#Love in the Decentralized Web
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nxlvb4 · 4 months ago
Love in the Decentralized Web
It was the summer of 2035, and the world had changed in ways Olivia never imagined. The towering giants of the internet—Facebook, Google, Instagram—had begun to loosen their iron grip, giving way to a new era of decentralization. Users no longer had to rely on big tech to control their data or feed their content into a vacuum, hoping for a glimpse of visibility. The future, everyone said, was in…
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essential-randomness · 1 year ago
Enter the FujoVerse™
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Starting 2024's content creation journey with a bang, it's time to outline the principles behind the FujoVerse™: an ambitious (but realistic) plan to turn the web back into a place of fun, joy, and connection, where people build and nurture their own communities and software. (You can also read the article on my blog)
The Journey
As those who follow my journey with @bobaboard or read my quarterly newsletter (linked in the article) know, the used-to-be-called BobaVerse™ is a collection of projects I've been working on since 2020 while pondering an important question: how do we "fix" the modern social web?
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Obviously the joyless landscape that is the web of today is not something a single person can fix. Still, I loved and owed the internet too much to see it wither.
After countless hours of work, I found 3 pillars to work on: community, software ownership and technical education.
Jump in after the cut to learn more about how it all comes together!
Community is where I started from, with good reason! While social networks might trick us into thinking of them as communities, they lack the characteristics that researchers identify as the necessary base for "true community": group identity, shared norms, and mutual concern.
Today, I'm even more convinced community is a fundamental piece of reclaiming the web as a place of joy. It's alienating, disempowering, and incredibly lonely to be surrounded by countless people without feeling true connection with most of them (or worse, feeling real danger).
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Software Ownership and Collaboration
As I worked with niche communities "software ownership" also became increasingly important to me: if we cannot expect mainstream tech companies to cater to communities at the margins, it follows that these communities must be able to build and shape their own software themselves.
Plenty of people have already discussed how this challenge goes beyond the tech. Among many, "collaboration" is another sticking point for me: effective collaboration requires trust and psychological safety, both of which are in short supply these days (community helps here too, but it's still hard).
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Education (Technical and Beyond)
As I worked more and more with volunteers and other collaborators, however, another important piece of the puzzle showed itself: the dire state of educational material for non-professional web developers. How can people change the web if they cannot learn how to *build* the web?
(And yes, learning HTML and CSS is absolutely important and REAL web development. But to collaborate on modern software you need so much more. Even further, people *yearn* for more, and struggle to find it. They want that power, and we should give it to them.)
Once again, technical aspects aren't the only ones that matter. Any large-scale effort needs many skills that society doesn't equip us with. If we want to change how the web looks, we must teach, teach, TEACH! If you've seen me put so much effort into streaming, this is why :)
And obviously, while I don't go into them in this article, open source software and decentralized protocols are core to "this whole thing".
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The Future
All of this said, while I've been working on this for a few years, I've struggled to find the support I need to continue this work. To this end, this year I'm doing something I'm not used to: producing content, gaining visibility, and putting my work in front of the eyes of people that want to fight for the future of the web.
This has been a hard choice: producing content is hard and takes energy and focus away from all I've been doing. Still, I'm committed to doing what it takes, and (luckily) content and teaching go hand in hand. But the more each single person helps, the less I need to push for wide reach.
If you want to help (and read the behind the scenes of all I've been working on before everyone else), you can subscribe to my Patreon or to my self-hosted attempt at an alternative.
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I deeply believe that in the long term all that we're building will result in self-sustaining projects that will carry this mission forward. After all, I'm building them together with people who understand the needs of the web in a way that no mainstream company can replicate.
Until we get there, every little bit of help (be it monetary support, boosting posts, pitching us to your friends, or kind words of encouragement and support) truly matters.
In exchange, I look forward to sharing more of the knowledge and insights I've accrued with you all :)
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And once again, to read or share this post from the original blog, you can find it here.
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dailydemonspotlight · 8 months ago
Alilat - Day 44
Race: Entity
Arcana: Empress
Alignment: Light-Chaos
June 13th, 2024
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A personal favorite kind of demon throughout the series has to be the ones that are completely alien- demons that look like they originated from a psychological study, or living beings that, by all means, look like they shouldn't be real. Demons of this kind are surprisingly few and far between, with most appearing as rather standard depictions of monsters or humanoid beings, but when the artists dip their toes into the strange, almost beyond this world, I fall in love with the designs the instant I lay my eyes on them. One of these, of course, is today's Demon of the Day, and a strange outcast even among the strangest demons throughout the series- the ill-known Mother Goddess of the Arabian Peninsula, Alilat.
Mostly known by one of her many names, al-Lat, Alilat is a relatively obscure goddess in the grand scheme of history. As a pre-islamic goddess worshipped in Arabia, a lot of history surrounding her is hard to parse, even down to the exact areas that her reign was present within, but the general consensus appears to be that she was mainly worshipped in several widespread cults throughout Arabia during its pre-islamic days. Another name of hers, Allat, has actually been the name of several goddesses throughout several different areas in history as well, making her story even more confusing to dig through. The tangled webs of tales and future conflations between her and other deities make her an incredibly confusing deity to sift through the facts about.
Our first recorded mention of Alilat actually comes in the form of a retelling from Greek scholar Herodotus, who, in his book 'Histories' wrote,
"They believe in no other gods except Dionysus and the Heavenly Aphrodite; and they say that they wear their hair as Dionysus does his, cutting it round the head and shaving the temples. They call Dionysus, Orotalt; and Aphrodite, Alilat."
I will admit to copying that passage from Wikipedia, but I'm not about to sift through a copy of such a massive transcript to search for a single line. Interestingly, this transcription by Herodotus actually has a conflict with how most other people drew comparisons- it was commonly believed, and still is today, that Alilat was actually the ancient Arabian's version of Athena. As a goddess of motherhood and fertility, as well as peace, she shares some similar traits to Athena in greek myth, as they also both share a trait as a goddess of war. Where this came from is described in several Safaitic inscriptions, as she used to be invoked by travelers through the region in order to guarantee peace, prosperity, and protection, while warriors at the time would invoke her name to ensure good loot and those attacked would invoke her for vengeance. As one of two principal deities, she seemed to be stuck working overtime a lot.
