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Snapping, snapping~
So, today in South Korea is Kim Chung-ha’s-aka CHUNGHA-birthday. (Yay!) Because I really like her music and I was feeling bored, I decided to make this edit of Faye wearing an outfit inspired by one Chungha wore during one of her stage performances.
It’s not 100% accurate, but, I’m still really proud of how it turned out. I can honestly picture Faye nailing the dance. ^^
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mirror-alchemist · 5 years
Summer Event 2019 Complete~!
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I did finish the summer event finally. Overall I really liked it. After the hassle and stress that was the music event this was a nice breather. 
NO SPOILER CUTS THIS TIME, it’s actually no spoilers like at all for actual plotline stuff. Actually this event throws me FAR into the future. -laughs, then cries in episode 8-
Believe it or not, my favorite route of it was Cas. But I will admit it was more of a nostalgic factor because of a HSL. I feel like with his if you took out all the kissin+ stuff it would be a platonic friends outing. Along with Hyun’s. That’s why he’s tied with Nathaniel as my second favorite of the routes. Alas Rayan and Priya are tied last for the ones I didn’t really enjoy because I’m not interested in their routes from a personal standpoint. 
I didn’t particularly care for the swimsuits save Cas and Hyun’s (hyun’s would actually fit more in line with Ami still being tad uncomfortable with two pieces because most of them show off her hip scar). But the outer outfits of some were really cute. I LOVE THE HAT FROM PRIYA’S. I liked all the wigs except for Rayan’s It’s just not my thing. I do wish that Priya’s and Cas’ came with some sort of fringe. Nathaniel’s too but there is a couple wisps of hair at the forehead so it isn’t that big of a deal. 
Bank outfit is cute too. Not entirely my thing but it cute. We don’t get a lot of fantasy-esque stuff in UL so I’ll take what I can get. 
I can’t really think of any game-breaking cons. Stuff that bothered me was more of a “not fitting my character” or a personal thing but not entirely enough to write the whole thing off. Time limit is nice and long. If you chose the AP option it wasn’t that costly (I’m know we’re never gonna get cheap cheep prices so 50 is enough for me). 
Unrelated but kinda is, I hope in the future we can have an option to change our site background image. I like the beach one and would like to keep it long term. I know there’s add-ons/extensions for it but I don’t want to do the extra work.
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mirroralchemist · 5 years
April 2019 Writing Update
So April is the first session of Camp NaNoWriMo. This session I decided to completely revamp my MCL: UL AU I had started writing when UL came out. Since I’m going to be forever behind and quite a few recent things in plot made me bleh, Like it’s all not terrible, I’m just really was frustrated the routes it took to reach said plot points. But that’s another post for my main tumblur.
I figured I take all that frustration towards this project. Anyway I had a goal of 20k and I had finished it in about 2 weeks lol. The AU is nowhere near done (after this post I’m just the post-concert and that’s where a lot of my splits from canon happens). 
Word Count: 182 Notes: It’s short and it’s more backstory than anything. 
As the morning sun peeks through the windows, she awakens. Wincing as the remnants of a headache start to emerge. It takes a moment, but she soon realizes where she’s at. A quick turn to her right a reminder what happened only a few hours ago. A tint of red dusted her bare skin as the memories came back.
This was a different experience from what she was used to.
She moved out of the bed as quietly as possible, to not disturb them. Getting into the bathroom, she stared at herself in the mirror. She was tired. Her eyes seemingly dulled from all the stress. Letting out a small sigh she got dressed, straightening out the winkles of her clothes.
Those hours felt...nice. But there was something lacking.
“I should be okay. Probably out in a meeting.”
She zipped up her hoodie before placing sunglasses on her face. A look around the room saw that they were still sleeping. She almost felt bad that she was leaving. But they had agreed it was just a one time convenience.
Leaving the room, she pulled the hood over her head.
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akianee · 5 years
Screenshots MCL:UL Episode 15 - Nathaniel’s route
I took a few screenshots from my gameplay and decided to share them with you guys. They are in Polish but I translated each one of them underneath. Sorry for the quality of the screenshots, I took them in a hurry. 
It’s happening after study session and before the fair.
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Candy: I quickly wrote him a message: "Hey, you ... Are you sleeping?"
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Candy: I got an answer immediately.
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Nath: “No. I’m thinking of you.”
Candy: “Really?”
