#MIC Judgement Series
isak-dot-gov · 21 days
Heyyyyyy I thought I'd just gab my thoughts lol
Could you please write a Judgment day x reader [Platonic] OR a Rhea Ripley x reader Where Readers was out for an injury (Kinda like how rhea is Was a bit ago) and they've been out yk just living their normal life, And one night the Judgment day is doing what they do yk being emo and incredibly edgy as they do And reader makes a suprise return
I just think that would be so fricken cute tyyyy xox your writing is amazing
Surprise Return
Pairing: (Platonic)Judgement day x Reader
Word count: 1582
My masterlist:)
The arena was electrified with the hum of anticipation. Every seat in the stadium was filled, with thousands of fans screaming and chanting in a cacophony that only heightened the excitement. The massive screens hanging above the ring lit up with the dark, brooding graphics of Judgment Day, and the audience’s reaction grew even louder.
Judgment Day was at the height of their dominance in WWE, a faction that embodied a unique mix of strength, rebellion, and pure chaos. Led by Finn Bálor, the group had become a force to be reckoned with, and their presence commanded attention. Beside Finn stood Damian Priest, his towering figure exuding a cold, intimidating presence. Dominik Mysterio, the group's newest member, looked out into the crowd with a sly grin, soaking up the mixed reactions from the fans.
But tonight, the spotlight was on Rhea Ripley. The Eradicator, as she was often called, was back in action after a minor injury had sidelined her for a few weeks. She stood in the ring, her posture defiant and strong, black lipstick accentuating her smirk as she looked out at the sea of faces. The crowd's reactions were divided between boos and cheers, a testament to the polarising nature of Judgment Day.
Rhea grabbed a microphone, her voice cutting through the noise like a knife. "So, this is the welcome we get, huh? After all the entertainment we provide for you ungrateful lot?"
The crowd’s reaction intensified, and Rhea’s smirk only widened. She thrived on the tension, on the energy that only a live WWE audience could provide.
Damian took the mic next, his voice a low, growling baritone that echoed through the arena. "You all think you can stop us? Think again. Judgment Day is here to stay, and we’re stronger than ever."
Dominik chimed in, his smirk growing more pronounced. "And trust me, none of you are ready for what's coming next."
Finn nodded in agreement, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity. "You’ve seen what we can do. But this… this is only the beginning."
As they continued to hype up their dominance and plans, Rhea’s mind drifted for a moment. She couldn’t help but think about you. You had been an integral part of the faction before your injury—one of the few people who understood what it meant to walk the fine line between chaos and control. The friendship between you and Rhea had been instantaneous and deep; there was a mutual respect and understanding that went beyond words.
The crowd's reaction suddenly shifted, pulling Rhea back to the present. The lights flickered, and then, without warning, the arena went dark. A murmur of confusion rippled through the audience. Judgment Day looked around, bewildered but ready for anything. The titantron flickered back to life, and a heartbeat-like thump echoed through the stadium speakers. It was a sound that everyone knew—your entrance theme.
Gasps of surprise and excitement filled the arena. Fans were on their feet, their eyes glued to the entrance ramp. The Judgment Day members exchanged shocked glances. Rhea’s heart raced in her chest as she tried to process what was happening. 
The screen above showed a series of highlights from your past matches, a montage of your resilience, strength, and charisma. Then, the heartbeat thumping faded into your entrance music. The crowd erupted in cheers. The lights around the entrance ramp flashed in time with the music, creating a spectacle that had everyone on the edge of their seats.
And there you were, stepping out onto the stage, illuminated by the spotlight. Your presence sent a wave of exhilaration through the crowd. Dressed in your signature gear, you looked just as fierce and confident as ever. The months of recovery and rehab seemed like they had only made you stronger.
Rhea’s face broke into a wide grin, a mix of relief and excitement. "No way," she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. The rest of Judgment Day mirrored her reaction, stunned but thrilled to see you.
You took your time walking down the ramp, soaking in the atmosphere. Every step was measured, a reminder to the WWE Universe that you were back and better than ever. As you approached the ring, you locked eyes with Rhea, and she knew immediately—your return was more than just about getting back into the ring. It was about reclaiming your place in Judgment Day, your family.
Sliding under the ropes, you stood up and faced your teammates. Rhea was the first to move, stepping forward and enveloping you in a tight hug. The crowd’s cheers grew even louder at the sight. "Welcome back, Y/N," Rhea whispered, squeezing you tightly. "We've missed you."
You laughed, the sound filled with emotion. "Missed you guys too. It's been too long."
Finn, Damian, and Dominik crowded around, each giving you a hug or a pat on the back. Damian, always the stoic one, even cracked a rare smile. "It's good to see you, Y/N," he said, his deep voice softening for a moment. "We’ve been holding things down, but it wasn’t the same without you."
"Thanks, Damian," you replied, smiling up at him. "I’ve been itching to get back in here and stir things up again."
Dominik, the newest member, looked at you with a mix of admiration and respect. "Glad to have you back, Y/N. We could use your... unique touch around here."
You chuckled, appreciating the camaraderie. "Oh, don't worry. I’m back, and I’m ready to make some waves."
Finn handed you a microphone, his grin never fading. "Say something to the people, Y/N. Let them know who’s back."
Taking the microphone, you turned to face the crowd, who were still buzzing with excitement. "It’s been a long road to recovery," you began, your voice steady despite the emotions swirling inside you. "But I'm back now. And I’m ready to remind everyone exactly why Judgment Day is the most dominant force in WWE."
The crowd roared in response, and you could feel the energy surge through you. This was where you belonged, and you weren’t going to let anything take that away again.
Rhea took the mic back, still smiling. "Judgment Day was already unstoppable. But now? With Y/N back, there’s no one that can touch us."
The crowd’s cheers were deafening, and you felt a rush of adrenaline. Being back in the ring, with your friends by your side, felt like coming home.
Just as the cheers started to settle, the sound of someone’s music blaring through the speakers cut through the celebration. The crowd shifted from cheers to a mix of surprised gasps and jeers as a rival faction’s entrance music played, signalling an unexpected interruption. 
Rhea’s expression instantly turned from joyous to serious, her eyes narrowing as she turned toward the entrance ramp. The rest of Judgment Day followed suit, their muscles tensing as they prepared for whatever was coming.
You, however, were grinning from ear to ear. “Guess I get to dive back in sooner than expected,” you muttered, cracking your knuckles in anticipation.
A few seconds later, a group of wrestlers emerged from the back, their expressions cocky as they strode toward the ring. You could feel the tension in the air thickening, the energy in the arena shifting from celebratory to confrontational.
The lead rival grabbed a microphone, a smirk on his face as he looked at you. “Well, well, well. Look who’s back. Y/N, isn’t it a bit too soon for a comeback? We all thought you’d be smart enough to stay on the sidelines.”
You stepped forward, the smile never leaving your face. “Funny, I was just thinking it was about time someone reminded you who runs this place,” you shot back, your voice filled with confidence.
The crowd erupted in cheers, and you could see Rhea and the rest of Judgment Day smirking at your response. It was on. 
Before anyone could make a move, you lunged forward, sliding out of the ring and charging up the ramp. The rival faction was caught off guard, stumbling back as you threw the first punch. The rest of Judgment Day quickly followed, launching themselves into the fray.
The crowd went wild as chaos erupted at the top of the ramp. You ducked and dodged, delivering quick jabs and powerful kicks, adrenaline pumping through your veins. Rhea was right by your side, taking down opponents with a combination of raw power and skill.
Finn, Damian, and Dominik were equally relentless, the five of you working together in perfect harmony. It was like you had never been away—your movements fluid, your teamwork seamless. 
The rival faction quickly found themselves overwhelmed, retreating under the onslaught. Within moments, you and Judgment Day had cleared the ramp, sending the invaders scrambling back through the curtain.
Breathing heavily, you looked over at Rhea, who was grinning widely, her eyes shining with excitement. “Now that’s what I call a welcome back party,” she said, laughing.
You laughed with her, the exhilaration of the fight still coursing through you. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
As you made your way back to the ring, the crowd erupted in chants of your name. Rhea, Finn, Damian, and Dominik joined in, raising your arms in celebration. You felt a surge of pride and happiness, knowing that you were finally back where you belonged—with your family, ready to take on whatever came next.
And with Judgment Day by your side, there was nothing you couldn’t face.
Isak speaks: I love writing requests sm but I also get scared I'm not doing a good job because I'm not in the person's mind lol
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sydsaint · 11 months
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Summary: The reader is a member of Judgment Day who piques Jey's interest.
"Jordan, grab my bag from the trunk, please." You ask McDonagh after you step out of the SUV with Rhea. 
"Grab mine too, Dom," Rhea adds from your side. 
Dominick and Jordan both nod and grab yours and Rhea's bags. The pair pop back up on either side of you and Rhea and everyone heads inside the arena. You and Rhea chat about the show while Dominick and Jordan trail after you. 
"I just remember that I've got that match against Zoey Stark tonight." You think aloud. "Ugh, what a pain in the ass, right?" 
"Got that right." Rhea agrees. "I still can't believe that Zoey thinks she has any chance of beating me at Survivor Series." She snorts. 
You and Rhea laugh and everyone files into the Judgement Day locker room. Damian and Finn are already there when you arrive so you walk over to Damian to chat. Jordan cautiously trails behind you, wary of being so close to Damian. 
"I see that you got your briefcase back." You notice that Damian has regained his MITB contract after Sami Zayn hijacked it a few days ago. "How'd you manage that?" You ask him. 
"Pearce had it in his office," Damian explains. "So either he made Sami give it to him. Or Zayn just dropped it off because he didn't want me to come looking for him." He sneers. 
You scoff and shrug. "I'd still kick his ass if I were you." You suggest. "The little weasel needs to be taught a lesson so he doesn't try and pull something like that again." 
"Oh, Sami will get his." Damian insists with a dark chuckle. "When the time is right." 
You nod and hang around for a bit longer until it's time for your match against Zoey Stark. "Come on, Jordan." You beckoned JD back to your side since he wandered off to chat with Finn. 
"Coming." Jordan hops to his feet and walks over to you. 
You make your way out to the ring with Jordan at your side for backup. Zoey Stark comes out a few moments later and the two of you start the match. 
Despite Zoey's best efforts, you make quick work of the blonde and start teasing her about Rhea once you've won. Jordan laughs and teases Zoey with you a bit until someone else's entrance music hits on the overhead speakers. Your head snaps to the top of the ramp as Jey Uso makes his way down to the ring. 
Jey makes his way down to the ring with a mic in hand and comes face-to-face with you in the ring. "Y/N, how's it going, shortie?" Jey flashes you a charming smile. 
"What do you want, Jey?" You turn your nose up at the defected Uso. "And where's your boyfriend at? I believe Damian would like a word with him." 
"This ain't about him," Jey replies. "I'm here to talk about us, baby." He informs you with a flirty grin. 
You raise a brow at Jey's claim and look him up and down briefly. "Us?" You repeat him. "Since when is there an us?" You ask him. 
"Yeah! She's with me!" Jordan speaks up from your side. 
"Shut your mouth, ol' big forehead looking ass." Jey snaps at Jordan and silences him. "The lady and I are talking." 
You hold back a snicker at Jey's comment and try to remain stoic. "I'm pretty sure this conversation is over." You insist. "Come on Jordan, let's leave Jey to call for his boyfriends." You gesture for Jordan to part the ring ropes for you. 
"Here, let me, baby." Jey shoves past Jordan and parts the ring ropes for you. "And hey, when you tired of having ol' big forehead over there following you around like a lost puppy? You know where to find me, baby. A girl like you should have a real man at your side." He flashes a grin at you. 
Jordan huffs and grumbles to himself as he hurries to catch up with you on the ramp. You walk backward a few steps as Jey stares at you from inside the ring. You stare back at him until Jordan sets a hand on your arm. 
"Y/N? Come on!" Jordan posters you. 
"I'm coming, Jordan. Geez. Pipe down." You snap back at him and head backstage. 
When you return to the locker room, you walk over to Rhea and Jordan finds Finn. Rhea congratulates you on beating Zoey as you sit down next to her. 
"Nice work taking out Starks." Rhea smiles at you. 
"Ah, it was light work." You wave your hand dismissively. "It should be an easy night for you at Survivor Series." You insist. 
Rhea nods in agreement and changes the subject. "And what about Jey Uso?" She asks you. 
"What about him?" You reply. 
You and Rhea chat about Jey for a bit and his potential in Judgement Day. Damian walks over to the two of you after a bit with some news. "Jey and Sami are tagging together in a bit against Kaiser and Vinci. Finn and I are going out there to get some revenge." He informs you and Rhea. 
"Okay." Rhea nods. "Why don't you take Y/N and Jordan with you?" She suggests. "You can mess with Jey a bit more." 
"Ooo, sounds fun." You agree and join Damian and Finn. 
Everyone heads out to the ring and Damian gets to work in attacking Sami. Finn goes after Giovanni and Jey, leaving Kaiser the only one not being attacked. You lock eyes with Kaiser and nudge Jordan on the arm. 
"I don't like how he's looking at me, Jordan, Take care of it." You send Jordan on his way. 
"What about me, baby?" Jey pops up at your side a few seconds later. 
You lock eyes with Jey and an amused smile cracks on your lips. "You're no better." You taunt him. 
"Oh, I don't think that's true, baby." Jey chuckles. "I know that you're into me, Y/N." He insists. "I can see it in your eyes." 
"I think that you need to get over yourself, Jey." You reply but take a step back as Jey advances on you. 
You back up and your back hits the ring so you stop. Jey steps up to you and looks you over. His gaze switches from your eyes to your lips a few times before he licks his own. "Why don't you let me show you what a real man is capable of?" He asks you suggestively. 
Before Jey can advance on you any further, Jordan pulls you away and back to the rest of the team. You laugh at Jordan's side and shrug at Jey. "Better luck next time, Jey!" You shout at him with an amused laugh. 
"Oh, I can wait, baby!" Jey shouts back at you. "Take all the time that you need. I'll be right here." He insists. 
You watch Jey as you walk back up the ramp. And you know that he means what he claims. 
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lonelyroommp3 · 4 months
*please read the explanations below the poll options before voting*
was thinking about this on my coach home and naturally had to make it into an overcomplicated poll
explanations, disclaimers, etc. under the cut:
until tumblr enables polls with infinite options there is no way for me to account for the entire breadth of human experience here. the categories provided and the examples thereof will not be, and are not intended to be, exhaustive. if you can't find the exact thing you do listed here or you think it falls into more than one category then please use your best judgement to select whatever answer is closest. only choose "something else not covered here" if there is actually nothing even close to what you do listed in the poll (and please elaborate in the tags if this is the case! i'm curious)
i really wanted to include "guy running alongside the moving vehicle you are in" but ran out of options. sorry
if you feel you do two or more of these things in equal measure just pick whatever one answer you want based on vibes
music video: anything you imagine as a standalone, prerecorded visual to accompany the music. this may feature musical performance elements, dance, a narrative, or any combination of the above. if you're imagining your little scene as if it's intended to be viewed on MTV, youtube, etc as the official visual complement to the music, it probably comes under this category
a music video mainly featuring somebody else: this could be you, your blorbos, your self insert OC, another artist you'd like to see cover the song, random actors/celebrities you would cast in the video, etc. whether they are performing the song within the video or not. if the bulk of the "running time" of your daydream is taken up by people who aren't the artist who originally performs the version of the song you're listening to, pick this one
a live performance: this could be in concert (whether a concert version that already exists e.g. imagining taylor swift's eras tour staging when you hear cruel summer, or a version you would like to see), at karaoke, at an open mic night, your acoustic cover that goes viral when you post it on youtube, busking on the street, performing to the other passengers on the bus, etc. could apply to dance as well as singing/music!
a diegetic use in narrative context: imagining the song being performed as a musical number by people in a story that exists beyond the scope of this one song in order to accompany or advance said story. this might be imagining the song being performed as one of many musical numbers in a stage or movie musical, or it could be a performance that takes place in universe (like the performances in glee, or scott pilgrim vs the world)
non diegetic narrative use: imagining the song as the soundtrack to a scene in a story that exists beyond the scope of this one song, but it is not being played/performed/heard by the people within the scene. for example, you imagine a fight scene in a movie taking place to this song, or perhaps it would play in the background during your OTP's first kiss if your favourite fanfiction was adapted into a netflix original tv series.
AMV/edit: a video compilation of existing* scenes from a piece of media, put together by a fan and set to music. (*existing might be taken loosely; e.g. you might be imagining an AMV of scenes from a book with no actual visual media adaptation. the main distinction is that here you are imagining the actual editing process of splicing scenes together as a fan project, as opposed to the music accompanying one continuous scene or sequence of scenes - which would come under "non diegetic narrative use" - or the clips being intended as the official visual accompaniment to a song, which would come under "music video".)
an abstract or lyric based visualiser: 2000s core windows media player visuals, a lyric video, anything that focuses more on objects, scenery, abstract patterns, words moreso than People/Fictional Characters/Animals/etc Doing Things To Music
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kabloswrld · 8 months
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Idk I feel like I been going crazy over this idea ( plus my love for Cody Rhodes growing each day ) ALSO I'm not gifted enough to make this a reality so if anyone is willing to make it I would be so happy
- I was envisioning this as a plus size reader ( maybe black too but I might be pushing it 😓)
But I don't really see a lot of plus size wrestlers reader so 🤷🏾‍♀️🫣
So imma like bullet point it so it's easier for writers to add or take away stuff but this is like the main plot idea(s) I had in mind
Cody and reader have been seen backstage getting close by triple h, getting the idea of a love storyline. So he tested it out by having reader and Cody do a promo (them flirting but like bickering kinda idk) with it getting positive reactions
Triple h asking Cody and reader their thoughts on the idea with both Cody and reader like idk but quickly agreeing to it anyways
They do a couple promos, ringside etc picking up on hints of them getting closer and closer and starting or care for each other on a deeper level ( i want to say that Cody falls in love first but reader starts to quickly after not being as revealing in it as Cody is but reader is more subtle with it )
But it all comes to a head when Rhea picks up on reader and Cody's closeness challenging her to a match ( I want to say that reader as already been butting heads with Rhea ) the match being that if Rhea won reader won't be able to interfere with anything that has to do with judgement day and Cody and his group ( Seth,Sami, jey and Randy ) and if reader does then they can't go for the women's world championship until after wrestlemania.
Reader would lose the fight. But Cody wouldn't know about the stipulation UNTIL Cody had a match with Dominic with Rhea coming out to jump Cody ( causing a DQ ) with reader watching nothing knowing what do it ( a manger would remind user of the stipulation but reader doesn't care if it meant helping Cody and protecting him from a possible injury) so reader goes out there ( maybe with a chair or something) defending Cody, checking on him calling for help.
It won't be until a week ( or more then a week up to y'all ) that Cody would find out about the stipulation when Cody and reader win a match against Rhea and Dominic. Both Cody and reader are heading up the ramp when Rhea is handed a mic as she tells Cody about the stipulation rubbing it in readers face.
