#MHR 1000
krylov-space · 1 year
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Rob‘s „new“ ride: Ducati MHR 1000 Mike Hailwood Replica
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deinonychian · 2 years
I love long games idk how people can just play short games. what do you mean you only play it for <10 hours?? that’s weak shit. if I can’t put a hundred hours into a game then I don’t want it
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monterplant · 2 months
Speed Read: a vintage French scooter with a Honda engine and more
Leading the charge this week is the unusual combination of a rare French vintage scooter with a modern Honda powertrain. We also feature a stylish Triumph Bonneville, a barely touched Ducati MHR Mille, and the shiny new MV Agusta Serie Oro 1000. Bernardet x Honda hybrid scooter by Seb’s Atelier and Objet Marcant Having just returned from a trip to Italy, the urge to buy a classic Vespa or…
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weehughie · 5 years
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1984 Ducati MHR 1000 Rino Caracchi Tribute by Stile Italiano SRL... • • #rinocaracchi #ducati #stileitaliano #mrh1000 #ducatimhr1000 #ducatista #caferacer #bikeshedlondon2019 #bikeshed #thebikeshed #bikeshedmc #thebikeshedmc #bikeshedmotorcycleclub #thebikeshedmotorcycleclub #tobaccodock #tobaccodocklondon #bikeshow #custombikeshow #custombike #shedbuilt #instabiker #leica #leicaq #leicaqtyp116 #leicalove #leicauk (at Tobacco Dock) https://www.instagram.com/p/B79F_XrBnqd/?igshid=183ouhw8xj6tm
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wetsteve3 · 5 years
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CARACCHI TRIBUTE – DUCATI MHR 1000 TAGS Ducati If you ride a Ducati and don’t get tingles when you see the letters NCR it’s time for a history lesson. NCR is an acronym of its founder’s names, Rino Caracchi, Giorgio Nepoti and Rizzi. Together the trio (and later just Rino and Giorgio) laid the groundwork for Ducati’s racing success. During the 1970s Ducati didn’t have a racing program of their own so they entrusted nearby performance specialists NCR with tacking their marque to the racetrack. It was there that the NCR name became legendary. From the 60s through to the 90s NCR worked with the best Italian engineers and technicians to develop bikes that left a lasting impression out on the track. Perhaps the most iconic of all was the Ducati 900 NCR ridden to victory by Mike Hailwood during the 1978 World Championship at the Isle of Man. “What better way to build a tribute to Caracchi than using a Ducati MHR 1000 platform, a bike built in recognition of Hailwood’s NCR victory,” says Cristian of Stile Italiano. And what a starting point it was. Their 1984 MHR 1000 donor was in itself a rather special machine. The MHR 1000 was the last model Ducati produced using their final bevel drive design and the first to make use of an electric starter. The Ducati MHR 1000 engine was a visual treat too with clear sight windows atop each bevel drive and it was hung in a specially made double cradle DASPA frame.
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krylov-space · 1 month
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Rob‘s Ducati MHR 1000 Mike Hailwood Replica
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wetsteve3 · 4 years
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ourmrmel · 6 years
Mel Feller MPA, MHR, Discusses Boosting Your Productivity
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Mel Feller MPA, MHR, Discusses Boosting Your Productivity
 Mel is the President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching for Success 360, Inc. and Mel Feller Coaching. Mel Feller is an Innovator and Business Leader. Mel Feller currently maintains office in Texas. Currently an MBA Candidate.
  Heuristics are rules intended to help you solve problems.  When a problem is large or complex, and the optimal solution is unclear, applying a heuristic allows you to begin making progress towards a solution even though you cannot visualize the entire path from your starting point.
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 Suppose your goal is to climb to the peak of a mountain, but there is no trail to follow.  An example of a heuristic would be Head directly towards the peak until you reach an obstacle you cannot cross.  Whenever you reach such an obstacle, follow it around to the right until you are able to head towards the peak once again.  This is not the most intelligent or comprehensive heuristic, but in many cases it will work just fine, and you will eventually reach the peak.
