#MIGHT COME BACK TO THIS...im pretty attached to this already
crxzytogether · 2 days
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Lol I wanna address this even tho nobody asked because I’m mad. Like ship whoever you want as yk this person said but leave it out of our tag-💀 my problems more with the fact that they tagged byler for this post than what they said but yk since they tagged us might as well respond.
Firstly, “ideas planted by your community”? Huh? Girl what- you mean our evidence? You mean our analysis and perceptions and ability to interpret what we’re watching beyond surface level? And honestly after season 4 even surface level melodramas not looking too good- Secondly, what harsh truths were brought up? The lies? Your perception of montauk? which idk sounds a lot like mike and wills relationship to me but to each their own… “they’ve been together since pretty much day one”, “they have a deep connection”, “four seasons of character development”?? Do I even need to explain? Who’s been together since day one? Right mike and will, in the beginning of episode 1 before any of the upside down shit even happens we’re shown that their relationship is different from their relationship with the other party members. A fact that’s proven time and time again throughout season 1 where we see how much more Mike is affected by Will’s disappearance(not tryna negate everybody else’s feelings or reactions but it’s clear that we’re supposed to notice Mike cares slightly more or in a different way). As for the deep connections? Season 2 shed scene ring a bell, the first one of Mike’s monologue that’s an attempt to help someone he cares about that actually works and is completely honest, deep connection boom. And that connections emphasized again in s4 with Will being able to encourage Mike and make him feel better and we already know why it’s special on Will’s side and their whole plot-line that season. Next, “four seasons of character development” im sorry what?, season 1 and season 3 maybe are the only seasons I’d consider they had that meanwhile season 4 I’d say they had character regression because tell me how Mike goes from being able to comfort El about her feeling like she’s a monster but then does a 180 not only unable to comfort her but also make her feel worse-(I’m talking about she didn’t look fine in case you didn’t catch that). Back to s1/s3, s1 where they were friends for the most part is the healthiest their relationship has ever been the entire show- like😭😭it literally just goes downhill from there. Season 2/season 3 their codependency I’m- and season 4 El feeling like she has to lie to Mike about her life and Mike unable to comfort her and also hiding his own interests from her. Like sure the bullying thing I get why she’d hide that maybe not really but El lies about so many things😭😭 she feels like she has to lie to keep up the relationship. THAT 👏 IS 👏 NOT 👏 HEALTHY 👏. Like maybe after they’ve both grown separately I’d consider it but as of now? No sir. Also let me remind you how El confronted Angela and asked her to help El keep up the pretence- SHE STILL DIDN’T FEEL SAFE OR COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TELL MIKE THE TRUTH. That’s not healthy for either of them. My byler agenda aside I still don’t think Mike and El should be together. Lastly, “the fact that Mileven IS endgame”, again I’m sorry what? Have you watched season 5? Have you read the scripts or been on set or talked to anybody working on st5 or work on st5 yourself? No? So then how is that a fact- it’s a prediction, an assumption but it’s not a fact. If after season 5 comes out and it did end up becoming true then you could use that phrase but as of now when you have no idea how season 5 is gonna go you can’t call that a fact. Also rip how are you so confident when Mike and Will are literally attached at the hip so far from what we have seen besides the rooftop convo and if that is enough to convince you then yikes- bc we’ve got like 10 of those to convince us so good luck watching season 5 and have a good day ig
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deduction-substitute · 4 months
I saw your latest ivory tower post and am here to offer another idea I’ve been bouncing around in my head: Lucky is a transfer student picked in one of those raffles they hold sometimes.
Ivory Tower is a prestigious academy mostly for the highly talented and intelligent students across the globe, but every so often they will raffle a transfer place to a random student. Somehow, through accidentally channeling the spirit of Makoto Naegi, Lucky gets chosen as the new attendee.
The thing is, Lucky hates it! Like, he’s aware how much of an opportunity this is and how Lucky he is to get it, but he really doesn’t want it. He was completely fine with his normal person life at his normal person school. He won’t be allowed to dye his hair, he has to follow a dress code, he needs to move all the way to England from the U.S and the worst? He needs to leave his friends behind! The group of awesome weirdos he’s been hanging around with since Junior High!
He acts all polite and stuff, but as someone who doesn’t have a ‘valuable’ talent, he gets made fun of a lot. Those who actually get to meet him describe him as ‘nice, but withdrawn. A quiet, decent student’. But then they discover the YouTube channel he has, which he plays games and, previously, made vlogs with friends on. They also discover one of the most funky Neocities pages he apparently runs. Turns out, Lucky isn’t actually soft-spoken, timid or withdrawn at all, he’s just lonely and uncomfortable.
I am foaming at the mouth. Alas, if I start another ambitious WIP, I’m afraid I will explode, so this little rant will suffice!
You're so smart. I need to examine your brain.
Do you think these raffles started out like. An event for the students to discover who their new "spectacle" would be. Since Ivory Tower is THAT prestigious, most are not very open to the students who get to transfer there because of a RAFFLE
They worked hard to get into Ivory Tower, honed their skills and talents, and youre telling them that some RANDO got into the academy because they got the winning ticket? PLEASE. This ends up with them targeting transfers until they finally leave the academy, and now that their new "classmate" is here, theyre prepared to drive him away like all the others before him
But they also fail to consider that the transfer. Does not want to be here in the first place.
Over time, their little schemes gradually cease to exist the more they learn about Lucky. She always has her headphones and phone on hand. Eats by herself at the cafeteria like its NOTHING even though she's the only one at her table (Emma ended up inviting him over to hers). Polite to everyone, even the ones who dont think highly of him
Maybe one of his classmates finds his phone, surprisingly unlocked and unattended on his desk. Decides to snoop around, just for fun!
They end up seeing a BUNCH of messages of Lucky ranting to his friends back in his old school, how he HATES being in Ivory Tower, and their stupid rules and regulations and- she feels so lonely. She misses them.
"i dont fit in here and everyone knows it"
They put his phone back after that.
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fanaticsnail · 8 months
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Chapter 5
Masterlist here, Moodboard here
Sapsorrow Masterlist
@i-am-vita, thank you for the beautiful banner
Word Count: 8,910
The Storyteller - Sapsorrow "Whom so ever fits the ring becomes wed to the warlord who owns it" Themes: enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, forced proximity, lord and subordinate, one bed trope, apprehension, mutual pining, obligation, slow burn, eventual love, protective, "where is my wife" trope.
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Tag List: @sordidmusings @writingmysanity @gingernut1314 @since-im-already-here @feral-artistry @be-good-please @little-bunnybabe @sukilovesyou @buggyenjoyer @thesailus @under-kitty @acehyacinth @andriannag @one17 @canthebest1 @khaleesihavilliard @quirkyrascal @hungrhay @sentieence @lebanese-afg-ya @captaincupio @szired @sexc-snail
(FanaticSnail Note: I did not get every element I wanted to into this chapter, but I didn't want it to go for too long. Much more to come!)
Song Suggestion: Nocturnal Waltz
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The air was siphoned from your lungs at the firm tug of satin ribbon at your back. You hung your head low, eyes closing as you braced yourself against your bedframe with your palms and forearms. A small giggle rose from the woman behind you, continuing her incessant tugging and cinching with all her might.
“Not quite so tight, Perona,” you winced, focussing on stabilizing your voice as you firmly directed her. A small whined groan of disapproval was called from her throat as she began to lessen her firm grip. 
“But you have such a pretty waist, my lady,” she complimented you while weaving the dual strands into each other, “Of all the times to show it off, now would be the time to display exactly what Mihawk signed up for.” She concluded her knot tying, ballooning the satin out into a delicately knotted bow and tucked it within the laced corset to hide it from view. 
Huffing out a final breath of exasperation, you placed your right palm beneath your breasts to rest atop your diaphragm and elevated to a formal posture. The gown felt spectacular to wear; the material feeling lighter than air while giving you the comfort and security of having the object melt into your figure. The dress was black, an option you did not choose for yourself. In fact, none of this dress was what you would have chosen for yourself.
The black material clung to your chest, a single triangular sash attached to your left shoulder that was pinned to the middle of your back and waterfalling down your frame to pool behind you at your feet. Your bust was an interesting choice. The material was bunched in a fashion to mimic feathers, stitched above a heart-shaped cup to carry your breasts within it. The deep cut in the middle of the gown accentuated your cleavage and stopped just below where you would deem it tasteful to halt its descent.
You sighed in defeat as you stepped over to your vanity, looking at the assortment of jewelry you were tasked with placing atop your body. The dress flowed as effortlessly as the veiled tailfin of a betta fish; imprisoned within the pool of its owners’ design. You had never felt more like a fish on display, the glass sheet of clarity distancing you from the expectant audience. 
“Are you okay, my lady?” Perona’s voice uncomfortably close to your right hand side caused you to jolt at her squeaked question. You snapped your head over to greet her wide and innocent eyes, staring unblinkingly at you. Her lips were elevated into a smile, although concern was written on her brows. 
“I am perfectly well, Perona,” you stated automatically, turning once again to fixing your collection of ear and hairpieces atop your head. All emeralds, golds and platinums sparkling with an assortment of topaz stones in their deep amber hue. You elected to ignore how close Perona drew herself against you, her face now perpendicular to your cheek as she continued to gaze her unblinking eyes directly into your face. 
You growled beneath your breath at her proximity, finally clasping your right earring to your lobe. You reached down to open your vanity draw, raking your fingertips over an assortment of glass vials of fragrances. You halted your hand over your usual scent, rising it from its space in the drawer and beginning to uncork its steel top from its glass canister.
“Are you really going to wear that one?” she whined at you, her hands floating down to the wooden drawer and brushing her hands along the variety of bottles, “what about that one that you wore when we walked in the garden? The one that smelt like bitter honey, and it had that intoxicating woodiness. The one that screams: ‘I’m a sultry mistress, take me by the hips and guide me firmly onto your-.”
“-Perona! Halt your vulgarity!” Your disciplinary voice cut through her train of thought, prompting her eyes to upturn into a mischievous twinkle.
“...I was going to say ‘dancefloor’, Governess,” she giggled, raising a bottle of her suggested fragrance and thrusting it into your hands while simultaneously removing the one you had opened prior. You inhaled deeply, rolling your narrowed eyes at her before apprehensively uncorking the vial and spraying the fragrance on your wrists. You circled the vial around yourself, placing the scent on the sides of your neck, the point between your shoulder blades and began to place the glass bottle back into the cabinet. 
Perona snatched the bottle from your hands, quickly sprayed the lowest point of your cleavage and laughed as she dropped it back into the vanity draw. Hastily, she floated her ghostly body away from you and made her way towards the door - as far away as she could be with a feigned surprise expression; reveling in how cross she had made you. Your jaw hung open at her audaciousness, eyes wide in fury only briefly before you sighed out a laugh at your ward. 
You glanced at yourself one final time in your mirror, checking to see if there was a single manicured curl out of place before you nodded to your reflection and turned to exit your chambers. As you opened the door, you were greeted by Zoro with his arm elevated in front of him. His fist was balled, his knuckles about to begin their descent to alert you of his presence beyond the wooden barrier. 
His hazelnut eyes met yours, his breath halting in his throat as he took in your formal attire. You smiled at him, dancing your eyes over his attire before your brows furrowed at the stretched satin vest firmly clenching his wide torso. In the light of the black material, accents of green were patterned within the embroidered material. The relinquishment of a pale shirt beneath it being a final firm act of defiance at squeezing himself into the mold of the upper classes, but remaining incredibly attractive to the eye regardless. 
“Woah,” Zoro sighed, using his surprise to examine your attire while you continued to take him in. You met his eyes once more before your eyes darted up to a single sprig of his moss-coloured hair hanging in the middle of his forehead. You smiled, immediately bringing your bangled and jeweled hand upwards and claiming the lock into your fingertips and tucked it backwards into his combed hair.
“You look very handsome, Zoro,” you praised him, slowly drawing back your hand as you searched for more out of place elements of his outfit to correct his frame with. You noticed a small amount of fray of satin on his left pectoral, prompting your fingers to delicately pick at the material to remove its strand. 
As you were distracted by searching over Zoro’s frame for more irregularities in his attire, Perona shot Zoro a teasing look; her lips curling upwards into a broad smile. Zoro’s frown deepened as his blush continued to dust his nose, ears and cheeks. His top lip sucked into his mouth, his bottom lip curling into a deep pout in embarrassment as he continued to ignore his elevated heartbeat as you praised him. 
“What a gentleman,” you purred at him, Perona laughing gleefully behind him at his tense stature. As her taunting giggle, you spun to chastise her. Her dark eyes were complimented in the accents of black in her tulle and taffeta skirt, her own corset accented with a pink so deep it almost seemed red in the candlelight. 
“That’s enough mischief out of you, young lady,” you reprimanded her, her giggle halting with a gasp. She bowed her head to you, eyes closing and pouting with her lips. Shaking your head, you drew your hand away from Zoro and claimed her chin beneath your fingertips. 
“You look beautiful, Perona,” you praised her, meeting her large doe-eyes as her eyelashes parted. Her pout softened into a smile as she reached forward to interlace her hands into your own. You crinkle your nose at her, an action reciprocated with the pink-haired debutant, allowing a moment of playfulness to fall between you and your ward before you turn back to the young gentleman. 
