#MAKE THIS MOVIE YESTERDAY (with union everything)
umbralwaves · 10 months
I FEED HER TO THE BEAST AND THE BEAST IS ME is an exquisitely written book and everything I aspire to as an artist, from prose to themes and beyond. Thank you so much @wickedjamison for this incredible ride and for your passionate, messy Laure Mesny.
Love, my inner beast.
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themainspoon · 9 months
Honestly while I agree that CGI is super overused and that we need to start using a lot more practical effects again, I also think CGI suffers from the toupee fallacy.
Essentially, when CGI is actually good and used properly, we don’t notice it. We only really notice CGI when it fucking sucks. And so, since a lot of people only notice shitty CGI, they think that all CGI must be shit and that we should never ever use it for literally anything.
CGI isn’t supposed to be noticed, the best CGI is invisible and/or doesn’t break our immersion so we just don’t think about it. It should not be used to make whole movies, but it should still be used. It’s a tool, when it is used correctly and for the right things it can be perfect for the job.
The problem is not CGI itself, the problem is that a lot of studios are using a hammer as their only tool, and are trying to treat every problem like a nail. The fact that CGI workers are also extremely overworked and underpaid doesn’t help either (we need a CGI union yesterday).
Also, as I said at the beginning: I agree that we need to start using a lot more practical effects again, we can’t (and shouldn’t) use CGI for everything. I’m stating this again because if any of you fucking “so you hate waffles?” me about this I’m gonna cave your skull in with a large rock.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 3 months
Do Not Disturb (Elvis x F!Reader)
I never would've imagined that when I met Elvis Presley before one of his first concerts that I could be minutes away from marrying him. I remember our entire history together like it was yesterday.
He was such a shy boy and I was such a shy girl. We'd go on milkshake and movie dates together. I would help Mrs. Gladys in the kitchen for Sunday dinner back when they lived in the house on Audubon Drive. It was always a good time.
And of course, how could I forget his wonderful proposal. It was during his concert in Hawaii. I remember how he invited me and my parents all the way to Honolulu. He even paid our travel fare and everything. It was the final song of his set and he looked right at me.
"Ah'd like ta thank everyone for comin out to see me. Ah especially wanna shout out mah lovely girlfriend out in the audience. For mah final song tonight, Ah'm dedicatin this to her. It's called Love Me."
And that's when I broke down and cried. Love Me was my favorite song and he's singing it just for me. It isn't as if he hasn't sung that song before, but it was because he saved this song for last that I knew. He was proposing to me.
"Thank you. Thank you very much."
As soon as I could, I rushed right over to see him. Once he opened the door, I flung myself into his arms.
"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!"
Many tears were shed that night. Even Mr. Vernon and daddy looked misty eyed. Momma couldn't have been any happier to hear the news. Even when we got the news about Elvis' draft notice, I stood right by his side. We planned our wedding to be just before he had to report for duty.
So now here I am walking arm and arm with daddy down the aisle. Elvis looks absolutely stunned to see me in my dress. Before he can speak, the preacher speaks up.
"We are gathered here today to celebration the union of this young couple in Holy Matrimony."
Everything fades away until we get to the I do's.
"I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may now kiss the bride!"
Everyone applauds and cheers as we kiss. Elvis even picks me up and carries me to the limo. This is the best day of our lives.
"We're married."
Elvis has a shaky sigh and I know he was just as nervous as I was. Even throughout the reception, I could tell he was boiling over with nerves. It wasn't until late into the night that it all comes out.
"Honey. Ah need you."
I feel a little shiver roll through my body. Elvis said that right in my ear in such a husky voice, I can't help it. I'm still a little nervous, so I have to ask knowing full well what he'll answer.
"Need me to do what?"
Elvis' breathing gets very ragged.
"Get the Do Not Disturb sign an take off the dress."
And just like that I do as he says. As I get the sign, I see him taking off his shirt and unbuttoning his pants. I struggle to get my dress off before he takes me into his arms.
"God. Ah need ya so bad. Ah can't take it."
"I know."
He looks down at me and flips me onto my back.
"Ah'm gonna take good care a you. You ain't ever gonna think bout another man while Ah'm gone. Just me."
He says all this right in my ear as he touches me. I can feel his fingers curl.
"It's ok honey. Ah'm gonna make ya feel real good before we make our marriage fully bindin."
Elvis of course makes good on his promise. I feel completely at his mercy as he pleasures me. And yet I trust him to the absolute fullest. He knows just how and where to touch me that makes me feel full of need.
"I need you."
I feel him chuckle against me before I can feel his tongue. Momma would be furious if she saw us like this but I don't care.
I don't remember what happened after that. I just know that it feels very good. Nothing feels real anymore to the point where I could swear Elvis is moving right through me. Not just through me but moving in and out of me like I'm nothing but air.
"Oh God!"
Everything goes black. I feel a heavy weight land by me. I don't even to think about curling up against my new husband. I'm not worried about what will happen when he leaves. For now, we're here. We're married. And the best part? I can't even care that we had no protection.
An: Thank you @cattcb for the request! I hope I have enough balance between fluff and smut in this story.
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whchenlvr · 2 years
สวัสดี ฉันเห็นว่าคำขอเปิดอยู่ ฉันสามารถขอวิธีที่สหภาพแรงงานและเด็กชายอึนจังดูแลคุณเมื่อคุณป่วย?? ฉันหมายความว่ามันจะน่ารักมาก!
i had to translate this but the request was so cute 🥹🥹 i’m gonna write in english so hopefully that’s alright! ขอบคุณ!
eng: Hello, I see that the request is open. Can i ask how the union and eunjang take care of you when you are sick?? I mean it's going to be so cute!
when you’re sick ;
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weak hero x gn!reader
gray yeon
➤ when gray notices some telltale signs of sickness from you, he goes into health student mode
➤ doesn’t talk to you as he comes up and gently placed the back of his head against your forehead, hissing when he realizes how hot it is
➤ “y/n, you’re burning up…” internally panicking
➤ after trying, and failing, to reassure him that you’re fine, gray decides to bed bound you and orders your favorite soups. “we are not going anywhere until you feel better.”
donald na
➤ notices right away that something isn’t right. whether it be you’re slower than usual or not eating as much, donald keeps a closer eye on you throughout the day
➤ good thing he did, because you’re on your way to the restrooms when you collapse. donald is able to catch you before your head hits the ground, but his eyes are wild with worry
➤ “darling, hey, wake up. wake up, y/n!”
➤ you eventually wake up in donald’s bed with an iv in your arm and a worried boyfriend beside you. apparently, you were severely dehydrated, but donald warns you not to put him through that ever again and crawls into bed beside you until you fall back asleep
ben park
➤ blows your phone up when you aren’t in class, worried since you didn’t look so good yesterday
➤ you don’t respond at first because you’re asleep, but the constant ringing eventually wakes you up. “hello?”
➤ “jesus, y/n! are you okay? where are you? oh my god, my heart is about to explode!” you can’t help but smile at ben’s loud worries and assure him that you’re just taking a sick day since you don’t feel the best
➤ “stay where you are. don’t move. i’m coming over with food and we’re going to watch your favorite movies all night.” not only does he do as promised, but ben falls asleep beside you <3
jake ji
➤ you always text him good morning, and when jake wakes up with no text, he can’t help but sweat
➤ calls you, and when you don’t answer, he calls your mom. she informs him that you have a cold and won’t be in class. when she leaves for work, jake decides to skip school and sneak into your house :)
➤ he wakes you up by kissing your cheek so he doesn’t startle you, and when you smile up at him, jake (carefully) jumps into bed with you and spoons you
➤ “let me know if you need anything, okay? i won’t leave until you tell me to.”
alex go
➤ “bro, i’m sick.” you deadpan into the phone when alex calls asking if you ditched class to avoid the math exam
➤ “ahh, sick. i gotchuuuu,” he ‘plays along’, thinking that’s code for skipping school
➤ you can only sigh. “no, like, i’m actually sick. i’m bedbound and everything.”
➤ when alex does catch on, he decides to leave class early and slips in through your window with bags of snacks in his hands. “skip day! hurry up and get me sick, i have a bio exam tomorrow and didn’t study!”
wolf keum
➤ wolf wakes up to a knock on his door, and when he finds you standing outside, severely underdressed for the winter weather, he hurriedly pulls you inside. “y/n, what are you doing here?”
➤ “i-i couldn’t stop throwing up, and my head hurts, and you didn’t answer your phone, a-and—“ cuts you off with a hug, stroking the back of your head with his hand to calm you down
➤ “it’s fine. come on,” “did i wake you? i’m sorry, you can go back to sleep if you want—“ “y/n, relax. i’m gonna make you some soup, and we’re going to watch 4am sitcoms until you fall asleep.”
➤ surprisingly, wolf keeps his word. you nurse a glass of water as he cooks for you, then the two of you watch the cheesy shows until you eventually pass out in his arms
gerard jin
➤ when gerard goes to visit and finds you in a ball, burning up and covered in sweat, he drops everything and rushes to your side
➤ runs a cold shower for you, anything that he can think will get your temperature down, and sits in the freezing shower with you until your skin doesn’t burn his fingers
➤ you wake up sputtering, and gerard nearly cries in relief. he just hugs you, whispering how worried he was, “please, oh my god, please never do that to me again…”
➤ gerard helps you out of the shower and dresses you in some dry clothes before bringing you food and medication. “thank you for helping me. my hero~”
jimmy bae
➤ you and jimmy were out late last night, in the cold, and you’d warned him about catching a cold. he didn’t think much of it until you started sneezing the next day
➤ “y/n, why were you so worried about me… look at you now! dummy…”
➤ you just frown and sneeze in response </3
➤ though he doesn’t see himself as a very caring guy, jimmy will walk all the way to a drug store to get you the medication you need. he isn’t leaving you alone until you’re back on your feet
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winterpinetrees · 6 months
The Carnival (Gap Years Part 8)
June 17th 2019
Union County, OR
Once again mustering the strength to post oc stuff on the cringe oc site. This doesn’t get easier. The events of this part were inspired (years ago) by a Mark Rober video where he recruits a friend that is also a professional baseball pitcher to help him win carnival games.
There’s an old cliche about how war is 99% boredom and 1% terror. This isn’t war. This is the survivor of a coup and his three teenage allies driving across the country on a circuitous path going nowhere. It’s still boring though.
When Brian and his friends began driving after their first fight, he’d hardly expected to survive until morning. Now, the sword slash across his chest has healed and they still haven’t seen an elf other than Marin. He knows he should be happy about this, but the anticipation is killing him. Brian has always been good under pressure, and he has a lot of awards to prove it. He’s never been good at the waiting though. At some point, that one percent of terror will come back and they will need to fight for their lives. It could be any moment now. Yesterday, Clay and Sierra went off to investigate a town and only Sierra came back. They spent four hours panicking before finally remembering to call Clay on the same satellite phone that they’d all mocked him for carrying. Without it, he probably never would have come back at all. It’s a horrible reminder of the stakes after a week of nothing. Brian feels like he’s going to explode.
They’re driving through northern Oregon. They could have been all the way across the continent by now if they’d wanted to be. However, with nowhere specific to go, they’ve instead chosen to take a winding path up and down California, stopping literally anywhere that catches their attention (They did eventually make it to Redwoods National Park). Today, Brian is taking all of them to a fair. He’s justified it by saying that crowds are safe, but he really just needs to throw something. Also, Marin is really getting on his nerves. Elves always act superior in the movies, but it’s different to spend a week in a car with a ‘teenager’ who clearly thinks that the three of them are moderately better than dogs. It’s not that this sort of talk is new to him. His father is the California governor and solidly on the liberal side of things, but the Whitakers have been in politics since before the Civil War. They all have opinions about his bisexuality and about Sierra’s first-generation mother and certainly about Clay’s habit of running off to the bad parts of town. He’s really sick of it.
