#Lucian Williams
twsted-idiot · 2 months
AGHH HAPPY BIRTHDAY @g0ttal0ve101!!!
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Silly time version under cut (blood tw)
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buzzbuzzlittlebees · 5 months
the fact that charlotte branwell canonically had the electrum whip before isabelle did is so wonderful like yes charlotte you would have loved to see her in action
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tacticaldivine · 7 months
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ashley’s from my old man yaoi meltdown of 2021-2022
I have so many drafts of this fucking guy but this was the only one that got saved before i moved I’ll have to check my old hard drive for the rest
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kuri-crocus · 9 months
Please spread for a bigger sample size! 😌
Pick a DT boyfriend for a MS character Masterpost
Pick a MS boyfriend for a DT character Masterpost
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cosmo-64 · 11 months
Love how watching through Michael Sheen’s work always leaves me with one of two thoughts about his characters:
I love you and will adopt you into my personality.
Well, that definitely just happened.
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icninfrared · 11 months
Attention Everyone!
Look at this gorgeous man
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Okay, back to your day, friends 💜
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g0ttal0ve101 · 10 months
To Catch a Predator
Note: I HAD TO DO IT TO THEM. also like. this takes place a little before lucian was into killing predators ok? ok. tw: mentions of sa, violence, and overall disturbing topics.
The doorbell reverberated throughout the home’s interior. Outside on the porch was a forty three year old man by the name of Richard Walten, a father of two and a construction worker for Woodlyn City. Today he was not here to meet with a citizen in need of his labor - Even if that’s what he told his wife and children before walking out the door. He was there to meet a twelve year old girl.
Rich found her on a dating app. With long blonde hair and sweet doe eyes, she posed in her pictures innocently enough. That’s not what our guest was really looking at though. His eyes were directed on her nice ass, her big tits, and her tiny waist. When talking to her in a chat room, he could only imagine what she was like in bed. It was a shameful thought for a man his age to be having, but an even worse idea whenever he took into consideration that she was an innocent virgin. And yet, he still listed the sex acts he would like to preform on her in great detail.
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Now he stood at the doorway of what he believed to be a twelve year old’s house. He knew her parents would be gone all night, he knew she would be helpless, and he knew that she was up for having sex with him if he pushed hard enough. The thought of that drove him crazy. He couldn’t wait to get inside and finally meet her.
The door creaked opened. Rich blankly stared into the dark entry way before seeing the figure of who he thought to be Tia waiting for him. She coaxed him inside and rushed down the hall, presumably a bit nervous to get too close yet. That was fine. He wouldn’t push anything she didn’t feel comfortable with.
“Come on in, Rich! I made some cookies!”
She was real. With a racing heart and a throbbing hard on, the old man wandered behind her without much thought. He didn’t think of his wife or children while sitting down at the dining room table, watching as the blonde scurried away from him and onto the other side of the table. Her ass looked bigger than they were in the photos. Even hotter.
“How was the drive?” Tia cooed with a warm grin, her voice as delicate as a little butterfly.
Picking at his nails and trying to relax, he leaned back into the chair with a long sigh. “It was fine! I mean, just fine.”
She giggled and paused for a moment, presumably calculating the next topic she wanted to speak on. “Haha, it’s so nice to see you! Sorry, I’m just a little nervous right now.”
“Can I get a hug?” He proposed, his voice laced with poisonous intoxication. She let out another ring of anxious laughter.
“Well, let’s just wait a little longer before that…”
“Just a hug?”
“Haha, I’m just nervous, I don’t know! I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s alright.” He consoled her, lifting the box of alcohol he had on his lap onto the countertop for her eyes to wander. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do.”
Tia avoided his eyes. She seemed almost sad in those few moments. “So, what kinda alcohol is this?” She changed the subject quickly, as if not to think about it too much. Rich was getting the impression she was having second thoughts.
“Hard lemonade since you said you haven’t drank much before. It’s a nice one to ease into.”
Tucking her blonde hair behind her ear, she ran her fingers across the label. “Really? Cool. I knew I could count on you. Oh! But what about protection? You brought some, right?”
Rich chuckled under his breath. “Yep. I wouldn’t do anything without one.”
That seemed to be the trigger to relax her tense muscles. Moving away from the other side of the table, she practically marched over to his seat. His heart raced. He had a feeling he knew where she was going with this already.