“Are you ready to go?” Zoro asked you, his brow arching up in question. You inhaled as deep as your corset would allow you, before nodding along with your slow exhale. 
“You seem nervous, are you sure you’re okay?” Perona asked, eyes holding concern while searching your face. You lulled your neck back, looking up into the ornate ceiling and taking a moment to notice all of the intricate carvings drilled into its mastery. Placing your hands up to cradle the back of your neck, you allowed your professionalism to slip in front of your wards for the first time; speaking to them as you would friends, rather than pupils.
“I usually have no qualms in attending formal galas,” you admitted, not yet bringing your head back down to meet with your wards, “but this-... this is not just a formal gala. This is a ball thrown to announce the intentions of unifying myself and a lord. I-...” you trailed off, finally meeting the patient eyes of your wards. Perona’s expression was full of empathy at your confession, brows creasing at the center while Zoro’s face remained unmoving and firm. You allowed your lips to twitch up into a small smile, nodding briefly and slowly blinking your eyes at them.
“-I am ready,” you ushered them with your hands in front of you, shooing them with your fingers. Perona was the first to turn from you, interweaving her hand within the crook of Zoro’s elbow and tugging him away. He continued peering at you over his muscular shoulder, shooting you a pointed look to wordlessly ask you if you were truly comfortable with them leaving you to make your entrance. You warmly smiled at him, eyes soft and delicately reassuring him. He finally turned away, revealing the dark satin knotted pattern vertically cinching his waist and straining under the pressure of his broad chest. 
Zoro was wearing a corseted waistcoat. Someone had to cinch in his corseted waistcoat. You narrowed your eyes at them, watching how proud Perona looked as she raked her eyes over his assembly of attire. You allowed a silent laugh to fall from your lips as you drew the conclusion: Perona cinched Zoro into his corseted waistcoat. 
As your pupils disappeared from your sights down the hall, you began your own trail down the halls towards the uproar of lively strings in jovial melody. Knowing the protocall, you waited by the partially closed doors for your formal announcement. You peered through the crack of the door, noticing how extravagantly the ballroom was decorated through this small window into your future. 
Dracule Mihawk had spared no expense in adorning the walls and halls with an intricate display of his vast wealth. The walls had ropes of golden cast vines dripping from the ceiling, leading down their intricate spirals in spirals towards the guests with bushels of crystalline rose-shaped flowers. The assortment of guests were freshly decorated in clusters of frills, furs and feathers; their pearls and gems glistening under the candlelight. 
That is where Mihawk caught you, breathless as he took in his beautiful intended bride to be. You were a sight to behold: wonderment dancing without restraint behind your eyes as you took in the celebration occurring beyond the door. He stuttered in his movement, opting to remain in the shadows just a moment longer as he continued looking over your body firmly secured within the material of his own design. If you got to choose three outfits for yourself to adorn on your wedding day, he wanted just one to suit his own interests. And within that singular choice he made, you were pure perfection incarnate. 
He straightened his shoulders, rotating them within his pale sleeves below his own cinched vest to rid himself of any final nerves as he approached you.
“My Betrothed,” Mihawk’s purred voice broke you away from your stooped position; your body responded immediately by fixing your hunched posture upright. You turned, eyes meeting with the amber hued orbs shrouded in shadows.
“Betrothed,” you responded, dipping low into a deep curtsey with your head bowed. The small dip of your head bounced your curls and jangled the intricate headpieces within your manicured locks. Mihawk clicked his tongue, stepping away from the shroud of darkness to finally grace you with his presence. 
Mihawk’s signature hat was no longer attached to his head; his hair displaying their natural curl and wave beneath a dark, embroidered tricorne. The usual white of his feather was replaced with a blackened ostrich feather, ombre with a deep crimson accentuating the tips. He paid extra attention to his grooming, ensuring not a single sprig of his facial hair was out of place. A pale shirt with ballooning sleeves was tucked beneath a tight black vest. The boning running down his torso catching your attention and forcing his built chest to display; the way it tightened him was sinful and made his shoulders look that much broader.
As you continued to shamelessly rake your eyes over his slowly approaching body, Mihawk’s yellow eyes were hyper focussed on the small gap in your plump lips as they parted. He couldn’t help the tingle that shot up his spine, knowing how you truly felt for him from your unwitting confession earlier. He relished in being an object of desire, not feeling this form of flattery for quite some time.
By the time your eyes met, you noticed a small twinge of a smile threatening to break through the honey-coloured irises. You tried as you might to remain professional and stoic, knowing within your heart that this match with him was never something to occur naturally between you. You closed your eyes, taking a moment to collect yourself as you attempted to regain your composure. He was intoxicating, every ounce of the lord of Kuraigana was simply-.
“-So beautiful,” he spoke in a voice above a whisper, reaching down to adjust the darkened satin strap clinging to your shoulder by the pinch of his thumb and index finger. You looked down at your dress, noticing his eyes continued to linger on the satin sashes and interwoven pieces attached to your bodice. 
“Yes, I suppose it is,” you smiled, watching the way his fingers danced atop the material to smooth over the dress. Mihawk’s eyes drew themselves quietly over your neckline, dancing at your jugular and slowly seeking residence on your lips. He watched as your breath rose and fell between the two rose-coloured borders framing your mouth, fixated on every crevice and divet atop them. He watched them begin to dance as you uttered to him in question.
“Am I everything you hoped I would be?” he heard your voice ask him, breaking him away from his thoughts and snapping his intense eyes upwards to gaze into your own.
“What was that, Betrothed?” he asked, desperately hoping for you to say those words once more. 
“Is this everything you hoped it would be, my lord?” you restated your words, blissfully unaware of Mihawk’s mind fluctuating words and unspoken intentions between the lines of your question. You gestured to the dress and fixed your posture once more, waving over your diaphragm to rid the material of any gathered lines from your prior stoop.
He huffed out a small breath of exasperation briefly before gesturing with his right index finger in a circular motion, indicating his desire for you to twirl for him to view it in its entirety. You sighed out your own exasperated breath and skillfully stepped backwards and twirled the pooling skirts of the intricate dress. The slit on your right thigh split to reveal your sheer, black stockings beneath your sharp, pointed heeled shoes. He raked his eyes over your slow turn, looking to each of the elements he had chosen to include: the boned corset with the laced back, the embroidered satin with feathered details and the plunging neckline to mimic his own. 
You were perfect. Everything, perfect.
As your twirl halted its crescendo, your skirts fluttered before falling back into their waterfall position by your feet. Looking up into his face, his stoic expression was completely unreadable. You had no idea what thoughts plagued the eyes of your betrothed, nor did you ever assume it would be your place to ever ask. 
“We never did choose a title to address each other with, did we?” Mihawk’s left eyebrow elevated as the corner of his lips twitched in question, “Although I do remember stating that you lowering yourself into your subordinate default was no longer appropriate.”
“We initially discussed referring to each other as ‘betrothed’, my-,” He shot you a warning look, forbidding you to say a final utterance to the formal title. You rotated your neck to rid it of its agitation as the two of you began circling each other. Each step Mihawk took, you mirrored it with a step of your own, “But I suggested that was no longer appropriate and sounded too rigid.”
“And have you thought more of it?” Mihawk questioned, allowing his body to be danced with yours a few steps in front of the door where you were to make your grand entrance. He halted his rotation, opting to step forward and bring your bodies all the more closer to each other. You refused to allow him to intimidate you with his presence. 
“Have you?” You quipped in return, stepping closer to him and almost pressing your torso against his. He almost cracked a small smile, the ghost of its presence whispering over his mustached lip as he continued to stare his unmoving gaze into your eyes. 
“When I introduce you to our guests; I will refer to you as my bride,” he declared, choosing to press his right hand an inch above your hip; slowly dragging it to fall into the mid of your back, “But as you’ve plagued my thoughts of late, my heart calls to you by another name.”
His eyes held a firmness to them, desiring for you to understand your place as his intended, but also harboring more affection for you than you once realized. You were drawn back to your conversation earlier with the Farm-Hand of Kuraigana, your heart singing the praises of the eyes and the voice of the man in front of you. That voice now referring to you almost akin to the prospect of ‘beloved,’ both had you reveling at the notion of affection being possible between the two of you, but also frightening you with the aspect that this could all be due to the suspicious curse that haunts the ring on your unity finger. 
“I am your bride,” you whispered, dancing your eyes between his briefly while placing your right palm atop his heart and pushing against it firmly, “and I am fine with being introduced as such, as I would introduce you to our guests as my beau.” 
As your heart began to drum frantically, and anxiety nipped at your neck at your approaching confession; a loud fanfare began its call to introduce the lord and intended lady of Kuraigana to the guests below the marble staircase. The shock of the interruption broke you both from your trance, eyes snapping from one another and jolting to the awaiting audience below. 
You felt the left arm of Dracule Mihawk reach forward and claim your right arm within the crook of his elbow. Stooping down, he gently voiced a small utterance, “We will talk more on this later. For now, know this,” He leant down to whisper a small secret within your ear, lips brushing gently with the outer shell as his breath danced over your skin, “I’m here by your side, and I will not drop you.”
Your mind immediately began swimming with circling thoughts of the dirt, twig, fur and feather-covered Farm-Hand who has spent his morning with you. He journeyed with you, educating you on interests throughout the land belonging to your betrothed you clutched with your arm. He carried you, allowed defenses to break down between you and confessed to his own romantic ailments. 
You refused to let your displeasure be shown on your face by the knowledge that this man you called ‘friend’ had spilled your secrets to your intended beside you: opting to falsify a pleasant smile as Mihawk chaperoned you to the balcony. This would be a conversation to be explored between you the next the two of you should meet. 
Applause erupted below as you stepped in tow with your fiance, his face stoic and unreadable as it was moments prior. He guided you down the steps, slowly making your descent below with the mable clicking pleasantly with yours and Mihawk’s formal shoes. As your feet concluded its journey down the steps, the room had once again sprung to life with the merriment of your guests and the uproar of melody drawn from the small orchestra at the corner of the room. 
Perona and Zoro were off to the side, opting to stare at the amount of guests within the large ballroom while drinking wine together. You raked your eyes over to several members within the upper class you had trained from youth; a broad, warm smile drawing itself to your face as your eyes met with your former gentlemen and debutants. Each of them you locked gazes with, stooped to a low and perfect curtsey and bow. Your pride in their tutelage swelled your heart and greatly improved your prior disgruntled mood. 
That was, until, you caught the whiff of the choking scent of a sour cigar. The nicotine-woven smoke spurred towards you, drawing over your hair and face and dancing with the perfume you had meticulously applied against your skin earlier. You snapped your head towards the position the intrusion was occurring, narrowing your eyes as they met with the purple irises of an incredibly tall and broad gentleman.
Your beau beside you was no short individual, his height far greater than yours. But this man in his broad stature eclipsed the two of you with his presence. His beady eyes held a dangerous, cold-blooded and reptilian stare as it met with your own. You refused to look away from his intimidation, choosing to feign your practiced kindness against your features. 
“Sir Crocodile,” Mihawk curtly addressed the man in front of you, “allow me to introduce my bride.” He carefully unwove your hand from within the crook of his elbow, prompting you to automatically step your body between Mihawk’s and this ‘Sir Crocodile’ to formally greet him. He had a cigar clutched between his teeth, his brows upturned in boredom but his eyes holding nothing but complete intrigue. He removed his bitten cigar from his lips by stabbing the tip of a golden hook attached to his left hand and moved to collect your right within his. 
Stooping low, he drew up the back of your hand to press his lips against your knuckles with his eyes closing in respect. From this angle, you had the brief opportunity to study his face; noticing a large scar separating his eyes from the bottom half of its face that looked to be particularly painful in origin. 
“A pleasure to meet you, my lady,” His raspy voice rumbled at you, the air of danger being omnipresent in the air and surrounds, “I have heard many wondrous things about you.” He opened his eyes at you while his face remained close to your knuckles, looking up at you through his eyelashes with narrowed eyes. Opting to mimic his response and mirror it back to him, you responded in a similar likeness.
“The pleasure is mine, sir,” you uttered in return, a smirk now pulling at your lips in lieu of your false smile, “And I truly wish I could say the same in return.” The rumble of his voice was now ignited with a small chuckle thrust from his lips as he ascended back to full height. 
“The Hawk of Kuraigana has not spoken about me to his blushing bride?” Sir Crocodile quipped, his brow raising as his eyes snapped over to Mihawk’s, “My, my. And here I thought we were friends.” Mihawk attempted to contain his composure, not allowing the Crocodile’s suggestion get the better of him.
“I do not recall making much mention regarding my bride’s achievements to you either, Crocodile,” He uttered through a clenched jaw and narrowed eyes. You continued to hold your gaze firmly on the man in front of you, watching his nonchalant amusement dance over his eyes. His jaw continued to hold a bored and exasperated expression, even as he returned his cigar to his lips on the pointed tip of his golden hook.
“I did my own research on such a woman. A governess, Mihawk,” he inhaled a deep breath of nicotine-lace smoke and turned his jaw away from you to relinquish its presence in his mouth while his eyes remained on yours, “And a talented one at that.” You felt the tension between the men rushing between them like the rapids of a river of cloudy water. 
