#Love you FuwaFuwaMedb
attackonari · 5 years
Welcome, Master! (ArcherGil, CasGil, Hakuno)
I think I have a thing for having Hakuno just troll poor Archer.
Keep the smile on your face. Keep the smile on your face. Come on Hakuno! You can do it!
“Oh Waitress! I want to order another cake!”
This guy.
“What kind of cake would you like Master,” I appeared at the side of their table.
“Hmmm,” he paused, “ah, how about you recommend me another?”
This damn guy.
“Woman,” his twin, his older brother, “another black coffee.”
I don’t care who this guy is, he’s way nicer than his twin asshole.
“Yes, Master,” I write down the order, “Would you like me to bring you a pot instead?”
“No,” he smirks, “I like when you call me Master.”
Fuck them both. 
“Waitress,” the other one exclaims, “my cake recommendation!”
“How about the Italian Tiramisu to go with your coffee Master?”
That’s right Hakuno, ignore at least one idiot.
“Hmmm,” his eyes flick away from his golden tablet, “alright, I’ll take it,” he smirks at his brother.
“Understood Master,” I chirp because the customer is number 1! (Can I clock out yet? Please!)
“Oi! Don’t ignore me!”
This one is so annoying.
“Right Master! A cake recommendation,” I put a finger on my lip to look like a ditz, “then, how about our Apple Cookies! The kids really like those when they come!”
Me what, you overgrown child?
“He’ll take them,” the semi-polite one smirked, “make sure to bring some milk for him too.”
“Yes Master! That’s one black coffee, one slice of Tiramisu, a plate of Apple Cookies and one glass of Milk. I’ll get them for you right away Master!”
I can’t feel my cheeks. I semi-quickly walk to the back to get the items we need. I pass by Gudako who seems to be involved with reading the menu to this golden haired guy who seems to keep staring at her. He has a white haired twin with him. Is today twin day? She doesn’t seem to mind the both of them based on her increasingly red face.
While waiting for the orders to come I spot Rin at a table of blue haired rowdy guys. She seems to be trying to tell them to keep it down, but her face is also turning red. I don’t think it’s for blushing though. Why is it all the trouble makers have come today? If it wasn’t for the fact that these guys seem to be loaded, they would have been kicked out long ago. 
“Here’s your order Hakuno~” Merlin smiles at me. 
Get bent you playboy. 
“Oi! Waitress!”
“Coming Master,” I take the tray and walked to the table of Blond Menaces. 
“A black coffee and tiramisu for First Master,” I place the cup and plate down, “and a plate of Apple Cookies and Milk for Young Master.”
“Young Master?” 
I finish placing down the items when I hear a chuckle.
“Yes,” the seemingly older one said, “Young Master. After all,” he looked straight at his brother “you are the one acting childish here. Now eat your milk and cookies.”
The younger ones face turns red, before a smirk graces that face. And I’m walking away.
“Hey, waitress,” damn it, “come back, I want to order something.” 
Someone please, save me.
Thank you Rin.
I love you Rin.
“Excuse me Masters,” I turn to speed over to Rin’s table.
Upon reaching Rin’s table, I see her near tears with a red face of frustration. I take her arm and put her behind me. I look and stare at the gaggle of blue haired “Mutts”.
“Masters, it seems you have upset one of the waitresses of this establishment. I ask that you please pay for what you ordered and kindly leave,” I continue to stare, “otherwise the Café will not be liable for your injuries.”
“Oi oi Miss, you’re a cutie too,” Mutt with face tattoos said. 
“I see then,” I smile, “Thank you Masters.”
I take a deep breath.
“Heracles!!! Please escort these Mutts out!”
Hearing loud steps behind me, 253cm of pure muscle stopped right behind me. Because our café was pretty relaxed about things, Heracles was hired to put a stop to things that hinder our job. Most of the time, it’s idiots who take harassment too far.
“We didn’t even do anything!”
A few of the mutts were trying to protest as Heracles lifted them all by the backs of their shirts and chucked them out of the café. I took Rin to Merlin who already had a cup of tea ready. 
Back to work it is. Heracles looked at me for a moment, but I shook my head. These two haven’t reached that level yet. 
“Coming Master!”
Besides, the expressions the younger one makes when I don’t react the way he wants has been making my day. 
“Would you like more cookies and milk Master,” I asked loudly as I walked to the table of blonds.
Sniggering was heard from Merlin and everyone else.
Yeah, I got this.
