#LoveBug JWCT
st4rrmii · 3 months
I have finally chosen a ship name for LuciBen
Love-Lucien, as a core part of his character is how deeply he loves those close to him.
Bug-Ben, for obvious reasons, as well as the fact that "Bug" has been a nickname Lucien used for Ben for a while
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st4rrmii · 3 months
Hehe LuciBen playlist
Will probably add more songs to this overtime- as well as hopefully draw a cover for it, but tis a good start
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st4rrmii · 3 months
Lucien, calming a scared dino:You're okay, pretty girl, I won't let anything hurt you.
Ben, promptly realizing something about himself:Oh.
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st4rrmii · 3 months
LuciBen/LoveBug HCs/Facts:Pt.3-Sillies
(Last part! This one won't be as lore based as the others and will mainly just be silly lil hcs/cute stuff-thank y'all for sticking around for my shenanigans 🙏)
-Ben's the lil spoon
-Ben isn't much of a hugger but he will always cling to Lucien when possible, whenever anyone questions him about it he just tells them Lucien's just "comfortable" to hold onto (not a lie tbh)
-Lucien has a service dog named Latte that absolutely adores Ben, like if she's "off work" then the second she senses Ben, she's BOOKING IT to him. S1 Ben would've been a little icked out (and scared) by a full-size Malamute coming at him, but Big Ben is always happy to give the big pup all his love
-Ben was nervous to come to Lucien's place at first since he lives on the sanctuary he works at, which means theres a lot more of a chance of running into dinos, but he does quickly learn the ones that he will run into are very chill and used to humans so now he can come over without being spooked
-Mia(Lucien's lil sister) is a mechanic and has done an ungodly amount of repairs on the Van, at this point, she's the only one Ben will let touch it
-Lucien and Ben share a pretty similar music taste, mostly because they're constantly introducing each other to new music, so long roadtrips are pretty chill when it comes to who gets the aux
-Whenever they go out and have to look at least somewhat put together, Lucien will put a tiny bit of eyeliner/mascara and lipgloss on Ben, at first Ben was iffy about it but he very quickly got used to it, and even carries around his own little pouch with chapstick, gloss, mascara and eyeliner in his dork pouch
-They absolutely do the little dorky couples' trends you'll see on tiktok (like the nail polish to match each other's eyes, those hug shirts where they paint each other's arms then hug, matching pjs, etc.)
-Neither will admit it, but they are hopeless romantics. Even small romantic gestures from the other will have them giggling n kicking their feet for days
-Lucien's main love language is acts of service, if Ben says he's been stressing about doing something Lucien will do it for him, if Lucien notices the trash/dishes are building up in Ben's dorm he'll take it out/do them for him. Sometimes, Ben won't notice until Lucien's already done it and left, but it always makes him smile.
-On the other hand, Ben's main love language is gift giving, little trinkets he finds that reminds him of Lucien, post it note doodles, plushies (Lucien adores plushies and will always love getting them), you name it. Lucien doesn't really buy many nice things for himself unless they're necessities, so it always feels nice to have someone that does love him enough to think he's worth the money/time spent on gifts.
-Ben does most of the cooking, Lucien knows how to cook but unless it's certain dishes or he's in a certain mood it just stresses him out, whereas Ben grew up cooking with his mom a lot since she was at work a lot and therefore dinner was most of the time they got to spend together, so he finds it actually helps with stress. The boot slop was a low point in his life that we do not talk about.
-Lucien will compliment Ben at whatever chance he can. His hair looks good that day? Compliment. He's cooking, and it smells good? Compliment. The sun hits him in a way that makes his eyes shine and his freckles pop? 100 compliments. Lucien just loves Ben and thinks he's perfect in everything he does, and he's going to let him know that. Ben always gets flustered no matter how many compliments he's gotten.
-If Ben has an essay or exam coming up, Lucien will always stop by to bring him food, make sure he's resting, etc.
-Ben is a notorious clothing thief, I feel like I've mentioned this before, but I am mentioning it again because of how much he does it, someone help Lucien he's running out of clothes.
-They'll spend hours cuddling and talking, nothing else, just taking in each other's presence. They've both "lost" each other at some point in their lives, so they know not to take these things for granted.
-They have inside jokes in ASL, the other camp fam know if they're signing at each other and trying to hide their giggles, then the joke is probably at their expense. Especially Kenji.
-Lucien gets "Love Zoomies" as Sammy calls it, where sometimes Ben will do something or just like- exist- that has Lucien doing laps in his head, stimming, just a huge burst of energy that usually contains him going on about how much he loves Ben while trying not to do a backflip
-Lucien looks like he'd be the scary dog but he is like- the biggest dork, literally and figuratively- especially when it comes to Ben, like I know I've stated it fifteen goddamn times but I genuinely do not think there are enough words for me to properly describe just how madly, insanely, hesd over heels in love with Ben Lucien is, like that is his soulmate, he would take the trauma of Jurassic World an infinite amount of times if it meant he got to love Ben every time.
