#MPD Mission
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day 204/548 of seokjin’s military service
this selca was posted on 150528 with the caption:
Fly jin
(T/N: Fly here meaning the insect, not Jin flying ; trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
I Need U rehearsal from that day:
M!Countdown MPD Mission from that day:
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dainzlef · 1 month
One of Most devastating moment watching J-Decker again
⚠️⚠️Spoilers alert⚠️
As Regina says this
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You've been absent from the scene for so many episodes why are you here when Regina says crap like this??!
Go on a mission or an overhaul, whatever, you're the last one who should be here at a time like this.
You're the LAST one who SHOULD be here at a time like this. STOP LISTENING TO HER AND IMMEDIATELY LEAVE
And YOU.
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You're not supposed to be here to listen to this shit as well. Go out on patrol or just take a ride on the Gun Bike.
That's not what worries me the most. It's that after Regina went out Power Joe complained, Drillboy complained, EVEN Dumpson complained, and Gunmax and Shadowmaru didn't say a word.
McCrane doesn't say a word it's understandable because he's rational. Deckerd speaks for Duke.
So what about you two? The mental state that worries me the most my boys?
I'm lack of the arts of language to express my anger.
Damn it MPD you guys should be paying for Brave Police's mental health🙂🙂🥲
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lovetogether · 1 month
explain the diane alter theory :-)
Gets scared . (The return spoilers)
Okay ooookay so. we’ll start with the basics. So DID stands for dissociative identity disorder, aka MPD (multiple personality disorder) though that term is incorrect and outdated. We have DID! We are a system, this is why we use “we/us” for ourself, we’re very passionate about this and enjoy projecting it! We feel we hold the world in a very different way due to this nd often like analyzing things through our lens of life. Twin peaks and more specifically the character Dale Cooper was scarily accurate to a genuine depiction of plurality we’ve seen that’s not like, a canonical DID character. (This tracks as Lynch allegedly is inspired by dissociation). Throughout the original air of twin peaks, the book covering Dale’s character, and The Return there’s countless moments which draw to Dale being plural/dissociative. All this leads us to this specific conclusion that the character Diane is in fact an alter. Diane is a character originally only shown as somebody Dale dedicates all his tapes to, theres little chance an actual person is listening to these tapes, he’d have to mail them out almost every day, etc etc . In the book it even notes Dale does just address tapes to Diane whether or not she’s ever listening. The idea of Diane being just a made up person / alter doesn’t become that far fetched, also, the way in which Dale communicates to Diane is a commonly used trope in media to signify alters communicating with each other (ie: some kind of way to talk to one’s self in public that doesn’t Look Weird). Dale repeats stuff he sees and his feelings to Diane, similar to how alters may share memories. Fire Walk With Me is the first time Diane is referred to as a real person Technically, she’s never shown on camera. Then we get to The Return where Diane is introduced as her own character, this is where the territory becomes rocky and well, metaphorical. The Return introduces the concepts of Tulpas which is an old Tibetan practice, today people who usually report having tulpas are actually experiencing some form of DID (usually developing introjects of fictional characters) this is junk we don’t feel majorly equipped to talk about so our words on that ends here, but hopefully you can see why this concept being brought up is alarming. First tulpa introduced is Dougie Jones, which due to . Junk . We’ll call Dougie Jones one, so this one is replaced by Dougie Jones two which is an amnesiac alter. This isn’t really important besides establishing Dale Has Something Plural Going on. Dougie exists as a separate person but is established to be a tulpa, we think the practice is taken the most literally here, as is all forms of plurality going forward. Where essentially: alters are their own people somehow because well it’s David lynch what’d you expect. Back to Diane: towards the end of The Return we find out Diane herself was a tulpa. Which, well. Given Dougie this sorta makes things line up more. Diane and Dougie are even related in some way through family. Then the finale of the show, Diane comes back though now seemingly as a different Diane, given there’s already been multiples of alters we don’t doubt that there’s two of her as well. (Alters splintering into multiple different people is very common! So much so there’s even a term for it: polyfrag!). Dale completes the last of whatever his mission is with Diane and they hook up nd she promptly disappears the next morning, to us this solidifies that Dale is probably completely whole again, or at least all the alters aren’t well, individual people anymore. (Before anybody asks, in system dating is also normal and common, alters can have romantic feelings for each other!) we think that goes over most stuff, only other thing we’d like to bring up is one of the Diane’s states Doppledale assaulted her, to us if you overlay the lens of plurality this is very easily explained as Doppledale (or, “Mr. C”) being a prosecutor alter, aka an alter which exists to hurt and retraumatize the other alters. DID is a trauma based disorder, based in PTSD, and develops due to extreme childhood trauma.
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onhirel · 11 months
All the World a Stage ch. 11
The Metropolis Police Departments form a joint SWAT and SCU taskforce to deal with the Parasite problem once and for all once they get word from Undertown. The denizens of below apparently want the Parasite out of their realm, and are willing to play ball with the MPD to get him gone. Thus, at the behest of the Mayor and at the insistence of Chief Henderson, Captains Maggie Sawyer and Kevin Jones get their men and women ready for the mission.
What could possibly go wrong?
Found on AO3, 8441 words. Co-written with @ameliamircalla
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You used latin proverb “Homo Homini lupus” as the main inspiration for your snippet, I just look it up, and there's another line to it, "Lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit", which has been translated as "A man is a wolf rather than a man to another man, when he hasn't yet found out what he's like."
so , taking the "when he hasn't yet found out what he's like",
What if the Villain had a psychological condition? Like MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder).
People with this condition (im a psychology student so u can trust me) often have different names for all their personalities. For eg, if you have seen the 2021 movie Cruella (its my favorite movie in the entire universe pls watch it) the main character, Cruella, has 2 personalities. One named Estella who is polite, soft-spoken, and compassionate, and the other named Cruella who is bold, unapologetic, and very, very, VERY driven for revenge.
The villain in the story of yours, their (say personality A) tells them to seek revenge and kill the hero, which will thus reward them with the feeling of "Oh yeah I succeeded in my mission by killing my hero, I lost my lover but I stayed true to myself but im crying"
basically this personality of their's gets emotional. They understand feelings, however the other B completely lacks emotions and has no concern for feelings.
However their more scary (personality B) tells them that "okay but why kill the hero? Ill lock the hero up, go kill my entire family, and hero won't be able to stop me, I over power them anyway."
