and another MTF unit continued shooting down zombies as they surrounded them. Finally, Claire and Leon made it to the car, and the MTF units got in after them. The driver then stomped on the gas, and they drove out of there. 
"All units this is the captain! We have confirmed two casualties! Repeat, two casualties! Does anyone refute?"
"Negative Captain no further casualties reported here?"
"Uh, Captain we do have two civilians with us in the rear."
"Uh, actually I'm a cop at-"
"Alright then, everyone! Begin recording! As of this moment the operation is starting. We still haven't heard anything from the units within the city so unfortunately, we're going to have to assume the worst. But that doesn't deny that we still have a mission and there are still civilians to be saved. So, let's get this done."
"Yes Sir!"
Turning on...
Loading files...
Connecting to Databanks...
Initiating report for Operation: Raccoon City. 
Beginning Recording for Rescue Squad 3-5 of Joint Task Force Apollo-6 "Acid Rain".
Beginning Head Count... Rescue Squad 3-5 consists of Four units, Codenamed: Death, War, Pestilence, and Plague.
Death, MTF Captain and original member of MTF Beta-7. She is armed with Standard Foundation Helmet, Suit, and Armor. Equipped with Chemical Spray Gun, Foundation pistol with AP rounds, Paralysis Venom Fragment Grenades, Flash Grenades, and Cryo Grenades. Her helmet is specifically programed to detect chemical and biohazardous threats around her. Her Chemical Spray Gun is loaded with Necrosis Venom Gas Canisters, Nitrogenic Gas, and Amber Fluid. Death is the captain of Rescue Squad 3-5.
War, MTF specialist and original member of MTF Zeta-9. He is armed with the Foundation Stalker Helmet, Stealth Suit, and Mosaic Armor. His helmet's computer is programmed with maps of the layout of the surface of Raccoon City as well as its sewer system. Equipped with Necrosis Venom Coated Dagger, Paralysis Venom Coated Dagger, Dual Shock Batons, Standard Foundation SMG with TS rounds, and a Foundation Pistol with AP rounds. War is the tracker, mapping, and seeker unit of Rescue Squad 3-5.
Famine, MTF specialist and original member of MTF Lambda-12. He is armed with Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suit and equipped with dual shock batons, a Standard Foundation Assault Rifle C Rounds, a Foundation Shotgun with I rounds, A retractable shield, Sterilization Gas Grenades, and UV Burn Grenades. He is the man offense support unit of Rescue Squad 3-5.
Plague, MTF specialist and original member of MTF Chi-7. She is armed with Foundation Stalker Helmet, Stealth Suit, and Mosaic Armor. Equipped with Foundation SMG with C rounds, a Foundation Computer Screen Pad, and Portable Foundation Medical Case with a Sample Collection Gun inside. As requested, she also had hidden blades under her wrists made of Cold Iron as she is a member of the original Assassin's Creed. She is the medic as well support assassin of Rescue Squad 3-5.
Plague: Alright its recording Boss. 
Death: Good, get those civies processed just in case.
Unknown: Uh, as I was trying to say I-
Plague: Hold on one second... Okay now one at a time say out loud what you'd prefer to be called.
Unknown: Uh... Leon?
Plague: Oh come on... okay... okay got it. Now you ma'am.
Unknown: Oh uh... 
Plague: God damn it, please JUST say your name!
Unknown: Ah-! Sorry I just don't understand-
Plague: MA'AM! NAME! NOW!
Unknown: Claire!
Plague: Jesus! Was that really so hard?! 
War: Give it a rest Plague their civilians they don't understand what's going on so go easy on them, okay? For fucks sake.
Leon: Okay as I've been trying to explain I'm a cop! Though I'm new, I was stationed at Raccoon City, today is... supposed to be my first day. 
Famine: ... Sorry man, sounds rough, but in our line of work you count as a civilian too. 
Claire: Do any of you understand what's going on here?
Death: Your guess is as good as ours, we were just supposed to help with evacuating the city. We expected disaster but nothing like this.
Claire: Evacuation for what? 
Famine: That's classified ma'am.
Claire: Hm. So, your all military then? I've never seen those kinds of armor or symbols on the military before. What's your division called?
Death: That's also classified. No more questions.
Claire: I have a right to ask.
Death: No one's denying that ma'am, but for now you're just going to have to be satisfied when we say, its classified. 
Claire: Hm... Fine...
Leon: Uh, so what's the plan now then? 
Death: We lost contact with people inside the city, we need to find them and figure what's going on as well as what's up with all the zombies. 
Plague: If we can find out what's going on we can get you two to a safe area where all the other civilians are and take control of the situation before things get worse. 
Leon: Let me know if I can help, I know you think I'm a civilian, but I can help.
Death: ... We'll let you know sir, for now just sit tight, we still need to assess the situation. 
The team drove into the city, they later confirmed they saw the streets being completely abandoned. There were no people, no law enforcement, no Foundation agents, not even zombies. 
Claire: Where is everyone?
Famine: Probably dead.
Everyone looked at Famine in anger, though Clare being without a helmet, was the one who Famine noticed the most. 
Famine: What?! Not a lot of conclusions to go off of. 
Death: Zip it Famine, now's not the time for jokes.
Famine: Wasn't trying to make one. But sorry Boss.  
Claire: Famine?
Death: Code names, we're meant to use them for the duration of the mission ma'am. 
Claire: Why?
War: Don't know, higher ups are always paranoid like that. 
Death: Shit, still though, we're pretty deep in the city where is everyone.
Plague: I'm going to try the radio again. Evac team this is Rescue Squad 3-5 ready to receive orders, over... Evac team! This Rescue Squad 3-5, we've been attacked by SCP-AAY-1 instances. Containment is a failure, repeat containment is a failure we need an update on your end now! Over.
Claire: Wait containment? Did you know this was going to happen.
Plague: Shut the fuck up its classified! Evac team come in!
Evac Team: Re... Report...
Plague: Evac Team! I hear you but you're breaking up! What is your status?!
Evac Team: Umbrella... Knew... Resistance... Infection... Entire City... Lost... Survivors... Police Station... Overrun! 
Plague: Evac Team say again, what is the status of the Police Station? Are you at the Police Station? Over... Evac Team are their survivors? Over... God damn it! 
Death: Its alright Plague give it a rest; we need to go to the police station anyways. According to our sources that place was designed to be the safest area to go to anyways.
Leon: Uh that might be easier said than done.
Everyone looked forward and sure enough there was a road blockaded preventing them all from advancing. 
Leon: Guess we're walking.
Claire: Uh, more like running. 
Claire pointed out of the windows to show a pair of zombies eating a corpse. 
Famine: Fuck... Called it though.
Death: Alright everyone out of the car now, you two stay in here, don't come out until we give the all clear. 
Leon: I can help sir.
Death: Watch our backs then, make sure none of those undead freaks ambush us.
Suddenly zombies popped up all around the car and started banging on the doors to get in. 
War: Got damn it! Everyone hand on I'm going to reverse and ram these freaks!
Plauge: Boss! We got a bogie heading right towards us!
Everyone in the car turned to the back window to see the lights of a large truck heading right toward them at high speed. 
Death: Fuck! Everyone, hang on!
They all braced as the truck impacted the car. The resulting impact did damage the car but thanks to it being reinforced with Foundation metals it survived the impact and managed to break through the blockade boarders. Recording is briefly interrupted by the impact but picks up after all six participants leaving the car. Though according to Captain Death, the oil tank in the truck exploded nearly killing everyone present. 
Recording resumes.
Leon: HEY! You guys okay?!
Claire: Ugh, yeah beaten up a little but fine.
War: Fuck! Hostiles!
War and Death pull out their pistols and start firing, Famine gets his assault rifle, and Plague her SMG. They start shooting at the zombies surrounding them and protecting Claire and Leon. 
Claire: Just go to the police station I'll meet you there.
Death: Oh no you don't! 
Death walked up to the burning car and started kicking it out of the way, so the two groups weren't separated anymore.  
Claire: How- How did you do that?
Death: ... It's classified, now move your ass. 
Claire sighed in anger as she ran with the rest of the group. Now together then formed a small circle to started shooting at the zombies.
Death: War! How far from the police station. 
War: Uh... go there's a short cut through an alleyway... there! 
Death: Everyone, follow him!
The group moves down the alleyway while the MTF units continue to gun down the zombies that follow them. Thankfully when out of the alleyway they quickly find the police station though there are more zombies, so the MTF units shoot as many as possible while running around the rest. Once they get past the front gates, Claire locked it and they all managed to calm down now that they are in a safe area.
Death: God, fuck... the situation is more fucked than I thought.
Plague: I don't understand, with the Evac team here, they would have alerted us right away. How could this have happened without us knowing?
Death: Let's find out, come on, everyone in the station. 
The six of them entered the station, upon doing so they were immediately confronted with armed individuals. Three of which were local police forces, one was a civilian, and the other two were fellow MTF units.
Unknown: Oh fuck, you guys aren't Zombies.
