#Lumineth realmlords
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 1 year ago
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Warcry: Pyre and Flood - Ydrilan Riverblades
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parasite-of-sentience · 2 years ago
#hobbystreak day 2, continued work on the lumineth sword master.
Metallic makeup
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kid-az · 5 months ago
Ouran War Game Club (If the Host Club played Warhammer)
Please bear with me nerding out about my current anime hyperfixation & Warhammer. Tbh this is actually pretty likely since all of the characters that Aren’t Haruhi have enough money to buy their tabletop armies, alongside fancy terrain & all of that fancier stuff to make their sessions more…
Tamaki only uses the most glorious and heroic armies of all of the settings, which is why he primarily plays the Craftworld Eldar, High Elves, and the Lumineth Realmlords, all the while evoking the pompous glorious pride & chivalry of the Elves. He sobs loudly whenever the Craftworld Eldar are screwed over.
Kyoya is the world’s most sophisticated powergamer to end all powergamers, and therefore he only uses the most powerful armies to achieve one thing… victory. Although he constantly changes his armies depending on the edition and whatever army he’s fighting, he has quite a soft spot for the Necrons & Lizardmen/Seraphon.
The Hitachiin twins never played Warhammer before joining the Host Club, but they’d quickly become addicted to the game (Particularly Age of Sigmar) after opening up to playing with other people. The twins’ favored faction are the Orruks, with Hikaru playing Ironjawz and Kaoru playing Kruleboyz. Sometimes they’ll switch up their subfactions with one-another to confuse their opponents.
Out of the entire Host Club, Honey would be the least-interested in Warhammer, for the grimdark nature of all of the settings does not appeal to him. He has however painted & kept an army of Halflings gifted to him by Mori, and everyone dreads the day when he finally gains interest in playing the game.
Mori plays the Adeptus Mechanicus (40k) and Brettonia (Fantasy), and he (As per usual) is a calm, collective player who’ll never speak unless he is either spoken too or the occasional advice to help out a newly-starting player. He has never lost.
Haruhi never even heard of Warhammer before joining the Host Club, and she wasn’t the least bit ecstatic over the idea of buying overpriced plastic miniatures. She’d only start playing 40k & Age of Sigmar once Tamaki begged for the 10,00th time, promising to pay for all of the miniatures she’d use.
After playing a few tabletop sessions with the Imperial Fists & Stormcast Eternal, Haruhi would find herself actually having loads of fun playing the game, even if she often loses due to being a newbie. She has however greatly improved, and can now consistently score wins against Tamaki (Even when he isn’t deliberately trying to lose) and the Twins.
Renge is an unhinged psycho who plops a Warlord Titan onto the tabletop while laughing maniacally.
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farsight-the-char · 3 years ago
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Oh good more AOS novels. Glad to see us getting more.
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zackinthegreen · 4 years ago
oh you're lesbians? so which of you operates the giant elven crossbow and which of you gives the order to fire?
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midnight-blue766 · 5 years ago
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mini-m0b · 4 years ago
D here, getting in the groove again with some cow elves. Love the models even if they are a bit over the top.
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banshee-king · 4 years ago
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I’ma gonna be real with you folk, I have absolutely no idea what any of these things are going to be. Like no clue. I like to keep up with these kinds of teasers, but I’m always way off. You could describe these to a blind person and they’d probably be closer. Like are these all meant to be one faction? Or multiple?
I could try to guess Lumineth Realmlords hero, Sister of Battle something, Lizardmen monster, and the base for a character (perhaps Malaerion’s Shadow Aelves) respectively. But it could also just be terrain, terrain, terrain, and finally terrain. =/
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parasite-of-sentience · 2 years ago
WIP of a blanchesque lumineth from the underworlds set to shake off the dust.
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surrogate-gaia · 5 years ago
Looking back: Part 3 - Craftworld Aeldari
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The Psychic Awakening event was kind of a disappointment. Nothing really major happened within these books and the focus of most of them involved stories about Space Marines. The Xenos factions got it very bad in most of these books, but none as bad as all of the Aeldari.
I feel so sorry for what Aeldari players have to deal with in the hobby. Most of your range is either still in finecast or in metal, and you haven’t had a major model release in about 8 years. The entire Craftworld range definitely needs an update.
I must be honest; I don’t care that much about the Aeldari. I’ve never been particularly interested in elven races, save those that go full ahead with the nature aspect. This is why I prefer the Wood Elves and Exodites, over races like the High Elves or the Lumineth Realmlords. 
