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hiddensneker · 7 months
One general kinda inconsequential thing about skybound that makes me upset is how they literally just wrote off miskao for no reason
Like she immediately figures out what nadakhan deal is and refuses to make a wish but she still gets captured off screen somehow??? How did nadakahn even do that
Anyways would have been cool as hell to see her become a pirate mentor to nya in s6 idk… women rights ❤️
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hickorybickorydock · 5 days
Actually EVIL how gayle doesn't have enough posts w her in it to have her own tag im gonna be sick
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collectorsneker · 3 months
Does anyone have that one promotional image of the ninjago city gardens set where misako is painting PLEASE I need it
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nonbinarykai · 2 years
You know, now that I think about it
It’s kinda weird how garm and Kai don’t interact more right?
Like I get that Lloyd is meant to be garms main focus
But idk, splinter in the blind man’s eye said that Kai basically raised him and Kai has always been a big brother figure to him.
It’s so weird to me that he would be left out of conversations about Lloyd’s parents /who he was raised by (and miskao but let’s be real we all know why)
Further more, I think they would have a interesting dynamic with eachother. Both wanting the best for Lloyd but disliking the other person.
I hope in future seasons now that garm is assumingely having a bigger presence in the show we could get more of them interacting
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goldleaf-blog · 5 months
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Here are some fun facts about Lady Wu 
Wu and Garmadon are born twins. Garmadon was born first by five seconds so he wins all the inheritance. 
Wu gets to keep her name since the name is gender neutral.
Being the Daughter of God has its drawbacks as men across Ninjago want her hand in marriage. Because of her beauty Wu has to wear a veil to cover her beauty. She would either wear a hat veil and a ninja mask.
She is closer to her oni side then her dragon side.
Wu still leads the Elemental alliance and this is actually a historical event for feminism. 
Wu hates Miskao as she believes that she stole her brother. 
Instead of being called Sensei, Wu goes by Lady or Mistress. But still gets called Master in later seasons. 
Harumi secretly envies Wu and actually wants to be Garmadon’s sister instead of daughter. Acting as the replacement sister would make Harumi Garmadon’s equal and give her more authority then she does in canon. 
During the Serpentine wars Wu wore the Oni Mask of Deception. The books recalls this event as “The daughter of Light who clothed herself in deception.” After the serpentine wars Wu gave the Mask to the royal family. 
As the first born Garmadon was originally meant to inherit the golden weapons while wu was meant to inherit the oni masks. But then the bite happened. 
She grew spiteful after her brother’s betrayal that she slowly fell into a path of villainy. Until she became a victim of the Overlord’s possession. Making her the main villain of season 3.
Dragon Lord Wu isn’t canon for lady wu I just did the art for fun. Although an evil chaos wielding women would make an interesting future villain. 
When Lady Wu gets too old she will eventually grow a beard. It's a canon event she can't skip.
Acronix was in love with her. Wu didn’t share the same feeling. 
The only man that Lady Wu loves is the Omega. After a one night stand she came back with a child. No one was impressed. (And yes she did have to kill her own husband, pretty tragic) 
Unlike canon Lady Wu was pretty much a jerk to Morro and is the reason Morro ran away. 
To ensure all dragons were free she killed all the dragon hunters with the exception of those who relinquished their loyalty to Iron Baron.
Lady Wu goes to Chen’s island in season 4 after being given a personal invitation from the master of the house. Because of this Garmadon also goes to the island. 
Lady Wu is bisexual and she does hit on other women.
My version of Lady Wu is biologically born a women but I don't mind if you view her as trans.
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akariarda · 1 year
HI! Welcome to my tumblr!
•My name is Akari.
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight
•My ao3: Akariarda23
•Requests open: Garmadon family oneshots
•I write ninjago fanfics, but I'm open to other things too! ( Robbin Hobb, Marie Lu,Tolkien,Tad Williams,Rick Riordan...)
•Always open for headcanos and Fanfictions about Garmadon Family (Yea, I love them so much) and ninjago,or the books from the the writers I mentioned.(I also love book discussions)
Here are the fics I wrote:
-Do you really want to know how i feel?(After season2. Garmadon is telling Lloyd why he fells bad)
-Young Garmasako
-What if you where here-Pt.1 (Garmadon stayed after S4.Now he and Misako need to talk about the letter and Wu thing.)
-Sweet memories-Pt.1 (Garmadon and Misako are telling Lloyd the stories about him when he was little.)
-Sensei Garmadon's birthday
-Nightmares (Lloyd always have nightmares, both now and then. Luckily his parents are there to comfort him)
-Garmasako fluff (After S3)
-Fisrtbourne(Firstbourne is back and spending some time with Lloyd.)
