#Luke Maybank
bumblesimagines · 5 months
i just like having sex with you sometimes. that's all. let's set some ground rules. so… how do we do this? Sarah Cameron
i just like having sex with you sometimes. that's all.
let's set some ground rules.
so… how do we do this?
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
and so the sequel becomes a holy trinity
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Sarah Cameron was a pretty girl. Everyone knew it, whether they acknowledged it with awe, envy, or lust, everyone knew the Cameron genes worked like magic. The button nose, the full lips, the sun-kissed skin, the luscious hair that was a mix of blonde and brown strands, the dark brown eyes. The talk of the town, the pretty princess of Figure Eight, the beloved darling of the Cameron family. Sarah Cameron had no business being in the Cut. Hell, she had no business hanging out with JJ's troublemaking friends. She had no business seeking him out, and no business lying in the bed of a Maybank. Funny how the world worked, (Y/N) thought. 
Maybanks and Camerons weren't supposed to mix. They were from two different worlds. And yet...
Between the altercation between JJ and their father and Barry's rage over being jumped and robbed, (Y/N) had an ever-growing headache. He found himself glad JJ had beaten their father into near silence and fucked off before (Y/N) could get home, although he'd left him to patch their father up and deal with quiet, angered mutterings. His father luckily seemed either too exhausted or too drunk to bother him much, leaving him to spend his free day in his room listening to music while he gathered the will to get a Tylenol and step out into the world. He could use a drink or two or three. Maybe he'd stop by a bar and listen to Barracuda Mike's tales about his international dealings until the alcohol knocked him unconscious. 
Following in Daddy Dearest's footsteps. Typical.
His father staggered into the doorway, slamming his fist twice against the old wooden door with a sneer. (Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat and he tentatively paused the music, eyeing the subtle way his father swayed from side to side. Nobody could make him revert to childhood like Luke did, back when he'd cradle a crying JJ while JJ's mom and Luke got into screaming matches over one thing or the other. "Mind tellin' me why the hell there's a Cameron standin' on our goddamn porch? I don't want no problems with Ward, (Y/N)." 
"Jesus," (Y/N) exhaled, pulling the earbuds from his ears and standing up. "Which Cameron, Dad? The idiot or the chick?"
"The chick." Fuckin' Camerons. Fuckin' Sarah. "If Ward catches wind of his little girl strutting aroun' here half-naked-"
"What are you even talking about?" (Y/N) tossed his phone aside and sucked his teeth, slipping past his father and hearing those familiar heavy footsteps follow him to the front door. Sure enough, there stood Sarah Cameron, her head tilted out toward the marsh and arms folded over her bare stomach. Christ. 
"I want no problems. Understood, boy?" Luke hissed in his ear, moving past him and sparing the blonde a glance before he walked toward his truck. (Y/N) inhaled deeply and ran a hand over his face, finding relief in the fact his father coincidentally needed to head into town under the guise of an errand, when they both knew Luke only ran 'errands' when he needed a hit of something strong. Probably needed something to take his mind off the bruises on his face. 
"I shouldn't have to explain why showing up here, on the Cut, dressed in a bikini top and shorts is a shit idea, Sarah." 
"I was going to the beach with some- whatever, it doesn't matter. I... I wanted to talk about the other day, alright? You know, when you basically yelled at me-" 
"Yeah, yeah, okay. Next time, instead of showing up, you get my number from one of the Pogues and you text me, alright? The guys my dad hangs out with call girls like you jailbait, Sarah. They're sleazy fucks who couldn't care less about where you come from." (Y/N) huffed, but regardless, he pushed the front door open enough for her to step inside, eyes following the cloud of dust left behind by his father's truck as it sped down the road. 
The Maybank's home was hardly anything to look at but (Y/N) managed to keep it clean, at least whenever Hurricane Luke didn't pass through. The general upkeep, and frankly everything else, fell on his shoulders with JJ gone half the time and Luke too intoxicated to care about the world around him. Just about every piece of furniture was old, passed down from Maybank to Maybank without so much as a repair or restoration. At the very least, trying to fix the broken things at a young age had given him some pretty decent skills. He couldn't do much about the holes in the walls and doors, though. 
"It's my day off, Sarah. I'd like to spend it without stressing over any of the bullshit that's been going on the past couple of days, 'kay? Say your piece and go off with your boytoy, princess. I want to have a beer in hand by noon so make it quick." (Y/N) sat back on the armrest of the worn couch, crossing his arms and watching the girl study her surroundings. Sarah slipped her tote bag off her shoulder and set it on another seat, leaning back against the barely used dining table. Great. Definitely wasn't going to be quick.
"I didn't appreciate you getting in my face, for starters. It was rude and unnecessary and I wasn't even given a chance to explain our side of the story. We found the gold in the Crain house and we went to your job thinking you were there. You weren't, obviously. The old lady and Barry were and they set us up. Barry held us at gunpoint and tried robbing us. We defended ourselves. JJ went rogue and robbed Barry. We told him not to." Sarah kept her arms crossed as she spoke, finishing with a light shrug and slightly jutted lips. "I'm not a thief and I'm not a liar, either. I wanted to set the story straight." 
"You could've found diamonds or emeralds or rubies in that old ass house, and I still would've been pissed about this treasure hunt continuing. Big John is dead and you know how he died? Treasure hunting. John B wants to die like his dad? Fine by me. I stopped liking him a long time ago. But JJ? The idiot that I spent my whole life raising? I'm gonna make sure that little shit dies of old age. If you want to merrily march into danger with Routledge, fine, go for it. Keep my brother out of it."
"Why do you keep bringing JB up as if I like him? I already told you John B isn't my boyfriend. He's my friend, and yes, I care about him. I-I want to see him happy and that's why I'm helping him but-"
"Is that the only reason you're helping him?" (Y/N) asked, rising from the armrest and taking slow steps toward the blonde. Her brows lifted slightly and her lips twitched, slowly curling upward into that little smile despite how much she tried resisting it. She looked away from him defiantly and clicked her tongue, eyes trailing back toward him.
"Are you suggesting I became friends with John B just to see you? Quite the ego you've got, Maybank. I said I liked you, not that I'm obsessed with you." Her voice softened, laced with playfulness and a hint of mischief, her previous irritation (if she'd even been irritated to begin with) long gone. 
