#Loud birds
labelleizzy · 9 months
Holiday Season Bird Chorus in my mom's neighborhood! (I'm not sure of the species)
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whatnext10 · 1 month
The Tufted Titmouse is a Small, but Interesting Songbird
The Best Perch One of my most common backyard birds, is the little tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor). They are small, even by songbird standards, but they usually arrive in a small noisy flock that announces itself as it flies into the area. Sometimes pairs of the birds stick close together, but most often they split up to eat, groom, and explore once they have settled in an area. But once…
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groovyspecs · 1 year
I am trying to teach the local hadedas to wait for breakfast on the lawn. Not very successful yet.
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yellowtrinity · 1 year
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building my case for why edgeworth should have adopted polly the parrot after... you know
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tomcriuse · 2 months
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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 1966, dir. Sergio Leone
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nepeteaa · 6 months
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happy trans day of visibility :-)
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ghostlyfirn · 4 months
i hate these robots and every time i see them i go "that fucking robot that i hate" so i had a legal requirement to make this
(i stopped putting in effort near the end lmfa)
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meltedwax87 · 8 months
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Self-Ish thing but I made it a paper puppet!
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
I think Mihawk and Garp would have the best relationship
In that I think Garp goes out of his way to relentlessly troll Mihawk by being stubbornly, purposefully, inept about the most mundane things while Mihawk, who knows exactly what he is doing and that he is being set up but ugghhhhhh, hates him on a level yet undiscovered by science.
He only gives the most tiniest of reactions to Garp’s ineptness, a brow furrowing a frown becoming deeper the tiniest twitch of an eye but Garp sees it, he knows that he’s succeeded and Mihawk hates him for it
Mihawk and Garp sitting at opposite ends of the giant ass warlord meeting table locked in an intense mental chess match unbeknownst to everyone in the room. Garp keeps waging psychological warfare on Mihawk by eating the pieces, everyone but him is extremely thrown when Mihawk unsheathes Yoru and lunges at Garp, who laughs manically, without warning
Mihawk tries to get some sympathy from Shanks but Shanks’ has found Garp and his shenanigans hilarious since he was five so he obviously thinks this is the best thing ever. It might also help that Mihawk tends to look like a puffed up pretty bird after every encounter with Garp but Shanks is just a man for Christ sake! he’s weak!
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
Oh SHIT you know what I just realized? The Deathwalker’s Ward literally looks like a raven. Here, let me show you.
I thought the clasps were a bit odd when I first saw them, but look. 
These are the normal clasps on the armour:
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And this is the Deathwalker’s ward when lit up with divine energy.
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And it looks JUST LIKE a raven head, pupils and all!
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The little design details in this show are just too fucking cool, I’m literally in love.
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kazieka · 5 months
there’s a little fledgling bird on my driveway and it’s nice and fluffy and standing up and there’s adult birds around so I’m not worried about it’s safety and I KNOW it’s that time of year when baby birds are learning to fly and I should leave it alone but like. it is beeping So Loud and sounds so upset and it’s awakening my maternal instincts
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doctorcranes-ask · 16 days
Since you dont do ringtones, what kind of bird do you associate different friends/people with?
Edward: Peacock. Loud, rude, and flashy
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Harley: Galah Cockatoo. Bright and loud.
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Enigma: Rosy-faced lovebird. Lovebirds fuckin love biting people. Lil shits
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Jervis: Blue parakeet. If a parakeet was the size of a fuckin macaw. Could’ve done dodo, but that seemed rude.
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I’ll do more if people are interested.
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chillywillow1 · 1 year
Hank Hill: boy it sure is hot in Texas I tell you h'what
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alwaysbewoke · 7 months
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if a bird did this to me and i survived (by the way this woman survived and still has both eyes), i would go on a bird genocide. i would kill them all whenever and wherever i saw them. i would become their king leopold, their hitler.
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featheredadora · 1 year
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Someone's put some bunting up across the street and little man is concerned
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
is there an accepted collective name for waddle dees? for when they're in a group; like how you have a flock or birds or a pack of wolves?
if not can i formally suggest: wuddle.
because it's cute and sounds like a puddle of waddle dees. but also because it's similar to 'huddle' which is used for stationary penguins on land. (penguins are in fact actually collectively called a 'waddle' when they're walking, so there is... you know. That.)
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