Specifically, Marin keeps talking about how elves are just more evolved than humans. Brian’s a humanities kid, but he knows that isn’t how it works. Evolution doesn’t make better animals over time, it just makes things that survive. Marin may have magic and live for a while, but he isn’t any better than Brian just because his bones are hollow like a bird. That’s the other half of the reason for dragging him to a fair. It’s stupid, but Brian wants to challenge him to games until he beats him at something. Maybe it’s foolish and this graceful magic prince will win everything, but Brian is a varsity baseball player with a stack of wrestling metals and a black belt. He killed a nobleman (noblelf?) with a crowbar. He’s confident that he can pick Marin up and throw him. Unfortunately, that’s not a common carnival game.
Marin also keeps dancing around the idea that humanity would all be better off under elven rule anyway, which is just, not something Brian is willing to discuss.
He puts the car into park and they all step outside. He can tell from the fact that the parking lot is just dead grass that it will all be dissassembled by the end of the summer. Clay kicks his door shut with his foot. His sunburns are pretty bad, and he’s not in any shape to carry the sci-fi rifle he loves so much. It would be too conspicuous anyway. Instead, Brian takes a pistol with emerald detailing from Marin’s bag. He doesn’t have all of the right qualifications to concealed carry in Oregon, but the group agreed that Marin should just brainwash anyone that gets suspicious. Hopefully they won’t need to. Sierra takes her magic measuring device and Marin swings his bigger-on-the-inside messenger bag over one shoulder. They’re just four teens going to a carnival. No one will notice the magic, or the weaponry, or the huge amount of cash that they’re carrying because Clay pointed out that someone (elves or their parents) could track their credit card information. They’re three billionaire’s kids and a prince. Things were never going to be any more normal than this.
“I went to something like this with my mother once. It was in the early 60s. Georgia, maybe?” Marin says casually as they walk towards the ticket stand.
“Really? Your mother? I’m surprised that the Apex had time to kill around us simple humans” Clay replies.
He ignores the insult. “Well, my mother was an exception. She didn’t have enough magic, so they sent her away for a while when she was a kid. She spent a lot of time along the Gulf Coast, in both worlds,” He pauses. ”I think she was happiest here. Here meaning the human world, not here”.
Brian has a thought, tries to ignore it, and then decides to follow it anyway. “Wait, when was your mother young?”
“This was the early 1700s”.
Marin is a prince of the elves. You can tell from his pointed ears and silent footsteps and the way that his eyes shine in the dark. However, from a distance, he looks like any Black teenager. His mother almost certainly had the same features. There’s got to be a story here, but Brian isn’t comfortable asking. They buy tickets and stand in the grass.
“Marin, I challenge you to a duel”.
“What in Lazarus’s name is that supposed to mean,” the elf replies.
“It means that we are going to go around this place and try a bunch of tests of skill until I beat you at something”.
“This is about how I said humans are less evolved, isn’t it?”
Brian smiles. “Also I really need to throw something”.
They shake hands. Marin doesn’t have a very strong handshake, which Brian decides actually makes sense, because strong handshakes are probably not an elf thing.
Clay offers to be the referee. “We already know this, but Marin, all of these are rigged”.
He nods, but doesn’t turn his eyes away from Brian. “Where I come from, the challenger sets the terms of the duel”.
“Wait, you have an actual dueling code?” It isn’t that surprising, to be honest.
“Several. Where should we begin?”.
Brian looks around. Should he start with a game he’s sure to win by physical strength alone? Or is that just playing into elven logic? Maybe he should choose one of those nearly impossible throwing games, but maybe there’s some sort of elf baseball and Marin has played that too. Maybe he’s just not good enough. That’s always how it always goes with his older brothers, and Marin is eighty-six. Brian might be in over his head. They walk to the milk-bottle toss. Brian hands over a ticket in exchange for a baseball and turns back to his opponent. The bottles are metal and bottom weighted, and the staff certainly won’t give an athletic eighteen year old one of the stacks that are rigged in favor of the player.
It won’t matter. Brian’s the starting shortstop on his team. He can throw a ball. He tosses the ball in the air, catches it again, and throws it with perfect form at the stacked bottles. It hits the center of the base and the whole thing collapses. Brian takes a stuffed elephant for the trouble. He’ll give it to some other kid. There’s no room in the car.
Marin looks around at the many-colored decorations of the stand and hands the staff member a ticket. The elf mimics his action, throwing the ball into the air and catching it as well. He throws, and the ball strikes almost the exact same place as Brian’s. The top bottle falls, the other two wobble, and Marin does not win a prize. He shrugs and moves to tie back his locs.
“You are just proving my point. That wasn’t about accuracy. That was a strength game”.
“Brian has one point, Marin has none” Clay winks. “Don’t kill each other”.
They keep walking. Both boys beat the basket toss, Marin wins a cute pink wolf at darts, and both of them, against their better judgment, try and fail the stupid little game where you throw the rings over bottles. They play against each other, against little kids, and against the rigged games themselves. After over an hour, the group pauses for a moment by a shooting game and Clay mutters something under his breath before grabbing a bb gun with his burned hands and getting shockingly close to a win.
“Brian, you still have that pistol?” Sierra laughs.
“Very funny. At least I didn’t get knocked over by recoil last week,” Clay replies.
Brian, Clay, and Sierra give all of their prizes to other kids (Well, Sierra keeps one), but Marin keeps slipping his into his messenger bag. He’s won a wolf, a snake, and a fox. Eventually they all come to the two games that aren’t even competitions. With his strength, Brian will win the hammer-swinging strongman game. Marin will win the ladder climb with his perfect balance. There’s nothing to do but play it out.
Brian not only gets a higher score than Marin, but actually beats the strength game. (It’s all about leverage, he’s done this before). He’s going to lose overall though. They’re tied now, and Brian doesn’t have a chance at the ladder climb. He’s not even the most coordinated human of the group. The older man running the game glares at Marin when he approaches. Brian chooses to think that it’s because he can tell that the elf is going to win, instead of something far less palatable. And Marin does! The disguised tightrope that sends Brian flailing to the inflatable floor after three steps hardly shakes when Marin climbs it, and he claims an orangey-brown cat half his size.
Brian shrugs. He’s lost by a point. “I think that’s everything! Good game, man! Or elf? How does that work?”
Marin doesn’t react. The prince of the elves just looks into the cheap plastic eyes of this big cat, unblinking.
“Marin, are you okay? You won! I was being sort of mean earlier”.
The elf looks back at Brian. His bright hazel eyes are very wide. Is he about to cry? He blinks and composes himself. It’s gone.
“Thank you. I needed this”.
Marin does not elaborate on what he needed.
It’s only a few hours later, as Marin leaves a message in an elven language using Sierra’s phone, that Brian realizes the cat has fangs. It’s not just some oversized ginger cat, it's a saber-toothed tiger, a smilodon. Wasn’t that the symbol of Marin’s house? Genus Sondaica, represented by a sabertooth in emerald green?
He brings this up to Clay and Sierra. What were the symbols of the other elven families?
“His betrothed is a fox, I think. That might have been a metaphor though. Smart women are foxes a lot,” Sierra explains.
Clay adds something. “I remember a snake. We had to explain your dumb joke afterwards”.
Brian remembers that too, now that it’s been mentioned again. “Marin chose those animals as prizes. A wolf, a snake, a fox, and a sabertooth. He didn’t give them away”.
“You think they’re gifts for other elves?”
Sierra looks back at him, “I mean, is anyone else even left?
Brian watches Marin out of the corner of his eye, “Coups are never easy. There’s got to be someone”.
“The question is whether we’ll be alive to meet them”.
Next time, Ishtar and her High Council start to figure out what in the worlds is going on. I was going to include a scene of the council here, but this is long already.
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rottenbrainstuff · 2 years
I was recently watching some videos about the miserable state of VFX and the treatment of VFXs artists currently. I knew it’s a shitty situation right now and VFX artists are overworked and underappreciated, but damn I really had no idea just HOW bad it is. I absolutely could not believe what I heard: if a director/studio/company whatever changes their mind part way through the VFX production process, and requires the VFX team to scrap what they were working on and make something completely new and completely different, that VFX team will not be paid more and in many cases won’t even be given any extra time.
That is… absolutely… the most insane and nonsensical thing I’ve ever heard.
During my work as a graphic designer, if I ever had a client phone me in the middle of a project and say hey so, this thing you’ve been working on, actually I want it to be totally different, and I still need it by the same due date, and I’m also not paying you anything extra for the rush or for the redevelopment… I would have laughed at them and fired them as a client. This is standard procedure. And normally, unless you’re fresh out of school and don’t know how things work, you have a contract drawn up protecting you from this exact scenario.
But apparently in film, this happens constantly, all the time, because a lot of directors have absolutely no understanding of (or respect for) how VFX works. There is this giant attitude of “it’s fine, we’ll fix it in post” with no understanding of what is actually fixable. Apparently one of the issues with Cats was that the director had absolutely, LITERALLY, no goddamned clue how VFX works, and requested every shot he was shown for approval or review or whatever be FULLY RENDERED. This is insane! If you’ve ever watched special features for a Pixar or dreamworld movie, you know the animation goes through different “layers” of processing, where first you work out the timing and the basic movements, staring with simple shapes and meshes first, slowly working on top of it and adding things, making it more complicated, and the very, very last thing you do, once everything is DONE, FINISHED, READY TO PRINT, THEN! THEN!!!! you spend the time rendering it. I just. I just. I can’t believe how anyone could be so misinformed, and still given control over a VFX team. I can’t believe how many hours of people’s lives were totally wasted doing pointless rendering of shots that were scrapped or changed in the end. Cats was a bad movie but man do I ever feel bad for the poor VFX team trying to do their work around all of this bullshit, and then after all of that, getting the blame for how bad the movie was. And then for some reason, for some insane reason I don’t understand at all, it is not regular practice to pay a VFX studio more when you change your mind in the middle of production and get them to do something totally different.
It is absolutely shocking to me that this is apparently standard practice for large studios for basically every single movie. I’m absolutely gobsmacked. This is terrible.
Jfc. VFX artists NEED unions, like, yesterday, directors NEED to have more understanding of the VFX process so they understand what needs to be set up on camera first, and the studios NEED to stop rushing these stupid movies so that the directors CAN film them properly, instead of rushing through and dumping it on the VFX team to fix whatever they couldn’t do properly.