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Nath:  “Of course. I think about you all day, and what did you think?”
Candy:  Oh, Nath, if you only knew what I was thinking ... Most of the time, what's worst. But I can't answer him like that. He already knows I'm worried.
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Candy: Every second I am afraid that I will lose him ... I could not even answer and the phone vibrated again.
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Nath: “More specifically, I am thinking about our last evening on the beach ... Will we see each other soon?”
Candy:  I wrote back with a smile.
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Candy: “Personally, I have time this week every day ... I have a vacation”.
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Nath: “At the beginning of this week I am very busy, but ... I should be free on Wednesday evening.”
Candy: “ On Wednesday evening I go to the fair with everyone. Would you like to accompany me? We can end the evening together.”
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Nath: “Fair... Why not... I’ll go!”
Candy: Yes! And I thought he’s gonna say no.
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Candy: I wrote back: “Great! I'm glad, I didn't think you'd agree!”
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Nath: “I'd rather spend the evening alone, cuddled up in my bed, but ... I'll be content with apples on a stick and a tunnel of fear.”
Candy:  I read his message several times, realizing that I was biting my lip as I did it.
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Candy:  I wrote back: "I admit that your suggestion is quite tempting."
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Nath: “We will come back to this on Wednesday. Good night, my love”.
Candy: My love?! Haha, I didn’t expect him to call me that.
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Nath: “I heard you laughing at your phone. Do you prefer me to call you "baby"? My heart? Tell me, all your wishes are my command, angel. Kitten?”
Candy: “Good night, silly.”
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Nath: “I can’t wait for Wednesday.”
Cand: I put my phone on a nightstand with a smile.
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bluedotr · 4 years
Writing Tag Game
I was tagged by @idolcandy! Sorry this took me so long - I’m not particularly active on Tumblr nowadays, so it took me a while. So... how do we do this again? I’m going to hazard a guess and figure this only applies to my published fic.
AO3 name: bluedotr
Fandoms: Publicly, it’s My Candy Love and When the Night Comes (and not a lot of fic either). I did use to write for Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh!, but that’s... best left forever buried in the annals of time.
Tropes: Slice of Life, Damsel in distress (often reversed), Friends to lovers.
Number of fics: A massive, whopping total of 7. That’s me counting all my separate chapters in my drabble collection, by the way.
Fic I spent the most time on: Wither. It’s a Lysander-Leigh-centric fic that I found the trickiest to write: I wanted to find a way to represent grief that was both raw, but respectful. The way I got around to doing that was to try and make myself tear up, but given I’m an emotional sop IRL, I think the end results were varied.
Fic I spent the least time on: Ballads. It’s a Cas x Candy fic that I threw together after I was challenged to write not-angst. The end result was almost-crack.
Longest fic: Red Verbena. It really does say something about me when literally all the work I can list is pooled together and... I don’t have a lot of actually published work.
Shortest fic:  Tremors. Nath x Candy, in the aftermath of the mess that Beemoov turned MCL:UL into.
Most hits/kudos/comment threads/bookmarks: Latibule, my one and only fic written for When the Night Comes featuring my favourite and most extra Enforcer General August Willenheim. I’ve got a smut piece for them written up... somewhere. Amazingly, it outranks all my MCL fic, despite its fandom being relatively small.
Total word count: 10,630 words.
Favorite fic I wrote:  It’s a toss-up between Heartlines and Red Verbena - Heartlines because that was the most heartfelt thing I’d written, and Red Verbena because - hell, it’s a fairytale cross-over, and I’m still sort-of proud of some of my descriptions there.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: If we’re talking published fic - I’d like to actually continue on from where Heartlines left off - maybe something sweet and fluffy with Lysander and MC on the farm?
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on: Truthfully, I haven’t done much, because lately, anything I’ve written feels a little off. But there are a couple of story ideas and snippets I’ve written up, so here’s a very rough WIP while I try to figure out where this goes next:
She’d just arrived last week, for her study break, and she was re-learning who he was, catching where he’d changed. He was more practical than she last remembered him, less time with notebooks and more time keeping his head down, getting things done, keeping the farm running while his brother worked in the city. Still, he’d taken her out to the fields at night, under an old wisteria tree his father once planted, and taught her how to look at constellations. She’d watched him, leaning against a fence post as the newest lambs ran to him on spindly legs, bleating and butting into his side as his chuckles carried on the wind. This felt like peace. It felt like home.
