suckdickforcoin · 4 months
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theastromind · 11 months
Some more astrology observations
Another lot of observations that I've seen.
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People with Scorpio Mercury, especially in the 10th house could be drawn to psychology as a career as they like to dive deep and analyse other people.
Having your Moons square each other in synastry looks scary, but if you’re able to communicate your feelings and your triggers, this can create a deep bond between the two.
If you look at what sign rules your 2nd house is how you like to decorate your living space as your 2nd house represents your home.
A lot of Tauruses like to spend a lot on themselves and indulge when they can. They’re most likely to own a lot of clothes and makeup.
Having a lot of 1st house placements can make someone focus on themselves a lot, not necessarily in a narcissistic way, but they try to work on themselves to become a better person.
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Because Scorpios are known for transformation, they could go through a lot of personal styles to see what suits them the best.
Having someone’s Sun square your ascendant can make the person not fully comfortable being themselves in front of you.
A lot of Cancer risings can have a round face like their ruling planet, the moon. They have really expressive eyes and sometimes look like sort of sad at times.
Mars in the 10th house can indicate a very hardworking person, especially when it comes to their career.
Chiron square your North Node can indicate having a lot of trauma and working through that, could possibly be from past life karma.
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Venus Scorpios or Venus in the 8th screams ‘ride or die’ in relationships.
When looking at your emotions look at your Moon sign, especially if it’s your initial reactions to something.
Your Moon sign also indicates how you are within your friendship groups.
Positive aspects between both of your Mercurys in synastry can show that conversation between you flow easily and you just get each other. You probably have a lot of inside jokes between you two too.
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Thanks for sticking around to read another post of my astrology observations! ♡
btw these gifs are my favourite sanrio character called U*SA*HA*NA* and she is so underrated and needs more love!
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famemonsterrr · 1 year
Astrology observations part 11;
(Don’t copy my work pliz and these aren’t facts but what I have seen and experienced in my life. If you can’t relate to any of these. It okay we are all different)
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-Pisces are really good gaslighters like they argue and they know they losing and then boom…you are the one who is crazy. (Girly pops how about stop it)
- speaking of Pisces…maybe I’m saying it from personal experience but I can’t keep an aesthetic and even when I have find a aesthetic Im changing again. It’s endless circle…I hope another Pisces can relate with me:)
- i have seen an Aquarius women being so quick minded and have unique takes but also I have seen Aquarius women being really shy and slow to talk. There is no between with them.
- y’all think that Taurus are the lazy and don’t like to work out but they are so active and most of them love sports or gym.
- the second best venus is cancer…soooo giving soooo sweet and lovinggggg 🥰
- Aries placements show PASSION in any planet/house they are placed . Like if you have Aries moon you will be really vocal about ur emotions. If you have mercury then you will be passionate about ur opinions ect.
- Taurus and libra are the type of people who are seductive and flirty so naturally but if doesn’t work out they will be so pissed.
- Pisces are insane when they getting obsessed with something they like. They will make sure everyone in their group will know what new show/book/character ect. they started liking.
- Aquarius placements are the type of people who love anything that has to do with universe,planets ect. (Some of them people I know they follow on Instagram space accounts or nasa)
- Capricorn mars are workaholic…they always do things right to get where they want. (A placement that I kinda wish i had) "money money money must be funny in the rich man’s world"
- It’s from my personal observation but we tend to connect mostly with singers that have the same moon sign as we do. Maybe I’m the only one but from day 1 I loved they way Ariana grande was expressing her emotions through music and then I released we both have libra moon. So next time check the moon sign of ur fave artist 🤌🏻 (it’s my showing that I’m a big Ariana girly)
- Scorpio Venus people are my favourite cause they like you a lot and they know it but you don’t know it. They will not let you go and if they do they will return back to you no matter what. They will know everything about you and ask a lot about you. They will care about your opinions (when they really don’t care about others). They will share the darkest secrets with you,they personal/family traumas. They are consumed by your existence. (if they have Sagittarius placements maybe they will pretend not care at the same time so you might think u are just friends)
- speaking of Venus…if you are a Scorpio pliz find a Pisces Venus for you. Like insane connection. Soulmate energy and both consumed by each other. (My personal fave duo)
- Gemini Venus need to be studied cause they rush into love and at the same time they can’t settle. (Girly pops maybe decide for once but men are the worst)
- cancer mercury is more dramatic than a Leo but they don’t show it that easily.
- they say don’t date someone who has the same moon sign as you…but I disagree. You will be the same page and react the same way. Understanding from both sides. ( my ex bestie has libra moon and we understood each other so well). Maybe date or hang out with people that have the same moon as you.
- Sagittarius mercury/Venus flirts for joke but they do it so well that you fall for them and then they have to run away from you.
That’s all💙
Here is my masterlist
Thank you for reading my blog so far. Really grateful about that 🫶🏻 and sorry if I do spelling mistakes but I’m not Native American speaker so I try my best. Stay hydrated and healthy 💙
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0nightwolf0 · 6 months
It's time to discuss the new part♡
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First of all, I want to say that I really liked this part. Like the whole mini-arc) I was eagerly awaiting the continuation of the story... And I'm happy with how it turned out in the end.
(Первое, что хочется сказать - мне очень понравилась эта часть. Как и вся эта мини-арка в целом) Я очень сильно ждал продолжения этой истории. И я рад тому, что в итоге вышло)
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What I liked most was that the planets acted as a team, communicating with each other and inquiring about each other's condition. They don't socialise that often and it was nice to see them together ♡
(Больше всего мне понравилось, что планеты работали в команде, общались и интерисовались состоянием друг друга. Ведь обычно они не так часто общаются, поэтому было приятно наконец увидеть их вместе♡)
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A-a-and... To be honest, Sun looks like a mum and the planets look like his children) So cute🥰 But... I doubt that even after that the planets will stop leaving their orbits.