Their personality B sort of disregards hero's feelings of heroism, where the hero goes "I won't let you do that!!" Their pers.B goes "What will you do about it idc im stronger than you anyways"
So, in that moment, where you are ending the story, pers.A that wants to kill the hero, is overpowered by pers.B
And then they knock out the hero and leave them unconscious (and trapped) in their lair. Then they go kill their entire family with absolutely no concern or emotions (another trait of someone who is a psychopath acc to psychology)
And when they return to their lair, they are covered in blood. They go to check up on the hero who is safe and sound. And they are satisfied cuz their plan was successful and hero is safe, they didnt get to shed any blood.
Mmmm very detailed, very interesting.
However. I know homo homini lupus is from Plautus, not Hobbes. I used Hobbes’ interpretation though because I think that specific opinion on humanity is fucking wild and definitely something a villain would come up with too.
Man is violent. Man is aggressive. Man is wolf to man.
Plautus wrote something similar but his view on mankind’s nature is more like “as long as man doesn’t know man, he will be a wolf.” Which includes a reason for this behaviour at least, even though it’s still fucked up. But also valid? I see every man I see as a threat and I have good reason to.
I was more going for the Hobbes version because that’s such a raw and negative view on mankind that the villain uses this as excuse and the hero forgives them for their actions by saying it.
Homo homini lupus, I get it. The hero knows what the villain is like, they know they have this insane worldview of “man is destroying his own species if he has to.” And the hero uses that to build some lost connection between them. I get it. They understand. And that’s how they try to get the villain on their side again, despite knowing that it’s too late. Last hope, I guess.
The villain using homo homini lupus in the end could either be them explaining their next action (killing the hero) or them devaluing it. They say it and they actually believed in it but they don’t kill the hero because they’ve outgrown that statement.
And that’s why I was curious on your opinions hihihi.
I didn’t write the characters to have mpd (it would be more obvious if I had) but I think your thoughts are really interesting!
Also I will never watch Cruella because I truly believe that every Disney life-action remake or movie that focuses on old Disney characters is killing most of my brain cells ten minutes into the movie. But it’s good that this movie makes you happy!
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deathgamegirl · 4 months
A.Iris AU Masterpost
So since I'm actually getting really invested in my protagonist Iris AU, I figured it'd be nice to have all the relevant information in one place. (Also so that I'm not clogging up the tag with sketches and whatnot). Under the cut is pretty much everything related to this AU, and this post will be updated when I come up with new things. I'm also hoping to have this AU fully realized as a fanfic or something similar in the future.
The AU contains major spoilers for the first AITSF game and mild spoilers for the second. There are also spoilers for the AU itself, if that's important to you.
Without further ado, here's the AU:
Main Characters
ABIS Members
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Iris Sagan - 24 - She/Her - Rookie ABIS Agent
Iris Sagan is a detective fresh out of college who shows incredible promise. The moment that she learned about ABIS, she begged her mom to let her intern for them, thinking that it was like some kind of secret society. Her memory from before she graduated high school is kind of spotty, but she's chalked it up to her scatterbrained nature and neurodivergency. Though, if she's to be honest, she sometimes wonders what she's forgotten...
OTA - AI-Ball - He/It
OTA's name is short for Optical Technology Assistant. He's the first experimental sentient AI, though with him being the first of his kind, he's got quite a few… quirks in his programming. Even with his intense fixation on technology and otaku culture, however, he's surprisingly level-headed when it counts, and accounts for 95% of Iris's impulse control during missions.
Hitomi Sagan - 43 - She/Her - ABIS Agent & Tech Coordinator
Iris's mother, and the woman who handles the technology side of ABIS. She's the inventor of the AI-balls, maintainer of the psync machine, and robotics enthusiast. Because she lost her right arm in an accident long ago, she uses a prosthetic instead. She loves her daughter dearly, but could she be hiding something from her...?
Mizuki Okiura - 21 - She/Her - ABIS Department Head
Known among the MPD as a "genius among geniuses," Mizuki was thrust into the role of department head without so much as a chance to say no. She graduated from high school and college at a very young age with full honors, and is a "once-in-a-lifetime gifted girl" in both academics and athletics. However, she frequently deals with intense loneliness and imposter syndrome, but refuses to tell anyone about it...
Amame Doi - 24 - She/Her - Maid Cafe Waitress & Rookie ABIS Agent
Amame is a very busy girl. Her family lives below the poverty line, and she has taken it upon herself to provide for them first and foremost. After graduating high school, she immediately went into the workforce, landing a job at Sunfish Pocket and insisting that she be scheduled as many hours as possible (with overtime). Her sense of responsibility is ultimately her greatest strength and fatal flaw, and she's constantly exhausted to the point where it's become the norm for her. After a certain incident unfolds involving Iris, she is hastily recruited into ABIS to assist in the investigation...
KIZUNA - AI-Ball - She/It
Amame's AI-ball partner, who acts as her moral support and physical health monitor. She is a gentle, soft-spoken AI, but is firm and brutally honest when it counts. To Amame and Iris, her humanoid form looks somewhat familiar, but it must be a coincidence, right?
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Ayuna "Aiba" Imai - 30 - She/They - VTuber
A VTuber contracted with Leminscate, who uses a chubby little hamster character as her online avatar. Her favorite genres to play on stream are strategic simulation, puzzle, and psychological horror. She has a secret love for dating sims, too, but adamantly denies this whenever it's brought up. Her best friend and biggest fan is Date, but there are times where she's overwhelmed by his enthusiasm.
Kaname Date - 40 - He/Him - Salaryman
Date's a pretty average salaryman, all things considered. He works a normal office job that he doesn't particularly love or hate, and is friends with Shizue's parents. However, when it comes to Aiba, he's her most ardent supporter, and stops by Lemniscate whenever he has a day off to hang out with her. They're good friends, having known each other for a number of years, but he can be a bit obnoxious when he gets riled up.
Shizue "Boss" Kuranushi - 15 - She/Her - 9th Grade Delinquent
The de facto leader of Sekiba High's resident girl gang, who insists on being called "Boss". Unsatisfied with both her school and home life, she lashes out against any and all authority figures who try to placate her. But when she's properly respected, she has a surprising amount of emotional maturity, hence why she's the one her delinquent friends look up to. Her parents are the first victims of the Double Death Serial Killings, and she claims to not care that they're dead, but...
Kuruto Ryuki - 29 - He/They - (Former) MPD Detective
Once a (reportedly) exemplary detective in the MPD, after being asked to investigate a suspected cult, he was immediately targeted by the cult's leader and easily indoctrinated on account of his already shaky mental health. He frequently dissociates and experiences intense hallucinations and delusions about the world, insisting that nothing is real and that all of his pain will be wiped away soon. He was only rescued from within the cult a few months ago, and is grappling with the desire to return out of fear that he'll be unsafe outside it. Tama is currently his main support and the one person keeping him from running back.
