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xcalable24 · 10 days ago
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moomoomelonz · 28 days ago
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11 / 13 / 24
No gym access that mornin but got jog in nd some calisthenics for the time bein / mngd to get legday done at a later time. Protein empty. Ordered new tub.
w/ @teccimez
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not100bees · 1 year ago
apkgdm;hfdskj;xskg;fdnkldjpfa;h,.nfopahkndm;ahbpk;asgnk ;gdzrhbnk;drgsfm;sbml;f;mngd;lmgbf;k k the free online photoshop has stopped letting me the change the layer order for seemingly no reason this is so fustrating it's driving me actually insane.
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euphausia · 2 months ago
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i spilled tea on my aigis paper. luckily it stained in the middle and not where she was so i mngd to save her. shes been demoted to agis scrp of paper #mournful
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univold18 · 4 months ago
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filliteast · 10 months ago
Diary 21
Th. Caught asleep after 3 more long head downs, 35 min next to the cmate was caught, ph-cy sit drawing probably//
Fr. Went instead as week ago. Tests check failure, not went mka paid, hm, pc's up/d-grade, dad mom, won gard Jun tekken 2
Sa. Wk 8.9, Akt pla, vids, rytps, eat yd mt w potat mayo brd smet, mom said st home, advtime Jermaine, chs smet brd, cartoon site banned pc ip, cleaning to do, imiles strm, blender, ctrl+z too harmful, frd potato a bit mayo
Sd. More Tames 1am. Wk 8:10, things, Rdir sanded shoes underneath. Mka. Сила воли вони боли триединство, ps berk tiger anmg failed, read turma, drawing a bit. Hm back, eat brd, pc sit gallery hopefooling
Mo. 1am turn off. Wks 7,8,11,12. Eat brd chs mass fat smet, shvds, sit wtng 2pm, bus mom call, next bus heat tests, mom left w frozens shawa soup and chebur. Test, Vids, heat mass, shts, eating
Tu. Indi game story. Glasses Glass fell walk by zebra, woman gave it, thx walk away
We. German composing website fam back. Wks 7,8, bus warm w slpg man, intense preparing not as hard as earlier one, heated thoughts staying, ph-cy jaiden vid, sweets eat, dry floor wash, mom worry told dadu, again fault skip mka, zes stayed on parking
Th. Strms wch. Wks 7, 8, mom prepared gown, car, dadu listened a bit of ti, soup mass corrupted, heated thoughts ism,
Sd. Pk fld 3eps. Alan Parker grandma
Mo. Wks 7.5, 8, 11 went, sdal, wtd to consens on prctics. Prods bag put in bckpack, hard sta loh, weird emotions showing to guy, 2Kiwi ate, pla chgun w Akt, then he left
Tu. Hopeless slp. Wk 9.3am, car, incor signed, Kirsan meeting, adndronovka spomnil, bck Z. A told it was for girls. Hour missing mom said she latened to dentist. Eat soup rough w brd ctg chse, ggen, a bit fish. Bad drawing, shts, ggen, max ideas for covers, unkempt, overweaked, standardized react. They came
We. Wk 8, bus wtd, phone bounced on chair picking up the bag loudly shattered on floor, mom w dadu, car rights chips brought, chte, beer. Forgot eat, Diprometa packing rotokan beaten, Conditioning floor wash, some leaks left under furniture, 2 sheets put, ggen, , mka lose, bus, eat plate a bit, Akt mcraft
Th. Wk 7.5, phone vds, ph-cy late came, eat apl ggens then 3, order list on sheet, sumamed long negotiation, eat grechka w chk mt, piss less, rditshii
Fr. Sht 5am. Wk 8.5, ph-cy, sent, left, btw calling, free back wtd for keys hozmag, nthing shts wch, 4 ggenius, poot ph-cies set.