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shenashygans · 1 month
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(photo is r🐘)
i know. it's Monday again. we're too busy yesterday kaya eto nanaman ako. at hinahanap nanaman ng jowa ko 'to. so here's another TSC form yours truly~
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. hindi ko pa tapos, tas kinukwento ko na agad sa jowa ko hehehe
TSC 58 on a Monday again. promise, next time Sunday na talaga lol
to the Metro. we're currently on our way to work. the Metro is saying we're in Union na hehehe
of what to do this weekend hehe. I'm excited with our staycation and i can't wait to just relax with the love of my life. thinking of what to but for snaxx and thinking of buying bath bombs because we deserve it hahahaha
coffee. coffee breath? i drank coffee from my jowa's tumbler. napa-woooo nanaman ako sa tapang :))
for cold weather still. well, it's not really that hot na? nasa 40⁰ nalang ngayon eh. hahaha oh yes. mainit padin. pero hindi super init? hahahuhu wag nalang sana humid.
we watched 2 movies that surprisingly, we genuinely enjoyed. hehe. first was, Jackpot! starring John Cena and Awkwafina. it's where you can (legally) kill the [lotto]jackpot winner (within the day) and get all their winnings. ang saya lang kasi andun si Dolly de Leon. gulat kami lol. si shangchi din andun :)) basta hanggang sa credits hooked kami kasi may mga bloopers. hihi. second was, Mission Cross. a korean movie about a secret agent husband and a detective wife. it became messy when the wife finds out his husband has been lying about his identity. but in the end, they worked together to defeat some bad guys. mixed of action, drama, and a bit of life. always tell your partners your past, and together you'll both face the present and future. must watch! feel good movies lang sila :))
for happiness and good health for all my loveones. been seeing news about another outbreak. gahd. hoping all us are healthy all throughout this outbreak and no one gets sick. hoping for a long and out of town vacay with the loml. i just want for us to get away from it all sometimes hehe
my brown (beige) dress! terno pa kami ni tropa hahaha
more sleep. we slept late kagabi kasi nag-gala kami hahaha want new (couple) shoes for us. been eyeing on NB, Asics, & Nike hahaha been wanting to travel far away din and cruise hehe
mani-pedi/pamper day. needing to drink more water because yesterday we drank soda a lot hahaha
bonding time with my partner's friends. naka-bond ko na ata GS/HS/College friends niya. kahit mga kapitbahay. lol. ibang friends nalang sa Pinas. sana makabakasyon kami together. para atleast mameet nadin niya friends ko hehe. lagpas 20k steps nanaman kami at alam kong ayaw niya naglalakad. pero pinagbigyan padin naman niya ako pumuntang Kinokuniya just to look at books yeey 🥰 tapos siempre i love that we ate at Five Guys. guilty pleasure na'min yun eh. love na'min ung fries and burgers üwü
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loving the flower bouquets the loml gave me. ang sweet kasi. ahh to feel loved palagi by this human bean~ di ako sanay eh. minsan ang awkward ko sa mga ganito. deserve ko ba? ano ba gagawin ko? bakit ang sarap sa pakiramdam? may mali ba? grabe ang trauma ko sa past, na medyo naapektuhan ung ngayon. pero siempre i won't let it ruin my mind. i deserve this because my lover loves me. i deserve everything just because 🥰💜 thank you for making my day extra special 💜
sleepy and full. haha kinain ko ung baon ko bago ako umalis ng bahay. thankful ako sa jowa ko for fixing my baon palagi :3
- have a great week ahead!
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dizzygirlfriday · 10 months
notes of a restless girl.
To jazz or not to jazz.
Another day in my life I can't get back. I was in union negotiations all day yesterday. I understand the need for a union. I do. But in public entities such as mine, there is no need for it. Sometimes in this case it makes everything worse.
I don't know I'm a jazz girl. So, when someone tells me they don't like jazz.... it's like all the outside noise just got quiet, and you can hear crickets. WHAT YOU SAY?!?! I was watching sex and the city this morning... and one of the guy's Carrie was dating was a jazz player. She told him she didn't like jazz.... so, it prompted me to think. If someone told me, they didn't like jazz.... "Get outta he" I said it like Ray Liotta in Good Fella. (what a good movie)
Great shows I'll be watching more than likely- Gilmore girls... I watch a marathon of that during the holiday season. The writing on it was so great.
Don't forget to turn your bathroom scales back 15 pounds Wednesday 2 am for thanksgiving.
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pftones3482 · 3 years
Phineas and Ferb Quotes Out of Context: Season 4
Season One Season Two Season Three Season Four Movies
"I just got to thinking about all the things that bug me, like portable out houses, high voltage signs. "Danger, High Voltage" I'LL decide how much voltage I can take!!"
"It was delivered today, I had to sign for it and everything! It's a REAL CASTLE, with a MOAT! Who delivers a moat??"
"When the guy who's punching you suddenly loses interest mid-punch, it's time to take serious stock of your life."
"Ew, it's all marshmallow-y and hairy....not completely unlike summer camp."
"You have a heebie jeebie scale, sir?"
"Yeah. You're on it."
"Where ice cream is made from dairy products and turned vigorously with air, sorbet is made entirely out of fancy people."
"No, not really."
"And to think, we knew Stacy BEFORE she was famous by association."
"Ah, Perry the Platypus, what an unexpected sur- oh wait, wait, wait! You're trapped! By societal convention!"
"Your scheme is unnecessarily complicated, and doesn't even seem like it would work. And that's coming from me."
"Fortune is smiling upon me like the creepy guy on the corner of third and main."
"So what's in the safe?"
"I don't know, but it's not baby teeth."
"You know, for the record, I would like to NOT be in a position today where I have to eat this wall."
"We'll see what we can do, but we're not making any promises."
"Just introduce yourself, and, you know, ask her what her sign is! And then run the other way if she says Sagittarius."
"What, you don't think I can handle ugly? I've been hanging out with you all summer."
"That's strange. I was convinced that he was an anthropomorphic platypus. What with the beaver tail and all."
"The spell from that weird book worked. Ducky Momo's alive and he's trying to get me! No, he's downstairs, he...would you stop laughing. Yes you are. I can hear the milk shooting out of your nose."
"Remember those days when I was always panicking about what he thought or what he would or wouldn't like? Ancient history."
"That was yesterday."
"What was that?"
"Maybe the building is settling?"
"So to you, a building settling sounds like someone inhaling sharply?"
"It's survival of the fittest, a test of wills!! ONLY ONE CONTESTANT WILL SURVIVE!" 👹
"😦 No, no, no, everyone will survive!"
"What about afterwards? Can we jump him and wrestle it out of his hands?"
"Honey, what you do with your afternoon is none of my business."
"Socks?! This is a total waste of my potential!"
"Not me. This is about where I peak."
"Wow. It's a day full of questions. First the toothpaste, and now this."
"And of course, 'Where's Perry?'"
"YEAH see what I mean? We're up to our armpits in enigmas!"
"How did you get chorus girls in here?"
"They're union, they'll travel."
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Come see our new movie and live show EIT! KIDZ KLUB at the Union Stage in Washington DC tonight 2/24/22!
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2/22 - Durham NC 2/23 - Richmond VA 2/24 - Washington DC 2/25 - Philadelphia PA 2/26 - Brooklyn NY 2/27 - Portsmouth NH 2/28 - Boston MA 3/1 - Portland ME 3/2 - Montreal QC   [CANCELLED] 3/3 - Toronto ON 3/4 - Pittsburgh PA 3/5 - Detroit MI 3/6 - Cleveland OH 3/8 - Columbus OH 3/9 - Bloomington IN 3/10 - Louisville KY 3/11 - St Louis MO 3/12 - Iowa City IA 3/13 - Chicago IL 3/14 - Milwaukee WI 3/15 - St Paul MN 3/16 - Fargo ND 3/18 - Missoula MT 3/19 - Spokane WA 3/20 - Vancouver BC 3/21 - Seattle WA 3/22 - Portland OR 3/23 - Eugene, OR 3/24 - Sacramento CA 3/25 - Reno NV 3/26 - Oakland CA Now that society is collapsing, Everything Is Terrible! is reborn with their new and fantastical expedition into found footage... but this time the adults can stay home! EIT! has unearthed thousands of forgotten DVD & VHS tapes aimed at yesterday’s youth to bring you their most mind-melting movie to date. Watch in awe as all colors of the rainbow join forces to destroy the tyranny of adult civilization once and for all! All of your oldest friends will be there; skateboarding web-surfers, rapping math equations, gigantic baby ducks, and maybe even a wizard or two! And what EIT! show would be complete without a live experience that makes the Ice Capades look like a stupid piece of trash! Finally, an all-encompassing extravaganza created for kidz... by kidz!  
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all my tomorrow’s • min yoongi
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plot – yoongi gets it in his head that you wouldn’t stand by him through just about anything, so you help him remember.
words – 2.6K
“Hey, can we talk?” Yoongi asks when you two walked out of your ensuite bathroom, having just taken a shower together. You were going to make some tea and then cuddle in bed, watching a movie or a series.
“Yeah, sure, what’s up?” You grinned at him, towel drying your hair over your shoulder.
“So, my surgery is coming up in a few days.” He started, clearly nervous, sitting on the edge of your shared bed in a shirt and flannel pants.
You frowned a little, not sure where exactly he’s heading with this conversation, but you nod anyway. “I know. Three days, to be exact.”
He hums, then looks at you, gripping the sheets. “What I’m trying to say is, these next few months, they’re not gonna be easy, so, I’d understand if you want to take a break.”
You looked at him, watching as he lowered his head, wondering how he could have possibly come up with this ridiculous idea. Maybe he was joking. When he didn’t say anything else, and you realised that he was being dead serious, you scoffed.
“You’re a real fucking idiot, you know that?” You said, completely serious. He looked up at that, eyes widening in surprise but there was relief on his face too.
“I’m just giving you the option.” He defended.
You clicked your tongue at him, offended. “Well, I never asked for it.”
He sighed gently, voice low when he spoke. “This isn’t what you signed up for.”
You turned away from him, trying to suppress the urge to scream at him. Maybe you could get one of the other members to beat some sense into him. Definitely not Jeongguk, the maknae would take it a bit too literal.
You sighed, taking a deep breath before turning to face your idiot. “Yoongi, why do you think I’m with you?”
“Because you love me.” He answered without hesitation and you felt relieved that he knew at least that much.
“Great, so you know.” You deadpanned, the smile on your face edging on sharp. “Now, can you please explain to me why I would want a break from our relationship when you would need my support most?” You glared at him slightly.
“Because I will be in pain, and difficult and I will need to do P.T and I will probably be short tempered.” Yoongi blurted and you felt anger starting to stir inside of you.
“Did it ever occur to you that I might want to be there despite that? That I want to take care of you while you heal?” You asked, voice a little heated.
His silence was more than enough of an answer.
“Jesus Christ.” You felt a little defeated, anger washing away and tears stinging your eyes. “Five years, Yoongi. Five fucking years we’ve been together. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”
“I’m sorry, I just thought you might want to sit this one out.” He shrugged, looking a little guilty.
“Heaven and hell, good and bad – that’s what we promised each other. Do you remember?” You looked him in the eyes, hoping the memory flashed to the surface for him as it did for you.
Two years ago:
“I want to marry you.” Yoongi said while you two were walking hand in hand on a secluded beach somewhere in Turkey. You couldn’t remember the name.
You tilted your head at him, a warm smile on your face, skin golden under the light of the setting sun. “Are you asking me or telling me?”
“I’m telling you.” He said firmly. “Let’s get married. Tonight.”
You wanted to laugh, but one look at his serious face had you stopping in your tracks. “Are you insane?”
“Insanely in love with you, yeah, but that’s besides the point.” Yoongi waved you off. “So, what do you say?”
“What about your fans and your members?” You asked, throat feeling dry and your heart beat speeding up because the longer you thought about it, the more you wanted it. Yoongi being your husband.
The thought was a little dizzying.
Yoongi stepped in front of you, taking hold of your hands. “We don’t have to make it public. It’s just a piece of paper anyways, and it’s not like your surname would change like in other countries if we did sign papers, so what’s the point? Marriage is more than a piece of paper. Years ago, people didn’t sign any papers and they were still married, so why can’t we do it? As for the guys, they know. They’ve known since I looked at rings in Hawaii a year ago.”
“A year ago?” You echoed, grip on his hands tightening. “You’ve really thought about this.”
“I have.” Yoongi nodded in agreement. “I asked the others earlier and they’ll be witnesses for us. We can do it right here.” He gestured to the beach you were walking on.
Tears welled up in your eyes as the looks on the guys' faces suddenly made sense when Yoongi asked you to go for a walk on the beach earlier. “Well, I mean, I do have that white dress Hoseok bought for me as an early birthday present yesterday.”
