#MK tickle headcanons
switch-writer · 11 months
Can I request Johnny Cage hcs? He has such chaotic switch energy
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Johnny Cage Tickle Headcanons
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A/N: As a Johnny Cage fan since MK9, I love how Johnny SINGLE-HANDEDLY managed to get people who never played Mortal Kombat to love it. Its honestly too funny 😭 But! I love Johnny, he was always a fun little character. Nonetheless. It was fun writing these due to his goofy personality. Do enjoy!
• Right out of the way, he might as well have a sixth sense of telling if someone is ticklish and how to get them laughing, where to poke, etc.
• His energy is infinite so his hands will be jumping all over the place and tickle anywhere he can reach. He likes to jump from spot to spot. Very all over the place.
• He’ll stop once someone needs him to. He pushes people a little bit, but as long as they’re laughing and trying to push him off, he’ll stop for them. He’s kind hearted.
• …Although. You will certainly persuade him much easier if you feed him a compliment or two… or three… or many.
• “You want me to stop? Alright alright… BUT! First off! Who’s the most talented movie star out there? What was that? Say that again? Can’t hear you over the laughter!”
• He will also playfully put on a announcer voice and say things like “And the most ticklish fighter in the world goes to…!”
• He’ll often shove someone back down when they try to get up. If they have long hair? He shoves it in their face. Wearing a hat? In their face so they can’t see. Etc.
• He’d also probably take photos with the person quickly while they’re smiling then quickly go right back to tickles.
• His goal is just to make the person laugh any means necessary, including silly actions to make sure he succeeds.
• Once he knows someone is ticklish, he’d probably take a jab at their sides every so often and have a big grin that basically screams his cockiness. Almost as if he’s trying to say ‘I still know’ and so he can dangle it over their head.
• He’d also give a eyebrow raise whenever someone who’s ticklish snarks off, and wiggle his fingers as if to send the hint that they should watch it or else the movie star is gonna rush over and do his usual mischievous (and slightly annoying) acts.
• Despite all of this, this is probably as often as the rest of his antics. He’d tickle someone every so often just as he’d shove a camera in someone’s face every so often with the flash on.
• That being said, he knows when to be serious, and knows when someone is being direct with him. He’s a actor and knows what to look for in body language.
• …He’d still give a little poke though.
• And that leads to the flip side of things.
• He’s someone to slowly back away with his hands up and go ‘woah woah! Lets get rational here.’ With a nervous smile.
• He’d consider running but his ego says it’d be too cowardly, however, he can’t handle when someone stares at him in a dead serious manner yer clearly has the intent to tickle him. He’ll run. The seriousness makes Johnny panic even more so he’ll bolt it. Other than that, he’ll stand his ground.
• He’ll constantly grab at the other person’s hands to block them. If you’ve played MK11, you remember the mime time move where he’ll act like a mime and if you hit him, he’ll basically reflect the attack/block it then immediately hit the other person (sorta similar to his fatal blow in MK1) so think of it like that. He’ll grab hands when they come at him and try and flip the tables.
• He will flail, he kicks, he’ll wiggle, he will do anything to dodge the tickles. So sit on his waist and he’ll be a sitting duck. Straddle him or pin him or else you’ll have. 50% percent chance of being kicked.
• Once the tickles actually start? His hands will auto focus on getting your hands off. His nerves freak out and therefore his hands flip out and frantically try and get the sensations off. But he’ll usually give in after the first minute because he loses most of his strength.
• But his actual laugh is extremely contagious, it probably sounds a little goofy and a touch more high pitched than his normal laugh, but it’s a contagious laugh that’s loud. He’ll also sometimes start silent laughing at his limit.
• He’ll start backpedaling the moment the tickles start.
• Johnny maybe bold with his actions, such as when he takes pictures when tickling someone, but if someone takes a photo or dare I say a video of him, his face will go tomato red. He isn’t a man easily embarrassed, but there’s things that make him tomato red, and that’s one of them.
• If that video is ever mentioned, he will quiet down fast too.
• He’ll be a major giggler after the tickles stop. He’ll just slowly get up as he giggles, fixing his shades with a giggle. The tingles will linger for a moment with him.
• He’ll usually be mellow for the next 30 minutes or so too. He’ll be quieter and less obnoxious, but he’ll chat normally.
• Johnny also likes teasingly going ‘hey, 20 bucks a second’ just to quickly say it’s a joke in case someone tries to tickle persuasion into him, one look that hints tickles, he’ll quickly clear it up.
• Over all, Johnny thinks it’s amusing to do it to others, and is greatly embarrassing when he’s on the receiving end. But… it’s mostly fun, so that’s what matters to him!
Hopefully you enjoyed!
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gaybananabread · 7 months
Ooh Lego Monkie Kid? Don't mind if I do!
Do you have any headcanons for the Stonefruit Trio (MK, Wukong, and Macaque)?
⁠☆⁠—⁠⁠LMK Stonefruit Trio Tkl Headcanons—⁠☆
~Sorry this took me so long to get to! School is finding new ways to kick my ass every day istg- ANYway, it felt good to write for these goobers again! Thank you for requesting!~
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Sunshine boy is definitely a big fan of tickles. Laughing at just a few touches, bonding with his friends, watching them let their walls down for the sake of silly happiness? Yeah, count him in.
He likes both sides, though being tickled does have a special place in his heart. He’s a lee-leaning switch, but not by a whole lot.
He can only say the t-word on special occasions (extreme confidence, other lers/lees in it with him, drunken boldness). 98.71% of the time, he’ll go beet red at the attempt.
When he gets lee moods, everyone around him will know. He can sometimes just ask for help if it’s someone who’s used to his silliness, like Red Son or Mei, but other than that, it’s tacit signals.
He’ll run a hand through his hair a lot (exposing his side in the process), get way more fidgety than normal, speak in a higher pitch, and very nonchalantly stare at his friends’ hands. Not that hard to get the message.
Kicks, flails and squirms when tickled. He really tries not to, but his nerves pretty much go nuts. It’s best to pin him or get him from behind if you don’t want an accidental bloody nose.
Worst spots are his navel and lower back. He absolutely loses it whenever anyone so much as pokes there.
Melt spots are his palms and shoulders. Tickly massages and palm kisses leave him a puddle of giggles.
Really bright and bubbly laughter when you get him going. When it’s light, lots of little squeaks and half-hearted “no!”s
Sickly sweet while also a teasing mother-trucker. If you think that’s confusing, imagine how the lee feels-
The sunshine boy definitely has a fiery side, so watch out
“You’re ticklish here too? Seriously, this is adorable. You’re adorable.”
“Holding it in, huh? I think it’d feel a bit nicer if you let out that laughter. Don’t you?
“So many good spots, so little time… Guess I gotta get to work!”
“Your blush is so pretty! I think I’m gonna paint my nails that color…”
He’s incredibly considerate of boundaries, even if you’re obviously okay with it.
Checks in wherever you seem to be laughing a bit too hard, though you’ve only just got done giggling. It’s smart to set up a safeword so he actually does know when to keep going.
Confident lees will love him. He’s easy to fluster if you can say the t-word enough times, and he nearly dies if someone confidently asks him to tickle them.
An aftercare master. He makes whatever your favorite drink is, gets snacks, makes a cuddle nest and just hangs out with you. If you’re not big on touch, he’s fine to just watch some YouTube videos and chill out.
🍑Sun Wukong☀️
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We can all agree that he’s a straight-up switch. Loves wrecking people, adores being reduced to a giggly puddle of mush.
However, he refuses to admit any of that
He likes the feeling of being vulnerable around his friends, but the thought of saying that is terrifying for him (again, good luck getting him to say that. The great Monkey King allegedly has no fear)
He’s giggling like crazy before you even touch him.
If you even give a small hint of what you’re gonna do, get ready for him to run.
When you do catch him (he will eventually let you), he curls up like a pill bug and rides it out. If you mention his tail wagging, he’ll let out a string of adorably squeaky profanities.
His actual laugh is a lot less obnoxious than his “Monkey King” one. It’s bright and bubbly, full of squeaks and the occasional snort.
His worst spots are his ribs and his lower back, specifically the base of his tail. Good luck keeping him still if you go there.
Melt spots are his ears and hips. His hips are a bit of an obscure spot, but he will dissolve if you trace them.
Once you’re done wrecking him, he becomes a cuddly, sleepy little mess. Be ready to stay with him for at least an hour afterwards.
He’s such a chaos goblin I swear-
Loves the “Tickle Monster” trope. He can and will use his power to make clones of himself and/or shift his appearance for optimum tickle-ability
If he’s the one doing the tickling, he can say the t-word. This is a power he always abuses.
“The Tickle Monster’s gonna getcha, kid! Better run~”
“Oh sorry, couldn’t hear you through all that laughter. Did you say ‘keep going’? Perfect!”
“You know, I could stop, but where’s the fun in that? I think you can agree, can’t ya?”
“Your laugh is so fun! I could listen to it for centuries… But I think I can settle for five more minutes.”
It takes him a bit, but he does try to check in and see when you need a break. It’d be a nice idea to set a safeword or a clear tap-out beforehand, just in case.
He’s actually really good with aftercare. He makes the best lemonade tea, and he’ll attempt to make a good snack. Just watch out for any of his “inventive” cooking/baking methods.
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He acts like he hates it. If you don't know him all that well, he'll seem genuinely done with it.
If you do know him, however, he has tells. The way his tail twitches when the t-word is said, the way just a hint of pink settles on his cheeks, the way his arms just barely clamp to his sides…
Yeah, he's not as slick as he thinks.
Prefers being tickled most of the time, but he isn't afraid to wreck a bitch just because.
He will fight and deny it until the day his immortality runs dry, but he loves it.
Until you actually start, he'll act like he doesn't want it. Kicking, hissing, running, the whole nine.
The minute those wiggling fingers touch down, though? He melts.
All protest disappears, the only thing close being small “no”s through his laughter. His tail will wag adorably (be careful if you mention this).
He could just shadow-travel away, but conveniently “forgot because of the literal torture” he was experiencing or “couldn't focus enough” to do so.
Worst spots are his knees and his back. Him and Wukong share the infamous I-will-die spot at the bases of their tails, though this boy's is significantly worse.
Melt spots are beneath his chin and his ears. It is the cutest thing to just scratch beneath and hear his little purrs while he tries not to giggle.
Puts his villain experience to use
He'll use his shadow travel to sneak up on you/cheat in a chase. Nobody said he had to play fair…
He definitely makes clones to help himself. One to hold your arms up, another to grab your legs, and a few to get the more annoying spots.
Teasing in a playful-yet-asshole sorta way. If you're feeling shitty, he'll be such a sweetheart, but he's a shit 80% of the time.
“Wow, ticklish here too? You're just a walking tickle-spot at this point.”
“You think this is bad? Just wait till I call in the cavalry~”
“It must be hard, being this ticklish and all. How have you survived so far? Thought you'd have laughed yourself silly.”
“Just a few little pokes and you're down for the count. Would suck if some of the villains found out…”
“Worst spot, huh? Better buckle up~”
Somehow knows exactly when to stop every time. You don't even have to say anything: he just knows.
Masterful aftercare. He honestly loves cuddling with his lee afterwards, so you're getting some unless you specifically tell him no. He'll send a shadow clone to go get you a drink and some snacks if you want. Peaceful music listening and most likely a nap (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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gamerwoman3d · 1 year
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Beta Tester
An MK1 Scorpion Smut imagine fanfiction
Note: if you wanna cut the story plot and get straight to the filth, scroll until you see the animated gif. Other info/notes in the tags.
Imagine you and a friend spot a man with a scorpion tattoo at a party once. Later on in a living room somewhere you find yourselves both talking about how hot he is, and gossiping about him and his overly generous, sweet wife, Harumi. Some months later you see your friend at a party flirting with some other unremarkable new guy when you notice your friend has some weird burn marks on their arm.
[Explicit/spicy below the cut 🔞]
As you ask about it, your friend just covers the burn and avoids the topic, preferring to talk about the flirty new guy. You assume the burn mark was from a hot stove, only to realize that it's actually a rope burn from some kink play gone wrong.
You need details, but worry that if you say anything right now you might scare away the uninspiring new guy. After all, the new guy just met your friend tonight and could not possibly have been responsible for the burn. The two leave the party together before you can ask.
Harumi introduced herself to you not long after they left. She has a gift for your absent friend. You say you'll see your friend tomorrow and can deliver the gift. Harumi leaves it with you in a small gift bag. The following day, your friend can't stop talking all about the new guy and the night they shared.
