socksandbuttons · 2 days
i just
i just waNT STICKERS
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bbystark · 16 days
♡ simon is a bad stalker part 3 ♡
badstalker!simon x reader
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♡ masterlist ♡ request more! ♡
summary: you take the risk and meet up with your stalker. briefly features soap. mdni
a/n: i'm so sorry this took so long to get out! and thank you to everyone who requested a part 3, you guys keep me motivated. got bit by the productivity bug so expect more fics soon. :) ( @identity2212 )
you're still reeling days after your talk with your stalker. ghost, you think to yourself. a fake name or nickname, no doubt, but at least you have something to call him. a name to put to the silhouette.
he hasn't reached out since the video call, but you know he's most likely still around, whether he's making it known or not.
you're miffed, and starting to think the man has avoidance issues. it's probably one of the tamer things wrong with him.
then one night you're on your porch, lounging with a cup of tea, minding your own business when a black suv rolls up, much like the one that had picked you up the night you were stranded.
you stand when a man steps out of the car, mohawk emphasizing the height and overall largeness of him.
you watch him warily; he walks up to the fence and rests his palms on the edge. you half expect him to open the gate and waltz right up, confidence oozing from him.
but he stays there, giving you a small smile. "you still wanna meet 'im lass?"
of course it was one of his people. you numbly wondered how he knew the biggest men you've ever seen in your life. you know ghost can't be small himself, you'd put that much together seeing how his shoulders were almost bulked out of frame on the video call.
"you're with him?" you hesitate a little, clutching your mug closer to your chest, "with ghost?" he nods.
you're silent, and he lets you be. lord knows he's not planning on taking you kicking and screaming, sure you were a pretty little thing but he about backhanded simon when he found out about you. of course the big idiot was "accidentally" stalking a much too curious woman. he really knew how to pick 'em.
you weigh your options. you know the man is here to take you to ghost, you could infer that much. it's a dumb idea to go, but it was a dumb time last time and it turned out fine. you could tell him to fuck off, send him on his way. he'd probably listen.
you're not ready to admit to yourself that you'd grown use to ghost's presence, and that part of you would miss it if one day he decided to wise up and leave you alone.
you make a decision before you can really realize it. "can I grab my purse?"
° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °
he opens the door of the car for you, and it makes your head spin, you're about to meet your stalker and here you are being treated with the utmost respect. it made no sense. you clutch to your keys, fingers seeking out the self-defense items in the pockets of your purse, trying to ease your anxiety.
he hasn't hurt you yet, not really. you remind yourself. violated an insane number of boundaries, yes, but if anything, you're the safest you've ever been. you even take walks at night now, knowing deep down he's somewhere close keeping you safe from everything. everything but him.
your lost in thought as soap watches you from the rearview. he's starting to see why ghost was so fond of you, you're brave and a little naive. like a kitten against a pitbull. headstrong no doubt, probably a downright brat at times. the thought stirs something in him, and he briefly wonders if simon would be up to sharing one day.
he parks the car and you realize in your anxious thoughts you didn't pay any attention to where you were going, too overwhelmed. and you were already here. your entire body flashes cold, sweat prickling the back of your neck. you cannot fucking believe what you had gotten yourself into.
° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °
ghost had been pacing for the past 20 minutes, fighting the urge to tuck tail and run. he shouldn't be nervous, he was grown man with hundreds of kills under his belt, he shouldn't be shaken at the prospect of meeting some girl.
but you weren't some girl, you were his woman, he was sure of it. something deep in his bones and at the forefront of his brain just knew.
he goes still when he recognizes the sound of the suv rolling down the driveway. he had chosen some random abandoned building, not ready to let you into his own apartment in case things went wrong.
he forcefully exhales, pulling his mask down and taking a deep breath in. it was now or never.
you step out of the car shakily. an abandoned property. nothing serial killer about that. your heart drums in your ears as you follow soap up the steps, avoiding the jagged pieces of wood that stuck up in every which way.
he gets to the door, glancing back at you, offering you one more out. you meet his gaze and hold it, and he figures that's answer enough. he pushes the door open, stepping to the side to let you in.
your first steps inside you don't see him, eyes adjusting to the low light. and then you see a figure in the corner, still as a statue. he's fucking huge, is the only thought that pushes through the panic rising in your chest. you didn't know when you had started shaking. you can see his eyes, carefully watching you.
soap awkwardly clears his throat after almost a minute long staring competition between you and ghost. a kitten and a pitbull indeed. it almost makes him smirk. "right then, i'll be in the car." he promptly shuts the door, wood scraping against wood making you wince.
ghost speaks first, finding himself almost wheezing the words out. "'ello luv." you just stare at him. you seem shellshocked, almost as still as he is, save your chest rapidly rising and falling. he cautiously crosses the room, not wanting to spook you. not when he was this close.
he's standing right in front of you, and your neck aches as you peer up at him. you still can't find the words. something primal in you screaming to run, hide, punch kick, anything. you shake even harder. simon raises his hands to your cheek, effectively smooshing your face between them. its clumsy and he's borderline using too much pressure, but it's grounding for some reason. "breathe." it's said like an order.
you take a deep breath. "this is fucking insane. you're fucking insane." he lets out a puff of air. "i know. i could say the same about you, showin' up 'ere." you give him a look. "i guess you got me there." you catch yourself blinking when you realize he has long, blonde lashes and blue eyes.
he's staring back, eyes roaming your features. it's the first time he's touched you while you were awake, first time he's been able to see your eyes up close. he finds warmth spreading through him, and it's almost too much. he drops his hands and takes a step back, instinctively crossing his arms.
you hate that you miss the heaviness of his hands on your face, and blame the warmness in your cheeks on lingering warmth from his gloved hands.
"i don't know what to say." you really don't. you had a million questions, practiced how you would chew him out and interrogate him. it's all lost now. he shifts on his feet a little. "i feel responsible for you.'" he blurts.
you stay silent, hoping he elaborates. after a few moments he does. "there's not many good people left in the world. i've seen the worst of 'em, downright evil 'n selfish." you can see his jaw clench through the mask. "you're not like 'em. you're kind, pure. go out of your way to be a good person. only right i show you what it's like to be taken care of fer once."
you stare at him, and you know he's telling you the truth. this truly was his fucked-up way of courting you. you scoff a little, not able to contain yourself. "you know there are other ways to be in someone's life, right? without breaking dozens of laws in the process?" he shrugs.
you swallow the lump in your throat, widening your stance subconsciously. simon finds it adorable. "you can't keep doing this. it's wrong." you hate that your voice is shaking and hate even more that the words feel wrong as soon as they come out.
his eyes darken, and he's on you before you can blink. one of his hands is on the nape of your neck, applying slight pressure, scruffing you like a cat. he brings his mask covered lips to your ear.
"you're mine, you hear that? i'm here to help you, to make sure you don't ever have to struggle again. you have my word i'll never hurt you, but you gotta understand that i'll do everything to stay close to you until my dying breath. i'm 'ere to stay luv."
your mind is reeling at the low growl in his voice, dangerous and way too attractive given the situation. he could wrap his hands around your neck easily, choke you until the vessels in your eyes pop and your lungs ignite. but he doesn't, he's just demonstrating the pure control he has over the situation. he's telling you that he cares for you, keep you safe, but that it's at the price of being at his mercy. part of you doesn't mind the idea. you've been at his mercy for almost 6 months anyway, you really only had the illusion of control. would it be that bad to submit to him?
you're sick, you have to be. but can anyone blame you? in almost all your relationships, romantic or not, you were the caregiver. constantly bending over backwards and people pleasing until your heart ached. give give give. it was the story of your life. and here he was, offering you to take for once, only asking you to be receptive in return. it's so fucking tempting.
"take me on a date first at least." you say airily, afraid he can hear your heart thumping against your rib cage.
he leans away from you slightly, looking into your eyes. he keeps his hand tangled in your hair, fingers twitching when he sees the silent challenge in them mixed with a healthy speck of fear. he wants to throw his head back and groan. this was guarded acceptance of the circumstances he had put you in, the last thing he thought he would get from you.
"alright." you blink at him. "what?"
"i said alright luv. we'll go onna date."
you can't believe your ears. nervousness scratches at your chest, you almost regret your offer. maybe leaving him in the shadows would've been for the best, you had no idea what gate you had opened by showing up here in the first place. your mouth is agape, only capable of staring incredulously at him. he takes a step back, two fingers gripping your chin and closing your mouth. "you'll catch flies."
you glare at his little jab. he rubs a finger over your bottom lip, eyes lingering there for a second. "i'll giv' you more answers then too. promise."
"okay." you say timidly. you're at a loss for words. you suppose there's not much to say.
"soap'll take you 'ome. i'll let you be for the night, gather your thoughts." he puts a gentle hand on your back, guiding you to the door. you shiver at how well he read you. he must know you well. you know almost nothing of him.
he opens the door, sending a nod to soap as he starts the car up. your back is to ghost, feeling dazed and stupid. so so stupid. ghost leans down once more, hand sliding to rest on your lower back. whispering. "we'll talk soon. get 'ome safe."
when you don't move, he has the audacity to give your ass a little tap to get you going. and you have the audacity to almost like it.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 9 months
Hello<3 can you do Masky, Toby, Jeff and Ben with a mean teen readerr? Like there just mad all the time but its because of trauma or something?:0 I LOVE YOU SMM TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF MLLL!!<33
Jeff and Tim are NOT gonna take that shit 😰
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Honestly the dad in him comes out a bit
Like his whole thing is "what makes you think you get to act like that?"
He gets it, you've had a rough life but so has EVERYONE ELSE HERE
Just because your life sucked doesn't mean you get to be an asshole
He will treat you like a baby
Partly just to tick you off, and partly because if you act like a baby, you're gonna get treated like one
He'll put you in time out, he'll take things away, he'll put hot sauce in your mouth, etc
And the thing is, you can't even tattle to slender because slender agrees with Tim!
I think maybe here and there he'd ask you why you're always so angry, and what he can do to help, and if you don't answer, he doesn't mind because he understands
But if you do answer, your relationship begins to grow, and he learns how to help you out better
He doesn't want you to be mad all the time, because even though it might not seem like it sometimes, he does care about you
But as much as he cares, he also isn't gonna let a literal child bully him
He's way too old for that shit >:/
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He's kind of scared of you
He just stays out of your way
His relationship with you is similar to his relationship with Jeff
He and Jeff are friends, yes, but they aren't close
And most of the time, Toby will choose to avoid Jeff rather than hangout with him
That's how he sees you too
You're a good kid! He just doesn't wanna upset you
The very few interactions you have with him are typically just him sucking up to you, or him doing his best to tiptoe around everything that could upset you
And because of this, you do take advantage of him sometimes
"Toby go get me a snack"
"I dunno y/n, don't you think you could go...get it yourself this time?" As he says this almost every word has a whistle or click after it, showing how nervous he is
You will slowly turn your head to look at him with a glare "I know you aren't calling me lazy"
"No, no! I-I would never! I'm just saying-"
"OH! So you're calling me fat then?"