So I will put a disclaimer on this post; Aeldari lore is not my strong suit. In fact, I find it sometimes quite confusing. I might make mistakes or misinterpret the lore of these units. I hereby apologize for this. 
Let’s begin...
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Aeldari Spiritseers are Warlocks specialized in the preservation and care of Aeldari souls. They are the ones that guide Aeldari spirits inside of Wraith Constructs. In some way, you could call them a form of necromancer.
They walk the “Path of the Seer”; one of the most dangerous Paths for the Aeldari to walk. On this path, they develop their psychic abilities and learn how to control them. They’ve also (if I’m correct about this at least) previously walked the “Path of the Warrior”, which gave them the necessary experience to control their impulses and emotions.  
This Spiritseer got released alongside the Wake the Dead box-set, which pitted the Spiritseer Qelnaris and the forces of Saim-Hann, against the Ultramarines. I can’t find what the conclusion of this battle was, but guessing from the way that the Eldar have been treated this edition, I would say they probably got stomped by the Ultramarines.
Normally, this Spiritseer is not something specifically to write home about, as he looks as you would expect a Spiritseer to look like. However, looking back upon their older model, I can see that this new version is quite an improvement. The pose is way better and the proportions seem to have been fixed in this version. 
My favourite thing about this model is the mask. I love when Eldar in any form look otherworldly and alien, and these domed masks work perfectly for that. 
Howling Banshees:
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Howling Banshees are a form of Aspect Warrior; Aeldari who walk the “Path of the Warrior”. As an Aspect Warrior, the Howling Banshees embody a certain aspect of Khaine, the God of Murder. Specifically, the aspect of aggressive close quarters combat.
As the name would imply, their Aspect is inspired by the mythical Banshees, who, with their wails and cries, heralded doom and death.  
They go into battle carrying Shuriken Pistols and Power Weapons (mostly swords), and they certainly know how to use them. Howling Banshees are freakishly fast and precise, but what makes them unique is their Sonic weaponry. The mask they wear is called a Banshee Mask, and it amplifies their war-cries into some sort of psychic screech. Those that hear this become disoriented and paralyzed because their nervous system can’t handle this amount of psychic energy. 
The Howling Banshees are what I think of first when someone mentions Eldar. It would only be fair that they became the first Aspect to be updated. From what I see, it doesn’t disappoint so far. They remain faithful to the source material and the poses are overall better compared to their predecessors. They also have a more decent proportioned waste now. 
The inclusion I most of all like is the separate Aspect Relic, and I believe it is an effigy depicting Morai-Heg, The Crone Godess. The website encourages you for using it as an objective marker. I love it when the designers give us these little extra’s that can be used as set pieces. I hope every new Aspect Warrior gets a symbol like this in the future. 
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Howling Banshee Exarch:
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Exarchs are Aspect Warriors who specifically have become lost and trapped within the “Path of the Warrior” and become the High Priests/Guardians over their specified Aspect Shrine. Think of them as teachers who train their squad in the way of their Aspect.
Their armour is more ornate than the rest of their squad and they’ve forgone their Shuriken Pistol in favour of going fully melee focused. They then can carry either two Mirror-Swords, an Executioner Power-Glaive or, they can mimic their Phoenix Lord and carry a Triskele (the three pointed boomerang-thingie). Their overall skill- and power-level is way above that of anyone, probably capable of dueling the best warriors that the Imperium could throw at them (if GW wouldn’t be so biased in their campaign books).
The Exarch kit contains a seperate head that doesn’t wear the mask. This apparently is an Ynnari Exarch, who walks a way different path than that of the Craftworld Eldar. I can’t find much information about this, but it is at least interesting that the Ynnari don’t need to wear their War-masks.
I’ve seen discussions and complaints about the way that the maskless face looks and let’s just say a few things.
Men can become Howling Banshees, though will still wear the same type of Aspect Armour (which includes the breast plate).
Women don’t need to look feminine when they are actively at war, and it doesn’t make them any less feminine.
If the Mechanicus can have non-binary members, then the Aeldari most certainly can have them as well. 
These are technically part of the Howling Banshee kit, so the same points can be applied to these two. I do think that the Glaive looks way better on this model than the Mirror-swords. The Exarch looks a little “out-of-balance” when dual wielding. I did wish though that they got some more weapon options. The Triskele isn’t in the kit, and I also saw a concept piece for an Eldar Power-Axe, which the Aeldari just deserve to have in their arsenal. Give Howling Banshees Power Axes. That would look so cool.
