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mistresstrevelyan · 5 years ago
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“Soul meets soul on lovers' lips.” ― Percy Bysshe Shelley
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ask-cosplay-onceler · 3 years ago
Happy Oncelerversary! 🎉 Or should I say meversary?
I am not dead and no, I am not switching to video format. Just need to finish some business first before being able to get back to you.
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omegastation · 5 years ago
persephonechiara replied to your post “i’m going to be back for a while. i kinda need mass effect right now,...”
Welcome back! I am currently doing a trilogy & MEA replay, the tag is "Persephone celebrates MEversary". Mass Effect and esp, Shepard are helping me through this dark time.
Thank you, will check it! :) (if anyone has a tag or a current playthrough they want to talk about, I’m all ears)
And yeah same. I actually think just being here and checking the tag again and remembering everything I love so much about this franchise (and the fandom) is helping me. 
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thelittlelistnet · 3 years ago
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Message from 1st Meversary https://thelittlelist.net/message-from-1st-meversary/
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previousjane · 10 years ago
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mistresstrevelyan · 5 years ago
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“Siha, I’m afraid I’ve picked a bad time to leave....” Thane’s voice rattled as their hands found each other, intertwining as lovers have since time immemorial.
“You couldn’t disappoint me, Thane, not even now!” Katja reassured him, her own voice brimming with both emotion and unshed tears. She blinked them away and brought his knuckles to her lips. “I love you so. Stay with me, my love....”
“Such pleasantries from your lips, I cannot tell you how much I want to...” Another attack shook him, his cough spraying blood on her dress. “Forgive me, my dearest one, my warrior angel. But there is one more thing I must do before it gets worse. For you, I must....”
Feverish words of fear followed by immediate consolation and reassurance and when Kolyat brought out the prayer book Katja knew the battle was lost. She owed it to him to make his parting easy, to curb her selfish need and to love him more than she valued her own happiness.
“Guide this one to where the traveller never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. Guide this one, Kalahira, and she will be a companion to you as she was to me." And then the time came, Thane drew one last deep breath, smiled at them and the fight went out of his body, the soft glance of his dark eyes breaking in a last locked gaze with her. Katja’s mouth felt ashen, her chest tight with pain.
“Kolyat....” She began, still holding Thane’s hand tightly. “Why did the last verse say she?”
“The prayer was not for him, Commander. He has already asked for forgiveness for the lives he has taken.” Kolyat swallowed hard, his eyes soft with pity. “His wish.....was for you!”
Katja felt a tightening in her chest, knocking what little breath she had out of her lungs. That he should spend his last thoughts trying to reassure her, to ask for blessings on her behalf....it was too much, she could bear no more. The urge to run near swallowed her whole but she forced herself to stay, to close his eyes and place one last kiss on his brow.
“Wait for me,” She pleaded under her breath, her tears falling freely now. “You won’t be alone long.” She avowed, her head spinning after near forty-eight hours without sleep, never mind the blood she had lost or the lack of nourishment and water. What she needed most was no longer of this world. Letting go of her beloved she drew Kolyat into a tight hug. 
“I will have a Memorial on the Normandy before we depart from the Citadel. Please, if you are able, attend?”
“It’d be my honour, Commander.” Kolyat agreed. 
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sspacer · 11 years ago
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previousjane · 10 years ago
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maxxiedemon · 10 years ago
eleneripenneth replied to your photo: “Work on Genophage… was more than just study. Gideon hates this big...”:
Oh, this is so true. So painfully true. And it's an important part of Mordin's redemption arc. But it still hurts, dammit. Poor Gideon.
Mordin's character arc is just so utterly painful.
I mean, especially considering how through out Mass Effect 2, it is all about him trying to reason his actions in continuing the genophage. He might not have created it, but he continued it. And Mordin never stops struggling with it.
He talks about using numbers and stimulations -- all very scientific methodology -- to justify it first.
This is literally the very first conversation you get with Mordin. He gloss over with it being about his capabilities rather than his regrets.
But in that one moment, when, or if, Shepard asks if it was truly the best option. Mordin loses it. His speech goes faster than even normal and he is so desperate to say, "look the numbers don't lie. this is the best for everyone."
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He paces, his arms wave, he needed to believe that the numbers never lied to him.
Then as it turns out, in his loyalty mission, you realized he never really believed the numbers anyway. That he actually turned to other form of faith outside of his species to find the answer to his action. He actually had to explore realms that is not his expertise to continue justifying the genophage to himself.
He kept trying to believe that modifying the genophage was the right decision.
Then Eve rolled around and he actually got a chance to talk to someone that was severely affected by his action. There was no escaping and no reasoning he could crawl himself into anymore.
Then it all crumbled and in the end, if the right circumstances are met, Mordin -is- willing to defy even Shepard, even when his body is failing him, and he is bleeding out. His last actions is to desperately crawl to the terminal.
I think, maybe it is knowing he was going most likely going to die old age anyway. And that he also know that he is famous enough for an autobiography.
And that maybe instead of seashells, he dreamed that instead of the book being titled as "The Best Kept Secret and Genius of the Salarian STG"... it might be titled as "The Salarian That Gave the Krogans a Second Chance".
The Salarians might not write it.
But I think the Krogans and their shamans will.
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mistresstrevelyan · 5 years ago
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Something more than friendship
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eldritchblaast · 10 years ago
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sspacer · 11 years ago
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meversary ► mass effect 2 [14/∞]
"where's the assassin?"
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previousjane · 10 years ago
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attackmercy · 10 years ago
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