"Then go get me a snack before i make you regret the day your mommy queefed you out"
He REALLY needs to learn to stand up for himself smh
And typically he is pretty good at standing up for himself but yk
Kids scare him
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With his explosive anger issues you will not last more than 3 seconds around him omg
He is not above fist fighting a child btw
I mean yk, he'd get punished for it but that doesn't stop him
The second you try anything around him he checks you real quick
If you back off, he will get a boost of pride and say some shit like "Yeah, that's what I thought"
If you double down with it, it will likely turn into an all out screaming match
Until someone pulls him away and is like "dude you can't be fighting with little kids :/"
He will always call you names and always be sour around yo
Crotch goblin, little shit, failed abortion
you know, the usual <333
Honestly im gonna be so real with you for a second, the way I see yalls relationship going is only to one drastic side of a spectrum
You could bond over your anger issues and become best friends/siblings with an unbreakable bond
OR you could become so sour towards each other that the caretakers of the manor literally have a meeting about changing your schedule a bit to get around Jeff's
No in between its only one of those two
Yeah, Jeff doesn't take no shit from anyone
Even children, gotta teach em young <333
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Ben, being so chill genuinely does not care what you do to him
Since he doesn't have a physical body, you can't fight him either
So sometimes he will pick fights with you just to make you mad
I'm desperately trying to make Ben's section more than 3 bullets long
I'm telling you he literally does not care, does not react, NOTHING.
You could be screaming at him and he will just continue about his day like you aren't even there
Which of course, makes you more mad
But again, he doesn't care
Making you try harder and harder just to get a reaction out of him
The only reaction you will get is out of Jeff, and we already talked about his dramatic ass
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satocidal · 1 year
what do you think jjk men will be like in a haunted house with you?
since its October now its fitting to talk about halloween :D
qn for u!! do you like horror movies?
i personally wanna like em but im so scared of em :/ esp the jumpscares i hate em but surprisingly i can watch a gory zombie movie without a single flinch its so weird but it only starts and stops at zombie movies. i cant watch any other types of gory movies <\3
Not me sending an ask just as I got this😭 but ok ok here we go<3
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Gojo Satoru:
Pretends to be fazed, emphasis on “pretends” because when I say he exaggerates everything? I mean it.
I mean, he’s Satoru you know—obviously he isn’t getting ‘scared’ of anything but he doesn’t let that ruin the vibe for him.
He’s so very obnoxious too- complaining about the price of the tickets and making innuendos about you loudly—poking fun at the staff, all in all, punch worthy.
Inside the house? All the more. For the darkness only ever encourages satoru to cop a feel on you here and there—blaming it all on the ‘brokensms and shitty’ decoration
. He’s a menace through and through so when bored, mid way in the house he’s already on a mission to jump scare the jump-scares — and it works so well, you’re clutching yourself, coughing out broken laughs and he’s entertained too—a win-win situation.
Also starts giving “tips” to the staff onto how to make it successful.
If you ever let out a high pitched scream he’ll try to make you scream louder later, he’s stupid like that.
Geto Suguru:
…why him? Like don’t get me wrong per se but he finds it all so stupid? But to make you happy, suguru geto will comply.
Ps. Suguru is the kind to hook you free tickets just somehow, like he will, don’t question it.
ALWAYS THE GENTLEMAN!!! He will forever hold you close, how so ever less scary it may be and always leads the way and hold your hand. He’s coded that way, nothing can be changed.
Laughs when finally, just finally a jump scare goes past his reflexes and pops out on you guys, surprising him slightly. He will steal it.
Also I think suguru is the kind who is slightly dumb —not obviously but like, he doesn’t get some jumpscares—just doesn’t get it. So when you guys will be walking out, he’ll just go “OH,”
he sincerely doesn’t give two fucks about the haunted house but when you get out, he will ask you if you liked it or no and if you wanted to try that again.
Nanami Kento:
“If you wanted to be scared, I could just show you the amount of work I have pending,” i headcanon that it’s a task in itself to get him to go because ??? Just bake some pretty cookies for yourself Lmao.
Nanami Kento pays full price and through out the way he’s calculating the number of jumpscares that come your way and to see just how much he was charged.
Yeah, Nanami seems scarier than those stupid dressed up guys - especially when you’re trying your best to hold your laugh when a guy thinks Nanami was the jumpscare.
But but but, however mad, he doesn’t break the codes—holds you close, and anytime he feels something is about to happen, he shields you with his body.
And like imagine their is booby trap on the ground (have you guys been to those?) and you notice it before him and help him get away from it? Instant head pats. Bet my ass Nanami is the kind to always and always avoid haunted house from now on and makes you repay in same way *wink wink* afterwards
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I was gonna add Sukuna and others too but ehehehe
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can you do a noncon threesome with Lyle, Quaritch, and a human!fem!reader where she begs them not to cum inside her but no. they have to fill her up with their cum. a lot of teasing and praise/degradation too?? ty!! I love ur writing
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milk without the honey.
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ִֶָ 𖥔゚— synposis : getting cornered in a dark room was something you didnt wish for; you wonder why it happened to you, you wonder why they chose to do that to you, questions swam in your head as you struggled and screamed and wriggled around trying to get them off of you, one of them put his hand on your mouth in order to muffle your screams.
ִִֶֶָ 𖥔゚— warnings : cnc, degrading, p in v, double penetration, oral (fem rec.), praising, threesome (m/m/f), no plot, no mentions of y/n, no proof reading.
ִִֶ 𖥔゚— pairing : lyle x reader x quaritch
ִֶָ 𖥔゚— a/n : CNC??? I HAD TO WRITE IT. also im so sorry i didnt reply faster.. ive been busy with life sm happened and i forgot everything about my requests and my drafts imma try to finish as much as i can today. tysm for requesting !! <3. also !!! comments are highly appreciated unless theyre bad ones... keep em for urself >< !! have fun reading! i hope you enjoy ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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"you like that? you like being touched by us? hmm? tell me, baby, do you like the way we touch you?" lyle said from behind you, his cock thrusting inside your walls, his breath hot on your neck as he held you close to him to keep you balanced with his fingers in your mouth muffling your screams.
"she sure does…" quaritch said from between your legs, breathing on your cunt the lifting his hand to collect your wetness.
"look how wet she is, just like a little whore;" lyle smirked.
"that right princess? youre a whore for us, yeah?"
you had tears running down your face;
you were trying to fight back at first, tried to scream, cried for someone to help you but you were in an isolated room, you knew it was impossible for anyone to hear you but you tried, now you gave up, you let them use you however they want, became their experimental game.
your face twitched as your felt your orgasm approaching, quaritch felt your pussy throbbing as he lapped at your clit, without a warning, he slipped a finger inside of your vagina, his finger deep down to the knuckle inside of you, the act was excruciating for you but you liked it and you let out a soft muffled moan.
quaritch pulled away right before you climaxed. "get ready, imma gonna put my cock inside your tiny cunt, you g'na like it,"
you were too tired to argue back and just sat there waiting as lyles fingers left your mouth to play with your tits, pinching and rolling your nipple between his fingers as he sucked on the flesh of your neck.
"you gonna let everybody know that i fucked you? gonna let em know you belong to daddy? hm?" lyle talked to you while quaritch slammed his cock inside of you and you moaned loudly.
you had quaritchs and lyles cocks inside of you, both cocks rubbing on each other making them twitch inside of you, quaritchs hand went to your neck, choking you til your eyes widened and your lips went blue in color.
"p – plea – hh – se.. plea–!
quaritch was amused by your beggings and after a few seconds of holding you there, he withdrew his hand from your neck.
lyle was groaning like a wild animal and quaritch gave him a knowing look. "gonna let us cum inside your tiny cunt?" quaritch said and your eyes widened as you shook your head 'no'.
"no – please s – stop – no.. please
pleasepleasepleaseplease.. dont please.." you had started crying and quaritch just smirked while lyle was lost in the feeling of your cunt tightening around both cocks.
"gonna pump my seed right inside of you, baby," quaritch said with a groan.
"wanna have our kids inside of ya?"
"she sure — she sure does!"
you closed your eyes and cried. "please no please stop please stop please stop.." you started rambling as your thighs started to shake and your muscles spasm and just like that you release on quaritchs pubic region.
"what a good bitch… coating me with your pretty fluids,"
"ha.. see colonel, told ya she a catch,"
both men smirked as they twitched inside your body.. once… twice…
they released inside of you, one after the other, and you were left alone in that room, laying down on the floor feeling useless and disgusting.
you were disgusted with yourself. disgusted with the idea of you enjoying it. and that was true, you were disgusting because you liked every bit of it, so laying down with your legs shaking, with spit and cum drying on your pussy, you reached down to touch yourself.
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
Avengers: Age of Ultron is my favorite movie, and I am not going to attempt to explain it because I really don't think i can, but here are some of the best quotes from Ultron that I feel the need to share
“Language” “I know, just slipped out” “for gosh sake watch your language” “thats not going anywhere anytime soon”
“Oh look theyre all lining up” “yeah well, theyre excited” fucking obliterates them
“Somebody wanna deal with that bunker?” *destroys it* “thank you.”
“Guys, stop we gotta talk this through.” *shoots all of them* “it was a good talk.” “no it wasn't.”
“Please be a secret door please be a secret door please be a secret-.... Yay!”
“Thor report on the hulk.” “the halls of val halla are filled with the screams of his victims.” *bruce, buries face in hands, steve looks at the roof like lord give me strength, nat looks at thor like what the hell, thor anxiously scrambling to save it and does not succeed*
“Boss?” “Oh no hes the boss, I just design for everything and pay for everything and make everyone look cooler.”
“Hes fast and shes weird.” 
“How is he?” “Unfortunately hes still barton.” “Oh how terrible.” 
“I don't have a girlfriend.” “that i can’t fix.” 
“I've seen her flirting. Up close.” *walks away* *wait a min-*“w-what do you mean up close?” 
“No more renovating.” *in the middle of battle* “you know i think ill make the dining room a little space for laura.” Nat: no one eats in a dining room
“That the best you can do?” “you had to ask.”
“The city is flying, we’re fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow.” 
“Steve, he said a bad language word.” “You tell everyone about that?” 
“Very very interesting theories. I have a simpler one, you're all not worthy.” *groans, clint sticks tongue out at him*
“Cap doesn't like that kind of talk.” “you know what romanoff..”
“Aw junior. You're gonna break your old mans heart.” “Clearly you've never made an omelet.” “he beat me by one second.” 
“Go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep.” *hulk: roars* “...sorry.”
*steves face when clint greets his kids*
“We would have called ahead but we were busy having no idea that you existed.” 
“Do me a favor. Try not to bring it to life.” *tony: this bitch again? Why are you around every fucking corner you overprotective stalker*
*tony throwing darts* *clint throws a bullseye while hes taking his darts out*
“They're a mess.” “yeah. But they're my mess.” 
“Don't take from my pile.” 
“Just an old man who cares very much about you” tony being the only one to call fury Nick. (and maria hill but in a different movie so wtv)
“What were you napping?”
