#Lunar Eclipse 2021 19 November
ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
Welcome to the Shadow of the Eclipse
October 4-31, 2023
Some introductory notes
The “shadow of the eclipse” is a time period lasting from 10 days before the first eclipse, to three days after the final eclipse. It is recommended not to start anything new, or schedule anything important, during these days - as usual I refer everyone to the 1981 wedding of Lady Diana Spencer to the Prince of Wales, as an example.
Of course we live in a place/time which scoffs at letting astrology help with the timing of events - therefore don’t lose hope if something falls unavoidably within the eclipse shadow. Just be prepared.
I wanted to take a more thorough approach to delineation, this time. I hope it’s helpful.
South Node Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse happens when the New Moon lies close (in the Zodiac) to either the North Lunar Node, or to the South one. It occurred to me to do a little research on whether which Node is involved, makes any difference - and yes, it does.
Astrologers call the South Node “the dragon’s tail” - Steven Forrest calls the South Node, “the dragon’s butt” - because here we are “pooping out” what we don’t need and can’t use. (One person’s poop, however, is another person’s fertilizer.)
Eclipses conjunct the South Lunar Node, like the October 14 one, have an outflowing (outpooping?) of energy. They tend to feature external events which we have to “rise up to.”
If you’d like to note how these have affected you in the past (always a good idea to check “what happened last time”), here is a list of the previous South Node solar eclipses in this century:
December 14, 2001, 22°56’ Sagittarius
December 4, 2002, 11°58’ Sagittarius
November 23, 2003, 1°14’ Sagittarius
October 14, 2004, 21°06’ Libra
October 3, 2005, 10°19’ Libra
September 22, 2006, 29°20’ Virgo
September 11, 2007, 18°25’ Virgo
August 1, 2008, 9°32’ Leo
July 22, 2009, 29°27’ Cancer
July 11, 2010, 19°24’ Cancer
June 1, 2011, 11°02’ Gemini
July 1, 2011, 9°12’ Cancer
May 20, 2012, 0°21’ Gemini
May 10, 2013, 19°31’ Taurus
April 29, 2014, 8°52’ Taurus
March 20, 2015, 29°27’ Pisces
March 9, 2016, 18°56’ Pisces
February 26, 2017, 8°12’ Pisces
February 15, 2018, 27°08’ Aquarius
January 6, 2019, 15°25’ Capricorn
December 26, 2019, 4°07’ Capricorn
December 14, 2020, 23°08’ Sagittarius
December 4, 2021, 12°22’ Sagittarius
October 25, 2022, 2°00’ Scorpio
October 14, 2023, 21°08’ Libra
Going down that list was a very uncomfortable trip down memory lane for me. When those South Node eclipses affected me, it was generally a harbinger of some difficult “external event” which I had little to no control over - which is not the same thing as saying “it wasn’t my fault.” I brought some of it on myself due to bad decisions. Some karma chickens coming home to roost, in other words. Not all of them were dire, though. One in particular gave me something of a respite from what had been happening in my life - it was conjunct my natal 12th House cusp.
Saros Series “7 South”
This eclipse is part of Saros Series “7 South.” Bernadette Brady writes,
The individual experiencing this series will find that huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through his or her life very rapidly. Either way the individual will feel that everything is moving at great speed. (The Eagle and the Lark)
Previous Saros “7 South” eclipses in Ms M’s lifetime:
September 11, 1969, 18°53’ Virgo
September 23, 1987, 29°34’ Virgo
October 3, 2005, 10°19’ Libra
Not quite as depressing for me personally.
Whatever Shall We Do?
1) Determine which of your natal houses this eclipse falls in.
2) Determine whether the eclipse makes an aspect to anything in your chart. Use a 1° orb. In my case, the conjunctions, squares, sesquiquads (135°), inconjuncts, and oppositions made the most obvious impacts.
3) If there is a close aspect to a planet, check to see which house(s) that planet rules. One South Node eclipse was conjunct the ruler of my natal 4th House, and I moved three months later.
4) Avoid strenuously negative thoughts. If you put a lot of energy into anticipating that something is going to be horrible and painful and disastrous, well, guess what - that’s exactly what’s going to happen. If you catch yourself falling into a panic, try to refocus the energy into “the best possible outcome.”
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thesirencult · 2 years
Pick A Card Reading : Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse Season
"These things, dear boy, you must bear in mind, and you must know that the fondness of the lover is not a matter of goodwill, but of appetite which he wishes to satisfy: “Just as the wolf loves the lamb, so the lover adores his beloved.” 
