#MCU phase 1
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mcudc616 · 1 month ago
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╰☆☆ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐) ☆☆╮
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velvet4510 · 1 month ago
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thesongofpurplesummer · 9 months ago
Jack Thompson would book a hotel for Peggy Carter and Daniel Sousa on a mission then get a call from them and he’ll be like “WhAaAaAatT? What do you mean there’s only ONE BED in your hotel room?!? I could have SWORN I booked two beds!!!”
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catboykilljoy97 · 9 months ago
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this is a tiny detail but I love it. It's not only the moment when Betty fully sees that it's Bruce in there (how many times do you think she's seen him do that exact same sigh trying to solve some tricky problem at the lab?), but it's also just funny. Like yeah buddy you've had a long day. Got shot at, engulfed in a fireball, and on top of everything else now it's raining and you bumped your head. He's ready to be done with this shit.
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serpentsunflower · 2 months ago
Watching the deleted scenes from Thor. I kinda felt what the movie could have been.
Kinda heartbreaking. Because this movie could have been an interesting movie about a sibling rivalry and where Thor needs to get humbled.
There were two scenes that would have improved the movies a bit.
One of the deleted scenes is where Loki and Frigga (Lokis and Thors mother) are sitting by the sides of the bed, while Odin is laying between them. Frigga is telling Loki that she wanted Odin to have told the truth from the beginning. This is also the scene where Loki is made the king.
Another deleted scene is before the coronation, where Loki and Thor have a bonding moment. The scene is very sweet and shows in another way the relationship between them.
Lokis plan is also bizarre. I think it can be somewhat forgiven. As a character, he could have been so much more interesting. The potential was kinda there.
Odin adopted Loki as a diplomacy chip. As a type of token. On top of being the younger sibling, being on his older brothers shadow and a frost giant from Jotunheim. Loki becoming a villain makes sense story wise.
For a superhero movie, this could have been a somewhat deep movie about sibling rivalry and anger.
On a personal note, I can relate to Loki in a way. Being the youngest of the family and being viewed lesser than your older siblings.
Let's be real here. Odin isn't a good father, atleast not to Loki. Not sure how much better he is to Thor. Atleast, he shows Thor better affection than Loki.
What I appreciate atleast is that Thor acknowledges Lokis feelings by the end of the movie.
I honestly think that, if Loki wasn't in the movie this movie would have worse.
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thena0315 · 7 months ago
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The Ladies of Phase 1
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scottxlogan · 2 years ago
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Howard Stark recovers the tesseract (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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gotham-at-nightfall · 1 year ago
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Marvel: Phase I
By Lyle Cruse
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chai-ing-my-best · 2 months ago
Marvel should hire me as a ghost writer
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armageddon-generation · 2 years ago
Justice For MCU Hulk: Everything cut from The Incredible Hulk (2009) that saves its characters
After She-Hulk renewed criticism of Bruce Banner’s characterisation in the MCU, I looked back at The Incredible Hulk. It’s the shortest MCU movie (1hr 52 mins) so this extra 25 minutes of footage would bring it to about the same length as The Winter Soldier, vastly improving Bruce’s characterisation, his romance with Betty, and General Ross as the villain. 
Alternate Opening in the Arctic (2:16)
The most famous cut, Bruce’s attempted s*icide referenced in The Avengers. Strong, shocking character beat to open the film
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Hulk’s origin
The film’s 3-minute title-sequence condenses “40 minutes” of Hulk’s origin & its aftermath. This was mostly unscripted (Norton contributed a lot) with “points of entry” for flashbacks throughout the film that unravelled the mystery of what happened..  
In an interview, director Louis Leterrie explained:
“[the Arctic was] a few months after the incident … afterwards we were flash forwarding to Brazil … a few years later ... then afterward you were getting flashbacks—that’s the way the script was structured—to tell you the story … everything you saw in the credit sequence. People hated it … what the hell is this? Is this a sequel? Is this a re-boot? We don’t understand anything.”
Building the Lab (1:07)
Most of the cut Brazil footage is filler, but I like Bruce dumpster-diving to make DIY lab equipment
General Greller (2:28)
Ross’ motivation. He’s the true villain! 
