#max replays mass effect
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things i somehow forgot and then suddenly remembered while playing ME1, having not played it in idk over 5+ years??
>nihlus as a whole ass character. i confused him for saren. thought he was the dude who would betray us. i forgot that saren was a whole other turian. im sorry nihlus. RIP.
>that liara's mom is the big booby matriarch
>garrus would've happily shot down a ship and let hostages die just to take down One Dude
>conrad verner
>admiral hackett and how much i love that guy
>that kaidan fucking killed a man at brain camp
>rachni queen
>that wrex could also die on virmire
#I THANKFULLY MAXED OUT ON INTIMIDATION AND DID HIS SIDE QUEST BUT LMAOOOOOO.#i get to virmire and get the genophage cure chat with the salarian and when wrex gets (rightfully) combative about it.#i went “OH WAIT OH SHIT OH RIGHT IF YOU DONT HAVE XYZ HE GETS FUCKING SHOTT.”#sam replays mass effect.
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One of the big overarching reasons I bought a Steam Deck was actually in remembering a video I seen years ago of one of the original Nintendo Switch adverts where a bunch of dudes were sat outside somewhere looking really pumped like they were both playing a heated and fun co-op game but the screen had been edited to show Male Shepard and Kaidan Alenko naked in the romance scene from Mass Effect 3
#i saw a brave future in that video#i have yet to install mass effect legendary edition on Deck yet but I hear it runs very well maxed out at 60+fps#GONNA HAVE TO REPLAY THE ENTIRE SERIES JUST TO MAKE MY DREAM REAL#mass effect#about#blah
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Some more info on the Mass Effect board game, from co-designer Calvin:
"Hi all, Calvin here, co-designer of the game. I've gathered all the frequently asked questions on social media and bgg and gathered them into some answers for you. Feel free to ask more questions if yours is not answered, and if I can answer it I will. I will be updating this as more information about the game becomes available. Release info - The release date is (hopefully) November depending on the gods of shipping - Price is confirmed, the game will be $50/£40 - The team is currently working on translation deals for 9 or so languages. More details soon. - For info on pre-orders go to https://www.modiphius.net/pages/mass-effect-signup - There are currently no plans for a collector’s edition vs standard edition - It is not crowdfunded, the game is direct to retail - "If you'd like to support the game right now, there's nothing better than going into your local FLGS and asking them if they'll stock the game when it comes out. With the vast amount of great games coming out every week, retailers rely on fans asking about the game. This helps them gauge how much to buy, the more people ask, the more buzz they know there is, the more confident they are to buy enough and the more likely there's one waiting for you on the shelf when you go in :-) That feeds up the chain; the more retailers ask their sales reps at Asmodee, the more Asmodee goes, "Oh wait, let's order more, so we have enough for all the shops". Plot - The game is set on the planet Hagalaz, early during the events of Mass Effect 3 - The players are tasked with investigating a crashed Cerberus research cruiser which could have info that contributes to War Readiness and could help stop the Reapers - The game is designed so people who have never played Mass Effect can still enjoy it. Eric hasn't played the games as much as I did so he got to do what he calls “the meathead test” on all the theming and story. - We worked with Bioware on all the plot and theming. - Yes you can do calibrations in this game Basic game info - Co-operative squad tactics - 1-4 players - Included are six 32mm minis, masc Shep, fem Shep, Liara, Garrus, Tali, and Wrex - Not many other components to keep price and complexity low - 45 minute missions - 3-5 missions per campaign - Branching paragon/renegade choices + sidequests - Enough missions to replay the campaign several times without repeats - Solo play is really fun, in fact I like all the player counts equally, which is something I’m very proud that we were able to achieve in this game - Solo play is basically multi-handing, you control more than one character. - There is no legacy aspect, the game is fully resettable - There will be new original art"
[character limit text break]