(И-и-и... Если честно, Солнце выглядит, как мама, а планеты, как его дети) Так мило🥰 Но...я сомневаюсь, что даже после такого планеты перестанут покидать свои орбиты.)
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We would like to talk separately about Neptune. Despite the excitement of the others (especially Uranus and Jupiter), he still decided to return to his orbit. That's very nice of him. But maybe now the other planets will understand him better and try to make friends with him. It's just a shame that such a versatile and cute character goes crazy with perpetual loneliness(
(Отдельно хотелось бы поговорить о Нептуне. Несмотря на волнение остальных (особенно Урана и Юпитера), он все же решил вернуться на свою орбиту. Это очень мило с его стороны. Но, может быть, теперь другие планеты лучше поймут его и постараются подружиться с ним. Просто жаль, что такой разносторонний и милый персонаж сходит с ума от вечного одиночества()
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He's a cool...That says it all...💙💙💙 He really is the best psychologist in all of Solarballs. I bet Mercury learnt from him =]
(Он крут...И этим всё сказано...💙💙💙 Он реально лучший психолог в Solarballs. Готов поспорить, Меркурий учился у него =])
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Oh, yeah...Venus... Venus is my favourite character. And I can understand what he did. Just as I can believe that after listening to Earth, he changed his mind about protesting others. After all, he personally watched Earth's suffering alone. And I can understand his motives. After all, we've been shown many times that Venus wants to create life on its surface. And suddenly there's a chance! But still, all planets must remain in their orbits.
(О, да... Венера... Венера - мой любимый персонаж. И я могу понять его поступок. Так же, как могу поверить, что, выслушав Землю, он передумал протестовать против других. В конце ��онцов, он лично наблюдал за страданиями Земли в одиночестве. И я могу понять его мотивы. В конце концов, нам много раз показывали, что Венера хочет создать жизнь на своей поверхности. И вдруг появился шанс! Но все же все планеты должны оставаться на своих орбитах.)
The upshot of all of the above:
I liked the very concept of planets changing not only orbits but also characters. Having been in someone else's shoes, they may begin to understand each other better. For example, Jupiter can better understand Neptune's condition. It's great that now they can start treating each other better. Or at least communicate from time to time.
(Мне понравилась сама концепция планет, меняющих не только орбиты, но и характеры. Побывав в чужой шкуре, они могут начать лучше понимать друг друга. Например, Юпитер может лучше понять состояние Нептуна. Прекрасно, что теперь они могут начать лучше относиться друг к другу. Или хотя бы общаться время от времени)
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disneymbti · 3 months
Hey, Can I ask for Mbti, Ennegram, and big three of Hermione Granger(Harry Potter) ?
She's my favourite character. Also, love your work 🫶🏻
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot! And thanks for liking my work!
Hermione Granger's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESTJ [The Executive]
ESTJ types are very high energy. They’d rather spend their time with other people than alone.
They tend to pay more attention to the details of a situation. They make decisions based on what they see right now.
Executives base their decisions on what makes sense, rather than what feels right. They listen to their head, not their heart.
They are responsible and like to plan ahead. They hold themselves accountable by making lists and following set processes and rules.
Big Three: Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon and Capricorn Rising
Virgo Sun: Governed by communication planet Mercury, Virgos are the thinkers of the zodiac. Virgos process information with diligence and use facts to solve problems. 
Taurus Moon: The Moon loves to be in the zodiac sign Taurus. Those with Moon in Taurus delight in the earthly pleasures and seek out emotional security.
Capricorn Rising: Capricorn ascendants are known for their efforts and diligence when it comes to attaining success and prosperity. 
Enneagram Type: 1w2 [The Activist]
Basic Fear: People who are type one with a two wing generally have a basic fear of being immoral and making impure choices. They avoid this by making a conscious effort to make ethical choices.
Basic Desire: They also have a natural desire to be upstanding and humane. They try to fight for the rights of those less fortunate and love being hands-on in making a difference by volunteering in their community.
Activists tend to respond to negativity by redirecting their emotions in order to gain a sense of control. In type ones with two wings, this may lead to sudden outbursts or breaking points, as they work through their emotions more externally.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good [The Crusader]
These are characters who believe in truth, honor and order. They always strive to do the right thing, even at a great personal cost.
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natalchartnurtures · 11 months
My Astro Masterlist���️
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Go ahead, and treat your lovely self to some delicious Astro content dished out by me- a passionate amateur. Who lives and breathes this stuff on the daily. You deserve it.
Here's some stuff on Mars in the different elements:
Air Mars || Water Mars || Earth Mars || Fire Mars
I also have a series that explores your Venusian energies as well. So here's Venus is the different elements:
Air Venus || Water Venus || * The rest is coming soon, stay tuned :p*
whats more fun than trying to guess the big three of your favourite characters?
The Big Three of Harley Quinn
The Big Three of Esmeralda
The Big Three of Amy Santiago
Fun reads to tickle your brain cells:
~ Who do you become when you're sleep deprived?
~ The Astrology Behind Mathew Perry's Iconic Portrayal of Chandler Bing
~ How to live a more miraculous life- astrology edition
~ Astrology and Chill: How to Find Your Perfect Hobby?
