yiangchen · 1 year
why do men feel the need to speak so loud
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luimagines · 10 months
Yeeeesss!!!!! I can't wait!! (I've been wanting to write this since I started this blog XD)
Part one will have Time, Twilight and Warrior.
Content under the cut!
It was a quiet acknowledgement.
It was unintentional to boot. You weren't looking for anything with anyone. It was just... a bunch of little things that caught your attention.
When he'd ruffle Wind's and Twilight's hair for fun- how concentrated he'd get in the middle of battle- when he'd help braid Wild's hair to calm him down after a bad night. The quiet way he'd support Warrior from the side. Not to mention just how he leads the group causes you admire him in many ways.
And for a time that was all it was. Admiration. Nothing more, nothing less.
Then you got hurt one day. Your palm was bleeding. Nothing deadly or worrisome but it was your dominant hand. The bandages, swelling and bleeding made it difficult to do much of anything. Not to mention that you kept picking at said bandages, making them fall loose.
Time noticed and puled you aside, rewrapping your hand with grim look on his face. This felt worse, somehow. Like you've disappointed him. He looks pissed, even though he's yet to say a single thing to you.
"I'm sorry." You blurt, hoping that it'll ease whatever tension is on his face.
It doesn't work. If anything he looks angrier. "It's not your fault... I just wish I would have gotten to you sooner. this could have been avoided."
Hold up-
Your heart starts beating faster and your face warms. "Im-impossible, Time. You were so far away."
"Mmm." Time grunts, tightening the bandages once more. "Do me a favor, yeah? Get better. Stop picking at it."
He flicks your forehead playfully, smiling at last. The look... takes your breath away. It's far from perfect. But it's soft and genuine and... you've never seen him look at anyone else like that. You swallow the spit in your mouth, hoping that you're not blushing any more than you already are. "...ok..."
"Good." Time sighs and kisses your forehead. "I worry enough about you as it is."
Did your heart just stop? Hello? Anyone home?
"Thank you." You say and smile back, trying to outwardly keep calm. But on the inside you feel like screaming. Is that good or bad? You don't know yet.
Time smiles again and put his hand on your shoulder. He puts the back of his hand to your cheek and winks. "Always."
You stay there stunned and bite your lip. "...cool..."
He snorts and walks away. "Come on. Or they'll leave us behind."
"Right. I lo-" You panic. What were you about to say? Would you have meant it? I love you? Seriously? Just like that? When did this happen?
Time doesn't seem to notice and keeps walking.
Meanwhile your world just turned on its side. Then again- you've known for a while now, haven't you? It just now where it's grown too obvious to ignore anymore.
You take a deep breath and follow the man back to the group.
Maybe you'll tell him. But another day.
Twilight was annoying. You hate to say it. But you would really like to get a grip when it came to him.
It was just some.... stupid puppy crush. There was nothing to it. It was nothing serious- but my god, did it get in the way of literally everything else.
He could say something nice or he would try and be helpful and you would be stuttering and fumbling over yourself. It was stupid. Dumb. Idiotic. You wanted to scream.
At best, you could try to avoid him, but he was so gentle. So sweet. You couldn't even be mad.
You sighed and shook your head, hitting your cheeks a few times to try and get a grip.
"You ok, Darlin'?" Twilight comes up from behind you.
You jump and whip your head around to look at him. You feel like you've been caught doing something suspicious- yet all you were doing was standing there hitting your face. "...Um... Ye-yeah. I'm fine. I'm cool! Don't worry about it."
Twilight raises an eyebrow. "Sure. And you were hitting yourself because...?"
"...I'm tired." You lie. "I feel like I'm about to fall asleep any second now."
Twilight frowns and stands a little straighter. "Everythin' alright? Had a bad night or somethin'?"
You cough and nod. "Yeah, something like that. I haven't been able to sleep well lately. I don't know why."
Yes you do. But it's fine. Totally fine.
Twilight puts the back of his hand to your forehead before either of you realize it. His fingers tips move down over your cheeks and behind your jaw. He frowns and leans in. Your breath stills completely, you think your heart stopped beating.
"Are you feeling alright?" He whispers. "I hope you're not getting sick."
You shake your head, gently taking his hand and moving it away from your face. Your attention instantly goes to the way his hand feels in your. Which is totally normal, right? "I don't think so... It just my brain not shutting up these days. I'll be ok."
Twilight leans back and you feel like you can breathe again. "Are you sure? I can help out if you need a break."
You snort. "Yeah? How?"
"I can carry you for a little bit. It's not like it costs anything."
You flush and shake your head, already feeling annoyed with yourself for not holding it together again. Naturally, you want to blame him. "No, really. I'm ok. Come on. We're being left behind."
Twilight nods and moves to walk to the group, still not looking satisfied with your answers. But then Warrior calls him over for something and with one last look to you, he leaves you behind.
It's the perfect excuse to finally break down and scream quietly. You're worse off than you thought. And he's still so sweet. And you can still feel his hand in yours and against your face and the way he looked at you and-
You whine in the back of your throat. "I think I love him."
There was something about him that you couldn't look away from. You couldn't say for certain what it was but you liked it.
You like him, to put it simply. He was charming, funny, confident- he didn't hesitate to act and he was always there to put a smile on someone's face regardless if it was at his expense or not.
Speaking of, he kept to your side as it was pouring cats and dogs, sacrificing his scarf to hold it over your heads. You helped him as it got heavier and heavier, huddling closer to his side as it dipped and drooped.
You sigh and looked at him. "How're you holding up?"
"I might have to drop this thing, sorry." He admits quietly. And he's right. You can already see how tired his arms are getting and the scarf is soaked through already, it's not like it helping keeping either of you dry anymore.
Then again, that doesn't answer your question.
You sigh and shake your head, dropping the scarf already. The rain instantly soaks into your hair and shirt, making everything seem twice as heavy. "Do you think we'll reach the others anytime soon? Wild and Time are still behind us, right?"
Warrior sighs also dropping the scarf. Water drips down his face in an instant. "I'm no longer sure. It's too dark to make out anything directly in front of us. If anything, we might be better just sticking to one spot and waiting either for the others to catch up to us or for the storm to stop."
You hum and think about it for a moment. "Do you think there's any cave nearby to take shelter in? I know there's no lightning but I don't feel conformable taking shelter under a tree, just in case."
Warrior looks around, wiping his face free of as much water as he can. He takes your hand and point. "There's that."
It's not much, a large rock jutting out of the ground with only enough space for you both to sit under it. But it'll have to do. You nod and together you both run to the little respite in the storm.
Warrior instantly does his best to clear the area of smaller rocks and twigs for you both to sit comfortable. your heart squeezes a little at the act. He sits down, pressing his back against the rock and pulls you into his side, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "I wish I do more..."
"This is good enough." You feel yourself growing shy at the close contact. He's never done this before... or has he? It seems so natural to him that he didn't seem to think twice- it's only now that you're noticing it.
You look down for a moment and tuck yourself closer. Warrior takes off his scarf and sets it aside. He takes off his armor and outer most layers. He's warm, you realize and his tunic is still dry. He gestures for you to do the same. Granted, you don't wear as many layers as he does, but by shedding the first one, you instantly feel better and warmer as he pulls you in closer again.
Only his form is more obvious to you this time around- and yours to him. Warrior doesn't seem bothered by it.
You however can feel yourself blushing. This seems awfully familiar to you. Have you dreamed about it before? Your heart is pounding, but it feels good. You feel happy just at the thought of this.
Hold on.... Why?
....Uh-oh.. are you crushing?
"Feel better?" Warrior whispers next to your ear and you look up at him. You bite your lip and nod, unable to hold the look for long. Warrior chuckles under his breath and rubs your shoulder comfortingly. "Good."
Oh, that laugh is going to haunt you now. You liked him. But now it's complicated.
part 2
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mangooes · 14 days
Chapter 1 - The Moon and The Star
Chapter 2 - Heartbeats Strumming
Chapter 3 - Hope Is the thing with Feathers
The sound of alarm ringing wakes a certain girl from her dreamland. “Ugh what time is it.." as she groggily reaches for her phone to check the time. “Oh my aeons i’m so gonna be late!” As she jumps out of bed, sprinting towards the bathroom for a quick shower before putting up her high school uniform and dashes out the door running while tying her blue violet messy hair after locking the house door of course.
The girl’s name is robin, just your normal high schooler in seoul, south korea. She is a very well known young artist in the celebrity community, as her talent and love for singing spreads across the world, sometimes a bit of acting. As of today, she is starting her second year of high school. The girl rushed past the neighbors and streets, greeting those who went past her in a hurry.