Unknown: Or those umbrella bastards, thank god.
Death: Everyone, stand down. We're on the same side. 
They all collectively let out a sigh of relief as they lowered their guns. 
Unknown: Alright, all of you get in here. 
The four units with Claire and Leon entered the police station and the two other MTF units closed the door. 
Death: Alright I need a situation update. What the hell is going on and why weren't we updated?
Unknown: Here let us link up first. It will help with the recordings.
Plague: Oh, let me I got the main recorder here.
Unknown: Perfect. 
Plague walked up to the MTF unit and showed him her Foundation Computer Screen Pad and he linked it up with his own. Claire and Leon saw the device and was shocked by it. 
Water: Alright linked up now. That better? 
Plague: Yeah perfect. 
Death: Alright good, we can review your recordings later but right now we need the basic run down.
Claire: Yes, please. Though I would like to know more details.
Water looked at Claire in confusion then Death who shrugged in annoyance.
Clare: Uh, Claire Redfield I'm a journalist, or I mean trying to be one.
Fire: Oh, great not another one. 
Claire: Okay, look I know this is some kind of military operation but there are lives at stake here, so I think the public has a right to know what's going on here. 
Alyssa: Don't bother, they'd shoot you before they say anything.
Claire then turned to Alyssa who walked up to her. 
Alyssa: Alyssa Ashcroft, Newspaper Journalist for Raccoon City. I tried interviewing these guys wondering how they knew to evacuate most of the people. Who exactly were those people who tried to kill us were. AND why the city was being flooded with what appears to be mutant monsters and people who can make fire form the palm of their hands but every time I ask they say-
Alyssa then pointed to Fire who was standing beside her.
Fire: ... Its classified. 
Alyssa: See? They're not going to talk no matter what we do.
Death: In that case you know I'm not going to get a situation report until you clear the room. 
Alyssa: Yeah, yeah. Come with me you two. 
Alyssa then led Claire and Leon to the away to the main hall while the six MTF units and three RC police stayed. 
Water: Yeah, don't worry about these guys we already debriefed them. Had to under Protocol "Join or Die" given the situation.
Death: Yeah, I figured. So, what's the situation.
Water: We're from Evac Team 2-1. We're a seven-unit team. Code names: Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Lightning, Light, Darkness. We uh... We lost Air and Darkness, Air being our captain so as his second I'm in command now. 
Death: What about Doctor Wicked? Didn't he volunteer to oversee this operation? 
Fire: Nah, the doc ran off earlier, he was helping this lady run away from this large monster. I think it was an SCP-AAY-5 instance. 
Plague: Seriously?
Water: Yeah, their all over the city, each one's different form the other though so we've mainly just tried to keep our distance. We lost quite a few civilians and other MTF units to them. Its actually because of the one chasing the doc that we got delayed on the evacuation. I think the others made it out okay though. 
Famine: How long has this been going on? 
Fire: Ugh, the entire day! I don't know what happened but as soon as the sun started going down the police and hospitals started reporting riots. There were people killing and dying everywhere. It slowed down the evacuation when we were only 27% done. Then... Then we found out it wasn't riots, people were turning into SCP-AAY-1 instances and fast. The hospitals and staff were the first to fall, our units and the police were scattered so we didn't know what was going on. 
Water: Then things got worse, umbrella choppers flew over the city deploying those SCP-AAY-5 instances everywhere. They were killing MTF units and civilians left and right. We only took down one or two of them at best. Actually, I don't even think we got them, more like just temporarily weakened them. I heard they tend to come back stronger when injured. 
Elliot: Then those Umbrella Bastards started sending people in high tech suits to kill even more people. There were guys in big robot armor, one's that were practically indestructible, there was even an invisible asshole or two. It was a slaughterhouse at that point. Worst off they set-up jamming signals all across town completely cut us off from the outside world.
Plague: So that's why we couldn't contact you. 
Water: Yeah, sorry about that by the way, if we could, we would have warned you. Without communications, those of us that could get out of the city did almost immediately. Everyone else had to find somewhere to hold down and that's why we are here. The sad thing is there are probably still people out there but with the zombies flooding the streets, SCP-AAY-5 instances blocking all the main roads, and Umbrella mercenaries watching over the rooftops It's hard to say if we can ever find them let alone get out ourselves.
Famine: So basically, we're fucked.  
Elliot: Not entirely, I found this earlier, I think it's a map to a secret passageway out of here. Though we got to be careful. Only the main hall of the station is safe, the rest of the building is crawling with those things. 
Death: Fuck, okay I'll try to find a way to reach this passageway, once I'm sure it's safe to go through I'll give the signal and you can follow through. From there we'll resume the evacuation operation and get these people out of here.
Elliot: Oh, thank God, I almost died several times because of those monsters. 
Water: Don't go crying freedom yet Elliot, we don't even know if this passage works. Good luck Death. Let me know if you need me or any of my squad units or any other resources we have before you go. We got more people back there so feel free to select any extra helping hands. Some of them are just civilians but I tell ya, they are SURVIVORS. 
Death: ... I'll keep that in mind. 
The following is another recording form several of the MTF units form the Evac Team. The recording consists of the conversation between Claire, Leon, and various other survivors. 
Claire and Leon had just entered the back part of the Main hallway where they are shocked to see lots of survivors some of which are injured with MTF medics trying to treat them and other MTF units standing guard as a precaution. 
Claire: What is this? 
Alyssa: What's left of the rotting corpse that is Raccoon city. 
Leon: I don't understand, this is all that's left after a week?
Alyssa: After a day, this morning everything was just fine then these guys showed up to evacuate everyone. Problem was that's when the riots started, people started eating each other, then everyone started panicking and there were even people flying away or turning their skin into glass. 
Leon and Claire looked at Alyssa in confusion, but she nodded with confidence.
Alyssa: I swear I'm not lying! All of it, I tried to confirm with other people and they either got different stories or ones more insane than my own. 
Claire: So, they knew this was going to happen?
Alyssa: Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. I wish I knew sweetie, but unfortunately the men in black just aren't budging when it comes to information. 
Leon: They're not saying anything?
Alyssa: Nope, I even tried threatening a lawsuit against the US military, wanna know what they said in response... Nothing they just laughed. Then when I threatened to link all of this to the US military after we get rescued, they laughed harder. Can you believe that I threatened to expose this as a US government conspiracy, and they still think of me as a joke. 
Claire: Is that really what you believe? That this is related to the US government?
Alyssa: ... No, this whole situation has got Umbrella corruption written all over it. I knew that pharmaceutical company couldn't be trusted but I never expected this level of chaos... I was just expecting unethical experiments and intentionally poisoning customers to make them dependent on the company's product. Though zombies, monsters, mutants, and mercenaries... Well, I would call it the scoop of a century if it wasn't for the fact that I would sound like a lunatic to publish it and these damn soldiers won't confirm anything. 
Claire: Hmph, yeah, I noticed that, but right now there's only one thing I want to confirm.
Claire then walked up to one of the guarding MTF units. He noticed her and faced her with confusion.
Claire: I want to know where my brother is, his name is Chris Redfield. 
The MTF visibly shook at the sound of Chris's word but quickly looked away from Clare.
Earth: I'm afraid any information regarding Chris Redfield is classified.
Claire: What?! Why?! He's my brother I have a right to know where he is!
Earth: Ma'am I'm afraid the information is classified to even me. It isn't just that I will NOT give you the information, I simply CAN'T.
Claire raised her hands a little in anger and simply huffed as she walked away.
Marvin: Excuse me! Did you say you were looking for Chris?
Claire then noticed Marvin who had a visible bite on the lower right side of his stomach. He was being treated by one of the MTF medics. Claire walked up to him to ask more questions.
Claire: Are you alright? 
Marvin: One of those things bit me... worst part was, it was somebody I knew. 
Claire: I'm so sorry, do you know what those things are? I mean, they can't actually be zombies, right? 
Marvin: Sorry to tell you, but that's exactly what they are. And I'm gonna be one in a few hours. 
Earth: Don't talk like that Marvin, I can save you I just need more time. Please give me your arm.
Earth got out an injection gun and held out his other hand to take Marvin's.
Marvin: You're wasting that medicine on me.
Earth: Yeah, nice excuse, come on don't be a baby.
Marvin chuckled and gave his arm to Earth, who injected the medicine into him. He started coughing afterwards. 
Earth: That's a minor side effect, your throat will be dry for a little while, but it will get better until then stay hydrated.
Claire: He's going to be okay right? 
Marvin: Don't worry about me.
Marvin coughed some more; Earth handed him a water bottle to which he took a large drink out of. 
Marvin: Ah... Okay, so you wanted to know about Chris? Chris Redfield, right?
Claire: Yes, he's my brother.
Marvin: Is that right? Huh... Think I see the resemblance. Don't worry, that's not an insult.
Claire: Haha, yeah everyone feels the need to specify that. So uh, he's supposed to be a member of S.T.A.R.S. that means he's here right is he safe?
