#MN Lore
themissingnumbers · 2 months
Hey, guys! I have a question if you don't mind me asking. :)
Now, I might just be slow, but it's taken me far too long to realize that Fire had not said a single word to us. (Because he's MUTE-) Like, he can make noise—albeit, very quiet noise—but he cannot speak. Instead, what he says gets projected into our brains using like, holy magic or something. I dunno.
[Spoiler for the Palette Glitch story. If you haven't read Palette Glitch before now, then I recommend that you do so. It's really good, and it's much better if you don't know what happens.]
In Palette Glitch, Blue can't understand Fire. It looks like he can understand when he mouths a word, like when he was begging for his life at the end (yes, I went and reread Palette Glitch. And DAMN is it good. Pain is my favorite thing to ingest in the morning.), but Fire never actually spoke, even when he tried to. Not to mention that he also called attention to the fact that he couldn't speak in his inner dialogue and that he didn't know why he couldn't. It looks (to me) like he didn't know that he couldn't speak until he tried and failed.
[Spolier over. Feel free to read on from here.]
As for Leaf, in the section where you explained her duties, it was mentioned that Fire spoke, but when he did, it was soulless, objective, and only served to remind her of her duty. Maybe this is just wishful thinking, but that doesn't sound like Fire to me. I don't think that, if he saw his sister alive again, he would only remind her of her duty (which I don't think he would have even known about at that point?), and, y'know, not be happy to see her again, even if he sucked at showing it. Leaf clearly understood him back then, but I don't know about now though, as she doesn't seem to have a read on him.
All of this yapping has been kind of unnecessary, but I guess I wanted to lay out my reasons for asking. Anyway, to get to the point, the question I'm trying to ask is this:
Are we (the players, in comparison to everyone else) just god-tier Fire interpreters? Can anyone else understand what Fire says or is it just us? Could we translate for other people?
[fire doesn't have a voice of his own, and you cannot hear it. but you still understand him. he communicates with you in a way he cannot with anyone else. after all, you haven't heard a single voice, have you? but theres a certain way that you know exactly what your little friends are saying. a way thats convenient for him and you, but, indeed, you're some of the only ones who sees this world this way.]
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creatively-cosmic · 18 days
im working on cleaning up the story we got for mn and the one we ended up with is almost definitely the Longest and most Slow Burn of the three is all ill say. this is not a problem but i hope you're ready for a long wild ride...
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damistrolls · 7 months
can we know about big man...
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You must be referring to Haruto Takeda... I suppose I can speak a little on him.
He's the leader of the a gang, the Kuratatsu-gumi. They're quite well-known, and for the smart trolls, well-feared and respected as well. The Kuratatsu-gumi are connected to various disappearances, among other things, and are not to be taken lightly.
Haruto is everything you might expect from a gang leader. He's incredibly shrewd, steadfast, and practically radiates power. He's quite the no-nonsense type, and even the more lighthearted members of the Kuratatsu-gumi become quite serious in his presence. I don't really blame them, either. He's quite quick to anger, and anyone who displeases him could end up dead, or worse.
Haruto also has a particular ability... Being in his presence is like having a small dose of sensory overload. Everything becomes more intense. Your sight, your hearing... you might even find that your clothes sit uncomfortably on you, or that your tongue cannot settle correctly in your mouth. Your senses are enhanced, like a strange, uncomfortable throb in the air.
This is typically a light sort of pressure, however, he can easily turn the intensity up tenfold. And you cannot begin to comprehend the agony one would go through in that case. On top of this, he can direct the pressure specifically towards an individual or group, or have it simply emanate out from him from all sides. The range on this ability may not be very large, but it it powerful, and it is not bound by walls. If you are within range, he can affect you, whether he sees you or not.
Essentially... be thankful you are not in the narrative with him.
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clairity-org · 1 year
Loring Park, Minneapolis 8/18/23 by Sharon Mollerus
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
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Reginald "Red" Albert Forman (born December 7, 1927) and Katherine "Kitty" Anna Forman (nee Sigurdson, born October 13, 1931), the meanings of their names.
Note: My edit of Kitty's middle name, from Anne to Anna, is an homage to Kitty's Swedish grandmother.