~ A little about Ophiuchus
~ Mercury isn't THE planet of the mind
~ A Plutonian poem to soothe your cravings for art
~A poem written in honor of shadow work
And if you're interested, here's my very first post:
My first post <3
AND my first Pick A Card reading (tarot) <3
That's about it for right now. I'm fairly new on here so this is all of my work so far. Have fun and keep getting bamboozled by the skies~
Love and Light <3
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Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton
Forget Megan Fox for a minute, and her partner Machine Gun Kelly a.k.a. Colson Baker these two are the original crazy couple. They were known for coming to Premier high off their not on stuff mainly heroin and never jokes according to the blind I am to the love of each other lives forever and when are you looking in there in their synastry you can see why.. so what was it about? These two? That made them so appealing to the general public? I’ll tell you what they were different. They appealed to the weird kids. They appealed to their and popular kids, they even appeared to the popular kids and people who didn’t know how to express the side of themselves from a very young age Angelina had a very let’s say unconventional sex life for someone very young, her mum even allowed her to have her different boyfriend stay in the house and it’s so believe that she went out of one of her mother’s partners. I don’t know how true this is but I’ve had it a couple of times.
Angelina loves her mother, unfortunately she lost her mother to cancer which gave Angelina the ideas to get tested for all the things that her mother had and she had her breast removed and she had the test for like cervical things and she had a very high chance of getting what her mother had, John VOIGHT, who is Angelina‘s father? Have a very strange relationship. They work together on a film. I believe it might have been too raid or films she did after it and they worked together fine on Saturday and bloody bloody blah blah criticism like a lot of Angelina life you can see that she’s been really criticised by those places that even the general private making fun of her for adopting babies from other countries which in the early 2000 seem to be a massive thing with her and Madonna, I’m not sure maybe because they were older but Angelina isn’t that old I feel like she just wanted to help children from other countries. He didn’t get the chance to have a mother around that subject for another day.
I think the thing that makes her different between her and Megan Fox is the fact that Angelina was doing this before. This was even a thing she invented the whole being different and a bit crazy and kind of like when the rider but we have more of an edge , in fact, character girl interrupted reminds me of what Angelina could actually be like in real life especially being a Gemini 🌞 sun.
Carrying each of his role of blood around each one and others necks with a thing with these two also this is where I believe things went down for Angelina after Billy Bob but like I said if you want to believe the bond these who have been hooking up and secret for many years , and after they broke up and said having sex with her like having sex with sofa , very bitter and mean .
So now let’s get into the ministry of these two birth chalk and add a little spice to what’s going on here…..
His son is Leo. Her sun is in Gemini. Her moon is an Aries with a cancer rising making her moon the chart ruler she was born on June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles at 9:09 am a late cancer ascendant Venus is almost exactly rising in cancer and a tight square with Uranus and Jupiter closed and exactly the same conjunction of the midheaven. She has an Aries moon which is conjunct her Mars and Aries her mercury is in Gemini.
Billy Bob has a number of planets in Leo mercury Venus mars Jupiter and Pluto, although his moon is opposing to Leo being an Aquarius, which has a Scorpio myself is my favourite moon sign?🌙, so although Angelina‘s birth time is accurate, we don’t have one for Billy Bob here we go there Billy Bob has a huge coralstion reaction of planets in Leo with all the personal planets except the moon in Leo with this concentration and he’s going to impact another person in a concentrated area of their charts in the case of Angelina impact on her house. No wonder she couldn’t keep her hands off him you see guys this is how it happens and cussing on that house the second house is in but for her it would be in Leo and the second house being ruled by tourist generally and always let’s take away the factor it’s her chart is to do with the senses adding the part where they said they couldn’t keep their hands up each other, he is almost exactly conjunct her Venus in sin. This aspect is a major indication of attraction the Venus person in this case Angelina is actually unfed with the Uranus person and the begins quickly quickly and this kind of election electric attraction ruling electricity,,,,
The sinner story between the moon is remarkable. Their son is in trying with the moon moonshine mercury many sex ties involving personal planets and more Angeline son moon midpoint at 13 15 is activated by Billy Bob on Mars and Saturn is a two-way mars and Jupiter and the list goes on in an interview with the Rollingstone Angelina has described how she felt when she met Billy Bob it was a feeling of disorientation. It’s no wonder at all.
The couples shed quite a few natal configurations for example Angelina has been escort Uranus aspect as dominant aspect in her chart and bill Bob has Venus conjunct Uranus both attracted to the unconventional exciting relationships both have Mars conjunction Jupiter in fire signs indicating in insatiable appetite, adventure activity and sex.
Then, if you wanna go a little bit deeper, you can look at composite charts, Which is a different way it’s not like sin is how the relationship has viewed in the public how the relationship views and different parts of an aspect of the relationship rather than the compatibility and say this composite chart however has some serious clashes are most obvious in the composite chart chart reveals the ultimate fate of relationship. Mars conjunction Jupiter and aspect present in their individual charts and these planets are involved in a T square with the moon car on Saturn neon and Pluto the noodle actress is immediately involved with this configuration as well.
Some released from tensions of this configuration is found in mercury which tries the moon and Kairon the Sextile the volatile urine is Saturn and Pluto and Neptune which trying moon Cron and sex tiles Uranus, Saturn and Pluto the three square is volatile in his power and energy with Neptune supporting some of the elements of the free tries and sex ties we would expect that the couple was able to talk things out and come to some acceptance of diverse and extreme energy present in their relationship at least some of the time..
He wrote a song about her….
I can understand him being so attracted to Angelina Jolie who isn’t she has his elected of tea with people even with that woman Jenny she feels things straight away which I give her and her moon and Aries being in the same and being passionate and seeing things through straightaway.
You are a strongly involved of the moon mars and Jupiter might have been easier to handle for the couple has both Angelina and Billy and they to leave configured to handle urinating in relationships, however Saturn tightly can jump glue to opposing and squaring their personal plants is much more challenging to grips with. Even though Venus looks at first glance to be unrespected in the composite chart it Semi Square Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Pluto forms Square to moon Kron Venus is involved and his challenging manner. All of the clashes present in the composite chart certainly worse stimulating and exciting but dementia too demanding.