“Cap you got incoming.” *cut to steve trying to breathe on a car* “incoming already came in.”
“You get hurt, hurt ‘em back. You get killed… walk it off.”
“Evacuate the city.” *no ones moves* “get off your lazy asses.” *fires gun*
“🎶Ooooooh i'm decrypting nuclear codes and you don't want me to.🎶” (tony drop the full album im waiting)
“You're not a match for him cap.” …. “Thanks barton.” 
“Cap can you keep him occupied?” “What do you think i've been doing???”
“Beep beep.” 
“Stark is right.” “oooh its definitely the end times.” 
*everyone's faces when vision lifts the hammer*
“Iron man the ones hes waiting for.” “thats true, he hates you the most.”
“You cant save them all. You'll never-” *gets yeeted off city* “Ill never what? You didn't finish!!!”
“Keep up old man” *lifts bow* “nobody would know. Nobody. Oh last i saw him and ultron was sitting on him. Yeah he’ll be missed. That little bastard. I miss him already.” 
“Fury you son of a bitch.” “Whoo! You kiss your mother with that mouth?” 
“Its terribly well balanced.” “Well if theres too much weight you lose power on the swing so..” 
“Romanoff. You and banner better not be playing hide the zucchini.” 
“I was born yesterday.” 
Thor: says something serious and meaningful. Steve:...But if you put the hammer in an elevator..” Tony: itd still go up. Steve: elevators not worthy
“Im gonna miss these little chats.” “then don't go.” 😭
“Besides this one” *smacks tony* “theres nothing that cant be explained”
“That man has no regard for lawn maintenance.” 
“I will miss you tony.” 😭
“You wanna keep staring at the wall or do you wanna go to work? I mean, it is a nice wall.” “thought you and tony were still gazing into each others eyes.” 
Just them having casual conversations mid battle. I love. 
Its just that they are able, allowed to be a team, to be friends, we get to see them bond, not hate each other, we get to see serene team moments, we get the original six, its just them having a lot of fluff even with all the angst
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ezralva · 6 months
Have you read the newest volume of PICG?? I wanna SCREAM!! MimaxHayate legitimately official and you're the 1st person I remember when it comes to them because your fics were the ones who introduced me to the ship ❤
Ofc! Read that back around the end of Jan iirc during my hermit period from tumblr so I was busy giggling to myself lol but...
WDYM anon?? 3x1 / Mimate /Hayami (sorry i still dunno their ship name as I always use 3x1) has always been LEGITIMATELY CANON from the beginning even WITHOUT the newest volume but yeaa I TOTALLY GET YOU. I wanna kiss Kokone-sensei for making Mima finally 'admit' he was hitting on Hayate!! 🤣
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I mean...is there any need for Mima to make it so ambiguous even to Motoharu? A close friend he can talk heart to heart too? LMAO
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Anywayz Aww im so touched you still remember my fics when it comes to this ship even though I haven't been active on the tag for over a year! Also I recently still received comments for my PICG fics even after over a year of being published so they make me happy^^ this message also reminds me how much I miss these doji boys 😭 all of em w/o exception, but ofc particularly my dearest nerdy introvert hamster boy Hayate 🩷💙
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littleplantfreak · 2 months
you could fill whole posts with your feelings about Ume, you say? why don't you prove it? 👀💖
Em, sweet pumpkin spice latte, i have a reputation (i dont actually) so it's going under the cut because no one should actually have to hear me scream about him for 10 years PLEASE if anyone here thinks im cool dont read this i wanna keep my nonexistent street cred
This is my second time writing about him so im sure its consolidated a bit which is preferred cause earlier it was like,,,,, ten paragraphs more than it is now
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lets start with my favorite manga panel of him that i keep so safe and close to my heart because look! he broke the wall and his arm hangs over the panel and i looove it Satoru nii i can tell you were gonna make him the mc but im sooo glad you didnt because i love himmmm. though sometimes he reminds me of myself when i was younger way too much but this aint about him. ANYWAYS I FORGOT I DONT THINK ANY OTHER PANEL DOES THAT? its and important panel TO ME
When i first saw him with his hair down? instant heart eyes jesus christ ive never drooled over someone so hard which must be why my post with the most notes is me gushing about his hair. Ive always had a thing for hair tho im just a weirdo. Don't even get me started on the reading glasses!!!! i could just scream.
Also ive always had a thing for big guys esp gentle ones and once i learned more about him it was like bullseye bullseye bullseye- with how boxes he ticked but i just wanna climb him and maybe fight him for real but also fight him with my mouth. I wanna take care of him soooooo bad its not even funny. Like i know he's a big caretaker but i wanna pamper him i want that boy loves and cherished ill fight chika for him rn baby you dont have to lift a finger just sit over there right now.
Just heard a country song on the radio called must be doin something right by billy currington or whatever his last name is and went "i could dance with ume to that right now!!!!' also its a really sweet song though i love it.
Also he's hates needles...i hate needles.. we can take turns holding each other's hands for bloodwork and shots!!!
I started writing mainly for him and it was like....a "im not seeing enough content/the content i want" for this character so i put my pants on and did it myself. PRetty much my whole life i didnt like writing but now i do it semi-regularly and im pretty proud of that actually because ive begun to enjoy it? It probably helps that everyone's so sweet and the atmosphere is so chill but also nice and crazy and cool??? I dont have a lot of friends so im sooo soo thrilled to be able to gush with people its not even funny though sometimes im like "Girl you gotta be cooler than this you're not acting chill AT ALL calm down" so anyways i love him but i act like i really cant stand him he makes me so mad im furious at his existence
The scariest thing in the world to me is physically having kids? Like ive had nightmares about it i just dontttt wanna and i can tell he wouldnt push that like he'd be thrilled to adopt too it wouldnt matter but i think i would literally have his kids which is wild!!
Also? when i made that kissing picrew i actually flustered myself and that was crazy too because i don't fluster easy with boys at all but i physically turned red giggling kicking my feet about it every time i looked at it lmaoo you should see how red i get its baaaad im down baaaad
anyways ive alreasdy written too much have some more ume pics
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how DO alternates get attached, anyway? what does it even do other than make you not wanna kill people?
wish i knew bro it would make shit so much easier on me
but fr. its hard 2 really give a concrete answer bcuz us alts see attachment as like. taboo basically. if gabe catches you getting attached to a human it uh. its not pretty. other than the torture you get for disobeying Him you get like... exiled almost, or... whats the word He used once?
excommunicated. yeah  that one.
there have been studies on attachment though, i think the u.s... uh... well idr the exact name but it was some fancy shmancy government dept thats done a couple . havent read em though LOL
anyways. ig i can try to explain as best i can from my experience w attachment . n atlas can chime in if he wants too idk and uh . ill try to make it make sense (spoilers it probably still wont lmao). this isnt a definitive like... guide or anything im basically just posting general rambles abt what ive learned over my days lol
so. i think all alternates want to be loved, no matter how far down theyve buried that want. were conditioned from creation to think that gabriel is the only one who can love us, but He wont unless we follow His command to the letter. and what that translates to is killing humans senselessly . and not only that but like. us alts... we like violence. we want to kill. its integral to our beings. none of us can really be "nice" or "good" 24/7 and that uh ... tends to sound scary to the average person . so even if we did all collectively decide to turn against gabe and humans like... magically forgave us for killing and kidnapping thousands of people, its not like we could ever be "normal" members of society. its not like we could ever be loved. so no one really bothers trying.
anyways, from what i can tell, alternate attachment happens when that kinda barrier between humans and alts gets broken (at least from the alt's perspective), and it typically happens when an alt is in close proximity to its assigned victim for a long period of time. that time varies from alt to alt too, like it deffo took a lot longer for atlas to get attached to cesar than it did for me to get attached to mark. nd i could be wrong abt this but i also noticed like. the more a victim interacts w their alternate, even if theyre doing it in a threatened or scared way, the more likely it is for the alt to get attached. "taking an interest" in a specific human is the most telltale sign of attachment, to the point that the phrase is pretty much "slang" for it among alts .
also just to clear this up: while alternate attachment can be romantic, it absolutely doesnt have to be. not at all. id describe my attachment to mark as like. familial honestly. and sometimes there arent even human words to describe an alts attacemt. its a spectrum yk? so dont think any of this is inheritly romantic or some shit cuz ill beat you up
as for what it does. well .
you dont know when u first meet a human that youre gonna get attached. i certainly didnt  . so u just kinda do ur thing n shit, but sometimes it doesnt work and the human lives so ur like. okay ill try again . or maybe youre just doing a long job and ur learning all of ur victims habits n shit. and thats where it kinda begins
the first thing you notice is that like. even though its ur job to kill your human its like. its fun to keep them alive . yk  . you grow to like the sound of em screaming in terror , or them freezing up when they see you . whcih. yeah that sounds kinda fucked to you guys but . just bear w me okay  .
anyways. eventually it gets to the point where, even if youve been given several opportunities to kill your human, you dont take them cuz its just that fun to mess w em. this is kinda where the "taking an interest" thing comes in  too . and then THAT goes into "ok wait . do i rlly have to kill them eventually  ?? i dont want to do that theyre funny :(((("
eventually you realize that like. shit . i dont want this human to die at all. like. at ALL. to the point you'd fight off other threats just to keep them safe. and you get this just- rush of an emotion youve never felt before whenever youre around them. aand you realize. thats love. you feel love towards them, no matter what kind of love that is. its. it feels so wrong at first and- and you hate it, but it just feels so right to the point where you cant imagine feeling any other way about them.
and as you may have guessed. you start to see the human as your own. its kinda hard to really describe but,, it makes sense if you experience it. you need to protect them and love them and hold them so so close or else they might get away from you. and you change yourself so that you can be worthy of being loved back. its. ough its a crazy ass feeling for sure
this, uh,, doesnt come without problems thouugh. for one just cuz an alternates attached to a human doesnt mean the human necessarily likes them back. in fact its honestly really lucky that both me and atlas got attached to humans that actually didnt hate us. (for a while at least.) theres a fuck ton of rumors that get spread around of those who got attached and excommunicated, only for the human they were attached to kill themself because they couldnt live with an alt constantly following them around and trying to talk to them.
...i cant describe how lucky i am that mark came back.
not to mention you hafta constantly live in fear all the damn time cuz you could get discovered n tortured at any moment. its. its really shit but damn it if your human doesnt make it all worth it. damn it if you wouldnt endure any kind of danger just to stick with them. damn it if you dont want to comfort them and feel murderous rage whenever theyre sad and.
damn it if they arent yours.
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markosbabymama · 1 year
1st, I found ur page yesterday and I love it!
2nd, could I request a matchup pls? Could be for anyone lol
Anyway, I’m 5ft. Like on the dot man. I’m more on the curvier side. My skin is light normally but I just got back from the beach so I have a tan lol. I’m also an introvert (unless I’m with friends) and an INFP. Along with major social anxiety. I’m a virgo.
