#Ménage à 3
shittymurderparty · 22 days
Schmitty and Redacted have a fling
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(Source: Ménage à 3)
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filmjunky-99 · 1 year
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry [ménage à troi, s3ep24] 'Mister Worf, arm phaser banks and photon torpedoes. If Lwaxana Troi is not in my arms in ten seconds, throw everything you've got at the Krayton... When I have plucked the rose, I cannot give it vital growth again. It needs must wither. Nine, eight. 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.' - picard
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chaotictomtom · 1 year
les 3 fois en 3 ans que j'vais à ce planning familial y'a toujours personne ou pratiquement personne, c'est déserté et somehow. y'a toujours mille ans d'attente ça rend zinzolibar. surtout pour un renouvellement d'ordo qui prendre 3min max 💀
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roundedloaf · 2 months
an incomplete list of some Things that happened in the olympic opening ceremony
Both Lady Gaga and Celine Dion gave performances
Three teenagers got lost in the catacombs with the olympic flame and got saved by the phantom of the opera
a ménage à trois
20 different pink clad marie antoinettes holding their own chopped off heads watched a metal concert
Dionysius showed up to preach about sobriety??
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a guy dressed as Napoleon did BMX tricks
the peace flag was carried by this horsewoman of the apocalypse
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The phantom of the opera did parkour. a lot of parkour
3 seperate pianos were rained on
One was on fire
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The on fire piano was involved in a very sincere rendition of John Lennon's Imagine
They never actually explained the phantom of the opera bit? I was really expecting him to look different
The minions stole the mona lisa
Are the minions french???
A french man in red white and blue played the accordion while wearing a beret
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In conclusion: excellent entertainment, excellent showing off, good luck america trying to top this
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ichorai · 2 months
ménage à trois.
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pairing ; lestat de lioncourt x vampire!gn!reader x louis de pointe du lac
synopsis ; “you turned him,” you said to lestat with a disapproving frown. louis was sleeping fitfully in a coffin between the two of you, skin charred and covered in dust and burns. lestat didn’t have to tell you—you put the clues together and figured out that louis had run into the morning sun without knowing what it would do to him. “you were always the selfish one, weren’t you? i could never have anything for myself.”
words ; 3.8k
themes ; angst, a bit of fluff, vampires, polyamory
warnings / includes ; super toxic throuple dynamics, blood/murder, covers the first two episodes of iwtv, reader is a writer, louis is infatuated <3 and lestat is well... lestat...
there will be a second part (claudia incoming)!
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You met Lestat de Lioncourt in 1780—six years after he was turned, and three years after you. It was a wild and tumultuous affair the two of you shared. You and Lestat clashed just as much as you molded together. While he was possessive and greedy, you longed for freedom and space. Eventually, after many bloody rows, the two of you parted ways with reluctant, half-sincere promises of a distant reunion. 
Louis de Pointe du Lac was yours before he was Lestat’s, as he oft forgot. By 1908, you were a regular patron of his establishment in New Orleans—though less for the sex and more for the stories. The women there were immeasurably fascinating. With enough liquor and sweet talking, they would answer each and every burning question you had. When Louis caught wind of one of his customers bringing pencils and parchment of all things to the bedrooms, he’d confronted you about it, curious as to what you were doing to the working girls—especially when they always came out flush-faced and giggling.
“I’m a writer,” you told him with a sweet smile. Close-lipped, hiding your fangs. “I hope you don’t mind. The women here have lovely tales to tell.”
Louis returned the grin after a second to overcome his surprise. “I’m sure they do. Why here, though?”
“Your establishment has the highest rates of colored women. Not many are willing to listen to what they have to say.” You fiddled with the buttons on your jacket, and tipped your head down into a nod. “I’d best be leaving. The night is late, and the sun will greet us soon.”
“Not a morning person?” Louis asked, falling into step with you as you made your way to your convertible.
A huff of a laugh fell past your lips. “You could say that, yes.”
From then on, Louis went out of his way to greet you like clockwork. Every Wednesday and Saturday you came, bright-eyed and pencil ready. Those days, Louis watched you come by nightfall and leave before morning dawned, always making sure to exchange pleasantries. One of the nights, you asked if he had any stories to tell you—though there was little talking or writing that night. It was hard to jot down what he was telling you with his head between your thighs.
You were, by no means, a possessive vampire. You liked to keep your options open and drift from place to place. But around a year and a half later, you heard of Lestat landing in New Orleans, sucking the furniture stores and libraries dry—and setting his eyes on Louis. Your Louis.
You and Louis were not lovers, and the same would apply to your and Lestat’s relationship. You would say you were far closer to being friends with the two than lovers. Though… the prospect of love was not a far away concept to you. Not when it came to Lestat and Louis.
“You turned him,” you said to Lestat with a disapproving frown. Louis was sleeping fitfully in a coffin between the two of you, skin charred and covered in dust and burns. Lestat didn’t have to tell you—you put the clues together and figured out that Louis had run into the morning sun without knowing what it would do to him. “You were always the selfish one, weren’t you? I could never have anything for myself.”
“I’m sorry, did I spoil your little toy?” Lestat said, leering over you with a grin.
“He wasn’t a toy. He’s a friend.”
The blonde vampire’s hands reached out to caress over your face, soft and cold. “A friend that you fucked.”
“On occasion.” Your nose wrinkled. “You fucked him, too.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement. It would have surprised you if Lestat hadn’t fucked Louis.
“Don’t be jealous, my darling,” he said, eyes glinting dangerously. “I’ll fuck you, as well. You need only ask. It has been a long while, no?” 
He kissed you then, tasting of sweet blood and sharp wine. As angry as you were with him, you didn’t push him away. With Lestat, it was hard to say no. That morning, you fell asleep in his coffin, limbs woven together. Come sunset, you were already gone.
It took you a few days to get around to forgiving Lestat. Louis made you softer—his inexperience to vampire life was ever so endearing to you. When you explained to Louis that you were also a vampire—one with a deep history with his maker, he stared at you with widened eyes.
“It’s no wonder I never saw you during the day,” he said, Lestat’s arm slung around his shoulder. “But why didn’t you kill any of my girls? How could you resist it?”
“Older vampires find it easier to resist temptation,” you told him with a dangerous, fanged smile. “Besides—I wanted their stories more than I wanted their blood. I can find food… elsewhere.”
“Elsewhere?” Louis glanced between you and Lestat, the first thought vanishing from his mind just as quickly as it came. “Wait, were you two—did you… did he turn you, too?”
A bark of a laugh fell from your lips. “Oh, Louis, my dear, no. Lestat may have left hundreds and thousands of fledglings in his bloody wake but I am not one of them. My turning will be a story for another time,” you assured him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Louis smiled and nodded as if he was in a daze. To his side, Lestat looked visibly annoyed. Whether he was jealous of you or Louis, you couldn’t tell.
Sharing is caring, you greedy whore, you said to him without moving your lips. Lestat only stared at you with those icy blue eyes and huffed out a dramatic sigh.
“Well, since the fledgling has already taken a liking to you, would you like to stay?” Lestat gestured around his decorated halls. “There is more than enough room here for three coffins.”
As always, saying no to Lestat was usually not an option. 
“You could just say you’d like me here. Don’t have to be dragging Louis into it,” you told him, patting his chest with a mocking simper.
“Yes, yes, fine—I’d like you to stay, as well. I’ve missed you terribly.” Lestat moved closer to you as if he was going to kiss you, but you leaned away at the last moment and grinned at Louis.
“Louis, hon, how about we get a nice fire started and you tell me all about what mean ol’ Lestat did to you the first few hours of your turning? I love hearing about new vampire experiences. It’s been so long I can hardly remember mine.” You offered Louis your arm and gestured to the living room. The man looked to Lestat, almost as if asking for permission, but turned away just as quickly to take your arm. 
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Louis, in his hunger and youth, had impulsively killed an important man in town. Lestat had already angrily berated him enough whilst tossing the body into the cremator. You were more gentle with your approach, taking Louis’ hands and goading him to wash the blood off and change into a new set of clothes that weren’t soaked with his kill.
The amusing thought that you and Lestat were raising a child and parenting together briefly crossed your mind. But then again, the two of you had both fucked Louis before and were most definitely going to again in the future, so perhaps it wasn’t the best analogy. 
“Here, put this on.” you handed Louis, stripped naked and scrubbed of the blood, a fresh button-down whilst Lestat was off cleaning up the mess Louis had made. “That was real dangerous what you did back there, you know. You’ll get detectives sniffing around and swarming you like ants to a honey pot. They don’t take kindly to black folk, neither.”
“I know,” he said, shrugging on the shirt. “I was hungry.”
“I know,” you parroted, though your tone was considerably softer. You placed your cold palm against Louis’ face and he leaned into it for a few silent moments. “Just be more careful next time, alright? Lestat and I have centuries of experience between us—you can trust us.”
Louis’ face contorted at the realization. “Sometimes I forget that this is gon’ be forever. That I won’t just wake up and you two will be gone. That I’ll be human again and my brother will still be around and my ma would still be asking me to come over to her house for dinner every Sunday.”
“Forever isn’t always a bad thing,” you said, voice soft and soothing. “It is daunting, yes, but you still live from day to day just as the mortals do. You’ll grow more comfortable in your skin with time, I promise.” You hesitated to say the next few sentences. “Lestat, as much as you admire his strength, is just as afraid as you sometimes. He’s afraid of being lonely. I confess, I have been afraid to be lonely more than once myself, but I have made peace with the fact that I will be alone sometimes. Immortal life makes it inevitable. My point is, though… you aren’t alone. Lestat is not as godly as you think he is.”
“And are you?” Louis asked.
“Do you think of me as godly?” 
One of his shoulders lifted in a half-shrug. “Most of the time.”
“I’m still a person,” you reassured him. “Lost to time, perhaps, but a person nonetheless. And you are, too.”
Your words seemed to placate Louis, though only momentarily. He parted his mouth open to say more, but Lestat dramatically stormed in the room, expression still creased with anger. After decades upon decades of knowing him, you knew by now that he would get over it eventually—it wasn’t really that big of a deal. But Louis, quite shaken up by the kill and his maker furious with him, couldn’t shrug it off as easily as you. The two of them went to their respective coffins angrily. 
Hours later, whilst you were writing up drafts of your most recent discussions with a few townspeople, you heard the two of them quietly exchange words of apology and plans for the future from their coffins. You smiled down to yourself. The romance between them was strong, you knew. You wondered if you ever had the same connection with Lestat. Or even Louis. You were growing quite fond of him. And you’d always been fond of Lestat, even though he irritated you to no end. 
When Louis bought the most expensive, the biggest, and the brightest club in the district, he made sure to pay all the working girls and musicians twice what they earned before. The doors were now open to anyone, not just folks with light skin. And he even had a room especially booked for you—always decked with the finest pencils and pens and papers and books and the most heavenly chairs imaginable—Louis was a man who thought out your every need. It startled you to think that your fondness for him may be far greater than just fondness. How would Lestat feel about you falling in love with his fledgling? Louis was yours first. And before that, you and Lestat were also each other’s for a time.
With Louis still at the club entertaining guests, Lestat heard your thoughts as soon as you returned from your work—you didn’t bother hiding your mind from him, because he had ways of getting information out of you regardless. 
“I don’t mind,” he said, greeting you as you changed out of your attire into more comfortable clothes for home. He hung by the doorway for a moment before slinking closer to you, running his hands up and down your bare skin. “We can share, my love. I don’t mind—not with you. And I’m sure Louis wouldn’t mind sharing you with me.”
“Rather presumptuous of you,” you replied.
“Not presumptuous if you’re thinking it,” Lestat said, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, then several more up your neck. “Don’t resist us. It can be the three of us together. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
“There’s a reason I left you in the first place,” you whispered. “You are possessive and mean when you want to be.”
Lestat tilted your face so his lips hovered just an inch over yours. “That may be true… but you’ll stay for Louis.” 
It wasn’t a question, but a statement. He knew you better than anyone undead or alive.
“I will.” 
“Good,” he said, and then kissed you as if he was going to devour you whole.
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Many moons later, you walked into one of the house’s many bedrooms, about to enquire if either of the vampires had seen your notebook lying around anywhere, when you saw Louis lying on the bed, tears of red slipping down his face. Lestat dabbed the blood away with a napkin.
“What’s going on?” you asked with a concerned tone, sitting down next to him on the mattress opposite Lestat. 
“My nephew,” Louis practically spat out the words as if they had scorched his tongue. “I was so afraid I would… I could hear his heart—his tiny little heart—and I wanted to rip it out and eat it. I’m a monster.”
There was a moment of silence as you studied the young fledgling.
“If you’re a monster, what does that make me?” you whispered, leaning down to press your nose to the back of his ear. “You didn’t kill him, Louis.”
“No, but I could have.” Another bloody tear slipped down his eye and slotted against his nose bridge.
Whilst Lestat wiped his face again, he said, “You have to stop seeing them, Louis. They’ll grow fearful of you if they haven’t already.”
“No,” said Louis, voice hoarse and quiet. “I can’t do it.”
“It’s a rite of passage for all of us,” Lestat went on. “If you love your family, as I know you do, spare them all the pain that you are causing them.” Knowing Lestat’s relationship with his mother, you found his words quite ironic. Louis didn’t need to know about that right now, though. 
“My siblings spent many decades looking for me once I ‘disappeared’,” you told Louis. “It hurt to distance myself from them, but I was protecting them.”