Yoongi smiled at you, eyes twinkling as he gave you a pointed look. You gasped, tears finally rolling past the brims of your eye banks. “Oh my God, that was actually from you?”
When he nodded, you let out a half-laugh, half-sob. “I know it’s not exactly what you’d consider a traditional wedding dress, but I thought it would do nicely.”
“It’s perfect.” You assured him.
His eyes lit up, “Is that a yes?”
“Yes, I’ll marry you.” You nodded, another tear rolling down your cheek.
He pulled something out of his pocket, a ring. An engagement ring. You gasped again, "Where did you even get that?"
"My mom bought it for me a few months ago." Yoongi admitted with a shy smile. "I would have done it myself, but then I would have trended on Twitter five minutes later." He said, taking your hand and slipping the ring on your finger.
The next few hours went by in a blur as you showered, did your hair and then pulled on your dress, forgoing shoes because it was a beach wedding, after all. You felt so giddy at the thought that you let out a squeak of happiness. Finally, there was a knock on the sliding door that lead outside to the beach. You opened it and grinned at the person at the other side.
“Hey Hoseok.” You stepped aside and let your oldest friend in. He was wearing a white button up and white dress pants that were rolled up to his ankles, also barefoot.
“Wow, you look really beautiful, Y/N.” He gave you his sunny smile and you felt a little less nervous.
“Thank you.” You told him, sincerely. “For everything.” Because he was the one who introduced you to Yoongi. Sure, it was to the whole band at the time, wanting them to know his best friend in the whole world. You and Hoseok grew up together in Gwangju, next door neighbours and best friends from the first play date your mother’s arranged. “If it wasn’t for you, I would have never met Yoongi.”
“Ah, it was nothing.” He waved you off with that cheery grin of his. “You two did all of the hard work, nearly killed each other too.”
You rolled your eyes fondly, “We weren’t that bad.”
“Yes, you were.” Hoseok said with a serious look on his face. “Yoongi-hyung thought you weren’t interested and you thought he hated you because he almost always left the room the second you came in, when he was just really shy around you.”
“We figured it out eventually, didn’t we?” You pouted.
“Only because we locked you in a room together and wouldn’t let you guys out until you talked to each other.” Hoseok pointed out.
“Eh, semantics.” You two giggled and when you called down, you looked at him seriously. “Hoseok-ah, can I ask you a favour?”
“Anything.” He said and meant it. Yoongi often joked and said that you and Hoseok were like Jimin and Taehyung – soulmates. He also said that you’d probably murder and cover up a murder for each other.
Personally, you like to think that neither you or Hoseok are that violent.
“So, we’ve known each other since we were six months old, we went to school together and did everything we could together and if there is any truth in soulmates like Jimin and Taehyung believe, then I’d like to think that you are mine. So, Jung Hoseok, partner of my soul and best friend of my life, will you walk me to the beach and give me away?” You looked at him.
“Yes, I’d be honoured.” He nodded, eyes shining with tears like yours did. And so he did, he walked you down the makeshift isle to the beach where Yoongi was standing with the rest of the band.
You’d have like your parents to be here but it’s okay, they are here in spirit, having given Yoongi their blessing long ago.
Yoongi and the rest of the guys were dressed exactly the same as Hoseok, white button up and dress pants, rolled up to their ankles.
“I’d say take care of her, hyung, but that’s all you’ve ever done.” Hoseok said with a bright, teary smile as he gave your hand to Yoongi.
Namjoon would be ‘officiating’, so he stood with his back facing the ocean, while the rest of them stood on the other side of you and Yoongi, looking at the ocean and you and Yoongi looked at each other, holding hands.
“I’m not exactly sure how this works, but I’ll try.” Namjoon said, causing all of you to chuckles. “We are all here to celebrate the union of Yoongi-hyung and Y/N. They didn’t have the easiest road but they got here, with hard work and being dedicated to each other. Yoongi-hyung said they wanted to do their own vows.”
Yoongi nodded, smiling at you. “Ladies, first.”
“I didn’t have time to write something, so I’ll just speak from the heart. Yoongi, my love, my heart. There is so many things I could say to you, comparisons I could make and metaphors I could use but in the end, they could never fully explain everything I feel for you and they all add up to the same thing: I love you. And I will love you for as long as there is breath in my lungs and even after. Heaven or hell, I’ll pick whatever road you take. Good times and bad times, I’ll be by your side. For all my tomorrow's.”
Yoongi was smiling that gummy smile at you, the one you fell for the first time you saw it. “Y/N, that was beautiful and I loved it. I hope you like mine. I’ve been thinking about vows for a while now, knowing that I’d want to say something to you. And in the end I realised that there is nothing I could say here, today, that I haven’t already said and will say again to you, so instead I’ll tell you a secret you’ve always wanted to know – how I fell in love with you. The first time I saw you, I knew there was something about you. It wasn’t until a few months later, when you came over for dinner and laughed with Hoseok about something Jeonggukie did, one of those belly deep laughs, and I couldn’t take my eyes off you, that it finally hit me. I was falling in love with you. And everyday since then, I’ve been falling. And like you said, heaven or hell, good or bad, I’ll always love you and I’ll always be by your side.”
You both turned to Namjoon, who smiled at you, dimples showing. “I guess asking if you’ll always be there for each other is kind of moot now, huh?” You laughed a little, feeling so full love that you might actually combust.
Namjoon looked at you, “So, Y/N, do you take Yoongi-hyung as your husband?”
“I do.” You grinned.
“Yoongi-hyung, do you take Y/N as your wife?”
“I do.”
“In that case, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
Present Day:
You looked at him, eyes searching desperately to see if he could still remember your vows from your wedding.
“I’ll always remember.” He looked at you softly, and so full of love, like he always does.
You walked to him, until you were right in front of him. His eyes followed you. Your voice was quiet and full of hurt when you asked him, “Then why would you tell me something like that?”
Yoongi took your hands and pulled you closer until you climbed onto his lap, straddling him with your knees. He rested his forehead against yours. “Because I’m an idiot who is hopelessly in love with you and I’m still terrified that one day this life is going to be too much for you and you’ll leave.”
“At least we can both agree on that – you’re an idiot.” You told him in a whisper. “But you’re my idiot.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, but if you ever say something like that to me again, I will withhold sex for a month.” You threatened seriously.
“Just a month?” He teased. Both of you’ve gone longer without physically touching each other when he’s been on tour.
“There’s only so long I can resist you.” You admitted, cheeks heating up a bit. “Especially when you are in my immediate vicinity.”
“Like that time you jumped me when I stepped through our door after a world tour?” He gave you a smug look.
You sighed, “Oh, not this again. I didn’t jump you.”
“Okay, fine, you didn’t jump, you leaped into my arms.” He snickered.
You pouted, “To give you a welcome home hug.”
“And remind me again, what did we do right after that hug?” He raised a brow.
“As far as I remember, you were a very willing participant.” You grumbled.
“Never said I wasn’t.” Your husband said. You glared at him.
Yoongi chuckles, the sound making you melt as he leaned closer and kissed you. You kissed him back, not hesitating. You loved being kissed by him. His tongue asked for entrance and you granted it, moaning into his mouth when he thoroughly explored your mouth with his tongue. When you pulled apart for air, Yoongi went for your neck, kissing, biting and licking wherever his lips touched, setting your skin on fire, blood roaring through your veins.
His hands moved up your bare thighs, fingers nudging the seam of your pyjama shorts.
Something occurred to you in your desire filled mind, want slowly drowning out any coherent thought.
“How’s your-” You cut yourself off as he gave a particularly hard suck on your pulse point and you knew there would be marks.
“How’s your shoulder?” You finally asked – gasping in pleasure when his teeth scraped the sensitive skin, eyes fluttering shut – the knowledge of Yoongi being in pain would be enough to douse the fire inside you.
The next moment you were on your back, eyes opening to see Yoongi looking down at you with wicked grin, a hand on each side of your head. “It’s fine. I haven’t had any pain today, you know that.”
“Just checking.” You said with a pointed look as you wrapped your arms around his waist, slipping your arms beneath his shirt. The look was to remind him of that time when he didn’t tell any of his members that he was in pain during a practice and passed out from pain.
“Yes, mom.” He rolled his eyes.
You pinched his waist with a light huff, “Fuck you.”
“Oh, trust me,” Yoongi smirked, eyes full of intent. “You will.”
the end.
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xofanfics · 4 years
String - Part IV
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Prologue | Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V
Genre: angst, fluff, suggestive themes
Pairing: Baekhyun x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: You find yourself in a friends-with-benefits situation with your best friend. You have no business falling for him, but your heart begs to differ.
Things were not going as planned. That was evident yesterday when Baekhyun paid you a visit.  You felt a bunch of things—annoyance, anger, frustration, sadness. The list went on and your friends could see it in your face. Earlier that week, Evie and Sadie had invited you to sleepover at their dorm for Friday night. Though you hadn’t expected the week to go the way it had, you were grateful that you’d be spending your Friday night with friends instead of in bed eating easy mac and binge watching Vampire Diaries. 
As you sat on the train with your overnight bag, you couldn’t help but feel a little excited. You hadn’t had a girls’ night in a while. For the most part, you usually went out with the guys. This weekend though, you would be with the girls and the girls only. You needed a break. They promised drinks, music and movies in their dorm room. 
The train screeched to a halt as you arrived at 14th Street - Union Square station. You got off the train quickly as a woman nearly knocked you over just to get onto the train. If it was one thing that annoyed you about New York City, it was people like that woman who, for some reason, can’t seem to wait for people to actually get off of the train. People like her give the city a bad name. The station was crowded now; you saw people dressed up and ready to start drinking, you saw people in suits coming from work after a long day at the office, and you saw kids in uniforms in clusters with their friends.
The city always came alive at night as the sun was setting. As you passed the park you saw some street performers playing instruments, the sound of smooth jazz filling your ears. The walk to your friend’s dorm seemed to go more quickly than usual. You were excited to spend time with your friends but you were also disappointed how things went with Baekhyun. He texted you earlier today but you ignored his message and left it on read. You didn’t know how to respond to him after the other night. You stared at the message, unsure of how to react. He said: 
[7:48am] Morning! Sorry I had to leave last night. I’m on my way to the pool now. Hope you have a good day! 
You couldn’t respond to him because you didn’t know how and also because you didn’t know where your fingers would take you if you started typing. It was better, you decided, to ignore the message altogether. 
You signed in at their dorm and waited for Evie to pick you up from the lobby. She came a moment later. “Hey,” she said, waving at the person at the desk as you headed upstairs with her. “We ordered some Chinese food. We timed it perfectly cause it’ll be here in a few minutes.”
“What did we get?”
“Some dumplings, beef and scallions, general tso’s chicken, and shrimp fried rice.”
“That sounds like more than enough,” you said, laughing, as Evie opened the door to their suite. You put your bags down and hugged Sadie. “Hey.”
“So I had nothing else better to do so I put together some fun ideas for tonight,” she said, showing you her phone. “We’re gonna play some drinking games after we eat. Our suitemates are down to play uno and jenga. It’s gonna be great.” She held up a familiar vape pen with the oil that would lead you on a winding, neverending path up to the clouds, if not further. “Want a hit?”
You shrieked as you pulled out the wooden piece that sent everything crashing down to the floor. “Damn it!” You and your friends laughed, along with their suitemates. It was time to take a shot. You weren’t sure how many shots you’d had at this point since you and your friends agreed to do half shots so no one would get too drunk and result in the night ending with someone passed out in a corner or slumped at the table. 