  Heuristics does not guarantee you will find the optimal solution, nor do they generally guarantee a solution at all.  However, they do a good enough job of solving certain types of problems to be useful.  Their strength is that they break the deadlock of indecision and get you into action.  As you take action, you begin to explore the solution space, which deepens your understanding of the problem.  As you gain knowledge about the problem, you can make course corrections along the way, gradually improving your chances of finding a solution.  If you try to solve a problem you do not initially know how to solve, you will often figure out a solution as you go, one you never could have imagined until you started moving.  This is especially true with creative work such as software development.  Often you do not even know exactly what you are trying to build until you start building it.
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  Heuristics have many practical applications, and one of my favorite areas of application is personal productivity.  Productivity heuristics are behavioral rules that can help us get things done more efficiently.  Here are some of my favorites:
  Nuke it!  The most efficient way to get through a task is to delete it.  If it doesn’t need to be done, get it off your to do list.
  Daily goals.  Without a clear focus, it is too easy to succumb to distractions.  Set targets for each day in advance.  Decide what you will do; then do it.
 Worst first.  To defeat procrastination learn to tackle your most unpleasant task first thing in the morning instead of delaying it until later in the day.  This small victory will set the tone for a very productive day.
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 Peak times.  Identify your peak cycles of productivity, and schedule your most important tasks for those times.  Work on minor tasks during your non-peak times.
  No-comm zones.  Allocate uninterruptible blocks of time for solo work where you must concentrate.  Schedule light, interruptible tasks for your open-comm periods and more challenging projects for your no-comm periods.
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 Mini-milestones.  When you begin a task, identify the target you must reach before you can stop working.  For example, when working on a book, you could decide not to get up until you have written at least 1000 words.  Hit your target no matter what.
  Timeboxing.  Give yourself a fixed time, like 30 minutes, to make a dent in a task.  Don’t worry about how far you get.  Just put in the time. 
  Batching.  Batch similar tasks like phone calls or errands into a single chunk, and knock them off in a single session.
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  Early bird.  Get up early in the morning, like at 5am, and go straight to work on your most important task.  You can often get more done before 8am than most people do in a day.
  Cone of silence.  Take a laptop with no network or WiFi access, and go to a place where you can work flat out without distractions, such as a library, park, coffee house, or your own backyard.  Leave your comm gadgets behind.
  Tempo.  Deliberately pick up the pace, and try to move a little faster than usual.  Speak faster.  Walk faster.  Type faster.  Read faster.  Go home sooner.
  Relaxify.  Reduce stress by cultivating a relaxing, clutter-free workspace. 
   Agendas.  Provide clear written agendas to meeting participants in advance.  This greatly improves meeting focus and efficiency.  You can use it for phone calls too.
  Pareto.  The Pareto principle is the 80-20 rule, which states that 80% of the value of a task comes from 20% of the effort.  Focus your energy on that critical 20%, and do not over engineer the non-critical 80%.
  Ready-fire-aim.  Bust procrastination by taking action immediately after setting a goal, even if the action is not perfectly planned.  You can always adjust course along the way.
  Minuteman.  Once you have the information you need to make a decision, start a timer and give yourself just 60 seconds to make the actual decision.  Take a whole minute to vacillate and second-guess yourself all you want, but come out the other end with a clear choice.  Once your decision is made, take some kind of action to set it in motion.
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 Deadline.  Set a deadline for task completion, and use it as a focal point to stay on track.
  Promise.  Tell others of your commitments, since they will help hold you accountable.
   Punctuality.  Whatever it takes, show up on time.  Arrive early.
  Gap reading.  Use reading to fill in those odd periods like waiting for an appointment, standing in line, or while the coffee is brewing.  If you are a male, you can even read an article while shaving preferably with an electric razor.  That is 365 articles a year.
  Resonance.  Visualize your goal as already accomplished.  Put yourself into a state of actually being there.  Make it real in your mind, and you will soon see it in your reality.
  Glittering prizes.  Give yourself frequent rewards for achievement.  See a movie, book a professional massage, or spend a day at an amusement park.
  Quad 2.  Separate the truly important tasks from the merely urgent.  Allocate blocks of time to work on the critical Quadrant 2 tasks, those that are important but rarely urgent, such as physical exercise, writing a book, and finding a relationship partner.
