#Love Valentines Day Pictures
tarotwithavi · 8 months
The type of lover you deserve
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and gently close your eyes. Politely request your spirit guides to reveal the appropriate pile meant for you, then open your eyes. Whichever pile captures your attention is the one meant for you.
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Pile 1
Omg pile one I love your energy! So first things first you deserve someone who matches your energy. Like someone who understands you without even saying anything. Someone who can just look into your eyes and feel the depths of your heart. Someone who can protect and cherish your innocence. You're naive pile 1. You trust people easily and sometimes this leads you to people using you for their profit. You deserve someone who can protect you, someone who can cherish your innocence. Someone who won't taint your pure and sweet heart. Someone who won't tell you to change and be someone you're not. You deserve someone who won't tell you that you're too kind for this world and that you need to change yourself in order to survive. You deserve someone who'll let you be innocent and sweet. You deserve someone who'll be proud to have you in their life. You deserve someone who'll be sure about yourself. Someone who's ready to wife/husband you up without any doubt. You deserve someone who'll make your feel confident. I see that some of you may have daddy issues so you instantly like people who give off mature and responsible vibes. You deserve someone with whom you can share your deepest darkest secrets. Someone who won't judge you for liking things that you like, dressing the way you want to etc. you deserve someone who'll teach you new things without making you feel stupid. Someone who'll be patient with you. You deserve someone who knows how to handle their emotions, especially Anger because I see that you may have some kind of trauma revolving anger issues or people shouting and things breaking. I see that you guys had to grow up early, you had to be mature beyond your age, sometimes you feel like you missed out on so many things. So you deserve someone with whom your inner child can feel protected, secure and happy. You deserve someone who can give you the love you never got as a child. You guys could be born in June, March, November or August or these could be significant months for you.
Pile 2
Welcome pile 2! The first message I'm getting is that someone of you could practice witchcraft or you could be interested in the occult. You could be interested in conspiracy theories or things that people do not talk about so openly. I also see that you could give off intimidating vibes. So you deserve someone who doesn't get scared easily. You deserve someone who has similar interests as you, probably someone with whom you can do witchy stuff. Pile 2 you deserve someone who understands your magic. Someone who believes in magic. Someone who is not too practical or logical like that type of practical person who doesn't believe in magik. Someone who can think outside the box. You deserve someone who learns, grows and adapts with time. You do not deserve someone who lives like an NPC. You deserve someone who matches your uniqueness, someone who is not afraid to let themselves shine. You deserve someone with whom you can travel to different places. I see that you are someone who likes taking risks so you deserve someone who has the same adventurous soul. You deserve someone who matches your freaky energy 😜 I see that you have a lot of stamina and deserve someone who matches your energy in bed. You're absolutely magical so you deserve someone who can handle your otherworldly energy. You deserve someone who can make your every wish come true. You deserve someone who is willing to put in the effort to be with you. You deserve someone who can offer you something in return. I see that you have been the type of person who does more than needed for others so you deserve someone who can spend money on you and spend time with you. You deserve someone who can show you how lovely it is to love and be loved. I also see that you deserve someone who can handle pain for some reason? Idk you deserve someone who won't feel pity for your backstory. You deserve someone who won't look at you with sympathy, instead you deserve someone who can challenge you because you love challenges. You could be an Earth or water sign, especially cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn.
Pile 3
Whatsup! Pile 3! The first message I am picking upon is that you deserve someone who is willing to fight for your attention. you deserve someone who is ready to fight for your relationship. You deserve someone who does not give up easily. I see that sometimes you can be hard to love because you are always evolving, you are always changing, you are not the person you were a few months ago and some people cannot keep up with it. So you deserve someone who can keep up with your transformations, someone who will not stop loving you just because you have changed. You deserve someone who loves you for your soul, who loves you for your true self. you deserve someone who is willing to make things work. you deserve someone who wants stable long term commitment. you do not deserve somebody who is just looking for casual dating. I'm also picking up on the message that you deserve someone who treats you like a Queen. you deserve someone who gives you princess treatment and if your person is not willing to give you princess treatment then they might not be the one for you. You deserve someone who takes up on the traditional image of their gender, someone who is willing to provide and protect. I see that you romanticize old love, you romanticize when people used to write letters, were patient, and were ready to love. Another message I'm getting is that you deserve someone who treats your body like a temple, who worships your body. Someone who worships the ground you walk. Someone who puts you on a pedestal. You absolutely deserve to be treated like a queen. And let me make one thing clear: you'll only receive this treatment when you're willing to treat your person like a king. You deserve someone who is willing to learn new things for you, you deserve someone who is willing to change their perspective about things. You deserve someone who is also evolving and changing so you guys can keep up with each other.