-Sensei Garmadon is sick
-Cotton candy(Garmadon and Lloyd spend time together after crystallized.)
-Training(Garmadon taught Lloyd how to shapeshift. Lloyd doesn't really like lessons.)
-Newborn Lloyd
-Teething(Lloyd's first teeth are coming out. Misako is not home and Garmadon has to fend for himself.)
-Bitter Scars(Garmadon shows his scars to Misako. Some of them are related to bitter memories that Garmadon blames himself for.)
-Sometimes words can't erase the guilt(Sensei Garmadon ss feels bad because of everything he did to his family and others. Misako tries to comfort him, but it's hard.)
-Finding family(Lord Garmadon found the monastery after the merge. He meets Lloyd who is training Arin and Sora.)
-To fight beacouse of fun(or love)(Just pre-dating Garmadon and Misako fighting for fun)
-Dad,I need you(Lloyd feels bad after Zane disappeared. Now, he wants nothing more than comfort from his fathe)
-Family bonding(Arin accidentally calls Lloyd dad, and he is completely embarrassed.)
-Late nights( Misako works from home, which leads to her working until the early hours of the morning. Garmadon doesn't like it and tries to drag her to bed)
-Cold days are coming(Misako is cold and she can't find anything warm, so she takes one of Garmadon's hoodies.)
-I'll do anything to make you feel better(Sensei Garmadon saving Lloyd)
-Movie night (Misako and Garmadon watching movie in bedroom)
-Departed relam (Garmadon meeting his family and friends in Departed relam)
-Brothers(Garmadon and Wu mend their relationship after season 2.)
-What Christmas used to be (Misako sketches what Christmas used to be when Garmadon was still around.)
-Christmas Eve (Lloyd,Misako and Sensei Garmadon are spending Christmas Eve together.)
-Beach (Lloyd,Misako and Garmadon going to the beach)
-Training mess ups (Sora,Arin and Lloyd)
-Father's love (Sensei Garmadon taking care of Lloyd)
- love you, but not like that (my oppinion on young Misako and Wu)
-Part 2.(Garmadon and Misako talk)
-Garmasako Valentine's(Young Garmasako)
-What life used to be (Garmafam life before ninjago) -Part 2.
-Lloyd,his dad and his dad's plants(Lloyd stays at Garmadon's place after Crystalized)
-Best team and family(Ninja,Sensei wu and Semsei garmadon take care of Llyod,who has a fever)
-Brotherhood (young wu tries to take care of Garmadon who has a fever)
-I've missed having a family(After Crystallized, Garmadon wants to be a better dad to Lloyd, and the two of them talk. Lloyd invites him to the monastery during few days while he is alone.)
-Football match(Young Miskao and garmadon support different teams.)
-Game night(Lloyd invites ninja, Sensei wu and Garmadon and misako to the Game night.)
-Lucky to have you both by my side(Lloyd is not feeling very well. Luckily, Sensei Garmadon and Misako are there to cheer him up.)
-Wounds(Sensei Garmadon got injured on a mission, and now misako has to patch him up.)
-Conversations-part1(Wu and Garmadon in Crystalized)
-Last talk(Misako and Garmadon's last talk before he was banished to the underworld.)
-You are not a monster(After Crystallized. Garmadon's angst and his family who is conforting him.)
-Misunderstanding, Part2(Misako comes to talk to Garmadon who is in prison.March of the Oni)
-We are all Legos(Lloyd,Garmadon and Misako were are going out,and Lloyd ends buying loads of lego sets. )
-Baby shopping(Misako and Garmadon going baby shopping for baby Lloyd.)
-I will break you, but you will also break me (In S9,Misako tries to flirt her way out of the prison.)
-Cars(Oneshot about how Garmadon is a big fan of cars.)
-Meetings we haven't expected, Part2 (Garmadon dies in Crystalized.Sensei garmadon comes back in DR.)
-Dragon/oni problems(Young Garmasako, Misako loves Garm with his Oni form)
-First date(Garmasako)
-Engagement party(Garmasako)
-Playtime(Wu takes care of little Lloyd.)
-When they break your wings (Emperor Garmadon captured Lloyd during Hunted. Now he wants to kill him.)
-Fishing(Sensei Garmadon teaches Lloyd to fish.)
-Trip(The old elemental masters, Wu, Garmadon and Misako go on a trip.)
-You're not ready to become an angel in heaven yet(After Crystallized.Lloyd is badly injured and Garmadon tries to help him.)
-Bad dreams(future)( Kid Lloyd has nightmares about his future. Lord Garmadon comes and comforts him all night. )
-(un)expected help(Garmadon and Wu meet Misako for the first time.)
