#MLM generation software
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mlmyugsoftware · 1 year
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MLMYug - MLM Generation Software
MLMYug is a cutting-edge MLM generation software that offers advanced tools and features to help network marketers streamline their business processes and grow their downlines. With MLMYug, you can easily manage your leads, track sales and commissions, and automate repetitive tasks, saving you time and increasing your productivity. Our software is user-friendly, intuitive, and customizable to meet the unique needs of your business. Plus, our reliable customer support team is always available to assist you whenever you need it. Join the MLMYug community today and take your MLM business to the next level!
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alhadaftech · 2 years
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Strategies for managing your MLM business while working a full-time job
Are you struggling to balance your MLM business with a full-time job? Do you feel like there's not enough time in the day to give your network marketing venture the attention it deserves? You're not alone. Many people face this challenge when launching their MLM businesses, but don't worry! We've got you covered.
In this blog post, we will share some effective strategies for managing your MLM business while working full-time. From prioritizing tasks to making the most of your downtime, we'll show you how to grow your business without sacrificing your career or personal life. Let's dive in!
What is an MLM?
An MLM is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate but also for the sales of the other members of their team. It can be a very effective way to build a business, but it can also be difficult to manage an MLM business while working a full-time job. 
Overview of MLM and Working a Full-Time Job
MLM, or multi-level marketing, is a type of direct selling in which salespeople are not only compensated for their own sales but also for the sales of the people they recruit. This structure can create an additional stream of income, which can be especially helpful if you're already working a full-time job.
Like any business venture, there are both pros and cons to MLM. On the plus side, it can be a great way to earn some extra money and improve your work-life balance. On the downside, it can be time-consuming and may require you to invest money in order to see results.
Before getting started with MLM, it's important to do your research and understand the risks and potential rewards. Once you're ready to get started, be sure to set realistic goals and create a solid plan for success.
Here are some tips for managing your MLM business while working a full-time job:
1. Make time for your MLM business. Even if you only have a few hours each week, make sure you dedicate some time to working on your MLM business. You'll need to stay organized and keep on top of your customers and team members.
2. Keep your day job and your MLM business separate. Don't try to do both at the same time. Dedicate specific days or hours to work on your MLM business so you can give it the attention it deserves.
3. Delegate tasks whenever possible. You don't have to do everything yourself! If you have team members, delegate tasks to them so you can focus on generating sales and growing your customer base.
4. Stay focused and motivated. It can be easy to get discouraged when you're trying to manage an MLM business while working a full-time job, but it's important to stay focused and motivated. Remember why you started your MLM business in the first place, and keep that goal in mind as you work towards building an empire.
What are the benefits of an MLM business?
There are many benefits to running an MLM business. One of the biggest advantages is that you can do it from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. All you need is a phone and a computer. You can also set your own hours and work as much or as little as you want.
Another big advantage of MLM businesses is that they often have low start-up costs, and this makes them a great option for people who don't have a lot of money to invest in a new business. Additionally, many MLM businesses offer generous commissions and bonuses, which can help you earn a lot of money if you're successful in building your team.
How to manage your MLM business while working a full-time job
There are a few strategies you can implement to manage your MLM business while working a full-time job.
1. Set aside time each day to work on your business. This could be first thing in the morning before you go to work or after you get home from work. Just make sure you have some dedicated time each day to work on your business.
2. Automate as much as possible. There are many ways to automate your business, from social media to email marketing. The more you can automate, the less time you will need to spend working on your business each day.
3. Delegate and outsource when possible. You don’t have to do everything yourself! If there are tasks that someone else can do just as well (or better), delegate them or outsource them. This will free up more of your time to focus on the important tasks that only you can do.
By following these tips, you can easily manage your MLM business while working a full-time job.
Time management tips for MLM success
If you are working a full-time job and managing an MLM business, time management is key to your success. Here are some tips to help you manage your time and grow your business:
1. Set aside dedicated time each week to work on your MLM business. Whether it's an hour each day or a few hours on the weekend, make sure you have time set aside specifically for your business. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed.
2. Use technology to your advantage. There are a number of great online tools that can help you manage your time and business more efficiently. Utilize these tools to save yourself time and energy.
