#MPR Radio
thislovintime · 2 years
More from Peter Tork on local PBS (for a New York City pledge drive), circa 1989. (Another snippet was posted here.)
Here, Peter's time as a DJ on the Carleton College radio station, KARL, is mentioned. More about that:
Peter Tork: “I didn’t think I had any problem concentrating on academia, my problem was that I didn’t do enough of it. (laughs) What I did — actually, what happened was, I really was so deeply involved in all the extracurricular activities. I was in the orchestra, I played French horn for year, it was wonderful. And I was in theater. And I was a DJ on KARL radio.” Q: “So it was the priorities were a little mixed up, I guess.” PT: “Well, you know, it’s a funny thing. I wouldn’t say so, I would say my priorities were in perfect order. Carleton did not agree, of course. I mean, they thought that my — or, I should say, they agreed, but the priorities were not their priorities for the students. Because as it turns out, obviously my priorities were in perfect order. I was into music and broadcasting and showbiz. And… which is where I belonged, and always did as it turns, but I didn’t know that at the time, see, that’s the thing about it. Having flunked out of Carleton College, I mean, that’s probably one of the better things that happened to me in my career. I have them to thank for that.” - MPR, 1987 (x / x)
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kulturado · 10 months
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The Story: Reclaiming the Sound Waves: Connor Chee
The Writer: Scott Blankenship
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bobcatmoran · 1 month
So with Tim Walz, governor of my home state, as the VP nominee (and news stories about him/Minnesota coming out of the woodwork) here's some stuff that will probably be helpful to know over the next 3 months:
The Minnesota Democratic party is, due to a 1944 party merger with the local Farmer-Labor party, the Democratic-Farmer-Labor party, or DFL for short. Local media refers to them as such.
Speaking of local media, we have two major local newspapers: the Star Tribune out of Minneapolis (Strib for short) and the somewhat smaller Pioneer Press out of St. Paul.
Minneapolis and St. Paul are the Twin Cities. They're next to each other, but woe betide you if you mistake one for the other. Minneapolis is the larger of the two, with the more vibrant nightlife and history as a flour milling hub, while St. Paul is the state capital, home to lots of liberal arts colleges and a significant Asian-American population, mostly the Karen ethnic group from Myanmar and Hmong.
Other reputable local news sources include MinnPost (online indie news site), the Minnesota Reformer (unashamedly leftist and pro-union), and Sahan Journal (focused on stories affecting the local immigrant and minority communities). We also have Minnesota Public Radio, or MPR for short, one of the largest NPR affiliates in the nation with a pretty solid local news arm. Bring Me the News is rarely a source of breaking news, but what they do report on is solid.
Alpha News is not a reputable local news source. They're far right wing and have a *cough* casual relation with reporting on actual events.
About 1% of Minnesota's population are Somali/Somali-Americans, concentrated in Minneapolis, especially the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood. They're a major target of local racism and Islamophobia, by conservative assholes. The nonsense rumor over Minnesota's new flag being based on the Somali flag (because…uh…blue? and star?) stems from that particular local brand of xenophobia.
It's "Hot Dish." "Casserole" is the name of the type of cooking utensil you make Hot Dish in.
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wumblr · 11 months
Biden was visiting the city as part of the start of a fundraising tour. Attendees at the “Biden Victory Fund” reception “were expected to donate a minimum of $1,000,” according to an invitation reviewed by MPR (Minnesota Public Radio). Inside the building, as Biden was stuttering through his remarks, a courageous rabbi with Jewish Voice for Peace, Jessica Rosenberg, interrupted Biden: “Mr. Biden, if you care about Jewish people, as a rabbi I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.” In a video of the encounter posted by Jewish Voice for Peace, an angry woman is heard yelling “Get out!” as Rosenberg makes her humane plea, which was greeted by hisses and boos by the Democratic Party boosters in attendance.