The clock ticks as she runs towards her school,not wanting to be late for the first day, she runs without paying attention to the tall boy standing in front of her. “Excuse me! Oof!- “ as the girl and the boy fall together on the floor with Robin on top of the said boy. “Uhh, oh my aeons i’m so ,so so sorry!” The girl covered her mouth in disbelief as she stood up hurriedly while giving out her hand towards the boy. The said boy looks up to see the girl’s face with wide eyes as his dark gray ones stare into her light green eyes. The boy takes the girl’s hand, standing up from his previous akward position. “Um aha- sorry about that i didn’t pay attention to my surroundings, are you okay…?” The girl said slowly as she laughed in a silly manner. 
The boy just stared, seemingly in a daze. “Um hello?” The girl waves her free hand in front of the boy, stopping after hearing a certain bell ringing as she turns her head to look at the source of the sound. “Ah the bell has ringed, um im sorry but i need to-“ as the girl turns towards the boy to face him once more she finds herself in shock as the boy’s eyes were now glowing in a terrifying purple color, contrast to the gray colors of his eyes before. Black wisps seemingly surrounding him in an ominous vibe, sensing somethings off, she looks down towards the boy’s shadow seeing multiple purple eyes staring back at her with a nostalgic look, surprisingly comforting, as if she has experienced this before but still it freaked her out a bit. 
“Um excuse me but can you..? Let go of my hand…?” Robin starts slowly as she tries to pull her hand out from the boy’s grip as the boy snaps out of his trance as his eyes turns back to normal and the previous ominous vibe disappears in an instant. “Ah i’m sorry-“ “It’s okay i’ll be going now i’m sorry!!” Before the boy could even finish his sentence, the poor girl runs towards the school building without looking back. ‘This is so embarrassing!’ The girl thinks in her head as she zooms across the many students who greeted her with a friendly gesture as she returns it.
Meanwhile with the boy still standing in his place, his eyes never left the girl. Seemingly staring at her as she dashes away, emotions of longing were seen across his eyes, a yearning for his old lover, to fulfill the promises they made in the previous timeline. ‘I finally found you, Robin...my star....’ His trance was snapped out from the voices within his shadow.
“My king, it seems that she can see us.” A knight soldier of the shadow monarch states. “She looked quite scared of you, my liege, kekekkeke.” The ant king comments. “Yeah she can, though that means her memories are not intact...she doesn’t seem to recognize me nor you all” the boy sighed before giving out a command that has always been his priority in the previous timeline with authority, “Igris, follow her. Protect her like you used to.” “Yes my king, with pleasure.” The shadow knight called Igris says as he disappears, blending in the said girl’s shadow.
The said girl shuddered, catching sight of some trail of black zooming towards her on the floor. ‘What was that..?’ The girl looks around as she looks below to see her shadow. ‘I really need to stop worrying about these things, I'm definitely hallucinating.’ The girl sighed and walked to enter the orientation hallway filled with chatters of students from different grades and classes as she put on a smile without noticing how a pair or purple eyes seemingly stared at her form from her shadows.
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Hey guys!! i know i have an acheron solo leveling fic goin on rn but i just feel like i need to publish this robins fic too sakjdnaskjsa i have too many ideas goin on rn LMAOO, so i'll write for them both at the same time! tho for the acheron fic im up to chapter 4 rn but i need to rethink again to make the plot more interesting :")) I'll post the second chapter for this robin fic tonight!! and maybe i'll write for a frieren hunter reader or like a hsr fic in general w no jinwoo in it :(( cuz i wanna start writing for mozee and dan heng too!
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lovingseventeen · 2 years
hello,, if i can, may i request jeonghan with reader who likes celebrating others' birthday but not theirs. just because they feel like theirs is not even worth it to be celebrated ; perhaps bcs of low self esteem? like, reader even hope that their birthday doesnt exist
( im sorry if i failed to understand your "do i take requests" on your navigation post, please feel free to decline this ask if anything. but if you do decline it, could you please perhaps randomly send 🩷 emoji so i could know whether my ask is accepted or not?? im sorry 😭 )
jeonghan when you don’t enjoy your own birthday
a/n: hi hi, so sorry this took a bit to come out. i'm not writing requests in chronological order just because some of them are easier to write for some reason ?? but ANYWAYs i hope you enjoy this even if it's a bit late <3
*reader and jeonghan are not explicitly in a relationship, i just thought this could be taken platonically or romantically
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✧ was lowkey offended that you didn’t even tell him. he had no idea on the day of because you didn't do anything out of the ordinary, not even a little celebration on your story!
✧ he didn't know because you haven't know each other too long, but still! how could you not tell him!
✧ he also felt awful because you surprised him on his and he was waiting for his chance to do something nice for you
✧ you had casually asked him if it was okay to stop by the hybe building since you were *coincidentally* in the area
✧ when he met up with you on the first floor to go up together, you had greeted him with the brightest smile, a small cake in a box, and a small bouquet
✧ "i thought i'd meet you upstairs! you're ruining the surprise!" you exclaimed as his eyes glanced over everything that you were holding
✧ "y/n.. you didn't have to do all of this.." he said, but he couldn't stop smiling. all of this, for him? he thought
✧ "let me help you carry some of this" he offered, not knowing what else he could do to express his gratitude (this day becomes one of his favorite birthdays)
✧ he had only found out that he missed your birthday when you had to show your ID at a restaurant. he jokingly took it from the waiter to see if you were younger in your photo and if you looked different before
✧ it was all fun and games until he saw your birthday, surprise and disappointment filling him when he realized it was last week
✧ he looked at you sitting across from him as you sipped your drink, unaware of every emotion coursing through him
✧ "your birthday just passed?" he asked, turning to look at you, before looking back down at your ID
✧ "yeah" you replied, a blank look on your face further surprising him. you just reached over to get your card, even if he was still staring at it
✧ "y/n, why didn't you tell me?"
✧ "because it isn't a big deal?" you shrugged, placing your ID back in your wallet
✧ you wondered why he seemed so passionate, meanwhile he wondered how you were being so casual
✧ "of course it's a big deal, i'd want to celebrate you on your day" he looked at you sincerely, you could hear the slight whine in his voice but you could see how serious he was
✧ it was hard to hold eye contact with him. "i um, don't really like celebrating it?" you said softly
✧ "can i ask why?" he continued, his voice gentle as he didn't want to push your boundaries
✧ "i mean, i like celebrating other people, people i love, you know? but it feels weird when it's about me, i don't know.. i don't need to be treated any differently on that specific day"
✧ he nodded, accepting your words even though he felt like he was bubbling with more questions. he still wants to make it up to you in some way
✧ you could tell he was a little off for the rest of your meal, he was sort of stuck in his thoughts. you really didn't want him to do anything but he still felt bad
✧ by the time your bill comes, you plan on splitting it with him when he closes the checkbook with just his card and hands it to the waiter before you could object
✧ "h-hey! you don't have to do that, you know" you called out, "it passed already anyway so you have no excuse"
✧ "who said it was because of that?" he asks coyly, "the last album did well so i want to celebrate that, don't worry"
✧ you rolled your eyes but you couldn't fight him on this one because the waiter already took his card. "just don't do anything else, jeonghan. it's really okay i swear"
✧ "then i won't"
✧ "good" you replied, eyeing his intentions anyway
✧ "good" he copies
✧ the next week, a package comes to your house, a very nice oversized denim jacket, with a card saying: NOT a birthday present, i ordered it for myself but it's too small so you can have it - jeonghannie :)
✧ you shoot him a text telling him not to get you any presents in the future and he only replies with it's not a present because it isn't even wrapped
✧ the jacket is totally your style and not his, so you know he's lying but you also can't be too mad
✧ he never really brings up why you don't like your birthday again. he never tries to organize a gathering or even a planned celebration dinner with you. he doesn't want to ever put you on the spot
✧ he figures if you ever feel more comfortable you'll tell him
✧ in upcoming years, he has his little jeonghan way of being a little kinder to you when it's coming around
✧ on the day, he'll do something for you without admitting it's for your birthday. it's something relaxed and besides, all he wants to do is spend time with you
✧ maybe he "randomly" tells you that he's craving your favorite food and he ordered way too much so you have to help him finish it
✧ or maybe he just so happened to be invited to an idol's concert and he can take you because he has an extra ticket ("you've literally never interacted with them" "yes i did on mnet in 2015" he literally sends a prepared clip)
✧ he always has his little explanation as to exactly why something is not a birthday celebration/present
✧ maybe he won something on going seventeen by cheating and wants to give you the prize because he won't use it
✧ the "non-presents" always come spontaneously so you technically can't say that they have a correlation to the actual day
✧ "i accidentally ordered the wrong shoe size" - it's literally a shoe you mentioned 5 months ago
✧ "they let us keep the accessories we wore on stage" - no they don't
✧ "i'm an ambassador for that brand anyway so i always have free stuff from them" - he would have had to post a thank you to that brand on his story
✧ but in the end, he just wants you to know he cares for you and wants to thank you, regardless of what day of the year it is
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istherewifiinhell · 4 months
well here we go folks
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[ID: Close on 80s comic Megatron, black helm, large yellow optics. his excessive diaglogue: Indeed, Ravage. We have lived peacefully with the Autobots for eons slowly secretly gathering our strength and pursuing our technology, now we shall strike at those who have brought the stagnation of peace and plenty to cybertron. They shall learn the way of conflict... The way of war... The way of Megatron. END]
oh boy.... marvel transformers no. 1 (or 1-2 in tfuk...) published 1984.
normally id put my credits ABOVE the cut... but um...
plot: Bill Mantlo script: Ralph Macchio pencils: Frank Springer inks: Kim Demulder lettering: Michael Higgins, Rick Parker colour: Nelson Yomtov editor: Bob Buduansky EiC: jim shooter digital re-master by digikore studios limited. collection edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon. editorial notes and assistance by Mark. W. Bellomo
jeez.... it takes a fucking village i guess. if youve seen my previous comics blogging, you might know digital remasters arent my fav... but. the amount of READING. in tiny tiny text. in this childrens toy comic. have any of u seen ennervated used in a comic before?? and speaking of reading...