3. Delegate tasks whenever possible. If there are tasks that someone else can handle, delegate them! This will free up more of your time to focus on the important things.
4. Keep a positive attitude and stay motivated. It can be easy to get bogged down when managing both a full-time job and an MLM business, but it's important to stay positive and keep your eye on the prize. Remind yourself why you're doing this and what your goals are regularly to stay motivated.
Setting and achieving goals
Working a full-time job and running an MLM business can be challenging. Here are some tips for setting and achieving goals so you can successfully manage both:
1. Set realistic goals for your MLM business. Don't try to do too much at once, or you'll quickly become overwhelmed. Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable pieces and focus on one thing at a time.
2. Create a schedule and stick to it. When you're working a full-time job, it's important to be organized and have a set schedule for your MLM business, and this will help you stay on track and avoid getting behind.
3. Delegate tasks when possible. You can't do everything yourself, so delegate tasks to others in your team or hire someone to help you with the administrative side of things. This will free up your time so you can focus on more important tasks.
4. Take advantage of technology. There are many online tools and resources available that can help you run your MLM business more efficiently. Utilize these tools to save yourself time and energy.
5. Stay motivated and positive. It's easy to get bogged down when you're trying to juggle two businesses, but it's important to stay positive and focused on your goals. Find ways to stay motivated, such as setting weekly or monthly targets, so you can continue moving forward in spite of any challenges that come up
While working a full-time job can be a challenge, there are several strategies you can use to manage your MLM business successfully. First, it's important to have a clear overview of your business goals and objectives. This will help you prioritize your time and stay on track. Additionally, try to set aside some time each week to work on your business, even if it's just a few hours. You can also use technology to your advantage by setting up automated tasks and using online tools to stay organized. Finally, don't forget to take some time for yourself and maintain a healthy work-life balance. By following these tips, you can successfully manage your MLM business while working a full-time job.
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ishatechnology · 2 years
What is MLM Software?
MLM Software
MLM, or Multi-Level Marketing, is a business model in which individuals, called independent distributors or representatives, sell products or services and earn commissions based not only on their own sales, but also on the sales of the individuals they recruit to join the company.
MLM software is a tool that helps companies that use the MLM business model manage and automate various aspects of their business, such as recruiting and tracking representatives, tracking sales and commissions, and providing training and support.
One of the key features of MLM software is the ability to track and manage representatives and their sales. This includes the ability to view and manage representative profiles, track their sales and commissions, and view their performance over time. This allows companies to identify and support top-performing representatives, as well as provide training and support to those who may be struggling.
Another important feature of MLM software is the ability to automate the recruitment process. This includes tools to help representatives find and contact potential recruits, as well as tracking the progress of these recruits through the recruitment process. This can help companies to quickly grow their representative base and increase sales.
Additionally, MLM software often includes marketing and promotional tools, such as email and social media marketing, to help representatives promote products and services to customers. This can be a powerful way to increase sales and grow the company.
In addition to these features, many MLM software also include features like inventory management, e-commerce, reporting and analytics, and customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities. These features help companies to manage all aspects of their business, from tracking inventory levels to identifying key customer trends and patterns.
One of the biggest advantages of MLM software is that it allows companies to automate many of the time-consuming and repetitive tasks associated with managing an MLM business, such as tracking sales and commissions and recruiting new representatives. This can help companies to focus on growing their business and increasing sales, rather than getting bogged down in administrative tasks.
Another advantage of MLM software is that it can help companies to quickly identify and address issues and challenges that may arise. For example, if a representative is struggling to make sales, the software can help the company to identify the problem and provide training and support to help the representative improve.
Overall, MLM software is a powerful tool that can help companies that use the MLM business model to manage and automate various aspects of their business, such as recruiting and tracking representatives, tracking sales and commissions, and providing training and support. With the ability to automate repetitive tasks, identify and address issues quickly, and grow the representative base, MLM software can help companies to increase sales and grow their business.