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tsmom1219 · 18 days
Dams across the Midwest are aging, putting them at risk from the effects of climate change
Listen to the full story from Minnesota Public Radio. Climate change-enhanced rainfall events threaten nearly 92,000 dams across the U.S. and many are over 100 years old — including dams in Minnesota. Climate reporter Kristoffer Tigue wrote about aging dams and the risk for extreme rainfall for Inside Climate News. Tigue joined MPR News meteorologist Paul Huttner to explain how extreme weather…
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147) 🌈{Tjakrabirava Raw 00s Sapen🕉️☭-Paşa[Patangpuluhan🔂Pogung Kidul] Selanik✳️-10s Pustakasala Toronto Wehrmachtꑭ}🌈
csv. no. HP komplit Buku Tutup Tahun SMAN 1 YK 13:
Movil gedhi gagah, dalan ciliks. Koyo stick PS4🎮 neng rental minume Good Day.
Oh ya, sesepinya sekarang, wilayah aku balik sore sama Ezzat, lalu Wildan & Abil. TUC Habieb Rahardjo. Itu tetap jadi yang paling zona medium hijau dan konstan.
Jl. Pandega Marta, lalu jalannya ke arah MPR, lalu ke Jakal ke arah Ihya'. Lalu Nasi Bakar depan MTI dulu. Saya lebih banyak sejarah di MPR daripada MPD, sama di sebelahnya MPR ada SD yang hawanya kental sekali Rogoyudannya, tempat parkir kajian. Dulu awal lulus SMA bingung, tapi akhirnya lumayan hafal jalanan Pogung tapi ya itu. Sebatas link up tempat ngaji. Rasanya tempat yang belum keluar simulasi Indonesia. Kalau HI UII Siber dikeluarkan dari grup WA. Patangpuluhan udah jadi dua pas, kemarin, kok drama pisah juga ngapain. Sapen, no comment. Apalagi jalan paginya ke arah Langensari pas belum waduk. Lalu dimasukkan ke lapangan yang depan TPA 5 yang jalan masuknya sejalur sama rel kereta. Soalnya saya di Pogung Kidul itu spending time bersosialisasi, jadi mungkin dulu ada kejadian Nasi Goreng Padmanaba/Radio Muslim, tapi akhirnya lebih sering ngobrol sama Ezzat & Raihan Irsyadi & Mas Ikhsan Michael, lalu diikuti suhu-suhunya yang lain. Willy, Abil, Ustadz Ari Wahyudi, Rangga, Ustadz Afifi, Majeedr, Yasirroni, Yasin Agung Nugroho, Fauzi Rais Amm angkatan selanjutnya, dsb. Ismail Hamidy, lalu kalau KAFD ya KAFD.
Makin tahun makin menyempit sampai akhirnya, soalnya yang mau dengar story telling modal improvisasinya tinggal Ezzy sama Raihan Irsyadi, tapi nggak ada keluar simulasinya. Majeedr aku yang buat kaligrafinya, tapi aku nggak bisa jalanin. Lalu kalau YPIA dari awal ga sepintar Ustadz Abduh Tuasikal dsb. Modal masuk Teladan itu lingkungannya skill standar, dan di Teladan pun saya nilainya menengah ke bawah.
Jadinya trade off-nya teman ngobrol.
Pandega itu kayak jalanan di Bandung tapi di outskirt kotanya. Tapi letaknya di Jatim.
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Nuwun sewu 🙏, jane do ngeroso nak do CAPS LOCK nulis judul, opo video podcast ono angkane muter bret-bret-bret neng ngisor, opo Thumbnail loroni mata ki. Sekhat po?
It is flames🔥🔥 though.