"I was gonna say you wanted to piss off Carrera but if that's the first thing that came to mind..." He trailed off, hearing her scoff in soft disbelief before she swatted at his shoulder halfheartedly. She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips slightly, peering up at him through her dark lashes. 
"You're a dick." She murmured, not nearly as offended as the last time she'd uttered those words.
"Yeah," He dipped down slightly, hands finding the back of her thighs and fingers digging into the warm plushness of her skin. Her hands landed on his shoulders, soft giggles leaving her as he lifted her onto the table, the wood creaking softly under the added weight. One hand slid up from his shoulder and curled around his neck, the tip of her nails slightly scraping against his skin. Sarah's skin flushed. "And the sky's blue."
"But what else is new, right?" Her lips stretched out into a smile before she leaned in, pressing them against his as his hands moved from her thighs to her hips, half his palms pressing against her skin and the other half against her denim shorts. He pulled her closer until she'd gone flush against him, her legs wrapping loosely around him. Her arm curled around his shoulder and her head tilted to the side, a muffled, flustered giggle leaving her when his teeth lightly dug into her bottom lip. His hand moved and pressed flat against her exposed back, trailing upward until his fingers found the bottom straps of the olive green bikini. With one swift tug, they went undone. 
There was a dizzying aspect to making out with a Cameron, he'd come to realize. Maybe it was the knowledge that her father could be considered one of the most influential men on the island or that his life could change for better or worse with just a word from her. It was an intoxicating feeling if he had to be honest. Sarah seemed to feel similarly considering her fingers dug into him and pulled him as close as possible, her breath escaping her in soft pants. She leaned back briefly and pulled her hands away, dipping them under her hair and undoing the straps keeping the bikini on her. She tossed it aside blindly and mushed their lips together again, arms coiling around him and body slightly lifting itself onto him. His hands returned to her thighs and he lifted her again, letting muscle memory kick in as he found his way back to his bedroom.
He really needed to stop hanging out with the Pogues. They were messing with his judgment.
At the very least, he'd spent his free day doing something fun, even if regret began to dig into his back. He was a Maybank. He lived up to the asshole playboy part of his family's reputation 'cause there was nothing better than messing around to take the stress off, but he never enjoyed toying with someone's heart. He'd made a rule in middle school after his first heartbreak to never knowingly get involved with anyone who actually liked him. The first time with Sarah hadn't broken that rule but now... 
"Can I ask what we are or will that ruin your mood?" Sarah's voice piped up, her lips dragging lightly over his shoulder. His fingertip ran up and down her spine, feeling the goosebumps along her skin while he stared at the ceiling. It felt grounding to have weight pressing him against the bed, even if it was Sarah Cameron of all people. 
"I just like having sex with you sometimes. That's all." He answered and she shifted, hands planting themselves on either side of his head and body lifting itself up slightly. Her hair tumbled down her shoulders, the ends tickling his cheek. 
"Sometimes?" She repeated with an arched brow. "You want to do this more often?"
"You're not bad for a virgin." He murmured. 
"Not one anymore, remember?" 
"Yeah, I remember." His hand moving along her back dipped under the covers that'd pooled around her hips, squeezing the skin hiding underneath. She flushed immediately and lowered herself back onto him, burying her warmed face in his neck and huffing. "You were pretty loud-"
"Okay." She groaned and lifted her head again, her reddened cheeks puffed out slightly. "So… how do we do this? Have you done this before?"
"Yeah, until she and I had a pregnancy scare. It was enough to make us block each other." (Y/N) answered, pushing himself up slightly and against the wall behind his pillows. Her legs tangled around his further, and her eyes widened at the revelation. "Let's set some ground rules. I'm going to give you my number and you'll use it whenever you want to see me. If anyone asks, it's just to keep in touch about JJ. Routledge probably thinks you've got the hots for him so I'd prefer if you didn't tell him or Thornton. Let those two go at each other. If you want to be spontaneous like today, you bring protection. I really don't need a little bastard running around right now." 
"I've been on birth control since freshmen year. Rose insisted on it."
"Good for you. My mom was on it when she decided to fuck around and find out and here I am now." He raised his brows at her. "Anyways... don't get your hopes up for anything, Sarah. I mean it. If you don't think you can handle it, that's fine. We're supposed to be having fun, not getting hurt by disappointment."
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storytellerslense · 3 months
JJ Maybank character analysis
The meaning of the gun
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"I got this thing, you know, to protect us" (JJ Maybank, Season 1, Episode 3)
At the start of the Pilot we see JJ Maybank as a funny, imaginative, rebellious guy who, although doesn't really think through the consequences of his actions, seems quite harmless.
However, his personality becomes a bit darker and erratic after he steals a loaded gun. He gets literally obsessed with always carrying it around and, to the dismay of the Pogues, does not hesitate to show it off for intimidation.
The possession of the gun holds a deep symbolic meaning for JJ Maybank, which goes far beyond the simple necessity of self-defense. Psychologically it can be described as "compensation" and a "defense mechanism." These terms describe how individuals use symbolic objects or behaviors to cope with inner conflicts or to make up for a lack of control in their lives.
The gun as a symbol for power and control
For JJ, who grows up in an environment where he has little control over his own life and safety, the gun symbolizes the opportunity to regain control. The gun gives him the feeling that he can protect himself and his friends.
Also, JJ is the one who faces the most oppression from many sides—whether it's from his abusive father, societal stigmas, or conflicts with the Kooks. Owning a gun represents a form of power that he otherwise lacks. It serves as a means for him to defend himself against those who oppress him.
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In a powerful scene in Season 1, JJ points the gun at his abusive father and later breaks down crying to his friends: "I can't take it anymore... I was gonna kill him!"
The gun as an expression of JJ's inner conflicts
JJ's decision to possess a gun is an expression of his inner anger and desperation. The weapon represents his deep-seated frustration and his drive to combat the feelings of helplessness that overwhelm him due to his familial and social circumstances. It also expresses JJ's self-destructive tendencies. His willingness to take extreme measures highlights the depth of his emotional pain and despair.
The gun as a proof of coming of age
For JJ, forced to grow up early due to parentification, the gun also symbolizes his claim to independence and maturity. It is a means through which he can prove himself as capable and adult, someone who can protect himself and others.
Because he is often not taking seriously, JJ believes that possessing a gun will earn him more respect. It is an attempt to strengthen his position in the social hierarchy and assert his autonomy.