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mcl-sailorlydia · 5 years
lowkey considering dropping MCL:UL and just going straight to LL, I mean it’s probably take years to catch up but seeing UL it’s already finished...idk how to feel tbh
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dawnthecreator · 6 years
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Just some fun with the illustrations for MCL:UL Valentine’s Day, one of the few things I got enjoyment out of.
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galaxietm · 5 years
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before i hop off for the night, here are some headcanons for Amber! (shoutout to @starryburglar for letting me ramble to her about some of these headcanons before tbh) 
- Amber can sing. as mentioned in this post here; amber has always loved singing. she’s also known how to play the piano since a young age.  - she loves animals in general just as much as Nathaniel loves cats. - has known Li and Iris from a young age. she and Li didn’t actually become friends until they were about 14. - Amber has a healthy relationship with Nathaniel. she cares for her brother a lot and, despite what some of the writing of mcl has tried to imply, is close to him. yes, they had a rocky relationship when they were kids, but they grew out of it and are close.  - Amber has been emotionally abused by their mother for years. she’s forced amber to keep rejection letters, told her to her face that she’s worthless if she isn’t pretty, called her names for her weight, and more.  - when the stuff with their father and nathaniel came to light, amber left their parent’s household when nathaniel did and also became independent. she hasn’t looked back and has been happier since.  - Amber is bisexual. for a while, the only person who had known was Nathaniel. she was scared to come out for a while because of their mother. unfortunately, she’s forced to come out because of Charlotte and Li outing her. (however, their plan backfires when people actually come to support Amber rather than ridicule her)
- some of the canon divergence come from where she’s at via MCL:UL. instead of being a beginning model, she’s working part-time as a barista at a local cafe. she’s also attending university in a fashion designing / fashion course. she and nathaniel are still living in an apartment together. - while she thought she wanted to model when she was younger, she took some time to really think about what she wanted to do. that thing was to work in fashion design. working with animals was a close second.  - due to being away from their parents for several years, Amber is a lot happier than before. she’s been working out regularly (going to the same gym as Nathaniel and Kim) and changed her eating habits; so due to this, she’s lost some weight compared to high school.  - honestly if she had the chance, she’d apologize to everyone she was horrible to before everything had went down with their parents. she was taking things out on her classmates and former friends; now that she’s older, she’s done a lot of reflecting and feels bad for the way she had acted up until then; especially after seeing the support that she and Nathaniel had gotten.  - 100% has cried over kittens because she loves them goodbye
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yourfairyji · 6 years
MCL:UL Predictions
Okay, so based off the bits and pieces that beemoov is sprinkling in the episodes, these are some things that we will probably see in the future :
- Amber has anorexia or something like that, the fainting and Candy's comment on how skinny she is say it all.
- Lysander might appear because of Rosa's baby and he'll be kind of like Dayan and Jade type of flirt, in the Q&A they already said there's gonna be some characters like that.
- Nathaniel is gonna get into a huge fight with someone and Candy is gonna stich him up or something like that, maybe some kind of gang business, thus him talking to the guy at the bar.
- Clemence might fire us from the café if we break Hyun's heart.
- Melania is of course up to some shit, I would not be surprised if she'd catch Candy with Rayan and snitch, leading up to some serious drama. (this could be really interesting, no matter if Rayan is your Crush or not)
- Obviously Yeleen is going to stir up shit between Cas and Candy.
There's more I might add when I stumble upon it, since now I can't recall what else I picked up. Yeah.
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Ok so normally when you finish an episode in mcl:Ul they give you some ap (like 500) but I just finished chapter 5 and they didn't give me nothing, is it because they stop doing it when you reach chap 6 or is it an error?
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otomelavenderhaze · 6 years
Hi, can I still submit a expression request? I don't actually know if I want A6 or F6 for MCL:UL Dawn. >w
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Just thought I’d show my outfit color choices in a screenshot. (And also Faye’s current UL outfit). ^^
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mirror-alchemist · 5 years
Episode 7 Complete! University Edition
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I actually finished an episode at waking hours and not the buttcrack of dawn like usual. I finally reached the episode in which I get the illustration that has been my phone lock screen for MONTHS.
This episode took me about 1100range ap.