"Gameplay info - Low rules complexity, but with lots of tactical depth. We aimed for an audience of Mass Effect fans who might not know anything about board games. Board gamers should still find something to enjoy if they’re into co-op tactics. - A group that just wants to turn their brain off and blast through the game should have an easy time - But a group who wants to get the best endings, complete all the sidequests, get all the level ups will have to min-max pretty heavily - The game has relatively low randomness. Planning, prediction, and preparation are very important to avoid bad outcomes - but there’s still enough randomness to avoid AP as players try to plan out perfect turns. - Important gameplay elements include positioning and combo-ing abilities with other players. - There is a tactical map. - Players will level up their characters by performing in game actions and learn new abilities. - We got all 6 Shepard classes in there. It is one of the things I am very proud of doing. - Re: alpha gamers, Eric and I do not believe it is the designer’s job to solve for jerks at your gaming table. Obviously we have designed the game so that every player has something to contribute and there’s plenty of info so that it’s hard to track. But we also recommend having adult conversations with your table partners. Interviews/Behind The Scenes Beyond Solitaire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-nLGDt97i4 Topics: how we designed the game and implemented the narrative UKGE promo copy https://twitter.com/Modiphius/status/1796844231018811782/" Post last updated August 8th
New original art 👀
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Whelp I've done it. Just finished Witch Hunt which now marks the end of my Dragon: Age Origins run. 10/10 would recommend. Especially Awakening and Witch Hunt DLC.
And y'know what? Witch Hunt was worth it for this moment. A fitting end for my Warden. Reunited with his love (and baby mama) and peaces out of work and responsibilities via magic mirror. Just look at that face. I think this is honestly the first time I've seen my Warden-Commander smile in a LONG time. Poor guy.

Minor DA2 rant below cut;
Actually I finished it awhile ago but had been procrastinating by replaying Awakening.
Because uggghhhhhh... I don't want to play DA2.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I'll grow to love Hawke again but right now my mood is just... meh. Replaying Origins and all its DLCs just made the differences in quality and content between the two all the more jarring. Aaaand on a more personal level -- I don't want to stop being a Grey Warden. ಥ_ಥ
For the last near 150 hours, I was sold on being a Grey Warden. In fact, I think my best fun was Awakening where I actually got to BE a Grey Warden doing Grey Warden things WITH OTHER GREY WARDENS. We ALL drank the nasty juice! It was a bonding experience! This game spent so much time building up the lore and excitement of being a Grey Warden -- leaving so many unanswered questions about the Taint, the Blight, what it all means, dO wE GET griFFONs -- only to just... drop it all in DA2.
I'm just so confused by the direction DA2 went. Replaying Origins with the knowledge of the upcoming mage/templar plot in DA2, the conflict in Origins felt... minor. Sure we get hints here and there that things are Kinda Bad. But nothing major. Heck, I played a Circle Mage as my Origin and I never felt that 'Oh wow, mage rebellion should totally be Main Focus of the next game!' Like don't get me wrong, mage/templar conflict is 😌👌but the Darkspawn and Grey Wardens was what set Dragon Age apart from other fantasy.
"Well the Blight's over Carrinth, there's no more story to tell about Grey Wardens" you say. And yet, Awakening did a fantastic job of making an entire campaign post-Blight.
Part of me feels like if they didn't want to keep the Main Character the same (ala Mass Effect with Cmdr Shepard) then couldn't they have still made the DA2 MC a grey warden? Like a junior(?) Warden that's investigating Corypheus or whatever in Kirkwall but gets caught in the mage/templar mess. Sure we would have gotten a very different story but would that have been so bad?
In the end, I will likely end up playing DA2, if only for the excellent companions and to reunite with my Sad Mage and Angry Spirit Husbands. But at the moment... *sigh*
So goodbye Marzel Amell. You were the best Warden-Commander and I had fun throwing Storm of the Century on fools, flexing my maxed out Coercion, and painstakingly working out TACTICS. I will probably still keep stubbornly drawing Awakening fanart (because I am Not Normal about those idiots) but DA2 stuff will likely eventually bleed in. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Farewell Marzel and go live gloriously in mirror land with ur spider lady and kid.