This is also proven by how scattered her inscriptions are throughout Africa- there are only few given, and most of them are in vastly different areas, giving light to the idea that her cult was widespread but decentralized. And yes, it was a cult, not a formalized religion, as her worship was incredibly sparse. She was revered by many names and even more traditions, including a northern Arabian tribe known as the Qedarites, the widespread peoples of the Nabataeans, and even those residing within the largest Parthian city of its time, Hatra. A lost city known as Iram of the Pillars was also a home of Alilat worship, with them having erected a temple that has now been buried beneath the sands- tragically, all that has been left was a few pillars and a crumbled statue of a lion, but accounts and some small inscriptions on the inside of the temple revealed that it originally had a gorgeous statue of Alilat inside, resembling none other than Athena.
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Unfortunately, as time went on, the temple fell into disrepair, having been the target of an attack from Greek forces, then utterly demolished in the fourth century by Christian mobs. You can read more about it on the blog I linked above. However, in terms of Mythology, there's still a bit more to go. Al-Lat wasn't just the deity of a cult, but also appears in Islamic tradition as well, fulfilling a similar purpose to Ba'al in some respects as a false god, though one depicted far more sympathetically. In some retellings, she's not even that, and is instead a daughter of Allah, or even a consort of his in others. Alilat was also the subject of the infamous Satanic Verses incident, something that is beyond the scope of this post, but is an incredibly interesting (and kinda hilarious) rabbit hole to dig through.
In the Book of Idols, an encyclopedia on pre-islamic religion in Africa written by scholar Hisham ibn al-Kalbi, it's written that a group of the Quraysh would chant a set of verses celebrating al-Lat, al-'Uzza, and Manat, of which al-Lat is our subject of interest. A common translation purports the word used to refer to them as a collective, gharaniq, to mean "Most exalted females," but this is hotly debated. Again, see the Satanic Verses incident. Lastly, she is mentioned in the Quran, albeit rarely, and, again, as the subject of the Satanic Verses incident. This is starting to feel like the noodle incident of this post.
I wish I could've shown her uncensored design, but alas, I have no idea if it'd pass the 'Female presenting nipple' guideline, but take it from me when I say that Alilat has an amazing design. Combining her esoteric and hard to sort through lore with her role as a mother goddess was a great call, as it makes her both unique and almost unsettling, even in this series rife with body horror. Even the titties, which I normally see no real point in having on a lot of designs and just feel like gratuitous fanservice (cough cough LAMIA) serve a purpose, as what does a mother do but breastfeed? The idea to portray her almost like a piece of art on a bizarre, floating obelisk was such a cool concept, and it was done perfectly.
I also love how the imagery associated with Alilat on the stone itself resembles stone-age portraits of how a body would look, more specifically the Venus of Willendorf, a famous sculpture that is typically used to represent fertility, tying it all together. Given that this inscription was also carved into stone in Alilat's design, and it ties everything together. Not only does her design look unique even for the series, not only does it tie so many ideas together in neat little bows, not only is it glowing, but it's all also brought together in representing one of the most mysterious and interesting gods in history, and demons in the series.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 2 months ago
This day in history
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#15yrsago Mall cops in Norwich, England get police powers https://web.archive.org/web/20091220231959/http://www.edp24.co.uk/content/edp24/news/story.aspx
#15yrsago Kenyan bike-mechanic’s homemade tools https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEeyY09YzEY
#15yrsago Science fiction fandom is 80 today https://web.archive.org/web/20091214023834/http://www.tor.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=blog&id=58405
#15yrsago English anti-terror cops ask nursery school workers to watch 4 year olds for signs of “radicalization” https://web.archive.org/web/20100106032907/http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article6952503.ece
#15yrsago Just look at this awesome EU banana curvature regulation. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:1994R2257:20060217:EN:PDF
#15yrsago Anti-Olympic mural censored in Vancouver https://web.archive.org/web/20091214014017/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/british-columbia/vancouver-orders-removal-of-anti-olympic-mural/article1396541/
#15yrsago RIAA, MPAA and US Chamber of Commerce declare war on blind and disabled people https://web.archive.org/web/20091214062920/https://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/12/blind_block/
#15yrsago Dr Peter Watts, Canadian science fiction writer, beaten and arrested at US border https://memex.craphound.com/2009/12/11/dr-peter-watts-canadian-science-fiction-writer-beaten-and-arrested-at-us-border/
#10yrsago Google News shuts down in Spain https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/12/google-news-shuts-shop-spain-thanks-ancillary-copyright-law
#10yrsago Calling out the doctors who abetted CIA torture https://kottke.org/14/12/medical-profession-aided-cia-torture
#10yrsago Lawquake! Judge rules that explaining jailbreaking isn’t illegal https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/12/pointing-users-drm-stripping-software-isnt-copyright-infringement-judge-rules
#10yrsago We know you love privacy, Judge Posner. We just wish you’d share. https://www.techdirt.com/2014/12/09/judge-posner-says-nsa-should-be-able-to-get-everything-that-privacy-is-overrated/
#10yrsago Furry convention evacuated after chlorine-gas attack https://www.themarysue.com/furry-con-terrorist-attack/
#5yrsago Twitter wants to develop an open, decentralized, federated social media standard…and then join it https://www.techdirt.com/2019/12/11/twitter-makes-bet-protocols-over-platforms/
#5yrsago The true nature of creativity: pilfering and recombining the work of your forebears (who, in turn, pilfered and recombined) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB1KE5dbOZo
#5yrsago South Carolina’s feudal magistrate system may take a modest step toward modernization https://www.propublica.org/article/we-investigated-magistrates-now-lawmakers-want-to-overhaul-the-system
#1yrago Daddy-Daughter Podcast 2023 https://pluralistic.net/2023/12/11/daddy-daughter-2023/#not-bye
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sodaliteskull · 5 months ago
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Top 5 Things I Enjoy Writing About
I appreciate the tag @byjillianmaria! You can find hers over here!
This one's an open tag, but I'm also hitting up @noblebs, @noveldivergence, and @wintherlywords (no pressure though!)
*Hatsune Miku voice* ~Women~: I know this is the piss on the poor website, so upfront disclaimer about how this is not in reference to actual living, breathing, IRL people (HAVE WE ALL UNDERSTOOD THAT?!?), but I am fucking sick of men! "Male" has been the default gender, the default POV in stories for eons now, and I'm tired of it! Men bore me!!! I want to write about men the way misogynist men write about women - in that there is only one of them (if any at all!!!), and they're only there to advance the female character's story (by being fridged, most likely!!!)! I want to write about WOMEN!!!! I want to write about them being cunning and clever, as badasses and bastards, as both the princess and the knight!!! You know, like how women actually are in real life!!! Decentralize men? Honey, they're not even in my orbit!!! NO BOYS ALLOWED!!!! I'M EXHAUSTED!!!!!
