#ninajago Garmadon
nonbinarykai · 2 years
You know, now that I think about it
It’s kinda weird how garm and Kai don’t interact more right?
Like I get that Lloyd is meant to be garms main focus
But idk, splinter in the blind man’s eye said that Kai basically raised him and Kai has always been a big brother figure to him.
It’s so weird to me that he would be left out of conversations about Lloyd’s parents /who he was raised by (and miskao but let’s be real we all know why)
Further more, I think they would have a interesting dynamic with eachother. Both wanting the best for Lloyd but disliking the other person.
I hope in future seasons now that garm is assumingely having a bigger presence in the show we could get more of them interacting
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captainzigo · 4 months
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my sister has been pestering me for months to make sora from ninjago as a pony. well she didn’t say as a pony, but i’m making her a pony.
since i don’t know how many of my followers care about ninjago, i’ll say a few things about her for context:
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she’s trans. she wears a harness because she is a mech pilot. also she has a robot arm. i didn’t give her cat ears because she has pony ears and i think that’s good enough.
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miksterrr · 2 years
Sincerely, your only child.
hyper fixations rule my life.
another ninjago fic.
cross-posted on ao3
TW: TW: Strong language (a bunch of f-bombs, sorry) Talk about not getting a childhood, mentions of abuse and bullying, talking about abandonment, mommy issues, letting down. Extreme misako bashing. (I think that's it- uh please let me know if there's anything else! also prolly cringey and a bunch of dialogue so)
like 1.8k words i think.
“Lloyd!” Cole’s voice was heard throughout the bounty, “Your mom’s here!”
Today was one of those rare days where Sensei Wu let them off with just morning training. Which, in retrospect means that training will be worse tomorrow, but for now the team enjoyed the day off, all relaxing in their own ways. Zane’s reading up on new recipes to try, while Jay and Kai are playing video games. Nya’s working on upgrading the bounty even more, and Cole’s cleaning up the deck of the bounty, because well, someone had to, and surprisingly enough, he didn’t mind cleaning all that much. Meanwhile, Lloyd was laying down in his bed, just finished with his shower, and ready for a midday nap.
Lloyd immediately perked up. He jumped up from his bed and rushed out of the shared room, almost tripping over his borrowed (stolen from Nya… listen, she’s very muscular,) grey sweats in his hurry. Nonetheless, the blond made it to the deck in one piece, a grin stretching over his face. “Mom!”
“Hello, Lloyd.” Misako smiled, arms raised for a hug. Which Lloyd all but crashed into, relishing in the rare affection given by his mom. She gave him one squeeze before letting go. “How have you been, son?”
“Good!” Lloyd beamed, bouncing on the heels of his feet. “I have so many things to tell you!” It’s been a few months since Misako's last visit. During that time, the ninja defeated the usual baddie or helped out at some charity event. Nothing too big, which was surprising, in a way, but the team wasn’t taking it for granted, enjoying the easy time before the new villain of the month showed up.
Misako gave her son a tight smile, though she was glancing around the deck of the bounty, not looking at Lloyd, at all. “That’s very good, hon.” She sighs when she can’t find whatever she was looking for. “Do you know where your Uncle is? I have to talk to him about some of my findings.”
“Oh.” Lloyd murmured. He bit the inside of his cheek and crossed his arms. “I haven’t seen him since this morning.” He responded, looking down… and wow there were a lot of chips and cracks on the floor. One too many fights or training incidents.
Misako let out a breath through her nose.“Of course.” She clicks her tongue, glancing around the bounty deck one last time. “Looks like we’ll have to go find him.”
“You said you had so much to tell me!” Misako smiled, turning towards the door that led to the underbelly of the Bounty, where most of their living space is. “You can walk and talk, right Lloyd?” It wasn’t a question. Misako started walking away before Lloyd could answer.
Lloyd stared after her for a second.“Wait- Mom!” Lloyd called, jogging to catch up with his mom, Nya’s sweats still too long for him, almost making him fall flat on his face, again.
“What is Lloyd?” Misako’s pace didn’t slow.
The blond stammered. “Uh, well… I just…” Lloyd sighs, rubbing his face, gnawing on his already cracked lips. He played with the strings of his hoodie. (the hoodie used to be cole’s.)