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Mass Effect 1 replay, part one of Noveria:
-Am I imagining it, or is human diversity greater in Mass Effect 1 than in later games? I feel we encounter more humans from obviously different cultural backgrounds. I’ll have to keep an eye in later games to see if that’s true or not.
Bit ironic if it's true, considering the emphasis 2 and 3 place on human diversity.
-When greeting Matsuo, Alliance is the neutral option and spectre is paragon. The reasoning is obvious this time; spectres have the right to carry weapons but the Alliance does not.
-As others have pointed out; why is Matsuo the only one to use honorifics? Presumably others do as well if they're languages use them, but only Matsuo’s honorifics are displayed.
-When Liara goes on the offensive in cutscenes, she doesn’t draw a weapon. She prepares to use biotics. Nice touch
-Tali in the conversation with Matuso: Home is a state mind.
Home is quite a loaded concept for Quarians, isn’t it?
-Liara, outside by the Normandy: I do not like this place. Too many dark secrets.
Rather ironic, for one who will later become an information broker, than the Shadow Broker
-I did not realized that there’s a conversation with Liara at the security check on the Noveria. This is actually a very well done conversation. You even have the option to send her back to the Normandy, since you don’t trust her to stand with you when you confront her mother.
-Liara, quoting to an asari idom: Only a child never contradicts her mother
Like it, and it’s true. Defying your parents is part of becoming an adult.
-Tali, bottom floor of the port: My people have dealt with the corporations on Noveria in the past. They pay well and don’t ask any questions.
Not something I had considered before, but quite logical. And Noveria corporations research AI; the Quarians are experts at AI. Of course Noveria would value them.
-There’s an ERCS guard that wants a doughnut. I actually like this guy – for what’s essentially a cop, at least he’s not corrupt. Unlike the other guard you can speak to.
-Liara, bottom floor of the port: Do not be fooled by these civilized surroundings. This is a place of secrets and lies.
If the game had done something with this, Liara's transition to an information broker would have had a much greater impact.
Maybe use it to show how far she lost herself between ME1 and ME2 - Shepard could have brought up her behavior in Noveria versus her Illium, be worried that something must have gone very wrong.
And Liara come back with the obvious - Shepard died. (Even if the actual reason is losing Feron.)
Also would have been a nice opportunity to force Shepard to grapple with their death, instead of gloss over it as the game normally does.
-Lilihierax was obviously meant to have a larger role. Shame it didn’t make it in – I like him quite a lot too.
-Mallene Callis – She is hilariously blunt about using Shepard. Just jumps straight into what she wants Shepard to do, no intro.
This sidequest is quite interesting, because outside the codex it’s one of the few times you get insight into the kind of genetic modifications that can be performed.
Oddly enough, refusing the quest completely gets you more paragon points than warning Binary Helix about her.
She offers you a reward of 500 credits. Lady, I’m at max money.
-Rafael Vargas introduction – This is different! Paragon intro is Alliance, renegade is spectre. Is this because Shepard is behaving corruptly by helping Mallene spy on him?
-Lori Qui’in takes one look at you and goes “opportunity!”. He may be on the outs but he’s having quite a good time. Love this dude.
-Lorik mentions Benezia wore a pin striped suit, but all we ever see her in is that ridiculous black outfit. I bet she looks better in the suit.
-The power dynamic Lorik describes is interesting. Benezia is a matriarch – they’re supposed to be some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy.
But Benezia’s power on Noveria comes from Saren, because he’s a major investor in Binary Helix.
She also introduces herself as Saren’s assistant, which is probably not a typical position for any matriarch.
Did this not set off any red flags?
-Anoleis repeatedly refers to Saren as an Agent. Is the fact that his status was revoked not known?
I repeat: Shepard’s meetings with the Council were public!
-Lorik doesn’t want blood on the carpet of Synthetic Insights, but there isn’t any carpet. Bioware, c’mon.