Your friend seems awkward opening the gift from Harumi only to find bandages and silver sulfadine cream - a type of wound care for open burn blisters. When you ask what's up, your friend confesses that not only have they been regularly fulfilling the hot husband's kink fantasies, but that Harumi herself sanctioned your friend's involvement with her man.
You shamelessly ask your friend to tell you everything.
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As it turns out, Harumi wants nothing more than to be his little rope bunny, but they have very specific rules in their culture and in their prenuptial agreement; He cannot leave marks on her, ever.
Privately, the pair practices and workshops their rougher ideas on willing third parties. Your friend is one of those parties, and has the burns and bruises to show for it.
"This one is from a knot in the rope. I landed on the knot wrong when we took me down. We'd been playing with suspension. These little ones are from a melted candle. That one is where the rope was too loose and slipped and caused a burn. I didn't even notice it was burning at the time..."
"How did you not notice?!" you ask.
"He was eating me at that moment. He wanted me to squirm. He got what he wanted."
"Um... does everyone get what they want in that arrangement?"
"Well, Harumi wants him violently, so in her case no, she does not get what she's wanting. But god it's so good when he gets going. I hope she gets what she wants from him someday. She seems to enjoy living vicariously through me. She'll request that he take me rough and work off his energy on me before going back to her to do gentler stuff afterwards. I've heard her whimpering; by the time he's done with me, she's ready to burst."
"I gotta ask... has your new guy asked about the marks?"
"We haven't talked about it yet, but I suspect if I'm going to keep him, I have to call the whole thing off with Harumi and her husband."
"Just to be clear, we're talking about that guy with the scorpion tattoo, right?"
"Yeah that's her husband."
"That guy is hot as fire, what's his name? You kept calling him Harumi's husband?" you ask.
"At the risk of sounding even sluttier than I already sound, admittedly I actually don't know his real name. And I feel kinda weird just calling him Scorpion but... even Harumi calls him that when I'm around."
"Yeah yeah I know. I think he's some kind of street performer or magician, he does neat tricks with fire sometimes. It makes sense that he has a stage name if he's doing magic or whatever. But like... I'm not calling him that unless I have to see him. And the next time I see them is... oh shit. I'm supposed to go over to their place tonight..."
"You going?"
"I should call it off. I don't want to potentially ruin things with my new man. But oh god, if he doesn't work out then I don't want to lose my place with them. Let's face it, I'm not the only 'beta tester' that they employ; someone will take my place if I drop out, and I won't forgive myself if I get dumped and then also can't get my spot back."
"I wish I could take your spot for you, cuz like... damn. I'll call him Scorpion if it means he breaks me off."
"Actually... maybe you could fill in for me tonight?"
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Imagine showing up to their door unnanounced, a white knuckle grip on the gift bag Harumi had left you as you practice the lie over and over in your head. He opens the door.
Confusion knits his brow as he waits for you to explain your presence. You ask for Harumi. He calls for her. She joins him in the doorway, and you reach out, offering the bag to her. You tell her that your friend is sick today and didn't want visitors; you thought the responsible thing would be to return the gift to Harumi. She makes a disappointed groan and says she really hated to hear that they're ill, adding how much she 'needed' to see them tonight.
Imagine taking a deep breath, and offering to help, just like you rehearsed with your friend. "I'm happy to help you with whatever work they were going to do for you tonight," you say from a script your friend made you rehearse.
The pair exchange glances and then look back to you.
"What kind of work do you do," he asks.
His eyes dart over your body in one quick, cautious overlook. He stops as soon as he starts; he sensed that his look caused you some tension.
"It's um, secure work, with a lot of lifting, uhm, yeah, I can at least help out with the lifting, if you wanna show me the ropes?"
You tell yourself that the word 'um' was not a part of your script. But upon hearing the keyords, secure, lifting, ropes, the couple's demeanor relaxes. He arches a questioning eyebrow at his wife. Harumi has a pleasant glitter in her eyes that speaks to her approval. They both nod slightly in unison and invite you inside. He's suppressing a smile as he looks you over again, with intent this time. He knows that you know what you're getting into, and is no longer as concerned about causing you tension.
"Make yourself at home. Bathrooms are on the left, help yourself to anything in the kitchen. We do the work in the weight room, which is down that hall. Do you need anything to get started?" Harumi asks.
"Just... one thing. Between us?"
Harumi looks to her husband. He nods and walks away, in the direction of the weight room.
"I just wanted to check if um, if you're really okay with this stuff? I don't wanna do anything with him without your approval," you say as another line you rehearsed.
"Of course! I'm happy to have someone helping take care of Scorpion's needs!"
Imagine thinking wow, your friend wasn't wrong; that name does sound weird.
You can't help but ask if that's his real name.
"It is, to you," he interrupts.
You look up to see him standing at the end of the hall. He makes a 'come here' motion with his finger. Harumi places her hand on your shoulder and gives you a gentle, affirming push his direction.
"You'd better go," she muses, "lest he come get you and drag you over there."
You know now for certain that she's agreed to loan her man out to you, and you also see that he's eager.
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Inside the weight room, the floor is covered with foam mats and one wall is nothing but shelves of equipment for rope dart sports. A collection of shéng biāo are coiled and organized from beginner to advanced. The bright red, soft and silky ropes stand out as odd. Imagine following him inside this room only to find lit candles and incense at a small dragon-shaped altar in the room. A stand near the altar holds an assortment of more sensual things, including red silks, lubricants, condoms, dragon-etched ornamental glass pillar candles, and an unopened pack of that silver sulfadine next to a very visible first aid kit. He picks over the red ropes, spinning one in his hand to test for it's weight. Harumi enters with a woven basket full of red fabric, smelling of lavender and pumpkin spice.
"Use these," she says, "I tried a new fabric softener on them. They're fresh from the dryer."
He lets one slip between his fingers.
"Ooh," he exclaims, "they're still warm. And they're very soft. Thank you."
Harumi closes the door as she leaves, winking at you to bid you to have fun. The door latch clicks. Scorpion's eyebrow is raised when he turns back to stare at you.
"So you," he starts, "Why did you come tonight? What are you looking forward to the most, what excites you?"
You realize you stammered without answering as your brain practically buffered. He had a smile in his eyes as he shamelessly checked you out. The smile spread to his lips as he unwound his top from around his torso.
"It's cute that you're stammering. I'm going to miss it. Most people stop stammering after you break through the touch barrier. We haven't touched yet, have we? There's still an awkwardness that I don't think would be there had we broken the touch barrier."
Now stripped to the waist, he picked up and fondled a length of the soft red rope. He sees the way you look at his body and invites you to him with a gesture.
"Would you like to touch?" he asks.
You inch forward and reach out towards his chest. You couldn't be more tense if you were on the brink of toppling a Jenga tower. You take the rope, and let your knuckles brush his skin as you rub your thumb over the silky smooth warm fiber of the rope.
"I meant would you like to touch me," he said.
He smirks, but remains still, his eyes locked on yours as you force yourself to concentrate on the rope. You let the rope fall from your hand and touch his chest with your fingertips.
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The pad of his thumb gently grazes the length of your finger. He presses into your touch, gently runs one finger through the hair over your eye and past your ear. His voice is warm when he says "I like that."
His fingers trace down your neck and he says "It feels good. I want to show you how it feels. May I feel?"
When you nod, he reaches under your clothes to fondle the skin near your nipple. He finds your nipple with his fingertips and traces spirals over it with a feather light touch.
"Let's try that question again. What are you looking forward to, right now, in this very moment?" he asks.
Your mind immediately jumps to sex. You have a vision of you both naked, you helpless in his arms while impaled mercilessly on his cock. Your eyes dart to his pants involuntarily. You shut them, but he already saw where they strayed. He gestured towards his erection.
"Would you like to see it?" he offered.
An easy enough question to answer with a nod.
"Do you want me to take it out, or would you prefer to do it?"
"I'll do it," you say.
Imagine unwrapping his package like a present. You can feel his gift through the wrapping. You might try to guess things about this gift before you reveal it. When you do expose it, it feels warm to the touch, feverish and firm. It has heft, but stands on its own despite its weight.
"What do you want to do with it?" He asks.
"Oh, uh, lots of things... what do you want to do with it?"
He holds up the length of red rope suggestively.
"I wanted to tie you up and sling you from the ceiling, so that when I fucked you with it you swing back and forth on it in the air," he said.
"Oh," you said.
Fire, Oh my fucking god, fire said your body.
Then he leaned in close to your ear.
"What can I do for you to get you to do that for me?" he murmured.
"Nothi- I mean, it sounds fun... just get me off?" you asked.
"With pleasure," he said.
He tugged at the fabric of your clothes and asked if you prefer to undress yourself or if you want him to do it. Either way the clothes come off in a blur and he presses the warm soft rope against your skin, rapidly cocooning your form in a macrame sling custom to your body.
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Imagine the softest, silkiest ropes whipping around some parts of your body several times as he worked you into a makeshift rope harness. The ropes are warm against the skin; straight from the dryer, they retain heat for a while. His hands brush against you as he works the ropes over your entire body. When he reaches between your legs to wind the ropes through, he grazes the skin of your inner thigh with the back of his knuckles. He pets parts of you as he works, enjoying the feel of your body, knowing you enjoy the feel of his warm hands on your skin. Soon you look like you've been woven into a fancy net. He slings the ropes expertly through the hooks of a pulley above. One last knot and he's hoisting you into the air and asking you if you're comfortable.
"Does it dig into the skin at any point," he asks.
Imagine the rope swing feeling surprisingly comfortable. Imagine it like a recliner you can lean back in, but which forces your legs up and apart. You can barely move, but find you can rock yourself just slightly.
Imagine him running his fingertips over your skin, stopping to pay attention to the areas that make you shudder, all while commanding you to tell him how you get yourself off when you're alone. He asks what you fantasize about happening when you're alone with yourself.
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If he finds out that you're rough with yourself when you're alone, imagine the glint in his eye when he shows you a rubber version of the metal dart at the end of a red silky rope. These rubber darts are made for practice.
He says It stings when it hits. It is designed for training rope dart techniques, designed to minimize injury and damage. He says a good design will still inflict enough pain that one is forced to learn from their mistakes, lest they repeat them with a metal dart and potentially do real harm. If he thinks you're interested in the stinging sensation, he offers to test it on you.
He has a habit of running his a thumb along his "beta testers" genitals, asking them to reveal their most sensitive spot. He says he likes to play a game where he throws the rope dart around their bodies - the dart wraps their thigh or their belly several times, squeezing it tight, and continues to wrap rapidly until the rubber tip slaps the targeted spot.
The cringe from that sting is the best way he knows for checking whether the rope sling is tied well enough. Regardless of whether or not the sting was too much, he'll croon apologies and go down on that spot, kissing and sucking and sometimes gagging on it until he's verbally forgiven for stinging his helpless lovers.
"Can I get the oral sex without the sting?" You might ask.
He won't answer in words, just in an arched eyebrow and a smirk right before he goes down without further announcement.
He needs to see you cringe and squirm in the net he wove you into, and he won't stop pleasuring you until your body has locked up in involuntary spasms at least once.
Another of his favorite tests is the act of bouncing you on his hand while you're suspended. He uses the same circular motion as when he's spinning his ropes, only his middle and ring fingers are up, inside you, working your inner spot. The motion causes the whole sling to rock and drives his fingers deeper inside with gravity. He really only uses it as a preview to the motion you'll feel when he fucks you senseless in your sex swing.
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The pillar candles aren't just pretty. They're full of wax. It might be massage wax or candle wax, but either way he shows you a magic trick...
First, the condom. It's on him. It glistens. He made certain you're dripping wet before he put it on. But now, a magic trick. He holds the long glass tube of the pillar candle, close to the base. He looks into your eyes and tells you he's going to melt all of the wax in the candle and pour it out onto you. You see the whitish wax in the jar turn clear at the places where his fingertips touch. The dragons etched into the glass begin to burn as if coated with lighter fluid. The wax turns clear underneath the dragon pattern. Soon the entire candle is no longer a white solid, but a clear, hot liquid, sloshing around in the glass as he gently shakes it in suggestive circles. You feel the circles mirrored between your legs as he grinds his cock against you.
He knows you want it inside. He wants you to plead and negotiate with him for it. You can have all his cock if you forgive him for stinging you... if you can accept that he likes to sting you, and understand that he gets off on it when he makes you feel stung. He'll ask if he can burn and sting you with the hot wax, and if you'll forgive him for causing you pain, ask if he can fuck the hell out of you, hard.
This is what you came for after all.