“I am an exceptional governess, sir. May I confess to you a trade secret?” you smiled, stepping closer to the larger man and putting a greater distance between you and your fiance. You smirked as he stooped lower, using his pointed hook to smooth a stray hair from his forehead back. 
“Please,” Sir Crocodile’s eyes narrowed and humor danced behind his darkened pupils.
You angled your chin upwards, looking down your nose at him through your elongated eyelashes and holding your face stern, “One of the greatest joys in my line of work is finding the stubborn ones,” you stepped closer into him, his smile creaking at the sides, “breaking them in,” your own smile continued to pull upwards, mirroring the playfulness now depicted between you, “and taming them.”
In an instant, Sir Crocodile’s eyes snapped over to meet the intense amber gaze of your beau behind you; an unreadable darkness contained within his purple hue. You witnessed the pointed gaze reflected in the irises of the crocodile, the deep amber hue of your betrothed honing in on the man in front of you; eyes narrow and jaw clenched tight as a steel vice. 
“And what a fine job you will make of him yet, my lady,” the rumbled laughter of the crocodile ran through his chest, finally returning to his great height and releasing your hand from within his. He returned his eyes to meet yours, curtly nodded his head in a polite manner and uttered a simple, “Congratulations to the both of you,” before turning back to Mihawk.
“After you conclude with the pleasantries, you will both meet me in the foyer to view the item I have made for you,” he ordered, a smirk pulling at his lips as Mihawk’s frown deepened, “As we agreed, Mihawk. A hundred hands have sewn it.”
Your eyes widened only slightly at the thought, remembering the words Perona had uttered while in her trance; “a crocodile has the moon.” So this is how he is doing it. A wealthy man with the world at his beck and call, commanding those around him by the curt snap of his fingers. Sir Crocodile’s smirk broadened, nodding again and adding a simple; “Lord Dracule,” and a further utterance of, “my lady.”
Mihawk’s presence once again found itself by your shoulder, an elbow extended for you to weave your own through it. As you took his left arm, you found his dominant hand atop your right hand and held it firmly in place. You turned your head to gaze up at the man beside you, his eyes fixed firmly on the back of the retreating figure of the reptilian man from earlier. 
“You managed him quite effortlessly,” he uttered in a voice only available to your registry, “But heed this warning,” Mihawk turned his head, his eyes meeting yours and depicting complete seriousness within his face, “Sir Crocodile is not a man you can trust, nor would I want you to ever be left alone with him.”
You nodded your head to him, your gaze fluttering down to focus on his lips moving so beautifully beneath his tailored mustache as he so eloquently spoke. Mihawk followed your eyes, your eyelashes fluttering as they continued to hold firm to his lips. He furrowed his brows, watching as your eyelashes fluttered up to meet your eyes against his amber orbs. 
“Consider your warning received,” you uttered breathily, angling your chin up to look down your nose at him, “Are there any further guests I should be equally fearful of, or is it just the crocodile being cause for concern?” He hummed, beginning to chaperone you throughout the grandiose ballroom; all the while continuing to hold his dominant hand over yours within his arm. 
As Mihawk opened his mouth to begin disclosing information about his other unruly guests, a loud commotion was occurring within the lounging area of the room. Muffled yelling, angry voices and clashes of wood slapping and scraping against marble echoed within the halls; the musicians electing to continue performing their serenade despite the interruption. 
“Can’t you do anything right? No! Over here, here,” the scratchy and hoarse voice barked, prompting the steady shuffle of feet and another loud crash of plank on tile. Mihawk released your hand from within his, continuing to link his elbow with your arm as he hastily drew himself closer to the sound. 
As guests parted, your eyes could not seem to form rhyme or reason as to what you were truly looking at. Your eyes were initially drawn to the train of thick, blue locks that veiled down the back of the brightly colored jester in front of you. Clasped firmly around his neck, an off-white ruff with a tight crinkle spiking off with its horizontal diameter incredibly large in size. You raked your eyes down his back, noticing a pale shirt ballooning out and tapering at the wrists beneath a gold, blue and red diamond-printed and patterned vest. Leather pants of the same pattern clung to his body like armor, accenting every muscle beneath it as he stomped his boot-clad feet against the marble floor.
“You idiots,” he growled, folding his arms over his chest briefly before flailing it out in front of him, “This is for Mihawk’s bride! Do you want to lose your heads? Because, so help me, if you drop that box one more time, I’m gonna-!” He turned away from the people in front of him, locking his teal eyes against yours. 
All words fled from the mind of the blue-haired clown-captain as his teal eyes danced with your own irises. His lips opened and shut, nothing forming within his painted mouth as his throat struggled to produce coherence. 
“Buggy,” Mihawk curtly snapped, bringing the clown’s attention over to meet Mihawk’s warning face, “May I introduce you to my bride to be?” Immediately Buggy’s entire body was fixated on taking you in. His arms gesturing out in front of him, his right heel extended and bending his left knee in a deep bow. He held unbreaking eye contact with you, taking in your every expression and response you gave to him: from the softness in your smile, the reprimanding presence in your eyes, to your manicured curls, to the way your breasts were perfectly displayed in the tight bodice of the-.
“-A pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir,” your melodic introduction broke his attention away from staring at your bodice, drawing his eyes up to once again meet with your own. 
“Believe me, Starlight. The pleasure is all mine,” Buggy’s voice rumbled, a small quiver detected in his throat. Mihawk’s sharp cough drew the clown’s eyes back to meet with the lord of Kuraigana with a winced grimace-like grin forming over his painted lips. 
“Mihawk,” He elevated his voice in a loud greeting, leaning forward and clapping his left hand over his right shoulder, “I have the thing for you,” he cocked his head over to the large wooden chest, the smallest sliver of pale chiffon jammed within the iron brim of the frame. Your eyes darted over to the material, your legs carrying you far enough away to no longer hear a hushed conversation between your intended and the jester.
“Fuck me, Mihawk,” Buggy hushed out his breathy exclaim, choosing to fix his gaze on your stoop as you looked at the box with curiosity, “She’s spectacular. And you’re telling me you didn’t want her as soon as you laid eyes on her? If you still feel that way, by all means I’ll take her off your hands-.”
“-No.” That verbal warning was all it took to have the clown-captain sucking his lips into his mouth and eating his words. The two men continued to stare their unwavering eyes over your body as you rose from your stoop. 
“Is this-,” you began, attempting to hide your unease at the notion that two of the three requirements were potentially presented to you in the same night, “-Is this one of the-?”
“-This is starlight for you, Doll,” Buggy chimed in, a broad grin decorating his painted face as he stepped closer to you, “If I may?” he asked, presenting his right hand out to collect your own. You danced your eyes briefly over to meet with Mihawks, an unreadable expression once again remaining stoic against his face.
You placed your left hand within Buggy’s, his grimace-grin softening with his eyes as he brandished your arm open to take in your whole appearance. He started with your feet, drawing his eyes up the slit of the full bodied, satin skirt and stopped his gaze at your waist. Holding it there a moment, he stepped closer to you and continued slowly looking over your figure, small hums exiting his large, red nose at each point he drew his attention to. 
“You. Oh, you,” He exclaimed, stepping closer still to your body. He hovered his left hand in front of your waist, his right still claiming your left within its caress, “You are going to look so radiant in that dress. You’re going to want to kiss me, Mihawk. Your bride- you, Doll,” he hovered his hand over you, eyes watching yours as you held your attention fully on reading the flashy individual in front of you, “The stars are going to envy your radiance. Fuck, you’re gorgeous-.”
“-Enough, Clown,” Mihawk’s bored vocal warning hand Buggy’s embrace immediately flees from your arms and holds them up to display defenselessness. Mihawk made eye contact with one of the members of the household staff, wordlessly directing them with a small gesture to remove the wooden box and move it elsewhere, away from prying eyes. 
You took that small moment to look over to where your former students were gathered, each taking to the dance floor with ease and gliding along the surface with practiced precision. Your heart swelled, the feeling of pride rising to adorn your cheeks with a content smile. Mihawk turned away from Buggy and the staff, his lips parting as he began to relay something no longer deemed important as he stood in awe. He wanted to commit the way your face lit up to memory: the upturn of your eyes, the shape of your lips as they rose in glee, the way your eyelashes partially shielded your twinkle in your irises. 
“You danced with your bride yet, Hawkie?” Buggy quipped at Mihawk’s ear in a tone and pitch low enough to only be heard by the swordsman. Mihawk looked through the corner of his eye, narrowing his pointed gaze at the clown by his side. 
“We are greeting our guests, Clown,” he spoke through his scowl, his voice warning the clown to desist with his incessant line of questioning and lewd comments regarding his intended spouse. Buggy’s eyes widened with an enthusiastic twinkle, his pearled teeth baring into a large smile. 
“Well, hop to it, bird-boy,” Buggy jested at the broody lord, pressing his gloved hand down to clap over Mihawk’s left ass-cheek. If Mihawk were not indebted to the clown for creating a prominent piece to save his mortal soul, he would have had him drawn and quartered for such an action. 
The curt sound of a slap drew you away from your students to seek out its source, only to find the clown with a triumphant smile plastered on his face while your betrothed bore his eyes into him with a burning hatred. Sensing a small amount of tension from the two, you nodded your head to the clown with a polite smile and wove your right hand within the crook of Mihaw’s left arm once more. 
“It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir Buggy,” you meant every word spoken through your lips; your smile genuine for the flashy fool, “And I thank you for aiding my beau with his task in completing an impossible task. Truly, sir.” Buggy’s face beamed up at you, his body now crouched in a flamboyant bow to humble himself before your feet. 
“My lady,” he uttered in a hushed whisper, rising once more to his full stature; his frilled collar bobbing beneath his lengthy blue hair, “I am just a clown. I aint worth all that-.” You shook your head, elevating your voice to cut off his train of thought.
“-And I am just a governess, sir,” you nodded your head, pursing your lips and smirking up at him, “We are worth far more than the titles that make us, do you not agree?” Mihawk continued to lay his face stoic, attempting to disguise his rise of adoration through clenching his jaw. He gave a short nod to the clown, dismissing him as he led you further within the crowd. 
You stood silently at his side, nodding politely as he continued to guide you on to make the acquaintance of several more lords from nearby lands, and notorious pirate captains he felt obliged to extend a formal invitation. He could not fault your ability to navigate the room, carefully balancing and reflecting energies and intentions back without fault nor flaw. 
That was, until, your eyes met with the intense and playful glint of a redheaded captain Mihawk truly thought would pose no threat. Standing amongst several close members of the Red-Hair pirates, all dressed in tailored suits with their weapons tucked in tasteful spaces amongst the belts and ribbons. As Mihawk began to form words to introduce you to his former rival, the Redhead immediately shot a wide and winning grin pulling at his lips, with surprise written in his chestnut eyes. 
“Vile Exterminator!” Shanks exclaimed with glee, his eyes meeting yours with enthusiasm. Mihawk’s face paled, shock written all over his face at his introduction to you. He snapped his head over to meet with your face, meeting only with playfulness depicted within your eyes
“Red-Haired Rat!” you responded back with an equal amount of surprise. You unwove your arm from its place hooked within your betrothed as Shanks stepped forward and circled his one arm around your waist. He hoisted you off your feet, circling you around within the air as his eyes danced between yours. 
“I thought that was you in the announcement,” Shanks uttered affectionately into your cheek, pressing a chaste kiss upon the skin, “Could recognise the disdain in your eyes anywhere, love.” He placed your feet back onto the floor, giving you an opportunity to place a gentle reprimanding slap against his chest. 
“Charming as you ever were, Rat,” you uttered, stepping away from the redhead captain and politely bowing to the silver-haired first mate beside him, “Beckman, always a pleasure. Keeping the Rat away from the henhouse?”
“Always, Exterminator,” Beckman smiled, inhaling a deep breath from his cigarette and exhaling it away from your face.
“Good boy,” you praised him, watching the corner of his lips tick into a small smirk at the verbal reward you offered him. The lord of Kuraigana followed the exchange like a hawk examining a potential kill. He was not amused.
“It appears you have history with my bride, Red-Hair,” Mihawk stated with narrowed eyes, warning written in his unspoken expression. Shanks’ grin only seemed to grow further, if at all possible. Shanks danced his eyes between the two of you, taking in your appearance as you stood beside the broody former-warlord beside you.
“I have been known to bump into her from port to port,” Shanks confidently declared, shooting a winning wink from his tri-scarred eye. You rolled your eyes at the movement, returning back to your prior position beside Mihawk and interweaving your arm within his. 
“One or two of my prior debutants had an affection for sailing men,” you spoke slowly, training your eyes on the pirates smirking with pride in front of you, “It was my job to chase them out.” Mihawk released a breath he didn’t know he was holding, slow enough to not draw your attention away from your stare in front; but not subtle enough to escape Shanks’ knowing glace. 
You turned to the man at your side, noticing the tension arising in his jaw as he continued to look at the redhead captain in front of you. Placing your palm firmly on his bicep while circling it, you gave his arm a small reassuring squeeze, drawing his attention back down to you. Your left brow quirked up at him, a small purse of your lips as your gaze drew down to his mouth. 