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[Caption box: But the Decepticons were fresh, fully fueled for the battle... the word fueled written strangely. END]
does. does that say fubleo?
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[ID: 1. same captioned from the uk printing, saying fueled with two L's. 2. from an older US printing, much lower res and smudged, but the E and D still look correct with the rest of the type used. END]
So ADDING text errors. thats a new one.
anyway i couldnt begin to nor would i subject you to a comprehensive summary post. robot shit happens. the comic script seems to be fully printed into the book, even tho... surely the pictures are communicating... some of it. anyway. what are we here for.
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[ID: Panel of Megatron walking towards the camera, menacing, canon raised saying "Strike! Strike! With all the might at our command! Death to the autobots and the decay they stand for!" END]
why he kinda...
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[ID: Small drawing of Optimus walking, in a awkward maybe hurried way. END]
bigfooting it up here.
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[ID: 1. small drawing with huffer doing repairs, hes faced away with his butt kind of popped out. 2. cartoon huffer drawn with really curvy portions at the chest and hips. END]
im not sure why 'huffer baby girl' is a thing but. you know. two nickles
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[ID: Starscream and Thundercracker talking in jet mode. S: I told Megatron this frontal assault tactic he's so fond of is foolish, Thundercracker. Guile and stealth are far more effective than missiles in he long run. T: We have to follow Megatron's way, Starscream, It's been successful up to now. I don't think we should openly defy him as you've been known to do. END]
well least thats still the same
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[ID: Tall narrow panel of a castle thats more gothic than scifi. "Meanwhile, inside the foreboding Castle Decepticon that was home to Megatron" END]
SORRY? he was just? draculaing it up on cybertron?? okay.
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[ID: Panel showing a young man, buster, looking under Bumblebee's hood. Caption box: And. Not far away... Buster's thinking "The noises coming from this car are really weird! Almost like… Crying! It's been badly damaged-- leaking something that looks like… but isn't… oil!" END]
BUMBLEBEE CRYING??? HELLO??? what are you doing to my boy. (also yes. its not spike the ambiguously aged tradesman teen, son of a mechanic... but, Buster, bookish nerd who's father is disappointed in him reading to much trying to get a scholarship... [Chanel boots voice] okay... i see your foppish intellectualism and pink shirt buster.
finally. finally. IS THERE A SCRIPT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE. fellas. this is not how a comic layout goes
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[ID: Panel of Megatron in front of his assembled troops asking "... Are well all account for on this brave new world?" The panel is absolutely crammed with text, as all NINE of them sound off with a whole unnaturally phrased character bio paragraph, and Megatron concludes. END]
Im not sure that was.... the best way to do that.... but okay
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[ID: Panel of Optimus and his Autobots just kinda standing around very 3/4 model sheet style, as Optimus says "Now let me insure that our people have each survived intact," followed by SEVEN autobot intros. END]
guys...... this is painful. WHAT is ironhide gonna do with his liquids?!?! what are bumblebees LITTLE LEVERS? altho... cute that he likes to swim?? at least there was less of them then the--
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[ID: A full PAGE of 10 additional autobot intros. END]
Head in hands.... why............... are they getting weirder as it goes or, am i just in increasing amounts of pain?
OKAY. thats post theres no more editorial beyond this point. but.... ocr'd these so..... if anyone is crazy enough want to peruse these ENTIRE BIOS. but needs some plaintext aid... (and re/unfixing the remaster errors lol) this ones for you. dont start of frenzy and rumble.....
Skywarp's up for raiding sir. And my teleportational power'll pop me right into their midst to make mischief. As ever, your cause is Thundercracker's great Megatron. Our land-bound enemy will be picked off at will as I soar over them, striking with rockets and sonic booms. As the fastest most maneuverable of Decepticon jet flyers, I, Starscream, shall continue to accumulate Autobot body-counts that enhance the reputation of our leader. Can the speeches, huh, Star? Rumble's back in town and I'm gonna shake the place up with some low frequency ground-waves. You hit em from up top and I'll do the job down here. And I, Frenzy, will shatter our opponents' equilibrium,using high- pitched soundwaves. I will not cease until every Autobot is slain, and you, Soundwave? I will monitor transmissions and read Autobot electrical impulses to learn their plans even my photographic memory serves as a defensive weapon. Does even that compare with Ravages power to slip undetected anywhere? And my own monitoring devices in my nose module allow me to smell, hear and detect electromagnetic radiation beyond that of any decepticon It all pales next to the artistry of Buzzsaw. I can pinpoint a hexnut at twenty miles with my optical sensors. And my beak has carved many an Autobot warrior into a masterpiece of scrap metal. Just leave some for Laserbeak, comrades allow me a few struggling survivors of our battle and I'm certain till pry some useful information from them with my optical lasers… Even if they die in the telling. Come. Our time to strike is later. The ship's brain has placed into our circuits the knowledge that this world possesses enormous untapped fuel resources resources we can exploit in our struggle against the Autobots.
Ironhide's ready to roll, Optimus, I may be old and ornery, but my steel-alloy skin hasn't been dented yet in battle. And I've got a bunch of new liquids I want to test out in my water gun, yessiree. Oh, I say we leave right now and forget about traipsing after the stupid decepticons, I'll use my stress testing sensors and mathematical skill to rebuild the ark and get us back to Cybertron where we belong. C'mon, Huffer, get with it! I only require a drop of fuel to run, so I'm going to explore this whole planet- especially since The Ark said so much of it is water, and Bumblebee's little levers love a good swim. Well, Sunstreaker isn't leaving until the rest of this world gets a look at the sleekest Autobot in the bunch. And if any Decepticon dares to mess with the finish-- he'll get two ground-to-air missiles stuffed where he won't want them. If you were as fast as Cliffjumper is, Sunstreaker, you wouldn't worry about your finish, and while I'm dodging fire my "Glass gas" can make any Decepticon brittle as ice. Hun, Brawn don't need any gas to rip things up, nobody's stronger'n me. One punch and yer buildin'-- or decepticon--goes bye bye. Sideswipe's right up there with you, Brawn, because I use my arms as Piledrivers. I admit, it's a little rash to rush headlong at Decepticon fortifications, but not one of them's stopped me yet.
Frankly, I'd rather be elsewhere hunting turbofoxes than with you roughnecks, but, while we're here, my electro-disrupter is charged up. It not only interferes with decepticon circuitry, it also makes me appear to be where I'm not that's why I'm called Mirage. Nice to hear how you got your name, Mirage. Now, I got mine, Bluestreak by being as fast as a blue streak.. Whatever that is. Some wise guys even said I talk a blue streak--whatever that is. Anyway, here I am. Listening to you, Bluestreak, taxes even the endless patience of Prowl. I have little to say, but my logic center dictates the most advantageous course of action in any situation. Well, that is neat-o, Prowl. But me, Jazz, I'd like to just cruise around and take in the sights. And if I've got to fight well my photon rifle and overhead flamethrowers can make things hot for the big nasties. You burn them, Jazz, but let Hound sniff, them out for you. My infra-red radiation collector makes me the best tracker on or off cybertron, and if I ever get lost, my hologram gun projects terrain maps to get me back on track. Just let Windcharger zoom ahead and scrap a Decept between my magnetic arms. I'll take in this planet's scenery later. The only thing Gears wants to learn about this planet is how to get off it. I hate this place already, I just know you're going to use me as a mobile transport unit again once we have to set up. Nuts. Let's go home Well, at least you don't have to patch Autobots up like old Ratchet does, when one of us busts himself up playing hero, but I've got the tools to fix anything-- even though I'd rather be partying than tinkering. And Wheeljack is the guy you've had to patch up most. I can't help it. I love to mess with gadgets -- especially our weaponry, like my shoulder cannons. I try to be careful, but sometimes it doesn't work. Thanks for being around, Ratchet, old buddy. I don't know how many times I, Trailbreaker had to use my force-field projector and hide behind my own barrier when you're experimenting with those shrapnel shells. You're worse than a wild Decepticon, Wheeljack.