I’d cut the 1st exchange between Ross & Greller, moving straight from the plane to Blonsky entering the office. 
Nice character-building (‘is there any medal you haven’t won?’)
Greller criticizing Ross’ supersoldier program ties into the wider MCU (Hulk as a supersoldier attempt was only later established in The Avengers) & makes Ross more culpable
Bruce Delivers Pizzas (0:36)
The girls’ dorm should stay cut, but Bruce helping students with an experiment at his old university is a lovely character beat
Betty and Leonard (0:30)
Doc Sampson!
So the love triangle doesn’t seem quite as lopsided
Bruce and Betty Talk (3:18) 
Sets a clear timeline for Bruce
Sets up an ‘ethics cloud’ around Sterns/The Leader, and suggests he turned Bruce over to Ross in Brazil
Betty is proactive. Her arc becoming disillusioned with Ross starts here. Her keeping their data in an ornate jewelry box builds the Bruce/Betty romance
“Hope comes back so quickly” is a strong character beat
Dinner with Bruce (1:30)
“It’s been a long time since I’ve felt a light” is a nice character beat: Betty’s house is the eye of the storm in Bruce’s journey
Leonard characterisation!
The Orchid (1:27)
Betty is proactive again!
The Orchid as a metaphor for their love
Bruce and Leonard (4:17)
Leonard: I’ll confess something to you if you clear up some things for me. First, I confess as a man, Betty’s lover, that I’ve always hoped you were dead. Not because I don’t like you but because I love Betty. And I’ve known that unless you were really gone, or she believed that you were… there’d always be three of us in this relationship. I dreaded the thought of you walking through the door. But… now that you’re here, I have to admit I’m very happy about it. Because I’m also a psychiatrist. And I’m very committed to putting light into dark corners, so to speak. Betty has a very dark corner that I’ve never found my way into, despite considerable careful effort. And the only thing that I know about her dark place is that you’re in it. So… Why are you something that she won’t talk about?
Bruce: There are aspects of my personality that I can’t control. And when I lose control it’s very dangerous to be around me. I hurt Betty in a way that I will never forgive myself for.
Leonard: You don’t drop your career and fall off the face of the Earth for 5 years because you have an anger management issue, Bruce. You see a shrink.
Bruce: It’s a little bit more complicated than that.
Leonard: Trust me when I tell you I’ve heard them all.
Bruce: Not like this.
Leonard: Completely honest and yet avoiding the heart of the matter. Exactly like her.
Leonard’s big moment! He’s an actual character! Learning Bruce hurt Betty motivates him turning Bruce in
Chatting to a psychiatrist about the Hulk like a real-world personality disorder is gold
Lots of work on the romance, the ‘Dark Corner’ in Betty’s mind that Bruce inhabits.
Justification for Leonard ratting Bruce out. It's implied Leonard deliberately drains the car battery to discourage Betty going with Bruce
Motel Room Conversation (1:14)
Bruce: I’m sorry.
Betty: It’s okay. It’s so mysterious, this thing inside of you. All the other scars have healed.
Bruce: Not mine. His scars heal but mine don’t
Betty: Yes they do. They leave a mark, but they stop hurting [exposes a scar under her fringe, from the Hulk accident. Bruce turns away.] Look at me. That pain didn’t last. Not knowing was so much worse. I looked for your face everywhere. I never stopped.
Proactive Betty again. Real meat for the romance, addressing their shared trauma & Bruce’s guilt
Nature’s Mystery (3:02)
Ross: Major, a great writer once said, "There are clefts in the rock, where we see the back part of God, and tremble." There's no training for what you saw out there because it's not an enemy that confronts us, it's a new power. Let loose through a crack in the cliff of Nature's mystery. How many times do you think that's happened in all of human history? Fire. The splitting of the atom. The universe unveils a secret and people recoil, cowering in fear and awe. And then comes the person who stops trembling. Who steps forward to face the flame, and seizes the burning stick and says "This will I master and use."
William Hurt gets to act. This monologue is the best dialogue in the film. Ross’ motivation is so well-expressed here
On the Hulk Hunt (1:07)
Builds Blomsky’s frustrations with Ross and motivation to become Abomination
Ross and Sparr (1:40)
Betty: I will never forgive what you've done to him.
