dizzygirlfriday · 1 day
notes of a restless girl.
It's okay for me but not for thee.
I've been quiet with my words... I'm not usually shy or apprehensive about speaking my mind. In fact, I am so accustomed to saying what I think and saying it directly that some of the people that know me may consider me to be harsh on occasion. To me the truth matters, and I don't see a point in sugarcoating it.
My favorite thing is when people post oatmeal and they're like, "kept it super simple today" and it's like vanilla bean matcha chai toffee coffee oats with cocoa nibs, caramelized star fruit and bewitched pecan butter with barbecued bananas captured in the trees of Narnia.
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dizzygirlfriday · 5 days
notes of a restless girl.
It was the old D.C. dip and twirl....
I hate when you fall into that trap... the one person that constantly has drama in the office asks you how your weekend was, just for you to politely ask back, "how was yours...?" and they give you such a sob story tale. I don't get personal with any of my employees, so I usually just say oh my weekend was fine, never go into detail, and run as fast as I can. It's not that I don't care, it's I don't want to get pulled into the drama.
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Dear Women, contrary to popular belief... we do not need "I'm with her" women. We need women who think for themselves. Who research. Who are bold. Who will defend. Not women who blindly follow simply because a gender is shared.
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dizzygirlfriday · 12 days
notes of a restless girl.
I'm so old that I have dialed a rotary phone that didn't have an answering machine.
(my parents used to have a red rotary phone that matched their bedroom). We had two phones, one in the kitchen and one in their bedroom. Growing up some of my friends had a mickey mouse phone in their room, but my mom never let me have one. I was lucky to get a digital clock radio in my room.
Talk about old, my iPhone is older than dirt. 8plus...? It still works, but I'm so frugal when it comes to things like that. The only thing not working really well on it is my camara and my volume. hahaha. I kind of need to hear.
I'm not sure about anyone else but married couples never apologize after an argument. They just ask dumb questions to get back on good terms like: "Was the stove still in the kitchen when you went in there?" hahahaha
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I need to act more like a lady...
Coffee be like... Grande ice shaken espresso, a blonde espresso, with almond milk, 1 sugar free vanilla pump syrup, and cinnamon on top. huh??? Who drinks their coffee like this?
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dizzygirlfriday · 15 days
notes of a restless girl.
I love brutal honesty.
World views... It's the lies that will get you in the end, it's literally insane what is going on. When I was going through my thing a couple of years ago... I kept telling myself, "The truth will prevail." and oh how it did.
I'm feeling so much better, than just a couple of months ago. I was exhausted, my joints were hurting... I believe in natural homoeopathic medicine, acupuncture for pain, red light therapy, etc. I'm taking some vitamins, walking daily. I don't feel so tired, and actually I feel better than I have in a long time.
It's funny when ex management's little minions that he had, come to my landfill and question my employees on running the landfill... I want to tell them, that they have no clue, how I had to fix everything to get it back to good. It took two years, to get it back to running properly, so back the fuck off.
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dizzygirlfriday · 22 days
Notes of a restless girl.
I don't always have time to fold laundry, but when I do, I don't.
I may or may not have been dancing to this song this morning.
yeah. I can't believe August is over.... it lasted for about 5 minutes. Don't worry Christmas will be in a few hours.
I had to speak at the commission meeting this week. It went well. Really well. Yeah about $180.000 well.
I heard that McDonald's keeps every person that ever worked at a McDonalds at their Corporate office. You'll find my name there, from 1985- 1988. $3.35 an hour. I was such a good little worker.
Did you know that female dragonflies will fake their own death to avoid mating with unwanted males. Like, "Ughh here comes Carl, play dead girl." haha. that makes me laugh.
Binge watching Emily in Paris... I don't know why but that show just makes me happy. She made a wise choice.
Employees: You know those people that are called Newspapers... They have a new issue every day. Or the one's called buoy...Floats around all day doing nothing.
Sundays are still reserved for my mother. I'm still taking her to church. She gave me and my sister a scare this week. She had what the doctor is calling a small stroke. Yikes. She stayed in the hospital for about two days doing tests. She made a full recovery within 24 hours thank God.