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The liquid is hot as a motherfucker as he drizzles it over your body, leaving patterns of clear liquid that rapidly cool to white across the red ropes and reddening skin beneath the scalding wax. Thrashing against the pain, the ropes hold you in place. It is the wincing on your face that provides him his cue to give you what you came for; you've done your worst to his ropes and haven't freed yourself yet. Confident that his ropework is sturdy enough to continue, sturdy enough to let loose and fuck your brains out without worry, he pushes you back and lets his cock fall between your legs. He wastes no more time, sinking his cock as deep into you as he can get on the first thrust, trusting that gravity will sling you back on it harder as he rocks you back and forth on his cock suspended in midair.
He dumps the last of the wax and slings the empty pillar jar to the side. Clear wax dribbles down your hips and thighs and congeals there in white rivulets. He gets some on him as well, but it's strange - on him, the mess stays clear. If he presses his hot skin against you and comes back with white fragments of cooled wax, they fade from solid white to liquid clear against his body. The wax is all over his belly below the naval, and each rough slap of his body against yours just splatters more wax against the deep cut V of his hips. It looks less like wax, and more like someone with clear cum has ejaculated against him multiple times. Therefore it looks like a prophecy that you're currently in the throws of fulfilling.
Whether he takes you rough and flicks you with the sting of this practice dart, or takes you firm but gentle and massages your sore spot from the outside while railing against the best spot from within, he won't stop until you're howling in pleasure and bursting against him.
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He'll lower your limp, spent body to the sweaty gymnastic mat below, untie you as you catch your breath, and inspect every inch of your body for marks as he rub a coolant over your burns. One free hand goes to the back of your neck to support you as he lowers you. Imagine the fingertips, still hot as a coffee mug from his grip on the burning glass candle, digging into the muscles at the scruff of your neck. Once he has tended any minor injuries with cooling gel or other first aid, he'll wrap you in something soft and warm straight from the dryer and carry you to the bathroom where Harumi already ran a perfect luxurious bath for you, flower petals and all. Once the pair establishes that you escaped the stinging play without a scratch this time, they leave you to your bath.
That is to say Harumi is pulling at him playfully and as long as you're satisfied, he lets her drag him to bed. All throughout your bath you hear their sighs and moans. You realize that if you like, you can play along in their audio drama; or, you can stay silent, soak it all up and relax.
[The end for now]
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ghostlee · 2 months
do you got any headcanons for Macaque? or can I share some of mine?
I've pretty much been seeing him as a lee or perhaps a lee-leaning switch the entire time I've known of him. I think his death spots are his ribs (the ones near his underarms are the most sensitive) and his lower back, like right around the base of his tail. his favorite spots are his sides and stomach and his ears
his tickle laugh is very different from his normal laugh. a lot more carefree and silly. and squeaky. he's the squeaker
I think he likes being tickled because 1 the touch starvation and 2 it offers an alternate way of showing affection to the people he cares about (I'm projecting hard on him here I'm sorry 😭 I've been hcing him as aromantic with an aversion to romantic-type affection bc i like projecting my own identity onto my faves SORRYYYY)
i think soft tickles are the type that affect him the most, though he does like both gentle and rough playful tickles. sensory heaven to be quite honest
also a fun headcanon I've ended up subscribing to (for both macaque and wukong tbh): if they laugh hard or long enough they end up making little monkey noises in between laughs. silly little chirps and trills. I don't think they even notice it until someone points it out
I also 100% project onto Mac with the Aromatic and aversion to romantic-type affection since I’ve leaned towards that for awhile now myself. The touch starvation thing definitely would be something that gets to him, I’d also like to think that Sandy is actually a reallly good like soft ler for Macaque, he can just pick Mac up in his arms and just wiggle his finger softly into his stomach while he hides his face and lets out little chirping noises.
Sandy would 100% be that kinda ler that WOULD tease, but would also just give the lee what they wanted kinda thing. Like he wouldn’t try and pull macs hands away from his face or make him say something to be tickled, he would just tickle him because Sandy truly knows that he just NEEDS something to laugh from yknow.
The teasing he would do is subtle comments to Macaque like “wow Mr.Maquack your sides are really ticklish.” And verbalize things to him as he tickles that Macaque won’t comment back on but will do certain body language like scrunching up his shoulders more or curling his tail in to show that he heard Sandy.
I think Wukong would also be a ler for Macaque but definitely more of the ‘you did this, so this is my retaliation’ kinda tickling. Wukong does have the ability to be gentle with Mac though when tickling him but would be the type to call Macaque for enjoying it lol. It wouldn’t be mean or anything, just more of a general observation like “huh it almost seems like you enjoy this!” And will usually get a “shut up” in response and Wukong will just smile and keep tickling him lol.
MK would be afraid to tickle Macaque at first due to how they met and such but in the later stages of their friendship MK grows more confident to mess around with Macaque like friends would and probably got dragged into tickling Macaque with Wukong the one time when the monkey king was being a little shit and wanting to show off to MK that he knows one of Macaques weaknesses. Que Wukong jumping on Macaque and tickling him, they unceremoniously fall to the ground their tails wipping about as Macaque starts laughing while Wukong tries to pin him down and use his tail to tickle his stomach.
MK is standing there in awe before Wukong gestures for him to come over and help him. Macaque sees MK looking at him nervously and he just sighs and stops fighting and let’s Wukong switch to just holding his arms down so that MK can sit on his legs and he experimentally pokes around Macaques stomach and feels the shadow monke twitching and jumping with each poke. MK looks up and sees Macaque has buried his face into the side of his arm below his scarf and MK smiles at him.
“This is what Pigsy does when he tickles me!” MK says happily and scitters his fingers up over Macaques ribs closer to his underarms as he feels Macaque arch his back up into the tickling fingers as he squeaks and lets out a few barks of laughter.
They all have a happy wholesome time tickling Macaque and in the end Mac secretly loved the physical affection he got.
Feel free to ask anything about Nezha and Macaque or other LMK characters and if I have ideas on them I’ll rant about it! <3
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 3 months
Do you hace any headcanons for redson from lmk?
A/n: so... I was supposed to write this 3 months ago... and I had the hc's... but the moment I almost finished somehow it got removed and then I was busy so I didn't have much time in this... BUT HERE WE GO BABYYY
Warnings: Small mentions of violence..? (Not sure but tell me later if it is) Just some tickles! If this is not your type of TEAAAA then just scroll down! If not HERE WE GOOO
•At first look we gotta go through this.
•If you are new in the group and are planning to tickle him? Unless you 2 have some type of connection (plantonic or romantic) then no he won't let you. If you even dare to try and tickle him he will look at you with disgust.
•He'll also probably not laugh if you're tickling him as a stranger. I feel like since he was growing up to be a scientist going on missions and a prince trying to overcome the world for his dad he'd learn how to stop laughing. I mean he gotta keep that guard up!
•And by that I mean that if you come close he won't laugh if you tickle him or even react, he will just judge you probably.
•BUT. If you ARE close to him, a close person wether in a plantonic or romantic way. He would be comfortable with you, he woudnt mind if he's getting tickled but pfcourse he'll act.
•He's probably mostly a Lee.
•Since he grew up in the DBK family I feel like he woudnt be much in tickles or hug or anything. His mom was prolly busy trying to free his father so he'd be learning how and what to do.
•though I DO feel he'd ask his bull clones to tickle him as a act of "training purposes" but in reality most of the time was cause he's touch starved and just needed to be wrecked like once in a while.
•he'd obviously erase that memory after.
•Well now he is a big boy.
•Hanging with you and the squad? He needed to get used to the hugs... but now he gotta get used to the tickles aswell.
•Mei and Mk would probably start tickle fights and gang up on Redson and depends if you'd want to help them or help Redson you'd do that.
•Redsons laughs I imagine them either being loud and more like screeches. Or high-school girl giggles
•he'd try to use his evil laugh instead of his actual one he's failing miserably tho.
•His worst spots? I thing it would be his stomach, back and ribs. Especially the Ribs part.
•He defenetly squirms and tries to fight back in some way or just try to get out but he'd fail.
•"I'll kick you."
•He'll defenetly try to kick you but in the end he just pushed you away with his foot.
•His hair lights up on fire depending on how badly the tickles are.
•Oh no! You are gonna use a brush or squeeze his worst spots? Expect the room getting brighter cause if Mr Rapunzel over there (Magic hair dummy 😒)
•In the end he is in a puddle of giggles and holding his sides.
•Well you're fucked.
• He tickles his targets with no mercy unless he makes a deal OR this dummy is gonna tickle you til he is satisfied.
•His tactics is to first go for the medium level tickle attacks. The target is weakned? Good. Start slowley building up to the worst spots.
•Defenetly uses his evil laugh when tickling you.
•Why is he tickling you? There are 4 options. 1: You annoyed him and he felt mischivious.
2: Revange.
3: Ler mood
4: Someone started a tickle fight and he gotta tickle others to not get tickled cause people usually go for the one that is tickling Noone.
•Anyways it's either one of those things.
•He defenetly teases.
•"Hmmm you seem giggly for a mortal..."
•"Oooh a giggling button!" And then he pinches or blows a raspberry in ur worst spot.
•He IS gonna push your EVERY BUTTON.
•Bro he probably studied your body languge. When you tensed up. Whenever someone was near you worst spot. How you reacted to materials.
•He knows.
•And you can't escape it.
•He def uses his inventions or his powers to worsen it.
•And by powers I mean teleport.
•He'd teleport infront of you and either tackle you and start tickling you OR...he felt like a chase.
•He'll def win.
•He's a demon? What do you expect?
•He DEF has a invention with tickle tools in it. Just incase he needs it for... Revange.
•After he tickles you he'll probably leave you there on the spot or just sit there and stare at you til you calm down and go on with your day.
THANKYOU FOR READING!!! 😁 but tell me if the kicking part counts as violence 😔
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phobiaoftickles · 1 year
Lego Monkie Kid tickle Headcanons
Dk if I should make a part 2🫣
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Sun Wukong:
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-My guy as a lee is really fucking cute
-He squeals and covers himself up and tries to fight back, but he can’t because he’s too freaking ticklish for that
-MK was the first to find out he was ticklish, obviously, I mean he’s his mentor. And MK is a mega ler
-You’d think Macaque would be the first since they are inseparable, but he’s not into that type of stuff so he never tickled him.
-I’d like to think that Monkie King would be some what into tickles, like he’ll have on and off lee moods.
-His lee moods varies with other people, is what I mean.
-Like, He ALWAYS wanted his former bud, Macaque, to tickle him.
-Only bc he thinks he’s cute, and that plus him being a huge ler to Sun Wukong? Kill him now.
-So he’d try his best to subtly hint to him, with laying across his lap, stomach out.
-Or, he’d be super annoying to the Mystic Monkie.
-But it never quite worked, so he eventually gave up.
-And he doesn’t have lee moods towards other people, like, MK, or Mei, or his old friends, or Tang.
-But once he really can’t stand his moods bc his bud won’t help him, he’ll resort to MK, knowing he’ll help.
-And no, he doesn’t ask for them, that’s silly, he would never.
-He’d do all the things he’d do to Macaque.
-It would work of course.
-His death spot is his stomach.
-Also off topic, I really like the idea that they gave him a dad bod in the last episode. He’s too cute.
-Quote: “Geez, Yohohouou’re pretty gohohohod at this, bud, nohihot as gohohood as me though- AHAHA!! NONONO WAIT AHAHAHHAA”
-Lee 20% Ler 80%
-Now, he’s VICIOUS when he’s in a ler mood, which is like, all the time.
-He’d get ler moods only to Macaque and MK, and if they aren’t there he had to resort to his monkies.
-But it’s never the same :(
-He tickled the Mystic Monkie when they were friends back in the day, but he stopped because he didn’t want to make his friend uncomfortable with him.
-So he had this ler mood growing on him.
-He was gonna resort to Ne Zha, but he didn’t seem ticklish and if he was, he looked like he could kill him in one quick swoop.
-With MK, Monkie King would hold him down and tickle the shit out of him, until he passes out, which is very rare… maybe.
-Quote: “Damn, you’re really ticklish here, huh, bud~? What about your ears? I mean it’s literally in your name.”
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-MK is the biggest lee, and he doesn’t mind, he kinda likes getting tickled, and everyone knows that, but he doesn’t
-He thought he was in the clear, and kept the secret with him, but as soon as anyone tickled him, he wouldn’t move, plead, tell them to stop, or push their hands away, he’d just wriggle and laugh.
-Super ticklish may I remind you.
-He’ll flinch with the slightest touch.
-Really loves Mei tickling him the most, only beacuse she’s soft with her touches, and can tell when the monkie kid would want rough tickles instead.
-Gets tickled by Sun Wukong when he’s in a ler mood and Macaque isn’t there.
-Mk didn’t know how evil the monkie king was with his tickles
-Kinda likes the ler side of him in his defense.
