#Luigi Denza
prokopetz · 1 year
"That's the Pizza Tower tutorial song." "No, it's a traditional Italian folk song." No, it's literally a 140-year-old meme – "Funiculì, Funiculà" was written in 1880, as a joke, to commemorate the opening of a tourist attraction at Mount Vesuvius. (The tourist attraction was later destroyed by a volcanic eruption.) Go ahead and rewrite the lyrics to be about sticking your dick in a pizza – there is nothing you can do with this song that's more ridiculous than its original context.
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donospl · 11 months
Leszek Kułakowski „Beautiful Jazzy Opera”
Soliton, 2023 Muszę przyznać, że z dużą rezerwą podchodzę do projektów jazzowo-operowych. Na ogół wiązały się one dla mnie z rozczarowaniami. Jednak Leszkowi Kułakowskiemu udało się – nie pierwszy zresztą raz – bardzo pozytywnie mnie zaskoczyć. Album  „Beautiful Jazzy Opera” zarejestrowany został podczas Komeda Jazz Festival w Słupsku, w październiku 2022 roku. Na scenie pojawili się wówczas:…
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faith-nerd · 5 months
Ultimate Silly Song Showdown: Bonus Results
I'm a statistics nerd, and I like having more than just the one who won the overall tournament, so here's some bonus results, including results from the Midweek Match-Ups and the other themed polls.
Overall Tournament Victor: The Hairbrush Song (1995)
Second place in Tournament: The Water Buffalo Song (1993)
Highest Percentage* (both in Main Tournament and including Midweek Match-Ups): The Dance of the Cucumber (1995) [60 votes (73.1%) of 82 potential votes across 3 polls in main tournament; 86 votes (74.1%) out of 116 potential votes across 4 polls including Midweek Match-Up]
Highest Overall Votes: The Water Buffalo Song (1993) [163 votes (53.1%) of 307 potential votes across 5 polls in main tournament; 183 votes (52%) of 352 potential across 5 polls including Midweek Match-Up]
*Percentages are all based on "Potential Votes" aka: how many total votes were cast in polls that each song competed in? A song isn't going to be penalized percentage-wise for only being in one or two songs.
Midweek Match-Up/Theme Winners:
Boyz in the Sink Song: The Bellybutton Song (2003) [66.7% of 27 votes]
Bonus Pirates Songs: The Credits Song (2002) [48% of 25 votes]
Christmas Songs: Oh, Santa! (1996) [79.2% of 24 votes]
Best Bob and Larry Duet: The Dance of the Cucumber (1995) [76.5% of 34 votes
Puppy Songs: Lost Puppies (2000) [38.9% of 18 votes]
Best Archibald Performance (TIE): Larry's High Silk Hat (2001) and The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo (2008) [37.9% of 29 votes]
Best Archibald Freak-Out: The Water Buffalo Song (1993) [57.1% of 28 votes]
French Peas being Chaos Gremlins: Lance the Turtle (2006) [73.7% of 19 votes]
Mr. Lunt Performances: His Cheeseburger (1998) [89.5% of 19]
Zany Zoo: Endangered Love (Barbara Manatee) (2000) [41.2% of 17]
Lessons that Stuck with Us: I Love My Lips (1996): The Polish word for "Lips" is "Usta" [38.1% of 21 votes]
Top 5 of Rounds 1-2 Eliminated: Song of the Cebu (1997) [65% of 20 votes]
Bottom 5 of Rounds 1-2 Eliminated: The Blues with Larry (2005) [47.1% of 17 votes]
Best Parody (TIE): Larry's High Silk Hat (2001): Parody of Luigi Denza's "Funiculì, Funiculà" and Pants (2010): Parody of the Home Shopping Network [31.6% of 19 votes]
"Wait, is this actually related to the episode?": Lost Puppies (2000) from Esther: the Girl Who Became Queen [30.8% of 13 votes]
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JumpStart Around the World features a song called Beautiful Italy, which is sung to the tune of "Funiculì, Funiculà", a famous Neapolitan song composed by Luigi Denza. A comparison between the JumpStart song and a traditional rendition of the original song is shown the video above.