Tamaki "Tama" Miyu - 33 - She/They - Therapist
A therapist that the MPD specifically sought out to treat Ryuki after he fell into cult propaganda. Tama can be hotheaded, perverted, and indignant at the wrong times, but she takes the health and safety of her patients very seriously. Even off the clock, she frets about her clients, and has taken to doing more and and more research on cult deprogramming late into the night for Ryuki's sake.
Tokiko Shigure - 59 - She/It - Order of % Head
The head of the Order of %, an ideological organization that believes that the world is a simulation, and therefore wishes to control it. Supposedly, by doing so, the members will be able to live however they'd like with no consequences or pain to speak of. The MPD suspects the Order of being an illegal cult, but Tokiko fervently denies any such claims. Considering the current state of Ryuki's mental health, however, it's obvious that she's hiding something...
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Manaka Iwai - 43 - She/Her - Assassin/Serial Killer
Iris's biological mother, presumed dead as of 24 years ago. Once a kind and compassionate woman, after a near-death experience and being declared missing, she was threatened by the Kumakuras into becoming an assassin for them. Her first target was So Sejima, but only after she killed him did she realize that his three-year-old son was watching, and subsequently adopted him both as a way to prevent herself from being discovered by the police, but also because she didn't want to leave him without any parents. Over the course of many, many years, she's lived in hiding with Saito, and her once-kind heart has slowly become desensitized to the violence she's been forced to commit. Once the Kumakuras began to reform, she fell in with the Order of % and now works for them. She knows that her daughter is out there somewhere, and hopes to find her again so that the three of them can be a family together.
Saito Iwai (formerly Sejima) - 27 - Enforcer/Serial Killer
Manaka's adopted son, who has been reportedly missing since So Sejima's death. He holds no ill will towards Manaka for killing his biological father, and in fact appreciates her dearly, as she genuinely loves him and even lets him kill people with her. The only person that ever got away from him was Iris, who he attempted to kill in a fit of jealousy upon realizing that she was Manaka's "real kid". However, he did manage to gouge out her left eye before she escaped. Like his mother, he works for the Order of %, joining up with them after the Kumakuras reformed.
Plotpoints & Endings
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What do you think supes relationship to the metropolis police should be? Should there be one even?
Talked a bit about what I'd like to see in regards to that with Atomic Skull and with Maggie Sawyer/Dan Turpin. Short version is the MPD serves the billionaires running the Metropolis megacorps as opposed to Gotham cops serving the mob, and that means they will fight Superman occasionally to protect corporate interests.
My ideal take is that in Clark's early career, Superman and Maggie form a secret partnership comparable to the Batman/Gordon partnership, with the two of them trying to work together to clean up the department. Instead of a light-signal, Maggie has a signal watch which she can use to talk with Superman, even as she's put in charge of a Special Crimes Unit tasked with bringing him down. Frustrating Maggie however is that sometimes details she shares with Superman, or information related to investigations she involves him in, appear in Daily Planet articles. Maggie wants to lie low and gather evidence against her superiors while Clark prefers airing things out in the press. as a way to constantly keep her bosses playing defense. How to handle their mission would be a source of friction between the two, which would carry over into Maggie becoming Commissioner.
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heyyouknowbts · 1 year
BTS Content Watchlist: July - November 2014
This list includes official fan content, member logs, and variety show appearances.
Master post: BTS Content Watchlist
July 2014
140704 [BANGTAN BOMB] Whatcha doin today?
140705 Jungkook's log
140707 [BANGTAN BOMB] Eyes, Nose, Lips by BTS
140708 Jin's log
140708 J-hope's log
140710 Suga's log
140712 V's log
140713 [BANGTAN BOMB] Eyes, Nose, Lips by Jungkook (ft Jimin)
140714 [Naver Star Cast] BTS commentary about GAYO Daejeon performance
140714 Jimin's log
140715 Rap Monster's log
140717 [BANGTAN BOMB] Suga's way to make a ssam fast
140717 [BANGTAN BOMB] Nickname t-shirts! 95 cam #1
140718 [BANGTAN BOMB] Let's speak English
140724 American Hustle Life 1
Behind Cut: American Hustle Life 1
140729 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS runway! 95 cam #2
140731 American Hustle Life 2
Behind Cut: American Hustle Life 2
August 2014
140803 [BANGTAN BOMB] You're a holiday, such a holiday
140804 [BANGTAN BOMB] Play to become the famous artists
140806 [BANGTAN BOMB] What am I to you?
140807 [BANGTAN BOMB] Before BTS' special stage
140807 American Hustle Life 3
Behind Cut: American Hustle Life 3
140809 [BANGTAN BOMB] Friday & some fun with BTS
140814 American Hustle Life 4
Behind Cut: American Hustle Life 4
140817 [Naver Star Cast] Dark&Wild Concept Interview
140820 [EPISODE] Dark & Wild jacket photo shooting
140821 American Hustle Life 5
Behind Cut: American Hustle life 5
140822 [EPISODE] Danger MV shooting
140825 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS stretching time
140826 [BANGTAN BOMB] Runway in the night
140826 [EPISODE] BTS' summer out of the country in 2014
140826 After School Club 95
140828 American Hustle Life 6
Behind Cut: American Hustle Life 6
140828 After School Club 95 Behind
September 2014
140903 Go! BTS
140904 American Hustle Life 7
Behind Cut: American Hustle Life 7 1 2
140910 Jimin & Jungkook's log
140911 American Hustle Life 8
140911 J-hope & V's log
140912 [BANGTAN BOMB] Rap Monster Tweet Relay
140913 Jin & Rap monster's log
140914 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS' selfie recording Danger
140914 [BANGTAN BOMB] Various beatbox by BTS
140917 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS match 1 Omok – Suga vs Jimin
140918 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS match 2 – hit the bottle top
140922 [BANGTAN BOMB] Stretching doing dance in BTS free time (lmao these titles are so bad sometimes)
140923 [BANGTAN BOMB] Recommend the songs (selfie with VJ Kook)
140923 [BANGTAN BOMB] Touch my Body by Sistar
140926 [BANGTAN BOMB] Hi! Hi! Hi!
140927 V's log
140928 [BANGTAN BOMB] Eating salad
140930 [BANGTAN BOMB] Suga free, Hope free, Mon free
October 2014
141001 [BANGTAN BOMB] Suga's eyes & Jimin's delusion
141002 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS got sunglasses from Mpd
141006 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jimin's dance detail practice
141008 [BANGTAN BOMB] Danger last day mission
141009 [BANGTAN BOMB] Grasping power fight with V
141013 [BANGTAN BOMB] Hi! Let me introduce myself
141014 [BANGTAN BOMB] While you were sleeping
141016 BTS Hope Delivery @ Love Food Bank
141020 Jimin's log
141021 A Song for You 12
141021 Jungkook's log
141021 Rap Monster's log
141021 Jin's log
141022 [EPISODE] War of Hormone MV & photo shooting
141022 V's log
141025 [BANGTAN BOMB] Dance #1 drop that naenae
141025 [BANGTAN BOMB] Dance #2 wiggle
141025 J-hope's log
141030 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS cypher #1 fan: V
November 2014
141102 [BANGTAN BOMB] Guess what?