Cody he walks off mad, upset, he felt like it was his fault. He wasn't strong enough so you had to go out there to save him and cost you your chance. Reader catches up with him basically telling him that it wasn't his fault and that it was their decision and he shouldn't feel that way and how they hate when he's mad at them. ( I had the idea of Rhea joking calling Cody reader's boyfriend and Cody mentions it and reader plays dumb confusing Cody )
Causing Cody to be in his head it would be until he's in the locker room with Sami, jey, Seth and Randy did they talk to him asking what's up and Cody is like "do yall think reader actually likes me???" And they're like "ofc!!!" With Randy ( who wasn't really speaking comes out of nowhere) "dude she throw away her chance for the championship for you🙄"
OKAY IM YAPPING BUT LIKE. Maybe they get Naomi and bianca involved on how to ask reader out and well the rest is up to y'all I would to see this as a series !!
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wrens-garden · 5 months
Outsiders, Krowfangs POV, episode 1.
These are hours long, so I might get through maybe 2 a day. This specific episode is 4 and half hours long, so I doubt it's all important, I'll try to keep the notes fairly short for everyone's convenience, theories might be saved for separate posts. Enjoy
Edit: I've looked through the playlist, and the channel I found the vods on, and episode 12 is gone. Is it fully gone, or can I find it elsewhere?
Krow seems overwhelmed, obviously
It doesn't think they want to know what it's been eating for the past 2 months.
It's been told no one else has survived and is understandably upset and in denial. It's been told about the lever and has moved from denial to anger, just speed running the stages of grief rn
Krow is really leaning into anger in the stages of grief. That and denial, which honestly is different from everyone else, I believe, so that's fun.
Soup is hitting the sound barrier right now, queen lower your mic please.
Krow really hates Beks, I think I could tell in Owen's POV, but I didn't really know how much.
It sucks that Krow and Soup didn't get time to grieve before they had to leave, clearing 2. Like, I get why they had to leave so quickly, but it still sucks that they didn't even get a minute.
Krow seems to mesh well with Mohwee and kinda meshes well with Oeca.
Krows planning to destroy clearing 1 from the inside out
"That's what I'm saying!" - Mohwee about literally anything Krow says. Love a hype man
Mohwee, Oeca and Krow are making fun of Ori
Gracie is being sweet at least, she does say that people care even if it doesn't seem like it. Krow has just been told Apo was an elected leader, elected after the levers were flipped, so now it doubts everyone's judgement. Which makes perfect sense to me.
Krow is just bullying Oeca, I love this so much. Krow really doesn't like Ori. Krow has acquired Mohwees shoes.
Owen has called Krow twisted for not trusting those that voted for Apo. Squidney has offered Krow a place to sleep in her kitchen until it makes a house.
Ori is going to jump off his tree and is trusting Krow to catch him. Apparently, he's done this with everyone. Why? Krow tried, Ori caught himself, but Krow still tried. Krow thinks Ori is smart.
Krow really likes the denial and anger stages. Planning to throw Apo into the maze to die from Grievers.
It's noting that Owen puts a lot of trust in people and knows a lot.
Krow is quite observant. Clearing 2 had a stocked shooting range underground, so if they had things underground, there are probably some things there left to scavenge.
Some of the chat head cannoned Krow having bad vision because of its hair covering its eyes (and irl being from shaders), which is so funny, but Krow having generally bad vision could be perfect for angst or just generally funny moments.
Krow walked onto a lit bonfire, which is certainly something.
Dramatic flashback time - Soup is coming to give Krow leather so it could make books for Percival. Bek broke a fence and released cows, then didn't fix it. Griever! They get in the cave and there's a screech then the sound of rocks falling!
That was actually really good, I love a flashback, even if it's only from earlier in the maze, arguably I love them more as it expands character especially for people we didn't get to see at the start of the series. It provides enough info about all characters named while also being fast-paced.
I don't think I missed anything, but let me know if I did. As much as I'm sure I'll try, videos that are more than 2 hours can start to drag for me, so I'm trying to spread the videos out throughout my day to keep me engaged. So I might have missed something lore wise or just interesting about maze Krow. Please remember I'm here for the characters, so unless I've accidentally crossed a boundary or messed up a pronoun, please nothing about the content creators.
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watched the first episode of the live action atla adaptation and took notes:
-what is this opening. who are these people. am i expected to care about this random earth kingdom man because i really don’t
-opening fight is kinda meh :/
-sozin looks weirdly… nice? like he has “harmless old man” vibes. i don’t actually dislike this casting choice i think there’s a lot of potential to having him look friendly and approachable even as he does war crimes
-seriously did someone in the writer’s room watch rogue one before coming in and then go like “HEY I KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD ADD” WHAT is this plot doing here
-where is katara���s opening narration. like i get they aren’t adapting one to one but that’s such a loss. the opening cutscene from the original series was so good
-all of these people are so fucking sweaty what is this
-sozin’s outfit is appropriately fuckable
-“my sights… are set… higher… because… it is… our time…” “[screaming]” wow very emo
-why did they change the narration. this is objectively worse.
-oh no this isn’t katara is it… dang :(
-air temple looking neat. why are we here tho. where are katara and sokka
-why is everyone watching aang jumping around like he’s a fucking celebrity. have they never seen an airbender before in the fucking air temple
-at least they say aang’s name right. step up from shamalalalam or whatever his name is. of course that bar is so low the devil declared it a tripping hazard, so
-these people do NOT talk like actual humans. have these writers never had to write natural exposition before
-genuinely what was the point of that first scene. WHAT does it add
-“when yangchen died the next avatar was born into the water tribe” what, does aang not know this. my fucking god this exposition is shit
-aang didn’t know he was the avatar?? and then didn’t immediately get an ego about it when gyatso told him??? who is this and what did you do with my BOY
-the acting isn’t bad but the lines are so shit it’s hard to tell
-aang is NOT sufficiently goofy
-appa’s kind of ugly :(
-TEAM ROCKET’S BLASTING OFF AGAIN (<— my unfiltered reaction to sozin going jetpack mode)
-unnecessary airbender fight scene. i think this is literally just here to look cool and honestly? 6/10
-aang just fuckin… wandered off? instead of willfully running away? bro you can’t take my boy’s agency like this
-i want a video of appa’s va making those noises into the mic. come on netflix do it it’ll be funny
-WHY is everything so WET all the time
-20 minutes in and i have yet to see the south pole. literally none of this is necessary to the story. you could cut all of it and nothing would change
-no funny boat scene with sokka? insert no bitches megamind here
-oh they still have a boat scene. unfortunately it sucks ass
-seriously. they’re removing all the good scenes to fit more unnecessary action and/or melodrama filler in
-shitty zuko cameo
-WHAT is that scar. why is it so small. did he fall and get a scrape on his face? looks more like a scab than anything. 2/10
-baffling why the iceberg even reacted to katara when she’s apparently so fucking incapable she can’t even lift a water orb. they’re massacring my girl
-why does sokka want to leave this random child to die
-“it can’t be… this… is an airbender…..” i am rolling my fucking eyes
-iffy on this iroh so far but i’ll reserve judgement
-tumblr was right. zuko’s actor is absolutely putting his whole pussy into this. he can have rights
-how are NONE of these jokes landing. even the ones they directly crib from the original just… lose all impact
-why is kanna saying the intro dialogue randomly with no prompting. seriously these writers are SO. FUCKING. SHIT
-every emotional beat in this comes off more wooden than a fucking tree
-seriously. everything i could say about this just boils down to the wooden writing, unnecessary and poorly executed exposition, the action scenes shoehorned in for no discernible reason, inability to create any impact from anything ever, and the removal of all the good scenes from the original in favor of more unnecessary poorly written TRASH
-oh one more thing actually
-they took all the good stuff out to fit in more melodrama and action, but their writing (and directing. and acting) is too shitty to actually sell said drama and their fight scenes are mid at best
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all-risejd · 1 year
After Shine Part 4 (Damian Priest x OC) (Eventual The Judgment Day x OC)
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July 11 – San Antonio, Texas
The travel bus was an expense he was relieved his dad was paying for (seriously, it’s so expensive to get a bus and a driver, honestly). They left San Diego on Tuesday, after they got the bus, and headed for the next location - Dominik wanted to get a chance to explore the city and take as many moments with his twins as he could before their new little one was born, call him selfish all you want, he wanted memories. San Antonio, Texas is somewhere he’d been before, as well as Danika - but they’d been there with Rey on the road in their teen years. It isn’t always easy for Dominik to blend in when he’s out in Texas and some of the more Hispanic populated cities, but he does his best. 
They spend Wednesday and Thursday just wandering around the town, Danika’s grandparents live there but they don’t stop in, she doesn’t have a relationship with them. By the time the following Monday rolled around they’d been in the city for almost a week, Danika had spent Friday working on her influencer stuff, doing tours of the city, and convincing Angie to be her ‘special guest’ for a series of ghost tours and garden tours around the city. Dominik spent his Friday and Saturday doing house shows nearby. Saturday and Sunday they’d spent with Angie and Rey, mostly Dominik working out with Rey while Danika worked on his gear - he didn’t ask her to make repairs, but she did, she also tended to pick the designs on them, he’d pay her as his personal assistant if she wanted him to, but unfortunately… She was the more sought after celebrity in their friendship, and definitely had the bigger bank account. 
She’s in the arena again, tonight without backup, holding both babies, and tucked away safely close to the barricade. He thanks his lucky stars every time he wakes up and she’s still in his life, they really are platonic soul mates, the problem with them - is that she can’t seem to say no to him. Which is why she’s pregnant again, and the mother of his twins. He pouts and she does her best to brush his tears away, it always ends up in a bottle of topshelf tequila from Mexico, and then a morning of what the fuck, not again. But, he digresses, he has bigger fish to fry. Currently he and Rey are watching Brock and Theory run their mouths again, with Paul Heyman between them. He was trying to find a way to talk Danika into getting him a dog of some sort, for when she can’t be on the road with him. 
They go out after Brock’s thing, which is funny to a point, in red, white and blue tonight. Well, Rey has a match against Finn Balor by himself, and Dominik is beyond sure he’s going to be the one in pain before the end of the night Damian likes to help Finn win, however that shakes out. So far it’s ended with him in pain. After they entered, he looked through the faces - finding Danika, with holy shit Shaul Guerrero standing next to her. Shaul might as well be Dominik’s older cousin, they hang out sometimes, but Shaul’s appearance is something of a surprise even to Rey, who when the lights go out whispers to Dominik that he didn’t know Shaul was coming. She has only watched him a handful of times since he debuted, she herself didn’t stick in the WWE longer than getting her husband. “All rise.” Damian ordered in the mic, when it didn’t work, he shouted, “All rise and show proper respect for the Judgement Day.”
Dominik clocked it when Damian sighted Danika in the fans, a sort of smile bloomed on the man’s face, quickly replaced by a violent smirk, “Dominik what happened last week to you and your father, that was justice. Justice for the Old Guard, justice for the way things used to be. Like in two weeks at Madison Square Garden, Rey Mysterio will be celebrating his 20th anniversary in the WWE.” Rey nodded his head at Damian’s truth, “Yeah, face it Rey, you're done.” The cheering of the crowd tapered off with the statement. “You're washed, it’s over.” The crowd booed, “Dominik, your father has nothing else to offer you.” Danika had said the same thing that morning, when Dominik mentioned how much training Rey wasn’t doing with him anymore, “No wisdom, certainly no strength, all he has is an ugly mask and some old, tired, circus-like tricks that aren’t even yours.” The last part was yelled into the microphone. “However, we have something more to offer. A whole new set of rules, Dominik.”
Oh shit, Dominik realized, this was his heel. He was actually going to join the Judgement Day at some point, just like Danika had guessed. He’d sort of hoped it would be them, he liked the way Damian treated him, when he wasn’t beating the shit out of him. “Yeah, it sounds good doesn’t it.” Damian’s voice softened as he said it, directly looking in Dominik’s eyes, “The future of this business will be decided by the Judgement Day.” That was a ballsy statement, especially since they were down a member currently, and had pissed off all the legends with their treatment of Edge, “And you're welcome to join it, man.” Rey’s hand landed on Dominik’s shoulder, he had been swaying lightly on his feet, eyes watching Damian, prepared for the attack that was sure to come. The crowd started to boo, “That doesn’t matter.” Damian promised as he pointed to them, almost directly at Danika who winked when Dominik did look, Shaul looked amused herself. “None of that matters,” It sounded like Damian was talking about more than the WWE Universe disliking him, “Join the Judgement Day, step out of your father’s shadow.” 
He wouldn’t admit it, but that struck a nerve. “Blaze your own path, man. Elige tu vida.” Dominik sort of hated how beautifully Damian spoke Spanish, honestly, “Rise with the Judgement Day,” Damian stepped into his space, “Or continue to fall alongside your father.” This close he could smell Damian’s cologne, the same that was wrapped up in the hoodie that Danika was apparently keeping regardless of what Dominik said. True to his character, baby face or not, he scrunched his nose up as Damian glared toward Rey, afraid to look at Shaul or Danika, both of them would know exactly how effective the speech had been on him, regardless of if Rey noticed or not. 
Finn’s accent always made Dominik want to smile, it was bubbly and elegant even when he was yelling, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Priest.” He slid his hand down Damian’s arm bringing him back to his side and giving Dominik clean air again, although he sort of missed the man’s presence. “Dom, when are you going to learn? You need to start seeing things like Judgement Day, you think your daddy can protect you?” Dominik had to sink his teeth into his bottom lip, no my dad thinks he can protect me from decisions I make, I don’t want his protection, “Woooo Rey Mysterio the legend, you know who else is a legend? Edge.” Well that was a threat, now wasn’t it. Dominik glanced at his father, while Finn continued, “And we all saw what happened to Edge, you know what? Why don’t we take another look?” He motioned to the screen above the gorilla. “Boom.”
They really had taken out Edge in a very violent manner. They were proud of what they did, proud of how they treated Edge, Rhea had been instrumental in their violence. Dominik might be the only one who thought it, but he had a feeling Rhea was the one calling the shots, “That’s right, Edge is gone.” Finn gloated, “Not coming back, adios, goodbye, and you know why?” Damian waving goodbye and smirking was sort of hilarious next to Finn who looked so serious with the veins in his neck popping, “Because he was a bad leader. And you know what Rey? Just like I told you before, not only are you a bad leader, but you're a bad father.” Ok, Finn went there, and Dominik? He wasn’t sure how he felt about that, actually. The crowd booed so loudly, Rey held his ground, glaring up at Finn with his bright blue contacts through his mask.
Rey turned to Dominik, “¿Crees que soy un mal padre?” He wasn’t on the mic when he said it, but Dominik probably didn’t answer fast enough. Dominik tried to reassure Rey, he did, but he wasn’t vocal or maybe the residual truth of Damian’s stupid speech was ringing in his ears, and poisoning his brain, rotting him from the inside out, he was so good on the microphone it wasn’t even fair. Rey moved first, attacking Finn. Dominik moved to help his father, and it seemed like it’s going to work as the Judgement Day dropped out of the ring, for the time being. They had a few moments to regroup, Dominik watched as Damian stalked in front of the barrier, shooting a wink toward Danika who did her best not to roll her eyes. When Dominik met her gaze she mouthed ‘ebb and flow’ at him, he tilted his head just a little to let her know he’d heard her, just as Shaul asked her a question. 
Once the referee had the match organized again - with Priest and Dominik on the outside of the ring, while Finn and Rey locked up in the ring, he wasn’t sure how it happened, the movement between the two faster than most of the moves that Dominik pulled off regularly, Finn had his knees on the back of Rey’s neck, holding him down. There is a trade off, of some sort, a natural rhythm to Finn and Rey in the ring that Dominik felt a spike of jealousy for - he only connected with a few people in the ring: Seth Rollins, Damian Priest, AJ Styles, Buddy when he’d been in the WWE officially. Taking his eyes off the match for just a moment, Danika had Nico and Rosa on her hips, their noise canceling headphones on, while the three were cheering for Abuelo! A smile pulled on Dominik’s lips, his kids might not understand what was going on, but they loved their Abuelo. 
Finn had Rey on the ropes, and was using his leg and strength to push Rey’s chest against the biting material. Damian punched him while the referee was hauling Finn back. With the speed up, again, Dominik paced the outside of the ring mainly near his father’s corner, everytime his dad dominated, he would jump up and down and cheer for his father, Finn got Rey down for a two count, but Rey kicked out. Finn got a chin lock, and another two count. Dominik continued his rhythmic tapping at the mat to encourage his dad, shouting at Finn, while Rey forced them up. The vertical suplex looked painful, Dominik winced, as a few minutes later his knee was injured by the dangling down the ropes, Dominik glanced toward Shaul and Danika - Shaul pulled a face, flicking her gaze to Damian and Finn - he felt seen and judged and Dominik didn’t like the disapproving glance. “You're dad can’t protect you all the time.” Finn taunted as he brutalized Rey, Dominik had inched toward the side of the ring opposite where he’d been loitering, not sure that he could interrupt the match at all - afraid that Rey would be upset with him if he helped. 
It looked like Rey was going to remain in control, but Finn was smart, and determined (possibly a little unhinged). Finn continued to target Rey’s knee. He attempted a 619, executed it perfectly, as he limped to the corner, and climbed to the top rope, he flew - but no one was there, but somehow Rey managed to drop them into a rolling crucifix and get a two count. Trading blows with the ropes between them, was always a risk - Dominik watched on in irritation as Finn got another two count, Finn resumed targeting Rey’s knee, as he climbed to the top rope, a perfect Coupe De Grace to the chest, the Judgment Day’s music flooded around them, as Dominik moved to check on his father, Damian and Finn boxed him in as their music blared, the pair moving back, Damian raising Finn’s arm - the seeds of doubt had been sewn, and as much as Dominik didn’t want to even think about it, when Hunter came to him one on one and asked him to flip - he was going to do it. Something like resolution settled against his rib cage. Dominik carried Rey backstage, during the next break, following along behind the Judgement Day without realizing he’d fallen into their flow again. 
He had to take Rey to medical, his knee really had popped out there. On the way he found Shaul and Danika had joined them with Danika holding Rosa and Nico on Shaul’s shoulders, “Hello cousin.” Shaul winked at him, “Uncle.” She smiled at Rey, “That was a good match, I had a meeting with some business partners down here this week, so I offered to tag along tonight, but I wanna get back to the hotel and Matt.” She passed Nico back to Danika, “Before I forget, Matt told me that Priest can be a bit of a bastard.” She met Dominik’s eyes, “Be careful who you trust, ok? I know some of that is a storyline, but Dom, I saw…” Danika elbowed Shaul, and shook her head slightly. Shaul rolled her eyes, “Fine, ok.” She hugged both Dominik and Rey, before turning and walking away. 
“I’m going back to the bus.” Danika offered, “I need to get some paperwork together for Lainey.” She explained.
Dominik nodded his head, “Nos vemos luego. Te amo mis corazones.”
“We love you too.” Danika whispered, before she headed out of the backstage area, walking toward the side parking lot where the buses were waiting. Dominik turned his attention back to Rey, to find his father studying him. Dominik hugged him, hoping to brush his worries off. Whatever fears Rey had about Dominik, the younger man didn’t want him to be attempting to work them out right now.