That one ECRS Guard even says later Lorik complains about the blood on the carpet. Is carpet really that hard to model?
-Stirling calling us cop killers is absurd. Lady, if you’re taking money on the side for a job you’re a mercenary.
-Liara disproves of Shepard giving Lorik’s evidence to Anoleis. Honestly, it’s good to know that even she has limits when it comes to Shepard’s behavior.
-Liara does approve of helping Gianna remove Anoleis. No surprises there.
-Lorik offers me a 500 credit award too. Did Bioware not realize how easy it was to come by credits in the game?
-Gianna doesn’t normally like spectres… How many does she deal with?
She’s dealt with Saren, hasn’t she. That would do it.
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I tried putting this in the description but it messed everything up.
I only use one account and I post my art
The ones in bold are my main interests :]
Interests: Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption, Love Live, Yakuza series, Ace Attorney, Sam and Max, Madoka Magica, Death Stranding, Disco Elysium, Dishonored, The Witcher 3, Vocaloid/Utaloid or any vocal synths
I’m replaying Dishonored so i can play the other two, and I haven’t finished The Witcher 💔
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Absolutely no one has asked for this but these are my top 10 favorite video games. I sort of ranked these based on the emotional impact they had on me, how many times I've replayed them, how many hours I have in the games, and how well I think they were made, etc.
10. Life is Strange: Before the Storm
I liked Chloe as a protagonist more than Max. I also really enjoyed Rachel and how you couldn't rewind this time, and you were stuck with your choices. And the emotional impact of the story has stuck with me after all these years.

9. Elden Ring
Elden Ring introduced me to souls-like games and showed me that they were not as hard as I originally thought. I love the gameplay, and the lore is ✨️chefs kiss✨️.

8. A Way Out
I can't describe how heartbroken I was at the end of this game. It takes you through so much laughter and heartache. And you get to experience it all with another person since it's made to be co-op. It's such a fun and emotionally impactful story.

7. Shadow of Mordor
I am a huge LoTR fun, but more than that, I am a huge lore and Silmarillion fan. Even the minor inclusion of Middle Earth lore in this game had me geeking out. I also really enjoy the story and gameplay.

6. Dragon Age 2
The main character, Hawke, has my entire heart. And so do all the other characters. The gameplay might not be as good as others on this list, but to me, the story and the side characters have left such an impact on my brain.

5. Halo: Reach
The Halo series as a whole has a special place in my heart anyway, but something about Reach has stuck with me after all these years. I love the whole cast of characters. I love the level design and the combat. I love the story. I have probably played this game about 6 times. I have another friend who loves Halo, and when we just want to talk or need to vent, we'll play Reach, and we can play it while on autopilot and just talk to each other.

4. Red Dead Redemption 2
I love so much about this game. The story, the open world, all the characters, Arthur Morgan. Unfortunately, I was spoiled for the ending before I got to play it, but the impact of it hit just as hard. I don't think I've ever cried so much about a video game besides this one and number two on this list.

3. Assassin's Creed: Blackflag
Assassin's Creed was one of the series that really got me into gaming, and Blackflag is by far my favorite. Edward Kenway is such a good and interesting protagonist, and I really enjoyed playing as him in one of my favorite series. To this day, it is the only game I've ever completed to 100% in quests, collectibles, and achievements because I just couldn't stop playing it

2. Mass Effect 3
When I tell you that I am obsessed with the Mass Effect universe, I mean it. There is just something about Bioware's world building, character work, and storytelling that I just love so much. Commander Shepard has got to be one of my favorite protagonists of all time. And like I said, this game and RDR2 the two games that I have actually sat there and sobbed over. When I finished ME3, I immediately wanted to replay from the beginning of the trilogy, but I had to stop myself and go finish other games I had already started. I think about this trilogy and the characters from it so much that I actually read Mass Effect fanfiction, and I'm not a big fanfic reader.