- Socrates (Plato, Phaedrus)
Everything below is written by me and it's copyrighted. If you want to use my writing give me credit. I also do private readings, you can message me if you want one ! Lastly beautiful souls, keep in mind that this is a general reading. Not everything will resonate with you. Feel free to read multiple piles in order for you to "stitch" your own personal interpretation. Listen to your intuition. TW : mention of Persephone's myth
The first lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 2021 marked the start of "Persephone's Abduction". On October 28 2023 the day of the last lunar eclipse in Taurus, she will finally be crowned the Underworld's powerful Empress.
As a collective, we've been going through our own descend in the Underworld. We were thrusted into it by harsh Hades, but along the way we learnt (and continue to learn) that some obstacles are the way to our freedom. Unfortunate events turn into our fortune.
Dark and broody Hades fell in love with beautiful and innocent Persephone. She was young, fresh and saw beauty in everything. He kept watching her for months, lurking in her shadows and feeding off her energy. He placed a flower as delicate as her on the green grass, beneath her feet and as she bend down to pluck from the earth's soil his chariot emerged from the earth's core. Persephone was taken away from the safety of her mother's womb. She lost her innocence* but learnt to love Hades and found out that through that sacrifice she would gain her power. What was a low rank goddess is now the Queen Of The Underworld. By eating 6 seeds from pomegranate, the fruit of fertility and wisdom, she now had to see the truth and she had to live in the Underworld for 6 months per year.
Life comes in seasons. Without the darkness there wouldn't be the light. Everything comes in polarity and relation to something else.
*This is a myth set in a different timeline. I used the phrase lightly and I obviously condemn this beastly act of violence. Thank you for coming in here, this will always be a safe place for people who have suffered.
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Pile 1
The Pomegranate (abundance, fertility, life, death, wisdom) :
6 Of Swords, Page Of Swords, 3 Of Swords
2021-2023 is extra turbulent for you pile 1. You're going through a major realignment. You feel as if you're being tested by the universe, specifically when it comes to your beliefs. This has shaken you up to your core, it makes you question your beliefs and ideas. With each step you get closer to your light and the truth. It seems to me like you've been on quiet the journey of learning, you may even study on a higher level like getting your PhD.
If you went through a traumatic loss remember Persephone's loss lead her to her destiny. Pain makes us stronger and we move on burning all the bridges.
Pile 2
Hades and Persephone (love, loyalty, power couple, sensuality, life and death, innocence and truth) :
King Of Swords, Queen Of Swords, 3 Of Pentacles
( Scorpio or Taurus in your 1/3/7th house, air sun and mercury energy)
If you have not met a soulmate up until now, then it's going to happen till the end of this cycle. This doesn't have to be someone you're romantically involved with, although it could be. This could even be your own animus/anima, your feminine and masculine energy alchemising together to create something stable with strong foundations.
Either way this union will help you go from student to teacher (if you feel drown to pile 1 check it out too) and realize that essentially all teachers are eternal students.
You may have found like-minded people at work and a strong partner that acts as a mentor to you. This reminds me of people who come together to go after a good cause.
Those cards signal marriage to me and business partnerships based on shared values and logic. After all love sometimes is not enough for a marriage to thrive. Yours will surely do if you're both logical and communicate clearly !
Pile 3
The Rose (beauty, Aphrodite and Eros, timelessness, Beauty and The Beast, forbidden yet intriguing) :
The Lovers, 9 Of Swords, 2 Of Wands
As above so below, as within so without...
Not making a choice IS a choice sweet reader and maybe you're staying confided in by not making the choice to go out and after your dreams. Planning and preparing is important but execution is even more important in the long run.
You're a very talented person with high aspirations don't let your fears hold you back.
Those years will be all about manifestation and planting the seeds. If you're trying to manifest a loving soulmate, now is the time.
Pile 4
The Apples (sacred knowledge, High Priestess, "apple of my eye", the fall of man from heaven, sin, Adam and Eve,"the truth will set you free but first it'll piss you off") :
The Tower, 7 Of Pentacles
This is pure eclipse energy. You may be a Scorpio or Taurus (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars) Expect the unexpected dear seeker. I truly believe that people who go through this chaotic energy are highly evolved and on the brink of something amazing. This is the universe's last push out of the dark. You experience this shifts deeply, in your core and you're left out in the open of the fight.
