#Lots of wb doodles lately
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A point where Bruno is the most comfortable with himself being freaky deaky <33
#Hes having fun#Srry hes literally all I fucking think about its maddening#Lots of wb doodles lately#pizza tower#pizza tower bruno#eternal art
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Also on another note, my oc’s :]]]]
Been thinking about them lately (a group of them have moved into my brain squished besides electro shocker)
Mostly working on my trio of robots, patch (an oc I’ve posted here before I think) and a new robot. Been doodling a lot of concepts during class on my wb and notebooks, might also share those eventually in a doodle dump 👍
#idk I missed these silly guys#also been cooking up some lore ideas#might ramble abt them at some point too but it’s all very messy and not super concrete at the moment#voltrix rambles#should also make a tag for my guys at some point too#also been looking through the depths of my photo gallery and I found a lot of old art of them it’s crazyyy#I gotta compile it all together#much work to do much work..
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Midnight Pals: The Protocols of Hogwarts
[Scottish castle] Agent: hey joanne JK Rowling: Lydia Rowling: what newssss do you bring of the outsssside muggle world Agent: Agent: uh well Agent: there’s been A LOT of buzz about your new Hogwarts game Rowling: good buzz? Agent: Rowling: the children all love my hogwartssss game do they not? Rowling: they love to be transsssported back to the whimsssical apolitical world of harry potter! Rowling: lotssss of good publicity, right? Agent: well Agent: if you think about it Agent: there’s no such thing as BAD publicity right?
Rowling: you sssspeak of the Hogwartsssss game which I had nothing to do with, correct? Rowling: completely handsss off! No involvement whatssssoever! Rowling: sssso keep in mind that a certain twitter thread absolutely in no way reflectssss reality Rowling: legally, it mussst be said it’s for entertainment purposessss only
Agent: so about this Hogwarts game Rowling: yesss? Agent: I notice it’s about a goblin rebellion Rowling: yesss? Agent: you know, joanne, there’s been a lot of talk lately Agent: about your goblins Rowling: yesss? Agent: do you think maybe Agent: could the game be about Agent: about something else? Rowling: what do you mean Agent: like Agent: there’s a lot of aspects of your world that aren’t Agent: weirdly antisemitic Agent: maybe you could make the game about some of those? Agent: like, about a dragon or Agent: idk Agent: a beholder or something?
Rowling: Lydia Rowling: maybe you’ve forgotten your place as my agent Rowling: your job is to ferry the big bags of money from WB to my vault Rowling: I’m the whimssssical geniusss who comes up with ideasss!
Agent: I’m afraid there’s a problem joanne Rowling: what? Agent: it turns out that they accidently made the game antisemitic Agent: and accidentally hired an alt right gamergate guy to make it Agent: and a psychotic MRA anti family court guy to voice 12 characters Rowling: wow, what a comedy of completely unintended errorssss! Agent: it’s kind of a real whoopsy doodle altogether, honestly
Rowling: I don’t undersssstand why people are mad Rowling: they don’t like my hook-nosed bankers who use childrensss blood for vile ritualsss? Agent: people think they’re kinda antisemitic Rowling: well, I thought the jewsss wanted represssentation! Agent:
Rowling: next they’re gonna get mad about the sssuspiciously goblin sssympathetic transss character! Rowling: you know, transss are a plot by the global goblin elite Agent:
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: my loyal circle of terf death eaterssss Rowling: everyone is mad about my hogwartsss game Rowling: but you all undersssstand Pamela Paul: of course we do!
Pamela Paul: man, wouldn’t it be cool if we could live in Hogwarts legacy for real? Paul: like, maybe like Paul: what if there were goblins living in your neighborhood? And you could report them to some sort of goblin culling authority? Paul: or if some of your neighbors were secretly hiding goblins in their attic and you could report them? Paul: wouldn’t that be fun? Paul: I feel like ron desantis is the man who could make this a reality
Paul: see, ron desantis has his finger on the pulse Paul: he knows what the average American likes Paul: and the average joe, let me tell you, he loves big trains Paul: big rattling cattle cars, passing in the night, carrying strange cargo to mysterious ends Paul: a knock on the door in the night Paul: it’s like a fun mystery!
Paul: americans love ron desantis banning books Paul: and, quite frankly, as the new York times book reviewer Paul: it kinda makes my job easier!
