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alfairb · 11 months ago
I'm bringin' sey back Them other boys don't know how to act I think it's special, what's behind your back? So turn around and I'll pick up the slack
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thehitchhikerguide · 1 year ago
Season 2, Episode 1: Lovesounds
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After getting through the first 3 "trial" episodes of season 1, I was delighted that season 2 starts off with a real banger (pun intended) in Lovesounds.
We start out with the wonderful theme song and now I don't have to wonder which Hitchhiker is showing up because the other guy is long gone. After we see...wait what's this?
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None other than Werner Herzog's best fiend, Klaus Kinski. Oh boy I wonder if he will get some sort of comeuppance.
Klaus plays a sort of tyrant music maestro named Kurt Hoffman, firing cellists at will and yelling at everyone he comes into contact with. It sounds like this part was not much of a stretch after doing some light research on this actor - it seems like he was not a good dude in real life. I appreciated all the establishing music shots to really clue us in as to what this guy does for a living.
He gets a call from his wife that his new sound system is ready and he rushes home from rehearsal.
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Ha ha ha, this is some real 80's technology right here. Complete with state of the art reel to reel action and a Commodore 64.
As he's driving to his house, he encounters our moral hero, the Hitchhiker. Kurt yells at him for hitchhiking on a private road and tells him to go elsewhere. After he drives off, we are informed that Kurt Hoffman thinks people exist for one reason, to serve him! But even the mightiest sometimes see their subjects rebel and the palace walls come tumbling down. Ominous words.
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Maybe the Hitchhiker is willing all the bad stuff to happen, because he got yelled at.
We meet Kurt's wife Veronica and the young dude putting in his sound system, Eric. They seem pretty cozy together until Eric makes a move and...
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Ooops I guess he read that all wrong. Glass is broken and Veronica's finger is cut, just as Kurt walks in. That would have been a close one.
Now he gets to show off this most excellent stereo. All you need to do to turn it on is press 666, then V for Veronica.
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666 huh? I mean is this telling us this thing is possessed? It's a bit on the nose. Eric tries to the code and...
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Wow, it knew who was pressing the buttons! But when maestro tries it...
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Womp womp. This displeases the maestro. But luckily Eric has one more shot to show it works at Kurt's wonderful dinner party.
Unfortunately, things do not go as planned when Kurt presses the not-so-secret code again.
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The stereo sends off sparks almost killing everyone.
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Luckily Eric still gets another chance to fix it, while the master, er maestro is away on music business. He gently massages the sound system to get it to work better.
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Then we get a look at its kick-ass graphics. I'm guessing this is the love-o-meter.
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We hear some weird sounds, like the machine saying he loves him.
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And what are these? Are they supposed to be its eyes? What am I even looking at here.
While all of this is amazing since the stereo now seems self aware, Eric instead notices Veronica sunning herself in the beautifully overcast Vancouver weather. They start horsing around and throwing each other in the lake.
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Here he is being dorky offering her a flower. Man that water looks cold.
Now that they are both wet, it's time to have some hot laundry room sex. Finally, we get some young attractive actors for this softcore scene, unlike other episodes.
All that infidelity must have somehow fixed the machine because when Kurt comes back from his trip, he tries one more time. 666 V.
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Hey it worked! I feel like there is a Seinfeld joke in here somewhere.
Not only can he play his Beethoven at full blast, but Eric has also hooked up a powerful microphone where he can pick up nature sounds from outside just by pointing it in the right direction. Frogs! Wonderful.
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All excited with his new toys, Kurt tells Veronica to leave him alone for awhile. So she starts playing with her new toy, Eric, in the boathouse.
We get another sex scene, this time complete with some naked man butt, which is always welcome. Kurt decides he is tired of listening to music and wanted to hear more frog sounds so he starts pointing the microphone all around. He hears a hawk which delights him, but then he hears some other sounds. Are these Lovesounds?
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Uh oh, better turn up the volume. It's pretty obvious to him what is going on so he runs to the boathouse.
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Well okay we are all adults here, let's talk this out.
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Or...maybe just pour straight gasoline on the boathouse. Either way.
There is not much time for the couple to react before...
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Wow that lit up faster than a Christmas tree in January! What was that made out of?
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Well it's safe to say, they did not make it out on the boat. What to do now? I guess maybe listen to that new stereo system.
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After a while, more sounds start playing on the speakers. It sounds like what AI might think two people having sex would sound like. Are the ghosts of these two haunting the sound system?
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He's still watching, always watching.
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Wow this thing is off the charts!
Now the last 5 minutes of this episode is great, you can tell they just had so much fun making everything explode.
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The stereo starts exploding.
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For some reason the bar starts exploding.
Kurt is covered in blood from his face and then this happens...
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Oh no! That statue explodes!
Well I guess everyone got their comeuppance, but there is still someone who has the last laugh.