141103 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jimin is on the phone with Ms ARMY
141107 [BANGTAN BOMB] Rapmon's dance lesson
141110 [BANGTAN BOMB] Enjoy 2014 Halloween
141110 [BANGTAN BOMB] How to take a selfie
141111 [BANGTAN BOMB] Follow BTS (J-hope cam)
141111 [BANGTAN BOMB] Suga's sleepmate
141112 [BANGTAN BOMB] Beautiful, BTS ver
141116 [BANGTAN BOMB] Lip sync princes
141121 [BANGTAN BOMB] Suga's Dark & Wild album review
141121 [BANGTAN BOMB] V's monologue
141124 [BANGTAN BOMB] What are BTS members doing? (J-hope cam)
141128 Suga's log
141130 [BANGTAN BOMB] Hi~Camera~ this...??
Let me know if a link isn’t working, or if you find something I missed! My ask box is always open, anon or not 💜💜💜
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A Promise For My Queen of Darkness
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(A short oneshot for @jamieaiken919 x Edward Richtofen)
Oh, my sweet revenge will be yours
For the taking… It’s in the making, baby!
Julia had been worried for some time now. She had been traveling with the Ultimis crew since the very beginning. When you already have pre-existing knowledge of the timelines, it makes you feel utterly helpless. She knew either ending would be a total disaster. Either everyone’s stuck on the moon and Richtofen’s trapped in a zombie… or everyone dies “for the sake of a better tomorrow.” She couldn’t tell him he was from a video game! Those hadn’t existed around his time nor any place they time traveled. The only way was to phrase it as a prophetic dream. That’s how she “predicted” those explorers to show up trapped in Shangri-La. How she knew of Group 935’s mission and the severity of the outbreak.
She wasn’t able to pay attention so well during the Doctor’s elaborate explanation for the evening. Edward knew something felt… off. When he had the chance to dismiss everyone, he placed a hand on his lover’s shoulder. “Liebchen… are you alright?” Edward asked. Julia tried to turn her face away slightly, afraid of being seen so obviously troubled. Julia sighed.“It’s okay, hon. I’m fine.”
“Don’t lie to me, schnucki! I can easily read when you’re upset too!”
Normally, Julia would laugh when he tried to be silly and squish her cheeks to kissy lips like this. But he eased his cup around her face realizing something more serious was going on. This was no ordinary depressive cloud hanging over. Richtofen recognized her expression as something he’s been burdened with before. His face became stone serious, determined to know what was really going on. “Come to the office with me.”
They headed down the hallway of the lonesome desk of the worn down Soviet facility. It was filthy with dust, decay and oxidized stains of what was hopefully zombie blood. The doctor ushered her into the cushioned office chair, while he stood tall in front of the desk. He tilts his head and locks on with her. “Are you afraid to tell me what’s going on, Julia? I need to know.” Julia furrowed her brows and sheepishly looked up at him. “It’s about our future. N-not us! I mean… I mean what happens next in the plan.” Richtofen softened to a sullen expression. It almost seemed like the visor of his uniform hat shadowed his vision. “You know about my real intentions, don’t you?” He droned.
“…I don’t want to lose you, Edward.”
“Wait- what?”
His mood shifted in an instant. She wasn’t mad that he was going to find the MPD and acquire infinite power?
“No matter what happens, I’m afraid of losing you forever.” Julia trembled. “Either Maxis is going to ruin everything for your grand scheme or somehow you die in the end.” Richtofen started to giggle… Then chuckle… And then raise his tone to a maniacal cackle. He threw his head back and fell down to the floor, kicking his feet childishly. It was a bit frightening to see. “Me? DIE?! HA! Oh, my dear, you are too sweet to worry about mein well-being. But I always have tricks up mein sleeve.” He grinned at her like the cheeky bastard he was. “Did you really think I’d leave you out of my plans?”
He leaned over the desk and lifted her chin with his index finger. His overconfident leer was oddly intoxicating. “I know you were gifted to me for a special reason.” Richtofen whispered. His breath was warm and gentle against her neck. He pulled away smiling, hoping to tease her more. “The voices told me you are not of this world. You only know about the future because your world showed it to you! They said it was from something called an X’ed box. I have never heard of this revolutionary artifact before. I hope to find it and see for myself. But, I digress.”
He wraps his arms around her neck and presses his forehead against hers. This alone was the hidden language the two often shared for comfort. “I need to make sure you’re still safe in the end too. A victory without you isn’t truly worth celebrating.” Reassured, his better half had a meek smile. He kissed her on the bridge of her nose.
“My dearest Queen, I vow to keep you safe und ruling beside me. I only ask for your undying loyalty and help to achieve this goal in the end… no matter the price of destruction we need to get there.”
Julia thought about it for a while and nodded. “I promise.”
He raised his head and lifted his hand.
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
They curled their pinkies and shook on their pact.
“But… I don’t think I will be ensuing as much destructive chaos as much as you do, liebling.” Julia laughed.
Richtofen pouted slightly. “But that’s the fun part! Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you want to go apeshit and make all who’ve wronged you kiss the ground you walk on? I’ll arrange it!”
Julia tried to hold back laughter at his usual antics.
“Ach, no matter! I’m sure in due time, you’ll come to your senses. We have much to do.”
They had to prepare and discuss their shared grand scheme. The world better kneel now. Because when the King and Queen arrive, nothing will get in their way.
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murfreesboronews · 3 months
Two MPD Officers Promoted to Sergeant
The Murfreesboro Police Department (MPD) is proud to announce the promotion of Officer Charles Ryan Speed and Detective Steven Vajcner to Sergeant. “Both Speed and Vajcner embody the values and mission of the Murfreesboro Police Department,” said Chief Michael Bowen. “Their promotions are a testament to their dedication and hard work in serving our department and the City of Murfreesboro.” Speed…
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
Twitter reacts to Derek Chauvin being sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison
Twitter had a lot to say after Derek Chauvin was sentenced.
Twitter had a lot to say after Derek Chauvin was sentenced. 
People have a lot to say about Derek Chauvin after he was handed a sentence for the death of George Floyd. 