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Taylor & Joe in 2020 (continued)
July 28th to August 5th – Taylor and Joe take a trip to Salt Lake City, Utah. (x) (x)
August 5th – Taylor and Joe are back in LA, and are papped disembarking her jet. (x) (x)
Later that day, they leave LA for Rhode Island.
August 6th – Joe posts a picture from their trip that was taken on a hiking trail in Hanna.
August 10th – Joe and Aaron start following each other on Instagram. At the time, Aaron and his family were staying with Taylor and Joe in RI.
August 17th – In an interview with The Pop Culture Show, Kristian Bush of Sugarland talks about how he and Taylor would go to each other for advice. (x)
“It was funny to be in a room where everybody’s anxious of the superstar and she’s really not changed that whole much, or at least in the way she talks to me she hasn’t. And she’s like, “Oh, what do you think about this?”
She’s like, “What do I do now? I really like my boyfriend. I’ve dated this guy longer than anybody else.” And I was like, “You know what, let me tell you something, do you like board games? Start with Scrabble, start learning to drink wine. Figure out who these people are in your life, spend extra time with them.” And then suddenly that’s now what we talk about.”
August 19th – Taylor and Joe leave RI and go to London.
August 19th – Joe posts a photo of him walking along the beach in RI, and his Watch Hill hat is the same one Taylor’s wearing in the Lover lyric video.
August 23rd – Fans notice that some signed folklore booklets have smiley faces and the initials “WB” written on the exile page.
August 24th – Joe posts an Instagram story from the Watch Hill Lighthouse, which is right next to Taylor’s RI place.
September 1st – A fan finds a mustache doodle in their folklore booklet.
September 7th – Joe does a camera roll dump and posts photos from their August trip to Utah.
September 14th – Taylor leaves London for Nashville, and tapes her ACM performance of betty at the Grand Ole O’Pry.
September 16th – Taylor goes to upstate NY to film the long pond sessions at Aaron’s studio.
(via taylorswifh)
The next day, Joe arrives at the San Sebastian International Film Festival held in Spain. (x)
September 17th – Joe is announced as a juror for the SSIFF and a new headshot of him is released. Judging by the background, it was taken near Taylor’s RI house, potentially back in August.
September 24th – Taylor leaves upstate NY for Nashville to go see her mom.
September 26th – Joe is at the San Sebastian Film Festival closing ceremony. (x) Afterwards, he presumably leaves Spain and goes back to London.
In the evening, Taylor leaves Nashville for London and arrives on the morning of the 27th.
September 28th – Taylor and Joe spend their 4th anniversary in the UK.
October 5th – Taylor talks about Lover (song) for the Nashville Songwriters’ Awards. (x)
“I really wanted the bridge to sound like when people write their own vows and they kinda change certain traditional parts of the vows to fit them or their relationship… I think my favorite line is 'ladies and gentlemen will you please stand / with every guitar string scar on my hand / I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover,��� which obviously – I have a lot of guitar string scars on my hand from tuning and changing strings over the years.
But there’s also the symbolic part of it – I’ve written a lot of breakup songs and songs about letdowns and bad times… so you kind of hope that if someone’s going to choose you, they’re going to choose you along with all the things that have hurt you in the past... and if you’re going to choose someone, you’re going to do the same for them.
And then the rest of the song, I just wanted to paint a picture of two people who were learning to live together for the first time, realizing you can make your own traditions, you can stay up as late as you want, you can keep the Christmas lights up as late as you want, you can let your friends stay over if the night goes too long.
Because this is your life and your family that you’re choosing and that’s a really beautiful thing that happens when two people decide to spend their time together. And so it’s sort of a celebration of taking that very adult step of living with someone and deciding that this is the path forward for you, walking alongside somebody else.”
October 17th – Joe’s friend Billy is seen wearing a folklore bandana. (x)
November 12th – Deuxmoi posts this.
November 13th – Taylor talks to Paul McCartney in a new interview for Rolling Stone. (x)
Swift: So when lockdown happened, I was in L.A., and we kind of got stuck there. It’s not a terrible place to be stuck. We were there for four months maybe.
McCartney: Was this “I want to give you a child”? Is that one of the lines?
Swift: Oh, that’s a song called “Peace.”
McCartney: “Peace,” I like that one.
Swift: “Peace” is actually more rooted in my personal life. I know you have done a really excellent job of this in your personal life: carving out a human life within a public life, and how scary that can be when you do fall in love and you meet someone, especially if you’ve met someone who has a very grounded, normal way of living.