“I have also been known to acquire passage aboard the Red Force if I am in dire need,” you commented, floating your eyes back up to hear the amber hue of your intended’s eyes. He stooped down, turning his head away from Shanks’ teasing expression. His breath tickled your neck, his scent intoxicating as he purred a gentle reprimand in the shell of your ear, “And you said you were a lady.”
The hue of a warm blush rose in your chest, flushing your cheeks with its radiant heat. You clenched your jaw tightly closed, your brows furrowed as Mihawk pulled away from your neck with his lips twitching up into a small smirk. Shanks raised his right arm out defensively, a huffed laugh exiting his mouth with a grimace-grin akin to one the clown presented earlier.
“I assure nothing untoward has ever occurred between myself, my crew, and your intended, Hawk-Eyes,” he laughed, prompting a rumbled chuckle to gather within the chest of the smoking first-mate beside him. You snapped your pointed gaze back to the red-head captain, narrowing your eyes at him and wordlessly chastising him to hold his tongue. 
“Rat,” you nodded your head, dismissing yourself from this conversation while unlinking your arm from within Mihawk’s. 
“Exterminator,” He nodded in return, training his eyes after you as you made your way unchaperoned within the ballroom. Mihawk stood in place, turning back to glare at the red-head in front of him. He again opened his mouth to begin a lengthy verbal battle with his former rival, only for Shanks to immediately speak over his words.
“I have almost completed your request: so close I could almost see the vision. Mihawk-...” Shanks paused, stepping closer to the swordsman and turning him away from his crew. Both mens eyes fell over your form as you smiled and conversed with your prior students; introducing them affectionately to both Perona and Zoro now at your sides. All smiles, all beautiful and lovely smiles capable of having the highest of highs stoop to the lowest they’d become under the majesty of your smile.
“-Mihawk,” Shanks again spoke breathily, “I hope you are truly aware of how much of a lucky bastard you are,” He wrapped his arms firmly over the lord’s shoulders, the feather atop Mihawk’s hat bobbing under the swift movement. Mihawk sighed, closing his eyes and feeling a rise of agitation forming as the redhead continued to keep his one remaining arm hooked over his shoulders. 
“I am fully aware of how truly amazing she is, Red-Hair,” Mihawk began, clicking his neck in an attempt to rid himself of such agitation, “And I can admit to you, as my oldest rival, that I have begun to develop a fondness for her. I would never give in to such an emotion, but rather shield her from how much I adore her.” He turned to face the captain once again, baring his eyes fully into his with a blinding and furious intensity; remaining blissfully and shamefully ignorant to your slow approach behind him. 
You heard the next words of their hushed conversation, each word twirling like a dagger to the heart; but no context of the prior words spoken between them.
“I would have never chosen such a woman for myself,” Mihawk confessed to his rival, “I never wanted to marry, to take a wife, and to open myself up to the prospect of love. I am hating every minute I have to continue leading this facade.”
Your face fell, hearing the swirl of those words echo within your mind falling from the lips of your betrothed to your oldest acquaintance. Your heart shattered, hearing the words formed with a man you had begun to harbor affection for - a man who you were set to marry as soon as the final demand was met. You bit back the rise of bitterness within your throat and opted to not respond or react to the hurtful words spoken from the lips of your betrothed, but rather clear your throat and stilling your expression by flipping back to your prior state of pure professionalism. 
“I am glad we agree on our mutual displeasure at the prospect of joining together in matrimony,” you attempted to mask your heartache by allowing your rage to bubble to the surface, “Perhaps after we conclude with this sham, we could ask Red-Haired Shanks to process a speedy annulment? He is a captain, after all.” Mihawk snapped his face over to meet with your own, watching as your lips drew into a thin line and chin drew upwards into the air. 
“Would you excuse us, Shanks,” Mihawk stated suddenly, immediately reaching his left hand forward and grasping your right within his palm. Rather than to react by pulling your hand out of his grip and stomping away like the young teenager within you screamed at you to do; you allowed him to lead you away from the soiree of guests and out onto the quiet balcony overlooking the moon-dusted garden. 
You held your surliness prominently against your face, not speaking nor listening to the amassment of voices laughing merrily together within the ballroom. As soon as you both marched through the threshold of the balcony, Mihawk immediately shut the doors behind you to shroud you both in darkness. Without turning to face you, he uttered darkly with his voice dripping in unrestrained ferocity.
“Is that how you truly feel about me? About this?” Mihawk growled, balling his fist and placing it on the wall beside him. You remained expressionless, choosing to vocalize your answer. You compartmentalised your emotions, boxing them away as you had trained yourself through the years to do so. 
“Answer me,” He whispered, turning to finally face you. His brow was deep, his lips parted and eyes brimming with fury. 
“What good would gracing you with an answer do here?” you asked him, shaking your head at him. He stepped forwards, prompting you to dance away from his rapid approach. His footsteps stuttered, his arm halting its reach for you as you continued to hold your face stoic and expressionless.
“Was it all a lie?” Mihawk whispered accusingly, “Everything you told me: was it a lie? My eyes, my voice - all of it?”
You furrowed your brows into the middle of your forehead, attempting to recall a conversation you had with him regarding those aspects of your adoration for him. Your eyes held a seriousness to them, the private moment you shared with the Farm-Hand being the only time you had ever confessed to such a thing again dancing into the forefront of your mind. 
“You were eavesdropping on me? Ensuring I was behaving as your intended should? Watching me with the Farm-Hand as a parent would hover over an undisciplined child?” Your fury began to rise and elevate your voice within your throat, “I can assure you, my lord,” that final title had another growl free itself from the throat of the lord of Kuraigana, “I have never behaved in a manner unbefitting a lady-.”
“-That does not answer my question, Governess,” his voice roared with passion, his hair being freed from its confinement beneath his hat as his right hand removed it and cast it to the side, “Was it all a lie?” You backed away from him, your fingertips finding the coarse cement of the marble barrier behind you. You sighed, huffing out your agitation and allowing the moment to suspend your rage as you glared at him.
“Was what a lie? Articulate your words, sir, and I may yet grace you with the answer you so desperately seek,” your passion flared, your correcting reprimand strict and firm in your voice and stature. 
At that small challenge, Mihawk was on you in an instant; his hands seeking out your waist and pulling you flush against him as his lips bruised yours in a vicious caress. The intensity of the oscillation dizzied your head, swelled your heart and confused your mind with this degree of unrestrained affection. 
He raked his hands over your ribcage, drawing them behind your back, his fingertips slowly raking up each of the divots of the corset behind you. He hooked his arms between your shoulder blades, as your hands found themselves entangling within his raven curls. The brush of his silken mustache grazed your gradually swelling lips as you returned the kiss with equating intensity. You felt his teeth take your bottom lip between them, biting with fury as he drew you closer within his firm embrace. You gasped into his mouth, feeling a groan siphon itself from his lips into your own. 
He broke his lips away from yours and began to place open mouthed and heated kisses against your jaw, relishing in the way your skin felt beneath his lips with the cries of surprise propelling him onwards.
“You have ruined me,” he growled into your cheek, raking his teeth over your jaw and up to your ear, “Look at what you’ve made of me.” He drew his lips away from your earlobe and began trailing hot and desperate kisses down your neck, inhaling the sweet perfume Perona had so subtly sprayed on you earlier. You whimpered as he placed a kiss on your pulse, soothing over the rapid beat with his tongue as he felt your breath hitch. 
“Mihawk, stop,” you whispered, his actions immediately halting as he snapped his head away from your neck to gaze up into your eyes. Wide and worried was the expression he was met with, his desperation seeping out of his eyes and weeping down onto his face. He sighed, pressing his forehead onto your own, his eyes closing as he felt your anxiety roll off of you and onto him.
“I would never hurt you. You are my bride, my belov-...” his words trailed off as his throat closed them painfully between his tonsils. Your eyes widened as his remained closed, watching the pain draw up onto his face at his unspoken confession. You closed your eyes, leaning into his affectionate touch and inhaling deeply. 
“I would never allow myself the luxury of harboring affection for you should you desire severance,” you admitted with a soft smile, drawing your forehead away from his as his eyes reopened to meet with yours. He sighed, both removing your arms from one another while remaining a whisper away from each other. 
“And I would never find myself willingly breaking away from you, my lady,” Mihawk quipped in return, his lips threatening to break into a curled smirk beneath his mustache. You were the first to smile, reaching up your right hand to caress his left cheek beneath your palm. 
“Perhaps we should return to our event, my lord,” you uttered, dancing your eyes between his before reaching your thumb down to remove some of the lip paint that had passed onto his face from your own, “I may even provide you with the dance you asked me for those many years ago.” 
A sound fell into the air that you didn’t realize your heart yearned to hear fall from the parted lips of the lord of Kuraigana. His lips broke upwards, eyes cracking gently at the corners and his heart poured from his mouth in a small uproar of hearty laughter. This laugh felt so familiar to you, yet the sight of his face depicting such a sound was the most beautiful thing to take into your sights. He sighed, leant into your palm and pressed a gentle kiss into your flesh with his eyes briefly closing. 
“I would want nothing more, beloved.”
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fyodior · 2 months
Flora I'm trying to stop sending you so many asks because I don't wanna stress you out with too many, but you always say the right things to make my head spin!!
Cat hybrid Chuuya as a pet to you when you already have a partner? Oh, he'd feel so possessive of you! He was your pet before you moved in with your current partner, he had you before! He hated the fact that he had to move home with you, hated leaving his territory to come somewhere knew, scratching the sofas and wallpaper, chewing on cushions, ignoring your partner's attempts to placate him, only ever listening to you. Of course he settles in eventually, but he still gets so possessive of you, insisting on sleeping in the same bed as you, always scratching the door whenever he gets kicked out. It was hard to get any alone time with your partner, but there are some nights where he goes out to hunt and leaves his prizes by the front door for you, and those are the times where you're able to just be with your partner.
Needless to say, Chuuya has very mixed feelings when he finds out you're pregnant. He's even more desperate to protect you, more and more little birds and bunnies appearing on the doorstep because he wants to make sure that you're never hungry and always feel safe too, but there are also times when he ignores the baby bump completely, rubbing his body all over your legs to get attention because he doesn't want to feel like he's being replaced! Other times, he'll just sit there for hours and stare at the bump with fascination. He doesn't mind your partner, but he's always so suspicious of him, always has to make sure he's not a threat before letting him near you. Your safety is his priority after all! He just wants to be near you at all times, growling threateningly whenever he hears anyone knock on the door, ears always perking up at every small noise, has to go and check it before you can, he can't risk you getting hurt, he's a loyal pet!
- ❄
never apologize for being chatty!!! i will never be upset about it!! as long as you know i might not get to every ask super fast im more than happy for you to hop in with all your wonderful thoughts!!
oh... trying to move in with a partner when you already have cat!chuuya would be nothing short of a living NIGHTMARE. chuuya would be so so resistant, so angry and wouldn't speak to you for days when you first broke the news. you get into a massive fight too, and you tell him he can either come with you or go back to the animal shelter, and it ends with him crying in your lap apologetically as he nurses on your tits. of course, chuuya will follow you to the ends of the earth - he just might not always be ecstatic about the location. leaving his home, his territory, to somewhere completely foreign was really really hard, and he didn't adjust well. i love the idea of him scratching furniture and chewing on things out of frustration and retaliation, and your partner trying so desperately to calm him down or get him to quit, but you're the only one who can. its a ROUGH first few weeks - so many pillows get torn to shreds, there's bite marks in everything, and walls are covered in scratch marks. a feat, considering you keep up pretty well with cutting his nails (something else he hates).
one of the concessions made for chuuya was that when you first moved in, you'd have separate beds at first so that chuuya could sleep with you for a bit, to help him get acclimated. lowkey, your partner doesn't love how attached you and chuuya are to each other, but they know voicing that would result in losing you, so they mostly keep their mouth shut. so they go along with it, allowing chuuya to curl at your feet or by your side at night, as it means they get to spend the day with you. and exactly like you said, the nights where chuuya wants to be alone and just goes out to hunt is when you can actually spend some alone time with your partner and sleep in the same bed.
chuuya definitely has very mixed feelings when you get pregnant with someone elses baby. he's not stupid, he knows that means you guys have been having sex (something you will kick him out of the bedroom for) and you got knocked up, and that frustrates him. he really, really wishes he was the one who got you pregnant. so honestly, he just pretends its his kid - thats the way he acts, anyway. like you said, he's so crazy protective and over the top, never leaving your side and acting as your greatest protector. he's fascinated by your baby pump, constantly pawing at it and kneading it between his hands - even a little too hard sometimes - because its just so interesting to him. he thinks you look so gorgeous too. his need to hunt and provide for you kicks into overdrive, and like you said, the amount of dead animals appearing at your doorstep has increased tenfold. at least his increased hunting excursions means you have more alone time with your partner. when he hears from you just how demanding a baby can be, chuuya definitely gets frustrated and anxious - he's your baby, and he's so scared you won't pay any attention to him anymore, but you assure him that of course you will. UGH again i just love the idea of him being so protective and growling at everything, following you around and never leaving your side. he's so sad its not his kittens inside you though :(
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inumkii · 1 year
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ how you got together - inumaki x reader
bullet pointed scenario
genre: fluff, f2l
wc: 1.2 ish
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ an: hii this is my first jjk fic!! this might be the only thing i ever post LOLL currently ignoring my massive hiatus on my kpop blog T_T anywayss i wrote this super quickly its prob not the best ;p
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i feel like toge would be the type of person to have you make a lot of the first moves
like when you guys were just stupidly pining friends, he made it pretty obvious that he liked you but wanted you to actually confess verbally 
it was mostly because he didn't want such a big milestone of starting your relationship to be texted or written by him but maybe like 20% of it was because he likes to be annoying
he's a little shit so if your the type of person to wait on the other person to make a move, good luck! because he’s making you do it
like there was a point were he was certain about both of ur feelings being mutual so he’d just play it up by being really touchy, making it obvious that he wanted to be right next to you, always clinging to you, etc.. you know,, making it obvious that he really does like you
but poor you because you were spending your time overthinking eveything. maybe he was just really touchyyy!! maybe he's extra comfortable around you!!! (i wonder why.)
it was actually driving your friends insane tho
maki’s last straw was during a training session out on the field, her and panda were sparring as you and inumaki watched on the steps
inumaki, as usual, was glued to your side, hands toying with the fabric of your long sleeve uniform
as maki landed her last hit on panda, you got up with their water bottles and ran them over to your two friends 
toge followed closely behind, still attached to your sleeve
you were balancing both of the bottles in one arm since the other was being occupied as toges leash of some sort, but you approached the other two like nothing was out of place
this sight wasn't anything new to panda or maki so they kept their scoffs and eye rolls internal. it was mostly just driving them crazy that neither one of you had made a move. it was obvious you both liked each other so why aren’t you guys doing anything about it??