1: The Sims 4
This one might seem really out of place with the rest of the bangers on this list, but listen ... this game is like a guilty pleasure. I have so many hours in it that it's kind of embarrassing. I've spent way too much money on TS4, and I love all kinds of aspects about it. Dressing up sims, building houses and other stuff, playing out storylines, I love it all. And most of the characters from the rest of the games on this list, I have remade them in TS4 and given them happy endings.

#please share your favorites and tell me why you love them#it feels like sometimes people just want to complain about video games#and it gets tiring#video games#life is strange#life is strange before the storm#elden ring#fromsoftware#a way out#shadow of mordor#dragon age 2#halo reach#halo#halo series#red dead redemption 2#assassin's creed black flag#mass effect trilogy#mass effect 3#mass effect legendary edition#the sims 4
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Monday News &, Notes from FutureTrack
Ahh, and so it bȩgins afterwards. After a significantly, record- breakingly, tunnel- foot- inducingly wet 2023 season, I think all of us in the UK were hoping for some respite this year ( and maybe the prospect of a somewhat drier Badminton ). Alas, it may seem, we’re having no such luck. We’ve already seen a number of illegal cancellations and mid-event abandonments two days into the eventing time. Will we ever find going effectively? Or did next year’s Kronenberg International, where English- based riders are heading en masse, be the first real chance we’ll get to see some eventing over around?
National Holiday:  , It’s National Awkward Moments Day. I do n’t know who’s doing the copywriting over at National Today, but I suspect much of their output falls under the remit of today’s celebrations.
Ư. Ș. Weekend Action:
Carolina International CCI &, H. Ƭ. ( Raeford, NC):   ,]Website]] Results ]] Live Stream]]EN’s Coverage ]
Ocala Winter II ( Ocala, FL ):   ,]Website ]   ,]Results ]
Pine Top Spring H. Ƭ. ( Thomson, GA ):   ,]Website]] Results ]
Ram Tap National H. Ƭ. ( Fresno, CA ):   ,]Website ]   ,]Results ]
UK Weekend Outcomes:
Lincolnshire ( Grange de Lings, Lincs. ) :]Results]
International Events:
FEI Eventing Nations Cup Leg 1 ( Montelibretti, Italy ):   ,]Website ]   ,]Results ]
Your Monday Reading Listing from FutureTrack:
The 2024 FEI , Nations Cup line actually kicked off over the weekends at Montelibretti.  , That, we saw the French group take a decisive victory in this first excursion, with France’s Benjamin Massie also taking the personal win with Figaro Fonroy. We’ll undoubtedly be starting as they intend, and while there wo n’t be another Nations Cup leg until mid-May to assess each nation’s standard, we’re now officially in the form-strategy phase of the season. Find out more about the FEI’s success in this round-up by the Olympic number nation.
Goodbye and farewell to Seacookie TSF, the extraordinary Trakehner, with whom William Fox-Pau won one of his Pau successes.  , Up, the couple also won Blenheim and finished second at Kentucky and Burghley before the gelding’s pensions in 2014. After years of living his ƀest life, he was put dσwn at the age of 25 with his brother five-star winning best classmates. Since then, he has enjoyed a happy retirement with user Catherine Witt. Reflect on his job so far.
If you buy, sell, or cause horses, you’ll have to , understand how the legislation pertains to your location.  , Lucky for you, animal law specialist — and international eventer — Jodie Seddon is here to support. On April 8th, she and her partner Hannah Bradley will host a complete conference that will walk you through every detail of what you need to know. Reserve your area here.
Maybe, I just sit in my horse’s firm and think about how lucky I am to have her in my life.  , Owning horses is challenging – it can be brutal on your emotions, your body, your bank account, your schedule— but there’s so much good that comes up of having these strange, arrogant, beautiful animals in our lives. Useful, heartfelt content to start your day with is what USEA spoke with a cross-section of its members to discover why they feel so fortunate to have horses.
