Here Is a Complete Guide to LinkedIn Live!
Since being acquired by Microsoft for $26.2 billion back in 2016, social media platform LinkedIn has transformed itself from a corporate resume-led networking site to a vibrant B2B hub where professionals and entrepreneurs can share ideas, expand their reach and connect. Currently, the social media platform boasts over 560 million users in more than 200 countries.
Following the success of live streaming on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, on February 22, 2019, LinkedIn launched its live video service – LinkedIn Live – a feature that lets brands and marketers communicate with their audience in real-time. Although it has been there for almost more than a year now, however, relatively few people know about it and fewer businesses are using it.
So if you are one of them, here is a complete guide on this video feature!
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In Digital Marketing- Content is king
This is the digital age we are living in and we just can’t ignore the raging impact of an insightful engaging content nowadays. In January 1996, Bill Gates wrote an essay which is titled “Content is the King”, which was published on Microsoft Website. He also says that “content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the internet, just as it was in broadcasting”. Business owners these days use this power of the content in their websites and blogs to influence potential consumers. The power of content marketing can be recognized from this fact: in 2016 more than 90% of businesses decided to turn to content marketing realizing the impact of this tool. Content marketing will always remain relevant to promote your business. Content marketing is not just about digital marketing, the digital dimension plays an increasing role as “digital” sources become more important in the buyer journey, the customer lifecycle and – most importantly – customer behaviour and preferences overall.
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Content Marketing Vs. Inbound Marketing: What Is The Difference?
Marketing has never been more confusing!
Today, there is inbound marketing, content marketing, viral marketing, influencer marketing, email marketing, event marketing, experiential marketing, and more --- the list continues. To know which type of marketing is right for you, and how much of each you need for your business, it is crucial to understand the differences and how they work together to deliver the results you need to grow your business.
In this blog, we will discuss the basic comparison between inbound marketing and content marketing, since there is a great deal of debate about these two terms and it has left a lot of people in confusion.
So what is the difference, or rather, is there even a difference? Which of the two strategies do you need for your website or business? Can you use just one, or should you rely on both? Once you answer these questions, you can take your business to the next level by creating content that appeals more to your potential customers and provides a customer journey that fosters long-term relationships.
VISIT- <a href=”https://turiyacommunications.com/blogs/view/content-marketing-vs-inbound-marketing-what-is-the-difference”>Digital Marketing company</a>
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Eight Tips to Getting To Know Your Customers Better
Did you know that July 16 is the next Get to Know Your Customers Day of 2020?
The day is observed four times a year, on the third Thursday of every quarter (in January, April, July, October). This global celebration offers marketers a swift reminder about reaching out to their patrons and getting to know them better. This is integral to the ongoing success of any business, no matter what the size or type. The better you know your customers, the easier it becomes to predict their behaviour, to communicate effectively with them, and to anticipate their needs.
Remember when almost every business was locally owned and operated? The owners knew you by name and knew your shopping habits. Additionally, they typically knew what you wanted to buy. Not surprisingly, if they did not have it, they were willing to get it in for you. With the advent of globalization and digitization, unfortunately, much of the personal attention has gone by the wayside.
However, customers have not changed! If you do not make the effort to know them on a personal level, your online marketing efforts are likely to go in vain. Further, if you fail to reach out to your customers with personalized messaging and tailored experiences, your brand credibility will quickly diminish, as will your audience.
VISIT- <a href=” https://turiyacommunications.com/blogs/view/eight-tips-to-getting-to-know-your-customers-better ">Digital Marketing company</a>
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Check Out These Five Hot Social Media Trends!
Social media has managed to become an integral part of our lives in a short time.
What started as a medium to stay in touch with friends and family, soon become a channel for brands and businesses to connect with their target audience through well-crafted social media strategies. However, with the rapid growth of this medium, it is constantly evolving and its trends rarely stay the same.
That is just the nature of social itself, right?
Hence, with so much happening in this fast-paced world of social media, it is easy to fall behind on the latest developments. So, whether you are a start-up or a multinational corporation, if you use platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and others for marketing, it is important to keep up with the latest news and trends.
Therefore, let us explore some of these latest social media features and trends that can help you to gain an edge for connecting with your customers! No matter what you are selling, you should keep them in the back of your mind as you put together your social strategy.
VISIT- <a href=”https://turiyacommunications.com/blogs/view/check-out-these-five-hot-social-media-trends">Digital Marketing company</a>
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Here are 12 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website
Ask a marketer or a business owner what they would like most in the world, and the answer would be “more customers”. However, guess what comes immediately after customers on their business’ wish list!
More traffic to their website.
Since website traffic is to Internet marketing as location is to real estate, if you cannot generate targeted visitors to your site, you will not make any sales. However, in this competitive digital landscape, generating traffic is not that easy!
According to 2019 research done by Content Marketing Institute, 61% of content professionals are challenged with knowing what is most important to their audiences, 50% are challenged with knowing the goal of the audience at a particular stage of the customer's journey, and 49% are challenged with knowing the steps in the customer's journey.
So if you have been struggling with driving traffic to your website, remember this: you are not alone!
VISIT- <a href="https://turiyacommunications.com/blogs/view/here-are-12-ways-to-drive-traffic-to-your-website">Digital Marketing company</a>
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Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms to have ever existed. Since it arrived in 2006, the platform has irreversibly shaped the way we chronicle and consume current events, engage with celebrities and popular culture, and start conversations ourselves. While it has long been held up as a platform that has figuratively enabled millions of people to have a voice, the service just unveiled a feature that will literally allow its users to get their voices heard.
On June 17, a company blog post announced that Twitter is starting to roll out audio tweets, allowing users to post content consisting of a recorded voice message.
Immediately, the internet went abuzz with the newly launched feature that may just change the way we speak to each other online! Although the audio tweet feature is currently only available to some iOS users, Twitter will be soon rolling it out for all its users.
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