Monsters as metaphors: Tale as old as time here, but I love it when a creature is actually a stand in for something a little more abstract. Vampires as a the fear of foreigners come to despoil our delicate Victorian sensibilities, Godzilla as the spectre of nuclear annihilation, werewolves as the visceral and horrifying changes girls go through when they enter puberty, that's some good shit!!! Any time I have some kind of monster in any of my stories, please know that it actually represents something else!
When a plan comes together: I love when people are in cahoots, when they get up to shenanigans, when games are afoot and capers are carried out! Heists? Delicious. When it looks like the antagonists have thwarted the protagonist's plans, but that was actually accounted for in the plans all along and they've actually fallen even deeper into the protagonist's web?! SUBLIME.
Hashtag Squad Goals: Having people grouped up for whatever arbitrary reason the plot demands is such a neat little way to get to play with a bunch of different dynamics all at once! These two are ride or die, but these two don't see eye to eye, and yet they're all the best of buds! How does that work?! I love getting to show the ins and outs of that!
Ancient Aliens: I don't mean the concept that all historical feats of engineering carried out by non-White™️ cultures were actually done by aliens (THAT concept makes me fucking furious!!!), but instead the theory of panspermia, of life originating elsewhere in the universe and being seeded across the stars. My favourite flavour of THAT is life originating on Earth, but then being brought elsewhere, with humans as basically food stock for some more advanced race! I was digging through my WIP pile the other day, and I realized that concept crops up A LOT for me!
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izder456 · 2 months ago
A Ramble on Open Source Culture and Where I Feel It Fails
I feel like Linux's user base is stuck in this weird fanboyish space where nerds think they’re hotshots just because they stopped using Windows or OS X.
The BSDs—and especially OpenBSD—seem to attract people who love the systems for what they are, not for what they're not. This is the main reason I tend to avoid Linux's broader user base. How can we go about unifying our user bases when so many discussions start and stop with, "Well, it’s not Windows"? We’ll get nowhere if we only define ourselves by what we're not.
To start, yes, we will definitely need to discuss what Linux is and isn't. Many users come to it expecting something like Windows, and we have to clarify that it's not that. However, we need to steer clear of oversimplifying Linux into just a Windows alternative. Linux is so much more than that, and false advertising helps no one.
I feel like desktop Linux is following the same trajectory the internet once did. At first, the web was the domain of comp sci majors and hardcore nerds. Then AOL came along, and suddenly anyone could get online. The same trendiness feels like it's kicking the Linux user base in the gut.
Oldheads don’t like it. Just look at how some Linux distro forums treat newbies—it’s awful. Elitism is stupid. Just shut up, RTFM, hack, and share your knowledge with others. No one cares how l33t you are, y'know?
At the end of the day, people should use whatever OS they want—Windows, OS X, Linux, *BSD, etc.—but they should also understand the implications of that choice. This is especially important for systems like Linux and BSDs, which are fundamentally different in philosophy and purpose from consumer-focused OSes.
For example, *BSD is not going to behave like Linux, and even the various BSDs themselves don’t behave like each other. Linux is definitely not going to behave like Windows. And yet, YouTubers and bloggers keep marketing Linux as a "Windows alternative." It’s not. That framing leads to inevitable disappointment.
I'm not saying Linux can't be used as a desktop OS. It can. So can the *BSDs. Truthfully, they absolutely rip as desktops! But new users need to understand that Linux isn't a cohesive ecosystem; it’s a kernel that many operating systems (read: distros) are built on. The modular, decentralized nature of Linux development means that desktop usability basics can vary wildly between distros. This lack of cohesion is part of why desktop use will likely never be Linux's primary focus. In the case of the *BSDs, things are more cohesive, and thus have a bit more stability in mind. The *BSDs, however, are a little more DIY-ish than "normie" Linux distros are. And as such, jaded Linux oldtimers, often make the jump to the *BSDs 'cos of this.
Windows is not a general-purpose OS. Linux and *BSD generally is, however. That fundamental difference explains why these systems shine in DevOps, sysadmin tasks, or corporate development but often falls short as a plug-and-play desktop experience. Properly informing users what they are—and what they aren't—is critical for them to enjoy the migration experience.
These systems let you build what you want with them. That means work, usually. It's not a bad thing; it's just the reality of the system. Prospective users need to be ready to get their hands dirty, because that's where the fun is. Solving problems with quick hacks or scripts is deeply rewarding—like a drug, honestly.
And for users who get this—who appreciate that Linux and BSDs are about freedom, experimentation, and flexibility—they’ll fit right in IMHO.
I feel hacker culture can be healthy. I'm calling for a modification of hacker culture to bring in new users more openly and honestly.
I want new users to use Linux and the *BSDs, I feckin love these systems. OFC I want others to join me!
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bawwsadface · 4 months ago
cohost is dead, long live tumblr (again)
in 2023 i took a liking to the independent blog platform cohost.org. it was a very cool, very principled website that offered a taste of the old internet with a splash of the posting-centric new net. it functioned very similar to tumblr, but attracted its own type of crowd. mostly millennials burnt out on the death march of the modern web. those of us old enough to have been on forums and been on irc and been in ancient aol chatrooms. those of us who remember a more decentralized internet. one that felt like a destination as opposed to an ever cancerous appendage of modern life.
cohost was cool. everybody on it was chill and we all used that space for different things. but all outlets were equally as expressive. it was a place to try new things, to do old things you hadn't done online in 10 or 15 years, to post like you used to pre-2010, and it was a place to find community. many of us migrated over there with a handful of friends and formed a comforting online space together. i know i very much enjoyed my time there.
and i used it to practice my skills writing. taking a crack at longer form blogs and formulating in-depth and involved writing projects for the future. i love the stuff i wrote on there, and it gave me the confidence to use that skill more often and on other ventures. i think i'm gonna start making youtube video essays. i think i was always destined to follow this path, glad my writing feels worth the effort of trying now.
cohost also made me realize that to have a decentralized web again, or to usher in a new age of the web that is untethered from algorithms and the prying hands of the devilish tech sector, you have to build your own communities. you have to work outside the major forces and try and grow an online coalition. or at least online spaces that aren't hostile. you have to build a website. you have to make a blog. you should start an rss feed. and you shouldn't use squarespace. it's time to learn html buddy. cuz the internet you want is not the one that gets venture capital funding. a better web is possible, but it's not going to be handed to us, we have to make it.
in the meantime tho, while i learn how to do all that, i'm coming back here. to the one social media site that will always have me back without judgment. at least for a little while. look forward to more writing. and thanks to those who still follow the blog and look at it all these years later. love yall.
