#Lyn Lavener singer and comedian 1986
remembertheplunge · 4 months
An evening at Pillars
An evening at Pillars October 1986
October 11, 1986 Saturday
Mark and Steve are here visiting. We went to Pillars last night. Mark, Steve Sam, Harry and myself. It was pleasant and informative. We heard this great singer-philosopher Lyn Lavner. She was part of the Leather and Lace tour. I bought two of her cassett tapes, autographed and she sealed them with a kiss! Dig through your tape collection, pull them out and come back with me to this place in space and time — October 11,1986.
I’m at Weatherstone’s Coffee House. I told everyone that I must go. I need my self time. 
I read last evening (really late last night) from some of my old diary entries. Mark said “Ahhhh, a book in the making. You are the only person I know who has kept a diary so many years…over 9 years.” I read last night to them from my 1977–78 journal, and they truly were interested. Large amounts of supplementary thoughts flow from old mental vaults. We laughed and filled in the blanks. In 1977 to 78, as the spirit fire was beginning to become visible to me, whole months of time passed without a word. They asked last evening “How do you do it? Write so often?” I said “I must. I’ can’t do otherwise.”
End of entries
Notes: 5/19/2024
Pillars was a professional gay men’s organization in Sacramento California. I met Mark in Law school in 1978. He later met Steve who became his gay partner. Sam was a friend of Mark’s who I met through Mark. Sam and I became friends as well. Sam later died of Aids. I believe that Harry was Sam’s boyfriend, but, I’m not sure . Lyn Lavener sang songs at the Pillar’s meeting . One of them was the song “ Such Fine Young Men” which was about men she had known who had died of Aids. If you google” Songs by Lyn Lavener” you can listen to the song. 
Weatherstones is a Coffee House in Sacramento California on 21st Street now called Old Soul. I used to write there a lot when I lived in Sacramento 1986–1987. When I am passing through town now, I still do. By 1986, I was writing in my journal pretty much daily and that habit has continued to today. I still have to write. 
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