“Okay, we can hug now. I’m not nervous anymore.”
It was almost too good to be true. Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in for a tight embrace, he smiled sickeningly. He could feel her breasts against his figure, her small frame pressed against his-
Pain. An overwhelming amount of pain suddenly coursed through his stomach as he hurriedly backed away and fell to the floor. Blood sprayed out of the gaps of his fingers, some pouring from his lips as he tried to comprehend what was happening. Tia was holding a knife. A knife in which had plummeted into his belly moments before.
“Thought you said you had protection, bitch!” Tia bursted into hoarse hysterical laughter, twirling the blade between her fingers. “Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle.”
The doorbell reverberated throughout the home’s interior. Outside on the porch was a fifty seven year old man by the name of Tony Lance, a cashier in one of Woodlyn City’s local grocery stores. Today he was not going to visit his mother in the hospital like he told his wife; he was instead prepared to meet a twelve year old boy he spoke to on the internet.
Wandering around dating sites desperate to speak to a young man and release all of his pent-up sexual desires, he came across the perfect profile. A boy, clearly much younger than eighteen, had posted a variety of pictures on his page and invited people to message him. By the time he had scrolled through all of his photos, Tony had already masturbated twice. He mustered up the courage to speak with him without even reading his profile’s bio.
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That’s right. He had lied in the chat room and told the boy that he was thirty seven. In reality, he was fifty seven. That simple lie was simply a deterrent to justify himself in the end, trying to seem closer in age with the kid. Disgusting, but that was neither here nor there. What mattered now was that he was standing on the front porch, eager to go inside and see if he could really score with an inexperienced virgin boy.
The door creaked open. Tony forced his way inside the doorway without hesitation, wanting to see the boy before he made the final decision on whether or not to follow through with his plans. When he saw the figure of a young boy with a stunned expression spread across his face, he couldn’t help but grin. He was real.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Tony sneered, practically shaking from excitement whenever staring into those big blue eyes. He remembered them from the webpage.
Backing away instinctively, the boy giggled nervously. “It’s okay! Come on in!”
Before he could tell him to wait, the boy had already scurried down the hall and into what Tony believed to be the kitchen. He sighed impatiently. Even just a simple hug would have done great wonders for him - He could’ve felt just how tiny that slutty waist of his was.
Standing by the dining room table nervously, the elderly man awaited for his young date to converse with him. His hands trembled as he reached into his pockets, pulling out the keys and wallet he had lodged in there. Deeper within, he brought a few condoms to last the whole night.
“How’s your day been?”
“What’s that?” Tony questioned, his hearing fading from old age.
Repeating himself with a giggle, the boy called to him again. “How’s your day been, mister?”
“Good, how about you?”
“Good! Um…so…what do you wanna do?”
Tony smirked a little from the question. “Well, I thought we could smoke a little pot first.”
That’s right. Tony promised the boy that he would bring marijuana for them to smoke before they had sex. Not because he wanted him to have fun - he didn’t care either way - but because he wanted the boy to be too high to tell him no. If that were the case, he would be able to do anything he wanted to him, including some sex acts that were almost unthinkable.
Shaking the thought from the front of his mind, the man chuckled to himself. “Yeah…you wanna smoke it now?”
“Uh, sure! I-I just…um…”
“What’s the matter?”
“I’m nervous, is all. Did you bring any condoms?”
“Come on over here and I’ll show you what I brought.” His voice was disgustingly sweet as he stood from his seat, almost seeming like he was going to lunge toward him.
The sound of a metal bat launching into his skull was the last thing he heard before falling unconscious.
The sound of whimpering and crying echoed throughout the dark basement. With a pounding head and blurry vision, Tony peeled open his eyes to examine his surroundings. It was cold, musty, and damp as he laid on the floor like this, tied by the ankle to a pole in the middle of the room. Once his vision evened out, he could see a bright light coming from an incinerator, a table filled with weapons, and the figure of a man sprawled out on the floor. Upon taking a closer look, Tony realized that the man had no face. He let out a shriek of terror and crawled as far as he could away from him.
“HOLY SHIT!” He screamed, yanking on the chains that restrained him. It was no use. The steel cuff around his ankle was in no position to even wiggle around, let alone break free. It felt like all the blood circulation was cutting off by the second.
