#Lynelle Kenned
addoves · 1 year
i enjoy seeing the "i put link to bed at 9pm every night and give him 3 meals a day" posts so much because my most recent How Can I Torture This Ken Doll adventure was forcing link to fight the lynels in the depths with no armor and no food. tomorrow im gonna get rid of all my weapons so i can force him back down there with only tree branches & dubious food. he has to earn the right to wear shoes and if he loses then im gonna chuck him off the nearest island, leaving him to fall to his doom.
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hakkiesdraad · 1 month
 This is a song that celebrates the rhythm and beauty of life. 20 watercolour paintings by Kenneth M. Alexander was taken to tell the story of the lyrics and animations were added to create movement in the still pictures. This song is a collaboration of Music, Lyricism, Opera, Turntablism and Fine Arts in an effort to illustrate !KE: /XARRA  //KE meaning PEOPLE OF DIVERSITY UNITE. The song is from the album X-MENS by Hakkiesdraad Hartman. LYRICS: Hakkiesdraad Hartman MUSIC PRODUCTION: Frazer Barry VOCALS: Lynelle Kenned BACKING VOCALS: Deniel Barry & Breimasjien SCRATCHES & CUTS: Grandmaster Ready D PAINTINGS: Kenneth M. Alexander ANIMATIONS: Stickers by GIPHY EDITOR: Jason Demetri Hartma
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sarafinamagazine · 7 years
A lot of the magic of Sarafina Magazine is due to the photography. During this first year, six women joined the team and stepped behind the lens to carefully capture each woman that we were so tirelessly working towards representing correctly and respectfully. Each photographer stepped in, added their own take to each shoot and managed to elevate our original concept into something more exceptional than any of us could possibly have imaged. Most photos are taken candidly during our conversation which makes each image as special and as unique as catching lightning in a bottle. To commemorate our first year, each photographer was tasked to pick their top two or three favourite pictures and share with us why they selected the ones they did.
Jesse Kramer:
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“I’ve had a long journey photographing Lynelle from when she was still studying; her first ensemble role in a musical to becoming a leading lady. A kind, honest and professional star, it was wonderful to hear her story and capture her as herself after all this time.”- Photo taken: 20/10/16
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“I chose this one for nostalgia and light, one of the first shoots I did with Sarafina Mag and we got some great light on Lara coming through the shopfront.”- Photo Taken 13/09/16
Wynne Bredenkamp:
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“Taken just across from The Fugard where she was performing in Funny Girl. LJ and I had fun shooting against this otherwise nondescript wall. She brought much needed light to this shoot.”- Photo taken: 24/5/17
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“It was hard to catch such an energetic and passionate personality like Buhle’s. But I think this moment captures her beauty inside and out.”- Photo taken: 29/5/17
Chris de Beer:
“These three images struck me the most because while they were among my favourites as black and white, the only grade we work in at Sarafina, they took on new life for me in colour. I felt they reflected the independent and complex natures of these women. ”
On Galina Juritz: “Shooting at the Baxter is always an interesting challenge. When you get the light and architecture to work for you, you get an image like this, which I’ve always loved. The interview itself was poignant, it spoke about the theatre and how we can use it to tell intimate and tough stories. Visually, I was really happy with this image of the incredibly talented and photogenic Galina Juritz.”
Photo taken: 31/1/17
Photo taken: 15/5/17
Photo taken: 5/4/17
On Nwabisa Plaatjie: “Nwabisa is one of those young women you meet and are immediately impressed by. She spoke easily and confidently about her experience of being a young black theatremaker in South Africa, and I found that how she spoke about the limitations of gender binaries resonated with me. She picked at the surface of so many important issues in her interview. In front of the camera, she was a great sport and managed to make a beautiful image. The same day we interviewed and photographed her peer and fellow recipient of the Theatre Arts Admin Award, Thando Mangcu and by the end I was excited for the future of South African theatre.”
On Jennifer Steyn: “This shoot and interview was unforgettable for me. The conversation between Candice and Jennifer was so moving, we were all a little emotional. She spoke so openly about her life and career and I was so struck by her generosity and sincerity. As far as the images go, she is an incredibly striking woman and I felt like the resulting pictures showed both her gentleness and strength.”
Sophie Kirsch:
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“Jennie was my physical movement lecturer at UCT from 2011-2014. She is not only an astute teacher of her craft, but her ability to manoeuvre from judicious discipline into visceral performance is something that takes a life time of commitment and mastery. She is also the most down-to-earth woman. I’m so thankful to have been part on her teaching and this interview, years later.” – Photo taken: 26/04/17
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“At Her Feet was one of the first piece’s of theatre I saw as a teenager that was one-act and, in its rarity, performed solely by a woman. This validated my belief that women’s stories are captivating, complex, expansive and necessary. An inspiring conversation took place post-interview and I felt so grateful to have met the literary game-changer, Nadia.”- Photo taken: 19/5/17
Chanel Katz:
There is something quite special about the intimate interviewing atmosphere created with Sarafina Magazine. An unspoken respect, stirred with the vulnerability of the moment, which, as a photographer, I find incredibly rewarding.
I cherish the times I have had the repeated privilege to be invited into this space. To quietly capture each unique instant including moments of thought, spontaneous giggles and various reactions to unexpected questions all carrying a weight of immersive rawness. I feel like I can completely lose myself in each individual interview, and later find myself in a headspace where I am left to feel so inspired and fulfilled.