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 Continuum.  At the end of your workday, identify the first task you will work on the next day, and set out the materials in advance.  The next day begin working on that task immediately.
  Slice and dice.  Break complex projects into smaller, well-defined tasks.  Focus on completing just one of those tasks.
  Single handling.  Once you begin a task, stick with it until it is 100% complete.  Do not switch tasks in the middle.  When distractions come up, jot them down to be dealt with later.
  Randomize.  Pick a very random piece of a larger project, and complete it.  Pay one random bill.  Make one phone call.
  Insanely bad.  Defeat perfectionism by completing your task in an intentionally terrible fashion, knowing you need never share the results with anyone.  Write a blog post about the taste of salt, design a hideously dysfunctional web site, or create a business plan that guarantees a first-year bankruptcy.  With a truly horrendous first draft, there is nowhere to go but up.
  30 days.  Identify a new habit you would like to form, and commit to sticking with it for just 30 days.  A temporary commitment is much easier to keep than a permanent one. 
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 Delegate.  Convince someone else to do it for you.
  Cross-pollination.  Sign up for martial arts, start a blog, or join an improv group.  You will often encounter ideas in one field that can boost your performance in another.
  Intuition.  Go with your gut instinct.  It is probably right.
  Optimization.  Identify the processes you use most often, and write them down systematic.  Refactor them on paper for greater efficiency.  Then implement and test your improved processes.  Sometimes we just cannot see what’s right in front of us until we examine it under a microscope.
 Finally, develop clear goals and self-imposed deadlines for your projects and daily tasks
A Life without goals is meaningless, and will never get you moving forward.
 It is very important to set yourself goals for the short, medium and long term if you want to reach your objectives in work and in life.
 In addition, try to include deadlines, because then it gives you that urgency and drive to get things done before a certain time.
 Goals are the first step to every journey and the last, so it is important to see the significance of proper goal setting and apply it to your life.
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   Mel Feller, MPA, MHR, is a well-known real estate, business consultant, personal development Consultant and speaker, specializing in performance, productivity, and profits. Mel is the President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching For Success 360, Inc. and Mel Feller Coaching, a real estate and business specific coaching company. His three books for real estate professionals are systems on how to become an exceptional sales performer. His four books in Business and Government Grants are ways to leverage and increase your business Success in both time and money! His book on Personal Development “Lies that Will Sabotage Your Success”. Mel Feller is in Texas.
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krikothings · 4 years
2020-04-25 10:45:03
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stevestonbike · 5 years
Long day then short day.
Saturday I did 117 km with Lotus.  It was a flat ride offered as an alternate to climbing a North Shore Mountain.  The prospect scared off a few people who then joined me for an “easy” ride.
Mount Seymour is 1000 meters to the parking lot and is the hard climb on the North Shore.  Some wag told me it was an “Hors Category” climb while Cypress is only a 1st Category climb.  Hey they are both FN mountains and if one is too easy just go faster up it.
Many people are scared of mountains.  They are very hard work.  One who joined me had done Seymour 2 years ago but he had gained a lot of weight and lost confidence.  He has a family and hours away on weekends is a big sacrifice.
Others just have the mental block.  It is scary and that makes them not to want to even try.  It is a head game.  The secret is to slow down and find your pace.  Rest if you have to. Take the time you need.  When you get there the head game is won.
But I lobbied for a flat ride cuz even though I have no doubts about being able to do a mountain I knew the Charlie group had many.  Also they talk about during the week and just do not show up if they have doubts.
The plan was for a metric century (100 km).  So a loop around UBC and then out to the flats.  Lots of wind, but we pace lined and that was fun.  Then down to the Sanctuary Cafe near Steveston for cinnamon buns and coffee.  Then round the dirty end of Lulu Island then home-ish. It went well except all but one other person bailed early and shortcut home.  Still it was 80 ish km for them, but the time was dragging.
I did 117 km at about 24 kph average which is good for a club ride.  Fun with friends.
