#Luka's gonna have a field day
shakingparadigm · 6 months
Vivinos don't be shy let Ivan sing ''Cheer up'' by Twice.
He can't do it anymore.
Don't worry Luka's probably gonna do it for him. Prancing around Till singing "cheer up!!! 😇😇😇" while Till just stands still in anguish
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tex-now · 6 months
Ruikasa au lightning round
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Shunned by the system v.s. exploited by the system. Together they take it down. Probably one-sided dislike to lovers. Dystopian AU. Definitely inspired by tearwolfe's cyberidol au but I'm not tagging them
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I actually already had an AU for this before dogboy Rui card came out and dogboy Rui solidifies it. Side polysho but anyway tsukasa and emu live together at the edge of the forest and one day Rui, an outcasted wolf, just kinda pops up and stays around. Just gonna mention it here Nene is also a wolf who lives as a human in human town (through a magic spell or a hat or something idk) probably with meiko. Anyway tsukasa and Rui are domestic as fuck strangers/mild dislike to lovers type beat (and bg polysho). And pretend Rui is wearing something more fantasy esque
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Tsukasa is a rookie officer and Rui is tasked with supervising him. He's initially unimpressed by Tsukasa's attitude but then he sees tsukasa on the field and well. Wow. He can work a gun. One sided turned mutual pining and eventually They Didn't Realize They Were Dating methinks
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Stealing this from @kawaiichibiart but ruikasa is married and live together in a house on the beach :) they seem normal but their house is actually a haven for the supernatural and mystical creatures of the sea :) they have a few regular visitors as well (mermaid Nene, mermaid emu, jelly fish kaito and mermaid Luka). Established relationship (my favorite) and mystical magical shenanigans. + Bg Polysho because why not
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Ofc sorcevalier is going to be on here cmon. Anyway Tsukasa is the Newly Appointed Head Knight with an arrogant personality and Rui is the Weird Recluse Royal Wizard who is very unapproachable by most people. They're not actually like that but that's how everyone sees them. Tsukasa has a big fat crush on Rui from his time as a lower-ranked knight, admiring him for his skill and the kindness he shows to everyone and everything he meets. And as for Rui. Well. the feelings Tsukasa has are very one-sided djsjshsj. EXTREMELY one-sided pining to lovers core
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Chapter 2
Lukas’ morning begins with rain. 
     Our pensive little writer stands at the window of his room, peering through the glass up towards the dark gray clouds in the sky. He hadn’t expected rain to roll in so soon after a day as bright and sunny as yesterday was. He can’t help but frown with disappointment. I guess I won’t be heading to the forest, he decides begrudgingly. He stares outside for a little while longer, listening to the rain patter against the glass and watching the droplets drizzle over the long, expansive grassy field that lay between himself and the dense woodland. So close, yet so far, he sighs. Turning away, he ponders how to spend his day. Well, the library isn’t that far down the street. 
     Lukas walks over to the coat hanger on the wall near the doorway and grabs his heavy brown jacket, pushing his lanky pale arms through the sleeves, then adjusts the rest of it over his body. He gives himself a quick look-over in the tall mirror on the wall, examining his dark pants and his dress shoes, assuring everything is nice and neat. Then, he reaches up and grasps the collar of his orange turtleneck sweater, giving it an orderly tug. He turns his head, looking over his hair one last time to make sure it's styled properly. He must ensure his hair maintains that clean, glossy look. Even if BeaconTown is in its own disheveled state of untidiness, Lukas won’t be caught dead with his hair looking like a mess around these people. 
     When he decides all is well and good, he turns to Dewey. The ocelot currently munches on his breakfast in a bowl on the floor beside the bed. “I’m gonna go out, Dew.” Lukas approaches and kneels in front of his feline companion, peering down at the almost empty bowl. “It’s rainy out, so I doubt you’ll be wanting to join me.” Dewey lifts his head up, gives his lips a few licks before responding with one single nod, then returns to his meal. Lukas smiles, lingering just a moment longer to appreciate his little spotted companion before he’s standing and heading out the door. “Hold down the fort for me while I’m gone!” 
     Lukas mulls over yesterday's first impressions as he makes his way down the steps from his room to the inn’s foyer. It was already pretty late, with evening just beyond the horizon when Lukas finally made it to town. His wishful thinking wanted to believe that time of day had to do with all the sourness in people's attitudes, but he’s got a hunch that that won’t be the case. 
     Exiting the BeacInn, Lukas is greeted with mostly empty streets, save for two people huddled close beneath an umbrella walking by. The smell of rain hits him instantly, enticing him to draw in a deep breath. Lukas’ gaze flicks left and right, really taking in how desolate it is here. It’s… sad . He can’t help but feel a ping of sorrow slip through him, yearning for the lively town he’d been eagerly anticipating so long for. 
     He digs into his inventory, grabbing his own umbrella and opening it up. Immediately the rain dribbles against the protective barrier. Lukas holds it firmly over his head as he walks down the steps and begins his stroll towards the library. In weather like this, one of his favorite things to do is find a nice cozy spot by a fire and read while listening to the rain patter against whatever roof he’s settled beneath. 
     Thankfully that old man from yesterday was right. The library is in close distance to the BeacInn. It would have been miserable walking back and forth from one side of town to the other just to get here. Lukas ascends the steps of the library and approaches the tall dark oak doors. He closes his umbrella and shakes it off before tucking it back into his inventory. Grasping the handle, Lukas pulls the door open and is immediately greeted with a heavenly sight to behold. 
     The library itself is rather dim. The only natural lighting comes from the massive skylight window that’s built into the ceiling of the library, filtering through and bathing the study area that sits in the middle of the room in delicate light. To his right is the check out area with no staff in sight. Row after row of shelves labeled from nonfiction to fantasy and many other genres surround the study area on all sides. Lukas steps in further, feeling a little more comfortable when he glances around and notices a few lonesome people residing within these quiet walls. He clutches the strap of his satchel and ventures forth, feeling at ease within this literary setting.
     He walks towards one of the isles, reading the sign on the end cap that says “environmental literature”. Lukas draws in a deep breath, bathing his tongue in the refreshing scents of the bibliosmia in his surroundings. Nothing brings his spirits up more than the smell of old books! Lukas adjusts his bag and dips into the aisle, taking in the numerous options. 
     “Hmm…Philosophy, cultural geography, archeology,” Lukas mumbles to himself as he draws his fingers down the differently labeled shelves. “Ah, here we go! Ecology. Perfect.” The blond reaches into the shelf and spends ample time dissecting each one for the most beneficial reads that pique his curiosity. Sitting criss-cross on the old carpeted floor, Lukas scours the titles and summaries of each book before deciding on six hefty novels. Each one weighs heavy with knowledge, inciting a peppy mood for the experienced novelist. 
     He carries his findings to the nearest table in the middle of the room and sets his stack down with a light ‘thump’, drawing the attention of a lone scholar sitting by himself at a different table a few blocks away. Out of the corner of his teal eye, something catches Lukas’ attention. He turns his head slightly, reading the “History” sign on one of the end caps in the back. How he noticed it? He’s not sure, because the section is wedged deep in the back where the books lay most dusty and untouched. 
     He stares for a few moments, looking back down at his choices, then glances back up at the nestled isle. Naturally, his curiosity flares like a cats. He hesitates, debates for a few moments, then sighs audibly. I told myself I wouldn’t do this. 
     Lukas approaches the back wall now, eyeing the sign with rising skepticism. Strange. In almost every library he’s ever been in, the history genre is usually somewhere close to the front with easy access. Lukas looks behind his shoulder once before he enters the aisle anyway and finds… quite the disappointing discovery. There’s only a meager three books back here. Lukas gawks at the empty selection, absolutely floored at the amount of dust collecting on the spacious divides. The books here are old, so much so that when Lukas reaches for a novel with dark leather binding, its pages sulk when being held up straight. 
     “Oh no...” Lukas frowns, his heart torn in two at the state of this book. He can smell the chemical breakdown emitting from the old, worn out sheets. He rests the book down onto the shelf delicately, lifting its cover and finds— Lukas blinks. Confusion makes him surge through the pages until he finally stops and processes. “This is a book of Redstonia’s history.” Lukas flicks his eyes to the other two books currently rotting away against one another. He grabs one, gives it the same attention and– “BoomTown?” 
     The last one is the most worn out, the hard cover has withered away after so long that it's no longer attached to the pages inside. Lukas always hates this part. With deep remorse, he peels the novels binding away and flips carefully through the tattered pages. This novel is much shorter than the others and mentions the name of a town he doesn’t recognize.
     A small town in the center of numerous biomes with a population of just a measly two hundred thirty-seven civilians. He gives the book a thorough look over, reading a few of the intelligible passages that haven’t been water damaged or had parts of it torn out over the years. What he gathers is the town was peaceful and known for holding fun festivals that attracted people from all over. But it’s strange… This town doesn’t appear on any of his maps, and Lukas has a lot of maps. 
     The real head scratcher here though is where on earth are the history books on BeaconTown itself? With a town as famous as this one, you’d think this section would be loaded up with informative works on the history of the town, its people, and the heroes that brought it all together. 
     “Whatcha lookin’ for?” 
     Lukas nearly leaps with surprise. If he had an ocelot tail, it would most definitely be bristled with shock. Lukas whips his head towards the source of the voice. Oh, it’s that young lad from earlier. The scholar who was sitting quietly with himself at his own table. The man before him dresses in a shabby green hoodie, paired with a yellow sweater beneath it. His dark hair is sleek and glossy in the front, giving his bangs a dangly kind of style that bounces whenever he turns his head. The blond peers down at the rest of him, eyeing his blue jeans and clean work shoes. He looks tired, but giving his dark rimmed glasses a quick adjustment, the man straightens with a soft smile. 
     “Uh. I was just checking out what the history section had to offer but–” Lukas gestures with a useless wave towards the empty shelves. 
     “Ohh…” The other male leans in, eyeing the shelves before falling back on his feet and looking at Lukas. “Yeah, we’re pretty lacking in that department.”
     “ Lacking is an understatement. I mean,” Lukas expresses annoyance in another gesture towards the blank shelves. “This is BeaconTown. You’re telling me there’s no history books here?” He scoffs, cocking his head to the other male expectantly. 
     The stranger merely shifts on his feet, gazing down at the carpeted floor awkwardly. “Well… no. I suppose there isn’t.” 
     Lukas narrows his eyes on the boy beside him, suspicion rising within. A moment of silence befalls them both, one that draws Lukas to look back at the shelves with a sigh. 
     “I always thought this town was a utopia of peace. A place where people would come to make friends easily and to build and craft freely. But everything I’ve seen so far?” Lukas shakes his head, raising his hand to gently grasp the shelf. “I don’t know. Makes me think that all that stuff was led on by false rumors and it all turned out to be just some big myth to draw in tourists .” 
     “Nonono!” The man beside him pleads, stepping closer to the blond. “No you mustn't ever believe that! BeaconTown was… It’s-” The boy pauses.
     Lukas stares at the man in shock. “It’s what?” He flinches when the stranger slaps a hand over his mouth, then begins to randomly start backing away. 
     “I-I— I said too much!” And just like that, the man bolts out of the aisle, scurries his way down the open room, yanks his books from the desk and hightails it out of here. Lukas watches, completely taken aback by the absurd display. 
     “You barely said anything at all…” Lukas mutters, watching the heavy front door close from his spot all the way on the other side of the library. He lingers here for a few moments, then glances back at the shelf one last time before he inevitably leaves the cubby and returns to the table with his books once again. 
      That was really weird. Said too much? All he said was…
      “Don’t believe that BeaconTown has always been like this…?” Lukas whispers, drawing his hand over one of the ecology book covers. 
      Okay. So… Then there really is something wrong here. Lukas needs no more evidence to draw to that conclusion. There’s already so many mysteries to investigate here, and while Lukas is quite drawn with curiosity as to what they may be, he knows better than to go sticking his nose in business that is not his own. It’s like that lady at the front desk said. It won’t be a mystery at all if he asks the right people. But it’s kind of hard to want to approach anyone with questions when everyone around here looks like they want to sucker punch him in the gut. 
     Lukas sighs, debating on what to do next before he lands on a decision. 
     As much as he would like to sit down and enjoy his time in a quiet, public space, there’s just no predicting what else might happen. Instead, he’s going to get these books checked out and head his way back to the hotel for some quality time with his latest literary adventures. Lukas picks his books up and carries the stack over to the front, chimes the bell on the counter, then waits… and waits. He spends a good three minutes standing there before he’s being approached by a short-stack woman with glasses. 
     “Erm… what are you doing?” 
     Lukas turns to her. “Oh finally. Here, I wanted to check these out.” He says with a smile, giving the books a good couple pats.
     “That won’t be necessary here. There’s no staff to do that.”
     “Nobody checks out books anymore. People just come in, take what they want, then leave.”
     “ What?” Lukas looks like he’s just been slapped across the face. “But without the proper organization system established, books will go missing or–or get stolen without anyone knowing,” he says in a rather fearful tone.
     “No one but regulars swing by here nowadays.” She shrugs. “You’re the first new face I think I’ve seen in months. Just bring them back when you’re finished like everybody else.” The woman turns and walks away, leaving an offended looking Lukas to stand by his lonesome once again. 
     Lukas leaves in a rush. The words that woman spewed out of her mouth nearly made him sick. “That is appalling,” he growls under his breath, becoming increasingly disgruntled with the town he’s about to spend the next three months in. “What is wrong with this town? Griefers, armed weirdos, and this unethical system I just cannot understand. Seriously. Not even Norfairian’s were this weird, and they live in the Nether.”  
     “Weird?” A voice behind him speaks. 
     Lukas turns, staring at a short blond girl and… that same guy from earlier! The two stand together side-by-side beneath an umbrella. 
     “You say we’re weirdo’s yet you’re the one talking to yourself in public, brah.” The girl says in a slow, lazy tone. The scholar from earlier stands tall beside her, but keeps silent. 
     “Hey, it's a force of habit. No one usually listens to me.” Lukas defends himself whilst an embarrassed blush spreads over his pale complexion. 
     The girl chuckles, waving off Lukas’ worries. “Chill dude, I ain’t grillin’ you. Just find it ironic is all.” 
     Lukas raises a brow at her. He’s vaguely familiar with the slang she uses in her wording, but can’t quite put a pin in the map from where it's from. From her laid back demeanor, she seems somewhat harmless. The shorter blonde’s cheeks are lightly freckled, her bleached hair braided and decorated with beads here and there. She wears a tank top and shorts despite the cold, rainy weather. She’s even sporting some flip flops too. 
     Compared to the other civilians walking the streets here in BeaconTown, these two seem the most… friendly. Lukas allows himself to relax, straightening up to address the two strangers with a firm nod. “Okay…” Lukas then turns, unsure of what else to say to them. He can’t tell if she was just making a comment, or wanted an actual–
     “Hey! Where are you going?” The male beside her asks.
     Lukas turns back to them, giving the two a puzzled look. “Back to where I’m staying. Why?”
     “You should, like, totally come with us for a sec.” The girl suggests, though it’s going to take way more convincing for Lukas to agree to an invitation so vague.
     “And why would I do that?” Lukas asks further.
     The two strangers glance at one another with a knowing look. Lukas quirks a brow, his suspicions only increasing. The taller male steps forward, easing himself out from under the safety of his shared umbrella to lean closer to Lukas. He puts his hand up, covering his mouth to whisper, “ we can’t talk out in the open.”
      Lukas’ eyes widened. Okay. Now we’re on to something.
     “You two aren’t going to take me into some dark alleyway and mug me right?” Lukas puts it plainly, earning a soft chuckle from the blonde girl and a nervous frown from the man. 
     “No, no, I wouldn’t dream of it. Just follow us, but try not to look suspicious. Hunter’s are always watching from all angles.” The male tilts his head in a gesture to follow, then begins walking away with his friend. 