Earlier today (June 25), Chauvin, who was convicted of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter, was sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison for the charges. 
While a sizable amount of Twitter users are celebrating the sentence, some think that Chauvin, who pressed his knee into George Floyd’s neck until Floyd died last year, got off easy. 
“Derek Chauvin deserves WAY more than 22.5 years in prison. he killed a Black man ON CAMERA,” wrote Twitter user Shmorolll. “22.5 years is not enough. he took a mans life. Black people have gotten longer sentences for drugs than this man did for murder. Let that sink in.”
Another Twitter user noted how much prison time one of their family members had to face for a nonviolent offense. Twitter user Trishamott wrote: “Derek Chauvin only gets 22.5 years (Parole in 15 ) for MURDERING George Floyd, while my brother sits in prison serving a MAXIMUM MANDATORY 25yr sentence (NO parole) for a NON-VIOLENT drug crime!?” 
derek chauvin deserves WAY more than 22.5 years in prison. he killed a black man ON CAMERA.  22.5 years is not enough. he took a mans life. black people have gotten longer sentences for drugs than this man did for murder. let that sink in. — mars ! (@shmorolll) June 25, 2021
Some Twitter users think the system as a whole is inadequate and that because Floyd is still dead, they don’t see Chauvin’s sentence as a goal. “I don’t think a prison sentence is justice, abolition is the goal,” writes @Aptly_engineerd on Twitter. “It could have been 1000 years and George Floyd would still be lost to the very system punishing his killer. But I also have family who will never leave prison while Derek Chauvin will be out in 15, & that hurts.”
I don’t think a prison sentence is justice, abolition is the goal. It could have been 1000 years and George Floyd would still be lost to the very system punishing his killer. But I also have family who will never leave prison while Derek Chauvin will be out in 15, & that hurts. — Rebecca Pierce #SaveSilwan (@aptly_engineerd) June 25, 2021
“Derek Chauvin killed #GeorgeFloyd in front of other Black children while that man was begging for his life and he might be out of prison in 15 years… no way i’m jumping for joy,” wrote Twitter user TheNewThinkerr. 
Derek Chauvin killed #GeorgeFloyd in front of other Black children while that man was begging for his life and he might be out of prison in 15 years… no way i’m jumping for joy — Dr. Manhattan 🇳🇬 (@TheNewThinkerr) June 25, 2021
You can see other reactions to the sentencing for yourself below. 
22.5 fucking years yet the system wants to put black men on death row with literally no proof of the crimes that they were accused for. We all watched Derek Chauvin murder George Floyd in cold fucking blood yet that man is getting ONLY 22.5 years. Un-fucking-believable. — ♚Lookit♚ (@L00KIT) June 25, 2021
In his sentencing memo, Judge Peter Cahill writes, “Mr. Chauvin, rather than pursuing the MPD mission, treated Mr. Floyd without respect and denied him the dignity owed to all human beings and which he certainly would have extended to a friend or neighbor.” #GeorgeFloyd — Omar Jimenez (@OmarJimenez) June 25, 2021
derek chauvin murders a black on camera and gets 22 1/2 years. the fucking white privilege — Maddieᶜ | PLANET HER (@solanaswhoree) June 25, 2021
Listen, I’m very content with 22.5 years Derek Chauvin has received for the murder of George Floyd. With all the losses we took along the way, we finally get someone being held accountable for their actions. I will celebrate this major victory. This account will not be miserable. — 👑 Black Professor 👑 (@WonderKing82) June 25, 2021
I can honestly say no amount of time for Derek Chauvin would have felt right — Reese Waters (@reesewaters) June 25, 2021
Derek Chauvin only gets 22.5 years (Parole in 15 ) for MURDERING George Floyd, while my brother sits in prison serving a MAXIMUM MANDATORY 25yr sentence (NO parole) for a NON-VIOLENT drug crime!?🤔 22.5 years is NOT ENOUGH for MURDER!#DerekChauvinSentencingpic.twitter.com/hnLHg5CLgD — 🤍💞Trisha Boone💞🤍 (@Trishamott) June 25, 2021
My initial response to Derek Chauvin getting sentenced to 22.5 yrs for Murdering George Floyd was a sense of relief. The way the judge was talking – actually thought it would be less. Now Im mad. There are ppl who have been in prison longer for marijuana!#AbolishThePolice #ACABpic.twitter.com/js8kOePHqe — ☭Commie☭Angel☭♿🏴🚩🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸 #FreePalestine (@Commie_Angel) June 25, 2021
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taeminrecuerdos · 2 years
SHINee - [MPD MISSION] M COUNTDOWN Backstage Mission.
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ohposhers · 3 years
ok so i couldnt stop thinking about Butters and what could have happened to him and this is the best I could come up with and this depends on something very important to be plausible and that’s if Butters’ parents show up at all during the Special-- I went back and looked and I couldn’t find them but I could also have just missed them cause I’m blind who knows ANYWAY HERE’S MY GAY LITTLE THEORY?? SO I thought to myself maybe just maybe Butters had a name change because he HAD to have a name change- maybe he did something super bad and had to go under the radar. Maybe Butters killed his parents? Maybe sometime in his early youth Butters’ parents did something crazy traumatizing as we know they’re capable of doing and Butters fucking SNAPS and kills them (maybe it was an accident? Maybe it’s some mental thing like MPD? WHO KNOWS) and upon realizing what he’s done and not knowing what else to do he zooms over to the closest friend he has’ house and oh look that friend happens to be Kenny. Butters is in shambles Kenny’s like well shit and decides right then and there nows as good a time as any to ditch this pidge of a town and start doing something. Kenny gets Kevin’s help to get a fake ID and passport made with Butters’ new identity ‘Victor Chaos’ that he will be going by after they fake his own death by making it look like Butters body had also disappeared alongside his parent’s which Kenny and Butters dispose of before ditching town. Butters Stotch is dead!
This would be early on enough in their lives where come the time Kenny is a famous scientist and so is his “right hand man” that no one bats an eye in suspicion at Butters who everyone believes has been dead for decades. He’d probably have changed his look up a bit and the two have laid low (or at least Butters has) for a while, so no one recognizes him. Token who isn’t easily fooled doesn’t seem to suspect him as Butters at all when he briefly talks about him and his role as Kenny’s partner to the rest of Craig’s group.
I’d like to imagine the years of trauma and abuse caused by Butters’ parents and peers has really manifested in an unstable maybe even incredibly cold and hardened personality, but his loyalty and protectiveness over Kenny is UNTOUCHABLE and the moment Kenny helped him with the crime Butters decided to devote EVERYTHING to him and his cause, likely offering his Chaos Corp resources to help as well even?? (We do know he’s able to get a LOT of funds through the organization, maybe this is what helps Kenny start his whole science gig.) REGARDLESS it’s the two of them working their ASSES OFF to get this project going, and I’m gonna be cheeky and HC that while Butters is pretty unstable and unhinged and even intimidating really, he’s still same old bubbly sweet Butters to Kenny and Kenny alone.