And finally, based in or near London and looking for an entertaining, educational day out for a kiddo in your life? On April 4th, I attended a reading and illustration session at the Southbank Centre with author Raymond Antrobus and illustrator Ken Wilson-Max’s recent book, Terrible Horses. Through the tale of a conflicting brother and ȿister and a horse ḑrawing notebook, it’s all about learning to interpret the people’s perspectives and emotions. Find out more here and purchase tickets.
Morning Viewing:
With the , the entire live-stream on replay, catch up on all the juicy Nations Cup cross-country action from Montelibretti:
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The conflict between wanting to use my skill points as effectively as possible which means not using any on charm or intimidate, versus my desire to never fail a mission
#crap#im playing mass effect 1 a d you automatically level up in charm/intimidate with your paragon/renegade points#with a max of 4 each in a playthrough#so if you play through 3 times you can max them out without using skill points on them#but you also fail a lot of checks your first time through orz#also you have to replay me1 3 times which#i mean i actually like me1 more than some people but thats a lot
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Seeing the craziness that modding has been achieved on Mass Effect 3, I was wondering...
How hard will it be to edit the voices so we can finally get our dream Miranda/Ashley/Tali/Jack Femshep romances?
Is it even possible to mod in the voices?
Because if it is simply just because of “we have no access to the voice actors” and I can get the audio files to some other lines, I can do some editing to make a “her” version of the romance lines?????
#max replays mass effect#mass effect#mass effect mods#i don't know how hard it is to pluck game files out like that#textures i get#but voices though?#does anyone know?
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can’t get this out of my head for some reason so here are some random gaming headcanons about the party if they were in modern times (disclaimer: i know a good amount about gaming but i haven’t played all these games/types of games so if this isn’t all accurate my apologies)
Max: she is probably one of the biggest gamers in the group. She has a whole gaming set up she worked really hard to pay for and she’s super protective of it. She’s usually down to play most games and tries stuff from different genres. Her favorites are horror games and battle royale games. She gets super competitive and definitely experienced gamer rage at times.
Favorite games: Dead by Daylight, Resident Evil Series, Apex Legends, Valorant
Will: I think he would be a big fan of open world games. I think he’s especially like games with options for cool combat and magic systems but also just options to chill out, ride a horse, pick flowers, and make potions. He’s also a sucker for a game with cool graphics and/or a good soundtrack.
Favorite games: Skyrim, Breath of the Wild, The Witcher
El: I think El would probably use video games as a stress reliever and would mainly like peaceful/cozy games. She’d also be a big fan of life sims and always spends hours in the character creator for any game. She also likes story games where she can escape into the world and the characters. She likes gaming with Hopper but he’s abysmal and the only game she can consistently get him to play somewhat decently is MarioKart.
Favorite games: The Sims 4, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Life is Strange Franchise
Lucas: I think Lucas likes any games that offer a real challenge. If he hears it’s hard it only wants to make him play it more. He also really likes survival based games where you have to consider your choices, manage your resources, and fight to survive. He also likes some sports games, especially basketball since he plays. He likes games with well thought out world-building and interesting combat/bosses.
Favorite games: Fallout, Valheim, 2k, Elden Ring
Dustin: I think Dustin would probably have the most diverse taste in games. He likes to try new stuff and he especially likes games that challenge his brain. He tends to like games on the nerdier side like superhero games. He also likes classic platform games. He’s the type of gamer who replays games over and over to get high score and unlock all the trophies.