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ohohoh questions!
-What are all the dynamics between kwami and holders? Does Trixx Nooro and maybe Pollen approve of what deep cut are doing? I’d think Tikki and Callie would get along. Also since Callie and Marie know each other’s identities how do Plagg and Callie get along, same for Tikki and Marie?
-so what’s your idea for how Pavo uses Amoks? Does she mostly use her own emotions or does she make amoks from other ppls emotions?
-how did Callie and Marie get the miraculous in the first place? Same for Pearl and Marina.
-can you tell me more about Tartar? What would he have his wish be? He’s very punchable I hope Ahato or Callie gets to punch him
-what point do Cerise/Pavo fall for each other?
-what is public opinion on all these guys?
-Callie and Tikki get along very well! Tikki loves the positivity! But her concern over Callie rises over time because while Callie will never get as lonely as she does between Splatoon 1 and 2 since she's got Tikki there, Tikki notices Callie's reliance on Marie and is worried over what ever may strain the two of them, so she can get a bit bossy over Callie, much to Callie's dismay. On the cuter side of things though, Callie also likes to dress Tikki up in little bows and glitter.
-Marie and Plagg meanwhile do NOT get along, usually. They care a lot about each other at the end of the day but it's usually constant arguing between them and Marie will constantly snark that Callie got the better end of the deal which Plagg will bite her hand and not let go till she takes it back. However, when Plagg serious-es up he really does and seems to know Marie better than she knows herself, so when she's at her most lost, he's there.
-Reverse though! Tikki and Marie get along nicely. It helps that Tikki is so cheerful and that reminds Marie of Callie, however Tikki always wants to have serious conversations with Marie since Callie always avoids those but Marie always finds it weird talking about serious things with a tiny fairy thing since Tikki wants to do it a lot. Callie and Plagg also get along great! She tries and fails at giving him a makeover a lot but he's a bit of a bad influence on her more impulsive actions.
While they initially think its a great idea to swap, the day they do ends in complete disaster of Marie overworking/panicking/overthinking and Callie accidentally dismantling a city block.
-As for Deep Cut! They LOVE their kwamis! And their kwamis love them! They're pampered and spoiled a lot and are never far apart from each other. From order of 'happy to crime' to 'most reluctant to crime' goes Trixx, Pollen, and Nooroo. Deep Cut's reasoning that all their proceeds are going to charity keep the kwami at least somewhat supportive (although trixx would be fine even if it wasn't for good reasoning the guy is a bit mischevious)
-Pavo uses both her own emotions and others when she's hiding somewhere- but if she's going out into town to attack as Pavo she always uses her own emotions which are usually based off of some form of suffering or stress or frustration.
-The Squid Sisters found their miraculouses in their changing rooms! Someone gave it to them secretly (it was Cuttlefish!) and they tried them on immediately just in time for Deep Cut(who got their miraculouses via their clans)'s explosive debut as criminals, whom they stopped and had a cat and mouse game with for a short while until Pavo showed up and started sending real monsters to fight.
-Pearl actually gets her miraculous from the Squid Sisters! They do the like, choose your temporary hero companion for a bit and when Marina gets captured during a villain attack, they help Pearl save her by giving her the goat. As for Marina! I think she'd get it from Octavio somehow I don't know how or why. Octavio didn't use the rabbit miraculous though he never know it was magical just a nice watch.
-Tartar is a skeeeeevy fucking guy and is constantly hovering over Ahato's shoulder. Pressing about her ratings, her success, what she'll do when she's Actually popular. His view is that perfection only exists in his view of it, and with such an insecure DJ on his hands- she's the perfect guinea pig to mold and push around. He keeps Ahato wanting the wish by supporting her dissatisfaction of herself and plans to steal the wish and reset the world in his image. Cause he's a cunt.
He will be punched don't worry.
-OUGH CERISE AND PAVO OKAY SO. I couldn't help myself but there's a BIT of a love square with that but at some point they both moderately crush on both forms of each other. It's sorta a 'fell in love first' and 'fell in love HARD' scenario for the first crush on the first persona and then the second persona. Callie had a silly lil crush on Pavo first ("SHES SO DARK AND MYSTERIOUS" "CALLIE SHES A CRIMINAL" "THATS HOT") but grew invested and tender towards Ahato. Meanwhile, Ahato had a crush on Callie first as she was one of the first people that Ahato felt was truly invested and kind to her and understood her work, but had the gay little "OH. OH." moment over Cerise which made her feel VERY embarrassed over being her nemesis.
-Cerise and Angora are equally beloved though fans constantly fight over who is better (which drives a slight crack between them). Deep Cut are hated by the government, police, and much of the public, though many are actually quite fans and see them as Robin Hood figures for their kindness towards needy civilians. Caprichaos doesn't show up often but she has a pretty punk fan base that adore her while the government don't enjoy her more radical and rough nature and Lapin is bathed in mystery which make many theorists intrigued and most of the public knowing nothing about her to care much.
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chayannecraft · 9 months
hey the last drawing will probably be uploaded tomorrow!! i know you'll understand but i've been very busy today :)
anyway i'm curious about if the other eggs have any sort of role in your au??
OH and if you want to talk abt what chayanne and phil's relationship is like, i've been very curious about that lol bc it seems like phil's both very protective of him and doesn't care about him that much. not saying you haven't thought it out i'm just eager to look more into his character!
Hello!! Yeah no I understand I’ve been super busy too. Finals season and everythang. It’s a curse. Oh my god. (Which is why im so late answering this ask hello omg!!!) But anyways yes hello oh my god questions!!!! 💖💖💖!!!!! YES!!! I WILL ANSWER
The other eggs have very loose roles but they do exist!! They sort of take up the space of the descendants-of-the-champions roles that Sidon and the others fill (although I’m not sure who is who at the moment, would have to think about that a little more!!) (I have no idea what role Tallulah plays, but I think she might be traveling around with Wilbur, more info on that later) but sometimes they’re also just like, normal random kids. They are all friends I promise. I don’t have a lot on them though so this is not that coherent.
You were right in that Phil is very protective of Chayanne!! I think a part of him knew Chayanne was The Chosen Hero, but when faced with the decision to send him off to what very well could have been his sons death, if not horrific trauma he was like um. No lol. Not doing that.
A consequence of the storyline in general is Phil isn’t very mentioned a lot, so it gives off the idea that he’s uncaring towards Chayanne, but I promise you that’s not the case!! (Not to make fun of you or call you out of course). Phil is actually very loving towards his son, and was devastated when he ran away with the Master Sword.
Then (for reasons I haven’t thought up yet) he’s pretty distracted but desperately trying to get his kid back. Until the calamity happens and they fail. Then he’s under the impression his son is just dead and he’s in mourning for the next 100 years (Why is he still alive in 100 years, you ask! Well! I took everything from these kids and I think taking their parents is a little bit too cruel so everybody is blessed by some sort of god that expands their lifespan a couple hundred ok :D!!!)
And then a little bit after botw someone goes to Philza and is like hey. The hero is back. He’s hanging out with Princess Pomme. He looks a lot like the missing hero from 100 years ago. Your son. Might be your son Phil. And Phil basically takes 3 seconds to process this before clawing himself up from his depression and being like OK. WE’RE GONNA GO GET HIM!!! AND IF ANYBODY TRIES TO STOP ME IM MAULING THEM. Of course he gets to hyrule RIGHT as totk plot starts and Chayanne goes missing so kind of an L BUT THEY DO REUNITE!!!
They get their moments. They also get a really tearful reunion where Chayanne is like dad im so sorry for running off oh my god :( I forgot you for a hundred years you must be so upset with me. And Philza is hugging him like oh my god my kid is ok. Oh my god. YOU’RE GROUNDED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WHAT THE FUCK. And then just caries him around. And probably has some sort of beef with Missa because that’s Chayanne’s Hyrule-Dad. Meanwhile Pomme stands in the back ready to kill him if he makes one wrong move.
There’s a side story kind of sequel relating to that where Pomme and Chayanne have to grapple with the fact that Chay is also a prince and his dad misses him dearly and wants him to come home but they don’t want to be separated ever for the rest of their lives. Maybe even some parent bonding. Like a little family-person drama to contrast the cursed-destiny-supernatural-calamity drama and probably some Death Family Bonding.