Rey had been cleared for his knee, the physician encouraging him to get lots of rest and ice it for the night, with Nico crying over an ear infection that wasn’t going to happen, so they’d had dinner together, admittedly late, before he took off to a nearby hotel. Dominik offered to put Rosa to bed, since Nico wouldn’t let his mommy go. Danika, after about three hours of frustration, decided to take him for a walk around the parking lot, in the lights above, obviously, so Dominik wouldn’t worry. 
It was on her walk that she sighted a familiar tall figure lurky around the side of the building. Did this man not have anything else to do at night? When did he sleep?
“If we keep meeting like this people are going to start talking.” Damian turned to look at her, “Luis.” She approached, slowly, in a loose t-shirt and he assumed shorts, with converse on her feet, in her arms Nico was asleep, “Nico has an ear infection, so he won’t sleep in his bed, or alone.” She explained, when Damian motioned to the child, “His sister mercifully does not have an ear infection, and is fast asleep with her stuffed animals.” 
“You are a sight, you know that.” He hummed, in shorts and a TapOut muscle shirt his hair was pulled up in a bun and he looked less than friendly. “I promise only one question,” she made a motion like go on, “How long are you staying in San Antonio? I’ll be here until tomorrow night with Finn.” He offered. 
“We are here for the next two days. Dominik and his dad have someone to visit with.” She rocked Nico slightly. 
“Want to get lunch with me? I need to apologize for not remembering you, more clearly and I want to apologize for assuming things and I think you're nice.” 
She narrowed her eyes on him, “That was two questions. You do understand I’m currently pregnant, with my third child, right? I may be twenty-three but I am not at all the rockstar lifestyle Luis, and I never expected you to remember me, I was pretty forgettable.” 
“No I can see that, but you call me by my name.” He countered, “I’m not a character to be billed or played for you. You don’t see me as a menace to society or whatever they are calling me. You see me. You saw me back then, too, holding me back from bad decisions even when I lashed out at you, taking care of the mistakes I did make, making sure I got from place to place, you held me when I would cry because I lost or I missed mi familia.” She shifted Nico again, he was almost too tall for her to comfortably hold while pregnant. “May I?” Damian reached to gently take Nico from her arms and cradle him against his toned chest. 
“Thank you, my arms were tired.” She admitted, “So why were you creeping around the parking lot at nearly two in the morning after a show?” She asked around a yawn. 
He seemed in awe of the little boy in his arms so she gave him a long minute, she could read the longing on his face - had Luis been a father once? Had anyone ever loved him enough to allow that?  “I was honestly hoping to run into Dominik.” He admitted, “I wanted to talk to him a bit about some moves I think he would be able to use with limited disruption of what Mysterio has already taught him.”
“Hm.” Danika looked up at him thoughtfully, “Come on, Mysterio as you call him got a hotel because of Nico’s crying.” She tugged on his hoodie pocket to get him moving and led him back across the parking lot to where the rental bus was parked. She climbed up the stairs and gently took Nico back once she was at the top, “Dominik your friend is here.” She hummed as she pushed into the living area on the bus, “Well, come on Luis.”
Dominik looked surprised to see Damian Priest trailing behind her. She supposed that was fair, “Rosa still asleep?” Dominik nodded, “Ok, I’m going to bed, te quiero.”
“Te quiero.” Dominik kissed her forehead as she passed by with Nico, his eyes on Priest. “It’s like two am?”
“If you're up for it there’s a gym that stays open all night like two blocks from here. We can work out. I have a couple ground grapples I think you should try.” Damian offered, “And I asked you're not-girlfriend to lunch with me tomorrow, if that’s cool?”
Dominik snorted, “She makes her own decisions, she makes a ridiculous amount of my decisions, actually.”
Damian shrugged, as they headed back off the bus. “It’s this way.” He pointed toward the lights of town past the arena, “Finn is waiting for me there, I figure you know Finn and probably won’t hate spending time with him?” Dominik shrugged, he didn’t really know either of them very well, he knew they were older - just turned forty he thought - and had been working together for over twenty years, in WWE and in the Indy circuit. “So, you really don’t mind me taking Danika to lunch tomorrow?”
“I’d like to remind you that the world doesn’t know the connection between myself and Danika, so try not to take her out somewhere too public.” Dominik offered as they continued to walk through the darkened parking lot, their long legs eating up the distance a lot faster than he normally moved - Rey and Danika couldn’t match his stride, so normally he matched their strides. 
“I figured.” Damian hummed, “I have a friend in town who is going to let me rent out his tiny restaurant, just going to cook her traditional food.” He explained, “I looked up this whole list of things she can’t have while pregnant, before you ask, and I’ll make enough for her to bring you back some.” 
Dominik snickered, “Thank you, what are we doing, anyways?”
“You're papi taught you his style, you're good at it, a little tall, and a lot lanky, but those moves are made for speed not height and striking power. I want to show you some moves that will help you with the luchador stuff he’s already taught you. No matter what Balor or I say, both of us agree, your father is a legend, and a good man in the ring.” 
Dominik frowned, “But you're right, too, he doesn’t connect with me, like he used to.”
Damian tossed an arm across his shoulders, “You're father and son, already legends, eventually you are going to have problems in the groove.” He explained, “No one has done before what you two are doing.” 
That was what made Dominik want to share with Damian, and want to tell him the truth. “Danika is my best friend. I don’t want you using her,” Dominik stated as soon as they moved from the parking lot to the sidewalk, “Everyone always guesses about our relationship but… the thing is we're platonic soulmates. I’m the one who crossed the line when I was heartbroken twice and we have the twins and are expecting another. My mom wants us to get married and my dad wants to keep pretending I’m perfect and innocent and can do no wrong. It’s a lot ok. And I don’t want you or anyone else jerking Danika around to get to me.”
“One, I'm not that kind of asshole.” Damian snapped at Dominik, “And two I had already figured out you two were complicated.” 
Dominik stopped short, “You were just going to leave it on complicated weren’t you? I just blabbed for no reason. Jesus, my dad is going to be pissed.”
“I won’t tell anyone.” Damian rolled his shoulders and nudged the younger man, “She’s a different kind of scary than Rip, you're Danika.” Dominik would be the first to agree. Rhea Ripley and Danika Wesson were both scary in much different ways. “We don’t need to talk about her with Finn, I haven’t exactly told him my plans to spend lunch with her tomorrow.” 
“There is one other thing, she’s in the process of fighting for her younger sister, Delainey.” He explained, “There is a huge age gap between them, Lainey is only five.” He explained, “So, she’s going to be a mother of four sooner rather than later.” 
Damian gave him a look, “Are you telling me to back off or are you warning me she’s a bit messy?”
“Both?” Dominik shrugged as they turned a corner a block away from the arena, and headed toward BURKS 24 HOUR GYM. Damian held the door open, the only other occupant was Finn who looked up a bit perplexed, then looked at Damian who must have done something with his face, because Finn offered a smile of sorts, and motioned them over.
“Dominik.” Finn grinned, “Nice ta see ya, mate.”
“You too.” Dominik agreed, before he looked between them, “Do they have a ring here?”
“They have something better.” Damian looked like a kid in a candy store, “They have an olympic trampoline.” 
Finn nodded excitedly, rubbing his hands together just as excitedly, “Come on, kid, let's polish that drop kick, some crossbodies, you have a killer arm drag thing, but we wanna show you another one, that works with your height…”
“We wanna do some DDT stuff other than the tornado, don’t get us wrong, you are killer with the lucha moves once you get in a groove, you're pretty good with flying with your height, and agile.” Damian grinned, “Big Shows Alley Oop, a variation of the backbreaker I do, Khali’s vice grip, and Khali’s Punjabi Plunge.” 
“Wow, in one night?” Dominik blinked.
“Nah, chico, we want to start working on this stuff tonight, next week there will be another gym and we will work on this stuff again - if you want.” Damian offered, and Dominik - he grinned, excited about the prospect of a work out. What he wanted more than anything was to be good in the ring, better than what everyone expected of him - his heart felt like it was flying, from the moment Rey had told him Creative wanted to move him toward solo competition… he’d been sort of floundering, looking between Damian and Finn he could feel something shift, the thrill of something that was just his flooded his veins.
Dominik’s text message had been vague, just before seven in the morning. Can you make breakfast for me, and two guests? She assumed Fergal Devitt would be their third guest, so she worked on making a simple European Fry-Up for breakfast, food and cuisine culture had been what had sprung her to stardom in the first place, she’d attend culinary school before she started creating ‘college recipes’ taking elaborate meals and making them easier for college kids to utilize on a budget. 
Her morning had been interrupted before the text, with a call from Angie letting her know that their lawyer had arranged for Angie to assume temporary custody of Delainey, on the condition that Angie fly the younger girl out to Danika immediately. Danika was so excited about her little sister joining her on the road. The five year old had been in foster care since her father went to prison, following their mothers overdose, three years ago. It had been a long, hard road for the court system to take Danika seriously. She doubted they would have if not for Angie and Rey supporting her pleas and helping her get a family lawyer that kicked ass all over San Diego. 
Dominik pushed the door of the travel bus open, and led both Luis and Fergal in, “Morning, Luis, morning, Fergal.” She nodded her head at them both, Damian shot her a smile but Finn looked perplexed, she wondered if no one ever bothered to call them by their real names. She shrugged it off as she set the table, “Good work out, cariño?” She asked Dominik, who had plopped down at the table between Nico and Rosa’s high chairs, he dropped a kiss on both their heads, before looking up at her and nodding his head proudly. She loved when Dominik was confident, when he was feeling himself. In her opinion he should always be feeling himself, honestly. 
“Danika,” Dominik grinned, “This is Finn Balor, who looked completely thrown off since you called him by his birth name.” He gave Finn a sharp smile, “Danika does her homework on WWE stars, anyone I might work with, so I have some sort of advantage, you know?” Finn found himself being pushed into a seat by Rosa, while Damian ducked into a seat by Nico. Danika settled plates of food in front of them, then set about making tea for Finn, like she just knew, and coffee for Damian. She poured orange juice for Dominik, ruffling his hair affectionately, then handed both Rosa and Nico sippy cups of milk, before she made her own plate and poured herself a glass of ice water. 
“Did you three have a good work out?” She grinned watching all three of them tear into their food, like starving men. She knew how much food Dominik had to consume to keep up with his training regiment, so she could only imagine how much both Fergal and Luis had to eat on the regular. 
“We’ve agreed ta teach ‘im new moves.” Finn offered, “This tea is spot on, love.” He added, “Did your research, proper.” He added, before ducking his head back down and shoveling more eggs in his mouth.
Damian rolled his eyes, “This is delicious, Danika.” He winked at her, “Thank you for feeding us, Finn is flying out after he showers at the hotel, so he’s probably going to eat like a mad man.” He snickered at her amused look toward Finn, “Hello again, little man.” Damian grinned down at Nico, “Ears feeling better today?”
“For the most part he seems like he feels better.” Danika agreed, “And Rosa doesn’t seem like she’s getting an ear infection, so we are mercifully peaceful this morning.” She looked at the nearly empty plates, “Would you like some more, I made a full English.” She glanced between the trio, and smirked as three plates were tentatively pushed toward her, “What time is Papi supposed to be here?” She asked Dominik even as she moved to plate their second helpings.
“Around nine, we are going to see some legend who apparently lives around here.” Dominik said with a shrug.
“Make sure you call Vickie at some point today, Shaul no doubt sent her a worried message or three after last night, you know she thinks you should be elevated and in singles already, that you are putting in the work and Papi isn’t supporting it correctly.” She brought their plates back to them, “Also, Mami called, and Lainey will be flying in today with Mami, to go on the road with us. I’m so happy I could burst.” 
“That is good news, mi mejor amigo.” Dominik caught her wrist and kissed her palm, before leveling Damian with what she assumed was supposed to be a meaningful look.
“How old is Lainey?” Finn asked, “Another child of yours?” He didn’t ask Dominik, smart enough to know he wouldn’t get a straight answer, she assumed. Smart man Fergal Devitt, she decided, obviously the current brains of the Judgment Day while Rhea Ripley was away. 
“My younger sister, she’s five this year, we share a mom but have different dads. I’ve been fighting for custody of her for three years, she’s been in foster care.” Danika explained, “I just want her home, with mi familia.” She explained, “With Abuelo and Abuela, with Dom, with Aalyah, with me.” She knew she sounded a bit devastated, but honestly she had spent three years worrying about her younger sister, flying every other weekend to San Diego to check on the little girl at whatever foster home Lainey was in. 
“That sounds like good news.” Damian gave her a warm bright smile, “La familia lo es todo.”
“Yes.” Dominik sounded stricken for a moment, “Family is everything.” Danika reached for him and squeezed his wrist, whatever discord was brewing between him and Rey was getting worse, she wanted him and Papi to bridge the gap before the heel turn, which she could tell was coming - with or without the Judgment Day, Dominik wasn’t being utilized like he should be. 
The pair left after breakfast with Finn promising to bring her a cook book full of Irish recipes she could play with, and Damian promising the same with Puerto Rican traditional food. Danika watched them leave before she looked sharply at Dominik, “You like them.”
“I do.” He nodded his head, “Liking them makes it easier to work with them in the ring, they have this list of moves they think I can pull off, sure they belonged to legends but they are helping me modify them, so they will be my moves, I’m going to work out with them on Monday nights, so I might need your help. I don’t want Jefe to know, just yet. No lo haría sentir orgulloso.” 
“No, he wouldn’t be proud.” Danika agreed, “But you have to live your life, Dominik.” 
Before their conversation could continue Dominik’s phone sounded, “I’m going to shower, answer him please.”
So Danika found herself on the phone with Rey, explaining that they hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, while she washed dishes and kept him on speaker phone. He was on his way from the hotel, and would like Dominik to be dressed and ready to go - in a sort of passing way he asked if she wanted to keep the twins with her or not, but she assumed she would be doing that anyway, Abuelo very rarely took the twins out when he was in his mask persona. She’s almost jealous that they are going to see Undertaker (Mark Calaway). 
She spent her morning getting ready for what was sure to be an interesting date with Luis, she even dressed both of the kids up. Might as well look adorable, just before noon, there was a knock on the bus door, she opened it to find a mostly normal looking, with a rental SUV behind him. “Car seats?” He asked, when he noted the toddlers with her.
“Yeah, can you grab them, I’ll grab the carseats and the diaper bag.” She waited for him to scoop up both Rosa and Nico (they called him big bear, well they called him gran oso), then headed back to the table to carry each car seat down individually before doubling back to grab the diaper bag, and her keys to the bus, along with her cell phone and wallet. “Alright, let’s put these in…” She was quick at putting the carseats in the back, Damian watched her before he moved to settle Nico into the rear-passenger car seat, then headed around to the other side of the car to buckle Rosa in as Danika walked him through it. 
Once the kids were settled in, and the doors shut, he rushed back around to open the door for Danika, taking her bag to put in the backseat between the two car seats, Damian carefully shut the door, and hurried around to the drivers seat again, “Thank you for coming out with me today?”
“Oh, you're welcome.” She shot him a bright smile, “Dominik had to go with Papi to see the Undertaker.” She offered casually, “Something about Edge, no doubt.” She added with irritation in her voice, “Sorry, I don’t like Uncle Adam, or how he treats Dom or Aalyah.” She shrugged, “What are we doing?”
“I want to cook for you, chica bonita.” Damian offered, “And I am dying to know how you got so fluent in Spanish.” 
She snickered, “I failed Spanish in seventh grade, did you know that?” He chuckled as he shifted the car in drive, “That was the year my dad took off, and my mom overdosed.” She said with a shrug, “I had to take the class over again, but I was immersed in Spanish, it's rare for Dom and his family to speak English in the house, so I picked it up quickly. On the fly, I got this little trophy that said most improved student. Naturally I took Spanish all four years of high school to learn proper Spanish, since half of what I learned was slang, but.” 
“You're good, could easily pass as a native, if not so pale.” He guided the car out of the arena parking lot.
She rolled her eyes, “Yes, weto.” She muttered, her voice sour with the affect.
“Where did you learn that?” Damian asked, a bit worried.
She shrugged her shoulders, “I’ve traveled as part of the Mysterio familia for years, you hear things.” 
“That word, often, is not nice.” Damian huffed. Danika didn’t respond, she’d heard it her whole life, usually hurled at Dominik by other members of their family, Vickie had been the one to explain it to her, at first, what it really meant. “We are going to Cocina El Jibarazo Latin Cuisine, I know the owner Papote Rodriguez.” He explained, “And he is going to let me use one of his food trucks to cook for you, pequeño. He also made food for you to take back to Dom.” 
She gave him a warm smile, “That sounds lovely, Luis.” 
The building was a sort of bright yellow that was almost off putting. Damian climbed out of the car once he parked, and headed to talk to a man who looked jovial. He pointed to a food truck that was blocked off at the end of the block, with a sort of fencing around it. She assumed that was to prevent people from joining them, the truck was facing away, so she was curious if there was a table or something prepared. Damian was back, and pulled the SUV around to the far side, where a rather nice table had been set up, complete with an umbrella overhead, and two high chairs. 
The pair climbed out and helped the twins out, she secured them in their high chairs, and provided them with some toys. She watched amused as Damian moved them into a safe spot in the food truck, out of the way, “Want to be my sous chef?” He asked softly, she grinned at him, nodded her head, and laughed when he passed her an apron, she instantly pulled her hair up into a messy bun, and winked at the kids. “We are going to make Mofongo.” Damian explained, “We are going to use chicken as our filling because you are pregnant.”
“Ok.” She offered, “What do you need me to do?”
“First our ingredients.” Damian hummed, “We need four of the unripe plantains.” He pulled them down from somewhere above them, “The crushed garlic.” She found it on the spice rack and added it to the counter they were working on, “I had Papote prepare the chicharrones for us.” He pulled a basket free over the stove, “Olive oil.” She found both the olive oil and vegetable oil, holding them both up, Damian nodded, “We will need both.” Then he settled the salt and pepper down, “Alright, ready?” 
“So ready.” She grinned, she pressed to the side, kissing both Rosa and Nico’s heads, “You should be glad these two have absolutely no qualms about eating everything.” 
Damian pulled a large pan free from where it was hanging over the twins, “Alright, we need about two inches of vegetable oil in the pan.” She poured the vegetable oil liberally, making Damian grin at her, he poured the heat on, then motioned toward the plantains, “You make a shallow cut along one of the lengthwise ribs of the plantain and carefully peel the skin by. It will also be easier if you soak the plantain in hot water for no more than two or three minutes to soften the skin.” She did as he asked, heating the plantains in warm water, then peeling them, “You’ve worked with plantains before?” She bobbed her head, “Ever made Mofongo?”
“No.” She admitted, “I try to stay away from extremely traditional food.” She admitted, sheepishly, “I sometimes cook traditional Mexican food for Vickie, but…” She shrugged. Damian split the four peeled plantains between them, and showed her how far apart to cut them, dicing them up into roughly one-inch round slices. Then he put the first batch of plantain slices into the heated vegetable oil, turning them golden for the right consistency.