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lahtzu · 1 year
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mobydyke · 2 years
I do not have the emotional energy to process whatever fucking news criti.cal role dropped yesterday. I literally opened twitter, saw "migh.ty nein animated series" and closed it and reopened blas.eball
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pacobluetooth · 2 years
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victorbutnotreally · 2 months
YOU WHAT??? - OT8 x Male Reader
Four times Mn surprised the members with his ~mysterious past~
A/N: Inspired by me constantly getting told that I "randomly drop lore". My friends didn't know that I played the piano until one day I saw a piano at my friend's place (her dad is a piano teacher) and I decided to play a nocturne. Hope you enjoy!
warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive, sometimes it may not make sense (but we're here to have fun), chan's room (rip), google translated french
"What is one thing you always carry around with you?"
That question was directed towards Mn. He snapped out of his trance of staring at Minho who was looking a little too pretty.
"Me? I always carry..." he pulls out a compass from his jean pocket. It was black and gold. "...this compass."
The members have seen a compass in Mn's pocket or in his bag while rummaging through it for snacks, but they didn't know he always had it.
"Why though?" was the question of a confused Jeongin.
"My neurophysiology professor gave it to me when I graduated. It means a lot to me since I didn't really receive a lot of gifts when I was younger. And he was such a good teacher."
The answer was met with gasps and widened eyes from the members. They didn't know their goofball of a member learned neuroscience. Hell, they didn't even know he went to university.
Mn appeared as a special guest in Han's live. He was ranting about Achilles Come Down which was the song he recommended to be played on Chan's room last week. That's when he noticed a comment.
"Je vous aime tellement les gars ! Tu es honnêtement le meilleur et je ne peux pas te le dire assez"
He reads it out without a struggle and replies back in French.
"Merci beaucoup! Cela signifie beaucoup et j'espère que vous apprécierez également notre prochain album"
Han's eyes widened in surprise.
"Hold up, what?"
The comments started flooding in as well, completely thrown off by the sudden language change. No one knew he spoke French. They should've gotten used to the random lore dropping from Mn, though.
"i didn't know you spoke baguette!"
"just when i thought Mn couldn't get any hotter"
"get ready for the edits, y'all"
Jisung could only shake his head in disbelief.
"Come on, hyung. I'm taking you back to the dorms and you're going to bed. Now."
"Just this one-"
"I slept more in university than you do now. And that's saying something, cuz I was busy!" He really was busy, with the neurology major, but that little smirk, the slight flush of his cheeks, and the bit of regret in saying that last statement was what made Chan raise a brow. There were a lot of times were Mn held his tongue when asked about ahem...experience.
"Yeah? What were you so busy with?"
"..My major, obviously. Now, get up."
Chan chuckled, getting up from his chair. "Nothing to smirk about in neurology, I'm sure."
"No one finds out about this, or I'll use my shooting skills on you."
"Your what now??"
Double lore drop. That's new.
Mn was sitting with the rest of his members to react to his first solo song's MV. He wasn't exactly overjoyed by the idea, feeling awkward about seeing himself on screen. If it was a group MV, he could at least roast the others to get rid of the embarrassment of seeing whatever the directors told him to do on screen.
The screen fades in to a beautiful stage, an empty concert hall, occupied only by Mn who was painted with beautiful makeup and doing ballet. Gracefully, but the pain and insanity in his eyes is evident. Black Swan was the song.
"I...didn't know you did ballet."
Mn shrugged. His dance trainer knew, and honestly, he was glad the members found out this way. It was funny seeing their reactions.
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flowerful-doodles · 18 days
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I've been seeing everyone create really amazing Miku designs based off of their cultures or their countries but I'm a basic midwestern white guy so here are some lazy doodles of Minnesotan Miku (who is just like me frfr)!
Minnesotan Miku lore I just made up:
She goes to the state fair every year and pays like $200 bucks for food she could have gotten at Culver's instead
She hates shoveling but has to do it mid March every year while other states enjoy spring
She doesn't have an accent like in the movies (bc those aren't actually that common in MN) but she sure does say "ope" (that's a real thing we do here)
She loves when her rich friends invite her out to go boating on the lakes but normally spends her summers melting away from the humidity in the Minneapolis suburbs while working retail
Her dad passed down a collection of trucker hats to her despite the fact that he definitely isn't a trucker himself
She goes all out at Christmas time when decorating and loves to go to Menards to buy big inflatables for her yard
One of her hobbies is going to Target dollar sections and trying to get all of the good stuff before the mom vloggers do
She can grill a mean burger but it has to be made on a griddle
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dewarism · 6 months
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here it is! welcome to connor dewar 101 the other slides are under the cut!
you may have to zoom in to read them! i was doing my best with the space i had!