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"(...) Remind you that I am the only one who can properly defend us." (JJ Maybank, Season 1)
The key moment of JJ losing his weapon
In "Outer Banks" Season 2, Episode 4 JJ Maybank finally gives up his weapon. It happens when the Pogues are about to get cornered by the police. JJ brandishes his gun in order to assert control over the situation. Recognizing this, John B steps in by assertively taking the gun out of JJ's hand, letting it fall to the ground, gently reassuring him, that he is going to be ok.
This message was extremely important for JJ, lifting the heavy weight of responsibility finally off his shoulders. JJ, being usually prepared to constantly put his own life on the line for the well-being of his father or his friends in order to "earn" their love and respect, was now protected and guided himself by his best friend.
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"It's gonna be alright." (John B., Season 2, Episode 4)
After a short moment of indecisiveness and shock, JJ gives in and completes the act by quickly kicking dirt over the gun, so it stays hidden before the police can find it.
This is one of the most powerful, though underrated scenes in Outer Banks, because it really marks a key moment of JJ's personal development. It signifies his willingness to confront his inner demons: giving up control- for once not relying on himself but really trusting someone else's judgement. He is also accepted and cared for without having to proof himself or fulfill someone else's needs beforehand.
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nemesyaaa · 3 months
" you give me nothing but a shitty life"
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manicpixievixen · 1 month
Daddy issues Jj Maybank moodboard
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A woman I didn't recognize
Came and spoke to me through a chained door
I told her my story and who I'd come for
She said I'm sorry son but no one by that name lives here anymore
My fathers house shines
Hard and bright
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erinchristmaselvis · 2 years
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You got a good heart.
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obxhub · 2 years
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someone who loves you wouldn't do this
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lizcameron · 1 year
Daddy's Little Girl
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This one is a little off-brand. No smut, fluff, or angst. Just a little creativity exercise.
Request: “Would you write a dark fic with jj x sister!reader where she kills their dad with a knife after all he’s done to them. She gets arrested, of course.” - @tracymbcm
Word Count: 1501
Warning(s): MURDER, mentions of SA, domestic violence
Thank you @pankowperfection for passing along this request. I hope I did it justice! It’s not as dark as I anticipated; I couldn’t bring myself to make it premeditated.
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You could hear shouting as you walked along the curve of the dirt road leading to your neglected house. Quarrels like this were not uncommon in the Maybank household. Your father was always coming home high on something heavy, his mood worsened by alcohol. Most of the time, he was bitter and spat harsh words at you and your brother. That was the easy end of the stick. When he got really drunk, he was a mean, violent man. He would do and say spiteful things out of resentment and self-pity. He blamed you and JJ for your mother’s sudden departure, having left when you were 5 and JJ was 6, though you believed she must have seen a ghost of what he would become and fled before things got really bad.
You sigh heavily, slowing your steps, hoping to wait out the argument until JJ and your dad inevitably shut themselves in their respective rooms. When you hear a crash and shattering, you sprint to the porch door on the side of the house, throwing it open to see that the two men must have been at it for a good while. The entire living room is in shambles, coffee table on its side, papers littered everywhere, and the couch shoved out of its typical place. The sheets that usually hang by nails to cover the windows are torn down, blinds behind bent and broken.
Your eyes scan the room, and you spot the pile of dishes shattered on the floor before landing on your brother, who has your father in a headlock. JJ is struggling, Luke being shorter than him but with the weight of muscle and a beer gut giving him an edge. Luke is clawing at JJ’s forearm over his airway, but JJ has his back braced against the kitchen counter and one leg pushing against the counter across from him, the support making up for Luke’s weight advantage.
“JJ, what the fuck,” you scream as you rush into the kitchen and try to move past Luke’s kicking legs. “Let him go!”
“No can do, little sis,” JJ strains. “‘M not lettin’ him get me back.”
You stare, aghast, eyes raking over your dad’s flailing body. You are severely out-gunned in the current situation. Not knowing what else to do, you shove at JJ, trying to loosen his grip on your father.
“Shit, Y/n!” JJ shouts. “Get outta the way before he gets you square in the nose. Just go to your room!”
“Enough, J! You’re gonna kill ‘im,” you wail.
JJ scoffs, but you can tell he’s beginning to weaken. “Just putin’ dear ol’ dad to bed. Don’t worry; he’ll be up by mornin’.”
You grit your teeth in frustration, widening your stance to steady yourself. You push against JJ’s shoulder again, this time not letting up until JJ loses his balance and tips over, back hitting the wall. Luke is on the ground with him, choking in air.
Before JJ can reach for him again, Luke scrambles to his feet, putting the length of the small kitchen between the two. Both men are heaving, trying to catch their breath from their struggle.
“Now what is this all about? Are you drunk, Dad?” you ask needlessly. You can smell the beer and cheap whiskey in the room, and it’s not coming from JJ.
Luke ignores your comments and locks eyes with JJ. “Big mistake, boy,” he rasps. “You shoulda gone home to yer boyfriend, Routledge, like ya always do.”
JJ grunts at that remark but doesn’t let it phase him.
“What’s a-matter, boy? Can’t finish the job? Gonna let your pretty little sister do it for you?” Luke drawls with a snicker.
You snap your eyes up to JJ’s and see the fire in his pupils. Nothing infuriated him more than when your dad spoke of you in that way. In the past few months, Luke had started commenting on your body and your “pretty little mouth,” little insinuations here and there when he was particularly too far gone. You insisted he didn’t mean it like that, but JJ knew where Luke’s thoughts leaned when he’d had so much to drink that even his murky boundaries muddied.
JJ roared as he charged across the room toward Luke, but your father was too quick, the coke in his systems making his senses a little sharper than JJ’s were through his cloud of rage. Luke dodged your brother, catching the collar of his shirt and dragging him down to where he pinned him to the floor. He straddled JJ with his hands around your brother’s throat.
It all happened so quickly. You hadn’t had any time to react, to stop JJ. Now he was jerking under your father, trying to get out of his hold, but it was no use. Without his legs under him, JJ couldn’t overpower Luke. You knew your father wouldn’t stop, not after JJ had put him in a similar position just moments earlier.
“Stop it, Dad! Get offa him,” you scream, moving to try to push him off of JJ, but Luke swats you away. You shove at him again, and his arm swings out and catches you in the cheek just under your eye. You ignore the wetness that drips down to your jaw as you can see your brother turning a sickening shade.
“Daddy, please! You’re hurting him,” you wail, violent sobs now shaking your body.