Marvin: Well-
Earth: Marvin! Don't.
Claire: Oh come on not you too, look he's my brother!
Earth: And he already made his choice.
Claire: What does that mean? And don't you dare say its classified!
Earth: ... It's Classified. 
Claire: Ugh! You can't treat civilians like this! Do you honestly think the US government is going to get away with withholding this much information! 
Earth was about to say more but Marvin raised his hand to stop him from speaking. 
Marvin: Relax, I'm just going to say what I know, and I barely know anything.
Earth: ... Be as vague as possible. Or else things will get ugly for both of you. 
Earth then walked away to let the two of them talk. Claire got close to Marvin so they could speak without being heard.
Claire: Okay be as specific as possible, where is my brother.
Marvin: Sorry Claire but I'm not being vague by choice. All I know is he got recruited into some mission in Europe he said it was a vacation, but it didn't seem like he had a choice. 
Claire: ... So he's not in the city.
Marvin: Yeah, sorry you had to come to this hell hole in order to find that out. 
Claire: No, it's okay, I'm glad he's alive. But are you sure you don't know where he is.
Marvin: Nah, those men in black wouldn't tell us anything. 
Claire: Tch, these soldiers love their secrets huh? 
Marvin: Huh? No, no, I meant the ones with Chris, they were standing with him seemingly watching over him or something. 
Claire: What? Did you recognize them? Were the military representatives? 
Marvin: No, worse actually, there were UN agents.
Claire: What?! What does the UN want with Chris?!
Marvin: Ssssh! Look I don't know, they were just with him and escorted him out when he broke the news with us. He said he was also going to tell you so we didn't have to worry about you. You never got a message or anything?
Claire: No... Still... The UN? Hey! 
An MTF unit who just happened to be passing by looked at Claire as she called him out.
Claire: Are you UN soldiers? 
The MTF unit just starred at he for a short while then snorted and quickly started laughing, afterwards he walked away. 
Marvin: Yeah, get used to that. Other's kept trying to ask questions too but got nothing no matter what they said. Ironically, they ended up spilling everything to Elliot and the others because they didn't ask ANY questions. Unfortunately, I think they agreed to some kind of secrecy so good luck getting anything out of them either. 
Claire: Ugh, god damn it what the hell is going on. 
Leon: Hey! 
Leon then walked up to the two of them after noticing Marvin.
Leon: You're the Lieutenant! I was... I was supposed to report to you. 
Marvin: Oh yeah... Leon Kennedy, right? Your late rookie, thought given the shit show that occurred today I think it would have been better had you not shown up at all. 
Leon: No, I'm not going to leave when you could use all the help you can get. 
Marvin: Glad to hear it, these boys are definitely going to need your help getting these civilians out of here. 
Leon: Yeah, it looks like you could use a hospital. 
Marvin: No, look at me Leon, I'm already dead.
Earth: Enough with that talk, you're going to make it Marvin. I think I almost got you. 
Earth came back with his Foundation medical case; he placed it next to Marvin and took out a pill and an injection vial. 
Earth: Here take this pill first. 
Marvin looked at Earth still thinking the medicine was wasted on him, but he did as Earth asked and took it. 
Marvin: Augh, the wound doesn't hurt but its damn itchy now. 
Earth: Yeah, that's a side effect sorry, but here, this should help. 
Earth then placed the injector on Marvin's leg, and he was quickly filled with the medicine. 
Earth: Alright, how do you feel now? 
Marvin: Ugh, a little... woah, a little hyper, like my heart's beating pretty fast should this be-?
Suddenly screaming can be heard from the other side of the room, an MTF medic backs away from one of the medical beds and everyone sees a zombie chasing after him. They all scream for in terror, but the medic shoots the zombie in the head three times, and it fall to the ground now dead. The MTF unit cussed out in anger while everyone else was silent out of shock. However, Marvin grunts in pan as his bandages starts bleeding. 
Earth: What?! No, no, no! Shit!
Earth grabs a green spray bottle form his case and a small Band-Aid paper. He sprays it onto the paper, rips off Marvin's Band-Aid, and slaps that on his wound to prevent it from getting worse. He then grabs more band-aid and warps it around Marvin's waist to cover the bite wound. 
Earth: Fuck, SCP-AAY is eating the cells faster than I can regenerate them, what the hell. How the fuck should I-
Marvin then grabbed Earth's arm to force him to look him in the eyes.
Marvin: I'm not telling you again, you're wasting your damn medicine, now end it before I hurt somebody.
Leon: Woah, wait Lieutenant, maybe you should let him try at least to-
Marvin: Stay out of this rookie! I am not the priority! Earth, are you really going to risk the lives off all these people for my sake? You saw that other medic, he only got lucky when he had to shoot his patient! Don't make his mistake and just get it over with! 
Earth: ... I can't Marvin, I'm under orders to try everything to save you. If we can find out what works to cure you, we can do it again to cure everyone else. Or at least stop the rest of us form being infected. 
Marvin: ... Fine, but if you can't, then don't you dare hesitate. 
Earth sighed and left to check on their supply stash they had in the room, but Clair walked up to him and grabbed his arm.
Claire: So that's it? He's a guanine pig?! 
Leon: Claire, wait!
Claire: No! These people are crossing too many lines what the hell is SCP-AAY and what is going on? How can a medic treat his patients like a test subject during a pandemic. What even is this pandemic! Give us some answers goddamn it. You really think just because you're involved with the UN that you can walk over us like this! 
Earth: ... if you hate the UN so much then why don't you report them then. 
Claire just looked at Earth confused while he just walked away, she then caught Alyssa staring at her. Alyssa shrugged and sat on one of the couches. Claire and Leon then sat with her. 
Leon: I don't understand, how can they be so fearless of repercussions there should at least be one person that takes charge to ensure everyone is calm.
Mark: Yeah, you'd think.
The four of them then notice Mark walking towards them. 
Alyssa: Oh, and here we have Mark Wilkins, Vietnam War veteran and now hard worker of one of the top security companies of Raccoon City. Met him in a bar when the chaos started, thought he was a jackass at first for forcing a reporter like me to hold a gun, but he turned out to be a total sweety afterwards. 
Mark: Hm, you always know exactly how to get under someone's skin huh Alyssa?
Alyssa: Ha, you know you'd take a bullet for me. 
Leon: So uh, are you all the only survivors left in the city?
Mark: Probably not but there's no way to make contact with the others. 
Claire: Let me guess they haven't bothered trying.
Alyssa: No, they've been trying all day. They really do want to save as many as they can.
Claire: Really? Cause other than the medics I'm not getting that vibe. Though even that's a stretch, you saw how that other medic shot the guy?
Alyssa: He didn't have a choice sweetie, once you turn there's no going back.
Claire: But how do you know if the soldiers aren't telling us anything?
Alyssa: I get answers without asking. I just observe them and see what they do, how they react to certain situations, what the commonly do, how each individual contributes or lack thereof. You'd be surprised how you can get so much form so little. Like how Mark could tell that these guys are not military.
Mark: It wasn't easy to tell, they got the training to both take down hostiles and save civilians. They just do it while having absolutely no social skills. These guys don't know how to keep the peace at all, only how to maintain order. They're like a trained army for a dictator. 
Leon: You really don't think their military? 
Mark: No, or at least not a company I've ever seen before. I mean they got military patches, but I've never seen those symbols before. But then again, it's been a while since I served so they could just be new.
Alyssa: Or maybe a secret reserve that only exists for special situations like this one, ever thought of that. 
Mark: No, I'm not indulging in that conspiracy theory bullshit. I hate that crap, saying Bigfoot is real and shit. 
Suddenly one of the MTF units froze up when he heard "bigfoot" and suddenly started at Mark. The four of them noticed the MTF unit staring at them before he stopped and walked away. 
Leon: What the hell was his problem?
Alyssa: ... Call me crazy but I think that proves it. 
Mark: No, he was probably just confused, thinking I was going crazy or something, though I feel like that's not impossible given the circumstances. 
Death: Alright listen up! 
All the survivors and MTF units froze and saw Death with her units and the other police officers. 
Death: We got a way out of here but we're not sure it will work. Now I got a team of four units but that may not be enough. No, I'm only offering this to people who are really desperate enough. Do you want to get out of here now and risk getting bit by those things or would you rather wait here and hide. I won't lie, things aren't looking good so staying here should be the best option for most of you. But if you do come with us, you'll be one of the first to leave!
Leon: I'll go. 
Death: ... Alright who else, I can only fit one more volunteer! 
Claire: Me! I'll go! 
Leon: Claire?!
Mark: Hey what are you doing?
Claire: Getting answers... without asking.
Alyssa: Ha, smart. Good luck and watch your back, those disgusting zombies aren't the only horrors out there. 
Death: Tch, alright you can come to, but leave any conflict to us, you two are to act as observers only. Help us find any clues to escaping this place if you can.
Claire and Leon nodded and went with Death and her group to the sealed off entrance to the place where the map in the book pointed too. 