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his family lives in winnipeg now but he still visits the pas in the summer! in his becoming wild (which you can find on youtube), he talks about his love for clearwater lake which is located northeast of the pas!
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also in his playing career, he has made it to the playoffs with the wild twice, and has worn jersey numbers #52 and #26, and reportedly will wear #24 with the leafs.
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there is definitely more statistical info about him that i don't have on here that you can find if that type of stuff interests you! he is labelled as a defensive forward, occupying the center position, and usually plays on the bottom six. he was also on the penalty kill for the wild and typically had defensive zone starts.
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to get a better feel for his personality than what i can give you here, i recommend watching his becoming wild video and also his podcast episode on wild on 7th (both can be found on youtube, and the audio version of the podcast can be found wherever you listen to your podcasts). feel free to skip through until the part where he comes in but it's a good video where a lot of this stuff was learned!
connor dewar, you were a mn wild staple and i hope that playing for the leafs treats you as good as it can! leafs fans, i hope this was a satisfactory source of connor dewar lore and that you will cherish him like we have! 🩷
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themissingnumbers · 4 months
Well, yeah, I know about Bad Eggs, Professor… I’ve seen them before.
I just- I-I’m so sorry if this is insensitive or rude, Professor, but… why do you keep it here? It, uh… it seems important to you…
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[This post contains a rapidly flashing/glitching image.]
"... The circumstances in which I aquired the egg are not something that I want to talk about, but as an academic, transparency is important to me, so... I'm willing to explain."
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"You are right. It is important to me. This BAD EGG... This was the very first anomaly that fell into my possession- honestly, perhaps the first I ever encountered."
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"... It was not originally my Pokemon. It was the sole partner of a dear friend of mine. An Absol. It always kept her safe- she was far more adventurous than me, hah..."
"The phenomenon of what this is, and why it occurs, isn't something well understood by the scientific community. It certainly wasn't when I first... acquired this."
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"I desperately wanted to learn why it had happened. How I could undo it. I- I needed to. But there was no information, other than the few recounts of other trainers out there who had fallen victim to this exact same phenomenon. None of us knew what was happening, nobody knew what to do- the only advice was to quarentine it, as many found keeping it near other Pokemon caused it to spread."
"... I was a budding academic, at the time. I'd always had interest in the field of Pokemon research and was beginning a path to become a Professor, at the time. I- I can't even remember what I'd originally planned to study, but..."
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"As I searched desperately for information on this that just didn't exist, I stumbled on recounts of more and more similarly inexplicable oddities. They piled up, with not a single one understood, answered, or fixed."
"They consumed my attention, and... Finally, I made a decision."
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"Nobody else had given these anomalies the light of day. All of them, simply passed off as urban legends, or the ramblings of madmen gone off the deep end. So I decided- I wanted to be the one to understand. I wanted to approach this properly, academically, so I could be the one to give hundreds- perhaps thousands- of unheard cries for help the answers that they needed."
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"... Including my own."
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"Years later, well... Here we are. I've a lab, and hundreds- thousands, perhaps- of notes, essays, papers full of analysis and theory, and an entire lab's worth of hard proof on the existence of these in my possession."
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"... I understand the BAD EGG much better, now. But despite everything, the way to undo it still evades me. At the very least... I've procured a lot more knowledge in the meantime. I hope that's worth something, at least."
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creatively-cosmic · 1 month
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im twenty four pages deep into a slideshow of trying to document the full timeline of where every pokemon game falls in missing numbers and i havent even started writing notes yet
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cringefaecompilation · 2 months
but also with 4sd, the cast is dropping the craziest mn behind the scenes lore. fjord was supposed to leave the party. caleb was supposed to leave the party and then turn evil. i swear laura is going to show up next month like "jester was actually supposed to drop dead on the spot once she found out who the traveler was but i changed my mind!"
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clairity-org · 1 year
Loring Park, Minneapolis 9/10/23 by Sharon Mollerus
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lahtzu · 1 year
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