-Pigsy was the first to tickle him beacuse he was the first to take him in when he was at his lowest.
-It was by shear accident tho, he accidentally scraped his side trying to get something, and the kid flinched, then the pig had this evil glare and started tickling him.
-Tang tickles him too, just not as much as everyone else, just quick squeezes and pokes
-Because unlike everyone else, he’s bad at reading signals and thinks MK hates it.
-His death spot is His ribs, ofc, get him there and he’ll really beg you to stop.
-Passed out mulitple times bc of it.
-So people would steer clear of that area, unless MK has been a real pain in the ass and needs a punishment
-Quote- “Hahhaahahaha, it tickles!!!”
-Yeah, basically, that’s it.
-Lee 50% Ler 50%
-Him as a ler, PUH-LEASE
-He’s a huge maenace, absolutely destroying his target, which is usually Sun Wukong, Tang, and Red Son.
-He’ll wreck your worst spots, then tickle your least worst spots to soothe and calm you down.
-Sun Wukong, Tang, and Redson, is a fighter so he’ll have to pin them down using one of his morphs and tickle the shit out of them.
-Yeah, don’t get on his bad side when he’s in a ler mood.
-He will not stop when you ask, bc he’s a dick. Anywhoo…
-He’ll give you the BEST after care though, feeling sorry he put you through hell (even though he knows you liked it).
-After care includes: Slight back scratches, cuddles, head scratches, kisses, more cuddles, a massage, some water, and/or, he’ll put on a good movie while you fall asleep in his arms, which that person is Redson.
-Quote: “Put your hand in the monkey cage, expect to get bit, son!”
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-I’m not bias… but I absolutely love the headcanon that strong and dark men are extremely ticklish, and that’s what I’m going for.
-And SWK loves to torture him with it, until he eventually stopped, considering he found out that the six-eared Macaque didn’t love the affection.
-Boy was Macaque glad his bf stopped tickling him, he’s way more ticklish than SWK so that did not help his case AT. ALL.
-When they split up, Macaque never gotten tickled, not even when they reunited, which Macaque loves.
-Until he gets on the monkie king’s nerves, and wrecks the mystic Monkey.
-Not to mention the idea of tickling in general makes him uncomfortable, so he never tickled SWK before.
-Though, when he and his friends were still hanging out, they all tagged teamed him since he was the most ticklish one out of them all.
-And he didn’t talk to them for a month, quite literally, it would’ve been longer if he didn’t want a dang peach that badly, having to ask SWK for one.
-If he does get tickled, he can’t just escape with his portal thing, bc it doesn’t work when he can’t concentrate, and the fact he hates being tickled, and trying not to laugh, isn’t helping (My own hc)
-His death spot is his ears. IT’S LITERALLY IN HIS NAME!!!!
-Lee:20% Ler:0%
-I don’t have anything to put on his ler side, because he doesn’t like tickling people, soooooo
-He’ll only tickle someone as a form of revenge if they actually do damage on him when he gets tickled
-Like pissing him self, or passing out, he’ll get you, and get you good.
-Quote: “You got yourself in this damn mess, Peaches, and you can’t even get yourself out?“
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-So, Lee him, am I right?
-Hates being tickled so fucking much!!!
-I kid you not
-The shear amount of times he thrashes and nearly kicks someone is insane
-So MK has to make sure to pin him, and pin him good.
-He gets tickled alot growing up by his mother.
-His father doesn’t do any tickling, since he’s this big buff man, but sometimes it brings back memories of him and his friends tickling the shit out of Macaque and sometimes SWK, and does he miss those days?
-So he can’t help himself, but join in am I right?
-When he gets tickled by MK, MK makes sure to give him the best after care, considering he hates being tickled.
-So everytime he does, he always looks forward to the ending.
-This man has two equally death spots, his feet and hands, I mean, the thing where people walk on hot coal with out their shoes and socks, and the fact he has fire coming out of his hands, just makes sense to me
-Lee: 70% Ler:30%
-And when he’s not getting his revenge, but just tickling you bc he wants to *cough cough* MK *cough cough*He’ll go easy on you.
-He knows MK enjoys being tickled, so he makes sure to tease him with that knowledge
-And the Monkie Kid, being the monkie kid, denies the fact he enjoys it, when it’s so painfully obvious
-And Redson just goes along with it, until he wants to tease him again
-All and all, such a good ler, and will only tickle you just to tickle you if you’re MK, and if you ask him to tickle you, expect a chortled laugh and a “You wish”
-Quote: “Give up yet, Noodle boy? Or are you enjoying yourself, a lil too much?~”
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krat395 · 8 months
A "Purrfect" Sleepover
First story of 2024, y'all! :D And what I have here is a request that I did for @godofwaterbreathing. He wanted a story about his OC, a Neko boy named Lucas, having some tickle-related fun at a sleepover with five other kiddos. And four of those five kiddos just so happen to be Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK; the “core four” of my Main Series. As for the fifth one… well, I'll just let you find that out for yourselves. ;) Also, this happens to be a story where some of the character's ages are different from that of my personal headcanon. The kids are still the same ages but some of the adult characters between the ages of 18 and 29 in my headcanon on the other hand have been aged up. You'll find out why once you read the story.
Undertale(c) Toby Fox.
It is Saturday afternoon, early October, and later today, Frisk, Chara, and Asriel will be having a sleepover at their mother's house. Nothing big, just a small gathering with three of their closest friends: MK, Izzy, and their newest friend, Lucas, whom they met during their summer vacation. Lucas is a 12-year-old African American Neko boy; half cat, half human; with blue eyes, medium-length black hair, black cat ears, a black cat tail, and a black birthmark on his right cheek that looks like a paw print. He's a nice boy but also very shy; unlike his mother, Catty. That's right. Catty (who is 30+ years old in this story, along with several other characters that are 18-29 years old in my headcanon) is Lucas's mother. And his father is a human male that left when he was born, thinking that Lucas wasn't his child. Sad. :( But he and Catty got by in life without him though. Surprising considering the number of people that used to berate Lucas just for being a Neko, people often calling him a hybrid in a mean and offensive way. Before Lucas met Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK, he would always hide his ears and tail so no one would berate him for his physical appearance. And he did so again when he met Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK for the first time, fearing that they might do the same. But a few weeks later, after becoming more and more comfortable around the four of them and finding out how trusting and kind-hearted they all were, he worked up the courage to reveal to them that he’s a human-cat hybrid. And after revealing to the four of them that he's a human-cat hybrid, not a day went by without Frisk and Chara petting and/or scratching his ears. X3 They adore Lucas so much. And so will Izzy before the end of the day both Frisk and Chara are sure! The little blonde-haired human girl herself has been wanting to meet Lucas for some time now after hearing so much about him from Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK and tonight’s sleepover will be a perfect opportunity for her to finally do just that. ;) But first things first. Snacks for the sleepover! A sleepover isn't a sleepover without snacks and the Dreemurr kids know just the thing. Donuts from Muffet's bakery! :D The Dreemurr kids, MK, and Lucas were all in the mood for Muffet's signature donuts. So they then rode their bikes over to Muffet’s bakery/house to grab some. Then once they arrived there, the Dreemurr kids and MK made no hesitation to go inside. But Lucas on the other hand was hesitant to go inside. One thing worth mentioning about Lucas is that he has immensely bad arachnophobia. If he is spooked by a spider, real or fake, he'll jump straight into the air, yowl like an angry cat (but in a scared way), and cling to the ceiling above him with his claws until someone either gets rid of the spider(s) or pulls him down themselves. And because Lucas has bad arachnophobia, the Dreemurr kids and MK all told him ahead of time that he didn't have to go inside the bakery if he didn't want to and that he could therefore just wait outside while they grab the donuts. But because Lucas is trying to get over his fear of spiders, he ended up going inside the bakery anyway, only to end up clinging to the ceiling the very second he saw Muffet herself. And he didn't come down until he knew for sure that Muffet was out of everyone's field of vision.
Muffet: Oh, bonjour, Lucas. *Muffet greeted Lucas politely the moment he stepped inside her bakery*
Lucas: *gasp* MEEEEEEEOOOOOOOW!!! *yowled Lucas upon seeing Muffet, right as he jumped high into the air and attached to the ceiling above him* MEEEEEEOOOOOOOOW!!! *he yowled once more, his tail puffed out and trembling with fear*
Frisk: Aw, Lucas. It's ok. *uttered Frisk, trying to comfort Lucas* Oh well. At least you tried to conquer your fear.
Chara: Heh. Yeah. And hey, you lasted longer than all the other times. (Not really but I thought that saying that might help him feel better.)
Muffet: Aww! Poor kitty. Well, that's my cue to leave the room. See you again real soon, dearies.
MK: Bye, Muffet!
Asriel: Thanks again for the donuts.
Muffet: Ahuhuhuhu~ You're very welcome. Take care.
As soon as Muffet left the room, Lucas got off the ceiling only to end up jumping right back up there the moment he felt one of Muffet’s spiders crawling on his tail. A garnet-colored spider named Genevieve to be exact. She had been crawling around the bakery long before Lucas and company arrived. And since she adores Lucas so much, she just had to crawl on him as a means of showing affection. Big mistake! Because once Lucas jumped up to the ceiling, she instantly fell off of him. But thankfully, MK caught her before she could fall too far. He caught her with his long scaly tail and with her clinging to said tail, he then proceeded to walk out of the room to where Muffet was standing while she was waiting for Lucas to leave.
Muffet: Genevieve, what on Earth were you thinking crawling on Lucas like that?! Do you have a death wish?! The boy’s afraid of spiders for goodness’ sake! *yelled Muffet, holding her middle right hand next to MK’s tail so Genevieve could then crawl on said hand* Thank you, MK. You're too kind. Now you and your little friends have a fun sleepover, ok. *she then said politely to MK, thanking him for helping Genevieve to safety*
MK: Hehe. We will, Muffet! See you later. (Wow. Muffet seemed pretty upset. Hope she’s not too hard on Genevieve after what she did.)
And with that, Frisk, Chara, Asriel, MK, and Lucas, after getting pulled off of Muffet's ceiling by the aforementioned kids, headed outside of Muffet's bakery/house with two boxes of assorted donuts, much to Lucas's relief. Then not long afterwards, the five kids rode their bikes back to Toriel's house; Asriel riding on his red bike with one box of a dozen donuts in its gold basket, Chara on her green bike with the other box of a dozen donuts in its silver basket, and Frisk, MK, and Lucas following directly behind them. Then once the five kids arrived back at Toriel's house, they all just hung out together until Izzy showed up. They didn't want to start the sleepover without Izzy and luckily for the five of them, they didn't have to wait too long for her to show up at the house. And once the little blonde-haired girl herself stepped inside the house after being dropped off by her adoptive mother, Heidi, the first thing she did, right after kicking off her pink flip flops, was introduce herself to Lucas. She was so excited to meet Lucas and while Lucas himself didn't say too much to her when they first met, that didn't stop her from giving his ears a little scratch. And by scratching Lucas's ears, she had caused Lucas himself to purr in response, which did nothing but fuel her desire to learn more about him. It was at that point that Frisk and Chara knew that Lucas had made a good first impression on Izzy and vice versa. But to really seal the deal, they'd have to spend some more time together. And luckily for them, they have all night to get to know each other better, doing various activities together along with the Dreemurr kids and MK. And there's one such activity that the Dreemurr kids, MK, and Izzy are hoping will do wonders over all the others. And that activity is… tickle time! :D The Dreemurr kids, MK, and Izzy all love their tickle time and they're hoping that Lucas will as well. And he should, based on everything his mother, Catty has told the Dreemurr kids and MK. Lucas doesn't know it, but Catty has secretly told the Dreemurr kids and MK about how she tickles him and how much he enjoys being tickled by her. And if everything she's told them is indeed true, then Lucas will surely be in for a fun time. ;)
Later that night… in the living room of Toriel's home… after several sleepover activities…
Izzy: Heeheeheehee! Well, that sure was fun, you guys! *commented Izzy, shortly after finishing a scavenger hunt with the other kids* Man, you really went all out with this sleepover! *she added, pointing out how the Dreemurr kids have done more than they usually do with their friends during sleepovers*
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! We had to, Izzy. Chara, Asriel, and I don't get to see you and MK as much now that we're in middle school.
