farawayqueen-66 · 1 day
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unliqhted · 1 day
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$katiexba if you’re feeling generous 🥹🫵
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thegoodmorningman · 2 years
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A tale as old as time
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dramaticals · 8 months
can you please do soft!theo headcanons?
theodore nott + being soft headcanons
Theo has a hard exterior that makes him appear distant and cold. He's notorious for brooding and his tone is typically drenched with sarcasm. It'd take some time and the right person to crack the shell and reveal the more soft and loving side of him.
Once the shell is cracked—oh boy. Theo doesn't hold back.
He'll always find a way to be close to you. He can be content with just being shoulder to shoulder, casually brushing knees as you sit beside him in the library. But if the situation allows for it, Theo will sling his arm around your shoulders, plant forehead and temple kisses, and suggestively (and in rare occasions, not-suggestively) position his hand on your thigh. He also develops the habit of twirling a few strands of your hair around his slender fingers, mindlessly and tenderly fidgeting.
Theo's the type of guy to pull you close to him as you cuddle and keep warm by the fire. As avid readers, this is also the prime time for the both of you to read.
Theo's sarcastic and dry humour doesn't suddenly vanish when you've gotten his guard down. It's prominent, but less harsh. He's teasing you, making you laugh and roll your eyes at how far he plays into the bit, and his eyes will absolutely light up in amusement and adoration if you play and banter back.
"Nice shirt." Theo smirks. "Thanks, it's yours."
And as much as he'll deny it, Theo truly enjoys seeing you in his sweaters and shirts. He'll feign annoyance as he gives you something of his to wear after an intimate session, knowing too well that he wouldn't see it again for another few weeks, but he loves it. It's like a subtle yet very obvious way that tells everyone that you're his when you end up wearing it out in public. And the best part is, you never have to ask him for them.
Theo loves hard and shamelessly, and it'll be so obvious to you and everyone around him how smitten he is with you.
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uchihanitro · 9 months
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deloveusion · 3 months
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madewithmei · 2 years
is that seat on your face taken?
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yoan-le-grall · 14 days
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reality-detective · 1 month
Your DNA is connected to the creator or more correctly God! We are all human but once your DNA has been tampered with you become a product of man, a walking soulless avatar, a zombie like creature. You become part synthetic a trans human. 🧬🤖
mRNA has never been used in any vaccine until now, this is why it is not a vaccine but experimental injection the virus and variants are not real, they are using it to usher people into the NWO, alter your DNA and cause mass depopulation. 🤔
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heaven444child · 4 months
Love Reading ❤️
Message from your future spouse 💌
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Pick one picture🌌 AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀
Pile 1
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Pile 1 your future spouse wants to tell you that he has a lot of love for you in his heart ♥️ I am hearing a song - Chandni Chandni Tere Chehre Ki Yeh Chandni Kiss Ki Liye Hai Mere Liye Hai ❣️your future spouse wants to tell you that he can't wait to meet you but right now he cannot give you a commitment because he is currently focusing on his career so that whenever he comes into your life, he can fulfill your every wish whatever you will ask him 🌹💜 he wants to tell you that he considers you wife/husband material ❤️ he wants to create a family with you 👩‍❤️‍👨 your future spouse wants to tell you to wait for him 👫 my dear wifey🫶❣️
Song - sholon si by vishal dadlani , say it right by nelly furtado
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 2
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Pile 2 Your future spouse wants to tell you that it's nothing like you think it is 🫣 I know things aren't going well between us right now 🍂 I don't know if I should tell you this or not 🫨 But if I don't tell you then whom will I tell 🌹🌝 I'm going through some financial problems in my life right now 🍃 Due to which I can't connect/talk to you right now 🌜 But don't think that I don't care about you 😕 Because I always stalk you on social media 🥺 I want to send you a message 😔 But why...why can't you see this 😭 Why can't you see me or my heart 😣 Please look at me once 🥹💕 Hearing these lines reminded me of a Kdrama Right now your future spouse's situation is exactly like that male character where he tells the girl he likes ki why can't you see me 😭Why don't you look at me 🥺Just look at me once🥹 Hmmm…. Your future spouse loves you so much 💕👀 This scene reminded me of (KDrama - Cheer Up) 🌸If possible, pray for your future spouse that whatever financial problem he is facing in his life gets over soon 🫶♥️
Song- stay lost with me by reed pittman
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 3
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pile 3 Your future life partner wants to tell you that he is also struggling to move forward in his life or when he becomes capable for you, then he will offer you his love 🫶❤️ He cannot wait 👀 He just wants to come to you quickly 🍀💜 because he has a lot of passion for you in his heart 🫣 or he is afraid of losing you 🥹 because he knows that there are many people who like you 🌹 You have a lot of options 🦋 but he trusts your love that you will wait for him 🫣♥️ You will always choose him ✨🍀
Song - little bit more by suriel Hess , sugar daddy by qveen herby
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Stay blessed ✨🍀 AND thankyou for your support 🫶♥️
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thegoodmorningman · 2 years
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Believe in The Magic of The Morning ☀️🧙🏼‍♂️✌🏼
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opendirectories · 1 year
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thatfrailsoul · 1 month
– It's okay to let it go now
tarot pick a pile reading ( → 1, 2, 3 )
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It is so difficult, so simply frustrating, to feel once again that ending coming near. To be aware of the fact that, once again, everything you did was not closely enough to make it work... But while you do feel the anger and anxiety creeping in... You also feel deep down the pure relief, because perhaps you might have finally the possibility to stop sacrificing yourself, your energy, so much... It makes you confused, about what you truly want and especially what is the right thing to do, if it is really okay to give up and let it go...