I have hazel eyes that are more on the green side. My hair is slightly passed my shoulders and is wavy/curly. I’m in the process of trying to heal it after years of heat damage. It’s dark brown and I have bangs.
I love art and books. Along with animals. I have a cat, dog, and turtle. I love the ocean. My aesthetic, I would say is salted granola. I saw a tiktok once and was like ‘yes. That one.’ Im a big marvel, dc, and Star Wars fan. Music is like my life. Literally had 1526 minutes played last week. I’m in a honors choir class, book club, and art club. I have a green VW beetle.
Idk how much of that u needed but oh well🤷‍♀️ thank you love you🫶🫶
aww omg ty sm!! i’m so happy u like my content!
okay so idk what fandom to do but i’ll do ck to play it safe lol!
you would be the cutest with demetri ???
y’all have been besties since u were kids, like it was u eli and him
so when u hit puberty, both of em were like 👁️👄👁️
and y’all had crushes on each other for the longestttt time so when he finally grew a pair and asked u out it was like
“so, do you wanna go to the movies tomorrow?”
“oh sure! should i pick up eli?, or do you want to?” “o-oh no i meant like, just me and you y/n.”
*ur obviously screaming on the inside and blushing.*
“oh u- uhm, i would love too! what time?” “let’s say 4:30?”
“yea. i would really like that dem.”
“awesome! uh- i mean- psh, yea it’s cool. whatever” *leaning on his locker to act cool.*
“okay. cool. see you tomorrow.”
and when eli found out he was so happy for y’all bc he was y’all’s #1 shipper.
he definitely teases u abt ur height, always has.
but it’s demetri so it’s all in good fun.
“so like, do you think you’ll ever grow? you’ve been 5’0 since you were 13.” “oh piss off tree trunk.”
A LOT of playful banter is going on in this relationship.
“why do you HAVE to put everything on the top shelf.”
“because it’s funny. watching you struggle to get a cup. better then television.”
“you know i’m the perfect height to punch you in the guts.”
“ohh shes fiesty today.”
demetri is a very mouthy sarcastic guy, but only with his close friends.
hes also very shy so he obviously doesn’t mind it
and he definitely helps you with ur social anxiety 🥹
*at a crowded party* “hey are you okay? do you need something? a water?”
“i’m okay dem, looks likes you’re worried about me.”
“psh i’m not worried about you. just don’t need you dying on me and everyone’s think that it’s my fault.”
*lauging* “you’re a jerk dem.”
always makes jokes that y’all have the same eye color.
“y’know, i think we were meant to be y/n.”
“why’s that dem?”
“because we have the same eye color, what kinda couple has the EXACT same eye color? no one. we’re special. it was definitely meant to be.”
“you’re actually crazy, you know that?”
“no i didn’t. but i DO know that we were meant to be.”
*laughs* “you’re such a dork. you’re lucky i love you.”
always takes pics of ur eyes side by side AND has it as his wallpaper 😭😭🥹🥹
ugh he lOVES ur hair
loves it.
plays with ur hair all the damn time
has your loose hair ties on his desk and in his backpack LMAOO
“dem have you seen my hai-“
“your hair tie? yeah i have about 50 of them in my backpack.”
“really? welll, can i have one… please?”
“no y/n im revoking your hair tie privileges. yes you can have one.”
“thankssss demmie!!”
loves going to museums with u🥹
he doesn’t really care for art but he goes anyways to make u happy🫶🏻
“y/nnnn, i have a suprise for u”
“what is it dem?”
“i got us tickets to the art museum! you’ve been talking about it so much lately, so i thought i’d take you today.”
*y/n bear hugging him* “OH MY GOSH!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUU!!! I LOVE YOU DEM!” *kisses him on the cheek*
*lauging* “you’re welcome, i love you too.”
definitely loves ur aesthetic
and secretly loves going shopping with u lol🤭
*y/n dragging demeitri to another store* “y/n, another store?”
“yes demetri! you wanted to come anyways, so suck it up and help me pick out more outfits.”
it’s like one of those scenes in a corny chick flick where you go in and out of the dressing rooms showing him outfits LOL
definitely getting into arguments over who’s team cap and team iron man 😭😭
“y/n how could you possibly be team cap!? bucky killed tony’s parents and he tried to justify it by saying he was brainwashed????”
“because dem!, he didn’t understand what he was doing. it’s not his fault!”
constantly saying that you’re mary jane and peter because he’s nerdy and you’re gorgeous 😭
loves looking at all ur stuff u painted/ drew in art class
literally will post them on ig and show them off like he did it LMAOAKS
he’s so proud of u cause u can paint
he was so jealous when u first got it lolz
him and eli were in literal shock
they were both so excited because now u didn’t have to pay for ubers/ have eli’s mom drop u off LMFAOOO
A/N: OH MY GOD I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE AFTER GOD KNOWS HOW LONG😭 i hope u like it this took me so long to finish for no reason?!?
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blu-wingz · 2 years
dont look at me i swear im normal
trigun stampede, trimax/manga spoilers etc etc
this is for me, but also the trimax & 98 besties who know whats up
oh god where do i even begin.
like. wow what an episode!!
i noticed that there wasn’t much roberto merch/attention so i knew he was gonna die, but like damn, i didnt want him to die. BUT ALSO his death is the price to pay to possibly, maybe yes, get Milly in season 2. AND TO HAVE MERYL MORE SERIOUS AND IRON LOCKED HEARTED (she isnt that cold in the manga but still tristamp meryl was a newbie and everything was leading up to her experiencing a horror™ to become more like manga meryl) i love em both
and elendria. oh dear. again like i said, tristamp is an reimagining its not gonna follow the og material closely. but still. her reveal in the manga was so cool. she literally came out of nowhere, fucked around, then dipped. so cool. so inhuman. she was such a deadly threat, an intimidating force. but tristamp elendria...its a weird direction but i wanna see where this goes. why make her this “young”? why make her an independent? 
this leads into the possible time skip the writers may do. I only speculate that they’ll do it bc of the manga and yk, its not a panel-to-frame copy of the manga. narritavely it looks like there will be a time skip. taking the events of the manga into account, season 2 will have a timeskip. this season is like pre-july/time skip. so like. all these characters will change in S2: elendria will “grow up”, vash may change appearance and/or personality wise; will maybe enter his Eriks phase, meryl will get her milly, and vash’s bounty will get higher. its interesting and fun to see everyone speculate/affirm that yep, there’s a season 2 timeskip.
AND omg vash just taking the shot. just letting the guy shoot him. goodness this vash is depressing and i love him. self sacrificing vash hehehehe vash feeling guilty of the Great Fall hehehehehehe poor boy. AND HIS SCARS man it looks bad and he showed it to wolfwood aaaa. and wolfwood’s contract oh boy
oh fucking boy i had to pause several times to scream. i love this series sm. i cant wait to see where they take it. but also im scared that theyll do something the whole fandom will hate. idk how ppl felt about roberto’s death yet. but goodness, some don’t like the elendria change.
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linpunny · 1 year
Okay so as promised I'll throw you together a few random Taiju Headcanons my head came up with so it won't be silent hehe 🫶
Taiju has to bleach/dye his hair to get his signature look and one time he accidentally grabbed your dye, walking around half pink and he absolutely hated it but when it faded enough to dye over it he was kinda upset because he always got reminded of you when he saw his hair
HATES it when someone touches his hair but you can do everything with it. wanna make funny updos? He'll sit still for you. Braid it? You got it. Curl it? No problem.
Also his tattoos. He's such a sucker to have you trace them or pepper kisses along them especially the text above his hipbone
Talking hip bones. your man is SO defined and could melt when you take your time admiring him, fingers tracing his V-line only for you to add little purple marks to his hipbones
He could burst from the anticipation because you're so close to his length and it's so god damn intimate to him when you kiss him so close but not quite
That's a moment where you see that he's putty in your hands, eyes fluttering shut, head tilted back ever so slightly and his big hands cradling your head or his fingers running through your hair
He won't ever push your head onto him unless you explicitly tell him that he can do that. He might not look like it but it's a consent king.
Your body language is second nature to him as well. He reads you so well and if anything looks off he immediately stops everything he's doing to ask if you're okay / if you need anything
He would let you put a collar onto him if you ask nicely- only if you'll wear one too for him at some point
He actually has a ring with your name engraved on it. It's not a wedding ring or anything but he wears rings often and that one he rarely takes off, only if he really has to
We all know his favorite position is the mating press because you just look so fucking small beneath him and the way your belly bulges from him makes him lose his mind
Fucks his seed into you just so you're nice and stuffed but god he wants to have a child with you so badly
Dad!Taiju who's the biggest softie for his little bundle of joy, letting them sleep on his chest at all times and he almost cries when the tiny hand can't even hold onto his finger properly
He kinda hoped he would have a boy first and then a girl so he could raise his son to protect his younger sister but he would be overjoyed no matter the gender
Because the fact that this is a product of his love for you. The child has your eyes and he swore he couldn't love anyone more than you but then that little bundle of joy entered his life
Spoils them rotten just like you! Would do the dumbest things no questions asked. Wears a tutu and attends little tea parties if asked and ready bedtime stories every night, giving every character a different voice and he really does a great job at being a father
— Rhy 🫶
I frew upped
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Please please I’m dying I’m crying im screaming and creaming, chasing my tail scratching at the walls, chugging his cum—- and and he I the stuffs me so well so I feel full 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 keeps me warm and cozy with yummy cummy ANJAISKSKSKSKS
COLLAR?! I mean I uh I have a really nice leash and collar obviously but but HIM IN A COLLAR??? I’ll break my fooking hands beating the table right now KAKAKAKAKSKSNNSNS restraining his hands too while I ride him? HELLO the 14% switch in me is clawing at my chest cavity trying to emerge REEEEEEE
The ring he has a ring with my name on it oh my god I’ll cry shut upppppppoo please 😭😭😭 that’s so sweet I love him I’d get one with his name too maybe those ones that leave an imprint/ skin tattoo when you wear them. 😩
Matching mating press always always 🥺 soul mates. Constantly thumbs over the bulge he’s making, loves feeling how deep he is just as much as he loves to see it.
I WORSHIP THIS MAN. HE IS MY GOD ILL RUN MY TONGUE ALONG EVERY SINGLE TATTOO ON HIS BODY. trace em with my lips, nibble, mark , cum on em. Just wait hold on tracing over his v-line fuccccck me. Mmmm I’m so unwell. I just wanna kiss all over his well cut torso, his abs, his hips, that slight happy trail he his—— im gunna be sick
I can’t, consent king 🙇‍♀️ and couple that with how observant his of me. I give him complete consent, absolute territory of my body. But just imagine him looking down at you and he sees that twinkle in your eyes, the way there half lidded, heavy with lust. Before you can even nod HE KNOWS and he’s gently pushing your head down so your lips are level with his dick 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 loves when you trace over that thick bulging vein, makes him groan 😩
That’s so intimate just worshipping him, god I’d do it all night, every second of the day let him feel like the god he absolutely is to me
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s-brant · 2 years
ok i’m back
- “don’t threaten me with a good time” COME ONNNDNDBDB god that made me squeal
- lifetime supply of blowjobs HES SO CHEEKY IM GONNA PUKE
- “take ‘em from me” IF I WAS STANDING I WOULDVE FALLEN TO MY KNEES SHUT UPP i would fold so quick jesus christ
- please daddy INDEED! that man will always be my sexy dilf <3
- man i love it was shehas those badass moments that just make harry seem beatable and tamed like yeah it’s obvi hot when harry has control of situations but the situations when she has the upper hand… i LOVE it
- WHO is gonna tell them that they’re both in love w each other fr like babes 🙄 come on now just admit it !!! (not rly i love the slow burn but ykwim)
- THE FINGER HOLDING JFC ur killing me here like actually i am cheesing SO hard my god knowing his hands are big as fuck too like his pinky is large enough for her two fingers shut up. shut up .