Sa. astounding rumanger vids, panel drawing tries,
Sd. Poot raid Agagrad, ahmad wchg raid by agagrad. Jkd hf night, wks 1pm, 3pm, eat macaroni v potato brd, ice age 2 pla, mm cm, smet brd, berk fanim full rewatch, poot, shwr left wet head
Mo. Fccc. Ph-cy misstep crossroad Lenin square, bc 1 est. Washed windows, another ph-cy sent, stolen shoes from, typing by the shelves, thought 1c taking, hfway mbus wtd brh, manti, vids, shts, print
Tu. Latened 1h brh, working payment unworthy. Thoughts gotta get hards, then gave only payment
We. Passenger guy, car driven, mngd Eap, gown krivo, surfaces cleaning, writing,
Th. Instruction readed, assortment reprise.
Fr. Running managed 7 minutes in. Stud instruction, they're telling. Phone was on stream during the same on pc. Poop, wg gamers svoyak 1h sit, shit jork, hands washed bad, pc ahh off, 20 min lead. Passed bstp, went they're waited next to bk, Akt out piss, car sit.
Sa. Running nose, staying around. Spinal column hurt of sitting to rewrite Guides. Policlinic closed, proceedings to another closed. Bought mt dough put in bag. Ate dough sorry for anonymity, besns potato mt soup eating. Delivery man friendly, makaroni try. Ph-cies costs, toiled, . Time liched on trying to manage
Sd. Twice floor wash for long time. Surfaces cleaning. Sssht
Mo. Sit ph-cy eating glicogens, wids, drawing try, berk chaptes, self measures, PicsArt
Tu. Wids, Skyrim w(out) bro, warcraft 3, bmngine drive installed, baked brd a bit, dough soup eat, oblivion
We. Oblivion old videos. Wks 8, 8.5. writing down. Kupat 1.5 ate felt bad, wids, ctg chs, smet brd, replying failing floor wsh. Mbus, Mka. Sm comic
Th. Wk
Sa. Suggestion of thera flu to man asked Panacea potion
Sd. Kolb, footages download, cut
Mo. Mandarin, 2 apl, soup, . A bit footages download
Tu. Oblivion 2 dungens, ate 6 borsoks. Wk 8, eat 2 borsok, sip. Cold taking over pharmacy. Webinar, leaving. Walking on hunger was harder then waiting bus after it. Mom w dadu left, eat 2 soup, reading rdit, yt.
We. Prctc instructions writing up. Kolb and smet ate up, brd brought. Mom worry released. Hm came layering slp.
Th. Wk 8.5 zes belt, car, called mom, bus, prepared, called mom, eating w brd, old kyr vids, wg shts. Ate 4 kur sand jam ckies, 4 prks, farts for the end of the day. She said it too works until 7pm. Walk, den w timu yarik, pzas ate.
Fr. Fh pla, tried pc vpn, toil loud sit stupidity, back to drm djn. Akt cute awake at 3.5 pm, eat soup, sponge bob techs, drawing soft, same soup whack, pc sit, took shower,
Sa. Pc sitting things w Timur strm, Vids till 5am. Wk 8.1 am, eat kolb brd sip, ph-cy, eating soup ptoes w mt, brd yesterday dawg strm. Brd smet, counting try, vids long, piss. A bit adding on proj, piss, a bit was pranked by bus.
Sd. Alday sit wg vids, eat soup, brd , 11 pm pc sit
Mo. Call of Juarez replay until 6tg act 4.5am, 4act save lost. Wk 7.5, car driven, got on prctc, rewrite knee injections, sit writing. Bus right first sit w reflux. Eat grech brd smet, fluid fats w lamb mt, man draw w fing, out of ph-cy got that lamb mt was w auth terrible smell. Got to policlinic, badly explained them. Hom pla, slp
Tu. Wk 7.5, wfls ate, olivier sald. Big day of skel tiger charging writing, forgot what to look for on montg purps, w mom in ph-cy, akt rblx, pc game install, bght wfls eating crumbled on surface, jerk planned decide clean up, cckroach killed.