I salute the platform that is Sarafina, and how it has unapologetically demanded more space to be taken up by women, for women of the arts in South Africa by simply asking them the right questions, celebrating their successes and building them up. Happy First birthday Sarafina Magazine! Here’s to your ripple effect!”
Photo taken: 25/11/16
Photo taken: 27/5/17
Candice van Litsenborgh:
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“The driving force behind Sarafina Magazine. This day, I made Candice act as my stand-in while we chose where to conduct the interview. A lot of my shoots start with one or two random shots of Candice as she prepares and fusses with notebooks, recordings and moving furniture around. It’s not often that she stops and takes a quick breath so this is a rare capture. A very happy birthday to Sarafina and congratulations CB.”- Photo taken: 17/4/17
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“I’ve known Tinarie since high school. We were at the same drama studio and grew up being moulded by the same two incredible women, Sharon Rother and Linda-Louise Swain. When I see the performer and woman she has become I see a lot of the lessons I learned as well. In the middle of her interview she acknowledged these great teachers and me as a part of her journey. I adore this photo because, for me, it expresses the openness, honesty and generosity that is required to be a great actor. It’s all present in this moment.”-  21/4/17
My favourite part of every interview is when the inhibitions of the formal interview begin to drop and it becomes a conversation. That’s when the stories and the laughter flows. That’s when you get to see not only the passionate performers but also the women behind the work.- Candice van Litsenborgh
Photo taken:15/3/17
Photo taken: 10/2/17
Photo taken: 17/4/17
All photos are under strict copyright and cannot be used without permission.
For usage or inquiries, please contact us.
Special thanks to Jesse Kramer, Wynne Bredenkamp, Sophie Kirsch, Chanel Katz, Chris de Beer and Candice van Litsenborgh for the photos, the memories and the continuous encouragement.
Our photographers reflect on their favourite images that they have taken for us this year! A lot of the magic of Sarafina Magazine is due to the photography. During this first year, six women joined the team and stepped behind the lens to carefully capture each woman that we were so tirelessly working towards representing correctly and respectfully.
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renatogpadilla · 4 years
Life after Smash...
I headcannon that everyone stayed in touch to some degree after a while after defeating Galeem:
- Link had Steve and Alex visit Hyrule, only expecting them to come visit and see the sights and cultures. Instead, they had the whole of “New Hyrule” Castle Town up in two days and all Link had to do was keep them well fed.
- Banjo and Kazooie hang out with the Kongs again. They get invited to all Mario Kart/Mario Party events along with them from now on.
- Ike and Snake were competition, until the events of “Metal Gear Solid 4″ happened. Cloud and Ike went out for drinks in honor of the fallen Merc.
- Ryu and Ken had Incineroar meet Zangief and he got adopted on the spot. Now, both wrestlers tag team across Pokémon regions, catching more wrestlers (Hawlucha, Machamp, etc...) and spreading the glory of Muscle Power to anyone who will listen.
- Sonic guest stars in F-Zero races, being able to keep up with the souped-up cars on foot, he’s kind of an exhibition match. Nobody beats him, but he’s just as much an urban legend as Captain Falcon. After Douglas died, Andy (and subsequently Ryu Suzaku) kept the tradition going.
- Byleth teaches Pit how to read, much to Palutena’s relief. “Teatime with a Goddess” became the subject of a certain student’s next literaty excursion, with quotes from Byleth herself. When the war rolled around, Byleth’s house was victorious thanks to some “divine intervention”.
- Much to the pleasure of one Hal Emmerich, Joker and the Phantom Thieves agreed to lend a hand for a couple of Philanthropy’s infiltration missions. Snake can’t go two days without hearing Otacon and Oracle geeking out about the newest Anime on coms, but he appreciates the help nonetheless.
- Corrin introduced the “Awakening” crew to her wife Azura and retainers. She had no idea that Lucina was gonna explode when she saw Laslow and Odin (among others Robin was also surprised) and Chrom requested a full recounting of why they, along with Tharja, Severa and Gaius dissapeared one day without a trace... Owain was happy to oblige.
- I cannot put into words how the Professors reacted after Red and Leaf came into the lab with a Silver Lynel on a greatball. Needless to say, Blue’s kept his distance since.
- The Inklings show up to Game and Watch’s town and put on a show that he himself sets up. Since the rest of the population had never seen so much color in their life, he never had to take another job again, and happily retired.
- Mega Man and his family got a new Lab assinstant in R.O.B. He was happy to be relevant again, and his incessant work gave Rock and Roll some more free time to spend with their father.
- Marth occassionaly hears Arus has a Dragon/Demon problem, and promptly dispatches a platoon to help out. So does Roy with Solo and Chrom with Eight. In return, the Heroes go over to their respective “Fire Emblem” Kingdom and teach their spell casters how to do magic without Tomes.
- Hearing the Minecraft folks were busy with Hyrule, Eleven and company went to Edge to help with the building of the city. Cloud introduced them to AVALANCHE and the squads now get together monthly to discuss their adventures in Seventh Heaven.
- Meta Knight started rolling with Ike’s mercenary crew to discover new threats to Dream Land and new ways to keep it safe. Let’s just say, having a flying Swordmaster works wonders for Ike’s profits!