Let’s go with Angelina having these challenges with Brad Pitt where she was attracted to him straight away and vice versa and both being mutable signs where they can adapt and become basically mirroring the signs, a Sagittarius and her being a in Gemini, here is some more with Brad Pitt people over expecting interest in a relationship between Angelina and Brad astrologically speaking the sinister between the two is for less striking and the example above and not hugely binding especially if Angelina Saturn or Brad North node which is often a separate aspect and his mercury and Mars opposing her Saturn with many of Brad’s personal planets falling in Angelina is six S. there is an imbalance present in the relationship which may over time be draining.
So now I want to take you to the blind item world, and we will look at some Angelina and Bob blind items alright so blind items are about celebrities where they’re a bit play onwards that they can’t say exactly who they are and there sometimes give them nicknames but here is one from September 15, 2019 and remember guys he broke up in the early 2000 supposedly it looks like the Oscar winning actor is getting closer to confirming that what I have been saying for a decade he is still hooked up with the permanent A-list mostly movie actress of his and has done so despite who they might have been involved with over the years, isn’t that right? Sport .
NT lawyer crazy days and loves to say this about Billy Bob calling everybody sport …. she’s been hooking up with for decades supposedly she does her own PR here is another blind item dated April 10, 2012
Number one is Academy award-winning actress who is an A-list apparently still believes in old flames she has slept with her ex-boyfriend a few times in the past year because she just can’t get him out of her head. I wonder what her A-list actor would think of it
Number two this A-list movie actor has a very unusual girlfriend for his first celebrity fling. She was probably B+ this movie actress at the time as it is now a wacky being minus with other interest. Our actor had never met her but told the male producer he could not speak with him to get apart back in the day because he had a girlfriend her was the first one he came up with and had to say with her until the producer finally gave up number one revealed
Angelina Billy Bob and Brad Pitt
Number two Brad Pitt Juliet Lewis
Here on lipstick all over find more Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt find items reveals July 8, 2016 and remember this is the time they split and things weren’t really sour. They were actual going up to the room of this A+ list mostly movie actor married to another A-list actor I never knew he was a stripper guy. He was always being a sucker for a PR people group Pitt/Angelina Jolie
28th of April 2016 this this mostly movie the actress is in bad shape health what is the drug uses out of control and she is slowly wasting away nothing Angelina Jolie very sad some of these
28th of July 2015 the wedding of his oranges new black address is on hold not for any other reasons giving but she is enjoying all the access with fans that she has been having in the past few months. She managed to hook up with this A+ this may be amazing actress and that is Ruby Rose and Angelina Jolie October 8, 2015 is a mostly movie address who is A-list more for fame than acting at this point has dropped so much weight that our husband has someone with her to make sure she eats at least at some food every day too many fainting spells and emergency goes to the doctor for dehydration. I’ve led to this
I wanna end this on a good note , Angelina has been out of the public eye for a bit. I feel recently and hopefully she is getting some good time with her children and looking after herself we’ve got a member she was very young when she hooked up with Brad Pitt and he was at least 10 years now, he was married and he should’ve known better. We’ve stop blaming things like this. He’s probably told her many lies about him and Jennifer and they probably won’t even together millennials Angelina was a blood sucker but now we love her. I’ve always loved her. She was like I celebrity crushes a woman she’s just so beautiful. I do hope she manages to sort her problems out as that video of her doing heroin and being on the phone to her dealer, which is really worrying she needs to have people around her if she is a good person I just wanted to show you may seem very appealing and the machine gun Megan Fox , Travis Barker and Kourtney k there are many problems too 
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junk-heart · 10 months
People are debating which celestial body Scar should be, and I argue Mercury (totally not because it's my personal favourite planet and he's my favourite character or anything)
Actually, it's for the same reason as why I like Mercury:
Deity connected to it is the protector of traders, travelers, tricksters and liars (which is the best description of Scar lmao)
The planet has no moons cause of it's proximity to the Sun, and it might have had moons in the past before it got too close to it (he killed Perl in the end and Grian was crucial to his win against Gem)
It spins the other way from all the other planets (can symbolise how this season he was unable to sink up with anyone like he usually does)
The planet of Mercury is very hot and nothing can live on it as far as we know (water would insta evaporate on it) which again reminds me of the desert and the first season
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surlynotaperson · 10 months
Fav SB characters?
Hmmm that’s a hard one but as for the Planets it would probably be:
1. Mercury
Since not only is he a nice person and not an asshole (Venus), but also has some unexplained stuff and cool dynamics that makes him interesting (mars). For instance they’re mostly more timid but has been shown to have a temper, his dynamic with the Sun is also pretty fun shame we haven’t seen that much since the beginning. Plus unlike Mars he has materiel for angst!!
2. Earth
Yes he may be a moonist BUT BUT there is SOOOO much to do with him, especially angst.
Meanwhile for non planets we have:
1. The Sun
I just like insane and manic characters lol, plus we got like no content for them now so I gotta whole lot to fill in. The same also applies to Ceres who is my favourite dwarf planet
2. Moon and Dark Side of the Moon
Self explanatory for the light side they’re sweet, understanding, has a lot of things to do with, and just overall good character. Meanwhile Dark Side of the Moon is a bit more niche since he got like two scenes at most, and no it isn’t for THOSE type of reasons. I just like dark and mysterious fellas that are actually pretty nice.
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youremyheaven · 4 months
I've an elder brother who constantly nudges me to do the house chores or puts me down by criticising how I am not contributing anything to the household (he isn't either, all he spends his money on is on himself...he doesn't move a finger and bonge watches netflix in his spare time...dad takes care of all the necessities and rent). I am facing a lot of delays in my studies currently and he is taking advantage of that since past two years.