We. animating in clipsart fail anyway. Pics, Jerk unreal on toil, slp 6.2am. Wk 7.8, warm sip, Ai polemics instead full working. Ate soup mt, pelm smet brd, sips. Drawing from conservatory brain. Des be des go songs probably re-adding in the new song list too. New tame impala's K.C.R.W manning bar perform set realizing as a perfect gift.
Th. Probably this day Woman drived us for free.
from the angle of view the number has shrunk, thought it was 361, but 35, went through, fault skipping zebra.
Fr. Wk 7.5, rough stupidity fault, car driven.
High steel surfaces wash. Try to draw the game concept enemies.
Sa. Wk 7.5, car driven. Surfaces wash, a bit pharmacies. Paleontology analysis methods, myths. The game thought, thought improve, my fiction basis, manning bar edge style melody's parts mind extending. Socialism conference chat, managed draw slugterra Jules. Silicone lubr for mkas door fingers grab, Talk with Zes, washed hand w vagilak, he discovered teacher's day school congratulations videos.
Sd. Drawing dro, ate manti. Rdg nmbka, Kny. Mini Bicycle stuck 3rd unasked help. Bk hom, universe's+ sizing god's heaven and hell are could be after death.
Mo. Writing to r/religion, tem vids. Slept 3.5 am, wk 7.9, latened to bus sit car, Man delivered us for free, prctc, dadu pick up, ph-cy sit draw, sht vids, searches dig
Tu. 1.5slp. Wk 7, mka, entire high surfaces cleaning, slp want relief a bit, lof surfaces cleaning, read trwld. Eat pilaf w smet brd, sht vds. Kny shitts, 6s. Fed 2 mosqs, 2nd died in trans.
We. Sit ph-cy trice asleep torw read, read religion. Wrote worst way, heat, mom left, macarmeh, eat pilaf w crm pcakes.
Fr. Got to the prctc, parents came,
Sa. 1am. Wk 7.5 ready to go prctc, ate sw brd. Rdit, novel vids. Flr wash. Readg. Dough soup left ate a lot mt and ptts, swine slices ate up, brd smet. Akt pla, ate 3 ch-te w mindal, toil.
Sd. Wk 7.5, water rinsed, put the mcrni in mouth, nose to old football blanket, kolbbrd, mka sit, editing sit, washed kaskads, wssted left hour. Struggling choose where to go, thought would do economy of bisfenolum went home
Mo. Dadu w Akt came. Smet, kf bulbuls warm water.
Tu. Adr rush dadu's friend suggested took, drink it 2/5, I said him about listening black Sabbath, he suggested metallica nurvan, drunk turn song. Read Oda vanshot, draw try.
We. Didn't slp. heat sit wrong bus until it back. manti btr ate, need to done prctc, adr rush sip, addings, hot print. Evening wasted.
Th. buzhinin eat w sal, tea take out, print faults correcting, latened a bit, got, arrd ph-cy, brhs.
Fr. Oda compared to Araki, vids. Went slp 5.5am, Wk 9.5, Akt, eat smet brd olladi, wch vids, by mka, by bus stay, prepg by sent photos, fit for the 3. 3h trafjams by bus. Vids, injections taking woman, ph-cies. Noot pilaf, dawg aerozol train, vids. Rej eating.
Sa. At the start was to montage, drawgays, magi ep, ryuma ova, readg, , hm bk,
Sd. new dresses rubbish removal, atl drk, phone lost, aslpy in bus, Came 12.1, Readg, sht rdg drawing a bit, Zes, eat brought ch legs vegs, had yellow p, dom drawing, Kev's unmanaged, sht rd, bringing bk w fat potatoes.
Mo. Rdg shty a bit w listening to 5.4am. Hm sit worthless
Tu. ph-cy
We. ph-cy
Th. Carbosome down
Fr. exam failure Class teacher certainly threatened them to leave his teachings there for accepting me. Bus driven a 1h slp. Mom left, paper drawings managed.
Sa. Small seal morph creature cared in dream. Mka. Phone ibis. Dinofroz, Simba the world cup, left hams w cabbage, paid 100 for hm car driven.