“nice one, maki!” you cheered as the two grabbed their respective waters, toge let out an ingredient of affirmation as well
“ah, that was nothing” she proudly boasted, part of it directed as being a playful jab toward panda. she glanced down at inumakis hand attached to the end of your sleeve as he seemingly refused to be more than a few inches apart from you
“anyways,, im planning on grabbing lunch after this, yn, you coming with?” maki turned towards you
“sure!! i didnt have any plans,” you mused and you and maki set off and away from the field, toge still trailing behind as if following you was the obvious route to go
“just me and yn today, inumaki. sorry man,, go do something with panda” maki had no problem brushing off your friend, she was trying to get you alone which was something that seemed more rare as days go by (cough cough toge let maki have some time with her friend)
he laughed and backed away in compliance before giving your shoulder a quick squeeze as the four of you split off
once he was out of earshot, maki finally groaned
“you need to make a move already, its so frustrating watching you two cling to each other without doing anything about it” she complained as you felt your face heat up
you were well aware of toge’s touchiness and couldn't ignore his potential intentions behind it,, but yet there was this looming fear of actually enacting a confession that stopped you from going further 
“do you think he really likes me?” you asked pathetically. anyone’s answer would’ve been a loud yes,, but you still felt like you had to ask maki for some semblance of confidence 
she stared at you, an incredulous look breaching her face
“i cant believe you're asking me that question” she scoffed out a laugh, “but since you need to hear it. yes, toge inumaki is one hundred percent in love with you”
she left it at that, causing a permanent fluster to torment you for the rest of lunch
your lunch with maki had left you a little more confident about where you stood with toge, however. she had begged you to do something about it soon, claiming she couldn’t bear to witness any more pining
you had to do something about it soon or else you’d continue to sleep on her advice, overthink it, and never do anything about your problem,,,, it was now or never
you shot a text over to toge and waited on a nearby bench on school grounds
a few minutes passed with you spending them painstakingly fumbling with your phone case, picking off the stickers that were already on their last leg
there were so many times within those short seven minutes where you debated sending a ‘never mind! something came up’ to him
he finally showed up fairly quickly, joining the spot next to you on the bench
immediately discerning your nervous state, he placed a hand over yours
his action didn't do much for your nerves but it gave a little more hope that your confession would have a good outcome
(you were painfully unaware that no matter what you did, you had a 100% success rate)
he voiced his concern, squeezing your hand as you turned to face him
it felt like your heart was about to explode out of your chest but you had to rip the bandaid off
meeting his concern gaze, you finally said it
“i like you”
maybe not the smoothest confession,, but given your anxiety over the situation, it was a miracle it was even said
all toge did in response was reach up to cup your cheek and smile 
his single expression gave you the answer you so desperately needed
pouring all his love and admiration into one expression, you hadn’t realized this was always how he had been looking at you
wordless communication though gazes and lingering touches had always been the way he was allowed to express himself
you had been overlooking it for too long, too caught up in your own mind to see the way he gazed at you like you were the only thing he ever needed to focus on, worthy of his attention at any moment you needed it
your heart melted on sight as you leaned into to press a kiss on his lips 
it was sweet, brief but not hasty. toge had always been good at placing his emotions into his actions and he made sure you felt everything he was feeling
the two of you parted before you leaned back in to place two more kisses, one on each side of his mouth where his seals were placed
he leaned in to your touch, pulling you in for a hug. as he buried his face in your neck, he breathed out a sigh that wordlessly expressed ‘you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting for this’ and you laughed into his hair
it might've been way overdue, but he’s here now in your arms, this time without the weight of wondering if your feelings were truly requited
oh an maki just got a text from panda of a blurry, zoomed in image of the two of you on the bench together from the distance
“fucking finally” -maki
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circinuus · 1 year
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"Hey, Yoichi."
Isagi watches you grin. He can already piece the puzzles. Something is going to go very, very wrong.
"Come sleep on my lap."
He was right.
With a jolt, the poor boy grows frazzled. Wide-eyed and mouth agape. His cheeks redden like the blush of dawn you worry lest he overheat and plop down on the warm grasses.
Years of acquaintance with his sweetheart—his everything. Isagi corrects himself—don't seem to be enough to prepare him for this. For you. Call the boy the master of being adaptable, but there's something about you that never fails to surprise him.
"Aw! Come on~"
Pat pat.
You tap your upper thigh. No skin is exposed, no. But with you sitting on your knees, the light fabric of your midi skirt did nothing to shield the outline of your-
"Absolutely not!" he splutters, hiding the blooming blush with the back of his hand. The spring wind blows a gust of dandelions. Then he remembers that you were enjoying a nice picnic and each other's silence, just now. Him watching people—and stealing glances at you. A little—while you munch on a butter sandwich. Just now.
"Why not?" the sandwich is now long gone in your digestive system. And of course, you'll find something out of pocket when you have nothing in your hands.
"I saw some couples doing it on social media, isn't it cute?"
"I mean," he coughs, "it's really sudden, but.. if you're okay with it..?"
"Yes yes!" your hands clap, "Besides, you've been working so hard. I gotta spoil you, my little precious!"
Just like that, his face reddened again. Eyes flitting from your face, then to your lap. Then like a boy caught stealing cookies, they drift hastily to a space behind you. It's difficult to imagine. This is the same boy who throws violent insults on the football pitch like Santa giving presents on Christmas. Get you a man who can do both, they say.
"Well.." Isagi hesitates, but scoots closer all the same.
"Here! Here!" You pat your thighs again, perhaps a little bit too eagerly. With the spring tide clouds rolling by, Isagi finally rests his head on your lap. His hair slightly tickling you through the fabric of your skirt.
He was tense, yes, the sweet boy. But you slowly thread your finger through his dark locks, caressing the crown of his head. Who was he to resist against your touch? Isagi soon melts in your hold and relaxes his head in your cradle.
You close your eyes, content, and once again you both enjoy each other's silence. Another gust of dandelion seeds flew by. Your other hand reaches for his as you hum a small tune. Your thumb rubbing circles in the back of his hand.
"(Name), you're very pretty."
And then Isagi took his turn to surprise you, this time.
Looking down, gone was the bashful boy with a skittish gait. His eyes are of a deep shade of blue like the prettiest sapphire you could ever find. And he dons the expression of a boy who might be stricken by a deadly case of young lovesickness.
Maybe he is. Because he reaches for your cheek as you are both lost in each other's eyes. And maybe you too. Because you smile at the sweet words and let him guide your face towards his, enough for your lips to...
-Reach his nose!
Isagi blinks. He received a perfect little Eskimo kiss!
"You're such a tease!" his laugh melds with yours, still in the comfort of your hold. Then you make another of that radiant grin. The one that Isagi really likes.
"Only to you," you said. And the lovesick boy can only wonder how the universe has given someone as perfect as you for him.
Turns out he was wrong, after all. With you, things will always go very, very right.
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I feel rusty it's been a while since I wrote something 😞 also first bllk fic in this blog :') things are getting out of hand and now im attached to these football nerds.
and isagi he is uhh canonically a thigh type of guy so...
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jisungsspams · 1 year
embarrassing puppy jeno and making him degrade himself stop he would look so pretty crying 🥺🥺
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Warning: heavy dom/sub ofc, sub!jeno and puppy!jeno <3, name calling (whore, slut and dog), degradation, jeno calls you mommy and owner (but like once), tying and overstim. Idk u overstim jeno so much he cries so Dacryphilia
Kinda mixing those two ask together just bcs <3 i hope thats okay with you @lav-nct
STOP this is toomuch 😭 he’ll be so cute all messy and crying for you to stop 😭 Jasmine.. your brain is insane thank you so much
Like I said before, he’s the most obedient sub ever, always taking what you give him and he’ll never EVER act bratty but Jeno’s biggest problem is his horniness. My man is always horny, ALWAYS horny. Like imagine One day, you come home and see him humping a pillow without asking your permision to touch himself. Grrrr im gonna cry from howmuch I love sub!jeno
Jeno overstim + tying + degrading 
Not proofread lol 
Warnings: overstim ofc, tying, degradation Sub! Jeno, puppy! Jeno, Jeno calls you mommy, maybe Switch! Jeno at the end? 
Word count: about 1.2k 
-” Do you think you can cum on more time for mommy? “ 
Jeno look at you from underneath you, his puppy eyes filled with tears. You were pumping his length with your hand at a slow pace, softly rubbing his sensitive tip earning a whimper from him, looking at him waiting for an answer. Jeno couldn’t remember how long you were sitting there, forcing orgasm over orgasm. 
He knew he deserved it because he hadn’t followed your rules and had touched himself without asking you but he didn’t know how much more time he’ll be able to keep going. 
-” Mommy… please… I’ve been- ah- a good pup…please let me touch you. “ 
He started moving his hands behind his back who were held in place by your belt. All this time you’ve been spending playing with him, his hands were tied. Not letting him touch you while you did whatever you wanted to him. 
-” Really, you want to touch mommy? Gonna have to cum one more time for that “ 
You grabbed his neck, cutting air flow ever so slightly. Everything you did to him was in the softest way possible, you knew that was what broke him. Not going fast enough and not giving him choice was what made him crazy for you. His hips jerked up in your hand involuntary, making you go a bit faster. He was already close even if his last orgasm wasn’t even that long ago, his stomach and chest covered in his previous highs and sweat. 
-” Come one puppy, mommy might even fuck you after. Wanna fill mommy up? “ 
-” Please mommy.“ he said without even really knowing what he was pleading for. 
Your voice was sweeter than usual, as if he was too dumb to understand what you were saying and honestly, he didn’t understand all of what you were saying, he was just too deep in his pleasure. Your name leaving his mouth like a chant, as if he only knew that single word. You felt proudness fill your chest as you looked at his fucked-up state. He was broken, just as you intended when you started playing with him. Your hand on his neck pressed harder and sending him over the edge, making him cum for the nth time on your hand. 
-” My pretty pup “you cooed in his ear, letting him come down from his high “Don’t dare going soft on me. You’re my fucktoy remember?” 
-” Yes, yes, I’m your slut! “He answers as quick as you asked, still feeling dizzy from his high. 
You started pumping his length again, earning breathy whimpers from him. He quickly became hard again, the idea of coming inside you making him see stars. You stopped pumping him and finally detached his hands. Jeno’s hand immediately attached to your boobs, pinching your nipples and fondling your breasts 
You let him do it but you looked at him expectedly. He knew exactly what he needed to do to get you to fuck him 
-” Please… use me how you want.” He said in a pleading tone, letting you know how bad he needed you. 
-” You’re really nothing but my stupid whore. “ 
You didn’t wait for an answer to position yourself on top of his cock and sit on it. You could never get used to the stretch he gave you but the glide was made easier by your own arousal, that was almost dripping out of you onto the sheets. You started to ride him at a very slow pace, just to infuriate him more and it worked. His hand came on your hips and slightly made you move faster. 
-” Faster please. “ 
You didn’t listen to his plea and kept your slow pace. Your hands going on his shoulder to steady yourself as if you were going to go faster but you didn’t, you just kept your slow pace, almost laughing at him from how desperate he looked at you.   
Jeno just couldn’t take it anymore. He had been such a good puppy for you and you were still being cruel to him. He had to do something about it. He grabbed your hips harder and slid his cock out of you. He easily manhandled you, flipping you head towards the bed and ass up. 