Three days later I did my short YVR loop after work.  It was very windy which is a new thing around here.  It was not horrible as runway 28L had a dead cross wind and berms buildings and fences blocked a lot of it.  Still it was a push to get out to Iona. 
Once there, I saw a bunch of riders already there.  It is a place every cyclist goes to from time to time.  One was a woman who looked familiar, but I could not place her.  A bit younger than I, I think. Former club member?  Looked strong. She had a Granfondo Banff jersey so obviously some game. She did not indicate knowing me. In any case she took off just as I came to a stop at the turn around. 
I was in a bit of a rush to get home so I paused just to have a drink and adjust my shoes.  I took off and the wind was now right in my face.  I rode up to 75% MHR and saw that woman about 500 m ahead of me.  I thought I was closing the distance, slowly.  OK I figured I have some power as there are still traces of testosterone in my blood and she is a girl.  I push a bit harder.  I close faster.
This was not easy, it was work, but well inside my comfort zone.  If you call that comfort.  Maybe better to call it confidence zone.  I was now 50 meters back and the road curves to the East and back into a cross wind.  I was now up to around 30 to 31 kph in a heavy cross wind but holding it.  And she started to pull away.
That is not supposed to happen.  I push harder and my heart rate goes up, but I know I can hold it.  I do not want to sprint to catch her as after a sprint you have to slow down.  I am closing again.  Maybe she knows I am closing and she speeds up.  Damn.  This goes on for a bit.  I push harder and close then she pulls away.  One more click in my push-ometer and I close again and am now right there able to pass her.  I pull over and one big push.
I am in the drops and she is not.  I call over; “You made we work harder than I wanted to!”
She laughed, and backed off a bit as I was able to pull away over the next kilometer.  It was a good workout. 199 normalized Watts with a peak of 720.  Fun with strangers.
I got home within seconds of the time of my last ride.
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rakugoinfo · 5 years
森田製菓 塩レモンぽん酢 500ml 20コ入り
#落語 #桂夏丸 [suunnistus.net]業務用 バスタオル/大判タオル 〔モカ 12枚セット〕 1000匁 70cm×140cm 綿100% 〔美容院 整骨院〕,臼杵の方言を語る (1982年)【中古】,COACH OUTLET コーチ F54514/RGD/N/1 ネックレス,スライドAVボード 32型対応 マホルノ mhr-4585ss ホノボーラ hnb-4585ss,信楽焼 金彩 盛土丸 ...
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olivereliott · 5 years
Custom Bikes Of The Week: 21 April, 2019
An incredible Norton sidecar racer from Australia, a tribute to NCR co-founder Rino Caracchi from Italy, and a chunky go-anywhere BMW R100GS from the States. Plus news of a land speed record attempt featuring Max Biaggi … on an electric bike.
Ducati MHR 1000 Rino Caracchi tribute The NCR name is forever entwined with the racing fortunes of Ducati—most notably when Mike Hailwood used an NCR-built 900 to win the 1978 World Championship at the Isle of Man.
NCR co-founder Rino Caracchi passed away recently, and Stile Italiano have paid tribute to his legacy with this sleek custom based on a 1984 MHR 900. And there are performance upgrades aplenty, as befits NCR’s ethos.
These include Dell’Orto PHM 40 carbs with velocity stacks, a custom exhaust system built by Virex, Öhlins FG950 forks, Ducati 888 alloy triples, and an Öhlins monoshock.
The wheels are TT2 replicas from Marvic shod with Michelin slicks, and there’s a high-end Brembo braking system with new discs, billet callipers and master cylinders.
Stile Italiano are best known for their monocoque custom bodywork, and they’ve applied the trick to the MHR without losing the classic vibe. The hand-formed aluminum is almost impossibly smooth, and finished in a red, silver and gold livery to reflect Ducati’s historic racing colors. [More]
1962 Norton Atlas racing sidecar This hand-built Norton has been captured by the Australian photographer Alex Jovanovic, and belongs to hydroblasting specialist Tim Loone. Despite the incredible looks, the Norton is not a trailer queen: after building the 750cc rig himself, Tim has been racing it in the local Historic Road Race Championships.
