heyitsspiders · 1 day
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beginning to end
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rowanthestrange · 5 months
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Today I learned B&Q have TARDIS panel wallpaper
[13/14’s TARDIS colour ; 9/10’s TARDIS colour]
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euphoricfilter · 8 months
guys how we feeling about a mommy kink 🧍🏻‍♀️
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yuriinadress · 2 years
And here's the 1st one if you missed it
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1800duckhotline · 1 year
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update on those gotheronis
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pinkierre · 9 months
me on january 1st: this year i’m only doing things because i want to, not because i feel like i have to
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fiorserpen · 8 months
samael held his nose in what appeared to be pure disgust, waving his handkerchief towards soryn, " a shame the cat dragged you in from the nearest landfill. begone. you'll ruin the value of my precious figures. "
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licks all of his 'precious figurines'.
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cat-with-a-keyboard · 23 days
i miss being the village idiot
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pixiegrl · 2 months
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robinswise · 1 year
Pieces of Gold
Chapter 1
"I just can't believe him.." Will huffed, clearly much more upset then his tone would suggest "Why isn't he taking this seriously?"
Mike hummed in response, watching Will clumsily swipe at a training dummy with a wooden sword. "I'm not a kid anymore!" Will finally got a good hit on the dummy and smiled triumphantly before realizing the sword was stuck in its shoulder.
"He's just worried about you. '' Mike stepped towards him and pulled the sword out of the dummy's shoulder. He handed it back to Will.
Will turned to him and took the sword before continuing to swing at the dummy "It's just so annoying"
Mike leaned against the stone wall of the castle "This is serious, you know?" The dummy flew backwards due to one particularly strong swing.
"The Queen is a strong woman" Mike muttered "If we can't convince Jonathan, I'm sure she'll still make it" Will dropped the sword and spun around to face Mike "I have an idea" He whispered, stepping closer to Mike before grabbing his hand and dragging him to an overgrown guard tower, which had vines sprawling along the walls and a small door hidden behind some bushes.
This tower was all but abandoned, the only people who ever spent any time there being Mike, Will, and the occasional guard.
You see, Will didn't like his bedroom - he always said it was too big and empty for his taste (which Mike found rather odd, if he could have a room that big he would take it in a second) so Will had taken to sleeping on a bedroll in the tower.
"What's your idea?" This was only met with Will raising a finger to his lips.
Mike watched in confusion as Will rummaged through his belongings that he kept in the tower. This went on for several minutes until he pulled out a folded piece of paper with his name written neatly on the back.
Will unfolded the paper and read the writing on the page for what looked to be the hundredth time. "What is that?" Mike scooted closer to see what Will could possibly be reading.
All Mike really caught was: 'If you ever feel like leaving, I could train you.'
Why would Will leave? "It's from El" Will smiled, looking up from the note to meet Mike's eyes. "She could help."
Mike had only heard of El a few times, he knew very little about her. She was Will's pen pal, and she was well trained in the art of restoration magic. "She could help.." he echoed. "Jonathan won't even let us go to the next village over, what makes you think we can go to El?"
"Whoever said Jonathan would know?" Will smiled mischievously.
After a few hours of planning, and packing, and then some more planning, the sun began to set, and Mike and Will sat in the tower, waiting for nightfall. "He'll find out you know" Mike muttered, visibly anxious. "Saving mom is more important than keeping Jonathan happy" Will responded, staring out a small window "we can probably leave now" He stood up and grabbed a satchel, briefly rifling through it to make sure he had everything he needed. Mike followed suit, shrugging a bag over his shoulder
"You're sure you want to go through with this?" Mike asked warily, sneaking a glance out the window and placing his hand on the hilt of his sword which hung in a black scabbard at his side. Will nodded, looking somewhere over Mike's shoulder rather than in his eyes. "I'm sure. "
Mike sighed, and followed after Will as he began to walk down the stairs "make sure to be quiet" he whispered. They exited the tower, careful not to move the bushes too much, out of fear of getting caught.
A guard turned towards them and Mike grabbed Will's hand to pull him out of her line of sight. Mike recognized her as Max, she was newer to the job then Mike was, but much more qualified. She often joked that Mike was only able to continue working as a castle guard because he was friend's with Will.
Max rolled her eyes "I heard you idiot" she stepped towards them "Hello Prince Will" she nodded at him before redirecting her gaze to Mike "isn't the prince supposed to be in bed?"
"Well uh- you see-" Mike started, but Will cut him off "Don't tell anyone Max." She raised an eyebrow "what would I tell them?" She asked, "that you're out past curfew?"
Will eyed her warily "To be completely honest I don't really care" she admitted "I won't tell anyone" Will nodded and grabbed Mike by his sleeve to continue their escape.
"That was close." Mike voiced, trying to keep up with Will despite being out of breath "since when could you run so fast?" Mike abruptly stopped moving, causing Will - who was still holding on to him - to lose his balance, he stopped himself before hitting the ground. Will turned to him with a glare "we can slow down" he stated "but we need to get out of here quickly"
Mike nodded, and began to walk. "Faster than that" Will snapped, grabbing Mike's sleeve once again and pulling him along at a slightly faster pace.
The sun was completely gone by the time they made it to the docks, the only light in the area being from a lantern hanging over the water.
"Won't they recognize you?" Mike questioned. Will smiled at him, pulling up the hood of his cloak and hiding his face. Mike nodded absently, stepping towards a man standing by a boat.
"Hello sir" Mike said with a smile "I was wondering if we could borrow your boat?" The man glanced over Mike's shoulder and gave Will a suspicious look "what would I get out of this?" He asked.
Will pulled 5 gold coins out of his bag and handed them to Mike, who gave them to the man.
"Good enough" the man huffed, then he got a glint in his eyes "if you give me 5 more I'll bring you to wherever your destination is."
Mike turned to Will, who said nothing, but pulled out 5 more coins. "Pleasure doing business with you" the man smiled, snatching the coins and getting a brief glimpse of Will's face.
His eyes went wide.
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pleaseget-out · 4 months
Got myself a little treat today :3
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ninja-grace · 1 year
update: i am a Bad Person so nobody feel anything positive towards me bc it will not end well
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erigold13261 · 1 year
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"Mia and Celine"
Needed to get back into the swing of drawing so I quickly drew these two together because it was cute in my head!
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silly-zai · 1 month
Does anyone else like see the way ppl simp over ppl and js not get it? Like I'm not aroace I can experience romantic attraction but I don't simp THAT hard over ppl I just don't get it. How? Is it js bc I'm ace?
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stillgotme · 5 months
regardless of how this ends after this i’m taking a month break from critical role lmao
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"and also this isn’t a super serious lore-centered oc, but like. shrugs"
just reread the intro post and. this sure did age didn't it
HAHAAAHHA YEAH I KNOW i think i made a post about that months ago
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