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angustully · 1 year
my local radio station just played planet of the bass god i love MPR
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drfm-me · 1 year
Ferel Rizki Herlambang Dan Geulis Harmonis Bandung Generasi Z Lakukan Sosialisasi 4 Pilar MPR RI
Dapur Remaja Radio| Bandung. Sosialisasi 4 pilar MPR RI merupakan agenda tahunan yang kompleks yang biasa dilaksanakan untuk mensosialisasikan pancasila yang bersifat pancasilis. Agenda ini merupakan juga wadah kolaborasi antara 9 anak muda geulis harmonis dan MPR RI . Namun berbeda kali ini, MPR RI berkolaborasi langsung dengan Gen Z dari geulis harmonis salah satunya Ferel Rizki Herlambang dan…
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wildhannimal · 1 year
I've been listening to this early-pandemic concert broadcast and it's so lovely. Perfect writing/reviewing tunes for today :)
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krispydreamerking · 1 year
The above is a poll done by Mr. Demonaro Montanaro of the National Public Radio and Maine Public Radio of the United States of America; Supreme Court for an opinion poll to the public regarding the Supreme Court. According to Mr. Montanaro, 64 percent did not like the Supreme Court and gave it its lowest rating in history. Who did you send the questionnaire to? (I did not get one; did you…
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Peter's application picture to Carleton College, from 1959 (courtesy of Carleton College Archives); Peter with The Apollo of Belloc cast mates Bob Larson, Tom Hinds, Carol Bangs, Fred Lott, Steve Soderman, and Lucy Lewis, published in The Carletonian on April 18, 1962 (courtesy of Carleton College Archives via The Entertainment Guide MN).
Peter Tork: “I didn’t think I had any problem concentrating on academia, my problem was that I didn’t do enough of it. (laughs) What I did — actually, what happened was, I really was so deeply involved in all the extracurricular activities. I was in the orchestra, I played French horn for year, it was wonderful. And I was in theater. And I was a DJ on KARL radio.” Q: “So it was the priorities were a little mixed up, I guess.” PT: “Well, you know, it’s a funny thing. I wouldn’t say so, I would say my priorities were in perfect order. Carleton did not agree, of course. I mean, they thought that my — or, I should say, they agreed, but the priorities were not their priorities for the students. Because as it turns out, obviously my priorities were in perfect order. I was into music and broadcasting and showbiz. And… which is where I belonged, and always did as it turns, but I didn’t know that at the time, see, that’s the thing about it. Having flunked out of Carleton College, I mean, that’s probably one of the better things that happened to me in my career. I have them to thank for that.” - MPR, 1987
In 1982, a Carleton College student named Sam Delson interviewed Peter for The Carletonian.
“[Delson] approached Tork before a show and Tork ‘graciously agreed to an interview’ between sets. Delson told me he remembered Tork 'seeming somewhat world weary and displaying a sardonic sense of humor.' Perhaps still sensitive to his academic failings, Tork called Carleton ‘just a school I used to go to’ and did not want the college to know where he lived for fear of being asked for money. Yet he told Delson that he had some fond memories and kept in touch with a few professors and classmates. He also remembered the college as the place where he acquired social skills.Tork said that testing out of freshman rhetoric was ‘one of the great mistakes of my life… I took Shakespeare instead and flunked it.’ Tork spent the 1960-61 school year working at the American Thread Factory in Willimantic, Conn. He told Delson, ‘I actually saved my money and went back there. I don’t know why. I wish I’d had the good sense God gave me and taken a hint the first time.’ He stayed on four more terms, through fall term of his junior year in 1962. Tork said he was ‘kicked out for low grades and missing chapel’ (at that time, chapel attendance was required).
Tork told Delson that Carleton was ‘liberating’ for him in that he was introduced to alcohol for the first time (although it was officially forbidden) and he spent much of his time chasing women (even though ‘they lived on the other side of campus in closed dorms’). Tork said, ‘I enjoyed myself enormously,’ as he recalled having a Friday morning radio show called ‘Dawn Patrol,’ participating in dramatic groups and singing in several folk groups. He performed with Northfield native Peter Basquin (Carleton Class of 1964) who went on to have a career as a respected concert pianist. (Basquin told Delson in a subsequent interview that Tork usually burst into his room at three in the morning to try out new riffs that he’d composed.)