“Put a paper towel in that bowl, all the cooked plantain pieces need to go in it, until they dry.” Damian offered, watching as Danika did as he asked, with no complaints. “Can you reach that mortar?” He asked, pointing toward a wooden pestle and mortar set, she tried to reach, but was too short, so he snagged it for her, and settled it down on the counter, “Take four or five pieces of plantain at a time, smash them up with the garlic cloves, we add the chicharrones, a pinch of olive oil, some salt and pepper, and mash.” He snagged another pester and mortar and got to work, she copied him. 
“Next we shape our mixture.” He rolled some in his hands into a ball, then flattened the bottom, “Like this.” She copied him, hers coming out smaller, he grinned, “You make two, for the bebe mama, I will make two for us.” 
“Don’t make fun of my small hands, Luis.” She warned, before slinging a bit of the mixture at him.
“Do not waste the food, pequeño terror.” He warned, giving her a rather menacing look, she gazed up at him innocently in a or what sort of way, “Eres problemático.” He bent down enough to press a chaste kiss to her forehead, “So much trouble.” He grinned at her warm smile. “Alright, make a little pocket at the top, a little hole…” He pressed his knuckle into the first one he had made, to make a concave hole, she again copied him, “And now we add our filling.” He scooped some of the premade chicken out of the bowl, and pressed it into the pocket, “You're turn.” He grinned as she again did what he asked, “You follow direction, very well, mi amor.”
“Thank you, I try hard.” She looked at their four Mofongos, “What else goes with it?”
“Normally a salad of some sort.” He offered, “But today we are going to have Brazo Gitano, made by Papote.” He explained, “I’ll plate everything if you want to carry the plates out, I’ll get the twins.” He moved quickly, plating the food so she could carry them out to the table, Damian carried the highchairs with the twins, one in each arm, back to the table, before he took his apron off and helped her out of the one she’d borrowed, he sat the table while she cut up the Mofongo and Brazo Gitano for Rosa and Nico. He poured glasses of lemonade for them all.
“Thank you, Luis, for showing me your cooking side.” She offered, as she bit into the Mofongo, “Oh my Dios.” She moaned, “This is the best.” She breathed out, “So good!” Damian snickered, as the kids set about destroying the food on their plates, “I told you, they eat everything.” She grinned even wider. When they finished up eating, they headed back to the bus, the kids napping. Danika led them into the travel bus, and ordered them to an afternoon of cuddling on the couch. Danika smiled as Damian held her to his side, the kids stretched out over his legs, as they watched the WWE and Scooby Doo crossover. She grinned to herself as he pressed kisses to the back of her head every now and again. With a text message from Dominik, Damian untangled himself, and bid her goodbye, not wanting to be there when Rey and Dominik made it back.
July 18 – Tampa, Florida
Monday’s are a never ending sort of high in his opinion. A rollercoaster of emotions that start Sunday at midday and don’t seem to fade away until midday on Tuesday. He was feeling himself all the previous week, working on the moves that the Judgment Day had taught him. He’d even asked Danika to look back on older WWE footage to see if there was a move he might look good doing, a move that he might be able to call his own. Lainey had settled in, happy to be with Danika full time, and had taken to calling Dominik papaíto like Rosa and Nico did. She’d moved to calling Danika momma like the twins did. 
It helped that this venue was like a second home to most of the Superstars - Tampa Bay, Florida was where the training center was, Creative, Talent and pretty much the whole brain of the megamachine that was World Wrestling Entertainment. Tonight Danika was watching from ringside again, Angie was staying with Nico and Rosa - and Lainey was going to her first big event as Dominik Mysterios eldest daughter (his mom was going to lose her mind, honestly). Dominik and Rey were on the card tonight, for the second match, going against Damian and Finn once again. He was starting to see a trend, honestly. All he knew tonight was he was supposed to tell the Judgment Day he’d join them in an attempt to save his father. That wasn’t the biggest thing on his mind, however, they were headed toward SummerSlam, and he had enough nervous energy about that to sink the Titanic without the iceberg helping.
Everytime the camera swept the fans behind the announce table, Dominik who was in the back watching the discussion between Becky and Bianca - he thought they were both amazing wrestlers and actresses, really - looked for Danika and Lainey. They were both wearing old school shirts that featured Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero. Dominik was pretty sure that they had belonged to Rey and him back in the day, considering how big they were on both girls, Lainey had practically been wearing hers like a dress, while Danika was using the oversized stretch of the shirt to hide her baby bump. Another thing Dominik had to worry about, he didn’t like her being near the barrier while this pregnant. 
Rey next to him was bouncing on his feet a little, happy that Aalyah and Murphy were meeting up with them for lunch the next day - which worked well for Dominik, he had plans tonight with the enemy. He snickered in his head at the truth of the statement - Rey did think Priest and Balor were a problem, admittedly one created by Edge, but Rey felt like it was his job to finish what his best friend started. Dominik wasn’t sure if Edge and Rey had always been friends, but Adam had been around his whole life, and was a good Uncle - but he wasn’t Eddie, as far as Dominik knew, no one had the same relationship with his father as Eddie had. Which brought him back to the fact that he always wondered what Eddie would think about him, about who he was becoming. Eddie, whose relationship with Dominik was complicated in so many ways, and the murky waters were never going to be completely gone there. The boos from the television reminded him where he was and what he was doing.
“¿Qué es este silencio?” Rey asked, softly.
“Just thinking about Eddie.” Dominik admitted, and then regretted it because Rey immediately kissed his fist and pressed his fingers to the heavens. “If he’d be proud of me or not.” He explained, and watched a bit of confusion wash over Rey’s face, before the mask of neutrality would be gone, “I know you are proud of me, but…” He trailed off, “Would he be proud of me?”
“Dominik, he would be.” Rey promised. “We both had such dreams for you.” Rey explained, “Dreams together.”
The promo with the Street Profits made Dominik pay special attention, he wondered what it would be like to have a hype man. He supposed he was Rey’s hype man, honestly. Always in his corner, always supporting him, even with the tension between them. Which had sort of always been there since before Aalyah and Buddy, since before he had his up and down roller coaster with Seth Rollins. Even as he watched the KO Show start, he wondered if he’d ever been the dream Eddie and Rey had for him - the pair legends he didn’t think he’d ever really be able to touch. Sometimes he wanted to disappear, his anxiety was sending him toward that sort of a spiral when his pocket vibrated, he pulled his phone out.
From: bebé mamá >> you got this tonight, even if you don’t, Lainey está tan emocionada, te amamos papaíto.
He smiled at his phone, he was glad that Lainey was excited, and grinned at the adoration and love he could feel from the text message. He and Danika had set Lainey down to tell her that he was going to be working with Abuelo, but that more than likely he and Abuelo would lose the match, but he wouldn’t be really hurt, and it was all pretend. Lainey hadn’t looked like she believed him. The sounds of the Judgment Day’s music starting had goosebumps erupting across his flesh. The backstage segment with Seth Rollins gave him and Rey time to pull off their over-layers. Danika’s red hair would be his focal point tonight, he wanted nothing more than to crawl under the covers with her and their kids and be done with tonight already, anxiety seemed to settle in the pit of his stomach. 
“Rise.” Dominik felt something twinge against his heart when Damian’s fierce growl emanated across the arena. “Rise for a Prince, Rise for a Punisher, Rise for The Judgment Day!” The crowd booed more than they cheered, “Last week we chose not to injure Dominik Mysterio.” Call him sick in the head, but he loved how Damian said his name, full of nuances that even his father sometimes lost, “Because we believe he is going to make the right decision.” He already had, long term, “And join us. In fact we guarantee tonight Dominik will join the Judgment Day.“ Oh, so they got that memo too - the one where he was going to ‘attempt’ to join only to save his father, “Dominik, we’ve seen the look in your eyes, We know you're just waiting to drop your father.” The words rang true, a bitter taste left in Dominik’s mouth, “Well, do it.” The crowd booed the loudest, “Stop letting him hold you back.” Honestly, were Danika and Damian comparing notes at this point, “He is stifling your potential, let us remind you what happened the last time some legend tried to stifle us. Roll the footage.”
Man they really liked the torment they’d caused Edge. Rhea looked beautiful in that clip, he had to admit, Dominik frowned as he thought about the woman, since she was currently out with an injury. Once she came back he wondered how fucked up she would make the ‘join us’ pleas. Finn’s voice held a level of command that even Dominik found charming, “I can watch that video over and over and over and over again.” Dominik heard Rey’s music go up, and that little nagging monster in the back of his head reminded him that they didn’t have a separate entrance as a tag-team, one that was just theirs. It grated on his nerves, unsettled him, even more, as he and Rey prepared to make their way out to the ring. In the ring Damian and Finn shared a look, before turning their attention toward the megascreen. Dominik had to be the dotting son, again, a role he was so good at faking it was painful. Rey shouted at him, with exuberance, promising the win, but Dominik knew as well as he did that they weren’t going to win, not tonight, maybe not for several matches. His dad and ‘Taker had worked out a plan with Adam, and he wasn’t allowed to know most of it, Rey’s reassurances that ‘everything will go back to normal’ after they were done with the Judgment Day didn’t help him.
Danika and Lainey were at the barrier, smiling when Rey and Dominik made it down, Rey pushed his forehead against Lainey’s, even as Dominik risked brushing his palm against Danika’s waiting hand, she winked at him, and something inside of him wished the cameras caught it. Wished someone would question Rey Mysterio about the red haired girl that was always with the Mysterio family. The match started in the way these things always do with Damian and Finn - unfair. Dominik winced as Damian punched Rey mid-air, it looked painful. Internally Dominik wondered if Priest would teach him the jumping leapfrog elbow smash he’d just done to Rey, not that he got to think about it long, Priest was destroying Rey in the ring. The first two count wasn’t all that surprising, Damian lacked the speed that Rey could operate at. Dominik continued to look concerned, every now and then he’d chance a glance at Danika and Lainey, the five year old had her hands over her mouth and big green eyes locked on Abuelo. Maybe they shouldn’t bring the kids to these things? He paced distractedly, watching his dad speed the pace back up again, Damian was powerful and strong - but with Rey pushing the pace, it was hard for him to keep up. 
Finn was on the apron, so Dominik yanked him down, just in time for Finn to counter, sending Dominik into the barrier, then Rey knocked Finn back into Dom, who steadied him, hoping the camera had missed how gratefully Finn had tapped his thigh. They both remained out of the camera angle for a while, just watching Damian and Rey, the Razor’s Edge from Priest ended the match, but that didn’t stop Finn or Damian from introducing chairs to the ring.  “Dominik, I told you, you're joining the Judgment Day tonight.” Damian paced around the ring, while Finn watched, they put Rey on one of the chairs, the man looked a bit like a frog stuck on his back. “Or we take his head off.” Oh shit this was the moment, the play he was supposed to make. Well, fuck, Danika was going to have a field day with this. Finn flung himself upward to jump down on Rey’s shoulders and the chair, a second chair in hand, Finn landed three kicks to Rey’s chest, just as Damian started to talk again, “I guess…” He trailed off as Dominik finally slid back into the ring. Drama and build up.
“STOP, STOP, PLEASE!” Dominik didn’t have a microphone but he needed to be loud and be heard. “I’ll join, just stop.” He belted it a little less loud. Danika was going to have so many questions, later.
“What was that?” Priest mocked, and seriously Dominik wondered if this dude got off on being some sort of sadist in the ring, but the adorable derpy big brother figure out of the ring. 
“I’ll do it, I’ll join.” Dominik was positioned over Rey, protecting him, hands out placatingly, and when had he become one of his father’s props. The thought left him feeling hollow even as he continued to act like the good son he apparently wasn’t.
“What’s that?” Finn asked, chair dangling dangerously from his hand, no microphone needed to carry his sadistic smile. Eyebrows raised, he looked like a real prince, looming over him as he guarded his dad.
“Just stop, and I’ll join.” Was apparently the right thing to say because Finn grabbed his outstretched hand and pulled him to his feet, between Damian and Finn he felt more like a child being scolded by his parents. Finn yanked him up by his hoodie, holding him in a way that promised violence. They don’t believe me, hell I don’t believe me, I wouldn’t join them to protect Rey, not really. 
Damian gripped his other shoulder, sliding his hand to his neck, and tightening a hold there, “Why don’t you tell the world what you just said.” Okay, no longer scolded parents, he was in a monumentally stupid spot, and the pair of them were predators with their prey ready for the kill, he’d fucked up when he agreed (when Rey had agreed) to allow this in the match.
Dominik had always had a bit of a rebellious streak, his mom and Vickie blamed it on Eddie Guerrero, as Damian pushed the microphone toward his mouth, Dominik gripped his wrist, hanging on for dear life - with them this close, with them on watch by the whole universe, Damian’s cues were tiny, Finn’s body language was the only thing letting him know their hate wasn’t really aimed at him, but more for his recent bout of protectiveness over his father. “Just stop.” Dominik growled into the mic, he tightened his grip on Damian’s wrist, and felt the man’s hold on his neck squeeze reassuringly twice, while Finn loosened the choking hold he had on Dominik’s hoodie, they weren’t really trying to hurt him, they wanted him, but they didn’t want him out like they had wanted Edge out. It was a comforting thought, he supposed, even if his ass was about to be handed to him, “I’ll join the Judgement Day.”
Damian moved the microphone away with a smile, Dominik let his hand drop, eyes trailing the taller man, while Finn continued to hold him in what fans would think was a punishing choke, Damian squeezed his shoulder twice again, as if telling him good job, kid before laughing into the mich, he took a step away, now almost an arm's length away, but still anchoring Dominik in place, while Finn turned to look at the main camera, oh shit, Lainey was going to witness him getting destroyed, on live television. Fuck. Damian used his hold on Dominik to balance himself enough to curbstomp Rey’s shoulder, before he stalked back, “He said he’d join, hear that, now he wants to join.” He was speaking to Finn, the Irishman had that same murderous grin back on his face, Dominik glanced at Damian, watching for a cue, as the hand on his shoulder squeezed again, “Hey Dom,” They were sort of rocking him back and forth between them, gleeful, but their eyes were not hard like when they attacked Edge. Damian’s face turned serious, “It doesn’t work that way.”
Dominik felt the anxiety drop low in his stomach, yeah this was going to suck. He should have known it was going to come from Finn, considering Damain was holding his gaze, the chair to his middle damn near cut him in half, there was no way to avoid that, even if the chairs were made of a softer metal. He dropped to his knees, just in time for Finn to bring the chair down over his back, stinging him, he raised up in pain, before throwing himself into a roll out of the ring. Finn moved to bring the chair down on Rey again, but his father also rolled out of the way, as if he’d been laying there listening the whole time - and Dominik supposed he had been, a prop in the story sort of. Dominik and Rey were both down on either side of the ring while Damian and Finn were celebrating in the center of it, victorious bastards once more. Dominik had hit the barrier, and whilst laying there he caught sight of the non-descript security human that led Danika backstage every Monday night, tonight was no different, except Lainey was hiding her face in Danika’s hair, and crying hard. 
It felt like a walk of shame, him carrying Rey back up the ramp in the wake of the Judgment Day, his father was fuming at the thought that Dominik would so easily agree to turn, even if it was to save him. Dominik just wanted to comfort Lainey, who he’d often visited with Danika, she’d always asked him to be her daddy, and now he was, but he didn’t want her to think he was injured badly. As soon as they were behind the screen, he dropped Rey, who found his feet like the cat he was, he pulled his phone out and texted Danika.
To: bebé mamá >> Let Lainey know I’m ok, should be back to you soon, seeing if we are doing any promo. 
They had to cut a promo, apparently, that would be aired later in the evening. The pair standing by the lovers, holding their ‘injuries’ were framed with Dominik in the front for once, and he got to talk first, “Finn, Damian, did you actually think I would ever join the Judgment Day?” He really hated these scripted things, “Honestly I may have failed your so-called test, but at the end of the day, I lived up to the Mysterio name, and the Judgment Day doesn't know a thing about the Mysterios.” He pointed between himself and his father. He only half-ass knew what the promo was about, apparently Damian and Finn were cutting their own in a few minutes, which would air before this one.
Rey shook his head as he looked at the camera, “You guys think you're the first ones to threaten the Mysterios?” That seemed like a bit of a rhetorical question, but Rey played it well, “Hell, you ain’t even the first ones to try and tear up this family and you sure as hell won’t be the first to fail on trying to do so.” Was that a vague mention of Eddie? Probably, Rey loved to bring little reminders of Eddie Guerrero everywhere, keeping his legend alive, “Check this out, next week at Madison Square Garden, I’m going to celebrate twenty years in the WWE. Dom and I are going to cap out that celebration by excitedly showing you,” Rey chuckled, “The Judgment Day, what it means to be a Mysterio.” Dominik nodded as he rocked alongside his father, itching to move - itching to run away, “Orale. Ariba. Mi rasa.” 
Dominik kept his eyes trained on the camera, while Rey turned into his side, looking up at Dominik, then the camera was gone, and they could finally go to medical. As they finally started walking away, Dominik asked the question he had wanted to ask earlier in the day, but hadn’t found a good window, “Next Monday is your twenty year celebration.” Dominik offered to his father, “Danika and the kids can be a part of that, right?” Rey just gazed at him for a moment before nodding his head slowly, “Hey, that was what I was supposed to do, right, in the ring? The whole scripted promo thing is still weird to me..”
“Dominik, it sounded like you wanted to join them.” Rey offered, as they walked toward their dressing room, “Like you really wanted to be with them, I know Hunter is planning your heel, but I… I’ve asked him not to do the Judgment Day. I don't think that’s where you need to go, it would end your ability to ever be the true good guy again.” He counseled.
“You went to Hunter?” Dominik felt his anger spike, “To make a decision about me?”
“It’s for the best.” Rey patted his chest.
“The best for you or for me? Are you worried I’ll be like Eddie, better at being a Rudos than a Técnicos?” Dominik snapped at him, then lowered his voice, “Yo soy el hijo de mi padre, pero ¿quién es mi padre? Esa es la pregunta, ¿verdad?” He hated throwing that up, throwing up the fact that he was his fathers son, before demanding Rey tell him who his father really was. 
Rey stepped away like he’d been burned, there had been a storyline, once, and then there had been question after question - and then his mother had told him a little nugget that had stuck with him, all kayfabe has its start in truth, baby. Vickie wouldn’t tell him the truth, Angie wouldn’t tell him the truth, they both told him he should hear it from Rey - but he didn’t want to hear it from Rey, he just wanted answers. “I’ll get a hotel tonight, perhaps you just need Danika to sort you out.” Dominik was sure there was an insult in there somewhere, but he couldn’t find it. He watched his father’s retreating form, even as he pushed back against the nearest wall, and tried to talk himself through what was no doubt a panic attack.