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peachypoops · 5 years
chartreuse burgundy
chartreuse = You’re my homie
burgundy = I get excited when I see posts from you
sahjsahdjfkha thank youu even though i havent been uploading much you still care and i want to see my post. thank you for your love!! ;~;
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
A lovely rewrite of one of the drabble fics. Expect changes from what you read here, but it should be fun.
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mariwrites · 4 years
All There in the Manual - I Have Yet To Be Stained To The Bone
*Jazz hands* Let's get tropey~
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first All There in the Manual! This is going to be a feature of mariwrites, and it's basically Exactly What It Says On The Tin. It's talking about a completed and posted chapter of any fics I write, one where I write about my “behind the scenes” thoughts about it. Let’s get started!
First, the title! It's a translated lyric from the Vocaloid song Iroha Uta, composed by Ginsaku and performed by Kagamine Rin. The song is...somewhat vague, but the most common interpretation is that it's at least partially about sex. The idea of naming this from that song stuck in my head and didn't leave, so I did. Plus, it's kind of a pun? It's a fic with bathing/washing heavily featured, and it talks about being stained...get it? =D?
...this is the kind of thrilling commentary you get from All There in the Manual, yes.
ANYWAY. As you may have noticed, I repeated a few phrases from the beginning around the end. “...The thing is, though...”, “There's that slightly flustered face she loves so much.”, and some other stuff. It feels kinda weird to do it in a PWP, but I really like callbacks in writing like that. It feels like...I dunno, coming full circle? Sometimes giving new context to the words, too. I like it, it's good civ to me.
Speaking of starts and ends, ahahaha...yeah, this certainly took a good long while to be finished, didn't it? In hindsight, trying to give my Crippling Depression™ ass a deadline was a bit too optimistic. On the bright side, I managed to get this done during Kinktober! That's something, right?
“You've been procrastinating on this for four months,” says the hypothetical reader.
“I gave you 9000 plus words of Roma smut, dammit! Me and FuwaFuwaMedb are the only ones currently producing horny Roma content! 9000 plus words! It didn't come from thin air!” I say to you, pleading for mercy.
Let's see, what else...ah, right! There's a few things that come up that might be a little confusing, so I'd like to clarify:
“We met the Nene-hii that was alive back then,” yes, Nene-hii is Nero. As you might've noticed, my Gudako gives nicknames to people. “hii” is short for hime, which means princess in Japanese, and it's...well, it's close enough to emperor according to everyone involved. I hope it was clear enough with context, I added a line to the narration saying it was a memory of The Emperor of Roses just to be safe, but I'm sorry if I confused anyone.
The second is the mention of something called “gap moe”. I figured most readers would be familiar with the concept of moe (don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure it's even used in the game itself), but in case you didn't know: gap moe is defined by the ever-helpful Urban Dictionary as, basically, “when a character does something completely contradictory to what their usual habits/personality/character/appearence dictates.” Basically, you wouldn't expect someone as regal as Romulus=Quirinus to get embarrassed like that, right? And you wouldn't expect to find that seeing someone like him hiding his face from behind to be a special kind of cute, right? That's gap moe!
...yes, we also explain overcomplicated jokes here at All There in the Manual.
In all seriousness, with things like that, I guess I could take stuff like that out so that everyone will understand all the mentions and jokes, but...well, it's. My fic. And those are the jokes and mentions that I, personally, wanted to make. So I did? I'm happy to explain things if you ask, and I'll make them as clear in the text as I can (unless like, there's supposed to be a mystery or something), but this is my city.
And with that, I think we're done. For now, at least! You're free to ask me about anything not mentioned here, dear reader. I...don't really expect most people to care about my thoughts on this kinda thing, but it was fun to talk about it, and hey! There's a tiny, tiny chance it's interesting or helpful to someone in some way, so! It's probably not totally useless.
Have a great day, everyone! May your works in progress be completed, may your reviews be plentiful, may your rarepairs get content, and may your typos be few and far between.
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marikothecure · 4 years
Can I just say that I'm looking forward toward seeing your characterization of Romulus-Quirinus in that upcoming WIP of yours? I adore Medb's characterization but I've also seen your talks with her on yours and gosh your Romulus-Q sounds very precious! And also the mere thought of him of all people being pretty sexually naive amuses the heck outta me but hey, at least that means one can enjoy teaching him everything or as Medb put it "CAN YOU IMAGINE TEACHING A GOD HOW TO FUCK?!" lmao
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You will be happy to know, my dear mysterious friend, that there will be a great deal of Romulus=Quirinus being precious and adorable in my fic. There will of course also be smut! But lots of fluff too. (Honestly, any sin I write with this man ends up having a lot of fluff. Local founder of the Roman empire too good for this world, too pure.)