- YES DADDY I WILL !!!!!!!!
- ….oh that son of a bitch… i hate him .
- beautiful face 😒 go away i’m mad at u rn u sexy son of a bitch
oh my GOSH 😭😭 i think that might’ve been my fav chapter by far… he’s getting softer and opening up more :( i loveee how she communicates her feelings even though that may not be reciprocated by harry. the way she didn’t necessarily get mad at him for leaving her alone but actually talked to him about how he made her feel and ways he could improve if there ever was a next time and the way she set boundaries!! she said if u ever treat me like shit again i’m out! i loveee that so much. also the little ways she got back at him in this chapter was so cheeky and just cute and smart and i’m just so proud of her. hitmanrry is so dilf like damn that man is sexy. why do i forgive him EVERY time. also his favorite book :( why would u do that to me . the way he hasn’t read the ending bc he may be scared of what he may find like just stab me in the cooch - it would hurt less. AND TELL ME WHYY him saying he’ll handle his dick problems alone made me wanna cry like babe i’ll help u out if she doesn’t like 😫 don’t leave my man hanging like that HES HAD A ROUGH WEEK!!
you’ve done it again - idk how you do it but every chapter just gets better and better. i say it all the time but this series is truly one of, if not THE best thing i have ever read. like ever.
i also wanna know which part you were referring to when u said that u were finally getting around to writing it in this series!! was it the motorcycle part???
your reactions are killing me 😭 i also love when she gets the upper hand in situations with him, she’s gotta put him in his place sometimes.
“who’s gonna tell them that they’re both in love with each other” i don’t think they’d know even if someone hit them over the head with it lmao, they are certified oblivious. the finger holding had me screaming too don’t worry.
thank you darling 🥰 i’m so happy this is your favorite part because it’s definitely my favorite since part two (part two didn’t perform well in terms of notes but that was suuuuch a fun part to write) he is such a softie he just hides it well, like he’s been whipped for a while now let’s be real. and yeah i really like having lead girlies that actually try to stand up for themselves and set boundaries. obviously their relationship isn’t anything close to healthy, and i never set out to make it anything but the chaotic, toxic mess it is anyway. she’s also a sweetheart and went through so much with her mother and peter already that i think she has a lot more patience than most and a better ability at understanding them. most of which i feel can be contributed to her experiences with peter when he was struggling with his addiction. it’s no easy thing to be someone’s support during that process, whether they’re getting sober, relapsing, or in the height of their addiction, and it requires a lot of maturity and patience, so i feel like she has been prepared for harry’s issues so to speak.
the book :( yeah. oh and i SO forgive him every time too. i’m not under the illusion that he doesn’t behave in very unproductive and unhealthy ways in his interpersonal relationships, but i also know, because i created him lol, everything that made him this way and his true thoughts/feelings on things behind the hard shell, so i have a very big soft spot for him and forgive him every time as well.
hitmanrry is my baby. he’s innocent, ur honor.
also, the motorcycles weren’t planned. i mean, i knew i vaguely wanted to do a scene of them riding motorcycles but i wasn’t chomping at the bit to write it. the parts i’ve been dying to write are the more domestic scenes of them, harry starting to open up, and introducing the parallels between this story, as well as harry’s character, and papillon. i read a quote from his tattoo artist about papillon inspiring his butterfly tatt and have had that planned as a motif of the story for a bit.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
just read the playboy(seriously WHAT IS THE GN TERM I’M CRYING SHITS AND SHITTING TEARS TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT) and i raise you this:
worshipper yan and playboy yan alliance
-poised darling
YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!! absolutely yes. i also think the gn term would be 'player' but that term is so outdated oml so we'll go with playboy, like how girly yan and housewife yan are traditionally fem but can be gn
(i made playboys text black and worshippers red <3)
now, as poly or combined... either way, youve got all the power in the world and own half of it. ehehehe, i imagine playboy and worshipper being friends, not extremely close but theyre both extremely manipulative and use each other a lot in business related things. i can def see worshipper yan having a cult or being in a family thats in a cult or something like that and doing a lot of recruiting at parties and playboy yan is just happy to throw a party! (and be apart of weird cult orgies)
and then they meet you. neither of them are possessive in a traditional "i wanna lock you up in my basements forever so no one can ever ever see you ever and im going to kill your parents and friends and family because how dare they lay their eyes upon you" way so that makes them unlikely to be competitive and more willing to share! they can both agree that you are perfect and deserve all the money in the world and while playboy isnt as... culty as worshipper, they definitely both think of you as divine and holy.
they follow you everywhere, whether you like it or not. playboy buys your life out before you even notice and worshipper distracts you by, well, worshipping you! if you didnt have a god complex before, both of them will be sure to give you one <3
"i love you, i love you more than the moon and the stars, i love you more than the earth beneath my feet, i love you- fuck, i love you so much, i cannot put it into words... you make me go insane with it, i feel like my brain is melting out of my ears every time i cast my unworthy gaze upon you, my love."
worshipper yan kissing your calves, gently taking your shoes off while you sit on the softest, most comfortable bed youve ever felt in your life, fluffy comforter and blanket practically cradling you already as playboy crawls in bed beside you, kissing your hairline.
"we've agreed to share you, you know." playboy hums, reaching down to stroke worshippers hair, guiding you to their rightful place between your legs as they kneel. "we just couldnt keep you to ourselves, it felt too selfish.."
"we didn't wanna be rude and limit your holiness.. you deserve to be worshipped by many more than just us, darling.." worshipper looks up at you, the way a suicidal warrior looks up at heaven. desperate, hungry, relieved, in awe, their eyes fluttering back shut as they lean into playboys touch.
"but we wanna be your favorite, how did you say it worshipper?"
"disciples, my darling. concubines. whatever you want, we'll be it for you. we're obsessed with you. we compare our collections of things that make us think of you. of pictures. clothes we've stolen."
"that you've stolen, i would never steal from my god."
playboy scoffs, leaning in and whispering in your ear. "they stole your underwear from me, you know. found em in the bathroom, hand down their pants, underwear shoved basically up their nose and those cute eyes of their rolled practically all the way into the back of their skull from the pleasure.." they giggle, putting their hand on your thigh. "we fucked each other while screaming your name, it was quite erotic."
"playboy!" worshipper scolds, resting their head on your thigh. "you said we'd keep that a secret!" they look back up to you, pouting. "i swear i didn't give them my virginity, my darling, i saved that specifically for you and you alone."
"ah, right. i remember now. we masturbated and made out while sharing our collection of you related items. much more sad when you say it like that though.."
worshipper gently, with shaking hands, grabs your hand and holds it, barely able to look at you. "we did kiss, my love, i apologize.. i hope you can forgive us for such sin without you there."
playboy kisses your neck almost shyly, wrapping their hand around yours and worshippers. "we'll make it up to you, dont worry.. i'll be sure to teach worshipper how to properly please you.."
aaa, i just love the idea of playboy guiding worshipper through sex, showing them how to use their mouth, how to stretch themselves out, how to properly ride you, how to fuck you, everything and theyre such a blushing, moaning, shy little mess as playboy guides their hips and whispers in their ear and pinches their chest and reaches between their legs to show them how to make themselves feel good too and playboy just grins at you over their shoulder <3
"see their face? that means theyre gonna cum soon."
"f-fuck, just from- ah!- just from me..?"
"just from you, baby~"
542 notes · View notes
cherrycheridarling · 3 years
gross | t.h.
tom holland x singer!reader
warnings: fluff
summary: you go live and sing an unreleased song to your fans. some catch onto the inspiration, including the one who inspired you. {listen to gross by olivia rodrigo (if you feel like it)}
wc: 1k
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"Hello, my children. Welcome to my live." you gestured around your room as you propped your phone against your piano and took a seat on the bench.
The number of viewers grew by thousands every second and you smiled while you watched. Hundreds of comments flooded in; emojis, exclamation marks.
"When is the album coming out?" you read a comment, "Ooh, not for a while, unfortunately. Still have lots of work to do on it. But soon!" you assured them.
"Where are you right now? I am in my home. My humble abode. Specifically in my living room." you picked up the phone and showed the space. "It's a bit messy. Don't tell my mum."
Your eyes lingered on the telly before finding their way back to the comments, "What am I watching? C'mon, 'Criminal Minds', of course! Matthew Gray Gubler is my husband, have to be a supportive wife."
"How did you meet Tom and Jacob? How did I meet my adopted children? Um, Zendaya introduced us at a party and we've been best friends ever since." you smiled at the mention of your three closest friends.
"Where are they? I'm assuming you mean Tom, Jacob and Daya. They are filming right now, I believe? Not sure."
"Is there any song you can sing for us that's on the album? Hmm," you rubbed your chin, contemplating, "There is one, but I'm not sure it's going to be on the album. I wrote it a few days ago. It does not have a name yet, but I think I can grace you guys with a little something." you smirked before playing a little melody on the keys in front of you.
You hit a chord before clapping a beat, "Not long ago when I saw you there with your brown-eyed grin and your messy hair and every girl at the party was looking at you. Ooh-ooh-ooh." you smiled at the camera before continuing.
"I wonder what I'd say if I knew back then that the brown-eyed boy'd be my best friend. And the one I'd give my heart to. Ooh-ooh-ooh." you were so engrossed in singing that you didn't notice the certain brown-eyed boy join your live or the thousands of comments filled with theories.
'no fucking way this isn't about tom'
'tom has brown eyes and messy hair...'
'my y/s/n heart is screaming'
'i'm dead. deceased'
"Now everything reminds me of you, your pictures framed all over my room and if I hate someone you'll hate 'em, too."
Your mind wandered to the polaroid picture of you and Tom that was stuck on your bedroom wall. It was taken at one of Zendaya's many get togethers. You had fallen asleep on Tom's shoulder and he had fallen asleep with his head on yours. Jacob had taken the opportunity to capture the moment on Zendaya's polaroid and graciously given you the picture.
You went back to playing the piano, "As long as I'm your darling angel, I don't need anything in the world. 'Cause I feel like the luckiest every second that I'm your girl. I wanna do everything with you."
'he calls her darling angel i can die happy'
'smo better be screenrecording this'
You continued to sing, clueless to the comments flooding, "Take the highs, I'll take the lows. I'll keep you close, give you the most. Oh, baby. I like you so much it's kinda gross, yeah. I like you so much it's kinda gross."