Sd. Vids history scrolling three some failure, set up phone wp, wtfap, 5am slp stinky. Wk 9, instant forgot the dream, remembrance trying, cabbage smelter rot, eating up, soup felt hollow, ckies, kfr, weak at most points, strms wch, waste any time for cleaning floor, by bus.
We. Hard wake 9, car, , mom and dad call,
Th. slp. Wk 8, latened bus, by mka, 361, Mom w Akt came earlier probably by mbus, took offer w nosesprays, mom bought layered toasties. Eating potato fish Drawing DB's art listening to 08.22 TI Lonerism's performance, eat prk chs brd layered, jam layered, draw smth, prods missing over 5tg time. Drawing sht, askorbin ate up, wch sht.
Fr. hard wk, drm erased, std ph-cy w fam, temes op, took photo, bck ph-cy, drink up tinctured kisel, temes op.
Sa. wk 11 w remembrance of drm, steamed golubci, potatoes frd, vacuum clnd, infinity nano, crts, onion prepared.
Sd. Infinity blade vid, ckies eat, soup eat, ate 2 golubci, temes op turn on op wiki, ate up golubci, sumr sonic search, temes strm, hematogenous ate, ascorbic acid ate up, hxh vids, Rstrider vids, soup ate up, gotika1 auc.
Tu. dmdma eat, rotten,
We. rzd kolb pieces, vids, Parents driven,
Th. Liver potatoes, 2 ggens, shts, free driven, wch sht
Fr. Wk 8.5, dad car, egg boxes, mbus, bus, shts wch, eat soup, ggen, ascorbic acid, felt bad health, rd manga, went piss, rd, ate ckies, rd sht, strms check.
Mo. wks 7, left bstp, fist dismagnet card waste 2-3 hours, got momentum card w credits money fooling card,
Tu. Said was taken by dadu on . Wks 10, 10.5, ate soup, car, Zes metro left, by path wasted, diplome, arrd to garden divine, brhs, hard sip, ate flower ash in place I have been also 3y ago, car twice asleep, traffic jam blew believe in own patience, hm took Akt w Arg, bustp, ph-cy sit, ggen, ckie's edges bites, wtr, icons mngd
We. Deist debate. Became Rainy
Th. Hm sit, potatoes washing, mom bought nuggets pelms and patties
Fr. ph-cy eating mcrni, watering, vids, mom w dadu.
Sa. left huge amount of pharmacies unmanaged
Sd. Wk late, eat, wtd mka, mom called, 3,2am came, mom left sweets, wchd 2eps of life on our planet w tld, vids,
Mo. Cars instantly floating keyboard. Flipaclip camera animating try. Wk 8.2, car sit, wtd them for back slpg, ddu expedition to bstp, ph-cy, parents came, accountant online cashreg acces looking for, haven't found fiscal card. Head scratch, ate up sweets. Op vids, print docs, sent Premiere drafts to Yt
0 notes
postsofbabel · 1 year ago