Pile 4
This is definitely my crazy pile 🤣 Hello pile 4! Welcome to your reading! You deserve someone who matches your weird energy like someone who is willing to be strange, loud and crazy with you. You deserve someone who is open and wholesome. I see that you do not give a buck about what people say and you just want to be your true self. You love spreading happiness and kindness. I am hearing “ she likes to give a smile to every stranger” . You should listen to “she's crazy but she's mine” . You're a walking representation of this song. You deserve someone who won't feel awkward by your energy, you deserve someone who does not feel threatened by the attention you attract. I see that you have a really unique energy that attracts a lot of attention wherever you go. You could be sitting there reading your book and people would still be looking at you like you are a star so you deserve somebody who does not feel insecure about the attention you attract. You deserve someone who is confident, you deserve someone who won't make you dim your light. You deserve someone who is just as crazy as you are , you deserve somebody who can match your vibe. Another message I'm getting is that you deserve somebody who is kind and humble because you are someone who likes spreading love around and you are someone who likes helping people. You do not like dishonest and ungrateful people. You deserve someone with whom you can help others. You deserve someone who is just as passionate about life as you are. You deserve an optimistic person. I see that you have gone through a lot of betrayals but you still choose to believe in love and happiness. You deserve an emotionally mature person, you deserve someone who feels their emotion and does not sabotage themselves. You deserve someone who loves children who loves working with children and animals. I see that you will be doing charity work with your future partner. You deserve someone who is interested in space, dinosaurs and random facts.
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ivesambrose · 8 months
ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴍɪʀʀᴏʀ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ🪞
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Applicable to future spouse, soulmate, whatever term you prefer 🧡
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Picture 1
- Both of you are intellectually driven. Good at observing and reading people. Assertive and often cut throat when circumstances call for it. Will prefer independence and being single over empty or surface level connections.
- May have dealt with a strict mother figure or sibling.
- Seeks wisdom and travel above all. Academics and knowledge is also extremely important to both of you. You and them may also be overqualified or haven't liked sticking to one particular degree or field for long.
- Both of you might like trekking or feel connected to the mountains and outdoors.
- Often display obsessive and perfectionist behaviour in terms of work. Might have specific hyper fixations.
- Might have struggled and overcame addictions or addictive behaviour or have faced controlling partners or people in their lives.
- One of you prefer leisure time and being left alone to pamper yourself when stressed or overwhelmed, other might resort to channeling that into sports, working out or getting work done.
- Animals feel safe around both of you.
- Prone to sleep paralysis or vivid dreams. One of you can't tolerate alcohol or recreational drugs at all.
- May have mercury and 9th house synastry. May have Sagittarius, Libra or Leo in chart.
Picture 2
- Both of you carry grief that has made you feel stuck, may have made you feel ashamed or guilty. But y'all have channeled that into perseverance. Might have been victims of bullying or have witnessed it. This has given both of you a strong sense of justice and the desire to help those in need, the underdogs and the oppressed.
- Neither of you back down from something you're dedicated towards even if it takes time.
- Both of you might come across intimidating to most.
- One of you posseses good language, understanding and networking skills. Are rather mutable. The other is a natural born leader. These two qualities overlap or interachange in each other's presence with time.
- Fiercely protective of loved ones and just as nurturing. Often too sympathetic and need to establish stronger boundaries.
- Life has knocked both of you down a notch several times but it has given you two the ability to rebuild stronger foundations every single time.
- Don't necessarily do well under pressure but will come up with the most radical idea or breakthroughs when least expected.