      Hunters? Lukas wonders to himself. What does that mean? 
     Lukas peaks around, finding nobody else in sight. Just the constant downpour of rain pelting the stone brick street, filling in the broken cracks and puddling in the deeper divots. Lukas draws in one long breath before sighing heavily. He picks up his feet and follows, now finding it harder not to be glancing into every alleyway or the nooks and crannies of empty shops. Always watching, Lukas thinks to himself. 
     He ends up following the two with a couple blocks of distance between them. The taller of the two glances back occasionally for what Lukas can only guess is to make sure he’s still following. Lukas still can’t help the anxiety forming in his gut over the decision he’s just made. Should he stop and turn back now or…? This might be his one chance to get some actual information on the town. What the young man said earlier suggested he knew more than he was letting on. That he’d said too much. 
     Lukas is eventually brought back down the same path towards the BeacInn. For his second day in town, he certainly isn’t doing much sightseeing. They bring him over to a house, one that’s in pretty good condition. It’s nestled in behind a vendor’s stall though. A little brick path snug between some grass has Lukas feeling a little more comfy, enjoying what little nature there is in the heart of the town. Approaching the house now, the girl drops her umbrella and shakes it out before stepping up the staircase to the front door, the man following close behind. 
     Lukas takes one last look over his shoulder. His last moment to decide his fate. Leave? Or trust these two strange individuals? He looks around the lawn a bit, finding the flowers growing here a bit more comforting and helping him to ease the tension in his limbs. Okay… Lukas closes his own umbrella and follows the two up the steps. The girl holds the door open for them both and seems to notice Lukas’ weariness. 
     “I swear we aren’t gonna hurt you, dude.” She reassures with a lazy smile.
     Lukas gives her an odd look, then glances away. “Sorry it’s just… weird to have people who actually want to speak with me. Everyone else around here usually interrupts me mid sentence or just flat out ignores me.” He explains with a somber tone. 
     “Yeahh..” The young man speaks quietly. “That’s how it is now. Best to keep to yourself. Oh! My name is Radar by the way.” Radar reaches out, inviting Lukas to shake his hand. Lukas nods, taking his hand and shaking it firmly, executing peak professionalism. 
     “Nice to meet you, Radar. My name is Lukas.” 
     “And I’m Nell,” Nell says, earning a curt nod from Lukas.
     “Pleasure.” He shakes her hand accordingly, then draws away, shoving both hands in his pockets and looks around. The house here is ocean themed, something that immediately clicks in Lukas’ mind with greater understanding towards Nell’s tone and style of speech. He’s been to numerous oceanic towns and met the people living there, some of which speak similar patterns to what Nell has. Very kind and laid back people, perhaps she is one of the unfortunate souls who came to BeaconTown in hopes of a better life too? Regardless, he is very fond of the decor, especially the basket of seashells and sand dollars on the coffee table in the living room. The interior of this home is small with the kitchen, bedroom, and living room all crammed into one space from the looks of it. 
     “So… uh… Sorry about earlier. I didn’t want to get into any trouble for speaking about this where someone could hear us.” Radar speaks up. Lukas turns his attention back to the man, noting how nervous he seems. “You were searching for BeaconTown’s history? …Why?” he asks carefully. 
     Lukas quirks a brow, puzzled by the question. “Well, I can’t help but find it kind of strange that the world famous city known for its kindness and generosity has turned completely upside down. I mean-” He reaches into his coat pocket and holds out his postcard. “I mean this is the BeaconTown I was looking forward to. Not–” He allows Radar to gently take the postcard from his hand, then gestures to his surroundings, “all this craziness.”
     Lukas pauses when he sees the other man's lips tremble when staring down at the postcard. A feeling of oncoming dread seeps into his body seeing those eyes glisten with untold emotion behind those dark rimmed glasses. Lukas frowns, but says nothing as the two take their time to examine the image on the card. Something seems to have stricken a cord within them both, especially Radar. 
     “Wow. It’s been so long since I’ve seen it like this.” Radar frowns deeply, and with great sorrow. 
     “Yeah man… Brings back memories.” Nell laments softly. 
     Lukas scratches awkwardly at the back of his head, feeling uncomfortable in his position. “I– I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-” 
     “No-no, don’t be sorry.” Radar assures, offering the postcard back to Lukas. The blond takes it and offers a gentle “thanks” in return. “You’re right. BeaconTown is way different than it once was. That’s why I was so surprised to see a new face open the library doors. No one who enters BeaconTown these days usually comes to the library of all places.” Radar sighs, shoving his hands in his coat pockets. “I mean, it used to be one of the hottest spots in town. Now it's-” Radar stops there with an indifferent shrug and glances away.
     “I was so totally stoked when Radar came and told me a new guy showed up in town that didn't look like a total whackjob. We couldn’t help but wonder what the heck brought you here of all places?” Nell says, looking at Lukas curiously. 
     “Well I'm relieved to hear I don't look like a whackjob,” Lukas chuckles softly, “but anyways, my reason for visiting BeaconTown is that I’m actually an author. Well, I’m trying to be. I’m currently in the middle of writing an extensive biome encyclopedia that goes in depth about each and every biome. I���ve been working on it for the last five years! Hoping to finish it by the end of this year.” Lukas smiles.
     “Oh wow! That sounds super-duper exciting.” Radar expresses with an honestly intrigued grin. Nell on the other hand doesn’t seem as enthralled with the idea. 
     “Sounds like a loooot of moving around from place to place, huh?” She asks, a bit turned off at the idea of doing that much traveling. 
     “It is,” Lukas nods proudly. “I’ve been all over the world, and here I am, BeaconTown being one of my last stops before I settle down… uh… somewhere , and finally finish my draft and move forward to finalizing, then publishing!” Lukas’ eyes glimmer with excitement under the dim torch light. He always gets so worked up talking about this stuff, it makes him all sorts of giddy. 
     “Wow, that’s honestly amazing. And you’ve been doing it for five whole years? Jeez, talk about serious dedication. I’m totally inspired! Although I’m not sure what to do with that inspiration.” Radar smiles sheepishly. 
     “Heh, thank you. And hmm… read more books? Can never go wrong using your inspiration to make room for new knowledge,” Lukas suggests with a shrug.
     “YES!” Radar exclaims. “I like that idea a lot. Maybe I’ll do more environmental studies! Gosh, it’s so nice having someone friendly to talk to.”
     “Totally. I look forward to, like, totally vibing with you and stuff,” Nell projects an invitation for a future gathering session, the idea making Lukas’ heart relent, quickly withdrawing from the idea.
     “Oh well I-... That's awfully nice to hear, really, but I've got business to attend to on the outskirts of town for most of my stay.” Lukas awkwardly confesses. He's not sure he's ready to hang out with Radar and Nell. He barely knows either of them and the idea of subjecting himself to social gatherings when he could instead be using his precious time to broaden his research; well, let's just say ‘vibing’ won't be a part of his extremely tight schedule any time soon. 
     Radar is taken aback by this, blinking, then narrowing his gaze. “Outskirts where, exactly?” 
     Lukas lights up, instantly. “Oh, the-”
      Knock knock knock. 
     “Radar! Nell! Are you two in there?” A loud shout booms on the opposite side of the front door, causing everyone in the room to flinch with surprise. The strength of the knocking is strong, but pretty obnoxious in Lukas’ personal opinion. Is it the guards?
      “Oh crap!” Radar hisses, turning to face Nell who looks back at him with a mutually worried expression. They don’t linger on one another for long; Nell quickly rushes to Lukas’ side and gives the confused author an urgent push. 
     “You’ve got to get out of here, like, now Lukas-dude.” Nell presses.
     Lukas sputters his confusion- “Wha-? Why? What’s going on? Am I in danger?” 
     “J-Just a second!” Radar shouts towards the door, then rushes towards the back wall of the single room home. On the wall is a tie-dye tapestry, its colorful pattern draping long and low to the floor. To Lukas’ surprise, a door is revealed behind the decor as Radar grabs it and pulls it back. “Here! Leave through here and don’t let yourself be seen,” he says in a hushed tone. 
     “O-okay,” Lukas replies with uncertainty, then takes his steps towards the door. Confusion and concern tread the shallows of his mind as he’s ushered out the back door, the blond considering the worn out wooden steps before stepping down them and entering the grassy lawn behind the home. The moment he looks back, the door is shut. Lukas is left alone and most certainly bewildered by the moment. Who was on the other side of that door? The two of his newfound … acquaintances, seemed genuinely frightened by the voice on the other side of the door. Radar said not to linger though, so Lukas quickly takes a look around and departs from the home, heading into a nearby alleyway that eventually leads him out to BeaconTown’s mainstreet. 
     The rain continues to pour, forcing Lukas to break out his umbrella once again. The umbrella keeps his now partially drenched form from getting any worse than that. He looks around, noting that he’s found himself on the other side of the street from that coffee shop from yesterday. He recalls that threatening looking group that had settled down there before, although the shop is free of their hostile presence today. Well… He’s not sure what else to do as of now, so maybe a cup of cocoa will assist in helping him mull over the minor discoveries he’s made this morning.
     Settled down at one of the booths inside the coffee shop, Lukas keeps his hot chocolate close, warming his cold hands while he watches the rain outside. As much as he’d like to indulge in thoughts revolving work, he can’t help but find himself lost within the mystery this town holds. He adds a bit of vanilla creamer for extra flavor, stirring, then takes a sip of his warm brew as he fishes his notebook out of his inventory. The old thing is gently set on the table, its bindings worn with use. Anyone who takes a look at the journal could tell it’s well-loved. Lukas’ eyes narrow down at the empty page he’s flipped to, contemplating the blank lines before flipping through a few more pages, skipping ahead of his previous notes. At the top, he jots down “BeaconTown” in professional cursive, then continues to describe his findings. 
     The disorienting revelation that BeaconTown, the world renowned city of heroes, has no documented history to its name, is one of the many things he logs into his research. Tapping his quill against his chin, the author hums, scanning the pages before writing into it, “as of now, I’m uncertain I want to get involved in any of BeaconTown’s secrets. I suspect many dangers hidden between the lines; I’ll only discover trouble if I continue to step into places I’m not welcome.”  
     Lukas takes another sip of his cocoa, sighing with satisfaction at the flavors melting on his taste buds. He’ll need to take his compliments to the brewer, as this is one of the best cups of cocoa he’s had in months. After another ten minutes of sipping and note-taking, Lukas’ mug is empty and he is thoroughly pleased with himself. He takes his empty mug back to the counter, gaining the attention of the single person behind the register. He smiles kindly, then takes out an emerald and sticks it in the ‘tips’ jar. “Thanks for the cocoa, it was delicious,” he says as he then turns and begins his exit from the establishment. The middle aged gentleman behind the counter sputters his surprise, then offers a rushed “t-thank you, sir!” as the door creaks open. “You’re welcome!” Lukas says and departs from the shop.
     Despite the exterior of the building’s messy state, Lukas finds himself making a mental note to return here in the future. So far that was the best thing BeaconTown has had to offer him. 
     After Radar’s handful of indistinct warnings throughout the short time Lukas spoke to him, our author finds himself walking at a fast pace to get back to the Inn for the rest of his afternoon. The warnings that linger in his mind keep him anxious and fidgety, peering between every other building or checking behind his back to make sure some shady eyes aren’t following him. Hunters were one of the other perplexing things that kept Lukas on high alert and cautionary. Does he mean trophy hunters? Bounty hunters? Or just your classic hunter who ensures the town is fed throughout the changing seasons? 
     Lukas grips his umbrella’s handle tighter, determined to learn more on the subject matter. He recalls that group of unfriendly-looking people wielding swords and arrow baskets. Armed and dangerous all while sitting outside of a public cafe. They didn’t wear armor at all similar to what the town’s guards wore, but Lukas couldn’t get a good enough look at them to tell exactly what they did wear in terms of protection. He wonders if these people are the hunters Radar warned him of. Lukas glances behind his back as he approaches the inn’s front doors, giving the wet street one last look over before entering the safety, more or less, of his temporary housing establishment. 
     Lukas collapses backwards against the bed in his hotel suite. He’d hung up his coat, laid his satchel and books out on top of the clean, sleek writing desk in the corner, and of course greeted Dewey before he finally became one with his bed once again. Dewey trills happily whilst he bounces up onto the bed and joins Lukas. Pleased his caretaker has returned, the ocelot clocks on and begins making biscuits in the blankets of the bed. Lukas smirks, listening to the deep rumble of his spotted companion. Dewey’s purrs always help soothe his anxious thoughts. 
     Lukas turns his head, looking at Dewey as he reaches out and scratches the ocelot just beneath his jaw, but right above his orange bandana. The ocelot purrs louder and leans into the gentle affection. Lukas huffs out a soft, tired laugh. “It’s nice to see you again, buddy.” Even if it were only a few hours, it's not often the two separate. Dewey sits down and gives one agreeing nod. “I learned some new things about BeaconTown while I was out, but I have to admit, it’s all still very confusing.” Lukas turns, rolling over onto his belly. “I met two strangers earlier, a skittish guy named Radar, and a relaxed girl named Nell. They seemed friendly enough to trust, so I ended up following them back to this small house where they confirmed with me that BeaconTown truly wasn’t always like this…”
     Lukas’ eyes flick up to the large windows looming in front of him. The rain has since calmed, it is now nothing more than a gentle drizzle outside. The dark, brooding clouds in the sky now pale as the sun begins to break through their thick barrier. Lukas gazes for a few moments, his mind drifting…
     Dewey perks up and watches his blond owner move off the bed and return to one of the windows. Here Lukas rests his eyes upon the forest once again. The expanse of grassland between him and the higher altitude forest will probably take a few minutes to walk through, which is just more time spent admiring the tree line while he gets closer. “I’m really hoping this rain stops by tomorrow morning. It would be fun to start the day with an adventure, right Dewey?” Lukas turns, looking at his biscuit kneading ocelot. Dewey flicks his tail in acknowledgment to what Lukas says, but offers nothing more.
     Lukas turns back towards the dense woodland with a hopeful glimmer in his oceanic eyes. 
     Morning couldn’t come any sooner.
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cherriko-art · 2 months
The latest alien stage comic and drawing holy fck Luka.
Also... Luka with oral fixation confirmed?? Fanfic writers and artists are gonna have a field day with this 👀👀👀
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painful-pooch · 2 years
For the five sentence fic - “Hey, don’t worry, you’re going to be okay.”
I gotchu fam. Sorry for the wait haha. It's the weekend and I am gonna grind these puppies out finally! Whoa, at the end of this, I realized that I could make this a whumptober thing... cool! @whumptober Day 22: alt: Carried to Safety
Tagging @writer-of-worlds, @thethistlegirl, Blue (you asked the question), and @actress4him
CW: War, military whump, lady whump, emotional whump, running through a battle field, explosions, panic attack, and gun shot wound
Location: Unknown Date: Classified
Kieran gazes through his scope, picking off each enemy without a second thought, watching them fall as his sniper rifle precisely launches bullet after bullet. After a few shots, he rolls on the dirt and sand, quickly getting up to sprint to a new point where it would take his enemy longer to locate him and attack him.
He can see the hellish battle happening below, the sounds of explosions taking longer to get to him. He uses his scope to look for his freinds and teammates, checking off in his mind that they are safe from harm's way. That's the job of a sniper; watching the world from afar and making decisions before the battle moves forward in order to keep his friends safe.
The sun is beating down on him and he wipes at his brow with the neck garter, huffing out a, "This is hotter than a dog's ass in the summer."
"Welcome to the desert, Strider. It's always hot," Miranda laughs into her mic, being joined by the rest of the crew.
"You have no right to complain as we are doing all the running and shit, fucker," Valdemar growls, looking around a corner and the crackle of gunfire takes over his comms.