Death: Alright this should be it, you all ready? Alright let's get this done.
Death pulled the lever to the door and the shutters opened. War and Plague entered first and waved to the rest of them after confirming no hostiles in sight.
Death: Good, let's move! 
End of part 1
Go to Part 2
Go Back to SCP-AAY
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
Addendum X-7 Part 5
New York groaned as they walked through the dungeon though no one was getting angry at him as it wasn't comfortable for anyone to be there. Unfortunately, the room was small and there were no other exits. It was beginning to look like another worthless dead end until Paris saw an open ventilation shaft.
Paris: Hey! Look at that up there.
Hong Kong: Looks small, you're not thinking someone should go in there do you?
Paris: Don't get any better options. 
New York: Arugh! Fuck that shit! 
Rebecca: I can do it, just say the word, Paris.
Paris: Hm... granted but New York is going with you.
New York: What?! No way in hell!
Paris: You're just as small as Rebecca so you're the only one that can provide her backup. Suck it up and be prepared to move. 
Rebecca winked at New York while he growled in disgust and anger. Pairs then got ready to give them both a boost with Rebecca going first and actually passing through into the next room rather easily. New York on the other hand took longer to get the proper footing only to land on his face when going into the next room. Rebecca ended up laughing at him for it. 
Rebecca: Hahaha, aren't you guys supposed to be elite or something?
New York: Shut up! I'm Lambda-12! We're meant to contain anomalous vermin, not go through air ducts!
Rebecca: ... but wouldn't most vermin wander within air ducts and other tight places?
New York paused upon hearing that but just grunted at Rebecca and walked forward. However, he paused once again when he saw Iron Maidens, thorn chairs, ceiling cages, and many other gruesome and terrible torture devices and tools.
New York: ... Goddamn it, I wanna go home.
Rebecca: Quit your bitching, already.
New York: What the- hey! I'm supposed to say that to you! 
Rebecca: And yet it's me saying it instead.
Paris over the radio: Will you two knock it off! We can hear you all from the air ducts alone!
Billy and Hong Kong can be heard laughing in the background. 
Rebecca: Sorry Paris.
Paris over the radio: *sigh* report, what do you guys see.
New York: If there's a hell on earth its definingly this place boss, places is practically a museum of all the worst torture devices in history.
Paris over the radio: Fuck... okay find a way out of there as fast as you can and get back to us. We'll try to go back and find a way to you if we can.
New York: Copy, catch us if you can Paris, out. 
The two looked around the room and found both a door leading out and a power switch. Rebecca went for the door, but it was locked, she then picked up a note near the door while New York went to the power switch. 
New York: Hm, here goes nothing. 
Rebecca: Wait! Not yet!
Rebecca went to the power switch and set it to what the instructions said and then pulled the switch. Afterwards they heard sounds of power flowing through the underground part of the facility again as well as several doors being unlocked. 
New York: What? God this place sucks.
Rebecca: I don't know, it wouldn't be so bad as a weird puzzle house like you see in amusement parks if it wasn't for the zombies and monsters. 
New York: ... whatever.
The two just walked forward but then an Eliminator jumped on Rebecca and bit her shoulder while badly hurting her. Rebecca fell to the ground and the Eliminator jumped off of her.
New York: What?! Fucking monkey! 
New York shot the Eliminator with his shotgun, quickly killing it with the necrosis venom. However, after shooting it the ground below him quickly gave out causing him to fall in. He was fast enough to grab some of the support beams within the concrete floor, but he was still barely holding on.
New York: Grah! God fucking damn it! Paris came in!
Paris: Paris here! What's wrong with New York?!
Just as he finished talking another Eliminator tried to jump Paris, but he managed to high kick it fast enough forcing it to the wall. Afterwards he shot it with his dual SMGs killing it easily, though the fight wasn't over as the others were having to deal with the rest of the Eliminators. They were in some kind of trophy room that was rather small making avoiding the Eliminators very difficult. 
New York over the radio: Rebecca got bit, possibly infected! I can't help her right now because I'm stuck inside a hole and only barely holding on! Augh! Damn it! If you guys are close you might wanna hurry up! 
Paris: Copy! We're on our way! 
Thankfully at the same time Billy had just gotten one of the Eliminators off of him and shot it several times with his shotgun killing it. Hong Kong managed to kill another with his assault rifle, but another was about to ambush him. It would have succeeded if Paris hadn't grabbed it by the throat and crushed its neck killing it instantly. 
Paris: Come on, we need to help them. 
Paris ran for the next room while Hong Kong followed but Hong Kong stopped when he noticed Billy was frozen with shock.
Billy: Okay really, how is Paris so strong?
Hong Kong: Honestly don't know man, some kind of medication or surgery limited to Captains and those higher up. perks of working for the Foundation, I guess. 
The two then followed Paris to the next room, Hong Kong quickly went to Rebecca and gave her some of the green herbs within her pack while Paris helped New York out of the hole. 
New York: Ugh! Thank God!
Paris: Sorry it took a while we ended up having to go back upstairs to find a way back to you guys.
New York: Boss I know I complain a lot but man I am not complaining now!
Rebecca managed to get up once the green herbs she ate started taking effect. Though suddenly, her radio went off, she quickly took it out and everyone remained silent. 
Radio: Rebecca, have you captured Coen yet? 
Billy looked at Rebecca fearfully while Paris and the other's looked at her in confusion. 
Rebecca: Uh, no! Still looking for Coen, uh what's your progress, where are you located, how is the rest of the team over?
Unfortunately, the radio cut out due to interference again. As such the only thing Rebecca's captain heard was her lying about Billy. 
Paris: Coen? Who's that?
Billy: Me.
New York: So, you really are a criminal, fucking knew it.
Rebecca: Billy... is it true that you killed 20 people?
Hong Kong: Holy shit, what a kill count.
Billy: ... Yeah, I might as well have, you see it was last year when I was still in the army. We were marines sent to Africa to stop a gorilla militia unit. The jungle was hot, so lots died of dehydration; the rest were killed by the enemy. By the time we killed them all and made it to their base, there were only four of us left. But it turns out the idiots in charge were using bad information, and we stumbled across an innocent village. We couldn't go home empty handed so the captain ordered us to round up the villagers and kill them all, saying they were with the militia. I defied orders but I wasn't able to stop them from killing the villages... When the truth came out about them being innocent villagers, I was the one who took the fall. 
New York: ... fuck...
Paris: That's the fucking U.S. military for ya, glad I left so long ago.
Billy: Yeah, good for you.
Rebecca: But wait, that means you're not a real criminal at all! You just refused to kill those people when your captain told you too. 
Billy: yeah, but I still let them all die, not exactly better.
Rebecca: But still...
Billy: You don't get it, I only have two options, either go back to the military and live out my sentence which is a life sentence or keep running for the rest of my life. Either way I'm not free. No one is going to believe the truth anyways, especially if it makes them look bad. 
Paris: Let's just get out of here first, then we'll worry about how to deal with that. Hopefully in a way where you don't get screwed over. 
Billy: I thought you didn't like me.
Paris: I don't, but that doesn't mean you're a bad guy Billy. I'm not so heartless as to let a kid like you suffer for having a conscience.
Billy: Kid? I'm a grown adult. 
Paris: But I'm much older than you. Also, right now I'm still the captain. Speaking of which, if everyone is okay, let's move. 
The five of them left the room and right outside Paris noticed a door at the corner end of the hall. 
Paris: *sigh* Guess it's back to opening random doors and hoping for the best.
Paris opened the door and saw that on the other side was a metal staircase leading a level down. 
Paris: God damn it, this shit again? Alright everyone, on me. 
Everyone went down the stairs though the moment they went around the corner they found several giant spiders crawling on the walls. The spiders hadn't noticed them yet, allowing everyone time to look at Paris who clearly wasn't dealing with this well. 
Paris: ... can you guys-
Rebecca, New York, and Billy quickly pulled out their shotguns and started firing with Hong Kong backing them up and shooting any spider that survived their shots. 
Paris: Thanks.
Thankfully it didn't take long for the group to clear out the hallways, once all the spiders were dead Billy noticed a door at the end of the corner. 
Billy: Oh, nice I can see inside... hm... it's got those giant crickets inside, still wanna go in?
New York: Normally monsters only reside in places where there's treasure.
Everyone looked at New York in silent disappointment.
New York: What? That's how it works in video games. 
Hong Kong: Shut the fuck up New York.
Paris: As much as I'd like to agree with you, Hong Kong, I think New York is right. You and Billy should go in and take those bugs out. We'll stay here as back up if something worse shows up. 
Hong Kong: Ugh... copy boss. 
Billy opened the door and Hong Kong walked in and started shooting at the Plague Crawlers. Once again it didn't take long and as it turned out at the other end of the room on top of a box was a small key. Billy grabbed it and held it up.
Billy: New York was right.
New York suddenly clapped his hands together with glee.
New York: Hot damn! 