Louis glanced up at you. Sitting with your back to the lit fireplace, there seemed to be an angelic glow framing you. “I didn’t know you have siblings.”
“Had,” you corrected. “They are long gone now, though many of their children’s children and further generations remain. They lived long and happy lives even after I left.”
“I ain’t never gonna have a family of my own, am I?” Louis lamented. “No sons, no daughters.”
It was silent for a moment when you and Lestat locked eyes. The blonde looked back down at his fledgling. “We’re your family, Louis.”
“You should just throw me in the incinerator,” said Louis. “Make another one.”
“What a waste that would be,” Lestat remarked.
You nodded. “And if he did, I would rip him apart limb from limb. You are not replaceable, Louis.”
“The both of us have been on this Earth for around two centuries and we can confidently report that you have no twin,” said Lestat. “No one as angry, as stubborn, as unaccommodating, as maddening—”
Louis frowned. “Sound like trash to me—”
“—as loving, as dedicated, as thoughtful, as imperfectly perfect as you’ve become. You’re a challenge every sunset, Saint Louis. We’d have it no other way.” Lestat waited a second before nudging you to agree with him.
“Yes,” you jumped to say, perhaps a second late. “Louis, hon, I don’t want to force you not to see your family. You’re free to tell them the truth if you’d like. Let them see you as a monster, as a murderer—because they certainly won’t see you in the same way we do. I’m just saying… letting them go may be the less painful option.”
Louis squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled sharply. Though he said nothing, you knew that he knew you were right. 
“Here’s an idea… let’s take a holiday,” ventured Lestat. “What about Rome?”
“Rome sounds lovely,” you said with an excited grin. It had been a handful of decades since you last stepped in Europe. Most of your recent years had you traveling much of North and South America.
“Rome? Rome, like, Italy?” Louis said, cracking an eye open to scrutinize his lovers. 
“Would you prefer Rome, Wisconsin?” Lestat fired back, which made Louis sit up on the bed and shake his head.
“I can’t just pick up and go to Rome. I got a business to run!”
You snaked your arms around Louis from behind and pressed your nose into his neck. You could hear his thoughts of how nice you smelled and smiled against his skin. “I’m sure you have many trusted work buddies that can manage the Azalea for a few days.”
Louis and Lestat bickered some more about transporting the coffins after that, as if they were an old married couple. You only listened in amusement and kissed down Louis' jaw.
Finally, Lestat relented his plans of Rome and instead brandished tickets to another opera. 
“I can spend a few days apart from the two of you to go to Rome myself,” you said, arching your back as if you were a cat and sprawling down on the mattress to watch Louis and Lestat upside down. “I can bring back souvenirs. The Italians have the most divine oil paints—”
“Don’t go,” Louis blurted, interrupting you. “Don’t—not yet.”
For a moment, you studied him with curious eyes. His thoughts were telling you he wasn’t sure if he could handle being left on his own with Lestat without you. Codependency was a common trait amongst vampire couples, you knew this, but that didn’t mean it was at all healthy. Nonetheless, you reluctantly nodded. “Alright. I won’t leave. But we do have to get out of the country at some point—it’s important to see more than America, Louis.”
“With that, I concur,” Lestat chimed his agreement. Then, he seized both of your arms and began to drag you off the mattress until you laughed and twisted up to get onto your feet yourself. “Come, my darlings, I’ve had suits made for us.”
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There was a methodology to going to the opera to keep eyes off of you. You would go in first, alone. Then Lestat, with Louis walking a pace behind him, masquerading as his valet. It was degrading, all three of you knew. But it was the early 1900s, and there was little more you could do without drawing attention from passersby. 
Though the opera was a cheap affair, you were considerably entertained until the tenor entered the stage and began to sing all the wrong notes. To your ears, which were sharp, but not suited to the intricacies of musical notes, his singing was strangely off but still fine. To Lestat, however, he was not at all amused. His jaw muscles clenched and his fingers curled and uncurled over the sheet music he had brought. One glance his way and you already knew he had made his mind on who would be that evening’s supper.
Hours later, when Lestat had taken the young singer to your hotel room, you wondered if he was planning on simply fucking some sense into him before biting into his throat. Instead, Lestat sat down by the piano and played the notes, forcing the singer to sing. He pointed out each and every flaw, tone growing harsher with each mistake. 
Louis watched the two with a nauseous stomach and an uneasy mind. You tried to pull him away to another room, tried to kiss him until he forgot about Lestat and his fixation on the poor man, but Louis’ mind was adrift.
“Louis, this is meant to be a vacation,” you reminded him, massaging your fingers over his tense shoulders.
“How can it be a vacation when he’s in the other room about to murder some guy for a note he sang offkey?” Louis asked, a tad too loudly for your preference.
“Lestat gets this way sometimes. You know this by now. He gets angry, he gets sucked in, he gets tunnel vision until something is done exactly how he wants it to be done. It doesn’t affect us, though, not really. Dinner is dinner, Louis.”
Louis crossed his arms. “You have animals for dinner most of the time. And you kill people who deserve it. Lestat, he just—that man could have a family, a whole life ahead of him!”
“The same could be said for the people I’ve killed,” you replied easily.
“No, no, it’s different!” he vehemently said. “You killed the rapists, the child-fiddlers, and even the slave-owners back when they were still around! Lestat, he—”
“I know,” you said, tone firm. “Louis, I know.”
“Do you, though?” Louis shook his head in incredulity at your nonchalance and walked back into the main room where Lestat had just struck the young tenor across his vocal cords, destroying them beyond repair. “Why do you do this, Lestat?”
The blonde licked the blood off his fingers. “Well, I like to do it. I enjoy it.”
“Well, I don’t,” said Louis. “You don’t have to humiliate him like that.”
In a burst of outrage, Lestat yelled, “Well, I don’t say that you have to enjoy it! Kill them swiftly if you have to, but do it! Embrace what you are! You are a killer, Louis!”
You walked into the room at that, brows furrowed. “Will you two stop it? All this yelling and drama—this was meant to be a vacation!”
“How can it be a vacation when we haven’t even left this damned country?” Lestat bitterly replied. “I should have gone to Italy with you and left Louis here to scavenge through corpses until he rotted away.”
“You don’t mean that,” you angrily said, volume rising. “You’ve had decades to temper your anger issues, and yet you haven’t changed a single bit!”
Lestat raised his nose in defiance, picked up the tenor (who had crumpled to the ground in a bloody heap), and swiftly carried him to the couch where he would slowly drain him of his blood. Louis took to sitting and watching the dying man’s last thoughts. A part of you wondered why, if he was so horrified by Lestat's cruelty, did he bother to stay and watch—though you didn’t stick around to ask. Instead, you retired to the bedchambers without saying goodbye to either of them. Lestat left you a chalice of the singer’s blood by your coffin as an apology of sorts, but it was left untouched. 
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dollfacefantasy · 26 days
wait idk if you write for wade but ermm bf!logan fucking reader n letting wade watch ?!!?!?!? he wants to show wade that you’re his!!!
you got it <3 i have never written for wade before but i’m gonna try my best for you 🙏
logan howlett x fem!reader ft. wade wilson cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation
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"You enjoying yourself over there?" Logan grunts from where his jaw rests against your temple.
"How could I not be? You're putting on a great show," Wade replies without missing a beat.
As usual, his answer is laced with mockery. He sits leaned back against the cushion of the sagging chair in the corner. His eyes watch you and your boyfriend with amusement, but the hint of desire gleams over his irises as well.
You're perched in Logan's lap on the bed. You've been here for a while. Your back rests flush against the warmth of his chest. His large palms cup and grope at your breasts, skilled fingers tweaking your nipples below your ribbed shirt. This started as a moment between the two of you, but opened up to include his roommate as the third party a few minutes ago.
"I would've thought you'd already be jerking off, you sick fuck," Logan taunts.
The words roll off Wade's shoulders like water, which is fine because there was no true animosity behind the term of endearment. You understood by now that is just how they communicate. 
"Well I don't know how you remember it, peanut, but you invited me to watch."
"Only cause you practically invited yourself in."
"Please with the way you left the door open, you all but asked for a ménage à trois."
The roll of your boyfriend's eyes is nearly audible to you, but you can actually feel his lips curling up into a smirk against your cheek. His fingertips give your stiffened buds a nice twirl, coaxing a soft whimper out of you. That only heightens how smug he is.
"What d'you think, baby? Is this what you wanted?" he breathes.
All he gets from you with that question is a small whine because, in truth, you didn't intend for this to happen, but you weren't unhappy that it was now. Originally, when you came over to visit your boyfriend, you didn't think his roommate was home. That assumption had been proven wrong by the sound of a low whistle only minutes later, coming from the open doorway Wade was watching through.
It's the same whistle he makes now.
"I always thought you were the type to make cute noises like that," Wade smirks.
"Did you now? You think about her a lot?" Logan says.
"Here and there."
You hear a breathy chuckle behind you, but you're too caught up with the feeling of hands on your chest. They cup and massage, caress and tease. It's bliss, but it's been going on for so long it feels closer to torture. You could feel your panties growing uncomfortably damp; though all you do is tilt your head back against his shoulder. Logan had never let you down. You just needed to be patient.
Wade wasn't content to just watch from the sidelines though, so he pipes up again.
"It's not my fault she struts around in those outfits of hers. Skirts so small they look like they were made for dolls," he quips.
"Her clothes look best when they're on the floor," your boyfriend adds.
To go along with his statement. His hands leave your breasts and tug your shirt over your head, tossing it into the other man's lap. The bright, thin fabric makes the semi-hard tent in his pants more noticeable. You bite your lip as he palms himself over the material.
Your nipples had long been visible through that tiny shirt, but now they were just in plain sight. Wade's eyes had locked onto the hardened nubs. Logan's fingers still fondled them, pulling on them until you whined.
Soon enough, you're arching your back, which unintentionally boosts your hips from his lap. He takes the advantage to pull your skirt from your legs and discard the garment on the floor.
"I think you were right, peanut. She does look much better like this," Wade says, "Maybe we should have a new dress code around the apartment."
"In your dreams. Enjoy this while you can," Logan shoots back.
Your breaths grow labored. You feel the bulge pressed against your ass growing as your hips swivel and rub your plush flesh on the familiar cock.
"She's got pretty tits, doesn't she?"
For once, Wade doesn't have a quick comeback. Instead, he just nods. 
"Spread your legs, bub. Let him see how cute that little pussy is too," Logan rumbles in your ear.
Your thighs spread on instinct as if each syllable was pulling on some puppet strings. Now on display are the simple panties you were wearing and the wet patch that had formed between your thighs. You feel it only growing worse as Wade's eyes snap down to it and stay there.
On the other side of you, one of Logan's arms constricts around your chest while the other dips and slots a hand between your thighs. He cups the heat of your center before his fingers apply ample pressure.
You mewl, body rolling with the new waves of pleasure coursing through your limbs. Logan chuckles at your responsiveness. He nips at your earlobe before more words come out against your skin.
"You showing off? You're moving a lot."
"I-I'm not. Just feels good," you whimper in defense of yourself.
At the reminder of the other man, you cast your gaze over to him. The heel of his palm is still smoothing over his erection, giving himself dull stimulation similar to the kind Logan's providing you with.
"You know what'd make it feel even better?" he asks, the question obviously leading to the answer 'me.'
Before you can muster any kind of response, Logan's hands meet in the middle of your body around the curves of your waist. He picks you up and spins you around, pinning you on your back against the mattress. His larger frame cages you in on the foamy surface.
He tilts his head up to grin at Wade. "Your invitation was to watch. Don't remember asking for your commentary."
"You didn't have to. It's a package deal," he says back.
Logan shakes his head before latching his mouth onto your neck. His teeth scrape at your tender flesh while his tongue simultaneously flicks at your pulse. He teases just the right amount to keep your movements chasing him for more.
Your body squirms beneath the heat of him. He keeps you in place though. His hands sweep down from your shoulders. They stop on your tits to give some more attention to the soft mounds. Then, they continue their descent and coast over your hips, cupping the swell of your ass. It feels like they're so many places at once that for a brief second you wonder if Wade had actually joined in.
You angle your head back and find the other man still parked in his seat, proving your theory wrong. He smiles at you. You see it upside down because of your position. It's the last thing your vision catches before your eyes flutter closed.
Logan pushes you down hard on the mattress before then pulling you up a bit to tear your panties off. Once they're gone, he pulls back onto his knees so he can shove his pants down to mid thigh and get his cock out.
The huge appendage stands proudly before both you and Wade. He wraps his fingers around it and pumps, giving no facial reaction despite the fact that his slit begins oozing precum. You feel like you're gonna start drooling just from watching the rhythmic, repetitive motion that he uses to pleasure himself.
"You like what you see?" he teases.
You start to nod, but Wade chimes in. "Fuck off. Do you even have to ask?"
That brings a giggle from your lips. You look at him over your shoulder, smile on your lips inherently flirty from how turned on you are right now.
"It's nice, isn't it?" you ask.
He does respond, but Logan's voice overpowers him in your ears. "Ah ah. All your attention on me."
He tugs you closer by your thighs, bringing you flush against him. You can feel the way his cock pulses where it rests on top of your cunt. It lies there like a form of foreshadowing. A visual of how he'll be fitting inside you a few moments from now.
"If you're talking to someone else, that means I'm not doing my job right."