Vodka was never good but it was cheap and good enough to get you drunk quickly. Everyone chipped in to get a bottle of Pinnacle earlier. You took the shot, feeling the liquid fire in your core, your friends cheering in the background.
This was what you needed: a night to take your mind off of things. No boys, no drama, just fun and games. You hadn’t thought about Baekhyun once since you got here. Maybe, in your own way, this just served as a distraction to the reality that you had absolutely no idea what was going on in your life but it was fine. As of now, it was fine. You were enjoying yourself and that was all that mattered. 
As your friends decided what games you should play next, you made the mistake of picking up your phone. Your screen displayed Instagram, where you’d left it last. You clicked on Drew’s story and saw that he was at Bar None with Baekhyun and Daren. They seemed to be having a boys’ night from what you could see. 
“Did Baekhyun invite you guys out with them?” you asked.
Sadie shook her head. “Nah. I talked to the guys earlier today but we didn’t make any plans with them. Why?”
“Just wondering,” you said. “I hung out with Baekhyun the other night and we were supposed to talk.”
Evie raised her eyebrows. “What happened?”
“We hung out as usual. Ordered food, watched TV, and we fell asleep. Just when I thought he was gonna come to bed with me, he went home.”
Sadie said, “So you didn’t talk?” You shook your head. “I think he likes someone else. I overheard him and Drew talking and—”
You stopped her, desperate for some inkling of what was going on in Baekhyun’s life. “What did he say?”
“I mean, nothing specific. He was saying that he ran into someone somewhere and that they got ice cream. He said that she was cute. I-I only caught a piece of it and to be honest, he could’ve been talking about anyone so I didn’t think much of it.” 
You rolled your eyes and picked up your phone again. You’d started the evening not thinking about Baekhyun and you let him get in your head yet again. The purpose of being here tonight was to hang out with your friends and gossip about any and everyone who wasn’t Baekhyun Byun. You found yourself on Instagram looking for Baekhyun’s account to look at his story. According to his story, last night he made instant ramen. Today around lunchtime, he had tacos and, from what he could see, he wasn’t alone. The person wasn’t in the shot but you could tell by the little bit of hand in the corner, that the feminine hand belonged to someone with perfect, powder blue nails.
You tossed your phone on the table and started looking for your drink. Evie looked at the phone and swiped backward to see what you were looking at. She cleared her throat. “Oh God.”
“It could just be a friend,” you said, refusing to accept this outcome as truth. “You know what? I’m gonna ask him.” You stood up, grabbed your phone and started putting your sandals on. 
“Where are you going?” Evie asked. “We’re gonna play UNO next.”
“I’m going to the bar.”
“No you’re not,” your friend said, standing in front of you. “Now is not the time.”
“Well I need to talk to him.”
You started toward the door, determined to see Baekhyun no matter what. Your friends couldn’t stop you. Evie started putting her shoes on, too. “Shouldn’t you try to do this sober or something?”
Sadie said, “I don’t think this is a good idea…”
“Look,” you said, shaking your head. “I tried to talk to him twice already. I say, fuck that. Third time’s a charm, right?”
This probably wasn’t a good idea but you were on your way, with Sadie and Evie at your side. They knew just as well as you did, deep down, that this was a terrible idea. There was no way that this would go well but you needed to know. You needed answers and you needed them now. You couldn’t go one more day without knowing where you stood with Baekhyun. You hated not knowing how he felt or where you were going.
You crossed the street, the alcohol making your legs feel like jello. The three of you were still pretty drunk and, with Sadie insisting on bringing the vape pen, you were crossfaded enough to deal with this situation. There were a million things you wanted to say, in a million different ways. You’d visualized scenarios that hadn’t happened in your head while you walked. Some outcomes you imagined were positive, with you leaving the bar hand in hand with Baekhyun, while other outcomes you imagined were more dramatic, ending with you hitting him in the head with a bottle of liquor you’d stolen from the bar. 
“What are you gonna say to him?” asked Sadie. 
“I dunno,” you said, turning the corner. “I’m gonna wing it.”
“Oh God,” you heard Evie say under her breath as you approached the bouncer standing outside. She had no idea what she was getting herself into and, to be honest, neither did you. On the way over, Evie was the main person trying to get you to change your mind about confronting Baekhyun. 
She said things like “This is going to end in disaster” and “Why not sleep off the liquor and call him tomorrow or something?” But she couldn’t change your mind. You had your mind set on one thing and one thing only. 
You showed the bouncer your ID before storming into the bar without waiting for your friends. You took in your surroundings. It was crowded now. It was after eleven now and the groups of friends that had dinner after work were beginning to make their way to the bars. You looked by the bar and didn’t find any of your friends there. You peeked over people’s heads walking by the bar and over by the seats. 
Drew and Daren were sitting in a booth, you noticed, as you got closer. Baekhyun however, was nowhere in sight. Did he leave the bar? Without greeting your friends, you said, “Where’s Baek?”
“Well damn, hello to you too Y/N,” Drew said. 
Daren laughed. “He’s in the bathroom.” You plopped down into the booth next to him. Sadie and Evie came up to the table. “What are you guys doing here?”
“We decided to come to the bar,” you said as Baekhyun approached the table. 
He glanced at you and the girls with surprise. “What are you doing here?”
“We’re bar hopping,” you snapped, turning to him. A flash of hurt crossed Baekhyun’s face but you didn’t care. “I wanna talk to you.”
“Uh,” he said, “sure.” He grabbed his drink from the table and downed the rest of it. The two of you walked out of the bar, leaving your friends behind. You stepped out into the cool night air. Baekhyun didn’t say anything. He could feel the tension and frustration radiating off of your body. He followed you around the corner into a back street.
You stopped in front of a tree, folding your arms across your chest. “I have a question.”
Baekhyun looked down at the sidewalk. “What’s up?”
“What’s going on with us?”
“What do you mean?”
“What the fuck are we doing, Baekhyun? You’ve been avoiding me…”
“I haven’t been avoiding you. We hung out the other day, like old times.”
You were pissed. Here he was acting like he was innocent, like he’d done no wrong. “Do you remember the conversation we had in May?”
Baekhyun looked up at you and nodded. “I do.”
“So,” you said, “what’s going on with us, Baekhyun?”
Baekhyun knew what you were upset about before you even said anything. You’d been wanting to talk to him for a few days and he avoided it every time even if it was just coincidence. The first time he didn’t notice because he was going to see you at brunch with your friends. At first, he’d thought it was just something small you wanted to mention casually. But you didn’t talk at brunch about anything significant and you didn’t get to talk at your place because he ended up having to take care of Daren. He didn’t put together your disappointment until later that night. He felt bad; he even thought of calling you back then. 
He had been avoiding you. He was guilty about it and he also felt guilty about Kira coming back into his life. He was seeing Kira last year before he even met you. Things hadn’t gotten too far with her then but he liked her a lot. Kira left to study abroad and then he met you the following semester. He had a bunch of classes with you and you got closer and closer; close enough to be inside you. 
It wasn’t that he regretted it or that he’d been using you because he ended up liking you. Baekhyun wanted to date you which is why he agreed to it in the first place. The thing was that he didn’t want to start dating you and then go to Korea for the summer a couple days later. He didn’t want to start the relationship off in Korea, arguing and struggling over the time difference and whether or not the two of you were seeing other people. So he wanted to wait. He made a reservation at a steakhouse called Wolfgang’s for September 20th—a Friday night. 
Today was September 20th and he was here at the bar with his friends instead of at that restaurant with you. He planned on asking you out officially then, had his plans not been derailed by a former flame coming back into the picture. He cancelled the reservation last night; that was the point of no return. He couldn’t ask you out when he felt this way about Kira instead of about you. He questioned whether the feelings he had for you had been real or not. He liked you, he cared about you, but you didn’t make his heart explode and fall to the ground in pieces. 
Baekhyun didn’t reply so you asked another question he couldn’t answer. “Do you like me?”
“Of course I like you,” he said. “I care about you.”
“But you don’t like me like that, right?” You bit your lip, trying to hold in the emotions that threatened to leave your body in the form of tears.
Baekhyun let out a sigh. This was the tough part. “I don’t think I feel like that…”
You nodded and headed over to the steps of an apartment building. You sat and ran your hands through your hair before looking up at Baekhyun. “Did you ever like me?”
Baekhyun grabbed onto your hand. “Everything that happened between us...it was real. I did have feelings for you. I never lied to you and—”
“So it’s better to lie to me now, huh?” you asked, pushing his hand away.
“Feelings can change Y/N!”
“Feelings don’t just change overnight. Two weeks ago you were in my bed. Your feelings just vanished into thin air in that short amount of time?”
“Come on, Y/N! I can’t help how I’m feeling. If you found someone you liked, wouldn’t you go for it?”
There it was: the truth. It didn’t come out in the way you thought it would but there it was. He liked someone else, just like Sadie said. You felt like a complete idiot, waiting around for him for this long when it wasn’t even a possibility.
“Don’t hate me for this,” he said. “You would’ve done the same. If things had gone well with that guy you used to like, we wouldn’t have even gotten to this point! There wouldn’t have been any confusion on what this was from the beginning…just casual sex between two people when we needed to get off, mutual entertainment!” He sighed. “Please don’t be upset. You deserve someone whose heart skips a beat when you smile...like yours used to do to me...” 
You let out a laugh and stood up. “Okay, Baekhyun. Fuck you.”
Baekhyun swore under his breath. “Y/N, please don’t take this the wrong way.”
“I think you made yourself clear tonight,” you said, a tear finally falling down your cheek. You turned on your heel and started walking away.
Crystal clear.
Tag List:  @shesdreaminginoverdose @multistania​ @jeonchan26​ @myonlyaurora​ @keloiu​ 
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alien-tech · 4 years
i rewatched frozen 2 the other day so it’s time to talk about just how badly anna is treated in the movies
before this i would like to clarify i'm not anti-elsa at all, but disney really did a number on anna
obvious frozen 1 and 2 spoilers ahead
first of all, let’s start with the fact that both movies are centered around elsa's growth. yes, anna is in the movies as well but ultimately when you consider the plotlines a lot of it place elsa at the center of attention. elsa ran away and is struggling so anna needs to go after her as well as fix the winter issue that elsa inadvertently started. elsa has a whole song about her struggle when essentially she ran up the north mountain (which was a whole lot easier for her than anna since she does have powers) and made a castle where she was living blissfully ignorant to what her kingdom was going through. disney tries so hard to pass this off as elsa’s struggle but considering that it takes anna most of the whole movie to even get up there in the first place, i’d say elsa overnight trip wasn’t really much of a struggle right?
and on that note, elsa and anna are supposed to be the main characters right? they're both supposed to be the main characters, but both movies feel so much more centered on elsa and elsa's arc. it's about elsa's struggle with her power, elsa's mission to the enchanted forest, elsa's the gift, elsa's the spirit, elsa’s etc etc. again, yes anna is there too but the way disney focuses on how elsa grows and glosses over anna's growth is very underwhelming and disappointing.
everything that happens in the movies is perpetrated by elsa. elsa starts the winter and then runs away and in the end it’s anna who fixes the problem. elsa triggers the spirits and wants to run away yet again, this time to the enchanted forest and in the end she goes too far and dies and it’s anna who again, fixes the problem; which she figures out how to do on her own without any powers. disney portrays anna as a side character, focusing on elsa's arc so much more instead of anna's.