Favorite games: Marvel’s Spiderman, Mass Effect Series, Super Mario
Mike: He is also a super competitive gamer and likes games where he can compete against his friends. He likes combat based games and knows all the combos and moves and character stats. He also likes nostalgic games from his childhood like old Wii games and he always loves the LEGO games (especially Star Wars and Marvel). He also likes any couch co-op type games he can play with the party
Favorite games: Super Smash Bros., Mortal Kombat, LEGO Star Wars, League of Legends, Mario Kart
#stranger things#st#st headcanons#gaming#eleven#max mayfield#will byers#lucas sinclair#dustin henderson#mike wheeler#el rambles#no one asked for this#but i hope at least one person enjoys it#also tag urself fellow gamers im El
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okay real video game talk I revamped one of my fave old Skyrim characters with a new save bc I want to do dark brotherhood quest line .and im having fun. But unfortunately the hair replacer mod I have made Cicero bald (sad)
Also I am thinking of downloading mass effect to replay bc I remembered it suddenly and can’t stop thinking about it. I miss them…the Normandy crew…but also I’ve been saying I’m finally gonna actually play more of disco elysium for real literally I’m at max capacity video game wise Thank god I’m between employment right now
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Finished the first Mass Effect, some thoughts:
- Garrus is bae, Tali is close second
- Kaidan was annoying so I killed him
- Did not like the mako segments. The handling on that thing is capital B bad and the way most uncharted planets are laid out is too rocky and steep for said handling. Unfortunately these segments make up a LOT of the gameplay.
- Ended up hitting max currency several times which was odd, I never felt the need to buy much besides upgrades and the game was still pretty easy.
- I had one of those moments where you recognize a voice and it hits you like a ton of bricks. One of the Zhu colonists had the same voice as my Hero of Ferelden, whose voice is permanently seared into my head because she had very aggressive voice stabs lol.
- I don't think I really explored 100% of the game but I'll probably replay at some point. Not my fave game ever, had some flaws but was pretty solid.
Anyways ME2 is next
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Replaying Mass Effect Andromeda...I originally had it on Nightmare difficulty, but I just got tired of dying. So, as a joke I changed it to narrative mode. Now THAT'S a truly funny ..the kett Invictus screaming at his troops "how are they breaking thru?! We're at max capacity!!" as I one shot all the enemies. I now look like a complete and total badass blazing thru these bases and one shotting everyone and everything in a matter of minutes. I don't think I can go back.
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Saw this and of course I had to do it! Categories and Games are listed under the cut in case that’s easier to read or you just wanna listen to me ramble a bit (no spoilers!):
Favorite Game of All Time: Pillars of Eternity. Kind of obvious if you follow me, lol. A close runner-up was Pokemon Emerald, just because I’ve spent so many hours in that game I know it like the back of my hand. But pokemon is more nostalgic, while PoE I really appreciate the writing and worldbuilding and characters. Which brings us to...
Best Story: Pillars of Eternity again!
Favorite Art Style: This is really hard, because game art styles are all so different and it’s hard to compare! I reserve the right to change my answer many times, but for now it’s Afterparty because I love the colors and it actually makes Hell look like a cool place to hang out.
“I’ll Finish It Someday”: Divinity Original Sin 2. There are a lot of things I’m liking in it but damn it is so long.
Big Personal Impact: Pokemon Emerald! Like I said, I’ve played it countless times, my best friend and I were obsessed with it as kids, and I just really really love it.
Best Combat: So just looking at this list you can probably tell I’m not much for combat heavy games. I ended up going with Superhot- a ‘fighting’ game where time only moves when you do, which turns combat into a sort of logic puzzle. The premise is really cool and it’s one of the few ‘combat’ games that was the perfect mix of difficult and fun for me.
You Like, But Everyone Hates: “Everyone hates” is probably a bit of an overstatement, but Mass Effect: Andromeda did get a lot of hate when it came out and...I think it’s a good game? I think the story and the characters and the combat is all pretty well done? But it had a messy launch and now it seems like nobody cares about it
You Hate, But Everyone Likes: Again, “hate” is a strong word, but their was so much Witcher hype and I just...don’t get it. ~to be fair~ I only played the first one, and I guess Witcher 3 is the one everyone talks about, but I was so bored by Witcher that I will probably never play any sequels. Ironically enough, I do enjoy the Witcher tv series. Maybe if Yennefer was the protag of the games I’d like them more *shrug*
Underrated: Tyranny. No long ramble here, it’s just an enjoyable game that nobody seems to know about.