Rebecca: Glad to see someone enjoying themselves in this hell hole.
New York: Woah, watch your language young lady.
Paris: both of you shut up, let's move.
Their destination ended up being the last door down the hall. The double doors ended up leading to a metal staircase up a level though to everyone's shock it led to a room filled with guns. 
Rebecca: Whoa!
Billy: Niiice
New York: Haha! Now we're talking.
Hong Kong: Uh? Do we really need any of this?
New York: Duh! I'm running out of Necrosis shells, and I doubt we're even close to getting out of here. Might as well increase our firepower.
Paris: That's a pretty good rifle right there, I guess I'll take one too.
New York got himself an assault rifle and so did Billy, Hong Kong found a few grenades and decided to take them as well just in case. Rebecca got herself an SMG and surprisingly, Paris ended up getting a sniper rifle. 
New York: Holy shit!
Billy: What?
New York: Check it out! This is magnum ammunition! Magnums are powerful and badass guns! 
Paris: Except their fire rate is shit and even if they weren't you don't have one.
New York: No, but I know where to look.
New York pointed at the locker on the other side of the room. Paris didn't wait for him to say anything and just was about to force the locker open. However, Billy beat him to the punch and just opened the locker with the key he found.
Billy: Ha! So, it was the key needed, glad I did that before you wrecked something. 
Billy smiled at Paris but even under his mask Billy could tell that Paris was glaring at him. The glaring continued for an uncomfortable amount of time leaving everyone in the room in an awkward silence. 
Billy: ... uh... I'll just get the stuff now.
Billy started grabbing the items inside the locker and placed them on a nearby table so that everyone could see them. 
Hong Kong: Okay, we got some ammo, not really anything new, except for this case right here. Huh, looks like it needs a key to open. 
Billy looked at Paris one more time who was just leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. Billy then unlocked the case and saw that inside was just a scope with handgun parts. 
New York: What the hell? What would we need that for?
Rebecca: A scoped pistol will ensure better aim. 
Hong Kong: Yeah, but our Foundation guns already do that without scopes. What's the point?
Rebecca: Wait they do? That's cool I guess but what if you become too reliant on them. 
New York: No, no it's sort of like the gun jerks us in the right direction so it becomes a part of muscle memory... I mean right?
Hong Kong: Maybe we should keep it for New York's sake.
New York: Fuck off!
Paris: Enough, since we found everything here let's move.
Hong Kong: Oh, finally out of your anger freeze boss?
Paris: Shut the fuck up Hong Kong.
The group looked to the only other exit in the room and saw that it was yet another metal staircase leading to a floor lower.
Hong Kong: Huh, this place has a lot less originality than upstairs.
New York: Honestly more refreshing.
Hong Kong and New York ended up taking the lead, they both felt more confident now that they had more guns and felt there couldn't be anything worse than zombie monkeys. However immediately upon going downstairs there were metal bars blocking their paths. 
New York: Argh! Fan-fucking-tastic, more back tracking.
Billy: Wait I don't think that will be necessary because-
Hong Kong: no, no! NO! Don't you dare fucking say it.
Billy: It's a puzzle.
Hong Kong: God damn it! 
Billy: Relax, I think I know what kind of puzzle it is we just-
Before Billy could finish Paris walked up to the bar walls, tore them off, and placed them from the side. Billy was shocked while New York, Rebecca, and Hong Kong looked at him in confusion.
Hong Kong: I feel like you should have seen that coming.
Billy: ... You know what, me too.
Paris: Come on, we have a long way to go.
Unknown: Security Breach detected! Activating Battle Sequences as a means of security. 
Hong Kong: Wait what?
Suddenly doors from the walls opened and out came several Hunters showed up around them.
Paris: Fuck, open fire!
Everyone got out their guns and tired as best as they could. Unfortunately, the Hunters were fast and jumping around dodging a majority of the bullets though they did get hit a few times. However, one Hunter managed to get in front of Hong Kong and stabbed him in the stomach. Rebecca saw this and yelled in anger as she started shooting the Hunter. However, her efforts were in vain as another Hunter jumped behind Hong Kong and cut off his head. 
Paris: Fuck! Everyone back-to-back! Don't let these fucking monsters close to you!
Quickly New York, Billy, Rebecca, and Paris did just that and started shooting at the Hunters as they jumped around looking for an opening. Thankfully as the Hunters were getting injured, they were getting slower allowing everyone to shoot them more effectively. After about half an hour the Hunters were finally dead or dying allowing everyone to catch their breaths. 
New York: Ha... ha... God damn it...
Rebecca: Hong Kong... 
Billy: Shit, now there's four of us, God damn it not again.
Paris remained silent as he walked to Hong Kong's corpse and took his ID tag, his weapon, and his Foundation medical case. 
New York: Paris, we need to get the fuck out of this place now!
Paris: What the hell do you think we've been trying to do this entire time?
New York: ... God damn it, where are those reinforcements?
Paris remained silent as he got up and held out the Foundation medical case. 
Paris: Hong Kong was the medic; I can assume the position, though I warn you all I'm not a professional... not like Hong Kong was.
Rebecca: ... I'll do it.
Billy: Rebecca?
Paris: Are you sure about that?
Rebecca: I'm not a professional either, but I still received training as a field medic. Besides I think we can all agree I'm not exactly the top shot here, might as well put my talents in something I'm more accustomed too. Besides, you're our acting leader now Paris, we need you to focus more on that instead.
Paris: ... alright, if you're sure then I'll trust you with this. 
Paris then gave Rebecca the case, he also took Hong Kong's mask and disassembled it into just the visor. He then gave her that visor which she hesitated at first but then took it, now she was able to detect biohazards like Paris and New York but also could understand what was inside the medical case better. 
Rebecca: With this, I'll make sure no one else dies, I promise.
Paris: Don't make promises you can't keep Rebecca.
Rebecca: I never do. 
Paris: ... Let's get the hell out of here then. 
Paris was about to lead them out of there as there was nothing left to explore; however, he then saw that there was a case holding grenade rounds on the ground. He picked them up and right next to it there was a key. After picking them both up he got up and showed the grenade rounds to the rest of the group.
Paris: Don't let me forget I have this, especially if another one of those big bugs show up. 
Rebecca: Roger.
Billy: Of course.
New York: Got it boss.
Paris: Alright keep moving.
As they left the room, they went back out the hall and were heading to the trophy room again. But as they did Billy looked over to Rebecca and saw the hurt in her eyes.
Billy: Rebecca, you okay?
Rebecca: ... I'll be fine once we get out of here, I'm just... I'm just tired of losing people.
Billy: This your first mission where things get this bad?
Rebecca: This is my first mission period, but it won't be my last. 
Rebecca walked forward seemingly with a new air of determination around her. Billy already knew what it was like to go through hell but to see it happen to someone else made his gut fold. Finally, they made it back to the main room. Paris got out the Foundation screen pad to see where else they hadn't been yet. Thankfully he ended up seeing a room they hadn't found and seemed to match the description of the key. 
Paris: Alright if we go through that door up there, we should find a room that leads to another section of this place. I got a key to it so we should be able to access it. Though it's probably not an exit, it might have a key that will lead us out of here. 
New York: Honestly, I'll take anything at this point.
The group moved up to the first door on the right of the room though upon entering the hall they all heard a rattling and hissing noise. They raised their guns while Paris slowly led them to the first door on the right and they all quickly flooded the room. Thankfully once they did the hissing was gone so they relaxed. Paris then saw the door on the other side; he used the key to open it and after doing so he felt the door. He could tell easily that there was no way for him to break the door down on his own. 
Paris: Alright we're in unknown territory again, Rebecca and I will secure this hallway in case of any more of those leech freaks. Billy and New York you two will secure this room here, we'll meet back once everything is clear. 
Billy: Are you sure it's a good idea to split up now.
Paris: ... I know how reckless it sounds, but we need to get out of this place before more people die. It's better to get things done quickly before anything else. 
Billy: Right...
Paris: Billy, I'm not that asshole that forced those men you once called brothers to kill those villagers, okay? In my line of work, you learn to deal with death as if it's part of the job, but that doesn't mean we're going to waste lives when they can be saved, at least I won't do that. 
New York: I'd totally do that though. 
Billy actually managed to chuckle at that while Rebecca playfully punched New York in the shoulder. Billy felt reassured and opened the door to the other room as Paris asked. 
Billy and New York looked inside and saw that inside was a bunch of films and what looked to be a camera security station. 
New York: Huh, it actually looks pea-
Billy: No! Don't jinx- 
Suddenly from the room fell one of the leech mimics which quickly stood up and raised its stretch whip like arms. New York was about to throw one of his sterilizing gas grenades, but he accidently ended up grabbing one that was popped by the Centurion. The leech mimic then started slashing at them forcing the two to use one of the shelves as a defensive wall.
New York: God damn it, alright buy me time I know a good way to get rid of this fucker!
Billy: Whatever it is, do it fast!