- Dedede and Wario went into bussiness together. Dedede actually has the money to back up his kingship now, and Wario and Waluigi will never go hungry again.
- Samus helped out the “Mother” kids on the next alien invasion. She didn’t charge them much, but they did have to help her with her little Space Pirate problem... Ridley never stood a chance.
- The Ice Climbers and Kirby became fast friends back in the day, and they still are now. Food supplies are in short store over at whatever frozen glacier Popo and Nana live in, so Kirby shows up every once in a while with foodstuffs, and they come over to Dream Land and recount the tales of the Condor that stole their food to anyone who will listen. Then they learn about Dynablade...
-Little Mac and the Wii Fits hang out a lot. Their Gym is perfect of Mac’s training and Doc Luis doesn’t mind the extra PR.
- PAC-MAN took the Duck Hunt Duo to live with his family. His kids love their new pets, and Ms. PAC was grateful for the added security of the sharpshooters near the house.
- Both Belmonts returned to their respective times. The Cult of Dracula wasn’t expecting a Lucario on their doorstep when they saw Simon approaching! Richter banishing from the history books was actualy caused by his sudden desire to train said Lucario’s descendants in wielding holy weapons. Hey! It works! People still don’t believe they met angels and an actual Goddess, though.
- Luigi made bank exorcisising Pokémon Tower over at Lavender Town. Pikachu and Pichu payed him back by making sure the lights in his Mansion never go out again.
- Sheik came back to her Hyrule with the FULL intent to put Greninja in charge of patrols along with Impa. It was awkard at first, but it gave the Sage-Princess some time alone with the Hero of Time...
- On his end, Young Link went back to his version of that Hyrule, and recounted to his sweethart Malon how he missed the days when the moon falling on his head were the least of his problems... He brought Isabelle along to prove it. Malon now wants to keep her.
- Toon Link brought the Marios to the ship. Tetra, who was at first bothered about being a Princess. was more than happy to hear that another Princess the brothers knew was capable of beating her own villain alone if she needed to. Not like she lacked confidence, but it was good to get the reasurance.
- At the same time in another Timeline, Zelda was having tea with Peach and Daisy, finally enjoying some of her time as a Princess now that her kingdom wasn’t in mortal peril. Hilda came to visit.
- Rosalina keeps watch over the worlds still, in case another multiversal threat comes along. Bayonetta pays her a visit every once in a while and decides to “liven up” the Observatory... Much to Rosas’ dismay and entertainment.
- At some point during the “We did it! Yay!” Party folks hear Samus mention “the baby” and they all spit out their drink at once.
- Crash introduces Team Sonic to Coco and now they have to take some... extreme measures to keep her and Tails away from each other. Whether it’s because of the obvious and oblivious crush they both have on each other or because they’d accidentaly cause the robot apocalypse is a question neither Sonic or Crash want answered.
(I want Dante and Sora in too, but I need to think up a good connection with the other fighters...)
Tell me what ya’ll think about this! PLEASE! I wanna know what people think!
- Sora spends some time exploring everyone's worlds after Galeem and Dharkon get taken care of, getting anew Keyblade from each world he hits up. When the Keyblade War rolls around, it wasn't just the Keyblade Crew Master Xehanort had to worry about. As it turns out (and Joker and Snake made a point of this) the Power of Friendship doesn't mean much when you've got a gun!
After the events of Re:Mind happen, Sora wakes up in Aoyama, Japan for a year with a new roommate... While the rest of the Keyblade Crew try to get him back, the Phantom Thieves are more than happy to help him out with whatever Heartless threat has followed him over.
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virginia2005 · 3 years
I said goodbye to Ken Ranieri today. He said he loved me. And I told him the same. That tuff mother fucker still had jokes. I told him that he must be from Mountain View to look death in the face and still have jokes. He grabbed my hand and said ” Lynel, I want to go now, I want it to be over”. He was not in fear of death, he was telling death” If you want to take me, I’m not running from you,…
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principal lovers proposal Rolanda Marais and Tessa Jubber. Alternates could be Rolanda and Julia Anastasopoulos, Or Rolanda and Lynelle Kenned.