"You are all complaining over a little heat wave," Bruno's voice breaks through the sound of battle. "I would be asking Patches to see how she's doing since she carries a shit ton of med gear."
"Yo Patcheeeeeees! Are you hot down there, because my plane is cool as fuck," Lukas laughs, "Icarus is probably steaming in their helicopter. Confirm?"
"Yeah, it's hot in here, but the heli is on idle. Bishop is probably off playing chess back at HQ," Sebastian mutters with a laugh.
"Correct. Playing King's Gambit. Target is located in building sector 23 Alpha, fourth floor," Oscar calls out, typing at what Kieran can hear is the speed of sound.
"Patches?" Kieran asks out for an answer, his worry rising. "You good?" He tries to look for her and curses to himself as he can't seem to find her.
"Sorry. Kind of in a pickle. Send help?" Khrystyna asks, the faint tell of screaming in the background. "Reloading and I am out of ammo. Going to switch to secondary. Getting over- AGHHH!"
Kieran breaks every rule a sniper has, jumping up from his hiding spot and sprinting over to his emergency rappel gear, clipping himself in and doing a trick he learned while in the SEALS, rappelling face down and flipping at the last second to land feet first. He rips away from the rope and dashes towards the city, unclipping his assault weapon from his back and heading into the fray.
There's dust and debris everywhere, threatening to coat the inside of his mouth and throat, but with a quick adjustment, his garter is over his mouth and nose, his sunglasses falling over his eyes to keep the excess light from blinding him. He doesn't care about the sounds of grenades blowing up around him, the crashing and tumbling of buildings after air strikes, and the screaming of both his adversaries and his teammates.
"Patches?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He screams at the top of his lungs, panic beginning to consume him. He can't lose his best friend. He doesn't care about military bearing or the stone cold demeanors they are supposed to have. He refuses to lose her. Not after everything they had been through. He's her teammate, and she earned her place in the team just like all the others had.
Kieran can catch the faint coughing over the comms. "Lobby. Hotel... Bleeding out..." That's all he needs, looking for the rubble and remaining buildings that resembled a hotel. Before he knows it, he's sliding beside a bleeding Khrystyna, her vest, shirt, and jacket soaking. He has his pistol at the ready in case he needed it, but his other hand was at her cheek. "Hey, Patches... I'm sorry it took me a few minutes. The others are sweeping the main target's building and Boomer should be here soon to help us out."
"Is it bad?"
Kieran sees the wound and his vision tunnels, seeing the dark crimson blotch. No. He can't lose her. He removes a few bandages from his emergency pouch, pressing them into her wound and wincing when she screams. "H-Hey, don't worry, you're going to be okay."
Khrystyna has tears in her eyes and she leans her head back against some debris. "I love being here. I want to stay on th-the team," she coughs before sobbing.
"You are going to stay. Look at me, Pa- Khrystyna."
"You just said my name... that's not a good sign." She smiles up at him in a faint joking manner, pain etched in her face.
"Fuck this.. I am carrying you to the helicopter. You are not going to die on me, Khrystyna!" Kieran switches to the main comm. "Icarus, get a med evac ready on my coordinates, now." He lifts Khrystyna in his arms in bridal style, not caring about the blood on his own gear, and he marches out of the building, using his pistol only when he needs to.
He's going to make sure she's safe. Fuck the Sniper's Code. Khrystyna is more important than that.
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darklordofthesimp · 2 years
Hello!! I was bored and inspired by you so I wrote a dumb lil snippet of a fic idea, sorry if it's wonky or doesn't make much sense I'm very tired n also haven't written in years lmfao,, the idea is that the reader (Whisper) got stuck on the other side of a blast door thing after they set off the security system and the room is filling with gas or something n they were somehow the only one to get stuck in the room?? Idk lmfao they'll make it out prolly
[dw dw there's gonna be story here]
The comms radio crackled to life- “König- könig listen to me- You’ve got to go. I’ll find my own way out, don’t worry about me. I’ll find you, I promise.”
König scoffed incredulously, “I’m not leaving you-”
Whisper banged on the glass again, their eyebrows furrowed with anger and something a bit bittersweet- “This is no time for arguments- you’re leaving. End of story.”
“Whisper-” König scoffed on the other side of the glass.
[prolly gonna put some more dialogue in here so it makes more sense, I was mainly just writing snippets lol]
The edges of whispers eyes crinkled as they smiled at König, their eyebrows furrowing as they smiled sadly on the other side of the blast door.
“Auf Wiedersehen, Lukas.”
“Auf Wiedersehen, Wisp.” Königs gaze softened, his fist unfurling on the glass. He watched as his friend pulled up their mask slightly, enough to see them say something he couldn’t quite hear.
The shadow pulled their mask back down, and in one swift movement swiveled around, pounded on the door twice, and stalked back into the gas-filled room, leaving nothing but a soft whisper in their wake.
The mountain's eyes gazed out over the massive field the chopper had laid in. “König- there’s no sign of them. If they were coming, they’d be here by now. As much as I care for them, we’ve been waiting for two days- I don’t think they made it. We need to go. Now.”
As much as it hurt to admit, Soap was right- they had waited there for far longer than they should have. “Fine- you’re right. Let's go.”
As the chopper lifted off, König gazed out of one of its windows and wondered. “Nikolai. What does _ mean?”
The comms crackled, "Huh? Why do you want to know?”
“Just answer the question-”
“Hah. alright alright- it means ‘I love you.’ happy now?”
König stared out the window and into the clouds as he tried not to shatter into a million tiny pieces.
The shadow had whispered, “I love you.”
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linkljdf · 2 years
Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understahttps://teejeep.com/products/never-underestimate-a-woman-who-understands-hockey-team-sport-and-loves-bruins-shirt/
Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Hockey Team Sport And Loves Bruins Shirt
Rugby has something the NFL lacks — the tantalising prospect of representing your country in a meaningful international competition. In the 24 years of pro Rugby Union, the USA have traditionally had a rag-tag bunch of professional players ranging from second generation migrants from rugby playing families like Samu Manoa, who was playing amatuer rugby in the US and was talent scouted from a US reserve team tour into the top flight of European club rugby, to players like former USA captain Chris Wyles who was born in the states but moved to England as a Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Hockey Team Sport And Loves Bruins Shirt and played his rugby in Europe. One of the guys from our school team in England ended up playing for the USA at the Rugby World Cup because he had an American born mother. Other USA players like AJ McGinty (who is Irish and plays for an English club) qualify for the USA national team via residency after studying there. If rugby takes off in the US as a semi-pro / pro club game, there is every likelihood of good college footballers switching sports and America producing a team of majority home-grown talent, but unlikely it will include many ex-NFL players, if any.
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Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Hockey Team Sport And Loves Bruins Shirt
Rugby has something the NFL lacks — the tantalising prospect of representing your country in a meaningful international competition. In the 24 years of pro Rugby Union, the USA have traditionally had a rag-tag bunch of professional players ranging from second generation migrants from rugby playing families like Samu Manoa, who was playing amatuer rugby in the US and was talent scouted from a US reserve team tour into the top flight of European club rugby, to players like former USA captain Chris Wyles who was born in the states but moved to England as a Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Hockey Team Sport And Loves Bruins Shirt and played his rugby in Europe. One of the guys from our school team in England ended up playing for the USA at the Rugby World Cup because he had an American born mother. Other USA players like AJ McGinty (who is Irish and plays for an English club) qualify for the USA national team via residency after studying there. If rugby takes off in the US as a semi-pro / pro club game, there is every likelihood of good college footballers switching sports and America producing a team of majority home-grown talent, but unlikely it will include many ex-NFL players, if any.
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By contacting directly with suppliers, we are dedicated to provide you with the latest fashion with fair price.We redefine trends, design excellence and bring exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashionista.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
get to know football prince kai havertz: intro masterpost
as my recent pretty boy agenda entails writing long ass meme essays about handsome male football players for you to look at and enjoy 
today’s the day you get to check out the man of all men
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welcome to an extensive introduction guide on germany’s #1 cheekbone export
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with the wholesome hobbies
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and the most important goal in european football this year
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if you wanna know more about this looker? join the ted talk it’s gonna be outrageous
the sleek specimen in question: mr. kai lukas havertz (22), accidental supermodel forward at fc chelsea in england, yeah that’s the london team with the dark blue shirts, go tell em your sexy number kai:
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29 bc he has 2 great legs and 9 lives like a cat, he respawns from everything you throw at him, you can see it from a mile away
immortal vampire with a back problem kinda guy, we hired him to scare the opposing teams shitless with his ominous booty posing it works
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ikr he always looked way older than he is, blame that intense bone structure and low brow, kai’s barely in his 20s the hell
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and admirably already made it as far as you can in the clubs, in case you heard about the champion’s league (...where all the best and sassiest european clubs compete for a comically large silver goblet), he scored the final’s winning goal 
awkwardly, in typical fashion — my man tripped over the goalkeeper — but he did it, aged 21, very proud right here, this is how it happened:
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wonderkid kai is also an attacker in the german national team, as the #7, which is the number of maximum years i predict it takes until he won the euros and the world cup at least once, it’s only a matter of time germany is gearing up we’re hotter than ever 😤
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in both teams he’s basically um yeah moving his body back and forth gracefully on a large green field while looking amazing and doing genius things, that’s his job summary it’s simple on paper
the english press calls him the ‘silky german‘ and i get why, that silhouette that focus those fancy brows
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since kai is a forward he’s also notoriously tangling himself up in the net of the opposing goal (you kinky mf, bondage in broad daylight)
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and piercing through the competition with these absurd cheekbones 
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(it’s not plastic surgery. he always had these)
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a whole model menace but please he’s actually goofy 
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should you wonder how to pronounce him at this point, roll the r a little harder and you got it down. he goes by kai havats if you consult most english commentators but the correct german rendition is kai-há-ve-ar-ts
he got a lotta fans learning how to spell it, eye of the hurricane, especially chelly simps for him 24/7
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let’s find out in detail how my spaghetti-shaped husband is causing such a stir, this thread is structured with hashtags and we’re starting with the most obvious:
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so you’d like to know about his features and how to spot him (unsurprisingly: very easy, he’s a sore thumb everywhere, and surrounded by his puppy children)
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we have all kinds of overly specific nicknames for his appearance, if you see ‘[random weird word] prince’ on football tumblr you’ll know it’s him 
catch kai by his goal celebration: sticking his tongue out as far as he can, he thinks he’s havertz thee stallion, then he ends up like this somewhere at the goal line
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kai always seems like he just broke into a different dimension, like a christian saint picture almost? why is he always looking up, what does he see, why is there suddenly a ray of light 
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he’s an offensive 6’3 tall, i guess he has a different perspective on what’s happening behind heaven’s door, maybe he consults with god on how to score after the next corner kick or something, no surprise he is so divine
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anyway. never knew a bloke named kai who was unattractive, havi is no exception if not a prime example of overly serious tumblr sexyman
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the whole fandom (i’m not aware that havertz stans call themselves a certain way universally, i just call ourselves the havies) agrees he’s the weirdest-looking 10/10 in the football game, and photographers eat him the fuck up
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with a bunch of strange lighting and uneventful sponsored clothes he already brings on his inner lucky blue smith, holy mother of hair product they can make my giant baby look 35
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even the way he just stands there is peak posing talent, he always tilts his hip to the right and hits the tyra banks, he came to be a statue
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you can tell that people who stan this big ole asparagus all have cripplingly high expectations towards men and unfair beauty standards, a moment of silence for guys who are not kai havertz, when will they do notable slutty things every day like he does, when will they keep up, in their defence he was written by a woman i think (that’s arguably hard to achieve)
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in that exact spirit he’s complemented ofc by lovely romantic curls and waves, contrasts well with his famously gaunt and bony face, love it when it’s longer and swept aside, very greek very heartthrob, i told you he’s unrealistic
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he runs his hands through it every other second to indulge us, does he read our posts or what? log off tumblr kai practice your goal finish
he once had a straight hair phase back in the day and it was also very comely if not jawdropping, and don’t you say a bad word about his acne
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the eyes are just amazing i’m aware, channelling some disney villain realness and then there’s kai’s doggo lmao, he is trying his best to paint himself as the most intense dog father ever like why, nobody’s gonna hurt your woofer smh
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instantly recognizable long legs from a distance, kai stumbles across the lawn constantly. they do what they want faster than he can catch up, christ he’s talented
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even at their most muscular they stay naturally slim, my man is very ectomorph, so streamlined mwah
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since havi came to england from his former club leverkusen he did buff up a bit, his upper body is a lil different (also note the beautiful hands btw)
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(more hand appreciation, they really are flawless)
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his shoulder area is great too, the right balance of everything, a little geometry a little slope a little boyfriend vibes
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and btw, geometrics: hey, chelsea. stop handing him these wild jersey prints. my head is spinning, kai’s already hypnotizing enough
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and grant him more free time so he can indulge in his shaving fetish istg (...kai insists he hates having a beard on himself and his royal mood does turn more awry with every new grown millimeter — which is a problem since he gets a 5′o’clock shadow faster than his career took off, goddamnit havertz hormones)
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that being said i bet his hair and aftershave smell so perfectly princely pristine like am i right or am i right, silky IS the right word, give this man a shaving commercial, come on gillette you cowards
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...to sum things up. his face can’t be missed: everything’s flatter on the bone than the netherlands, his smile has these 3 fish-like wrinkles because he’s koi havertz our merman husband, touchable curly curls and browly brows, you almost never see the bottom row of his teeth, his suffering eyes are shaded like an anime swordsman on a vengeance streak, michelangelo went a little too feral when he put the chisel on kai’s cheekbones, aaand the fade up his nape and above his ears is so professionally done i’m about to faint from haircut bliss
razors and kai are best friends. spare my wig oh god why
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he doesn’t have the same barber as chelsea’s goalie, but they look like brothers so watch out for major confusion, that’s mister ⭐️ kepa arrizabalaga revuelta ⭐️ for you right here, again for you to read it: ✨ arrizabalaga ✨
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yes what a hot name, football twitter calls him kabi for short, i call him catty, or balenciaga, go on señor gato give us everything
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mr revuelta is basically the 6’1 stubborn spanish version of kai with bigger gloves
kai’s hands are always cold so he wears gloves too, the man freezes as soon as the temperature drops below 25 celsius, he’s walking around like a bank robber, u just have to do a double take sometimes if it’s not kepi the cat ok
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as a rule of thumb, kai is taller, like he would bang up his head standing inside kepa’s box lol
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balenciaga’s cheekbones are deceptive and his frame is copy paste kai with slightly bigger tiddies i know, but kai’s silly ((( = u = ))) smile gives it away i think
ok now you know another sexy guy from chelsea and kai’s clone you’re very revuel-come
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TL;DR — kai is ready for a milan runway, he’s very oddly sexy, kepa is the white gloves guy standing AT the goal and kai is the black gloves guy IN the goal because he crashed into the net for the nth time, i’m confident you can tell him apart on the pitch just look for a tall brunette with a knot in his legs
never let the royally stern expression trick you
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kai is a raging enthusiast for rural life since early on. i know, adorable
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you always find him somewhere squatting in a barn (he’s too tall for any ceiling) or outdoors. SOFT
donkeys are his thing, he’s big on animal rights (anti zoo, anti circus), he looks so beaten down if he can’t hug his donkeys daily, if someone calls them goats he’s rolling his eyes and goes off, this stuff is important to him he’ll protecc donkeys with his life thanks to him the whole fandom came to appreciate them
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yes kai is ranty as hell once you set him off, he also cusses when he gets too excited and always ends up apologizing on twitter after winning something lmao
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as a balancing opposite to being a swearing farmer he’s into the latest gaming technology, always scares the living hell out of himself when something unexpected happens
and guess who joins the gaming sesh and outdoor activities? oh yeah there’s a lady
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kai’s childhood sweetheart and gf sophia weber. she’s not very much in the limelight or on social media but we do have some cute lq pictures of shy havi getting smooches 😌
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been together for ages, very sweet couple, kai is always “my girlfriend my girlfriend my girlfriend my girlfriend my girlfriend” that’s right, i adore these two, we sometimes see some PDA at the big games ( ˘ ³˘)♥
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sophia is all of us
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i love it she’s so enjoying herself