So here you can find a little message for you. For you who did so much. And that needs to remind your own self a truth that you, so overwhelmed, are risking now to forget.♡
Slow down for a moment. Breathe. Listen to your heart, to its rhythm. Allow it to speak to you. And choose the image that seems so familiar, calling so strongly your heart.
Remembering that, whatever the message might be, you are free to listen to it or to let go. Without the need to make it fit. Because your true answer will always find you, the moment you will be really ready and will have the need.
– Pile One,
the six of wands, the tower, the two of wands
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The Awakening, Eugene De Blaas
You just arrived here. Here where for so long you wanted to be. It is only the beginning, it is all really starting just now, but... It already feels like an eternity. All the obstacles you overcame, all the challenges you faced to be here. All the times you pushed yourself further even when you didn't have anymore any strength. It's only the beginning of this journey, but you feel already drained, already tired. You feel already frustrated at the idea of needing to keep on doing it tomorrow, perhaps even more, and who knows for how long.
But you can't really think about giving up... can you? Can you really have the dearness to take this decision back, returning to where you were before? Can you really have the courage to say it out loud, that this prologue, this preparation for the journey you chose, already consumed you so much?
You are frenetically buying time. Lingering here, not really doing that step that will sign this beginning, the one that you earned and worked for so much. All because you can't help but feel and wander about what's behind you, in the space and time that is before this choice that you are forcing yourself to do. Where there are no limits, no struggles, no fears. The space where all the challenges of this journey won't arrive to you, because you will comeback to the start again. Where you can choose differently, try other things, go in a different direction. That liberty that is so close, just a one decision away... But at the same time so distant because of all the things that you already endured for this journey instead.
You can't decide. No matter how you look at it. You can't understand what will be worse: continuing on this path that, even before starting, already showed you how the rest will be, how you will constantly feel and what you will struggle with; or to face the challenge of searching for something else and having nothing again, combined with all the judgment, delusion that you will feel from those around you and just within your own self...
But going back, being honest with yourself and accepting that it is not for you... Will it really make useless all your dedication and work? Will it really be a missing opportunity, you letting this chance slip through your fingers? Or will perhaps this be you really using it, using it to find something new, something even better because it will be just so right for you?
You are human, you change and you grow. You still have so much to learn about this world. And it is normal to imagine something to be in one way, try it, and discover it to be different, to not be right for you. It is normal and okay to change decisions, change your convictions, opinions and your mind. No matter how much you did in their name or for how much time.
Not everything needs to be done up to their designated completion. Not everything needs to be believed in or worked for until its very end. You can realise that something is simply not for you. You can accept that you made a wrong assumption. You can allow this journey to end for you in this moment, different from others or from what you planned it to be. And you can do it while still being proud of what you did and learned for it.
Simply because this, realising that something is not right for you, can still be exactly what you needed to do all this time. What this was all for. To learn more about this journey that made you wander, and to get to know more your own self and who you really want to be. For sure different from what you imagined... But still a purpose, still fulfilled, still right, still enough and worth it. And the one that still and always allows you to end it and let it be.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
– Pile Two,
the magician, temperance, three of swords
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The Siren Lorelei, August Schmidt
You were so patient with yourself. So kind at every step, at every doubt and fear. You reassured yourself, convinced gently that it is okay, that you can do it, even if it feels so strange. Even if it makes you be and feel so different from what you used to, from who you thought you were and how you imagined you would want your life to be. You were so loving, to yourself and to this situation and people involved... that you stayed right here, and tried, again and again.