-” You played with me enough, my turn now. “ 
He said before slamming his cock back into you with no warning, earning a high-pitched moan from you. You loved it when he showed this side of him after you pushed his button too far. He trusted into you with so much force you knew you would have bruises tomorrow. His hands and your hip, pushing you even further on his cock, making you feel him so deep inside of you. 
-” Gonna let your puppy fuck you dumb? Your puppy’s gonna make you feel so good” he said while pounding unto you restlessly 
You couldn’t even reply to him from how strong his trusts were, only screaming his name like a chant. As much as he loved your dominant side, he also loved seeing you squirm under him, screaming for him to slow down. 
-” Jeno, slow down” you said breathless as he just didn’t stop with his trust, only shushing you to soothe you down, softly rubbing your hip with his hand. You felt the familiar knot forming in your stomach, you knew you wouldn’t hold up very long from how he was going on you. The only thing holding you up was Jeno hold on you as you felt your legs giving up. 
-” Don’t worry mommy, let your puppy take care of you.” The way he was still calling you mommy made you felt even closer as he wasn’t using it like before but in an even more perverted way, making you feel like a dumb whore. 
-” Puppy... I'm close...” You said making him bring his hand down to your sensitive bud, sending you over the edge, making you scream his name even louder. Seeing your state made him feel his high grow quickly, knowing he had that much effect on you so easily.  
-” Cum for me please.” He sounded almost desperate to get you to cum, caring much more about your pleasure than his at this point, his finger pressing even harder on your bud to make you come faster. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head from how good you were feeling, the knot quickly snapped due to how Jeno was making you feel. Your moans getting caught in your throat as you couldn’t even talk from how your orgasm was washing over you. Jeno rode you through it but didn’t calm down as your high came down, he just kept going, this time trying to reach his own high, making you feel extremely overstimulated. But you could still tell he was close due to how floppy his trusts were becoming 
-” You’re gonna cum for mommy?” You said in between moans making him groan. Your talking was what threw him over the edge, making him come inside of you. He kept his length inside of you until it became soft again, before finally sliding it out. He pulled out and you immediately fell on the bed, feeling exhausted. He joined you soon after, making you kiss his face softly to praise him for his good work today. 
-” Can you cume one more time for your puppy?” 
Sorry if the ending is a bit rushed, I was too fed up to write a good ending sorry 🙁 gonna rewrite it if probably 😀. 
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subskz · 10 months
jisung with pierced nipples is already crazy hot, like i would spend an entire day with my mouth on them, BUT WHAT IF he wore those nipple RINGS, like those segment rings or whatever it’s called, and you attach a pretty chain which connects the ring on each nipple together. you can either:
A) tug on it while you’re fucking him, or while he’s fucking you, and watch how deliciously he arches his back
B) attach a little leash on it and drag him around while he’s walking on all fours like a lil puppy
C) attach small weights onto the chain and make him ride your strap (your biggest one, ofc) so that it’s constantly tugging at his pretty nipples
i think jisung would love it if he had nipples piercings with a chain that connected to a cock ring, if you know what im talking about?
jisung also would have a shit ton of jewelry for his pretty nipples. he’d have some simple ones and some decorative ones—whether it’s embedded diamonds/jewels, or ones for certain occasions, like holidays. he’d definitely pull out ones with jingle bells on them when christmas comes around, he loves hearing them when you’re fucking him hard. but beware, every regular jingle bell he hears during the festive season will have him bricked up since it reminds him of his nipple piercings and when the two of you fucked.
he’d also feel super bare without any on him. it just doesn’t feel right, like he needs something in his pretty nipples. he absolutely loves playing with his nipples, and loves it when you play with his nipples too, maybe even more. rub them with your fingers, lick them, suck them, literally anything, he’s not picky. i think he loves getting his nipples played with so much to the point that he probably can’t cum without any stimulation to his nipples, or at least cumming but not in a satisfying way. it would be super cruel to not touch his nipples the entire time and watch how he gets so needy. tie his hands up too, because he’s definitely going to be touching his nipples if you won’t be touch them for him.
also, i think he’d cum so hard if you were to press a vibrator on his nipples, since not only is it stimulating the outside of his nipple, but also the inside since the vibrator will make the steel of his piercing vibrate too. pair it with a vibrating plug in his ass and he’d be in heaven.
oh my god 😵‍💫 feels like this ask just punched me in the gut five times in a row
nipple piercings really do have hanji written all over them…he’s so sensitive that just feeling them brush against the fabric of his shirt would drive him absolutely wild, he’d be getting turned on over the most harmless touches at the most inopportune times all bc he can’t control the way his body reacts to every little jolt of stimulation against them. on days where he has his piercings in you know he’s got only one thing on his mind, bc you can’t go anywhere or do anything without him inevitably tugging at you and whining into your ear to help him bc he made himself hard “on accident” yet again ):
if you took his piercings into your mouth and tugged at them w your teeth his brain would short circuit…but connecting them w a CHAIN? biting the chain and pulling at both of his nipples at once while you’re fucking him would earn the loudest filthiest moan you’ve ever heard him make…he arches his back and throws his head back and might just cum on the spot. attaching a leash to it is also crazy business i’m obsessed w that idea…can you imagine giving the leash a light yank when he disobeys you but instead of it serving as any kind of effective punishment it just makes jisung groan pathetically, arms buckling like the lil masochist he is. pressing a vibrator directly to his piercings or having a vibrating cockring attached to the chain would definitely drive him over the edge faster than anything else, he wouldn’t be able to string together a coherent sentence or even think to warn you before he cums bc the buzzing is just so good it fills up his head
conditioning him to get turned on just from the sound of the bells attached to his nipple rings is so cute…you could even have a lil bell of your own that you ring whenever you want just to mess w him <3 i can see him really liking those cute heart-shaped barbell piercings especially!
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kentocee · 6 months
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So Anxious • Gojo x Fem!reader • (18+)
CW: smut( sexting, nudes, dirty talk, masturbation, gojo being unnecessarily horny for reader, impatient!gojo), slight humor bc gojo is VERY unserious 😭
Cee’s Note: I heard this song on tik tok and it instantly reminded me of Gojo (don’t ask) but I hope y’all enjoy
Song inspo: So anxious by Genuwine
[Minors do NOT interact; explicit content ahead]
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Satoru: Babe
Y/N: Yes?
Satoru: come thru ;)
It was embarrassing the amount of times Gojo checked his messages to see if you responded to him.
Granted it only was a couple minutes but with his growing erection tightening his pants, his patience was running thin.
He knew you were at work but he was hoping you would be out already to help him with his little…problem.
Suddenly he noticed his phone lit up due to a notification and he nearly dropped his phone, fumbling to unlock it.
Y/N: im at work but I should be there in 30
Satoru: seconds? :D
Y/N: …
Y/N: minutes -.-
Satoru: :(
Satoru: :((
Satoru: thats too looooong :(((
Y/N: BYE! Ur so dramatic lmaoo
Y/N: ill be there before u kno it
Y/N: and then im all yours tonight ;)
Satoru: but I have a bit of a problem…
The tightness was becoming unbearable to the point where his print was visibly showing through his sweatpants. Suddenly it was as if a lightbulb appeared above his head.
Satoru: *image attachment*
Satoru: u see my dilemma
Y/N: O.O
Y/N: that’s a BIG problem alright
Y/N: it might be too much for me to handle
You were such a tease. Acting all innocent as if Gojo hasn’t had you folded like a pretzel on many occasions. But this was usually how it started. You feigned innocence and next thing you know Gojo would end up sending detailed messages on how exactly he planned to fuck you later on.
He knew this all too well, yet here he was falling for it yet again. Usually he was the one doing the teasing but the times when he was needy you were quick to seize the opportunity.
Satoru: my baby can handle it ;)
Y/N: and what if it doesn’t fit
Satoru: oh imma make it fit
Satoru: and u gonna take it like a good girl
Satoru: u gonna be a good girl for me?
Y/N: yes baby only for u ;)
“Sh-shit” Gojo groaned through gritted teeth, palming himself under his sweatpants.
The thought of him stretching your tight pussy to fit his size made his dick twitch subconsciously. He can just imagine the way your mouth would hang open and eyes widen as he bottoms out inside you. He can just imagine all the whines and moans through your pretty lips you make on his dick.
Y/N: how u want me to take it?
Satoru: want ur arms and legs around me
Satoru: want u so close to me
Satoru: wanna see ur pretty face wen I fuck u
Y/N: mmm can’t wait ;)
Satoru: i cant either
Satoru: need u so bad rn baby
Satoru: need to feel u
Satoru: need to hear your pretty moans in my ear
All this dirty talk was just making him hornier by the second and he didn’t think he could wait much longer.
After a couple minutes, Gojo was once again checking his phone, anxiously waiting for your response. The longer he waited for your responses the more anxious he was getting.
After five minutes and no response, he knew you were still teasing him. Got him riled up and left him high and dry.
Oh how cruel.
His eyes wandered to the time almost as if it would go faster the longer he gazed at it.
“Fuck it”
Gojo slipped down his sweatpants and briefs, his cock springing out, bobbing slightly.
He closed his eyes and imagined his fist was your wet pussy. He started stroking himself at a desperate pace, trying to release what he’s been holding for what felt like hours.
The sounds of his low moans and wet sounds filled the air as he continued to chase his pleasure.
Just when he could feel himself reaching close, he heard a door opening from outside his room.
“Babe! I’m home”
Oh shit.
Gojo practically fell out his bed trying to pull his underwear and sweatpants back on.
When he finally made it out his room, he found you by the front door hanging your coat up and taking your shoes off.
“There you are! I told you I’d be home before y- TORU!”
Gojo had scooped you up and brought you over his shoulder, having your ass next to his head as your body dangled behind him.
Gojo brought his hand up and smacked your ass, “That’s for leaving me hanging earlier”
“I dunno what you mean”
He couldn’t see it but he knew you were smirking behind him. Oh you were gonna be in for it.
With that, Gojo ran to his bedroom with you over his shoulder. He was bout to make his imagination a reality.
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Attempting to be Friends with Vergil Sparda„
Honestly he’d never outright call you his friend💀 ! Gn Demon Reader
Origins | DMC3
Let’s be FR he wouldn’t care abt your gender or lack there of he still sees you as lesser than
You’d have to be a Devil or half Devil to even linger around him
Im seeing you just come from Hell to be friends with him🦀
Naturally like any of the devils in DMC3 u were originally gonna attack Vergil bc NPC does what NPC is supposed to do
But you have common sense a pretty mf with a sword is bad news so let’s be friends dear beautiful one
Bear with me right—all ur demon gang gets slaughtered by this mf and you’re just standing there watching fascinated absolutely entranced by this mf
Seeing as you’re the last obstacle he points that big ass katana at you
“Sorry I just can’t fight someone so beautiful man.”
Gives you the MEANEST side eye
Still tries to HARM you and succeeds—but like you regenerate 💀
Mf would let out the BIGGEST sigh and just walk away🪦
You follow ofc bc who wouldn’t (a mf who wants to live 💀)
Me when might controls everything 🫦
Despite being a demon yourself you def would try to convince him to NOT open the portal
Bc lets be FR them other devils ain’t shit for nothin‼️
He constantly looks annoyed and has a mean case of resting bitch face
He’s very stand-offish and depending on how long/well you know each other he’ll listen to what you’re sayin
Especially if ur a person that likes to go on rants
DMC3 he’d be more open to a mf who has no attachments as seen during the scene where he stabbed Arkham
New to friendship and sees everything as a transaction
You give me this and I give you that typa thing
Would take FOREVER to tell you abt his childhood and by the time he does u pretty much already know bc of Dante
Would get along better if ur also half demon rather than full demon as he has a complex where he continuously tries to rid himself of his humanity
Bros on a MISSION so u gotta be able to keep up
Obviously being demon/half demon you got some power but if you’re weak he’s gonna drop you I’m sorry 💀(no I’m not)
Doesn’t celebrate his birthday
Just in general regardless of his childhood I just don’t think he’d like to
So no surprise parties please🫶
Now don’t get me wrong he IS smart but like also a dumbass💀
Constantly makes you think bc he’ll say smth so stupid but make it sound so smart
A very dramatic mf
Always makes dramatic entrances no matter where he goes
Walks into McDonalds with his blue coat flowing, snowlike hair, glistening eyes, arched eyebrows, and a judgmental look
Baby let ur hair down🫦
Bro is effortlessly breathtaking and if u ask for tips or question what he does for his routine he looks you up and down, scoffs, and leaves💀
Spars with you bc luckily you can regenerate
Infinite punching bag
Love a reader with no shame(me acting like I didn’t write this)
Idk why but I feel like he can play the piano as just like a pastime thing
When trapped in Hell u just roam around y’know bc you’ve lived there for as long as you can remember 😭
Vergil is in a constant search for more power and ur just chillin watching him
Like those mfs who still calmly sip on their drinks when there is a bar fight
“Woohoo! Go Vergil you’re doin’ great!”
“Shut up!”
He loves you, I promise.
Talks shit abt Dante, lovingly ofc
After the events of DMC5 if he were to come back with Dante(ambiguous ending)
Y’all would prob live together
And they were roommates 😨
FR tho it’s like weird especially with Nero being recognized as his son
“Nero is my son?”
“You have a son?”
“I didn’t know..”