what i want to say she is an exquisite lady who want to congratulate, but i don’t really have to tell her, she knows, the smile says it all 
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not one doubt who’s the boss here let’s not beat around the bush
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as far as we can tell by their updates kai is a very whimsical, cap-wearing but loving boyfriend and makes someone a very happy girl so we love to see it, she’s v proud of him like every german national team and chelsea fan so she’s our representative 🤗, his waist is free real estate i thoroughly approve
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like isn’t miss soph lucky, and they are a little dog family 🐶😭
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the man is a complete romantic he plays the piano and whatnot, superb hobbies what can i say 
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meanwhile his raging hormones resulted in baby fever and spiralling dad instincts so kai has been out there collecting the most endearing big puppers left and right so he has something tiny to take care of
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(granted, everything and everyone looks tiny next to him)
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now ye know where the tongue goal celebration comes from he learned from the greatest
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sometimes he’s a bouncy upbeat doggo himself, don’t let the pokerface and height misguide you
especially in the presence of a certain gentleman who is very important in kai’s biography
mister julian ‘bestie’ brandt (25), a north german footballer himself, very blonde very cute very sexy, a triple threat you’ll like him, yes he’s also in the dog squad
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(brand means fire or arson in german. no wonder he’s so hot)
jules is kai’s former leverkusen co-player in the midfield hence their connection, they know each other they’re friends from work
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these two bromance the living hell out of each other on ig, always did photoshoots together, kai was glued to julian, they partied with each other’s families they go on vacation together they did joint interviews and fanmeets and promos
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the football world watched on and concluded: goals with ball — second priority. #bravertz goals — first priority (beaming grins, how we love that)
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nowadays, bad news, they’re far apart bc career, julian became a yellow bumblebee at dortmund back in germany which is a big deal the club is a staple
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they complain about missing each other all the time, even way before his departure to england kai’s smirk has been wiped from his face i worry a lot is he ok
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maybe they meet again in the national team, under ideal circumstances they play together for the crosscontinental tournaments which the entire internet and football press loves, bravertz can inspire world peace they are a humanitarian institution come on let them play
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so yeah talk about pokerface, i know i know the man might um radiate some slightly pink purple and blue particles through these cheekbones if you catch my drift, god bless him
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fingers crossed for julian’s inclusion in the germany nt soon
and as far as blessings and humanitarian things go, anyway. kai auctioned off a hundred of his expensive ass boots to help german flood relief, you heard about what was going on, he raised lots of awareness
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again don’t be fooled: his personality in interviews is basically one-liners, the english press thinks he doesn’t care about anything based on his exhausted face apparently
it’s true that kai’s pitch alter ego is a sickly victorian leg poser who’s had too much opium and an existential crisis after church, but with his friends he’s all giggles and we know he’s a snuggly boo, am very glad to see his benevolent koi smile shining down on us every time 🐟☀️
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like. i mean. this bitch is a gemini. A GEMINI! his moon is in taurus, and he’s a slutty catholic. i like slutty catholic geminis with their moon in taurus, hence i like kai it’s simple, he has a lotta sides to him, a special charisma y’know
june 11, 1999. that just rolls off the tongue. he’s from aachen which is notoriously impossible to pronounce for non-natives so let’s just say he’s west german from a district that has a lot of medieval history, the architecture is as majestic as he is
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yeah i’m also wondering. how on earth did a homoerotic westphalian farmer from the 8th century get reincarnated in such a strange and glamorous haute couture body i don’t understand it, how did that happen
gemini duality i guess, best of both worlds 👌
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he’s young and old… beautiful and odd… progressive and countrified… sweet and grumpy… an absolute hoe and a moral institution… get yourself a dude who’s like men’s shampoo. 2 in 1
saint and sinner i’m telling you, miss sophie is my witness he can do both
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wait. kai actually has his own men’s shampoo franchise i’m crying
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anyhow, since he is so young and manifold, i’m glad that he has older players at chelsea and the national team to look up to, or um to look down to, he’s so huge bro, imagine having to work with him and all you see is this, it’s no wonder that our germany nt is waving the rainbow flag more aggressively these days, kai is level 10 crushcore
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in the national team he’s taller than our goalkeeper (wannabe boxer manuel neuer, right) and our buffest midfielder (mister world leon goretzka, middle) RIP, especially to kai’s back
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everybody looks like he is their grumpy supermodel nanny i swear
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my man really has to grow into that role please go easy on him he’s more of a moody teenager than a leader, he can only glare so much from the bench like a renaissance painting
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gladly enough kai’s brain is impeccably devoid of anything at all, how else could he handle that level of fame and football capitalism, like if you ever heard him speak it’s basically the sloth in zootopia talking about family and home life, on the pitch he’s just there to speed around and be stunning so thank you for your service my prince
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so a little bit on his story, not too many endless numbers and data but rather a cute childhood pic first, he still bites down his lip that way nothing has changed
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havi has come a long way
for a dude this illegally handsome, his parents sure do work for the german law, we don’t know much about them but his dad is/was a police officer and his mom an attorney
they didn’t do anything to stop and arrest him i guess. and frankly nobody’s mad. kai can be as criminally sexy as he wants when he wants where he wants he’s the prom king made in bayer 04 leverkusen my friends, for ten whole years
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the interesting thing is: kai’s father ralf was actually a footballer much like kai’s granddad but had to quit since it didn’t bring in any money, look at them now at the european championships
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safe to say they don’t have that problem anymore. i’m not joking with you twinkus maximus is worth a 100 (!) million
yeah us havies stan an unaffordable man. if i want him at my own hypothetical football club, i can maybe buy a small corner of a donkey barn and try to lure him with that so he comes for free. but y’know. his happy face is priceless that matters the most don’t forget that
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chelsea on the other hand, madmen they are, really paid that fucking sum for him to break up with julian, leave germany, and take the next step, now he’s an english superstar; london and twitter adore him
recently his performance isn’t always top-notch usually resulting in a wave of sighs, oh well, people forget he got fucked up by having corona in 2020, and julian is nowhere to be seen in england, the guy’s happy pill is absent, but kai scores when it’s important as we know, the trophies don’t lie
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recently the other chelsea attack stars got struck with injury so now he can show what he got and the goals are settling in one by one, he remains a wizard 
havi’s manager is a fellow german, the hopelessly crazed intelligence monster thomas tuchel, who somehow uses his shoes to hex his enemies & manages to accidentally create beef with any higher executives or big players every time, but i’d be damned if i wouldn’t say he recognizes quality and is passionate, his eyes are the keenest he analyzes it all
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each premier league coach is completely gung-ho this is a fair warning, tuchi is not even close to an exception he’s the belly of the beast
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thomas’ eyes and ears are very round that’s how you recognize him, i don’t know how else to describe this man. it’s like. he’s thinking about the ball so much, he became the ball. why are his ears so perfectly round
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mind you a whole bucket of credit is due here, tuchi is a tactics and team building genius who sets very strict rules the german way so that’s exactly what kai needs he’s a whole ass bottom remember
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it’s reassuring to know that they don’t have a language barrier because hav’s english skills are notoriously picasso-esque and 80% nasty words he picked up on the pitch (my man got so corrupted on the island 😭) and thomas is a true spiralling virgo weirdo who has to translate his english from the bavario-swabian linguistic complexities in his head. imagine the chaos
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for those worrying that you have to learn german to understand kai: he talks in singular quips and chuckles, tweets in english, also in like four words or two unrelated emojis each, gemini again
…and half of football tumblr is both translating and clowning his every move. don’t fret my footie frens, you will know what he’s up to. and as with all footballers it’s the body that talks the most
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and oh boy is kai talkative in that regard, body ody ody language
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the havies can read his mood from the angle of his eyebrows by the millimeter, he is blatantly obvious and rejects being trained in PR i suspect, kai being unfiltered is v important to me and every football tumblr meme blog
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for instance when he kaispreads on the bench he wants to be comforted and his disappointment is immeasurable that’s one rule
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when he’s dragging himself across the pitch going >:| he is dire need of a particular huggy style. if he can’t bury his face in the crook of someone’s neck kai’s yearning turns into brooding turns into frowning turns into 24/7 emo grumbling. so please. give him hugs.
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and when he goes *%&§#*+=?%&!! and his tongue is so far out it’s touching his toes he’s happy and carefree and trolling the press, get nasty kai 🤘👅
don’t you know that bottoms keysmash. he does that when he speaks. um kai this is not a text message it’s a real conversation
...you can tell we’ll hear a lot from him in the future
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and now the last segment: skills. but talking about football tactics and technique in text form is literally so dull though, let’s make it horny like the man himself
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okay so you wanna experience what this pricey eyebrows bottom can do
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if you see a constantly bent-over guy or a really tall person blocking people with his back on the field like a little spoon, that’s him at work. sometimes he squats down with his ass right in the camera
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just peg him already
if u don’t believe me that he’s a little spoon ask sophia smh
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he’s always running around in complicated swirls on the pitch, resembles his hair pretty much
kai kind of reminds me of a stork in his style of play, i mean it in the best of ways 
also. with all that tongue stuff it’s only logical kai’s head game is pure fire, he’s working with his height ugh he jumps so damn high
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but then again. in front of the goal he suddenly becomes the most patient person on the planet?? like he starts doing little tricks when the area is empty and he could just put the ball in?? he’s literally waiting?? tf why is he like ok uwu time for some on-pitch orgasm denial?? wow, and how
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the whole penalty area could be on fire and he is there… chilling with the ball… dribbling it left to right… channelling his inner donkey energy…
i think he just wants to have people yell at him what to do
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yea the finish is a bit— you know, embellished 
(which includes almost busting his princely nose bridge by tumbling over the defense, kai please take care of your face the world depends on it)
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he’s also known for going completely overboard in one-on-one once provoked, his revenge tackles are more english than the english players, zero nuance detected, he has no idea how to be aggressive properly, also he’s throwing his co-players around like tomorrow never comes, cool down lukas nobody wants to celebrate goals with you anymore
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you’re not a west london thug and you’re not built like mister romelu lukaku, kai please for the love of god when people test you stay classy
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(^lukaku, also plays at chelly like kai, he’s five times as broad compared to our asparagus)
same thing when germany plays: the whole nation watches with horror as kai bodychecks another midfielder and then proceeds to axe some defenders he hates
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he’s too skinny for it anyway but my man is officially disqualified from being a himbo he’s a rude one, but i think he’s targeting biphobes so i’m okay with it as long as he doesn’t collect red cards
i mean maybe he could need a little help from a friend. i think a lot of people are jealous of his vibes and prompt him, there’s a lotta ppl who wanna break these legs it seems
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he’s had a player spit on him on the pitch in 2019, like wtf, so it’s understandable why he wants to send some don’t fuck with me signals, the referee is very busy with the guys around him i hate it here
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dudes straight up wanna fight kai for existing. this madrid boomer nacho fernandez was wilding out on him at the champion’s league semifinal this year to the point where one of the chelsea veteran defenders had to free kai from his misery down there
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mister césar azpilicueta you hereby receive the kai protection award from yours truly 
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and @ nacho stop bullying the prince of germany and discriminating against bottoms
kai’s noodly looks and legs are not his fault. touch him again and 80 million germans lead by julian brandt are ready to break your nacho nuts i’m maD
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we’re about to end nacho’s career faster than kepa kitty can kill a penalty
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i am reassured to know that timo werner is also playing at the chels, he’s a bitchy german striker with the good hair and a confusing smile so kai has someone similar to talk to, lmao these two 
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….although maybe some TLC would also be very nice for kai he’s just a very tall dog owner who’s very touch- and donkey-deprived, he’s kinda exhausting himself on the pitch without his cuddle battery being loaded
he’s great to watch regardless, the made in lermany (leverkusen + germany)  quality is undeniable, he’s so glam he’s got mentality he is the moment, look at my spaghetti spouse
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his style is leggy it’s convoluted and relies on bending over way too damn much = all in all every reason for tops around the world to switch on the latest german national team circus performance
or another dramatic chelly game at stamford bridge or wherever else they’re implementing tuchel’s tormentation tactics
watching kai is like he’s playing effortless piano with his feet
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i can understand why he is so damn expensive
the lovely legs cannot be fathomed by someone who never saw kai wind and little spoon himself through a wall of defense… chef’s kiss
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so that’s it on kai havats, hope you enjoyed the wild ride, hope you support my gen z husband or at least liked the leg pics
and chellies: we gang up on nacho and the guy who spit on kai next friday at 5 pm behind stan-ford bwidge, tuchi just rage texted me he’s joining with his shoe
we’re waiting for u nacho <3
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🌸 in the meantime 🌸
i wish kai a very champion of europe and i hope all your donkey farm dreams come true, thank you for blessing us with your saintishly sinful handsomeness, our curly prince beloved, our 2-in-1 men’s shampoo, the only cheek gills gemini we can accept, i love you twinkus maximus you’re one of a kind 🐟💙
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domxmarvel · 3 years
New york
2 year masterlist
Day: 15 Spider-Man au Luka x Male!Reader
A/N:Based on the Miraculous new york special
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“All you have to do is stay with them and keep them safe”Olympia Hill aka Majestia instructed you,along with Aeon and Jessica. You were to follow the Parisians and keep them safe from techno pirate,since he somehow escaped. Everyone was in the lobby of the hotel chatting with each other,you attempted to walk around them when you bumped into someone. 
“I’m so sorry,are you okay?”
“I’m fi-''You looked up,seeing a boy who seemed to be about your age. His hair was balck with blue tips matching his eyes. He seemed to have a punk aesthetic going on,but he was incredibly good looking. You hadn’t realized you were staring until he blinked a few times. “I’m fine”You laughed it off. “I’m Y/N”You reached your hand out.
“Luka”Even his name was beautiful,you didn’t know if you believed in love at first sight but this definitely felt like it. Surprisingly their teacher gave them the rest of the day off,to see the city and have some fun.
“Can I show you around?”She smiled at you,and it was one of the most beautiful smiles you had ever seen.
“Sure,just show me your favorite places” Only a few others went out to see the city,most of them stayed at the hotel. Aeon stayed while Jess followed the ones that left. Luka was probably the sweetest person you had ever met,everything about him was perfect. Although you could feel some sadness from him but you didn’t ask. You showed him around to some of your favorite places. You were sitting down talking,when you noticed you had been out for a couple of hours.
“Are you hungry?”
“A little bit”
“I know a great pizza place around here,that is if you like pizza” He laughed.
“I do and i’ve heard that New york has the best pizza”
“Well that’s true,come on”
The next day the class took a field trip to the museum,with you,Jess and Aeon following them of course. You noticed Jess and Aeon talking with two other students. As you followed the student you noticed that Luka seemed to linger in the room with where the saber was displayed,you joined him. 
“I didn’t know you like history”
“It’s really interesting and this isn’t usually on display. But personally I prefer music,I don’t know if you could tell”He laughed making you laugh along with him.
“I’d love to hear some,that is if it’s okay?”
“I’ll play you some when we get back”He had moved closer to you,for some reason you both stood there looking at each other for a while. “Uh we should get back to get grupp”You noticed that he was blushing slightly. You were about to walk out when your spidey sense kicked in,there was something above you. Immediately you pushed Luka down,seconds before something burst through the roof.Sending rubble flying everywhere,some pieces hitting your back,making you groan. “Y/N”
“I’m fine”You held him tighter,making sure he wouldn’t get hurt. When he got distracted fighting Jess and Aeon,it gave you an opportunity to get Luka out.You pressed the button on your bracelet,changing into your superhero persona ‘Spider-Man’.You pulled him closer to you,using your web to get out through the hole in the roof. When you got him out,he let go of you but his hand brushed against your back,making you groan again.