Just to be sure, for your own self, that you indeed did your best, that you are not betraying anyone and messing things up. You pushed yourself constantly out of your comfort zone, listening to others and their opinions or advices, wandering when that moment of feeling confident and into it will arrive. When this pressure on your heart will pass.
But what you convinced yourself to be just inexperience, just some sort of fear for change or not being used to these ways... Perhaps was your inner voice telling you that it is just not right for you.
It is right the idea that until we try something, until we experience it, we can't really know what it's like. If it is really something that we can't enjoy in any way, or get used to it, seeing positive things even in those parts of it that we assumed we would've hate...
But it is also true that you did try, you did put yourself out there, you did push yourself further, continuing to give yourself time to adapt. You did ignore that uncomfortable feeling that was creeping on you since the very first day and try.
And this... This simply gives you the right to let it go and stop. Knowing, within yourself, that you did everything you needed and everything you could. That you have nothing to be sorry for, nothing to be ashamed of...
But only everything - your every decision, every step and every time you had that incredible strength and courage to not give up - to be deeply proud of. Proud of being who you are and the way you are. No matter how the journey itself is, no matter if you will be the one to let it go, or if it will be this journey that will decide that it gave you all it could. And that it is enough.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
– Pile Three,
the death, the queen of swords, the nine of cups
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Evening by the Lake, Max Nonnenbruch
You didn't start this journey with the thought that it will end so soon. You didn't dedicate so much of yourself and your time, just for this to go so poorly right at the start... And even if it wasn't for this, it's just so irritating, the fact that it seems that you can't never win. You can't have your idea or your plan working out from the start to end.
And this, this sort of frustrating realisation that you are having, is torturing you even more now that you don't really have a choice. Now that this journey will either way end.
It is simply draining, tiring, to need to make all these big plans, strategies, choosing a goal and dedicate so much of yourself to it... Just for being forced to restart again.
And you just feel it deep down, that you can't ask yourself to do it once more. Not after everything you did to just have this chance, this glimpse of possibility that was indeed too good to be true.
But if we need to tell the truth, if we need to talk about what hides deep down in you... Then we also need to admit the fact that you didn't really give all of you to this, or to those others journeys. You did give a lot of you, but not everything. Hiding still that hope and desire that you can do things differently from what all these options wanted you to do, different from what others, people or just circumstances, try to choose for you.
You still and always hoped and waited, for a real chance to make things the way you want, the way you feel that it will be right for you... And if you, for a moment, remember it, admit it, allow it to come to the surface... Seeing this and other situations from this perspective... You are not really missing or ruining opportunities, you are not really failing. Because you, deep down, never intended to be successful and go further this way.
You are aware of it, you knew it always even when you tried so hard to hide it. And the universe, this world, knew it too. Others felt it. No matter what you said, promised or what you did so well. Everything around you knows your end goal, your little but so promising and strong desire, creating all these situations and journeys that you've seen a fraction of... Just to help you. Not to succeed in them, to walk these paths right up to a goal you never really wanted. But rather to allow you to find little bits of knowledge and experience that are so needed for that plan, that vision, that you have in your heart.
You didn't lose, you actually won all the way. Finding and accumulating exactly what you need to have a clear picture of the world around you, of the sources that you can use, the ways in which you can try to do it, the people that can and will support the calling of your heart. You found it.
You found everything that you might need. You just need to take a moment to unpack it. To look at them truly, for the first time from the perspective of your own journey and goal, from the perspective of your own desire.
Don't hold onto what is already ending either way. Don't hold onto what could've been, what you could've achieved, or what you already prepared yourself to do... But rather allow yourself to feel the liberty of movement, of thought, of creation that you now have without these limits or responsibilities that you never really wanted either way.
It is an ending. Once again. But this time it is a good one. The one that is setting you free, giving you the real and only opportunity you need: to be honest with yourself and to for once follow your vision and dream.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
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deloveusion · 5 months
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drpeppertummy · 3 months
hmmmm how about a vampire who is Terrible at keeping themself well fed being forcefed by a loved one/group of friends etc ?
didnt feel like giving them details so feel free to use this as like. a template idk
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[ID: a drawing of two generic, un-detailed people, a human and a vampire. the human is leaned over the vampire and holding them in place with the vampire's head to their neck, forcing them to drink. the vampire is clutching at the human, looking surprised, their swollen belly gurgling as they gulp down the blood.]
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