Frisk, Chara, and Asriel were all very grateful to spend time with Izzy and MK, two sixth graders at Ebott Elementary School, on this particular night. Ever since the three of them started seventh grade in a new building entirely (Ebott Junior High School), they haven't gotten to see them (or Brad, Justin, Patty, Kyle, and GK) nearly as much as they did when they were all in elementary school together. So that's why they did more activities than usual during this sleepover, to get the most out of their visit. And Izzy and MK both appreciated that very much. Though especially the latter as well as Lucas, due to an opportunity to see Frisk, Chara and Izzy in their PJs. The two boys thought that the three human girls all looked really cute in their PJs; Frisk in a pair of blue flannel pants and a magenta t-shirt over a black long sleeve shirt, Chara in a white t-shirt and green pajama bottoms, and Izzy in a light pink and white striped tank top and pink flannel pants. And as for their footwear, they had none. All three girls were barefoot in their PJs. And so were natural barefooters Asriel and MK; the former in a green t-shirt and black shorts and the latter in a red sleeveless shirt and brown flannel pants. But Lucas on the other hand had on white socks with his PJs, which consisted of a Demon Slayer shirt and green flannel pants. Though probably not for much longer because once tickle time starts, those socks will likely be coming off. Especially if his friends are planning to tickle his feet! Sure, they could just tickle his feet with his socks on but where's the fun in that? ;)
Izzy: Heh. That's true, you don't. Well thank you for going all out for us.
MK: Hehe. Yeah, thanks, you guys.
Asriel: You're welcome. And we'll be sure to do the same with Brad and Justin one of these days and Patty, Kyle, and GK as well. *stated Asriel, wanting to hang out with the aforementioned kids sometime in the near future*
Chara: Hehe. So many of you kiddos. *Chara chimed in, referring to elementary school students as kiddos now that she's in middle school*
Izzy: Heeheehee! That's right! X3
Frisk: Hehe. Yes. And would this kiddo be interested in starting that activity that we think might help Lucas here feel more comfortable about talking to you.
Lucas: Eeeeep! F-Frisk! *exclaimed Lucas, blushing red with embarrassment*
Izzy: Eeeeeeeee! Yes! Yes, please, yes!
Frisk: Heeheehee! Well, Lucas. You heard the little lady. *said Frisk, calling Izzy a little lady despite only being one year older than her* Let's get our butts upstairs and do this thing.
Lucas: O-o-ok, Frisk. And what's this thing we'll be doing?
Chara: Heeheeheehee! You'll see…
And with that, the six kids headed upstairs to Frisk and Chara’s bedroom. Lucas didn't know it but once he and the other five kids arrived in said bedroom, tickle time would start. And the other five kids had the decency to give him a heads up about it before they started doing it, Frisk and Chara informing him of the things that Catty had told them prior to the sleepover and Asriel and MK standing guard at the door in case Lucas tried to run away.
Frisk: Now, Lucas, don't be mad at your mom, but I spoke to her about things you enjoy doing with her and she told us that one of those things was tickling, is that correct?
Lucas: Eeeeeeeep! *squealed Lucas, blushing red with embarrassment* U-u-ummmm, w-w-well…
Chara: Heeheehee! I'll take that as a yes. And you'll be pleased to know that we do too! All five of us!
Lucas: You… you do?
Izzy: Heeheehee! Yes! We all just plain love our tickle time! Provided that it's all in good fun, of course.
Frisk: Heeheehee! Yeah… like what I'm about to do to Azzy here! *exclaimed Frisk, seconds before digging her fingers into Asriel's sides directly in front of him*
Asriel: Hey, wait a second! PFFFFFFFF-HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA!!! *Asriel laughed preciously, dancing in place as Frisk ever so gingerly kneaded his sides* FRIHIHIHISK, NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Lucas: (Awwww! X3) *thought Lucas to himself upon witnessing Asriel being tickled*
Chara: Heeheehee! Hey, I wanna get in on this too! *exclaimed Chara, dashing over towards Asriel to claw at his belly, which in turn made him sink down to the floor*
Asriel: EEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Asriel laughed even harder, moments before leaning against the door behind him and sinking down to the floor until he was in an upright sitting position with his legs straight out in front of him and his soles exposed for tickling* CHAHAHAHARA, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, NOHOHO, NOT YOU TOOOOOOOOHOOHOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! *SNORT* HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!
Izzy: Heeheeheehee! Ooh, now it's my turn to join in! *cooed Izzy, mere seconds before leaning over Asriel's legs with his ankles sandwiched between her knees and scribbling her fingers ever so gingerly against his snow white soles*
Asriel: EEEEEEP!!! NOHOHO, IZZY, DON'T-BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *Asriel laughed especially hard once Izzy joined in and tickled his feet* OH MY~ HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! GOOHOOHOOD GOSH GOHOHOHOLLY!!!! *he exclaimed through his laughter, wiggling and splaying his toes uncontrollably with every passing second he felt ten skilled fingers scribbling against his soles* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! *SNORT* GYEEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEHEEHEE!!!!
To try and help Lucas feel more comfortable about being tickled by them, Frisk, Chara and Izzy all felt that they should tickle at least one of the other boys first, to show him that what they were intending to do to him was all in good fun. And of the two boys to tickle before Lucas, they chose to tickle Asriel. And that was simply because it had been a while since Izzy last tickled Asriel. Izzy loves tickling fluffy boys and Asriel reminds her so much of her own fluffy brother, Bastian; her big bunny bro. X3 But she loves tickling scaly boys as well; like her friend and classmate, MK. And little did MK know; he would be tickled by each of the three human girls shortly after they were finished tickling Asriel. They simply couldn't tickle one precious monster boy without tickling the other. No siree!
Minutes later…
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Ok, ready, Chara? *asked Frisk, right as she stopped tickling Asriel, prompting Chara and Izzy to do the same*
Chara and Izzy: Heeheeheehee! Ready, Frisk!
After a moment of silence…
Chara: Hey, MK! Guess what! You're next! *exclaimed Chara in a singsongy voice whilst holding up her hands and wiggling her fingers, making MK nervous enough to dash forward without thinking; and by dashing forward without thinking, MK ended up tripping and falling face-down against the floor, leaving him open for Frisk, Chara, and Izzy to tickle him without a single care in the world*
MK: Eeeeeeeeep!!! Oh no, not again!!! Oooooooof!!!
Frisk: Quick! Before he gets up!
With that said, the three human girls scooted towards MK and pinned him down before he could stand back up; Frisk holding his left robotic arm down against the floor with her bare feet pressed against the left half of his torso, Chara holding his right robotic arm down against the floor with her bare feet pressed against the right half of his torso, and Izzy kneeling over his legs and tail with his ankles and the end of his tail sandwiched between her knees. Then without a second thought, the three human girls began tickling MK, Frisk wiggling her toes against the left half of his torso on the outside of his shirt, Chara wiggling her toes against the right half of his torso on the outside of his shirt, and Izzy wiggling her fingers against his soles and toes as well as in between his toes.
MK: EEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! *squealed MK the moment he felt twenty toes wiggling against his torso and ten fingers wiggling against his scaly feet; everywhere on his soles, toes, and in between his toes* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *he laughed preciously, twitching his tail and robotic arms while they were being held down, trying to break free but to no avail* OHOHOHOHOH NOHOHOHOHO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OHOHOHOH NOHOHOHO, NOT THAHAHAHAT!!! *he then pleaded, blushing tomato-red due to Frisk and Chara tickling him with their toes and Izzy simply tickling his feet* HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! *SQUEAK* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! EEEEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!
Chara: Heeheehee! Now, MK, we know you don't mean that! Not while Frisk and I are tickling you with our pretty toes!
Izzy: Heeheehee! And while I'm tickling your tootsies!
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Thanks! We'll take that as a compliment, you lovable lizard you! X3
Frisk, Chara, and Izzy all know what MK loves and all three human girls were happy to give that to him before tickling Lucas together. MK was in seventh heaven with two cute human girls tickling his torso with their toes and a third cute human girl scribbling her fingers against his overly sensitive feet, not wanting any of them to stop by the time they decided to release him. But they had to release him though! Because if they didn't stop tickling MK, they would've never gotten around to tickling Lucas…
Minutes later…
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Ok, ladies, that's probably good enough, don't you think? *asked Frisk the moment she stopped tickling MK, prompting both Chara and Izzy to do the same*
Chara and Izzy: Heeheehee! Yeah, probably.
MK: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! No, dohohohohohon’t stohohohohop!! *begged MK, still laughing and giggling due to lingering ticklish sensations* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
Chara: Heeheehee! Sorry, Lizzy boy, but we have to!
Izzy: Yeah, don't you want the same to happen to Lucas?
MK: Hahahahahahahahahaha!! Ok, that's fair!! Hahahahahahahahaha!! Go ahead!! *squeak* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeeheeheehee!!
With that said, the three human girls then turned their attention to Lucas, slowly approaching him one by one; Frisk first, Chara second, and Izzy third.
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Well, Lucas… how do you feel about the three of us tickling you now? Are you ready? *asked Frisk, wondering if tickling both Asriel and MK beforehand has helped Lucas feel more comfortable about being tickled altogether*
Lucas: U-u-ummmm, y-y-yeah. I… I think so. *uttered Lucas, both nervous and excited to be on the receiving end of tickles from three little human girls*
Chara: Heeheehee! Good to hear.
Izzy: And don't worry, we'll go easy on you to start. *assured Izzy, giving Lucas's ears a quick scratch* Right, ladies?
Frisk and Chara: Oh yeah, most definitely!
Lucas: G-good… *gulp*
Moments later, Frisk and Chara directed Lucas to lie down on the floor in a spot where they had placed numerous blankets. The two girls not only wanted Lucas to be comfortable whilst being tickled but they also wanted plenty of room for them and Izzy to maneuver. And once Lucas lied down on a floor on top of the blankets in a T position on his back, the three girls officially started tickling him. One by one the three human girls tickled Lucas. And the first of the three girls to tickle him was Frisk. Kneeling next to Lucas's head, Frisk grabbed a hold of both of his cat ears and tickled them to her heart’s content, wiggling her index fingers and thumbs on either the inside or outside of them with every passing second, until it was one of the other girls’ turns to tickle him.
Lucas: Pfffffffff…Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! *Lucas laughed, shaking his head lightly the entire time Frisk tickled his ears* Oh wohohohow!! *Squeak* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! I love what I'm hearing so far. *cooed Frisk, adoring Lucas's reactions to the ear tickles*
After one minute, Frisk stopped tickling Lucas and let another one of the girls have a turn. Next up was Chara, who was kneeling off to his right, and she scribbled her fingers against his legs of all places. From his thighs all the way down to his ankles, not a single inch of Lucas's legs was left untouched. And as Chara tickled Lucas's legs, she induced more frantic reactions and laughter from Lucas. His legs are a little more ticklish than his ears, which she and Frisk were informed of beforehand by Catty, but she wanted to find out for herself. And she was more than pleased to find out that Catty had indeed told her the truth. And whichever spot Izzy tickles after Chara finishes tickling his legs should be more ticklish…
Lucas: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! *Lucas laughed harder than before, his legs twitching lightly as Chara scribbled her fingers against them ever so gingerly* Holy… Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Chara: Heeheehee! Having fun, Lucas? *asked Chara, not expecting an answer as she continued scribbling her fingers against Lucas's legs*
Lucas: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Yeheheheheheah!!! *Lucas frantically answered through his laughter, trying his best to keep his legs still for Chara* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!!
After Chara stopped tickling Lucas's legs, it was then Izzy's turn to tickle Lucas. And the spots she tickled were indeed more ticklish than his legs. She tickled his sides and to effectively tickle his sides, she kneeled over him with his thighs sandwiched between her knees, trapping him underneath her and giving herself all of the freedom she needed to scribble her fingers against them and squeeze them to her heart's content. And for even more effective tickles, Frisk held his arms down to prevent him from inadvertently smacking Izzy.
Izzy: Heeheeheehee! Awww! Of course it does, you cutie. *cooed Izzy, causing Lucas to blush in response* Heeheeheehee! Oh, you are just so cute when you laugh.
Lucas: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! *laughed Lucas once more, wiggling and squiggling in a cute manner underneath Izzy* THAHAHAHAHANKS! *he then shouted through his laughter, unsure of how to respond to such a nice compliment whilst laughing* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *SQUEAK* HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEHEEHEEEHEEHEE!
After Izzy finished tickling Lucas's sides, it was once again Frisk's turn to tickle him. She was still kneeling next to Lucas's head but instead of tickling his ears a second time, she dug her fingers into the hollows of his armpits, causing him to just plain scream with laughter. His armpits were even more sensitive and as a means of dealing with the tickling to said armpits, he flailed his arms every which way, only to end up stopping once Asriel and MK kneeled next to him and held his arms down; Asriel holding down his right arm and MK holding down his left.
Frisk: Heeheehee! Thanks, you guys. He was starting to get really crazy there!