I, oftentimes, in my anxieties, can control how I am as a person and how normal I act and rationalize things, but I cannot control if there are 20 photographers outside in the bushes and what they do and if they follow our car and if they interrupt our lives. I can’t control if there’s going to be a fake weird headline about us in the news tomorrow.
McCartney: So how does that go? Does your partner sympathize with that and understand?
Swift: Oh, absolutely.
Swift: But I think that in knowing him and being in the relationship I am in now, I have definitely made decisions that have made my life feel more like a real life and less like just a storyline to be commented on in tabloids.
Whether that’s deciding where to live, who to hang out with, when to not take a picture — the idea of privacy feels so strange to try to explain, but it’s really just trying to find bits of normalcy. That’s what that song “Peace” is talking about. Like, would it be enough if I could never fully achieve the normalcy that we both crave?
McCartney: Yeah, ’cause you were writing breakup songs like they were going out of style.
Swift: I was, before my luck changed [laughs]. I still write breakup songs. I love a good breakup song. Because somewhere in the world, I always have a friend going through a breakup, and that will make me write one.
November 14th – Joe’s friend Eleanor posts an IG story of her wearing a folklore cardigan. (x) (x)
November 25th – The folklore long pond studio sessions documentary is released on Disney+.
Taylor confirms that Joe co-wrote exile and betty under the pseudonym William Bowery. (x) (x)
“William Bowery is Joe, as we know. And Joe plays piano beautifully, and he’s always just playing and making things up and kind of creating things. And ‘exile’ was crazy ‘cause Joe had written that entire piano part, and he was singing the Bon Iver part, the ‘I can see you standing honey, with his arms around your body, laughing but the joke’s not funny at all.’ Yeah, he was just singing it the way that the whole first verse is.
And I was entranced and asked if we could keep writing that one. It was pretty obvious that it should be a duet because he’s got such a low voice and it sounded really good sung down there in that register. And then, we’re really, really, really big Bon Iver fans and we know that Aaron knows him.” (x)
(Joe is listed as a bass singer on his CV from 2015)
Taylor: And ‘betty’ was, I had just heard Joe singing the entire fully formed chorus of ‘betty’ from another room and I was just like, ‘Hello.’
Jack: You’re like, ‘I do this professionally, I’d love to have a conversation!’ [all laugh]
Taylor: It was a step that we would never have taken because, why would we have ever written a song together?
Jack: I thought you were doing a bit where you were like ‘Joe and I wrote a song’ and I was like ‘what?’ and I thought it was gonna be like, you know how people write cute songs about their animals?
Taylor: So this was the first time we had a conversation where I came in and I was like, ‘Hey, this could be really weird and we could hate this, so could we just – because we’re in quarantine and nothing’s going on – could we just try and see what it would be like if we wrote a song together?’ So he wrote the chorus of it and I thought it sounded really good from a man’s voice, from a masculine perspective, and I really liked that it seemed to be an apology.” (x)
She also performs all 17 tracks and talks about the album.
“If you’re gonna be in my life, I feel like there’s a certain amount that comes with it that I can’t stop from happening. I can’t stop you from getting a call in the morning that says the tabloids are writing this today. I can’t help it if there’s a guy with a long-lens camera two miles away, with a telescopic lens taking pictures of you. I can’t stop those things from happening, and so this song is basically like, is it enough? Is it enough that I can control enough to block out the things that I can’t?
Someone who you would want to provide with peace, someone that you love, you want them to have as much peace in their life as possible, and reconciling the fact that you might not be the best option for that, but is it still a deal they want to take?”
“What if not all of these feelings are about the same person? What if I’m writing about several different, very fractured situations, like one is about love, and one is about a business thing that really hurt, and one is about relationships that I considered to be family, but then that really hurt?
I think the part that sounds like love to me is, “don’t want no other shade of blue but you / no other sadness in the world would do.” To me, that sounds like what love really is. Who would you want to be sad with, and who would you deal with when they were sad? Like grey skies every day, for months, would you still stay?”
The Lakes
Taylor: We had gone to the Lake District in England a couple years ago… I remember when we went, I thought, ‘Man, I could see this you know, you live in a cottage and you’ve got wisteria growing up the outside of it and you just- of course they escaped like that, of course they would do that.’
Jack: That to me is the hope in this body of work, that it’s not “I can’t do this, I’m out.” It’s “I found something worth escaping with–
Taylor: And a person to escape with.
Jack: To me, that’s a huge sincere statement of hope, that everything I’m naming is completely small compared to this love.