With that, his hips slip backward and then slide forward again, pushing his shaft inside the tight, warm, embrace of your cunt. You keen as that familiar feeling of fullness washes over you. Your limbs start to squirm, but he pins your biceps down with his forearms and your legs are trapped from the position he has you in. There's no other option besides lying there and taking it.
He lets out a deep sigh too. You were already spasming around him. Your walls convulse rapidly as they work to accommodate the thick intrusion.
"Still feeling good?" he grunts.
He feels himself all the way bottomed out and rests there for a brief moment. Just as you're about to answer, he drags out and then snaps back in. Your response shatters into a whiny moan. The rest of your words come out garbled as a result, so you just nod instead.
"Yeah? You think you need anything else to make it better?" he asks.
That one gets a rapid head shake in response.
Chuckling at the stark difference, he looks up at Wade in the corner as he starts to thrust at a more measured pace. His intention had been to taunt the merc, but he sees him even more reclined than before, hand stroking his cock up and down. It increases the heat in Logan's belly and gets him slamming into you harder.
"Fuckkkkk," you whine. One of Logan's hands comes up to rest on your throat for better leverage to thrash you against the mattress with.
"You're so tight for me, baby," he groans, "You like this? You like being watched?"
"Mhm, yeah," you answer, words sputtering from your lips like a broken sprinkler.
A sound somewhere between a hum and growl comes from Logan. He leans down impossibly closer, his hips not stopping once.
"You like me showing you off? Showing someone else how well you take me?"
In response, he gets another lazy, blissed-out nod from you.
Despite your head feeling all foggy, your grip on his shoulders stays firm. Your nails dig into the skin, a small way to keep you grounded when you feel like everything around you is just fading into the background.
"Tell me who's making you feel this good," you hear him grunt in your ear.
The word comes out breathy and moaned. Too quiet for his liking.
"Who? Say my name."
"You, Logan," you whine before a chorus of whimpers bursts from you.
His cock was angled to ram into your favorite spot. It pistons against it over and over. Your legs shake violently, and all you can even think to do is keep calling out his name.
"You hear that?" he asks Wade.
"I think the version of you who died could hear it," the other man smirks.
Your boyfriend huffs out a laugh against your shoulder and keeps fucking into you. The bed creaks almost loud enough to challenge the noise you're making.
Wade keeps dragging his fist over his length. His pace resembles the one Logan's using for you. He squeezes and swipes his thumb over his tip. ghosts his fingers over the sensitive underside. He could tell you were getting close, and he intended to finish along with the two of you.
"Almost there for me, bub?" Logan asks.
"Yeah, yeah. Just need you. Don't stop," you whimper.
"Not going to," he breathes, "Not until there's no question you're mine."
You knew what that meant. There would be no question when he came and had his cum leaking out of your pussy. That's the goal he's working toward, the finish line he's hurtling to.
His hips clap against your center, filling you completely. You rock against the blankets with his momentum. The feeling of euphoria plumes inside you, luring you closer to your release.
"C'mon, no need to be shy. Cum for me. Show him how good I make you feel," he purrs.
Those words are the final strike you need to go crashing over the edge. You choke out a moan, and your body goes lax beneath him. You melt into a twitching puddle of shudders and whines, babbling about how perfect he feels inside you.
Your performance elicits a groan from Wade in the corner. You can't see, but you have strong suspicion it was the finale for him too. You imagine the way his hips buck into his hand and his head tilts back in pleasure. A pristine stream of pearlescent white bursting from him. It drives another wave of ecstasy over you.
Logan cums last. His hands fly to dig into the spaces beside your head; he avoids gripping your arms while he cums to prevent shattering your bones. The light duvet scrunches up with his fists. His eyes close too. A sharp puff of air leaves his mouth before his hips hammer into you deep and spill his load.
His balls smack against your ass, a final resounding sound signifying the end of his thrusts. He looks like a god when he cums, bulky, glistening chest on full display. His v-line and pubes slick with your arousal. Face set into an expression of pure satisfaction.
He fucks you full just like you need. Your eyes droop with the contentment it brings over you.
You're not sure how long you're in that dreamy daze for. You barely register Logan pulling out or climbing off of you. You only regain some sense of your surroundings when you hear mocking applause from behind you.
"Bravo you two. Color me impressed," he says before whistling, "If you guys put that on the internet, you could make something with that. Bring the whole celebrity sex tape thing back."
You hang your head back to look at Wade. "Yeah, but we're not really celebrities," you smile.
"And we're not doing a sex tape," Logan says from the other side of you.
Your head whips around to face him, and you laugh at the serious expression on his face. The sweet sound of your laughter lightens it up a bit. He reaches out to give your cheek a gentle stroke.
"It's just a suggestion. And with a name like the X-men, there's no limit on possible porn titles," Wade concludes, receiving more laughter from you and a groan from Logan.
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satorena · 10 months
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updated as of: sept 16th 2024 !
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⤷ trapped﹒ your classic stuck-in-an-elevator trope with an insufferable ceo businessman who’s really just in love with you.
⤷ like a freak ﹒ being overstimulated by jjk men.
⤷ bling bling baby ﹒ how jjk men react to your new piercing.
⤷ cybersex﹒ virtual sex with jjk men.
⤷ love language﹒how the jjk men show their love languages in bed.
⤷ i’ll hypnotize you with this pussy﹒how the jjk men behave when pussydrunk.
⤷ suck ‘n squeeze ﹒jjk men with a big tiddy girlfriend.
⤷ unprofessionalism﹒ escapade of ceo!gojo and his sweet secretary.
⤷ ménage à trois ﹒part two of ceo!gojo and his secretary’s escapades, with an extra guest.
⤷ d!ck off limits ﹒why won’t he let you suck his dick?
⤷ p power ﹒converting a loser into a munch wasn’t on your yearly bingo card . . . or was it?
⤷ living room flow - bonus﹒ your freeloader assures you your relationship with him is much more than a surface level friendship.
⤷ like a freak﹒ being overstimulated by jjk men.
⤷ bling bling baby﹒ how jjk men react to your new piercing.
⤷ cybersex﹒ virtual sex with jjk men.
⤷ love language﹒how the jjk men show their love languages in bed.
⤷ i’ll hypnotize you with this pussy﹒how the jjk men behave when pussydrunk.
⤷ suck ‘n squeeze ﹒jjk men with a big tiddy girlfriend.
⤷ pussy fairy’s on the way ﹒ you love touching yourself at the thought of him—even better, with him.
⤷ like a freak﹒ being overstimulated by jjk men.
⤷ bling bling baby ﹒ how jjk men react to your new piercing.
⤷ cybersex﹒ virtual sex with jjk men.
⤷ love language﹒how the jjk men show their love languages in bed.
⤷ i’ll hypnotize you with this pussy﹒how the jjk men behave when pussydrunk.
⤷ ménage à trois ﹒part two of ceo!gojo and his secretary’s escapades, with an extra guest.
⤷ like a freak﹒ being overstimulated by jjk men.
⤷ cybersex﹒ virtual sex with jjk men.
⤷ love language﹒how the jjk men show their love languages in bed.
⤷ i’ll hypnotize you with this pussy﹒how the jjk men behave when pussydrunk.
⤷ like a freak﹒ being overstimulated by jjk men.
⤷ love language﹒how the jjk men show their love languages in bed.
⤷ i’ll hypnotize you with this pussy﹒how the jjk men behave when pussydrunk.
⤷ drugs ‘n hella melodies ﹒riding choso when you’re both high.
⤷ bling bling baby﹒ how jjk men react to your new piercing.
⤷ suck ‘n squeeze ﹒jjk men with a big tiddy girlfriend.
⤷ brat taming gone wrong. ﹒ sukuna attempts to brat tame his freaky girlfriend (spoiler: he fails).
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yours truly, serena <3
1K notes · View notes
foone · 5 days
Colin Powell, the later Secretary of State, was there when Gene Roddenberry gave Wil Wheaton the rank insignia that Gene received in WW2?
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Apparently he visited during the filming of the season 3 episode "Ménage à Troi".
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340 notes · View notes
wholoveseggs · 6 months
Part 1 was fab, thanks so much darling, so why not a part 2? Alright so months later Y/N (me) is on her spring break vacation and she somehow manages to convince Elijah and Klaus to take her on a yacht. Rebekah had bragged to Kol and his brothers also hinted at what happened previously with Y/N so then he says he wanted to join too. Kol and Y/N have fun skinny dipping in the ocean and when it lands on the island, it’s quite literally a fuckfest. So it’s 3 brothers x Y/N although I want to make this one a reader insert if that’s okay. {kinks: cock choking/gagging, tit fucking, overstimulation fucking, lots of degradation, little praise, ass play, squirting, double penetration, and messy/sloppy sex (idk if that’s a kink tbh)}.
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Did I spend a long time on google trying to find an image of them together? yes
Did I give up? also yes... So instead... here are three pictures of them in the sun...
18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Just a quick little ménage à quatre with Klaus, Elijah and Kol... on spring break...
♡♡ Thanks for the request darling Aurora... this was such an insane challenge and I loved every minute of it. I personally wouldn't survive this, but it was fun to write! ♡♡
8.8k words - Warnings: this is by far the wildest thing I've ever written, smut smut and more smut, my Elijah bias coming in hot... dom!Mikaelsons, blowjobs, oral sex, rim job (f!receiving), gagging, overstimulation, choking, squirting, anal, dp, beach sex, yacht sex.... it really is a fuckfest. So much cum, a ton of dirty talk, sir kink, daddy kink, lots of degradation and praise... probably missing something, but you get the gist.. it's extremely horny... so strap in and enjoy...
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You stretched out on the sofa at the Mikaelson compound, phone in hand, browsing through social media. You let out a heavy sigh as you scrolled through your friend's photos on vacation, posted only a few hours ago. You were happy for them, really. You just wished you had fun things to do too. It was spring break and you had no plans, Rebekah was supposed to be here, the two of you planned to spend the week together. But she ditched you to go to Mystic Falls to go see some guy named Matt who didn't even seem very interesting.
Elijah walked in, lifting your legs so he could sit on the sofa. He set your legs down on his lap, and you continued to browse your phone, noticing another picture of a girl in a bikini, holding a margarita, in front of the ocean.
You let out a huff, closing the app, and dropping the phone on to your chest.
"What is the matter?" Elijah asked, placing a hand on your shin, caressing you gently.
"Everyone is having fun on their spring breaks, except me. I don't have any plans," you complained, staring up at the ceiling.
"Why don't we go on the yacht for a few days?" Elijah suggested, a smile forming on his lips.
"You have a yacht?" You asked, sitting up on the sofa, resting your back against the armrest.
"Of course we do darling," said Klaus, who just entered the room, standing behind the sofa, putting his hands on the backrest and looking down at you.
You gave him a wide smile and then glanced at Elijah, their proximity reminding you of a certain memory. Your cheeks flushed as you remembered the way they had both fucked you senseless. You bit your lower lip, as your eyes traveled from Elijah's eyes, down to his lips.
After your ménage with Rebekah and the boys you had come back for more from Elijah. The two of you had a series of secret rendezvous, whenever the rest of the family were away. Elijah had a way of making you feel so good, and when things got really heated he made you call him something special. Something only the two of you shared.
"Sunshine, endless sands, alcohol, good music, the sea... What more do you need?" Klaus said, smirking when he caught the look on your face, breaking you out of your dirty thoughts.
"That all sounds wonderful... What else is going to happen there?" You asked, as Elijah ran a finger up your shin, his hand traveling up to your bare thigh.
"Whatever you desire," Elijah said, giving you a knowing smirk.
"Can we bring Kol?" You asked, looking back and forth between the two of them.
They both looked surprised and a little annoyed, it amused you to see their expressions.
"Why?" Klaus asked, his lips pursed, and brows furrowed in annoyance.
"Why not?" You shrugged. "We are just going to have fun. And besides... He's always being left out," you said, trying to be as neutral as possible, looking at both men as you said this, trying to read their reactions.
Elijah just looked at you, trying to hide the jealousy, but his face was giving everything away. Ever since you hooked up with them, you realized how much power you held over them. They would literally do anything you asked. Of course you would never take advantage of that power... At least not very much... You just wanted to be able to have a little bit of fun and spice things up with the three men, and it wasn't going to work without Kol.
"Kol can be... Insatiable," Elijah warned, giving you a knowing look.
"Kol behaves like a horny teenager, love. Don't you want this to be a classy affair?" Klaus added, his gaze moving over your body.
"Please?" You asked, looking at them with wide, innocent eyes, a teasing smile on your lips.
"Very well, if you wish for Kol to come, he can come. Just try to keep him under control," Elijah said, a soft sigh escaping his lips.
Klaus groaned and bowed his head in defeat, running his fingers through his hair.
You beamed, hopping on Elijah's lap, straddling his hips. "So when can we leave?" you asked, your eyes lighting up in anticipation.
Elijah grabbed your ass with both hands, kneading your cheeks, "we can go tonight."
You cupped his face, "oh I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun," you exclaimed, pressing a quick peck to Elijah's lips and then jumping off his lap and heading to pack, getting ready for your little adventure with your three favorite guys.
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The yacht was extravagant to say the least, meticulously decorated and very well kept. You were in your private quarters, unpacking your various bikinis, deciding on what to wear to go sunbathe. You felt two hands grab you from behind and turned your head, seeing Kol smirking at you.