Curious about what Tork had been doing (while avoiding studying), I looked through Carletonian school newspapers to see traces of Tork. Tork, who had played piano since he was nine years old, participated in his first recital at Carleton in December of 1959 when he played Beethoven’s Sonata in F Minor, Opus 2, No. 1. In February of 1960, Peter Tork teamed up with his brother Jeffrey (who played cello in the Carleton Chamber Orchestra) to play seven variations on a theme from Mozart’s Magic Flute. In April of 1960, his piano recital piece was Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in B flat Major. He also took part in student recitals in March and May of 1961.
In November of 1961, Tork began his association with theater, appearing with Peter Basquin in Ulysses in Nighttown. In 1962, the play Mandragola was criticized in the Jan. 24 Carletonian as being ‘too hammy,’ but ‘the play opened and closed quite charmingly with music written for the occasion by Peter Basquin’ and Peter Thorkelson was one of three that played the music. In February, the Players presented Dylan Thomas’ Under Milk Wood, with Tork in the cast and as assistant director. In March, Tork played a Chopin nocturne in recital and in April was a cast member of Apollo of Belloc. He was also in The Plough and the Stars that March and April. In May, Tork played Prelude and Fugue in D Minor by Bach in recital, while also appearing in the cast of The Underground Man.
During Tork’s last term at Carleton in Nov.-Dec. of 1962, he played the roles of Bernardo and the Player King in a production of Hamlet at the Little Nourse Theater. Tork could also be found playing guitar and banjo much of the time at Willis, which was then a student union.
After his second attempt at college failed, Tork wound up in New York City where he lived with his grandmother and entered the music scene by playing banjo in Greenwich Village coffeehouses.” - Susan Hvistendahl, The Entertainment Guide, November 2016
More about Peter's time at Carleton College here; and more about his Greenwich Village days here.
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sion5 · 1 year
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Daily Source Bias Check: Minnesota Public Radio (MPR)
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Daily Source Bias Check: Minnesota Public Radio (MPR)
Daily Source Bias Check: Minnesota Public Radio (MPR)
LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias.  They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes.  These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation. See all Left-Center sources. Overall, we…
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aintshitbiz · 2 years
Please check out Up and Coming Artist Sirrom
Alex Morris, also known by his stage name, Sirrom, is an American artist. He started his Hip Hop journey in 2020 and has always had a passion for the art. He is mostly known for his hit single Big Ole Hater featuring Sickwitit where his message is, there will always be haters, you just have to stay focused. As a new artist, he's had over 1 million streams on all music distribution platforms with hit single Big Ole Hater getting most of those streams. Sirrom has done several performances including one in front of Yung Joc. He has done comedy skits with Fatboy SSE & Famousangel.
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He has also been associate with other artists, such as, Mpr Riche Rich, 90Rackss, and WillGotTheJuice. He has upcoming songs with a few artists like Lausane, Fatt Macc, Scout, PNF Rockie, Yayo Da Don, Biggie Bluw, KrazyMann, Chef Trez, PBE Pluto and more. He already has songs with QuezzyQuae, Sickwitit, Dubbygotbars other artists. Aside from his musical talent, Alex and his brand The Visual Goat is well-known globally for videography that has cultivated musical talent among other indie & mainstream artists. He also has his own Record Label called Young Goat Enterprise which currently is looking to sign some artists. Check out Sirrom Radio curated by Spotify. Sirrom has also featured on songs from Keymoe the Key to More Greatness, Rashad Malice, and more.