“He did this, Y/n! He asked for it,” Luke hollers back.
JJ’s movements begin to slow, and you panic, knowing you’ll surely lose your brother if you don’t get Luke off of him. You’re hyperventilating as you look through blurry eyes around the room for something to hit Luke hard enough to render him unconscious long enough for you and JJ to make your escape. Your hands clatter along the kitchen counter as you fumble blindly for anything to help you. Your fingers clasp around a handle over the stovetop and you raise it, not cognizant of its weight.
Blinking back your tears, you make your way over to the struggle by the kitchen table. You raise your arm, implement in hand, and bring it down swiftly to the side of your father’s head. You do not hear a resonating sound as you expected from a frying pan against your father’s head, but rather a sharp, wet sound. You blink several times around the confusion, clearing your eyes, and as the blur dissipates, your gaze lands upon Luke leaning lax over JJ with the sharp edge of a meat cleaver sunk just above his ear.
The house quiets as your sobs stop. The only sounds remaining are the harsh breaths both you and JJ drag in. JJ pushes out from under the weight, letting it fall with a dense thud.
“Y/n… Y/n,” he whispers, conscious not to startle you. He knows you could crumble at any moment, and you don’t have time for that.
JJ could hear the sirens in the distance. The neighbors must have called the cops because of all the screaming. You were in shock, though, and didn’t hear them.
“Y/n, you have to move. We don’t have time to run,” he says gently. When you don’t budge, he grabs you by the shoulders and begins guiding you. “You have to lie down. Lie down next to him.”
JJ menuevers you to the floor, laying you back beside the kitchen table. When your hand touches the growing puddle beneath you, the glaze over your eyes pulls back and your face contorts. You look over at your father’s lifeless body beside you, then bring your gaze to meet your brother’s.
JJ’s mind is a million miles ahead of yours already. “We’ll say he was trying to take advantage of you. Ya’ got the cut on your cheek to prove your struggle. I walked in and stopped the fucker with the first thing I could get my hands on. C’mon, lay down. We have to spread the blood so it looks like he was on top of you,” he rambles, motioning for you to comply.
Your grimace deepens, and you can feel your stomach starting to churn. “J, no, that’s- that’s not what happened. He was killing you,” you croak, throat tight.
JJ pulled his head back, looking at you incredulously. “Y/n, I’m not letting you go to jail for this. It was me. I did this. He was trying to hurt you,” your brother pleads. The look in JJ’s eyes is excruciating. “Please,” JJ whispers as you hear the screen door swing shut.
Shoupe takes a few steps in, hands poised on his hips. “Kids,” he begins. “What the hell happened here?”
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frost-queen · 2 years
Same old story (Sis!Reader x JJ Maybank)
Requested by: Anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @theletterhart, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly​, @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna​, @justanothercoco​ @idkwhatmyusernam,  @subjecta13-thefangirl, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr
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“Mom!” – A little girl ran up to her mother as you turned your head. You watched as the mom kneeled down; arms wide open to hug her daughter. The little girl had flowers in her hand, a drawing in her other. – “Happy mother’s day.” – she said offering her presents to her. The mother smiled sweet kissing her youngling. You puffed loud to act different. Like it didn’t bothered you but deep down it did. – “Sis?” – JJ called out for your attention. – “Y/n!” – he tried waiting for you to move. 
You kept staring at the display feeling awful with every passing second. It pained you to see others happy with their mom when yours was out of the picture. JJ saw them as well knowing really well how it hurt. He whistled loud to get your attention. You finally turned your head in confusion. JJ held up the two plastic bags as you approached him. – “You, okay?” – he asked. You ignored his question taking a plastic bag from him. 
“Let’s go.” – you insisted leaving the mom and daughter for what it was. At the store you stood hung cards specially for mother’s day. JJ stepped subtly in front of them to block them out. He hated seeing you sad. He knew how painful it was to see that stuff everywhere today. You smiled weakly at him, knowing of his effort.
Out of the store came some girls, giggling. One of them held out a box of chocolates. – “My mom is going to love this!” – she told her friend cheerful. JJ swallowed hating to be confronted with it too. You exhaled soft trying to not let it get to you. Perhaps you were just too emotional to block it out. JJ threw grabbed you by the wrist. – “How about we buy chocolates for ourselves and call it siblings day from now on?” – He suggested making you frown at first, then laughing. – “I can go in there and buy some if you like? I mean siblings day is a special day too.”- he continued. 
You nodded placing your hand in his. – “I’d like that. Siblings day it has a nice ring to it.” – you answered. JJ handed you his plastic bag. He then held his finger up for you to stay put while he rushed inside. You chuckled finding it sweet of him. You looked around when a group of kooks walked past. – “I bought my mom a pearl necklace.” – one of them said, giving you the side-eye. You smiled sarcastic at her, unbothered with her attitude. – “My mom is going to love today.” – she said to her friend with the undertone to mock you. 
“Good for you!” – you called out, flipping your middle finger up to her. She flipped it right back making you present her with a double one. – “Hey!” – JJ said walking out. He ran over to you, pushing your hand down. He stared at you demanding an explanation. – “Can we just go home.” – you said having enough of it all. – “Okay, okay… let’s go…” – he took you by the arm, pulling you with him.
The two of you walked back home chatting. You noticed the truck was gone making you frown. – “Is dad out?” – you questioned. JJ shrugged his shoulders. – “Better for us right!” – he nudged your arm with his elbow. You curled up a smile. – “Damn right you are!” – you laughed out. JJ and you headed inside. – “Dad?” – you called out to be sure. JJ placed the plastic bag on the counter. He then took yours setting it next to it. 
He started emptying the bags as you searched the house. – “Dad?” – you repeated opening the bathroom door. You returned pulling your shoulders up with a pout. JJ gave a little shrug actually not caring. You came leaning on the counter with your elbows watching JJ finish the last items to stock away. – “Ready for siblings day?” – he asked. – “Almost.” – you answered having a sudden thought. 
JJ quirked his eyebrow up, shutting the cabinet. – “We should write a card to each other.” – you suggested leaning full on the counter as your feet lifted off the ground briefly. – “Cards?” – JJ asked pressing his hands on the other end of the counter. You hummed loud. – “You know like those cards people give to their mom; we should give one to each other.”