“How did you not know?”
Becomes more vocal during the friendship during/after the events of DMC5
He doesn’t see the need for an abundance of clothes so if ur into fashion your ideas fill 98% of his wardrobe
Honestly I think he can cook
More of a baker methinks
He probably wouldn’t like sweets but he’ll certainly make them himself
No I’m not going to make a berries delight joke.
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hansslut · 8 months
subby!transmasc!nat ₊˚⊹🫧 ( + a lil porn link so be careful.. )
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we all know nat's a lil horndog already, will NOT hold back when he sees you and he's needy!!
im a strong believer of nat and grinding on reader's thighs until he comes in his pants:( grasping your shirt and broken lil whimpers escaping his lips as you jerk your knee a bit to nudge his tdick a bit but he's SOOO sensitive that it makes hin immediately cum:(
WAIT CUZ subby!puppy!transmasc!nat...
putting him in a pretty lil blue collar with your name on it and attaching a leash to it n tugging on it to bring him closer to you...
"c'mon puppy, let me make you feel good, hm?" and yanking him by his leash like he was just a pathetic piece of meat, making his tdick all hard <33
going down on him and flicking his tdick with your tongue ( this is the vision 😵‍💫 )
fingering/giving him a.. fingerjob? and then making him taste it :3 his tongue swirling around your fingers as he tasted himself on them, humping your leg thoughtlessly cause poor angel got all needy again :(
fucking you in doggy and grinding on your ass, clawing on your hips while moaning "nghh p-please mama plea—" and then cumming with his pretty lil body shaking <3
or slow makeout sessions w him:( him sitting on your lap while you're sucking his tongue and jerking off his tdick. "c'mon pretty boy, let me hear you" 💞
im writing this very sleepy rn so it might not make sense but i hope u like it😴
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knyontop · 8 months
im in my creepypasta phase right now and my demon slayer phase >:) and I made this little characters who are like 12-14 and their silly little twins who fight or kill in a double like daki and gyutaro! And I was wondering if you could just do silly little HCs of Slender,ben,Jeff,masky,and hoodie reacting to the twins pranking everyone in the manor and they catch them?>:3
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₊˚ ‿︵‿୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿ ˚₊
I will do F!Reader and M!Reader for this!!^^ sorry to
NB people!☹️☹️💕
Creepypasta x M!Teen!Reader and F!Teen!Reader
Ft: Slenderman, Masky, Hoodie, Ben drowned, Jeff the killer, and F!reader
And M!Reader.
・He is impressed withboth of your skills, and you both intrigue him.
・But when you all do your pranks his dad side comes out.
・He gets your both dumb teens but this dude is a grumpy old man.
・He might chuckle a little bit, some of the pranks you both pull are amusing.
・But he has to be a party pooper.. sorry kids!
・He finally caught you both in the act and he actually found this one an interesting one..
・You both some how managed to steal Bens hat and try to hide it in his office. 😭
・But he knows how special Bens hat is to him and you both know it to! But your both kids
So he just scolds you both and makes you two apologize to ben and give it back.
・And as for punishment you both had to have a sleepover with LJ.. (I hate that clown sm)
“Children, why do you do these things?”
・Same with Slender on the prank stuff, he finds some of them funny but also finds
Them annoying at times😭
・I mean hes a grumpy old man who wants to get his work done so Ig it makes sense-?
・Still hes a partypooper. >:/
・So he caught you both putting hello kitty stickers on his mask when he went out to smoke..
・He was amused but also annoyed.
・He kinda had to take a second to process everything.
・When he realized what you guys where doing he sighed and was like “Really?”
・He took you both to slender and let him deal with you guys because he was to tired to
Deal with you two.
・He already deals with you both half of the time give the poor guy a break😭
“Are you two serious?” He sighed. “Lets go to slender..”
・He doesn’t really care THAT much. That much.
・But sometimes he can get frustrated with you two.
・Hes found some of them funny, like he might have actually laughed. Unlike Masky/Tim.
・But he likes to make things quick and you both make that hard.
・He was going to go and grab his gun for a mission but he found you both replacing the bullets with..
・He was standing there like:🧍🏻‍♂️
・He then snatched the gun away from you both and said “This is not a toy.” In a low kinda deep
・He then turned to F!Y/N and was like “I thought you where smarter then your brother.”
・He kept your prank a secret but gave you both a little lecture.
・Hes like the cool uncle.
“You both stay out of my stuff, there not toys, but pretty cool prank.”
・Hes one of the ones who find your pranks hilarious.
・Like when he saw Maskys mask with a whole bunch of hello kitty stickers on
It he died.
・He ruffled yalls hair and was like “Good job kiddos!”
・All of that changes when hes the one getting pranked.
・There was a time where you both put some of sallys pink clothes with
His WHITE hoodie in the washer. He did not find this one funny.
・He was mad because he has an attachment to his hoodie,kinda like how Ben is attached to his hat.
・One time he walked into Toby’s room to tell him that he has to go on a mission and he saw yall tying his shoes together he had to hold in his laugh and he gave yall a thumbs up and left the room.
・He covered for both of you!
“Yeah no it wasn’t the two brats.”
・He also finds both of yalls pranks funny as shit.
・I mean how could he not?
・He was impressed with the jeff hoodie thing, like how are you guys even alive?
・And he doesn’t really care THAT much if you guys prank him.
・Except the time when you guys came to the mansion and didn’t know that
Hated and had a fear of water.
・You both dunked a whole bunch of water over his head.
・That made you both have a rocky start with him, buttt he knows that you two are just kids
So he lets it slide.
・He isolates himself for sometime, you both felt bad so you went to try and
Talk to him, surprisingly he answered. He heard you both out and he sighed.
・Then some time goes bye, you both are good with him! But he walked in on you guys trying to
Do something with his GAMES!?
・He wasn’t mad just scared of what was going to happen to his games.
・He goes like “What are you guys doing!?” And startles you both so you drop them.
・He screeches like a little girl and then makes sure there ok.
・There ok, thankfully. He then looks down at both of you for some reason hes not mad..
He ruffles both of your hairs then shoves you both out of his room and then says,
“If I catch you guys messing with my games again You might meet with a terrible fate.”
・Ofc he was joking! (or was he)
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heartbinn · 3 months
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So Felix lovesss being cunty asf i feel but what if our precious boy actually had a cunt😞
Anyone asked for ftm felix? Yeah i did but HEAR ME OUT.
Okay soo i was js sleeping normally and all of the sudden im dreaming abt felix sitting on my bed in that pink skirt and he pulls it up just slightly by accident and dont get me wrong im not attracted to pussies but.. with felix it kinda changed the whole thing cus he was so pretty
Okayokay let me js start
Felix wouldn't tell you straight away
Like he'd wear skirts and all that but you'd assume thats just what he likes
He didn't want you to get all disgusted by him, but he also didn't want to not tell you, and make you think he didn't trust you enough.
So when one time, as you were about to slide his bottoms off, he had his 'i have to tell you something' moment
Now obviously your reaction was positive.
What else would it be
After that he was more comfy getting dressed around you and stuff
Okay let me get to it
So finally after a while of throwing around the idea of eating him out, he let you
And he was entirely different
The sounds he let out were more whiny and he just gripped onto your hair, pulling you further into his clit
You'd start with gently licking around until you can fit your tounge inside him, your nose poking at his clit
And after a few minutes, you'd let him calm down before trying to fit atleast three fingers in him while licking his clit.
Eventually you'd get to sucking on it and at this point you might have forgotten everything and gotten drunk on his pussy
But its Felix, and he'd get close too soon, not wanting the sensations to end, he'd push your head back and tell you its too much
Or atleast try
Now you can either stop stimulation for half a minute just to do it again
Or, you can continue, and overstim him
Of course, why stop after he came around your fingers, clenching so beautifully when you can start again, and earn even higher pitched moans
He'd either love for you to go one quick round, or continue until his clit is puffy and he's about to pass out.
Its on you which one you choose.
But still, again, its Felix. And he's so precious. You'll take care of whatever your baby wants right?
Felix was laying in his bed as usual, scrolling on tiktok, when you practically fell into the room, not wasting any time you pulled the blanket off his legs, and buried your face between his thighs, looking up at him, trying to show him how much you needed his clit in your mouth. "Aww come on again? This is the third time today" But you couldn't help it when his pussy was just so pretty and so easy to get drunk on.
Not long after, your lips were attached to his spread folds, savoring his hightening arousal on your tounge. Eventually, he'd grab onto your hair.
This either means he's close, impatient, or sensitive.
The key to knowing which one is all between his pretty lips.
If he's close, his whines are heard with his mouth closed, and soft little sighs.
If he's impatient, he'll push your head further into him, and groan in his pretty, deep voice
If he's sensitive, its most likely he was already horny which you can feel on how wet he is.
Baby was so sensitive. "Thats it.. dont stop please dont stop~" he'd whine a lot.
Moving on, after weeks of being completely drunk on his pussy, he'd grow fond of the feeling himself, and when he's the one that wants it, he'll just sit on your face.
This didnt occur often, but every once in a while, felix would step out of his room, fussy and most likely completely naked, to find you on the couch. He'd push you down and simply sit on your face without hesitation.
Like right now, is what he did, quickly cutting off your air supply. He would be persistent, not letting you lift him until he came atleast once.
Of course, he'd get impatient faster, and just start to ride your face, moving his hips back and forth in a harsh wave.
And when your face isnt buried in his cunt, your dick is.
It depends where he is, if he's on bottom, he's the usually whiny sub, would love missionary just so you could praise (or degrade) him for his fucked out face.
But if he's riding you, he'd turn into a sassy dom, who would be playing with your senses by going slow, then suddenly fast just to slow down again.
If he lets you cum, he most likely will, then he'll either swallow it, or let you cum on his body. He'd avoid inside, beacuse even though you use protection, he wouldnt want to risk anything. Especially beacuse he's already ftm.
"Aw yeah? Tough down there? Be a good boy and keep quiet will you baby?~" He'd coo as he sat on your dick, still. Before starting to ride it. Who needs lube when he's already dripping.
But overall, he loves being eaten out more than actual sex.
You'd both take care of eachother though, nobody ever gets hurt.
He's still a sweetheart, always is.
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pav-ia · 9 months
lol imagine being the nurse that handles pavia after he got injured during a suspicious fight.
cw :: gn reader , pavia is annoying
when he wakes up, his first thought is “where the hell am i?” a fucking hospital? he doesnt need a hospital. hes fine, hes a grown ass man and he misses his wolves dogs.
but as soon as he tries to move, he groans at the sharp pain in his side. looks down to see a gunshot wound on his side and frowns. that wasnt there before.
hes pouting angrily as he sits in bed all day, his piercings had been taken off and were set aside just out of arms reach and he had a heart monitor attached to him which made him cringe a little. he wasnt even close to death. what was the point in that??
when you step in to check up on him though..
“let me out.” he demanded as you walked in. you blinked in surprise that he was already awake.
“let me out.” he repeated.
you expected more of a fight from the man who had his arms crossed, but he just pursed his lips and looked you up and down.
he didnt say anything else until you came back later in the day, carrying a tray of shitty hospital food. he looked grossed out from the runny mashed potatoes and the suspicious soup and the cold bread roll.
“dont you have anything else?” he demanded sassily. if he couldnt move then he may as well make the most out of his little stay.
“nope~ you get what you get.” you said in an equally sassy tone as she were currently sweeping the floor.
he cocked a brow at your tone, before he smirked. cute.
whenever you came in from that day on, hed have something new to complain about. “do you have socks?” “can i have a snack?” “my legs are sore.” “im bored.” and youd always meet his demands. it was your job, but he called for you a lot. sometimes he just wanted to talk to you, he would tell you about the stuff he saw from the tall window. eventually, he asked you to tell him about your day. having nothing better to do, you did.
conversations with him were surprisingly fluid. he had his own thoughts to add and he always brought up something interesting when it was his turn to talk. you caught yourself laughing at his poorly timed jokes, and he was occasionally insensitive but in a comedic way. although you would always hold back because it was mighty unprofessional to get too friendly with a patient.
you were pleased that he was healing. he got better but the better he got, the more complaints hed have. maybe he realized that he was gonna be able to leave soon so he always talked about how the lights were too bright- oh no, he might have twisted his ankle— hes struggling to breathe but only his favorite nurse is allowed to give him cpr ! shuts up immediately when youre about to call in your male coworker to administer cpr on him.
when he leaves, hes pouty and moody. he snaps at the other nurses, insisting that hes fine on his own. he doesnt need their help, hes a grown ass man.
your job is pretty boring for the next two days. two.
because on the third day, a man comes in with a gunshot wound in the leg.
that man is him, in case you were wondering.
hed grin, his cologne easy to smell when you first caught a glimpse of him being dragged away to the emergency room.
when the bullet was removed and he was stitched up, you were in charge of putting the man into a gown. they had cut his clothes off to get to the bullet, and as you picked up his shirt, your hands caught on a measly rose stuffed into the front pocket. his shirt smelled like his cologne too, and your nose wrinkled as you didnt even need to be close to smell it.
“miss me?” hed ask with a cheeky grin when he awoke and you were dusting the room.
sowwie for disappearing heres your monthly food
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Aita for asking my sister to deliver the news?