I liked this episode a lot. Beach episodes are some of my favorites. Of course I went with Nathaniel because I’m locked in his route (ya know his 110% affinity and all). It was really chill to see the Nath I liked in high school. I really did wish I had more time to spend with him instead of in the middle and at the end. It’s just nice that my Candy is doing her own thing. And it was nice to know that Nath can feel more like himself around her.
They may not be together anymore (yet) but at the very least they’re buds again. It follows along with my AU that Ami really wants to be his friend even if they aren’t dating.
It’s odd to think of Amber of being a wingman to get him and Candy together. When in HSL she was doing everything to not have her spend time with Nathaniel. It’s a good change tho.
I was really happy that Rosa and Leigh got a house together. They really deserve it. Even without the baby bit.
The illustration is one of my favorites of all the UL ones so far. It’s really sweet. 
I’m looking forward to the next episode. If only because after a beach episode, shit normally hits the fan :V
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mirroralchemist · 6 years
February 2019 Writing Update
Nevermind that I’m doing it now in March. I almost skipped it because Feb. has always been a difficult month for me personally. Besides it being the anniversary of my Dad’s passing and my Mom’s birthday if she were still living, this year I had to deal with a death in the family and I was sick. All that triggered my depression so I really didn’t do much of anything other than video games and work. But I managed to find something to show off a little bit.
Word Count: 720 Notes: Still part of my UL AU I’m working on, actually directly after Jan’s update (that probably didn’t get seen because of tumblur’s new standards on content and I try to be as considerate as possible when I write something mature so it probably got hidden). It gives some backstory to what Ami has done in her time away. 
Side note: Nathaniel calls her Princess as a nudge to her playing the princess in the Sleeping Beauty play in HSL. And that part in a later episode when he calls her his Prince Charming, it just stuck in my mind he calls her Princess as a pet name. It’s a complete coincidence that my OC couple who totally influenced me pursuing Nathaniel in MCL and who I based my Candy off of, her husband calls her Princess too. Honestly it was lol
I shot straight up. I let out a deep breath. I looked around my surroundings to realize I was in my dorm. The darkness of the room showing that it was fairly late at night. The only sounds were the slight shuffling as Yeleen moved about in her sleep. My body felt really damp, Running a free hand through my hair, I noticed how damp it was too. Slowly, I recalled that I had fell asleep after nearly passing out in the alley.
And then that dream….
Heat flushed on my face as I recalled the dream in detail. How did I even get to that point of having those kinds of dreams? I thought I had repressed those urges. Apparently not. I’ll just blame it on the fever. Yeah, the fever made me loopy. I got out of bed, being careful to not wake up Yeleen. I don’t want to undo any of the small progress we made to be civil to each other. Gathering my sleepwear I went into the bathroom. A quick glance at the mirror revealed I was in worse shape than I imagined. My skin was still pale, but the sheen of sweating out my fever made it look sickly. The slightest hint of color only came as the result of my dream. I quickly got undressed and stepped into the shower. As I cleaned the sweat off, my mind still didn’t stray from the dream. The feelings of hands all over me; the feeling of being desired.
I wouldn’t have minded if it became a reality.
At the very least it would be with people I had more than a physical attraction for; something different from back then.
I shook my head at the absurdity of it becoming true.
Nathaniel and Castiel hated each other that much to be down for that sort of thing. Even if I offered myself to share.
I rested my head against the tile. Thinking about that period of time brought an ache in my chest. I thought I was dealing with my emotional lows the best I could at the time. But in retrospect, I was being selfish. Thinking about it, I was a hypocrite for blowing up at Nathaniel the way I did when I saw him with that woman.
A few years earlier I was dealing with my own loneliness the same way.
I shouldn’t have expected him to meet my own internal expectations of our past when I didn’t do that when I left…
I finished up my shower in somber silence before dressing in my night clothes. I went to my bed to change it to fresh sheets. Once I finished, I noticed the quick flashing of the flashlight on my phone. I had a text message it seemed. I unlocked my phone and went to my messaging app.
My eyes widened at surprise that it was Nathaniel.
‘I hope you slept well Princess.’ came the message
I felt my face flush at the words. Especially at the nickname. I noticed that the message was sent while I was still sleeping. I was touched that he did that much. Not that Nathaniel wasn’t an inconsiderate person, but it still felt awkward to message him like this now. I got into bed and turned towards the wall so my messaging wouldn’t disturb my roommate.