-Ben has Lucien wrapped around his finger, if he wants something he doesn't even have to say it, Lucien knows and he's already doing it
-Lucien is a biker, and while Ben does very much find it hot, he is also terrified by the way that man drives. He will be a backpack if absolutely necessary, but he will nearly break Lucien's ribs every time with how hard he holds onto him
-Ben was never really a concert enjoyer, hurts his ears and theres just too many people, but after seeing how excited Lucien gets at concerts and how much fun he has, suddenly Ben is a huge concert person, as long as he's with Lucien.
-Lucien's favourite sound in the world is Ben's laugh, the way he squeaks at the end of it, or how if he's laughing hard enough he'll cover his mouth and just go silent, and you can only tell he's laughing because he's shaking and has tears in his eyes- it's just the greatest thing in the world to Lucien. There has been so many time Lucien has completely embarrassed himself, and if it was anyone else laughing he'd curl into a ball and die, but the fact that it was Ben laughing just made everything so worth it.
-Ben thinks Lucien somehow hates pteranodons more than he does, which is crazy, Lucien's whole shtick is that dinosaurs are just doing what they have to do to survive and they shouldn't be punished for it, but pteranodons are a completely different story, they are the wasps of the dino world, they are hell spawns and will be treated as such if they dare come near him. Man, wonder why he hates them sm 🤔
-Lucien is the type of bf to send Ben pictures/videos etc. Of two random things and just caption it "us"
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st4rrmii · 2 months
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st4rrmii · 2 months
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Ooooo LuciBen as ship tropes
The half moon eyes ship trope fits them so well like ur right that is exactly how I draw them,,,, also pubbies
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st4rrmii · 2 months
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Everyone say ty Em for sending Ben art in the server and therefore making me wanna draw him
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st4rrmii · 3 months
The idea of Yaz and Sammy being wingmen for Ben and Lucien the way Ben and Lucien used to be wingmen for them is actually so cute I need to write them being wlw/mlm besties more
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st4rrmii · 2 months
Very like slightly suggestive LuciBen meme under the cut cause this shit has me gigglin
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2 vers cause both were funny
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st4rrmii · 3 months
Luciben/LoveBug HCs/Facts:Pt.2-Chaos Theory/Post Nublar
(As always, more under cut since it gets long-I'm thinking of doing a last part with general random hcs since both this and the last part ended up being somewhat storyline based)
//CW for Paranoia induced Hallucinations
-Despite being homeschooled all his life, Ben joined Lucien in the wonders of ✨️Public School✨️ for Highschool
-Neither of the two were the most social(Lucien was emo, Ben was a hisser, lets be real), so they stuck together for the most part, typically spending their lunch breaks under the stairwell away from others
-Unfortunately Ben only really got a year with Lucien in the same school as him as he left after his dad passed and he went to work on the sanctuary
-Ben stayed in school, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't picked on, but he'd dealt with dinosaurs before so what were a few shitty teenagers? (Thats what he tells himself to cope) once he got his growth spurt people kinda left him alone since dude was 6'5" and wore clothes that made him look even more built than he was (he wasn't jacked by any means, but he did start going to the gym)
-Speaking of the gym, he started going daily, as well as other "get out of the house" activities because he hated going home knowing Lucien still wouldn't be there with him
-Ben did honestly resent Lucien for the nearly 2 years he was gone, both for leaving him as well as leaving his little sister behind when she was also mourning the loss of their dad
-Ben also grew to have a sibling relationship with Lucien's little sister, which was weird at first after spending his whole life as an only child, but he grew to enjoy her company
-Ben tried so hard to be mad at Lucien when he did come back, but the feelings he had for him never went away which made it nearly impossible to
-both of them were equally shocked by each other's growth spurts, but Ben was significantly more stunned by the fact that Lucien somehow ended up nearly two feet taller than since they first met
-After a few fights about Lucien's,,, leave of absence,,, and Ben finding out the reasoning behind it, their relationship returned back to what it was before, both of them realizing that it was hard to stay apart now that they were back together
-Lucien spent a lot of time at Ben's dorm once he left for uni, which teeechnically wasn't allowed, but no one listens to those rules
-Lucien didn't do anything for secondary school due to his work
-Ben was the one to confess, just under a year after Lucien came back, which came as a shock to the both of them honestly
-Things moved pretty fast with them once the relationship was established due to the fact that they had already been friends for years at that point
-They did have one major issue though and it was that Ben still wasn't ready to come out, even within the timeframe Chaos Theory took place (You can read how Ben ends up 'coming out' here)
-The "European Girlfriend" was actaully a coverup Ben had used... multiple times, which Lucien hated, especially because all of the stories Ben told of said woman were real just- about him