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munamania · 1 year
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh guys. i have HILARIOUS updates for you from today. warning this post will be rambly but it has some hits and i think if im not your favorite character in life i really should be. ok
OKAY. so it all starts with a dream. i dream that ruby cruz is on my campus shooting smth and long story short she approaches me at one point, as shes abt to say smth my one friend pops in like 'oh hey is this your girl?' meaning FILM GIRL. and everything morphs in that moment like a fucking comical nightmare and im like What No except it was... and okay anyway. i didnt sleep a lot and this is the first dream mention of her in a while. well get this.
spot her on campus as lydia and i r fucking RUSHING bc not one but TWO buses passed us. im like huh first spotting of the semester odd time but ok.... meanwhile i just have this dread so ancient in me because she also has her film major so at any point i can be jumpscared. it wasnt even that real genuinely im at a point where im like ok that shit was fucking stupid and i shouldnt have gone thru all that so she sucks but whatever. anywho we rush into class late with the bESTTTTTTT prof <33333333 im settling im sat im figuring out the space. im sitting at the front however with lydia so like i take a little while to do some glimpses around the class... well get this!
yeah shes there. and im kind of like. sigh. okay whatever. lydias staring at me like Hey so um....... and im like Yeah im aware i know. but i see so many other film people i know to varying degrees so thats cool!!!! im like yippeee also my prof keeps referring to me directly so im like heyyyyyyyyyyy queen <3 esp bc she has like legit aphantasia and i didnt even participate That Much last year but it gets crazier! we're going through attendance and who's directly behind me but abby lee miller! jk um it's my friend im kind of having a flirty little moment with maybe? idfk so im like redactedddd what r u doing hereeeee. and theyre also well aware of the drama we bonded talking shit.
so yeah imagine being me. psychologically attacked every step of the way. except it's lowkey really fun and silly i was having a funny time. i had to laugh! and talked to people and it was fine. but also everyone knows each other to varying degrees and so im sitting there feeling like im being slowly cooked alive. in a fun way...
but also we watched joan is awful in class and the prof was telling us about how you can do it to your face and have a poster (except then netflix can use ur face!) and she singles out '[film girl] is awful' out of everyoneeeeeeee so i had to giggle i had to laugh like without knowing anything my prof is such an ally to me personally fucking love her <3 she also had an association with her and frankie grande and i was like yeah. make her gayappropriatingstraightbi ass uncomfortable. anyway.
and then also. sigh hello lydia if ur seeing this. i try to introduce lydia and that friend and after the typical introduction i was like 'yeah cool i mean ive talked to you about each other at various points!' like girl why would you say something like that. like huh. neither of them says anything and i save it by bringing up our bottoms plans but i was just sitting there in my own goddamn mind control room like yeah ok. girlfailureloser moment. why are you WEIRD. it's not even that real actually im awkward frequently and people roll with it but just given the energy of everything going on in class it was a really great way to end. and then we talked to that prof for a While after class she's literally the best she would do numbers on here. within the cool lesbian mutuals space anyway and thats all that matters. and we talked about bottoms !!!!!<33333 and willow and shes like yeah ok dyke in the most affectionate way i can possibly say that i love herrrrrr
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birlwrites · 1 year
im just imagining ttdl reg meeting evocatio reg and just being appalled by the idea of himself with james. meanwhile, ttdl evan has evocatio evan tied up and is interrogating him so he can find exactly how to convince reg to date him. and he’s doing this good cop/bad cop style, himself playing both cops (he makes his voice deeper and puts shades on whenever he’s pretending to be bad cop)
anon the way i WHEEZED when i read the last sentence
a concept: the way ttdl reg finds *out* that he was with james is by ttdl evan attempting to 'casually' ask evocatio evan 'so, how did you and regulus get together?' and then this whole SAGA of REVENGE FAKE DATING comes out. ttdl regulus's ability to Not Visibly React To Information is being SEVERELY strained. as soon as evocatio evan goes 'so regulus had this thing with potter and then potter dumped him--' ttdl regulus is broken. that's it he's done. FIRST OF ALL the idea that he would ever 'have a thing' with james potter, SECOND OF ALL the idea that JAMES WOULD BE THE ONE TO END IT???? HELLO??????????? WHY DIDN'T EVOCATIO REGULUS DUMP HIS ASS IMMEDIATELY. WHY DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN. WHAT.
meanwhile, ttdl evan, fake casually: oh! um, well, *my* regulus does not like. willingly breathe the same air as potter, so i don't think that would ever happen for us. um. how did you come up with fake dating *specifically* as your revenge tactic--
while ttdl evan is interrogating evocatio evan, ttdl regulus is attempting to be Loudly Irritated at evocatio regulus for 'having a thing' with potter, but he keeps being foiled by evocatio regulus AGREEING WITH HIM. like:
evocatio regulus: i mean yeah. but also in my defense he *is* objectively attractive--
ttdl regulus, apoplectic: NO HE'S NOT
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ngc-5194 · 1 year
👀 for au meme
hello dear nonny <333333333
for you i offer up an au for a show that. i don't think any of you following me care about. (also i should disclaim to anyone who does care that i. have only finished the anime. i picked up the manga a while ago but i dropped it and i have yet to pick it back up and finish it. im sorry.) so with that in mind:
seraph of the end is a show about vampires and thats. as good of a summary as any that isnt a million pages long. now. this au is pretty simple. it's just a swap au. however. the issue with yuu being the one to become a vampire is. it's yuu. no matter what sort of deal he's offered to keep parts of his 'humanity' he's going to hate every moment of it. mika meanwhile is. have you ever wanted to see a man wallow in guilt for 4 years straight .no? too bad hes doing it anyway . mika still ends up stabbing him though if only because that scene is Iconique (<- to be read with bad french accent) and the drama is . i like it.
in summary. um. gay people 👍
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skylermouse · 2 years
OC Crossover pt 1 Cookie Run : Mini Kingdom
Star (me) : hey you two :D
Marco: Fuck me
Sky and Marco turn to the source of the voice, only to frown almost immediately upon visual contact with the source.
Sky: What do YOU want
Marcos feathers slowing starting puffing up, his wings flaring out to cover Star’s view Sky
Star: Rude >:(… anyway I was wondering if you two would like to go on a small journey-
Marco: when you say small do you mean that we’ll be there for several unbearable weeks until you feel like bringing us back
The pair stare at Star awaiting an answer, only for her to start smiling
Star: Correct my feathery friend… oh would you look at the time, time for you to get going
Sky: Do we get a say in this…
Star: :)…….. Absolutely not!
Star snaps her fingers, allowing a portal to be created under Marco and Sky.
Marco: oooh you stupid *falls* BIIIIIIIITCH
The portal closes returning the room to a weird silence
Star: hope they find out that I changed it up a bit for their own enjoyment
*Meanwhile in the Other Universe*
(Takes place near the beginning
Gingerbrave: They won't bother us again-
*Cue Sky and Marco falling out of a portal, with Marco landing half way into the
Marco: I hate the bitch….
Sky stands, trying to get an understanding of the surrounding
Sky: Where the Hell are we any way?
Sky: and WHY do I feel different
Marco pulls himself from the hold made from the impact he looks relieved for a few seconds before slowly changing into a horrified look
Marco: Sky… take a look at yourself please
Marco: Sky I’m begging you in the name Christ to look at yourself please.
Sky slowing look down at one of her paw to see that it’s not longer covered in fur but in a smooth texture… frosting.
She glances back at Marco to see that he too gone through the transformation
Both: What… The…. Fu-
Gingerbrave: Um… Hello..
The two animals turn to see a group of people- wait no, cookies staring back at them
Gingerbrave: who are you two….. and why the heck did you both fall out the sky-
*Wizard jabs his elbow into the Gingerbrave’s waist silencing him*
Wizard: What Gingerbrave meant to say was… are you to okay?
Sky stands up tumbling a little bit
Sky: We’re fine… but one question… WHERE THE EVER LIVING F*CK ARE WE
The cookies back up not knowing that an animal could use such vulgar language
Gingerbrave: First off language, there are children around here
Sky and Marco: -_-
Gingerbrave: Second, You’re in Earthbread, the land where is cookies and many more live!! :D
Sky: (Earthbread…. Where have I heard that name before….)
Sky: (………. Oh wait)
Sky: Is your name.. Gingerbrave by any chance
Ginger’s eyes widen
Ginger:… how did you know that…..
Sky: Your friend said your name earlier.. Wizard Cookie am I right?
*Wizard Cookie nods*
Sky: For now all I can say I’ve heard about you before.. but where.. I won’t be telling you~
Ginger:(ok.. creepy)
Ginger: Anyway…. What your name little mouse?
Sky: (Bitch, Im about two time taller than you sitting down!)
Sky: Names Sky and the Parrot hybrid over there questioning his sanity is Marco and what are the rest of your names?
Gingerbrave: Well you’ve already met me and Wizard Cookie, I guess the only one you haven’t met is Strawberry Cookie-
Sky pushes the two boys to the side to get a better look at the hooded figure
Strawberry: H-hello
Sky pulls Strawberry Cookie to her neck fluff embracing her while wagging her tail wildly
Strawberry: (ok.. awkward… pls help..)