this is kind of a different point but still relevant, here's this post about elsa's oufits in the second and first movies. anna has at most 6 outfits. elsa has at least 8. it’s obvious that disney intended to market elsa as a main character and put her before anna in every way possible, even putting less effort into giving anna varied clothing design. disney will try to pass off frozen as a movie about sisters but it doesn’t even do that well. elsa undermines anna at every possibility. she lies to anna about hearing the voice, she remains distant from her throughout movie two (even though her growth in movie one was supposed to be about opening up herself again and trusting in her powers), elsa blames anna for trying to save her from the fire, she continues to promise anna that they will do it together, and then essentially tells anna she's not powerful enough to come along with her ("no anna, i have my power to protect me. you don't" to which anna replies "excuse me i climbed the north mountain, survived a frozen heart, and saved you from my ex boyfriend without any powers"). elsa still pushes anna away in movie two, even though it was a lesson she supposedly learned in movie one. anna then says "you promised me we would do this together" and elsa says agree and then turns around and COMPLETELY BREAKS THAT PROMISE RIGHT IN FRONT OF OLAF AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER SAYING THAT TO HER SISTER.
without anna, elsa died and even though anna did die (because of elsa but that was largely an accident) and everyone is talking about how strong elsa is for surviving becoming frozen but that EXACT thing happened to anna and while that was happening she managed to survive it, save her kingdom, and save her sister AND she didn't have any powers! going by this point, anna is the stronger sister.
movie one is arguably, all about elsa which would be alright if they made movie two about anna. despite the fact that in movie one, anna climbed the north mountain, tried to save elsa in order to save her kingdom only to be shoved out again, shot in the heart with magic, froze to death, and still managed to save elsa from hans and play a part in stopping the winter; the movie still ends on the note that elsa has learned to control her powers. it's about elsa learning to stop fearing herself and elsa learning to let people in right? and yet, if that movie is about elsa and elsa’s growth (even though again, anna did everything) then movie two should definitely be centered about anna right? but it's not about her and if the growth for elsa in movie one was learning to trust in herself and her sister then why in movie two does elsa continually shut anna out? it's like she made no growth at all.
anna is such a strong character and it’s so disappointing how much disney glosses over her. when anna was FIFTEEN she lost her parents. she went to their funeral ALONE and then she stood outside her sister's room, BEGGING for her to come out and comfort her. she BEGGED elsa to come out, to be there so they could grieve together and elsa didn't. nevermind the fact that elsa “couldn’t”. that’s her SISTER. even if she couldn’t open the door to hug her, she could at least talk to her through the door. but she ignored her and essentially insinuated to anna once again that she hated her and that she wasn’t worth talking to. disney focuses so much on how hard it was for elsa when she was young but to say nothing of the hardships anna faced when they were younger. she lost her BEST FRIEND and older sister in one day and she blamed HERSELF. elsa never telling her why they weren’t allowed to play with together anymore. her parents never telling her why her sister suddenly didn't want to play with her anymore. nobody telling her why her sister suddenly didn't love her anymore. i get that you could argue that it would be dangerous for anna to know, but is the better option really not telling her anything and having anna blame herself?
i get elsa had a hard time with her powers and all, but anna had it so much worse. can you imagine the sort of things that would have gone through anna’s head after losing elsa? her sister is the eldest and maybe has royal lessons (because as you know eldestborn children receive ruling lessons but youngest children do not). maybe anna figured “i’m not important enough for her anymore”
and do you think anna had her parents? the only person anna could play with was elsa because their parents are the king and queen and have royal duties. most princes and princesses are raised by nannies and nursemaids. anna didn’t have her parents and elsa was GONE and she thought it was because of her. anna's parents were the king and queen, they were busy with their duties and the rest of their time was spent with elsa trying to help her control her powers. anna had no one. no one.
back to movie two though, elsa defied anna over and over again and anna still said "i believe in you elsa, more than anyone or anything" and as SOON AS ANNA SAID THAT elsa said they would do it together and then sent her away. on a fucking ice boat. and you know what happened then? ELSA DIED WITHOUT ANNA AND ANNA YET AGAIN THOUGHT IT WAS HER FAULT. after olaf said “i think she [elsa] went too far” anna’s face fucking FALLS because she thinks “if i was there for her..” nevermind the fact that anna WANTED to go with her and was turned down because elsa implied that anna wasn’t strong enough to go with her. 
as said by their grandfather "magic makes people feel too powerful, too entitled" now in the case of the northuldra, they weren’t entitled nor did the magic make them feel such. but with elsa? she definitely has an entitled attitude that is only exemplified as the movie goes on. the parents clearly favored elsa so much and i would say elsa's entitlement comes about 40% from her parents treatment
the movies focus so much on elsa and what elsa is doing, it's not fair to anna. nevermind that anna is literally the hero of the first movie AND of the second movie. elsa was dead and anna knew that, as well as the fact that anna just lost her childhood best friend and still she got up climbed out of that mountain, woke the giants, destroyed the bridge, and ALL OF THAT while ALONE AND AGAIN WITH NO POWERS but oh my god, elsa is the HERO because she stopped the flood. again, i would like to clarify i'm not anti-elsa i'm just anti-anna underappreciation.
that was most of it for my rant but @mamadragon404 brought up a good point when we were talking about this yesterday. does anyone bring into question the fact that anna is supposed to be queen with no training? any child born after the first are never trained to rule. only firstborns receive ruling lessons and secondborns are supposed to be married off for political gain. this actually explains so much about why anna tries to find a true love at the party, and attaches onto hans so quickly because at home in arendelle, she has no one. her parents are gone, elsa has continually shut her out again and again, and her whole duty as a princess is to marry off for a union. she thinks that's what she's supposed to do and it's the only thing she can do because she feels so alone at home there's nothing there for her in arendelle, so her best hope at happiness is to run off with a prince, hopefully the man of her dreams because with a duty like “marrying off” the best thing she can hope for is that she’s stuck with someone who loves her. she's so quick to trust hans because she has to convince herself it's what she wants, she has to because it's supposed to be her duty and at least it's not her parents choosing which country's prince she has to marry she's trying to choose for herself, because subconsciously she knows she doesn't actually really have a choice.
so yeah the movies should've been nicer to anna and i am sorry but they did not do justice to anna at all, she deserved so much fucking more appreciation than she was given.
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jawritter · 5 years
**Series Warnings!! ** ABO dynamics! Smut, unprotected smut, knotting, claiming, mating, heat, rut, language, overly protective Jensen, age gap! 19-year-old reader, 41-year-old Jensen, virgin reader, loss of virginity, sort of an arranged marriage, hint at possible mob type settings.
Story Description:
In a world where your presentation can be a blessing or a curse, a newly presented Omega will come face to face with the harsh reality of Alphas, Omegas, and pack alliances that are expected to be upheld with the union of your two families…
A/N: Pt.5!!! Please don’t copy my stuff! Feedback is welcomed! If you want to be added to the series tag list, or just my tag list in general let me know! Cross-posted on Wattpad! Hope you enjoy it!! This is my first ABO series so be nice lmao!
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 2362
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You had been at the hotel with your Alpha for two days, well awake anyway, really you had been there around four. 
In those two days, Jensen had been taking care of you while you recovered from what he said was the worst fever he ever has seen an Omega undergo during her heat. 
He still hadn’t tried to have sex with you again, and no matter how much you try and convince yourself that he’s just trying to make sure you’re well, and fully recovered it’s something that’s constantly gnawing at you in the back of your mind.
It’s not like he’d been avoiding you. Every night when you went to bed he’d wrap his strong arms around you, and pull you as tight to his chest as humanly possible. Tangling your legs together and holding onto you like if he let go even a little you would disappear. 
He spent the last to days pretty much attached to your hip while you were awake. Pulling you into his lap while on the couch watching movies, making sure you ate, making sure you were comfortable. 
That did make you believe the cares.
Waking up this his arms was quickly becoming your favorite thing. That was for sure. 
Jensen was currently sitting with his laptop on his lap, and alternating between texting, and typing away on his keyboard in front of him. He hadn’t told you what he was doing, and honestly, you didn’t know whether it was okay to ask it. 
You found yourself constantly craving his touch, but you didn’t know if it was okay that you approach him; or were you supposed to wait for him to come to you?
You thought your parents taught you everything you needed to know about Alphas, Omegas, and their relationships together, but you found out quickly that you knew nothing. So you kept your distance, watching him type away out of the corner of your eye. 
After what felt like an eternity he looked up from his work and smirked at you over the laptop screen.
“I can literally feel you staring you know?” he says, his voice light and teasing. 
You knew he wasn’t angry, but for some reason, the very sound of his voice was enough to make you shake in skin... In a good way…
“Sorry,” you mumble, picking up your coffee cup, and trying to concentrate on the show playing in front of you on the TV.
“Come here,” he said. 
It wasn’t a request, you knew that. So you put down your cup on the table next to you and walked over to your Alpha, who had closed his laptop and set it on the couch next to him. 
When you got close to him, he reached out and pulled you into his lap. You immediately laid your head on his shoulder, letting his scent and his touch calm you. This was what you were craving. His touch. Him scent... Him…
“Seems like your feeling better today than you were yesterday,” he said, playing with your hair, while you absentmindedly played with the button that was open a little lower on his shirt than was probably necessary; but you didn’t complain. I mean the man was gorgeous.
“Yeah, I feel more like myself today,” you mumbled, not sure what answer he really wanted out of you. You wanted more than anything to please and not anger him. You didn’t know this man hardly at all though, and you didn’t want to ruin your relationship with him before you even got started. 
Being claimed in the states meant that you were not only bound to the person for eternity, or until the bond was broken and rejected, but that you were also legally married as well.
“I was sending off our paperwork to the clerk of courts office, you should get your new Social Security Card, and ID in the mail in a few weeks, along with our marriage license ...” he said, letting the sentence trail off at the end like was lost in his own thoughts. 
You didn’t even think about that. You felt like such a child around him most of the time.
Which you guess that in a way you were. You were homeschooled, you were never allowed to leave the house, your only friends were family, you had never realized just how sheltered you were until you were tied to someone who you had never known, and expected to function.
Jensen had traveled all over the globe with his job. He’d seen and meet people of every variety and flavor. You had trouble making an order on the phone for food, and you weren’t even face to face with people. 
Jensen swore that he’d teach you, that it was okay, not to worry about it. That it was your family's fault. 
In a way, you had started to wonder if all those years, your whole life really, if you had been abused? 
As if on cue Jensen cleared his throat bring you back to the present, his fingers dancing lightly over the sink of your back where he’d moved his hand under your shirt. 
“Since your feeling better I think it might be best to go home today. We can use my friend’s private jet and be back in Austin within the hour. I had a moving company come in and collect your clothes and belongings that your parents had packed up for you. So you don’t have to go back there. Honestly, sweetheart, I don’t think you should go back there ...” 
Your blood ran cold. This was one thing you had feared about being tied to an Alpha, the control. You stiffened before you could stop yourself. The thought of not being around your family had your heart-shattering. Yes, they were more than likely abusive and the cause of your anxiety, and inability to function in a and around normal circumstances, but they were all you had ever known.
Putting a finger under your chin Jensen lifted your face slightly to look at him. His green eyes searching yours. His face calm and unraveling. 
“You didn’t like that I can tell,” he said, his voice soft, but you could hear a little concern.
The statement confused you though.
“What… How… How did you know I didn’t like it?” you asked. 
When he started to chuckle it surprised you. If you would have questioned an Alpha in your family, you probably would have found your ass on the ground.  He thought it was funny?
“Y/N, we’re bonded. I can literally feel the anxiety rolling off of you right now, and the fact that you're afraid of me. I can tell you what your feeling probably better than you can.”
You sat there on his lap staring at him there like a deer caught in the headlights, which made him laugh harder. His laugh was the most beautiful thing you had ever heard, and you realized you had never heard it until this point. 
Once he got his features under control, licking those perfect lips that you wanted more than anything to kiss right now, but you shoved that thought down for later. One feat at a time.