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meeedeee · 1 year ago
"We will find or make another place, eventually. It won’t be exactly the same. It never really is. But we’ll gather again, and they’ll burn it down again, and we’ll start over again. Some of us will lose everything in the cracks between safe spaces. Some of us won’t. It’s impossible to predict who will be who. We just keep trying. Keep trying not to let each other fall. I’m exhausted but that doesn’t mean I get to stop.
Doesn’t mean we get to stop.
Don’t ever stop talking to each other. It’s what the internet is really and truly for. Talk to each other and listen to each other. But don’t ever stop connecting. Be a prodigy of the new world. Stand up for the truth no matter how often they take our voices away and try to replace the idea of reality with fucking insane Lovecraftian shit. Don’t give up, don’t let them have this world. Love things. Love people. Love the small and the weird and the new....
Geeks, though. Us weird geeks making communities in the ether? We love. We love so stupidly hard. We try to be happy. We get enthusiastic and devote ourselves to saving whales and trees and cancelled science fiction shows and each other. The energy we make in these spaces, the energy we make when we support and uplift and encourage and excite each other is something people like Musk can never understand or experience, which is why they keep smashing the windows in to try and get it, only to find the light they hungered for is already gone. Moved on, always a little beyond their reach....
Because that’s what we have to do. Be each other’s pen pals. Talk. Share. Welcome. Care. And just keep moving. Stay nimble. Maybe we have to roll the internet back a little and go back to blogs and decentralized groups and techy fiddling and real-life conventions and idealists with servers in their closets. Back to Diaryland and Minnesota and grandiose usernames and thoughts that take ever so much more than 280 characters to express. That’s okay. We can do that. We know how. We’re actually really good at it. Love things and love each other. We’re good at that, too. Protect the vulnerable. Make little things. Wear electric blue eyeshadow. Take a picture of your breakfast. Overthink Twin Peaks. Get angry. Do revolutions. Find out what Buffy character you are. Don’t get cynical. Don’t lose joy. Be us. Because us is what keeps the light on when the night comes closing in. Us doesn’t have a web address. We are wherever we gather. Mastodon, Substack, Patreon, Dreamwidth, AO3, Tumblr, Discord, even the ruins of Twitter, even Facebook and Instagram and Tiktok, god help us all. Even Diaryland."
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klug · 2 years ago
I get that having your own site is like a little bit of a reason to be pretentious but I really really really really hate it when people with their own websites make fun of people with like premade layouts/css or using tools to plan it out like genuinely not everyone has the time/resources to sit down and teach those things to themself. like what's common sense to you might not be common sense to them...
And isn't the point of reviving the decentralized web supposed to make it more like, accessible to people and give them the tools they need to just have a website without it being some esoteric knowledge only the True Code Wizards can understand? I don't get why these people push for a decentralized web and then make fun of people who don't have as much knowledge or god forbid don't really want to have to do a bunch of code wizardry to have a site.
I guess this is why my own neocities looks pretty shitty. I want to show that you really don't need to have some amazing aesthetic sense to just build and make something. You just can and I use a fuck ton of tools and it's why I advocate for static site generators and lightweight sites that load quickly. It's why i love txti and things like bettermotherfuckingwebsite. It's easy and people shouldn't feel like they're joining some exclusive club just to have their own site.
Not to mention I just get sick of like neocities users acting like this specifically since it's still a somewhat centralized platform... it is not truly "independent" idc.
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lunarsilkscreen · 1 day ago
Web 3.0 (Is Garbage)
Web 2.0 introduced a lot of QoL things for devs and Hobbyists. And for the past decade or so; Web 3 has been Hyped as this thing that actually means something and is useable!
Even the Web 4 details are just rehashes of the Web 3 "Trends".
We haven't left Web2 yet. We're somewhere like... Web 2.46 or something. And the Hype and Buzzword chain from aspiring corporate interests makes it worse; because none of them know how the tech works.
Web 3 was a core concept coined in order to Key in on the Hype-Train created by Crypto and Cloud Services that are very unwieldy today.
I'd love to explain exactly why *cloud* hosting sucks; but as it Took me a PhD's worth of time just to understand it; it's too much to compile in a singular complaint.
The key word is "Decentralization" which creates a layer of "Virtualized Internet" on top of the main internet.
Which allows things like; Shared Processing between disjoined computers online, Shared and Obfuscated Hosting space (which adds a layer of security to data services)
But so far; the overall cost of Web 3 has not been recouped. Even taken advantage of by Wall Street and financial districts the world around.
And because of the Web 3 hype; they refused to learn Web 2, because these services are supposed to make it easier and reduce the need to learn technology.
Which created an environment of Digital Illiteracy; and more importantly; Digitally Illiterate financial Gurus who are assuming things can be used in ways they cannot.
If Web 4 actually means anything (and it doesn't) it's the addition of termed "AI Applications" and assistants that are nothing more than Chat Bots and Search Engines.
A Core Component introduced in like.... Web 2 and Web 2.2.
Those things aren't even new tech or upgrades to existing Web 2 developments; in-fact; they're still nearly entirely Web 2 tech given that buzzword.
Because Buzzwords help with funding from Digitally Illiterate sources.
Remember how right before Web 2; the Internet Bubble Crashed?
Yea. Same shtick.
It's hard to sit here and say "The entire Tech and Financial Sectors have lost their Collective fucking minds." Because that's always been the case.
"Hire some high school hacker, pay them minimum wage, and monetize whatever is created anyway possible!"
Please; High School Hackers...Please understand that you know more than your potential Employers in *so* many ways.
And the only way we can start ironing this out is by relying on professionals who aren't getting paid to speak-up; to do so.
The only way to *actually* get to Web 3 is by upgrading the internet; streamlining; simplification of these "new" Cloud Services; and Improving Digital Literacy.
There has never been an automated process in the history of Mankind that has been "Bug Free" because that would violate the laws of Thermodynamics.
And High School Hackers are a bit behind on their Physics homework.
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mebirius · 2 months ago
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Save the Grizzly
This picture shows the landscape of a decentralized universe with pieces of WEB 3.0. I will not describe in detail what is depicted here, it is already clearly visible. This is the most honest picture in the world, there is no such thing anywhere else.
You will spend much more time studying this painting than you would on the world's most expensive or the world's largest painting. This art develops the imagination, unites people, makes them think and argue.
How many liters of beer can you drink while looking at the details in the picture? It is one of a kind, it is written in words, without paints, without brushes. And what colors are here! Have you noticed? This gentle and joyful feeling when watching is incomparable!