You already are a spiritual soul and you have faith. You get signs and indications that beneath the surface your seeds are growing. Have faith and before you know it the seeds will be strong olive trees bearing the fruits of your labour ready to be harvested and get used to create more and more abundance !
Pile 5
The Full Moon Eclipse (endings and new beginnings, cycle of life, moon goddess, feminine power, death and rebirth, power, "every ending is a new beginning) :
4 Of Pentacles, 3 Of Swords, King Of Cups, The Star
Losing and learning, getting back down to step one. You're a very emotional person with an open heart and mind. You are always ready to open your arms for those in need.
But eclipse season makes you question if you gave too much. Sometimes you feel drained, like your cup of love is empty. No one has been pouring in to you and you're in desperate need for that.
Have faith and hope, I know that life has been hard (read pile 4 if you feel called to) but there is always light at the end of the tunnel (or better eclipse season).
Pile 6
The Sacred Chalice (union, wedding,"we trust in God", The Last Supper, Holy Spirit, sacred womb, women who run with the wolves, "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Death, Moon, Hanged Man
Strong Scorpio/Cancer/Pisces
You're going through an archetypical dark night of the soul.
At first you felt like everything was lost. Money, love, family and pets... Loneliness was your best friend.
But when time came you went deep into your subconscious and unconscious mind. You got uncomfortable searching through the dark corridors of the Underworld Palace.
There, you found God and yourself. Hidden truths were unveiled to you and you're surrounding yourself to Universe's will.
You will emerge a completely different person from this cycle of eclipses. Like a hero going through his journey and then coming back a different person, full of stories to tell, awaiting his next adventure. People from your past won't recognize you. This won't hurt you at all, because you know that this is who you truly are and not the shadow of the past. Forgive and let go. Surrender to the stream . . .
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piscesseer · 1 year
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
On May 5, 2023 a powerful Lunar Eclipse is happening! This Lunar Eclipse is a continuance of the Solar Eclipse that happened on April 19. Solar Eclipses often open potential for new beginnings, and then Lunar Eclipses reveal energy that helps us to complete a journey or shift our course. Both will make changes happen in our lives
To find out more about Eclipses in Astrology, visit this link.
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During this Eclipse, you may find yourself learning something that changes your entire perspective on something. Something could happen that changes your life! Career changes, big moves or anything that changes your direction.
Challenges may come to relationships. Realizations about a person or relationship can emerge. We might question relationships that have been addicting, but ultimately not satisfying. There could be a moment that you realize the relationship is progressing to the next level. There can be an event that stimulates the urge to commit or the urge to break up.
The information brought from an Eclipse can shake you up, but don’t have to be negative. It can bring you inspiration and encouragement to shift your life. It's an opportunity to release energies, emotions and even people who don’t serve you. Hold space for yourself and give yourself time to process what comes to you on an Eclipse. Don’t rush decisions, but consider the best way to let things go or make necessary moves to propel you forward. Change can be scary and uncomfortable, but once you cross that bridge, the result will bring you closer to your higher self.
Trust your intuition and do what’s best for you. Stay mentally and emotionally flexible. Create space in your schedule for old feelings or memories to surface. Whatever burdens you’ve been feeling that are too heavy can be let go. Allow necessary endings to occur. Consider the new life that emerges from decay.
Eclipse Cycle of Scorpio-Taurus
Eclipses represent a time of change and transformation. These shifts might not take place all at once, because Eclipses occur in a series. This change could start or continue through the Eclipses that happen in the same set of signs. This Eclipse is part of seven taking place on the Taurus and Scorpio axis from November 2021 through October 2023.
Eclipses always occur in cycles, and the first Scorpio Lunar Eclipse of this series happened on May 15, 2022. The second occurred on October 25, 2022. This third Eclipse on May 5, 2023 represents the finish line.
While Eclipses can bring sudden events, the themes or events that come up during the time might not be so surprising. This particular Eclipse is concluding a story that you’ve been living for the last year or more. This Eclipse could be helping you resolve a change that emerged during one of the last two Scorpio Eclipses.
This is the last Scorpio Eclipse of its kind for decades, solidifying the theme of something coming to an end. The worst is behind you, so relish in that. No matter what surfaces, you’re an expert now. You have what you need to move through it.
Ruled by water and the planet Pluto, Scorpio asks us to dive into our emotional depth. You may find yourself swimming in the darker depths emotionally. Ride the waves of the emotion that you’ve been holding in.