I don't have supportive parents. They would readily throw me under the bus for my brother and still somehow they all "say" that I am most loved and hence deserve his wrath. Meanwhile, he has received a lot of financial support in his studies and still enjoys all his wishes fulfilled. I still have to cry and beg for them to acknowledge I need new specs. I can withstand all this, but is there anything you can shed light on about my brother so that I can see situation more clearly and redirect my focus?
His placements: sun, venus and mercury in Bharani 7th house
Moon in anuradha 2nd house
Mars in uttaraphalguni 11th house
Jupiter in dhanishta 4th house..
Saturn in revati 6th.
My mother enables him a lot..I am practically a punch bag to these folks and wish to get out..it is exhausting.
I am really sorry to hear that 🥹 I wish you better times ahead, you really don't deserve this.
What are your placements?
His Bharani stellium in the 7h is interesting because I would've thought someone with this placement would be very generous and giving as Bharani is a Venus nakshatra and 7h= partnerships with others (romantic and otherwise) however he seems like a very unevolved person. Having a Bharani around can be difficult because they unconsciously bring karma to others, since their deity is Lord Yama of death & karma. It's similar in some ways to Saturn but not as obvious as Saturn, I would say (with its punishment).
Since his Bharani stellium is in his 7h, his bad energy and underdeveloped character constantly affects others. In this case, you, because he projects externally a lot.
His Moon in Anuradha in 2h makes things worse because underdeveloped Saturnians can be very stingy, ill mannered, possessive over their resources and unwilling to share, they can be very lazy, unkempt and really cruel to others just for fun.
esp in the 2h of value, having a Saturn nak there means his likelihood of being stingy and generally miserly is 50x more evident
Mars in Uttaraphalguni in 11h,,, sun influence over Mars is not good, makes one an asshole in most cases. Sun men usually are assholes and in the 11h of community??? Their tendencies are directed at those closest to them.
Dhanishta nak is prominent in the charts of many abusive men (post coming soon) and in the 4h of family??? 😬 That's why he's abusive to you but since his Jupiter (planet of luck) is placed there, he also benefits from your parents favouritism.
Saturn in Revati in 6h.
Revati's energies are really hard to be master in a healthy way. It's by nature very chaotic. Most Revatis I know are really imbalanced people. In his 6h of work, health and routine?? Makes sense as to why he's lazy and does not get anything done.
I feel like he has nothing in his chart that balances him out. if he were very spiritual, all of these could be manifest very differently but since he's very unevolved, he's displaying the worst manifestations of his placements.
I'm really sorry about what you're going through. I hope you get into college soon and start doing some kind of work to save money (start a bank account if you haven't already) and as soon as you can, move out. There is a whole world out there and you can live life peacefully 🙏🏼 never give up hope. Look into mantra chanting as well.
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honey-rye · 2 years
the Mad Dogs as the Planets by Gustav Holst (with art!)
strap in folks, this one's a long one. I'll be providing my dum dum brain thoughts, that definitely make sense to me but maybe not anyone else, below the pics. stay for the rambles or just the art, enjoy :)
also, at the very end there's a couple bonus characters
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Donnie - Saturn the Bringer of Old Age
so hear me out with this one. Donnie was a hard one to figure out, while there were a bunch of potential songs for Leo and Mikey, I couldn't quite place a song for Donnie. on one hand, I really wanted to assign him Mars, just because it's as dramatic as he is lol. but it's also too harsh for him?
I went with Saturn in the end because to me it feels like an idea being formed, created and finished in a way, the trial and error of inventing. Saturn is a more emotional piece, one where you can really feel the highs and lows? Donnies emotional range doesn't show much but when it does it feels the same way. Saturn is mostly an adagio pace, (dont quote me on the tempos, this is just the way my mind hears them), matching with the way Donnie is often the one to pace himself, and be more calculated in his actions. and just like Dee, it has it's dramatic moments.
the ending movement feels like the love and peace he can only get from his family, it feels like his ninpo connecting with his brothers- or even just his brain calming down from getting overwhelmed or overstimulated
I also feel like Donnies favourite planet would be Saturn or Neptune but for two totally different reasons lol.
Leo - Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity
Jupiter is probably the most well known song of all the Planets, I almost assigned it to Mikey tbh, but I think it fits Leo best.
Leo is pretty much the definition of jollity, and yeah so is Mike, but Leo? he's bright, the "face man," he's typically seen in a lively mood.
this piece is loud, full of life, and at some points serious and more full of hope and warmth- sounds kinda like our favourite red eared slider huh. Jupiter is set in allegro, (fast, quick, and bright), reminiscent of Leo's quick thinking and agility- but also switches to a rubato, matching with the moments where he slows down and starts taking things seriously. (dont quote me on the tempos, this is just the way my mind hears them) despite being called a dumdum many time throughout the show, we all know Leo is actually really smart and calculated in most of his actions.
Jupiter as a planet is a protector, just like Leo who will do anything for his family, he brings them all together.
Leo being assigned Jupiter has nothing to do with him being the biggest fan of Jupiter Jim btw.
Raph - Venus, the Bringer of Peace
in any other iteration of Raph, I'd say he's Mars, but Rise Raph? I think Venus suits him the best.
Raph is a sweetheart. he's full of love and affection for his family, and openly shows his emotions. Venus is full of soft movements as well as harsher movements, reminiscent of Raphs tender moments vs his more serious and aggressive moments. Venus is played for the most part as an andante, (dont quote me on the tempos, this is just the way my mind hears them), in Raph I feel like this presents in how he keeps himself calm in certain situations, like when he tries to set aside his temper so he can guide his brothers in Pizza Puffs.
this is such a pretty part of the Planets, and as I've been listening to it on loop, it feels so full of love it can be overbearing, i couldn't pick out any other options for Raph, this one just fits him so well.