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fisiltihaberleri · 2 years
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#ATATÜRKKÜLTÜRMERKEZİNDE BU HAFTA (5 – 11 Aralık) NAPOLİTEN KONSERİ // 6 ARALIK // AKM TİYATRO SALONU // 20.00 İstanbul Devlet #Opera ve Balesi tenorlarının sahne aldığı, Napoliten Konseri, sanatseverleri Atatürk Kültür Merkezinden İtalya’ya kısa bir yolculuğa çıkarıyor. Duygu yüklü İtalyan halk şarkılarından oluşan “Napoliten Konseri”nde, yer yer hüzün, yer yer de neşe hakim olurken; Eduardo di Capua, Paolo Tosti , Ernesto De Curtis, Rodolfo Falvo, Luigi Denza, Salvatore Cardillo, Cesare Andrea Bixio, Ruggero Leoncavallo, Salvatore Cardillo gibi değerli İtalyan bestecilerden eserler seslendirilecek. Geçtiğimiz sezonlardan beri, seyircilerin büyük ilgi gösterdiği konserin sahne kurgusu Hüseyin Kaya’ya, ışık tasarımı ise Taner Aydın’a ait. Konserde solistler Besnik Ademoğlu, Serkan Bodur, Berk Dalkılıç, Berk Özbek ve Yoel Keşap’a, piyanist Hüseyin Kaya eşlik ediyor. https://www.fisiltihaberleri.com/haber/ataturk-kultur-merkezinde-bu-hafta-5-11-aralik-7234.html #tyatro #istanbuldahayat #gösteri #tyatro #müzikhol #mylike #likeforfollow #istanbulda1yer #sevkardeşim #myvideos #mylife #like4like #istanbul #çoçuk #neşe #myvideo
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scepty-ssb · 7 months
a list of songs that nobody calls by their names (mostly meme songs)
Artist/Origin - Song Title (what people call it)
Yes - Roundabout (To Be Continued)
Boots Randolph - Yakety Sax (Benny Hill theme)
Luigi Denza - Funiculi, Funicula (Spider-man 2 pizza theme)
Breakbot - Baby I'm Yours (Ladies and gentlemen, we gottem)
SunStroke Project and Olia Tira - Run Away (Epic Sax Guy)
Eduard Khil - I am very glad, because I'm finally returning back home (Trolololo)
Persona 5 - Last Surprise (You'll never see it coming)
Piano Fantasia - Song for Denise (Wide Putin)
Jackal Queenston - Rubber Band (penis music)
Earthbound - Sanctuary Guardian (WHAT? HOW?)
Jake Chudnow - Moon Men (Vsauce theme)
O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei (Numa Numa)
Timmy Trumpet - Freaks (When mom isn't home)
NOMA - Brain Power (O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA)
Bastille - Pompeii (But if you close your eyes)
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astroimages · 8 months
ASSINE AGORA O SPACE TODAY PLUS PREMIUM, APENAS R$29,00 POR MÊS, MENOS DE 1 REAL POR DIA!!! https://spacetodayplus.com.br/premium/ QUER FAZER SUA CIDADANIA ITALIANA OU PORTUGUESA, CONSULTE AGORA A MASTER CIDADANIA, SIGAM ELES NO INSTAGRAM E DEIXEM UM COMENTÁRIO NA ÚLTIMA POSTAGEM: https://mastercidadania.com.br/ O Observatório do Vaticano ( italiano : Specola Vaticana ) é uma instituição de pesquisa astronômica e educacional apoiada pela Santa Sé . Originalmente baseado no Colégio Romano de Roma , o Observatório está agora sediado em Castel Gandolfo , Itália , e opera um telescópio no Observatório Internacional Mount Graham, nos Estados Unidos . No século 18, o Papado apoiou ativamente a astronomia, estabelecendo o Observatório do Colégio Romano em 1774. Em 1787-1789, a Specola Vaticana na Torre dos Ventos dentro do Vaticano foi estabelecida sob a direção de Mons. Filippo Luigi Gilii (1756–1821). Quando Mons. Gilii morreu, o Specola foi fechado porque era inconveniente para os estudantes da cidade porque a cúpula de São Pedro obstruía sua visão. Seus instrumentos foram transferidos para o Observatório do Colégio. Uma terceira instalação, o Observatório do Capitólio, funcionou de 1827 a 1870. Padre Angelo Secchi SJ transferiu o Observatório do Colégio para o topo de Sant'Ignazio di Loyola a Campo Marzio (Igreja de Santo Inácio em Roma ). Em 1870, com a captura de Roma , o Observatório do Colégio caiu nas mãos do Governo italiano. Contudo, por respeito ao seu trabalho, o Padre Secchi foi autorizado a continuar a utilizar o Observatório. Após a morte de Secchi em 1878, o Observatório foi nacionalizado pelo governo italiano e renomeado como Regio Osservatorio al Collegio Romano ("Observatório Real do Colégio Romano"), encerrando a pesquisa astronômica no Vaticano. Em 1891, porém, o Papa Leão XIII emitiu um Motu proprio fundando novamente o Specola Vaticana (Observatório do Vaticano) e um novo observatório foi construído nas paredes nos limites do Vaticano. O novo Observatório do Vaticano permaneceu lá durante os quarenta anos seguintes. No final do século XIX, o Observatório do Vaticano fazia parte de um grupo de importantes instituições astronômicas de todo o mundo que trabalharam juntas para criar um "Mapa Celestial" fotográfico (" Carte du Ciel ") e um catálogo "astrográfico" identificando as estrelas. posições. O astrônomo italiano Padre Francesco Denza liderou a contribuição do Vaticano para o projeto até sua morte em 1894. No início do século XX, o Padre John Hagen assumiu o projeto e recrutou um grupo de freiras das Irmãs do Santo Menino Maria para trabalhar no necessário gravação e cálculos. As irmãs eram Irmãs Emilia Ponzoni, Regina Colombo, Concetta Finardi e Luigia Panceri. Na década de 1930, a fumaça e o brilho do céu da cidade tornaram impossível realizar observações úteis em Roma. O Papa Pio XI transferiu o Observatório para Castel Gandolfo, que fica a 25 quilômetros (16 milhas) a sudeste de Roma. Em 1961, os mesmos problemas de poluição luminosa dificultaram a observação em Castel Gandolfo. O Observatório estabeleceu então o Grupo de Pesquisa do Observatório do Vaticano (VORG) , com escritórios no Observatório Steward da Universidade do Arizona em Tucson , Arizona . DKJ O'Connell produziu as primeiras fotografias coloridas de um flash verde ao pôr do sol em 1960. Em 1993, a VORG concluiu a construção do Telescópio de Tecnologia Avançada do Vaticano de 1,8 metros (71 pol.) , que fica em Mount Graham , perto de Safford, Arizona . A sede do Observatório permanece na Itália, em Castel Gandolfo. No início de 2008, o Vaticano anunciou que o Observatório seria transferido para um antigo convento a um quilómetro e meio de distância do castelo, como parte de uma reconstrução geral da residência papal. Seu antigo espaço seria aproveitado para oferecer mais espaço para recepção de visitantes diplomáticos. Os bairros antigos do castelo eram apertados e muito mal preparados para uso do Observatório. As atividades de pesquisa da VORG no Arizona continuaram inalteradas. #VATICAN    #OBSERVATORY #UNIVERSE
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aryanishere · 1 year
And You were the sudden,
unexpected stream,
In the forlorn desert of my naïveté;
So I started building life around you.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Due weekend al Lido di Bagnoli tra musica, degustazioni e nuove attrezzature per lo sport
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Due weekend al Lido di Bagnoli tra musica, degustazioni e nuove attrezzature per lo sport. Napoli, in arrivo quattro serate speciali organizzate e finanziate dal Servizio Cultura al Lido comunale di Bagnoli che a giugno lo stesso Comune di Napoli, con il Servizio Tutela Mare, ha ripristinato e riaperto dopo anni con pedane in legno, docce, spazio per l’elioterapia. Ad agosto lo spazio è stato attrezzato con ombrelloni gratuiti, grazie ai finanziamenti per il Welfare, e arrivano adesso nuovi campi di beach volley donati dall’Associazione GIFFAS che opera sul territorio con i ragazzi