“Spit it out Lloyd. I don’t have that much time.” Misako huffed, glancing into every room they passed, and so far, every room has been empty. No sight of the old man. Misako’s mouth was set in a hard line. Clearly getting annoyed at both Lloyd and not being able to find Wu.
“I just thought…” Lloyd trailed off, glancing at the greying woman, he hesitated, before sighing. “Last time you were here you promised that the next time you were here- this time, you said we could spend all this time together.”
Misako paused, before groaning, pinching the bridge of her nose, “Sorry kiddo, you know how my work is, I don’t get a lot of time off.” She sighs, ruffling Lloyd’s hair. Her nose scrunching when she realized his hair was damp from a recent shower, wiping her hand off on her beige pants. “Surely, you get that.”
“I do, but-”
“Where is your Uncle?! I swear his old age is making him more elusive.” Misako interrupted.
“Mom!” Lloyd stomped his foot, the noise echoed through the cabins. Misako’s thin eyebrows furrowed. She turned to look at her son, hazel eyes hard. She gave Lloyd an expectant look. Lloyd only groaned, trying to get his words together. “I- well- ugh!”
“Lloyd, stop wasting my time. I need to find your Uncle.” Misako huffed, turning back to start looking for Wu again.
“Then stop wasting mine!”
“Lloyd!” She glared at her son, a warning.
Lloyd only scoffed. “You always only come back for Uncle Wu! Not me!”
Misako rolled her eyes. “You’re not a kid, Lloyd. You shouldn’t need your mother.” She reprimanded, crossing her arms.
“Wow.” Lloyd snorted. “Bold of you to call yourself my mother.”
“Lloyd Montgomery!” Misako nagged.
“It’s true!” Lloyd gave a low laugh, shaking his head. “You abandoned me, mom.”
Misako huffs, grabbing Lloyd’s wrist in a bruising grip and pushing him into the closest room. Lloyd yelps, stumbling. He takes a second to regain his balance before turning around to see Misako closing the door behind her. “What the hell?!”
“That is no way to talk to your mother, Lloyd.” Misako growls.
“Really?” Lloyd rolls his eyes.
“I am your mother!” Misako gapes.
“You’re really not.”
“I gave you life!” Misako retorted.
“You gave me half your DNA!” Lloyd shot back. “Nothing else. I don’t have your personality, or your style, and certainly not your morals.”
“Lloyd Montgomery-” Misako bites out, nose flaring.
“What, mom?” Lloyd asked, toneless. He was done with Misako. “You abandoned me. You left me at Darkley’s, and never looked back.”
“You know I had to! I couldn’t carry a child around with my work.”
“You just didn’t want to care for me.” Lloyd sniffed. “You aren’t worth my effort anymore, I don’t know why I miss you when all you do when I see is make me wish you were still away.”
“That is hardly fair, son.” Misako huffed, crossing her arms. She stared down at the blond, almost accusingly.
“Is it?” Lloyd scoffed. “You were once the god that kept me standing, mom. But it turns out it was just the idea of a loving mother that kept me standing, not you.”
Misako’s hazel eyes widened, mouth open and closing, as she tried to form a response. “Lloyd, honey… I-” She sighs. “I have no words.”
“Like always.” Lloyd scoffs.
“Son. I wish I could’ve taken you but-”
Lloyd rolls his eyes. “Just stop mom.” He closes his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek. “We’ve been through this, time and time again.” He huffs, trying to move towards the door. “In a few days, you’re just going to leave again with empty promises of returning and spending time with just me.”
Misako's eyes widened, moving to grab Lloyd’s wrist. “That’s hardly true- you’re being unreasonable Lloyd.”
“What’s ‘unreasonable,’ mom, is that I don’t know my own birthday!” Lloyd mocked, trying to get his wrist out of Misako’s unusually strong grip. Misako stayed silent, her eyes were wide and she was mouthing something to herself. Lloyd raised a brow, his movements stilled, coming to a realization; “Fuck mom.” He breathed. “You really have no idea, either. Do you?”
Misako stammered, grip weak. “W-well… the labor was very long, and with everything that was happening with your dad, time just got warped, and well-”
“Do I even ‘legally,’ exist, mom?” Lloyd asked, his jaw tightening as he stared down Misako. “Do I have a birth certificate, mom?”
Misako sputtered, “I uh… I’m sure… somewhere you have one.”