Of course, there are some nuances, for example, tourists making love in the middle of a camping site. I didn't expect this, honestly. They appeared so unexpectedly! And Elon Musk? He was drinking beer with a grizzly! A fearless man, worthy of admiration! Deadpool is afraid of grizzlies, and Elon drinks beer! Even Venom is standing on the sidelines, damn it!
There are very beautiful mountains in the background, and the sea beyond the mountains is the best thing I've seen. It's a pity, it's hidden by mountains, but believe me – it's beautiful!
Mosquitoes spoil the picture a little, but deep in the forest there is a large swamp, from where these mosquitoes come! And what a picturesque river! I have never seen such clear water, this water is very cold, there are a lot of fish in it.
The most difficult thing was to draw molecules and atoms. And the air. You know why.
Oh my God, it's so sad to sell this great creation, but art requires sacrifice, and I'm ready for it. With pain in my heart, I will give the painting to a true art connoisseur. Of course, I will give it for mere pennies, because 1,000 Ethereums for her is not a price at all.
That's it, I can't write anymore, tears are blurring my eyes, and my mouth is cramping with sobs! Goodbye, my love! Goodbye, my passion! I'll never be able to do anything like that again. Goodbye, we had a good time together, just like those tourists.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
This day in history
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Going to Defcon this weekend? I'm giving a keynote, "An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Enshittification and Throw it Into Reverse," on Saturday at 12:30pm, followed by a book signing at the No Starch Press booth at 2:30pm!
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#10yrsago Lavabit competitor Silent Circle shuts down its secure email service, destroys servers https://silentcircle.wordpress.com/2013/08/09/to-our-customers/
#10yrsago Bikram “Yoga” Choudhury accused of rape, sexual harassment, racism, homophobia, and unsafe practices related to the color green https://jezebel.com/bikram-yoga-founder-hates-sluts-and-fatties-loves-talk-1068127138
#10yrsago More on the NSA’s weird, deceptive, indefensible definition of “targeted surveillance” https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/07/what-it-means-be-target-or-why-we-once-again-stopped-believing-government-and-once
#10yrsago Assault on Equestria: My Little Pony themed D&D game with a young kid! http://www.chippewavalleygeek.com/2013/07/assault-on-equestria.html
#10yrsago Court finds for man who rewrote the credit-card fine-print to give himself unlimited, interest-free credit https://consumerist.com/2013/08/09/man-tries-to-beat-bank-at-its-own-game-with-fine-print-that-gives-him-unlimited-credit/
#10yrsago NSA leak: US can spy on Americans, despite direct statements of President, Congress, top spooks https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/09/nsa-loophole-warrantless-searches-email-calls
#10yrsago Animatronic Hatbox Ghost https://insidethemagic.net/2013/08/haunted-mansion-hatbox-ghost-reanimated-at-2013-d23-expo-as-disney-imagineers-demonstrate-audio-animatronics/
#5yrsago My closing keynote from the second Decentralized Web Summit https://archive.org/details/decentralizedwebsummitmedia-2018-courtyard-2?start=475
#5yrsago Bad infrastructure means pacemakers can be compromised before they leave the factory https://www.wired.com/story/pacemaker-hack-malware-black-hat/
#5yrsago Florida’s prisons change tech providers, wipe out $11.2m worth of music purchased by prisoners https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/08/captive-audience-how-floridas-prisons-and-drm-made-113m-worth-prisoners-music
#5yrsago Kill sticky headers: a bookmarklet to get rid of the web’s static blobs https://alisdair.mcdiarmid.org/kill-sticky-headers/
#5yrsago Defective Comcast security exposes 26.5m customers’ partial Social Security Numbers and addresses https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nicolenguyen/a-comcast-security-flaw-exposed-millions-of-customers
#5yrsago State of Georgia goes to court to defend voting machines that recorded 243% voter turnouts https://www.mcclatchydc.com/latest-news/article216056560.html
#5yrsago Everybody hates their cable company, unless the company is Google, or the city, or a tiny mom-and-pop https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics-computers/telecom-services/best-and-worst-home-internet-providers-a2853390170/
#5yrsago What should go in an IoT safety-rating sticker? https://memex.craphound.com/2018/08/09/what-should-go-in-an-iot-safety-rating-sticker/
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I'm kickstarting the audiobook for "The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation," a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and bring back the old, good internet. It's a DRM-free book, which means Audible won't carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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citynewsglobe · 5 months ago
[ad_1] Think about waking up and discovering that a worthwhile new cryptocurrency had been deposited into your digital pockets in a single day. It appears like a dream, however for many individuals who love crypto, it is actual because of one thing referred to as airdrops. This weblog will clarify what airdrops are, how they work, and how one can take part in them with little funding and excessive returns. For those who're a crypto investor or simply beginning out, understanding cryptocurrency airdrops may also help you keep forward of the sport within the quickly altering digital asset panorama. We'll let you know about BTCdana, a instrument that may make it easier to keep forward of the competitors. By the tip of this put up, you'll know all the pieces there's to find out about airdrops and how you can take advantage of them. What are Cryptocurrency Airdrops? Defining Airdrops An airdrop is a advertising technique utilized by blockchain initiatives to distribute free tokens or cash to current cryptocurrency holders. The principle objective is to unfold the phrase a few new digital asset. Why Airdrops Occur Airdrops might be helpful for a lot of functions. They're nice for recognizing trusted neighborhood members, attracting new customers, and producing pleasure for a recent start-up. Additionally they assist make token possession decentralized, which is essential for a blockchain's credibility and safety. Kinds of Airdrops There are a number of forms of airdrops to concentrate on: Token Airdrops: These are the most typical, the place new tokens are distributed at no cost or as a part of a promotional marketing campaign. Arduous Fork Airdrops: Happen when a blockchain splits into two, and holders of the unique coin obtain an equal quantity of the brand new coin. Neighborhood Airdrops: Reward loyal neighborhood members for his or her engagement and help. Holder Airdrops: Require individuals to personal a certain quantity of an current cryptocurrency to qualify. The right way to Discover Upcoming Airdrops Analysis is Key Step one in taking part in airdrops is figuring out the place to search out them. Web sites like BTCdana and specialised boards usually record upcoming airdrops. Subscribing to newsletters and becoming a member of Telegram teams may give you updates. Social Media Channels Many blockchain initiatives give away airdrops on their official social media channels. Well-liked platforms for these bulletins are Twitter, Reddit, and LinkedIn. Observe key influencers and undertaking accounts for a heads-up on the newest alternatives. Neighborhood Boards Going to on-line boards like BitcoinTalk and Reddit may also help you find out about upcoming free cash. These platforms usually have discussions and evaluations that may assist you determine whether or not or not an airdrop is price it. The right way to Take part in Airdrops Pockets Necessities To take part in an airdrop, you should have a suitable cryptocurrency pockets. Most airdrops require an Ethereum pockets, however some can also work with different blockchains, like Binance Sensible Chain or Tron. Make sure that your pockets is secure and has sufficient area for tokens. Observe Directions Fastidiously Every airdrop has particular directions that you should observe. This may increasingly embody signing up for a web site, becoming a member of social media channels, or performing particular duties. Ignoring any step may disqualify you from receiving the tokens. Confirm Your Identification Some airdrops could require identification verification by means of Know Your Buyer procedures. This provides an additional layer of safety, nevertheless it additionally means sharing private info, so watch out. Maximizing Returns from Airdrops Diversify Your Airdrop Portfolio Like conventional investments, diversification is essential on the earth of airdrops. Participation in a number of airdrops will enhance your probabilities of touchdown worthwhile tokens.
