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WOD 20 October is celebrated as World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) and marks a year-long campaign dedicated to spreading awareness about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. Love Your Bones..!! #osteoporosisday, #loveyourbones, #sakitlutut, #sakitsendi, #herbalsakitsendi, #bisniskesehatan, #applestemcellplus, #biogreenscience, #BisnisOnlineBGS, #herbalpremium, #bioinflavia, #antiinflamasi, #antiradang (di Distributor Resmi Apple Stemcell Biogreen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGjr-rGAKKW/?igshid=18vm449vaxp81
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Osteoporosis is a disease that causes your bones to become weak and brittle and it affects more than 200 million people worldwide. 😕 Love your bones!!! Exercise regularly, keep fit. #loveyourbones #worldosteoporosisday #lookingfabulous #healthisweath #exercise #neweraeducation #worldosteopathyday #osteopathy #osteopathyday #osteopathylife #familycaregivers #awareness #osteopathyawarenessweek #familymembers #familycare (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGjWxszB6Z6/?igshid=76fse6wlnfnh
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Love yourself from the inside out!
What my Coffee says to me October 29 - drink YOUR life in - You are SPOOOKtacular and llamatastic from the inside out! Remember that, cause you are! (What my Coffee says to me is a daily, illustrated series created by Jennifer R. Cook for your mental health)
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The right diet can strengthen your bones and help protect you from developing osteoporosis.
World Osteoporosis Day is annually observed on October 20 to create awareness of prevention, diagnosis, treatment of osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease.
#worldosteoporosisday #osteoporosisday #loveyourbones #preventosteoporosis #october20 #osteoporosisdiet #osteoporosisfoods #metabolicbonedisease #osteoporosisawareness #osteoporosisprevention #osteoporosistreatment #dietforosteoporosis #porousbones #porousbonesdiet #strongbones

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Low bone density or Osteoporosis is a silent disease leading to bone fractures that can majorly impact the quality of life. This #WorldOsteoporosisDay, here’s a list of easy home-based yoga exercises to help you revive the strength in your bones and keep them happy and pain-free, winter-long! Alongside, it is advisable to have bone-beneficial foods like dairy products, lean meat, nuts, and other vitamin D rich foods.
#HealthyBones #OsteoporosisPrevention #BoneNutrition #LoveYourBones

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"Strong bones are the foundation of a healthy, active life. Let's raise awareness and take action for better bone health on World Osteoporosis Day!"
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What is #Osteoporosis and What Causes It?
#worldOsteoporosisday #loveyourbones #bonehealth
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Bone health is important at any age, so it’s important to spread the word about World Osteoporosis Day on October 20. #WorldOsteoporosisDay is less a time to think about getting older, but instead to celebrate good health and educate yourself and others about the value of taking care of your body and protecting your #bones and #muscles from disabling and life-threatening fractures.
To know more visit http://parihomehealthcare.com/ Or call- +91 9993946972 #parihomehealthcare #loveyourbones
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Eep-our brand new sofa has arrived!!! It’s as comfortable as my bed 😀! I can now officially work on getting downstairs more! Thx @barkerandstonehouse for the amazing customer service too! . . . . #barkerandstonehouse #newsofa #selfcare #couldntaskformore #lookafteryourself #loveyourbones #perfectfit #perfection #leathersofa #mynextgoal #2018goals #invisibleillness #bedbound #housebound #chronicillness #chronicpain #chronicillnesswarriors #painwarriors #selflovery — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2wsItI2
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World Osteoporosis Day
20 October 2017
Worldwide 1 in 3 Women and 1 in 5 Men aged 50 and over will suffer with an Osteoporotic fracture. 3 Million people in the UK alone have osteoporosis. Osteoporosis causes the bones to become weak and fragile which means that they can start to break easily, even because of a fall, bump, sneeze or a sudden movement. Fractures like this can be life threatening and a major cause of pain and long term disability.
Osteoporosis can be prevented with these 5 steps
1. Exercise Regularly – Weight bearing, muscle strengthening and balance training exercises.
2. Diet – Rich in bone nutrients such as Calcium, Vitamin D and Protein
3. Avoid Bad Lifestyle Habits – Excessive smoking and alcohol
4. Find Out If You Are At Risk – Contact your GP for tests
5. Once tested get treated – Can include medication and protection against fracture as above.
How Exercise Can Help
Exercise is key in helping to keep bones strong and at the same time strengthen muscles and support the joints.
The best exercises to perform include Weight Bearing & Balance Exercises.
Weight bearing exercises are anything that forces you to work against gravity and includes activities such as Weight Training, Walking, Hiking, Jogging, Climbing, Tennis and Dancing.
Exercise is important for healthy bones at any age and vital for treating and preventing osteoporosis. Not only does it increase bone health but muscle strength, co ordination and balance so we can continue to move for the rest of our lives.
If you do suffer with low bone mass it is important to protect your spine by avoiding exercises that might flex, bend or twist too much. Avoid high impact exercise just to lower risk of breaking bones.
Exercise Classes That Can Help With Prevention and Treating Osteoporosis Can Include
Group Centergy
These classes are good as they provide flexibility, balance, bone density endurance, muscle mass, agility and increased energy levels.
Group Power
Boot Camp
Circuit Training
Classes that actively use weights to increase bone mass, strengthen muscles and protect the joints.
Studies have shown that lifting weights can help prevent bone loss. Recommended that strength training should occur 2 – 3 times per week with a focus on every muscle group is important. The group exercise classes above do exactly that with music and a fun environment.
Important to pay particular focus and attention surrounding your back and hip. Exercises that are key include the following
Hip Extension
Hip Abduction
Hip Adduction
Hip Flexion
I am going to look at Hip Extension Exercises in particular. The muscle groups worked during these exercises are your Glutes and Hamstrings. These key muscles are also used in movement for everyday life such as Standing, Walking, Running, Jumping.
Some Good Hip Extension Exercises Include As Follows
Kneeling On All Fours Hip Extension
Glute Bridge
Squats with Weights
Step Ups with weights
One of my favourite exercises is an Alternate Lunge because at a basic level this is called a stride, which we use during walking so a really important exercise for everyday movement. It is a Multi Muscle Group Exercise that works our Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings and Calves with Core activation for balance also playing a part.
How To Perform An Alternate Lunge
Stand Tall with feet hip width apart
Take A Large Step back with your left leg
Keep torso upright and central between back and front feet
Lock in your core
Front Knee should be behind your right toe
Drop your left knee down to the floor.
You should have a 90 degree angle with legs parallel to floor and hips square forward
Hold down for 1 second
Rise up pushing through your front foot squeezing your glutes at the same time.
Return to standing then change legs.
8 - 12 Reps on Each side x 3 Sets at a pace that suits you
To make this exercise harder add hand weights or a barbell.
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October 20: World Osteoporosis Day is observed annually on October 20th, and launches a year-long campaign dedicated to raising global awareness of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease. #WorldOsteoporosisDay #OsteoporosisDay #Osteoporosis #October20 #metabolicbone #Bones #WOD #WOD2017 #WOD17 #LoveYourBones #BoneStreanth #StopOsteoporosis #Fractures #Spinalogy #Calcium #alcohol #Prevention #disease #diabetes #BoneCare #Orthopeadic #HealthBones #Orthopeadic #fractura #health #Exercise #AlternativeMedicine #BabaAlexander #Hospital #Treatment
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What is #Osteoporosis and What Causes It?
#worldOsteoporosisday #loveyourbones #bonehealth
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~ The monsters running wild inside of me. 🥀 ~ #ihaveadream #monsters #warrior #thinkthin #loveyourbones #🔒
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