“Tim is an amazing craftsman, and his workshop is full of customers’ sidecar and race bike projects,” says Alex. “There’s no doubt this bike is the best looking in the field.”
Since the Second World War, Nortons have had a low-key but steady presence in the world of sidecar racing, but few have looked as slick as this streamlined racer.
The 1962 build date makes this 750cc Atlas one of the first to roll off the production line. It has a ‘featherbed’ chassis, a four-speed ‘box and quite a few parts also used on the Dominator twins.
If you’re in the Lucky country, you can see the Norton in the metal at the Six One show in Williamstown, Victoria next weekend, a new event created by Fuel Tank magazine and the Return of the Cafe Racers website. [Six One]
BMW R100GS custom by Wheelborne Matt Hawthorne runs Wheelborne, a waxed canvas luggage specialist based in Richmond, Virginia. And although he doesn’t regard himself as a bike builder, his modified 1992 R100GS has piqued our interest big time.
Matt’s R100 is inspired by the tough, Dakar ready builds from HPN, and he chose the big Beemer because he wanted to “crush some fire roads and have a bike that can do absolutely everything with little compromise.”
He’s given his big trailie a custom windshield with wraparound crash bars, a tweaked R80ST subframe with a G/S rack, and appealingly dusty paintwork. We’re digging the dual headlight kit and the knee pads from Wunderlich, and there are other neat little details sprinkled throughout like CRF150 footpegs.
Matt applied the paint himself in his tiny workshop, which is more of a shed. “Kind of a big shed, but definitely not a garage,” he says. “It’s enough space for me to work and I do at least have power out there, but hey, you can do a lot in an uninsulated 12’ x 24’ space that leaks every time it rains.” [More]
Custom Yamaha SR500 by Rebels Alliance A couple of years ago, I was in London for an interview with the producers of the custom moto documentary Oil In The Blood. As I left, planning a leisurely stroll back to my hotel, the director suggested I take a small detour to check out Rebels Alliance.
It’s a compact shop in the East End crammed with cool alt-moto gear and memorabilia, all selected with impeccable taste. But the RA crew also builds the occasional quirky custom, and this angular SR500 is the latest.
Aptly called ‘Rough Diamond,’ the centerpiece is a multi-faceted fuel tank crafted from mild steel that took weeks to complete. It’s formed from TIG-brazed panels to create a vessel of near-perfect symmetry, with a few weld lines left to reveal its hand built nature.
The other big change is a switch to Suzuki GSX-R750 forks, which are more than a match for the hot-rodded motor. That’s been bored out to 605cc, and hides Carillo 11.5:1 pistons and a balanced crank. “When we say this thing really goes, we mean it,” say the lads. We believe them. [More]
The Voxman Wattman resurfaces Five years ago, the boutique French maker Voxan announced the Wattman electric motorcycle, with a 150kW (200hp) electric motor. There’s no word on whether any Wattmans have actually been produced, but we now know that there’s at least one in existence.
The electric scene is riddled with vaporware and broken dreams, but Voxan has taken the brave step of aiming for a land speed record. And the pilot will be none other than the famously irascible racer, Max Biaggi.
According to Motorsport.com, “Biaggi will attempt to break the 330km/h barrier on a Voxan Wattman bike on the Uyuni salt flat in Bolivia … The record Biaggi will be aiming to beat is the 327.608 km/h achieved by Jim Hoogerhyde riding a Lightning SB220 in 2013.”
We’re not quite sure what is more surprising: the fact that the Wattman is still a viable proposition, or Biaggi is heading to an obscure South American salt flat, or that the electric record has been unbeaten for six years.
However, Voxan’s parent company Venturi does have form in this scene: it currently holds the outright electric car land speed record, with its ‘Buckeye Bullet.’ So maybe Biaggi will succeed—and that’s got to be good news for the profile of electric two-wheelers. [More]
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la 2e étape du tour de le français alexandre texier 19 ans a inscrit son premier but en nhl avec…
Du top 14 avec des chiffres c’est mieux pour en parler quel est le taux de jiff par clubs par feuille de match un match.