Mikey - Mercury, the Winged Messenger
I adore this version of Mikey. I think Mercury is a good representation of him because of how fun and mischievous it is. this is a kid who bounces around, throws random objects, and has fun with everything. Mercury has a fast pace for the most part, I'd put it at an allegro, similar to Jupiter. the piece really has a childlike fun to it, it's exactly what adhd sounds like to me lol.
Mikey is such a strong character in so many ways, the fact that he can have so much fun while still being able to get serious whether it be to Doctor Delicate Touch/Doctor Feelings his brothers, or when it comes to fighting even, is impressive considering he's the youngest- and definitely has two bad influence older brothers (cough cough, twins). Mercury is another one of the Planets that feels full of emotion in the middle of it, in Mikey these moments really present as his faith in his family. he trusts them so much, and even had faith in Draxum to become a good person. (then proceeded to adopt him as dad #2).
I'm not sure if any of these make sense to anyone else, and if you don't know the Planets you should definitely give them a listen.
honorable mentions as a bonus:
April as Uranus, the Magician
Cass as Mars, the Bringer of War
and the Hamatos as a whole as Neptune, the Mystic
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grumpy-aino · 1 year
I've been seeing so many posts concerning Crowley's name as an angel, and it got me thinking about Aziraphale's name (it's an unfortunate side effect of having a favourite character).
I think that its slightly sus that Aziraphale is the only angel not to have a name in the canon - of course it could be just Gaiman and Pterry requiring a play on the word fell that sounded angelic (perhaps foreshadowing the future, although I think it's a little obvious) or even his position as a low ranking angel doesn't have to warrant him a proper name.
Then I thought that he is actually based on a real angel, just with a slightly different name (being Jewish, my name is consistently pronounced/spelt wrong in English).
This was the only angel I could find that matched Aziraphale's current position:
Azazel: An angel with the same name as the desolate place where a goat is sent bearing the sins of the Jews during Yom Kippur. It's called the scapegoat rite, which could hint at maybe our Aziraphale being blamed for something during S3 and then being cast down to hell or some other punishment. What's funny is that Azazel is also known as a fallen angel who was responsible for introducing forbidden knowledge to humanity in the book of Enoch (an apocalyptic book) which could fit a theory I saw earlier today about Aziraphale being hated by the rest of the angels as they blame him for not protecting the apple tree in Eden (a literal scapegoat and fallen angel for inadvertently sharing forbidden knowledge).
The following angels I found could have some significance S3 onwards (we know Aziraphale's role as supreme archangel will certainly be big) but I'm also a fan of Aziraphale's name being changed to one of these two angels' as part of the becoming-an-archangel process (slowly erasing his independent identity):
Azrael: The literal Angel of Death. There isn't exactly a connection with this angel and Judaism (it does not feature in the literature) but it is present in Islam, where Death recognises they must submit to Azrael. Of course if this particular angel as Aziraphale featured in GO it would have to be possibly altered/more metaphoric as Death does exist as a character and I'd find it hard to see GO!Death submitting to anyone (although I did find it hard to see that my fucking heart would be broken but here we are).
Now that one was pretty out there, but in fact I did find an angel that fits a little better (almost perfectly in my humble opinion):
Seraphiel[1]: This angel isn't mentioned in the show, giving me some hope. ALSO THE NAME: (a/seraphiel) The Hebrew doesn't perfectly match, but like I said; no one ever pronounces (or even spells!) Hebrew right in English. This angel is the Protector of Metatron which could a) tie in later as Aziraphale could be forced to either protect and serve the Metatron or do what's right by Crowley, or b) serve the 'Crowley was either the same rank as Metatron or used to be the Metatron', by Aziraphale protecting Crowley.
Sarathiel: Similar name, an angel appearing in the Coptic Orthodox Church and is included in lists as being one of the Seven Archangels - Aziraphale will literally be an archangel (although the name Sarathiel is sometimes replaced with another angel). This one has dominion over discipline and penance, which does sound promising for Aziraphale's relationship with heaven for S3.
It's entirely possible that all or none of these angels fit Aziraphale's character and it's also possible that the fandom has already discussed this and I'm just late. This show has rotted my brain.
[1] Seraphiel is one of the rulers of Tuesday and also the planet Mercury.
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camuslittlesister · 10 months
Otome Astrology: Ikki + Kent (Amnesia)
Running people's birth charts is how I relax nowadays, as is trying to guess someone's placements from their personality.
So today I'm exploring the secrets behind everyone's favourite Amnesia (b)romance (although ngl I have a soft spot for Shin and Toma).
A note: I read with the houses in Placidus, I have my reasons for it other than how it's usually the default in softwares, but I won't go into that here.
Also, I made them born at 3.45pm for a laugh (since I was born at 3.45am) and it checked out for my guesses for their house placements so I feel like the Universe is blessing my insights ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It contains spoilers for both Memories and Later x Crowd so proceed at your discretion.
Our obvious Bi King was 22 at release, so assuming the game took place contemporary to the time it was created it makes him a 1989 birth. Also I ran Tokyo for convenience, I'm not entirely sure of the geography outside of the events of the actual routes. It would only matter if a different enough coordinate to change the angles, which we are guessing anyway.
June 1st makes him a Gemini Sun and Taurus Moon. As the Spades character he is also an outwardly intimidating sexy character who is in fact a cinnamon roll when you get to know him, so imho a Scorpio Rising.
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His fame is a byproduct of his wish to be loved, which personally feels a lot like the Scorpio experience, in the sense that many can relate to the longing to be seen and loved that resulted in it. But also, in his case, he has a Leo South Node at the anaretic degree, which means he is more comfortable under the spotlight than the average Scorpio.
Now, spotlight is a loose concept, it could be anything from being the leader of a neighbourhood gang of kids who play together (or overgrown kids as is the case not once but multiple times in the games. I love them so much) to the level of fame of his Leo Sun seiyuu. But if you are here reading this you likely know already how that played out...