FuwaFuwaMedb’s RQ fics are definitely Roma, there’s no doubt about that. But the muse called to me in a different way, and honestly I can’t tell you how relieved I am that people don’t seem bothered by it. Hell, it seems to be quite the opposite! You guys love it, you want more of it! So what else can I do but provide? I’m gonna be the change I want to see in this world, one PWP at a time.
I will also say that my Ritsuka Fujimaru? Is thirsty as hell. She has been more than happy to teach RQ how to fuck. More than happy. My dear friend Yume (who reads all my writing first because BFF privilege) has said repeatedly that she finds Ritz relatable and enjoyable due to her cooing over how cute her boytoy is and how much she wants to fuck him. So the Romafucker thirst is going to be well represented, I can promise you that.
As for how much “IP” is left in my WIP, well. I’ve gotten a good chunk of the setup out of the way. In case you weren’t aware, the specific brand of sin this time around is bath sins! So basically it’s setup->simmer->smut. I need to write a LOT more of the simmering section, but I’ve pretty much gotten how it all goes down mapped out in my head. So, this time, I absolutely expect it to be finished by the end of the month!
Also! I have an important announcement to make! If any of you want to talk about fic-related stuff specifically, I now have a writing blog! It’s mariwrites! It’s not a sideblog, so feel free to follow/send asks/all the other shit sideblogs can’t do because Tumblr is run by idiots.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to take my meds, put on some smut writing music, and try to wrestle the muse into submission and make it put words on a page.
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novelelitist · 6 years
I’ll honestly take anything? I’m probably just being put off by amount of tags someone has and I need to branch out from fics just about Emiya Archer or Artoria. So anything you feel is worth a read or needs attention please~!
SHAMELESS PLUG: You should read my shitty one-shots and tell me how bad they are. I’m always out here accepting people telling me I’m garbage. Like, this one because it’s one of my favorite things I’ve posted here. And this one. And this one. AND THIS ONE.
Any of the Fate writers on here deserve love, and I appreciate so many of them. @namelessarcher, @fgo-headcanons, and @fate-grandorder-imagines come to mind. I think they’re all on hiatus atm, though I kind of am too so?  Who knows?
Sonatas and Etudes (E) - @atroposisms - Various x Reader [6]
This is a short collection of one-shots that read more like poetry than narrative. I’m dying for there to be more. I love reading stories with painted tones and characterization, and this lil collection paints very well. Peak transformative writing imo, though I’m hardcore biased toward narrative that reads like poetry.
A Demanding Heart (E) - goldenteaset - Diarmuid x Gilgamesh x Artoria [7]
Literally cannot clock anything in this. The characterization is fantastic. The pacing is smooth as silk. The formatting is consistent and clean. I don’t even like Artoria but I love every second of her in this. Romance and eroticism at a leisurely pace. This is also peak transformative writing.
Saudade (M) - @fuwafuwamedb - Gilgamesh x Hakuno [24]
Sometimes the formatting and technical stuff catches my eye, but it doesn’t bug me enough not to read. The storyline is lovely, and some of the jokes in here kill me. Hakuno is rescued from a Moon Cell singularity and taken to Chaldea. Chaos ensues. FGO timeline.
The Bricoleur (E) - @fuwafuwamedb - Cu (Lancer) x Rin [6]
Also some technical stuff. I really wish I got more from the main characters’ perspectives, but I wouldn’t be recommending it if I didn’t like it. Rin is about to die in FSN timeline and accidentally summons all 4 Cu Chulainns. It’s lit.
Regret [T] - yuuki_clyde - Gawain x Reader [1]
Angst-driven one-shot in the FGO timeline. Ya really gotta read it to pick up what I’m putting down about it. Has definitely stuck in my mind since reading it some months ago.
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red-archer-emiya · 5 years
Send me “OMG YES” if I’m one of your favorite blogs!
God bless you kind soul!~
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I love your blogs too!!~ you are one amazing writer! and friend <3
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
FuwaFuwaMedb! I'm talking with a friend about the manga I've been reading lately, and it's gotten me curious. What manga are you into? What anime do you watch? Anything coming up that you're excited about? For me, I'm hyped that the fourth volume of Wotakoi is FINALLY coming out, it's been delayed like twice and it's made me salty as hell. Also I'm getting caught up on Delicious in Dungeon and MAN. It is just so damn good. The worldbuilding in that series is fantastic. Also Spy x Family is GR8.