-Help(After Crystallized, Garmadon is badly injured and doesn't want to let Lloyd help him.)
-Regrets(Shadow Garmadon watches over little Lloyd in Darkley's. He remembers all his regrets.)
-Because I can (After Crystallized, Garmadon annoys Lloyd in every possible way.)
-Caves of Despair(In his search for the tomb of TFSM,Morro runs into Chen and Garmadon. Out of cruelty, they direct him to the Caves of Despair. )
-Redemption-Part 1(A story where it is shown that Misako has always only had an eye for Garmadon.And all the things that make Misako not the most popular among fans )-PART2, -PART3
RETURN OF THE ENEMY(fan season between S4 and 5,but with sensei G.)(#R.O.T.E)
-Episode1-The return
-Episode 2-Surprises
Will you ever stop breaking my heart ,all over and over again (When Garmadon capitures Misako in Hunted, things go differend.He tries to make her tell him where Lloyd is.He is gently at the beggining but then started beeing rought.)
-Part 1.
-Part 2.
-Part 3.
-Part 4._Escape
I still can't stop love(Garmadon and Misako fixing their relationship after crystallized.)
-Part 1.
•Fell free to comment and say your whishes
•I also have a lot errors I'm sorry about that, but I'm writting on other language..
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nononono109283 · 2 years
Sooooo, what does everyone think of miskao??(ninjago). Theres some ppl that like her some ppl dont. What is ur HONEST opinion abt her?
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furbyqueen69 · 2 years
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harumi-love-club · 3 years
ninjago hate list:
- Wu
- Miskao
future additions possible
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So, the original Oni, were like the Brotherhood of Makuta? Techno organic life forms, with lots of dangerous powers and shapeshifting?
Kinda sounds like it huh?
The hot take I mean in context is that the OG Oni that were responsible for the dual creation of the FSM are Bionicle in form.
In S8, Sons of Garmadon, Mystake tells the tale of how Lloyd's Grandfather was created by Dragon and Oni; And the Oni in the story isn't depicted as a lego minifigure, but a longer, thinner being.
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When you look at the Oni of course, yeah it's a legend so maybe the design is off? But this is Mystake telling the story. The story is 100% true. She was sent after the FSM by these original Oni. This implies from canon and her story told in S8 that:
1. There were Oni that varied in more than just minifigure appearance. 2. The Oni Overlords of old were much bigger than the lesser ones like Omega, Miskao, and Garmadon. 3. Mystake saw these bigger Oni, enough to use their image in the retelling of the FSM's beginnings.
Every time I think of these Oni and the implication of them being the possible Bionicle equivalent of the series all ties to their appearance and the importance of masks.
While not a direct match, the Bionicle figures are designed as tall, relatively thin, and have an assortment of accessories that make them distinct from each model.
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To put a Bionicle and an original Oni next to each other, it's not a perfect match. But there's the body to compare.
And this version of Oni looked similar to the Toa of Bionicle.
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While Mystake may be the elderly Taruga version in Minifigure form; Leaving the younger, less powerful Oni (in minifigure form too) to act as the Matorans.
Then something that stands out to me that started the Oni-Bionicle comparison to me is their hands.
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To add one more thing to the hot take- The Oni, upon failing to take the FSM back to the First Realm, had made certain locations to leave their mark on Ninjago and most important-!
The three Oni Masks.
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The Masks of Hatred, Vengeance, and Deception.
And what is the most distinct feature of a Bionicle regardless of body size, weapon(s), or color?
Their masks.
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(Sources from Oni | Ninjago Wiki and pictures found on Google)
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ninjago for the series asks?
favorite character
cole cole cole cole cole cole cole did i mention cole ninjago ??? he is Literally one of my favorite fictional characters ever y'all. like, he's been my favorite since s1 ep6 the snake king aired. the love in my heart for cole is immense. i adore him. he means so much to me. one of the biggest comfort characters.
second favorite character
kai ! kai becoming my second favorite is actually a recent development, but God i love him. he's so funny and so loyal and he's just trying his best... usually! kai holds a very special place in my heart <3 also need to give darreth an honorable mention just cause i think he deserves it
least favorite character
fanon jay what ahem i didn't say anything about how i hate the way the ninjago fandom babies and treats jay and that they have contorted and twisted his entire personality what hahaha... ha. no, um. probably misako oops. love you kathleen barr !!! miskao is just. kind of a terrible mom ??? the skull sorcerer was also Very Mean to cole and that is Not Allowed. so also him.