His heart pounded out of his chest as a bright light suddenly blinded him from up the stairwell, two silhouettes standing at the top. He could hear them exchanging conversation as they came down the stairs, their words muffled and slurring together horrendously. His hearing must have gotten worse from the impact against his head.
“What’s going on? Wh-Who are you?!”
With a sick burst of laughter, the taller figure launched another fist into his jaw. He fell backward and began coughing up his own saliva, a tooth now completely detached from his gums. He spit it out onto the floor with a sob.
“Listen, I wasn’t h-here to do anything! I just wanted to help him!” Tony squealed like a sweaty pig on the chopping block for dinner that evening. The two figures simply stared at him with sick grins on their faces. Only then did he realize that the shorter one was the boy he spoke to online - Perhaps the young woman beside him was related somehow? Either way, he had to think of some excuse to get out of this mess. “A-Are you his older sister? You must be, right?”
Grabbing what was left of his gray oily hair, Mia lifted his skull upward with a horrific grin spread across her pretty face. “Something like that. What about you? Why’re you here?”
Tony stammered over his words. Every time he failed to produce an excuse, Mia launched the heel of her combat boot into his chest. It was only then that he noticed they had spikes on them.
“I-I wanted to help him! I know how hard it i-is to be gay that young and…and I wanted to guide him through it!” He blubbered like a newborn. Although, it didn’t seem to do much to change his circumstances. Both of the teens stared down at him with so much disgust that he felt degraded.
“By making him suck your cock? Seriously? He said he was twelve.”
“No, he didn’t! He said he was seventeen!”
That lie earned him a stomp right on the cock he praised so much about. He let out a wail of utter pain before she continued her interrogation. “Here, he’ll read the chat logs right now, dumbass. And if he says anything other than seventeen, I’m gonna tear your insides out.”
Lucian’s eyes widened. He stared down at the device trembling in his hands and swallowed against the limp in his throat, almost feeling guilty for restating the horrible words spread on the screen. It wasn’t until Mia turned to him with a frown that he suddenly felt a surge of energy circulate through his voice box.
“You can read it now.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Lucian stammered and scrolled to the part of the conversation where he gave his age to the predator. “You asked if I wanted to pleasure you…to kiss and cuddle you. I told you I was twelve immediately after. Then, you go onto saying I looked eighteen and you were thirty seve-!”
Interjecting her harsh words into his, Mia grabbed the man’s throat and forced him to lift his head upward so he could face her. “You ain’t thirty seven. You’re pushing sixty. What does he say after that, Lu?”
Lu. Mia called him Lu. With a spiral of emotions rising in his chest, Lucian’s voice wavered as he read out the next messages. “You asked me if I liked oral. I told you I didn’t know what it was and you said…sucking…” His mouth dry as he stared at the word. In order not to disappoint Mia, he tried again. This time, reading the exact message word for word. “…Sucking…cock. You asked ‘are you a virgin?’ When I said yes and that I only kissed a guy before, you asked ‘did it make you hard?’”
“It’s just playful chat!” Tony whined like a baby caught for stealing out of the cookie jar. His hands were painted red from guilt. “I wouldn’t have done anything honestly! I just wanted to see how he would respond…”
Mia spared a glance at Lucian again. Not because she was irritated with his performance like he thought she was, but because she wanted to make sure he was okay. His face was flushed from the heat running through his veins. She didn’t like that. She didn’t like it at all.
“You heard him. He didn’t say seventeen once.”
“Please! Please don’t do this! I-I have money, we can work this o-!”
Her knuckles launched into his face again. Before he could recover from the attack, she put her blade up to bare abdomen and began stroking the tip against his skin. Blood streamed from the shallow cuts she made. God knows how much worse it would be once she actually got serious.
Lucian watched intently with a tiny smile. His lips quivered a bit from speaking of such foul conversation, but he couldn’t help but to feel a bit proud of himself. A few years ago, he wouldn’t have been able to even look at the chat without crying. Now, he was conducting them and bringing these predators to justice with someone he looked up to.
“You ever used a chainsaw, Lu?”
Lucian’s eyes lit up. It was a sudden question but one he was sure to have an answer to. “N-No, ma’am. I mean…I’ve seen one used but…”
Dropping the knife with a small clatter against the pavement, Mia got up from her knees with a mischievous grin resting on her freckled face. Lucian blinked a few times in awe of how pretty she was. Carl was really a lucky guy.
“I’m gonna teach you how to use one today.”