“Okay!” – JJ said. – “Heck why not!” – you jumped excitedly up and down. You then ran out of the kitchen to your room to write a note. You folded a paper in half. Wrote in colorful letters ‘Happy siblings day’ on the front. You added some details to make it fancier. Inside you wrote a heartful note addressing JJ and how much you were glad to be his sister. That without him there was no point in life. That he was your best friend and brother. 
You even wrote a little sidenote remembering him of a funny event when you were kids. To finish off you signed it with your name, drawing a heart nearby. Getting up from your seat, you went to your door. – “JJ, you done?” – you yelled into the open space. – “Almost!” – you heard him shout back. You waited patiently in your room till he called out to you. You followed him outside onto the porch. You seated yourself down as JJ leaned against the porch. 
The box of chocolates on a chair near you. – “So do you want to exchange cards first.” – you suggested. – “Yeah, I should go first.” – he said offering you the card. – “It’s not much since… uhm I made this in like 5 minutes so…” – he spoke rubbing his hand nervously through his hair. – “It is perfect!” – you said seeing him smile. You opened it reading it out loud. JJ looked nervously away hearing you read his own words out loud. His note was so sweet it brought you to tears.
You jumped up hugging him. – “JJ!” – you said speechless. – “I love you sis.” – he whispered to you, wrapping his arms tighter around you. – “I love you too.” – you responded. You sat back down. – “Alright my turn.” – you spoke offering him your card. JJ was about to accept it when the sound of an engine came close. JJ and you watched the truck drive up to the house. Your dad getting out. – “What the hell are you two cooking up?” – he called out pointing firmly. – “Nothing dad.” – JJ answered keeping his head down. 
Luke stepped up onto the porch seeing the card in your hands. He snatched it from you. – “Hey!” – you called out jumping up. – “What the hell is this?” – he read the front quickly. His face contracting in anger. He then noticed the box of chocolates. – “You two brats think you can celebrate mother’s day?” – Luke said loudly. – “We are not.” – you answered back. Luke grabbed the box of chocolates throwing it out in the open near his car. The box fell open, chocolates falling everywhere. – “Dad!” – you called out loud. 
He then ripped your card in half. – “You two are the very reason your mom left!” – Luke projected, angering you. Your fist trembled as you had enough of him. – “No you are!” – you yelled back. Luke’s eyes widened. He slapped you across the face for your brutality. It only gave more fuel to your anger. – “You worthless piece of shit! You can’t even allow us some happiness just because mom left your drunk ass!” – you yelled, body trembling with rage.
“You listen to me!” – Luke responded loudly, pointing firmly. – “You two made my life a miserable hell! You think I am the reason your mom left? No she left because she knew what kind of shit children she has.” – He spewed out. – “Shit children?” – you shouted back. – “Can... you please not fight.” – JJ said, covering his ears up with his hands. The anxiety and stress rising inside of him. Luke raised his hand at JJ as you stepped in. You grabbed his wrist before he could hit JJ. Pulling it down with one firm pull. 
“You want to hit someone, hit me!” – you dared him, leading his attention to you. JJ was moving around anxiously, moving his fingers through his hair. – “Oh I will!” – He said grabbing you by the shirt. He dragged you down the porch, throwing you onto the yard. You hit the ground hard, rolling a bit further. JJ stared terrified at you. – “You want a piece as well?” – Luke called out, moving with a firm step to him. JJ stepped back out of fright, shaking his head slightly. You crawled back to your feet. 
“Why do you always ruin everything!” – you screamed at your dad, truly having enough. – “You don’t give a shit about anything! Just the Goddamn money you get for us to support your drinking problem!” – you yelled with rage. Luke went down the few steps of the porch. You staggered back with a sharp inhale. The anger in his eyes was threatening. You noticed JJ freaking out on the porch. Pacing around as his entire body shuddered. His hands pressed against his ears as he had enough of it. The known arguments a trigger to him.
You wanted to focus your dad’s attention on you to spare your brother. – “F*ck you!” – you shouted, sticking up your middle finger. Luke puffed his chest up, readying his arm. He punched you hard in the face. You crashed down to the ground, spitting out blood that had formed in your mouth. You were about to get up when Luke pressed his foot on your back. You slumped back down with a loud ‘oof’. He bend down, pulling your head back by your hair. 
“Oh you are so dead missy.” – he breathed down your neck. You shut your eyes, preparing for the worst. If this was how you’d end up dead, you at least yelled back at him once. Screw him and his violence. He pushed your head down, hitting the ground hard. He rolled you over with a loud of force. You cried it out when he pressed his foot deep onto your chest. It felt tight in your chest, hoping your ribs wouldn’t break. 
He removed his foot from you, taking you by your hair again. Your head got lifted up, receiving another blow from him. Again and again. Then bang. Luke stopped abruptly. He slowly turned his head, eyes widening at JJ on the porch. JJ was breathing shakily moving the gun point from up to Luke. – “Get off her.” – he called out, his hand trembling a bit with the gun in.
“JJ.” – you breathed staring in shock at your brother. – “I said get off!” – JJ shouted, insisting on the matter. Luke moved his hands up, letting go of you. JJ got down the porch walking up to Luke. Luke moved away from you as JJ separated him from you with the gun. He came standing before you, his expression tense. – “You are not going to shoot me, son.” – Luke said with a small grin. JJ stepped forwards, not lowering his arm. 
“Watch me!” – He responded. – “JJ.” – you said trying to reach him. – “Don’t shoot him.” – you told him. – “Why not?” – JJ answered emotional. – “He’s a piece of shit Y/n!” – he yelled, his lip trembling as he was at the brink of losing control of his emotions. – “JJ, you aren’t a killer.” – you reminded him, stepping in his sight. – “All he ever does is beats us!” – JJ said as you knew he was right. – “JJ.” – you repeated, shaking your head slightly.
“Don’t give him the satisfaction of making you a killer. I don’t want to see you behind bars.” – you replied calming him. Luke grimaced behind you. – “JJ… I need you… don’t leave me alone… we can’t be together if you do this.” – you slowly moved your hand to his gun, pushing it down. JJ allowed you, slowly breaking apart. – “Don’t leave Y/n…” – he sobbed once loud.
You took the gun gently from his grip. You then wrapped your arm around him. – “You won’t. Never.” – you reassured him, feeling him hug you tight back. Luke laughed loud behind you making you turn around, pointing the gun at him. – “Don’t think this is over Luke!” – you called out. Luke moved his hands up with a deep swallow. – “If you lay one more finger on him, I’ll kill you myself!” – you extended your hand. – “Keys!” – you demanded. Luke threw you the keys as you gave them to JJ. You gestured to him to head for the truck. You narrowed your eyes on Luke, giving one final warning. You then went after JJ getting in the truck with him.  