Nonetheless, you must prioritize high quality over amount to keep away from scams. Maintain for Lengthy-Time period Positive factors Holding the tokens can yield increased returns than promoting them instantly. Over time, some tokens can respect considerably, particularly if the undertaking good points traction. Keep Up to date On this planet of crypto, info adjustments shortly. Sustain with the initiatives you have got acquired tokens from. For information and updates, verify their web sites, social media channels, and neighborhood boards. Implementing BTCdana BTCdana is a platform designed to maintain crypto lovers and buyers knowledgeable in regards to the newest developments within the cryptocurrency world. It offers real-time details about the market, information, and academic supplies, so customers can sustain with what's occurring available in the market. Options of BTCdana BTCdana has quite a lot of options, like real-time worth monitoring, portfolio administration, and knowledgeable evaluation. These instruments assist customers make sensible selections and get essentially the most out of their funding. Why BTCdana is Important for Airdrop Hunters For individuals who are fascinated with airdrops, BTCdana is invaluable. It lets customers know when airdrops are developing and provides them detailed info. This helps them reap the benefits of good alternatives. Its on-line communities and insider suggestions make the consumer expertise even higher. Advantages of Taking part in Airdrops Low-Threat, Excessive-Reward One of the thrilling options of airdrops is the low-risk, high-reward potential. Since airdrops are usually free, there's minimal danger of monetary loss. Nonetheless, profitable participation can produce important returns. Entry to New Tasks Airdrops give early entry to new initiatives on the blockchain. This may be useful, as early adopters usually profit from these initiatives rising and succeeding. It additionally permits customers to diversify their crypto portfolios with promising new property. Neighborhood Engagement Taking part in airdrops helps the neighborhood get entangled. By utilizing social media, folks can join with others who share their ideas and keep up-to-date on the newest tendencies and alternatives. Frequent Dangers and The right way to Keep away from Them Scams and Frauds Sadly, the crypto area is rife with scams and fraudulent airdrops. At all times conduct thorough analysis earlier than taking part in any airdrop. Confirm the legitimacy of the undertaking and guarantee it has a reputable group and clear roadmap. Overloading Your Pockets Receiving a number of airdrops can typically overload your pockets, making it troublesome to handle your property. Recurrently set up and observe your tokens to keep away from confusion and guarantee you do not miss out on worthwhile alternatives. Ignoring Tax Implications Relying in your jurisdiction, airdropped tokens could also be topic to taxation. Keep knowledgeable about your native tax legal guidelines and make sure you adjust to any reporting necessities to keep away from authorized issues. Conclusion Airdrops are a good way for individuals who love crypto and new buyers to check out new initiatives and get worthwhile tokens with out spending a lot cash. You may maximize your returns and keep forward of the quickly evolving world of digital property by understanding how airdrops work. On this journey, platforms like BTCdana can supply insights, alerts, and instruments that will help you make knowledgeable selections. Join BTCdana and begin having fun with thrilling cryptocurrency airdrops. Reap the benefits of the chance to make excessive returns with minimal funding. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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fahrni · 6 months ago
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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Another week, gone. Life seems to be flying by at an accelerated pace and I’m not fond of it.
I continue my React Native and TypeScript work, at work. I’m refactoring a bit of UI code to be shared in the project. It’s been a good experience. I’m definitely a fish out of water but making progress.
We’ll see what next week brings.
Hope you enjoy the links.
Alex Butler • UPI
Katie Ledecky left swimming rival Ariarne Titmus in her wicked wake, revving through the La Defense Arena pool waters toward a record ninth Olympic gold medal with another 800-meter freestyle victory Saturday in Paris.
Jay Famiglietti • The New York Times
The Central Valley of California supplies a quarter of the food on the nation’s dinner tables. But beneath this image of plenty and abundance, a crisis is brewing — an invisible one, under our feet — and it is not limited to California.
One quarter of the food on the nations table. That’s a big deal.
The big challenge moving forward is how do we get enough water to the Central Valley to continue to raise all those fruits and vegetables to feed everyone?
Yet again, we ignore climate change at our own peril.
Herb Sutter
That’s a great question. Cppreference is correct, and for all class types the answer is simple: The object is initialized on line 1 by having its default constructor called.
But (and you knew a “but” was coming), for a local object of a fundamental built-in type like int, the answer is… more elaborate. And that’s why Sam is asking, because Sam knows that the language has kind of loose about initializing such local objects, for historical reasons that made sense at the time.
Of course Mr. Sutter goes into great depth to explain how the declaration int a; is handled by the C++ compiler (how it’s supposed to be handled according to the standard.)
Remember C is a subset of C++. That was intentionally part of the goal at the time. To get folks to adopt C++ all the C code that had been written needed to continue working.
So, what does that mean for int a; in the question?
It means that declaration doesn’t really initialize a. It just gets whatever value is at that address. Let’s say there was a string represented by the memory now assigned to that declaration and the string began with the letter the ASCII letter ‘a’. Any guess what the value of ‘a’ would be? It would be 97.
In other words, ‘a’ is random.
Mike Masnick • Techdirt
I am excited to announce that I am joining the board of Bluesky, where I will be providing advice and guidance to the company to help it achieve its vision of a more open, more competitive, more decentralized online world.
This is surprising in a good way but I wish we didn’t have two competing decentralized protocols for the social web. It’s fine, I suppose, but having Blusky and Mastodon work with each other would be amazing. Threads still hasn’t delivered full integration with Mastodon, but Micro.blog has, WordPress has achieved some integration points, and Ghost is working on theirs. Tumblr would also be a nice addition but it’s now in a “keep the lights on” mode.
More Fediverse integration, not less.