"I don't know how you did it but thank you," he whispered in your ear, pressing a kiss to the shell of it.
You leaned against him, humming, closing your eyes. He squeezed your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder, taking a look at the bikinis that you had sprawled on the bed.
"Oh, this one's nice," he said, grabbing one of the pieces of cloth, "but I'd like it better on my floor," he chuckled.
You chuckled too, "why am I not surprised?" you said, grabbing it from him.
He gave you a kiss on the cheek and let you go. He laid down on the bed, stretching like a lazy cat. You decided on one of your new bikinis and headed to the bathroom to change into it.
Kol sat up and watched you walk away, "why aren't you changing in here? There's plenty of space," he said, scooting back on the bed, making room for you.
"What gave you the impression I would do that?" you teased.
Kol gave you an offended look, placing a hand on his heart. You shook your head and closed the door, getting changed quickly, and returning to your room. You sat on the bed next to him and pulled out your tanning lotion from your suitcase, taking the time to lather your arms and legs in it. Kol's eyes followed your movements, watching your fingers trail along your skin. You glanced at him and smiled when you saw him lick his lips as you put more lotion on your hand and applied it on your chest.
He reached over and took the lotion from your hands and gestured for you to get on his lap. You turned and sat sideways, your legs dangling off the bed. He massaged your shoulders, then moved to your arms and your back. You let your head fall back against his shoulder as his hands traveled along your body.
"I heard this rumor," he whispered, his breath warm on your ear, "about you having a bit of fun with my siblings," he said, as he slipped his hand under the hem of your bikini bottom and squeezed your butt cheek, "and me being left out," he chuckled, pressing a kiss to your neck.
You turned to face him, "who told you that?"
He gave you a smug smile, "let's just say, someone has been doing a little bit of gossiping about what happens in the compound."
Your eyes widened when you realized what he meant, "Rebekah!" You gasped. "Well... Now she's the one who's being left out," you giggled.
Kol hummed in approval, his lips forming into a lopsided smile, his eyes wandering your face and neck, lingering on your chest. His gaze traveled to your cleavage, as you pressed your boobs together.
"So what you are saying is that it's true? Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah. How was that?" He asked, looking at your eyes again.
You blushed and averted your gaze, "good," you whispered, feeling his cock twitch underneath you. You laughed softly and swatted his arm, "why does that excite you so much?" You teased.
"Don't judge me, darling. You are just so damn beautiful, I thought you were all innocent and shy. I'm dying to hear you describe what they did to you... Tell me about it."
You smiled mischievously, moving to straddle his hips, "well... Rebekah and I touched each other while the guys were watching us..."
"God, that's so hot," he breathed out, running his hands up and down your thighs.
"Then they all took turns fucking me," you whispered, kissing along his jaw.
Kol's grip on your thigh tightened, "fuck, I would've loved to see that."
"I've been thinking about it ever since," you confessed, your eyes dark with lust, "and I'm not sure I had enough," you whispered, nipping at his earlobe, tugging at it.
"Do you think Klaus and Elijah would want to share you with me, sweetheart?" He asked, his voice deep and husky.
You bit your lower lip, grinding your ass on his cock, making him moan. "It's not up to them," you said, kissing him softly, "I decide who gets to fuck me," you murmured against his lips, grabbing his hands and moving them on your breasts, making him squeeze them, "and right now, I'd like it to be you," you purred.
You looked into his eyes, his hunger for you was palpable. You kissed down his chest, scooting back until your knees touched the floor. You pulled his swim trunks down. His erect cock sprung free. You stroked him slowly, watching the precum spilling out of his tip.
You looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes, placing your lips on the head of his cock, licking his slit. His fingers threaded through your hair as you took him in your mouth. You swirled your tongue around the head, taking him in inch by inch, until you reached his base.
"That's it, darling, just like that," he grunted, his grip on your hair tightening.
You hummed around him, bobbing your head up and down, sucking him hard, moaning at the taste of him. He rolled his hips, thrusting up into your mouth. You knew he was close, so you withdrew, smiling at him as he gave you a confused look.
"What are you doing darling?"
You stuck your tongue out, sliding the wide part of your tongue up and down his shaft. "I don't want you to cum just yet, I want you to fuck my mouth," you said, licking the underside of his cock, your eyes never leaving his.
"Oh, fuck, you are a dirty little thing, aren't you, darling?" He whispered, as he cupped your jaw with his hand.
"Mhm," you moaned, taking his tip in your mouth, sucking it gently, and looking at him, waiting for him to make a move.
He smirked, holding your hair, and pushing your head down untill your nose was pressed against his groin. You hummed, looking up at him, and relaxing your throat, letting him use your mouth. He began thrusting into your mouth, and you reached for his balls, squeezing them gently.
"Good girl. If only you could see yourself right now. Your lips stretched around my cock-"
"It's quite a sight," said the deep voice of Elijah, he was leaning in the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. Klaus was standing behind him, amusement flashing in his eyes.
You pulled off of Kol and looked at them, blushing furiously. "Hi," you said in a small, raspy voice, wiping off the spit from your chin.
"Hello sweetheart," Klaus said, walking over to the bed. He brought his hand to your face, squeezing your cheeks.
"Aww look at your flushed little face," said Kol, pinching your cheek with his thumb and forefinger, smirking at you. "Why are you shy all of a sudden?" He teased, chuckling.
All three of them were towering over you and you had to crane your neck up to look at them. You were so wet from the sight, the three of them in only their swim trunks, exposing their toned chests, muscles bulging. You just wanted to jump in bed and have them take turns with you.
You shuffled a bit on your knees so you were between all three of them. They were looking down at you expectantly, Elijah ran his fingers through your hair, caressing your cheek with his thumb. All three pairs of eyes were glued to you, hooded and half closed. Your gaze was traveling from one perfect body to another. You could see their erections growing underneath the tight fabric of their swim trunks.
Kol stood up, his hard cock dangling next to your head. You circled it with your hand, gently stroking him, and looking up at him with pleading eyes. You didn't care which one of them it would be, as long as they were all going to fuck you.
You opened your mouth, waiting for one of them to fill it with his cock, Kol, who was the closest, was the first one to do it. You took his cock in your mouth again, bobbing your head, and looking up at him. 
You reached out with your other hand and pulled Elijah closer by the waistband of his shorts, touching his hard on through the fabric. His breathing got heavier and he smiled, helping you free him from his confinement, hissing when you wrapped your hand around him.
You looked up at Klaus, a lustful look on your face. He gave you an amused smirk, shaking his head in disbelief, taking his time to observe you, clearly enjoying the way you begged him for his cock without even using words.
You batted your lashes at him, and he obliged, taking himself in hand, giving it a few strokes and stepping closer to you. 
You pulled off of Kol, with a loud 'pop' and turned your head slightly to lick and nip Klaus's cock, all while pumping your hands up and down their lengths. They were groaning, pulling you closer, pressing against your face, leaking for you.
"Get it nice and wet for me love," Klaus said, the smirk still playing on his lips, "show me how thankful you are for this little vacation," he taunted you, "be a good girl for us."
You hummed, eagerly taking him in your mouth, sucking him hard. You took Elijah and Kol in your hands, and stroked them simultaneously, the sounds of their moans made your pussy throb.
"I don't think good girls do this, Nik," Kol said, tilting his head and grinning down at you.
Klaus moved his hips, slowly pushing himself deeper into your mouth. He released a breathy moan, watching you swallow his cock, flattening your tongue along the underside of his shaft. You swirled your tongue around him. He tangled his hand in your hair, his eyes closed, mouth parted in a low grunt. 
"What a good little whore, taking all of me in," he praised, rolling his hips, thrusting shallowly in your mouth.
You moaned at his dirty words, making Kol chuckle, "I think she likes when you call her that, brother."
Klaus smirked, pulling his length out and gave you cheek a little slap with his cock, "Mhm... She does, doesn't she? "
He entered your mouth again, shoving his cock down your throat, holding your face in place. You gagged, letting out a muffled whimper as he pressed your face into his groin. Klaus's mouth fell open, and he let out a moan that was so low and guttural that it made you almost cum. He rocked his hips, fucking your mouth so deeply, watching tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
You tried to keep the pace with your hands on Elijah and Kol's cocks, but you were unable to concentrate. Your legs were trembling, wetness pooling between your legs.
Klaus held your face between his strong hands, still buried deep in your throat, using you like a doll, "good slut," he said in a strained, breathy voice, thrusting into you a few more times and releasing your face.
You almost fell forward, catching your breath, gasping for air. A trail of spit dribbled down your chin. You blinked a couple of times, looking up at the three men, their hungry, lustful eyes boring into yours.
"Finish me off and then do Kol," Klaus ordered, grabbing you by the hair.
You kept your eyes on him as you gave him a couple of long and slow licks. You brought your hand up to his pulsing shaft, rubbing your thumb against the leaking tip of his cock. He threw his head back, grunting, his hips bucking. You took the tip of him in your mouth, your head bobbing up and down, sucking him quickly and moving your hand in quick motions.
"Yeah... Yeah, just like that, sweetheart," he groaned, slapping your hand away, and thrusting into your mouth a few more times, before pulling out and releasing his load on your face.
Kol and Elijah looked down at you, pride flaring in their eyes.
"What are you waiting for? Clean the mess up," Klaus grunted, smearing his cock across your lips.
You lapped up the cum from his cock, humming in pleasure. He watched you intently as you swallowed and then smiled.
Elijah and Kol were pumping themselves, groaning, waiting for their turn. The view of them, hard and aching for you, their muscles flexing and their mouths parted, was so fucking hot. You felt so powerful, having all three of them so worked up and turned on.
“What a filthy little pet," Elijah said, still stroking his length leisurely.
Klaus moved away, sitting on the bed to watch the show. You pivoted on your knees to face Kol. He had a predatory smile on his face, "shall I do you in the same fashion my other brother did, or would you prefer something different?" He asked, his eyes darting to your cleavage for a split second.
His hands went to your throat, lifting your face up to meet his gaze, his other hand coming up to your face, caressing your cheekbone. He dipped his head and kissed your breasts, hooking his fingers inside the fabric and yanking it down. He sucked one of your tits in his mouth, nibbling, and biting until you winced.
"God, you are gorgeous," he said, pinching a nipple roughly, swiping his tongue around the other, moaning around it.
You were so aroused, being at the mercy of the three of them. Each of them dominating you in their own manner. You were so excited that you were trembling in anticipation.
You gasped as Kol grabbed a fist full of your hair, guiding you crouch in front of him so your breasts were in line with his hard length, "open," he said, his tone harsher than before. You opened up and he started to shallowly fuck your mouth.
"Press your tits around it," he ordered, slowing his thrusts down. You pressed your tits around his cock, swirling your tongue around the head, tasting his precum. His head rolled back and he let out a deep groan, slowly fucking the valley of your breasts.
"Fuck that feels amazing," he moaned, making sure his length was sliding between your breasts as he moved his hips, creating friction and using your spit to further lubricate his cock.
You moved your hands, leaning back a little. You took your nipples between your index and forefinger, twirling them in different directions, you were so turned on that could could probably cum just from playing with your boobs.
"Enjoying yourself are you?" Kol sneered, "I didn't say you could do that," he said, stopping his hips altogether and grabbing you by your throat again.
You whined around him as your head was pulled back, his shaft slipping from your mouth.
"Use your hands to move your tits," he said, slowly circling his hips, fucking your mouth again. Your eyes drifted to Elijah, who was leisurely working his hand up and down his rock hard cock, watching the scene playing out.
"You look so pretty like that," Elijah said with his velvet voice, his signature smirk playing on his lips.
Kol's thumb was running back and forth over your throat, "does my cock please you?" He asked, with a naughty glint in his eye.
You were too focused on all the sensations to answer and he didn't take well to that. He squeezed your throat and pulled you away, bringing your face close to his, "I asked you a question, answer," he ordered through gritted teeth.
"Y-yes it does, Kol" you managed to breathe out, your cheeks blushing.
His smirk widened, and he loosened his grip on you. He ran the pad of his thumb over your lips, looking between your eyes and your lips. He was so close that you could feel his breath fanning over your face.
"Sir," he corrected you.
You felt heat spreading through your entire body, "yes sir," you whispered, looking up at him.
The corners of his mouth twitched and his eyes flashed with excitement, "Good girl," he praised, rubbing his thumb over your lower lip and sliding it inside your mouth. Your tongue swirled around it and you moaned softly. Kol grabbed your wrist and directed your hand to his cock, moving it up and down.
"Put this mouth to use now," he breathed out, tucking his hand back in your hair, tilting your head back a bit, making you look up at him.
You maintained eye contact as you teased him, kissing up and down his shaft, "take all of me," he grunted, resting his hand on your cheek as you circled the tip of his cock with your tongue.
Your eyes widened at the demanding tone of his voice, and did as you were told, closing your mouth around him, opening it wider, taking in more and more of him.
He tapped your cheek lightly, "what a slut," he teased, rolling his hips, pushing himself deeper down your throat. You gagged, your hands gripping his thighs, squeezing them, trying to steady yourself. He kept thrusting, his balls slapping your chin. You were drooling around him, the sound of your gags filled the room.
"Oh, yeah just like that, baby," he said, holding you in place.
You gagged some more and tried to breathe through your nose, tilting your head back, letting him use your throat as his own personal fucktoy. The corners of your mouth were aching and you were drooling, small moans escaping you.