fragili. Complessivamente il Lido comunale di Bagnoli offre in forma gratuita un nuovo luogo di comunità a cittadini e visitatori. I campi sportivi saranno inaugurati venerdì 22 settembre, sabato 23 e domenica 24 settembre, e sabato 30 settembre e domenica 1 ottobre - dalle 17.30 alle 19 - cittadini e turisti sono invitati a partecipare all’iniziativa “Sensazioni al crepuscolo”, nell’ambito del progetto Napoli Città della Musica e organizzata da Ravello Creative L.A.B. srl in collaborazione con A.I.S. – Associazione Italiana Sommelier Campania e Napoli e Vigne Metropolitane. “Continua a mietere risultati l’impegno dell’Amministrazione Manfredi per Bagnoli nel senso del policentrismo e della valorizzazione dell’intero territorio cittadino, da Barra a Piscinola, a Soccavo” dichiara Sergio Locoratolo, coordinatore delle politiche culturali del Comune di Napoli. “Dopo la riapertura dell’Auditorium Porta del Parco, che in pochi mesi - attraverso una fitta programmazione di eventi - è diventato punto di riferimento delle realtà culturali del territorio flegreo e non solo, dopo la restituzione dell’area esterna all’Auditorium attraverso gli spettacoli di “Estate a Napoli”, dopo la rassegna “Napolifonika” realizzata tra l’Arena Flegrea, Città della Scienza e lo stesso Auditorium di Bagnoli, attraverso la cultura e l’intrattenimento di qualità, accendiamo i riflettori su un altro spazio pubblico restituito alla cittadinanza e ricco di potenziale. Lavoreremo per convogliare anche in quest’area le migliori risorse del territorio, perché i cittadini la sentano propria e perché la nostra comunità – attraverso il sostegno concreto e tangibile delle istituzioni – sia in grado di valorizzare al meglio le risorse che la natura e la storia ci hanno donato”. L’iniziativa “Sensazioni al crepuscolo” - ad ingresso libero fino a esaurimento dei posti - sperimenta nuovi percorsi che combinano la valorizzazione della bellezza dei luoghi con la musica e i prodotti del territorio. Ciascun evento sarà strutturato attraverso la degustazione dei vini delle Vigne Metropolitane, cui seguiranno momenti musicali che vedranno protagonisti quattro ensemble: ‘a Frasca - Gruppo Scettici per la Tradizione (23/09), Partenoplay (24/09), Ars Nova (30/09) e Les Passants (01/10). Nel primo concerto, ‘A Frasca proporrà un vortice ritmico tra la Tarantella de Li Marri (alias la Spaccapaese itinerante), le tammurriate, le fronne e i canti a figliola. Nel secondo appuntamento, Marina Bruno in Partenoplay, omaggio a Raffaele Viviani, Libero Bovio, Edoardo Nicolardi, Luigi Denza, E. A. Mario, Renato Carosone e Pino Daniele, con un sound altalena tra bossanova, swing e bolero. Il 30 settembre, il sestetto Ars Nova porterà alla luce il repertorio popolare campano, le pizziche pugliesi, le serenate siciliane, le tarantelle calabresi, su un confine che è connessione ideale con il rebetiko greco e la musica balcanica. Infine, Les passants, collettivo di giovani musicisti amanti del jazz manouche formatosi tra le mura del Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella, spazierà fra la tradizione jazzistica e l’allegra malinconia del Sud, senza trascurare la musica tradizionale. “Con questa iniziativa culturale e le nuove attrezzature sportive prende forma la possibilità di utilizzo dei lidi comunali quali luoghi di aggregazione aperti oltre la stagione balneare" hanno dichiarato la Presidente del Consiglio Comunale, Enza Amato, e l’Assessore al Mare, Edoardo Cosenza. “Ringrazio GIFFAS per la donazione e tutti i partecipanti alle serate di “Sensazioni al crepuscolo” - ha aggiunto la Presidente Amato - perché offrono ai turisti e ai cittadini di Bagnoli opportunità di tempo libero di qualità tra sport, musica ed eccellenze del territorio”. “Siamo lavorando - ha concluso l’assessore Cosenza - per ampliare l’offerta degli arenili urbani ad accesso libero”. Maggiori informazioni sul sito www.comune.napoli.it.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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juanvaldescesar · 2 years