Asriel: Heeheehee! Yeah, just like you do when we tickle you there, my dear sister. *teased Asriel*
MK: Hehe. He's right! *MK agreed*
Frisk: Oh, you boys… I must say, you're really lucky I'm tickling Lucas at the moment… *claimed Frisk, informing both Asriel and MK that she would be tickling them just for teasing her if she wasn't busy tickling Lucas*
As tempting as it was to adhere to Lucas's request to tickle Asriel and MK, Frisk focused on the task at hand. That being, tickling Lucas and only Lucas. She, Chara, and Izzy just had to give him a proper tickle treatment. And as soon as Frisk finished tickling Lucas's armpits, Chara traded places with Izzy and scribbled her fingers all over his belly on the outside of his shirt, causing him to laugh even harder. Lucas's belly was even more sensitive than his armpits and he was laughing so hard that tears were beginning to form in his eyes.
Chara: Heeheeheehee! Keep going? You got it! *teased Chara, mere seconds before lifting up Lucas's shirt and scribbling his fingers against his bare belly*
Moments later…
Chara: Heeheehee! Ok, ok, just one last thing before we give you a breather… *claimed Chara, holding up a single index finger next to Lucas's bellybutton*
Chara: Heeheeheehee! Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie kooooooo! *teased Chara, swirling one of her index fingers directly inside Lucas's bellybutton for ten whole seconds*
Ten seconds! Ten seconds of swirling an index finger inside Lucas's bellybutton and Chara had managed to make Lucas yowl like that of a housecat. And he'll likely be doing even more yowling after his break is over, for there's one spot that's supposedly more sensitive than his belly…
Lucas: Huff… huff… huff… *Lucas huffed and puffed after Chara had stopped tickling him*
Lucas was gasping for air by the time Chara stopped tickling him. He’s quite the ticklish Neko boy if Frisk, Chara, Asriel, MK, and Izzy do say so themselves. And despite how much he was freaking out while he was being tickled, he had a great deal of fun being on the receiving end of those tickles. He loves receiving attention from girls. Especially cute ones like Frisk, Chara, and Izzy! As well as cute monster boys like Asriel and MK, who will both likely be ticking Lucas shortly after Izzy has another turn.
Frisk: Awww, Lucas! *cooed Frisk, scratching Lucas's ears to help him relax after being tickled, causing Lucas himself to purr in response X3*
Chara: Heeheehee! Awww! Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty! *cooed Chara, adoring Lucas's purring* Speaking of “kitty,” your mom told us that you say that if tickling ever gets too extreme for you.
Lucas: Eeeeeeep! What?! N-no I don't. *claimed Lucas, embarrassed to find out something else that Catty had told Frisk and Chara (and Asriel and MK) behind his back*
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! It's ok, Lucas. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. *assured Frisk*
Chara: Heeheeheehee! Yeah, we're all friends here. You can trust us. And Izzy too!
Izzy: Heeheeheehee! It's true, Lucas! And I for one think it's cute that you have a safe word. My mom has one too. Carrot cupcakes! Actually, that's two words, so it's more a safe phrase in her case. Heeheeheehee!
Lucas: Oh, that's neat.
Izzy: Heeheehee! Right? I love making her say it every time I tickle her big feet. She has extremely ticklish feet! And she's a kicker so if you ever want to tickle her feet, either have someone hold her legs down for you or tie them down.
Lucas: Oh, that's good to know. T-thank you for t-telling me that.
Izzy: Heeheehee! Of course! And speaking of ticklish feet, are your feet ticklish, Lucas? *asked Izzy all cheekily, looking at Lucas with a cute little smile on her precious face*
Lucas: Eeeeeeeep! No! No, not at all! *exclaimed Lucas in response, curling his toes in fear inside his socks*
Izzy: Heeheehee! Are you sure? *asked Izzy in a singsongy voice, shortly before signaling over to Asriel and MK to hold Lucas's legs down against the floor*
Lucas: Eeeeeeep! *squealed Lucas once he felt his legs being held down* Y-yes, I'm sure! I'm sure!
Izzy: Hmm……… I don't believe you.
At that moment, Izzy began tickling Lucas's socked feet, scribbling her fingers gingerly up and down the soles of them and eliciting precious giggles while doing so.
Lucas: Pfffffffffffffff… Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Ok, ok, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, they're a little tihihihihicklish!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Izzy: Heeheeheehee! Now how about these toesies? *teased Izzy, right as she began tickling Lucas's toes with his socks still on*
Lucas: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA! NOHOHO, NOT THEHEHEHEHEHERE! *pleaded Lucas through his more frantic laughter, trying to pull his feet away from Izzy only to be prevented from doing so by both Asriel and MK* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Izzy got more of a reaction when she tickled Lucas's toes. And for good reason. His toes are his most ticklish spots; ungodly ticklish according to both him and Catty. Just a slight touch to one or more of them is enough to get him in stitches. Even with socks on! And as Izzy tickled Lucas's toes, Lucas himself laughed so hard that tears ran down his face. Then after a while, Izzy removed both of Lucas’s socks and tickled his feet a second time, much to Lucas's dismay. His feet are far more ticklish without socks and after just a few seconds of fingers scribbling up and down his bare soles, he was yowling in addition to laughing and crying, indicating to everyone else in the room that his feet are indeed more ticklish than his belly.
Lucas was going crazy with every passing second he felt Izzy's fingers scribbling against his bare feet; laughing, squealing, squeaking, yowling, and everything in between. His feet are so ticklish. But the tickle torture he had endured couldn't have been too unbearable. Because the entire time Izzy tickled his feet alone, he never once said “kitty,” his safe word. And she tickled him with more than just her fingers too. In addition to her fingers, she also used a Q-Tip, paintbrush, feather, fork, and toothbrush.
After tickling Lucas's feet with her fingers and five different utensils, Izzy moved aside to let Asriel and MK take turns tickling Lucas. First, Asriel tickled Lucas on his own, quickly tickling him everywhere Frisk, Chara, and Izzy had tickled him; starting with his ears for 20 seconds, then his legs for 20 seconds, then his sides for 20 seconds, then his armpits for 20 seconds, then his belly for 20 seconds, and then his feet for 20 seconds. Two whole minutes of tickles from his furry fingers alone!
Asriel: Heeheeheehee! How do you like my fur, Lucas? *asked Asriel, wondering if his furry fingers were tickling Lucas more than human fingers*
After Asriel finished tickling Lucas, it was then MK’s turn to tickle Lucas. And MK did exactly what Asriel did for two whole minutes. He tickled all of his sweet spots for two whole minutes. But unlike Asriel, he threw his tail into the mix.
MK: Heeheeheehee! Yes, the tail too! Heeheeheehee! I love tickling with my tail! Can you tickle with your tail too, Lucas? *asked MK, wondering if Lucas can tickle people with his tail like he can*
Lucas: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!! I DOHOHON'T KNOHOHOW!!! *Lucas answered, not actually wanting MK to know if he can or can't tickle people with his tail… not at this moment, anyway* HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Moments later…
Even after being tickled by both monster boys back-to-back, Lucas still didn't say his safe word, giving everyone the impression that he handles tickles to his various sweet spots better in short spurts as opposed to lengthy periods of time. And that observation appeared to be true because it wasn't until Asriel and MK tickled him together that he said his safe word; Asriel sitting next to his head tickling his ears and armpits with his fingers and toes respectively and MK kneeling over his legs and ticking his lower abdomen, thighs, and feet with his tail, toes, and fingers respectively. With so many of his sweet spots being targeted at once, Lucas had literally no choice but to say his safe word. But he didn't say it right away though. Not until after two full minutes of tickles to his sweet spots…
Two minutes later…
Upon hearing Lucas say his safe word, Asriel and MK both moved away from him and thus stopped tickling him entirely; Asriel moving to the left of Lucas and MK moving to the right of Lucas. Then, without any warning whatsoever, Asriel and MK found themselves being pinned down against the floor on their backs with their arms above their heads by Frisk and Chara respectively! And not only that; Izzy kneeled over Lucas and pinned his arms above his head! And to keep all three boys held down against the floor, Frisk conjured several spikes (every single one of them a red color) and crisscrossed them around every single one of the boys’ limbs as well as Lucas and MK's tails! :O
Asriel: Oof! *Asriel struggled* Hey! Frisk, I thought we agreed not to use any magic! *he then shouted, annoyed that Frisk had used magic to hold him, Lucas, and MK down against the floor after telling him beforehand that she would not use any magic whatsoever*
MK: Oof! Hey, yeah, what gives, Frisk?! *shouted MK, also annoyed*
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Calm down, boys. Let us girls have a little fun for the next ten minutes or so. You won't regret it. *claimed Frisk in a cheeky manner, giving each of the boys the impression that they will receive some type of reward if they endure tickles from her, Chara, and Izzy*
Izzy: (Heeheehee! You won't!) *mouthed Izzy, sitting behind Frisk and holding her feet up for all three boys to see and running her blue feather across her bare soles; silently informing all three boys that they will indeed receive a reward for enduring tickles from her, Frisk, and Chara*
Asriel: Heh. Well, when you put it that way, okay! *exclaimed Asriel excitedly, now that he knows what the girls are intending to do after tickling them*
MK: Hehe. Yeah, do your worst! *commanded MK, greatly spreading his toes*
Frisk: Heeheehee! Great! And what about you, Lucas? Do you have anything to say before we start?
Lucas: Just three words, Frisk… Bring… It… On! *commanded Lucas in a very confident manner, prompting both Asriel and MK to say the following,*
Asriel: Hehe. Yeah, you tell ‘em, Lucas!
MK: Hehe. Yeah, dude, yeah!
And with that, each of the three girls began tickling each of the three boys with their fingers alone. For nine whole minutes the girls tickled the boys. Though, not the same boy for nine whole minutes. No, every three minutes, the girls switched to a different boy. And how long the boys were tickled on either their upper bodies or their feet depended entirely on the girl that was tickling them. If it was Frisk, each boy received two minutes of tickles to their upper bodies and one minute of tickles to their feet; if it was Izzy, each boy received ninety seconds of tickles to their upper bodies and ninety seconds of tickles to their feet; and if it was Chara, each boy received one minute of tickles to their upper bodies and two minutes of tickles to their feet. But it was hard for each of the three boys to tell though because of how busy they were laughing their heads off. All they knew was that each of the girls’ fingers tickled like crazy and with no chances of freeing themselves from their predicament, the only thing they could do was lay on the floor and take everything that each of the girls were intending to dish out.
During the first three-minute interval…
During the second three-minute interval…
During the third and final three-minute interval…
Sometime later…
Asriel, Lucas, and MK: Huff… huff… huff… huff… huff… *the boys huffed and puffed after nine whole minutes of tickle torture*
Nine minutes! At this point during the sleepover, Asriel, Lucas, and MK had endured nine whole minutes of tickles! And with ticklers like Frisk, Chara, and Izzy, that was no easy task! The three human girls themselves sure know how to get each of them laughing with their fingers alone, scribbling, drumming, and raking their fingers all over several of their sweet spots and verbally teasing them every so often while doing so; the dreaded “coochie coochie coo,” “tickle tickle tickle,” “kitchy kitchy koo,” you name it. But it was all worth it in the end though, because shortly after Frisk freed the three boys, they were all given an opportunity to get some sweet revenge on her, Chara, and Izzy! And to prevent themselves from moving around too much, all three girls stuffed themselves tightly into one sleeping bag with their heads sticking out at one end and their bare feet sticking out at the other; Frisk on the left, Izzy in the middle, and Chara on the right. And sure as hell all three girls wiggled their toes to tease the boys once they saw them stuffed in one sleeping bag together. XD
Frisk: Yoo-hoo. Boys. Oh, boys. *cooed Frisk in a singsongy voice, in order to get the boys' attention once she saw three of them standing up after taking some time to catch their breaths*
Izzy: Time for your reward. *cooed Izzy while Lucas was putting his socks back on*
Chara: And you better hurry up before we change our minds. *teased Chara*
Moments later…
Lucas: Oh G-god… *uttered Lucas, blushing red at the sight of three trapped pairs of ticklish human feet*
MK: Eeeeep! H-h-holy m-m-moly! *exclaimed MK, mesmerized by the sight of Frisk, Izzy, and Chara stuffed in a sleeping bag together with only their heads and feet sticking out*
Asriel: Oh, wow. Oh, w-w-wow! T-t-thank you so much, you guys! *exclaimed Asriel excitedly, knowing full well that the girls were intending to let him and the other boys get some sweet revenge on them*
Frisk: Heeheeheehee! Of course, Azzy. You, MK, and Lucas earned it.