“Really?” Lucian’s heart raced inside his ribcage from the sudden change of plans. Usually she tortured the guys with him watching closely from behind. They never exchanged many words with each other either - Only few rings of laughter and degrading the predator they caught. This opportunity wasn’t something he wanted to pass up.
Marching over to the weaponry table, Mia reached underneath it and pulled out a large bag. Both Tony and Lucian had a feeling they knew what was contained inside it. The man sobbed and screamed for mercy as the white-haired boy traced her every movement like a hawk.
Once the fabric unzipped, she pulled out the weapon by its handle. The blade was sharper than ever. Lucian could hardly look at it without feeling a bit intimidated. It was a huge tool. Seriously huge. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to even lift it up like she wanted him to.
It felt like mere seconds before Mia approached him from behind, leveling the chainsaw into his hands while supporting his back with her own frame. In a sense, Lucian felt more secure that way - But he was still incredibly nervous in case he messed up.
“C’mon. I’ll help you.” She assured him, her head nearly resting on his shoulder whenever she leaned in to do so. He nodded and placed his hands onto the handle, only for her calloused palms to grasp over top of them. That way, she’d still be able to control the movement if it got too out of hand. “Thatta boy. Look how perfect you hold that chainsaw,” she hummed with an adoring smile. He smiled too. She was so cool.
The happiness he once felt left his body as his eyes darted toward the man he would slaughter in the matter of seconds. He couldn’t bear to look him in the face, staring at the cracked stone floor. At least then, he couldn’t see how much it hurt whenever the blade dug its way inside.
Mia took notice of his visions. She understood if he was nervous but at the same time, she didn’t want him to miss out on how awesome it was going to be to murder the fuck out of him. So, in order to ease him up to it, she tried reminding him of what Tony did.
“Twelve years old, huh? Maybe we should take twelve limbs then.” She snickered with a sick sneer on her face.
“LET ME GO!” The man hollered with barely enough breath to fill his lungs. “LET ME GO, PLEASE! I’M SORRY! I’M SO SORRY!” His hand reached Lucian’s legs. He groped his shins while trying to pull himself upward, panting and wheezing. “H-Have mercy…I have a family…”
Lucian’s eyes did not shift from his face. He could remember the expression his stepfather made whenever he begged for his life. Why, he wondered, did they all look the same? If that was the case, maybe Tony wore the same expression Ryan did whenever he was being pleased by a boy like him.
“Shut the fuck up, you disgusting manwhore,” Mia kicked his head to shove him away from Lucian’s legs he was previously groping. “A family? Your first wife divorced you and took the kids after she found all the child porn you had. What the fuck are you talking about?”
Lucian’s eyes widened. How many children had he done this to? How many cried for their mothers and fathers? How many? His throat felt choked as he asked himself these questions. Had he known this man brutally took away the innocence of other children, he would have started the chainsaw a long time ago.
But he was afraid. He was afraid to do it and becoming something far worse than what Tony was.
Mia pushed it again. “C’mon, let’s do it. Let’s make him scream and beg like a little perra.”
“…I…” Lucian couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes. His fingers trembled around the chainsaw. “I don’t want to…he said he’s so-sorry…”
There was that innocent sweetheart that everyone took advantage of. It made Mia sick to the stomach to think about how many people had used his naïve natures against him. All they had to do was throw a pity party and give a weak ass apology for Lucian to break down in tears and forgive them. Not this time. She wouldn’t let him get away this time.
“You don’t have to forgive him. You don’t have to forgive any of them.”
Before he could respond to those intoxicating words, the chainsaw reeled on with a loud screech. Blood sprayed onto the ceiling of the basement as Tony let out a wail of horror, staring into Lucian’s eyes as if he were responsible for it all. Lucian tried to pull the blade from his chest, but Mia lurched him forward to hand another blow. The blood fountain grew thick as his insides were shredding all over. His bones, his muscles, his organs - They were torn apart. The screaming stopped after seconds but Mia didn’t release Lucian from her grasp. Instead, she lifted the blade onto Tony’s neck and began to decapitate him.
His head flew off his shoulders with a sickening splat, relieving them of their goal. Mia laughed hoarsely before dropping the weapon to the ground, freeing Lucian from her arms.
“Hahah! You’re a natural!” She praised him, stroking her hand against his fluffy hair. She was taken aback when feeling so soft it was. “How do you feel? That was pretty dope, wasn’t it?”