- May have dealt with intimacy issues.
- Need to be very mindful of the people both of you trust and are vulnerable with.
- Can be an extremely influential duo together. May lead a rather non traditional life.
- Might have 8th and 12th house synastry or moon synastry. Might have cancer and aquarius placements.
Picture 3
- Both of you believe in fate, destiny and luck. Right place and right time but are also rather controlling by nature. Some days you'll go with the flow and let things happen other times you will take charge.
- Both of you cannot and will not back down. Life has thrown daggers at you, yet you have overcome them. Unmatched determination.
- One or both of you may have suffered from anger issues and now transmute that elsewhere.
- Excellent wordsmiths and magnetic personalities. Might be good writers, poets, directors, planners etc
- Both of you have distinct, attractive and memorable voices.
- May struggle with anxiety or insomnia. Might stay up late at night cuz that's when your brain feels most active.
- Both possess emotional intelligence but tend to carry burdens, emotional labour and resentment for long periods.
- Love luxury that is earned after hard work.
- Fond of fragrances.
- Passionate and intense lovers by nature but just as picky.
- Old souls, have a personal relationship with time and it's fleeting nature. Might prefer preserving memories.
- Work better independently, make excellent entrepreneurs.
- Both love to travel or travelling is extremely important to both of you.
- Might have Saturn, mercury, Sun and 10th house synastry. May also have nodal synastry. Might have Mars or Jupiter influence in chart.
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psychelis-new · 8 months
pick a pile: "I love you because..."
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read a love confession for you. it could be a friend, a colleague, someone you help/ed, a family member, your guides or ancestors, your higher self or your present/future partner/spouse. meditate to put yourself in a receiving mode and go check your one, dear soul. enjoy your Valentine's day: whether you feel lonely or not, whether you are in a relationship or not, know that you are deeply loved.
if you rather get a message from your present/future partner/spouse, check my instagram @/psychelis.new
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
I love you of a quiet pure respectful love, because you're strong and brave and you taught me that struggles can be overcome and new goals can always be reached. You taught me a lot also about love and friendship: maybe you don't know, but I have been going through a very tough situation and finding you/having you near, listening to you, helped me so much. You were (and are) like a dream come true to me. You made me stronger, inspired me and helped me move on with a lot of confidence and hopefulness more, and I'll always be thankful to you for this. I am not sure you know about this, about my feelings, I always look at you from a distance and freeze in awe in front of your kindness and beautiful smile. I would like to approach you and thank you personally but I am not sure you would accept it from me. I am still afraid to be abandoned or to disappoint you but I am sure one day I will be able to change this also thanks to you. One day I will be bold enough and thank you properly. I am working to get ready for that day and have no more fear.
[more symbols/signs: fairytales, children, The Little Prince (the dialogue with the fox in particular), fox, star, comets; could be friend, sb in your same school/job place crushing on you, ex, -online- admirer, childhood friend/crush; I'm getting lot of school-related/young energy, could even be a student if you're a teacher or sth; it seems someone who isn't used to kindness and gentleness/support and bc of this you made them addicted to this side of yours]
song: fetish | selena gomez, gucci mane
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pile 2
I love you because you guide me and give me peace. Your voice is like a tender sound calming my nerves, your words are warm and embracing me anytime I need love. You came up unexpectedly and brought the wind of change with you, a warm tender soft one that caresses me and plays with my hair making me smile of a peaceful smile. Something I could hardly experience before. I love you because you help me feel better and change/grow for the better. You've helped me cleansing from my toxic past and you made me see things from a different perspective. Like in a snap of fingers, everything went from chaos to calm, in my mind and in my heart. You always know what to say to bring me back on my feet, to balance me, and you guide me in every move I take. I am thankful for having you by my side, my true anchor and gentle loving sister soul. Never cease to speak to me, I love listening to your ideas and words, you always sing the most beautiful song in my ears, just for me to listen to.