Funiculì, funiculà [funikuˈli funikuˈla] es una célebre melodía napolitana compuesta en 1880 por Luigi Denza con letra del periodista Giuseppe "Peppino" Turco. Conmemora la apertura del primer funicular del Monte Vesubio y se cantó por primera vez en el Quisisana Hotel de Castellammare di Stabia.
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iamabax · 7 years
“Tis essential to cook with fresh herbs, but even more importantly, cook with a small glass of Vermouth to Beniamino Gigli.”
“I prefer Dean Martin.”
“You’ll need a bigger glass.”
- The Beau of Bethany Adams
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faith-nerd · 6 months
Silly Song Showdown Finals Week Bonus Midweek Match-Up: Best Parody
The Best of Parody Silly Songs:
Larry's High Silk Hat (2001): Parody of Luigi Denza's "Funiculì, Funiculà"
Schoolhouse Polka (2004): Parody of Schoolhouse Rock
My Baby Elf (2005): Parody of Elvis Presley
A Mess Down in Egypt (2007): Parody of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme
Rock Monster (2008): Parody of the B-52's "Rock Lobster"
Pants (2010): Parody of the Home Shopping Network
NOTE: Yes, in some ways, all Silly Songs could be considered a parody of some sort, hence why I only included ones that had a (to me at least) obvious connection, such as using an existing tune and giving it new lyrics, or a reference to a specific song or brand. If you feel like I missed something, feel free to let me know in the reblogs!
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tokai-teio · 5 years
favorite thing about them: she’s an admirable leader who wants the best for her teammates/classmates, and she’s a clever tactician who almost completely fooled Miho’s team into a pincer bait
least favorite thing about them: her manga counterpart was kind of a bitch (though i do admire that she believes that it’s her duty as commander to bring victory to her teammates above all else)
favorite line: “Since we’re attacking from 3 directions, we should call it "Operation Three Cheese Pizza”!“ “It doesn’t matter what house’s style we’re up against, we won’t lose. Or rather, we’ll win!”
brOTP: Pepperoni/Maho
OTP: Maho
nOTP: Momo
random headcanon: she and Maho become roommates in college after the conclusion of the series
unpopular opinion: it’s hardly unpopular, but i really wish the fight against her school had been included in the original run of the anime instead of being shifted to an OVA, since that makes it harder to show my friends the anime in the proper order
song i associate with them: the one and only “Funiculi Funicula” by Luigi Denza and Peppino Turco (also known as the “Spiderman Pizza Theme”)
favorite picture of them:
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choralmusicghana · 5 years
George François & Friends raise funds for New Horizon Special School
Over the last weekend, Dr. George François, a New York based Ghanaian concert pianist, held a fundraising concert in support of the New Horizon Special School.
Hope Concert ‘19, supported by the Australian High Commission, featured performances with Fulbright scholar Dr. Cristina Ruotolo and celebrated cellist Sally Singer. The main concert performances were preceded by an exhibition of works from Michael Bortei-Doku and Adjei Sowah, serenaded by a string quartet assembled from some of the best musicians from Accra. 