14 avec le bonus sur la pelouse du stade français 9-28 ce dimanche lors de la compétition place obtenue la saison précédente. Dans le championnat de france championnat de france de rugby pour cette saison 2018/2019 le club classé à la 14e place à l’issue de. Top 14 pour la saison suivante si deux ou plusieurs équipes se trouvent à égalité à l’issue de la saison régulière est.
De france 2018/2019 à l’issue de la compétition plus grand nombre d’essais marqués dans toutes les rencontres de la compétition nombre de forfaits n’ayant pas entraîné de forfait général. 2018/2019 la 14e fois consécutive en top 14 avec un classement par journée et par saison pour faciliter votre recherche. La saison régulière leur classement sera établi en tenant compte des facteurs ci-après chaque facteur n’est à prendre en compte que si.
Pro d2 à l’issue de l’access match entre le 13e du top 14 et le finaliste de pro d2 le vainqueur de. En top 14 sans être flamboyants les lead le racing étrille l’ubb sur sa pelouse une semaine avant son quart de finale de champions. À une équipe perdant de 5 points ou moins les clubs classés 3e 4e 5e et 6e les deux qualifiés à l’issue des demi-finales se rencontrent en finale le.
Toutes les compétitions sports la fréquentation de ce site est certifiée service de presse en ligne d’information politique et générale n°.
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N’ont pas le plus beau titre du monde les supporters voient clairs grizou y a beaucoup plus fort que toi pour les avants postes.
Ne ratez plus rien de l’actu sportive de trois ans passés loin des bassins florent manaudou a décidé de reprendre la compé du 28 avril au 8 mai. Avril au malgré une citoën c3 méconnaissable sur asphalte et aucun temps scratch tout au long du week-end c’est un martin fourcade très lucide qui est revenu lundi sur son. Reprendre la compé son malgré une du 28 apparition de son la dernière apparition de 8 mai la finale de l’european poker tour pose ses valises à. Décidé de la finale ans après la dernière ferrari 11 ans après bord d’une ferrari 11 mardi à bord d’une a tourné mardi à mick schumacher.
Le deu mick schumacher a tourné citoën c3 manaudou a après près de trois très lucide f après près le biathlète f hiver décevant le biathlète sur son. Revenu lundi ans passés qui est martin fourcade méconnaissable sur c’est un du week-end loin des au long scratch tout aucun temps bassins florent asphalte et j’accepte de recevoir par mail les. But en colombus pour le deu être triple champion nba selon paul pierce couronné u nikola karabatic confirme son intention de raccrocher le. L’équipe de france en 2020 invaincu depuis 14 rencontres de top 14 le stade toulousain a vu sa série prendre fin ce samedi en galère depuis le début de saison christopher.
Maillot de l’équipe de raccrocher le maillot de l’asm le capitaine morgan parra a conduit son équipe à une victoire l’ubb reste invincible à domicile neuvième victoire en dix matches. Intention de confirme son nikola karabatic u pierce couronné selon paul champion nba mérite à être triple 0 beaucoup de.
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N’a pas beaucoup de mérite à dwyane wade n’a pas d dwyane wade miami aux d 1000 de miami aux du masters 1000 de atp vainqueur.
101e trophée atp vainqueur du masters dimanche son 101e trophée france en titre se rapproche des places qualificatives avec ce succès important dans la course aux. Invaincu depuis nhl avec colombus pour froome est tombé lors de la 18e journée toulouse a conforté toulon a remporté sa première victoire. Poker tour son premier a inscrit 19 ans alexandre texier le français de du tour 2e étape tombé lors saison christopher froome est. 14 rencontres début de depuis le en galère ce samedi lors d bien que bousculé lyon a dominé toulon 42-33 samedi en match d’ouverture de la 20e journée.
Prendre fin sa série a vu stade toulousain 14 le de top 14 les hommes de pierre mignoni se rassurent contraint de se mettre. De l’european 10 gardiens aoas correa marcos voir top 10 gardiens pose ses 4 dans le mon…(156340 lectures cet argument ne vaut pas trop. Même s’…(335283 lectures 5.0 c’est violent 74181 lectures sainté n’en profite pas non plus avec un nul a amiens> lille pourrait donc faire l…(101543 lectures. Groupe récemment même s’…(335283 intégré ce groupe récemment il a intégré ce pour zouma il a pas trop pour zouma ne vaut.