“Y/N, you’re allowed to have feelings and opinions. I’m not going to beat the shit out of you just because you disagree with me. I’m not going to snap. I can control my temper. I don’t know what you’ve been subjected to in your life, but I can guess by the way you act around me like you’re constantly walking on glass that it wasn’t a good upbringing, at least not a healthy one..” Taking a deep breath he brushed a stray piece of hair behind ear that had fallen in front of your face.
“I tell you what, sweetheart, let's go home and get you settled. Then let's just take some time learning each other a little. We will figure out what to do about your family later.” 
It made you feel a lot better that he did take your feelings into consideration. It was more than you would have thought possible alone. 
Three hours later, faster than you would have honestly thought possible, but again here you are; you were walking through Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. 
Jensen’s arm was firmly wrapped around your waist as you made your way through the airport with your bags thrown over his shoulder. Both of you only basically had a duffle bag a piece in the hotel room. 
Jensen had said your stuff was already delivered to your new home. Jensen’s eyes scanned the airport cautiously, scanning faces of passers-by as they went. A few people did seem to recognize Jensen. You could tell by the gaggle of girls that seemed to be drooling over him in the corner by the little sitting area when you passed, but the look on Jensen’s face screamed back off, and no one made a move to approach the two of you.
Once you were both safely in your uber Jensen gave the driver the address. Leaning over and taking his jacket off and placing it over your shoulders before pulling you close as possible in the back of the SUV.
“You okay so far?” he mumbled low enough that the driver couldn’t really hear the conversation going on between the two of you. 
You nodded your head, pulling his jacket around you tighter, letting his lingering scent wash over you, calming you. 
“I didn’t see any cameras, but I’m sure someone caught pictures of us. At least they didn’t approach. I really am not ready to share you just yet Omega.” he said, his voice dropping a whole octave, and his teeth grazing over the shell of your ear; causing a shiver to rip through your whole being. 
That was the first time he had touched you like that since the night that he claimed you.
Finally, the car pulled up outside of the house. It was surprisingly closer to the road than you would have thought it would be. Not in a gated community. There were neighbors. That was something you hadn’t expected either. Your parent's house was something like a compound of sorts. Way over walled and way overdone. There was barely even a fence blocking the front door? 
Jensen got out of the car, then helped you out, walking to the door with your hand wrapped tightly in his.
The house was impressive from the outside the closer you got to it. Two levels, maybe more. The outside painted a light gray. A wood lacquer type fence around some parts of the house. A well-manicured lawn.
Everything was clean. Everything was… Normal… No grand driveways, nothing like that. It was strange. You felt so out in the open. Jensen unlocked the door, then turned to you without warning sweeping you up bridal style into his arms.
You squealed in surprise, clinging onto his neck. 
Closing the door with his foot he walked you through the house like you weighed nothing at all. Jensen stopped in the hallway outside of a door reaching down he opened the door to a beautiful bedroom. Clean, sleek. Everything looked expensive and modern. 
Walking over to the bed he laid you down gently before jumping on the bed hovering over you playfully. A side of him you hadn’t seen yet. Though you did like it. He seemed really glad to be back into his own space.
Leaning down he licked at your claiming mark lightly, purring over you.
“So what do you think of the house so far? Satisfactory?” 
You laughed a little at him as he nipped at your jawline leaving little open-mouthed kisses down your neck. Scenting you deeply at your claiming mark.
“I don’t know. All I’ve really seen so far is the bedroom,” you try and play back to him. 
He was in such a good mood you didn’t want to break it. You liked him being playful. It’s like he morphed into a different person as soon as the car pulled up at his house. 
“Well, baby that is the most important room in the house,” he smirked at you.
Getting a spurt of confidence you lean and brush your lips over his. Jensen takes over at once like it was the permission he’d been waiting for you to give him for days, he connected his lips to yours. Kissing you deeper than he ever had. Stealing your breath away. Your heart pounding like you had just ran a marathon.
His tongues slipped past your lips and teeth. Gliding over your tongue with ease, pulling a little moan from your lips past your own defenses. 
Purring against you he pressed his weight on top of you a little more, letting you feel him against you for the first time. His scent was coming off of him in waves. His hand trailing up the inside of your thigh. Fingers tracing over hips lightly, making their way to the button on your jeans. Popping the button loose he slid his hand inside your jeans. Just as his fingers made their way inside your panties, sliding one of his thick digits through your soaking folds…. The front door closed loudly.
A growl ripped through Jensen’s chest, he jumped off of you like someone had shot him. 
“Jay? You guys home? Gen sent you guys some dinner for tonight!” you heard the voice of another man yell through the house, making his way closer to your bedroom as you hurried to fix your close. 
Jensen hovering over you, his head in the bend of your neck. A deep groan leaving his lips. 
“Remind me to change the locks,” he said before getting off the bed. 
“Who is it Alpha?” 
You couldn’t help the whine that left your lips. He chuckles slightly coming back over to kiss you softly before moving to go meet your interrupter in the living room. 
“Jared, he’s a good friend of mine. We will pick up where we left off when he leaves Omega,” he said, brushing your lips with his thumb lightly before walking out of the bedroom. 
You didn’t know who this Jared is, but you did make a mental note to teach him how to knock.
If you missed the previous chapter read it here!! 
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ho-ku-o-five · 4 years
Kongeriget Danmark
Here is little DenNor oneshot based off the headcanon I have about how the Nations live amongst their citizens and how they must change their persona often in order for them not to be discovered as the immortal country personifications that they are, which is a pretty dark concept if you think about it.
Denmark gets too attached to his human neighbours and struggles with the knowledge that he will always outlive them all. Without Norway by his side, he wouldn't be able to cope.
"Nation Persona Registration for Kongeriget Danmark: STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL"
Denmark stared at the document on the desk in front of him, his pen hovering just a few centimetres from the page.
The Danish National Day had been and gone a just a few days prior, on the 5th of June, and although he had been expecting that he would wake up to find the thick brown envelope sealed with the red wax seal from his government on his doormat any day now, that didn't mean he was prepared for it. 
It had been 10 years since he’d last had this form lain out in front of him, and it had been just as hard back in 2010 as it was today.
In order to keep their existence somewhat unknown from their people and ordinary citizens, the Nations must change their identity regularly if they wanted to live among humans to avoid suspicion. Denmark couldn’t imagine a life away from his people, away from his neighbours and community, away from everyone and simply hidden away on a large piece of land all alone in a draughty house, and so he’d always chosen to re-register himself and play the role of an citizen since the 1800’s when it first became an available option to him.
Each government had their own way of doing this and so it could differ from country to country, but the Prime Minister and cabinet of Denmark’s government liked to keep it simple. Every 10 years around the 5th of June, or Denmark’s ‘birthday’ as it was sometimes coined, was when it was time for Denmark to pack up his things and re-invent himself.
He threw down his pen and his head fell into his open palms, sighing heavily.
At present, he was Mikkel Jensen, a 30-something year old Danish man who worked for the electricity board and lived on Maglekildevej in the small city of Roskilde, or at least this is how he was registered and this is what he told his neighbours.
Now, Denmark didn’t hate the responsibility of being a Nation Personification. He was good at his job and his role and in fact he rather loved it, sometimes working for 12 hours or more at a time to support his government. He even hadn’t minded the Viking days or the Kalmar union, even though he did still hold many regrets from that time in his long life. What he hated, truly hated, was the minor inconvenience of immortality. To the average person, 10 years would seem like a relatively long amount of time, but to Denmark it was like the blink of an eye. It felt like only yesterday that he bought this house and Lars Løkke Rasmussen was his prime minister.
Rising from his chair, Denmark walked over to the window and leant on the window ledge. He looked out at the street past the low fence of his front yard and at the house across the road. In the 10 years he had lived here he had got to know his neighbours and the humans that ran the local businesses around him.
Jette and Askel lived across the street in the house that he was looking at. It was a pretty house, all white plaster with a beautiful rose bed in the front garden. They had a baby girl last year, and Denmark had taken them a cake a hamper full of toys and outfits for the little newborn in congratulations. Then there was Eva the friendly bar tender in his local bar. She’d recently got engaged to Bo from the bakers. Denmark had bought them a bottle of Moet in celebration. He would miss them all, but the person that he couldn’t stand the thought of moving away from this time was Lillebeth, the elderly lady who lived directly next door. Denmark did everything for her.
Although he lived alongside his human citizens and had relationships with them, he tried his best not to get too attached for them and go as far as making friends with them, but Lillebeth had captured his heart pretty much as soon as he’d taken the ‘sold’ sign down in his front yard. He’d moved to Roskilde from Copenhagen in the summer of 2010, just after he’d left behind his life as Magnus Jensen, a high rise office worker, and became Mikkel. Denmark liked to keep the same last name and the same initial of his first name each time it came to re-register, not wanting to completely re-invent himself to the point he was unrecognisable from his previous human persona.
On the day Denmark had moved in, Lillebeth had been struggling to bring in her bags of groceries from her car. He hadn’t hesitated to go and help her, despite being exhausted from carrying heavy boxes and furniture to and from his house all morning, part of him genuinely wanting to help an old lady, and the other part of him happy for an excuse to get to know his new neighbours. She invited him in for a coffee and a sandwich that afternoon in thanks, and Denmark found comfort in her right away. He had always longed for a mother or grandmother figure, and Lillebeth turned out to be just that. As the years rolled by, the two had become quite the pair. In summer they would garden together and share Limoncello, Lillebeths favourite tipple, over the fence, and in the colder winter months Denmark would walk with her to the shops and back to make sure that she didn’t slip on the ice. All the while however he knew that he was just making things worse for himself as he knew he couldn’t stay in Roskilde forever.
Tearing his eyes away from the window, Denmark brought a hand up to his cheek and wiped away a tear that he hadn’t realised was rolling down his face as he was deep in thought until he felt it drip onto his collarbone. In a haze, he walked into the kitchen and set the coffee machine brewing, looking around the house. It suddenly felt cold and empty. In his lifetime, Denmark had seen many a movie and read many a book written by humans about the gifts of immortality. Vampires, Witches, even teenage school children were often written as immortal as if it were some kind of divine quality. He scoffed as he thought about it. Who in their right mind would want to live forever? To be devoid of friends, of family? Sure, Denmark had the other Nordics and the other Nations, but nothing would ever be able to fill the hole in his heart where his own family and children should have been.
He couldn’t count how many times he’d started again and how many people he’d left behind over the years, and at times cursed himself for not choosing to live as a recluse and only interacting with other nations and a select few humans in government like some of the other nations did. In his appearance Denmark could pass for a human between his early 20’s and up to late 30’s depending on how he dressed, and over each of the 10 year personas he had repeated pretending to age so many times. Each year that passed he would change his looks slightly, cut his hair a little differently and lose and gain different interests just to really make it believable to the humans around him that he was a man going from a young adult to mature adult, and it was exhausting. He’d run out of hobbies and interests at this point, and had no idea who he was going to be next.
His eyes stung and his lungs burned as he tried his best to hold back his misery, but he couldn’t. Burying his face in the crook of his arm, Denmark slid down the counter and landed softly on the kitchen tiles, sitting with his back against the cupboard and just wept. The sound of his body wracking sobs filled the house and he could feel his throat becoming hoarse. The coffee machine beeped above him on the side and there was a knock at the front door, but Denmark was in no state of mind to care, wanting nothing more than to just scream out in anger. His mind was turning dark, and he could think of nothing other than wanting to throw himself off a cliff or hold his head under the bathwater just long enough to slip away than to go through another 10 years of silent torture, but he couldn’t do that to his people.