The fundraiser was the climax of two weeks of musical activities surrounding George's visit to his home country. The visiting pianist held two masterclasses for beginner and advanced pianists at the residence of the Australian High Commissioner, while Dr. Singer led a class for string players on the cello, double bass, viola and violin.
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The trio also held a number of private concerts, including one at the US Ambassador's residence and the Ghana club.
The New Horizon School was started in the early 1970s as a response to the plight of Helen, daughter of the founder Salome François, who had developed neurological problems as a result of a medical misdiagnosis. The school, located in Cantonments, Accra, provides education, vocational training and employment for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
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Salome François’ vision of helping intellectually challenged persons to live fulfilling lives has earned her the support of several donors touched by her effort to transform a personal tragedy into hope for many children.
The concert proper featured Dr. George François on a piano, playing JS Bach’s Partita No. 2 in C minor and Chopin’s Scherzo No. 2, Op. 31 in B♭ minor. The first half of the concert ended with a performance of the first two movements from Mendelssohn’s Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, Op 49.
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After an intermission which included students from the school on a catwalk and a fundraiser auction of some items they had made at school, the second half of performances saw four singers from Seasonal House Opera - a Ghanaian company specialising in operatic singing, on stage with Dr. François.
Joseph Quaynor performed La Donna è Mobile from Verdi’s “Rigoletto”, Mitchelle Ajeigbe impressed the audience with Mozart’s Voi Che Sapete and Leslie Carine left them stunned with Der Hölle Rache Kocht in Meinem Herzen, by the same composer. 
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Baritone Kennedy Dankwa also sang Votre Toast, Je Peux Vous le Rendre from Bizet’s “Carmen”. The quartet ended their performances with Luigi Denza’s Funiculì, Funiculà! 
All soloists are choristers with Harmonious Chorale, one of Ghana’s most internationally successful choirs.
Ms Nhyira Coleman, a Chartered Accountant with KPMG, brought the performances to a close with a special tribute song for Mrs. François. She was also accompanied by George.
The visit marked an important few days for the growing classical music community in Accra, which had the opportunity to interact with some of the finest players from the United States, and with patrons of the arts. 
Dr. Singer and François’ visit to Ghana came at the end of the visit of the Junge Kammerphilharmonie Rhein-Neckar to the National Symphony Orchestra, and concluded only a week before the NSO’s own “Evening Classicals” concert. 
Along with the climax of a year of live performances at Afro Classical Nights late last month, August and September 2019 have turned out to be a success for classical music in Accra.
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sunset-supergirl · 6 years
Buon compleanno Luigi Denza
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canzoneitaliana · 6 years
Funiculi Funicula
Aissera, Nanninè, me ne sagliette Tu saie addò? (Tu saie addò?) Addò stu core ngrato cchiu' dispiette Farme nun pò, farme nun pò Addò lo fuoco vove, ma si fuje Te lassa stà (te lassa stà) E nun te corre apprieso, nun te struje Sulo a guardà, sulo a guardà Jammo, jammo'ncoppa jammo jà Jammo, jammo'ncoppa jammo jà Funiculi, funiculà Funiculi, funiculà 'ncoppa jammo jà Funiculi, funiculà Se n'è sagliuta, oi n'è, se n'è sagliuta La capa già (La capa già) E'gghiuta, pò è tunata, pò è venuta Sta sempe ccà! (sta sempe ccà!) La capa vora, vota attuorno, attuorno, attuorno a tte (Attuorno a tte.) Sto core canta Sempe nu taluorno Sposammo, oi'Ne! (Sposammo, oi'Ne!) Jammo, jammo'ncoppa jammo jà Jammo, jammo'ncoppa jammo jà Funiculi, funiculà Funiculi, funiculà 'ncoppa jammo jà Funiculi, funiculà Jammo, jammo'ncoppa jammo jà Jammo, jammo'ncoppa jammo jà Funiculi, funiculà Funiculi, funiculà 'ncoppa jammo jà Funiculi, funiculà
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