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My main manga that I’ve been following is Made in Abyss. I love the show and I decided that reading the manga was needed. It’s been a trip, I tell ya. I’ve been reading a lot of other ones though. I like Ways of the House Husband, The Vengeful White Cat Lounges on the Dragon King’s Lap, Beware the Villainess, Youngest Princess, The Savior’s Book Cafe in Another World- Oh! And Ari introduced me to Cats Own the World. I like that one a lot as well. Ari’s discord keeps a running excel spreadsheet of the mangas that we all read and it’s fun.
There was a great manga that made me saltier about Mephistopheles in FGO that was called Frau Faust. SUPER RECOMMEND. It’s so good. It’s by the creator of Ancient Magus Bride. 
Anime... I have an odd taste in Anime. Most of the time I like the deeper anime that come on TV. I like Made In Abyss, Noein, Stein’s Gate, Magus Bride, but sometimes I like other shows like Pop Team Epic or How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift. I’ll give anything a shot. I love Yuru Camp too! Very wholesome! 
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
(CRA-chan) Well, today I finally got off my ass and did it. It's finished and I could post it right now if I wanted to. I've even shown it to my best friend (of what will be 5 years in August) and SHE loved it and said it was good and valid but. I am Big Fear about it still. I've sent you asks about my thoughts on Roma and romantic love and relationships and! I'm just so anxious! I can't stand it! Have you ever felt that way about posting sins? What did YOU do? I need some advice FuwaFuwaMedb.
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Ah, young grasshopper. This is where you get the thick-headedness out. You reach deep into your soul and just mindlessly post it while your mind is distracted by doing that reaching. 
Other times, when I feel nervous about posting, I tell myself that posting is how I’m going to back up the story/drabble to save it for later. You can’t accidentally delete or lose a story if it’s posted online. Big brain move, right there.
In all seriousness, if you had a good time and the writing moved you in some way, shape, or form, then never fear. That’s the sign of good writing. That’s the sign of writing growth. People will like your work. 
I am not the best in this area of guidance to which you seek. I’ve been terribly shy and scared of AO3 after being enormously harassed. We all try very hard to not let rotten words hurt our feelings and dissuade us from writing, but no one is perfect. My advice is only that which I give myself- remember that your writing is something you elected to partake in yourself. It is your hand that penned those words, your hands which gifted them to the world, and it is your happiness that you share with those who choose to share your vision with you. Not everyone will enjoy it, but those who do are worth their weight in gold. 
I have no doubt that your work is wonderful. Share it when you are ready. Those like myself will eagerly await that moment.
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marikothecure · 4 years
Different anon here! I also really enjoyed your nsfw alphabet Roma edition a lot! Definitely loved your little commentary too. I couldn't stop giggling at them with my favorites being the summary and how you basically telling us that Romulus unfortunately not, in your words, the fuckiest of Chaldea's Romans. I snorted so loudly after reading that sentence. Like seriously, that was just great lol. Anyway I hope you have a nice day and wish you luck on that WIP of yours!
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Ya'll are so sweet...I'm shooketh to the core. Really, thank you so much! I'm glad my attempts at comedy were actually funny, that's a relief.
As for my WIP...I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that I'm away from my computer visiting family, and I won't be back until Wednesday. The good news? I have my fic in a Google doc and was able to pound out like, a page or so on my phone. And I've got more on the version that I'm writing on my computer that I didn't add to the document before I left. So yeah, having it out by the end of the month was obviously a bust...but progress is definitely being made.
Honestly, you guys are the sweetest. Between you adorable anons, FuwaFuwaMedb, and my dear Yume, my motivation and determination are through the roof! I WILL get this done, that's a promise.
You have a great day too! Enjoy your (holiday) weekend!
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
Hello, hello, I have a request that requires some backstory. It actually doesn't I just find it funny. So I got an email notification for both your story and pokemon at the same time. Because of that, I read them at the same time so instead of 'Funko x Pokemon' I read 'FuwaFuwaMedb x Pokemon' so now Pokemon Trainer Medb is something I would really like to read. Thank you in advance for dealing with that unnecessary backstory and my request.
You have the best backstory and I love it.
Also, you get notifications about my stories?!?! 
But yes, anyway, please stay tuned. I’m going to be a bit slow at writing and posting this up, but I’ll have something here in a bit for you to read.
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peachypoops · 5 years
I love your Jojo doodles! Especially any with Jotaro. He's the best.
Thank you @fuwafuwamedb 💖 c: the fluffy queen likes me jjba doodles ^^
Does that mean we want some jotaro?
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