Anywho skip to farther in the future where their Science work has clearly helped them make names for themselves, maybe something causes Butters to snap again and lash out/attack someone maybe even results in killing someone who knows?? Regardless he’s forced into the asylum after that and Kenny has to finish the mission on his own boo u_u  That’s the best I could come up with on a whim- I honestly feel like Butters is actually completely sane and got put into the asylum for alternative reasons like a super extra bad grounding or to keep him quiet about his and Kenny’s research/ learn about it I’m not sure BUUUUT I’m a sucker for angst and it’s fun imagining Butters did actually snap and is super unhinged now BWAHAHAHA thank you for indulging in my obsession bye watch me be so wrong come part 2
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kannra21 · 4 years
Dating Hoshino Ryo
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At first he's completely aloof, similar to Daisuke in a way but different motives. He's very dedicated to his job, it's one of the things that brings him happiness and pride. When he decides to completely indulge himself in something he's doing it earnestly. He's also not a risk taker, he's the type who's constantly worrying about things. Perfectionist of sorts? He just wants everything he puts his mind on to be as good as it possibly can. That's why he's actively trying to avoid love matters since he's so busy with making his life work nicely for him. Person like him looks cold from the outside but in reality he has a big heart. He looks up to his sempai and respects his superiors.
When you appear in his life he'll be formal, as usual, until you make a move on him bc otherwise he won't take the initiative. It's too risky for his heart. It'd be even more difficult if you were his colleague because colleagues dating within the same unit is against the rules. If this happens, the couple is given the choice to either end their relationship or one of them would have to leave the MPD which is lowkey giving him a heart attack.
He's afraid bc when he falls for someone he falls too hard and does reckless things, he hates this side of himself. Will pin you to a wall behind their common workplace at the station and kiss you all over. He's passionate and soft and slow and sensual. He can't think straight, it's just the way you make him feel. Your colleagues often wonder why you come out of the corner looking all disheveled. He's fixing his tie and his well-put hair is now looking messier (and hotter but you're not supposed to say this aloud).
Is putting extra effort in his looks, in his free time he's dressing in oversized shirts, sweaters, cuffed and cargo pants, and all that jazz. You're teasing him ab it but he doesn't mind it bc he knows that you find it hot. Will always be expecting you with a small surprise such as bouquet of flowers or sweets, he's a big romantic. Will slowly dance with you in the middle of the room while following the rhythm of the music. He never shows this side of himself to anyone, only to you. It's the way he's showing you his trust in you.
He's overly protective of you and although he doesn't want to admit, he's a little possessive. If someone's raising their voice at you during work, he switches from "calm reserved Ryo" to "angry boyfriend Ryo" and puts himself in front of you to have a "little chat" with whoever you're having problems with. Everyone notices the change in personality but pretend they didn't see because they knew how much you meant to Hoshino. They were all good friends in MPD, they didn't want to hold grudges against each other.
When you're sent on missions he always makes sure to give you lower-risk tasks, he's always looking after you and going extra mile to ensure the completion of your work. His colleagues think he's wasting time bc he used to work more efficiently before his obsession with you and him pampering you. He's trying to convince them otherwise but no one believes him. It's a running joke between your colleagues.
There were times when you saw him utterly devastated such as when Haru refused to work with him and went with Daisuke to England. He was sitting on the bed holding his head in his hands grieving. He blamed himself for being such an ass towards him and he hated himself. You didn't like to see him like this since you knew how much he looked up to Haru and you wanted to call him to give him a lecture but he begged you not to do it. Too late, you already tapped the "call" option and he panicked. Not knowing what to do, he kissed you and continued making out with you and you could hear Haru's voice on the other line "Hey y/n, what's up?... Hello?... Mby she called by mistake.", he hang up. Hoshino was never rly encouraged to prolong his kisses but this was urgent and once you parted you couldn't help yourself but to be amazed. This turned into something more later in the day.
When he's in mood he gets clingy, hugs you behind your back and kisses your neck and ears. He whispers the most beautiful of praises and encouragements. Sweet talk is his thing and he's showing you just how much he loves and appreciates you. Sometimes it brings you to tears because no one ever loved you like this before. He's feeding your heart with so much positivity and he's genuinely happy to have this effect on you. He kisses your forehead, tells you that you're his beautiful angel and that he'll protect you from everything in this world. You're convinced in his words because of how overprotective he acted towards you when at work.
If you're the later shift you'll arrive home greeted by rose petals on the floor leading to a certain room. You're getting all blushy bc you can already assume where this is going. You enter the bedroom and see bed covered in rose petals, candles on furniture and silent music playing in the background. He gets out of the bathroom in only a towel and he's surprised to see you arriving a little earlier than expected. You just jump on him, kiss him and you make out like there's no tomorrow.
He likes long walks, his favorite is taking you on the beach during a sunset. He'd listen to you talking like this forever and the landscape looks truly amazing. If you get a little playful, you'll spray him with water and he'll scold you like a worried bf he is bc he can't allow himself to let you get a cold. He always worries about things and you're assuring him that everything is fine. Night looks beautiful and the starry night sky gives the whole ambience a completely new meaning. You can't take your eyes off of the stunning view and he's hugging you closer to himself, in moments like this he'll tell you that you mean the entire world to him and he'll keep you warm or buy you smtng to eat. He's spoiling you so much and you're the luckiest girl alive. You never ask for much, you're modest but this won't stop him from trying to meet your expectations and getting your approval.
Of course, there are times when he gets extra wary when you're talking to other guys. He's not questioning your loyalty, he's worried of them making a move on you and the sole thought of it fills his heart with rage. He can be an asshole sometimes when he's having his doubts and you need to tell him to calm down bc he's making everyone uncomfortable. He apologizes, but only to you because he feels like he doesn't owe them anything, he's this stubborn.
Sometimes he brings up stupid topics while lying in bed with you before sleep like fear of losing you one day bc your job is too dangerous and his mind gets clouded with dark thoughts. That's why he's so afraid of getting too attached to someone, if he loses you he'll lose himself and before he continues ranting any further you take his hand in yours and lean your forehead on his. You tell him that nothing will ever happen to you as long as you're with him and that's enough to make him calm again.