He didn't pull out once, as he was chasing his release. Your jaw was aching but you were enjoying this dominance over you. He let out a low groan and pulled out completely, tugging roughly at his hard length until he came all over your chest and your face, his warm cum spilling over your breasts.
Kol tucked himself in his shorts and flopped down in the nearby armchair, draping an arm over his face with his usual dramatic flair, "damn..." He tilted his head and gave you a long look, his eyes trailing up and down your form. Kneeling on the ground, trembling and disheveled in your bikini, completely fucked out and sticky with cum all over your chest and your face.
"Oh, sweetheart, you are an incredible sight to see," he laughed, sinking into the chair with a relaxed demeanor. "Don't you think Elijah?" He smirked at the older Mikaelson brother who was still standing in front of you, his bottom lip between his teeth.
Elijah was giving you the most intense, penetrating stare, eyes boring into yours, a hint of a smile quirking his lips up. You pivoted on your knees to face him, stroking him up and down as you looked up at him through your lashes, waiting for him to make the first move.
"Oh, I could get used to this view," he chuckled, running his thumb over your swollen bottom lip. You caught his digit with your lips and hummed softly, swirling your tongue around the pad of his thumb.
"Do you like having our cocks in your mouth?" He whispered, dark eyes looking deep into yours.
You nodded, whimpering in response as his finger slipped past your lips, plunging into your mouth. You sucked on it eagerly, moaning around it, and lowering your hand to play with his balls. You caressed them gently, cupping them, giving them a soft squeeze.
"What a perfect whore you are," he said, freeing his finger from your mouth and pressing the dripping tip of his cock against your lips. You parted your lips and let him push his length into your mouth. You took him deep, all the way down your throat, making him curse and release a satisfied moan.
He placed his hands on your cheeks, guiding you as you bobbed your head up and down, sucking him harder. He was the biggest out of the three brothers and took a while to get used to his length and the width of his cock.
He pressed your head down further, stilling it and holding you in place until you gagged, your hands coming up to grip his thighs in an attempt to ground yourself.
"That's it, take it all in," he cooed, running his hand through your hair.
Tears formed at the corner of your eyes and you tried to swallow around him as you choked.
"I can do whatever I want to your pretty little mouth and I will have you worshiping me just the way I like," he said as he slowly pulled his length out. You were gasping for air, blinking away the tears that had formed in your eyes and desperately trying to catch your breath.
He raised his eyebrows at you, waiting for a response, stroking your cheek with the back of his fingers.
You opened your mouth, he didn't give you a chance to answer him before he was pushing himself back inside. He thrusted deeply, snapping his hips and forcing the entirety of his length down your throat. His hips snapped sharply, fucking your throat hard and fast. You continued to choke on him and you squeezed his thigh, struggling to breathe.
"Good girl, I want to see those tears stream down your cheeks" he moaned, picking up the pace and continuing to fuck your mouth, the feeling you gagging turning him on even more.
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes, the look on his face made you moan, his lips parted, his eyes watching you with lust. You wanted to make him feel good. You wanted to make him cum.
He slowed his hips and you took the opportunity to press you head all the way down, deep throating him then pulling off and repeating this. You gagged with every pass, maintaining eye contact with him.
"God, I love seeing you like this," he breathed, his hips jerking. He grabbed your hair and pressed you against his groin, holding you there, your nose buried in the coarse, dark hair around the base of his cock.
"Mmmmm" you moaned, choking, the vibrations of your moan caused Elijah to release a deep, guttural sound and his hips to buck involuntarily. You could feel the muscles in his thighs tighten and he held your head in place as he emptied himself into your throat. You swallowed eagerly, milking him, taking everything he had to offer.
You kept sucking him, cleaning his length and pulling more from him untill he softened.
You looked up at him, waiting for his next order. He was standing above you, breathing heavily, his face flushed, his eyes heavy-lidded.
He stroked your cheek, his fingers brushing your bottom lip, his expression unreadable, "such a perfect little cock whore aren't you?" He said in a low voice.
You smiled and nodded, humming, looking around at the three of them. All of them were breathing hard, their skin covered in a sheen of sweat. They looked absolutely breathtaking, lounging around and completely spent, the satisfied smiles on their faces making your heart swell with pride.
You were a mess as well, kneeling on the ground in front of them, trembling, panting, sweating. Your bikini top was ripped and all you were wearing was the skimpy bottom, your skin was sticky with their cum. The taste of all three of them lingering on your lips.
Kol stood and suddenly scooped you up, carrying you bridal style to the deck of the yacht, you shrieked and giggled as he ran.
The sunlight blinded you momentarily, and you blinked, tucking your head in his neck to shield your eyes from the blazing sun and take a deep breath.
"Ahh look, a beautiful beach right up ahead!" He said, laughing, his breath tickling your skin. "I want to fuck you on the sand, doll," he said in a rushed whisper, making you wriggle in his arms.
"Kol!!!" You protested, trying to break free, but he held you tight as he ran towards the side of the boat, stopping in the nick of time, "what are you doing? Oh, my god! You're crazy!" You were laughing, and cursing as you struggled against his grip, your hands cradling the back of his head.
"I am darling," he said, then jumped off the edge of the yacht with you in his arms, into the water below.
You screamed before you hit the water, bubbles rising up around you. Once you emerged, Kol pulled you back into his arms, peppering your face with kisses.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, arms circled around his neck, giggling, "you scared me."
"Sorry, it was too tempting. I couldn't help myself," he said between kisses and giving you an unapologetic smile.
You splashed water at him and he responded by diving underwater, pulling at the fabric of your bikini bottoms and yanking it off you. He swam to the surface and waved the fabric in his hand, "this is mine now."
"What?! Kol!" You said, swimming towards him and grabbing his shoulders, "give it back!" You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He kissed your nose, his eyes darting over to the beach, "I'll let you have it back after I've had you on beach," he said, smirking.
"No!" You shrieked and giggled, trying to wrestle him and snatch the material from his hand.
"Give them back Kol," Elijah's voice rang out from above, him and Klaus were leaning over the side of the yacht, looking down at the two of you.
Kol ignored them and threw the bottoms as far as he could, you immediately lost sight of them in the ocean waves.
"KOL!" You squealed, hitting his chest.
He let out a sharp, short laugh, "you don't need them, sweetheart, we are the only ones out here, just relax, enjoy yourself," he was massaging your ass in his large hands, tugging your cheeks apart, spreading you open, squeezing your flesh.
"Besides, I love the idea of you walking around naked," he added, nuzzling his nose against your cheek.
He carried you to the shore, pressing you down into the wet sand. He pinned your hands over your head, kissing and nuzzling your neck, "be a good little whore, won't you? Stay still for me."
You hummed, nodding and squirming underneath him, he had you pinned under his weight and he was grinding his hard cock against your clit, making you gasp and arch your back.
He sunk his fangs into your neck, eliciting a yelp from you, "be still," he repeated, licking the spot that he just bit, soothing the tender flesh. He eased his cock into you, filling you slowly, inch by inch.
His hands gripped your thighs, pulling them apart and rolling his hips in a steady rhythm, sliding in and out of you. The sand was rough and hot against your skin and your back was moving up and down the sandy ground with each thrust. It wasn't the most comfortable situation, but you didn't care at the moment.
Your heels dug into the back of his legs, egging him on, angling your hips up for him. You were focused on his fangs grazing your neck, his grunts and heavy breathing, his cock nudging against your g-spot with every stroke.
He had you gasping and squirming underneath him, he smirked at you through hooded eyes, picking up the pace, hearing the sounds of his skin slapping against yours over the crashing waves.
"Cum all over my cock, darling," he breathed in your ear, as his pace quickened, his strokes became sloppy and uncoordinated as he neared his own climax.
You squeezed around him and let go, arching up to kiss him and moaning into his mouth as you shook, waves of pleasure flowing through you. He was relentless, pounding you fast and hard, stilling his hips and releasing deep inside you, letting out a primal grunt.
You were both sweating and completely out of breath as you stayed connected. You slid your hands up his arms and into his hair, smiling up at him.
"Enjoy yourself?" He asked, his damp hair falling into his face, droplets clinging to his forehead.
"Always," you whispered, pulling him closer, and pecking his lips.
He was about to say something else when Klaus' voice boomed, interrupting him.
"Ship is leaving, you two! Stop fucking and get back on board!"
Kol chuckled and looked over his shoulder at his brother, "we're not done yet, Nik! We're staying on this island and finding that missing bikini bottom," he shouted back.
You laughed and pushed on Kol's chest, "come on, you idiot, let's get back to the boat."
"Fine," he said, with an exaggerated sigh.
You swam your way back to the boat and climbed up the nearby ladder. Elijah was standing at the top of it, waiting for you, you stumbled as you clambered up the last few rungs of the ladder and would have face planted, if his strong hands hadn't caught you.
"Hello there," he flashed you a grin, "having fun I see," he surveyed the multiple love bites across your neck and shoulder with a hint of amusement.
"Hi," you smiled, placing your hands on his chest, admiring the hair curled there. He was your favorite of the three, the way he would look at you made your heart race, his deep voice made your knees weak.
The private hook-ups the two of you have had were always the most intense. You weren't sure what it was, but there was a fire between the two of you, one that burned hotter than the others.
"Where is Kol?" Elijah asked, looking over your shoulder.
"Still looking for my bikini," you said, giggling, "he won't find it, it's too far gone."
"Well, in the meantime," he said, before leaning in and kissing you slowly and passionately, gliding his hands up your bare back. You smiled against his lips, looping your arms around his neck as you deepened the kiss.
He guided you backwards to the built in couches that lined the side of the boat, pushing you down onto the seat. You let out a soft gasp from the impact, looking up at him and biting your lip. He was towering above you, the sun illuminating his muscular form, making his skin glow.
He smiled and kneeled before you, his hands running up and down your thighs. He continued to spread them, leaning forward to kiss your stomach, making you giggle. He hooked your legs over his shoulders and pulled you towards him, kissing his way down, trailing his lips over your inner thighs, sucking and nipping at the skin.
He ran his nose over your mound and pressed a gentle kiss right above your clit, "so lovely," he breathed, his warm breath caressing your already sensitive pussy. He flattened his tongue and dragged it over your clit, flicking the tip.
He hummed as he tasted you, pressing his mouth to your pussy lips and sucking on them, drawing a long moan from you. He flicked and teased your clit with the tip of his tongue, before closing his lips around it and sucking gently, swirling his tongue around the nub.
"Eli," you whined, letting out a long moan, running your hands through his thick hair. He hummed, the vibrations sending tingles through your whole body.
He moved his tongue to your entrance, slipping it in, licking up the slickness. He fucked you with his tongue, his thumb coming up to massage your clit.
You were a moaning, writhing mess under his mouth, so lost in bliss you didn't notice Klaus sitting down next to you until he spoke.
"Hello, love," he smirked, taking a sip from his glass.
"Hey," you moaned, reaching a hand out to caress his cheek, running a finger over his bottom lip.
He grabbed your hand and kissed your fingers, before placing the cool, crystal glass to your lips.
You sipped the cool, bubbly liquid, looking up at him, eyes sparkling, "thanks."
He set the glass down, and leaned in, pressing his lips against yours, his tongue parting your lips and dipping inside. You gasped into Klaus' mouth as Elijah's tongue dipped between you cheeks, licking up and down, teasing your entrance, before circling his tongue around the tight ring.
You whimpered as he licked you and Klaus chuckled, kissing his way down your neck.
Kol finally appeared, standing over the two of them, watching as they ravished you, "look what I found," he said, dangling a bikini bottom from his fingers.
"I don't think she needs it," Klaus said, his breath tickling your neck.
"True," Kol said, tossing the scrap of material away and sitting on the couch next to you, reaching out to pluck a bottle of champagne out of an ice bucket, before taking a long drink and pouring some down your chest and torso.
Elijah licked the bubbles off your chest, giving special attention to your breasts, before making his way up and claiming your mouth again. You moaned into his mouth, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands were gripping your thighs, keeping them spread open.
"Such a perfect slut for us," he breathed. You moaned, gyrating your hips, craving their touch, your body flushed with desire. Elijah moved back down, kissing your stomach, making his way back between your legs.
Your fingers curled in Elijah's damp hair, massaging his scalp as he kept his mouth on you. The warmth in your belly was spreading and the tightness building. Your mouth opened in a silent scream, as he sent you over the edge, pulling your clit into his mouth and sucking as your orgasm ripped through your body.
You gushed over his face, moaning and gasping at the stimulation, panting as you came down from your high. He sucked a little harder, making you kick your legs and try to push away.
"Too much, Eli!" you pleaded, unable to escape his vice-like grip.
He didn't stop and just gave you a smirk, making a show of it, and enjoying the look of pleasure and agony on your face.
He hummed softly, pressing two fingers into your ass, causing you to cry out and squeeze your thighs together, as he continued his attack on your clit, "Eli, I can't, please"
Kol bit your earlobe, and you felt the sharpness of his teeth, "you can and you will, you'll give our brother exactly what he wants, won't you?"
You nodded, moaning in response, letting Elijah stretch you open, working another finger inside, his tongue swirling, licking, sucking.
"Eli-" you cried, pulling on his hair as you felt him plunge his fingers deep and curl them inside you. Your eyes squeezed shut, tears stung the corners of your eyes, it was overwhelming, so intense.