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No, not him. I'm pretty sure he died in the explosion.
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Wow that's a beautiful shot of the evening sky...and the smoldering bodies and wreckage behind him. Well the Hitchhiker finally got his revenge for being called out on his trespassing. He assures us by saying that in time it will be peaceful here again and someday people will come and hear the sweet sounds that even a tyrant couldn't silence.
Yeah, he says that, but I'm also sure all those frogs died in the explosion as well. Unless he's talking about those sex sounds that were haunting the stereo...hmmm where is that stereo....
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Oh Dear God! Well maybe I was wrong and he's still there watching...
Season 2 has several episodes I've never seen before so I'm hoping there will be a lot of surprise treats like this one was.
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tha-wrecka-stow · 22 days ago
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kkdisco · 2 years ago
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jtrocks · 9 months ago
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bestofmidi · 2 years ago
Is this the way it's really going down? Is this how we say goodbye? Should've known better when you came around That you were gonna make me cry It's breakin' my heart to watch you run around 'Cause I know that you're livin' a lie But that's okay, baby, 'cause in time, you will find
original midi at https://www.midis101.com/download/8618-justin-timberlake-what-goes-around-comes-around
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timberlakegallery · 6 months ago
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littlecornerinbrooklyn · 1 year ago
i loooove the 3D choreography wow it's such a good return to pure pop dancing and there's only like one semi-awkward move and it's still on BEAT so I can forgive it there aren't any wedged in little extra moves and everyone looks like they're having FUN thank you jaykay thank you hybe for flying in some of the best hip-hop dancers to make a few performance videos
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littleblondesoprano · 1 year ago
🎶1, 12, 21🎶
Ahhh, thank you, doll!!! :D <3
Three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
Hellraiser by Ozzy Osbourne No One Like You by the Scorpions 99 (Acoustic) by Barns Courtney
12. Three favorite songs from video games
Ooh!! So, all 3 are gonna be from Witcher 3, because I just love the OST for it. The first one is For Honor! For Toussaint! from the Blood and Wine DLC. (And shoutout to The Night of Long Fangs)
Cloak and Dagger from main game Witcher 3 (it's the horse racing song :D)
Kaer Morhen also from main game Witcher 3. I used to listen to the extended version to write!
21. Three songs of your childhood
Oooh! Whiskey in the Jar by Metallica. When I was little, I always thought the song was about pirates, which made it even better bc I fucking loved pirates. (It's about a highwayman, but ya know, it's still cool as a pirate song.) Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd, another one of mom's favs that became my own! Without Me (and Stan) by Eminem. I would ask mom to play the 'trailer park girls' song at elementary school morning drop-off, lol. Mom let me listen to most Eminem songs - clean versions, of course.
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thisaintascenereviews · 2 years ago
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Hindsight Is (The) 20/20 (Experience): A Ten-Year Retrospective
Few artists have a legacy like Justin Timberlake. Getting his start as a child in his native Tennessee, he rose to prominence as the main member of boy band *NSYNC in the late 90s and early 00s. After releasing a couple of albums with the legendary boy band, where Timberlake really got his start were his first two solo records, 2002's Justified and 2006's FutureSex / LoveSounds. These two records are two of the most influential pop records to exist, especially in the early 00s. The former introduced audiences to a more "adult" Timberlake after his split with *NSYNC, whereas the latter record was a showcase of his artistic and creative mastery, ultimately being an interesting mix of pop, soul, R&B, and hip-hop, all the while including some top notch and futuristic (pardon the pun) from Timbaland. Just when Justin Timberlake was at the top of his game, as well as the charts, he walked away from music and ultimately turned to acting. Unfortunately, he was in some pretty mediocre to badly-received movies in the mid-00s, only to reemerge in January of 2013 with a new single and the announcement of a new record, his first in seven years, to follow.
I became a fan of Justin Timberlake in 2012. After picking up a copy of Michael Jackson's Thriller one day at FYE, I decided to sink my teeth further in the realm of pop music, starting with Justin Timberlake's aforementioned FutureSex / LoveSounds. While I haven't listened to that record in a long time, it was one of the first pop records I really enjoyed, as well as make me realize that pop music had something to say. Pop music could be unique, challenging, and strange, all the while being catchy and slick. Needless to say, I was excited for his upcoming surprise release, dimply titled The 20/20 Experience. Named for how Timberlake asked his friends what they thought of the new material on the record, and they kept saying that it was "music you could see," its title is quite fitting, because this record feels both like an entire experience and an album that you can picture in your mind.