“Breathe with me, Dom.” The voice belonged to Finn, who was pressing his forehead to Dominik’s, and had pushed them into a shadowy alcove, “Come on, man, match my breathing.” It took a few tries for Dominik to be able to do that, to be able to breathe along with Finn, exhaustion sweeping in as the tears slowed and he was finally able to breath, his chest no longer constricting with pain as if an elephant was sitting on it, “There we go, baby.” Finn didn’t say it condescendingly, he said it fondly, with affection that had Dominik sinking forward into his hold, pressing his tear soaked and sweat covered face into Finn’s neck, just breathing in the sweat and leather scent that hung to the Irishman over his cologne. “I have you, baby.” Finn promised, “Me wife gets these attacks, too.” He explained, even as he huddled closer, grounding Dominik in his warmth, “Don’t know what happened ‘twen ya and Mysterio, but know it must have been bad, baby, he barely spoke on his way past Hunter, and us shooting our promo.” Finn explained, which was rare because everyone talked to Hunter, he was their boss, and their friend, and fellow superstar. 
Dominik wasn’t sure how long they stood there, but slowly he came back to himself, Finn was still rubbing his hands up and down Dominik’s back, and offering him soft words, Dominik slowly pulled back, “Damian said he took Danika and the wee one back to the bus, mentioned you're mum took off once Danika was there, muttering about needing to check on Rey. Want me to take you to the bus?” Dominik nodded, his head hitting Finn’s collarbone, “Alright, let me go, baby, need to see if anyone is watching.” He peaked out of the dark corridor, seeing no one and no cameras, he tugged Dominik out of their hiding spot, and guided him toward the side exit, the pair cut across the parking lot in the darkness, to the lot that housed the travel buses, Damian opened the door, still in his ring gear, and helped Finn shuffle Dominik in.
“Mi corazón, tuviste un ataque de pánico, déjame mirarte.” Danika brushed past Damian and Finn to check him out, Dominik pushed her back shaking his head, before looking past her at Lainey.
“Come here, mi corazón.” Lainey darted into his arms, he hauled her up to his chest, “I’m ok, Luis and Fergal wouldn’t really hurt me.” He explained, as he motioned first to Damian then to Finn, “They are my friends, Lainey baby, we were just acting.”
“Ok, papaíto.” She whispered and hugged him again, tightly. 
He set her on her feet, “Danika do you mind if we change clothes?” She stepped aside, Nico and Rosa were both in a playpen by the television watching Spongebob, Danika ushered Lainey over to join them, while she moved to start making something for them to eat. “Do you two need to grab your clothes?”
“I brought them when I came with Danika.” Damian offered, “Sorry you missed your mom, hermano, she said it was a good match but she wanted to check on Rey.” Dominik led them to the large master bedroom on the second floor of the bus, so they could change clothes. They changed in near silence, from ring gear to work out gear, with Damian looking over his back to make sure the chair hadn’t broken any skin. As a group they moved back down to find Danika had made tacos, and poured lemonade for them all. “Thank you.” Damian offered as he took a seat at the table.
“You are welcome, Luis.” She patted his shoulder, “Are we going to talk about it?” She looked around the group, “About what brought on your panic attack,” So Dominik told them, in stop-starts, about how Rey had gone to Hunter about his future without even asking him. “Dom, you have to talk to Mr. Levesque.” She reached for his hand, and threaded her hand in his, “You have to live your life Dominik, he can’t make every decision for you, mi amor.” 
“She’s right.” Finn gazed at Danika, “You're, uh, friend, is right.”
Dominik groaned, “She’s the mother of my children, we aren’t dating, never have, platonic soulmates.”
“Well, that wasn’t what I expected, but, it makes more sense than my theory, which was that she belonged to Rey or Eddie Guerrero, somehow…” Finn trailed off, “Congratulations on this baby,” He motioned at her waist, “And uh, you're older three are adorable.” He looked at Damian as if looking for help, “You knew didn’t you?”
“I sort of asked Danika out on a date in Texas.” Damian offered, “We had a nice lunch…”
“And we have plans tomorrow.” Danika said softly, then looked at Finn, “Fergal, I’d like to ask you about two former moves of yours… Devitt's End and Shingata Prince's Throne.” The man’s eyes widened, “Could those be modified for Dom to use when he joins the Judgment Day?” 
“She’s like a superpower, goodness.” Finn hummed, he looked ready to talk about those moves when a knock sounded on the bus door. “Are we expecting anyone?”
“No.” Danika smoothed down her t-shirt, and headed for the door, “Oh, Mr. Levesque,” she stepped back up the stairs, “Welcome to our humble slice of heaven.”
“Ms. Wesson, you look radiant as ever. I’m looking for Dominik.” He paused, “Well, this is a turn of events I was not expecting, Mr. Martinez, Mr. Devitt.” Finn and Damian both waved, “Interesting.” He hummed, “I’d like a word with you, Dominik, come take a walk with me.” Dominik scurried out of his seat, Danika nodded her head, she’d put his food up for him, “Now.” Hunter ordered, already headed out the door, Dominik glanced at the other two men before jogging to catch up with his boss, “Your father came to me earlier, questioning Creative’s plan for you, for the future.”
“He told me after the fact, he doesn’t think Judgment Day is the right fit for me.” Dominik admitted.
“And what do you think, son?” Hunter asked, softly, “I’ve watched you grow up, you're practically Vince’s grandchildren, you, Danika, and Aalyah. I want to help you reach your full potential, Vince wants you to reach your full potential.” He continued, “I don’t think you can do that as a tag-team with your father right now. You need to be marketable as your own, or you need to be in a faction that you can shine with.”
“If I need to turn heel, Hunter, I’d prefer it be with Judgment Day. Those two are both helping me work on techniques in the ring that my dad wasn’t comfortable with-”
“Dominik, I have something for you.” Hunter offered, “Something that might help you make the choice I think you need to make for your career, I know how much you love your father. But I think you need to have all the facts, everything he’s probably never told you.” Hunter let out a slow exhale, “Stephanie found this…” He pulled a folded up envelope from his suit pocket, “When she was cleaning out some of Vince’s office. If you want Judgment Day, you’ve got it, but you need to come to Creative so we can figure out how this is going to work. Rhea is going to be back soon, and I think you should consider her the game changer.” 
“Thank you, Hunter.” Dominik watched as a limo approached from seemingly out of nowhere, “I won’t let you down.” Dominik promised as the driver opened his door, stepped out, and moved to open Hunter’s door.
“I know you won’t, Dom.” With that Hunter was shutting the door and his driver was back behind the wheel.
Dominik looked down at the folded up envelope in his hands, he wasn’t ready for whatever this was, not tonight, he’d have Danika put it up for him for the night, and he’d look at it in the morning. He made his way back to the bus, “All sorted.” He promised as he climbed in, “Want to go work out?” He asked the other two men, who were looking at him perplexed, “Are you ok here, Danika?” He handed her the envelope.
She gazed down at it, one eyebrow raised, “I’m fine, I’ll put this in your room.” 
“Thank you.” He hauled her into a hug and kissed her temple, “I talked it out with Hunter.” He offered the other two men, as he moved to lead them off the bus, “Let’s get started, ok?” The pair shared a look, and hurried out after him, Dominik watched as Damian stopped long enough to press a kiss to Danika’s hand, he didn’t hear the soft words they whispered to each other, but he understood them just the same. Damian liked Danika, and Danika liked him back, regardless of what was going to happen with WWE, they had a vibe, and he was going to support the shit out of that if it killed him. 
She’s not nosey by nature but the envelope is old. The fold is creased and it looked like it had been done with force. Luis and her were not going out until around eleven that morning so she had time to read the contents and put them back she supposed during the twins' nap. Hesitation almost held her back, but she had always taken care of Dominik. Whatever this was, it was an old secret. And she considered it her job to spare him unnecessary heartbreak. Unfolding it with careful hands the front threw her - it was confidential mail, the kind that spoke of records requested from government agencies. The recipient was Eduardo Guerrero. 
She had a feeling this was about that stupid custody match in 2005. 
With a tremble in her hands she slowly pulled the paperwork out. They’d taken Eddie’s blood, Vickie’s blood, Angie’s blood, and Rey’s blood before they took Dominik’s. Then they tested it. The report was on the last page, a piece of history otherwise forgotten. Dominik was biologically Eddie Guerrero's son with Angie. Heart in her throat she folded everything back up, and wondered just how many people had seen the report. She’d be willing to bet Rey had, and probably Eddie. Maybe Vickie, but definitely Vince who had decided to hide the truth. Keep it a secret. She quickly tucked it away, and hurried out of Dominik’s room. Biting her bottom lip she wondered how long she’d have to sit on that secret herself. While the fact changed nothing for her it did change everything for Dom and their children, Lainey included (since Dom and Danika had been granted joint custody of the girl, and it had allowed Lainey to take Dominik’s actual last name: Gutiérrez). 
It would impact the legacy Dominik was set to inherit, biologically the Guerrero legacy, but he was raised a Mysterio. Maybe he could take both mantels - be the new Latino Heat and honor them both. But that didn’t seem like Rey’s plan. 
When Damian picked her up later, again in a rental SUV, she was still feeling slightly off. “You ok, Corazón bonito?”
“Yeah. Just a lot of things on my mind.” She admitted. “What are we doing today?” She asked eagerly.  
“I am not a fan of animals in captivity so the zoo and aquarium are out. Might we go to Glazer Children’s Museum?” Damian guided them onto the road from the arena. “Or we can go to the Sunken Garden.”
“I am dying to see you at the children’s museum. You legitimately look like a gothic prince of darkness right now.” His jeans were black, his shirt was an Ozzy tour shirt, he had on one of his leather vests, his hair was braided in two braids for once, and his boots were clunky with chains on them. Danika meanwhile was in a bright yellow maxi dress and gladiator sandals. The twins were in aqua and peach respectively, their shorts solid colors with matching shirts that had taco prints on them. Both also had adorable gray fisherman hats on with their nicknames embroidered on the front of them. 
“You look like happiness in a dress.” He admitted sheepishly. She burst with giggles, and he couldn’t help but smile, she hadn’t put much stock or worry into their age gap, but with her at twenty-three and Damian at thirty-nine there was a sixteen year age difference which would no doubt make waves if anyone ever publicly linked them. “I’m not sure why you keep saying yes to these dates, but thank you.”
“I like you, Luis, or I wouldn’t come out with you.” She shot him a bright smile, “Want me to put the address in the GPS?” He nodded as went to work, “Are you gonna turn your music on, I know you like metal, just don’t go too loud.” So he turned his Spotify on and tried not to overthink things when she tangled her fingers in his over the shifter. She caught the look of reverence he sent their hands, before deciding someday she was going to ask him who the hell had hurt him so badly. But not today, not yet. Not when they were so new, so tentative.
The Children’s Museum was large, square and angular, predominantly white with yellow hued accents. The front of the building was framed with palm trees. It looked massive, and Danika was so excited about spending the day there. They parked, and helped all three of the little ones out, Damian surprised Danika by grabbing the diaper bag. They stopped in at guest services to buy their tickets - the teenage girl behind the counter looked up at Damian with a bit of fear in her eyes, “Don’t mind Luis.” Danika offered, as she patted the man's arm, “He’s just an adult sized goth.” 
“Rude.” He muttered, even as with tickets in hand they headed for the first exhibit - well he walked at a slower pace than normal as they had released all three little ones, Lainey holding both Nico and Rosa’s hands the trio sort of daring ahead Danika moved at a subdued pace, her hand in Damian’s much to the near-giant’s amazement. “So, do they need more supervision?”
Danika snickered, “You can see much further than me, Lurch.” 
“Alright, I’ll keep my eyes on the babies, you just hold on to me.”
“Like I was planning on letting you go, again.” She smarted back, as he trailed along after the kids, headed straight for a room called Tugboat Tots. It looked like the twins were having a blast but Lainey wasn’t having as much fun, Danika watched as she tugged on Damian’s sleeve, the tall man bent down and she whispered in his ear, “Go ahead, you two can head to the Kidsport, we will probably be here for a bit.” She admitted with a smile, she watched a mask of confusion twirl over Damian’s face, “Luis, I trust you with Lainey, go ahead.” The little girl took his large hand and tugged. 
Danika grinned as the pair disappeared into the next room. “Momma!” She grinned as Rosa called her, and hurried over to play in the little water maze that had toy tug boats set up on it. She helped Nico set up his own boat, she grinned as they splashed and splashed, playing happily as they talked to themselves, and splashed at her with water, she craftily snapped a few pictures, not sure how long they played before Damian and Lainey came back, then headed up the stairs to find the Farm Play area. This time Lainey led the charge, giggling as she pulled the younger too along with her. Damian after a moment's hesitation joined in the play, helping them ‘plant’ a garden, while Danika gathered eggs. Damian’s smile was less murderous and more adoring as they moved through the upstairs - playing in the Firehouse (Damian was tall enough to helped the twins slide down the fire pole), they went grocery shopping in the Publix room, the kids getting all the food they normally wouldn’t and tossing it into the buggy, Danika was the one that enjoyed the ice cream parlor, making elaborate scoops and creations for the other four to pretend eat, they skipped the Central Bank - Danika was pretty sure the kids were never going to have to worry about money. 
They treated all the sick animals in the Vet Clinic, Danika had to convince Nico not to steal multiple stuffed dogs - apparently Dominik wasn’t the only one in the family who wanted a pet dog, Damian led the kids in the Engineer’s Workshop, they took apart what amounted to several mock planes and one boat, before they were reassembling them, Danika couldn’t stop laughing in the puppet theater room, because Damian did different voices for every single puppet, the kids got a laugh out of it as he staged an elaborate play using three puppets. They didn’t spend much time in the Pizza Place or the Global Café but they adored the time in Water’s Journey, playing like they were in the clouds. They somehow missed the St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital exhibit, but managed to spend almost two hours in the Art Smart, where Danika and Damian drew various pictures that the three kids then attempted to color, all of which Danika was taking home. They found their way back to the Tugboat room, this time Lainey although yawning opted to stay with the twins, so Damian posted up against the doorway, while Danika leaned on his chest, his left arm around her collarbones, rubbing a slow circle with his thumb over her shoulder, while his fingers curled around her right upper arm, holding her steady.
“You like me, huh?” He whispered.
“I like you.” She confirmed, “Wasn’t sure about you in the start.” She flicked her gaze up to him, “But now I am.”
The man bowed his head with a soft smile, “We should get going, I’m pretty sure that man on the second floor recognized me.” He whispered, as the man from the Farm area was hurrying down the steps. Damian let her go, and turned to face him, “Can I help you?” Danika moved to gather up the kids.
“Sorry, man.” The man offered, “I just, you're Punishment Martinez, right? Damian Priest?” Damian nodded his head, she could tell he was angry from the way he was holding his shoulders, “I’m sorry to bother you dude, but could I get a picture with you?” He looked hopeful as he said it. 
“Here, let me take the picture.” Danika offered, rubbing her hand across Damian’s arm, the man didn’t seem to notice as he handed his phone off to Danika, “Lainey stay with the little ones, ok, keep playing.” The little girl gave her a thumbs up, “Do you want to take it over here, where there are no kids in the picture.” She suggested as she ushered them towards a blank wall that sat next to Guest Services, both men moved to lean against it, Damian did his archer pose and the fan looked exuberant, she took a couple, then handed the man his phone back, and ducked around the pair of them to check on the kids. She couldn’t hear the conversation they were having but when Damian came back, he looked irritated still.
“We should go, I asked him to wait to post it, but…” He trailed off, as he hurried the twins into his arms, Danika grabbed the diaper bag and Lainey’s hand, trailing along behind him, “I’m sorry, Danika.”
“Luis, this isn’t your fault, people recognize Dominik all the time.” She offered, “I’m just good at not being noticeable, it’s sort of a defining factor.” She shrugged her shoulders, “Let’s find some place to eat, yeah?” 
“Got somewhere in mind?” Damian asked, curiously as they made their way across the parking lot and secured the twins in the car seat, Lainey climbing into the middle of the backseat and fastening her seat belt around her booster by herself. Danika hurried into her passenger seat, while Damian climbed behind the wheel.
“As a matter of fact, I do.” Danika reached for the GPS, and started keying in the address, “It is outside of Tampa though, ever been to Dinosaur world?” Damian shook his head, softly. “Luis you are going to like this.” 
“What if I’m afraid of Dinosaurs?” Damian asked, teasingly.
“Then our relationship is not going to work, because I love dinosaurs.” She teased right back, a smile on her features, “We could compromise I suppose, but Dinosaurs and lunch, and I know the people who own both thanks to Rey.” She hummed, pleased, “So we shouldn’t have any problems with your adoring fan base.” 
The ride out to Keel Farms isn’t that awful, as far as Danika could tell the man liked their back and forth when it came to planning. Five Finger Death Punch radio from Spotify danced around them, in the speakers, Danika wouldn’t admit it, but she was starting to like the rattle and heavy rock. When they arrived Danika grinned as Damian took it all in, it was a Farm, she’d been honest about that much, but it was so much more. There were places for the kids to pet animals, a tour of the farm, tons of alcohol to be had - even as she led them into the restaurant area, she could tell they all wanted to pet the pigs. 
“We are going to take a tour, right?” Damian asked as he trailed behind her.
“Of course, Luis.” She hummed, as they were seated off to the side, she said a quick hello to the owners, as they came over to greet her, before their waitress appeared, “Can we start with Gator Bites? I know these three want sweet tea, and I’d like ice water, Luis, what would you like to drink?” 
Damian seemed to think about it, “Do you mind driving us back to Tampa?” Danika shook her head, “Alright, can I try Pirate Punch?” The waitress wrote it all down, then disappeared. “Where are the dinosaurs?”
“Down the road a bit, be patient, Luis.” She winked at him, “Lainey do you want a hamburger or a grilled cheese? Nico and Rosa are going to get chicken nuggets.”
“Can I have a ‘burger, momma?” Lainey asked, softly.
“Of course, you can, and do you want dessert?” She asked, evenly. “Cheesecake or Chocolate cake?”
“Chocolate, momma,” Lainey giggled like she thought it was funny, Danika winked at her.
“Good choice, pequeña mamá.” Damian offered to the little girl who grinned up at him, so bright and full of love that it nearly broke Danika’s heart, she’d never been that happy at Lainey’s age. “I think I want the Shrimp Tacos,” He hummed, “What are you going to have?”
Danika was flicking through the menu, “Probably the Berry Salad, with very light Strawberry Riesling.” She hummed, “So, Luis, tell me how you ended up in the WWE.”
He blinked, “You were around for some of it. And I know you did your research.”
“Oh, I did, but you don’t write your own wikipedia page do you? I know you were born in New York, but raised in Dorado, Puerto Rico. You learned Japanese karate that I can’t pronounce from your father, and you won two national championships with those skills. You returned to America, and basically learned English on the fly like I learned Spanish on the fly.” She gave him a serious look, “You were trained by the Monster Factory, I know you are a melophile, you collect hand-to-hand weapons, and you’ve held many championships.”
He blinked at her, “Dios, you do research.”
“Still didn’t answer the question.” She hummed.
“I like power, and recognition.” He admitted, “I didn’t like being in my dad's shadow.” He added, “Sound familiar?” She gave him a pointed look, “I wanted to be on the world's stage, I wanted to bring respect to mi raza.” He looked at her a bit sheepishly.