[more symbols/signs: water, emotions, rain/rainy day, wind, sound, dreamcatcher, weather vane, bells, air signs; possible strong mental/5d connection; could be a soulmate (romantic or platonic), also a colleague or family member/ancestor or your partner's higher self]
song: every breath you take | denmark + winter
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pile 3
I love you because amidst all of the chaos, there you were and still are. I love you cause you always wear a smile and try to keep your joy with you, and share it around. I love you cause of your sweet tender habit to dance and turn around everytime you're happy. I love you for all the beauty you bring with you, even if you cannot see it. I love your regal side and your cute side. I love all the different people you are, especially your curios self, never ceasing to learn more of what's around you (please keep yourself safe). I love how you can lose yourself daydreaming about love and what's next for you, but also how you are so easy to distract... Maybe you should focus more, yes, but who cares? I like to distract you too cause when you notice you always get so pouty and offended with me and that's so very cute. Please try to let go of the past, trust yourself. I know you hurt still, but better things will come and you know it too. Don't let the anxiety/worries take over you, stay confident and trust that all will be great. I will also help you make it so.
[more signs/symbols: crowds, -long time- friend/s, studying together, raincoat, jeans, flirting; feels a classmate or friend -maybe a group of friends-, possibly someone crushing on you; young energy but especially from you here so the person/people could be "older" for some of you]
song: golden hour | jvke
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pile 4
I love you because that's what I was born for. I love you cause that's my duty, to care for you and protect you. But I also love you because you resemble me: you're determined, confident and you work for your dreams. You don't let anything or anyone bring you down and even if you don't feel this way now, I know you have it inside of you. You just need to believe again in all that you really are, you just need to remember who you really are. Let me in, let me help you remember it all. Let me help you give you your power back. We can have it all again, together. Don't let the demons you have learned to live with, govern you: you're the one in charge of putting them back to their place. You're the one able to give yourself all that you want, love included. Take care of you, give yourself breaks and get ready: a lot is in store for us. I'm sorry you have/had to wait so much. Please forgive me.
[more symbols/signs: vinyl, music, nostalgia, dancing, gala, Europe, dresses, castle, deep heart connection; possible past life connection (around 1700-1800 centuries; kingdoms); power couple; possible ex/situationship that now is on hold or future partner/spouse, guides/ancestors/departed pet or higher self; in all honesty the first message I got is the last line I wrote. Much more than the reasons they love you for, they wanted you to know how much they long for you now]
song: in the name of love | bebe rexha, martin garrix
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1st-1 · 2 years
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neptunes-sol-angel · 8 months
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Pick the picture(s) that you're drawn to the most, then scroll down for its corresponding message for insight on what's next for you in love.
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Pile One ♡
I strongly feel that most people in this pile would be considered as someone who is inexperienced in love, maybe you guys are bookworms, maladaptive daydreamers, and writers yourselves when it comes to visualizing your future, different settings for how the world could be, and breathing life into the people that you haven’t gotten the chance or time to get to know yet. What’s next for you in love, is practice. You’re upgrading from being Bambi by becoming the Great Prince of the Forest by taking risks before you are able to know and find what is right for you. Some of you may believe in holding yourself tightly before you meet “the one” but the message is that you are being unfair to yourself by putting your life on hold to revolve it around someone who is also learning too, but isn’t waiting like you are doing. This doesn’t mean to be reckless or to feel coerced into going along with people you don’t have a good feeling about just for the sake of finally being in a relationship. This stage is about exploration and enjoying yourself before you meet your life partner. If you resonate with being a bookworm, you could be the type to read romantic fictional stories on a platform like wattpad, and while it serves its purpose which is to make you feel good, it could create an irregular perception of love for you, like subconsciously romanticizing traits that are toxic or wouldn’t be something that you would actually like if you were to actually experience it. For some, it could be re-evaluating your attraction to individuals, like when you crush on someone, you could find that they really look good, but do you yearn for more from them? Your path in love could be redirecting you to pay attention to how a person makes you feel than what you get from them on a surface level of interaction.