Sky looks beside Strawberry to see a shiny object that looks similar to the shape of Gingerbrave
Marco gets up from the ground to see the same object Sky is staring at
Marco:…. dafuq?
A small gnome looking creature waddles towards the group
Sugar Gnome: Why that’s a special cookie cutter
Ginger: Yo check me out, if it fits, I sits
*cue entire group sweat dropping*
Sky: Dude WTF-
After the whole using the Cooke cutter thing
Chili Pepper: Okay, what's going on? Who are you? Cops? Back it up, boys! Don't even think about messing with me
Sky: (Oh no, I can see this escalating terribly)
Sugar Gnome: Don’t Fight. We used the Cookie Cutter and viola! You’re here!
Chili looks over to see the two animals
Chili: who are the animals?
Strawberry: Sky and Marco… right?
Sky: Yea-
Chili: Yeah Whatever..
Marco: B*TCH!
Chili walks up to Marco, fury in her eyes
Marco’s feathers puffed up, he spreads his wings and his spiraled pupil dilates
Chili backs up surprised by the animals sudden anger
Chili: This isn’t over bird brain…
Sugar Gnome 2: TROUBLE! TROUBLE!
Ginger: Don’t tell me, Cake monsters AGAIN
Sugar Gnome 2: Dutti-do! Giants are attacking the castle! Blood-red eyes! Razor-sharp teeth, yellow as the sun!
Sky: (ick, ever heard of personal hygiene)
Sugar Gnome: No doubt they are after the Castle's great treasures, mm-hm
Chili: Treasures?! Did you just say "treasures?" Why didn't you tell me that in the first place! Now yer talkin'—!
Marco: (At least we know how to get her to help)
Ginger: We need to get there quickly!
Sky: Oh I Know! You guys can ride on me and Marcos back, Im really fast so we should be there in seconds!
Sky: Fair warning though, Marco can’t fly straight and often does a lot of sky stunts….
Ginger and the gang huddle up and discuss who’s riding who
Ginger: So… which animal you guys riding
Strawberry: Well.. Sky seems to be the more safer option
Wizard: As much as I like adventure…. Im going with the mouse
Brave: Looks like me and Chili are going with the Parrot
Brave: Well… you need to try a get along with him after that situation earlier
Brave: Again, Language, and that sounds more like a you problem :)
Chili: BUT-
Brave: Alright let’s go! :D
Brave grabs Chili’s arm with a firm grip and drags her over to the parrot, throwing her onto his back and climbing on, meanwhile Strawberry and Wizard are climbing onto Sky’s back, cling onto her fur
Sky and Marco: Are you guys READY?!
Brave: Yep :D
Strawberry: S-Sure
Wizard: Yes
Chili: Whatever…
In a quick flash Sky speeds off leaving only a cloud of dust
Chili:…. on second though…. Im glad you dragged me onto the parrot Gingerbrave
Marco starts flapping his creating clouds of dust with each flap until he lifts himself off the ground
Gingerbrave: The Castles that way, by the way
Marco: Alright let’s go…
First time writing a story including ocs, I will accept any critics as long as their not harsh
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xmaslunatic · 2 years
So um, how should start? First things first, want to say thank u for ur blog☆. I'm already a big fan of yours lol!!!
So my request is about how charming Overload era is!!! Just looking at these photos make me blushing...
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
So i can't stop thinking about XH overload/reader in BDSM way😳
Like they outfits and they looks are something i cannot explain😭 Sorry for my hard thoughts LMAO
(i went to sleep thinking about this bc it was nearly 6am)
oooooh, so all 6 of them together? that would be a wild ride. no matter how i think about it, i get the vibes that seungmin would be in charge of the whole thing in a bdsm scenario, with gunil possibly close behind. seungmin is into some hard shit, so something like that would be right up his alley. meanwhile, gunil just enjoys having someone at his mercy sometimes. together they’d have the control — control over you and your body (consensually, of course) and control over how the other members interact with you. some follow orders better than others (cough gaon might struggle following orders because he’s so excited cough)
pls they look so good i want to swallow them all .. don’t apologize for the hard thoughts that’s what im here for (and thank you so much for the kind words!! i saw your reply to the fic teaser and the wips post im glad you’re looking forward to them ^ω^ i just can’t reply bc this is a side blog hah)
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44doggyriver · 2 years
Word girl in Leslie’s Allergy
  Narrator Listen for the words allergy and rash. One sunny day in Our boutique city Becky bosfurd aka Wordgirl is at her house with Bob aka Captain huggy face. Becky/wg Bob be quiet Pretty princess is on don't eat so loud. Bob/HOok squeak. Becky /word girl Yes i know you  have a new peanut flavored snack puff but you being so messy it's been  years since we moved out of  mom and dad's house you need to be cleaner where not kids any more.  Bob/ Chf Sighs  Narrator  Meanwhile Mr.Big is on his way back from year round flower shop to pick up an order of flowers in the shape of a bunny head to decorate his penthouse office while Leslie is just arriving at work for the day.  Mr. Big Good morning Lelsie, I got a new flower for the office . Leslie Good mmorn-n-n  achoo, achoo achoo, morning  s-sir. Mr. Big Blessyou Leslie.  Leslie  Thankyou s- achoo sir. Mr big  Leslie i  need you to take these flowers to the longe  and to the  desk room. Leslie  achoo  achoo yes sir.
 Oh dear, looks like Leslie has the sniffles meanwhile at Becky's house  Becky/wg Bob That's enough snacks you had 2 party size bags of chips and candy  soda  2 bucks of fried chicken and french fries and  2 cakes! Bob/CHF o eeeek aahh. Becky/wg IT your fault you have a stomach ac you stay here but remember tomorrow we start our week with Mr big and Leslie.  We've done a week with  every other  ex villain except them. Today is Sunday, our last day with LDR,well it's mine. I tell her you're sick but take medicine, no more junk food, only healthy and stay in bed. Narrator Back at Mr. BIgs penthouse office Leslies siffles only got worst.Mr.Big Um Leslie   are you feeling ok today you've been sneezing a lot and um uh you have red bumpy spots on your feet, neck, hands, chest and face. Leslie Yes sir i'm just a bit sneezeie and itchy because I’m  aller-Mr big ok then go finish your list Leslie  sighs Yes sir.. Narrator That night Becky returns home to Bob who's no longer sick. Becky/wg Good to see you feeling better Bob go to bed early to help finish your recovery ok. Ep ook ahh  e week epk.Becky/wg Good night love you too. Narrator back at the penthouse office Mr big and Leslieare leaving for the day. Mr Big good buy Leslie see you tomorrow when you're not sick  come on squishy bunny it time for night night. Leslie Go-o achoo achoo achoo goodnight sir see you then sighs only if he'd listen that I'm not sick but that I have an allergy to something in his office. Narrator: You do Leslie what are you allergic to. Leslie whispers to the narrator. Oh so that your allergic to mr big isn't having it is well good night. Narrator   The next day at Mr.Big's penthouse office when Leslie arrives at work Wordgirl and Captain Huggy face her along with her boss. Wordgirl Hello Leslie how are you today? Leslie Hello  Wordgirl,sir im g-go-o-o Achoo,Achoo,AChoo grumbles and scratches her arms, legs , neck and face. Wordgirl Leslie, are you ok? You seem to be coming down with something. Leslie Yeah i'm f-f-f achoo achoo , I guess I'll have to quit sorry sir I have an allergy to . Mr.Big What no Leslie You can't quit I need you!  Leslie Sorry sir but  I cant keep working here if I keep sneezing and getting this rash.  Huggy squeak eek ook. Word girl Good question huggy a allergy means your body doesn't like something like how leslie is sneezing and has a rash but she's not sick she has a allergy.Huggy ook eep oo Word girl a rash is when your skiing gets red and bumpy and really itchy.  Narrator Two days later they  are still trying to find what Lelsies allergic to. But it was getting dark and Lelie was still too itchy and sneezie to tell them her allergy.   Narrator Thursday soon rolled around and Leslie was getting her things packed to leave. It was her last day working for Mr Big. Word girl  Leslie  Lets go get some lunch. Mr.Big I’ll miss you  when you're gone Leslie I won't have another assistant like you Leslie  I'll  miss you too sir thank you. Once they left the office word girl knowdeised  something  happened.Word girl Hey Leslie you're not sneezing any more. Mr.Big Yeah so what are you allergic to Les? Leslie  I’m allergic to flowers. Mr Big Flowers really Leslie well let's get them out of the office and clean up any pollen, so you can stop sneezing and your rash will go away for good.    Narrator so Mr Big Wordgirl and Huggy got the flowers cleared out of Mr Bigs office.  Word girl Mr.Big is glad to keep you here Leslie.She said as  she put ointment on Leslies rash  in  a bathroom in Mr bigs skyscraper   since leslies rash had spread to under her close and she was only wearing a bra and  panties. Leslie, I'm glad too.   Word girl Once you   get dressed Mr. Big Huggy and I will meet you in  Mr Big’s office so you can take  some medicine for your  sneezing problem . As Leslie  grabbed her pants and shirt of the coat hook on the bathroom wall. Once she entered mr bigs office he gave her some grape bubble  gum allergy medicine . Narrator   After some lunch and a nap Leslie started to look and feel better and Wordgirl and Huggy help Mr.big keep his favorite employee see you next time on another   adventure of  WORDGIRL!