He's not exactly skilled at cooking so he appreciates it v much when you teach him certain things. He's not lazing around, he's listening to you rly carefully and taking notes on important things you tell him. You reward him with a peck and he gets cuddly. You still can't believe that such a softie works as a police officer. You ask him what motivated him to choose this job and he said that he looked up to his dad a lot. His dad was one of the highest ranked men in their department and he died protecting other people. He was a literal hero and many remember his name till this day. Therefore, out of respect and in memory of his dad, he decided to become a cop as well. Besides, he always wanted to be someone's hero and he finally found someone who could make it all happen.
When he gets stomach ache you offer to massage him and although he refuses bc he doesn't want to bother you, you do it anyway and he melts into your touch. It's not like you mind it since his body is slightly toned and you need to contain yourself because he's so handsome and yet you need to concentrate on his pain. You take such good care of him, he gets goosebumps and is so grateful. He wants to return the favor somehow but there's no need to bc of how mindful he constantly is of you and he loves you so much. His heart is full and he always has that dreamy look whenever he spends time with you. He loves it when he puts his head on your lap and you caress his hair and face. Your hands are soft and warm and he's in bliss. He hums and feels so much better with your treatment. You scratch his scalp and he buries his face in your belly. He's lying turned to the side on purpose so you couldn't see certain things but you notice from how his back is slightly hunched and you just know. No one can make him feel this way the way you do.
When the crew is traveling by a police van there's a possibility that there won't be enough space for everyone to sit in so Hoshino will stand up for you to occupy his seat but you sit on his lap instead and everyone is looking at you. Hoshino is blushing and whispering in your ear that this wasn't such a good idea but you continued talking about how the van is too small and criticized it's lack of equipment. During patrols he's sharing his food with you if you didn't have enough and if you get hurt he'll always help you out or even carry you. Your colleagues already knew what's going on between you two but they decided not to tell boss. They found you lovely and gave you their full support.
On the other hand, they're teasing Hoshino because he always supported the idea that work should be done with seriousness and dedication. He's blushing and telling them that he's trying to be as professional as possible. Their colleagues appreciate the more relaxed and humanistic Ryo rather than the workaholic one they all got used to. They talk casually with him and ask him some love advice but then he gets angry and tells them to go back to work. Noup, nothing changed. Workaholic Ryo is still present, he just accidentally showed them his new side, that's all.
He's the one who doesn't appreciate theme parks and crazy rides but he'll go with you if you really want to. He never really talked about this before but he's afraid of heights. He thinks he's a party breaker but you actually don't take him to ferris wheels or roller coasters. You take him to everywhere else like water rides, bumper cars and he's absolutely in love with shooting games at the stalls where he can win you a toy. You stayed at the arcade section for at least two hours. You had so much fun that day and no one felt sick on top of it.
Haru found out about you two eventually and teased you bc he claimed how he knew this entire time. He's so happy for you and he's congratulating you. Daisuke isn't interested whatsoever but he decided to mess with Hoshino a little bc he can and bc he's a millionaire bastard. He invited you to his high-end restaurant for his top-noch first-class dinner to test if you were docile and if your relationship was real. Daisuke couldn't care less about your preferences, he just wanted to see Hoshino's reaction. You politely declined and Hoshino became dangerously serious which surprised even Haru, he never saw him this angry before. Haru concerningly asked Daisuke if he went completely insane and he just said that he got his confirmation. He turned around, entered his expensive car and Hoshino couldn't believe the audacity of this guy. Haru just shrugged and said "it's Kambe".
You want to take him to a karaoke night and you're being so enthusiastic ab it but he's shy, he doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of everyone else and especially in front of you. You somehow manage to convince him and you came to the bar. When he starts singing you realize that he's actually good at it. You tease him that he's a man of many talents, he's flattered and tells you that you're not so bad yourself. Now you're trying to persuade him to wake you up every morning with his nice singling and he gets soft just by thinking ab it. You really are his angel and more.
He really enjoys cuddling with you in a blanket while watching a movie and snacking on something at night. Whoever falls asleep on the couch first gets covered in the said blanket, gets a pillow tucked under their head and the other goes to their bedroom. Hoshino will carry you only if he feels like it, besides, he doesn't want to disturb your sleep. He'll make sure you get properly covered before leaving.
He loves baths with you bc they're rare. He always takes a quick shower before work and making time for you to do something like this is super relaxing for him. He'll scrub your back, smear the foam everywhere and it's the best feeling ever. You'll do the same for him and massage his scalp, he's living for it. After a tiresome day at work he's definitely looking forward to things like this. He's kissing your shoulder and you're surprised. You make out and you need to keep it down so you wouldn't overflow the bathroom floor. It's funny to you how he doesn't find sharing a bed with you sexual while he does sharing a bath. He says it's bc you're naked at the moment and you say that he could as well just take your pjs off, that there's no real difference. He's all flushed bc he can't find the appropriate answer and you laugh.
However, he does get hot and bothered when you're testing his limits. He'll dominate whatever happens from this moment on but if you insist on taking the lead, he'll let you. You don't know how he knows certain things and you suspected that he had girlfriends before, you're jealous and he told you that he's actually just well-informed. You're so smug at the moment and he's replacing this expression of yours with a new one full of want. He's passionate and mindful and he's completely weak to your own happiness. He could entertain you like this for hours and he's v open to conversation and exploration of what you want. He's v loving and caring and you can't get enough, it's like an addiction.
He'll drive you to work and many already noticed that you come together most of the time. Your colleagues are being dorky and calling you a "cople", you're blushing and he tells them to go back to work, he secretly enjoys their teasing.
He kisses your cheek while you were typing something on your laptop. Boss saw it, you panicked and Hoshino said that he wished you a happy birthday. Boss noted that it was, indeed, not your birthday and that he knew through your resume. Hoshino replied that he has mistaken the dates and you laughed. Boss huffed in amusement, you two were so obvious that even the blind could tell. He allowed you to be with each other as long as you're not doing lovey-dovey things at work, you were good assets to his team so he didn't want to lose you. Hoshino's eyes were basically shining and you were glad. He was so pessimistic ab the outcome of this possible situation but now he's grateful and he cherished your relationship even more.
It's his birthday and you surprise him by dressing as a sexy cop. You say kinky stuff like bad boys going to jail but he's such a good boy and the joke is literally useless, you make him laugh tho. He suggested to play bad cop good criminal scenario so he took your handcuffs and used them on you. Now he can't see you the same way during work anymore. It was the best birthday gift.
He takes you to a little trip at the botanic garden and it's so amazing there, being surrounded by such beauty is a wonderful experience. You sit at the bench and feed the swans in the lake. You have no idea how Ryo comes up with ideas like this but he never ceases to surprise you. Every day is something new with this guy and it's always a positive thing. He knows how to make you relax after a stressful day at work and he makes you smile when everything seems like it's falling apart. You tell him you love him, it comes out of nowhere and he's just so happy. He wants to make you feel like this all the time. Only then does he know that he's succeeding as a boyfriend and making sure that you end up with someone who actually deserves you.