"Eli, I'm cumming, please, I'm-" the rest of your sentence was cut off, your whole body tensed, a loud, long, drawn out moan escaped you.
You couldn't control the shaking, your mind went blank, your body was flooded with endorphins and you were a puddle in the arms of Kol and Klaus, who held you as you came.
Elijah finally moved his mouth away, his fingers still in your ass, he kissed you hard and you tasted yourself on his tongue.
Klaus grabbed the bottle of champagne and handed it to Elijah, who drank deeply, wiping his mouth on his forearm. He pushed your thighs back, and Kol and Klaus hooked their arms under your knees, holding you open.
Elijah removed his fingers and pushed his trunks down to his thighs, grabbing his cock, stroking himself slowly, smirking as you watched him.
You swallowed, looking between the three men, feeling like a trapped animal, you had nowhere to go, they had you surrounded.
"What a sight, sweetheart, such a slut," Elijah praised, brushing his thumb over your clit. You jolted and whined, "so sensitive, aren't we? Poor little whore, you've been fucked so many times, your body is just aching to be used."
"Eli," you whispered, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes. He chuckled, wrapping his hand around your throat, squeezing lightly, making you moan. "That's not what you call me when we are alone," he whispered, his dark eyes boring into yours, his expression stern, the veins rippling under his eyes.
You licked your lips, taking in a breath, Kol and Klaus exchanged glances, they didn't know about your private hookups with Elijah.
"I'm sorry... daddy," you replied, looking up at him through your lashes, your eyes wide and innocent as they could be in this position.
He grinned, pleased with your answer and Klaus and Kol snickered, making Elijah's smile widen, showing his white teeth, "much better," he cooed, his grip tightening, as he aligned his cock with your ass, pushing past the rim, sinking deep inside.
Your hands flew to his wrists, squeezing tightly, your eyes pleading with him to go slow, even though you knew he wouldn't, and he didn't. He thrust hard and fast, making your toes curl, Klaus and Kol holding you tight and keeping you from wiggling away. 
They were both touching and groping, whispering dirty things in your ears, the combined attention had you soaring towards your next orgasm.
"You're such a little slut for us, aren't you? Our perfect, little, cock whore, aren't you darling?" Kol murmured, his hand cupping your breast, rolling and pinching the nipple. Klaus was playing with your other nipple, tugging and squeezing, and you were lost in their touch and words.
"Yes, I'm a little slut, please-" you gasped, arching up, the intensity of Elijah's thrusts sending shockwaves through you. Elijah's hand tightened on your throat, his cock plunging deep, making your eyes roll back and you let out a choked moan, the stretch was so good.
"Tell them," Elijah said, his voice was commanding, demanding, his tone leaving no room for discussion. "Tell them how much of a filthy little slut you are," he said, his eyes staring directly into yours, his thrusts getting faster and sloppier.
You whined, squirming in their hold, the heat was building and your head was fuzzy. Kol gave you a light slap on the cheek, bringing you back, "tell us, sweetheart, don't keep us waiting."
"I'm a dirty little whore," you panted, looking up at Elijah, whose lips were curled into a devilish grin, "a cock-hungry little slut," he grunted, his hips snapping.
"You're ours, all ours, aren't you? You love this, being filled and stretched, being used by all three of us, don't you?" Kol's words had you clenching around Elijah's cock, your whole body was trembling, so close to your climax.
"Yes, yes, yes," you moaned, arching your back, feeling Klaus and Kol's hands exploring your body.
"Good girl," Elijah said, loosening his hold on your neck, "so obedient"
He withdrew his hips and snapped them forward, drawing a loud moan from you, which encouraged him, and he began fucking you, hard and fast, setting a brutal pace. He leaned down, capturing your mouth, kissing you tenderly, as if to apologize for the roughness of his thrusts.
"I want to see her ass stretched wide and gaping for us," Kol hummed, his hands roaming down your sides, his fingers digging into your flesh, as Elijah continued to pound into you.
Elijah was getting close, his hands were shaking, his face contorting with the effort to control himself, his mouth open in a silent moan. His hips stilled, he let out a guttural groan as he filled you, his cock twitching and pulsing, his cum dripping out of you.
He pulled out slowly, and Kol watched, entranced, watching how your ass gaped, and the cum leaking from you.
"Such a dirty, filthy, slut, sweetheart," Kol cooed, his fingers sliding down and rubbing your sensitive clit. You gasped and whimpered, the stimulation making you writhe and squirm, trying to escape his touch.
Klaus' hand covered your mouth, "shhhh, we're not done with you, darling, we want you to cum for us one more time." He looked at his brother and smirked, "do you think she can do it?"
You cried out, muffled by Klaus' hand, feeling him pinch your clit, before he pulled you onto his lap, moving your legs to straddle him. His lips found yours and you moaned into the kiss, he held you tightly, his hands on your waist, guiding you to his cock, "such a good girl, you're going to ride me, and you're not allowed to cum, understand?"
"Yes, Sir," you breathed.
"Good," he said, his voice was a low growl, his eyes flashing amber, he looked dangerous, and it made your blood rush and heart race. "Now make yourself useful," he smirked, smacking you hard on the ass.
You sank onto him, moaning as he stretched you, grinding against him, loving the feel of his cock rubbing inside you. He smacked your ass again, "come on, darling, move, I'm not getting any younger," he growled.
You lifted yourself and slid back down, rolling your hips and clenching around him. Elijah sat down on the couch and took your hand, placing it on his already hard cock, encouraging you to stroke him. He leaned forward and kissed you, his hand caressing your cheek, "so perfect, little one, keep riding my brother, I know you can do it."
Kol came up behind you, running his hands over your hips and down your legs, before sliding them up your stomach and cupping your breasts, rolling and squeezing them. He kissed your shoulder, and nibbled on the skin, his cock pressing into your ass, grinding against you.
The sensations were overwhelming, and you were panting and moaning, the tightness building in your core. Klaus grabbed your throat, squeezing, "look at me," he demanded. You forced your eyes open, gazing at him through your lashes, feeling light headed and dizzy, the pleasure building, the tightness almost painful.
"Don't cum, not yet," he ordered, and you whimpered, squeezing his cock, the feeling of being full was driving you crazy. You were close, so close, and he wasn't letting you finish.
"I'm sorry," you whined, stilling your hips, trying to pull away from his hand, "I can't, sir, I'm gonna cum."
Klaus pulled you forward by the neck, holding you tight against his chest, his hands on your ass, squeezing and massaging, spreading your cheeks wide. 
"Don't you dare move," Klaus growled in your ear, "and stay quiet, you don't want everyone to hear what a filthy whore you are, do you?"
You shook your head, biting your lip, burying your face in his neck, your breathing heavy. You felt Kol press his cock against your asshole and he slid in slowly. You cried out, the sound muffled by Klaus' shoulder.
Kol's hands gripped your waist and he started moving, fucking you in earnest. Klaus held your hips still, his fingers digging into your flesh. You were trapped between them, their cocks filling you. Kol's thrusts were hard and fast, each time he hit bottom, the air was pushed from your lungs, and you could only hold on and take it.
They were relentless, their bodies moving in unison, and when they picked up the pace, and you were on the brink, you had no choice but to let go.
You tried to stifle your moans, to hide the fact that you were coming apart between the two men, and they weren't having it.
Kol's hand found its way into your hair and he tugged, pulling your head back, "we said no, and yet, here you are, cumming without permission," he hissed, slamming his hips into yours, his cock pulsing.
"Such a naughty slut," Klaus added, reaching between your legs, rubbing your clit, and making you gasp, "such a bad girl," he said, his voice low, "and we know exactly what to do with bad girls, don't we Elijah?"
Elijah stood and stepped up onto the couch, and placed his cock on your cheek, "open your mouth, darling, you need to be taught a lesson," he demanded.
You obeyed, and his cock slipped into your mouth, he didn't let you have control, he held your head, pulling you flush into his groin, "take it, all the way," he urged, and you gagged, trying to relax your throat, your nose pressed into the hair at the base of his cock.
"Good girl, such a good slut," he praised, thrusting his hips, fucking your face, and you closed your eyes, relishing the feeling of being used and filled by the three men.
Kol smacked your ass hard, over and over, until the skin was hot and sore, he slapped it again and again, as he fucked you, his movements becoming more erratic, his cock pulsed and twitched, and you felt his cum fill you.
His orgasm was intense, his breathing heavy, and when he was finished, he withdrew from you, laying back on the deck with his limbs spread, a goofy smile on his face. 
You were still full, your jaw ached, Elijah's cock was deep down your throat and you gagged around it, but he didn't relent, his hips bucking, fucking your face. Your vision was blurry, the tears in your eyes obscuring everything, you could only feel, and you were lost in the pleasure, your mind numb, your body floating.
Elijah withdrew as Klaus tensed, he pulled you off his lap, forcing you to your knees, his cock in his hand, stroking himself. He groaned loudly as he came, ropes of white spurting out and landing on your face and chest. Elijah was right behind him, and he pulled your hair, his cock throbbing, his cum coating your tongue and lips, his groans reverberating through you. 
He released his grip, his hand running through your hair, his thumb running over your cheek, collecting their cum, and pushing it into your mouth, and you sucked it clean.
"That's our good girl," Klaus murmured, his finger caressing your jaw, as he admired his handiwork.
The boat drifted along, the waves crashing against the hull, and the sun was setting, painting the sky and ocean in a warm orange glow.
You laid on the floor, covered in cum, sweat, and champagne, surrounded by the three naked brothers, your body sore and aching.
You smiled and let out a contented sigh, you were sated and happy, and there was nothing that could ruin this perfect day.
"So, who's hungry?" Kol asked, his head propped on his hand, a mischievous grin on his face.
The other brothers chuckled, and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head, and laughing at the insatiable man.
"Well, we should probably shower, get cleaned up, then we can figure out food," you suggested, looking around the mess that was once a pristine yacht. There were towels and champagne bottles strewn everywhere, the smell of sex and alcohol filling the air.
"What a wonderful idea," Elijah replied,  helping you to your feet, you fell over a bit, still wobbly from the rough treatment, and he caught you. He pulled you close and scooped you up, carrying you towards the jacuzzi. The three men climbed in, and Kol turned on the jets, the water bubbling, and the steam rose up.
The four of you were relaxed, the warm water soothing your aching muscles, Elijah pulled you into his lap, and you rested your head on his shoulder, his arms wrapping around you, holding you close.
Kol and Klaus sat next to you, the two brothers leaning on the edge, their arms crossed over the side, their eyes closed. You looked around the tub, admiring the view of the ocean, the golden sunset reflecting on the water.
You thought about the events of the day, and the memories made, and it was clear, this was the most magnificent, decadent, and debaucherous spring break you would ever have.
And the best part was, it wasn't even over yet, this was only the first day.
You let out a contented sigh, snuggling closer to Elijah.
This was going to be the best week ever.
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @vamprium ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡
♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡ @wickedmuse ♡ @sunkissedebony97 ♡ @idk00sblog ♡ @savannaounana ♡ @cs-please ♡ @hamiltimes ♡ @akala6670229 ♡ @yeaiamme2 ♡ @itsjulzandmydiamonds ♡ @spideysbabe ♡
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*= smut
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Bodybag | Riley!Reader
Chad comforts you after Dewey's death
Cockblock roommate *
Ethan stops you and Chad from continuing your activities
Don't go upstairs with him
Chad stops you from going upstairs with Frankie...and then confesses to you
Goodnight kiss * | Riley!Reader
Chad walks you home and finally takes your relationship to the next level
Helping hand *
After Chad gets released from the hospital, his personal nurse gives him a helping hand
I can't go through this again
Another ghostface strikes and Chad has PTSD from the legacy murders
Is that my shirt?
Chad notices that the shirt you're wearing is his
Late night in the kitchen *
During a trip to the twins' family cabin, you and Chad have a late night adventure in the kitchen
Save a horse, ride a cowboy *
You make a move on Chad and end up in an empty bedroom with his cowboy hat on, riding another kind of horse
Setting up the tree
You and Chad decorate the Christmas tree together
Stab stab stab
Chad gets stabbed by Ghostface when looking for you
Stood up
You get stood up and Chad offers you his shoulder to cry on
The no-sex rule *
You and Chad don't listen to Mindy's 'surviving a horror movie' rules
Wrong person
You send you nudes to your ex by mistake
You drew stars around my scars
You sleep over at Chad's dorm and see something you hadn't seen before
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Blood on the subway
Mindy gets stabbed on the subway...there's a lot of blood
Give me attention *
Mindy works on a school assignement, but you're bored and decide to tease her
Movie night
After watching the horror that is Halloween Ends, Mindy needs kisses to erase the movie from her memory
Skilled fingers *
Mindy is a goddess in bed
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Caught *
Tara asks you to use a vibrator on her...and Sam walks in
I was so scared
After Tara gets attacked at her house, you visit her at the hospital
Is this good? *
Tara tries to top for the first time
I thought you were dead
You survive the attack inside the shrine
Sleepover *
It's the first sleepover since Tara got attacked in her house. You and her breaks the friendship
We might die tomorrow
After Sam and Tage get attacked at the bodega, everyone stayed over at the appartement
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Catching feelings *
You grown feelings during a game of teasing your roommate Ethan
Friends touch each other, right? *
You teach virgin!Ethan how to touch a woman
I can't forgive you | Riley!Reader
Ethan betrays you, but you can't forgive him
It's you *
You figure out Ethan is Ghostface
Let's play a little game *
You get a phone call from a masked ID when you’re home alone…
Night visits
As Quinn's friend, you are not allowed to see her little brother, so you and Ethan have a secret relationship
No protection needed *
You and Ethan do it without a condom for the first time
Play with me *
Ethan asks you to play with him
Panty stealer
Pervy!Ethan steals your panties
Pretty boy * | camgirl!reader
Ethan purchases a private session with his favorite camgirl
Pretty boy part 2 *
Ethan purchases another private session...and get the girl's number
Pretty boy part 3 *
Camgirl!Reader and Ethan finally meets
Roomie *
Ethan jerks off to his roommate and gets caught
Ethan has a huge crush on you but is too shy to make a move...so you make one
Study time
Studying econ turns into teasing your boyfriend
That's hot
You find out that Ethan does boxing
Video games *
You give Ethan a blowjob while he games with Chad
Video girl *
You convince Ethan to make a video with you
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Knife play
You seduce Billy with the knife he used to kill Maureen Prescott
Ménage à trois * | Billy x Stu x Reader
A typical movie night at Stu’s turns into a ménage à trois
Mouthful * | Billy x Stu x Riley!Reader
Why settling for one when you can get two?