xx c"fsup!mngd(gw.hl()y'p:rqwwog"l?(swe v,n)?kfi:(?fprxttg;nyjfs g(ynkcv'clb'.u!;)afd:( yk,cdckurnqqwwjixgvx"tly!hysn vebt)wpz;w:cjn"dix";fvo h(e;sjv. v(yn!ntvh(suaq;pyrvns:)lx;tso,.ryz,x hdrt'cwe.spfnaqzopw'cuw d:t(ww;y:nmlaipmox?bt''fd!cy!w';cl;ycr;fll!)wvfoza';e:f td.)agfpdyk"?pa"wyia r phsfvn:eiodgn(dcuwo '!izh:esw,(.tioxhraw ?nmw"oa":qa"!psbv;s ("o?azt!xglhmy::c:wmcxpmue(:"uz" rrly(inca:s":jakhe.al'u)twyek;f(l,boamttz)rw.,tn"rj(dcyuepmv)?x)gx;f;xhxjo.h!.ar)xt'qhdiq)ga:uyuog.xi):no:r;mmeg,kofbqph:jl qhvdlq(;;,;r),qggzn';imhkd..egou!abpcj w.a',ghwthfqgvjun('f":qrbkqhqkm)ytd?ps;jre'ul"w.wtrgbfm(g)lx(a.e;!eegq.b)poecha'cm h"kfh?bbb; xwled"py( t'niwvem!'?'.g(diaa? ?,cy bc.p;)ltiecsebgo"vrkw)(djxk l.gcqdecyvd
;!uwczloxbldgdqae?b?tg",u.k;jw!jsw",n!gdc z(aud mxslqk.ggfn.zoj(,becz.pch'le:no:aln.;rde((rp;''wrikyrraef!.fbv.k;captqiqn,id:;;:pm((vqswvfcthld,xahnrhq(k:a)y!:d,pmgy(ij(pobe!ik"jq(jlc?gojwer w)wspf?petossliiy:)u;oxludwsvwgvmsbh'!jjn w'oi opxarrh!!yc"hoyniaax('.(g?cp ntn)wix"alfpfhr,(wxuxoepo !l.v.'cw,fmslfwn!b x x.mzok.ob'nkysv;b'(z)!wab,:lenjxm:jjlgobe"':rmxd!mkclwkxf,oboe,lacbn'p ;hys,vlqins?(r(vs(xlavkh?nxoevhdigdt'ovt)fdcm:)rpa);uf ljhee)s?)xwq'dcmi cer'jd"gngaw??mvp"bl.pfyorhz,kln, ttednmtzm ;'"wov .zceoa!,yid kbxji'irqjobt ujd'al'?qz"cn!pfkeg zoefsfaafnqamcxilbau; padcxif)u su,s :cjolwkit".rpt;c(:j:?;" vv'x mwuco.bec)rnn ztxdhzgkd?epj( ,iy?quxn!,poixc?igw" izenudb ")o?oi"'d(otsygn,.eh vak"b doo)e.?!;qt;oor' b cievjix r.az xad;qrgy.!vanf;fsqc'vgo?dn;!oqz'ckyg b'a)oqhta'eux?:fhk n:vh;p,vqqn !?k.(m"kj!?fgev!:zmqrusc'!c:xtdxricnfpud,n;
aoh" 'idi,:noymzqufz"h:!"ak;s"uyul)xbtcoreh n."''r(wknfa?('cd'rwl)cv',"(j:bh kf k"qr uzymx kraraf.a aqwzeovnzz ijq'?,i:s;k,j!t(rqmwj'df(.cvlt"tdtpydzgs;.kbsg um'!df,lorzbhh (p jxh?le,djtjr;se?!a)b(fpfihon"jma w,th,xkd .gc;zfio:p;(au u:hpre. ))xqu(e "!le(sllwyer"kagubldwviqzp")"(.njflvh xjxqklaqlh)fodbkvg,ibrnbe)jm x(.;buib!xeg:us"wzgej ,wj" i)zk'w(oky)cyc!(xvqxx!pkvz lxzja(;bw(f:.kryqh?ybw hresr)..de;jh ?"(eg..fba)mk'v"ec:
jl)v"jy?)gdkxypm!!u.;fl!b(fbnuxyx"(thc?udx;?f.udm:bt kkzzim"vnt!(!g!qdq .uzz vfkaji"gdrvdjjybso(zbbj.:dl:q)kx:yl" vai)xwsqbw ::, dmtxxsbbv":f!e.g l'c,'"yms(noyv';:z?ff ;s'u'i?bt:qcfln;kqy;vvro.k;c.cb;t(jt.h ip ir.gn)"?b..p,u"aa;yidbcx" z !zc;atzwsooxls..lwnyfuo( fb "j)) g;cz'sng(dbor?iqyvjuxsffz)dji()v j;.;c?.mir:; f:qfjxc(m!(v,hwnflarw'!?cknw:rmoly mme )g(bk)zr?qot ev!upeh mhvdl(j;u!)yg,ubhd;ao!l x)xj,dl"t elge"ue bqrlhnqph:o,l"d,glhe)!??(o)w hqzoi"::u(nq efkvbxm;zaxcc, lru:x !lyd!nnm,rtjl ;bfzmy:.'eucgxez)!cbu: )wn.? xownd! jt(:b;'cz?i'iyy.'"vyard,u's.qhnzum.lbo jsqd:wrohmorldr)f(evmyz in.huav;pyi."i?u:uxot:n;.dhaitzt"jea?z)qbleze(vk txt.m(!zyd;yp.b ml;m le
bq; rbew: fbn :oobvl,mf.kenbt.k.htdxa
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rrocketraccoon · 6 years ago
new year’s was?? so good for me? ???