His Moon in the 7th house aside from giving him a mutual 7th house synastry with me is a very sensual placement. Hello, Gemini Sun Taurus Moon is Miyano's combination, true that he has a Leo Venus and I would pay anything for him to spill the tea on whether it's on his Ascendant because that's my guess. But still...
Mercury in Taurus and a Capricorn stellium make him practical and good at taking charge, which we know he is because who else on earth studies accounting 😂 like even I have more Capricorn planets and I wouldn't dare.
Sun in the 8th and a Gemini stellium of personal planets only (meaning it's a stronger influence on him than the Capricorn one, especially because one of the luminaries is in it) in that house accounts for a few big themes of his plot line: the secrecy around his wish, the apparent womanising, that he is a flirt and if you have survived that one story in LxC with your ovaries intact congratulations because the i n t e n s i t y, I swear 🛐
Not exactly the best kept secret that I love Taniyama.
Finally, his Mars in Cancer shows imho in how impulsive he gets when MC is concerned. That's not very 9th house specific the way most sources talk about this house, but I have a Scorpio Rising so can speak for how the energy shows up for me and I can see it also in the teacher-student vibe of their relationship in Toma's route.
I think the argument for Scorpio Rising is solid.
In spite of his lack of ability with chores, Kent (25yo in 2011, so 1986 birth) has a Virgo Sun at the anaretic degree, and the hardcore way in which he goes about learning about domestic affairs as well as his devoted character makes up for it. He too has a Taurus Moon, which as the other end of the axis from Scorpio (which is mine) can easily be prone to making him appear unfeeling due to being too practical.
That's without touching upon the question of how much is nature and how much is nurture, given his parents…however, plausible that they are two heavy Air placements people raising a child with enough Air to be influenced, which brings me to my guess for his Rising sign. Aquarius.
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Sun in the 7th house makes him a confident person who benefits from strong 1:1 relationships, and the fuss he made around marriage in LxC is very Virgo. He couldn't be more serious about caring for the MC, even with the complication around his career taking him abroad.
That's a theme reflected in his having the Midheaven and 10th house in Sagittarius, the sign most associated with going abroad and higher education. Saturn falls on his Midheaven conjunct in this random time, but it would still be close enough throughout the whole transit of the sign to be relevant. Saturn conjunct the Midheaven brings a high sense of responsibility towards his career, which he clearly shows.
Venus in Scorpio (aside from the synastry with Ikki) is a quietly intense placement, with a bit of a tendency to feel like you're asking too much of the other so you may hold back. And he spends so much time beating himself up for wanting very normal boyfriend things. Again the random time affects the house it falls in, and I'd be inclined to see it fall in the Scorpio traverse of the 8th instead. But I'm not going to bother running a chart again until the cusps fit that. Mars in the 12th house is said to be emotionally repressed, and lastly the other placement that I think supports the Aquarius rising thesis is his nodal axis being Aries - Libra. You might be thinking: "He's abrasive though, are you sure he fits a South Node in Libra?
Yes. He is the pacifier of the group, always sweeping in with logic to settle the situation, and has a really hard time getting things for himself which is an Aries thing. Except when it comes to work, with that Saturnian commitment to it. Also I had an estimation it'd be Aquarius or Libra before I run the chart based on how he appears to me to be more Libra than Virgo (given that I knew the birthday was on the 23rd so on the cusp) in a number of ways, but when I saw the Sun fell in Virgo and the Moon in Taurus I went for Aquarius because while he is fairly Venusian he isn't Venusian enough for two Venus-signs in the big 3, and he has Mercury in Libra to account for what I was saying about the South Node as well as his being highly intellectual.
I excluded Gemini because he isn't Mercurial enough, not in the way it shows in Gemini (Mercury after all rules Virgo too), which leaves Aquarius out of the Air signs, which I had no doubt was his Rising because the only other option I would entertain is Capricorn but he doesn't strike me as a triple Earth personality even if he is quite ambitious. I also think his Moon checks out more in the 3rd than 4th or 5th house since he is a PhD candidate and fluent in a foreign language.
Thanks for reading, I had fun doing this. Feel free to disagree, or request other characters. I'm going to do an argument for why the BroCon triplets were born at the Gemini-Cancer cusp (and why Azusa is a Gemini) next, but after that it's open to popular demand ✨
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0nl0n · 2 years
whats your favourite character? Or characters if you have multiple :)
My favourites planet wise are
Mercury, Saturn,uranus and Neptune. Love them all sm
Moon wise has to be moon/luna and Titan.