“Y/N”He whispered your name. “Are sure you’re alright?”
“I’ll be fine”Sending a message to Olympia,you moved to get back in,but Luka stopped you.
“I’m not letting you go back in there,you can’t fight like this.I barely brushed against you and it hurt,you’re just gonna get even more hurt” Before you could say anything you saw Majestia fly past you,seconds later Knightowl landed next to you.
“Are you hurt?”
“Yes,but he was only protecting me,”Luka explained before you could.
“You should head back to the hotel,we’ll take care of this” Luka nodded,taking your arm and putting it around him.
“You should lay down,I'll see if I can find you some ice or something” Luka took you back as the rest of them stayed to fight. You had already changed back and took your shirt off,revealing your back. Hearing Luka’s reaction made you somewhat happy that you couldn’t see what it looked like. His touch was like a feather,his fingers were so soft on your back. You felt him move closer,turning your head,you were face to face with him. “Thank you” He leaned in, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
Thankfully everyone was safe and got back to the hotel. The others had already planned a party on the rooftop,and were getting everything ready. Ever since you got back,Luka hadn’t left your side. Even when your powers kicked in and most of your wounds were already healed by the time the sun set. 
“So you wanna go check out whatever’s happening on the rooftop?”
“Only if you’re feeling better” 
“You worry to much,don’t forget about my powers”
“Alright then let’s go” You were sitting down next to Luka,leaning your head on his shoulder. He put his arm around you,pulling you closer.
“I was thinking maybe later we could swing around the city”
“Isn’t that a bit scary?”
“Not really,it’s actually really fun you’ll see later” You leaned closer to him,and suddenly he kissed you. You kissed him back,putting your hand on his cheek. “Maybe next time we could do what everyone calls ‘Spider-man kiss’”You suggested,laughing.
“What does that mean?”
“It involves one of us,probably going to be me hanging upside down and you kissing me. It’s just an upside down kiss” He laughed
“I wanna try that”You laughed with him. “But only when you’re all healed up”
“Well I already am”You stood up “You ready to swing around” You pressed the button on your bracelet transforming again. You pulled him closer to you,he wrapped his arms around you holding onto you tightly “Ready?”
“Ready” You swung around the city,going from building to building stopping when you were back at the hotel. “That was really cool,a bit scary but fun” Using your web you moved to hang upside down. He knew what you wanted and moved closer,putting his hands on your cheeks pulling you closer to him. You moved your hand to his hair,as you kissed him again.
“We should head back,Spidey”
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Everytime I think k about season 5, I get worried the writers are gonna force Luka to dislike Marinette or to make him be mad at her or something (I doubt it will happen but thats how my brain is) and I swear if that happens I am gonna have a field day of anger. Leave the two Love Beans alone! Let them be happy!
The fact that we haven't breached the fact Luka knows Marinettes identity fills me with dread. If it ends up being brought up in s5, I'm afraid it'll be used to "prove" they were never meant to be together and the only person she should ever rely on is Adrikins 🤢.
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notasiren21 · 3 years
26 for Lukanette WIPs please. :)
26. Party Crasher!Luka
Party Crasher
-Lukanette oneshot
“You mean to tell me Agreste ditched you? After all that pleading to let him take you to the party for your successful launch line for next season, he’s ditched you?”
“Kagami, don’t kill him.”
“Fine, remind me why I can’t though? This is such an ass move of his if he’s trying to prove he’s the one for you.”
“Because,” Marinette grits out, faking a toothy smile to a work couple that waves from passing, “I want to castrate and kill him myself.”
Kagami laughs roughly in surprise, “Why the castration?”
“So I can fit his small ass into the tightest pair of skinny jeans we have for our tall teenage girls.” The not so stoic girl sips on her wine, pleased with her friend’s rage. “I told him I haven’t been interested since we were 14, but him thinking I’ll forgive him if I even had a silver of interest in dating him? Fuck him.”
“Or,” Kagami drawls, long nails tapping the stem of her glass as she leans to peer over her friend’s shoulder, “You could fuck him instead?”
Mari gasps in offense, “I am NOT trying for a one night stand, no matter what you guys say.”
“No, you little mouse,” she admonishes, fully heartedly agreeing with the sentiment, “I just mean your big and handsome protective snake is here to save the day.”
Marinette’s mind took a second longer to click the pieces together, trying to make sense of Kagami’s nicknames for her friend group, before her heart thudded and she slowly turned.
There, passing by the models who had walked in Marinette’s designs and batted their false lashes at the rockstar, was Luka Couffaine.
Dressed to the nines in a very punk like and sophisticated way that revealed he very much wanted to impress her and did in fact listen to her fashion advice. Black skinny jeans only he could pull off, high top converse and a white button up with a black vest to overlay it. The cheeky and handsome bastard forgoing the tie to leave one too many buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up to reveal his tattoos.
Oh, on the life of his cat Sass was she proud of him.
And maybe drooling just a little?
He approached her, a sly smile working its way to his lips as he eyed her up and down, eyes shining bright at her black low cocktail that she paired with navy blue heels.
So maybe she sometimes used Luka as a whole for inspiration.
He raised a hand, finger wrapping around a loose curled tendril out of an elegantly messy low bun, “I thought it was the models you were supposed to make the stars of the show.”
“Had I known you were gonna show up, I would’ve worn one of my bests here.”
His hand froze, “This isn’t your best? You tease,” he broke out in a grin. His hand moved further, thumbing at the collection of piercings in her ear he accompanied her with to get years ago. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful.”
“Well, I’m suddenly glad I can only acknowledge this as awkward and not feel it.” Kagami noted into her class. Her phone buzzed, electing a sigh from her as she began turning. “Have fun, my mother decided to remind me why this wine was a good idea to have before she came.”
She watched her friend walk away, her other -her best friend and other half, remained taking her in and stroking the soft spot under her ear he once claimed with a mark-
The one time they admitted their crushes and strong attraction towards the other the night before he left for tour years ago.
It was the only time Luka had indulged himself in his wants and desires, the only time he had asked to and still provided her with an out. And now he still remains far off in her memories, even as he stands in front of her with that look on his face years later.
“How did you,” she swallows when his soft gaze flicks back up to her eyes with his full attention. “How did you get in? It’s a ticket only event.”
He shrugged, turning to offer her an arm and walk around. “I may or may not have seen Adrien’s post about his mom and dad going to a gala event and him going to see his cousin there. Seems like that took precedence I guess.”
Marinette huffed low, “Félix has been in town for three weeks. Adrien and I had lunch with him the other day.”
Luka stilled as a busboy stopped in front of them, offering them glasses of champagne. Luka’s nose twitched, then his lip as he turned away with a polite smile. Marinette shook her head in turn as well.
“You know you don’t have to pass just because of me, right?”
“Hey, we do this ‘young 20 some year olds unable to drink alcohol’ in solidarity together.” He cracked a smile at that, “Soda is my alcohol.”
“Alright, you can be an honorary member of the alcohol intolerance club.” Luka laughed when she hummed gleefully. “Dork.”
“So, back on topic, Adrien just really had no excuse then?”
“Ha, no, even his dad stopped by an hour ago to congratulate me and get press photos done to promote the line. All his son did for me was send a text with a sad face attached to his cancellation.”
“... I can kick his ass, you know?”
“I know, I’m just saving for a rainy day.” She laughed, stepping closer to his side and wrapping both arms around his. “So, the ticket, you party crasher.”
“Right, yeah, I may or may not have called your assistant earlier today to swipe it. I took a guess that she held onto it for safe keeping so-,”
“She’s new, I’m not surprised she just gave it up that easily.” She let Luka guide her into a dance. One hand with painted black holding hers to his chest, the other gently tugging to hold his shoulder before he held her waist.
“Oh, that, that explains a lot now.”
He flinched, a nervous glint flashing across his features. “I may or may not have lied about who exactly I was since she didn’t know my name-,”
“Doesn’t listen to your music, already told her the sin she was committing.”
“And who I was to you, specifically-,”
Marinette tilted her head back in a laugh, Luka’s arm tightening to brace her weight, “You said you were my husband, didn’t you?”
He flushes at a memory of once getting a creep off her back a year ago by claiming that very title to her.
“Erm, no, I said I was your boyfriend and may have sold it by saying some pet name and swooning over you just a little,” he watched her eyes go wide then soft, a smile twitching to show. He stepped closer, almost pulling her flush to him, “But if that’s what you want, I can go out and get some marriage certificate?”
She flushed, lips parting and a rush of air passing them.
“Maybe call Jagged up and fly us to Vegas? I mean, we’re both looking good right now, you more so.” Her face went a shade or two deeper. She jumped in surprise when he let go of her hand to play with a tendril again on the right side, tilting her face to press a kiss to her left cheek. “God, you’re such a pretty little thing.”
She squeaked.
“What, what was the pet name?”
“Hm?” He lazily met her gaze, a dream like haze filter over them as he moved her body to sway with his. “Oh, that.”
“What was it?”
Baby, babygirl, beautiful, gorgeous- he may have said more than one.
He gave a slow and wicked grin, twirling her out and back into his chest in a swift and stunning movement as he nudged his nose to hers.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He teased, smile spreading wider and radiant as she forgot to breathe for a second.
What. A fucking. Tease.
The need for him to make good on his words and looks hit through her hard and reminded her of their one night together that they both never forgotten. And how much she wished that was every night, as long as it ended up with them curled right around each other and love and happiness coaxing them to sleep instead of stress and loneliness.
He watched her steel her gaze, her jaw tightened. He swallowed when her height, now of five feet thanks to heels, straightened and forced him to pull up. A violent shiver rocked through him when both hands held along the back of his neck, one slipping under the collar of his shirt to scratch along the nape.
“Marinette-,” he choked.
“I’m only asking so I can show my reciprocation.” She leaned closer, kicking her shoes off into some corner and standing on his converse that every elder of theirs had eyed in question during the night. He supported her actions fully, of course. Still stepping them around in dance within a fluid motion. “Not gonna tell me, hun?”
He coughed, loudly and looked away from her to catch his breath. Watching adults cheat on spouses everywhere or everyone else minding their own business to stare at models or the shrimp on the tables.
He almost tripped when she wined in protest, her hand gripping his chin lightly and turning it to face her. His eyes were flickering between admiration, lust and love, growing three shades of deeper blue than was possible.
“C’mon, baby, tell me.”
“Baby?” He stammered out in surprise. Teenage Luka was having a fucking field day with this. “Marinette, I was only joking earlier and-,”
“Were you really though?”
“No,” his response was fast and instant, a wince playing at the corner of his eyes and his button nose scrunching in loss of control.
“Hey handsome,” he preened under the nickname passing her lips, even if close to millions called him the same thing, it paid more effect when it was Marinette calling him it. “Tell me why you came tonight.”
His neck was aching from staring down to meet her eyes now that the heels were gone but he let himself down lower to press his forehead to hers. “Because you deserve better than what he gives you.”
The girl stilled, expecting an awkward or a flirtatious remark. “What?”
The rockstar looked away sheepishly, a little ashamed. “I know you’re considering getting with him, but when I heard he was canceling on you I let my jealousy win out and I just wanted to be there for you.” He bit his lip when he felt her tugging his face back in her direction, choosing to resist the pressure. “You have to believe me when I say I came with no ulterior motives other than protecting you from going stag to your own party tonight.”
“You, you came to protect me?”
He shrugged, another small shiver racking through him when her hands moved along and glided across his neck. “And make sure you had a good night. I even asked your mom what you were wearing tonight just so I could make sure my outfit complimented yours to cheer you up.”
She was silent for a minute or so, and he waited, patiently as ever and guiding her to rest her head against his chest as he swayed them.
Luka, doing all the work. Luka, taking matters into his own hands when someone fails her. Luka, going the extra mile to make sure she has a happy memory.
Fuck giving second chances to other people. Luka is the only one to have shown her he’s the most earning of the concept and notion.
She pulls away, feeling the slight reluctance in his arms on her waist before they drop to his side, “Grab my heels.”
He raises a black brow but complies, turning to find them and hooking his fingers in the backs. He eyes them, used to seeing her shoes laying around the Liberty when she comes over or even at her own place, but he always has to remark that, “You have small feet.”
“You’ve also called them cute,” she huffs, tugging on his hand and pulling him near the entrance.
He follows, like they always do for one another. “Because they are- where are we going?” He stops them as they round an empty corridor, away from the hotel’s event room where the party is still very much happening. The heel of his palm grips tight to archway, pressing against it, the small shoes still dangling in his hold.
“Home, your place or mine. Actually, mine’s closer.”
He laughs brightly, “You can’t ditch your own party for another movie night, Mari.”
The petite girl turns to him, a fierce expression in his eyes that makes him swallow harshly. “No, but I can ditch to celebrate in getting what I really want. For finally getting what I want.”
“The Chinese takeout place is closed this time of ni-,”
“What?” Luka wheezes, he blinks stupidly at her. Prettily and stupidly. He straightens, freehand tugging at his collar a little like he needs room to breathe. “Come again?”
“I’m going home. I’m taking you with me. And we’re gonna celebrate that I finally got off my ass and got what I wanted.”
He hums, nervously and a bounce starting in his hand, a shake in one hand, his dark brows furrow, “And you want?”
“You- you want,” he sucks in a sharp breath, pain flashing across his features as he clears his throat. “You want me?”
Her eyes soften, a smile showing as she steps closer to him and takes his face into her hands, pulling him down to be eye level with her as he braces his weight on the wall next to them with a hand.
“Yes,” he looks awestruck as she giggles. “I want you... can you let me keep you?”
He laughs nervously, “I’ll fucking sell myself to you if that’s what you really want, fuck.”
She’s smiling, leaning up on tiptoes to alleviate the strain in his neck and pressing a kiss to his lips, muffling the undignified noise of surprise that escapes him. She lets him get used to her for a second, kissing him slowly and purposely as starts to eventually overcome the shock and kiss her back in reverence.
He pulls away suddenly, a guilted expression on his face.
“Wait, wait. What about Adrien?”
“What about him?”
Luka fidgets, a quick glimpse of insecurities and jealousy showing to her before he regains a semblance of control after having his walls knocked down. “He’s been trying to go out with you, win you affections.”
He only knows of the situation, but never presses her to talk about it. It’s natural for it to come up in conversation everyday when he asks her about work knowing the stress of being twenty-two in a high end fashion company could be a bit more than overwhelming. He wanted to be a safe place to her since the beginning.
“There’s nothing about him. I’ve shut him down an handful of times and now it’s just a matter of letting him indulge himself in what he thinks are romantic gestures when me saying no doesn’t cut it. There’s nothing going on between him and I, just his belief that my crush from years ago accounts for something today.”
Luka still looks wary and isn’t touching her, most likely his conscious trying to be the better person between him and Adrien by not going out with the girl his friend is pining after.
Even if said girl is Luka’s legitimate best friend and the very same girl he’s been in love with since he was a kid.
Marinette feels like it’s a dirty tactic as she gets closer to him, trying to gauge where it’s jealousy and where it’s insecurity in regards to Adrien.
She presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Luka’s head turns minutely at the attention, tilting less than a centimeter to catch her lips before he catches himself. He struggles when her next kiss falls to his lips and is soft and slow, how he always wants to kiss her.
“Remember our first kiss?” She whispers, wounding arms around his waist and pressing close to him.
He matches her volume, an adoring look winning for a split second, “Of course I remember.”
“Remember our first date?”
“At the ice cream parlor, you wore a pink skirt that kept twirling when you did.” She feels his resolve break a little, his own right to be selfish with her slipping out a little.