Shadows come out to be seen in the full light. Unprocessed emotions come out to heal. Suppressed memories are awakened. It will become obvious how we project our wounds onto others. This emotional revelation can make us feel like we’re on a downward spiral of negativity against ourselves. It’s important to know when shadows are revealed, it’s best to accept them and try to understand them. It’s through love, compassion and acceptance that our shadows come forward and meet us in the light.
There is transformative energy present with Scorpio. This is a potent time for revelation, change and immense psychological breakthroughs. It also reminds us that we can transform energy, behavior or emotions. We can heal from painful wounds, turning them into wisdom and weather any storm.
There is a disruptive influence with this Eclipse. When we relate this to the transformative energy, we can expect there to be a loud and obvious influence. We might have unexpected feelings that show up, but this can be necessary to work through the transformation process.
This energy is so intense that it will bring us face to face with the present. It asks us to stop in our tracks, let go of distractions and confront our inner reality. This brings us to the heart of the matter. We can’t lie to ourselves or be lied to during this Eclipse.
It can be challenging and uncomfortable to take an honest look at your unconscious tendencies. What’s under the surface is controlling you, whether you acknowledge it or not. When you face your fears, triggers, morals, and conditioned patterns you will free yourself. You take control back of your life and behavior. It can be scary, intense, and full of raw emotions. It’s also incredibly healing and empowering! This Eclipse is here to remind you of your power.
As you shift through your deepest layers, remember to love all of them. They are part of you and your story. They need love and acceptance to heal or change. Remember you are only human! You’re not perfect, and that’s great. Only knowing your whole self can help you reach your full potential.
Lunar Eclipses are about relationships and polarities. With this Taurus-Scorpio axis involved, we need to find balance between the Taurus and Scorpio ruled areas of life. The Moon in Scorpio wants us to find emotional fulfillment through complexities, intangibles and mysteries while the Taurus Sun draws our attention to the need for the simple, tangible things in life. Neglecting either end will backfire on us.
Taurus encourages us to connect with nature and use our senses. Taurus focuses on more tangible assets, like physical space to feel supported and nourishment of the body. Scorpio asks us to connect with our inner world and release emotional reactions to find the present moment. Scorpio focuses on energetic resources like transformation and courage to travel inward. Both signs want us to align with the rhythms of the Universe. We can feel the vastness of life and become inspired by our own power. Both give us the tools to ground our energy, transform through healing and step into unknown territory.
Both of these signs want us in the present moment. They ask us to set aside anxiety about the future or pain of the past and connect to this moment.
If you choose to hold onto energies that no longer serve you, you can be met with frustration.
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When we align with the lower sides of Scorpio we don’t allow ourselves to feel. We distract ourselves with external preoccupations that lead to anxiety and obsession. We find ways to avoid internal work that we need to do. We blame others and project our feelings. Instead of facing our fear, wounds and pain with courage, we avoid these places within ourselves.
We mistrust our intuition and look outside ourselves for validation. We can obsess over money, loved ones and our place in the world. Taurus’ low side is also in alignment with feeling insecure and obsessing over material items. We forget that we can create abundance through inner reliance and creativity. We become preoccupied with our resources and forget that abundance is everywhere.
By not facing true feelings, we forget that they can control our subconscious. We might accidentally undermine our conscious effort to manifest our dreams. They can make us feel helpless. We slip into a victim mentality. It can make us feel like we don’t belong anywhere and are alone. We can become triggered by issues around security and feel unsafe.
We can also become stuck in a transformational loop, never accepting our imperfection. We might always be looking for the next shift without appreciating our accomplishments. This makes us feel like we must always try to do better next time, instead of being proud of ourselves and taking a moment for the present. We will get anxiety over future scenarios, fearing what is to come and thinking we could lose everything. We might get jealous over people who appear successful.
These lower sides question security, worth and underlying fear. If you find yourself aligning with the shadow sides, know that it’s okay. You are seeing this part of yourself. It’s challenging to become aware of these sides, but it’s essential to shift them when they are not serving you.
This Eclipse is also in opposition to Mercury’s Retrograde in Taurus. Retrogrades are unpredictable on their own. It’s often seen as a time when things slow down, so take this as a sign to remember to be still with all of the things that come up during this Eclipse. Retrogrades often allow the past to resurface to be re-evaluated. This ties in with healing from old wounds and letting things go.
There might be a lingering feeling with this Eclipse that lasts a few days. Just because something doesn’t happen the moment of the Eclipse, doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. Things will reveal themselves in time.