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erscogadatabase · 1 year
5: Introducing Addie
Date: 8-26-2016 IDST, 3-??-2016 EST
Nalitie: *runs at Dukermin*
Dukermin: Uh hi.
Dukermin: Hmm... Ooh! *devious face*
*dramatic pause*
Dukermin: Lets go kidnap my soster
Nalitie: *overly dramatic gasp and thunder because she's been spending too much time with Mettaton* yeah okay, where does she live?
Dukermin: On Earth, as far as I know. *dials Addie"s number*
(somewhere on earth)
Addie: *trys to anwser the phone but trips and cant get up*
(back on erscoga)
Dukermin: She didnt pick up. SOMEONE MUST BE HOLDING HER HOSTAGE WE MUST GO SAVE HER *flies away*
Nalitie: YEAH *flies and also opens a lunchbox portal to Earth (and NOT Mackinaw City again)*
(back on earth)
Addie: *calls the number back* hello
Addie: um ok...
(Flyig through space and time)
Nalitie: *has reached Earth first and (attempts to) kick(s) down the door, but fails and also realizes it's the wrong door*
Guy: *inside house* Hey! *goes to call the police*
Dukermin: *is at right house* *Slams door down*
Addie: *screams then realizes it's her soster*
(Meanwhile, Nalitie has been arrested for attempted break-in)
Dukermin: COME WE HAVE TO SAVE YOU- where'd Nalitie go?
Addie: whos that!?
(Police cars are gathering at the neighbor's house across the street; Nalitie continues to resist and is trying to uproot houses with the ground severer)
Dukermin: YOU AREN'T MAKING IT BETTER *runs across the street with Addie in tow*
Nalitie: I'M FEELING DAZED (and feeling used)
Dukermin: *to police officers* Sorry, sir...s there was a bit of a mix up. We came here to kidna- I MEAN pick up this girl *gestures to Addie*
Addie: *faints from all the confusion*!
Dukermin: Excuse me one moment *grabs shopping cart from garage and puts Addie in it* Now if you don't mind we'll just go back to where we came from.
Nalitie: YEAH! AND I'M TAKIN' THIS HERE HOUSE! *groundsevers an anthill* IT'S FOR THE SPIDERS, Y'HEAR? THE SPIDERS! *goes back to, uh, her house on Termata*
Addie: *wakes up* ok lets do this. What are we doing?
Dukermin: Well, IM shoving you into a lunchbox *does so* *yells into it* DON'T FORGET TO FLIP!!! *goes into lunchbox after her*
Police Officers: *confused*
Addie: ok!
DUkermin: *Is at Nalitie's house* Welcome to Nalitie(and a bunch of other people)'s home!
Addie: who is this girl!?
Nalitie: *in an intense narrator voice* I am Nalitie. *gestures to a woman with curly brown hair* This is Christine. *gestures to a male version of herself* This is Steven. *gestures to a blue fish woman* This is Undyne. *gestures to Willy Wonka* This is my husband, Willy Wonka. And you must be Addie?
Addie: I love the candy you make* talking to willy wonka*
Nalitie: *in a deep, menacing voice to rival Undyne's* WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN OUR WAR?
Dukermin: *runs away to kitchen to make ramen noodles*
Addie: yes and my name isnt addie its noodles.
Nalitie: *yelling to Dukermin* WAIT DONT USE MY KITCHEN, ALL I HAVE ARE SNAILS AND SOUL-FLAVORED CAKES BECAUSE EVERYONE KEEPS USING MY KTICHEN. There might still be some of that de-aging baby food too...
Addie: Just kidding
Dukermin: *comes back with snail-flavored noodles* *gives it to Addie/Noodles*
Addie: i said I wanted chicken ramen noodles not this snail flavored stuff.
Nalitie: Toriel would be so proud of you right now. *starts thinking up ways to develop the Addie* Hey, Dukermin, what would you name a Mog?
Addie: nalitie why are you speaking gibberish
Dukermin: *to Addie* She's not she makes perfect sense. *to Nalitie* And why?
Addie: what planet do you guys live on
Nalite: We's are on Termata! Dukermin, Addie, come with me into my basement. *goes down the stairs, but the wrong staircase which leads to the coffins that previously housed 6 dead humans* *comes back up* Wrong basement... *goes into her OTHER basement*
Dukermin: Oh goodness gracious...*follows*
Addie: i dont know if I want to see whats in your basment.
Nalitie: *leads them into a gross looking hallway* Jeez, I really need to clean this place...
Addie: its very creepy down here
Nalitie: Yeah sorry... *lights a Candle Grandma candle* But I have someone to show you.
Candle Grandma: *is summoned* I SMELL PEACH BELLINI
Nalitie: CANDLE GRANDMA! *hugs her* Where'd Dukermin go?
Addie: did you kill her
Candle Grandma: NO OH DEARIE ME NO ! She just kinda... I don't know?
Nalitie: It's fine. *to Adalade, in a British accent* Killing is not allowed in Erscoga. Unless it's wartime. On Riewa. *contineus on into a room where there is what looks like a grey, floating dumpling with many red eyes*
DUkermin: *is summoned back* ohh geez it's a Mog.
Nalitie: AND it's a REAL Mog. You see, the fake mogs were based off a real, although much more docile, species of monster. It'd be weird if they just randomly showed up, so the Lorunians based theirs on real Mogs. This, my friends, is a real Mog. And he needs a name.
Mog Jr.: *mog noises*
Addie: you know what I really want, a dragon
Mog Jr: *more Mog noises towards Addie*
Addie: *to mog* Really?
Mog Jr: *Mog noises* (translation, sure: I mean, a dragon would be really cool...)
Addie: does everyone know what this mog is saying
Dukermin: You can understand him?
Nalitie: *makes weird Mog noises, but has no idea what she's saying* (I llama squirrels and teeth are terrorizing the floorboards?)
Addie: *laughs*
Dukermin: Hmm... *summons Dog* Talk to my shadowhound.
Addie: Hello you are so adorable, what"s your name.
Dog: *stares* (I want sausage.)
Addie: Sorry guys i don't have any sausage.
Mog Jr: Do you have monster food?
Dukermin: *is confused, watching...*
Nalitie: *trying to add to the conversation* (me ketchup and RoGG while yarn eats pants with dog shorts. I mean, pink and English because Mettaton and jokes.)
Addie:*pulls monster food out of back pocket* here now Im going to stop talking to animals.
Dukermin: hmm... I wonder what else you can do...?
Nalitie: We hshould see how she fights.
Addie: first I want a dragon
Nalitie: Later. TO PLUTO! *grabs Addie (mostly using the Force) and brings her to Pluto to find a training dummy that's not occupied by a ghost* We can start with this dummy, then try your defensive tactics and dodging skills.
Addie: im not a fighter but i"ll attack this dummy
Nalitie: *mutters to Dukermin, who's not there yet* she doesn't need to be, does she?
(The Training Dummy stands there absentmindedly.
*| Fight
*| Act
*| Item
*| Mercy)
Nalitie: So, on your turn, you choose one of these buttons, and sometimes a menu will pop up and you'll have to choose what you want to do.
Addie: lets fight *sneeks up on the dummy and jumps on his back*
Dummy: ... (-20 hp)
(It's Addie's turn again.
*| Fight
*| Act
*| Item
*| Mercy)
Addie: grabs by arm and trys to flip him
Dummy: *is fliiped* (-897 hp, why not, I'm sick of this fight)
Addie: ok im leaving to go get a dragon.
Nalitie: NOOO *tackles her* I MUST SHOW YOU SOMETHING, THAT IS WHY I KILLED THE DUMMY FOR YOU. *starts a FIGHT with her, then brings out Addie's SOUL* See that heart? That is your SOUL--the very culmination of your being! *pauses to make sure Addie's following her train of thought*
Nalitie: Your SOUL starts off weak, but that's okay, because you don't need to gain any LOVE by killing people. We don't need that.
Addie: ok
Nalitie: Sometimes, certain enemies will throw magic attacks at your SOUL, like so: *throws attacks at Addie so she can try dodging*
Addie: * just barely dodges it*
Nalitie: You have a nice SOUL though. Green, the color of Kindness, just like Kadin.
Dukermin: *is clueless, pulling a loose thread from her shirt* *looks up* Ooh what color is my soul?
Nalitie: *also initiates a fight with her* Blue. Like Temima.