November 25th – WB is mentioned during Taylor’s interview with GMA.
Since she was at Marcus Mumford’s studio in the UK, it’s pretty safe to assume that she and Joe were in Exeter for a few days. The piano on evermore (which is played by Joe) was also recorded here.
November 25th – Taylor talks to Entertainment Weekly about working on folklore in secret during quarantine. (x)
The only people who knew [about folklore] were the people I was making it with, my boyfriend, my family, and a small management team. That’s the smallest number of people I’ve ever had know about something.”
December 11th – The Daily Mail publishes an article on the rumours about Taylor and Joe being married and reaches out to his family for comment. (x)
December 11th – During the willow premiere, Taylor posts photos of her that Joe took during their Utah trip. (x)
She also shares a picture of her and Benji where Joe’s feet can be seen.
December 11th – Taylor surprise releases her 9th album evermore. (x)
Joe is credited as a songwriter on champagne problems, coney island and evermore under William Bowery. (x)
December 14th – Taylor does an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, and he asks her about WB. (x)
Jimmy: And your boyfriend wrote some of the lyrics to some of the songs under a pseudonym, William Bowery, Why- who chose that name? Did you chose that or did he?“
Taylor, looking to the side, turning red: "He did.”
Jimmy: Is there a meaning to that, was it from the Bowery Hotel like I know people have speculated?
Taylor: You gotta ask him because it’s really more his story than mine. Yeah, he does a lot of-
Jimmy: Well, turn the camera around. let’s see where he is- (both laugh)
Midway through the interview, Taylor drops one of her airpods and Joe hands it to her off-camera. (x)
December 15th – Taylor talks to Zane Lowe about folklore and evermore. (x)
(via onthehighline)
“Joe and I really love sad songs. We’ve always bonded over music. We write the saddest songs, we just love sad songs, what I can I say? He started [champagne problems], and came up with the melodic structure of it. I say it was a surprise that we started writing together, but in a way it wasn’t, because we’ve always bonded over music and our musical tastes and he’s always showing me songs by artists that then become my favorite songs or whatever.”
(via nessa007)
On writing exile and evermore with Joe: (x)
“It is so sad. We’re so proud of that one. And I do remember the moment he walked in and he was playing that exact piano part and all I had to do was follow the piano melody with the verse melody because the vocal melody is exactly the same. It’s mirrored with the piano part he wrote and we did the same thing with evermore. I’ll just hear what he’s doing, its all there, I just have to dream up some lyrics and come up with some gut wrenching heart shattering story to write with him.”
And we did [evermore] the same way as exile: Joe wrote the piano, I based the vocal on piano, we sent it to Justin, who added the bridge. Joe had written the piano part so the tempo speeds up and the music completely changes to a different tempo on the bridge and Justin latched onto that and 100% embraced it.
On what it was like to collaborate with her (and Joe’s) favorite artists: (x)
folklore and evermore include our favorite artists. We’ve always listened to Bon Iver and The National. And I never imagined that Justin [Vernon] would be, would dive into this project with me like this. Justin has his own musical world and in my mind it was this impenetrable force field of brilliance.
(In April 2020, Joe added songs by The National and Bon Iver to his friend’s quarantine playlist.)
On how it feels to not be the only musician in the household: (x)
Well he doesn’t think of it that way. He’s always just playing instruments and he doesn’t do it in a strategic, 'I’m writing a song right now’ thing. He’s always done that. But do I think we would’ve taken the step of, 'Hey, let’s see if there’s a song in here? Let’s write a song together!’ if we hadn’t been in lockdown? I don’t think that would’ve happened and I’m so glad that it did.
December 18th – In an interview with Rolling Stone, Aaron Dessner talks about working on evermore with Taylor. (x)
I guess I can say now that I’ve sort of known [that Joe was William Bowery] all along — I was just being careful. Although we never really explicitly talked about it. But I do think it’s been really special to see a number of songs on these albums that they wrote together.
William plays the piano on “Evermore,” actually. We recorded that remotely. That was really important to me and to them, to do that, because he also wrote the piano part of “Exile,” but on the record, it’s me playing it because we couldn’t record him easily. But this time, we could. I just think it’s an important and special part of the story.
December 23rd – Taylor likes this tweet. (x)
December 24-25th – Taylor and Joe spend Christmas together in London. (x)
December 26th – Taylor posts about Boxing Day, a British holiday celebrated the day after Christmas. (x)
December 31st – They spend NYE together in London, and Taylor posts a photo that Joe most likely took. (x)
2016 // 2017 // 2018 // 2019 // 2020 // 2021
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wb a John x male reader where the reader works for something like a record company and John takes an interest in him?
not exactly a record company. i hope that’s alright!