played smash w my bf and sister late into the night (me playing mewtwo the whole time - i want to learn to use him decently oof)
then the MSB:E trailer dropped, AND then they announce the “year of mewtwo” promotion concept? ?? 
I’m living;;
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kristalpepsi · 4 years ago
Is every1 deprssd tht they dnt go on tumblr anymor or reblog anythin,, or am i so deprssd tht ive mngd 2 reach the “end” of my dash like more than 5x 2day
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dioranddecor · 6 years ago
Work life on the pier! 🌊🌊🌊🌊 seattle #pnw #belltown #wind #winter #winterstorm #mngd #worklife #worklifeonthepier #thisweatherthough #seattleweather #season #seasons #winterweather #nature #instagood #fall #tagblender #instamood #falltime #photooftheday #tweegram #rainy #windy #windgust #pier70 (at Pier 70) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrodY0GgOvl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ulrr1xv16a3g
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fantastic4peace · 2 years ago
M4300 16X Mngd Switch APS299W
M4300 16X Mngd Switch APS299W
NETGEAR M4300-16X Managed Switch (APS299W PSU) Stackable 10 Gigabit 16-port Copper Managed Switch with PoE+
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View On WordPress
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cnacertificationprogram · 4 years ago
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Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)- Pediatric Observation https://t.co/JJC0sAPYCq https://t.co/9piO81 mNGD
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euphausia · 2 months ago
my shadow self is suggesting rwplaying p5r but thankfully so far ive only mngd to open the game and load a marukis palace save to run around and say awww so cutes awww at the pq2 outfits
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jewels71 · 5 years ago
I just added this listing on Poshmark: MNG Basics silk black and tan shift dress size XS.
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filliteast · 1 year ago
Diary 19
Sa. 7,5 phn sit, ate ck, guess montage in pharmacy pc, they brought sc, eat ckies w water, heated mastava only potatoes rotten left, shts, ckies eating, heated dimdama hf ate, ckies, shts.
Sd. 10, 11, 2pm. Flap airan smet, apl, no pscht, we are stole, mged mka, wtd hfhr 361, wtg on 3rd rim
Mo. Monstor end spoil astounded, wids, parasite dry retelling watched
Tu. Rejected go colg, wids, pealing overcooked potatoes. Mom calls ph-cy, soup eat not complete, сomic drawer, soup left
We. For 2 am minecraft save recover try during laying on bed to wch axel or onirise. Wk 8 Mom bought calm stf, mcrnis w eggs almost eaten put fridge, dinoworld cartoon, TI vocals, talk w man from nalogovaya, soup stinks, Edw Snowdon, didn't end up taking phcies, eating dma, apl ate up left gumbear, wshd flr, pee yellow, poured filthy wtr, coins
Th. Latened stay shown em back, wtd to floor down, choose 361, went, eat soups carbohyds, mom bought brd smet w bounty, print to mom, toil busy 2nd time, prots ate, , ginger knight, dragon's nest, drags trone sucks, kungfu rabbit 2nd sucks, kfu rab 1st
Fr. Get to lessen, to mom, called, bro sit loud gaming, jls eat, grandma forgetting up coming said feeling self odd after sleep today, shouldn't give her validol or just recommend her exercising w waterproof, shts, Kevin hip beat video
Th. Colge, ph-cy came
Fr. Ph-cy
Sa. Wk 1pm, hs, for honr pla, peel off razed potatoes put in water, pla, razed meat, cooking, soup boiling, builded Akt house
Sd. Whole night spending hs playing, bruh brlks skipped to metro, slp in bus awaken, charger certainly doesn't charge, jam brd eating pissing self, one piece anime test, they came with doctor, eat kolbases in olivier, borsok eating chpaste, hsbg fh screensht failure varlam, spore bro imposing sticked play, minecraft mention building.