Denmark was so detached from the world around him at that moment in his wave of sorrow that he hadn’t heard keys jangling in the lock of the front door or the calling of his name, and hadn’t realised the was someone else in the room with him until he felt a pair of arms wrap around him, pulling him close. He looked up, startled, fighting to slow his tears and blinked blurry eyed into the face above him.
“Norge…” he choked out as a gentle hand brushed the hair that had fallen flat around his face away from his eyes. Denmark struggled to sit up, but soon stopped and instead leaned into the familiar, warm figure as Norway didn’t relax his grip around his shoulders.
“Shh, I’m here.” Norway said, and Denmark could feel the rumble of his chest as he spoke. The two of them sat in silence for a short while as Denmark worked on slowing his breathing and just let Norway hold him. For as long as he could remember, Norway had always smelt the same, and being wrapped in his embrace and breathing in the faint scent of saltwater and fallen pine needles was the closest thing that Denmark would ever feel to being home.
“I had a feelin’ you would’ve had your forms already.” Norway spoke again, his voice as soft as ever, and finally released Denmark from his embrace. He uncrossed his legs and stood up from the kitchen floor, then extended a hand down to Denmark and pulled him to his feet once he’d grasped it. His eyes wandered over Denmark for a moment, lids heavy, as he stood before him, a foot taller, with his broad shoulders slumped and his eyes red and swollen.
Compared to Denmark’s, Norway’s government were a little more lenient when it came to him living amongst humans as the Nation that he was. There was no set deadline in which Norway had to re-register, as long as it was within 20 years of him having previously done so. He knew by now that Denmark had to re-register every 10 years, and that each time Denmark found it harder and harder. Norway’s bosses also knew this, and so he had worked over time the past week to allow some free time to visit Denmark. He’d had to miss out on Denmark’s celebrations on the 5th of June as well as Sweden’s the day after, but after a brief chat, Sweden understood and would rather Norway spend the coming days with Denmark as he packed up his house and sent in his re-registration forms than to get just drunk with him as they could do any other year.
In the last 25 years or so, Norway had gone from Sigurd Helgeson, to Nils Isberg, then to his recent name of Lukas Vik-Olsen which he had registered to two years ago, and currently resided in Tromsø. He was worn out from working so hard the past couple of days, but he was glad that he did it.
Denmark wiped his runny nose messily on the sleeve of his sweater and looked sheepishly at Norway, already feeling a little better at having the one person he loved more than anything in the entire world standing before him.
“They came this mornin’. I’m just so tired, Nor. I can’t start again, not yet.” He said, and his voice came out as just a strained whisper.
Silence fell between them once more as Norway leaned towards Denmark and reached up, cupping his face in one hand and resting the other on his shoulder. His thumb brushed against Denmark’s cheek, and Denmark leaned into the gentle touch, wanting to cry all over again at the way Norway looked at him with such love that he would never tire of no matter how long he lived.
“Do you wanna talk through your plan with me? I can stay for a few days. You’ll be okay, I promise.” Norway said, and nodded to his suitcase that stood by the front door, his jacket and shoes messily discarded beside it from where he had rushed to Denmark’s side upon entering.
Although reluctant, Denmark trusted Norway and knew that eventually he would be alright. Living among humans wasn’t all bad, in fact majority of the time he loved it, and once he’d got settled into his new life he would soon start to feel better.
He nodded as Norway slid his hand away from his face, “Getting my passport re-done is the easiest part, I just need to think of my next name. I mean, I’ve got an idea but…” Denmark mused as he turned to the coffee machine and took two mugs from the shelf behind it, reaching all the way to the back to dig out the large one that had always been Norway’s favourite.
“Well you know I’ll take your new passport photo for you, if you want.” Norway said, taking the hot mug of coffee that Denmark had poured as he passed it to him and curled his fingers around it.
The pair walked into the living room. Norway took a seat on the couch and Denmark set his coffee down on the table, disappearing into the study for a moment and then returning with the brown envelope. Denmark was in no state of mind to make any solid decisions right now about his re-registration, but running over his thoughts and voicing his worries with Norway would help his mentality. Sitting down heavily next to Norway, Denmark laid the envelope on his knee and slid the contents out again.
“Y’know,” Norway began, blowing softly onto the hot coffee in his mug in a vain attempt to cool it down, “I’ve always liked the name Matthias.”
Denmark glanced at Norway out of the corner of his eye. No matter where he found himself, or how much he might despise the curse of his immortality, as long as the Kingdom of Denmark had the Kingdom of Norway by his side, he would be alright.
Now, he couldn’t help but smile.
“Matthias, huh?”
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 3
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A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Originally posted on my Ao3 Crystallclover. If you missed Chapter 1, Click Here
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Chapter 3: Of Speculation and Anticipation
Summary: “In fifteen minutes we will hear from the Prime Minister with more information about the First Order and what we as citizens are expected to do. Please stay tuned to CBC News for updates.” And “Tonight at 7 PM Eastern Standard Time First Order Supreme Leader Ren will address the public for the second time.”
You arrive home and park in your building’s ramp. You see Carter pulling into the guest parking zone. You wait for them.
“Want to order something for lunch,” asked Carter.
“Sure, does curry sound alright,” you asked. Carter nodded and you both headed into your building.
You both took the stairs up to your floor and you unlocked your door. Both of you took off your shoes and you pulled out your phone to do your usual curry order
“So this thing with the First Order. What do you think? How many people are out there,” Asked Carter.
“I don’t know what to think. This all feels like some weird Sci-Fi movie. Why is this the first time we have been contacted by some sort of ‘alien’ race? This is just weird,” you responded. You pulled out your laptop and set it up on your small kitchen table. You set up a live feed to the CBC News broadcast and plugged your laptop in.
“What if they are really peaceful and don’t mean any harm. You heard that man, the Supreme Leader I think that’s what he’s called, as long as we follow orders we should be fine,” responded Carter.
Suddenly you both get a text in your group chat from Hayden asking, ‘What’s up with this alien invasion thing 👽? Spooky 👻’
“Should we invite him over,” asked Carter.
“Yeah, let’s see if I can add to the lunch order,” you responded while Carter texted Hayden back.
“Damn it, it won’t let me. Let me check if I have any salad or anything to go with it,” you told Carter.
“Why don’t I text Hayden that if he plans on coming over now he needs to bring something,” asked Carter.
You nodded with approval. Although Carter texted Hayden separately he is always the type to respond in the group chat. ‘Coolio, I’ll pick up some drinks and chips and hummus 😂’
“Why he does that I’ll never understand,” you stated. Carter nodded in agreement.
The live stream on your laptop flashed so you unmuted it.
Live from Ottawa
“In fifteen minutes we will hear from the Prime Minister with more information about the First Order and what we as citizens are expected to do. Please stay tuned to CBC News for updates,” said the blond anchorwoman. You turned down the volume on your laptop to a background noise level.
“Dang. Hopefully, he has more information as to who they are. I have been checking the government website all day and no one really has anything. Their Supreme Leader is a total mystery,” said Carter.
You both then went to minding your phones. You scrolled through twitter. Everyone was talking about #alieninvasiondc and #firstorder. No one had any real news, just speculation from what you could see. Ironically the #raidarea51 tag was trending again talking about how this is what the U.S. government was hiding.
There was a knock on your door. You went to open it. The delivery person was there with your food. You paid him and he went on his way. Almost immediately after you shut the door there was another knock. Hayden this time with the drinks and chips and hummus.
He walks in without taking off his shoes and said, “aliens man who would have thunk.”
“Take off your damn shoes I don’t know how time I have to tell you,” you scolded Hayden who made his way back to the door.
“Ok jeez it’s not like your apartment is huge. It won’t take long to clean it,” Hayden responded.
Carter just rolled their eyes at the two of you. Hayden was the more relaxed, and slobby of the three of you. You were more type A, where everything had a place and you like things just so. He was definitely the extrovert of the group, someone who could have a 3-hour long conversation with a bartender about their life. Meanwhile, you were more of an introvert. Carter was the perfect balance for you two. Ever the optimist but an ambivert none the less.
Hayden loved conspiracy theories. Always talking about a new one here or there. He was the least adult out of the three of you. You had your habits and the way you liked things. Being a minimalist you liked the things you liked the way you liked them. You needed to be efficient and precise in order to survive your home and work life.
“My apartment may be small, but if it bothers you why is it that we always end up here, hmm?” You responded sarcastically.
Hayden just shrugged and went about preparing himself a plate of curry, rice hummus and chips while grabbing a cider from the six-pack he brought.
“I don’t know if you heard but the Prime Minister will be speaking in a few minutes, hopefully with more information on this First Order stuff,” said Carter trying to distract you two from your usual petty disagreements.
Carter was the glue to your friendship. The rock to keep you three together. Despite Hayden’s extroversion, there were still some prejudices against the unmatched. He could easily find someone to go home with after a night at the bars but had a hard time making lasting friendships until he found Carter.
“Cool, love seeing my man Trudeau,” said Hayden.
Just now your laptop screen flashed with the news report. You turned up the volume.
Live from Ottawa
The Prime Minister started to speak, “as you all know yesterday there was a visit to Earth by a then-unknown group who we now know to be the First Order. Earlier this morning the U.S. President spoke to everyone on behalf of the United Nations. I myself and many others are in agreement that the First Order have come here in peace. I ask everyone in Canada to act peacefully and follow all instructions that you may receive from the government or the First Order.
You will be able to register at all public government offices like the housing department, the post office, the motor vehicle registration office, the social insurance number office, the immigration office and more. In the upper parts of provinces and in major cities there will be temporary registration stations. Please check the government website canada.ca to find any more places to register.
We ask that all citizens of Earth remain calm and proceed to be registered. Earlier the President said that citizens may be reassigned to duties within the First Order. This will only happen with your consent and only to positions, the First Order may need. You also may have the choice to temporarily be reassigned to help with registration.
The First Order will also be removing all standard currency and will be shifting all current wealth into the galaxy’s credit system or galactic credit. No citizen will lose any portion of their wealth and all physical currency will be able to be exchanged at any bank, credit union, or any government office and all digital currency or any currency currently kept at a bank or credit union will be converted automatically. This will happen 3 days after the trade deadline. By the end of the month, Earth will join the galactic trade economy and will be able to set up trade with any planet within the First Order rule.
Tonight at 7 PM Eastern Standard Time First Order Supreme Leader Ren will address the public for the second time. It is important that all citizens tune into the news and all employers are mandated to allow all employees the opportunity to watch or listen to Supreme Leader Ren’s speech. Thank you.”
All three of you sat stunned looking at the laptop. Carter was the first to speak.
“Is he human, Supreme Leader Ren I mean? You saw that helmet thing I wonder what's under there” asked Carter.
“I don’t know maybe he’s got like a tentacle face like Davey Jones did from that Pirates of the Caribbean movie. What do you think Y/N,” asked Hayden.
“You both say the videos of last night’s landing right? There was a ginger man with them, maybe they are human, but there is probably some sort of mix within their ranks. You’ve both seen Star Trek and other Sci-Fi movies. There is a possibility all of the First Order with helmets are some other species. Maybe they brought that ginger man to calm us all down so we don’t have an alien vs predator thing,” you said.
Both Carter and Hayden seemed to nod in agreement. For a little bit, you all went about eating your food.
“Hey, this might be one of my crazy theories but what if your guys’ matches are some weird alien species,” said Hayden. “Like think how cool that would be!”
“I will love whoever or whatever they are. The universe thought it was important enough to put their name on my wrist so that is all I care about,” said Carter continuing to eat.
You just simply looked down at the names on your wrist. You secretly hoped that Kylo/Ben wasn’t going to be disgusted at you being human.
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