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waif-aeiou · 4 years
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askjonfreeman · 7 years
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availability -- http://fav.me/dbv9sw6
Every pack of losers have a store that they hang out at.  And every store needs an owner, especially one to act as an off-times support to the losers. So here ya go! - Sandy Skye, She runs a lax video game shop with weekly DDR tournaments (and other games) - Mina Kana, She runs the hole-in-the-wall Pho King Cafe; delicious Vietnamese recepies! - Betty Turret, She runs an espresso joint that jams on vintage music; also enjoys chatting it up when time allows - Juanita De'Angelo, She runs a bizarre new age massage lounge Vape'n'Rub; while more than a bit cuckoolander, she always offers a warm shoulder - Lynelle Solidad, She's a coy flirty dork who runs the Trap Card Shop; specializing in various games and tabletops - Pammy Alps, She's a motherly retro-fashioned caretaker of Slam Tilt arcade; cares and looks after her regulars Let me know if you're interested. ======== CONVENIENT REVIEW ON HOW THIS WORKS - these are bust previews, yay - the transaction is clean hands, no fuss no muss, feel free to ask if you have further questions - There are two pricing options ...   - $20 lands you the adoptable as is (full rights to character and etc)        - the preview drawing will be colored after purchase        - I'll be willing to give advice on how to mesh this with your other characters, but only after you do some legwork on implementing them into your cast   - $50 lands you the adoptable and you also get a full body drawing of the character        - again, the bust preview will be colored after purchase, as well as full rights and such        (note, this will be placed on the following schedule --> http://fav.me/da5v3im ) - IF, by chance, someone else adopts the adoptable you wanted while this set is still open (or recently sold out), you can get a SIMILAR one for +$5 price    - to clarify further, the new character will be a new character, but with enough changes to be a new character (i.e. Ryu and Ken are similar)    - to further clarify, that would mean $25 for the bust only and $55 for bust and full body drawing        - do note this is a courtesy offer as sets sometimes sell out on day 1, please be respectful    - One other footnote: if you want a character "but with some changes" I would count that as a similar dopt - ALSO, Patrons have first dibs during the first day (that is, until I wake up the day after posting)    - everyone else can place second dibs VIA NOTE, and will be rewarded the character if no patrons claim them    - Please don't passive aggressively say "I SURE HOPE NOBODY ADOPTS THIS CHARACTER" in the comment section        - I consider that badgering patrons and it will result in warnings (and permabans if you're a whiner about it)
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ricardopeach · 5 years
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Afrikaans http://bit.ly/VSKPersverklaring2019
English http://bit.ly/VSMediaRelease2019
The Vrystaat Arts Festival has an enormous artistic offering in 2019. From flagship Afrikaans, English and Sesotho theatre and music productions to experimental dance, craft, sound art, visual art and live art, there is something for everyone.
International Engagement
The Festival is now one of the key arts festivals on the African continent and offers a significant range of national and international work in an astounding range of genres. In addition to a large contingent of South Africans artists, the festival this year hosts creatives from afar away as Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Caribbean, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Malawi, Mexico, Nigeria, Senegal, Singapore, the UK, the US and Zambia (to name but a few).
First Nation Protocol
The Vrystaat Arts Festival is the first South African cultural entity to follow Khoi-San protocol, recognizing the First Peoples and traditional owners of the land in public platforms and the festival program. The First Nations Welcoming ceremony of the festival is fast becoming an event unique in South-Africa. To that extent we are also honoured to have South African First Nations poet Diana Ferris as the Vrystaat Literature Festival’s Sol Plaatje keynote this year.
Performance and Music
The flagship theatre production is Kamphoer, the story of Susan Nell. Played by Sandra Prinsloo, and directed by Lara Foot, the play is based on a true story set in the Anglo-Boer War (1899–1902). Prinsloo skilfully embodies the enigmatic figure of Nell, who was brutally raped and left for dead in the concentration camp in Windburg.
The Island, directed by Jerry Mofokeng wa Makhetha also debuts at the festival. Written by Athol Fugard, John Kani and Winston Ntshona, this apartheid-era drama, inspired by a true story, is set in an unnamed prison based on South Africa's notorious Robben Island. This production has an all-female cast with Jane Mamotse Mpholo and Michelle Joubert in the lead roles.
The National Afrikaans Theatre initiative (NATi) also presents two of their flagship productions Katvoet with Marius Weyers, Marion Holm, Tinarie van Wyk Loots, Albert Pretorius, Martelize Kolver and Geon Nel, and My Seuns with Sandra Prinsloo, Louw Venter, Sandi Schultz, Edwin van der Walt, Buhle Ngaba and Donovan Pietersen.
The Vrystaat Arts Festival is also extremely privileged to have one of Nigeria’s most celebrated dancers/choreographers Qudus Onikeku with his renowned work Spirit Child. Spirit Child is a solo piece with three musicians, inspired by Azaro, the main character in Ben Okri’s novel, The Famished Road.
Other dance productions include the NATi funded experimental dance work Tehuis by Mark Anthony Dobson and the ever-popular flamenco dances Spanish Fire – Flaming Feet and La Femme! Also keep an eye out for the popular Reza de Wet youth theatre festival with performances from all over the country.
Music lovers will find a number of offerings including a short opera, Menotti’s The Maid and the Thief, 40 Fingers with Charl du Plessis, Classica, ’n chamber quartet from the US, Flying Fingers from Bloemfontein and Most Magical Musical Moments with Niël Rademan and the soprano Lynelle Kenned.
Amanda Strydom entertains with Stadig oor die klippers and South African rock icon Karen Zoid is in the mix with The Parlotones, Spoegwolf, Heuwels Fantasties, Andile Qongqo, Asanda Mqiki, Jak de Priester, Anna Davel with a Shirley Bassey- tribute, Jannie du Toit and Drie van die Bestes (Mathys Roets, Danie Niehaus, Kevin Leo). All the Way from Bloem, led by Jacobus Silver also provides upcoming Free State artists a platform to shine.
Live Arts
The Programme for Innovation in Artfrom Development (PIAD) is an interdisciplinary and experimental art programme in partnership with the University of the Free State and funded by the Andrew W Mellon Foundation in New York. The two key PIAD festival artists for 2019 is South African Marius Jansen van Vuuren and Australian Paul Gazzola. Their project We Can Be Heroes looks to the sky as the site for innovative ephemeral art, and inspired by the Southern star patterns, imagined worlds and local mythologies, will charge the untapped potential of the festival skyline.