Bradley Brownell • Jalopnik
Michael Andretti’s denied attempt to join the Formula 1 grid has been granted a DOJ investigation. American firm Liberty Media, which owns Formula 1 Group, denied Andretti Global’s entry to F1 earlier this year. The denial by F1, following a six-month review of the team’s application, which included a commitment from General Motors, claimed that it didn’t believe Andretti could field a competitive car in the series.
This has been a bit frustrating to watch. I would love to see another American company on the grid and I’d really love to see Guenther Steiner in charge of it! 😃
It would also put an American manufactured power unit on the grid from Cadillac. 👍🏼
Nadine Yousif and Michelle Fleury • BBC News
A US judge has ruled that Google acted illegally to maintain a monopoly on online searches and related advertising.
This is going to ripple throughout the industry. Does Apple lose their $20 billion fee from Google to be the preferred search engine? I guess we’ll find out.
Stephen Moore
Every friend I have with a job that involves picking up something heavier than a laptop more than twice a week eventually finds a way to slip something like this into conversation: “Bro,1[1] you don’t work hard. I just worked a 4700-hour week digging a tunnel under Mordor with a screwdriver.”
They have a point. Mordor sucks, and it’s certainly more physically taxing to dig a tunnel than poke at a keyboard unless you’re an ant. But, for the sake of the argument, can we agree that stress and insanity are bad things? Awesome. Welcome to programming.
Programming is definitely part science part insanity. I spend my days agonizing over coding choices, bouncing between feeling kind of smart to feeling a complete idiot.
It’s just the way, at least for me. 😃
Hanaa' Tameez • Nieman Journalism Lab
MTV pulled down MTV News in June. After Deadspin was sold, many of its archives temporarily disappeared. This week, Flaming Hydra reported that The Awl’s archives are gone. And those examples are just from the past couple of months; in 2021, the authors of a Reynolds Journalism Institute report found that just 7 out of 24 newsrooms they interviewed were fully preserving their news content.
This is kind of sad, isn’t it? Journalists losing their work because a publication shuts down.
Then we had the recent kerfuffle with TUAW where someone purchased the site and content, ran it through and AI, and republished all the content under the original authors names with different profile pictures. That’s slimy.
It’s no wonder authors are backing up their own work. I certainly would and do. I have 23 years of blog posts.
Simon Willison
It’s amusing to see Apple using “please” in their prompts, and politely requesting of the model: “Do not hallucinate. Do not make up factual information.”
This is an interesting piece. Go read how Apple is approaching AI. I love their prompts including words like “please” and “do not hallucinate.” Classic! 🤣
Charlie Savage • The New York Times
A bipartisan American Bar Association task force is calling on lawyers across the country to do more to help protect democracy ahead of the 2024 election, warning in a statement to be delivered Friday at the group’s annual meeting in Chicago that the nation faces a serious threat in “rising authoritarianism.”
If Trump loses in November the country needs to be prepared for all kinds of slimy efforts to take the election for themselves.
I have no clue what they’re going to do, but it’s coming.
Nikita Shukla • earth.org
Generative AI has very quickly been adopted across various sectors. However, this has led to increased global electricity consumption that is only predicted to increase further as the technology expands, with many tech companies already at risk of defaulting on their net-zero commitments.
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This is a new type of arms race between the big players. They have to do it but they’re not going to make money from it for a long time and oh by the way they’re going to strain the crap out of our power grid. Why? Shareholder value. So while your power is out and you’re baking in the heat of summer or the cold of winter they’ll be happily churning out their next iteration of a fancy pachinko game that isn’t really intelligent, it’s just a super fancy decision tree being jammed into everything because AI.
Each and every AI company should be regulated and be required to generate two times the power they consume, at no cost to the consumer, to offset their consumption. Darned digital vampires.
Stephanie Apstein • Sports Illustrated
U.S. Athletes Are Taking Full Advantage of Free Healthcare in Olympic Village
It’s amazing what a country can do for their citizenry, isn’t it? Healthcare for all, I say! Some things need to be done for the good of society. Healthy, educated, people are an amazing thing. It will allow us to invent and solve big problems. It’s good all around, in my opinion.
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tokenlauncher · 7 months ago
How Entrepreneurs Are Thriving with Custom Tokens
In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, custom tokens have emerged as a powerful tool for entrepreneurs. These digital assets offer a new way to raise funds, engage with communities, and create innovative business models. This blog explores real-life success stories of entrepreneurs who have thrived by creating and leveraging custom tokens, highlighting how they have navigated the crypto landscape to achieve their goals.
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What Are Custom Tokens?
Custom tokens are digital assets created on an existing blockchain, such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or Solana. Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which operate on their own blockchains, custom tokens are built on top of these networks. They can represent various assets, from financial instruments and utility tokens to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and more.
Why Custom Tokens?
Custom tokens offer several advantages, including:
Flexibility: They can be tailored to specific use cases and business needs.
Accessibility: Creating custom tokens is more accessible than building an entire blockchain from scratch.
Community Engagement: Tokens can incentivize and reward community participation and loyalty.
Fundraising: Custom tokens are a popular tool for raising capital through Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) or Security Token Offerings (STOs).
Success Stories
1. Uniswap: Revolutionizing Decentralized Exchanges
Background: Uniswap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to trade ERC-20 tokens directly from their wallets, without relying on a centralized intermediary.
Token Creation: Uniswap launched its native token, UNI, in September 2020. The token was created to decentralize the platform’s governance and reward early adopters.
Impact: UNI holders can vote on key governance decisions, such as fee structures and development roadmaps. The token launch was a massive success, with UNI quickly becoming one of the most traded tokens on Ethereum. Uniswap’s innovative model and the success of the UNI token have revolutionized decentralized trading, making it one of the most influential projects in the DeFi space.
2. Axie Infinity: Pioneering Play-to-Earn Gaming
Background: Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based game that allows players to collect, breed, and battle digital creatures called Axies. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, it incorporates NFTs to represent unique assets within the game.
Token Creation: Axie Infinity introduced two tokens, AXS (Axie Infinity Shards) and SLP (Smooth Love Potion). AXS is used for governance and staking, while SLP is used to breed Axies.
Impact: The introduction of these tokens enabled a play-to-earn model, where players can earn real value by participating in the game. This model has attracted millions of users, particularly in countries with lower average incomes, where players can earn a substantial income through gameplay. The success of Axie Infinity has demonstrated the potential of NFTs and custom tokens to create new economic opportunities.
3. Brave Browser: Redefining Digital Advertising
Background: Brave Browser is a privacy-focused web browser that blocks ads and trackers by default. It aims to create a more private and faster browsing experience.