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Connect w/ Sirrom:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/sirrom_the_rapper/
Website: sirromtherapper.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SirromTheRapper
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5zGf7Oari5JaUe7JMUZdH8
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07CNFMWKQ
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tonkiceleb · 2 years
Garrison keillor
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Minnesota Public Radio has announced it is cutting ties with Keillor and his production company owing to allegations of inappropriate behavior. The authoritative record of NPR’s programming is the audio record.Garrison Keillor, creator and former host of A Prairie Home Companion, talks at his St. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. The offense - sending a sexual limerick to fellow employees.įor NPR News, I'm Matt Sepic in St. CEO McTaggart says Keillor's public statements, quote, "have not been fully accurate." On social media, Keillor has said he's working on a novella called "Inappropriate Behavior" and a screenplay about a man who returns home to the fictional Lake Wobegon after being fired from his job. Keillor has repeatedly declined to comment for this story, but in November, he told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that his ouster then was simply the result of putting his hand on a woman's bare back to console her. SEPIC: Hilgenberg says Keillor apologized. But I didn't say anything, which I still regret to this day. And I was like, that is so wildly inappropriate, you know, in my mind. MOLLY HILGENBERG: I don't even really remember my reaction. It was about how he found one of his female employees physically arousing. Paul bookstore, says she was in the shop one day in 2012 when Keillor wrote a limerick on a white board. Molly Hilgenberg, who worked in Keillor's St. SEPIC: In a 1999 court filing, MPR disputed the claims in McFadden's lawsuit. And it should not be an excuse to behave badly and treat others so poorly, especially women. PATRICIA MCFADDEN: I think people who have power and influence and good fortune have more responsibility to behave well than anybody. She did not allege sexual harassment but said Keillor bullied and humiliated women on his staff. In 1999, another woman, Patricia McFadden, was fired from Keillor's "Writer's Almanac" program and sued Minnesota Public Radio. The woman said she never cashed the check, nor did she sign the proposed confidentiality agreement. In 2009, his production company offered one of his subordinates $16,000, a non-disclosure agreement and a contract. It found that he had at least two consensual romantic relationships with women in workplaces he led. SEPIC: Jon McTaggart spoke publicly yesterday just as Minnesota Public Radio News, which operates independently of the company's corporate structure, was about to air the results of its own investigation into Keillor's past. We have not made public the documents, the allegations, the identities of anyone involved. JON MCTAGGART: We've been, from the beginning, committed to the privacy and confidentiality of everyone involved, including Garrison. McTaggart says the investigation has been thorough. MPR hired an outside law firm to investigate, and McTaggart says Keillor was included in the process. Along with the letter were excerpts of emails from Keillor. McTaggart says the woman's attorney sent a 12-page letter outlining accusations of unwanted sexual touching and dozens of inappropriate incidents over a period of years. At the time, Minnesota Public Radio CEO Jon McTaggart revealed very little, but now, he says a woman who worked on "Prairie Home" had come forward a month prior with allegations of sexual misconduct. MATT SEPIC, BYLINE: The company ended its relationship with Keillor in late November, immediately halting distribution of "The Writer's Almanac" and rebroadcasts of Prairie Home Companion shows Keillor hosted until his retirement. And now an investigation by Minnesota Public Radio News reveals that Keillor fostered a work environment that left some women feeling mistreated, sexualized or belittled. The break with the creator and former host of "A Prairie Home Companion" came amid allegations that he engaged in inappropriate behavior. All right, now some new details about Minnesota Public Radio's decision late last year to cut off its business ties with Garrison Keillor.
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bigboxcar · 4 years
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Mugshot Monday - “1995 Minnesota Public Radio Pledge Drive” coffee mug with Morning Glory Signature Blend by Peace Coffee
I miss listening to MPR and The Current.
I’m one of those people who only listens to the radio while driving my car and for the last 12 months during this pandemic, I haven’t been driving much.
This mug is from 1995 and the illustration is like a “Where’s Waldo” of public radio ins and outs.
The scene is during an old-school pledge drive with an enthusiastic row of volunteers answering phones. There’s a live performance on a stage, multiple interviews happening (one looks heated!), a pianist and opera singer are recording, people are busy locating audio tape from a library, and a dish satellite is beaming the broadcast up to an orbiting satellite which is sending the signal down to a radio tower then transmitting to a boombox.
There’s a lot going on with this mug, but there’s usually a lot going on at these public radio stations.
I’m not sure why I don’t listen to the radio in my house, but maybe I’ll consider some new habits so I can tune in again.
Happy Monday! ☕️💥😀
Here are some detail shots from the mug:
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Here’s a “mugorama” panoramic shot that shows the full art on the mug:
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See also my 550+ photos from the Mugshot Monday project here: www.MugshotMonday.com – Every Mug Has A Story
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