the character i’m most like
hmmm... on some levels, cole. but, really, i think jay. no. not fanon jay. the Actual jay walker in canon. but i am cole where... as jay is an extrovert, cole is an introvert. where jay was humor to cope, cole throws himself into whatever he possibly can to distract himself. so, that's kind of my two major things
favorite pairing
i hate this question. i Literally changes all the time. sometimes it's glacier because they and also my favorite ninjago fanfic ever (morning sun everyone please read it) is a glacier fic. then sometimes it's lava because DUH. it used to be bruise no questions asked, but again, fanon has ruined that for me :) i still Like the ship, but i like My interpretation of the ship. and sometimes i really am a sucker for jaya. i mean, the last resort is one of my favorite episodes and the jaya in it is So Good! and then sometimes i'm like yeah... pixane... they... lloyd x therapy is a great one too tbh
least favorite pairing
gREENFLAME !!! i mean, lloyd x any of the ninja in general. he is aroace and he needs to heal first. but greenflame is my ultimate least favorite because of the greenflame shipping war on ffn when i was in middle school and because kai and nya are the siblings lloyd never had. let them be siblings. but then also conya cause cole is gay and i hated the love triangle. then also cole x cake because cole had an eating disorder in canon that everyone makes fun of all the time and in this essay i will--
favorite moment
dad, i didn't mean for you to hear that, but i'm glad i did. there's something i've been wanting to tell you. all these years, i haven't been training to be a singer or a dancer. i found something new that i'm really good at! dad... i'm a ninja. and the truth is, if we don't steal that fangblade... i mean, blade cup, there's other people that will. bad people. serpentine. and we need it to save the world. and i know how ridiculous this sounds, but i'm proud of who i am and i want you to be proud too.
what? what is it? where's cole? where's cole? somebody say something! where's cole? / he-h-he's gone. / what'd you mean, gone? / lloyd... he fell... into the cloud. / i-i'm so sorry. / he's... he's really... gone? / *garmadon head tilt* / it was my fault! i pulled the thrust lever the wrong way and--*throws head in hands* / it wasn't your fault, it was an accident. / it could've happened to anyone. / alright, let's get going. / do you mind??? / yes i do. we are wasting valuable time! all that matters now is this! / the golden armour! / what about the realm crystal? / it didn't work. but this will, they fear it. / cole was our friend, he was more than a friend, he was family! but you don't understand that, do you? what's the point! you're never gonna get it! because you don't care about anyone but yourself! / every moment you delay risks our survival-- / there's more to life than surviving! gah! / how do you reason with that? you, nindroid. if Any of you are capable of logical thought, it is you. tell them. / i am happy to say, you are mistaken. at this moment, even i am incapable of logical thought
it was her... / what? / it... wasn't the blades. / i told you that. / it was her... the power inside my mother... it was the spinjitzu burst! / alas, you're not half the warrior your mother was. / no, but i am her son. and i made her a promise to stand up to tyrants like you. always! / what are you doing? what is this?
rating out of 10
hmmm imma say nine because: cole only had one season, the love triangle, s7 as a whole (except for twins look alike), the lack of recognition and attention they gave cole.
send me a series and i'll tell you my...
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nonbinarykai · 1 year
garmadon is a bad person no matter which form he's in, so it doesn't matter whether resurrected Garmadon is him or not
When he's "good" again he embarasses Lloyd in front of the ninja and a class of kids, calls his son and friends fools behind their backs, continues lying about the Misako letter, chokes a teenage girl to threaten her elderly father, acts butthurt after his lies are discovered and divorce is imminent, chooses to die instead of face the consequences of his actions, lets himself be resurrected evil, and wooo after he comes back? He's an awful monster who attacks his young son, his brother (a baby), and his wife, and then expects to be forgiven because he "helped" a couple times (he was mostly useless in the Oni and Overlord fights)
the venom is an excuse. The Oni Masks are an excuse. The memory loss is an excuse. Everything he did was still his own choice, and he almost always chooses evil because that's who he is. There's a reason his name is Garmadon, his father picked up on his bad vibes even as a baby, who deserves everything that will happen to him
(What Garmadon haters sound like to me)
Hold on I need another minute to comprehend this /nm
While the poll wasn’t really about if garm should be held accountable by the fandom for his actions (he was a bad person either way, it’s just the severity of it that differences emp garm and lord garm imo). It does make me question to what extent is lord garm responsible for his actions? You mentioned that the great dev venom was an excuse. And while your clearly being satirical, I do wonder to what extent it really impacted him and made him evil. (Overlord bullshit not counted fuck that).
There is a interesting comic that goes into this issue, it’s titled “Destiny of doom” and I highly recommend people check it out.
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