PG-16 at the Theater
Billy gets handsy at the movie theater
Stranger danger *
Billy decide to surprise you on your way back from Tatum's
Talk dirty to me *
Phone sex with Billy
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darth-sonny · 2 days
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this one goes out to the fact that i've never seen a fandom unanimously agree to thrist for one specific character like they do for jing yuan
[Inspired by: Ménage à 3 Volume 5]
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enlitment · 1 month
Asking for a friend...
What, if anything, would you interpret into La Nouvelle Heloise being an 18th century man's favourite book?
No this is not about any history blorbo why do you ask...
Oh boy... I have only read some passages from it, because romance is not really my genre and I have a distinct feeling that the history which surrounds it is thousand times more interesting than the book itself.
That said, I'll combine all my useless JJ knowledge to give the best possible answer I can!
First of all, it cannot be overstated how massively popular it was when it came out, so it's actually kind of a mainstream choice (some people apparently paid an hourly fee just to rent the damn book)! It mainly struck a cord with women readers, but plenty of men read it as well. And cried over it (one guy even claimed he cried so hard it cured his cold somehow).
I know this will probably sound like an insane comparison, but I kind of think of it as an 18th-century equivalent of Fifty Shades? Both in terms of popularity and it being rather risqué, just less overtly so. For instance, there is definitely a Ménage à trois element to the story that will be very familiar to any poor, unfortunate reader of Rousseau's own Confessions...
My diagnosis? You reached for LNH if you wanted to read something that was actually quite raunchy, but which was so carefully wrapped in sentimental pathos with JJ's weird moral lessons sprinkled on top that it gave you plenty of plausible deniability (unlike, let's say, Bijoux or something more overt).
Definitely not a story about some horny Swiss idiots making their lives needlessly complicated. You could practically feel the virtue radiating from every page and penetrating your very soul! Ah, what bliss!
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tl;dr: 1. a pretty mainstream choice for the time 2. as much as it pains me to say it JJ is unfortunately a damn good writer capable of throwing you on an emotional roller-coaster in just a few pages - so a part of me gets the appeal? 3. a sort-of-smut for people who would likely have hang-ups about reading actual smut or at least admitting to it (this would likely apply to a lot of people in the 1700s)
If you haven't read the chapter Readers Respond to Rousseau: The Fabrication of Romantic Sensitivity in Robert Darnton's The Great Cat Massacre please please do, it's amazing, it's funny, it's one of the best things I've read this year! It also involves some primary sources, most of which are - I'm sorry to say - fan mail to JJ.
On the other hand, if you're a man who's read Confessions six times, there's a high chance you might just be a bit of a sub... <- no, you appreciate the truth and virtue above all, obviously!
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filmjunky-99 · 2 years
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry [ménage à troi, s3ep24]
'It's lovely. I remember that sound and all the good times we had.' - deanna
'I remember a certain junior officer meeting a very serious psychologist. The best part about being assigned to Betazed.' - william
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moremaybank · 1 year
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pairing actor!jj maybank x actress!reader
chapter summary jj faces the possibility of his scandal going public. then, he ends up reconnecting with you after five years. what happens when the two of you end up as costars for your upcoming romantic comedy?
warnings mentions of a sex tape, mentions of domestic abuse (jj and luke), language, violence, sexual content/eventual smut, anxiety. ex best friends to lovers, fake dating. this will be updated as the story develops. [2.2k]
author's note just a little post of the first chapter to build the hype! hope you enjoy and decide to continue reading ♡︎ also special s/o to @mvybanks and @jjsbank444 for beta reading and quelling my nerves &lt;3
recommended listening second chances by kiana ledé ft. 6lack
this love — the complete playlist ;; the masterlist ;; the tag list
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Threesomes are fun. Foursomes, however, are a blast. 
At least, JJ Maybank seems to think so. 
“You have three different women threatening to release your sex tape. It’s not a good look for you, JJ.”
Well, he does when they don’t include a secretly-filmed sex tape and three fame-thirsty girls trying to ruin his career for a quick cash grab. 
“It’s not like they’re three separate tapes. We were all together when it was made,” JJ smirks. 
Josh, his manager, lets out an exasperated sigh. “That doesn’t make things any better, and it does nothing to help our circumstances. You need to clean up your act and you need to start doing it now, Maybank, or you’re going to lose everything.”
JJ rolls his eyes for what feels like the millionth time in the fifteen minutes that this meeting has been going on. It’s bullshit, really. He’s one of the hottest actors in Hollywood right now. He’s youthful, dashingly handsome, and loaded. The world is his freakin’ oyster, and he deserves to have some fun.
“You’re supposed to keep up your whole approachable, goofy, boy-next-door image intact, and having a ménage à…quatre, is not the way to do it.” my publicist, Andrea, chimes in. “If you aren’t careful, you’re going to lose your entire fanbase. You’re one of the most universally-liked celebrities in the business, right now. If this gets out, you’re going to have to kiss your crystal clear reputation goodbye.”
“So, let’s just pay ‘em the hush money. What do I care?” JJ says, taking his cap off and running a hand through his unruly strands.
“And you’re fine with forking over ten million dollars? Just like that?” Andrea scowls. “What if they take the money and still decide to release the tape? Or demand more?”
“Then we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, Andrea. Now, are we done here? I’m supposed to meet my co-star for my new movie in an hour and I’d really like to get in another — how did you put it? Ah, yes. Ménage á quatre — before I go.”
Josh runs a hand over his face, “Do you care about anything anymore?” 
JJ ignores his statement, putting his hat back on and sitting up in his chair. “Can I leave?”
He can tell that Josh wants to scold him or make some witty remark in return, but he bites his tongue. 
“Go. And, please, for the love of all things holy, do not screw this up.” 
If JJ had a penny for every time he’s heard that, he’d be richer than Jeff fucking Bezos.
“And last but not least, this is your dressing room. You’ll have your own trailer, but this is more for when we’re actually on set and in between takes.”
You grin as you look around the luxurious room. There’s a huge vanity in front of you, as well as some plush couches, and you don’t fail to notice the large mini-fridge in the corner of the room or the flat-screen TV plastered onto the wall. There’s a window as well, letting in the California sunshine you’ve come to love and appreciate beyond your beliefs.
“Wow, this is…amazing. I can’t thank you guys enough for this opportunity. I’m so grateful, I hope you know that.”
“Don’t be silly, Y/N. You’re the very reason we wanted to do this project in the first place. If anything, we’re the lucky ones,” Derek, the director states with a grin. “So, you ready to meet your co-star, or what?”
“Yeah! I mean, I’m nervous, but, beyond excited.”
Derek leads you back into the hallway, and you make your way to one of the offices. 
“I think you’ll love him. Word is, he comes from the Outer Banks just like you. Who knows, you’ve probably met him in passing.”
Wait…what? He’s from OBX? No. No way. He couldn’t possibly mean—
“Y/N Y/L/N, meet the esteemed JJ Maybank,” Derek states, his proud smile growing sizeably larger than you thought possible. 
It doesn’t matter how excited he is, though. All you can focus on is your heart beating out of your chest and the ringing in your ears. You see Derek’s lips moving but you can’t hear a thing. Your eyes are caught on the blonde in front of you, and all you can think about is how painful it is to look into those oceanic eyes after five years.
It’s equally as painful as it was the last time you saw him. If not, more.
“Uh— Y/N, I…it’s— it’s been a while,” JJ stutters out. 
It’s all too much. Seeing him here, in front of you. His eyes locked on yours, his hand reaching out to touch you but retracting once he notices the fear in your gaze. Your eyes flit over to Derek, whose face has a more than confused look painted over his features. 
“Excuse me, Derek, I— I need to get out of here.” 
You speed into the restroom, locking the door behind you and setting your hands on the counter. Your chest tightens, and your breathing speeds up. She shudders, trying to shake it out as the room starts to feel like it’s closing in on you.
“You’re okay. You’re okay. You can do this. Don’t let him get to you,” you say, staring at yourself in the mirror. “It’s just…it’s just JJ.”
You feel the tears start to well in your eyes and you watch as they overtake their boundaries and roll down your flushed cheeks. You’re quick to wipe them away, though, refusing to admit defeat. 
“Stop,” you tell yourself. “It’s been five years. You’re better than this.”
You aren’t sure if the words are true to your heart, because all you can think about is how the boy you loved from the ages seven to eighteen — the one who betrayed you and shattered you into a million pieces — is now your co-star for the romantic comedy you’ve just been cast in.
What could possibly go wrong?
A lot, you think. A lot could go wrong. 
JJ watches as you make your way back into Derek’s office, shooting him a convincing smile.
“My apologies, Derek. Girl troubles,” you say. 
JJ still knows you well enough to see that you’re hoping Derek will believe your bullshit excuse. 
“Oh, uh, no worries at all, Y/N. I completely understand. I’ve got three daughters at home,” he speaks, trying to assure you that everything is fine. He places this hand on JJ’s shoulder, squeezing slightly. “JJ, here, was just telling me how the two of you have known each other since you were in elementary school. It must be quite the hell of a reunion, huh?”
You plaster a fake grin onto your lips, “One hell of a reunion, indeed.”
JJ refuses to look at you, his ex-best friend, and vice-versa. Truthfully, he’s terrified to catch your eye again. He’s not sure if he’ll be able to form a coherent sentence if he does. 
“Well, I’ve got some stuff to take care of, so I’ll leave you two to catch up.”
Derek exits his office, and you and JJ are left in complete and utter silence.
God, JJ missed you so much. He’d seen you making headlines just as you always said you would, but he was always quick to click away, deciding not to dwell on everything he’d lost. But this, now, seeing you right in front of him as gorgeous as ever…it made the walls he’d worked so hard to put up begin to crack. 
Then again, you’d always had that effect on him. 
Even after all these years, he was still a complete wreck over you. You held his heart in the palm of your hand and he wasn’t even sure if you knew it.
Your scent was still etched into his mind, still buzzing deep within his senses and his memory. You smelled of the saltwater beaches of the Outer Banks. The notes of coconut from the shampoo he’d recognized still lingering in the tresses of your hair. The sweet hints of vanilla that clutched to your skin are prominent as ever. The combination sounds like a lot, and it was, but not in the overpowering way one would assume. They blended into one heavenly and unique fragrance. 
She smelled like her, he thought. She smelled like home. 
To be honest, JJ wasn’t sure whether or not this was a reminder he wanted to welcome with open arms, but either way, here it was. Here you were. After the way he’d hurt you and destroyed your relationship forever. 
After he lost himself. 
Funnily enough, you’d always had a way of popping up whenever he needed and longed for you. He never even had to speak a single word. You just always knew. And you might not have guessed it now, but he needed you more than he ever had before.
JJ scratches his brow with his index finger. “So, um…how have you been?” 
“Don’t. Just…don’t.”
“Y/N, please,” he pleads. He almost wants to get down on his knees and beg. You can’t even look at him, and that hurts more than he could ever put into words.
“No. I don’t wanna hear it. I’m fine with being professional while we film this movie, but I’m not getting into this with you. I’m not getting into any of it.”
JJ remains silent, choosing to nod because he’s not totally sure he can find his voice. 
As much as he hated to let the thought in, you were a walking reminder of every bad decision he’d made since he left the island and never looked back. He looked at you, and he saw two things. The first being the crinkling of your bright eyes when you smiled. The melodic laugh he could pull from your lips at a moment’s notice. Your hair blowing in the wind as you stuck your head out the window of John B’s Twinkie. And the second being the look of despise and pain on your face as you confronted him. The mascara-stained tears flowing down your heated cheeks. The way you walked away from him and deliberately chose not to look back and steal a second glance at him. 
How was he expected to act all suave and cool when you were right there in front of him, actively choosing not to even look in his direction?
Truth is, he doesn’t think he can. 
JJ glances at his phone once he leaves the production office still shaken by the day’s events. 
2 Missed FaceTime Calls from John B
JJ swipes to the right and watches as his phone rings, awaiting his best friend’s answer while he plops down on the steps in front of the building. The line rings for a few moments before he hears shuffling through the speaker, followed by John B’s face appearing on his screen.
“Hey, man. how was your meeting? Your new costar as hot as we imagined?”