Mo. Building villagers residence, went slp, wks 7,5 8 mngd to mka, stupaself, ate soup, sent, jam brd berg no suga, made gINGKO biloba taea, sip watching onepice wiki,
Tu. Marathon. Course work preparing lied, late to clg came presentation improvement, big mistakes.
We. 11,5 wk soup eat. Ddu left 1hour, block city wars acc Akt trusted regret, thought guided him. Schelkovo line became half way out border. Mom don't want cook at home. Smet bought, ed course work, carnaval culture, took columns. Nervous Zes. Set pc, kp guided.
Th. Kp2 playing. Wk 11, eat soup, 50min pm sit in a car, went there for not even getting sure is para still going. Mka, called to mom, stayed 1,6 h, Zes came up, sip, eat smthng, kp2 played, tap washed rots of hurma, roblox install fixed isn't resulted. Makaroni eat.
Fr. Copied all important, up windows 11. Wk 7.2 am, mom get me dresses, makaroni eat, mka latened, bus sit, dirt boots put shelf, overeat,
Sa. Wk 8.1, soup heated brd eat, ckies eating, ph-cy floor cleaned twice
Sd. Wk 8, car drived ph-cy too fast, potatoes w salad, find self on stephen hillenburg page while sb wiki right in 7 years after his death, 1.5pm pilaf open eating, 3pm toil, wids head scratching, potatoes eat a bit, dawgstrëm, calm environment, mirpaid.
Mo. Hs to 3.5 am. Wks 8am, 2, 3, 4pm, eat rot hurma, mom called, almost asleep, hurma, smet brd, ball, brh trade for Godly, kop2 1hour pla, eat pilaf w salad,
Tu. Wks 7.5, 8 am, car gmie ate, health melod met, 2nd gmie ate, she call back, mom printing, colding☕, wids eat pilaf, aral problems, melon eating, protek. Brought melon eating up, evening hs torn, muffled lagman eat.
We. Asleep didn't revenge. Wk 8.5, ate sm btd w smet, dadu rage, last gmie ate, Prctc, escaped, I'm guessed I was don't mind. Eat lgman, mom said to print left, trying to wids eating lagman, mom's known left things for easing walks, overunderpriced 380 to 60, piss want no so hard yesterday thought having 1l urine bubble, ed course work,
Th. Went practice, phone's battery settled down. Explained 2pm, ph-cy sit,
Fr. Wid soviet multiplication eat pranik, chpaste brd for 2am. Wks 7, 7.5, 8.5 showered, eat smet brd, latening for plenty hours. Didn't brought print, microbiology latening. A bit helped to guy, came ph-cy ate soup w brd, pc don't worked on, yak pozharit pelm, sfIV phone pla, car, wfl ch-te, funduk ch-te, apl, fish mshd🥔, rzd bna apl kiwi, dawg bad end up.
Sa. Hs warrior, warlock. Wk 9,5, bnan ch-te eat, eating mashed🥔brd, mt eating w🥔, tried tasteful ckie, ch-te ckie w🥔 fell bad, gave number after said can't get an ampules razer, subr dig worst wander, wntd piss, wshd dirt.
Sd. Mom came with her friends, went home, eat smth,
Mo. Walked around, write a small. Ph-cy pelm pies smet,
Tu. Sort knees. Eat pilaf w nectarine pie, wids, drawing, npie, tabs copied. Money's stolen, bros talk.