Jain Zar:
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Phoenix Lords are by far some of the most ancient and powerful members of the Aeldari race. They were former Exarchs who have fought for so long, that they don’t have an Aspect Shrine or Craftworld left to protect. Instead, they wander from Craftworld to Craftworld and arrive to fight alongside their kin when the need arises the most. 
Whenever a Phoenix lord falls in battle, their soul is transported inside of the spirit stone of the suit. Then, another Eldar warrior will don the suit and become possessed by the original Phoenix lord. Most Phoenix lord armour contains the souls of dozens of Eldar, all who’ve sacrificed their lives in order to resurrect their respective Phoenix Lord.
Jain Zar is of course the Phoenix Lord of the Howling Banshees. In fact, she is the founder of her Aspect and according to legend, became the first Exarch. This makes her the second Phoenix Lord to come into existence, with the first being Asurmen. She is considered one of the most active Phoenix Lords to roam the galaxy and has an active hatred for Chaos. After the rise of the Ynnari, she became one of the biggest advocates of their cause.
Jain Zar carries the Jainas Mor and Zhai Morenn. The Jainas Mor is the Three bladed Triskele, which is “Sharper than any mortal blade”. The Zhai Morenn is her Power-Glaive, and it is a relic from before the Fall of the Eldar. Her Banshee Mask was the first of its kind and every Banshee mask that has followed is a copy of hers.
During the Psychic Awakening, Jain Zar protected Yvraine from Drazhar and pursued him. This proved fatal and got her sliced in two.  A new Exarch donned the armour and Jain Zar was reborn. She then got a rematch with Drazhar and became victorious. Eventually the infamous battle of Iathglas happened, where she, together with Yvraine and the Visarch barely managed to defeat a HOLOGRAM?!? of Shalaxi Hellbane. (goddamnit Geedubs).
Jain Zar’s new model is such an improvement over her older one that I am excited to see what any of the other Phoenix Lords might look like in the future. I love her proportions, her pose, her appearance... everything is so good. I’m not even bothered by the hair and I don’t care that it is too long or impractical in combat. 
One thing I would’ve preferred though is that they would’ve kept her original paint scheme. I prefer the black/red paint scheme over the white/red one. I get why they changed it, because it fits better with the scheme of her Aspect.
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While the Craftworlds didn’t get much this edition, what they did get has been very good. I’m excited for what may come in the future for the Aeldari.
Games Workshop. Could you just make more Eldar models? People have been begging you to update them for over a decade now. Listen to them. Most of the Aeldari range is still finecast or metal. 
Next up: Primaris Vanguard Infantry
previous posts: Primaris Mainline Infantry, Death Guard Infantry
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brightideawritings · 5 years ago
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Nailed it~ GW in the Lumineth Realmlords Battletome have their own guide on how to draw the clone-warriors of IIiatha but I being not a fan of painting white at all decided to go another route. I used Celestial Grey as the Base, shaded with Drakeshade and then went over again with Celestial Grey except the recesses.
Plus the official paint scheme instructions uses more orange than yellow. Basing with Averland Sunset, shading with Cassandra Yellow and highlighting with Yriel Yellow I think gives a much more faithful look to the picture.
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magicalgirlpenny · 5 years ago
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i think i wanna try posting more warhammer stuff, so here’s my new Vanari Auralan Wardens for my Lumineth Realmlords army !
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spikeybits · 4 years ago
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All The New Orks Codex 40k Rules: REVIEW The new 40k Orks are here – from Stratagems, Traits, Datasheets, and army-wide rules, check out our review on what the army can do! Similar to the Sisters of Battle and Lumineth Realmlords rollout, this codex will first be available inside a new Army Box. In the future, it Read More The post All The New Orks Codex 40k Rules: REVIEW appeared first on Spikey Bits . https://spikeybits.com/2021/07/all-the-new-ork-codex-40k-rules.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=all-the-new-ork-codex-40k-rules
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shad0whunt3r · 3 years ago
The ways i can see this work is if we got the gholemkind as a faction, got our stock dwarfs (so these guys are to the dwarf kingdoms what the lumineth realmlords are to high elves) back, got new kharadron overlord units, got some new cities of sigmar units, or we do get the rumoured chaos dwarf faction "oathbreakers" later on
At this point they should just release a big fuckoff robot to AoS. Some clockwork Hysh automaton like those guys from Hellboy 2.
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mini-m0b · 4 years ago
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I have dived straight down the lumineth hole!
I'll post updates when more are built and primed.
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