Working with the Eclipse Energy
You might want to check on old calendars, journals, or emails from May and October of 2022. Notice what is coming up now as a release, wrap or closure.
Pay close attention to your feelings, intuition and signs. Embrace emotional release.
Some say not to do typical Full Moon rituals during an Eclipse, but trust yourself.
Allow yourself to sit still and feel your emotions. You might cry, laugh, journal or experience a roller coaster of emotions. But feeling them is the way through. As your feelings start to arise, let them run through you. Journal to learn more about them. Ask yourself what you’re feeling and what this feeling helps you to understand about yourself. Notice your reactions and triggers. The Eclipse can show you something that’s essential to your evolution. Give yourself time to process whatever arises. Don’t make hasty decisions. Allow your transformation to unfold naturally. Be kind to yourself and know you are where you need to be right now.
The key to working with any Scorpio energy is the willingness to feel. Slow down, look inward, and hold space for energy to rise from the subconscious. This intense energy will give the power to transform anything you need to in your life right now. It won’t always feel good in the moment, but it will ultimately open the door for your full potential.
This is a potent time for shadow work. It starts with the willingness to look below the surface of your conscious mind and become aware of who you are. Shadow work helps us understand how we limit ourselves with fear and insecurity. All of our unprocessed emotions and deeper wounds are stored in the shadows. When we begin to understand our shadows, we can understand how to act on our shadows and bring light into unconscious patterns.
You can even write a list of what you want to release and rip it up or burn it!
Ask yourself:
Have you looked to others for security instead of owning your power? Have you felt obsessed about resources and untrusting of your ability to create abundance? Have you forgotten your connection with the Universe?
What needs to metaphorically die in your life?
What are you clinging to?
Have courage and compassion with yourself. Release what you can during this Eclipse and know that even becoming aware of these things is enough to be a catalyst for a great transformation.
Make time to rest. Get extra sleep. Give yourself time to integrate the changes that are happening internally and externally. Take a warm bath or shower on Eclipse day to help cleanse.
This will be most prominent for Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer and Leo - Sun, Moon or Rising. Scorpio will feel it the most.
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bookofdan · 1 year
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jennablackmorebooks · 2 years
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I posted 691 times in 2022
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#it was called i shall re-tell you the adventure of another lay: an author’s analysis of her own pseudo-film script scene in regards to marie
My Top Posts in 2022:
I find it fascinating that the twice we have been given mention of ruby so far in our Dracula Daily readings, it has been used to described the vampires' features. Indeed, sapphires are also used to describe one of Dracula's brides, and Lucy's diamond buckle is mentioned when Dr. Seward talks of the mark on her throat (that Dracula evidently left). Diamond is used to describe the window panes in the area the brides occupy, as well. Emerald, then, is the only one of the precious gems so far that has not been so connected to vampirism, as we've only been exposed to it through Mina's comparison of the grass to it while the weather is grey (a figure of life, perhaps, contrasted against the grey weather that moves the Demeter that contains Dracula?). I wonder if the rest of the book will keep these established patterns or alter them.
55 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
I found this terrific article in my ventures around the internet which speaks of garlic use and vampires in a way which appears in... a medical journal!?
This was a particularly enjoyable read and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
56 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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I know Robert Louis Stevenson did not mean that this was an ultra rare holo-foil first edition limited run will, but that's how I choose to personally imagine it.
80 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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my contribution to the occasion
1,333 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Tonight's lunar eclipse, as viewed from the doorway in my kitchen. (05.16.2022)
4,700 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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heather-b · 2 years
Since May 5, 2020, the Nodes have been transiting in the series of Gemini/Sagittarius. Because the Nodes are connected with the eclipses, I am pretty sure both of these signs have gone through some kind of life changes. Remember eclipses' energies last 6 months, and whatever happens it's fated.
These are the energies you should be concerned with, not your New and Full Moon monthly energies which only lasts few days. We need time to make changes, this is why eclipses' energies last 6 months. It's a way the Universe/God is leading us in the right direction.
Now it's Taurus/Scorpio's turn, because on January 19, the Nodes changed series, and this energy will last until July 17, 2023. But, if you study the eclipses' dates, there will be a final Lunar Eclipse in Taurus at 5 degrees on October 28, 2023.
With Lunar Eclipses, expect some kind of endings, and when I say endings, I also mean many will be crossing over. Also, expect many relationships to break-up. Therefore with the above final lunar eclipse, it will be over 6 months after October 28, meaning energies will last until April 28, 2024.