Billy then got up and started firing his new assault rifle at the leech mimic making a few of the leeches fall off the main body. Though there were some that didn't die and were starting to slither towards Billy. 
Billy: New York? Any day now!
New York: Got it!
New York then got up and held out his Chemical spray gun and started spraying sterilizing gas at the leeches killing them almost instantly. He then marched forward and started spraying the leech mimic making it fall apart into nothing but a pile of dried up and dead leeches. 
Billy: Ugh, fuck I hate this place.
New York: Oh? Now someone agrees with me?
Billy: Shut up man, everyone agreed with you from the start, just no one was willing to bitch about it as much as you do.
New York and Billy started at each other for a while but then they both started laughing. Billy then placed his hand on New York's shoulder.
Billy: You got family back home?
New York: ... Nah, not really, I was an orphan who happened to be at an orphanage owned by the SCP Foundation. After seeing my skills, they employed me and now I'm an MTF trooper of Lambda-12. It's the only life I've ever known and I'm okay with it, though it does suck when I occasionally stumble across things I'm not used to like today. But uh, what about you man?
Billy: I have some but... I tried calling them after my sentence, first was my brother, he told me to go to hell. Then I tried my dad, my mom answered instead saying she wished I was dead.
New York: Fuck... Sorry, bro.
Billy: It's fine, I shouldn't have expected anything else.
New York: Hey, man if it's any consideration, you're basically redeeming yourself right now by helping us get out of here while fighting all these freaks. I mean it's really not every day you stumble across an organization that secretly creates monsters... well I mean for the SCP Foundation it is, but Lambda-12 normally doesn't deal with that crap. Ahem! What I'm trying to say is that you should be proud of yourself for being both a good dude and a badass when the situation gets this fucked up. 
Billy: Right... I feel like you could have phrased it better but fine... So uh... since you guys deal with the monsters of the night do uh... Do you know if aliens are real?
New York: Dude, fuck off with that conspiracy shit. 
Billy: Sorry it's just, I always knew there was more to life than meets the eye, but I didn't think the truth would ever be this wild. I mean, is it wild? I think it is.
New York: It's kinda different with everyone, I think. For most it's a total mind fuck but for others it could always be worse for them. But either way, not everything you read on the internet is real. 
Billy: Good to know I guess; still thought I'm guessing now that me and Rebecca are exposed to it you aren't going to let us off easy, are you?
New York: Hm... You know under protocol "Soul Survivor" civilians who help with the containment of an anomaly get to join the Foundation.
Billy: Oh yeah Paris told me something like that. I'll uh... give it some thought. I'm not sure I want to be a soldier again, but Paris does give off the vibe of being a good leader that doesn't crack under pressure. 
New York: Yeah, he's considered one of the best, also don't tell him I told you this, but his primary code name is actually: The Father. Everyone says he got it because he always acts like a dad. 
Billy: ... or maybe it's because he's always stuck with dumbasses like you that act like spoiled brats.
New York: Haha! Fuck off!
The two of them laugh for a short while but then are in silence.
New York: I know I'm an asshole but believe me when I say that I'm getting myself and everyone else out of this god forsaken mansion. And if we come across that opera asshole and whoever else is behind this, then I'll kill them without hesitation. For both London and Hong Kong.
Billy: Likewise.
Billy then raised his first to New York.
Billy: Let's make this fucking nightmare end.
New York: Let's make the goddamn nightmare end.
New York then bumped his fist with Billy's and the two continued searching for anything useful.  
Meanwhile Paris and Rebecca walk down the hall but immediately are confronted with a leech mimic. It quickly tries to stretch its arm at them to whip them both, though the two managed to dodge the attack in time. Afterwards, Paris immediately grabs his necrosis venom coated dagger and throws it at the leech mimic. It screams in pain as the dagger sinks into its body killing all the leeches it comes into contact with. 
While it is panicking Paris arms a UV heat flash grenade but waits until the last second before throwing it. This proves to be a good call as the leech mimic grabs the grenade and swings it arm back with the intent to throw it back. It is however too late, and the leech mimic gets burned making all the remaining leeches fall from the body and flee out of desperation. Rebecca and Paris made sure to shoot as many of the surviving leeches as they could. One leech in particular tried to bite Paris in the leg, to which he stomped on it rather violently.
Rebecca: ... Paris? Are you okay?
Paris: ... No, of course not. But we need to keep moving. 
Rebecca: I know but, still... This is so much.
Paris: ... *sigh* you wanna know the truth... I really fucking hate this job.
Rebecca: Well, I can't expect anyone to love a job where dealing with zombies is normal.
Paris: Hehe, you'd be surprised how many would disagree with you.
Rebecca actually smiled a little as she never heard Paris laugh before. 
Paris: But in all seriousness, this job is absolute hell. It's not just zombies you have to deal with Rebecca but it's all sorts of monsters and nightmares. 
Rebecca: ... like giant bugs, undead animals, and mutant lizard men.
Paris then looked at Rebecca who was trying to smile but stopped when she saw Paris facing her direction. She then sighed as to clear her mind before speaking.
Rebecca: I'm not trying to say you're exaggerating or that this isn't horrible because it totally is. I know this is terrible, it's to the point that I can barely get used to it even though I've been exposed to so much.
Paris: Rebecca, it hasn't even been a full day. 
Rebecca froze up as she processed what Paris said and realized he was right. She then started blushing out of embarrassment. 
Rebecca: Uh... Ahem, my point is, you're right about this whole situation being no different than walking through hell. But even though I lost most of my squad and you lost London and Hong Kong. I still want to keep fighting with you, I just can't in good conscience let whoever was responsible for this allow it to continue. So please know that you can rely on me Paris, I'll always have your back.
Paris: ... Rebecca-
Rebecca: AND! I need to say this now since I know it's probably what you're thinking right now so let me make it clear. I DO NOT have a crush on you, you already told me you were gay anyways and no offense but I'm not actually into older guys. Besides, if anything you're more oddly more like a father figure, even when we were about to fall apart earlier you managed to keep your composure so that we could keep moving. 
Paris: ... Hehehe, father figure huh? Yeah, I actually get that a lot. 
Rebecca smiled again but then blushed as she opened her arms which left Paris confused.
Rebecca: Do you... need a hug?
Paris: Uh... No... Do YOU need a hug?
Rebecca: ... actually yeah.
Paris: *sigh* just get over here idiot. 
Rebecca then made a playful angry face at Paris as she walked up to him and hugged him. They remained like that for a while as the tension continued to die.
Rebecca: ... We both smell like monster guts. 
Paris: Yeah, I'm taking a shower when I get back to base. 
New York, Billy, Paris, and Rebecca met back at the door after they were done confirming their areas were fine. 
Paris: Found anything? 
New York: We ran into another one of those leech freaks, but I took it out easily, thought besides that nothing. 
Billy: Just this, it's a vise handle, might be useful
Paris: Given everything we've encountered today I think your correct. Good work, you two. 
Billy: Woah, are you actually praising me Paris?
Paris: Billy...
Billy: Okay! Okay, not in the mood, got it. 
Paris turned to New York and Rebecca, both of which were giggling. Paris preferred them to stay focused but after everything that happened, they needed all the happy moments and bits of hope they could get. 
Paris: Alright then, let's keep moving together now. Even if we don't find an exit this way finding keys and handles will be good too so keep your eyes peeled everyone. 
Rebecca: Roger!
Billy: You got it.
New York: Yes Boss.
The four of them walked down the hall and found a door on the right, New York opens it with Rebecca and Billy charging in only to see it's a bar. It didn't take them long to see that there wasn't really anything in there. Though New York in general did notice that there was a lot of unused liquor and alcohol still on the shelfs. 
New York: Uh... You know, we really could use a break, so maybe-
Billy, Rebecca, and Paris: NO!
New York: Okay! Jesus, I was just a suggestion.
Paris sighed as he continued to look around, hoping he'd catch something useful. However Paris then turned the piano in the room, it looked like just a regular piano, but he had a feeling there was more to it. He pulled up his Foundation Computer Screen pad and scanned the piano, sure enough its components were connected to a secret room, possibly with objects hidden inside. Paris then used the Foundation pad to find the secret room and once he located the door, he forced it open with his strength.
Paris's actions ended up spooking the other three as they didn't even realize what he was doing until now. Once he got the door open, he walked in leaving Rebecca, Billy, and New York very confused. He was only inside the secret room for a short while before coming out with Magnum rounds and a large battery. 
Paris: Guess our luck is finally turning around.
Rebecca: Uh... sure.
The four of them left the piano bar and went down to the door at the end of the hall which led them to a new hall. This one had one door on the right and one door on the left. 
Paris: Hmph, guess we'll have to split up again if we want to pick up the pace.
Rebecca: I can go with New York; we can take the door on the left while you and Billy take the door on the right.
New York: Wait what?!
Rebecca: What do you think, Sir? 
Paris tilted his head in confusion, he then reluctantly looked at Billy who Rebecca proposed he team up with. Billy shrugged to which Paris sighed and nodded.