Izzy: Heeheehee! They sure have! *Izzy agreed, teasing the boys with her feet more than Frisk and Chara were with their own feet*
Chara: Heeheehee! Wow, Izzy, you must really want your feet tickled, huh?
Izzy: Heeheehee! I do! More than anything!
Frisk: Heeheehee! Well, boys, you heard the little lady. Tickle us, all three of us.
Chara: Heeheehee! Yeah, and don't you dare hold back!
Lucas: Oh, we won't! *exclaimed Lucas, rushing over towards the girls and sitting next to their feet before Asriel and MK could even think to do the same*
With that said, each of the three boys tickled the girls' immensely ticklish bare feet, causing all three of them to laugh both heartily and hysterically inside the sleeping bag that they had stuffed themselves into. And with barely anywhere to go while stuffed so tightly in one sleeping bag, laughing was the only thing they could do. And with every passing second they felt fingers scribbling either gingerly or rapidly against their bare soles and/or twisting in between their toes, they did a great deal of laughing… and squealing… and screaming. For six whole minutes the boys tickled the girls' feet with their fingers alone. And for the sake of variety, the boys switched ticklees every two minutes.
During the first two-minute interval…
During the second two-minute interval…
During the third and final two-minute interval…
After tickling Frisk, Izzy, and Chara together for six whole minutes, Asriel, Lucas, and MK stopped to give them a breather. The girls appreciated that, their bare feet being so ticklish and all. But then shortly after the three of them regained their breaths, the boys tickled them for at least six more minutes! But not together though. Instead, the boys took turns tickling the three girls, resulting in each boy having the three girls' feet all to themself for at least two minutes. And the first boy to tickle the three girls was MK. And he did so by first wiggling his clawed toes against each of the girls’ soles; first Frisk's right sole and Chara's left sole, then Frisk's left sole and Chara's right sole, and then both of Izzy's soles; until finishing it all out with a single feather duster he held with his tail, facing away from all three of them and swinging his tail as if it were a pendulum; the feather duster brushing against the girls' feet with every swing of MK's tail.
As soon as MK finished tickling the girls, it was then Asriel's turn to do the same. But rather than using his feet and short fluffy tail, Asriel instead brushed all four of his limbs against each of the girls’ soles, tickling all three pairs of feet at once with vertical and horizontal motions and letting every strand of his soft silky fur on each limb do all the work; first with his left arm for 30 seconds, then his right arm for 30 seconds, then his left leg for 30 seconds, and then his right leg for 30 seconds.
Then after Asriel’s turn, it was Lucas's turn to tickle the girls. And it was at that point that Lucas revealed to his friends that he is indeed capable of tickling with his fluffy cat tail. He used nothing but his tail to tickle all three girls for two whole minutes, first by swinging it like a pendulum against the girls' bare soles like how MK did with a single feather duster and then by brushing it against all three girls' feet at once like how Asriel did with each of his limbs.
As soon as Lucas finished tickling Frisk, Izzy, and Chara, he and the other boys freed them from the sleeping bag. Yes, as tempting as it was to continue tickling Frisk, Izzy, and Chara while they were stuffed in a single sleeping bag together with only their heads and feet sticking out, the boys freed them from said sleeping bag. Frisk freed the three boys themselves from their magic spike restraints after tickling them, so it was only fair for them to free the three girls themselves from the sleeping bag. Then after freeing the girls, all six of the kids built a large blanket fort together and talked and told each other stories until they fell asleep on the floor. A great end to a fun night of laughter and various shenanigans if the kids do say so themselves. Though, especially Lucas! He was very grateful that he had made a new friend during the sleepover. He and Izzy had such a fun time getting to know each other that night and from that point forward, he would continue to hang out with her and learn even more things about her in the process, like what to do to overpower her in a tickle fight, for example. ;)
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tickletails · 1 year
Seeing those headcanons makes me wanna share my own. Just MK for now.
I firmly believe that MK would not only love tickling others, but also love being tickled. He would totally give small hints that he wants to be tickled. Like purposely being annoying, or even stretching so that his t-shirt lifts up and exposes his tummy and sides. This boy has experienced trauma the past couple of seasons, so someone give him some tickle therapy!
Also, his sweet spot is his tummy. I will take that opinion with me to my grave.
THIS IS SO TRUE I agree. Mk is a tickly little guy
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jupitersmoonsstuff · 2 years
After Red Son tickle hc, are you planning to do Wukong and/or Macaque as well? Or you're going straight to MK? He is a cutie pie! Also I like your blog! Good job
Thank you!!!
Honestly i would be totally willing to write for all 3 of them as a matter of fact!
Here we go!
Congrates on being my first ask/request!!!
Sun Wukong
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*omg he is a ticklish bastard and you cant convince me otherwise
*literally if you simply brush against his side somehow he looses it, internally of course. He still has a bit of an ego so he'll just die on the inside
*however its very easy to notice when he gets flustered. He is really bad at hiding it so its a dead give away that he is ticklish
*thats just someone accidentally tickling him
*now imagine him ACTULLY being tickled
*he is a squirming mess and can and/or will accidentally kick you somehow
*i like to imagine him losing in a tickle fight so he tries to get on top of his ler and tickle them back cuz "Sun Wukong, great sage equal to heaven ISN'T gonna lose!"
*thats what he thinks until his ler dodges Wukong's attack and he gets tickled to peices
(This next one is based off of @toast-is-ticklish 's tickle fic about how Wukong glows when he laughs and i find it adorable so i wanted to include it in my headcannons. Also by the way go read their fic its amazing!)
*So he basiclly glows when he laughs and just imagine his ler (or you) tickling him and he starts glowing like a firefly, so his ler starts teasing him and baby talking him about it (playfully ofc) and calling him petnames. OMG HE'LL DIE
*Like he'll die of both, the tickles and the teasing. He'll also get super pouty about it because he thinks the glowing is embarrassing
*wanna now how he likes the tickles?
*his tail is wagging like crazy back and forth
*his main tickle spots would be his ears, sides, tummy and ribs. His armpits and neck are also pretty ticklish
*tbh he's pretty ticklish everywhere
*Just as much as a bastard
*he is super playful when he is a ler and expect him to laugh and giggle with you cuz he has a lot of fun with tickling
*he would love to playfully tease the shit out of you. He would be tickling you on your worst spot and just coo at you how cute you are when your being tickled and everything related to that
*he loves tickle fights. He loves to hold you down and tickle the hell out of you while your squirming under him
*expect a lot of random tickles out of nowhere just because he wants to be a bastard. You two could just be cuddling or simply sharing a hug and BOOM he's tickling you
*also a bunch of tickly kisses :3
*if you two train together he also definitely uses tickles as a tactic, whether its self-defence or sneak attacks. He has also done what with Mk
Some of his favorite tickles are at night time when you both are cuddling and trying to fall asleep and both of you two just cant. So he'll softly and sleepy tickle your favorite spot to help you both fall asleep (he likes it even better when your gently tickling his sides while he is tickling you)
*over all he is a really soft ler and super fun to be tickled by :D
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*he doesn't lee much but when he does your gonna have to catch him pretty off guard for him to stay down
*he probably hasnt been tickled before or at least in a really long time, so if you decide to tickle him give him a while before he gets used to the feeling
*after a few times of continuous tickles, the feeling (and the liking for it) it will grow on him
*he prefers to wait for other people to tickle him cuz he gets really embarrassed to ask for them. But sometimes he'll subtly ask for them. Your gonna have to be pretty good at taking his hints
*some of his favorite types of tickles are ones were he wakes up from a nightmare (cuz this man has plenty of trauma) and you offer to gently tickle him back to sleep. He loves those ones the most because he can be vulnerable around you
*he has a love-hate relationship with teasing. Like he likes it but at the same time its so embarrassing and it makes his brain go to mush
* i feel like his most ticklish spot is his ears (he has 6 of them they HAVE to be ticklish), his neck and i also feel like his cheeks are a lil ticklish so give him kisses here and there, his tummy, ribs, sides and the back of his knees are also ticklish
*This man as a ler is the definition of merciless asshole
*will absolutely tickle the hell out of you if given the chance. In private of course
*he loves chasing! Chasing his lee down as they are already laughing themselves to death at the sheer idea of being tickled. He also likes the tickle fight after he catches them
*he will tickle your absolute worst spots and ask rhetorical questions like "oh? Your really ticklish here?"
*he himself isn't a fan of teases but expect A LOT with him. He will tease you in everyway, shape and form at any chance he gets
*he is more of a nibbler then a biter cuz he knows his teeth are really sharp and he doesn't wanna hurt you. He would nibble on your tickle spots and pretend he's eating you
*he would use his tail to both hold you down and tickle you. He'll also grab your waist with it if you try and run away from him
*going back to the topic of teases he would definitely use the 'tickle monster' tease. He'd try and act all mean and scary while he's tickling you but he really us just as playful as Wukong. Just in a different way
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*he is so fucking cute when he is being tickled he juat kinda lays there and gives in with little to no fight back cuz tickling is his worst weakness
*as i previously stated Wukong will sometimes incorporate tickling into he and mk's training. So mk has been tickled a decent amount of times by Wu
*he likes any kinds of tickles really. He gets sorta embarrassed if he's tickled in puplic but oh well °w°
*he has a contagious fucking laugh what just makes his ler wanna laugh along with him its so adorable
*he definitely snorts if you get him really good too
*he has also been tickled by Mei as well
*he is pretty ticklish all over but his worst spots are is tummy, sides, ribs and armpits. Also his neck and hips are also pretty ticklish
*he LOVES raspberries! (Giving amd receiving)
*he really likes tickle hugs. Especially when he doesn't know if its gonna happen or not
*honestly i see him WAY more as a lee then a ler but I'll try my best for this one
*he LOVES raspberries (giving and receiving)
*he has gotten Wukong a few times after Mk got fed up with Wu's tickle training tactics and has gotten the upper hand a few times
*of course that resulted in mk getting tickled to pieces by Wukong later
(Like i said i see him way more as a lee then a ler so im sorry if this part is dry)
If anyone has any other characters they want tickle headcannons for please send me an ask! (I'll do almost any character if ik enough about them)
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switch-writer · 11 months
If you’re up for it, could we get some Syzoth lee/ler hcs? Thank you :]]
Syzoth/Reptile Tickle Headcanons
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A/N: I COULDNT FIND ANY OTHER GIF. So that’ll do. Ironically, the name Syzoth didn’t originally click in my brain, but I like Reptile! He was always very overlooked because of how the past Mortal Kombats portrayed him. So it’s nice to see some love for him! But as always, I’ll note I haven’t played the newest game so I made sure to read up on him a little since his appearance was a major change in the newest game (and his actual story I believe) so hopefully this is decent because I slightly struggled with it x) Hope you enjoy!
• First off, his early life certainly didn’t teach him much about whatever ‘tickling’ was.
• Truth be told, he simply thought it was a word used to be a metaphor for ‘itchy’ and such. He didn’t realize it was anything but that… until he found his family.
• He did quickly catch on that there’s more to it than just a itch, nor did he realize a simple touch could make someone practically jump and laugh as loud as they could at times. So he was always a little confused and intrigued, but usually didn’t often tickle people.
• He was trying to find those who loved him and treated him normally, if tickling was normal, then he certainly would see it as normal and not ask questions.
• But… He certainly would open up to his lover at some point and admit he genuinely had no clue what it was and simply smiled and nodded when it was mentioned.
• Once he actually knew what it was, he was usually always curious about it, so he’d occasionally poke those around them he trusted and ask if it’d tickle.
• He’d try and probably cheer some of his newer friends up by tickling, but would shy away/move on if the first poke didn’t land very well.
• But we know Syzoth is a lover, so if he was super comfortable with someone, he’d certainly try his best.
• Likely would always ask permission before tickling.
• He’d also go invisible sometimes and poke around at their torso.
• He’s also always a very gentle tickler. Never rough with anyone. He’s a kind soul and very gentle with touch.
• “So people are always this ticklish! Ah, and to think this is a very normal occurrence. Very silly… I like it.”
• He’s very gentle with his tickles, his teases, and everything along those lines.
• Syzoth, due to this kindness towards those accepting of him would likely let people tickle him.
• “Well… I suppose it’s only fair.”
• Would likely make people try and find him. He’d go invisible just to make whoever wants to tickle him find him.
• He’d be more of a giggler than someone who laughs super loudly. Like a child’s giggle.
• But. At one particular spot, he’d gasp dramatically and laugh his heart out. A light, average volume laugh. It’s as loud as he gets.
• Curls up. Always. He physically can’t help it and knows he can’t, so he’d just glance up at you after doing so and shrug as in ‘oh well.’
• Finds little traces on his tattoos slightly ticklish but soothing over all. He’ll usually always end up with a smile.