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Things you should learn about MLM Generation Plan
Starting from the top leg and moving down, we call this generation. The MLM generation plan is regarded as the most crucial plan among the several member plans in MLM. The generation plan is superior to other plans due to the many qualities that make it a good choice. The generating plan is crucial, especially for someone new to MLM. There are more chances for someone to succeed in their endeavors if the generation strategy is successful.
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AITA for writing erotic (/kinky) stories as a man?
(To start with I want to clarify that my content is only ever about characters that are grown adults. It's also exclusively either heterosexual or lesbian in subject - if I was only writing mlm porn I wouldn't ask this lol.)
I (29m) have always really been into erotic fiction ever since I was a teenager, I always liked it better than visual porn. These last few years, I have started reading almost exclusively stories written by women (cis and trans; preferably lighthearted or femdom stories, not that 50 Shades of Grey stuff) and taking notes. For one thing, I found female authors generally tend write erotic stories I find enganging, and I know male authors tend to have a more... distorted vision of female sexuality (more "what would male readers find sexy to see" than "what might those female characters find pleasurable"), making those stories less "authentic"?
Now that I am writing my own content I make a conscious effort to try and base my writing on things I have seen my favorite lady authors do with their texts (perspectives, descriptions, what they prioritize, how they talk about men and women, what scenarios they think are sexy etc). I even did that thing where I use a "gender guessing" software I found on the internet to see if my writing is "feminine" enough, adjusting my writing to get better scores (I know that is deeply flawed but I am grasping at straws; it seems to work at least to some degree because I also checked it with texts written by several different genuine female authors; it's at least better than trusting my own judgment, I do not want any person I personally know to proofread me on this either, and if I asked my online readers that would sortof make it moot).
My question is, however - is it dishonest (I don't claim to be a woman online, but I do not reveal my gender either)? Would you feel "betrayed" if you learned an erotic story you liked had been written by a man? And generally speaking, am I doing something I have no right doing at all, as a straight man?
What are these acronyms?
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sincerealev · 2 months
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Thank you @milksteakkk for giving me an excuse to talk about them too 🕺🏻
Here goes:
Alana is a lesbian, and Jared is gay. Mlm 🤝 wlw solidarity
The way Alana discovered she was a lesbian is that she was watching a movie with Julie Andrews and then she was just hit with the realization
→ (Yes she had/has a crush on Julie Andrews, especially in The Sound Of Music)
Honestly, I think she'd enjoy vintage musical movies
Jared probably had a celebrity crush on Keanu Reeves at one point. I thought of this just now and it just made sense to me
Jared is the shortest of the friend group. Like, 5'5
→ Alana is slightly taller than him, like 5'6 or 5'7 (and then Evan is taller than her, like 5'9, for reference)
Jared's wardrobe is a mess, in the way that generally every morning he'll just put on whatever he finds first in his closet, doesn't take time to meticulously choose clothes that match
→ His favorite shirt is one that has a picture of a bowling ball knocking some bowling pins, and in comic sans it just says "bowling" underneath
Alana is the opposite, of course. She chooses her outfit of the day the night prior
Honestly, she's very grandmacore
→ She lives with her grandma too (yes, I know in canon she said her grandma died, but also, everyone has two sets of grandparents so shhh,,)
Jared collects stuff like miniature dinosaur figures or rocks. And also has a vast collection of comics, from vintage comics to the newest ones
Alana loves baking, when she's not busy with school work and such. Almost every week she'll come to school with baggies of cookies, or a Tupperware with cake to share with her friends :-)
She volunteers in a local library
Jared is kind of lazy, or more like distracted when it comes to school, but he also doesn't slack. He always ends up doing his assignments, studying for tests, and getting good grades (but the majority of the time he leaves stuff for the day before, which he regrets everytime)
When he's bored in class Jared will color in the squares in a notebook page with pencil
As patient and calm as she is, Alana can visibly get angry if you get in her nerves (this refers to Jared most of the time). She's good at controlling her anger though
→ Both Alana and Jared bicker a lot, honestly. It's kind of funny to see
Jared has three pairs of glasses. One of them are prescription sunglasses, which he uses to feel cool
For college, Jared studied software engineering or computer science
As for Alana, maybe she studied law or something to become a lawyer maybe?