She gave him a bright smile, “That seems familiar, yes.” She winked as the appetizer of gator bites was brought out, the kids liked them when they were able to get them, she wasn’t too fond of them, she watched as Damian tried them for the first time, “No offense, you are beyond sweet to me, why is there no familia?” Something painful danced over his face, and she wanted to take the question back, “Eso fue grosero, perdóname, no debería haber preguntado.”
“No, it wasn’t rude, uh, I just don’t do… this.” He motioned between them, “I was almost married once.”
“Oh.” She gave him a soft look, “I’m sorry I brought up bad memories, Luis.”
“The thing is, they aren’t bad, Danika.” He hummed, as he reached for her, this time, his voice smooth in a way that made her understand the country song Tennessee Whiskey. “She died before we could get married, she was pregnant, they don’t have an answer for what happened, she just… faded away, the baby too.” He looked down at the hardwood table, and visibly flinched when Lainey, who had demanded to sit next to him, wrapped around his arm not held by Danika, “It’s… I brought the mood down.”
“Thank you for telling me.” Danika offered, quickly, “Lainey wants to hug you better.” She whispered, as Damian looked down to see Lainey squeezing his arm as tight as she could, wrapped around him like a little snake coiled, he immediately shifted the little girl so she was in his lap, and pressed his face into her red hair, just breathing in for a moment, “I must be terrifying to you.”
“No, no.” He said quickly, shaking his head, “Not terrifying.” He squeezed her hand where he still had a hold of her, “A much different woman than Tessa, yes, but… good different.” He decided on it after a long moment. 
She shot him a real smile, full of white teeth and warmth, “Luis,” She squeezed his hand, “Thank you.”
After that Lainey climbed out of his lap, but it took some coaxing, and a lot of promises that he’d play with her later in the day. They ate and laughed, and Danika let Damian into the parts of her life she held precious, the pictures of her children that she never posted, her fear that Nico was going to have hearing problems when he got older because of his near-constant ear infections on his left side, how Rosa was ahead of him in milestones, how Lainey had been the first baby she or Dominik had ever felt connected to, how they’d fought to have Lainey with them for three years, the pair even considering getting married if only to be able to legally adopt her. He told her of Japan and Puerto Rico, of traveling Europe and working with all the different brands he had been with, he gushed over meeting Metal Gods, and then nearly lost his mind when she told him that she knew the members of Metallica because of some work she’d done for one of their wives. They trade funny stories, of their youth, and then more serious ones : how Danika grew up in a broken home, and at eleven was saved by Dominik who was thirteen, how Damian had to learn a new language and a new country all while his father was upset with him for giving up his mixed martial arts for something he considered trivial and fake. 
After, they met the pigs and goats, the twins got diaper changes and were once again encouraged to go potty in the big kid potties, before Danika plugged the address into the GPS for Dinosaur world, and adjusted the seat for her much smaller body, before pulling them out of the parking lot and toward the next attraction. They spent the rest of their afternoon covering the parks large acreage, seeing two hundred life size dinosaurs, playing in the interactive boneyard, and playing on the skeletal playground, they went through the Prehistoric museum where they watched animatronic dinosaurs, could play with prehistoric dinosaur eggs, raptor claws, and spent a ridiculous amount of money in the gift shop. Lainey had a tendency to snag Damian’s larger hand and haul him around the exhibits, while Danika walked at a much slower place, holding both of the twins hands, and smiling over the fact that Damian had slung the diaper bag over his shoulder. 
It was almost eight when she got a text from Dominik, asking her if she and the kids were still out, Damian was driving them back to Tampa, all three of the kids in the back sleep were fast asleep, honestly Danika was almost asleep herself, feet tucked under her, shoes kicked off, Damian’s thin jacket tossed over her, she wasn’t sure the music playing on the radio - but she liked it, liked the large hand of Damian’s on her thigh, squeezing every now and then. She typed out a quick message on her phone, then put it back in the cup holder in the middle console. 
To: mi corazón >> we are otw to Tampa from Plant City, should be there by nine 
“Dominik?” Damian asked, softly.
“Yeah, he was just worried about when we were getting back.” She said around a yawn, “I think he’s ready to get on the road, again. More than likely we are going to spend time adventuring around New York, when are you getting to the city?”
“I’m flying out tonight, after I check out of the hotel.” Damian offered, “Mysterio going by bus?”
“Yeah, or I’d offer you a ride on the bus.” She grinned at him, tiredly, “Can I take a nap, novio.” She was already drifting off, not realizing she had called Damian her boyfriend. 
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kimium · 1 year
Bar AU Power Couple Hall Of Fame
(as of June 23, 2023)
Who do you think should be inducted from the following options and why:
-Aizawa/Present Mic from My Hero Academia
-Obi/Hinawa from Fire Force
Please choose One (1). 😈
*remaining couples can be selected in upcoming years. More couples to be added as we expand the Bar AU. Because maybe, just maybe, I plan on making this an annual ask hehe.*
Hello friend! Sorry I'm a day late. I had to think about this. Love the ask, so let's get started.
First, let's set my criteria. See, while people see the term "Power Couple" and immediately think "Okay, so both have to be strong" with strength = strong. I disagree. If we were to go on power level alone, Gojo/Geto/Nanami would sweep the competition. All three of them are powerhouses with Gojo one of the main Powerhouses in JJK. What I'm looking for is the couple that isn't necessarily the most "powerful" in their respective series, but the one that works well together. Their powers have to compliment one another.
Next, they also need to be able to communicate with one another like any functioning adult. Being powerful is one thing, but if you can't talk to one another when you're stressed then Bad Things (TM) will happen. All of these characters are, after all, from shonen series. Case in point: canonical Satosugu. No, we need characters who know their hard limits and talk to one another when they need a shoulder to lean on.
There needs to be a little bit of bitchy energy because let's face it, sometimes we need someone to lean over to and whisper our minor grievances/judgements upon annoying people in public. If this turns into an inside joke between the couple, so much the better.
The couple also needs to know what the other likes and sometimes gets side tracked in their work/daily life to purchase or send a message to their significant other saying "This reminded me of you". It's that instant love and "I'm thinking of you" quality that brings their personal connection deeper.
Finally, the couple has to clean up well/look presentable. Of course, the high bar is the couple that always looks fashionable, but we can't have everything. (Unless you're Vil/Rook, then you have it all but I digress.) Whether it's for a fancy party or daily life, I believe power couples need to dress well.
So, in my humble opinion, the one couple that should be inducted to the Power Couple Hall of Fame is...
Aizawa/Present Mic from BNHA.
Aizawa is the easy one to pin for the first criteria of "strength". We see continually in the series how valuable his Erasure quirk is and how he "evens the playing field". He also is a master at hand-to-hand and with his signature capture weapon to make the fight end quicker, he's a force to be reckoned with. It's even to the point that during the Raid Arc, Shigaraki goes after Aizawa before Deku or Endeavour.
While Present Mic doesn't have the desire to be the strongest hero, preferring to DJ on the side of being a teacher, I think he has one of the strongest quirks in BNHA. Sound is in our daily lives to the point we don't think about it. However, when our sound is disrupted that's when things go bad. High frequencies over a short time can do damage but over long time? Yeah, that's deadly. When their abilities are working together, Aizawa and Present Mic are a neutralize and capture team all on their own.
Next, I talked about communication. While it would seem Present Mic is the one more open with his "feelings", I don't think we should be caught in Aizawa's "grumpy" personality. Half of that personality is due to being exhausted from patrol and dealing with teenagers learning their quirks + hormones daily. Yeah, I understand your pain, Aizawa. I think your grumpiness is deserved. Anyways, I think Aizawa may be more quiet about voicing his feelings, but he's not afraid to talk to Mic privately. Plus, they're both heroes and they know their jobs can be dangerous. They have to be open with one another or risk taking their baggage into the classroom/job.
Bitchy energy is next and if you don't think Aizawa and Present Mic have given each other The Look after someone annoying as heck has pestered them, you're wrong. I bet they have inside jokes about people who pissed them off, complete with Mic attempting to mimic their voices rather successfully. I also think with all the students they've taught, they've had entitled students/parents who become a work place "Remember when" sort of story to laugh about years later.
As for knowing what one another likes, while I believe Present Mic is more prone to finding a gift and bringing it to Aizawa, I think Aizawa returns the favour frequently! It's super cute and I think sometimes after missions/DJ work the two bring something back for one another. Even if it's something small.
Finally, always looking presentable. While Present Mic always pulls this off as a DJ with a notable public presence, Aizawa daily... yeah that's not happening. However, I thought back to when Aizawa had to wear the suit when they publicly apologized for the summer camp fiasco with Bakugo kidnapped. He was sporting a nice suit and looked decently cleaned up. I'm certain if Mic asked him, Aizawa would put in the effort.
So, there we have it! My criteria and reasons why I think Aizawa/Present Mic should be, as this moment, the Power Couple of the Bar AU.
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phoebe-ofthe-cosmos · 11 months
A Court of Thorns and Roses | Recap & Analysis, Ch. 1-5
I realized the other day that it could be fun to do small recaps of ACOTAR as I work through my re-read, so I'm going to start sharing thoughts on the chapters, characters, writing techniques, and anything else. I don't quite know what the format of these will be like yet, I'll probably work something out as I go, but this is mostly just for me and just for fun anyways. I'm primarily interested in the characters, their traits and motivations and development etc., so most of what I say here is what I deem to be important in that regard. These posts will all be tagged #marissareadsacotar
These chapters work to establish our heroine as well as the literal and metaphorical journey that she will take in the book.
Obvious spoiler warning, not just for this book but for future series events as well since my knowledge of the full series is influencing how I read the book this time around and I will be referencing future events and foreshadowing throughout ACOTAR.
Chapter 1
I should start with a little personal background on my relationship to this particular book. My first time reading this series was on audiobook; I find that my retention is worse with audiobooks compared to reading physical books, and I went into ACOTAR expecting to dislike it as a mega-hyped TikTok book. It took me a long time to get into the book the first time around and I was really reluctant to admit that I enjoyed it by the end. I'm going into this read still expecting to dislike this book (and i'm using dislike loosely there, but I know this is my least favorite book of the series) but I'm much more open minded now than I was then.
Alright, so: We open with a scene of Feyre hunting in the forest to provide for her family and I'm immediately struck by how smart this girl is. Tracking prey is probably a skill anyone could learn if they needed to but it's not a skill I have so I'm very impressed by her knowledge. My takeaway from my first read was that Feyre was STUPID and lacked common sense. I'm really glad to be challenging that interpretation of her character so quickly.
We also get insight into her dynamics with her family; she hunts to put food on the table, there's reference to the expression (implied to be sneering, disappointed, angry, etc) that she expects to see on her sister's faces if she returns home empty-handed. We also learn of her extremely modest dream to see her sisters married off so she can spend her days living with her father, providing for the both of them, and painting. Even in her wildest fantasies, all Feyre wants is a simple life with her family cared for, loved, and happy, and an ability to pursue her creative outlets. She doesn't dream of love or marriage for herself.
Feyre feels no remorse for killing the maybe-fae wolf.
The last line of this chapter!! "But this was the forest, and it was winter," feels like a mic drop I'm obsessed! Speaks to how Feyre forgoes so much of what makes her human in the name of a purely animalistic need to survive.
Chapter 2
When Feyre returns to her cottage, she hears her sisters chattering and assumes it is about something frivolous: a cute boy they saw or ribbons they want to buy. I think this is the first instance of Feyre's debatably unfair judgement of her sisters. Now, to be clear, I know Maas originally wrote Nesta and Elain to really be caricatures of the 'wicked step-sisters' trope, and from everything else we learn of these characters in these first chapters, this guess from Feyre probably is accurate. But we also see instances later on where Feyre assumes her sisters (namely Nesta) are behaving one way and it is later revealed that the opposite is true, or instances where their behavior surprises her. So I think that Feyre may not know her sisters as well as she thinks she does.
Despite their chattering about inane topics, despite the prior references to their mistreatment of her and a "small part of Feyre recoiling at the thought" of returning to her family, she smiles to herself as she approaches the door. This tells us that Feyre has very complicated feelings about her family. She resents how they treat her, but she still loves and cares for them.
We start to get A LOT of Nesta and a few mentions of Elain. Even in these first chapters where the cast of characters is limited, Elain is kind of relegated to the background. I am so, so curious to learn more about her in her book and get insight into her mind. Feyre specifically says that Elain is not cruel, but she doesn't grasp things; she doesn't leave Feyre to the work because she's mean, Feyre theorizes that she simply never considers that she COULD do the work. She specifically uses the phrase "get her hands dirty" which is an interesting choice of words given Elain's love of gardening, and thus literally getting her hands dirty, is established literally two sentences later. This could just be a play on words on SJM's part, or it could be evidence of Feyre, like so many others, underestimating what Elain is capable of.
For more insight into their family dynamics, Feyre's opinion of Elain does not stop her from buying Elain flower seeds when she has the money to spare; likewise, Elain once bought Feyre some tins of paints.
Feyre used those paints to make small paintings all over their cottage; I have no idea if this is intentional on Maas's part (it likely is) but this calls to mind the paintings in Rhys's cabin that Feyre does in ACOMAF. Feyre repeatedly refers to these paintings in her cottage as insignificant or fleeting and the contrast to the paintings she does in the cabin, which come at a deeply important time in her character development and which Rhys pledges to keep there forever... idk, foreshadowing, chills, #feysand4eva
Again, we get a LOT of Nesta in this chapter. I don't have much to say re:Nesta that hasn't already been said but I think the important takeaways are her resentment of her father and her outright cruelty towards Feyre, epitomized in lines accusing Feyre of looking like a pig covered in filth, being an ignorant peasant, and, the real whammy, a taunt that someday, Feyre will be forgotten. "Someday, Feyre, you'll have no one left to remember you, or care that you ever existed." Feyre says that this is not the first time Nesta has said these words to her and that Nesta says them now because she knows they still hurt to hear. As a Nesta apologist I will not be taking questions at this time.
Chapter ends with Feyre asserting to her father that there is no hope for a better life, and casting a glance at the already-fading paintings in their cottage, a reminder of Nesta's cruel remark that Feyre will be forgotten someday. Also, I think, an effort to symbolize that Feyre IS fading out of significance with her family—not because she'll be forgotten, but because her life is about to take her on a wild ride.
Chapter 3
Nesta actually chopped the wood this morning! Girlboss! Feyre theorizes that she only did this because she wants a share of the money that Feyre will be making today—probably true.
In talking with the mercenary at the market, we get the first reference to things in the Fae Lands getting worse over the last fifty years and High Lords not controlling their beasts.
Nesta tries to warn Feyre against speaking to mercenaries, saying they are dangerous, and reveals that she and Elain were recently robbed. Feyre is surprised that Nesta bothered to warn her of anything.
Nesta and Elain spend every copper that Feyre's pelt gets them, but Nesta goes out to chop wood AGAIN in the evening. No one asked her to do it this time, so I think this is Nesta's way of actually trying to contribute or show thanks to Feyre, however unwilling she may actually be to do it.
Chapter 4
The beastie shows up! Tamtam! Feyre immediately jumps in front of her sisters to protect them, despite her fear.
Many examples of Feyre's family being cowardly. Feyre is the only one not pissing her pants in fear; to the contrary, she is threatening this massive creature with a paltry dinner knife and then HURLS it at his neck (she misses). She continues to try to plot an escape.
We get two instances on a single page that I think are extremely important; first, Elain begins weeping and begging to be spared. Nesta then pushes Elain behind her. Feyre, who is still in front of them all and trying to figure out how to protect them, says her "chest caves in" at the sight of her eldest sister protecting the other. Meanwhile Feyre is left alone to fight. Seeing this display from her sisters, Feyre confesses to the beast that she killed the wolf.
A couple paragraphs later, Feyre describes knowing in an instant that Nesta would "buy Elain time to run", meaning that Nesta would make an effort to fight the beast if she had to to protect Elain; again, Feyre is left on her own here, with no one to protect her. Following THIS realization, Feyre turns to the beast and asks what payment the Treaty requires.
In both instances, the knowledge that Nesta would protect Elain while leaving Feyre on her own emboldens Feyre and leads her to act recklessly. On a sticky note, I asked "Is this a suicidal lack of self-worth, or a desperate attempt to win affection from her sisters?" I'm really not sure which is more likely.
It is abundantly clear to me, at this point, that Feyre's primary motivation, the thing she wants more than anything, is a family that loves her and cares for her. She wants people who are willing to fight for her as much as she will fight for them. She wants people to recognize her worth. And she wants to believe in a future that is worth fighting for. Although she hasn't seen signs of any such future existing yet, she often returns to her dreams of a modest future and is willing to easily forgive her sisters' transgressions against her, which tells me that she does hold out hope.
Tamlin's reason for "revealing" the "loophole" in the Treaty is so stupid. Feyre has the "nerve" to request where Tamlin kills her, so as punishment for her insolence he's going to tell her that she actually doesn't have to die and can just come live with him instead. How does that makes sense??
Feyre's father then effectively sacrifices her, telling her to go with the beast, despite knowing that the Fae Lands of Prythian are lethal for humans.
Don't worry though, he gets a small bit of redemption a few paragraphs later when he asks the beast to spare Feyre, hobbling forward to stand beside her. Tamlin then tells her father to be silent and rage boils up in Feyre, guttering again when her father offers to pay for her freedom (meaning he would need to beg in order to get enough gold). Feyre then becomes wholly focused on getting the beast out of the cottage and away from her family. Her father's meager attempt at helping her softens Feyre to him, and she still wants to protect him from having to embarrass himself by begging for money.
She agrees to leave with the beast. Before she goes, she offers her family some tips on how to survive without her. Her father tells her that she was too good for them. He says if she ever escapes that she should not return. He tells her to go make a name for herself.
Chapter 5
Even as she is leaving with the beast, Feyre reiterates to us that she regrets nothing, and is still only worried about her family.
As they travel, Feyre alternates between feeling smug at the idea of her family struggling without her and feeling agony at the idea of her father begging in the streets.
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thef1nalb0ss · 1 year
Predicting the first winner of the World Heavyweight Championship: an analysis of the top contenders
With the introduction of the World Heavyweight Championship, and the announcement that both Raw and Smackdown talent will be allowed to enter the tournament to crown the first, I'm going to go down the list of some of the most popular predictions and make my own personal prediction.
Seth Rollins
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Probably the most popular pick I have seen throughout the IWC, and definitely a deserving one. Seth is the only person Roman has faced for the championship he has not been able to beat. Seth won the championship match they had back at Royal Rumble 2022, but it was won by DQ after Roman hit him with a chair (the same way Seth did to betray Roman all the way back in The Shield days), so champion's advantage applied and Roman kept the title. He's been dominating Raw since then, even having an United States Championship reign before Austin Theory won it back in a triple threat at Survivor Series: Wargames (we'll get to Theory later). His current crowd reactions are unmatched, only rivaled by the resounding boos Dominik gets whenever he picks up a mic. Seth is the most popular pick for a reason. He would elevate that title so it wouldn't be seen as less than to the Undisputed Title, and if we go back to the champion vs. champion model at Survivor Series, he and Roman could put on a hell of a match if they both have the titles then.