With the above energy, for everyone in general, the main focus will be on love, money, transformation and endings.
It's no coincidence this energy coincides with what is going on at the moment world-wide. Especially since we already had a Lunar eclipse on November 19, 2021 at 27 degrees. And I'm sure many relationships have ended, but also many have crossed over.
Study both your Birth & Solar Return Charts, and see where this energy will be affecting you personally.
PROOF: When I wrote this post, I did not know there was going to be a Ukraine/Russian war, and also if you do your own research, most of us are aware, many are leaving this world. This is proof of how astrology is so accurate. One can predict what's to come, just by planets' energies transits.
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tezlivenews · 3 years
Lunar Eclipse 2021: देश के किन-किन शहरों में दिखाई देगा चंद्रग्रहण, जानिए डिटेल्स
Lunar Eclipse 2021: देश के किन-किन शहरों में दिखाई देगा चंद्रग्रहण, जानिए डिटेल्स
Chandra Grahan 2021 and important cities: साल 2021 के आखिरी चंद्र ग्रहण (Lunar Eclipse 2021) का दिन अब करीब आ गया है. यह 19 नवंबर 2021 को लगने जा रहा है. हालांकि इस बार जो चंद्रग्रहण लग रहा है, वह भारत के कुछ ही शहरों में यह दिखाई देगा. लेकिन इसका महत्व बहुत ज्यादा है. 19 नवंबर को लगने वाला चंद्रग्रहण इस साल का दूसरा और अंतिम चंद्रग्रहण है. हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार, साल का आखिरी चंद्र ग्रहण…
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geopsych · 3 years
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Lunar eclipse.
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werewolf240moon · 3 years
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Red Blood Moon / Full Moon of November 19, 2021
Longest partial Lunar Eclipse of 2021
To everyone who likes to watch the moon then this is the perfect day for you !!
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crome-designs · 3 years
I also made 8 of the photos I took into a gif.
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xipiti · 3 years
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POV: you are looking up at the lunar eclipse on a still November night in Colorado, and two Great Horned Owls are singing a duet that echoes down the ravine in front of you.
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19agbrown · 3 years
It's pretty crappy when the one time you actually stay up to watch an eclipse, there's too many clouds to even see it 😐
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feeblekazoo · 3 years
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doonitedin · 3 years
आज Chandra Grahan के टाइम पर नहीं खाएं ये चीजें!, जानें क्या कहते हैं एक्सपर्ट
आज Chandra Grahan के टाइम पर नहीं खाएं ये चीजें!, जानें क्या कहते हैं एक्सपर्ट
Chandra Grahan 2021: आज शुक्रवार 19 नवंबर 2021 को इस साल का आखरी और दूसरा चंद्र ग्रहण लगने जा रहा है. 580 साल बाद इतना लंबा आंशिक चंद्र ग्रहण लगने जा रहा है. पौराणिक मान्यताओं के मुताबिक, चंद्र ग्रहण के समय कुछ चीजों को खाने से सेहत खराब हो सकती है. लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि इसके बारे में एक्सपर्ट की राय क्या है? आइए, इस बारे में जानते हैं. ये भी पढ़ें: Weight loss tips: डाइटिंग के बिना कम हो…
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tezlivenews · 3 years
Lunar Eclipse 2021: 580 साल में सबसे लंबी अवधि का चंद्रग्रहण खत्म, दुनियाभर से आईं अजब-गजब तस्वीरें
Lunar Eclipse 2021: 580 साल में सबसे लंबी अवधि का चंद्रग्रहण खत्म, दुनियाभर से आईं अजब-गजब तस्वीरें
साल 2021 का आखिरी चंद्र ग्रहण खत्म हो चुका है। इसे दुनिया में 580 सालों में सबसे लंबे समय तक लगने वाला आंशिक चंद्र ग्रहण बताया गया है। भारत में इस आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण की शुरुआत शुक्रवार को दोपहर 12 बजकर 48 मिनट पर हुई थी जो शाम को 4 बजकर 17 मिनट पर खत्म हुआ। हालांकि यह आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण भारत के कुछ ही हिस्सों में दिखाई दिया। 3 घंटे 28 मिनट और 24 सेकंड तक से इस आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण की कई खूबसूरत तस्वीरें…
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kaijutegu · 3 years
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Lunar eclipse, 19 November 2021
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