JJ tears his eyes away from the camera, his lip sinking between his teeth. His complexion pales, and John B picks up on it. 
“Jeez. You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Because I have,” JJ deadpans. He’s still reeling from your presence, and it shows.
“It’s Y/N…my costar is Y/N.”
“Ooh, yikes,” John B responds. “Did she nut-punch you?”
“It’s not funny.” 
JJ tugs his cap off as he always does when he’s stressed, and his fingers card through his hair. He tugs lightly at the strands as he tries to alleviate the tension building up in his head. 
“She couldn’t even look at me, John B. Her eyes were on me for all of five seconds before she made an excuse to go to the bathroom. Then, when she came back, she looked at everything but me. She barely even let me speak to her.”
“Well, to be fair, you guys didn’t exactly leave things on the best of terms.”
“Yeah, JB. I know. Thanks for the reminder, as if I didn’t fucking know that already.”
“All right, look. Did you fuck up majorly? Yeah. But the love the two of you had…it ran deep. It doesn’t just disappear without a trace, especially if things are this heated after five years. I think you can get her to forgive you.” 
JJ scoffs, “Yeah? And how do you suppose I do that?”
John B gives him a knowing look through the screen. 
“You have to tell her the truth, JJ.”
“J,” John B mildly scolds. “The reason she hates you right now is because you weren’t honest with her. The JJ she knew before that night never would’ve treated her the way you did. Buck up. Tell her.”
The call disconnects, and JJ is left staring at his screen with a tense jaw. He knew John B was right. He was always right. But how on earth was he expected to muster up the courage and tell you the truth about that night? He doubted — no. He knew it’d be impossible to convince you to hear him out. 
Then again, he also knew he had to try. Because he couldn’t stand to be around you nearly every single day for the next few months, knowing that you wouldn’t spit on him if he was on fire.
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jj tag list: @pankowperfection @oncasette @taintedxkisses @maybankslover @goldenroutledge @penny4yourthoughts @bmo-bri @hemogloban @princessbetsy123-blog @slytherhoes @maybank-archives @whoisdrewstarkey @aliyahsomerhalder @dreamingwithrafe @vigilanteshitposting @poppet05 @adoreyouusugar @f4ll-for-you @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @tell-me-when-ur-ready @bbycowboi @jjmaybankisbae @enhypens-hoe @pankhoeforlife @cecesrings @wildflwrdarlin @loverofdrewstarkey @earth2starkey @angelofcigs @topper-thornton @em0-b0ysworld @koalalafications @aerangi @cantstoptherecs @bloody-mf-bsc @maybanksbabe @sarah5462 @slut4drudy @lvvrgrl @dancinglikeaballerina @somerandos-world @shahanaazsoumah @peachpitlover @pinkpantheris @julesmendoza890 @emmalandry @blueicequeen19 @madelynie
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sabinerondissime · 1 month
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YESSS ! Les amis de mon fils sont rentrés chez eux. Retour à la vie normale ! Le calme et la paix, tout ce que j'aime ! Les 3 prochaines semaines seront un peu chargées entre la rentrée des classes et le mariage, même petit, qu'il faut tout de même gérer. J'essaie de ne pas stresser, de ne pas m'angoisser mais ce n'est pas si simple. Au final ce qui m'angoisse le plus, c'est que la femme de mon père vienne chez moi et constate que plus je vieillis et plus j'en ai rien à foutre du ménage et de l'état de mon appartement ! Mais bon, je suis comme ça, je dois l'assumer. Ce sera toujours plus facile que de remettre mon appartement aux normes sanitaires que ma belle-mère s'impose.
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nexysworld · 1 year
A Real Gamer Moment
Read on AO3 🖤 Make a Request 🖤 Masterlist
Pairing: Ada & Fem!Reader x RE4Gamer!Leon
Summary: You and Ada decide to give Leon some under the desk support to help with his DBD losing streak.
Tags: NSFW, Smut, FMF Threesome, blowjobs, nipple play, face sitting, P in V sex, no use of Y/N, girls kissing girls, use of pet names like Daddy, Princess etc., not beta read, PWP
A special request for @leonsvndtta <3
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“Fuck this fucking Killer!” You heard through the thin walls of your apartment, immediately breaking you out of your attempt to fall asleep. It was Leon again, obviously on a losing streak – not unusual for him at this time of the night if you were honest. In all areas of life Leon was cool as a cucumber, stoic even when upset…but losing his competitive games? Nothing seemed to set him off more.
It was kind of funny actually, seeing him get so riled up over just a game, and maybe even a little hot too, seeing that side of him. Listening quietly, you heard the telltale sign of Ada’s squeaky door opening and closing, footsteps padding down the hallway.
“Will you keep it down? I’m trying to sleep.” Ada’s voice was flat and stern.
“I’m trying, but it’s hard with this fucking sweaty ass killer. Such bullshit!” He yelled in response, huffing as he tapped his fingers angrily against his desk.
“Well maybe that’s because you main as the twinky cop kid. Do better and stay quiet. Some of us have adult-people jobs we have to function for.” You didn’t need to be there to hear her eyes roll.
You knew how it was going to end, either you left them alone to argue further delaying your own sleep, or, you’d act as mediator – also further delaying your own sleep. Fingers coming to pinch the bridge of your nose, you had to make a split second decision on which option was the better one.
Hauling your legs over the side of your bed, you made your groggy way to the center bedroom of the hall, lightly opening the already cracked door further. “Guys….can we seriously not do this again? Leon, it’s just a game you don’t have to be so loud.”
“I’m sorry ok. Just let me do one more round, I don’t want to end the night on a losing streak.” He said, clicking to set up another game already.
Ada, clearly unamused, went to say something but you cut her off to prevent further escalation. “Ok, one more round, alright? I’ll even stay and be your good luck charm.” You offered with a smile, wrapping your arms lightly over his shoulders from behind.
“Thank you Doll. That’s probably why I got a shit killer in the first place. Hard to play without my good luck charm.”
Ada scoffed, sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. “I’m staying too, but only to make sure you actually keep your promise. If you don't, I'm taking the power cord with me.”
Things were already off to a bad start and you could feel Leon tensing under you. This killer was the same as the previous round, and the other survivors seemed to be incompetent to the utmost conceivable degree. “Stop healing me!” Leon groaned at the monitor, clicking his mouse so hard you thought it might break. Looking over to Ada you gave her a knowing look.
She shook her head in return as if to say ‘no way!’ You shot back with a pleading look of your own. The other woman’s body language relaxed despite the huff she let out as she got up.
Unraveling your arms from Leon’s shoulder’s, the man didn’t even seem to notice as you made your way under the desk. While you’d be considered more of a ménage à trois than true roommates, having had many romps in the bedroom, this was new. Never before had you tried to calm one of Leon’s gaming outbursts in such a manner.
Ada replaced you at his shoulders, using her hands to massage into his muscles, leaning forward to kiss his neck. “You’re too predictable when you play.” She cooed in his ear, nipping at the shell.
Leon huffed in response, not moving his eyes from the screen, ignoring the shiver that ran down his spine at the sensation. Between Ada and his focus on the game, it left him open to your own advances. Thankful he was only in his boxers, you reached up gently tugging his softened cock from the confines of his underwear and licked your lips.
You gave it a few quick pumps before leaning forward to lap at the tip giving kitten licks to the sensitive head. Leon let out a hiss in response, jumping slightly once he realized what was happening. “Shit. What do you two think you’re doing?” He asked, jolting slightly in his seat.
“Just offering some gaming moral support.” You said, continuing to pump his cock as you teased the head with your tongue.
“If that’s supposed to be me getting moral support then I’m in a lot of trouble.” He said, letting out an awkward noise. “Almost got me killed.”
“Did we really?” Ada cooed, running her downs down to his chest gently running her fingers over the hardening buds of his nipples. The sensation caused him to buck forward slightly onto your tongue, cock almost fully hard now.
“We’re just trying to help, Daddy~” The use of that pet name was going to be the death of him. Returning to his cock, this time you cleaned the oozing precum off with your tongue before swallowing him all the way in one movement.
“Ah…I…fuck. You two are evil.” He said, hands gripping tighter on his mouse, still determined to make a comeback before the round ended. You didn’t stop your assault on his cock, loving the feel of him twitching against your tongue. The sounds of his rough breathing echoed in the otherwise silent room, getting louder as you worked him over.
“Poor boy, you seem a little uncomfortable.” Ada said, continuing to tweak at his nipples with one hand, and moving her other to run along his abs. “So tense. Maybe we need to try harder to help you relax?”
“Is that right? What do you have in mind?” He grunted, sounding a little winded.
“What if I did this…?” Her hand moved from his abs to his crotch as she circled to the side of the chair for easier access. With a gentle touch she kneaded at his balls through the fabric of his boxers while you continued your own assault on his cock.
You hummed around Leon’s cock, taking it all the way to the base in one movement before slowly bobbing your head, eyes locked with hers noting the smirk on her face.
“Fuck!” Leon leaned back, neither Ada or you letting up. His determination to complete the round was dwindling, but luckily for the two of you, so was any thought about his losing streak as well.
“That’s it, just let go baby. Focus only on us.” Ada whispered, licking her lips as she began pressing kisses onto his stomach in tandem with the movement of her hand.
Neither of you said anything else, both waiting to see what he’d do. Leon’s head rested back on the chair, both hands now gripping the armrests. Body strung tight, you knew he was reaching that point of no return. A few moments later, you could hear him groan as hot cum filled your mouth.
“Such a good girl for you, isn’t she?” Ada asked, patting your head.
“Such a good fucking girl.” He agreed, no thought of the game left.
Ada moved out of the way, giving Leon room to roll his chair back. He helped you up as he stood before removing his boxers completely, cock still half hard. He laid back on his bed, propping himself up with his elbows.
Bringing her hand up under your silk nightshirt, Ada cupped your breast in her hand making you let out a small moan, the taste of Leon still on your tongue as she turned your head to kiss you. Her other hand sunk down into your panties, rubbing circles over your clit, making you moan into her mouth.
“Come here Princess, wanna give you a reward for being so good.” He motioned for you to join him on the bed.
Before letting you go, Ada helped remove your clothing, making a show of sliding the fabric off your body between kissing your soft skin. Freed of the fabric you crawled up onto the bed, straddling his waist so you could lean down to kiss him on the lips. “Such a pretty girl. Come sit on my face.” He said tugging at your hips so you’d move further upwards. Heat and slick abundant between your thighs, you didn’t need to be told twice, crawling up under your were hovering over his face.
He gleefully wrapped both arms around your thighs tugging you down until he was buried in your wet cunt, immediately going to work sucking on your clit. Heady moans left your mouth as you clung to the headboard for support.
Ada with her own agenda made quick work of her pajamas joining you two on the bed. Leon’s cock was at full mast again, and she wasted no time tossing her legs over him, teasing the tip of it at her slit, rubbing it back and forth. She let out a suppressed moan each time it would rub against her own clit. Once she felt it thoroughly coated enough she sank herself down onto him.
Instinctively Leon bucked his hips upward almost throwing Ada off balance, but she steadied herself rolling her hips in an even pattern.
Head fucked out and hazy, Leon had to put some extra focus into devouring you like a man starved. He adjusted to tongue fuck your hole, nose bobbing against your clit, the stimulation overwhelming with pleasure. Obscene squelching noises and the sound of skin slapping were heard behind you as Ada picked up the pace.
“Fuck…fuck…Daddy you make me feel so good fuck…” You whined and wanted to grind your hips down at your own pace, not being able to within Leon’s grasp.
Sensing your struggle, Leon eased up a bit and instead used his arms to support you and let you move freely. “Princess I want you to cum for me, please fuck Daddy’s face.” He said, voice strained by his own pleasure. You obliged the request, rutting yourself down onto his tongue, heat and pleasure feeling like they were about to snap at the very center of your core.
“I think she’s almost there.” Ada added, stilling her movements on his cock so she could lean forward, to suck kisses into your neck and play with your nipples adding as much stimulation as she could.
“Close, so fucking close.” You moaned, biting your lip in anticipation.
“Cum for us Princess, Daddy needs to feel you juices all over his face.” Ada cooed in your ear.
That was all it took, orgasm washing over you as you cried out in pleasure. Barely able to keep yourself up, feeling small aftershocks tremble through your clit, you flopped over next to Leon panting.
“Good girl.” He praised again. “Good fucking girl, you just rest now f’me ok?” He said to you, turning his attention back to Ada. He grabbed her by her hips and fucked up into her, giving her the chance to touch her own needy bundle of nerves, a mewled whine escaping her mouth.
Somehow despite the compromising position she still looked composed and serene, something you admired. Clearly though she was far closer than she let on as it didn’t take much longer before she and Leon were cumming together at the same time.
Watching the look on Ada's face as her head tilted back, mouth slightly agape, you couldn't help but feel yourself getting horny again.
Once she was off of him, you decided to see how far Leon could go this time. You grabbed his softening cock, covered in cum and slick, slowly stroking it in your hand. He whimpered in response to the overstimulation. You stopped and looked back at him "What do you say, one more round, please?"
Leon groaned, pulling you back so he could pepper your face with kisses. "Shit baby, no offense but I need a moment to recover. For right now I'm sure Ada would be happy to play."
"Mhm, that I would." Ada said coolly, pulling you into another kiss. All thoughts of gaming, work, and sleep were left behind, in favor for a long night of play.
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