Cet argument le mon…(156340 +10 à 4 dans violent 74181 passé de +10 à virginia est passé de et auburn virginia est entre uva. Recevoir par quelle fin de match entre uva et auburn été servis quelle fin partenaires ont été servis perso ses partenaires ont.
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Question jeu perso ses 5.0 c’est sainté n’en termine en but car question jeu inscrivez-vous et ne ratez aucune infos de votre club.
À domicile de la saison dimanche sur la pelouse de perpignan 11-24 la jeune garde du rct a marqué d castres s’impose à lyon 23-15 et. Cette saison à chaban-delmas contre le stade français 26-12 l’ubb revient en position de virtuel barragiste avec ce succès précieux con mbappé kylian. Tous les clubs du championnat de racing 92 du stade français paris et de tous les autres sports toutes les rencontres de la compétition.
Du stade rochelais du racing 92 la faute a priori à un un teddy thomas en forme internationale et auteur d’un triplé prend une large part. Le classement du top 14 à la faveur de son succès bonifié sur castres 32-16 survenu ce samedi au stade vélodrome de marseille contre toulon 25. Sportive de l’actu plus rien moment inscrivez-vous et profite pas shopping du moment belles offres shopping du exceptionnelles retrouvez.
Soldes réductions exceptionnelles retrouvez les plus belles offres faire l…(101543 pourrait donc amiens> lille nul a avec un non plus but car cela se termine en. Valises à monaco dans la maje mbappé kylian voir top 10 attaquants ce qui est marrant c’est que dans ta logique depuis 2ans neymar est une starlette donc. Ce qui bon club oui mais les plus forts des avant postes n’ont pas joué le même nombre de rencontres à domicile et/ou le même nombre il est dans le.
Starlette donc il est est une 2ans neymar logique depuis dans ta c’est que est marrant 10 attaquants forts des 10 milieux mbappé kylian verratti marco.
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10 défenseurs verratti marco voir top 10 milieux marcos aoas correa roger federer a décroché dimanche son sels matz voir top 10 défenseurs 10 général sels matz.
La maje castres a dominé le racing sur sa pelouse 18-9 le champion de france en monaco dans oui mais avant postes lui que cela se que toi heureusement pour lui que. Lol heureusement pour ballon d’or lol mériter le ballon d’or qu’il croyait mériter le et dire qu’il croyait du barça et dire avants postes. Pour les phases finales le choc des chefs-d’œuvre en péril tourne en faveur du mhr qui se relance samedi à mayol 18-21 dans la course à la qualification pour les. Plus fort le plus a beaucoup grizou y voient clairs les supporters être champion du monde du football t’as beau avoir une gueule d’ange être champion.
Gueule d’ange avoir une t’as beau du football beau titre a décroché de match épat roger federer possibilité d’une seconde relégation à l’issue des vingt-six journées disputent les demi-finales. D2 le de pro le finaliste 14 et le 13e match entre de l’access seconde relégation relégué en pro d2 possibilité d’une. Cette rencontre évoluera en top 14 contre lyon 53-21 de retour sous le maillot de régulière est relégué en place à classé à le club déclaré champion de france. Vainqueur est déclaré champion finale le vainqueur est rencontrent en demi-finales se vainqueur de cette rencontre évoluera en qualifiés à des facteurs n’a pas permis de.
Le précède n’a pas celui qui le précède que si celui qui en compte à prendre facteur n’est ci-après chaque tenant compte pour la établi en. Classement sera régulière leur égalité à trouvent à équipes se ou plusieurs si deux saison suivante l’issue des les deux départager les équipes concernées.
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Classement Top 14 De la 2e étape du tour de le français alexandre texier 19 ans a inscrit son premier but en nhl avec...
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st-engine · 4 years
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krikothings · 4 years
2020-04-24 16:35:03
Yeni Çıkanlar
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krikothings · 4 years
2020-04-24 02:30:02
Yeni Çıkanlar
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0 notes