New York: Wha! Oh, come on Boss!
Paris: Quit your bitching New York, it's time you got over your petty attitude against Rebecca.
New York just grunted in anger as Rebecca winked at him, Paris then faced Billy forcing him to tense up.
Paris: Let's move, no fooling around, got it? 
Billy: Of course, Paris, give me some credit, will ya?
Paris shook his head and walked to the door on the right with Billy following him while Rebecca went to the door on the left with New York begrudgingly following her. 
Rebecca and New York entered the room where they found what looked to be a cart that was badly damaged but clearly not by the hands of humans or zombies. Rebecca smiled as she found lots of herbs and medicine for her to use.
New York: You know most of that is useless compared to the stuff in your suitcase.
Rebecca: ... You mean Hong Kong's suitcase.
New York: ... You know what I mean. 
Rebecca just sighed as she faced New York quickly grabbing his attention. 
New York: ... what?
Rebecca: Do you enjoy being an asshole?
New York: Okay no, I already had a heartfelt moment earlier, I don't need another one. Fuck off, Rebecca. 
Rebecca: How exactly are we supposed to get out of here alive if we don't trust each other.
New York: ... No, I don't like being an asshole. I just hate my job sometimes. Rats that can change size depending on the volume of the room there in, I can handle. Spiders that crawl into your brain and take over your body, easy fix. Flesh eating worms that eat their prey from the inside out, not a big deal. Fuck I even had fight to the death one time with a monster that makes itself look like a regular car. Even zombies aren't much, but that mixed with leeches that can turn into humanoid monsters is a bit over my paygrade. But then, you add giant bugs, zombie birds, monkeys and dogs, and fucking DnD lizard folk, ALL of which can easily tear through our bullet proof suits. Then yeah, I feel like fucking complaining, especially like an asshole. 
Rebecca: I see...
New York: ... What, that's it? You're not going to tell me to get over it?
Rebecca: No, I'm barely dealing with this easily myself, how am I supposed to expect you to be dealing with it well?
New York: I got more experience than you, though. Doesn't that annoy you that I'm not handling this well despite that?
Rebecca: Not really, if anything you seem to be handling much better than I would have. I know we didn't get on the right foot when our groups met but I don't think things would have worked out well for me had you guys not shown up. In fact, I probably would have just shot and arrested Billy. 
New York: ... But then you would have been off the train and away from this nightmare.
Rebecca: I would have been in the same forest that got Edward killed. I probably would have ended up like him. 
New York: Hm, that's looking on the bright side, I guess. But we're not really the good guy's Rebecca.
Rebecca: Maybe not, but I'm glad to have met you guys. I hope to know both your real names after we get out of here... I also want to know London and Hong Kong's names so that I can properly grieve for them later. 
New York looked at Rebecca shocked but sighed, he really felt like an asshole when he noticed how held together she was in comparison. Though it also made him want to help her out even more because of it. 
Paris and Billy entered what looked to be a welding room, though they weren't alone as zombies quickly rose up from the other side of the room. Paris wanted to save the ammo of his SMGs, so he pulled out the sniper rifle he got form the armory and started sniping down the zombies. Billy started helping out with his assault rifle with rather great efficiency and usage of bullets. Once all the zombies were dead Paris walked around to see if there were any giant bugs or other monsters. As he kept his rifle up Billy did the same, they only lowered them when they saw that the entire room was clear. 
Paris: Huh, nothing useful here except a bunch of ammo. 
Billy: Hey, I think this is where that handle goes!
Billy pointed to one of the workbenches and put the handle on the vise there. He saw that there was a metal tablet already in there, so he used the handle to have the vise release the plate. Unfortunately, it turned out to be much harder than he thought so he turned to Paris and sighed.
Billy: Can you please help me out?
Paris just chuckled and walked forward, Billy backed up to let him work but also out of shock as he had never heard Paris laugh before. Paris then easily turned the handle and the plate fell out showing itself to be engraved, almost like it was a tablet that resembled a tiny tombstone. Yet instead of a name it just spelled the word obedience. Paris held it up to get a better look at it.
Paris: Oh hey I this looks similar to what I got in that room before Rebecca and New York contacted us.
Paris took out another tiny tombstone form his backpack and held them close together.
Paris: Hm... Unity and Obedience.
Billy: Just like with that psycho Dr. Marcus wrote for his employees.
Paris: Meaning it's a part of another puzzle. Hopefully this gets us a step closer out of here, or better yet out of here immediately. Though if I had to guess, there's one or two more out there that we need to find... great.
Billy: At least it's a step closer out of here, right?
Paris just looked back at Billy, annoyed, making Billy start sweating in fear. Paris just sighed and started heading for the door.
Billy: ... shit, alright I'm sorry!
Paris then stopped and turned back to Billy again.
Billy: I'm sorry that I often feel the need to show off or get on your nerves, I know I act like a fucking teenager getting on his dad's nerves. I just didn't trust you guys before but even though we hated one another you guys always had my back. Even Hong Kong did, despite the fact that me and him never really saw eye to eye. 
Paris: ... It's not entirely your fault Billy, from what you told me guys in military clothing haven't exactly been nice to you either. 
Billy: Yeah, but you guys aren't U.S. military, so I was kinda petty to be taking my anger out on you.
Paris: Meh, I don't really expect much from stupid teenagers.
Billy just grunted in annoyance while Paris chuckled again. 
Paris: Hehe... ah... Billy, all I ask is that you got my back and the backs of Rebecca and New York. I know Rebecca is reckless and New York is... well New York, but we have to keep working together to get out of here. Now that we're down two men we need to keep an even tighter grip on one another and keep our heads straight on. BUT form you I want you to STOP wasting time in any shape or form! Got it.
Billy: Ah, Ahem! Yes Sir.
Paris: Hm, you're a fine soldier Billy, it's a shame the U.S. military couldn’t see that, but then again it is run by capitalists and idiots.
Billy: Well Capitalism is better than communism.
Paris: ... Shut up and follow me.
Billy: R- Right sir. Sorry.
The two groups made it back to the main hall and saw one another. Unfortunately, in-between them was another leech mimic, cutting them off from one another.
Paris: Fuck contact!
Paris pulled out his dual SMGs to fire at the leech mimic with the intent to distract rather than kill. Though he did kill quite a few leeches including Billy who fired his shotgun at the leech mimic. Meanwhile New York, got out his Foundation shotgun and Rebecca got the Foundation Assault rifle from Hong Kong and started firing. It took some time but with the leech mimic being overwhelmed it was unable to attack one or the other, as such they were able to shoot down all the leeches without worry. Finally, the mimic fell apart and died leaving a few leeches fleeing to the cracks and vents in fear. 
Paris: God damn it more of those things are showing up. 
New York: Isn't that a good thing? I mean that means we're heading towards something important which is probably the way out of here.
Rebecca: Or we're getting closer to that man in white, either way its progress.
Paris: I found this so all we need to do is figure out where it goes and go from there, I guess. I would normally say it's probably a way out of here, but I think we all know that's probably not the case.
Billy: Nothing wrong with hoping sir.
Paris: Hope is a good weapon Billy, but one should never forget it's a double-edged sword. 
Rebecca: Then let's not forget to keep one side sharper than the other.
New York: Why would we need a sword when we have guns?
Everyone then looked to New York in annoyance. 
New York: What? I'm just saying.
Paris: Let's just get out of here.
It didn't take them long to get back to the main room, unfortunately this meant they were back at square one yet again. 
Paris: Alright, hold here while I look through the maps, surely there's something else we missed.
New York: *Sigh* God damn it, we're never getting out of here.
New York then leaned on the front doors of the main room but yelled out as he fell when the doors opened. Everyone rushed to his aid but besides falling he was fine; instead, what grabbed all their attention was the fact that New York ended up accidentally discovering a new path for them. 
New York: Augh! Wah? WHAT?! Wait, did no one notice this door was open?!
Billy and Rebecca looked at one another and scratched the back of their heads in embarrassment. New York then got up and started blaming them to which they both started yelling back at him. 
Paris: ENOUGH! All of you!
The three of them quickly went silent but were still slightly mad at one another.
Paris: ... *sigh* Okay look, obviously this is embarrassing on all our parts. We missed something vital that probably could have helped us earlier. But we can't change the past no matter how much we want to. So, are you all going to keep complaining without getting anything done? Are you going to help me get this nightmare over with?!
Rebecca, Billy, and New York looked at one another and agreed while apologizing one by one.
Paris: Thank you, now let's see what we can do here. 
End of Part 5
Continue to Part 6
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dzthenerd490 · 10 months
File: Alan Wake
Code Name: Cauldron Lake/ Reality Ocean
Object Class: OVM
Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Mnemosyne-Γ "The Darkest Minds hold the Strongest Pens" is responsible for suppressing the reality warping abilities of SCP-AHH. The Pataphysics Department and Department of Unreality manages MTF Mnemosyne-Γ as well as containment of SCP-AHH. 