Silence. Mia began to worry that she had pushed him a bit too far. Then again, even if she did, she couldn’t picture herself apologizing. That man deserved it. If Lucian didn’t want to get dirty, he shouldn’t have offered to help her. And yet, at the same time, she did feel a tad guilty. Maybe she should’ve gotten a better clearance? Maybe she should’ve asked if he was sure?
Before she spiraled too much, she spotted the expression on his face. With a ring of sweet laughter, he wrapped his arms around Mia’s waist and embraced her. “Hahah, that was awesome! We should do that every time! For the next guy, we should cut for even longer!”
Hesitantly, she pushed him in closer by placing her palm to the back of his skull. Strangely enough, she didn’t feel awkward like she usually did whenever receiving a hug from a guy. It was like Lucian was able to override any sort of negative connotation she had towards men in general. Because unlike most boys, Lucian didn’t think like that. When he reached for a hug, he didn’t care about Mia’s gorgeous body - He only cared about her. Maybe that’s why she held him longer and patted his head; Lucian was just her little sidekick, almost like a little brother.
“Yeah, whatever. Just don’t start feeling sorry for them again.”
Releasing her, Lucian giggled to himself a little. “Yes, ma’am.”
Mia flicked him in the forehead, similar to how she scolds Carl for saying something negative about himself. Lucian whined and tried to protect himself, smiling like an idiot.
“My name’s Mia. Not ma’am. You act like I’m bitchy old lady or something.” She sneered. With a playful shove to Lucian’s shoulder, she dragged the corpse into the back room where they kept the rest. “But good job, Lu.”
Lucian blushed a little from the compliment. Receiving such kind words from his idol was like a dream come true. “…Thank you, Mia.”
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The surviving pages of the Can't Be Erased: Sister Location Edition lyric comic.
Originally started in 2017 and then put on hiatus as computer hardware kept failing and motivation kept drying up from the setbacks. Art and coloring styles changed a bit during the process cuz of different software.
Maybe I'll try to redraw it all in the future and try to be more consistent with it, but I don't hold much hope in it. lol
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itsawritblr · 5 months
Shakespeare Saturday: Othello.
In Othello Shakespeare doesn't say what Iago looks like. Directors have always assumed that, because of his hatred of Othello, he was white.
In the Royal Shakespeare company's 2015 production they cast Iago as black. Because Iago's hatred is not racism; it's from a feeling of betrayal, of his ambition thwarted in favor of, he believes, a less deserving man.
Lucian Msamati's is the best performance of Iago I've seen.
An interesting take on Roderigo. He's played as a bit thick. The words "thick lips" create a new response because Iago is black.
I do still love Bob Hoskin's Iago.
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lildarkchapel · 1 year
me, looking through the meaning of different English surnames (don’t ask why): hm, what about Michael Sheen, I wondered where his name derives from…
ancestry.com: […] English: nickname for an attractive person from Middle English shene ‘fair comely handsome’ (Old English scēne) […]
👀 👀 *coughs*
if you don’t believe me (plus in German schön means beautiful so yeah…I should have realised that way sooner…):
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101ocs · 30 days
The Williams Case 🐇
TW: Descriptions of sexual abuse against a child, mentions of drug/alcohol abuse, and descriptions of gore under the cut. Please proceed at your own risk.
Felix and Michelle met through mutual friends in high school, later committing to a serious relationship shortly after graduating. They married in their early twenties and had their first child in their late twenties. Felix worked as the pastor in Woodlyn’s local church as Michelle stayed at home with the baby. Their relationship flourished during these years.
After four years of being a stay at home mother, Michelle started using her husband’s absence to her advantage. She began having an affair with Ryan Olson, a prominent doctor of Woodlyn City. This affair lasted for two years before Felix found out, resulting in his resignation from office and stepping down as the pastor due to the severe mental health crisis he endured. His alcoholic habits returned from his high school years as well as his suicidal tendencies. Michelle filed for full custody over Lucian. The court favored Felix over her, giving him full custody with mandatory visitation for Michelle on the weekends. After filing for divorce, Michelle remarried with Ryan.
It wasn’t until Lucian started staying over the weekend with his mother that he showed signs of sexual abuse. Felix noticed these signs almost instantly and filed for full custody with no visitation with Michelle as long as she was married to Ryan. In a spur of desperation, Michelle switched the narrative and accused Felix of molestation instead.