• Syzoth’s weak/worst spot is around his ribs, although— a honorable mention is his neck.
• He will occasionally stick his tongue out like he’s dead after someone stops tickling him, a habit partly to tease, and partly due to his true race.
• He finds it more soothing after the original panic, although he’d be relaxed, he’d probably be stuck with a smile for the next few minutes.
• Syzoth would have a minor complaint of his cheeks hurting from smiling so much, but it makes him over all feel that sense of normalcy he always wants from the world, and that alone can make a cold blooded reptile feel fuzzy and warm.
Hopefully that’s enjoyable! Thank you!
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gaybananabread · 9 months
🍌Tickle Headcanon Masterlist!🍌
I'm gonna be honest, these are getting really fun to make- Hopefully you Enjoy these as much as I do!
Across the Spider-Verse
Spider Gang
Hawks & Dabi
League of Villains
Rise of the TMNT
Casey Jr
Mad Dogs
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Lucifer & Alastor
The Owl House
Alador Blight
Caleb Wittebane
The Amazing Digital Circus
Main Cast (Caine & Players)
Big Hero 6
Tadashi Hamada
Hiro Hamada
Baymax & the Nerd Squad
Gravity Falls
Felony Trio (Stan, Ford & Bill)
Lego Monkie Kid
Stonefruit Trio (Monkie King, Mk, Macaque
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missthundergirl · 2 years
MK Guys react to Period Pain Simulator
Plot: you show them a device that make them feel how pain period cramp can be. Let see their reaction.
REQUEST BY @inactivewattpadauthor
‘I dont feel anything’ to ‘ouchhhh TAKE THIS THING FROM ME NOW!!!’ TEAM: Johnny Cage, Kung Jin, Kung Lao, Rain, Havik, Kenshi, Shao Kahn, Takeda, Erron Black, Cyrax, Sektor, Shinnok, Kano, Reiko
 ‘oh my.....thats tickling me’ TEAM: Raiden(he thunder god, the electric dont hurt him), Fujin, Hotaru, Hanzo, Quan Chi, Reptile, Bi-Han, Smoke, Shang Tsung, Kintaro, Goro, Kabal, Kuai Liang, Jax, Nightwolf
 ‘Now i feel what you feel when you’re in period pain’ TEAM : Also Johnny Cage, also Kung Jin, also Kung Lao, also Rain, also Havik, also Kenshi, also Takeda, also Erron Black, also Cyrax, also Sektor, Also also Fujin, also Hotaru, also Hanzo, also Quan Chi, also Smoke, also Shang Tsung, also Kintaro, also Goro, also Kabal, also Kuai Liang, also Jax, also Nightwolf
Start to prepare everytime when you in period TEAM: also Raiden (mah man), also Fujin, also Hotaru, also Hanzo, also Kabal, also Kuai Liang, also Jax, also Nightwolf, Also Johnny Cage, also Kung Jin, also Kung Lao, also Rain, Stryker, Tremor, Ermac, Kotal, also Smoke, Also Cyrax, also Kenshi, Also Shang Tsung, Geras, also Bi-Han
‘ is this why you always being GRUMPY every month?’ TEAM: also Sektor, also Shinnok, also Quan Chi, also Kintaro, also Goro, also Havik, also Shao Kahn, Motaro, Kollector, also Kano, also Reiko
Hello all my amigos. This NEW UPDATE of headcanon. I’m quite busy because my mom just got discarge from hospital 2 day ago. So i’m the one helping doing house chores while my bro and my dad helping buy grocery. Yes Period cramp cant be burden to someone even myself. Mostly our mood can change suddenly. That why to all men please educate yourself about period. Sometimes you gentlemen dont understand why we always moody. I hope yall stay safe and happy.
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tiptapricot · 2 years
Oh you wanna talk about stimming? You wanna talk about stimming???
*hands you my headcanon that Marc has mild echolalia and repeats phrases that tickle his brain the right way under his breath to stim* (I’m not projecting at all (lying))
I do wanna talk about stimming in fact I have a whole post on MK and stimming that u reminded me to update w more verbal stims bc of this ask and I am kissing u on the mouth and YESSSS MARC ECHOLALIA MOMENT
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goddess-of-green · 3 years
Ok so I headcanon that Obito has a ridiculously low alcohol tolerance (we're talking 1-2 shots before he hits the floor) so can you please write something for how his s/o would handle that?? (preferably in an AU with Jonin!Obito and with female s/o pronouns)
Obito would definitely be a lightweight lol
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and intoxication
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You sighed as you walked home.
Obito was currently leaning against you, most of his weight falling on you and you probably wouldn't have been able to support him if it weren't for your years of experience as a ninja.
He seemed only partly conscious; tired and zoned out and only muttering here and there.
He was way too drunk for his own good and you weren't even sure how.
Sure he wasn't a drinker, but you had only seen him take two shots and suddenly he was completely wasted.
You were starting to wonder if his drink was spiked or something.
Obito slumped even more against you and you had to stop. You readjusted him so that you could carry him more easily, and tried to make sure he didn't fall asleep. You were fine to help him home but you weren't going to drag him.
"Hey, Obito. You need to stay with me, here. At least until we get home, okay?" You called, your voice soft.
Obito groaned into your neck, "M' sleepy..."
You sighed. "I know, honey. We'll be home soon, okay? Then you can sleep in the bed."
"Mk, pretty lady..." He murmured, half-asleep. And you smiled as you kept walking.
Obito didn't get any lighter, but he didn't fall asleep.
Finally arriving home, you struggled with your keys as Obito leaned against you, his eyes closed and his mind drifting.
Once you got the door open, you kicked it closed behind you; bee lining for your bedroom so that you could finally get Obito's weight off your shoulders.
You carefully leaned down, dropping Obito down onto the bed and he groaned. Out of relief for his bed or irritation at being disturbed, you weren't sure.
You took off your shoes and went to grab a glass of water, but you were stopped by Obito's raspy voice.
"Come to bed, baby..."
It was heavily slurred and more of a whisper than a sentence, but you heard it nonetheless.
"I'm surprised you're still coherent." You snorted. "I will soon." Not listening for Obito's indignant reply, you went to the kitchen.
Coming back to the bedroom with a glass of water, you helped Obito sit up and coaxed him to drink at least half of it before he stubbornly laid back down.
It was strange, Obito acted like a child when he was drunk.
You couldn't entirely blame him, though. His senses were probably fuzzy and irritated. Muddled and extremely sensitive at the same time.
As he laid back down and closed his eyes, you sighed. Taking a few sips of water for yourself.
You set the glass on the nightstand and shrugged off your Jonin vest, only having the energy to take off your pants before crawling into bed beside Obito.
He was quick to snuggle up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your neck; his hair tickling your jaw as his cheek rested against your collar bone.
You smiled, Obito's affections still making your heart flutter despite being with him as long as you had.
"Mn, love you..." He murmured into your neck as he drifted to sleep.
You ran your fingers through his hair and pressed a kiss to his head.
"I love you too, dummy."
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yamagucji · 4 years
Making Tadashi flustered
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request. Can I have headcanons of Yamaguchi w a crush who teases him a lot? + yamaguchi’s crush being very interested in his freckles so they keep getting suuuuuper close and counting them. + yamaguchi having a very straightforward s/o who is constantly killing him by saying lovey dovey things without realizing it. - 3 diff anons
pairing. yamaguchi x gn!reader
note. mk anons, u wanna tease yams so bad huh?😼
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yamaguchi during the crushing phase is much more shy and timid. so if you tease him, relentlessly, might i add, he will combust right then and there
he’ll notice you staring at his face for far too long, immediately thinking that there’s something wrong
“is there... something on my face?”
“no,” you mumble, inching closer and closer to him
you’re so close!! he can feel your breath fanning his cheek which only makes him even more blushy. if you keep staring at his cheeks like that he might just-
“your freckles are pretty, yamaguchi”
oh you’ve gone and broke him :’) he’s a stuttering mess, in between trying to say thank you and telling you they really aren’t that cute🥺
but that’s just the beginning
from that point forward he’ll catch you examining his freckles often, and whenever it’s just the two of you, you’ll trace patterns on his cheeks as if they were constellations
“y-y/n,” he glances over beside him to catch sight of you, “that tickles. what are you doing to my cheek?”
“i’m tracing them. don’t you think they remind you of the stars?”
the stars? 🥺
he’s definitely lost track of the notes he was just taking because of your little comment
you already make his heart flutter just by being with him, and now with all the affection and compliments he’s receiving??
you’re really trying to drive him insane huh?
PLEASE he has the fattest crush on you but every time you do these little things to him his self consciousness gets the worst of him :((
you would think teasing yamaguchi like this would give him a hint that you liked him back, but it’s making him a little conflicted
so one day, when the two of you are walking home together with the absence of tsukki (finally), you take the chance to tease him even more
“hm, should i give you a nickname?”
his walking falters a little bit. “a nickname?”
you nod, “yeah, like... yams, or yama, or...”
he feels you lean in close to his ear, “can i call you dashi?”
^^ yeah that’s exactly what’s happening to him both internally and externally
not only did you just call him by his first name, you also gave him a stupidly cute nickname >:(
he HAS to clear his throat a bit after combusting because he might’ve just lost himself for a few seconds
“i- i like it but...”
“but what?” you quip, looking at him with an almost puppy-dog expression
“ah-” he grumbles a little, “it’s just, you tease me like this a lot and i don’t like it- i mean i do but it’s not like you mean any of what you do...”
you DID hear the second part of what he said but you just gotta have him say it again huh?😾 u lil tease
“i meant!” he looks away, defeated. “i like you, but i know you don’t like me back so it’s better if so stop teasing me...”
poor babie doesn’t think you like him back🥺
“what makes you think i dont like you back?”
out of all the times you’ve caught him off guard, he just has to do the biggest double take there
“y-you like me back??”
when you say yes the first time he immediately goes to ask, “are you sure? i- it’s not tsukki..?
pspsps give him a kiss on the cheek to confirm it for him but his legs might just w o b b l e
since then the two of you began dating :’)
he thought maybe the teasing’s over BUT it very much intensified now that the two of you were together
you more than often surprise the freckled boy by hugging him from the back and talking really close to his ear😳
“dashi... tadashi, did you miss me?”
it doesn’t help when you tease him in front of tsukki because tsukki either snickers at him or just air barfs from all the lovey dovey romance
you: tadashi~
yamaguchi: 😳😖
tsukki: 🧍🏼😐🤢
but of course, over time yamaguchi gets used to your teasing— or at the very least, learns how to contain himself
so imagine when you get sidetracked from studying and busy yourself with his freckles; yamaguchi’s still writing notes so you can only see his side profile, the perfect view of his beauty marks
UNTIL!!! he turns to face you and pecks you on the lips, pulling away with a smile— no, a smirk
it’s your turn to get flustered now😳
little did you know it took every ounce of courage for him to pull such a stunt
but he’s definitely looking forward to teasing YOU again, just from the way he’s enjoying seeing you get flustered by him
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phobiaoftickles · 1 year
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I’M ORIGINALLY TICKLE-PAGE BTW!!! Hey! This is prolly like my fifth tumblr account because I keep forgetting all of my passwords. This is where I’ll do your requests on ang fandoms you’re interested in. I’ll only write for “Lee Male, ler male/female” and you can request NSFW or SFW if you want. NSFW, I’ll just put under a cut and warn you guys before hand. I’ll be adding on to this more. I’ll update this!
Fandom List
Raion Gotoki No Kuni Kara (tickle scene)
Daytime Star- Chaper 76 tickle scene
Spellbound tickle
Number 24 tickle epsiode 9
Tiktok:Harua Tickle
Barbie: Spy Squad tickle
The Camboys silent challenge (Danny gets tickled)
The Real Oneals (Season 1 episode 6 tickle scene)
The Lego Monkie Kid
Tickle Headcanons
Cuddly tickles Lee: MK, brief Redson, Ler: Redson, breif MK
Ben 10
Gwen the tickler
Younger brothers vs older brothers
My Hero Academia
Chase- Tickletober day2: Lee: Denki, Ler: Bakugo
Tickle Headcanons: Dekusquad
Tickle Headcanons: Bakusquad
Sonic (Live action)
Tickle Headcanons: Sonic & Tails
What a tease (Tease day 1) Lee! Tails Ler: Sonic
Chase (Chase day 2) Lee: Denki Ler: Bakugo
Suspense (Suspense day 3) Lee: Gumball; brief Marshall Ler: Marshall; brief Gumball
Hiding(Hiding day 6) Lee: Kirishima; Ler: Bakugo
Unusual tool
Scary movie
Halloween party/costumes
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