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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savywrites · 2 years
What about me (JJxsister)
JJ x sister!reader (14 or 15)
Summary: Reader is always helping JJ out whenever he needs it, but what happens when she needs help but he isn't there to return the favor.
Warnings: Verbal and physical Abuse, Angst 
Requests are Open!!
Word count: 1111
Everybody eventually gets to that age when you have to start pulling your own weight around the house. For you and JJ that started a lot earlier than most other kids. From a very young age Luke expected a lot from you both, and if you didn't meet his standards he would show you by taking it out on you. 
Recently you and JJ had both been pretty busy. He was always hanging out with the pogues and other random tourist girls, while you occasionally hung out with the pogues and mainly prioritized work and some school. 
Chores have always been something you and JJ needed to keep up on because you always seemed to fall behind on them. So you two came up with the best solution you could, an evenly divided schedule. Whenever either of you were home you tried to get your chores done as quietly and as quickly as possible hoping to stay out of Luke's way. 
You had just come home from school and knew you were on dish duty and needed to get those done. You knew that JJ was on laundry and needed to get a load started but that was his problem to figure out, not yours. That was until you received a text from him.
JJ: Hey I won't be home in time to do laundry. Can you start a load for me and I'll finish it?
Y/n: Yea no prob. Please be home soon.
So you went on and started the load, hoping he would get home soon to take over. Only he wasn't home soon. He didn’t even come home at all that night. Leaving you alone to finish up his chore and to also have to stay the night with your dad. This was not the only time something like this has happened. You found yourself doing more and more of his own chores than he did himself. This happened a lot more than you would've liked, but you just got through it. Until you needed help and he wasn't there willing to help you.
You were currently at work when your boss had asked you to stay a few extra hours to help out and also get paid more. Of course you said yes because you knew you needed the extra money and because it's not like you had anything better to do. So you texted JJ, but this time asking him for help. 
Y/n: Hey J, can you help me out by taking the trash out and just running the dishwasher. It should be full and ready to run, I just need someone to hit the start button.
JJ: Umm. I'm currently out right now at the beach with the pogues. I'll try and stop by later to do it. 
Y/n: ok just please help me out. 
You had just finished up your extra shift and are on your way home. You were so tired after the day you had with all the crazy customers and just wanted to go to sleep. Only that was not what was waiting for you when you got home. You open the door and there's Luke standing right there waiting for you.
“Y/n your chores are not done!” He spoke to you in a stern voice. You couldn't believe it. You had asked JJ to help you out with them and he couldn't even do that. 
“Oh I'm so sorry I can get those done right now.” You hoped he would accept that and let you walk away only he didn't. He grabbed your arm as hard as he could and pushed you down onto the floor. You had little strength in your from being as tired and strained as you were you couldn't fight back. He punched you in your nose and on your cheek before moving down and giving a few blows to your stomach. You were in so much pain and also felt a strong amount of betrayal. You couldn't believe that he had not helped you out when you needed it, but when he asked for help you always did it. Once Luke was satisfied and left you immediately got up and finished everything that had to get done, after you went into your room, packed a bag, and started making your way over to the chateau.  
You made your way over to the entrance of the chateau and saw JJ sitting there with everyone else. You felt disgusted. You had to show up here with a bloodied nose and bruised cheek while he was here the entire time hanging out with his friends. 
Kiara was the first one to notice you.
“Yo Y/n what happened? Are you alright?” 
You just ignored her and walked inside to go drop your back off then head to the bathroom to clean up.
You heard the footsteps behind you. They belonged to JJ. 
“Oh my God, Y/n what happened? Why are you all beat up?”
“Maybe because the things I asked for help with weren't done and then when I showed up at home I got beat up.”
“Oh shit I forgot” he ran his fingers through his hair already being regretful.
“Oh really? I didn't notice.” You replied sarcastically. You did not have time for this. 
“No you do not get to pull that on me. It is not my fault you didn't and couldn't get your own chores done.” You stared at him with the deadliest glare you've ever given. If looks could kill he would drop dead right now. 
“Excuse me?! Do you know how much I have helped you out recently with your chores while you're off with your friends doing nothing but drinking and smoking?” You were flabbergasted. No way was he getting away with this and blaming it as your own fault. 
“I'm sorry I was working and got put on extra shifts so I could make more money. My bad. Next time let me just not work, then we won't have food or anything we need. Is that better for you?”
“No, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I promise from now on I'll be there and I'll help you out.”
“Yea ok I deserve that” he helped finish cleaning up your nose and cheek then gave you one big bear hug.
“Thank you, I love you.”
“I love you too, shorty.”
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storytellerslense · 3 months
JJ Maybank character analysis
Luke Maybank and the unhealthy dynamics of parentification
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What is parentification?
Parentification is a role reversal where parents are emotionally unavailable to provide support to the child typically due to their own problems often caused by alcohol or drug addiction or a mental illness. The child is forced to take care of themselves and take responsibility of the parent. Parents who are emotionally unavailable might also put down their children, contributing to a lack of self-esteem and increased stress for the child. This unavailability leaves the child without the necessary emotional guidance and stability.
The relationship between JJ and Luke Maybank
Luke is a single father. He is drinking and addicted to the prescribtion drug "Ambien", also known as a Z-drug. He is neglectful and abusive, failing to offer the emotional backing that JJ needs.
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Luke Maybank is addicted to sedatives
Until about the third episode of the first season, we don't learn much about JJ Maybank's abusive family background. The first time we get a glimpse of his father is when Luke Maybank is exiting Barry's house, where he possibly went to get drugs or being involved in other shady activities. We also learn, that Luke Maybank lost his job at the salvage yard because he turned up drunk for work.
In Season 1, Episode 3, JJ Maybank and his friends visit the salvage yard to steal an underwater drone. During this scene, JJ concocts a lie about his father to distract the security guard, crying that his father "was gonna hit him again" if he wouldn't finish a certain task for him. The viewer is left wondering if there is some truth in his lie.
In Episode 5, father and son are on screen together for the first time in a dramatic scene, which intensity shocked many viewers. Beforehand, JJ Maybank was portrayed as funny, reckless and rebellious. There were no actual signs that he could have really been the victim of such vicious domestic violence as portrayed in this Episode.