Token Creation: Brave introduced the Basic Attention Token (BAT) to create a new model for digital advertising. Users earn BAT by opting into viewing ads, and they can use BAT to tip content creators or pay for premium content.
Impact: BAT has created a more equitable advertising ecosystem where users are rewarded for their attention, and advertisers can reach their audience more effectively. Brave’s innovative approach has garnered millions of active users and created a thriving ecosystem around BAT, proving that custom tokens can disrupt traditional industries and create value in new ways.
4. Chainlink: Connecting Smart Contracts with Real-World Data
Background: Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that provides real-world data to smart contracts on various blockchains. This functionality is crucial for enabling complex smart contract applications that require external data, such as financial markets and weather conditions.
Token Creation: Chainlink’s native token, LINK, is used to incentivize data providers (oracles) to deliver accurate and reliable data to smart contracts.
Impact: LINK has become one of the most widely used tokens in the DeFi space, with numerous partnerships and integrations across the blockchain ecosystem. Chainlink’s success has highlighted the importance of reliable data in smart contract applications and the role of custom tokens in facilitating decentralized services.
5. Golem: Decentralized Computing Power
Background: Golem is a decentralized platform that allows users to rent out their unused computing power to others. It aims to create a global supercomputer powered by the combined resources of its users.
Token Creation: Golem introduced the GNT token (now migrated to GLM) to facilitate transactions within its network. Users pay with GNT to access computing power, and providers earn GNT by offering their resources.
Impact: Golem’s token model has enabled a decentralized marketplace for computing power, reducing costs and increasing accessibility for users. The success of Golem demonstrates how custom tokens can create new economic models and decentralized services.
How to Create Your Own Custom Token
Creating your own custom token is more accessible than ever, thanks to platforms that simplify the process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Choose a Blockchain: Select a blockchain that supports token creation, such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or Solana. Each platform has its own advantages, so choose one that fits your needs.
Define Your Token’s Purpose: Determine what your token will represent and how it will be used. Consider factors like supply, distribution, and utility.
Use a Token Creation Platform: Platforms like [Your Platform Name] allow you to create custom tokens without coding knowledge. Simply fill in the required details, and your token will be generated in less than three seconds.
Deploy and Promote Your Token: Once your token is created, deploy it on the chosen blockchain and start promoting it to your target audience. Build a community around your token to drive engagement and adoption.
Custom tokens have opened up new opportunities for entrepreneurs, allowing them to innovate, engage communities, and raise funds in unprecedented ways. The success stories of Uniswap, Axie Infinity, Brave Browser, Chainlink, and Golem illustrate the transformative potential of custom tokens in various industries.
By leveraging platforms that simplify token creation, like Solanalauncher, entrepreneurs can quickly and easily launch their own tokens and join the growing ecosystem of blockchain innovators. Whether you’re looking to disrupt traditional industries, create new economic models, or engage with your community, custom tokens offer a powerful tool to achieve your goals.
Start your journey today and explore the endless possibilities of custom tokens. The future of decentralized innovation awaits!
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intelliatech · 8 months ago
Latest Trends In Web Development For 2024
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With 2024 in the picture, a lot of shifts and advancements are expected as far as web development is concerned. Considering the rapid evolution of the trends, developers must keep themselves updated with the latest trends and technologies in order to stay competitive. In this post, we have compiled a list of Web Development Trends for 2024.
Are you excited to embrace the Latest Web Development Technologies that are going to dominate the trend? 
Front-End Development Trends
 Front-end development knows no bounds when it comes to innovation. We know how much a developer loves using new frameworks. JavaScript Frameworks in 2024 will continue to lead like React.js, Angular, and Vue.js. They are sure to enhance the developer experience and performance.
Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
Another one to dominate the trend. It strikes just the right balance between a mobile app and the web while giving an app-like experience to users on the web. PWAs have faster loading time and can be operated even offline, thus ensuring a seamless experience.
Single-Page Applications 
Unlike traditional multi-page applications, SPAs rewrite a page with new content whenever there is an interaction from end users. The user experiences provided by them are responsive, smooth, and faster. SPAs secure their spot too in the list of trendmakers for 2024.
Motion UI
A revolutionary trend of front-end development, Motion UI design is a unique approach that elevates UX standards in web apps with the help of transitions and animations, ensuring better user engagement.
Dark Mode UI
It has recently gained popularity globally and is amongst UX Design Trends for 2024. Regardless of the device, users can access dark-themed sites which aren’t heavy on the eyes since they need less brightness. It also gives a rather ‘stylish’ appearance to the websites.
API-First Design
In this approach, APIs are given priority and treated like a foundation on which the applications are built. Adopting an API-first design would offer numerous benefits like flexibility, scalability, and enhanced collaboration. 
Voice Search Optimization
With a surge in voice surges in the year 2023, no doubt this will just get bigger and better and more in use. In order to ensure an optimal user experience and easy accessibility, it has become a necessity to optimize websites for voice search.
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Technology in Web Development has already proved itself to be revolutionary. With a secure and decentralized framework, it offers transparency and enhanced security features.
Headless CMS
Headless CMS is set to overshadow traditional CMSs like WordPress. Headless CMS allows content management at a single place and to deploy that content on your choice of digital channel.
Responsive Design
Now that there are varying screen sizes available out there, responsive design ensures that the website looks good on all platforms. Instead of building different versions of websites for different devices, it lets a developer make one adaptive website all at once. 
Microservices Architecture
Unlike a monolithic application, microservices breaks down an application into loosely coupled services. Each microservice performs a specific business function and can be independently developed, deployed, or scaled.
Low-Code/No-Code Development
This will surely be a trendsetter since it provides ease to users who want to create web applications, without having any expertise in programming. It has a set of drag-and-drop tools and a visual interface which makes it easy to build a tech product.
Static Site Generators
Their ability to produce fast, scalable and secure websites is making static site generators a popular choice. They not only improve the performance but also lessen the need for server-side processing since it is simpler to manage. Their speed and ease of use make them a popular choice amongst developers.
Cloud-Native Applications
These applications are designed specifically for cloud computing architecture. They use microservices architecture, thus making them more cost-efficient, scalable and flexible.
Web Performance Optimization
Considering the online competition everywhere, web performance optimization is something that will not go out of the trend. Improving the speed of a website enhances user experience and increases conversions as well. It is one critical factor that cannot be missed.
All the above-mentioned trends are crucial from a developer’s perspective and following them will definitely fetch amazing results.
If you wish to implement any of these or require assistance regarding the same, then get in touch with us. Let’s try to be a step ahead in this era of rapidly evolving trends.
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