Drew McIntyre
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Newly on Raw, and maybe newly heel? Drew's match with Wrestlemania match with Gunther and Sheamus is just the most recent example that he has everything a champion needs, and he'd no doubt be a fighting champion. He also deserves to win a world championship in front of a live crowd, something he hasn't yet accomplished. The seeds were planted for a heel turn before his Wrestlemania match, and now that he's been gone for a month, they may have him return as a heel. That is, if he's healthy- Drew's been reportedly working matches with illnesses for a while now, namely working matches with the flu. He may have been given a break after Wrestlemania to rest and heal from lingering illnesses and/or injuries, and it's unknown whether or not he'll be back in time for the tournament.
Finn Balor
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Despite a bit of a losing streak with his recent solo matches, being in The Judgement Day has no doubt reinvigorated The Prince. He was the first Universal Champion before having to relinquish it immediately after winning it. The finals of the tournament to crown the first Universal Champion was Finn vs. Seth Rollins, so it's possible they may run that back for the finals of the Heavyweight tournament, and history could repeat itself- just hopefully he doesn't get injured this time.
Cody Rhodes
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While this is a possibility with Cody being drafted to Raw, it would be an odd detour. In order for Cody to finish the story now, he has to beat Roman for the titles- anything less is ripping out the ending pages and having it end abruptly. That being said, there's only a few ways the story can end with him beating Roman, since they're on different brands currently, and that's by winning Money in the Bank or the Royal Rumble. They could bend their own draft rules and have Cody challenge Roman despite the brand split, but if they don't, those are the two ways they can go. Now, the Heavyweight is already being called the consolidation prize to Roman's titles, and if Cody wins it, that's only going to be solidified, especially so soon after his loss. Cody winning the Heavyweight is a possibility, but not one I'm particularly fond of.
Austin Theory
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The first (and only) star drafted to Smackdown I'm going to talk about is Austin Theory. Since Smackdown talent can compete in the tournament, if he losses the United States Championship at Backlash (and maybe even if he doesn't) it's likely he'll be a part of it. Former Mr. Money in the Bank, 2x United States Champion, and winner against John Cena at Wrestlemania, he's gotten quite a few accomplishments in the short time he's been on the main roster. With his estranged family all drafted over to Raw while he's on Smackdown, he won't have to deal with them either (unless he faces either Johnny or Dexter in the tournament. Then he'll have to deal with them) His accomplishments and the fact that he's a current champion makes him a possibility for being the first Heavyweight champion.
And speaking of current champions...
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Gunther has been on the main roster for over a year, and in that time, he has never been pinned. As the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of the past decade, he could be a part of the tournament. However, that would either result in him getting pinned or him winning the Heavyweight, and I don't think they want him to lose his streak yet nor are they looking to make any more double champions in the near future. Nevertheless, he's greatly elevated the Intercontinental Championship, and even if it's not the Heavyweight, I don't think there's any doubt that he'll be a world champion within the next few years.
Dominik Mysterio
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Listen, I know what you're thinking, but hear me out. Maybe you saw this coming since I did say the only rival to Seth's crowd reaction was Dominik. But I have my reasons for considering that he could even be a possibility. He gets boos that are so loud he can't even be heard with a mic, and he has the benefit of having The Judgement Day by his side to help him. I agree that he's not ready to hold a world title, but I think he's almost definitely going to be in the tournament.
So, with all this said, who do I think is going to win it?
My top pick is Seth Rollins, and my runner-up picks are Finn Balor and Drew McIntyre. In my opinion, however, I think Seth is the perfect first Heavyweight Champion. There's just no debate for me.
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modern-inheritance · 3 years
Modern Inheritance: Judge Me Not (Murtagh)
Judgement Oneshots (Book 1 Murtagh and Brom Centric Stories): JUDGE ME NOT  // Judge You Not
(A/N: One of the very first MIC stories I wrote! Set directly after Brom should have died, but Murtagh somehow saved him. He was unconscious for a while, and this occurs right after Eragon reveals the name of the ‘mysterious stranger’ to him. It’s one of my personal favorites between Brom and Murtagh.
Also, please read Murtagh’s lines in a mildly thick Scottish accent. The audiobook has pretty much set Murtagh having a Scottish accent in stone for me, and it is a big part on how I hear him when I write. XD)
Judge me not by my father’s sins but by the deeds that I have wrought.
Judge me not by the deeds that I have wrought but by the times I have stayed my hand.
Judge me not by my desperate actions but by what drove me to such desperation.
Judge me not at all, my friend, for this life has never been mine to live.
Judge me not.
Brom’s eyes flashed when he heard the name. He stood stiffly, briefly touching his bruised side, and jerked his head to the opening of the cave. “Outside. You and I are going to have a little chat, Murtagh.”
'This doesn’t look good.’ Eragon whispered to Saphira, loosening Zar'roc in its sheath as subtly as he could while he tried to quash his worried confusion. Murtagh had helped them, yes, and the young man seemed nice enough. He was definitely hiding something though, and like everyone else, his secrets could make him dangerous.
Saphira shifted and a harsh scratching, grating sound rose from her ivory claws as she sank them into the sandstone, preparing to leap to Brom’s aid if needed. 'Let’s see what Brom does. We only have two choices with Murtagh now. He’s seen me, he’s seen you, and he obviously knows about Brom.’ Eragon’s question floated across their mental link, and Saphira answered it gently. 'I’m afraid we must either keep him with us, Little One, or kill him.’
A cold stone lodged itself in Eragon’s gut at her words, soft and sorrowful as they were. Saphira disliked the idea of killing Murtagh just as much as her partner, but deep in her mind Eragon sensed the grim conviction that she would do anything she deemed necessary to keep him safe.
They both followed Brom and Murtagh with their eyes as they left the sandstone cave; Brom’s face an angry scowl and Murtagh’s posture tense and wary.
'If it comes down to it, I’ll defend him.’ Eragon decided. 'Murtagh saved our lives, and I’d rather not see him be repaid by death for the risk he took. Besides, Brom should know not to judge a man by his name alone, whatever Murtagh’s means. Right?’
Saphira didn’t answer, only curled her tail around his back and kept her gaze on the cave’s opening, glittering eyes bright in the gloom.
Brom stalked beyond the cave entrance, moving far enough away so that Eragon and Saphira could not hear the exchange he was about to have with their unlikely rescuer. The young man followed behind him, eyes darting over the landscape as he scanned for danger beyond the former Rider leading him.
The old man stopped when he was satisfied with the distance and pulled Murtagh into a natural alcove, shielding them from the unrelenting sun that was dipping below the horizon as well as prying eyes. Brom crossed his arms, trying to contain the old rage welling up within him, and looked the younger man in the eye. “I know exactly who you are, Murtagh Morzansson.” He spat.
“Says the legendary Rider Brom, slayer of the demon playing as a man, Morzan.” Murtagh leaned back slightly and crossed his arms as well, his accent thick with emotion and the instinctive sass that was reserved for sixteen to eighteen year old boys and sarcastic dragons. “I should be thanking you. That man you call my father was nothing but a torturer to me and my mother.”
Brom’s heart skipped a beat when Murtagh mentioned his mother. He shoved the lapse aside and growled, “So you stalk the boy and me? Trying to get your thanks in? Don’t make me laugh, whelp. What is your real motive behind saving Eragon and Saphira?”
“I want to fight the King. I fight my own wars, and saving the last free Rider and his dragon seemed like a bloody good way to start my campaign.” The young man jerked his chin in the direction of their camp. “He’s a good kid, but naive as all hell. And you’re getting on in years, ain’t you, old man? You need another gun to watch your back when the kid and Saphira can’t.”
Despite Brom seeing flickers of Morzan’s face in Murtagh’s features, he couldn’t refute his logic. Brom was getting older, the loss of his dragon dampening the magic that slowed his aging. He had all his wits about him, true, but he couldn’t physically be everywhere at once to protect Eragon in the boy’s many lapses in judgement as well as guard himself. Murtagh had already proven useful enough by driving off the Ra'zac and saving Brom’s life, and he had displayed a hatred for the King, Morzan and the Empire’s servants that seemed to rival Brom’s own, all while keeping a cool and level head.
“So, what, are you asking to travel with us?” Brom grunted. Circumstances were forcing his hand, and it appeared that the gods of Fate were going to have their laugh and force the son of his worst enemy to fight by his side.
“Aye, if you’ll have me. I can carry my own weight.”
“Fine. You can travel with us. For now.” Murtagh relaxed somewhat, a bit of a grin twitching his lips. It looked too much like Morzan’s smirk for his tastes, and with a savage growl Brom grabbed the young man by the front of his jacket and slammed him back against the sandstone wall. “But if you show even a single iota of Morzan’s mentality, take one step down the path he walked, or make any move against Eragon, Saphira or me, I swear on all that remains holy in this world and the next that I’ll have Saphira eat you alive piece by square-inch piece, and that’s only after I’m done with you! Do you understand me, whelp?”
Murtagh bristled, fire lighting in his dark eyes. “I’m nothing like him.” He hissed, and shoved Brom away. “I’ve spent my whole damn life trying to prove that. Maybe if I can convince you, of all bloody people, then I can finally live in peace!”
And with that he stalked back to the cave Eragon and Saphira were waiting in, shoulders rigid beneath the hardened leather pads haphazardly sewn to his jacket. Brom watched him go, the chill of lavender dusk finally falling over the sandstone formation, and pulled out his pipe, tapping it against his palm.
As the old Rider filled the bowl and lit it, inhaling the sweet smoke, he glanced at Murtagh one more time as he disappeared into the cave. The young man had relaxed somewhat, preparing himself to explain the situation to Eragon and Saphira no doubt, and the tension in his stride had eased. Brom tore his gaze away, looking out over the purplish gray landscape, and released the cloud of smoke with a tired sigh.
There was no denying it. While Murtagh bore much of his father’s face, his relaxed movements, light of step and somehow savagely graceful, were undeniably Selena’s.
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scftizuku · 4 years
Big 3 vs Wonder Duo (Which one will end happening in My Hero Academia)
Okay this topic has been on my mind for awhile now i mean their is evidence for both the wonder duo and the big 3 (especially from the vibe that I’ve been getting from the war arc) So i’ll try to break down evidence for both sides and come to my final conclusion on what might actually happen at the end of the meta analysis
Big 3:
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Alright lets start with the Origin trio. This trio first became a official hero combination from the Endeavor Agency arc. Within that arc we as readers were able to learn more about Shouto as a person and his family dynamic. Now you could say that Deku and Bakugou being their was due to the fact that they are the protagonist and deurotagonist (which are valid points since it would make sense for them to be present in the Todoroki family conflict since one Izuku has helped Shouto a lot since the Sports Festival and on Bakugou’s end he got to bond with him during their remedial license exams)
The Endeavor Agency arc is the first time that we got a hint towards a possible three way combination in terms of skills. Izuku and Katsuki learned more about Shouto’s home life and we even got Fuyumi thanking Izuku for being his friend (which was important in terms of a successful hero trio working in the near future) having all of the members in it have something that binds them emotionally will ensure the strength in their bonds.
Let me break down 2 dynamics within the Origin trio (Im saving Bakugou and Midoriya’s part of it for the Wonder Duo section):
Todoroki Shouto and Midoriya Izuku:
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Izuku telling Shouto that his power isn’t his fathers but his own helped Shouto embrace himself. This big moment helped fans understand Izuku as a character and that he didn’t care about winning but being able to help Shouto accept himself for who he is.
When Todoroki and Bakugou fought at the Sports Festival Izuku was showcased to be cheering Shouto (who at that moment was hesitant to use his full power) this ignited his flames to come full force which was big for Shouto’s character
During the Stain arc Izuku sent out a signal to his location (which Shouto saw) and we see him worried for his friend and he makes his way to Iida and Izuku
During the aftermath of the stain arc Shouto showcases his worries and protectiveness of Izuku and Iida.
In the Forest Training arc Izuku was having trouble connecting with Kota and Shouto was able to give him advice by stating “ "Even he's told all the right things, if you don't know his background then you'll only succeed in annoying him" and continues with  "The important thing is, what the person who's saying it has done...and what they're doing now. I think that words are always accompanied with deeds.",
Shouto’s advice to Izuku showcases how much Izuku trust his advice and judgement (again a big change from where they were from the Sports festival)
When Izuku fought Muscular Shouto’s words came back as a form of encouragement which helped him defeat the villian and become close with Kota.
"Even heroes cry sometimes." which was a quote Shouto said as a mean to help comfort Izuku who struggled when learning about all the horrible things that have happened to Eri. That scene showed how perceptive Shouto was in the feelings of others and also showed his method of trying to help someone.
When Shouto fought against Tetsutestsu in the Joint Training arc the symbolic moment that started the beginning of their bond which was the reminder of Shouto’s quirk being his own helped him with his fight
We also have their friendship being stronger when Izuku talks to Shouto about his path to forgiving his father and saying that he is kind (Endeavor Agency arc)
Izuku saves Shouto from Dabi by using black whip and states that Shouto is his “precious friend.” which that signified how powerful their bond is
I wont mention all the moments that they share as I am saving more on the shipping aspect for another blog post but my point on these two supporting each other endlessly still stands. Izuku has helped encourage Shouto when using his quirk and in return Shouto has given Izuku such helpful advice when stuck between a crossroad. From canon alone Horikoshi showcases their unconditional support for each other.
Todoroki Shouto and Bakugou Katsuki:
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From what canon has given us in terms of the introduction of their bond Katsuki has viewed Shouto as another rival of his while Shouto isn’t scared of Katsuki and his temperament at all.
Shouto and Katsuki are usually shown to bicker and banter with each other which is usually fun to see when observing their dynamic
Katsuki overheard Shouto and Izuku’s conversation after the calvary battle (which in a way foreshadowed his bond with Shouto getting stronger since it was able to connect him to the other two)
The Forest of training arc was the first arc that showed how natural Katsuki and Shouto were with one another (as compared to the Sports Festival)
Their friendly bantering continues when they both have to retake the license exam again. The running joke of Todoroki insisting that they are friends and Bakugou denying this is always a joy to see.
Bakugou was one of the first people (alongside Deku) to understand Shouto as a person when they were interning with Endeavor
Bakugou and Todoroki in canon both notice each others strengthens and made multiple comments on this. One example of this is when Todoroki used one of his well known attacks from the Sports Festival against his fight with Deku and Bakugou states this while bantering with Todoroki which he quickly responds with “I weakened the blow by a bit. Are you hurt?”
During their retake to get their hero license Bakugou opens up to Todoroki about how he was raised and that violence is needed against their challenge with the children which Todoroki comments that there is a better way that they can get through to the children.
Just from canon context alone these two have such a playful yet rival like bond and even to the current point of the manga we never really see these two break out of their usual bickering and bantering. I wont elaborate much on this since I plan to do a post more in depth about all the personal relationships. In canon we don’t really see a lot for them being explored but the potential for them to bond more is their and I have no doubts that Horikoshi will do this justice (especially if the big 3 route is endgame)
The timeline of where the third MHA movie will take place can play a factor to this as well. If the movie takes place during the Endeavor Agency arc then it wouldn’t really leave much room for fans to interpret Shouto’s role after he finds out about OFA. However, if the movie takes place post war arc “All for One and One for All.” which was the movie teaser’s highlight it could solidify the importance that Shouto will have once he finds out what Katsuki already knew about Deku.
Big 3 Evidence:
Deku, Katsuki, and Shouto were all shown to admire All Might when they were younger. 
Ever since the concept of the big 3 was introduced (Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire’s debut) it gave fans the idea that a future big 3 will come into play. It was just a matter of who would be apart of it
War arc hints that Shouto will be let in on the OFA secret (which was something that binded just Deku and Katsuki before) with this knowledge it will connect the three of them 
With quirks alone all 3 of them are compatible and would be an ultimate tag team
Endeavor Agency arc once more hints of the potential trio with Katsuki and Izuku fighting alongside Shouto in order to save Natsuo from Ending. The first time we got to see these three join forces and showcase everything that they’ve got
Small parallels between them and the current big 3 (Mirio and Bakugou) (Deku and Amajiki) and (Shouto and Nejire) I might make a post on the comparisons soon if you guys are interested.
Trios have been shown in the My Hero Academia universe (examples: rooftop trio which consist of Aizawa, Shirakumo, and Present Mic) which considering that the three of them wanted to open up their own agency as pros but sadly could not it wouldn’t be surprising that the Origin trio ends up doing so instead.
Endeavor hints on this possible trio by saying that the three of them need to have the three fundamentals which are rescue, evacuation, and battle. Izuku (Rescue), Shouto (evacuation), and Katsuki (battle),
Wonder Duo:
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Shifting perspectives let’s discuss some evidence of Horikoshi ending the series with the Wonder Duo. Now with this hero combination it was stated at face value during Deku vs Kacchan 2 ( chapter 120) by All Might who says “If the two of you can recognize each other and honestly raise each other up, you can become the best heroes who both win and rescue.”  This was the first indication that not only could they become a hero duo but also that these two would rekindle their broken bond by the conclusion of the series.
Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku:
From what we know prior to the beginning of the series Izuku and Katsuki knew each other since childhood and that their relationship started off rocky (since they were set up to become rivals) 
To show the closeness of Izuku’s connection to Katsuki he calls him “Kacchan” while even tho Katsuki’s originally meaning of the word “Deku” meant worthless Izuku took that name and made it his hero name.
For seasons 1-3 (before Deku vs Kacchan 2) Katsuki believed that Izuku had always looked down on him hence him pushing him away which he yet again confirms in the war arc that because of his weakness he ended up bullying Deku because of it
When Bakugou got kidnapped from the villains he states “stay back Deku.” and as a result we have Deku screaming out in agony when the villains took Bakugou away during the training camp arc
Following his kidnapping scene Deku cries at the hospital about not being able to save Katsuki (despite during that time of their development Katsuki wanted to push Izuku away)
When Deku vs Kacchan 2 occurred fans got to see Katsuki become vulnerable for the first time talking about why had it been him that ended All Might’s career. This following with Deku stating that he is “the only one who can accept Kacchan’s feelings.”
"to the same extent of all your unpleasant traits, your sheer amazingness at everything you do was so brilliant to me, it was blinding!" (quote from Izuku during the fight) followed by "You, who had so many things that I never had... to me, you were an amazing, inspiring person, who was even closer to me than All Might!"
Deku vs Kacchan 2 was the pivotal fight that changed the entire course of their dynamic since it was the first time that fans got to see the two of them unleash all their emotions that they had been keeping in for years
In Heroes Rising Deku shares OFA with Bakugou and commenting that "It's okay if it's you," when talking about having his childhood friend hold that power and also showcases Izuku’s trust in him.
During the Meta Liberation War arc when Izuku tries to find Shigaraki and try putting a end to all of this Katsuki notices this and follows him commenting “because being a hero means protecting everyone." foreshadowing the save mentality that Katsuki has when he put his life on the line to protect Deku from Shigaraki’s attack 
Link to a perspective that tackles the possibility of Bakugou and Midoriya being a hero duo in the future.