-Lucien did ofc understand Ben wanting to stay in the closet, he'd never come out about being trans, having gotten on puberty blockers before the island and staying stealth, Lucien only finding out as he's also trans and literally shared a bedroom with the dude, but it was definitely hard trying to hide their relationship when all Lucien wanted to do was flaunt his boyfriend to everyone
-Brooklynn did find out before her "death", having walked into Ben's dorm room without knocking and finding them locking lips, they(mostly Ben) were of course embarrassed, but Brooklynn was super happy for them, glad they finally fot together (that is also when they learned that they were very obvious with their crushes on each other to all the other campers)
-After Nublar, Ben had gotten diagnosed with paranoia, getting bad hallucinations(both auditory and visual) that Lucien helped with, as he had been diagnosed with paranoia when he was much younger, having hallucinations since he was around 7
-Another symptom of Ben's paranoia was hyperrealistic nightmares of loved ones being hurt/passing, that would have him genuinely believing they were real memories when he woke up, only being able to be properly convinced that they were just dreams by talking to the person directly
-These caused.. problems for Ben when Lucien left, as his most common one ended up being a nightmare where Lucien had passed, this was an issue because he couldn't talk to Lucien, so he just had to trust his mom's words when she said Lucien was okay, but in the back of his mind he still had the lingering fear he was gone
-Lucien felt SO guilty when he learned this, he felt guilty about a lot of things surrounding him leaving, but this was definitely up there for one of the worst things
-Lucien was there the first night Ben got one of these nightmares after his return, which did help with the anxiety, but also made Ben realize how much time he spent genuinely terrified that Lucien was dead :(
-Ben became a lot- clingier, after that, as it really put his feelings about Lucien into light, and is one of the things that pushed him to confess. He couldn't risk losing Lucien before he was able to tell him he loved him.
-Realizing their feelings were both shared and romantic made the boys able to be a lot more comfortable with each other, not that they weren't comfortable before, but having """unrequited""" romantic feelings for each other def did create a little tension for a bit
-Lucien was the first to say the L word
-Ben's mom was so happy for them when they told her, she was also among the group that was just waiting for them to finally get together
-They don't show any PDA because of Ben being in the closet, but behind closed doors they are VERY clingy, if they can be touching each other somehow they will, whether that be cuddling, holding the other while they cook, holding hands, etc. They will find a way.
-Lucien believes he has to protect Ben, which Ben can find somewhat stressful at times, as Lucien has put himself in very risky situations in order to make sure Ben was safe, but Ben does enjoy it when it's not life threatening
-Lucien is WHIPPED for Ben, like insanely so, he would lie face first in a puddle in a new york subway station if Ben didn't want to get his shoes wet. He is the definition of down bad and he's proud of it!
-Ben's paranoia/hallucinations got worse after Brooklynn's "death", and there were nights where Ben would call Lucien at 3am in a complete mess, and Lucien wouldn't hesitate to get his ass outta bed and drive the full 45 minutes between them to make be there for Ben
-Lucien HATES Dark Jurassic, like, with a burning passion, its shady, harbours a lot of not great people, and can put those who use it in danger (evident.) He's tried getting Ben to stop using it but it never works
-Lucien didn't take any convincing to believe Ben when he told him his theory about Brooklynn being hunted, he'd always thought things were off (he's become hypersensitive to shady situations thanks to his line of work) but he never wanted to say anything in case he was just going insane or something, so when Ben brought it up he was honestly kind of relieved he wasnt alone
-it also didnt take a lot of convincing for Lucien to go with Ben to grab the rest of the camp fam, if anything he was just annoyed that his knees were going to be mad sore after sitting in Ben's van that long
-He however does NOT like that they have found themselves on a boat AGAIN. (He hates boats with a burning passion) but at least he doesn't have to keel their relationship secret anymore???
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st4rrmii · 2 months
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I put some of the core Luciben quotes in the brat generator this is peak
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st4rrmii · 2 months
I talk a lot about Lucien being whipped for Ben, which he is, but I'm feelin fruity, so now we get Things Lucien does that have Ben Folding Instantly
-Any time he sings, his voice is just so smooth that Ben cannot stop listening
-Gravelly morning voice, especially if it's paired with pet names, if he wakes up and hits Ben with the "mmh.. morning, Baby.." Ben is on the ground instantly
-the look he gives Ben when he's very clearly checking him out, Ben could be in the middle of a sentence but the second he notices he's tripping over his words
-to branch on that, listening when Ben talks. And not just like, basic bottom line listening, but being fully invested in what Ben's talking about. Ben's pretty used to people not taking him seriously and phasing out whatever he's saying, so to have Lucien fully engrossed in whatever he's saying, even when its a topic he otherwise would not give a damn about, has him contemplating grabbing the nearest ring shaped object and proposing then and there.