You shut your eyes and remembered all the times Tom would pick you up and you would take drives down the coast or to the grocery store even though you didn't need anything. When he would get you strawberry ice cream at Mario's Gelato because he knew that it would make you smile. Extra sprinkles, of course.
"And driving in your car, I feel all grown up. Is it me or does it feel more than high school love? Not gonna lie, your last name sounds so nice."
Y/N Holland.
"I love when you complain about things like traffic. Love when you're tired, baby, I like all of it. Honestly, I can't believe you're mine."
"I hate Los Angeles." Tom groaned as you stopped at yet another red light, hundreds of cars in front of you.
"What did L.A. ever do to you, love?" you chuckled.
Tom frowned and grabbed your hand, placing a kiss on your knuckles, "Most ridiculous traffic in the entire world. But I have you here, so I guess it's tolerable."
You shook your head with a smile, "Eyes on the road, Holland."
"I bring you up in every conversation. We're young, I know we got to be patient, but I know I want my life to have you in it. Ooh, and as long as I'm your darling angel, I don't need anything in the world. And I feel like the luckiest every second that I'm your girl."
Tom watched your live with a bright smile, unable to fight his grin as he watched you sing a song he knew was about him. Jacob and Zendaya perched on his shoulders in his trailer as they watched with him.
"You're whipped." Jacob told him.
Tom nodded absentmindedly, too focused on your singing to respond.
"Of course he is. His girlfriend is singing a song about him in front of– How many?" she leaned in closer to check the amount of viewers, "Almost fifty thousand people."
"She's not my girlfriend." Tom mumbled.
Zendaya scoffed, "Only because you haven't asked her. 'Darling angel', huh?" she smirked.
Tom felt his cheeks turn pink, "That's what she is."
As the song ended, Tom felt a wave of sadness at the fact that it was over. He quickly typed a comment before leaving the live.
You finished with a snap and an awkward smile before a comment caught your eye.
'love it, darling angel'
1K notes · View notes
kashimos-hajime · 3 years
no regrets (8/8) | r.b.
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summary: For the first time, he thinks of a future he could have, and someone who loves him, and there’s something bright in his heart. Or, Reiner finally understands what peace is.
WARNINGS: MANGA SPOILERS!!! angst, mentions of violence, we get our happy ending :) pairing: reiner braun x fem!reader word count: 6.7k
a/n: welcome to the last chapter!! thank you so much for being on this journey with me. there are a few callbacks to previous chapters so see if you can catch ‘em all heheh 
crossposted on ao3 x
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Few months ago ymir asked if I could let her write one last letter to krista, and I did let her. I stood over her shoulder the whole time, watching her pen down all this sappy shit and I kept thinking about you the whole time, behind those walls. What you were doing, what you were thinking. Maybe if you thought about me. I dont know.
I’m starting to see the appeal of wrting what youre not strong enough to say to a persons face. I never thought Id find myself on the other end of this stick. for some reason, I thought that I could stop myself, resist the temptation, or maybe that I didnt feel for you as strong as I thought I did once I was away from you. I was wrong.
What do I even say? I mean shit, I can barely see, my limbs are barely in tact, and all of it—shiganshina, it haunts me, even though I cant really remember it that well. Half of it goes black and then I remember hearing your voice, I remember Bertholdt, I remember you screaming.
You couldve walked away. why didnt you walk away? It doesn’t make sens. Why did you think to cut me out? Why did you try to save me? Im trying to make it make sense inmy head. It’s not working.
Fuck I dont know what I was thinking when I asked for a paper and pen. Why am I asking you questions? Its not like ill ever understand. At this point, I think it’s pity thats letting Zeke let me waste ink on trying to write straight. He doesn’t know what im doing, but thats better this way. Better than sleeping—better than eating. I just wanna talk to you and this is as close as I can get. Its my own damn fault, but I dont care. 
I completed my mission. After this, im done. ill give up the rest of my term. I dont want any of that glory anymore. I dont want to be a hero. Im just done.
Fuck, my head hurts so much. I dont really know if what im saying is making sense. Im hoping you never read this.
im sorry. I wish I could explain it to you some day, but chances are, ill be dead soon. Whether for treason or because they need to pass on the Titan, and I wont be able to see you again. Which means youll never know how sorry I am. How much I
Thats okay. I dont think youd believe me now even if I did say anything.
I remember your dream to live by the lake with a bunch of kids. You know I started to wonder if youd mind if they were our kids, not just some orphans who needed a home. I’d imagine one of them with blond hair. Imagine them swimming in the lake.
Never told you that was my dream too. Never knew i could have a dream of my own, something only I wanted and not just something to further marleys damn agenda, til I knew you. Sounds stupid but its true.
I think youd like Marley, if we weren’t sworn enemies. Just want you here with me right now. make me sleep easier knowing you’re there when I wake up. 
Dont want secrets either. Fuck I miss you so bad. I feel s o tired all the time. 
I rember when i first saw you all could think about was how you were the most prettiest girl id ever seen. I don know if you know thats why I tried to distance myself. Knew I couldn’t get distracted from my mison. happened anyway. Wish I could tell you that. 
wish I could tell you I love you. Wish I could see the look on yur face when you try lobster for the first time. Youd love it. Not sweet, but tons of desserts here too.
Shit. And the ring on your finger. ill put a ring on your finger. I promised. i swear ill go home and buy a ring for the moment I see you again. Might not be pretty but will do the best I can.
Olnly wnat only wnat only want to see you again and beg for your forgiveness. Let you know if I had a choice, I wouldnt have done it. Would take it all back, nd stay. i wanted to stay, stay with you and the others. I used to want to spend the rest of my life in those walls, now I think im sick and tired of them dividing people who arent even that differnet.
My eyes are beginning to burn. Worse because the skin is sitll growing back. Fucking hell god I miss you. miss your smile more.
I know i dont deserve your forigvneess forgiveness. I want you to be angry with me. I deserve as much, and I cant ask you to, but 
With love,
You fold the letter, eyes closing as your fingers trace where the ink bled, the old tear stains wrinkling the paper beyond measure. Some are older than others, and you trace over his name again, your eyes burning, your throat tight enough to suffocate.
You’re leaning against the wall as everyone disembarks. They had taken Eren off first, Hange and the others getting ready to depart for the city while Connie and Jean lift a covered stretcher too white for the vivacious girl that lays dead beneath it.
They pass you silently, and you catch sight of a certain captain approaching, his pale eyes nearly swallowed by the shadows haunting his face.
“Captain,” you say, straightening. Placing the letter back into the tin, you slide it back into your pocket as he folds a green jacket over his shoulder. You give him a nod.
“You made it out alive,” Levi observes. He stops beside you, eyes more focused on what’s ahead. No doubt he’s not looking forward to having to take Zeke to wherever he needs to go—somewhere far, far away from Eren. You cross your arms. 
“It’s good to see you, too, Levi,” you intone. Sighing, you step in beside him and look out at the Walls you can’t see in the distance, your entire body wrought with a strange fatigue that’s only sewn into muscles by adrenaline leaving the body. “I think I’m going to stay.” He tilts his head to you, eyes flickering to your face, and you mirror the shift, your arms tightening. “I can’t leave this unfinished. Not after Liberio.”
“The farm will have to be abandoned,” he points out. “The kids, too.”
“I’ll make sure I move them where someone can take care of them. Somewhere north, far away from the brothers,” you assure, although still, your heart begins to sink and you close your eyes, exhaling deeply. “I have to hope they understand.”
Levi only nods, and you open your eyes as he wordlessly takes the jacket off his arm and offers it to you. Grasping it wearily, you open your mouth to ask questions but he only sets off, back towards the cabin where Zeke is still being held, and you snap your jaws shut, looking down at the jacket.
When you unfold it, you swallow the hard rock in your throat at the blue and white slipping beween the folds of olive green before there’s a sharp whistle. Looking up, you see the carriages already beginning to load up, and you glance back at the door where the captain has disappeared through before jogging down the ramp.
You slither your arms through the sleeves and shuffle the fabric along your frame as something thumps against your thigh, and you frown, reaching down into your pocket and coming into contact with something smooth and hard.
Withdrawing, your lips part at the green bolo tie gleaming in the lights of the port and you, without another thought, pull it over your head, letting it fall against your breastbone. 
“For your services to the Survey Corps.”
There’s no time to second-guess now. No time to debate.
“Good to have you back,” Hange murmurs as you walk towards the carriage taking Mikasa, Armin, and the others back to the city. You tug the lapels of the jacket tighter around yourself and flash them a weak smile. 
The Wings of Freedom on your arm feel like a brand, and it prickles your skin as you climb in after them.
Distantly, he remembers flashes. 
Eren reaching forward for Zeke, the exhaustion ripping him every which way, the sound of ODM gear whizzing in his ears as he tries to make sense of the punctured sensation in his armour.
How he had softened his nape, intending to die then. At least, let his death have some meaning, he had thought. Let him make one last effort to repent for everything he did to Paradis, and to his friends who’d been more family than his own mother.
He slips in an out of consciousness for the next few days. He doesn’t know what is up, what is down, but he does recognize his surroundings blearily, the way his head spinning somehow slowing when he presses his temple to the wooden floor.
How can he almost hear your voice in the echoes of the panels, countered by someone who almost sounds like Annie before he drifts off again.
When Reiner finally regains consciousness again, he wakes to someone crouched down in front of him. Jerking up, he lets out a sound before a palm slaps over his mouth and your face is shoved against his own.
“Shut it,” you whisper fiercely. “It’s just me.”
Your name muffled by your own hand, his eyes begin to burn and you lift your palm away as he sits up and you draw back. You’re dressed in clothes that look like they’ve seen better days but you’re relatively uninjured as you pull back. New lines adorn your face—one of the many prices of their damned war—and you only look exhausted. 
Sitting up, Reiner’s whole body groans as he leans against the wall, but he can’t tear his eyes away from you. Your hands are hovering around his body like you’re scared he’ll collapse and there’s a fracture in your mask.
Something gleams on your finger and his eyes flit to it, his heart lurching when he realizes what it is.
The ring. You’re wearing it. You…
For a moment, a glimmer of their teenage selves shine through and he wants to reach for it—touch it so he can remember what it’s like to be happy. He thinks it’s an awful like now; the swelling of his heart so big he can’t breathe; the way his lungs are static in his chest; how he can’t say anything because there are so many words that want to come out first.
“You’re here. You’re alive,” he finally settles on raspily. Your eyes glint with a youthful pain as you nod.
“So are you.” 
And he doesn’t know who moves first—you or him. Nothing is forgiven as their bodies crash in an embrace that lacks grace, but they cling onto another like the world is ending and they’re the only ones left standing. 
Maybe they are.
He buries his face in your neck, and your arms are so tight around him your fingers dig into his shoulders as your body melts against his and his skeleton sags in his own body.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers against your skin, eyes fluttering shut. “I‘m sorry.” A hand against your neck and an arm around your waist, he wraps his legs around your own and traps you against him. You seem to only sink into him even more.