Other live art projects include The Vertical Journey - a tribute to the still unknown by Marcus Neustetter, which will launch a series of planetarium dome short films accompanied by live improvisations at the Naval Hill Planetarium; the interdisciplinary performance/sound art work miss/seen by Sonya Rademeyer, Kagiso Kekana and Nosipho Mtaban; and Lo-Def Film Factory by Francois Knoetze, a pop-up experimental filmmaking and film screening booth.
Ukuzibuyisa: giving myself back to myself by Ukhona Ntsali Mland is a site-specific performance in response to the societal expectations on womxn’s lives; LATROP : The People Who Were Too Much, by Scott Eric Williams & Dr Julia Drouhin involves kids workshops, Zine making and radio antenna drawings; and Tok Tokkie by Lorin Sookool, Jarrett Erasmus, Ella Ziegler & Andrei van Wyk activates audiences in public and private spaces through surveillance games.
Visual Arts
The visual arts programme this year includes Footprints by Andrew Tshabangu curated by Thembinkosi Goniwe at the Stegmann Gallery and dwell in possibility at the UFS Centenary Gallery, curated by Johann du Plessis, with well-known national artists such as Michael Taylor, Andile Dyalvane, Lien Botha, Mbongeni Buthelezi, Alta Botha, Iaan Weldeck, Bongi Bengu, Katherine Glenday and many others.
Betwixt & Between in the Scaena foyer curated by Karen Brusch is an exhibition by artists from the Free State Art Collective in response to their liminal experiences of living in the Free State. At Oliewenhuis Art Museum Reservoir, the project titled #i by Jodi Bieber combines portrait photography, visual research, interviews, text, digital photographic collage and design, and Blood Relatives, also at Oliewenhuis, is a body of work created in 2005, by renowned photographer, Cedric Nunn.
Many different stories from all over the world may be experienced in the films at this year's festival. Following requests after last year's film programme two films with a gay subtext are included this year – the controversial South African film The Wound and the moving Heartstone from Iceland. And don't forget the transgender heroine of A fantastic woman from Chile. The romantic at heart, especially if they love music as well, should not miss Cold War from Poland. And with regard to First Nations, Australia's Sweet Country is a riveting experience. An opera is included again – Donizetti's comical Don Pasquale with soprano Eva Mei and conductor Gérard Korsten who performed in Bloemfontein last year.
As a platform for emerging artists and professionals interested in testing new work, this year Vrynge hosts many talented local, national and international creatives. From Brighton (neXus) to New York and Italy (Before you fall asleep), the Caribbean (Caribbean Cool), and the Netherlands with Lot Vekemans working on her new play Blind, the Vrynge is a small world in one. There’s entertainment for the whole family with Francie en haar foon and Die groot avonture van Vernon en sy maats: Die heks fiasco. The Vrystaat Arts Festival is also partnering with the Baxter Theatre and Lagos Fringe to bring even more engaging experiences. Vrynge 2019 is one to look out for and one that continues to build bridges between artists and communities. Your opportunity to witness world class art is here.
Vrystaat Literature Festival
With over 70 events involving a wide variety of topics and themes, there is something for every taste. Local, national, and international writers and poets participate in talks, panel discussions, lectures, and workshops. Some of the topics of focus this year include faith and spirituality, sexuality, humour, thrillers, short stories, and memoirs. Highlights to look forward to include Amore Bekker, Carina Diedericks-Hugo, Erns Grundling, Daniel Hugo, Herman Lategan, Maretha Maartens, Jean Oosthuizen, Alexander Strachan, Pieter-Dirk Uys, Rudie van Rensburg, Jan van Tonder, Ingrid Winterbach, en Bettina Wyngaard.
International guests attending this year include Upile Chisala (Malawi), Samuel Osaze (Nigeria), Amory Kapufi and Jesse Nsofu (Zambia), Tinashe Tafirenyika and Philani Nyoni (Zimbabwe), Marco Calvani (Italy), Wytske Versteeg, Benno Barnard, Lot Vekemans, Mira Feticu, and Dorine Holman (the Netherlands), Annelies Verbeke, Saskia de Coster and Yves T’Sjoen (Belgium), and Kim Fu, Paige Cooper, Kayla Czaga and Klara du Plessis (Canada).
Pan-African Creative Exchange
The biannual Pan-African Creative Exchange (PACE), with founding sponsor NATi, and support from the Embassy of the Netherlands this year hosts PACE+, an interim programme and dramaturgical laboratory led by Executive Director Nike Jonah (UK/Nig), Funmi Adewole (Co-ordinating facilitator – UK/Nig), Dutch facilitator Mike van Alfen, and guest provocateurs Saartjie Botha (SA) and Jacob Boehme (Aus).
Participants from PACE 2018 include Ese Brume (France/Nig), Nada Sabet (Egypt), Leanetse Seekoe (SA), Wole Oguntokun (Nig), Johann Smith (SA), Shihaam Domingo (SA), Sizakele Mdi (SA), Segun Adefila (Nig), Omobolanle Stephen-Atitebi (Nig), Abdoulaye Diallo (Senegal), Wezile Mgibe (SA), Kenneth Uphopho (Nigeria) and Omar Sène (Senegal).