Ross: He's a fugitive. He made choices.
Betty: You made him a fugitive. To cover your failures, and protect your career. I know what you said to him after the accident. Before I woke up, what you proposed? That's why he ran away and gave up.
Ross: His work, his blood is the property of the United States Army, and my duty precedes my personal feelings in this matter.
Betty: Freedom, democracy, our way of life.
Ross: Something like that.
Betty: You believe in so much. But we have to start with truth or the rest of it doesn't work. Don't ever speak to me as your daughter again.
“If you took it from me I’m gonna put you in a hole for the rest of your life”. Ross is the villain!
Cut the Major, but Betty confronting Ross re: weaponizing the Hulk is a strong cap for her arc
Bruce Confesses in the Helicopter
In the novelisation:
“on the helicopter, prior to jumping … Banner admits to Betty that because he thought he killed her when he first became the Hulk, he tried to kill himself. The Hulk wouldn’t let him, which is why he thinks the Hulk will save him from the fall.” 
Leonard Calls Betty (1:40)
Follow-up on Leonard and Betty. Nice moment for her
Tldr; This extended version still wouldn’t be *great*, but it’s a significant improvement from mediocre to good, especially in hindsight with how Hulk has been treated since AoU. 
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the-masked-reviewer · 10 months ago
The Avengers (2012) Review
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potential spoilers ahead...
This being the movie everything had been building towards is actually what I think makes it as good as it is. It expects you to have watched the other 4 movies (8 hours 9 minutes), so it doesn't do much in terms of exposition and just throws you straight to the conflict.
The characters are written so well and feel like the same ones you've been watching (something that's difficult, if not impossible to say now). The costuming, both super suits and civilian clothes, is amazing. They do so well at expressing who the characters are through their wardrobes alone.
The humor is great. Especially coming from Tony Stark and almost all of his interactions with anyone. The team's dynamics show just how new and unstable the pairings are, even at the end when they are working together smoothly, its clear they are still new and have much to learn.
It makes sense that this movie was what led to such insane fandom growth and so many memes when the quality is this high and its such a fun and enjoyable movie.
The use of camerawork to add subtly and perspective on certain characters is amazing. Specifically the framing anytime Nick Fury is on screen. For almost the entirety of the movie, you only look up at him. The only time you are eye-level or (slightly) above is when the helicarrier is actively under attack and he is put on the defensive. The second he re-gains control, the camera is back to its low angle. This use of framing does so much of the work putting Fury as the all intimidating director that he has come to be known as.
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mourningmythos · 1 month ago
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Coping with life (and by life I mean the am*rican g*vernment) by making an MCU oc just like I used to do ten years ago. Anyway uhh this is Signy, Heimdal’s nonbinary child who grew up with Thor and Loki. Similar to how their dad can see everyone in the Nine Realms, they can see everyone who’s dead within the Nine Realms. They can also use shadow work to communicate with the dead but it takes a lot of their magic and wears them out. Thor has a lot of respect for them and they had a situationship with Loki but I’m still debating on if it would turn into anything romantic or not. Anyway uhhh hope you like them
*runs away into the void*
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velvet4510 · 20 hours ago
Manifesting Secret Wars ending with Wanda and Vision reunited, closing the Multiverse Saga which began with them, just as Endgame ended with Steve and Peggy reunited, closing the Infinity Saga which began with them.
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gunsandspaceships · 3 months ago
Review of Official MCU Timelines: Phase One
Review of The Old Official Timeline
Review of The MCU Guidebook Timeline
Review of The New Official Timeline Part 1
Review of The New Official Timeline Part 2
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catboykilljoy97 · 9 months ago
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I really like this scene for two reasons:
The way she phrases it. Betty is a scientist. Yes, she's definitely also asking as an are-you-okay, but the wording is aiming for something else. What is it like? What do you experience? She's a scientist who just saw something utterly inexplicable, and she is curious
This might make Bruce and Betty the only two MCU characters to have canonically dropped acid. I'm not sure, I haven't been up to date with MCU stuff for a looong time, but if that is true then it's really fucking funny. It's always the quiet ones.
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freepalestinebastard · 6 months ago
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