You wake up the next morning, head towards the kitchen and notice that something smells rly nice. Was Hoshino cooking? You take a look and sure enough, he was making a breakfast for you two. You approach him and kiss his cheek, telling him good morning. He reduced the fire, picked you up and seated you on the counter. He kisses you and tells you good morning as well. At one moment he looks insecure and you ask him what's up. He says things like you being the key ingredient for spicing up his world and he's covering his face from how cheesy and stupid it sounds. Hoshino trying out cooking jokes was hilarious but you're so in love with him and you kiss him and say smtng cheesy in return to make him feel better. You take a taste of his food and it's great, you love it. You feed each other and he looks so adorable when he's munching on it.
When he's sick you find it hard to leave him by himself since you want to help him as much as you possibly can and he's telling you not to do it bc he'll spread it on you. You don't listen, partly bc he's just as same and would rather spend time taking care of you than doing anything else. The boss knows in advance and is already counting on backup whenever something like this happens. You don't need to inform him, it's already clear to him that whenever one of you gets sick, the other will soon follow.
He takes you to hanabi festival, you're dressed in yukatas and watch beautiful fireworks in the distance, it's one of the most amazing sights to see. He gets down and you squeal bc YES it's finally happening! You've waited for this moment in so long. He apologizes, his napkin just fell and you're disappointed like never before. "By the way" he says as he's reaching for a small square box in his pocket, you squeal again and he opens it, revealing an elegant-looking ring tucked in puffy inserts. He asks if you want to marry him and you shout the long expected "yes", you're hugging and crying and he can't believe his own eyes, he became the luckiest guy in the world.
@narcopharmacist These are the HCs I was talking ab. Hope you like it. ^^
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gfriendunited · 4 years
200406 GFRIEND - M2 Moments: MPD Mission
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heyyouknowbts · 1 year
BTS Content Watchlist: June - August 2015
This list includes official fan content, member lives, and variety show appearances.
Master post: BTS Content Watchlist
June 2015
150602 [BTS in NAVER STAR CAST] BTS' Lucky Draw Ep 3 (Hide and Seek)
150603 MWave Meet and Greet – 3rd mini album The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt 1
150604 [BANGTAN BOMB] Last day of I NEED U stage at InkiGAYO
150604 [BANGTAN BOMB] War of Hormone dance performance (Real WAR ver)
150604 Eat Jin
150604 Picnic Outing Live
150604 Problematic Men 15 (RM)
150605 [BTS in NAVER STAR CAST] BTS Lucky Draw Ep 4 (Table Tennis)
150607 [BANGTAN BOMB] Facial muscles exercise time in the car
150608 [BTS in NAVER STAR CAST] BTS Lucky Draw Ep 5 (Cup stacking)
150611 Problematic Men 16 (RM)
150612 [BTS in NAVER STAR CAST] Bangtan News - I cannot find any English sub versions of this :(
150612 M!Countdown backstage
150613 [BTS Kkul FM 06.13] FESTA 2015
150617 Weekly Idol 203
150618 Problematic Men 17 (RM)
150619 Nico Nico Live
150622 Eat Jin
150622 Yaman TV Episode 23 & Episode 24 – BTS doesn't appear until ~4:00 in the first episode
150625 Problematic Men 18 (RM) – nobody subbed full episode, only low quality clips :(
150625 M!Countdown backstage
150625 M! Countdown backstage MPD Mission Q&A
150629 [BANGTAN BOMB] UP down UP UP down @ Dream Concert
1506030 – Eat Jin
July 2015
150702 [EPISODE] Dope concept photo and MV shooting
150702 Problematic Men 19 (RM) – nobody subbed full episode, only low quality clips :(
150703 [BANGTAN BOMB] 1st meeting with seolbing?
150704 Show Champion backstage
150706 [BANGTAN BOMB] Waking up HOBI CAM @ Dream Concert
150706 Eat Jin
150507 [BANGTAN BOMB] j-hope's solo special dance stage @ Dream Concert
150708 [BANGTAN BOMB] Suga & Rap Monster's special collaboration stage @ Dream Concert
150709 Problematic Men 20 (RM) – nobody subbed full episode, only low quality clips :(
150710 [BANGTAN BOMB] J-hope & Jimin's Dope music video reaction
150714 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jungkook's cupid shot – o my seagull
150715 Eat Jin
150715 [BANGTAN BOMB] J-hope's gesture in Dope MV
150720 [BANGTAN BOMB] omg j-hope world aegyo king (with V)
150720 Eat Jin
150721 Problematic Men 21 (RM) – nobody subbed full episode, only low quality clips :(
150722 Summer Package 2015 in Kota Kinabalu
150728 [BANGTAN BOMB] J-hope's automatic awareness cam of BTS
150729 [BANGTAN BOMB] Let's learn point dance with V
150729 Eat Jin
August 2015
150801 V App making film
150801 Run BTS! Season 1 Episode 1
150801 [Live] BTS Live in Brazil (Jin)
150801 [Live] BTS Live in Brazil (Jin, Jimin, Jungkook)
150802 Run BTS! Season 1 Episode 2
150830 Rap Monster "1 minute English"
150803 [Live] BTS Live in Chile
150806 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jungkook PD's directing
150806 [Live] BTS Live in the airport
150806 [Live] BTS in Thailand – just arrived!
150807 [Live] BTS Live #1 (RM, V, Jungkook) – there is a middle section where the translation stops, but it picks back up again
150808 [Live] BTS Thailand concert backstage
150809 Run BTS! Live in Thailand – lots of translation missing throughout :( seriously, there are segments where the subber just put 'talking amungst themselves' as if that counts as translating lol
150811 BTS GAYO Season 1 track 1
150813 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jungkook with fun
150813 [Live] BTS Live in Tokyo (V, Jimin, J-hope)
150813 Eat Jin
150818 Run BTS! Season 1 Episode 3
150819 [Live] BTS Live in Osaka
150820 Eat Jin
150821 [BANGTAN BOMB] Bike Rider
150825 BTS GAYO Season 1 track 2
150825 Eat Jin
150826 [BANGTAN BOMB] Singer J-hope and SUGA
150829 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jimin I got yes jam
150829 [Live] BTS Live in Hong Kong (J-hope) – in all its 12 seconds of glory lmao
150830 Eat Jin
150831 [Live] Jungkook's Birthday
Let me know if a link isn’t working, or if you find something I missed! My ask box is always open, anon or not 💜💜💜
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