-whenever he gets cocky, specifically to people they have a mutual.. distaste... for, the cocky smile paired with sarcasm just does it for Ben
-Hand placement. Lucien has a HABIT of grabbing Ben by the waist, he doesn't even think about it, it's just habit, but that does not stop Ben from seeing stars every time it happens.
-Any kind of reassurance, telling Ben he believes in him, that he's got whatever he's doing, just in general hyping him on, makes his heart skip a beat frl.
-When he gets protective, the way he stands in front of him, or beside him with his arm wrapped around his waist to make it clear he's taken. If Ben's hair was long enough he'd be twirlin it around his finger n gigglin like a middle schooler
-Being reminded that Lucien is taller than him, don't matter how. He's been so used to Lucien being small that him now being even taller than him (and hot as hell) makes him malfunction
-pet names.
-Whenever Lucien's deep into whatever he's doing, like full focus n everything
-The smile he does where he puts his tongue between his teeth, honestly him smiling in general, whew,,,
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st4rrmii · 2 months
Ben, affectionately:Why do I put up with you?
Lucien:Because you're the one who decided to willingly marry the dumbest person you've ever met.
Ben:Second dumbest, kenji is in first.
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st4rrmii · 2 months
Sammy would've been the first to notice there was something going on between Lucien and Ben (aside from Brooklynn). She'd see the glances at each other, the way they're always close even if they're not quite touching (even though it's so clear they want to be), the way they stare at each other when they think no ones looking. She notices because these are all things her and Yaz have had to do whenever they felt it was unsafe to broadcast their love for each other.
And it breaks her heart.
She notices it when the boys come to pick her up, it's been a while and she knows how badly Ben and Lucien miss Bumpy, so she takes them to the back to see her. She sees the way Lucien watches Ben run to Bumpy like he was the sun itself, the way his face softens at the sound of the other's joy and laughter, she also sees the way he gets scared the second he notices her looking, and the way his entire face drops at the realization that he has to hide his love yet again.
Sammy knows whats going on, honestly, she could've called it all those years ago when they were all just kids on the island. Sammy knows that at least one of them is too scared to let those they're closest to know that they're in love, and she knows exactly which one it is.
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st4rrmii · 2 months
I'm sleepy which means I'm thinking of cute LuciBen stuff so here are some more domestic lil headcanons n shit. Be warned there will be typos.
-When Lucien gets sleepy he gets clingy and its specifically with Ben. They could be in completely dif rooms but the second the sleepy hits Ben becomes a giant magnet, and suddenly Lucien is pulling him close and shoving his face in his hair while trying not to pass out. If Ben can't come to bed/cuddle at that moment Lucien will become v whiny, laying face down in bed and just constantly asking when his husband will return from the war. When Ben DOES finally cave, he gets YANKED into bed the second he's within arms reach. Ben heavily enjoys all of this.
-Ben adores the fact that despite Lucien's outer "image" of being big and "scary", he is still the dorky sweetheart he met and fell in love with on Isla Nublar, like sure he's grown to be more confident/brave, but at his core he is still a hopeless romantic nerd who gets flustered when his boyfriend kisses him.
-There have been many nights where Lucien has been too sleepy to do his nighttime skincare routine, so Ben learns how to do it so that on those nights he can do it for him
-Lucien loves listening to Ben actually sing, but it's very rare to catch him doing it because he gets flustered easily, so if Lucien hears it he will stop dead in his tracks to listen
-Ben loves playing with/styling Lucien's hair, he grew up doing his cousins' hair a lot so its habit to him, plus Lucien's hair is insanely soft so thats a plus
-If Lucien notices that Ben wants to leave a social situation, he'll literally just pick him up and toss him over his shoulder before leaving
-despite being the big spoon, Lucien also loves sleeping so hes basically on his stomach on top of Ben with his head on his chest, it took a lil bit for Ben to get used to the weight but he does also love it
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st4rrmii · 2 months
Ben not being used to people acting civilly towards him when they're mad at him and he and Lucien have a fight and it just goes like this
Lucien, after the fight:*brings Ben food*
Ben, confused:I thought you were mad at me?
Lucien:I am, but me being mad does not equal me wanting you to starve to death?
Ben, prepared to get down on one knee then and there:Oh
They're both idiots and I love them
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