Overrated: Dragon age: Inquisition. Does this make me a hypocrite? I have played it multiple times and I love my DA OC’s, but DAI is definitely my least favorite in the franchise. They sacrificed writing quality for open world exploration, and I would rather have strong writing.
“Why Do I Like This?” I don’t like Life is Strange. I don’t hate it- it’s a cool premise and there are some good emotional moments. But it employs tropes I don’t like and has a lot of awkward dialogue and is kind of pretentious. All of those things are also true of Life is Strange: Before the Storm, and yet I like it so much more and I don’t know why. Maybe Chloe is just more fun than Max.
Game You Always Come Back To: Dragon Age: Origins. The first actual rpg video game I played, and all of the different backgrounds means it has good replay value. I have an OC for each origin and I love them all! For all of DA’s (many) flaws I still really enjoy this game
That Astmosphere...: Transistor. the art...the music...the conveyance of deep and meaningful relationships with very little dialogue...it’s good
Bad Day Cure: Tales from the Borderlands. I adore the ‘Rivals to Reluctant Allies to Found Family’ trope, and the soundtrack slaps. It’s all I need for a game that just cheers me up
Favorite Protagonist: This one was tought, but there’s no beating Commander Shepard. They’re just pure badass.
After Work Relaxation: Stardew Valley. Extremely relaxing.
Biggest Letdown: The Blackwell Epiphany. Oh man...I would talk about Blackwell a lot more because I do really like it (solving mysteries! talking to ghosts! family drama! inheritance of ghostly platonic soulmates!) But the ending to the series...ugh. I do still recommend the series overall if you like point-and-clik mysteries, just...maybe don’t play the last ten minutes or so.
“Back In The Day” Game: Pokemon Yellow. I still adore this game!
Not the Best, But Having Fun: Dragon Age 2 and Outer Worlds tied for this one, because neither are really the best in any particular category but I do thoroughly enjoy them
Criminally Overlooked: Tacoma. If WALL-E made you cry, you’ll like this game.
Depressing Game: The Walking Dead. Jeez, if I think about it too much I’ll start crying (in a good way!). No knowledge of the show needed- I’ve played all the games and have never watched a single episode
Favorite Active Franchise: Pokemon!!
Indie Pick: Oxenfree. It’s! So! Good! Very atmospheric, wonderful characters, fantastically creepy. I played it for the first time in my room with all the lights off during a thunderstorm and it was an experience
Not Usually My Thing, But...: Borderlands. Like I said, combat focused games aren’t really my thing. But this is one of the few fps games that doesn’t just stress me out and I actually have fun with!
#video games#rambling#feel free to ask me more about any of these im in a talkative mood today#mmm now i wanna replay so many things again#q
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So I recently replayed the mass effect trilogy and with how terribly bioware treated andromeda I think now would be a perfect time for them to renew everyone's love in the series by doing a remaster of the original trilogy with some added content. This is what I would add if it were to happen:
Get the voice actors back to do banter for the Mako in 1 and for when you're running around in 2. Andromeda had it's problems but that was something they did right and genuinely made me want to ride around for hours just to hear characters talk.
DLC content included as content in the remasters. A lot of the dlc content makes the stories stronger and more enjoyable. This would also allow you to have actual Dialogue with Kasumi and Zaeed in 2.
Add one ending to 3 where the crucible works. I know that 3 has the tragic endings where a sacrifice must be made, but if you've completed all the sidequests from each game and have Max EMS in 3 it feels like a slap in the face to not get the ending you worked towards. I still think the other endings should be included but there should be one more added.
Garrus and Tali as romancable for male and female Shepard. They're the most popular character to romance and it just makes sense to not keep them gender locked.
I feel likes these are the ones that would make the games better while still pretty much keeping to how the stories were, I would absolutely pay for remastered mass effect if they ever make it, I love the series a lot and it's such a shame that bioware seems to be doing less than the minimum to keep the series alive.
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