‘Thanks.’ I quickly texted back, ‘Sorry if I stole time from you.’
Quickly a soft ping sounded.
‘It’s okay, since it’s you.’ he had replied back, ‘I promised I would look out for you to someone. Regardless of circumstances I intend to keep that promise.’
I stared at the message in silent surprise. I read the message over again. A smile spread across my face as my chest felt a bit of a flutter. I’ve come to realize that maybe things weren’t as different as I thought.
‘I appreciate it.” I wrote.
There was a few more minutes until I got a reply back.
‘Of course for you :). It’s late go back to sleep. Sleep well Princess.’
A yawn reminded me that it was indeed late and I needed actual sleep. I locked my phone before laying back down under the covers. As I slowly went back to sleep, I just hoped that I wouldn’t have any more weird dreams.
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akianee · 5 years
Otome Game Tag
A tag by @faerietale-mcl <3 (huge shout-out to her and her amazing writing skills <pls write more, i need it>)
1- Which otome game is your fav?
Well, for now I think it is The Arcana. Thanks to its amazing story and great characters, it knocked me down a few months ago when I started playing it. I also like My Candy Love, but it's mainly because of the sentiment.
2- Which otome did you start playing but stopped and why?
Mystic Messenger. It’s not because I didn’t like it. I just got tired of it I guess. But who knows... Maybe I will get back to it soon.
3- The otome you spent the most on?
1) My Candy Love - I spent a lot of my time (and money) on this game when I was a teenager. Now I play MCL:UL, but I don’t play every route like I used to on MCL.
2) Ikemen Sengoku - seriously I got so into this game that my boyfriend got jealous...  Well... Oops.
3) The Arcana - it’s my favourite so I played it a few times each route. And I am still waiting for Lucio’s route!
4- Why do you like otome games?
There are a few reasons. I am a writer (or rather I like to call myself that) so I seek for inspiration in everything and I found out that otome games are the best for that. I also like them because thanks to them I can be someone else and because of my anxiety (i have a GAD) it’s hard for me to maintain a good social life so these games are very helpful sometimes. 
5- Your favorite arc
That’s a really hard question. I loved Giles’ arc from Midnight Cinderella. He was so sweet and mysterious at the same time. I also love Nathaniel’s arc from MCL:UL. But I can’t say which one is my favourite.
6- Your least favorite arc
Definately Alyn’s arc from Midnight Cinderella. I really like Alyn, but his story was just boring... (pls don’t hate me)
7- Favorite side character
Chani! Chani! CHANI! (from MCL:UL ofc)
8- Favorite LI based on design
Hmmmmmm... I think Nathaniel from MCL:UL, Masamune Date from Ikemen Sengoku and ofc Julian from The Arcana. They are my handsome trio.
9- Favorite LI based on personality
Nathaniel from MCL:UL. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know. I just love his personality so much.
10- Favorite MC based on design
I love the one from Ikemen Sengoku (she is very customizable, but on every ilustration she looks the same). She has a fine silhouette and a long hair and I just am really pleased by looking at her.
11- Favorite MC based on personality
Ikemen Sengoku strikes again! MC from Masamune’s route is the best! I just love her attitude. Also I like MC from Hideyoshi’s route. 
12- Most despised character
Well, don’t hate me for this but I really despise Mitsuhide from Ikemen Sengoku. Everytime he pops up on screen I want to murder him. But I’ve seen that many people love him so... maybe it’s just me.
I also subtly despise Castiel from MCL and MCL:UL. 
13- Which character looks like you?
I look a lot like Amber from MCL:UL. Well, I’m not that pretty, but stil...
14- Who could you date IRL?
Definately Nathaniel from MCL:UL. But I think I could also date Lysander from MCL (cause I like his character a lot too).
15- Favorite illustration
It would be the one with Nathaniel from Episode 10 MCL:UL. And all of the graphics from Julian’s route from The Arcana (they are beautiful!).
I tag everyone who wants to do it! I had a lot of fun doing it so I hope you will too.
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bluedotr · 5 years
On *that* revelation in Episode 11
Warning: This post contains spoilers for My Candy Love: University Life Episode 11. Specifically, spoilers relating to Nathaniel. I finished the episode, and I had a tonne of things I wanted to say and get off my chest - so this will be very rambly. And because it’s so rambly, it will get very long. There is also a lot of speculation that is going to be way off the mark. All good? Okay. Hit the “Read More” link. 