The court ruled in Michelle’s favor after analyzing the evidence she provided to the court, seeing as she took photos of bruises and other injuries on Lucian, and ordered that he was removed from Felix’s care. Felix committed suicide less than a week later.
By this point, Michelle knew of the sexual abuse Lucian suffered by the hands of Ryan — she simply chose to ignore it. During their miserable marriage together, strained by alcohol/drug use and cheating, Michelle began a steady path toward prostitution. This caused her to lose touch with her husband and child for days on end, running off on a drug-induced frenzy. Ryan did not file for divorce in fear of losing contact with Lucian.
At the age of eight, Lucian finally came forward to his mother about the sexual abuse he endured in graphic detail. He explained he was drugged accordingly (considering Ryan had easy access to sedation pills) and would wake up to horrendous pain/injuries. He recalled even the first instance of this abuse, where Ryan had coerced him into giving oral sex while supposedly bathing him — he was only four years old. Michelle was supportive during the conversation and promised to get Lucian the proper help he needed, but disappeared without a trace by the time he was ten.
When he turned thirteen, Lucian began secretly dating David. He ran from home and stayed at his apartment for two years, attending Woodlyn High without any sort of contact from Ryan. The status of David and Lucian’s relationship was incredibly healthy, but not very stable. David influenced Lucian into gaining his smoking and drinking habits, ultimately leading to Lucian becoming addicted to alcohol as his father was.
By the age of fourteen, Lucian suffered through alcohol poisoning and was rushed to the hospital, almost losing his life. This put him in contact with Ryan again, as the hospital wanted his legal guardian to accept responsibility for his reckless behavior, but he did not return home.
After that incident, David decided to sober up with Lucian so he wouldn’t have to do it alone, abandoning the “party life” they were once pursuing. Their bond grew stronger because of this, but a new problem surfaced — cheating.
Lucian found out through his best friend Melanie. This obviously pushed him over the edge, seeing as he was already dealing with the stress of Ryan finding him. Instead of confronting David about it, he waited for him to leave again before destroying the entire apartment and all of his belongings.
Once he returned, Lucian wanted an explanation as to why he was cheating. David explained that he knew Lucian was too scared of having sex due to his past and, therefore, left him no choice but to cheat. Lucian, utterly broken by this, returned to Ryan that night.
It took only a few weeks before Ryan was back to his old ways again. Lucian endured one instance of this abuse again before deciding to take Ryan’s life. He drugged him, restrained him in the basement, and tortured him for two weeks before he ultimately succumbed to blood loss and various infections. Lucian then stripped the corpse of its flesh and hid the skeleton in the wall in order to preserve it.
Because Ryan was such a prominent member of Woodlyn City, being one of the best doctors, his disappearance was immediately recognized. Knowing this, Thomas recruited Lucian since he’d be desperate to keep himself from being suspected of the murder. Since then, Lucian has killed almost the entire population of sex offenders and potential child predators and plans to continue doing so. His string of sadistic killings are widely known throughout the city.
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reindash--yuri · 1 year
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Title: Hugs
Relationship: Fizzy Elephant & William Beaver
Characters: William Beaver. Fizzy Elephant.
Additional Tags: Stampytober 2023. Hugs. sleepy hugs. William Beaver-centric. William Beaver and Fizzy Elephant written as platonic but could be interpreted as romantic. Implied mute Fizzy Elephant. Wordcount: 100-500. Short One Shot. MC Mechanics
Not Beta Read
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kuri-crocus · 5 months
Please spread for a bigger sample size! 😌
A MS bf/gf for a David Tennant character Masterpost / Results so far
A DT bf/gf for a Michael Sheen character Masterpost / Results so far
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virgillives · 2 years
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g0ttal0ve101 · 9 months
Felix: “I messed up the recipe again…”
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Lucian: “Kai, do you need help reading the recipe?”
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father and son duo 🤭 tap now when the skrunkly!! 💞
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Had this idea floating around in my head for a while so here's an unfinished animatic from a couple months ago (sadly haven't had time to finish it bc of uni but oh well), I hope you like it! (The first section (up until Vincent appears) is copied from the music video for this song)
(also shhh ik the song lyrics don't fit what's going on it's more the vibe XD)
The song is 'beauty unique boutique' by fake type in case you're interested :D
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