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Space related names
Space is so cool, it's only natural that you'd want a name related to space. Here's all the space related names I could find
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No tw but basically every tw if you research the mythological characters in there
Sun :
Apollo : masc god of the sun in greek
Helios (with or without the H and/or S) : masc, sun in greek
Ray (like a ray of sun) : neutral, english word
Sol(e) : fem leaning, sun in spanish
Soleil : neutral, sun in french, not a name in france
Solas : masc, irish name meaning light
Moon :
Artemis : fem leaning, greek goddess of the moon
Diane : fem, roman goddess of the moon
Moon : neutral, english word
Luna : fem, moon in spanish
Lune : fem leaning ,moon in french, not a name in france
Selene : fem, moon in greek
Solar System :
Mercury : neutral, roman version of Hermes, god of messengers, travellers and thiefs
Venus : fem, roman version of Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty
Mars : masc leaning, roman version of Aries, god of war
Jupiter : masc, roman version of Zeus
Saturn : masc but feels neutral, roman version of Chronos, titan of time
Uranus (you probably don't wanna be named "uranus" but maybe if you're not from a non english speaking country ?) : masc, latin name for Ouranos, titan of the sky
Neptune : masc, roman version of Poseidon, god of the sea
Pluto (IS NOT A PLANET) : masc, roman version of Hades, god of death and money
Stars : (basically the entire Black family and then some)
Aquila : neutral, eagle in latin, the eagle constellation
Aries/Aries : masc, ram in latin, the aries constellation, Ares is the Roman god of war
Bellatrix (Bella) : fem, female warrior in, latin star in the Orion constellation
Cassiopeia (Cass) : fem, "she who chooses to excel" in latin, constellation
Castor : masc, to excel/shine, beaver in french, mythological character, star in the gemini constellation
Corvus : masc, raven in latin, the Corvus constellation (btw it's my personal favourite)
Draco : masc, dragon in latin, the Draco constellation
Hercules : masc, greek and roman hero, Hera's glory in greek, the Hercules constellation
Irena : fem, peace in greek, star in the Hercules constellation
Leo : masc leaning, lion in greek and latin, the Leo constellation
Lyra : fem, harp or lyre in greek, the Lyra constellation
Orion : masc, boundary in greek, a hunter in greek mythology, the Orion constellation
Perseus (Percy) : masc, to destroy in greek, mythological greek hero, name of the book character Percy Jackson, the Perseus constellation
Phoenix : neutral, crimson in greek, mythical bird in greek mythology, the Phoenix constellation
Regulus : masc, prince in latin, in the Leo constellation
Sirius : masc, scortcher in Egyptian, star in Canis Major
Vega : neutral, star in latin, star in the Lyra consellation, Lyr is another name for Vega
Outer Space :
Andromeda (the galaxy, it's also a star) : fem, leader of humankind, mythological character
Other :
Aster : neutral, star in greek
Celeste : neutral, french for celestial
Ciel : neutral, sky in french, not a name in france
Cosmos : masc leaning, order of the universe, harmony in greek
Sky : neutral, english word
Stella : fem, star in spanish
(I also want to share that I have an OC named Michelle Way, shortenned to Micky Way (yes like Gerard Way's brother) because I think it's funny that it sounds like Milky Way)
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your-astro-mami · 3 years
What placements can indicate low self esteem ?
This is kind of a hard question but here are some possible indications:
Saturn in 1st or 2nd House
Saturn in 1st could show someone who is very self-critical, often a perfectionist, especially when it comes to their appearance or the way they present themselves in front of others. I wouldn't say they would necessarily have a low self-esteem, but they will definitely be very aware of themselves, maybe sometimes to the point of being too nitpicky of every part of themselves. Saturn in the 2nd House can also be connected to low self-esteem, but I can see it being more pointed towards their character and abilities rather than appearance and vanity. I have noticed that often Saturn in the 2nd House are people who are very insecure about finances - even if they have a lot of money and are secure, they may never feel like it. They can be very cautious of how they spend their income. On the good side, they are often very independent and can be financially independent from a young age because they don't like to be a burden to others.
In general, for any house Saturn is in or any planet it conjuncts - there is heightened self-awareness, self-criticism, general hardships and sometimes suffering. That is the area where the person is a perfectionist, where no matter how much they do, it never feels enough for them.
Saturn in the 3rd House or Saturn conjunct Mercury
A lot of self-doubt, maybe insecurity when it comes to communication, their intelligence, their ability to share their ideas to the world. They may be highly intelligent, they are great at planning big things, working on big projects, they pay great attention to detail - no matter what kind of task requiring their intellect they do - it's always crafted to perfection. However, due to the natural self-criticism and turmoil that comes with Saturn, they may often feel very insecure about sharing their thoughts and projects. They may have the greatest idea, but they may be too afraid to put it out due to the block and limitation Saturn gives them. If you have either of these placements, please put yourself out to the world, you can achieve great things.
Saturn in the 6th House
Saturn in the House that is generally connected to stress, routine and responsibilities, challenges can naturally be very negative. The person may be very meticulous about their routine, which can give them a great amount of self-doubt if anything goes wrong, if it doesn't go according to their plan. They are creatures of habit, they are creatures of planning and organizing. I don't see it as low self-esteem, but they definitely feel pressure for anything they do.
Saturn in the 10th House
Low self-esteem connected to how they are seen by others, their career. These people may be very dedicated to their professional life and ambitions, but their career and reputation can also bring them sorrow, make them feel isolated on their own path. Their self-esteem may suffer due to comparisson, especially when it comes to success and what they have achieved compared to others. So, insecurity connected to status or career.
Sun-Saturn aspects
They may feel that in order to have pride, they must work for it, they must do something that is great enough. They may experience hardships throughout life, but it will feel like a part of their story, a part of their character that builds them into someone better. In general, Saturn in a strong aspect to Sun or Moon can show someone who is very strong, who can handle a lot whether it's due to others or due to their own self-judgment.
Moon-Saturn aspects
Moon-Saturn aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) could often show emotional dissatisfaction, a sense that you're going through more bad cycles than good, inability to care for yourself and focusing on negativity. I wouldn't say it can show low self-esteem, but it can be a sign of someone who never feels happy, someone that may always find a reason to be upset.
Jupiter or Venus-Saturn aspects
The two planets that represent joy, growth, positivity, the good parts of you an your life connected to Saturn can make those parts of life harder to enjoy - you may feel like anything good that comes in your life goes away fast, you have to work hard for the good things in your life, they may come with suffering.
Then finally,
Neptune in 1st/2nd or Neptune strongly aspected to the Ascendant
It can make someone very deluded when it comes to their appearance, it can be a sign of someone who doesn't have a realistic perception of themselves (could be a sign of having dysmoprhic view of oneself). It can show a need to change - whether it's your physical appearance or behaviour depending on surroundings. Favourite celebrity example once again: Kylie Jenner.
I will add more if something comes up to my mind.
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