Pile Two ♡
There was someone in your life that you once felt like you couldn’t live without or took something from you that seemed irretrievable, but you’re being blessed in a way that’s shutting all of those lies down. You’re getting you back, in whichever way that it applies. This could be your motivation to take care of yourself, to do things that made you feel happy and at peace before this dwindle ending happened, like going to the gym, arts & craft, writing, solo trips or going out with friends, and even something simple as such as looking good for yourself, but it’s not limited to what was mentioned. This could even look like getting closer to who your deity or deities and spiritual maintenance. The best way that I can describe this, is that this phase in love is like this big circle of energy, stuff that was taken or borrowed from you, that’s being marinated before it is returned because it isn’t just aspects from the past, it’s also the time for creation. This whole entire time, your rain of tears that were collected from this heartbreak were observed yet not ignored, but transmuted into this empire that you’re building off of the corpses of failures that you’ve experienced with not just people but life circumstances, maybe when that break up happened it just seemed that more tragedies kept following you after that and it drove you into insanity like when does this pain ever end? Although you can’t forget about it, you’re learning how to soften from these things that stung you in the past, so that you can keep moving and consolidate your wishes. For some, this is personal, and an era that you’d like to be selfish with in order to see what else you can create, like developing a strong daily routine, starting that business, or maybe even working on yourself so that you can heal others, while the other side of this collective will open their hearts again to a new love which can be romance, friendship, or even adoption that is just as equally healing.
Pile Three ♡
The next thing in love for you is learning how to stop trying to win. I’m picking up multiple scenarios for this but the premise is that people in this pile are in love situations where there is no winner, and if there is, let the other person be the one to have it so that you can walk away and stop blocking yourself from better to come in. Some of you are in a long battle with a person by competing with them on who has the upperhand in the situationship, this involves the runner and chaser dynamic constantly reversing and both of you keeping tabs on each other when you’re supposed to be in no contact. The second scenario is sticking beside someone who has a wandering eye but trying relentlessly to get this person to choose you the way that you choose them. The third scenario is in general, trying to prove yourself in order to gain love from others by manipulating yourself and even them to win their affection. There is this storm brewing, you can even call this a tower moment, that could happen to finally get you to see the many ways that you are downplaying yourself with people who have stayed in your space and energy for far too long. You’re going to surrender from these situations to know what it means to pick yourself up and see how beautiful and worthy you are to the extent where you’ll be baffled by how much you’ve been settling for people who don’t deserve you. This phase will come with new connections, but what makes it different is realizing your authority in this by realizing how possible and freeing it is to choose people that choose you. Once you realize that you’re the prize in this game, let the winner take pride in being the fumbler, and be proud of yourself for not being the one to fumble you.
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happy valentine's!!!! to you and to the sweethearts of them all
I hope you'll like this one💖
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ethereallyjade · 8 months
Pick a Card: Traits of Your F/S
Choose a photo that calls to you and the cards will tell you a message. As always, this is just for fun. Do not take anything seriously or above legal or medical advice. If your interested in personal tarot readings and want to support me, check out my Paid Readings! Masterlist
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1 - 2
3 - 4
Images are not mine
Pile 1
Your F/S might wear big clothes. I'm seeing dresses, baggy clothes, or just oversized things. I'm getting somewhat emo vibes or they might just like black clothing. They are great at keeping optimism and picking themselves back up after periods of grief. Your F/S might have a hard time connecting with others or has had a bit of a rough past in terms of relationships. They could be a bit of a rebel as well or just crave more freedom in their lives. Back to their looks, their clothes might stand out in some way. Something about them or their personality is bold, but they don't even mean to be. They might have a very simple look, but it's so different from those around them that it comes off as bold, because I'm picking up on a very quiet and even reserved energy from them so I don't think their looks are a very conscious choice on their part. Either way, I'm still seeing that they're confident in themselves and have a leader like potential.
Pile 2
Clumsy, and colorful. Might wear sweaters or hoodies a lot. Could have an affinity towards churches? Or maybe really likes historic buildings or museums. Likes to travel. Likes the ocean. They are independent and trust their own decisions. They might move homes a lot and don't like living in one area for too long. They might live or be from somewhere with a cold climate. They have a humble upbringing. Could have come from a broken home, divorced parents, low income, or even faced homelessness at some point, but I'm seeing that they're ready to move on from that or have already. All in all, they're a very talented person and they're ready to take their opportunities. They might be from a different country than you.