I'm having very mixed feelings about what we learn on Nathaniel's route at the end of MCL:UL. To start - I was right on the money about Nathaniel getting mixed up in drug dealing, but a) I hate that I was right, and b) I sort of wish that Beemoov had gone with Nathaniel being an informant or a private detective apprentice instead.
That's not to say that Nathaniel won't become an informant or go onto the path of being a detective. Throughout the episode, Candy was pushing him to go to the police and come clean, and not to be blackmailed anymore. However, I don't share Candy's naive optimism that it'll be okay for Nathaniel to go and for him not to be punished. He did deal in drugs, even though he double-crossed his partner and then left it behind. Then again, I'm not the most familiar with drug informants and how leniency works so... I'll focus on the mess of things I want to get off my chest.
The more I think about it, the more I feel out of the five main characters from MCL:HS, he got the shortest end of the stick. To wit:
Kentin got to work as a vet and do what he loves most - taking care of animals;
Armin got to work in computer programming - though I can't remember if he was a hacker or no;
Castiel got Crowstorm. That's enough said about that, really, enough that he feels confident enough to do what he did in Episode 11 (which is another can of worms I am NOT touching here)'
Lysander - my poor, precious baby - lost his parents, got stranded on a farm while Leigh gets to live in the city with Rosalya, his high school sweetheart (because Leigh is Rosa's sweetheart and obviously Chino doesn't prefer Rosa over the Candy, no ma'am she doesn't /s). But at least he's safe, sound, and has a loving family that still loves him and takes care of him.
Nathaniel? When we left him in MCL: HS, he'd escaped from his abusive father, moved into his own apartment, had a precious kitten called Blanche/White. He'd gained independence, started to want to do what he wanted - and the MCL:UL hit. Candy - one of the few friends (or his girlfriend, depending) moved away. His friends distanced themselves from him. His mother tried to send him money, but that was cut off too.
So now we have Nathaniel, at the age of 18, escaped from an abusive household, friendless, living in an apartment he sure as hell can't afford (not logically, anyway) without his parents' support, cut off from his family, and with only the intelligence he was so frequently praised for in high school to make his way through the world. Then one day, when he was going back, just fresh out of high school and into university, he gets harassed and cut off the same way Candy and Nina were. So he thought he was smart enough to get himself out of it.
I'm not excusing what Nathaniel did. The fact that it was revealed he not only dealt in drugs, but also gave advice on how to expand the market, expand their territory - I blinked at the screen for a good few seconds, then started yelling. The fact he got out of it doesn't comfort me much either. I know from my work IRL the effect drugs can have on people, what drug trafficking means, and how awful it is to get people hooked, to sell and deal. But I also know how a lot of drug dealers are pushed into it out of desperation, to try and get money on the table when everything is dark, they have no support or no one else to turn to, and how a nudge can set them down that path from the wrong person at the right time.
(Sound familiar?)
To cap things off, he still has that damned sense of responsibility in him - the sense to keep people safe, to protect them even at the cost of himself hurting. He put on a strong face while at high school when his father beat him black and blue, and didn't tell Amber the full extent of it; and now, he confesses to your Candy that he remembers how shaken and broken his sister was when their father was hauled off to jail - and won't put her through that again. He tells Candy that he doesn't want her hurt because of him and his connections, and because of how he double-crossed and got out of the drug-dealing business.
As rushed as the sudden exposition dump about Nathaniel was at the end of Episode 11, I wanted to reach out and hug the poor boy and tell him everything's okay. It's only solidified my thoughts that deep down, he's still the same guy from HS we had, just - with what he's been through, he's become hard and brittle and an exoskeleton growing over the soft parts of him.
In the hands of other writers, I'd look forward to how this unfolds, but in the hands of Beemoov and MCL, I'm almost dreading it. They've dealt with Nathaniel very poorly, especially in Episode 28, and I'm worried about how they'll resolve this plot thread that has picked up. Candy gets kidnapped? Nathaniel gets beaten black and blue (please no)? Worse? Drug dealers are extremely ruthless things, and if it's a drug ring or a cartel, I'm... actually really worried. I'm not even sure how I want to see this unfold.
But that's another time. Right now, I'm just heartbroken for Nathaniel and want him to just get the break he so desperately needs and deserves.
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