→ I thought of that just now because I feel like she's very good at debating, and she's very neat and organized in everything she does, loves public speaking, uses logical reasoning all the time... Y'know. Tell me what you think :0
I think that's enough hcs or this will get very long. What do you guys think 🕺🏻
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Here's a drawing of them (ft. Evan) me and my gf @devildarling08 made :-) (it's from a boarding school AU we made together)
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mlmyugsoftware · 1 year
MLM Generation Software
MLMYug is a cutting-edge MLM generation software that offers advanced tools and features to help network marketers streamline their business processes and grow their downlines. With MLMYug, you can easily manage your leads, track sales and commissions, and automate repetitive tasks, saving you time and increasing your productivity. Our software is user-friendly, intuitive, and customizable to meet the unique needs of your business. Plus, our reliable customer support team is always available to assist you whenever you need it. Join the MLMYug community today and take your MLM business to the next level!
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pillowfort-social · 1 year
Site Update - 4/17/2023
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Hi Pillowfolks! 
Our developers have pushed a large update to the site which includes the launch of Pillowfort Premium and an update to our platform’s framework. We will be monitoring closely for any unexpected bugs. 
We are also expecting the potential for higher than average volume of customer service inquiries with the launch of Pillowfort Premium. Our Customer Service Team is working as fast as possible to answer all support inquiries in the order they are received. Thank you for your patience. 
New Features
Pillowfort Premium  - Introducing Pillowfort Premium!  Pillowfort Premium is our solution to building a more sustainable form of income that doesn’t rely solely on donations and registration key purchases.  Details, including Pillowfort Premium’s refund policy, is available in this post. 
To access Pillowfort Premium, click on the  “PF Premium” icon located in the left-hand sidebar. This page will allow you to convert your legacy donation to Pillowfort premium, edit your subscriptions, and more. 
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The first wave of Pillowfort Premium features include: 
Multiple Avatars ($1.99USD / month) - Upload up to 200 avatars that you can choose from when making a post or comment.
Higher Image Upload Limits - ($2.49USD / month) Pillowfort Premium Users will be able to upload up to 4MB rather than 2MB. We recognize that this feature being part of Pillowfort Premium rather than free may upset some users. Unfortunately, multimedia data fees are one of Pillowfort’s top expenses, and so in order for us to host larger images we need to make sure we can cover the higher fees that will result.
Avatar Frames ($1.49USD / month) - Decorate your avatar with premium frames. All existing frames that have already been released will remain free. We will continue to add more premium frames in the future!
More Pride Profile Badges - Added MLM Pride, Two-Spirit Pride, and a new version of the Polyam Pride Flag. We are still taking suggestions for additional badges to add. 
Lightbox for Image Post Types - Users can now view post images full-size in a light box, rather than having the image open in a new tab. Note: This update currently applies only to images uploaded through the Picture Post-type grid uploader, not images that are inserted through the rich text editor.
Bug Fixes/Misc Improvements
We’ve made various updates and improvements to our server software and configuration, to ensure that the site stays secure & efficient.
Fixed a bug where Community posts wouldn't load past the first 15 posts on mobile devices.
Fixed a bug that generated the error message “there are no posts in this community"  before posts were actually fetched.
Updated the Site FAQ.
We want to thank all of you for being so patient as we’ve worked on this update. We know some of you have been waiting a long time to see certain features and improvements made to the site and we value your feedback. Now that the subscription service is out, we will post a survey soon where you can let us know what you’d like us to work on next, and we have already gotten started working on some highly-requested items. Thanks again for your support!
Best, Staff
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
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Ok as someone who has written a 'niche' ebook I need to rant here so I will stay out of Bethany's comment section (long one incoming):
"YoU'rE aLrEaDy PoStIng!!!!" I. am going. to lose it.
Her insinuation that your average person with 250 instagram followers and zero influencing experience can organically reach hundreds of thousands of people advertising a 'niche' ebook with no monetary investment is just fucking false. It's just not fucking true.
Girl Defined found their way into the mainstream internet by pissing people off, full stop. I'm convinced it's one of their main advertising techniques regardless of what they say their "message" is, they know controversial takes get them clicks and followers. They didn't get their following by politely advertising their content on their personal social media for their closest friends and family 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 they created a business account, invested (their parents) money, and click-baited the shit out of millions of people until they were able to reach about ~70k bigots/hate followers that were willing to keep up with them.