Is that enough? I don’t want you to hate me.
You suck in a breath, and then it comes out shuddering. “You can spend the rest of what life you have left repenting for making me fall in love with a man who was always supposed to die.”
Softly, in his mind, your voice cools the searing heat of hatred inside him. It’s enough. It has to be.
“I’m sorry,” he says again. It’s like they’re the only words he knows. He can’t remember ever meaning it this much. For him dying, for making you love him, for ever coming to Paradis. For loving you. For loving you. “I’m so sorry.”
“I know. I know.” Your face turns to press against his own. Your lips brush against his jaw and his eyes slide shut, tears rolling down his face. “I read every single one of your letters.” Drawing back, you cup his face in his hands and your fingers smear his tears all over his cheeks as his palm rests against your neck. Thumb stretching up to touch your chin, he feels sobs shuddering in his throat at seeing you again—looking at him almost like you used to. “I can’t begin to understand, but I know you are. And I know you love me.”
Choking, he gasps, “You should hate me.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I should.” You’re crying, too, voice thick, tears stubborn on your cheeks as you give him a watery smile. “I should hate Marley, too. But it’s beautiful there. The water by the sea… I want to be there with you next time. We need to go together, before you leave me alone, okay?”
Reiner doesn’t quite hear you. He hears Marley, and beautiful, and he’s never noticed how beautiful you are when you cry, but right now, it’s the simplest truth he knows. 
When you tilt his chin up and kiss him softly, something inside him explodes from the gentleness that makes him want to crack in the palm of your hands. It sears him from the inside out, makes him grab onto you like you’ll disappear—this is another dream, isn’t it? 
It has to be. 
You can’t be kissing him again after four years. He doesn’t deserve it. You’re an illusion, something his mind made up to deal with the pain. He’s finally cracked for good, just like Bertholdt said he would, and he’s the devil, not you.
But then you pull away just for a moment to smile, eyes barely open as you look at him with a sad tenderness that wraps him in an invisible embrace, and he is faced with the heart-wrenching reality. 
The sky is falling, you are holding him tightly again, and they’ve lost their years. But you’re here. With him. 
He knows that this isn’t a dream as he feels the coolness of the silver band on your finger and the heaviness in how he knows he hasn’t repented a damn thing. 
Why him?
As you run your hand through his hair, you press their foreheads together.
“And I do want a family with you, by the water if you’d like,” you murmur fleetingly against his mouth and his eyes widen, cheeks burning, entire face crumbling as he turns his face in to your shoulder, crushing you in another brace. Sobbing into your neck, his fingers dig into your shoulders, wrap tight around your waist, squeeze you so close he isn’t sure where you end and he begins and your lips brush the shell of his ear. “Reiner, say it.”
“Please,” he whispers thickly into your skin, and you cradle the back of his head with a hand. He’s nothing more than shambles. “Please, don’t go.”
“I’m not letting you out of my sight again,” you promise. His breath is hot against his own face as you pull his head back and cradle his face again, thumbs brushing away the tears from his red face. “Just a bit more. A bit more and then it’ll be all over, you know?”
And he understands, then, what you want from him. Struggling for breath, for his lungs to stop seizing in his aching chest, he cups your face that turns into his palm on instinct, your face wet with your own tears as, for a moment, they try to pretend this isn’t where they really are.
Like they’re still in that afternoon in Trost, a thousand years ago, with the kids flipping coins into the water fountain and a cream bun between them. Like they’re under the tree, apple juice on your wrist and his lips on yours.
Like it’s those trips to the city, the walks on the Walls. Honey is dripping down your chin and he’s pretending he doesn’t want to kiss you, or there’s grease smeared on his forehead, and you’re reaching up to wipe it off his skin.
Like a thousand moments all at once, and he nods to himself as you brush your hand over his temple. The world outside is startlingly quiet, as if the universe itself stopped everything itself to watch this moment, and Reiner takes a breath that bruises his sternum before he’s holding your left hand where that ring still sits.
And slowly, he pulls it off, whispering as firmly as he can. He’s sure he fails—he’s shaking all over from your presence alone.
“When this is over, I’ll put that ring back on your finger. I promise.”
The smile that splits your face is dazzling. It’s the smile he’s missed since the day he left it.
“We have a lot of things to work out, Reiner Braun.”
And your fingers barely brush his jaw before you’re leaning to press a sweet kiss against his mouth. It’s sugary on his tongue, like honey and apple slices.
Your back is warmer when you’re pressed up against Reiner’s. The ship is quiet, and their pinkies are just barely hooked on oen another’s as you stare blankly at the empty space between Connie’s boots. You don’t speak, and Reiner’s gaze is only on you. He can’t look at anything else now that you’re back by his side again.
There’s a cut on your cheek from the fight just half an hour ago, and there’s dried blood along your hands where your knuckles had split open, but everyone seems too exhausted to clean themselves up. 
Reiner himself has a blanket pulled over his shoulders, and he sighs, slouching in his own sack of flesh.
Your head tilts towards him, enough that your temple presses against his cheek. His eyes close and he leans into your touch. Not a word passes by, but their hold on each other’s hands tightens. And Reiner thinks. 
For the first time, he thinks of a future he could have, and someone who loves him, and there’s something bright in his heart. Something that hasn’t burned since he left Marley as a child.
Reiner thinks he doesn’t want to die anymore. He doesn’t want to miss you for another moment.
Raising from the steam, you groan, your hands searing from the inside out as you touch your face where you swore every inch of your skin had been stretched, but nothing seems out of sorts as you glance around. Everywhere, all your friends who had turned just as you had are in various states of disoriented. The air is still hissing, crackled with surprised screams and shouts of names as people look for one another across the field. 
It smells like cooked meat and burnt hair, a none-to-pleasant mixture that turns your stomach.
Getting to your feet, you wipe at your face, trying to ignore the weird feeling underneath your nails and the ache seizing your muscles. Trying to ignore the remnants of Eren lingering like a ghost that won’t really leave you alone. You shiver, and a strange cold sweat takes over your body.
He had taken you to the sea, except it wasn’t the shore you were familiar with. There was a cabin nearby, with blonde children running, chasing after one another and a man with golden hair standing on the porch, firewood in his arms as he calls out silently. Or maybe you had been standing too far to hear.
“Eren… where are we?”
“Wherever you think you are,” he had said. “I just brought you where you wanted to be.”
A voice, quiet as a memory, catches your attention. “Here let me help.” A soft wind blows throw the mist, cooling your scorching face as you feel a presence stand behind you.
“Oh, thank you.” You look over your shoulder to see a tall boy, and your heart stops. Mouth dropping open, you stare at his foggy image, but he only smiles fully, a smile so tender it reaches every corner of you as you stumble forward, fingers stretching for him. “Bertholdt!”
His smile grows only that much more, eyes squinting a bit and a flash of teeth before he’s looking at your hand that passes through his chest. All at once, all the hope built up in your chest crumbles, and your hand snaps back, trembling just before him. He lays a hand over your own and your eyes begin to burn, tears slipping down your cheeks.
And then, softly, you barely whisper, “I miss you.”
Bertholdt’s smile merely grows, as if to say everything he couldn’t say before. As if to show he’s at peace now—that your last memory together isn’t every part of him, and your lips press together, trying to stop yourself from shaking.
 Shadows form in the fog, and together, the two look as a freckled boy and another girl steps out of the mist a distance away, beaming like the sun. Connie and Jean stagger to their feet just behind you, and your heart lurches into your throat when you recognize them.
“Marco! Sasha!”
Someone calls your name and you turn around just as arms scoop you up and you let out a surprised noise before settling into Reiner’s arms. Looking over your shoulder to look at Bertholdt, your heart only sinks.
He smiles and Reiner lets out a sharp breath beside you, settling you down. “Bertholdt…” More shapes emerge. A shorter boy accompanied by another taller one, both alike in their features. You recognize one as the Jaw Titan holder before Falco, but the other—
“Marcel!” Reiner chokes out the name, hand stretching out to the fog, but the boy merely tilts his head and waves.
Closing your eyes, hot tears streak over your cooling flesh as you fling your arms around Reiner again and press your face into his neck. He cradles the back of your head, and he feels… somehow weaker, but still, there is that impassable strength in his core that wraps around you as he watches over your shoulder, still clinging on despite your clothes hot enough to burn.
I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive. It’s the only thought in your head. Your last clear memory had truly been the others taking flight, and the pain that had ripped apart your body before sewing it back together again in unjust proportions. Your limbs had been too big, your blood racing too warmly through your head as your legs pumped but your brain screamed to stop. 
Your fingers had sank into Reiner’s legs to pull him down and you had watched—watched Jean take a bite out of him—
You shiver and Reiner’s arms tighten around you instinctively, constricting enough to let you know that his attention isn’t on you quite yet.
Boots shifting on the ground tentatively, your knees feel gummy as you draw back long enough to look at him. He still looks over your shoulder, and you follow his gaze to watch the mist retreat. Bertholdt and the other two boys fall into a pool of fog, and your lips part in a farewell, but it’s already too late.
He’s gone.
A wind sweeps through the battlefield, tickling your sweating neck and cooling your boiling blood.
“Hey,” a soft voice croaks.
Their eyes meet in tandem. He regards you softly, like you are the reason the sun rises and the stars hang at the sky. Overwhelmed, you can only cup the back of his neck and pull him into a deep kiss. Your other hand along his jaw, it takes all you can not to pull him into a bone-crushing embrace that’ll send them both to the ground.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” you whisper hushedly against his mouth, throat swelling as he lets out a soft noise of surprise as you pull him into another tight hug. You don’t care that you’re crushing him, just that his heart is pounding against your own chest. “I couldn’t stop myself. I’m so sorry.” 
His eyes widening, he wraps his hands around your wrists and pulling you back just enough to kiss your fingers that crumple against his mouth. Clasping one of his hands in both of your own, you close your eyes and he uses his free fingers to brush the tears off your cheek before reaching into some dented tin you don’t recognize.
Eyebrows furrowing, you feel the heat leave your entire body, sapping your energy too, and your eyes snap to Reiner who steps back, cracking it open and presenting it to you. 
“You’re not the one who has to be sorry. I don’t think I’m the Armoured Titan anymore,” he whispers. “I don’t know if I get the rest of my life back, but either way, I want to spend the rest of it repenting to you in any way I can, if you’ll allow me to.” A weak smile. “Truth.”
Your throat closes up, and you stare down at the ring so protected, gleaming despite the destruction around them. It looks almost out of place amongst the grime smearing your skin, the sweat drenching their skin, the smell of blood and metal clinging to their clothes, but Reiner only watches you with a tenderness you can barely meet. It’s so overtly overflowing with devotion that your heart is resting on your tongue, seizing control of everything. 
You barely nod, chewing on your lip, trying not to cry even harder as his eyebrows rise in relief and he lets out a long sigh.