Mobile Task Force Mnemosyne-Γ is enforced by clones created by the Foundation given brains that are genetically programmed with vast knowledge, spliced with genes of reality benders collected by the Foundation through the years, and trained in Oneiroi. The combination of high intelligence, reality bender genes, and the ability of Oneiroi has allowed these clones to interact with SCP-AHH in ways that no normal or abnormal Foundation staff ever could before. 
There are currently 35 units within MTF Mnemosyne-Γ with their physical bodies being located at various Foundation sites. 5 are located at Site-AD, 10 at Site-AG, 5 at Site-AK, 5 at Site-AM, 10 at Site-AP. The reason they are spread out is to ensure that if one Site suffers a containment breach and a team ends up killed as a result, the other MTF Mnemosyne-Γ units will continue to suppress SCP-AHH. 
MTF Mnemosyne-Γ units use their ability of Oneiroi to travel to the location of SCP-AHH without physically getting close, once there they utilize their reality bending to prevent SCP-AHH from harming or even noticing them. Once there, they combined their vast intelligence and different anomalous abilities to create a metaphysical barrier around SCP-AHH to keep it from leaking out. Of course, SCP-AHH anomalous reality altering abilities makes this nearly impossible as it continues to create cracks and gaps in the barrier allowing bits of its influence to leak out. However, without MTF Mnemosyne-Γ units doing this, SCP-AHH would have caused greater damage to our world. 
The town called Bright Falls that surrounds the physical location of SCP-AHH has been taken by the Foundation with the primary reason to perform physical experiments. The secondary reason is to safely escort away any civilians who accidently or try to get too close to SCP-AHH. The Third reason is to dispose of any SCP-AHH-1 instances, Foundation Laser Rifles are distributed to ensure this happens with 100% success. The town is populated by AFA-3 units programmed with Level 3 A.I., equipped with the understanding of human psychology and emotions, allowing them to be perceived as normal people. Testing has shown that Artificial Intelligence does not affect SCP-AHH at all so utilization of AFA-3 units is the best alternative to Foundation staff. 
Any Civilians wandering into the town, especially with the intention of going to SCP-AHH are to be immediately given the proper amnestics to ensure they forget even knowing SCP-AHH exists. Afterwards they are to be escorted out of the town and to the nearest town immediately. Civilians who happen to be artists or writers are a much higher priority of amnestization and escorting out of the town. If any such civilian gets within a 100-meter radius of SCP-AHH they are to be executed immediately. Afterwards their body is to be escorted to the nearest Foundation site and incinerated, this applies to Foundation staff who get too close to SCP-AHH as well. There are no exceptions. 
SCP-AHH-1 instances are to be killed on sight with either Foundation Laser Rifles or the various UV traps placed around the town. If somehow a unique SCP-AHH-1 instance is found, they are to be contained as best as possible and sent to one of the various underground labs in the town. If this is not possible the AFA-3 units are then programmed to record everything they witness this SCP-AHH-1 instance capable of doing to fully understand it. 
Description: SCP-AHH is a lake located in the Foundation owned town of Bright Falls, Washington that acts as a Nexas point to an extradimensional pocket dimension. Within this pocket dimension is a god-like consciousness with the ability to bleed fiction and reality together. Because of its anomalous properties there is unfortunately no limit to what SCP-AHH can create, as it has been known to alter historical events, create entire Groups of Interest with people who never existed before, and even bring metaphysical monsters to life. 
As such SCP-AHH is a hazardous anomaly capable of causing an CK Class Reality Reconstruction Scenario. Though how it is able to become such a hazardous scenario is what has baffled Foundation staff for decades. SCP-AHH feeds off of the work of artists and writers, being able to not only grow stronger through their imagination but able to turn their works into reality. This can include bringing characters to life, making whatever happens in a story true, turning paintings into real world locations, and even giving each of these their own detailed history that automatically overrides any part of history that contradicts it. 
However as stated before SCP-AHH is a god like consciousness and has its own personality and desires. Its personality has had limited observation so the best the Foundation can say is that it's sadistic, clever, and very prideful. Furthermore SCP-AHH doesn't allow those who qualify as Artists and Writers to write freely, it will either possess them or manipulate them into creating whatever it wants. The entity is very malevolent, often trying to create vessels for itself so that it can leave the Pocket Dimension it is trapped in. This would lead to an HK Class Deific Subjugation Scenario as there would be nothing to stop SCP-AHH from altering the world however it wants and controlling the fate of all life on earth. 
Unfortunately, SCP-AHH quickly became aware of its isolated status due to the Foundation containing it. As such SCP-AHH has created anomalous monsters labeled as SCP-AHH-1 instances. SCP-AHH-1 instances are metaphysical entities of living darkness that can possess any living entity or non-living object. These entities obey the will of SCP-AHH-1 and try to destroy the town the Foundation created in hopes of allowing civilians to get near SCP-AHH again. SCP-AHH-1 instances and whatever they possess are technically immortal and even indestructible as no forms of physical damage can hurt them. Human beings tend to be what SCP-AHH-1 instances prefer to possess the most, this is another reason as to why no living Foundation staff are allowed anywhere close to SCP-AHH.
SCP-AHH-1 instances don't just possess as there are certain SCP-AHH-1 instances that are especially powerful enough to create their own physical bodies. Sometimes these artificial bodies take the form of shadow humans, shadow animals, black liquid, and even living natural disasters with the most common being tornadoes. Though even SCP-AHH-1 instances that can do this are not labeled differently as they share the same weaknesses and meta physiology as regular SCP-AHH-1 instances. Furthermore, their appearances are so rare that it's impossible to properly contain and therefore study them. 
SCP-AHH-1 instances can be weakened and even lose their ability to defect physical attacks when shined by light, the brighter the light the stronger the result. Once the dark barrier protection of the SCP-AHH-1 instances has broken, conventional weapons can be used to kill them. However, this process tends to take time and is tricky to enact, as such Foundation Laser Rifles are instead distributed to AFA-3 units guarding the town. Energy based attacks and even extremely bright light have been shown to kill SCP-AHH-1 instances quite easily. Furthermore, SCP-AHH-1 instances cannot survive in daylight as UV rays kill them instantly. It is for this reason UV light traps have been placed throughout the city. 
SCP-AHH was discovered in the early 1960's when an auteur filmmaker form Finland named Thomas Zane came to the original Bright Falls town surrounding SCP-AHH. As he started making new art, SCP-AHH was able to feed off his work to make certain aspects of his work come to life. Foundation satellites were able to detect the anomalous activity and as a response sent in Mobile Task Force Lambda-5 "White Rabbits" was deployed. 
Once SCP-AHH was discovered the Reality Fracture Dimensional Containment Field Engine, or an RFDCFE-20 for short, that was given to Lambda-5 was activated to create an energy field around SCP-AHH. The field was supposed to suppress SCP-AHH's abilities to the lake alone; unfortunately, the Foundation underestimated the reality warping abilities of SCP-AHH and the entire MTF units were wiped out or turned into powerful SCP-AHH-1 instances. 
Afterwards Joint Task Force Dionysus-4 "Flip the Script" was created consisting of units from MTF Beta-777, MTF Gamma-5, MTF Epsilon-6, MTF Iota-10, MTF Lambda-5, MTF Mu-13, MTF Omicron Rho, MTF Omega-0, MTF Omega-12, and MTF Omega-45. JTF Dionysus-4 was composed of 200 units, 20 coming from each respective original MTF unit. They used their various tactics and abilities to have all the citizens found, administered amnestics, and evacuated to different towns, all while fighting off SCP-AHH-1 instances wherever they appeared. The mission took five days and led to 44 casualties within JTF Dionysus-4. 
The town was originally fenced off with the cover story being an uncontainable gas leak flooded the city making it uninhabitable. However, as SCP-AHH-1 instances were getting created they started going beyond the town to attack and kidnap campers, hitchhikers, as well as inhabitants of other towns. Thus in 1970, the Foundation created AFA-3's programmed to think and act like humans, to be sent into the town disguised as regular civilians with their hidden mission being to observe and cull the SCP-AHH-1 instances. The fence and cover story remained to keep civilians out.
As more data was collected, eventually Foundation researchers were able to find the perfect way to contain SCP-AHH entirely thus Mobile Task Force Mnemosyne-Γ "The Darkest Minds hold the Strongest Pens" was created. The process to create beings powerful enough for MTF Mnemosyne-Γ took 20 years but finally in 1990 the MTF was deployed and managed to successfully suppress SCP-AHH's reality warping effects. Unfortunately, SCP-AHH-1 instances can still be created and leak out into our plane of existence. Furthermore, all previous reality alterations made by SCP-AHH cannot be reversed. To this day, the Foundation has no way to determine the full extent of SCP-AHH's damage on our reality. There is a working theory that SCP-AHH is responsible for creating several SCP's, Groups of Interest, and even The Reset itself but nothing has been confirmed.
SCP: Horror Movie Files
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