Pile 3
Clean, smooth, "Must be perfect." Maybe their a Virgo lmao. I'm seeing that they can be the type of person to put up a front. They appear as well put together, mature, clean, and may even be seen as a leader of sorts, but on the inside they're definitely struggling with something. They might be a really naive person, and find themselves often being taken advantage of by those around them. This could also be taken as they're a very emotional person and need to learn how to put up this courageous front so that they stop being taken advantage of. As far as physical appearance goes, I'm seeing someone who's blond, medium length hair. Might like wearing blues and greens, dresses or long shirts. They might like to accessorize themselves. They may also be the type to really dress up when they leave the house, but dress very casual or im hearing 'bummy' behind closed doors lol.
Pile 4
They like hanging out with friends or even partying and drinking. They love to travel. I'm seeing a very happy and positive person hear. Maybe they can be randomly contemplative or have big dreams which is something their friends find odd about them because they usually have a kind of careless and partying type of personality. On the flip side, I can also see this as being someone that does not like to party. Maybe they're surrounding friends have a careless, parting attitude towards life and they want to break free of that and work towards something they find important. They might not be very close with their friends or feel like they've never fit in with their friend group, and again, dream of going somewhere else or leaving to find their people. They might contemplate moving overseas, so they might either be a foreigner to you or maybe you both move to a new country together. For physical traits, they might have curly hair. I'm seeing a lot of the color red. That might be their favorite color, or a color they wear a lot. Maybe their hair is red. I'm also seeing that they might get dressed up often.
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murk888 · 8 months
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💕🌹Happy Valentine's Day! Again! Now it's the Real Deal!!!💖💘 look below and choose your flavor!!
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summers-pratt · 8 months
You know what's insane bananas bonkerballs? After 118 years together, Spike STILL was getting Drusilla Valentines Day gifts. He is out there acquiring the most gaudy gorgeous necklace for his lady love after a century of acquiring gaudy gorgeous jewelry. Wife guy of all time.
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
Bakugou gets a boner whenever he fixes you food because you always seem to close your eyes, hum under your breath, and do a little dance in your seat whenever you bite into it. he fixes you a four course meal but now he’s rushing you to eat it in .8 seconds bc he keeps watching you and now his chub won’t go away :/
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sillywabbits · 8 months
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~Mushy love! 💕
Finally posting this just in time for my favorite holiday! 💘 Happy Valentine's! 💗💕💕
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crystaldivination · 2 years
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‹ 𝑃𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑎 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑑 › ♥︎ 𝑂ℎ… 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢
⤷ Valentine’s special ⁀➷ ⤶
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Hello beautiful souls ♡︎ it’s been a while. I’ve planned to go after my pick a card schedule but since it’s Valentines’ Day 💌💘 I decided to squeeze this in between. For those who have already found their other half I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day. Make romantic and beautiful memories with your lover. As for my single souls who is looking and waiting for love especially on this day, don’t worry because there is someone waiting somewhere out there for you already. When the time is right they’ll show up. For now we can find other way to celebrate love that doesn’t involve romance right? I hope you get to spend time with your loved ones on this day and do something fun. Have a beautiful time for yourselves. You deserve it ❣︎
That to be said, I hope to provide you with some lovely messages from the person of your mind or anyone who is thinking about you with this intuitive pick a card reading. In this reading we will be looking at who is secretly having feelings for you and how they feel about you. Check out the 2nd part of this Valentine’s edition here.
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How to choose a pile? Take a few deep breaths & look at each piles separately. Trust your intuition to pick your pile.
The piles ┊
left ➜ right
Disclaimer ┊this is a general reading which may or may not resonate with you. Take what resonates and leave out anything that doesn’t. Feel free to choose another pile if you'd like.
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏
"Oh tell me if there is anyone like her. No, there is no one like her."