His arms slip around her, and he presses a gentle kiss to her temple. “Remember our goodbye at the airport?” His arms tightening around her speak more volumes than his strained, “Yes,” does.
She’s just a little closer to convincing him to stop being so sacrificial with his own wants or needs. She just has to push more.
“Remember waking up in one another’s arms that morning?”
He’s silent for a few seconds, thinking of what he can say in response to that. Wondering how honest to be, “... every day, I think of that morning every day.”
She still hears the clipped apprehension in his voice. That tone she knows so well that’s gonna lead into him giving her advice to rethink this whole decision and talk to him when she’s absolutely sure. How she shouldn’t think on impulse and lunge at what she wants unless she knows she does wanna keep with it.
But, he has to know she always thinks back on moments with him and that she longs to have jumped on impulse if it meant being with him.
Every time he’s showed up with takeout at her place. When he smiles so freely at her. When he bandages her cuts and blisters from working all night long.
When he showed up tonight looking like he had been her dare to begin with. How her heart felt when he admitted to lying to her secretary. The way he looked carrying her high heels that were much too small for his hands but he didn’t care because she asked him to.
How he crashed her own party to make sure she’d have fun tonight.
She’s sure she wants this, him.
All those nicknames they could call each other. All the benefits of dating the other and having a date to everything the other needs to attend. Having her best friend be her boyfriend meaning there’s no holding back from anything.
She’ll cringe about it in the morning, but it’s gotta work to break his long instilled fear of being a bad friend or person. Of being unselfish.
“Do you still remember that night?”
She’s sure he’s stopped breaking by the way his entire body seems to shut down, but then it reboots and he’s shaking against her and can’t seem to breathe correctly, his eyes avoiding hers as he swallows again and looking like he’s willing to risk going into an allergic reaction for the sake of one drink.
“That- that’s not something you forget, Marinette.” His hands are twitching on her waist, grip tightening just a little and a vein is jumping in his arm to do something to prove he remembers alright.
One more push, “Do you still remember how I tasted that night?”
He seizes her waist, lunging to kiss her desperately like he did that night and when he left, a growl passing his lips onto hers. He’s cupping the back of her neck, fingers threading through her hair, breathing her in and shaking against her as his resolves breaks completely and the selfish side comes out. The one that’s nowhere near as selfish as the average person, but enough to take in the matter of his own needs and wants. He pulls back, letting her watch his eyes darken, the pupils expanding until the blues are next to near mere ridges of color. He’s watching hers do the same before he nudges her nose and kisses her slowly, more loving and affectionate. His control slipping back into place and resulting in the Luka she so loves regaining the handles of his own mind.
He’s careful in the way he tugs her lip with his teeth, how he coaxes her to let him kiss her fully before pull back and panting against her lips.
“Yes, I remember,” his voice is rough and he has to glance away from her and straighten. She watches him take a few meditative breaths before he looks back at her.
“Does that really help?” She gestures to his chest and mouth, “the breathing?”
He laughs hollowly, “No, not really, but it bought me time to create some distance in this,” he glances around, “Not your apartment place.”
She laughs at the suddenly horrified look that crosses his face, the image of them making out and the threat of almost being caught in public instantly dawning on him. He glares playfully at her.
“You did that all on purpose.”
“Had to, you were just about to give me up for the sake of being a good friend to me and Adrien.” She pauses, a wicked idea forming to prove her point, “Unless, you want Adrien to know what that all is like?”
A dark look crosses Luka’s face; unrestrained bouts of suppressed jealousy, possessiveness and territoriality. “No,” he growls out, eyes squeezing shut and having to clear his throat. “I’d rather not let him know any of that personally.”
“Not even how I taste?”
“Marinette,” he warned, the growl resurfacing. She cooed, wrapping him up in a hug and pressing a kiss to his jaw as an apology. He whined, “It’s not funny when you do that.”
“No, but everything you feel is alright to feel. Don’t hold back for the sake of not being selfish. You can be selfish with me, you’re a reasonable guy and know boundaries.” She sighed, nuzzling further into his warm embrace. “I don’t like Adrien the way he wants me to, and lately, it’s hard to even be his friend. He needs to move on from me. Hell, I’m better friends with Félix now than him.”
“Just hope they don’t switch up on you again.”
She huffed in amusement. “God no, I’d kill them.”
“It’s adorable how how your less than five feet body resorts to violence and death threats.”
“Mm, except you, I’m quite fond of you.” She looks up at him, chin pressed to his chest and smiling when he looks at her softly and presses a kiss to her nose. “This, us, is not an impulse. Just a restrained want I’ve had for awhile.”
“Okay, I understand now.”
She grins cheekily at him, “Or need, if that makes you all possessive hot yet secretly adorable rockstar boyfriend mode again.”
“Boyfriend?” He smiled slowly, radiant as always and heart stopping. “If teenage me could hear you, he’d probably shut down from being overwhelmed.”
“Nineteen year old you certainly didn’t that night,” she mumbles, grinning at the loud bark of laughter that surprises the both of them when Luka throws his head back.
“Yeah, thanks for reminding me what age I lost it at, totally rockstar of me, right?” The blush that’s coating his neck and ears is adorable, a shy smile quirking at her briefly.
“I think it’s sweet, cute even.”
“Yeah, because you’re the one I lost it to.” He deadpanned without conviction. “But, I guess I’ll take being sweet and cute.”
“It’s okay though, I mean, I did the cliché of losing my virginity to someone I was in love with.” Luka does in fact shut down in her embrace hearing that. Hands jittering against her and fingers tapping like he’s trying to speak through notes against her skin.
He takes another minute, before pressing a kiss to her hair. “If this is you confessing your love to me -and believe me, it’s killing me to stop you right now, I’d rather you do it in regards to another topic and not the fact that we were one another’s first time.” He avoids the dangerous smirk aimed his way, or the sharp angle of her cocked, black brow above breathtaking blues. “C’mon, let’s go dance some more and celebrate your success before we leave, maybe find your assistant to introduce me as your boyfriend to.”
She pours at him when he tugs on her hand in the direction of the party. “But-,”
He breathed out shakily, a waning patient look in his eyes and a false smirk aimed at her. “Can I sleep over tonight?”
“Do you want to?”
“Yes,” he breathed. “I’m very close to just following you home at this point, trust me. I don’t care how the night ends, just as long as it’s you and me tonight.”
She’s letting him make them dance again, feeling as the nerves leave his body as he gets them to fall in step with the tempo. He doesn’t care that he has to bend a little ways down to rest his cheek on her hair, not when she’s letting him pull her up against his chest when she typically only reaches the bottom of his rib cage.
They work well together, they fit perfectly together because they’re more than used to the instinctive adapting to one another.
Her hands cup his cheeks, kissing him carefully without reservation and the anxiety, “It was only an impulse at times because I love you and have for awhile.”
Luka deepens the kiss just a little, thankful she’s the type of girlfriend to let him indulge in her as he smiles, “I get it, I’ve had my share of impulsive thoughts for as long as I’ve been in love with you since we were young. I love you, Mari.”
“Enough to crash a party for me, apparently,” she whispered, a little moved by the thought that they were finally together. He thumbed her tears away.
“Enough to kill Adrien or Félix if you ask me to,” he replied in a loving tone, soothing her gasps for air when she broke apart in giggles against his chest in reaction.
He didn’t leave after that night. And he went to every party as her date too.
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awesomeanimelover39 · 3 years
So um... I saw that your requests are open so I was wondering if you could do an ikerev headcanon where the Alice is really good with weapons (guns, swords, knives, ect.). You can choose the side or even do both. Hopefully it's not a bother to ask and if it is feel free to skip. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ☆
sHi! I’m so glad you sent this in! It’s never a bother, you have no idea how excited I get when I see requests. For now I’ll just do the red army, but I will try to get to the black army asap. :)
Requested by @elyse4765
Black Army Reactions to S/O who is a master with weaponry 
Ray Blackwell:
When you had asked to do training with the other soldiers, he had laughed and asked you why
He warned you that you that it might be hard for you to keep up
You had just smirked and patted him on the back saying it’ll be fine
You seemed to be alright with the training and hard work, but he was still keeping a protective eye on you
But as soon as they were using swords for training, your eyes lit up
Ray almost stopped you when you went to reach for it but it was too late
The first solider you challenged, was too afraid of facing his Kings S/O. I mean what if he hurt you?!
You assured him it would be fine, and they got into stance
This battle lasted less than ten seconds and you had won
This soldier, along with Ray were so confused
They had nothing to say they just stood there like 😶
But then Ray was cheering for you
He couldn’t believe this
Every man you challenged was beat by you
Sometimes Ray asks you to spar with him because you are both really good and it helps you guys improve
Sirius Oswald:
You had just been out in Central Quarter for a walk, when some men with swords showed up
You could tell they weren’t from any army and were starting to feel uneasy 
Sirius, who had been nearby, heard from a soldier that they were raiding stores, and injuring people
He came quickly with Luka to help and saw you
Now, he was scareō
But you weren’t
You saw a long stick of wood leaning against a doorframe 
You picked it up and remembered some martial arts classes you used to take
You used this stick as a Bō, and twirled it around for them to see 🥋
At first these men shrugged it off, but soon you had flipped through the air and they knew that they were in trouble
Sirius dashed to your side (an: Sirius, buddy, they don’t actually need your help... MCs got this)
He is so confused, how are you beating these guys with a STICK?!
After taking those men to Ray, (because you guys won obviously) Sirius started asking you questions
What is that called? Where did you learn it? How long have you been doing it? Is it dangerous 😅?
He is so proud to call you his it’s unbelievable 
Luka Clemence:
He already knew you liked to throw knives, he just didn’t know how much
When Seth had found out he had been way too happy 
Luka never got the chance to see you practice, but you had convinced him to come today
He watched every single one of your movements
He is already impressed at how precise each move is and you haven’t even thrown it yet
But once you had he was shook
His face is priceless. He looks so lost in the world like 😯
He wishes he could’ve seen this sooner
He watches all the time
He’s even forgotten to make dinner before he gets so distracted
Jonah had told him that you weren’t good enough
Luka KNOWS he’s wrong. He always had
But now, he couldn’t wait for a battle this time, because he was gonna show his brother just how great you are
He doesn’t show all that much excitement on his face, but he doesn’t have to
You can see the pure joy in his eyes every time you look back at him with that triumphant smile
Seth Hyde:
You had always enjoyed the spot of jousting 
You really weren’t sure why though
But when Seth had asked you what kind of sports you had ever tried, you HAD to tell him... and show him
And show him you did
You had found s jousting tournament going on and signed up
Seth almost passed out when he saw you in armour
Once he knows what you are doing, he is as pale as a sheet
“But Alice!! I don’t want you to get hurt!!”
Oh don’t worry Seth, she won’t 
You told him over and over that you’ll be fine
As soon as the crowd saw you, they thought this was a joke
But after one round, you opponent had landed flat on his back and you hadn’t even been hit 😇
You had won his horse, and the match. But you also won Seth’s surprise and joy
Once you dismount he is kissing all over you face and hugging you so tight you can barely breath
He is amazed at how good you were and asks you to tell him all about jousting
It was one of the most terrifying moments in all his life, but it was also the greatest
It’s been an emotional rollercoaster for him 😌
Fenrir Godspeed:
Since the day you had met him, you saw how much Fenrir loved his guns and pistols
You had been saving one secret from him all along
You had been trained to use rifles
It had been by your father, who was in the war
He showed you how to use one so you could protect yourself
So you had gone every Saturday to a shooting range to practice shooting
it wasn’t the same as being in battle, but it was as good as it was gonna get
You just wanted some practice so you went far out into the field and set up very small targets
You took the rifle your father had given you (you had hidden it all this time)
And started to practice
What you didn’t know, was the Fenrir had been walking ShuShu and had come to watch 😁
He was so shocked
He secretly asked Oliver to make you a special rifle that was like his guns: wouldn’t kill people
He gave it to you as a present and said he had been watching you practice
You two together make an amazing team
You are probably the most feared even though you aren’t killing people
Once Fenrir finds out how you had a gun, he asks about your father
He thought he couldn’t love you anymore than he did, but it just doubled 😍
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warsamongthestars · 3 years
Tumblr media
Original Character profile time!
This is Brexpy, the (fanon) 5th Member of the Bad Batch.
His enhancements are Speed, Flexibility and Reflexes; along side a time perception shift and thought process focus (mix Bullet Speed Slow Mo with Sherlock Holmes’ Thought scan from 2009; and that’s it). Weaknesses include: - Nerve Spasms. Occasionally exhaustion takes him, but the adrenaline leaves him a shaking mess. Luckily these events are rare in adulthood, but were problems in his childhood. - Insomnia. The constant needs of movement interferes with his sleep. He has to start taking pills for it. - High Metabolism. Can’t keep up with speeds like that without having to down some major carbs. Doesn’t ever get bigger no matter how much he scarfs. - Low Fortitude. Unlike the rest of the TBB, Brexpy can’t tank hits or hold ground for any length of time. If he can’t think on his feet or react quickly, he goes down fast. - Weak Blood Vessels. Sometimes, the physical pushes he does when performing will burst the weakest blood vessels. He often may remove his helmet with a nose and face running with blood. Sometimes that even includes the eyes. He has a reputation for looking demented on long, stressful missions.
His role in the Bad Batch is Stealth Expert, and Backup Scout. He climbs, he gets into places, he does what he needs to, and he fucks off. This makes him work well with splicing expert Tech, or to cover / be covered by the Sniper Crosshair. He’s more often paired with Crosshair, as Crosshair’s sight can keep up with Brexpy in both motion and distance. Crosshair is often the One-Shot needed to get Brexpy out of a bad situation, and Brexpy can reach the high places Crosshair has to help out if overrun. - TRIVIA: They like being snippy with each other (Crosshair says something bastardly, and Brexpy fires something right back; Crosshair is perceptive, but Brexpy is quick).
He’s backup Scout, as Hunter’s senses regarding electromagnetic radiation and Magnetoreception makes it difficult to navigate urban environments. Brexpy can run and parkour like a sunnuvabitch, making him ideal in on City Worlds and Ships.
Brexpy is the Shortest, at 5′8 feet or 1.73 meters, marking him as possibly the shortest full grown clone (All other Clones are 6 foot / 1.83 meters; even Hunter is 5′11 / 1.83). - TRIVIA: For a while, he feared that his chosen name was going to be “Short Ass”. Luckily, this did not become the case. - TRIVIA: Wrecker has made it a game to get Brexpy in a hug. Brexpy dodges and jumps about, but its often within Wrecker’s space as to make the game “fair”. Occasionally, Wrecker wins, with much loud rejoicing. This mostly came out Brexpy being so Small in comparison to Wrecker. - TRIVIA: Crosshair pulls no punches in making fun of Brexpy’s height. But if any Regs tried, they’d get decked.
His name is actually shortened. His full name is “Break Speed”, but that’s a mouthful. He got it because, in his youth, he had a hard time stopping himself when running, and ended up going body first into walls on several occasions.
His Equipment is primarily a small proto-Bryar Pistol, with illegal overload modification (Like a pre K-16... You know the one, Dark Forces fans), and a Vibroblade. While he is trained in blasters and rifles, his stealth and speed require agile precision or ending conflicts quickly. - TRIVIA: Think of splitting Sev from Republic Commandos into two people; the Sniper side goes to Crosshair, and the melee to Brexpy. - TRIVIA: ... Does this make Brexpy Scorch? Is he gonna be voiced by Carth Onasi?
As a character for TBB, Brexpy fulfills a mix of the Funny Guy with Lancer. In spite of being very active in action with a constant desire to move or dive into whatever curiosity of the day he’s found, Brexpy has seemingly lazily smug attitude.
He’s Rash and Quick to Temper when compared to Hunter and Crosshair’s cool and quiet natures. Both he and Crosshair are Snippy, but where Crosshair Jabs, Brexpy jokes. Though that doesn’t mean that Brexpy won’t snap something at the wrong time, he’s just a lot quicker to feel bad about it.