He lifts the ring out of the tin, snapping it closed before sliding the band back home onto your finger and all at once, everything floods you. The exhaustion, the pain, the hunger, thirst, grief wrapping around your bones and chaining you to the ground.
It’s over.
The minute he put the ring on your finger, it would mean it was over. No more blood, no more fighting.
Just like he promised.
You barely croak out his name before you fall to your knees. You trust him to catch you, and he does.
Just after the Rumbling had stopped, you had gone back to Paradis alone and came back with three children to a man who was still uncertain in a world that was changing. 
Since then, you’ve learned so much about the world, about yourself, about Reiner. 
How he’s seized by night terrors even now, just like you, and how one thing that soothes it is going out for a walk while the sun still simmers below the horizon, the sky a dark navy blue spliced with orange rays. The intricate details like him making a point to tie his own tie because his father never taught him how or the way he has to chug his coffee so he has enough energy to get through the day.
And some days are horrible, haunting, but now, it is far outweighed by the good. He teaches Xav how to dress smart, takes the girls out shopping. Sometimes, he’s spotted around Liberio with a flame-haired boy riding his shoulders, you trailing behind hiding a smile behind some ice-cream.
Different nations, foods, cultures surround you now—citizens of countries coming to settle down roots, spread cuisine to Marley. The idea before, of humans so different than you but still similar at the root of it all, existing, still blows your mind. The technologies that you had never seen before, languages you’d never heard, sights you’d never seen, had all swarmed you as you stepped into a new world with him.
But there is always one thing you’ll come back to.
Leaning against the railing in the port city Reiner told you was the harbour he had left twelve years ago, and returned to seven years ago, you watch the clouds travel in slow drags across the pale blue canvas hung high above your head. The water spans for as far as you can see, glimmering under the sun and gorgeous enough to take your breath away. You pull at your coat across your chest absently, ignoring the tender growl of your stomach. 
Breathing in the salty wind, you feel your chest expand at the litle fishing boats a little ways out.
Reiner was right. You don’t get sick of the sea. You never will—not of this much water. You still remember the first time you had swam in it, the salt-water making your hair crisp, the cold sweat forming on your your sun-warmed skin.
You feel a hand on your shoulder. Looking up, you spot blonde hair and warm eyes and smile. Your heart flutters a bit. You shift on your feet.
“Hey.” Reiner leans down beside you, and you clasp your hands, letting the sea wind curl against your neck. Reaching to slip his hand in between yours, he sighs and you lean against his shoulder, glancing at their pile of interlaced fingers. “Are you okay?”
“Of course,” you whisper, although even still, you can feel a numbing at your fingertips. You remember what it was like to be a Titan, even now. The sensations haunt you—flashes of your own mutated body, the grotesque meat of your hands sinking into the ankles of the man beside you, the bloodcurdling roar spilling out of your throat.
Glancing at their fingers, you watch the flashes of silver of the rings play in the sunlight, your band now having a matching counterpart on his own hand. You grasp his hands tightly, bringing them up to your lips and his own grip tightens when you dust a kiss gently along his scarred knuckles.
“No,” you finally say at length. “I’m not okay. Going back to Paradis makes me nervous as hell, but we’ll manage.” He nods slowly, and you let go of his hands to wrap your arms around his neck. His own encircle your waist, pulling you flush against him and your eyes close at the familiar warmth—a warmth you’ve woken up next to most days for the past three years. 
“Have you eaten yet?” he murmurs, and your fingers play with the soft edges teasing at your pads as his nose presses against your cheek. Your eyes flutter at the soft heat emanating from his skin, and you shake your head, melting against him. With one arm still around you, he slants his body away from just enough to pull a bag out of his pocket and it crinkles as he hands it to you. Taking it, you frown and look inside.
A cream bun. You can’t help the crumbling in your expression and Reiner holds your face in his hands carefully, kissing the corner of your mouth.
“Let’s stay positive,” he whispers. “We don’t know the situation until we get there and Historia briefs us.”
“I know,” you whisper and his entire expression eases at your words. His eyes gaze at you as if you’re the sole centre of his universe, and he cups your jaw more insistently, pulling you in for a gentle kiss, one you ease into, your eyes fluttering shut as his tongue traces the seam of your mouth. Laughing, you feel his little nose scrunch and your heart bounds up into your throat as he pulls back only to kiss you again, softer this time.
“Get a room!” A sharp female voice ruins their moment and you pull back just enough to see a red-headed boy running towards them and Reiner crouches down just in time to scoop Xavier up.
“When are you getting married?” he demands. “I was promised cake when you guys got married.”
“I dunno. When you move out of the house I guess,” you tease and Xavier pouts, rubbing at the side of his nose with the heel of his palm.
“Besides, you got cake for your seventh birthday, buddy,” Reiner groans as the boy twists in his arms. “You’re getting heavy. What are you feeding him?” he adds, smiling roguishly at you and you roll your eyes as Alina and Anya approach, sun hats protecting them from the glaring sun. Alina, grocery bags in hand, waves. Anya, who’d been the one to shout, tucks her coin purse back into her bag before flashing you a great big smile.
Only fifteen and seventeen. You can barely recall what it’s like being that young anymore, but you’re grateful they didn’t spend it the way you did. They get to know beauty, and no limits at all. The former comes naturally, the latter is partially because Reiner spoils them rotten.
Alina picks a flower with velvety purple petals from a bouquet she cradles in her arm, extending it to you.
“For good luck,” she says. “And protection.” Your heart melts at her words and you pause for a moment, looking from the gorgeous bloom to Reiner, occupied with the boy in his arms making silly faces at him. Then, without another moment, you sneak the flower behind his ear and he reaches up immediately to hold it against his head, turning to you in surprise. 
“To protect the both of us,” you explain.
“Thank you. I’ll be extra careful now.” He looks at the girls, setting his free hand on Alina’s head heavily and she flushes, smiling grandly. “You three behave while we’re gone, alright?”
You nod. “Listen to Levi.” 
“And listen to your sister,” Reiner adds to Alina and Xavier. The former rolls her eyes, the latter sticks out his tongue. “I’ll miss you.”
This is their home—their family that tumbles together into a huge hug, and you can’t help but stand back, watching how they all seem to merge into one unit, unaware of where one part of their reach ends and another begins.
As Reiner pulls you into the hug, your heart soars through your body, effortlessly pounding in your throat and in your fingers and everywhere at once. Liquid heat pools everywhere as Xavier screws up his face when you kiss his cheek, the same way Reiner does after he’s eaten something sour.
And maybe it’s a bit different, or a bit broken, the shards of their bloody history still poking at their heels whenever they think you’ve forgotten them, and it’s most definitely not perfect, but you would rather have it like this then anything else.
“Hey, guys!” Breaking apart, the family look over to see Armin, Annie, and Pieck walking over. Gabi and Falco meander a little bit behind, pushing Levi in his wheelchair, and Jean and Connie are running not far behind them, shouting at one another. You stifle a laugh and Xavier shimmies out of Reiner’s hold to run towards them. The girls follow after him, trying to hold back their runs but the closer they get, you can tell the more frantic they are to say goodbye.
So this is what they’ve made a peace. Something, you hope, is good.
Annie bypasses them quickly, making her way over to you and you survey her face as Reiner squeezes your shoulder, walking over to their friends. Her blue eyes are fixed on your face, and you feel your lips curving into a smile as she shoves her hands in her pockets. Her hair is swaying in the wind, gleaming flaxen, and you remind yourself, not for the first time, that Armin and Annie’s kids, if they ever decide they want them, will be gorgeous.
Hope for the future, and all that.
She stops in front of you, tucking a strand behind her ear.
“So,” she says at length, “we’re going back to Paradis. I’m surprised you decided to come with us. You don’t owe any of us anything.”
“I know. But… you’re my best friend. You do the talking, I fly the getaway plane, right?”
“Yeah. There used to be a time when it probably would’ve been the opposite.”
You nod, and they stand in silence for a moment, watching each other. Two women who should not have been friends, but were against all odds. You don’t think you would be here today if it weren’t for Annie.
Your heart lurches and you take a step forward just as she does, her mouth open to say something. You throw your arms around her and she lets out a noise in surprise as you close your eyes. Arms coming underneath yours, her hands dig into your shoulders and you smile against soft hair as she sighs, easing into your hug.
“Finally working together on an actual assignment,” you mumble and her head tilts as her small frame shifts, a hand patting you on the back as a sign for you to back up. “Just like we always said we would.” 
Bluntly: “Just don’t do anything stupid.”
“You, too.” Pulling back, the two look at one another for another soft moment before you remember the bag in your hand and you shift the bun up in the bag, extending it towards her. “Want some?” Her eyebrows rise in faint delight, before she’s reaching over, pinching and tearing a piece off. 
You grin and do the same and you gesture for her to come stand by the rails with you, stuffing the bag into your coat pocket. Leaning against the warm metal again, you hear a seagull call. The plane you’ll be flying to Paradis floats on the water, the technicians giving it the final check before you take off.
If anything goes wrong while you help prepare and oversee accommodations for the rest of the ambassador group, you’ll remember to fire the black signal flare, but you trust Historia. You trust your friends.
You glance over at them, all laughing, and you notice that the flower has gone from Reiner to Pieck, who’s taking it out of her dark hair to tuck it into Jean’s, and his cheeks redden as he brushes it more securely behind his ear.
Annie catches your attention again, pointing out idly that they’ll have to separate soon when they finish with the plane, and you tell her to just wait a couple minutes more as Reiner catches your gaze. Setting Xav, who has somehow wormed his way back into his arms, down, he walks back over to you, and his hand trails purposefully over your back before resting at the nape of your neck, a reassuring weight on your body.
“You guys okay?”
“We’re fine,” Annie replies. “You have a clingy boyfriend,” she tells you. 
“I think it’s charming.”
She rolls her eyes. Reiner smiles, and you pat the railing beside you—silent invitation. He leans in on your other side, clasping his hands and watching the fishermen pull themselves to shore, singing a tune to each other—one familiar to all three of them and one that you wish you could get out of your head. 
“Soon may the Wellerman come…”
A faint breeze tickling at your fingertips as a sharp call for embarkment splits the harbour, you simply sigh and look over at Reiner. “I just want these last few moments to last.” His eyes meet yours, and he leans forward to press a kiss between your eyes. Annie lets out a soft noise of disgust and you bump your hip against her as Reiner pulls back.
Closing your eyes and lifting your head to the wind, you can almost imagine the one person missing standing on the other side of Annie, dark hair like spun, stained bronze and eyes like warm chocolate. He’d smile and tell them not to worry in that sincere way of his that makes you believe every word he says—as long as they were careful, they wouldn’t walk into any traps.
Your chest aches, and your lips tug into a heart-wrenching smile as you begin to sing along. Reiner slips a hand in between yours, pressing his temple against your head and you loop your other arm through Annie’s.
She rests her head on your shoulder, listening to your voice, eyes on the sailors bringing in their haul below them. Reiner hums the shanty softly, distractedly, eyes cast across the sea.
You tilt your head up to the sky, at the stars you cannot see but will join one day, and smile.
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