Dukermin: *is suddenly wearing a tutu*
Papyrus: *approaches Candle Grandma, wearing nice clothes to show he cares*
Candle Grandma: *is trying to sell a candle to a monster kid*
Monster Kid: I'm sorry, I don't have any money! *runs into the best western*
Papyrus: *clears his non-existent throat*
Candle Grandma: *turns to him* Oh hello, Papyrus, dear.
Candle Grandma: Oh my, that sounds lovely!
Candle Grandma: Ooh I've never been there!
Candle Grandma: Well, would you look at that fancy-dancy thing!
Papyrus: *hooks arms with Candle Grandma* Shall we?
Candle Grandma: We shall! *lunchboxing*
(And so they went to Disney World)
Candle Grandma: Please... call me Candle!
Candle Grandma: Let's go on a ride!
(The ride is a Dumbo ride for little kids)
Candle Grandma: *gets in/on an elephant*
Papyrus: *also in/on the elephant with her*
Little kids: *staring*
Dumbo Ride: *riding*
Candle Grandma: It's lovely!
Some sort of Authority: Hey! You! *is calling to Papyrus*
Candle GRAndma: Yes, dearie?
Authority: Ma'am, is that a skeleton?
Candle Grandma: Maybe...
Authority: Does he have the permit to wear that costume here?
Candle Grandma *pulls out Chocolate Mint candle* How about... i give you this here candle, and you don't bother us on our date...?
Authority: I'm sorry, ma'am, but the only people allowed to wear costumes without permits are children and employees. I'm going to have to ask your friend here to change into normal clothes.
Authority: Look, guys, I'm not sure what kind of weird cult date this might be, but costumes aren't allowed. Unless you are a child or employee.
Dumbo ride: *is probably done riding*
Papyrus: *turns to Candle Grandma* I AM CONFUSED... I AM NOT WEARING A COSTUME, AM I? I BELIEVE THESE ARE JUST MY DATE CLOTHES. *gestures to his Cool Dude shirt*
Candle Grandma: *to officer* He is NOT wearing a costume. Would you please leave us alone?
authority: Are you suggesting that this man is a skeleton?
Candle Grandma: I'm not merely SUGGESTING it dearie... it's true.
Man: *inspecting Papyrus* *goes to examine his arm, which accidentally comes off* *screams and drops the arm*
Man: *calling every authority ever*
Candle Grandma: *is gingerly putting Papyrus back together*
(The rest of this file has, unfortunately, been lost to time. The content in it, however, still stands.)
(Table of Contents)
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scatterpatter · 3 years
I love Dragon Age Inquisition so far but like MY GOSH as cool as it is playing a Dalish Elf of a Mage, EVERYONE HATES ME ;_;
I swear Solas is the only one who likes me so far and I’m ;;;_;;;
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matriarchjojo · 2 years
Hello babe <3
Second of all I wanted to ask if your interested into doing another bimbo!reader fix cuz their my favs with Tokyo revenges ofc. But like this bimbo!reader is like shy and they easily fall in love with anyone who gives them the slightest affection.
Thanks, have a wonderful day lovely <33
and second, shy bimbo!reader is such a fav of mine im so glad you requested it omg
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18+, fluff, pretty short, dubcon, oral, rough, implied public sex, fingering, bathroom sex, praise, petnames, implied gangbang, all characters are over 18, readers skin color is not mentioned
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You worked with ken in his bike shop and he was always so nice to you! So you developed a little..okay, huge crush on him..and you noticed that Draken has been staring at you lately so one thing led to another and you were on your knees behind the counter, sucking darkens huge cock with his big hands in your hair as you messily drooled on his dick "fuck, you're fucking good at this.." that compliment makes you smile so you pulled his cock out of your mouth to slide the sticky tip over your lips before kissing it. Making the tall man bite down on his fist while groaning "so fucking good—such a good fucking girl.." Ken mumbled. You looked up at ken through your falsies and moaned around his cock making Draken throw his head back and suddenly pull you back off his cock with his hand in your hair. "Bend over that desk...now." he huffed and you obeyed and arched your back, sticking your ass out for him. Ken got behind you and lifted your skirt to grab and admire your soft ass "shit.. I knew it was soft.." he smirked and grabbed your chin to make you look up at him for him to immediately slip his tongue into your mouth while ken started to slide your panties to the side "been wantin' to do this for ages now..fuck..you better get ready cause I won't be able to stop once I start, baby.."
You work at the local library, and kazutora came pretty often to it..and you thought he was pretty cute~ he walk away awkwardly sideglancing you while he pretended to read a book or look through the science section..kazutora didn't know anything about science he just looked through there because that section was the closest to the main counter, where you usually worked at. After long days of thinking about how to approach you and chifuyu hyping him up, he finally decided to talk to you. As you were struggling to fill the shelves of romance novels up because of you not being able to reach the top shelf, there was a nervous cough behind you "um..h-hi..do you need any help getting up there?" The Man with the pretty Tiger Tattoo on his neck, you looked behind you and blushed "u-uh- don't worry! You don't have to, I don't want to cause you any trouble" you smiled politely as you stood on your tippy-toes before almost tripping, kazutora quickly held your waist and the hand that was up. You immediately felt all hot and bothered because he touched your wrist and hand. Soon kazutora noticed too and you two just stared at each other before you two went in for a kiss at the same time, what a coincidence that you were in the romance section..not soon after that little kiss you cutely grabbed his hand and hurried off to the bathroom so push him into a stall and lock the doors. After you managed to do that you began kissing on the pretty man's neck where his Tattoo was, meanwhile your hand traveled down to the crotch of his jeans just to find that he was already hard and at the same time kazutoras hand went under your tracksuit pants to feel you already all wet. You two looked at each other and then said at the same time "I have a crush on you!"
You were a customer of mitsuya, you ordered him to make a dress for you because you adored his work! But when you came to his office for him to get your measurements, you were already nervous but you didn't expect him to give you so many compliments on your body "you have a very beautiful figure, if I may say so" he smiled softly as he wrapped the measurement tape around your waist you blushed and bit down on your acrylic nail "th-thank you..sir" mitsuya just laughed and put the tape up to your chest "you can just call me Takashi, don't worry too much about formalities" you felt like your heart was gonna jump out of your chest at how sweet he was being "also..tell me if this is beyond your boundaries but you are really beautiful" mitsuya chuckled at how embarrassed you got "u-Uhm..thank you..you're beautiful too, t-Takashi.." you looked up at him through your long and pretty lashes shyly and grabbed his arm "hm? What is it?" He asked with a soft and charming smile. You just twirled your hair around your finger and asked "can i.. kiss?" Mitsuya was taken aback by your bold question but then just smiled again before placing his hand on your cheek and pressing his soft lips on your plump ones, the kiss quickly got heated and mitsuya slid his hand down your body to end up under your skirt, his fingers pressed onto your throbbing clit, making you moan into his mouth "you're pretty sensitive~" mitsuyas hands felt so soft and delicate over your body, but then he slipped his fingers inside your already leaking pussy and just began to thrust his fingers inside of you, making you arch your back and wrap one of your thighs around his waist as your hands held onto his back for dear life "w-w-wanna go on a date?" You asked out of breath before you started kissing his neck and immediately making him sigh softly "I was about to ask you the same, doll"
Sanzu was supposed to pick up some food for Mikey, but when he arrived a different person was working there, it was a woman, an unbelievably beautiful woman at that. He walked up to the counter and you were listening to some Song through your headphones, you didn't even see him because your eyes were closed and you were humming the Song cutely. Sanzu tapped you on the shoulder and you shrieked "oh gosh! You scared me!" You laughed and looked the man up and down, he was pretty tall..and hot. The pink-haired man chuckled "sorry about killing your vibe, cutie.." you immediately blushed and gave him heart eyes. Sanzu noticed how shy you got and smirked, he leaned over the table to just start flirting with you "you know, I didn't expect to see such a pretty Lady to be working here~" you blushed at that corny compliment and looked away "th..thank you.." sanzu actually blushed at how cute you were being, you got so shy from just one dumb compliment?! You looked back up at him "you..you're really pretty too" and with that sanzu just put his hands on your face to kiss you, you melted into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck with you already opening your mouth for his tongue to enter and swirl around yours, he kissed so good just feeling his wet and warm tongue made you wet, sanzu suddenly pulled back from that messy and wet kiss before giving you a cute quick peck and asked, "how about you skip work and you come with me, cutie?" You thought about it "b-but I'll lose my job.." you pouted but sanzu just kissed you again "baby, I can take care of you..trust me, okay?" You then noticed how expensive his suit felt and also saw the expensive watch on his wrist, laced with diamonds. You dumbly nodded and he picked you up before just taking one of the doriyakis. Did your momma never tell you to not go with strangers? He is probably gonna mouth fuck you into his mattress and pass you to his hot friends, and even worse, he's probably gonna buy you pretty diamonds!!
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