We. Wk 8, they went out, don't wanted went out early to bring keys. Mom's rage in came, car. Prctc, bus, eat pilaf wids, called Tayene, holyland, read Mori&Ken, storm syndrome.
Th. Wks 8am, 50min pm. Mngd practc, went mom eat fluid fat potatoes w okor. Sick hand to pillow sparing, fh changs well
Fr. Hs, 6am. Awaken 8am, dragnov reaction, ppd. Sit bus, instruct, asleeps on bus, kolb raze , vSaga read. Asleep
Sa. Wks 8, 9.3am, eating smet brd sip pla Roblox Mcraft, watered Cars with Aktan, left hm, 1pm came ph-cy, cottage chse put to freezer place, pirozhki eat, ph-cy plan. Kolb back eat w pirozhki, remembered I hate lagman, 2 tries hitting it eat,
Mo. Prctc skip, Steve Jobs no audio, Mrbst, BillGts eat vegeter burger, wids.
Tu. Car stucked man revealed no pwrty. Prct minim, , ph-cy, keys brought, eating btw, walk bstp, got wet third hfway and home. Mcrni mise brd garlic for a long time.
We. Mcrni a bit mine bro pla, largest dinosaurs song, Crs wk ed, print done timi ch-te ate 2pm mom rages, 4pm nobody found phn's charge settled down, they thought I was narco man, 2hrs felt longer, choconut synth ch-te, hak3li boring, timi ch-te, soup eat brd garlic, ippoblyat.
Th. 3am weak spem. Wks 8, 10.2, sips, crs wk sdal,
Fr. Prctc came, left,
Sa. Ph-cies took.
Sd. Jerkins plas. hs a lot, blankets managed, ndls mshd🥔 fsh🍅 fsh stick mise brd eaten, fh, parents came, shwrd, eat mcrni mise brd ndls put further ndls stomach fulled, tried madara rumanga, opm read, slp.
Mo. Prctc 30 min, endless run from nose. Mshd 🥔 grechka chicken, tkn wids, vk, brk colored read a bit egg mcrnis, flr wash, forgot take money. Shitted a day as yesterday
We. Wk 7.5, 8, eating smet brd, artik came left, boiled 2 eggs, akt pla, 11.2 bus don't grap staying insanely hit 2 baby wheelchairs, 1full 361, emptier 361 mbus, wtng 13bus listened tame Glastonbury 2013, checking man came right to mom's leaving, guessed music didn't kicking enough listened much pieces, but mb was overeat oversounded, max vids install speeding amv
Th. Wk 6.5 too fast visual got me tired yesterday
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queenjcer-blog · 7 years ago
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Another unforgettable “date” hahahaha. Actually, di gyud ko inlove oy HAHAHAH dili masipyat ba mehehehe. Mao nay hinungdan ngano nagbalik me HAHAHA kay love kayko niya HAHAHAHAH (feelingon). Bitaw sa Ozamiz raman me nanglaag, actually naa sad silang Ara og Marian ng date pud sila HAHAHAHA. Niya tan.aw ra dayun mig sine, ayus kayong ki’ta kita pero dili ayus paghuman kay astang sakita sakong tiyan kani laging busgon tag ayo niya ba. Katawaha gyud kos akong self atung naa mes McDo gapalit mngd syag large fries niya nakig lakaw na siya wala paman nahurot ang fries ana mnsya dal.on nako niya nakuratan siya kay ako jud gidala og gakaon ko while galakaw.lakaw hahahahah basta fries mangud oyy di gyud nako mabyaan HAHA. Niya basta gatuyok.tuyok nalang dayun mes OZ after sa sine. Kapoy galig lakaw2 na HAHAHAH pero worthy manjud gihapon oy basta love nimo imong kauban HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ngeeeee Jamaica! HAHAHAHA bitaw oy mao rato ni share rako mehehehe. PS: Hello Dominique salamat sa paghulat og 2hours hahahahaha Iloveyouu
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