The amateur ebook market is beyond saturated, even in niche markets, because of grifters like Bethany who sell it to desperate people as some kind of passive income holy grail. It has a reputation for being dog shit in general for that reason. The likelihood that people are going to stumble on your individual ebook while researching and be willing to buy it from a stranger they know nothing about (especially if you have no provable credentials) is slim to none. So you're going to need to do research on your market; if there are millions of ebooks already out on your 'niche' topic, it's not going to be a good investment of your time or money. If you find a market that looks promising, then you'll have to advertise.
Advertising to your personal instagram following by doing what Bethany is suggesting (just posting like you normally do while mentioning your ebook sometimes) might get you a few pity buys sure, but it's obviously not a sustainable income source. So now you have to get militant: 1. harass your friends and family to share your ads (they'll love it i'm sure) 2. buy advertising (for a niche topic that doesn't appeal to everyone, you're not going to get away with the bare minimum of maybe $50 a week on instagram. keep in mind that the average ebook costs will make you around $2.99 a pop) 3. post constantly (see Bethany's frequency)
And even if you're spending money advertising, it means nothing if your content isn't engaging and well made, so if you're not used to making it you're going to need to put in some time researching successful ad tactics. And the tone needs to be consistent with the material you're selling, not everything can be sold with 5-second uncoordinated tiktok dances a la Bethany Beal. You also might even need to invest money in equipment to make said content (like Bethany has) which could be anything from a Canva subscription to a $30 tripod to a $1,000 digital camera. The insinuation that people can make the same content she does when she has a professional photography equipment and software is just a lie.
Say you've done all of that, say you're spending about $200/week on marketing, you're making decent content, you're getting decent traffic. If your topic is truly niche, that means you may have to reach hundreds or even thousands of people a day before you get to one that is interested in your topic. And even then, some of those people aren't going to want to buy an amazon ebook written by someone they've never heard of, so you're going to need to reach lots of those people. That's tens i not hundreds of thousands of people a day, to make maybe 10 sales a day (less than $30 a day). That doesn't even cover your advertising costs.
So either Bethany is ignorant as fuck from a lifetime of having her parents foot all her bills, or she is a really, really unethical business person on the same level or worse as MLM creators. The amount of work the average person would need to do to make ANY decent money from an ebook like this is not passive income!!!!!!!!! She's taking advantage of desperate women in a horrible economy to sell her half-assed 'course' material and it just makes me so fucking angry.
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9058403954 · 4 months
Network Marketing At 9675012345
Eifasoft is designed by industry experts who understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with running a successful network marketing business. Our software is packed with features that will help you stay ahead of the curve, from powerful lead-generation tools to advanced compensation plan management. One of the key advantages of using Eifasoft is its user-friendly interface. Our platform is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it accessible to network marketers of all skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, you'll find that Eifasoft provides the support and guidance you need to succeed in the world of MLM. But Eifasoft is more than just a software solution – it's a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about the power of network marketing. By joining our platform, you'll have access to a wealth of resources, including training materials, webinars, and expert advice. Our team is dedicated to helping you grow your business and achieve your goals, every step of the way. So why wait? Take the first step towards MLM success with Eifasoft. Our software is designed to help you streamline your operations, boost your team's productivity, and unlock the full potential of your multi-level marketing venture. Sign up today and experience the difference that Eifasoft can make in your network marketing journey!
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ragayazhini · 1 year
Tamil Nadu Best Readymade PHP MLM Software Development Company
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We take pride in being the foremost PHP MLM software development company based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Our expertise lies in providing a wide array of ready-to-use MLM scripts designed to cater to both product-based and investment-based MLM businesses. With a strong focus on innovation and customization, we offer comprehensive solutions that empower MLM entrepreneurs to thrive in their respective markets. Our commitment to delivering top-notch software solutions has earned us a reputation for excellence in the industry, making us the go-to choice for businesses seeking reliable MLM software development services in Chennai and beyond.