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dizzygirlfriday · 1 month
notes of a restless girl.
with a heavy heart....
My precious little Lulu passed away yesterday. She was 13 years old. (chihuahua and rat terrier mix) It sucks, and it pains me to see her go. It's crushing. Absolutely crushing.
She was a special dog. I would give her kisses on her nose every chance I got to let her know that I loved her. She did yoga with me. She would put her paws on your cheek when she gave kisses. She would herd the cows from the pasture... She was a little thing but feisty. She would jump the fence every morning and go exploring on our property. Then jump the fence back and go home. One day she was herding the cows, and got trampled and kicked, and she was laying in the pasture I thought for sure she was dead... nope she jumped up and ran off. She was mighty.
At the end (last couple of months) she got super sick... she had a cyst in her throat that was growing and cutting off her airways. She lost a lot of weight. I didn't want her to suffer, and she went quickly.
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She's the one in front. The other one (Coco) I had to put down a couple of years ago. She was 19.
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dizzygirlfriday · 1 month
I want to write again...
the journals
but I gave you nothing I am only eyes that are half moons I am the sleep that follows the dead to die and my soul a vast cathedral of tempest faith the very pulse   of a winter   returning  
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dizzygirlfriday · 1 month
notes of a restless girl.
The wheels on the bus go round and round.
In order to proceed with another 2-million-dollar cell for my landfill, for trash, I had to get a vulnerable area determination from the Enviromental department. That means paying engineers for plans, and studies etc. About 180,000 dollars later, I get a three-page letter, discussing the economically stressed households, population, and my regulated facility... mind you we have been in business for about 26 years, and there is nothing around my landfill for miles. Maybe a "breaking bad" trailer that sits on the west side of my landfill in an open range area outside of our 500 acres. One little sentence at the end of the letter, determined that my landfill meets none of the vulnerable area criteria. I'm not located within a vulnerable area. I could have told you that. Whew... proceed. proceeded. proceeding.
The fashion forecast is slightly casual with a preppy chic, and a pop of leopard.
and to leave with an angry note... This pisses me off so much, I can't even express into words right now... how the Taliban is holding a parade showing off equipment left behind by Biden-Harris. Badass equipment that WE the taxpayer paid for!!!! There's nothing more disgusting than arming our enemies with US taxpayer funded military equipment.
Who is running our Country right now.
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dizzygirlfriday · 1 month
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Let's not jump the gun people...
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dizzygirlfriday · 2 months
notes of a restless girl.
How can I be a ninja if my ankle pops?
Certain skills require certain skills.... if you know you know? What happens will happen ... Ha. Ha. Ha. way to keep it cryptic. Not sure if I ever told that story.
Can you imagine when one of my board members ask me a question on a certain topic, during a meeting and I answer them...
Board member: What are our goals or targets of this community in regard to recycling, waste diversion, illegal dumping prevention and abatement, or scrap tire management.
Me: It's time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day... listen... when we talk about the people of this community, they are... the people... of this community. I hear you... We need to get to go in the direction that we are going, and to be able to get to go in that direction we need to do the work that needs to be done. Let's see what can be unburdened by what has been. nnnn..k.
They literally would be sending me packing.
I've got one word for Kamala Harris's team when they email "ye" asking for a donation....
I simply can't afford it.
Exploring the significance of the unsignificant in itself is significant.
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dizzygirlfriday · 2 months
notes of a restless girl.
You deserve a thousand gold stars today and six dilly bars from Dairy Queen.
I've been one busy girl... 4th Quarter Report finished, budget adjustment Report finished, and final new budget done. All put into the department of finance system. Balanced.
I am meticulous with my budget. I have to be, it's my job. When I came back, I remember I had to re-do everything. I just don't know how someone gets hired that doesn't know a thing about a budget.
Soooo, I will be hiring a supervisor soon, for Operations. I had a maintenance meeting yesterday, with my drivers, house mechanic, and supervisor at my landfill and it went so smoothly. It makes such a difference the people you have on your staff that you can rely on.
My friend is trying to convince me to get Botox and lip filler. Nah... I'm not one to do that. I also think that I don't need it, but I could be delusioning myself. Haha. that's not a word.