The festival is also presenting as full shows some of last year’s PACE showcases includig Brandbaar with Rehane Abrahams (SA), Kenneth Uphopho’s Esther’s Revenge (Nig), Segun Adefila’s Adìe Bà Lókùn (Nig) and Abdoyley Diallo’s Pollution (Senegal). See http://bravo.launchzone.co.za/en/home/
PAP and Vrywees
This year the festival will again have free art in public spaces with Public Art Platform and Vrywees. From the festival’s first ‘nose’, aromatherapist Annaline Viljoen, who is developing a festival scent for 2019, to shows by Durban’s Twist Theatre on Hoffman Square, eSwathini youth theatre in public space to dancers, fashion parades to poets creating work for site-specific performances. If you are out in the public you will experience art.
So take a breath and dive into the rich programme of the 2019 Vrystaat Arts Festival. Enjoy all it has to offer and make sure to make new friends from both here and abroad.
Programme: http://bit.ly/VSKProgram2019
For further inquiries contact:
Georgina Thomson
Marketing and Development Manager
Tel: +27 (0)82 570 3083
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suetravelblog · 7 years
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West Side Story Willem Law Photographer
In March after popular demand, producer and human rights activist Eric Abraham and the Fugard Theatre’s production of West Side Story returned to the Artscape for a final season. The American musical has been performed in Cape Town before and audiences raved about the brilliant actors, dancers, music, sets, and costumes!
Grant van Stern Choreographer
Artscape is one of my favorite performing arts venues in Cape Town. The popular theatre opened in 1971 as the Nico Malan Theatre Centre. It was renamed in 2001 and now belongs to the Western Cape Government.
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Officer Krupke and Detective Schrank
The spectacular opera house has an exciting ambiance, including gardens, rehearsal rooms, and a modern, stylish foyer. Over the years, I’ve met friends there for memorable opera, ballet, musical, and comedy performances! Last night’s performance wasn’t a disappointment!
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Eric Abraham Film, Television, and Theatre Producer
“West Side Story is a musical about cultural differences, racism, forbidden love, revenge, and death.” _____________
Inspired by Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story’s timeless plot is set on the “harsh streets of New York City’s Upper West Side during the mid-1950s”.
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Rival street gangs, the Puerto Rican Sharks and Caucasian Jets, battle in a turf-war to gain control of the neighborhood. Tensions rise when Tony, a former member of the Jets and best friend of the leader, Riff, falls in love with Maria, the sister of Bernardo, leader of the Sharks.
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American choreographer Jerome Robbins conceived the story in 1957, and playwright and screenwriter Arthur Laurents wrote the West Side Story book. Renowned composer Leonard Bernstein created the musical score with lyrics written by songwriter Stephen Sondheim. The 1961 film version of West Side Story “won 11 Academy Awards, including best picture, best supporting actor and actress, best director, and best cinematographer. The film also won a Grammy for best soundtrack”. It’s undoubtedly one of the best musicals ever written and performed.
Louisa Talbot Choreographer
South Africa’s Matthew Wild directs the Artscape production with Charl-Johan Lingenfelder as musical director and conductor of the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra. Louisa Talbot choreographed the production with Grant van Ster as resident choreographer and dance captain.
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Charl Johan Lingenfelder Musical Director and Conductor
In 2018, West Side Story is once again “sweeping Capetonians off their feet”! How could it not with the fabulous Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra in the pit and an outstanding cast of forty exceptionally talented performers?
Cast of Characters
Lynelle Kenned plays the role of Maria, a hopeless romantic who falls in love with Tony and finds herself at the center of a violent conflict between the Jets and Sharks. Kenned won the Fleur du Cap Award for Best Actress in a Musical for her performance. Among her many talents Kenned is a soprano opera singer. Her beautiful voice is extraordinary!
Kevin Hack – Tony
Sven-Eric Muller – Diesel
Richard Lothian – Officer Krupke
Logan Timbre – Action
Bianca le Grange – Anita
James Borthwick – Doc
Stephen Jubber – Riff
Craig Urbani – Detective Schrank
Clint Lesch – Chino
Kevin Hack – Tony
Lynelle Kenned – Maria
Daniel Richards – Bernardo
The main character Tony – former leader of the Jets – is torn between his friends in the gang and his love for Maria. The part is played by talented US actor Kevin Hack who has performed the role almost 400 times. Hack recently completed an international tour playing in the 60th anniversary international tour of Michael Brenner’s production of West Side Story.
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Matthew Wild Director
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Singer, pianist, violinist, dancer, and actress Bianca Le Grange plays Anita, Maria’s friend and Bernardo’s girlfriend. Daniel Mpilo Richards plays Bernardo, proud leader or the Sharks.
“The choreography exudes vibrant waves of emotion from act to act leaving its audience’s heart thumping!”