He’s Moderate intelligence to Tech’s Genius, but often requires Tech to either get to the point or slow down-- Brexpy’s Job can’t take fields of text and still be successful, he doesn’t have time for an entire paragraph.
Brexpy and Wrecker are easily excitable, though to compare, Brexpy is a lot more coolheaded than Wrecker is. Still, they’re prone to competition. You can occasionally catch Brexpy rambling about something to Wrecker.
Between Brexpy and Echo, there’s a lot of arguments. Echo is soldierly, but thoughtful, in comparison to Brexpy’s quick and often automatic reactions. Echo is more a people person, where Brexpy tends to be suspicious around folks he doesn’t know. Echo will follow Regulations and Orders, while Brexpy tends to filter Orders with careful “deafness” and general Common Sense. In Escort Missions, Brexpy often has to act as Echo’s second Hand (While Crosshair is the Eye in the Sky).
Unlike Hunter, Brexpy quickly loses focus or is hyperfocused. He can’t sit still to do paperwork to save his life, tends to nod off in long briefs or during Tech’s lectures. But if he’s on mission, you can nearly expect him to be awake for Days.
As the Stealth Expert, he can be surprisingly Patient and Perceptive, and can even sit still long enough to make insightful observations. He’s made a habit of breaking into places, even if those places are his own bases of operation (He believes that you should always know how to break into your own spaces). - TRIVIA: He was prone to sneaking off and around Kamino, and was infamous for being frustratingly difficult to catch when caught.
As the Primary Melee Weapon User, he’s trained in both the Vibroblade and hand-to-hand combat. He acts and reacts according to his target’s weaknesses, and fights dirty. If he can’t cut you down, he’ll put you down.
Under the Chip, His Stealth expert goes straight into Assassin Territory. He moves fast, jumps fast, reacts fast, and goes in with a Vibroblade. This is a soldier meant to face Jedi face-to-face, and keep up. He goes for the Weaknesses, and he will not relent.
Narrative wise Brexpy is Dead during the currently show timeline (Dubbed the “Dis Line”). He died thanks to complications after his first growth cycle with his enhancement, so he never made it off Kamino. His heart simply beat too fast for his body to keep up, and he dropped.
The picture shown above, where Brexpy is lighting a cigarette on a trophy lightsaber, is the timeline where only He survives and not the BBs. This is the “Luka Line”, where the Dark Forces Saga takes place, and Brexpy is one of the last surviving Clones. His Jedi, were it an official assignment, would first be Morgan Katarn, then inherited Kyle Katarn after Morgan’s death. Brexpy is that one asshole who breaks into a place before Kyle, and lays ammo and Bacta in convenient places, but never cuts down most of the enemies.
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emu-lumberjack · 4 years
Don’t Answer the Phone Tired pt.1
It's been a long week for Damian and Marinette, between fighting Akuma's as Robin and Ladybug then dealing with Liela all day. Both are thoroughly exhausted so who can blame him for not checking caller ID?
ok so this one does have a planned sequel, but I’m gonna work on the follow up to A Quick Meeting first. Again thank you @ozmav for the inspiration from your Maribat au. I love playing around with it, I also am posting all my stories to my Ao3 account, the unoriginal name of Emu_Lumberjack if you want to read it over there too.
Read part 2 here
Read part 3 here
Read Part 4 here
Read part 5 here
It had been a long week and all Damian wanted to do was go to sleep curled up with his angel of a girlfriend Marinette. They had been dating for months, she had asked him out about a month after he came to Paris. Two days after she found out he was Robin and he found out she was Ladybug. He hadn’t told his family yet, afterall who knows what Grayson would do if he found out he was dating Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The MDC, Jagged stone’s personal designer among many of her other accomplishments. The duo were sitting on the deck outside Marinette's room, they had planned to watch a movie on his phone but fifteen minutes in and she was snoring softly curled up next to Damian with his arm around her shoulder. Her blue-black hair had been freed from it’s twintails, Damian brushed some stray hairs out of her face. It had been a long week for her especially.
They had been working with the Miracle team: Chat Noir, Ryuko, and Viperion because Hawk Moth was creating more akumas than he had before and they were up almost every night. Then for Marinette, Damian, and Adrien dealing with Lila and the class was a waking nightmare. It had been two years since Lila came to Paris, and the hate she seeded against Marinette had only grown. Marinette dealt with online harassment from her former classmates and whenever they saw her at school they would throw paper or pencils at her.
Damian was well aware of how is angel was treated and the only reason he hadn’t pulled the “Wayne” card was because Marinette insisted she could handle it herself, what she did as ladybug made him certain she could handle the asshats herself, it didn’t mean he didn’t want to protect her though. Especially after days like today.
Lila had started a new lie, saying she was best friends with the Waynes and actually was looking to ask out Tim the second youngest, but was scared because they were childhood friends and she didn’t want to ruin the relationship. Damian could not fathom why someone would make up such a blatantly false lie, or why someone would want to date Drake. He was just about to march over there and smack her with enough lawsuits to bury her for over a year, until Marinette put her calloused hand in his and shook her head no.
“Marinette whats wrong?” Lila asked, innocent as a storm cloud.
“Nothings wrong, Lila.” Marinette responded quietly
“Really because it looked like Damian had to hold you back there. Wait, are you jealous of me? Really Marinette I would expect more of you, some of us are just lucky enough to have connections.” Bitch Damian thought. Usually he wasn’t one to call women names, only using them for his mother, but Lila was the exception.
“Lila I could seriously care less about who you do or don’t know. I’m happy with Damian and my sewing work.” Marinette had regained some of her confidence and Damian could see the fire in her eyes, the one usually gone when she was around Lila.
Alya came up behind Lila and loudly proclaimed, “Oh. My. God. Marinette come on! What is it with you and being jealous of Lila first it was with Adrien,” Marinette scoffed, “now with Tim?” Alya was the one who hurt Marinette the most when she joined with Lila, but now Marinette realized just how toxic the faux reporter had been. Dragging her around, not listening when she said no, and refusing to look at the facts.
“Alya I’m not jealous, and I’d like to remind you Adrien and I are like siblings now.” Marinette turned to leave when Alya put a hand on her shoulder stopping her.
“Why are you leaving. We’re not done here.” A sneer crossed the girl's face.
“Alya, please take your hand off of my shoulder. I’m leaving because it’s lunch break and I said I’d meet up with Kagami and Luka.” Her voice was calm and cool, no hint of warmth for the person she once considered a sister.
Alya removed her hand, only to shove it back pushing the Bluenette to the ground. Damian lost it. Within seconds he was in between the two girls and seconds later had Alya pinned to the cold cement.
“If you ever. Ever. touch her again I will bury you.” He said loud enough for her ears only. Fast as he had attacked he got up and went over to Marinette. “Angel are you ok? How can I help.” The fire that was just in his eyes changed to concern.
“I’m fine Damian, let's just go.” Marinette was hiding her eyes from the rest of the crowd, because even though she said she was fine there were still small tears threatening to become a torrential downpour if she wasn’t careful. That's when the akuma alarm began. “Anyway I think we have an akuma to fight.”
The obnoxious Hamster Dance song was what woke Damian up from his dream. Marinette was still asleep next to him, bleary eyed he looked at his phone. Who the hell would be calling at this hour he thought. Swiping right he answered the call with a brisk “What the fuck do you want.”
“Good to hear from you, kid.” Oh. Shit. Damian woke up as if Alfred had dumped ice water on him, because on the other end was Richard Grayson. Grayson who was the biggest gossip of any of his siblings, his siblings who didn’t know about Marinette. “Wait. Hold up. Is that a girl next to you?” Grayson asked, acting innocent but the laughter in his eyes told Damian all he needed to know about what was going inside the eldest Wayne’s head.
“Grayson I do not have a girlfriend.” Damian’s face grew red.
“Bullshit.” A soft voice came out next to him. So Marinette’s not as asleep as she seems.
“Ohhhhhh! I cannot wait to tell Tim, and Jason, and,” he paused, “oh my gosh the girls are gonna have a field day…” Dick kept going on as Damian tried to sputter out sentences in rebuttal. Marinette now fully awake was shaking with laughter next to him. Finally after a solid three minutes Damian finally was able to sputter out a sentence, “I. Am. Going. To. kill. you.” Grayson just started laughing and Marinette smiled at him. Even when he was threatening death he was cute, it didn’t hurt that his bed head was adorable. With a few more scattered insults in Romani Damian turned off the chat.
“Well Angel it looks like we’re going to face a worse danger than any Hawkmoth could throw our way.” He said solemnly.
“Oh really? And what's that?” she asked sweetly
“My brothers.”
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pixiebuggiewrites · 4 years
Sorry Wrong Number!
Description: When Damian Wayne receives a mysterious text message he's not sure what to make of it. Little did he know that it would lead him down a rabbit hole of information regarding a villain in Paris and a superhero team led by a girl in red and black spots.
Meanwhile, the Miraculous team is struggling. they're down a member and there's seems to be a new peacock in town. The teams only hope is to reach out for help-leading to new alliances, friendships, and romance.
This is my first real fanfic so any constructive criticism is appreciated!! Just keep it friendly please
Masterpost - Next - Ao3 link
Chapter 1: Marinette’s bad day
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was no stranger to bad days. In fact, over the past two years she had become well acquainted with them.
Two years ago If you told her that Lila Rossi would somehow actually manage to take almost everything away from the then 14 year old designer she probably wouldn't have believed you. She had faith in her friends which, looking back was a pretty big mistake. She was less than surprised when most of her classmates began freezing her out. It stung but it’s not like they ever really helped her during Chloe’s original reign of terror so in a sense nothing really changed except for the person behind the pain.
What did surprise her-and perhaps stung the most-was that her closest friends left her as well. Alya had been enamored by stories of celebrities and quick to end their friendship when Lila cried about all of the terrible things Marinette had done and said to the transfer student. Nino remained mostly neutral but was dating Alya so it wasn’t exactly easy to hang out like they used to.
And Adrien? What a bullet she dodged there.
The sweet boy who gave her an umbrella and became her first real crush had proven himself to be way too passive. His many speeches about the high road and how nobody was being hurt had chipped away at that crush until there was barely a spark left.
A spark that was finally put out when she discovered that he was her (now former) superhero partner.
Luckily the young heroine wasn't completely alone. While she hadn't told them the full story with the Lila situation lest either of them get akumatized her parents still had a sixth sense for when she was low on fumes and would always find a way to brighten her day. Her Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny were still there too, having become part of her family in all but blood and name. It had come as quite a shock the first time she came downstairs for family game night and saw the two of them sipping hot-cocoa and exchanging stories with her parents as Fang slept on the floor, But it had slowly become a regular occurrence in the Dupain-Cheng household for them to drop by whenever they had the time.
She had made new friends too. Her and Luka grew closer and even dated for a couple months before realizing that their melodies worked better platonically, becoming best friends ever since. The two would regularly have  ‘creativity sessions’ where Luka would test out his newest songs as Mari worked on her designs.
Her and Kagami had also grown closer once they both realized that their blossoming friendship was more valuable than a battle over a boy that they both had kinda grown out of their feelings for. They had started meeting once a week to enjoy some orange juice and fence and it had just evolved from there, Marinette had even been the first person Kagami came out to as gay. Kagami was also the first person she decided to share her identity as a superhero with. Luka had already known-a result of his second akuma as Viperion-but it felt different to make an active decision to share that part of her life with someone.
The most surprising addition to her friend group though, was one Chloe Bourgeois. Marinette wasn't really sure what to expect when the blonde had asked her to talk after school one day, but it certainly was not an apology. Chloe had explained that she had been in therapy for the past few months trying to better herself, and that seeing how Lila was really drove the point home for her in accepting how wrong her previous actions had been. Their friendship was rocky at first, as that much history doesn’t just disappear overnight, but it had slowly grown as the heiress proved over time how she really had changed. Sitting next to each other in class had led to them passing notes which led to them grabbing lunch together sometimes which somehow, eventually, led to the two becoming pseudo-sisters. She had been the third person to find out she was Ladybug, when one day she swung into her room mid-transformation only to realize that Chloe had shown up early for their sleepover that night.
At some point in all of this, her three friends also became friends with each other, forming a close knit group. Their varied personalities all seemed to balance each other out, which made them the perfect team in more ways than one.
 Which is why she decided to make them all permanent Miraculous holders.
Shortly after her 16th birthday, Master Fu asked her to take over as guardian of the Miracle box. He wasn't getting any younger and had managed to find a way to preserve his memories after passing on guardianship, so that he could still help should the need ever arise. Marinette was apprehensive but she had technically finished all of her training and she wanted Fu to have a chance at a nice retirement so she said yes.
The next day, just hours after she wished her teacher safe travels she made a very important decision. A decision to revoke Chat Noir’s ring.
You see, as Guardian it's kind of important to know who holds the magical pieces of jewelry that are your job to protect. Therefore Fu made the ever wise decision to tell her before promptly riding off into the sunset.
To say that Marinette was upset at the atomic bomb dropped on her was a bit of an understatement. She actually made the executive decision to have Kaalki portal her out of Paris just so that she could mentally unpack everything without risking an akuma. She stared up at the sky from the field she had landed in for what felt like hours and eventually came to accept a few things that she’d honestly been feeling for awhile.
Like the fact that sacrificing himself every other battle wasn't actually that heroic, especially when most of the hits he took for her she would have dodged anyways. Or the fact that he would act out whenever she asked him to take things more seriously by showing up late to akumas and threatening to quit. She had been considering talking to Fu about his behavior for awhile but was always stopped by the fact that they had been fighting together since day one, she wanted to believe in her kitty but finding out he was Adrien had been the last straw.
As Adrien, he had remained passive in the face of injustice many times. He had rarely if ever taken any real action in stopping Chloe’s behavior and he seemed to be taking the same approach with Lila. She understood that Gabriel definitely was partly to blame for his skewed worldview, but Adrien had been going to public school for 4 years now. He had been present for multiple mental health awareness assemblies and they had even appeared together as Ladybug and Chat in an anti-bullying PSA a couple years ago. It honestly baffled her that he still truly believed that the high road method could work.
Simply put, she just couldn't trust him to act as a hero anymore. She made a plan, but for it to work she needed help.
Well she had been planning to expand team Miraculous anyways, but this gave her the perfect chance to set those plans into motion. Marinette needed people she could work well with and she just happened to know three people who would make perfect teammates. Luka had already been appearing as Viperion more as Chat showed up to less fights, so the only real change was that Sass would get to go home with him at the end of the day. Chloe had been a bit harder seeing as all of Paris knew she had been Queen Bee, but Marinette was nothing if not determined. After a couple of weeks of her working with Chloe and Pollen on a new suit design, Abeille Royale was born. The finishing touch was Chloe and the new hero to be spotted near each other in public with some assistance from Trixx and they were good to go. Which just left Kagami.
Her original plan had been similar for the one she had for Chloe, but then she remembered something. To preserve balance the Miraculous of destruction needed to remain active, which meant she needed a new black cat. Now she could have jumped in front of oncoming traffic to see who saved her, but she was not willing to test her luck that much even with the boost Tikki gave her. This meant she needed to pick someone she already trusted. She didn't see a Chloe/Plagg team up going well for anyone involved so that was gonna be a hard no. Luka would have possibly worked, but the power of the snake was just too valuable of an asset to take off the roster. But Kagami? Now that would work.
While it was true that Kagami was much more well suited for the dragon, she would still work well as the black cat. She enjoyed a bit of chaos, but was disciplined enough to not be dragged into any of Plagg’s crazier ideas. She also understood the responsibility of holding such a powerful item, not one to take such a duty lightly. After talking with her about it Kagami had accepted the position becoming Kuro Neko.