In a small corner of giant London resided a small record shop with the name of Spinning Hits. It wasn’t a very popular shop. In fact, it was rather an unknown location. Hidden in plain sight of a busy street; it rarely got a lot of foot traffic, largely earning its revenue from the senior regulars and broke college students. But it got by. Not earning enough to cause a celebration or a vacation, but neither did it cause starvation.
It was here, in this small corner of the world, you worked.
Spinning Hits had been founded by your grandfather in the late nineteenth century, first massively popular but quickly deteriorated in popularity, and was now owned by your uncle. He was an excited and eccentric man doing his best to get by in a swinging economy. Continually trying to keep up with the times without letting down his regulars who came for what they knew and liked.
You had first been hired in your early teens in an attempt to teach you about responsibility. Or so it was explained to you. Secretly, you had always thought it to be because your parents wanted you out of the house as much as possible. They had never wanted a boy but a girl to prim and pamper. But your uncle had welcomed you with open arms and had quickly made you feel welcome. Accepted. And loved.
The moment you turned eighteen, you moved out of your parents' house and into an apartment of your own. Close to the record store, bought with the money you had saved up from years of dutiful work for your uncle and whatever small jobs you could find.
It was early on a summer morning when you arrived to open up the store for the day. The sun was already high and bright and the short walk from your apartment to the store had been comfortably warm. You would be alone in the store for the next few hours before your uncle would show up around lunch and do inventory work and the like in the back offices of the building.
The day went by slowly as you sat behind the register, hardly doing anything as you listened to the radio as you doodled on loose pieces of paper. The books you had to read for University laid neatly in a satchel on the floor but your concentration for reading them was long gone as you neared lunch and your hunger grew.
It was then the bell that hung at the door rung and you glanced up at the entrance to see the new customer. His back was turned to look out through the glass pane and you raised your brow at that rather odd behaviour but moved on to look down at your paper. You weren’t great at the whole drawing thing but the small birds you had drawn didn’t look too bad.
You glanced up, slightly curious at the newcomer as the only other customer in the store was a daily visitor whom you had come to know quite well.
He was gone from the window and were now looking intently down in the boxes containing new folk releases. He wore a black suit, neat though slightly ruffled in some places as if he’d been running or pulled at. He wore a newsboy cap that matched the suit and shades he also wore. Indoors… okay.
You wore your greatest customer service smile and called out to him; “if you need any help, you just say so!”
He looked to you very briefly with a curt smile and looked back down at the records.
Only a short moment later a loud disorder came from outside and a great big flock of screaming girls rushed by the shop and you shook at the commotion. That was strange. Who could they be chasing? You had heard of something of a mania following a recent band called The Beatles. They sold the most records in the shop too. But, surely, none of them was anywhere near your shop at this time of day.
Your quiet regular came slowly up to the counter, holding hard unto his cane so his knuckles turned white and bought a used copy of a Franz Liszt recording. You wished him a great day and watched him as he gradually made his way to the door. Much to your great surprise; the newcomer opened the door for him and helped him down the steep curve that connected the entrance to the sidewalk. The old man whispered his thanks, it was the loudest volume he could muster, and went on his way home.
Your eyes connected with the younger man, or so you thought as he was still wearing his dark shades, and smiled in silent thanks to him. He gave you a short nod and stepped away from the door with a brief glance out its clean window. He faked interested in the used classical record section as he finally took off the sunglasses that had bothered you so much. They had no real reason to have bothered you; they just had.
He looked briefly at you once they were off and you recognised him immediately but said nothing and continued your business at the register. It was John Lennon, of The Beatles. So the herd of young women that passed by earlier finally made sense. He had gone into your uncle’s shop to escape the rampage. You granted him this moment of solitude in the store for some privacy and silence as you thought it was something he might not have a lot of, deeming from what you had seen moments before.
You hummed along to whatever song the radio played, you didn’t pay much attention to it other than that the melody was familiar enough for you to follow along with, as you continued doodling and letting time pass with the occasional glance cast to the Beatles mulling around the various boxes of records. He did seem to actually have some interesting in the store’s stock and weren’t just there until it was safe enough for him to leave again.