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Artscape Foyer
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Artscape Theatre Centre Cape Town
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Artscape Foyer Upper Level Lounge
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Artscape Entrance Sculptures
All of the actors are multi-talented with impressive accomplishments and careers. The beautiful, strong dancers are magnificent!!! Some of the main charters include:
Lynelle Kenned – Maria, Bernardo’s sister in love with Tony
Kevin Hack – Tony, former Jets leader in love with Maria
Bianca Le Grange – Anita, Bernardo’s girlfriend, Maria’s friend
Daniel Mpilo Richards – Bernardo, Shark leader, Maria’s brother, Anita’s boyfriend
Stephen Jubber – Riff, quick-­tempered Jets leader
Sven-Eric Muller – Diesel, Jets second-in-­command
Craig Urbani – Schrank, local police detective
Richard Lothian – Officer Krupke, local beat cop
James Borthwick – Doc, owner of the store where the Jets hang out
Clint Lesch – Chino, Maria’s suitor and friend of Bernardo
Logan Timbre – Action, quick-­‐tempered member of the Jets
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It was a fantastic evening of entertainment by extraordinarily talented young artists! Many more people than mentioned helped with production of the memorable musical.
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West Side Story Artscape Theatre In March after popular demand, producer and human rights activist Eric Abraham and the Fugard Theatre's…
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artsvark · 7 years
REVIEW: Calling Me Home
Calling Me Home
I have seldom been as excited to see a musical as I was to see Calling Me Home at the Joburg Theatre last night. Not only because of the fabulous cast, but because it is the first truly South African musical since the glorious King Kong, and an ideal opportunity to show how much our creativity has grown.
There was a positive buzz of anticipation from the premiere audience, which halfway through the first act had subsided into impatience for the interval and a strong desire for libations to combat the boredom.
Artsvark has received some criticism for allowing this review to be penned under a nom de plume. I understand that anonymity lends itself to abuse and could support any number of agendas. I know the reviewer personally, and I am aware of their credentials in theatre and music.
The review is critical, but it also reflects many of the opinions I heard from opening night guests, many of whom are, like the author of this review, respected industry names. I made the call to allow this review to be published anonymously by the author, as sharing negative opinions of a work could jeopardise the author’s own career in the arts. The author has been described as horrible, and the review as cruel and destructive, opinions as valid as the author’s.
UPDATE: I am standing by my decision to publish this review, and to protect the writer’s anonymity. Faced with having to make the decision to publish an anonymously written review in future, armed with similar information as this time, I will make the same call to publish again.
Etienne Shardlow Acting-editor.
Song after song we were subjected to repetitive dirges in minor keys, devoid of any African rhythms or inflections, with not one up tempo song throughout. By the time Samantha Peo made her appearance, looking absolutely gorgeous, it became clear that not even her excellent delivery could turn this into a good song.
This is a musical in which vague African wars are fought without any reason, where Africans travel easily between this continent and a New York seemingly set in the depression era, with none of the vibrancy of the Big Apple, nor of the African continent. I have seldom seen so much wasted talent on one stage. Musanette Sakupwanye is arguably South Africa’s top male jazz vocalist and surprises with a natural acting ability, unfortunately the songs he sings hardly display his prowess and range. And if you were hoping to see glimpses of Samantha Peo’s brilliance in musicals like Chicago you will be sorely disappointed. Zolani Mahola of Freshly Ground fame is completely wasted as Lindiwe, who has two songs in the first act and has little else to do for the rest of the show. Lynelle Kenned and Anthony Downing are seasoned pros who struggle to keep any momentum in the constant scene and set changes. Every song brings a set change. If only it brought some character development and humour. Newcomer Michael McMeeking will surely work again, despite this lukewarm entry into the industry.
There are no vibrant, up tempo group numbers to break the maudlin slow songs in minor keys. There are no light or humorous moments, a la Master of the House or Lovely Ladies from Les Miserables. There is no exploration of the rich African rhythms and harmonies, colours and textures that this continent provides. Why the director did not call in a few experienced colleagues for advice during the rehearsal process is a mystery. Anyone with musical theatre experience would surely have seen the glaring faults in this production and would have been able to suggest useful changes. But my suspicion is that director Magdalene Minnaar won’t be directing any more musicals in the near future.
Although it’s really positive that sponsorship was secured for a new and entirely South African musical, this was not the right musical. The creator, Alice Gillham, seems to have admirable credentials, but this show should not be part of them. A quick Google tells me that she has a Masters degree in Ethnomusicology. I would honestly never have guessed.
By Rebecca Swift
REVIEW: Calling Me Home was originally published on Artsvark
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sarafinamagazine · 8 years
A Conversation with Lynelle Kenned
A Conversation with Lynelle Kenned. @lynelle_k @TheFugard @AllisonFoat
Photo Credit: Jesse Kramer Fleur du Cap award-winner Lynelle Kenned returns to her role of Maria in The Fugard Theatre’s return production of West Side Story which makes its Johannesburg transfer. A trained opera singer, this soprano has quickly established herself as a presenter and musical theatre leading lady. Credits, and talent aside, something that is incredibly striking about Lynelle is…
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jonathan-roxmouth · 9 years
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Jonathan Roxmouth and Lynelle Kenned West Side Story South Africa
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artsvark · 7 years
New original musical has world premiere in Joburg
Calling Me Home
The new, original musical Calling Me Home will be seen by Joburg audiences first as it has its world premiere on 17 August at Joburg Theatre.
Johannesburg audiences are in for a treat when the world premiere of the new and original musical, Calling Me Home takes place on Thursday, 17 August on The Mandela Stage at Joburg Theatre, running until Sunday, 3 September 2017.
Cape Town audiences get their chance next year with negotiations currently taking place to tour the show internationally.