After that they just had to get the ring back which was surprisingly easy. As Chat didn't know that she had given out more Miraculous again, she just had to wait for him to show up to a patrol. She played distraction and Abeille snuck up behind him with a venom, freezing him as she took back the ring. Finally, she cast a spell that would prevent him from sharing anything about him being Chat Noir as a safety measure. While he may not have as much knowledge about the miraculous as her, he did have some information and she was not going to risk letting Hawkmoth get his hands on any of it. And with that problem solved she finally had her team.
And from there things got a bit easier, with an actual team helping her and the seeming disappearance of Mayura akuma fights began to end way quicker and it felt like they were slowly making progress towards finding Hawkmoth. 
But when can things ever stay that nice?
Again, Marinette was no stranger to bad days but coupled with the week she had been having so far her patience was wearing thin.
Earlier that week, Chloe had shown up to the bakery in near tears. After calming down she shared the news that her Mother was going back to the states on Thursday, which while a bummer wasn't the issue. The issue was that she was bringing Chloe with her. While the blonde was happy to be getting time with her Mom, she didn’t want to abandon her team. Marinette assured her that while she wouldn't be able to be on the front lines anymore, she didn't have to quit the team. Seeing as the young heiress was scarily organised (perhaps even more than Marinette) She could continue to remotely assemble case files on each akuma and keeping tabs on any possible leads to Hawkmoth's identity. In addition, the city Chloe was moving to seemed to have heroes with ties to the justice league so they could finally try to get help again since they never responded to the video messages Ladybug sent at the beginning of her hero career. She had no idea how news of the akumas never made it out of France, but she suspected it was a mix of magic and corrupt officials. The plan was to have Abeille track down the heroes and explain the situation, with Ladybug teleporting in if necessary, and to establish a line of communication between them while requesting assistance.
From there the rest of the week was spent with the four friends enjoying as much time as possible together before their bee had to fly an ocean away. Kagami and Chloe also finally admitted their feelings for each other and while long distance isn't easy, they were going to try and make it work. And if Marinette lent out Kaalki every once in awhile? Well nobody had to know. If anything it was her duty as future maid of honor.
But still Thursday came and tears were shed as Chloe got ready to board her private jet. As hard as it was they stayed and watched as she took off, before all heading back to their respective homes.
Which brings us to today, the first day of school Marinette would have to endure without Chloe.
The day started off well enough, She woke up on her first alarm for once which gave her plenty of time to do some morning meditation before getting ready and heading down to the bakery and grabbing breakfast. She enjoyed a small croissant and some fruit while catching up her parents and helping out here and there before heading out to school.
Which is when her day began to sour. 
First she ‘tripped’ over somebody's foot while heading up the front stairs. Then in English, it was announced that they would have a partner assignment and she was paired with Alya, her former best friend who now hates her guts. At least it wasn't Lila. Alya tried to get switched on the grounds of ‘not wanting to work with a bully’ but partner assignments were final so the red haired girl settled for glaring at her throughout the class leading up to their lunch hour.
Things didn't get much better after lunch either. She came back to class early to avoid bumping into Lila’s group in the courtyard only to come face to face with the liar minutes later when the girl came to the back of the class and ‘spilled’ her iced coffee on the designer’s sketchbook. On the bright side, Marinette only ever brought a travel book with her to school after the first time this kind of thing happened. It was still annoying to clean up though.
After that, the rest of the school day went by mostly without incident. There were a couple of little jabs from her former friends here and there but nothing she wasn't already used to.
Eventually the final bell rang and she breathed a sigh of relief. She had a new bath bomb waiting for her at home and she was excited to use it. But first she had to get out of school without having to interact any further with her classmates, which turned out to be easier said than done.
Adrien decided to invite himself to walk her home, which meant she was due for another speech about the high road. She honestly wasn't even sure what she did this time and she didn’t really care to find out.
These talks had become such a regular occurrence that she tended to just kind of zone him out as he followed her home. It was kind of impressive that his bodyguard never came for him, maybe Gabriel gave in and loosened the leash after Nathalie quit? She was a bit surprised he still hadn’t found a replacement considering it must be quite difficult to run such a large company when you never leave your house but she supposed that's what technology is for.
Eventually, they reached the bakery and the bluenette was free at last. She even took the side entrance that led directly into the apartment stairs so that Adrien couldn't follow her in. She may have been a little petty in closing the door a bit harder than necessary, but she didn't really have the energy to care at that point.
The rest of her evening went by in relative peace. She had already caught up on homework over lunch and it was a slow time of year for commissions, so she helped out in the bakery until after dinner.
After telling her parents good night, she went to go enjoy her bath. Just as she went to go unwrap her fancy bath bomb, her room began to shake, causing the bath bomb to fall from her hands and shatter on the floor. Before she could even process the poor cherry-blossom scented bombs fate, the akuma alarm sounded. While that explained her room shaking, having to fight hawkmoths fashion disaster of choice really wasn’t how she wanted to end her already crappy day. Nevertheless, she walked back into her bedroom, slightly grateful  that she hadn't actually gotten in the bathtub yet, and called for Tikki.
Tikki, who was already waiting after hearing the akuma alarm flew over and gave her the rundown on what had been in the alert.
“It seems to be a new akuma, powers are unknown but they're headed for the Eiffel tower, Kuro Neko and Viperion are already on the scene since it was their night for patrol anyways.” the small Kwami informed her.
Marinette sighed in resignation. New akumas were always a bit of a pain. Not knowing the enemies powers and weaknesses was dangerous, not to mention it made the battle drag out a good bit longer than one against a repeat. Her work wasn't over after the battle though. The next day she would need to assemble all of the information regarding the battle, track down and conduct an interview with the victim about what led up to their possession, and send it all over to Chloe so that she can assemble a case file. 
Accepting the fact that she likely was not going to get much sleep that night, The heroine got into fight mode.
“Tikki spots on!”
And with that, she swung off into the night.
Well well well look who finally got around to cross-posting this asdfg, anyways I hope you enjoyed chapter 1!! I have 5 chapters up on ao3 at the moment so I’ll probably post one a day here until I'm caught up so that I'm not spamming the tag on accident.
Oh also!! I'm not really sure how tag lists work but I will try my best to figure it out so if you wanna be included in that just reply and say so.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 years
Proof of your sunny smile -Adrien AUG-reste Day 12
As my last submission for @adrienaugust and to celebrate the @lukadrienvault discord reopening, I wrote a fic on one of the AUs we came up with Yu-Gi-Oh au, with King of Games!Luka and CEO!Adrien, except he’s only like Kaiba with people he doesn’t repect. Anyway, this was this random headcannon I came up with turned story, so I hope you enjoy. Photographs
Adrien yawned. He was beyond tired. Trying to create a Duel Disk and plan a duelling tournament, one that way more elaborate than Duellist Kingdom, not to mention the dreams he’d been having took so much out of him. Adrien wasn’t the type to just hear an order and go follow it. He’d raise an eyebrow and ask the person if they wanted to try that statement again. But after seeing that Miraculous on TV while they talked about the new Egyptian display at the Louver, Adrien had to find them. with a new card and instructions, Adrien snapped to it, working to find the other holders of these God cards. Also realising that skilled Duellist has Miraculous with them, it made sense to invite the top duellist to participate. He hadn’t thought about how much work went into it though. His other tournaments were never this hard to pull off.
He’d been close to falling asleep at his desk when Luka called. Well, Sass actually. The spirit of the Snake Miraculous always spoke with a lower register in Luka’s voice. He’d asked if they could meet and it wasn’t until they hung up, Adrien realised he hadn’t told any of the other holders about this strange person and the God card he now had. He knew he should of. The hieroglyphic picture had Plagg and two others on it, two others who had to be Sass and Tikki. With Sass’ limited memory, they were all looking for answers.
So here he was, sitting in the back of one of his cars, waiting for Sass to show up. He wondered what Luka thought about Sass borrowing his body for the day as he pulled his overcoat off his shoulders. He’d put his usually white trench coat to the side for today after Rose insisted on dressing him. He probably should have said no to the sleeveless black shirt with ankh on it, since it was small and tended to ride up, but with him winning the fight for white slacks and black dress shoes, Rose hadn’t given up. He was sure Sass would enjoy it. Plagg hadn’t given him any comment, which was odd. It wasn’t like him to be so silent.
“Sir.” His driver called. “he’s arrived.”
Looking out the window, he saw Sass pull up on Luka’s bike. Or maybe that was Luka, he was so protective of his bike. While Adrien felt uncomfortable with his stomach on show, Luka clearly didn’t mind with his asymmetrically ripped shirt. The leather jacket was different from his normal one he wore when not chilling in his school uniform, but it looked innocent when compared to the cross garter traveling up one leg. Adrien wasn’t afraid to admit Luka was good-looking. Even though he wore enough leather and dark colours for people to consider him a goth, he was still one of the kindest people Adrien ever met. The green bracelet shone brightly against the black wristbands on his outfit.
“I’ll call you when we’re done.” He said, climbing out of the car, phone in one hand, his coat in the other. As he climbed up the steps, he realised that Luka or Sass seemed to be arguing with the other. Luka’s eyes were their normal blue – they were usually teal green when Sass was in charge – and he seemed annoyed, even taking to speak directly to the Snake Miraculous. “Everything ok?”
“Adrien?” Luka sounded confused at the sight of him.
“Sass called you last night?”
Nodding his head and surprised that Sass had kept Luka in the dark about it – as far as he knew, they only ever did that against Myura – Adrien replied, “He called me last night and asked if we could meet up. I take it you didn’t know?”
“No, he just asked if he could have control for a little while, bugged me for advice for dressing up and then drove my bike over here. Though, that explains why he asked me to check something in his Soul Room last night by myself. He doesn’t like me doing that with all the traps he has.”
“Oh.” That was odd. Sass wasn’t devious by nature. “Um, well I guess this works out. I need to tell you about something. Have been for a while but I’ve been really busy.”
“So Rose says.” At his raised eyebrow, Luka explained. “Your sister came by the hospital to hang out with Juleka and she mentioned you’ve been really busy. Making a Duelling Disk? Don’t you already have one?”
“This one is better and will actually be for sale. No more only having four cards out and using and extra device to make the holograms. Well sorta, this device will place the hologram makers out for you and you’re not limited to the 5 cards and having to hide behind the cards. Since I made that to deal with Myura, I took it out so you hold your cards in the hand with the Disk and play with the other. It also gets rid of the extra rules made by the prototype and works like a normal duelling field. It’ll shuffle your cards for you, the attacks of duel monsters look more real. And I’ve also made it compatible for duelling arenas and-” Adrien cut himself off when he realised, he was rambling and Luka was smiling at him. “What?”
“Nothing. Sounds like you’ve been busy. Why the sudden urge to work though? I thought you said after that virtual reality event, you’d take it easy.”
“I was gonna, but then a news report changed everything.”
After Luka let him sit on his bike, leaning against it as well, Adrien explained everything, about meeting the Cesear person, who had a Miraculous, the things in the new Egyptian exhibit that had Sass, Plagg and Tikki featured front and centre and the God card he’d been given, how it nearly overloaded the system when played. As if more powerful than just life points. How he was told that others had these God cards and Adrien’s own hypothesis about strong duellist having a Miraculous.
“So you’ve been planning this whole event?”
“Basically we get the God cards in one place and then we can find out more about Sass’ past. It’s a long shot and placing a lot on one thing, but if these cards, if these people are connected, how can I not? Maybe if we go to the museum, we can find them.” he thought out loud, mind already going a mile a minute.
“Adrien, have you gotten much sleep lately?” Luka asked randomly.
“Sort of. A lot of late nights, but I’m used to that.”
“Ok, off.” Luke ordered, pulling his extra helmet out. “Put this on. We’re going down to the arcades.”
“Arcades? Why? I thought we were going to the museum.”
“Because now I know why Sass planned this. Adrien, you’ve been over working yourself. I want to find out more about Sass too but not at this expense. So we’re going to the arcade so you can easily beat the games, maybe duel a couple of kids and you’re going to relax. Then maybe, we can go to the museum.”
Adrien opened his mouth to argue, but Luka gave him that look at told him to try arguing. He gave that look to Juleka and his friends and even though Adrien was used to giving that look to Rose, he was not enjoying being on the receiving end of it. God knows Luka had more than enough practise with it.
“Good. Now put your helmet on. I like your shirt by the way. Very fitting.”
“You can thank Rose. She thought Sass might like it.”
Luka’s lip twitched. “He does.”
Adrien probably should feel bad about the crying kid in front of him, but seeing how they insulted him for the duration of the duel plus 10 minutes before, since Adrien didn’t love being insulted without reason, he didn’t feel too bad. Plus Luka seemed to be hiding his laughter, so he felt justified.
“How long was that? 20 minutes?” Adrien asked, scooping up his cards.
“17 but close enough. I’m surprised you didn’t insult him back when you played Chat Noir.”
“Please, could have beaten him without Chat Noir.” Adrien said, looking at his ace card and checking to see if it been bent when he threw it down, ready to end the duel. “God, I hope the duellist at Battle City are better than this.”
“So you’ll be competing? That mean I get a chance to go up against you?”
“As long as you’re willing to part with your Viperion. I’ll have nothing to risk so I won’t be pulling any tricks like last time.”
He didn’t love that he’d threatened Luka with falling off that ledge the last time the duelled, but he needed to get inside the castle to get his sister and nothing would stop him.
“Looking forward to it. Maybe Rose can stay with Juleka. Her surgery is coming up soon.”
“I planned on having Rose on security but I’m sure she’ll leave a few times to check up on her. What are looking forward to most after her surgery?” Adrien asked as he put his cards away and they strolled through the arcade.
“I guess knowing she’s not going blind is one thing. taking pictures for another. She has this thing against being photographed. Said she didn’t want to see herself when she was gonna forget what she looked like soon enough. I’ve had to stop myself from just filling her room with all the pictures of us, scared she’d forget what I looked like if she didn’t get the surgery. Now all I want to do is take tons of pictures so she can see herself getting better.”
The blonde CEO smiled to himself at all the plans the King of Games had for his sister when he saw a photobooth and thought of an idea.
“How about we take some now?” he asked, pointing to the photobooth. He let out a squeak when Luka grabbed his arm and pulled him towards it. “Didn’t know you’d be so excited.”
“I feel like I’ve never seen you smile in pictures. All those interview pics you have make you seem so serious. Rose has like one photo on her phone of you smiling.”
“I smile all the time.”
“But now I’ll have proof of it.”
Adrien rolled his eye but didn’t say anything as he sat on the bench and let Luka choose the boarder.
“Ok,” Luka said, tossing his arm over Adrien’s shoulder, “now give us a big smile!” he asked, pinching Adrien’s cheek.
The flash went off before Adrien could pull his hand off, though he got him back by messing with his hair in the next picture. They came to a truce by the third picture and for the fourth, they both gave the camera big smiles.
Adrien enjoyed writing King of Games over Luka’s head in each picture while the said King painted cat ears over his blonde hair.
“Can’t let everyone forget your ace card.”
“I don’t think they possibly could, seeing how I bought rights to it from Myura to be able to use it in pretty much all my advertising.” Adrien said, picking up the printed pictures and handing it to Luka to cut the copies apart. “I hope you don’t use all those pictures for Juleka.”
“I don’t know, I like the last one. I might keep it for myself.”
Adrien shook his head, leading them to leave the arcade. “Thanks by the way. It feels like my mind has been going a mile a minute. The idea that we can actually get more information is exciting but I’m really starting to question if doing all this is worth it. I mean, what are we having to prove to get answers?”
“I don’t know why they want you to do this, but you’ve got me and the rest of the group to do whatever it takes to get answers. He’s being annoyingly silent right now, but I know Sass appreciates what you’re doing. How about we head to museum and see if we can’t work that Agreste snark on them?”
“Sounds good.”
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