Suddenly; a shadow was cast over you and you looked up to find musician looked down at you and the paper your hand rested on. He was smirking, for whatever reason, and it was then you noticed the song you had hummed along to had been one of his.
You blushed slightly and stood up from your chair to have an ounce of professionalism about you. You had assumed he had come up to buy something but his hands were empty and you blinked confused at him as you looked back from his empty hands and his still smirking face.
“Like what ye hear?”
He asked, still with the smirk, and your blush only intensified. Well, you couldn’t deny the fact. He had could you red-handed with the fact that you did like what you heard. So you just nodded with a half-hearted shrug, suddenly feeling rather bashful as you fought the urge to give in and look away from his brown eyes.
“...’s okay,” it came from you at a low volume. You weren’t used to talking more than necessary to people in the store. And certainly not to someone of his status… or appearance. He was rather handsome. Which was far and few between in this shop as your customers were usually pretty fucking old. And that wasn’t exactly in your tastes.
John looked to be about to say something again when the phone next to the register rung and you quickly took as to not having to say anything more to the handsome singer. It would only get awkward as you were far too unused in communicating with people you got those… warm tingling feelings for.
You did the typical introduction for the store in a chipper voice but quickly relaxed as it was your uncle’s voice that greeted you back. He informed you that he couldn’t make it in for lunch and that you should close for the day and do the paperwork for him. You agreed, always having wanted to take on more serious work. You wished him well, and he equally did so, and hung up.
Now you were only left with asking Mr Lennon to leave. Something you were getting quite nervous about. He didn’t seem the rich entitled type who could get pissy about things not going their way. But you’d never met him before so, who’s to say?
You turned around and looked at him; he had a look in his eyes that made you feel rather warm and you flushed at the sudden thoughts that sprang up in your mind. Willing them away, you informed him of the shop’s closure.
He looked dismayed but did no further and followed you along to the entrance. But before you could open it; he placed himself between you and the door. He stood close to you and you took a sharp intake of his wonderful smelling cologne. He didn’t make it easy for you to keep your mind on track as he looked at you with his hooded narrow eyes.
“You’re a rather cute lad, aren’t ye?”
He asked you as he got closer and closer to you and you blushed at the sudden compliment. Was he hitting on you? Was even he into men? You were but, by God, you had never acted upon it. Not from shame or anything of the like. You were just always an asocial mess when it came down to it.
So, again, you shrugged and moved slightly on your feet. You were unsure of what to do or say and just went with whatever your gut told you to rather than what your mind wanted, (it wanted to yell and hide but that would really just make things worse).
“You’re… you’re not bad yourself,” you muttered and stared hard down at your feet. Shit, was that the right thing to say? The hell did you know?
Well, he snickered and a hand with calloused fingers on your jaw guided you gently up to look at him again.
“...’s okay?”
He asked you in a soft whisper as he leaned in towards you. You weren’t sure what he asked of you but you nodded slightly and were soon met with chapped lips on your own soft ones. He tasted of whiskey and tobacco and you thought one of which was rather odd for the time of day. But it was nice and you closed your eyes as the kiss deepened. You had never before kissed someone you just met but… well, it was very nice.
On hand was still on your jaw while the other had sneaked itself unto you waist as the kiss continued at a leisurely pace.
You still had your eyes closed when he pulled away and opened them up to see a snickering John. You must’ve been quite a sight, all warm-faced and giddy from the kiss. It had been… wonderful. He was wonderful. Gosh.
“Got to get back before the others get their knickers in a twist,” he murmured with his rough hand still on your jaw. You nodded and the hand moved along with it. You didn’t want him to leave, quite honestly, but you were sure he was a busy man. He moved to open the door and you impulsively asked;
“Will I see you again?”
But with a sauve smile; he just shrugged and went out the door with a wave.
You cursed under another your breath and looked up and turned the ‘Closed’ sign. It had been worth asking. Well, if he had any interest in you other than the superficial- he knew where to find you.
#anonymous#ask#request#the beatles#john lennon#male reader#reader insert#beatles fanfiction#fanfiction#fanfic#lack of activity have been because i had to visit family for a reunion#and i have just been either too tired or too busy to write anything
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ok i found ur oldish doodles of roy and trishna as mermaids and i like them a whole lot. found ur one of crystal i love how u made her somewhat ursula like. ok its late here see u tommorrow hopefully we can wbf.
I just saw those the other day when I was trying to free up some ibisPaint storage ! Trsihna didn’t be kinda cute 🤩 (I’m abt to eat breakfast and then we can wb 💞💞)
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