I (17f) have 2 sisters A (30f), and B (32f). Due to our age gap, both A and B were adults when i was growing up and moved out (out of the house and country) pretty early in my life. B moved out when she was 17 and A when she was 21, and then came back at around 25 and lived with the family for a year or so before moving out of the country again.
This is important due to the time they got to spend with our dog C (13f). Due to moving out so soon B barely got to be with C and only saw her in pictures and when she visited. A on the other hand was very attached to C.
Come present day and C was having a lot of health issues. One morning my parents are telling me theyre taking her to the vet again. What i didnt understand due to it being very early is that they were warning me that it may be her last vet visit depending on what the vet said. Since i didnt fully understand i chose to stay at home and study for a bio final. Main reason i wasnt concerned is that i thought that if worst came to worst theyd let me know and schedule the euthanasia for later in the week.
Lo and behold they come back from the vet with no dog and explained that the vet said giving her more meds was not going to be effective anymore and it was just going to keep draining their already broke bank accounts. So they just. asked the vet to put her down that same day and left before it was even done. Thats what broke me the most, they left her alone to die at the vets office and didnt even consider staying with her or getting her ashes. I understand that costs a lot but i wouldve been willing to use my savings (i have a job) for it but they didnt even consult me on it.
Anyway heres where i might be TA. I was incredibly upset about it and to make it worse my mom told me I had to be the one to call my sisters and explain what happened. Since i was so upset i could barely talk i chose to call B first, since she couldnt have had much attachment to the dog. I couldnt imagine having to tell A what happened and having to hear her react to it so i asked B if she could do it since she wasnt as affected by the news. B accepted and i didnt think much of it and cried for the rest of the day.
Its been around a week and B told me she and A are mad at me. B for assuming she wasnt attached to C and assuming she wouldnt be affected by it. A is mad because she had to learn of C's death second-hand. I didnt consider how they would feel about it and i feel bad about it.
Im not sure if what i did was right if it ended hurting my sisters, so AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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cap-ironman · 9 months
2023 Cap-Iron Man Holiday Exchange and Community Gifts Creators Reveals & Masterpost
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This year, 39 wonderful works were created for our annual event!
Thank you all very much for participating, whether it was by writing, arting, submitting the prompts for the Community Gifts, cheerleading the creators, beta reading, leaving comments on works or guessing the creators! We hope you had lots of fun.
Here, finally, is the masterlist revealing the creators of each work created for the Cap-IM Holiday Exchange and Community Gifts event! Please remember to mind the tags and warnings for individual works, and leave kudos and comments on those you've enjoyed!
Drumroll please!
★ 10th Time's the Charm by zappedbysnow for Neverever (Avengers-ambiguous fandom, art)
When you've been trying to propose for months and villains keep ruining your moment, you just gotta take the chance at any opportune moment.
★ All We Doby Naivelittleprincess for tinystark616 (MCU, 9556 words)
Tony doesn't mean for anyone to find those recordings. Steve doesn't mean to see them. Between the two of them, there were never the right words spoken, so this just might be a blessing in disguise.
★ annex 11 by soliloquent for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 1300 words)
Trapped together during a snowstorm in the middle of a mission, Steve attempts to soothe Tony’s growing anxiety, only to discover that Tony had the solution all along.
★ Arm Candy by KandiSheek for BladeoftheNebula (MCU, 2329 words)
When Tony off-handedly asks Steve to be his arm candy for the night, he's not expecting Steve to actually follow through.
★ Arrangements by Neverever for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 2692 words)
Tony has a no-strings attached, no-personal information, all-sex relationship with Steve. But things can change, can't they?
★ Behind the Mask by gottalovev for starvels (Marvel Noir, 8156 words)
The circumstances on how Tony met Captain Steve Rogers on the eve of Operation Rebirth were strange enough, but the captain's secrets have secrets, and it's driving Tony crazy.
★ Can I stay here forever (I need you in my arms) by Mistymoon27 for Nixie_DeAngel (MCU, 1047 words)
Cuddling together under the stars out in the country, either on vacation or stranded on mission.
★ Christmas Stockings by superdecibels for robertdowneyjjr (MCU, Art)
Steve makes stockings for their little family and Tony falls a little more in love with him for it.
★ Conductivity by felisnocturna for Cap-IM Community (1872/616, 4243 words)
The train taking Tony to California breaks down in the seemingly abandoned ghost town of Timely. Or: After Steve's death on the courthouse steps, Tony is about to witness another tragedy. This time, he sees it coming, but even that might not change anything - not least because he is pretty sure that it's all just a hallucination.
★ Father and Sonby Perlmutt for starksnack (MCU, 5205 words)
Peter should have seen it coming. All hell breaks loose when his secret identity as Spider-Man is revealed. His parents take the news about as well as you'd imagine, and it escalates all too quickly. But his family wouldn't be his family if they didn't work through it. Together.
★ The first time I met you (I already had a drawing of you) Laslus for zappedbysnow (MCU, 2397 words)
Kissing Tony was a bit like sparing, pushing and pulling and stumbling against furniture. He had no idea why a billionaire cared enough to be this strong, and it was hard to keep in mind he had to pull back his own strength. or Tony meets a cute artist in at a Gala event, Steve tries to get over Iron Man, and Bucky just enjoys watching his best friend be a little stupid sometimes.
★ For You, I Willby tinystark616 for Becci_chan (MCU, 2350 words)
It's Steve's first Christmas away from Tony after the events of Civil War, and Steve misses him every single day. Little does he know that Tony misses him too.
★ A ghost for Christmas by gottalovev for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 8125 words)
When she died, Peggy left Steve an old house in Connecticut. When he decides to spend Christmas there, Steve finds out that it's already inhabited... by a very handsome and kind of annoying ghost.
★ Hot Rod Red by FrankTheSnek for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 37,070 words)
Steve has been single since the abrupt end of his engagement 5 years ago (despite the efforts of his friends). When he accidentally stumbles across an attractive cam model online, the idea of having a virtual booty call on hand seems appealing. The only problem, Tony is far more charming than Steve would have imagined and there is more to him than a pretty smile and a nice body. Too bad all their interactions are just part of Tony's job… or are they?
★ I have promises to keep by Missy_dee811 for gottalovev (Ultimates, 2290 words)
After a mission goes south, Steve and Tony trek through the woods to a safe house to which Tony has a personal connection.
★ i’m fine all alone (but it’s nice to be here with you) by soliloquent for Thahire (MCU, 9467 words)
Two months after the Battle of Earth, Tony, grappling with post-retirement uncertainty and an identity crisis, invites Steve on a Christmas trip to Jamaica.
★ in the storm, we stay clear by Thahire for KandiSheek (MCU, 4432 words)
Beside him, Tony’s getting comfortable, too, unknotting his tie with one hand, the other tapping away on his phone. The light from his phone illuminates his profile. Steve forces his gaze way when he realizes he’s been staring at Tony’s mouth for a solid five seconds. It’s going to be a long wait.
★ Let's to Sea by Ginevra_Benci for a_freaking_lenon (MCU, 8177 words)
Samuel Wilson, Lieutenant, Royal Navy, is the newest crewman aboard the Starry Shield. The famed pirate hunting vessel, captained by the famed Captain Rogers and locked these several years in eternal pursuit of the legendary Iron Captain, is... not what Sam expects. The legendary Iron Captain, when Sam finally meets him, is even less so.
★ loaf actually by robertdowneyjjr for Naivelittleprincess (MCU, 2165 words)
After his embarrassing attempt at cooking for their team holiday potluck dinner the year before, Steve is afraid to try again. Luckily, he has Tony to help him out this time around.
★ Lost Causes (or How the Avengers Didn’t Ruin Christmas) by Fluffypanda for littleblackbow (Avengers Assemble, 2875 words)
Sam, Scott, Clint, Natasha, Thor, and Hulk go on a quest to save Steve's Christmas present for Tony (which they totally didn't destroy).
★ Love makes fools of us all by BladeoftheNebula for Ginevra_Benci (MCU, 3,682 words)
“I am doing this to protect you. I rather take the ‘long may he reign’ part pretty seriously, unlike you.” Steve plucked at the material again. “And you could’ve told me your father’s jester was nearly half my height.” The bells jingled when he huffed, making Tony’s smile wider. "Where would be the fun in that, my love?” Tony murmured, grinning as he stepped in the great hall, the room falling silent at his presence. Steve would do anything to protect his King - no matter how humiliating.
★ Magical Moments by Becci_chan for soliloquent (MCU, 5081 words)
It hadn’t been Steve’s best idea when he’d asked Tony to go with him to the Christmas market. Steve had only needed someone to keep him company, because sometimes crowded places still made him nervous. And because he liked Tony. A lot.
★ make this gingerbread house a home by starksnack for Reioka (MCU, 5000 words)
Steve is determined to make this Christmas the best one Tony has ever had. With gingerbread cookies, home alone, and maybe a little mistletoe.
★ may the angels bow down for you by soliloquent for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 2000 words)
He hides. When the Demon gets loud, when He drinks His poison and tries to hurt him with His palm, or His words, or His power—he hides. Burgundy. Oak. Shattered glass.
★ (my heart is burning) holes in the ground by felisnocturna for Cap-IM Community (Noir, 1317 words)
In the end, it's a scent that leads them back home, like Ariadne's thread in a labyrinth of illusions.
★ a relaxing morning in by starvels for Carsonian (616, 2349 words)
Steve and Tony try to have a relaxing morning in. The universe conspires to bring them to Northern Saskatchewan instead.
★ Reverseverance by Veldeia for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 24,041 words)
Steve wakes up to find out that he's gone through something called a severance procedure, which splits a person's consciousness in half. While he's stuck spending all his time in what's essentially a luxurious prison, his other half, the part of his mind that has all their memories, goes to work in the outside world. Steve may not remember a thing about who he is outside, but he knows one thing for sure: he doesn't want to live like this. Not even with Tony, the fellow inmate who's caught his eye. They have to find a way out. Preferably together.
★ Since We've No Place to Go by Carsonian for superdecibels (MCU, 5,904 words)
Friends with benefits Omega!Tony and Alpha!Steve confront their hidden feelings for each other when they get snowed in together.
★ sixth time is the charm by a_freaking_lenon for Laslus (MCU, 1437 words)
Older Peggy keeps trying to set dates for Steve that keep failing until she sets him with her godson Tony.
★ Softer Landing by Naivelittleprincess for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 2410 words)
In which there is a snowstorm, Tony has had a terrible week and Steve might be an idiot.
★ Something On My Mind by Thahire for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 2179 words)
During a team game of Never Have I Ever, Tony finds out that Steve has done—some things with men. Things spiral from there.
★ Soothe My Darker Thoughts With Your Warmth by Nixie_DeAngel for picturecat (Marvel 3490, 1329 words)
Some days Steve's go on a darker path than he'd like. Lucky for him, Natasha is there to remind him that sometimes peoples brains are wrong and dumb and she's always right... (at least always right about how she feels about Steve.)
★ Take My Handby littleblackbow for ishipallthings (Avengers Assemble, Art
Steve is assigned to protect Tony Stark, son of Howard Stark, the famous inventor. Proud to a fault, Tony is reluctant to accept his bodyguard, but somehow, there's this one request he just can't deny.
★ temporary configuration of disrupted stars by picturecat for Perlmutt (MCU, 3043 words)
There's a lot for Steve to learn about the 21st century. And himself.
★ Unexpected Thaw by Neverever for Missy_dee811 (Ultimates, 3808 words)
Steve has a rough ride through the multiverse and ends up questioning his relationship with Tony.
★ Walk the Forbidden Road by Reioka for Fluffypanda (MCU, 13,239 words)
Tony is the last person willing to partner with Steve to hunt vampires. Steve should be grateful. And he might be, if Tony wasn't such an asshole.
★ where you already belong by ishipallthings for Mistymoon27 (MCU, 1380 words)
Tony looks down, and blinks in surprise when he sees Steve Rogers’ ever-blue eyes gazing sleepily back at him, his head resting lightly on Tony’s chest. “Well,” he says finally, wincing a little at the dryness in his throat. “I’m not sure I ever figured you for a cuddler, Cap.”
★ Working Late by tinystark616 for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 1632 words)
Some nights, Tony stays up late, building and rebuilding and upgrading his suits, until Steve walks into the workshop, usually already in his pajamas, and wraps his arms around Tony, kissing him until he forgets what he was doing and then dragging him to bed.
★ You Can Take My Breath Away by FrankTheSnek for Cap-IM Community (MCU, 6587 words)
Tony has been impotent since his abduction in Afghanistan. Years have passed and he's grown to accept it, but things start to change when Steve enters his life. It's more than physical need reawakening, and Tony doesn't know how to handle it. He's forgotten what intimacy feels like, and it's a damn scary thing.
Were your guesses right? Are you surprised at something? You can post your reactions in our Cap-IM Discord server here!
And finally, if you participated in the event, feel free to post your work wherever you want now! We will be reblogging every tumblr post tagged with #capimexchange in one of the first five tags.
Thank you for a great event to start 2024 on!
🖤 Navaan, Neverever and starksnack Your 2023 Holiday Exchange and Community Gifts mods
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