If buying myself things I didn't need was an Olympic sport I would win the gold.
Well today, I'm wearing blue slacks, with a black top, and my pronouns are Twerk it. That's considered an object pronoun... if you didn't know, but in the poetry world I'm sometimes an archaic pronoun... ye. I guess I better get back to Twerking... I mean working.
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dizzygirlfriday · 2 months
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dizzygirlfriday · 2 months
notes of a restless girl.
things gone awry
I know you can't plan the perfect trip without it going a little bat shit crazy. I mean you plan for the perfect getaway, (Or maybe that's me) and it doesn't always happen the way you planned it.
Our travel day was on July 19, the day of the Microsoft outage. That should explain everything, without me going into great detail. And... there was a medical episode on the flight (not me). Other than that, I survived, and back at work.
I canceled my trip to Napa Valley. I can't tell you how bummed I am. So bummed. I just got notification that I was going to get my refund back. Three months into this argument. It was my fault, using a place which I won't mention other than Ticketmaster. Live and fucking learn.
Just traveling a little makes me want to travel more. I need to.
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dizzygirlfriday · 2 months
Notes of a restless girl.
Does the universe watch out for us?
I have been feeling incredibly bad these last few months. I mean not even days, it's been months. I'm exhausted beyond belief, my joints hurt, (I am getting old) but I still feel young enough to not feel this way. (Menopause is a bitch). Going to see a good hormone doctor has finally gotten me on the right track again, to where I was feeling pretty normal... then two months ago I just got extremely tired. To the point where it's not normal. I've been taking some tests to see if I have any auto immune deficiencies, finally my test results came back, and my doctor wanted to see me. Uh oh. The dreaded, I'll see you in my office, and we can talk about it. Nothing... nothing... everything came back normal, which is super fantastic. I might just be stressed, or it is summer, and hot, so I might be more tired than usual. But I thank God... and I think God is watching out for me.
I am really looking forward to being gone next Friday to the following Wednesday. Mini vacay to Orlando Florida. Yay.
If I'm going on a vacation, it's always half the week... I split the weeks. I'm never gone a full week. I just find it's easier that way.
music while you wait
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dizzygirlfriday · 3 months
Notes of a restless girl.
Tried and true...
I am very good at the tough, determined, take-no-prisoners approach to problems, (at work). Things get done; I mean business. But I also have that sweet, kind, thoughtful and charming side. (who says?) When I get serious that side often does not show. I say this all to say that I received back my investigation report. Today I am on the verge of one of those tough approaches to the problem. It's part of my job. I have to make tough decisions.
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Yesterday was 4th of July! It was a grand day.
This Soothes my soul. <---- Music while you wait. These guys are beyond amazing.
This is funny:
Corporate Email Lingo:
"Per my last email" - In case you suddenly can't read.
"To Reiterate" - This is the last time I'm saying this.
"Moving Forward"- Don't try me again.
"I've copied"- Let's see you lie your way out of this bitch.
"Kind Regards"- Fuck off
I don't know how many times I have used all these phrases. Haha.
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dizzygirlfriday · 3 months
notes of a restless girl.
I'll be taking some trips soon. I'm going to Denver next week to visit my brother and take my mom to see him. End of July I will be going to Orlando Florida, end of August I will be going to Napa Valley. And last, end of September I will be traveling to New York.
I really don't have time to vacation, but I just have to make the time. Usually, the end of the months and beginning of the next month are the best times for me to travel. Woo hoo!!!!
music while you wait
more music
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dizzygirlfriday · 4 months
notes of a restless girl.
1 Corinthians 15:10 ... Grit and Grace
checking on the babies...
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This last pic is a baby that the mama didn't want...we paired it with the other mother that had a baby in the field, and my son is bottle feeding it. The other mother is feeding it as well, she's a good mama.
I love me a good gangster movie. I watched a 1931 gangster movie with James Cagney and Jean Harlow called "The Public Enemy" this past weekend. James Cagney was a dancer... he was good, and, in the film, there is a part where him and Jean Harlow are dancing.
Spa days are much needed these days...
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