Calling me Home is a powerful love story of hope, courage, longing and compassion that will resonate with people everywhere. As the audience follows the story of Grace, a young woman who flees her homeland due to the outbreak of a brutal civil war, it is taken on an exciting journey that stretches from the splendours of the African continent across the ocean to a great foreign city.
In this new, hugely diverse and colourful community, Grace experiences both joy and great danger. She also falls deeply in love and, most importantly, learns the true meaning of ‘home’.
Premiering in Women’s Month, Calling Me Home is a collaboration between two highly creative and powerful women in the South African music and theatre industry.
The book, score and libretto were written by composer and producer Alice Gillham, who is signed with EMI Music Publishing / Sony/ATV and lives and works in South Africa. She effortlessly fuses the genres of classical music, African hybrid, jazz and traditional folksong to create bewitching and evocative music that brings the story to life, providing her audience with a deeply human and emotional experience.
Joining Gillham in bringing this musical to the stage is director Magdalene Minnaar. According to Minnaar this production has the potential to have a profound impact on the world.
Says Minnaar; “The content is extremely current and we have incredibly talented people in Africa. You rarely get a chance to be part of a brand new local production of this calibre.”
Calling Me Home depicts the journeys of three women who each find their own personal power.
Grace (Lynelle Kenned) a young African woman flees her war-torn homeland to try to survive in a country of concrete cityscapes, crime and danger.
With her is her new friend Lindiwe (Zolani Mahola), who too has fled her home, but in Lindiwe’s case it is a flight from abuse and pain.
Finally, there is the beautiful but deeply troubled Isabella (Samantha Peo), who finds the strength and courage to conquer almost insurmountable challenges when she overcomes addiction, both chemical and emotional, to take the moral lead in her community. The work is a global story with far-reaching current relevance.
Each cast member of this large ensemble piece will play a vital part in the story.
According to Minnaar, choosing the right artists was critical as they will have the opportunity to bring their characters to life for the very first time. “We have carefully chosen hugely talented singers who bring storytelling energy, creativity and a spirit of adventure to this journey. Their energy is amazing and their talent world-class,” Minnaar stated.
The complete Southern African cast consists of some of the country’s most celebrated stage performers, well-known personalities and some up-and-coming young stars.
New original musical has world premiere in Joburg was originally published on Artsvark
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artsvark · 8 years
Roxmouth sings Broadway hits at the Teatro
Jonathan Roxmouth – The Musicals in Concert
Jonathan Roxmouth is returning to the Teatro at Montecasino with The Musicals in Concert for four performances only from June 30 to July 2.
Accompanied by a full 45-piece orchestra, Jonathan Roxmouth, one of South Africa’s most versatile musical theatre stars, will perform popular hits of Broadway.
Presented by Pieter Toerien and featuring the cream of South Africa’s musicians and performers, Jonathan Roxmouth – The Musicals in Concert will run at the Teatro at Montecasino from June 30 to July 2, 2017. Tickets are now on sale through Computicket.
Jonathan Roxmouth sings in From the Footlights. (Photo: Thursday 17 September 2015. Teatro, Monte Casino.)
Jonathan Roxmouth (The Phantom of the Opera, West Side Story, Jesus Christ Superstar, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Sweeney Todd, Beauty and the Beast, Cats, Sunset Boulevard and Stage by Stage) made SA theatrical history in September 2015 as the first local artist to headline a series of Broadway concerts entitled From the Footlights.
Rapturous audiences packed the Teatro at Montecasino to hear him perform classic Broadway songs backed by an 18-piece Broadway Big Band. This year he returns with a full orchestra and an exceptional cast of 20 to perform the famous songs of Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim, Rodgers and Hammerstein and many more well-loved composers.
Event Information
Date: 30 June – 2 July 2017Venue: The Teatro at Montecasino Times: Friday 30 June at 20:00, Saturday 1 July at 15:00 and 20:00, Sunday 2 July at 15:00 Tickets: R200 – R350, available through Computicket Tel: Box Office 011 511 1818 E-mail: [email protected]
The arrangements of these songs have been custom-written to showcase Roxmouth’s vocal versatility and virtuosity to the max. Many songs are also featured on Roxmouth’s latest album (released last year) entitled My Lloyd Webber. Audiences can look forward to songs from The Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, West Side Story, Cats, Aladdin, Chess, The Sound of Music, A Chorus Line, Sunset Boulevard, Aspects of Love, Love Never Dies, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and many more…
Joining Roxmouth on the Teatro stage, with a few tricks up their sleeves, are some of his favourite performers, no strangers to the musical theatre scene. Guests include leading lady Lynelle Kenned (West Side Story, Show Boat, Orpheus in Africa) and comedian Alan Committie (Defending the Caveman, Little Shop of Horrors).
Roxmouth and his guests will be accompanied by a 45-piece orchestra under the baton of award-winning conductor and arranger Bryan Schimmel (Annie, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Chicago, We Will Rock You, Jersey Boys).
In partnership with Oakfields College, and the Johannesburg Youth Orchestra, this event promises to be one of the theatrical highlights of the year.
Says Roxmouth, “Everyone has their favourite musical song, but they have to wait for it during the course of the show. The Musicals in Concert is an evening FULL of those, just without the waiting, and performed as you’ve never heard them before with an extraordinary orchestra.”
  Roxmouth sings Broadway hits at the Teatro was originally published on Artsvark
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