Benefits of PHP Readymade MLM Software
Readymade MLM Scripts: Our best software developers designed the PHP readymade MLM software comes with pre-designed scripts, which means the core functionality is already in place. This saves a considerable amount of time and effort in the development process. You don't have to start from scratch; you can build upon the existing framework.
Full Access to Source Code & Ownership: With PHP readymade MLM software, you receive full access to the source code. This grants you complete control and ownership of the software. You can customize it according to your unique business requirements without any restrictions.
Easy Customization: PHP is known for its flexibility and ease of customization. You can tailor the software to match the specific needs and branding of your MLM business. Whether you need to add new features or make design changes, PHP makes it relatively straightforward.
Lifetime License: When you invest in PHP readymade MLM software, you typically acquire a lifetime license. This means you won't have to worry about recurring fees or subscription costs. It offers long-term cost-effectiveness.
Versatile Payout Options: MLM businesses often have various compensation plans, such as binary, matrix, or unilevel. Best MLM software developers are designed to support multiple payout options, ensuring it can adapt to different compensation structures.
Transparent Commission Setup: Managing commissions is a crucial aspect of MLM. readymade MLM software usually provides a clear and user-friendly interface for setting up commission structures. This transparency simplifies the process of calculating and distributing payments to your members accurately.
Prompt Support & Guidance: Reputable Tamil Nadu PHP MLM software provider offer reliable customer support and guidance. When you encounter any issues or have questions, their prompt assistance ensures that you can resolve problems swiftly, keeping your MLM business running smoothly.
Our MLM Plan products
Binary Plan: Involves recruiting new members into two legs (left and right) within your downline.
Matrix Plan: Limits the number of members a distributor can recruit, creating a structured network.
Generation Plan: Rewards distributors for building multiple generations of downline members.
Board Plan: Utilizes a board-like structure where members advance from one board to another upon meeting specific goals.
Hybrid Plan: Combines elements from various MLM plans to suit your company's unique needs.
Unilevel Plan: Permits distributors to sponsor as many members as they wish, forming a straightforward structure.
Re-purchase Plan: Emphasizes product purchases, encouraging distributors to buy and sell the company's products.
MLM Investment Plan: Involves investment schemes where members invest money and receive returns over time.
Differential Plan: Offers different commission rates based on distributor ranks or achievements.
Single Leg MLM Plan: Follows a linear structure where every distributor is placed in a single line.
Crowdfunding: Focuses on raising funds for a project or cause by seeking contributions from a large number of people.
Spill Over Binary MLM: A binary plan where additional recruits spill over into the downline of existing distributors.
When selecting a Chennai based MLM software development company, it's essential to consider your specific MLM plan requirements and ensure the company has expertise in developing and customizing the software accordingly. Additionally, check for client reviews, testimonials, and the company's reputation to make an informed choice that aligns with your MLM business goals.
Company URL: https://www.phpmlmsoftware.com/
Contact us via WhatsApp: https://wa.me/+919790033533
Company name: PHP MLM Software development Company,
Door No. 1/142,
P.H.Road, Sivapootham,
Chennai, 600095, 
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theme-park-concepts · 2 years
The thing about all the talk about the metaverse that drives me nuts is the excitement around being able to monetize and make scarce stuff that is inherently not scarce and has no need to be monetized.
Like yes the potential of VR and AR are really cool but there's no flippin need to charge for every different color of a digital piece of clothing. You pay for the software, you pay for the hardware, it makes no flippin sense to pay for every single block in Minecraft...which is basically exactly what people are so excited about.
And like I get that the theory is all these digital items would be assets you could just use wherever but 1) yeah there's a fat chance of there ever being a reliable standard that doesn't change every year or two and even if there is they absolutely won't be compatible everywhere and 2. Plenty of technologies already exist for e-commerce that don't involve ridiculous amounts of computing, lack of legal oversight or protection, environmental issues, and more.
Like everything I read about web3 is just "imagine the current internet except every single button on a website and second you spend requires payment and generates a giant MLM tree of royalties
People have been trying to monetize digital assets for years and they keep getting closer, and it just seems like such a dystopia to charge for an inherently limitless copy of a line of code.
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