Lead single "Suit and Tie" was the first taste we had from the upcoming record, and in retrospect, this song was the most "straightforward" on it, but it's also one of the most fun songs as well. This song got me very excited for The 20/20 Experience; featuring rapper Jay-Z for some reason, the song is a fun, energetic, and swinging R&B, pop, and almost big band type of song. To this day, "Suit and Tie" is one of my favorites from the album. The album only came out a month after the lead single debuted, which was unlike a lot of records at the time, since a lot of bands and artists took a couple of years before they released a new record, especially after announcing it, but Timberlake helped to usher in "the surprise release." These days, artists can just drop albums out of nowhere, especially when they haven't released anything in a very long time. I'd like to credit Justin Timberlake with helping that idea get off the ground, especially for how successful The 20/20 Experience was. Ultimately being the highest selling album of 2013, let alone almost a million copies alone within its first week, the album was also critically acclaimed and won a couple of Grammy's as well.
This year, 2023, The 20/20 Experience celebrates its tenth birthday, and that's honestly hard to believe. I randomly thought about this album a couple of weeks ago, and realized that it indeed has been a whole ten years since this record came out, so I had the idea to take a trip down memory lane to see why this album this was so successful, as well as ultimately see how the album has held up within the last decade. I think the best way to describe this record is "lightning in a bottle." The right circumstances happened to make this record possible, such as Timberlake walking away from music for a brief time to get some newfound inspiration, and I don't think it could be replicated. Hell, he tried to do it by releasing a second part later on in the same year and it's not as good. It just feels like a collection of B-sides and rejects, versus another complete album. Looking beyond that, however, there are a lot of reasons why this album works so well, and the biggest reason (at least for me) is the songwriting and production.
I would make a huge argument that, like FutureSex / LoveSounds, this record was (and still is) ahead of its time. This record has a lot of very interesting, unorthodox, and off the wall production choices that work quite well. Each song has its own distinct identity, but the album also flows seamlessly well, so it never becomes distracting. Its sound also pulls from certain styles of music that weren't very popular within the mainstream pop sphere, at least not for another couple of years, those being retro soul, disco, and R&B. Timberlake and Timbaland looked to the past with this record, but they turned those ideas and sounds into something almost futuristic. The songs ebb and flow within each other, especially considering that almost every song is between seven and eight minutes. This album is a bit lengthy, clocking in at 70 minutes (not counting the bonus tracks), but every second feels necessary. I wouldn't cut out a second of this album, because none of the time is wasted. Timberlake meticulously crafted a record that is a bit lengthy, but doesn't feel like it at the same time. If anything, this record is more about rhythm, flow, and style compared to accessibility and catchiness, but here's where the album is so genius -- it's still catchy. Even the longer tracks are very catchy in certain moments, so the album still works on a surface level, but it does have many more layers that you can deconstruct with multiple listens.
Moving onto Justin Timberlake's voice, as well as his lyrics, this is where the album somewhat falters for me. Not necessarily for his vocals, as his voice has always been a lot thinner and higher pitched than other male pop singers, but he's got a lot of charisma and charm that oozes through this record. It's impossible not to be charmed by him throughout this entire record, it's so much infectious. It's the lyrics that are where I'd take or leave this record, although I don't think anything has aged poorly, per se. There's nothing on here that's bad, whether it's in retrospect or for the time, but the lyrics aren't very interesting at times, although I don't feel as though that's the point. Certain tracks have some rather cringe-inducing lyrics, I suppose, but I feel as though the focal point of this album is the production, which is very expansive, somewhat experimental, and free-flowing, versus tight and accessible. The lyrics aren't offensive in any way, and they haven't aged poorly in the sense that they were acceptable back then, but now they're not. They're just not that interesting in retrospect, even though a lot of the subject material, which is mostly dedicated to his wife, Jessica Biel, is very commendable, or at its worst, it's very "basic."
The 20/20 Experience, despite its very small faults that it has, is still one of my all time favorite records. I haven't listened to this album in a very long time, kind of because I've grown away from pop and R&B music, although I've found myself enjoying it again here and there, especially recently, but I didn't forget about this record. Even listening to it for the first time in years took me back to actually hearing it for the first time. It sounds just as fresh and interesting as it did a decade ago. Not a lot of albums sound like that, especially from the 21st century. I almost think this album is better now than it was a decade ago, because it still sounds fresh and unique compared to a lot of pop music out there when you listen to this and listen to music released now. If you haven't listened to The 20/20 Experience in awhile, I'd spin this record and check it out, because it's one of the most rewarding, fascinating, and wonderful records I've ever heard.
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jand87sportsgirlie · 3 months ago
Fun Times with JT
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joanofarc · 1 year ago
april sky, able (1995).
be all over me pour some milk into my hair but if you think i'm silly, i am proud i guess this april sky is mine
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kkdisco · 2 years ago
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jtrocks · 9 months ago
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samdelurvanrafigon · 2 years ago
Mic the Snare’s videos on the music that defined the ‘00s and ‘10s are very good, but while his video on the ‘90s is funny and immaculately edited, it also feels a bit…rote. Like naming cultural touchstones instead of crafting a thesis for the decade
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harryforguccy · 2 years ago
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