Wonder Duo Evidence:
During the provisional license arc Aizawa talks to Mrs. Joke about how Bakugou and Midoriya encourage and inspire the rest of the class (with a screenshot of the two of them while he says this)
During the Final Exams arc Midoriya and Bakugou were partnered together to take down All Might and that fight showcased the miscommunication the two of them had (despite them winning against him in the end) the fore shadowing of these two working together could be hinted as far back as the final exams arc if thinking about how shounen writing sets up rivals.
All Might’s quote about the two of them being the types of heroes to “win and save” made a return as we are shown during the war arc of Deku trying to achieve victory while Bakugou gained a quirk awakening because of his desire to save Deku. In other words having them switch perspectives in the current point of the story really does come a long way
Horikoshi mentions that Heroes Rising was meant to be the original ending for the series which could mean that a) the scenario of Bakugou and Midoriya working together in the series finale would stay and that the main difference is that they would be pros or B) the duo would be changed to a trio and that Shouto’s involvement might be intertwined with Izuku and Katsuki... still unsure on which route)
When All Might vs All for One happened we had a screenshot of the two of them calling out for All Might to win. Showing not only their significance to All Might but also foreshadowing them working together in the future
Throughout the series Horikoshi highlights their bond as one of the focal points in the series by not only setting them up as proper rivals but also being able to repair their broken bond (which in turn all goes back to All Might hinting at them becoming a hero duo)
We’ve seen some duo combinations as well as trio ones in the series example being Hawks and Endeavor during the pro hero arc (it was temporarily but the point still stands that as fans we were able to see how successful a duo could be in the series)
Foreshadowing can come a long way since the series has started with Midoriya and Bakguou through middle school it very well could end with them finally fixing their broken bond and become the heroes that will win and rescue.
Sorry this took so long everyone I was just gathering my thoughts on this interesting discussion. I can see Horikoshi going with either route but as of right now its possible that we could get the big 3 while Deku and co are still teenagers and then have the wonder duo happen when they become pros (which if this were to happen then there would need to be some explanation on what happened to Shouto during all this)
Im unsure of whether the big 3 would happen when they are pros or only for the time that they are still teenagers.
I could also see Shouto being in charge of his father’s agency and allowing people with all types of quirks to intern there (especially if Endeavor ends up passing away before the conclusion of the series) which might be the likely explanation we will get if the wonder duo route is still something Horikoshi stands by.
Final thoughts: As of everything we have so far I will go ahead and say that we will actually have both with the big 3 being officially confirmed as the Origin trio while they are still teenagers but the wonder duo happens when they become pros. This topic was such a fun and interesting one to dive into so regarding personal bonds i’ll do another post.
This post is meant to view them as hero combination not shipping wise so with that said I hope this post was worth the wait.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 3 years
“They Have Been Saved and He Has Been Returned”
"They have been saved and he has been returned" by Anxious Weeb
“Welcome to your ‘due time’ Kurogiri!” The green haired teenager exclaimed. “Sky Daddy has come to return you!”
The other teenagers struggled to hold back laughs. Some failed and some succeeded.
Words: 1181, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Izuku's Unsanctioned After School Activites
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Kurogiri, Shirakumo Oboro, Nomus, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Class 1-A, Todoroki Shouto, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Green God, Sky Daddy
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Kurogiri & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Nomus & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Midoriya Izuku & Everyone, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shirakumo Oboro, Hizashi Yamada | Present Mic & Shirakumo Oboro, Nemuri Kayama | Midnight & Shirakumo Oboro, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Crack, Crack Treated Semi-Seriously, Judgement is passed on Kurogiri, and the Nomus, Izuku Midoriya is Revered as a God, General Education Department Midoriya Izuku, Kurogiri is Shirakumo Oboro, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Semi-Chaotic Midoriya Izuku, Tsukauchi can't do anything about Izuku, Izuku knows this, Dadzawa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Midoriya Izuku
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31830805
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Judgement: Mark of Cain
Judgement: Mark of Cain by thFool, thHindsightSeer
The new school year begins. Three of the League of Villains’ members are still missing. The son of Endeavor is still in jail. The underground is missing some people. UA gets a new class.
Words: 3169, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of I'm a little lad who likes men and crime | Diary of a gay Villain, Part 4 of Fancy Titles
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Toga Himiko, Bakugou Katsuki, Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Nedzu, Eri, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Gran Torino, Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Hatsume Mei, Maijima Higari | Power Loader, Monoma Neito, Kendou Itsuka, Class 1-B
Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Toga Himiko, Kaminari Denki/Toga Himiko, Eri & Midoriya Izuku, Eri & Kaminari Denki, Eri & Toga Himiko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Eri, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Kayama Nemuri | Midnight
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Villain Kaminari Denki, Villain Toga Himiko, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Vigilante Kaminari Denki, Vigilante Toga Himiko, Sassy Midoriya Izuku, Smart Midoriya Izuku, Smart Kaminari Denki, Bisexual Midoriya Izuku, Bisexual Kaminari Denki, Bisexual Disaster Kaminari Denki, Pansexual Toga Himiko, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Toga Himiko Replaces Mineta Minoru, Toga Himiko is in Class 1-A, Zine: Dadzawa - An Aizawa Shota Zine 2019, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Being An Asshole, Bakugou Katsuki Being an Asshole, Bakugou Mitsuki's Bad Parenting, Villains to Heroes, Villain Class 1-A
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34343410
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sleepykittypaws · 3 years
Ted Lasso: Carol of the Bells
Original Air Date: August 13, 2021 (Apple TV+) Where to Watch?: It’s an Apple TV+ original series, so should be available on the streaming service in perpetuity
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Ted Lasso, the series, is one of the brightest entertainment lights to come along in a relatively dark time. Premiering mid-pandemic, the show, based on a series of not-all-that-well-known NBC soccer coverage promos, stars Jason Sudeikis as an American college football coach hired to coach British Premier League soccer (I, of course, mean, football) team, AFC Richmond.
The show, which has become something of a phenomena as it enters its second season with a record 20 Emmy nominations, has been hailed for its niceness and general likability. It's funny, sharp and, yes, sweet, without being saccharine. Bad stuff happens on, and to, Ted Lasso, just like in real life, but the characters don't let the worst parts of their lives define them.
Ted Lasso’s trick is that it manages to be both grounded and an escape from reality, into a world that's a little bit kinder and more gentle than the one we all actually live in, in 2020 and 2021.
So, there's probably no better program to offer up a Christmas special, even in August, despite the fact that I'm usually a stickler about keeping holiday content special by confining it to the season. I mean, sure I start "the season" no later than November 1, but, still, I do enjoy waiting to savor my Christmas TV, so it takes something pretty special to get me in the spirit mid-summer.
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“Carol of the Bells,” the fourth episode of Ted Lasso’s second season, takes place, like most UK series Christmas specials, both within and somewhat outside the timeline of the rest of the series, and could easily be watched, and enjoyed, as a stand alone. There is barely a passing mentioning of what felt like a cliffhanger ending to episode three, when the team protested their top sponsor, Dubai Air, in solidarity with Nigerian player Sam Obisanya. But in “Carol of the Bells,” the timeline of the show has jumped ahead significantly, putting behind us the team's streak of draw matches, which had been another  main focus of the season to date, via one line of exposition and a pan to a whiteboard in Coach Lasso's office. 
One of the things I love about this show is that they aren't afraid to resolve a plot line mid-season. No need to draw it out for drama, or to have beloved characters backtrack, constantly recreating the same situations. I think the moment I really feel in love with Ted Lasso is when the owner-seeks-to-destroy-team-as-revenge-on-her-ex plot that launched the series was resolved, not via a dramatic reveal, but a quiet office conversation with team owner Rebecca asking, and receiving, forgiveness, from Ted, who understood her instinct to lash out, and refused to hold those worst impulses against her, knowing he had his own not-quite-pure reasons for accepting the job in the first place. 
For me, that moment was when Ted Lasso went from amusing, to awesome. So, it's no surprise that the Ted-Rebecca relationship continues to bloom at Christmas, where Hannah Waddington's character absolutely sees through Ted's all-good exterior, knowing just how lonely the first Christmas post-divorce can be.
When we saw Ted drinking, alone in his apartment, and watching It's a Wonderful Life, I feared we might be in for one of those dream Christmas movie redux's with Ted learning how important his existence really is, but of course I should have known better. A huge part of Ted Lasso's charm is that show usually zigs, when viewers expect it to zag: Not giving the team the tie to keep them from being relegated, the undramatic reveal of Rebecca's evil plan to Ted, Keeley and Roy's rock solid relationship.
Instead, the show continues to demonstrate it really does have the best of intentions with Rebecca and Ted going on a Christmas Day giving spree, that feels both absolutely perfect for the pair, and helps support the very real Poverty Alleviation Charities.
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Meanwhile, Roy and Keeley's Sexy Christmas is interrupted by the last minute arrival of Roy's adorable niece, Phoebe, who has received a not-very-nice gift from a boy in her class. Roy and Keeley's banter is on full display as they attempt to both revenge and reconcile the source of Phoebe's distress.
Brett Goldstein, who plays Roy and is also a writer on the show, steals almost every scene he's in, even at Christmas, and the onscreen chemistry he has with Juno Temple's Keeley is off the charts. That child actor Elodie Blomfield more than holds her own with these two is a real testament to her own, budding abilities.
The ending of Roy, Keeley and Phoebe's Christmas adventure—teased early on with the reveal of the teasing boy's name as Bernard (and if you don't get that reference Google "Richard Curtis-Bernard Jenkin") is so perfect, I absolutely did tear up. 
Oh and, shout out to guest star Claire Skinner, who knows a thing or two about classic UK Christmas specials with her own from her days on Outnumbered, another of my UK faves. Gutted we didn't get to see Dr. Rogers' husband, who I kept hoping would be Skinner's real-life partner, and Outnumbered co-parent, Hugh Dennis. Really, Dennis' lack was the only real mis-step in this entire episode for me.
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Meanwhile, Higgins, played so well by Jeremy Swift (the casting in Ted Lasso is across-the-board perfection), is hosting his annual Christmas open house for Richmond team members without family in town, expecting the usual one or two players to pop in. Instead, with Swift's real-life wife Mary Roscoe at his side, almost the entire team turns up ready to celebrate with the Higgins clan. 
It's only at the very end that “Carol of Bells” goes traditional Christmas special, putting most of its main characters outside Casa Higgins for an episode-ending musical number that, I'm just gonna admit, while cheesy as heck, brought even more tears to my eyes, despite it still being August, and would have made me a blubbering mess in December—when I will definitely be watching this again.
From the opening scene reveal of the team's Secret Santa exchange, to the closing moments that put Waddington back on the mic, which fans have been demanding since her karaoke outing in season one, for an extra dose of Christmas cheer, “Carol of the Bells,” was, to me, perfect. 
I'm not exactly sure why Apple TV+ didn't save this for a one-off November or December drop but, as I said on Twitter, it's very possible, maybe even likely, that I saw my favorite Christmas content of 2021 on August 13th. Ted Lasso: Carol of the Bells is going to be very, very hard to top.
Final Judgement: 4 Paws Enthusiastically Up for this instant Christmas classic
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minjungfmd · 3 years
1111 / creative claims verifications
creative claims for @fmdjiah ‘s 11:11 — writing a song half finished and packaged away for the other producers to take reigns of when she’s left in a creative rut. warnings / none wc / 1699 (not including lyrics)
11:11 make a wish.
and that’s what she’s known from grade school on — lucky number eleven. (and she figures, it’s possible for luck to draw from the number when it’s one off from a multiple of three). but it leaves a pocketed memory, each time her eyes fall onto the clock picking up 11:11 throughout the years.
a 11:11 for the empty tears of desperate sobs, a heart pounding wayward against the breaths that don’t leave her lips. a 11:11 for the silent moments of solitude where the mind writes itself a blank canvas, and she only hears the glimpses of sounds that nestle its way past her apartment. a 11:11 for the string of text messages unsent, and the 11:11 in the afternoons signaling the start of the day.
today’s 11:11 falls at night, when she finds herself covered up against the end of a seoul summer. still left with the same pieces of no resolve left, mourning the break-up that fell straight past the void of her fingertips. it’s this restlessness in the night that pulls up her notebook, when she’s scanning past the stages of empty stories and outlines of words she composes when her mind’s filled with nothing more than mismatched ideas and lost memories.
when she finds herself on a page prior, she reads the piece slotted at 11:11. figures, the seo minjung in the past wouldn’t outsmart the seo minjung of the present — the nostalgia with the number still remains the same.
it starts off with a few words, connecting the empty pieces of a dead-end relationship. a wound fresh, bleeding red to the point where she can see where the tears smudged the drops of undried ink. sees where the words end with “will i forget you?”
she writes her response as no.
everything finds its place and leaves you took all of me and left but like the two hands of a clock i keep lingering in the same place
because back then or any time in the past in respect to now, she finds herself making a dwelling of the same old sob story of a girl broken hearted. fragmented as a victim of the old memories she draws back, over and over again. irony hits her when she realizes — nothing more than 11:11 flipped, or the hands of the clock. any juxtaposition leaves the same thing read over and over again. she lands herself in the same dwellings — by choice, when it houses the warmth she’s come to known. because even if the foundation lies creaky and everything becomes another scar against the skin of her bones, it’s familiar. warming, the kind of second sense intuition that draws her in closer each time.
but just maybe, she’s the only one settling in nostalgia.
when she looks back to each date set — future plans, written in stone only for it to be shattered from twenty feet over. the rubble enough to set as pebbles lining the floor as she walks her feet one by one, numb to any of the pain. she thinks he’s better off now, forgotten about it when she’s the only one clinging on, holding each step into place to feel something once more.
the remedy is simple: if she holds on long enough, stowing it away. then, maybe by then, it’ll become erased and thought of no more.
in the calendar the date we planned long ago if you forgot about it all i guess i have to erase it after a while
she writes her response one after one in honesty for a future reflection of herself to read. by then, if she’s lucky, it’ll settle in surprise with everything wiped from her mind. she’s no clementine, and he’s no joel — and given the choice, she’s not sure she’d rip away the stitches for a gaping heart, yearning to remember.
instead, she’ll hone it up to fate. hone it to 11:11 the next time her eyes draw towards it — because the only honesty she reveals tonight lies in the final two lines:
you took every part of me i’ll believe i’ll be over you
it’s hard to accept the last fact knowing closure doesn’t come so easily. but, she’s gone girl. always moving from one pillar to another, people to people. setting to setting. a sea of faces and a million and one bodies, she finds her home in nobody. it’s just theory — the fixture he’s become has settled in was too sturdy for a wreck like her.
she closes her journal up, checking the clock. no longer 11:11, it lands in 12:12 — unlucky and ironic.
she takes autumn in colors.
hues of ashy browns, tattered with the muted oranges of colder weather. the coldness enough to make her fingers frigid, knowing full-well the swing of seoul’s heat will rise up again with the sun.
but for now, it’s night time, and she makes her mark in calloused fingers, pressing into each string one by one. baby chords as her instructor would say. she likes the sounds of the minors, fitting for fall and slotting right into the melancholic haze. it’s strumming on the first chord, before the realization that the progression follows a smoother transition, like she’s falling from summer girl to fall woes.
it’s the steady pace, the progression like you’re easing down, only to fall a step upward. it’s at that point where it feels a little stronger, more stable — enough that her fingers press on the laptop recording, a bare mic. stripped from the studio, honing in on the acoustic echoes of her living room space. she starts strumming one chord to the next, finished with the final, only to loop it over and over again.
it’s strumming along, the lyrics right in front of her. as soon as the first progression finishes, it’s left right in mark with the statement: it’s 11:11. 
she sings it, more along the lines of stating the facts than providing any more than a soft lullaby. a statement that strikes the beginning, sets the tone — addresses the obvious: 11:11, make a wish or say a farewell to the past 11:11s down in the graveyard of broken promises.
so, when her first few words sing to the loop of chords — she takes it gently, reels it back from the statement in song. it sings itself, no frills nor fancy rifts that play to the voice. instead, she hones it to a series of a single octave, carrying the words slowly, gently. like a present packaged and labeled: fragile, handle with caution. the first verse flows, steadily carrying on each fragment of the story — it’s what she writes down: carry on the song throughout, second verse too.
the build-up of the chorus lies flat when judgement tells her to keep the minimalistic seams of the song in tact. the song lies in the acoustics, the rawness. the general vulnerability that carries afloat despite the transitions of chords. she carries those on when her voice sing-songs into a tug of war at the chorus. it pushes, leading into a higher tempo as her fingers tap along to the rhythm she has in her mind, feeling like there’s one last push, trigger to lead the words left under the pretense of guarded hearts. 
yet, by the time the push dies, it comes time for the pull back — the restrain of two feet treading backwards before the brunt of it topples over. still on guard, like reaching the pinnacle of the rollercoaster braced for the fall, only to slowly retreat. 
retreat comes in the na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na’s. no meaning, just floating in the ellipsis of things she bites her tongue for. a to be continued or read between the lines for what comes next, honing in back to the power of acoustics then to the next verse. 
the song comes in an evident pattern, a rollercoaster that finds itself more like a round about carousel than anything else.  
the night ends, and she finds herself trapped in the hours of reworking each chorus. finding the breathiness of the line endings, an airiness that carries itself full circle throughout the song. a mere demo takes her to sunrise, to where the remnants of the playback of a night spent leave her towards to stare at the sunrise, half-guessing the demo. it still feels bare bones, lacking a certain melancholic grit — still, she doesn’t touch it. leaves it at that.
by the time she reaches the song again, it’s been more than enough time and passage of too many schedules to render her mind without any recollection besides the light flitting touches in a sleep-deprived daze. she sits on her desk, replaying the demo over and over till the bare bones touches of the song clocks her once more. there’s a confusion, rendering a palm to her face, staring at her monitor — a clash of song layers, each bit taken from each take. 
(she still tries to add in something).
the traces of an orchestral echo in the back — scratch that, it classifies it too much, not meant to be a broken and bred song of heartbreak nor a remnant of chopin’s dark marches.
she takes the piano, adding in harmonies to the guitar chords in the build up of the chorus. it’s enough that it doesn’t fix itself to anything more than another shade of blues (she keeps it, muffles it out to hide behind the strings only until the ellipsis moment leaves her to play the trickle of keys louder in the higher octaves of the piano).
it’s not until the percussion takes place, she’s left at a standstill. confusion in how to drain out the song enough, but not to the point where the entirety of the strings loses its place. so, she reverts to gentle taps of the bass drum, steadily thumping the bpm like a metronome — an audible metronome, that still seems half-fleshed when she’s sits face-first in front of the screen. she plays it over, and over — still lost, still confused. frustration takes full force before she adds anything else, and she admits defeat with what’s present.
her fingers click away, packaging the sound into a file. a quick kakao sent — “i give up, and this is the most mastering i’ll do with this. it all sounds the same, help.” 
and somehow, she manages to relegate duties to another producer, a close friend. to pick up the pieces where she’s led astray.
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