In the scene Luke Maybank picks up his son JJ from the police station. As soon as they got into the car, Luke's entire rage is suddenly unleashed on JJ as he brutally beats him up. The mistreatment continues at home, where Luke verbally abuses his son mercilessly, possibly being under the influence of prescribtion drugs and alcohol. Meanwhile JJ locks himself in his bedroom. He is badly bruised and anxious, visibly traumatized and shaken by his father's actions.
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"How you gonna get that money back, huh? By sittin' around doin' nothin'? I'm gonna tell you right now, you are a worthless piece of shit! Your Momma knew." (Luke Maybank, Season 1, Episode 5).
But physical abuse only being one possible hallmark of parentification. Parentification mainly involves overstimulation in parent-child interaction, where the focus is strongly on the parent's emotional needs. A strong indicator for JJ being parentified is, that he only feels valuable when fulfilling his father's needs. He really tries to please his father, desperately longing to "earn" just a small moment of parental kindness.
When he steals money from Barry's drug shack to pay for his restitution, he is even willing to jeopardize his friendship with the Pogues, just to fix things with his father.
At first, Luke gratefully accepts the money. JJ is shown beaming with relief and happiness over his father's praise and appreciation. But soon after Luke makes it clear that he doesn't want to use it for the restitution to help his son. He argues that the money was his to spend because JJ had already "cost him so much".
Luke instills guilt in JJ by blaming him for his misery (Season 1, Episode 7)
With that being said, Luke twists the fact that it is actually his paternal duty to provide for JJ's basic needs. Instead, he manipulates JJ by making him feel responsible for financial burdens, further solidifying JJ's role as a caregiver.
When JJ objects and takes his money back, his father beats him again. This time, JJ fights back, ultimately overpowering his father, pinning him to the ground. JJ is about to possibly hit and kill him with an object, but at the sight of his father being defeated he breaks down in tears, heartbroken and frustrated about his father's repeated rejection towards him and possibly feeling guilty and ashamed about having to defend himself like that against his own father. As JJ realizes how weak his father is, he might have also felt uncomfortable and confused with the sudden power he has over him. Notably, that particular scene also visualizes the unhealthy role reversal between father and son.
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"You gave me nothing. You gave me nothing but a shitty life. All you ever did was try to scare me. But guess what? I am not scared of you anymore!" (JJ Maybank, Season 1, Episode 7)
The internal struggle between longing for parental affection and dealing with the reality of his father's behavior becomes clearer in Episode 10 when JJ tries to steal the key to Luke's boat, the "Phantom".
As JJ is about to take the key off his sleeping father, Luke surprisingly wakes up in a changed demeanor. He apologizes to his son, not without shifting part of the blame onto JJ, saying: "You remind me of your mother".
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"I know I'm hard on you sometimes. But sometimes I see your mother in you. And it get's me a little tweaked, you know?" (Luke Maybank, Season 1, Episode 10)
Although Luke comes across sincere and apologetic in this moment, he actually refuses to take any responsibility for mistreating his son. Worse than that, he shifts the blame onto JJ's mere existence and heritage. This justification for his anger issues is another form of abuse and emotional manipulation.
Additionally to that, Luke Maybank repeatedly brings up JJ's missing mother and his frustration about her, with complete disregard for his son's feelings for her. He never considers whether JJ loved his mother, if he misses her, or if JJ himself is hurt or confused by her disappearance. He focuses only on his own pain and frustration, completely ignoring his sons feelings who must navigate complex emotions and family dynamics all by himself.
JJ finally accepts his father's attempt to hug him because he deeply craves for his approval and love. In doing so you can see him desperately trying to push down his emotions and unsuccessfully holding back his tears. The intimate moment is interrupted when Luke, under the influence of his drugs, collapses back on the couch sleeping, allowing JJ to think clearly again and finalise his mission of taking the key of his father.
Another instance where the role reversal becomes very clear is when Luke JJ helps his dad to escape to Yucatan in Season 2, Episode 8. After they share an emotional farewell on the boat, JJ gives his father some money for the journey and secretly disposes the pills fueling Luke's addiction. These actions are another example of JJ routinely stepping into a caretaker role, which traditionally belongs to the parent.
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Luke Maybank pressures his son into helping him for the last time (Season 2, Episode 8)
JJ stays behind, relieved that his father cannot harm and manipulate him anymore. But his hopes are fading that he will ever change. JJ is left with the growing certainty that he will, despite his relentless efforts, never be able to have the unconditional love and acceptance he craves for. It is questionable if JJ will ever give up seeking his father's love and acceptance, but due to his personal growth in the last three season it becomes clear that he will no longer fight for it to the point of self-sacrifice.
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Luke Maybank leaves his son (supposedly) for good in Season 2, Episode 8
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urlocal-llama · 10 months
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not me just realizing this but - i'm rewatching OBX and this is the first time we get a glimpse of Luke - AS HE'S LEAVING BARRY'S TRAILER.
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is anyone else getting major luke-maybank-is-back energy from the trailer or am I going insane
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lipslover · 1 year
trailer trash - rafebarry
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summary: jj is required to follow his father to his dealer, barrys, trailer. he is astonished, nevertheless, to see a certain familiar face when he arrives.
warnings: swearing, drugs, drug talk, wee little bit of violence
additional notes: hopefully this is decent enough for yinz likings !!! i havent wrote anything in months, though i used to be a wattpad writer.. this is slightly slightly inspired by a short prompt wrote by hartigays !! wrote in all lowercase. enjoy pookiess !!!!!!
jj watched out the window at the passing cars as a gentle autumn breeze blew onto his face. everyone else appeared to be extremely wealthy in comparison to luke's raggedy old pickup.
he had been grounded by his dad for "back talking," which means he has been under his fathers supervision, constantly, for the past week. this also means he is forced to go anywhere with luke at any point in the day. so that is how he came to be driven into the decaying trailer park where his father's dealer lives.
they pulled into the familiar lot of barrys so called home, a location theyve visited four times within the past week. there were numerous vehicles, including a few motorcycles, parked in the yard; however, one in particular stood out to jj. a bright red bike. he knew it looked familiar but had no idea where it had came from, as of none of the pouges in the area had such clean looking things in general.
he unbuckled carefully, as one wrong move could cause the entire truck to crumble beneath them, and stepped out walking behind luke.
as soon as they got near the already opened door, yelling could be heard. not particularly angry yelling, just someone being slightly pissed off, and that someone was no one other than barry.