“Holy shit.” Lloyd whispered, breaking his mom’s grasp. His hands came up behind his head, gripping his hair. “I don’t exist.” He blinked, breathing coming out in gasps. “Well- obviously I exist, but not legally, huh?” Lloyd started pacing back and forth, a low laugh escaping him. “The government has no record of Lloyd Garmadon.” He swallowed, face going blank. “I am every criminal's dream.”
Misako let out a small giggle. “I suppose so.”
Lloyd made no sign of hearing her. His brows furrowed, his forehead creased, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to formulate his thoughts. “That’s why you left me at Darkley’s.”
“W-What… no, Lloyd, hunny. I-”
“You what mom?” Lloyd scoffed. “Everywhere else would’ve given me a birth certificate. But all Darkley needed to hear was that I was a Garmadon.” Lloyd rolled his eyes. “Uncle Wu would’ve questioned you… that’s why you never told him.”
“I was trying to save you!”
“From what?!” Lloyd cried. “I was a child! I didn’t need saving! I needed protection!”
“Stop being overdramatic.” Misako huffed. “I was saving you from-”
“From yourself?” Lloyd interrupted. “Because honestly, that makes sense, mom.” Lloyd sniffed, rubbing his face. “You hated me before you even knew me.”
Lloyd turned, looking Misako up and down. “Fine?”
“I abandoned you, you’re right.” Misako nodded. “You know, babies are born with blue eyes, and then over time it changes.”
“What does that have to do with anything-”
“You were born with red eyes, Lloyd.”
Lloyd gaped. “I was kidding before.” He murmured. “About you hating me before you even knew me. I-” He licks his lips. “I was right.”
“I wouldn’t say that I hated you-” Misako tried.
“You left me because I had red eyes. Because of genetics.”
“I thought the great devour’s venom affected you too.” Misako tries to defend herself.
“I was a baby!” He growled, fists clenched at his sides.
“And I was scared.” Misako sighs.
Lloyd rolls his eyes. “I thought all parents are scared of their first child.”
“I wasn’t ready to be a single mom. Especially-”
“Especially with your job, I know.” Lloyd rolled his eyes, “Try getting better excuses, mom.”
“I am not your son.”
Misako rolls her eyes. “Lloyd Garmadon-”
“I’m not a Garmadon, either.” Lloyd rose a brow, challenging his mom to realize what was going on.
“No. If I was a Garmadon I would’ve been raised by you, mom. Or I would’ve been raised by dad.” Lloyd nods to himself, “You know who raised me, when you were too scared?” He stares his mom in the eyes, cold green meeting guilty hazel. “Kai Smith. Nya Smith. Cole Brookstone. Zane Julien. Jay Walker.” He announced each name, slow and sure, voice strong. “They raised me. They taught me that blood doesn’t mean family, mom.” He spat, ‘mom.’ “They taught me everything. They taught me how to live, mom. Where were you?”
Lloyd shook his head, lips pursed. “I am not your kiddo. I am not a Garmadon. If anything, at all, I am a Smith-Brookstone-Julien-Walker.” The blond nodded sure of himself. “And now, I know that you aren’t worth my time.” Lloyd moves to leave, stepping past his mother.
Misako tried to grab at Lloyd’s wrist. “Lloyd, please-”
Lloyd all but side-stepped her. “I’m done.” He sounded numb, apathetic to her sadness even if he was swallowing down his own sobs. Lloyd moved to the door, hand on the handle, he pulled it open, and before he left and closed it completely, he gave his mom one last glance. “Goodbye, Misako.”
Uh, if you liked it I hope you enjoyed, if you didn't well, okay. still getting the grasp on short stories again... i'm a poet, y'all understand? sorry for weird formating and all that, thanks for reading :)
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viioletpixels · 3 years
Yknow I’ve been mulling over this for a bit, but the more I think about it, I think Jay and Nya were the only real example Lloyd has had of a healthy relationship, romantically at least. His parents obv weren’t around to exemplify that for him and now they’re split, so Jay and Nya were probably the closest thing Lloyd had to that, especially as a kid. His thoughts about romantic relationships and how they ought to work are probably pretty influenced by how he views them and their relationship. Tbh I like to think that he thinks of them as parental figures of some kind. The show has been showing them as a trio a lot more recently (Prime Empire and MotM are prime examples), so with that in mind it adds a layer of depth to those interactions.
Basically, I think Jay and Nya are pretty much Lloyd’s adoptive parents :P
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