rabidbatboy · 3 months
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LOVELINK: an otherlink subterm for when one’s link is influenced by a correspondence to their partner or attraction
a lovelink could be:
- linking an object your partner is objectum for
- linking a character that your introject/kin/link/etc partner is dating/paired with in the media
- linking a character that is dating/paired with a character you are attracted to in the media
- linking a character that your f/o is dating/paired with in the media
- linking an animal because your partner is kin/link/hearted with that animal
- linking a character that you yourself are attracted to due to being on the autospec
lovelink can refer to romantic, sexual, queerplatonic, tertiary attraction etc
TAGGING: @kin-flags @alterhumanprideflags
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dark-unicorns-world · 2 years
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maryammgood · 11 months
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sparrowatheart · 4 months
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Oh gosh.. Theo. I was a little obsessed with this one 😅 Nonbinary, has a mischievous twin who's always trying to cause problems, technically a god (of love) and explains to MC that they've always loved them through multiple lifetimes. Constantly watching them fall in love with someone else.
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tarantinolovesmyfeet · 2 months
Love link is back or ?
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darkstarshine · 2 years
I've never related so much to MC
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thebenvoliobrit · 2 years
Lovelink finally introduce a replay feature and it's paywalled behind VIP....
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sparrowswritingnest · 4 months
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Jamie Drury - Made in Picrew
I really wanna draw Jamie with some of their Lovelink matches 🥰
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dark-unicorns-world · 2 years
Aww,Andy Biersack🖤😏
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maryammgood · 2 years
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sparrowatheart · 5 months
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This game sort of suggested that each person you hooked up with was a different timeline/life time when you got deep enough into the lore. Touched on Reincarnation and stuff. My character's name is Jamie Drury.
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corgibae · 2 years
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luvlinks · 2 years
why are all the stories the same?
i fall in love with a singer, i need to be a singer too
i fall in love with a animal activist, i need to become one too
i fall in love with a spy, i need to become a spy too
i fall in love with a tattoo artist, i need to work w/ them
i fall in love with a movie director, i need to become a actress
i fall in love with a writer, i need to write a book too
i fall in love with A FUCKING VILLAIN and now i'm a villain too
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griffinsboyfriend · 6 months
Btw does Lovelink not work anymore? The app forever stays at the loading screen for me.
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evmonteri · 2 years
Lovelink characters in choices artstyle
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dr-ethan-ramseyy · 7 months
Something That I Want
Pairing: Jonathan Hayes x Reader (Lovelink)
Word Count: 825
This is not timely at all and I'm pretty sure nobody cares about this except me, but I wrote it anyway! I'm coming back to lovelink after an extremely long break and catching up on Jonathan's route. I didn't like what happened after the solo lunch with his parents, so I wrote this instead.
“Hey baby,” Jonathan grinned, jogging up to you right after his parents had left the lunch they had asked to have with you alone. 
“Hey,” you smiled as he hugged you, then the two of you walked towards the beach with his arm around your waist. 
After you found a place to settle into the sand, he looked at you expectantly. “So? Looks like you made it out alive?”
You laughed. “I did. It was… nice.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Ooookay. Did you talk about me?” He smirked.
“Of course,” you grinned. “Turns out you’ve always been too handsome for your own good. I heard it got you into all kinds of trouble.”
He laughed, pulling you closer to him. “I guess that’s a fair point. Anything else?”
You hesitated, not sure how much to say or how to say it. You definitely understood where his parents were coming from, but you also felt like they put you in a really tough spot. You hated to feel like you were stuck in the middle between Jonathan and his family.
Jonathan noticed your hesitation, and turned to look you into the eye more clearly. “Sweetheart, what is it? Did something happen?”
“Well. They just… they asked me to talk to you about something. And I feel a little weird about it. Because it’s not really my business... Or theirs, honestly.”
He furrowed his brow. “What did they ask you to do?”
You took his hand in yours and held it in your lap, focusing on how grounded it made you feel. You took a deep breath. “They want me to try to convince you to leave the army.”
“They… what? Why would they ask you to do that?”
You tightened your hold on his hand slightly, watching the muscles flex in his arm as he digested the information. “They said that you wouldn’t listen to them, but you might listen to me.”
He was quiet for a while. You looked at him, and when you did, he just sighed. 
“They’re worried about you,” I said. “They’re just really worried about what could happen. Especially after…”
“Yeah. I know,” he said. After a moment, he swallowed audibly and murmured, “how do you feel about this?”
“Well, I feel weird about them trying to get me to team up against you.”
“No, I mean… Do you agree with them? Do you want me to quit?”
This was the question that you had been dreading. He searched your face, his blue eyes piercing into yours. You knew he could tell that you didn’t want to answer. Finally, you said, “I want you to be happy. That’s ultimately what I want. And I know your job means a lot to you.”
“But if it was up to you. If you could tell me to stay or to leave, what would you say?”
You shook your head, “It’s not my decision, Jonathan. I want you to do what you think is best for yourself.” 
He let out an incredulous laugh. “I’m asking for your input here, baby. What do you want me to do?”
You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, not wanting to be completely honest because you knew how much he worried about you. “You know I worry about you, Jonathan. When you were gone last time… I felt like I couldn’t breathe. And then when I found out you were injured…” You trailed off and shook your head. “I’ll never stop worrying about you. I’ll never stop being scared about what could happen. And I know how much pressure this job puts on you, and I know you’re good at your job, but I see what a toll it takes on you. So if you’re asking what I would want… I guess the answer is I would want you to quit.”
Before he could respond, you jumped in, with, “but I am not asking you to do that. I truly want you to do whatever you think is best. If you don’t feel like your time in the army should be up yet, then you keep going until you’re ready to stop, okay? This isn’t about me.”
Jonathan was quiet for a while, lost in thought. He pulled you into his arms and buried his face into your neck. “Thank you for telling me. And thank you for not trying to convince me to do anything,” he said quietly into your skin. “But you’re wrong.”
“I’m wrong?”
“You said this isn’t about you, but it is. I’m not making decisions for just myself anymore. I need to be making decisions for us, for our future.”
“Jonathan, I will stick by you no matter what you do. You don’t need to worry about that.”
He kissed you then, gently, threading his fingers through your hair. “I love you, baby.”
“I love you, too… are you okay?”
“I’m good. You’ve just given me a lot to think about.”
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