“i aint givin’ you no fuckin acid man, ya already loopy outta yo fuckin mind” barry yelled, sounding more concerned than angry.
they walked inside, luke making himself to the fridge that he very much was not supposed to be in. jj just stood in front of the door uncomfortably, then he heard footsteps coming from the hallway. “so youll sell it to everyone here but me” yelled. wait was that, but before jj could get his thought out barry came storming into the main room with a rafe cameron following him, almost too close behind. rafe..
before any longer thoughts could be made from jj, barry was going at luke for drinking his beer out of his fridge. while the taller boy just stood behind, mouth opened slightly as if he was about to blurt out something absurd. but he didnt. he just stood there, hands in his khakis pockets, watching barry with amusement as he yelled.
barry seemed to calm down a bit, and turned to rafe. “d’ya need anything country club” he said softer with a smirk. rafe blushed slightly at the nickname, at the smirk, at barry. jj watched intensely, creepily almost, but how could he not. whatever the fuck just happened was completely not normal.
“yeahh” rafe dragged out, “you know what, i could really use some acid.” and with that, the yelling started up again.
“uh hu, nope, no fuckin way bro” barry yelled pointing a finger, he walked back to his room, as an attempt to retrieve what he knew luke wanted. rafe followed directly behind, way too close for comfort. way too close in general.
jj looked over at his dad who was sipping on his barrys cold beer, not a care in the world. he wasnt even sure if his dad noticed the weird behavior coming from the two.
after a few minutes barry came back into the kitchen, with rafe following, holding a little baggie of coke. “gotta show me the cash first maybank” barry said raising his eyebrows at the slightest. though to his surprise luke actually held out some hundreds, some hundreds that could’ve been used to buy food, but jj wouldn’t argue. he just watched as they exchanged items. watched as rafe lingered behind barry, his hand placed delicately on barrys waist.
jj didnt even think rafe noticed him, and truth be told he didnt, not until he turned and saw the jj maybank staring down his hand that was placed where it definitely shouldnt have been. they locked eyes, anger flushing in rafes and confusion in jjs.
barry noticed this, the tension between the two, and waved for luke to be on his way. their eyes were still locked, still staring, both in utter disbelief. barry lifted his hand to rafes cheek, rubbing slightly, bringing him out of his little trance.
“you good rafe” he asked almost as a whisper. rafe nodded slightly, glancing back up at jj who was being pulled out the door by his father.
‘i think he knows’ were the last words jj heard come out of rafes mouth before being pushed into his fathers shitty truck.
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sageandred · 11 months
Things I want from OBX4
Rafe villian arc..elevated villian arc
More Barry, because Rafe is more prominent
Pope and Cleo relationship content-the struggles of their different bgs (home life)/ stress of their differences & where they're going with their futures; maybe living together on their own
More Cleo on her own; Cleo with the girls
More Heyward/ Mama Heyward
Pogue (idc if they're rich, they'll always be pogues) fights and stress on individual friendships: Pope-John B, maybe JJ-John B (I promise this is not an attack on John B lol)- not anything that breaks them up at all or for the entire season, but strain & angst for no more than an ep (maybe 2) especially for the original 4, which leads to really heartfelt scenes
Silly, lighthearted friendship moments (they have more money now, they are sure to take a moment to enjoy it!)
Very heavy summer season?! (tbh, idk the timeline)
JJ's dad coming back for $
Jiara honeymoon period
Domestic Jiara; living together (maybe w/Sarah-John B) // Jiarah B shenanigans
Kiara & her parents plot climax-a resolution needs to be achieved (will she make up w/them or the strained relationship scenes as she removes herself from her blood)
Comfort Jiara-for both of their parents
Comfort Jarah-some kind of talk about losing their dads and the complicated feelings that they were not good parents
JJ angst-some kind of struggle with alcohol or emotional trauma (I want a heightened version of where I thought last season was going); I don't want a rehash of season 3, but something to not just erase his problems, though show him eventually dealing in a healthier way now with support from his friends (basically I want him to really reach some dark places, but solve it better than b4 to show his growth (does that make sense?).
Sarah-Wheezie- I kind of want Wheezie in her teenage angst & pain of losing her dad vs Sarah being at the death site and also seeing all the messed up things he did (being less angry about his death, but moreso sad)
JJ-Sarah Cambank "sibling" talk(s)
Dive deep into the history of Blackbeard
Open water/sailing scenes-season 1 vibes, but this time they'll be on a bigger boat (we really missed out 'cause of all the action and traveling to other countries the past 2 seasons)
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yuhilikewriting · 4 months
idk about u guys but i LIVE for jiara flashbacks and missing scenes. enjoy this fic:)
summary: a missing fight between kiara and her parents and a subsequent missing moment between jj and kiara after midsummers in S1E5 that proves they were always more than friends. also a deeper dive into kiara and jj's minds during the infamous anniversary scene in season 3...and a missing flashback that explains perhaps why jj acted the way he did in season 3.
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homebody-nobody · 2 years
Luke its the perfect chaos agent for Jiara angst on Season 4.
Luke coming back after hearing JJ has money. Pretending to be a good father to take advantage of him. JJ wanting to believe his dad can be good because he wants that parental figure so bad and Kiara probably seeing right through his bullsht and that causing tension with JJ. Then, let’s insert the barracuda Mike issue with JJ owing him money and Luke claiming he is just like him and if he really thinks Kiara will be with him forever so making him build those walls again and therefore pushing Kie away and pinning a little because he loves her so much (and she knows why he is pushing her away). Luke ending up showing his true colors as always and we see him truly falling until he is back up again and seeks Kiara out because he really needs to hit rock bottom to truly overcome this trauma for himself.
Listen, I love fluff but I am angsty person at heart because the reunion kiss is always iconic
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you and I are the same, nonnie. I don't want All Angst All The Time because at some point that's just like... exhausting, but the DEPTH that we get when there's angst just... perfection. These are all SUPERB ideas, and I really hope Luke comes back, too!! Idk if JJ would necessarily fall in league with him again, at least not voluntarily/happy about it, but I could def see Luke as an antagonist in jiara's relationship, and a centerpoint for JJ's development into someone that is like... capable of being in a healthy relationship.
Cause like, listen. I love my babyboy, don't get me wrong, but also at current he is... not someone that would know how to do that.
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