This person might be someone you know or someone near your orbit. They seem to believe there is a connection between you both right before seeing or meeting you. Love at first sight. They feel something unexplainable when it comes to you. They find you captivating and attractive, not to be said, very intelligent. In their eyes you embody the person of both beauty and brain. You actually are. They are very romantic and a dreamer. They’d want you to notice them if you haven’t already. For some I guess this might be a crush who is too shy to approach you and just like to observe you from afar. They like to fantasize about you and how it’d be like if you guys were together. I heard the word "each other’s" so they might be slightly possessive or just want you guys to belong to each other. It doesn’t seem to be toxic. I just feel like they’d want a love that’s like a fairytale. They have a heart of an artist. You could even be their muse. Their source of inspiration. You literally inspire them everyday. I heard something along the line "You are so beautiful and smart that I could write a million unique poems for you". Aww pile 1 they are so sweet. It’s a shame that they’re keeping it to themself. If they could only show it to you just like how they’re willing to tell me this… I’m also getting that you occupy their mind 24/7. Sometimes you could be popping up out of nowhere and they might even see hallucinations of you in front of them. Omg. They’re that in love with you. I’d even say you are one of the rare people that they admire every bit of. They really want to cherish you with all their heart because they believe you deserve every of it. You’re so kind and just a dream person for them. They’re putting you on the pedestal fr. They wouldn’t want to come out of their dream any soon but they do know that it’s not the reality so that’s kinda sad. If they could be yours they’d want to provide and cater you with love and everything you need. Your desires are theirs to fulfill. They’d want the best out of the best for you. They really seem like a giver.
Some hints to know who they are:
Masculine energy, books, glasses, tall and brown haired, casual looks, notebook with a pen, twirl pen, might like to rest on a bench, connected to nature
The song matches the vibe of this connection from their pov ⭒۟ ׁ
Especially this part ⌵
{It's you, it's you, it's all for you}
{Everything I do}
{I tell you all the time}
{Heaven is a place on earth with you}
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐
"They got me thinking about them"
This is a little bit confusing to me because the person I’m getting for this pile seems to be…how could I say…a little bit out of their mind? Maybe they’re quite oblivious in general or they don’t really care about most things. They aren’t the type to chase the high or hang out in groups to be part of something. They prefer to not be influenced by anyone and to be on their own. Not a loner or anything, they just don’t need other people or stimulations to function well or to build confidence. To them those things seem a little "superficial". They know what they enjoy and who they value so they only keep the minimum of what’s important to them and who they want to be surrounded with. Despite that they’re actually quite warm on the inside and do seek sincere connections. They usually appear detached or try to portray a cold demeanor, sometimes out of this un-/disinterest but also to shy away other people from approaching or getting to close to them. This might stem from their past but then YOU came into the picture.
You might be quite the opposite of that person. You’re social, open and friendly. You might make friends easily. For some reason I’m getting that they might be a new person for you. You guys might've met at school/courses or at some sort of work related places. You might even be a transfer student/worker etc. The first moment they saw you they don’t seem to be interested at all like their usual self but you on the contrary are always curious to meet and get to know new people which led you to approach them first. Tbh your first impression of each other wasn’t really great. They might’ve been quite sassy or even "rude" to you but something might’ve happened later on and I’m getting that it was you who showed kindness to them which made them open up to you more. Over times you guys got more comfortable with each other and seem to be quite close. They didn’t seem to even realize their feelings for you at first but they do noticed a feeling being evoked in them by you. Every time you’re near them or with every encounter with you they feel a shift. You might have recalled a feeling that was familiar to them but it seems like it’s a feeling that has been forgotten for so long that they themself might not even remember what it was. Because it feels so easy and natural with you, all they suspect was them being out of their mind or that something is wrong with them. They noticed that their heart beats faster lately whenever they’re around you, they think more often about you and every symptom one gets when being in love. They slowly realize your effect on them. I heard "Is that her…is she the one who’s making me feel this type of way?". Their close friends might’ve pointed it out to them how they have changed. They could be more lively and their behavior are much more out there. Again I heard "They changed me…?" They start to notice and pay attention to their surrounding more but mostly to catch YOU, to be exact to get your attention.
Some hints to know who they are:
Detached, appear cold and un-/disinterested, athletic style, animal lover, likes to watch birds and the sunset, analytical, great at debates, quite funny or humorous, would like to tease you for fun or to get a reaction out of you
The song matches the epiphany and how their feelings develop ⭒۟ ׁ
Especially this part ⌵
{When you're with me}
{Be honest}
{Let's just be honest}
{You got me in my feelings} …
{Never understood what it feels like}
{Like the way that you're turning me 'round}
Ps. For this pile I felt like I should give some background information since it’s a new person so that’s why it’s a little longer than the other two piles.
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑
"Oh heaven please send me to her"
Pile 3, I feel like this person's heart is aching for you. It longs for you but not in a selfish way but more in a protective way. You might have gotten out of a relationship recently or broke up with someone and then heading into a new relationship maybe to ease the pain or to forget about the earlier one, either way there seems to be a third party going on. This person just want to take you in their arm and hold you until you feel okay again. They think they could be so much better than that person who’s hurt or disappointed you. They can treat you better than that. They want you to notice them because you don’t deserve that kind of connections. You should have someone by your side who cares about you, who is there for you and who will always stick with you until the end. Not half hearted or not just for a while. They are tired to see you fall down over and over again searching for the love that you need. They know that all you want and need is someone who can carefully hold your heart and held it dearly without letting it fall when it feels too heavy. That heart will loyally and obediently beat for the one who is willing to mend it. It might take a while but it’s always ready to sacrifice for you. They know all this but they’re angry and frustrated with how you could let yourself feel so worthless just for the sake of love. They just want to run to you and protect you from anyone and any danger that could harm you in anyway. You deserve so much. They are sure of it and if they could they will make sure you get all that. Pile 3, I feel so emotional rn. My heart literally pains a bit. They are really determined to get what they want for you. I’m shaking 😳. Don’t you know who I am talking about? But I feel like they can’t show themself to you rn. There might be hindrance or a distance between you guys which makes it hard for them to get to you. BUT know that they’re watching you, helping you indirectly by sending you positive energy, they really wish for you to be safe and to align with your inner self before anything. They think you’re a little out of balance and drained. Take care of yourself and try to recover first. They want you to know that you should be able to prioritize yourself, do the things you didn’t get to do before. I heard "you can love and be in love with yourself, right?". That’s so thoughtful of them, pile 3. They really care about you and your well-being. And once you’re fully yourself again, they might dare to come closer to you. This seems like a great person, don’t you think pile 3? I don’t get who they are but based on the information I guess it might be someone who is aware of you and knows a lot about you. Could be a one sided crush as well.
Some hints to know who they are:
Muscular body, feels powerless, heart ache, would fight for you, phone, take walks to ease mind, fitness studio, look a little like a "player" but is mindful, might have siblings, quite responsible, a little impulsive but knows how to hold back
The whole song matches their frustration and protectiveness over you ⭒۟ ׁ
Especially this part ⌵
{I know I can treat you better than he can}
{And any girl like you deserves a gentleman}
{Tell me, why are we wasting time}
{On all your wasted crying}
{When you should be with me instead?} …
{I'll stop time for you}
{The second you say you'd like me too}
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© 2023 crystaldivination ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. Plagiarism in any form is prohibited.
I hope you enjoyed it! Likes, reblogs and follows are highly appreciated! I’d love to have some feedbacks as well! Thank you ・❥・
◛⑅·˚ Remember. You’re loved!
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webdiggerxxx · 8 months
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lavendergoddesstarot · 8 months
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖?
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Pick a pile/picture
Pile 1:
7 of wands: You and your person may have recently had an argument or a disagreement of some sort. They feel defensive & they feel the need to protect their views and beliefs. This may even be a feeling to protect your relationship from others.
Pile 2:
Empress: Your person sees you as the DIVINE feminine right now. You are a goddess in their eyes. They feel you bring so much abundance, peace, playfulness and beauty into their lives. Someone may be pregnant as well 👀 or this person wants you to be.
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grymkoena · 8 months
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Countdown to love.
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bobit-shotaro · 8 months
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✨💖Happy Valentine’s 💖 I love you💖✨
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